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Postdoctoral and Professional Positions

postdoctoral, non-tenure-track faculty, instructor, and professional positions, most requiring a PhD (most recent post dates in red)
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Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Links

Featured Positions

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Title Location Review Posted
Eddy Covariance Scientist Texas A&M University 8/1/18 7/13/18
Plant Ecophysiology Oak Ridge National Laboratory  7/18/18 7/18/18
Root-Rhizosphere Interactions Clemson University 5/14/18 4/23/18
Ecologist US EPA ORD National Center for Environmental Assessment  4/24/18 4/24/18
Plant functional ecology: data analysis and modelling Macquarie University (Australia) 4/12/18 3/5/18
Plant functional ecology: field ecophysiologist Macquarie University (Australia) 4/12/18 3/5/18
Agricultural Applications Engineer University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources 4/9/18 3/23/18
Ecology, Geography, Soil and Atmospheric Sciences (4 positions) Henan University (China) 3/15/18 2/12/18
Ecological Modeling and Global Change University of Connecticut  3/5/18 3/5/18
Plant-Microbe Interactions University of Nebraska at Lincoln  2/27/18 2/27/18
Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions in Nitrogen Cycling University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign  2/8/18 2/8/18
Computational Ecology / Ecohydrology Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2/1/18 12/1/17
Ecosystem Science and Plant Physiology Northern Arizona University 1/20/18 1/2/18
Environmental Fellows Program Harvard University 1/17/18 9/12/17
Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1/12/18 11/15/17
Plant-soil feedbacks/Invasion ecophysiology/Restoration Clemson University 1/2/18 11/21/17

All Positions

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Title Location Review Posted
Tree Physiological Ecology Columbia University 10/15/18 7/7/18
Microbial Ecology California State University, Northridge 9/1/18 6/19/18
Fire Behavior and Plant Physiological Effects University of British Columbia (Canada) 9/1/18 5/19/18
Urban Environments University of Toronto Mississauga (Canada) 8/15/18 7/13/18
Huxley Fellow In Ecology & Evolution Rice University 8/15/18 6/12/18
Modeling Species' Climate Change Adaptive Capacity Boise State University 8/7/18 6/18/18
Eddy Covariance Scientist Texas A&M University 8/1/18 7/13/18
Plant Community Ecology University of Oregon 8/1/18 7/3/18
Global Shark Trends: Population Modelling/Spatial Planning (2 positions) Simon Fraser University (Canada) 8/1/18 7/3/18
Shorescapes - Tidal Shoreline Systems College of William & Mary - Virginia Institute of Marine Science 8/1/18 6/20/18
Modelling Productivity of Tropical Fast-Growing Plantations NIPE/UNICAMP (Brazil) 7/31/18 7/3/18
Tropical Forest Dynamics and Soil-Forest Interactions (2 positions) CTFS-ForestGEO 7/31/18 6/19/18
Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Colorado State University 7/30/18 7/18/18
Modeling Vegetation Dynamics and Disturbance Across California University of California, Berkeley 7/26/18 7/3/18
Xylem Embolism Formation in Woody Plants University of Georgia  7/25/18 7/25/18
Conifer Leaf Physiology & Anatomy Yale University  7/24/18 7/24/18
Terrestrial Microbial Ecophysiologist University of Arizona  7/24/18 7/24/18
Scale-Dependent Drivers of Biodiversity Change German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research 7/23/18 7/7/18
Plant Molecular Phylogenetics University of Missouri – St. Louis 7/20/18 6/20/18
Modelling biodiversity-ecosystem services under climate change Centre of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (France)  7/18/18 7/18/18
Quantitative Marine Spatial Conservation University of Leeds (UK)  7/18/18 7/18/18
Mathematical Biology - Temperate and Tropical Dryland and Savanna Ecology New Mexico State University  7/18/18 7/18/18
Plant Ecophysiology Oak Ridge National Laboratory  7/18/18 7/18/18
STEM Education Research and Teaching (2 positions) Cornell University 7/15/18 7/7/18
Quantitative Human-Environment Science University of Colorado Boulder 7/15/18 7/3/18
Instructor, Geospatial Analysis & Sustainability Virginia Commonwealth University 7/15/18 6/19/18
Plant-Herbivore-Predator Interactions Cornell University 7/15/18 6/19/18
Climate Change Brown University  7/13/18 7/13/18
Integrative Physiology University of Alaska Fairbanks  7/13/18 7/13/18
Carnivore Occupancy Modeling Cornell University 7/13/18 6/19/18
Microbial Diversity in Beech Bark Disease University of New Hampshire  7/3/18 7/3/18
Freshwater Microbiome Kansas State University  7/3/18 7/3/18
Ecology and/or Evolution University of Toronto (Canada)  7/3/18 7/3/18
Population Genetics of Endangered Freshwater Fishes University of Alberta (Canada) 7/2/18 6/12/18
Applied Soil Chemistry University of Nebraska-Lincoln 7/2/18 6/12/18
Climate Change Risks to Financial Markets Woods Hole Research Center 7/1/18 6/19/18
Spatial Ecology and Modelling University of Lausanne (Switzerland) 6/30/18 6/12/18
Siberian Primary Boreal Forests Woods Hole Research Center 6/29/18 5/25/18
Quantitative Ecology Washington State University 6/26/18 6/12/18
Science Education Research Duke University 6/25/18 5/25/18
Quantifying Marine Biodiversity Florida State University 6/25/18 5/20/18
Modeling and Analysis of Disease Transmission in Plant-Pollinator Networks Cornell University  6/19/18 6/19/18
Spatial Modeling of Land-Use Change University of South Dakota  6/19/18 6/19/18
Coastal Wetland Ecology University of Alabama  6/19/18 6/19/18
Director, Baruch Marine Field Laboratory University of South Carolina  6/19/18 6/19/18
Applications Analyst LI-COR Biosciences  6/18/18 6/18/18
Plant Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics Purdue University 6/15/18 6/12/18
Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions Algoma University (Canada) 6/15/18 5/19/18
Forest Ecology University of Georgia 6/15/18 5/19/18
Stable Isotope Ecology of Marsh Food Webs Louisiana State University 6/13/18 5/30/18
Community Ecology/Evolutionary Biology Utah State University  6/12/18 6/12/18
Soil Chemistry or Microbiology University of Saskatchewan (Canada)  6/12/18 6/12/18
Reactive Transport Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes Stanford University  6/12/18 6/12/18
Sustainable Fisheries University of California, Santa Barbara 6/12/18 5/30/18
Biodiversity and Human Health (2 positions) National University of Singapore 6/10/18 5/25/18
Research Assistant Professor, Jornada Experimental Range New Mexico State University 6/10/18 5/20/18
Native Plant Recruitment on Degraded Rangeland in Oregon University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources 6/8/18 5/19/18
Climate Change Impacts University of Massachusetts 6/6/18 5/29/18
Tropical Community Ecology and Conservation Rice University 6/1/18 5/19/18
Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeller Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute (Germany) 5/31/18 5/20/18
Global Change and Plant Community Ecology University of Oulu (Finland) 5/31/18 5/19/18
Aquatic Microbiome Research (2 positions) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) 5/31/18 5/19/18
Plant-Insect Interactions in Forest Systems University of Rhode Island 5/31/18 5/19/18
NEON Operations Project Manager Battelle  5/25/18 5/25/18
Mammal Phylogenomics University of Montana  5/25/18 5/25/18
Plant Disease Ecology University of California Riverside/UC Berkeley  5/25/18 5/25/18
Conservation Research and Teaching American Museum of Natural History  5/25/18 5/25/18
Applied Ecology University of Nevada, Reno  5/25/18 5/25/18
Plant Ecology University of Texas at Austin 5/25/18 5/20/18
Wildlife Ecology Clemson University 5/25/18 5/19/18
Economic & Environmental Impacts of Gene Editing in Agriculture University of California, Berkeley 5/25/18 5/19/18
Plant Evolutionary Ecology South Dakota State University  5/20/18 5/20/18
Forest Entomology Purdue University  5/20/18 5/20/18
Mathematical Modeling of Epidemiology and Evolutionary Game Theory University of Tennessee, Knoxville  5/19/18 5/19/18
Spatial Biology University of Tennessee, Knoxville  5/19/18 5/19/18
Species Distribution Modeling and Conservation University of Tennessee, Knoxville  5/19/18 5/19/18
Root-Rhizosphere Interactions Clemson University 5/14/18 4/23/18
Boreal Ecohydrology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 4/27/18 3/30/18
Aquatic Ecology Ohio State University 4/27/18 3/18/18
Forest Ecology Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL 4/25/18 3/21/18
Ecologist US EPA ORD National Center for Environmental Assessment  4/24/18 4/24/18
Plant Science Faculty Team Boyce Thompson Institute 4/23/18 3/5/18
Geo-Bio-Interfaces GFZ, German Research Centre for Geosciences 4/20/18 3/29/18
Viral Phylodynamics/Ecology/Epidemiology Johns Hopkins University 4/20/18 3/21/18
Avian Space Use and Movement Oregon State University 4/19/18 3/27/18
Herbarium Collections Manager University of Tennessee - Knoxville 4/19/18 3/27/18
Protecting Carbon in Boreal Forests Union of Concerned Scientists 4/18/18 3/13/18
STEM Education University of Arizona 4/16/18 4/2/18
Environmental Science Trinity College 4/16/18 3/27/18
Lecturer, Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University 4/16/18 3/19/18
Ecology of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in agroecosystems Cornell University 4/15/18 4/2/18
Ant Evo-Devo University of Paris 13 (France) 4/15/18 3/27/18
Historical Ecology of Marine Parasites University of Washington 4/15/18 3/5/18
Plant functional ecology: data analysis and modelling Macquarie University (Australia) 4/12/18 3/5/18
Plant functional ecology: field ecophysiologist Macquarie University (Australia) 4/12/18 3/5/18
Wetland Ecosystem Modeling University of Michigan 4/10/18 3/29/18
Lecturer, Vertebrate Biology University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 4/9/18 3/27/18
Agricultural Applications Engineer University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources 4/9/18 3/23/18
Lecturer in Biology Indiana State University 4/9/18 3/21/18
Evolutionary Ecology Auburn University 4/9/18 3/19/18
Population Genomics of Great Lakes Fishes University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 4/9/18 3/19/18
Stable Isotopes and Tree Rings University of Utah  4/8/18 4/8/18
Algal Consortia New Mexico Consortium 4/8/18 3/27/18
Global Change Ecology Utah State University 4/8/18 3/13/18
Plant Evolutionary Ecology North Carolina State University  4/3/18 4/3/18
Executive Director Georgia ForestWatch 4/2/18 3/2/18
Stream and Wetland Ecology Murray State University 4/1/18 3/21/18
Sustainable Insect Management University of Maryland 4/1/18 3/19/18
Evolutionary Ecology University of Pittsburgh 3/30/18 3/2/18
Baboon Life History Variation/Demography/Pop Bio University of Notre Dame 3/30/18 3/1/18
Aquatic Microbe Diurnal/Seasonal Cycles and Fish Health University of Derby (UK) 3/28/18 3/7/18
Computer Vision for Tropical Forests Carnegie Institution for Science  3/27/18 3/27/18
Plant-Insect Interaction Webs George Washington University  3/27/18 3/27/18
Population Demographics of Hawaiian Freshwater Fishes Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi  3/27/18 3/27/18
Modeling Freshwater Mussel Populations University of Minnesota  3/27/18 3/27/18
Food-Web Modeler Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  3/27/18 3/27/18
Plant-Pollinator Interactions USDA-ARS  3/27/18 3/27/18
Ecological Networks Above- and Belowground University of Canterbury (New Zealand) 3/23/18 3/5/18
Vegetation Model & Fire Model Integration USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station  3/21/18 3/21/18
Theoretical Ecology National University of Singapore  3/21/18 3/21/18
Bayesian Models of Vector Borne Disease Transmission Virginia Tech  3/21/18 3/21/18
Tropical Ecology University of Hong Kong  3/21/18 3/21/18
Evolutionary Ecology University of Texas at Arlington  3/19/18 3/19/18
Environmental Policy College of William & Mary  3/19/18 3/19/18
Microbial Ecology and Plant-Microbe Interactions (3 positions) University of Wyoming  3/19/18 3/19/18
Ecosystem & Disease Ecology University of Minnesota  3/19/18 3/19/18
Global Change Ecology New Mexico State University 3/15/18 3/2/18
Aquatic Ecology, Conservation and Management Tulane University 3/15/18 3/2/18
Behavioral Ecology University of California Santa Barbara 3/15/18 3/1/18
Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology Iowa State University 3/15/18 2/14/18
Ecology, Geography, Soil and Atmospheric Sciences (4 positions) Henan University (China) 3/15/18 2/12/18
Marine Ecology University of Rhode Island 3/14/18 3/2/18
Global Change Ecology University of Utah 3/12/18 3/2/18
Urban Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Food Systems University of Michigan 3/12/18 3/1/18
Taiwan Leopard Cat Ecology/Conservation National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)  3/9/18 3/9/18
Ecological Modeling and Global Change University of Connecticut  3/5/18 3/5/18
Ecological Genomics of a Vector-Borne Plant Pathogen University of California, Berkeley  3/5/18 3/5/18
Avian Bioacoustics and Behavior Guangxi University (China)  3/5/18 3/5/18
Plant Molecular Ecology University of Louisville 3/1/18 2/15/18
Biology Education Florida International University 3/1/18 2/14/18
Tropical Forest Phenology and Productivity Florida State University 3/1/18 1/26/18
Population Biology University of Nebraska-Lincoln 3/1/18 1/4/18
Soil Health, Hydrology, and Water Quality Stroud Water Research Center 2/28/18 1/26/18
Ecological Statistician and Spatial Ecologist (2 positions) Missouri Botanical Garden 2/28/18 1/15/18
Theoretical Ecology Peking University (China)  2/27/18 2/27/18
Plant-Microbe Interactions University of Nebraska at Lincoln  2/27/18 2/27/18
Modeling Ocean Microbial Ecosystems University of Tennessee, Knoxville  2/21/18 2/21/18
Amphibian Disease Ecology University of Pittsburgh 2/19/18 1/15/18
Invasion Ecology/Macro Ecology University of Konstanz (Germany) 2/17/18 1/24/18
Lecturer, Natural Resources and Environmental Science University of Nevada, Reno 2/16/18 1/18/18
Bobcat Spatial and Population Ecology Purdue University 2/16/18 1/15/18
Plankton Ecology (2 positions) University of British Columbia (Canada) 2/15/18 1/24/18
Microbial-Explicit Soil Biogeochemical Modeling University of New Hampshire 2/15/18 1/15/18
Spatial scaling of methane emissions in boreal and arctic environments Stanford University 2/15/18 1/11/18
Evolution and Eco-Physiology of Fungus-Farming Ants University of Copenhagen (Denmark) 2/15/18 1/4/18
Oceanography Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)  2/14/18 2/14/18
Vegetation Modeling Los Alamos National Laboratory  2/14/18 2/14/18
Quantitative Ecology and Microbial Genomics Northern Arizona University  2/14/18 2/14/18
Program Scientist, Terrestrial Ecology NASA 2/14/18 1/4/18
California Conservation Science University of California Los Angeles 2/10/18 1/15/18
Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Fluxes University of California Berkeley  2/9/18 2/9/18
Groundwater Hydrology/Geochemistry Ohio State University  2/8/18 2/8/18
Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Modeling University of California  2/8/18 2/8/18
Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions in Nitrogen Cycling University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign  2/8/18 2/8/18
Aquatic Ecology Ohio State University  2/7/18 2/7/18
Aquatic Ecology/Modelling (6 positions) University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) 2/5/18 1/15/18
Ecological Modeling of Plant Phenology Northern Arizona University 2/5/18 1/5/18
Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Tropical Fish Florida International University 2/2/18 1/18/18
Water Quality Research Heidelberg University 2/1/18 1/4/18
Marine Biology and Climate Change Bowdoin College 2/1/18 1/4/18
Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling Marine Biological Laboratory 2/1/18 12/2/17
Computational Ecology / Ecohydrology Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2/1/18 12/1/17
Division Director for Earth Sciences National Science Foundation 1/31/18 1/15/18
Food-Web Consequences of Controlling Mosquito Vectors of Malaria (2 positions) University of Oxford (UK) 1/31/18 1/15/18
Spatial Modeling of Biodiversity and Geodiversity Michigan State University 1/31/18 1/4/18
Stable Isotope Physiology and Global Change Ecology University of Basel (Switzerland) 1/31/18 12/15/17
Stream Ecology North Carolina State University 1/31/18 11/4/17
Plant Conservation Chicago Botanic Garden  1/26/18 1/26/18
Modeling Nitrogen and Hydrological Dynamics in Agroecosystems University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  1/26/18 1/26/18
Freshwater Ecology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  1/24/18 1/24/18
Ecosystem Science and Plant Physiology Northern Arizona University 1/20/18 1/2/18
Environmental Fellows Program Harvard University 1/17/18 9/12/17
Ecology or Oceanography University of California Santa Cruz 1/16/18 12/2/17
Microbial Ecology/Metagenomics Oak Ridge National Laboratory  1/15/18 1/15/18
Terrestrial Modeling Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1/15/18 12/26/17
Resilience of Boreal Catchments to Changes in Fire and Permafrost Regimes University of Alaska Fairbanks 1/15/18 12/2/17
Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1/12/18 11/15/17
Biodiversity Research University of British Columbia (Canada) 1/12/18 11/3/17
Landscape/Wildlife Ecology Research Assistant Professor University of Idaho 1/10/18 1/4/18
Vegetation Dynamics Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 1/10/18 12/6/17
Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellow Rice University 1/10/18 10/5/17
Plant-Associated Microbial Communities Michigan State University 1/8/18 12/21/17
Ecology and Organismal Biology Chapman University 1/8/18 12/2/17
Spatial Ecology Michigan State University 1/8/18 9/26/17
Riverine Macrosystem Ecology University of Kansas  1/5/18 1/5/18
Ecohydrology Michigan Technological University 1/3/18 11/12/17
Plant-soil feedbacks/Invasion ecophysiology/Restoration Clemson University 1/2/18 11/21/17
Lecturer in Environmental Science Loyola University Chicago 1/1/18 11/15/17
Lecturer in Terrestrial Ecology and/or Environmental Management Indiana University-Bloomington 1/1/18 11/7/17
Remote Sensing of Forest Ecosystems Northern Arizona University 1/1/18 10/10/17
Silviculture/Applied Forest Ecology University of California, Berkeley 12/29/17 12/2/17
Hydrology University of California, Merced 12/29/17 11/7/17
Land Use Change/Sea Level Rise Effects on Coastal Forest Ecosystems [position filled] North Carolina State University  12/21/17 12/21/17
Marine/Coastal Scientist Florida State University 12/18/17 11/15/17
China Wildlife Conservation Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute 12/15/17 12/2/17
Wildlife Responses to Anthropogenic Noise Colorado State University 12/15/17 11/7/17
Socio-Environmental Synthesis (2 positions) University of Maryland/Georgetown University 12/15/17 12/2/17
Stormwater ponds and plant invasion University of Florida  12/14/17 12/14/17
Food Waste Modeling University of Maryland/Research Triangle Institute 12/14/17 12/2/17
Biodiversity Genomics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 12/11/17 11/7/17
Lecturer in Forestry University of Vermont 12/4/17 11/15/17
Cluster Hire: Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (9 positions) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Florida 12/1/17 11/15/17
Modeling Plankton, Fish, and Particle Movement (3 positions) University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science 12/1/17 11/4/17
Spatial Ecology University of Pittsburgh 12/1/17 11/3/17
Modeling environmental and ecological impacts of food waste University of Maryland/RTI 12/1/17 10/31/17
Lecturer – Introductory Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington 12/1/17 10/17/17
Sediment Biogeochemistry University of Minnesota Duluth 12/1/17 10/13/17
Plant Systems Biology and Bioinformatics for Designing Feedstocks University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign 12/1/17 10/10/17
Rangeland Vulnerability to Climate Change [position filled] Texas A&M University 12/1/17 10/9/17
Lecturer in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California, Berkeley 11/30/17 3/20/17
Multi-Mutualist Community Ecology Syracuse University 11/27/17 10/17/17
Mosquito Behavioral Ecology University of Illinois 11/25/17 9/24/17
Great Barrier Reef Modelling Griffith University (Australia) 11/24/17 11/3/17
Grassland Ecosystem Restoration The Nature Conservancy 11/17/17 9/26/17
Vertebrate Field Ecologist Iowa State University 11/15/17 10/31/17
Spatial Population Ecology Virginia Commonwealth University 11/15/17 10/20/17
Staff Scientist, Tropical Research (5 positions) Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Panama) 11/15/17 8/15/17
Freshwater Fish Ecology and Habitat Modeling University of Alaska Fairbanks – Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit  11/12/17 11/12/17
Evolution of Competitive Ability in Phytoplankton Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences and Technology 11/12/17 10/20/17
Assistant Director for Biological Sciences National Science Foundation 11/10/17 10/25/17
California Ecology and Conservation Lecturer University of California, Santa Cruz 11/6/17 10/13/17
Precision Restoration Scientist The Nature Conservancy 11/5/17 10/23/17
Modelling Plant-Plant and Plant-Environment Interactions SLU (Sweden) 11/5/17 10/7/17
Trace Gas and Isotope Biogeochemistry University of Arizona  11/3/17 11/3/17
Applied Demography of Reptiles Pennsylvania State University 11/1/17 10/11/17
Disease Ecology, Amphibians University of Alabama 11/1/17 10/10/17
Land-Atmosphere Carbon Cycling University of California Los Angeles 11/1/17 10/9/17
Plant-soil microbe interactions University of Kansas 11/1/17 10/6/17
Research Scientist in Applied Biological Modelling CSIRO (Australia) 11/1/17 10/5/17
Executive Director Ecological Society of America 11/1/17 9/24/17
Water Sustainability University of Pittsburgh 10/31/17 10/5/17
Population Biology University of California Davis 10/30/17 9/21/17
Plant Microbiota Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (Germany) 10/30/17 9/12/17
Evolutionary Responses to Environmental Change University of California at Irvine 10/26/17 10/5/17
Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation Brookhaven National Laboratory  10/25/17 10/25/17
Microbial Ecology Michigan State University  10/20/17 10/20/17
Urban Nature Research Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County  10/20/17 10/20/17
Crop Disease Management in Haiti University of Florida 10/18/17 10/13/17
Nutrient biogeochemistry, catchment hydrology, and limnology University of Vermont  10/17/17 10/17/17
Zooplankton Grazing University of Rhode Island 10/17/17 10/5/17
Natural Resources Purdue University 10/16/17 10/5/17
Belowground Effects of Invasive Conifers University of Canterbury (New Zealand) 10/15/17 10/5/17
Modelling Plant Species' Response to Environmental Change University of Zurich (Switzerland) 10/15/17 9/25/17
Invasive Species Ecology Indiana University 10/15/17 8/29/17
Population, community and ecosystem ecology University of Nevada, Reno  10/13/17 10/13/17
Lecturer in Plant Ecology Loyola University Chicago  10/13/17 10/13/17
Marine Invasion Ecology/Ecophysiology Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 10/10/17 10/5/17
Hydroclimatologist Alberta Environment and Parks (Canada) 10/10/17 9/26/17
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Alberta Environment and Parks (Canada) 10/10/17 9/26/17
Agricultural and Soil Ecology University of California, Berkeley 10/10/17 9/24/17
Natural enemies and ecosystem services in cucurbit production systems Purdue University  10/9/17 10/9/17
Molecular Microbial Ecology Marine Biological Laboratory  10/7/17 10/7/17
Watershed Hydrologic Modeling Saint Louis University  10/7/17 10/7/17
Population/Community Ecology and Statistical Ecology (5 positions) University of Helsinki (Finland) 10/7/17 9/12/17
Tropical Urban Ecosystem Services Singapore-ETH Centre  10/6/17 10/6/17
Science Integrator University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science  10/6/17 10/6/17
Soil Viral and Microbial Ecology University of California, Davis  10/5/17 10/5/17
Bee Health and Ecology University of Massachusetts Amherst 10/3/17 9/21/17
Socio-Environmental Modeling (2 positions) University of Maryland 10/2/17 8/15/17
Quantitative Ecologist University of Central Florida 10/1/17 9/12/17
Assistant Curator in Botany University of Florida 10/1/17 8/31/17
Ecological/Ecohydrology Modeling University of Tübingen (Germany) 10/1/17 8/29/17
Watershed Hydrologic Modeling Indiana University – Bloomington 10/1/17 8/29/17
Lecturer in Microbiology University of Portland 10/1/17 8/28/17
Lake Water Quality Forecasting Virginia Tech 10/1/17 8/22/17
Fire Frequency and Soil Carbon Dynamics in Boreal Forest University of Florida 9/30/17 9/12/17
Population Genetics of Cycads California Academy of Sciences 9/30/17 8/8/17
Functional Community Ecology University of Wyoming 9/29/17 8/29/17
Fisheries - Integrated Analysis of Aquatic Ecosystems University of Toronto (Canada) 9/25/17 8/10/17
Mangrove Forest Distribution and Dynamics U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  9/24/17 9/24/17
Disease Ecology Louisiana State University  9/24/17 9/24/17
Historical Ecology of Infectious Disease University of Washington  9/24/17 9/24/17
Global Ecosystem Modeling (2 positions) ETH-Zürich (Switzerland)  9/22/17 9/22/17
Multi-trophic Responses in Restored Grasslands Wichita State University 9/22/17 9/5/17
Forest Community & Ecosystem Ecology University of Nevada – Reno  9/21/17 9/21/17
Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation Boston University  9/21/17 9/21/17
Lecturers in Ecology (2 positions) University of Georgia 9/18/17 8/8/17
Tropical Wood Decay and Carbon Cycling George Washington University 9/17/17 8/29/17
Freshwater conservation and eco-hydrology University of Oklahoma 9/15/17 8/28/17
Population Genetics and Computational Genomics Institut Pasteur (France)  9/12/17 9/12/17
Tree and Soil Biodiversity Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 9/10/17 8/29/17
Invasive Plant Modeling University of Minnesota 9/1/17 8/11/17
Forest Carbon Modeling University of Minnesota 9/1/17 8/11/17
Temperature and Microbial Community Stability Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Germany) 9/1/17 8/7/17
Marine Ecology Smithsonian Institution 9/1/17 8/4/17
Patterns of Foliar Traits/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing University of Wisconsin-Madison 9/1/17 7/25/17
Coastal Ecology University of Central Florida 8/31/17 8/11/17
Quantitative Movement Ecology University of Florida Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center 8/31/17 8/7/17
Honey Bee and Bumble Bee Ecology University of Würzburg (Germany) 8/31/17 7/28/17
Arctic Ecosystem Ecology Lund University (Sweden) 8/31/17 7/21/17
Forest Ecology/Fire Ecology Temple University  8/29/17 8/29/17
Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience University of Massachusetts Amherst 8/28/17 7/28/17
Dryland Hydrology, Erosion, and Restoration University of Colorado Boulder  8/22/17 8/22/17
Functional Genomics of Dutch Elm Disease Université Laval (Canada) 8/21/17 8/7/17
Long-Term Earth System Change Kansas State University 8/21/17 8/4/17
Migratory Birds and Climate Change USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center 8/18/17 8/7/17
Palaeo-Vegetation/Ecological Modelling (2 positions) Flinders University (Australia) 8/18/17 7/28/17
Biodiversity and Global Change (3 positions) Yale University 8/18/17 7/28/17
Conservation Biology and Population Genomics Michigan State University 8/16/17 8/8/17
Land Use Change & Biogeochemistry Boston University  8/15/17 8/15/17
Ecological Modeler USDA Forest Service, Center for Forest Disturbance Science 8/15/17 8/7/17
Plant Disease Ecology University of Florida 8/15/17 7/25/17
Risk Modelling Dispersal and Spread of Alien Conifers in New Zealand Lincoln University (New Zealand) 8/15/17 7/24/17
Quantitative Biodiversity Ecologist Duke University  8/14/17 8/14/17
Marine Ecosystem Services and Stressors (2 positions) King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudia Arabia)  8/10/17 8/10/17
At-Risk Species Distribution Modeling Mississippi State University  8/10/17 8/10/17
Ecology & Omics of Fungal Endophytes University of Texas at Austin  8/8/17 8/8/17
Plant-Pollinator-Pathogen Interactions University of Massachusetts  8/8/17 8/8/17
Functional Genomics of Disease and Pesticide Susceptibility in Bumble Bees University of Illinois  8/8/17 8/8/17
Plant Species Distribution Modeling University of Massachusetts Amherst  8/8/17 8/8/17
Climate Change in Mediterranean Woodlands Hebrew University (Israel)  8/7/17 8/7/17
Microbial Community Ecology Stanford University 8/5/17 7/24/17
Plant Genetics (3 positions) University of California, Davis 8/1/17 7/21/17
Landscape Ecology Boise State University 8/1/17 6/21/17
Modeling Microbial Processes Under Environmental Change University of California Irvine 8/1/17 5/31/17
Sustainable Governance of Transboundary Environmental Commons National University of Singapore 8/1/17 5/9/17
Stream Hydro-Ecology University of California, Berkeley 7/31/17 7/17/17
Lecturer in Applied Ecology and Resource Management Simon Fraser University (Canada) 7/31/17 5/23/17
Floodplain Ecology and Water Resources Modeling University of Nevada, Reno  7/28/17 7/28/17
Quantitative Ecologist, Birds and Conservation National Audubon Society  7/28/17 7/28/17
Plant Ecophysiology Chapman University 7/28/17 6/28/17
STEM Education Research (3 positions) Michigan State University  7/25/17 7/25/17
Subarctic Data Synthesis, Water Resources (2 positions) Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)  7/25/17 7/25/17
Hydrologic Modeling for Ecosystem Services Stanford University  7/25/17 7/25/17
Biodiversity, Conservation & Extinction University of Minnesota 7/25/17 6/28/17
Ecohydrological Modelling Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (Germany) 7/23/17 6/28/17
Population Modelling University of Kansas  7/20/17 7/20/17
Modelling Carbon Allocation and Tree Hydraulics INRA Nancy (France)  7/17/17 7/17/17
Quantitative Ecology, reef coral communities University of Queensland (Australia) 7/16/17 6/28/17
Ecological Modeling Emory University 7/15/17 6/28/17
Theoretical/Quantitative Disease Ecology University at Albany, SUNY 7/13/17 6/22/17
Quantitative Amphibian Ecology USGS/TD> 7/7/17 6/28/17
Quantitative Conservation Ecology San Diego State University 7/7/17 6/28/17
Global Synthesis of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions University of Alabama 7/1/17 6/7/17
Community Phylogenomics of Ants in Madagascar California Academy of Sciences  6/28/17 6/28/17
Plant Ecophysiology University of Texas at Austin  6/15/17 6/15/17
Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Services University of Minnesota  6/7/17 6/7/17
Ecology and the Environment (teaching) University at Buffalo  6/7/17 6/7/17
Modeling Tree Population Responses to Climate Pennsylvania State University  6/7/17 6/7/17
Physiology of Plant-Fungal Interactions USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station/Colorado State University  6/5/17 6/5/17

Outside Links to Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs

click on column title to sort; toggles between ascending and descending
Title Location Review
AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships American Association for the Advancement of Science 12/5/13
Congressional Science Fellowship Program American Meteorological Society/UCAR 3/15/13
Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Sustainable Development Columbia University 11/1/16
Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Cornell Lab of Ornithology 10/30/15
Fulbright Scholar Program Council for International Exchange of Scholars 8/1/14
Forest and Nature for Society Joint Doctoral Program European Commission 11/1/12
Environmental Fellows Program Harvard University 1/17/18
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral and Experienced Researchers Humboldt Foundation (Germany)  1/1/01
IIASA Postdoctoral Program IIASA (Austria) 4/1/15
Marshall Sherfield Fellowships Marshall Scholarships 11/2/12
Goddard Institute for Space Studies NASA/Columbia University  1/1/01
NASA Postdoctoral Program NASA/Oak Ridge Associated Universities  1/1/01
Ecological Synthesis National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis  1/1/01
Liber Ero: Conservation challenges of relevance to Canada Liber Ero Post-doctoral Fellowship Program 11/1/16
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program Mote Marine Laboratory 8/31/17
Gulf Research Program Fellowships National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2/17/16
NRC Research Associateships National Research Council of the National Academies  1/1/01
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2018 National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) 12/1/17
Postdoctoral Fellowships 2018 National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) 10/27/17
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada 10/15/13
Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellowships Santa Fe Institute 11/1/15
Postdoctoral Fellowships Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 12/1/17
Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Programs Smithsonian Institution 11/1/18
MarineGEO Postdoctoral Fellowship Smithsonian Institution 12/15/17
David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program Society for Conservation Biology 9/7/18
NatureNet Science Fellows Program The Nature Conservancy 9/7/18
NCEAS Data Science Fellows Program University of California, Santa Barbara 2/1/18
National Health And Environmental Effects Research Lab (NHEERL) Post-Doctoral Research Program United States Environmental Protection Agency 12/14/12
USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship Program United States Geological Survey 2/21/12
Michigan Society of Fellows University of Michigan 10/2/12
Postdoctoral Scholar Program Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 9/20/17

More NSF Fellowships

Older listings: 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

Terrestrial Microbial Ecophysiologist: The Carini Laboratory at the University of Arizona (Tucson) is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to investigate the ecophysiologies of soil microbes. We are not hiring for a specific project. Rather, we are hiring someone with their own vision of how cultivation-centric studies of the soil microbiome can be used to advance our knowledge of the function or biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. The individual hired will have the opportunity to substantially shape their research direction within the context of several ongoing projects. Our laboratory investigates soil microbial diversity using the cell as the central unit of study. All of our projects lie near the intersection of cell biology, genomics (including genome evolution), microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. We use advanced cultivation-centric approaches to culture and study bacteria in oligotrophic environments, including the terrestrial shallow subsurface, the Sonoran desert and mining sites. We are particularly interested in understanding the microbial metabolism of trace gases (H2, CO and CH4), trace minerals and organic carbon and how these microbes interact with each other and plant roots. Details and apply here: Posted: 7/24/18.

Plant Ecophysiology: A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available in the Environmental Sciences Division and Climate Change Science Institute of Oak Ridge National Laboratory to investigate plant carbon physiology and water relations in context of climate change. You will join a multi-disciplinary team of investigators undertaking a broad, integrated field experimental study to assess and model the response of a northern peatland ecosystem to increases in temperature and exposures to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Qualified applicants will have received a Ph.D. within the last 5 years, be successful in scientific publishing, and have comprehensive experience in plant physiological ecology and one or more of the following disciplines: photosynthesis/respiration, plant water relations/ hydraulics, biophysics, mechanistic modeling of plant physiological processes, or global change ecology. The position will require extensive self-directed fieldwork at the flagship ‘Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change’ (SPRUCE) experimental field site in northern Minnesota. Full position description and application instructions available at Contact: Jeffrey M Warren ( Posted: 7/18/18.

Tree Physiological Ecology: The Uriarte lab in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology at Columbia University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in plant physiological ecology. The successful candidate will join a NSF-funded project to quantify the importance of individual variation in stem hydraulic characteristics on tree species performance in the island of Puerto Rico. The postdoctoral associate will carry out field work, supervise a field technician, analyze data, and work on manuscripts with the PI and co-I Robert Muscarella. This is a two year position based in Puerto Rico and New York City. Preferred start date is January 2019 but there is some flexibility for suitable candidates. A Ph.D. in ecology and experience carrying out tree physiology measurements, with a focus on stem hydraulics, is required. Spanish fluency is highly desirable but not a requirement. Please send i) a complete CV; ii) a one-page statement that includes research accomplishments, research interests, and motivation to apply for the position; and iii) the name and contact details for 3 academic referees. In addition, you may submit one or two representative publications. Application deadline is October 15, 2018. For inquiries or more information, contact Dr. Maria Uriarte ( Posted: 7/7/18.

Plant functional ecology: data analysis and modelling (3 years, full-time). In the Wright Lab (Macquarie University, Sydney) we investigate the functional ecology and ecological strategies of plants – the “how and why” of differences among species in their structural, chemical and physiological traits – and the implications of this variation for larger-scale processes. We are seeking a talented and experienced (3+ years post-PhD) Postdoctoral Research Fellow to lead projects aimed at building new theoretical and empirical understanding of plant function, providing foundations for a new generation of global vegetation models. Most likely this would include compilation and analysis of global trait datasets, model construction using these findings, and model evaluation using large-scale observational benchmarks. A flare for theory development would be highly regarded. Substantial experience lead-authoring publications in strong disciplinary journals is absolutely essential. There will be opportunity to contribute to undergraduate teaching of plant sciences, and to co-supervise Masters or PhD students. Sydney is a beautiful place to live, but expensive. Wages are correspondingly high: for this “level B” position (3+ years post-PhD) the starting wage is approx. AUD100K (USD77K), plus a relocation allowance. There also is scope to appoint at a more senior level, in exceptional circumstances. Full information about this position here. Contact Ian Wright for further information. Applications close 12th April. Posted: 3/5/18.

Plant functional ecology: field ecophysiologist (3 years, full-time). In the Wright Lab (Macquarie University, Sydney) we investigate the functional ecology and ecological strategies of plants – the “how and why” of differences among species in their structural, chemical and physiological traits – and the implications of this variation for larger-scale processes. We are seeking a talented and experienced (3+ years post-PhD) Postdoctoral Research Fellow to lead field-based projects, measuring photosynthetic and perhaps other ecophysiological traits at sites across eastern Australia. In this project our principal goals are to test new quantitative predictions for the primary climatic and edaphic controls on photosynthetic capacity; and to develop and test theory for how trait variation among co-occurring species reflects the interplay between photosynthetic, hydraulic and nutrient acquisition strategies. Essential criteria are: substantial experience in measuring photosynthesis under field conditions; three or more years relevant experience, post-PhD; clear track record of lead-authoring publications in strong disciplinary journals. There will be opportunity to contribute to undergraduate teaching of plant sciences, and to co-supervise Masters or PhD students. Sydney is a beautiful place to live, but expensive. Wages are correspondingly high: for this “level B” position (3+ years post-PhD) the starting wage is approx. AUD100K (USD77K) , plus a relocation allowance. There also is scope to appoint at a more senior level, in exceptional circumstances. Full information about this position here. Contact Ian Wright for further information. Applications close 12th April. Posted: 3/5/18.

Xylem Embolism Formation in Woody Plants: The Johnson Lab in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia is seeking a highly motivated person for a postdoctoral position studying xylem embolism formation in woody plants. There is also an opportunity for the postdoc to collaborate on another project focusing on conifer leaf anatomy and physiology. The position would start in January 2019 (but there is flexibility around the start date) and is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Warnell School. Minimum qualifications: A Ph.D. in an area related to Plant Physiological Ecology, knowledge of Plant Hydraulics methods, knowledge of statistics and experimental design, a record of publication and strong communication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Experience using microscopy for anatomical measurements. For more information about the position email Dan Johnson ( More information about ongoing research can be found at: Posted: 7/25/18.

Conifer Leaf Physiology & Anatomy: The Brodersen Lab at the Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Johnson Lab at the University of Georgia are inviting applicants for a postdoctoral researcher position in plant physiological ecology focused on conifer leaf physiology and anatomy. The successful applicant will join a NSF funded project studying the functional implications of conifer internal leaf anatomy within a broad, evolutionary context. The ideal start date will be September, 2018. We are using X-ray microCT imaging to extract 3D parameters on mesophyll surface area, porosity, etc. combined with more typical gas-exchange and hydraulics measurements to develop a new leaf hydraulics model in collaboration with Dr. Tom Buckley (UC Davis). Two years of funding are available. Desired qualifications include a PhD, substantial experience with gas-exchange instrumentation (e.g. LI-6400/6800; A/Ci and mesophyll conductance), leaf hydraulics measurements and instrumentation, and light microscopy. Experience with 3D datasets, image processing, 3D printing, and Virtual Reality applications are highly desireable. The postdoc will be located in the Brodersen Lab at Yale, but will need to travel to Berkeley, CA on a regular basis, as well as field sites throughout California. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Please contact Craig Brodersen ( for more information. Posted: 7/24/18.

Stable Isotopes and Tree Rings: The Ehleringer Lab at the University of Utah seeks a postdoctoral scholar to work on a study of stable isotopes in tree rings. The major foci of this study are to examine differential influences of winter and summer precipitation on Douglas fir in the western United States, impacts of drought, and to improve our understanding of legacy effects in tree rings. There is ample opportunity for the postdoctoral scholar to develop independent research within this effort. This project is a collaboration with colleagues from the Tree Ring Lab at the University of Arizona, with additional opportunities to collaborate with other ecologists at the University of Utah. Funding is available for up to three years. The position is available immediately and applications will be reviewed as they are received. The start date is negotiable. Interested individuals should submit (a) a letter of interest, (b) a curriculum vitae, and (c) PDF copies of three publications from the applicant's research. Letters of reference should not be provided at the time of application, but the letter of interest should list the names and contact information of three individuals willing to provide letters of reference. Interested applicant should submit their application packages as PDF files to Jim Ehleringer at the University, For further information on this postdoctoral opportunity, please contact Jim Ehleringer. Posted: 4/8/18.

Stable Isotope Physiology and Global Change Ecology: 3-year post doc position at the University of Basel, Switzerland. The open position is within the ERC project HYDROCARB, where we seek to determine the potential of stable hydrogen isotope ratios (δ2H values) to assess long-term metabolic responses of plants to global environmental change. The key objective of the advertised position is to design experiments that will allow to identify the metabolic processes in plants that are reflected in the δ2H values of different plant compounds. This information will then be applied to interpret δ2H time series obtained from herbarium specimen and tree ring chronosequences to identify long-term metabolic changes in plants as a response to environmental changes during the past century. We are looking for a motivated candidate with a PhD in biology, environmental sciences or related disciplines. Strong interest in process-oriented research in plant physiology, the ability to work analytically with large datasets and experience with process-based modelling are beneficial. The position will initially be for one year with the possibility of a two-year extension. Please send your application (CV, letter of motivation, contact information of three references) to Mrs. Maura Ellenberger ( Application deadline is January 31th 2018. Further information on the project can be obtained from Prof. Kahmen ( Posted: 12/15/17.

Soil Chemistry or Microbiology: As part of the NSERC CREATE SAFER program, the University of Saskatchewan, Department of Soil Science is searching for a post-doctoral fellow in soil chemistry or microbiology to explore the role of the iron anamox cycling in bulk fertilizer plants. The candidate should have experience in either: (i) the characterization of iron minerals by synchrotron techniques or (ii) characterization of autotrophic microbial communities involved in nitrogen cycling. The successful candidate will work in an interdisciplinary environment with Drs. Derek Peak and Steven Siciliano. The goal of this project is to build flow-through column systems to characterize iron evolution as iron anamox bacteria reduce Fe(III) and oxidize NH3. Candidates must have published several papers in top tier journals to be considered for this position. The term of this PDF would be for 2 years beginning September 1, 2018 and would be at the rate of $45k per year. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Peak ( or Dr. Siciliano ( for more information. Posted: 6/12/18.

Applied Soil Chemistry: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Applied Soil Chemistry group of Dr. Kaiser with focus on clarifying effects of soil parent material, as well as land use and soil management (e.g. organic soil additives, cover crops, grazing, and vegetation change) on soil aggregate formation and organic matter characteristics in topsoils and subsoils. The successful candidate is expected to plan and conduct experiments that focus on soil organic matter fractionation and decomposition, as well as on soil aggregation; to take soil samples in the field; to process soil samples; to characterize soil and organic matter samples using spectrometric, isotopic, and microscopic techniques; to evaluate statistically soil data; to mentor undergraduate and graduate students; to provide support in the setup of the soil chemical laboratory; to present data at scientific meetings; and to publish data in peer reviewed international journals. Applicants are required to have a PhD in soil science, soil chemistry, biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry or a related field and experience in manuscript preparation and publication in peer-reviewed journals. In addition, the position requires an organized, creative individual who is personable and enthusiastic about working in a collaborative group environment. In relation to the outlined main areas of research focus, experience in soil organic matter fractionation; conducting soil micro- and mesocosm experiments; statistical evaluation of soil data; conducting meta-analyses; and working with isotopic, microscopic, and spectroscopic techniques are highly preferred. The Post-Doc should be comfortable in training and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. To view details of the position and make application, go to, requisition F_180061. Click “Apply to this Job” and complete the information form. Attach a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, contact information for three professional references, and two representative manuscripts. Review of applications will begin July 2, 2018. Posted: 6/12/18.

Plant-soil feedbacks/Invasion ecophysiology/Restoration: A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, at Clemson University, Clemson SC. The candidate will work on a USDA-NIFA supported project to investigate the ecophysiological attributes of invasive plants including plant stress physiology and related plant-soil feedbacks, soil carbon and nutrient cycling, and the potential legacy-effects at regional scales. The candidate will also lead the implementation of various restoration practices that are formulated based on the above knowledge. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to develop and execute hypothesis-driven research in the above field, publish associated manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, contribute to research proposal submissions, maintain field plots, and guide graduate and undergraduate students in related research projects. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should have a Ph.D. in plant ecology/physiology or soil chemistry/ microbiology or related fields. Candidates with a strong background in plant eco-physiology/ soil carbon cycling/ microbial ecology/ plant-soil interactions will be given preference. Prior experience in plant invasions is not required, but will be considered as an advantage. The position is available starting January-April 2018 (negotiable). The initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of renewal up to 2.5 years based on performance evaluation. Review of applications will begin on January 2nd, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidate should apply through Interfolio For more information about the position please contact: Dr. Nishanth Tharayil ( Posted: 11/21/17.

Plant Ecophysiology: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral scholar in the area of plant ecophysiology in Jennifer Funk’s lab at Chapman University in southern California. This is a full-time one year position with the possibility of an additional year subject to performance review. The project will examine the influence of nitrogen fixation strategy on rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and plant growth in a taxonomically and functionally diverse group of legumes. Results will be analyzed in the context of current plant economic models to develop a theoretical framework that explains legume growth strategies. Chapman has outstanding undergraduate students and opportunities exist for teaching and mentoring experience. Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Ecology or Plant Biology and be proficient with leaf-level gas exchange measurements (LI-6400). Experience managing a large greenhouse or field experiment is required. Preferred candidates will also have experience measuring and analyzing plant functional traits, including root traits, and familiarity with multivariate statistics. The ideal candidate will have good writing and organizational skills, and an ability to work well with undergraduate students. Please email a letter of interest, resume, and email addresses of three references to: Dr. Jennifer Funk, by 7/28/2017. Ideally, the position will start in October 2017. Posted: 6/28/17.

Plant Ecophysiology: The Juenger lab at the University of Texas at Austin is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher in the field of plant ecophysiology. The researcher will be involved in collaborative NSF and DOE funded projects exploring local adaptation using C4 perennial switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and panicgrass (Panicum hallii) as model systems. A major goal of the project is to identify important traits underlying local adaptation across species ranges using a combination of experimental common gardens and field based drought experiments. The aims of the position will be tailored to the expertise of the candidate. Opportunities exist for physiological studies of abiotic stress tolerance and climate adaptation, studies of physiological priming/acclimation and legacies in stress tolerance, genetic mapping of important eco-physiological traits, and studies linking physiological traits with underlying molecular pathways and natural variation. Candidates with experience or special interest in experimental studies of leaf or root economic spectrums are especially encouraged to apply. The position requires a PhD in Plant Physiology, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Plant Biology or a related field. The ideal candidate will have experience in field measurements of physiological traits, plant-water relations, and measures of plant performance under abiotic stress. Experience in experimental design, statistical analyses, and excellent oral and written communication skills are required. We encourage applications from female, minority, and culturally diverse candidates. Please email all applications to with the subject “Postdoctoral Application: ecophysiology”. Applications should include a cover letter detailing experience and research interests, a current CV, and contact information for three professional references compiled in a single pdf file. Applications will be considered until the positions are filled. Posted: 6/15/17.

Integrative Physiology: A postdoctoral position is available in the Williams lab at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, in the Institute of Arctic Biology. The postdoctoral researcher will work as part of a team investigating the neuroendocrine mechanisms that control seasonal timing in hibernators and will also have the opportunity to work on other projects, including studies examining circadian sleep disruption in a diurnal model of Seasonal Affective Disorder. The ideal candidate would have experience in molecular approaches (qPCR, ISH, IHC) with a strong interest in circadian and/or circannual systems, but candidates with diverse backgrounds are welcome to apply. Preference will be given to applicants that can start by January 2019 (earlier is better). Application Procedures: Interested applicants should submit a single PDF containing 1) a cover letter summarizing research interests, professional experience, and career goals, 2) a CV including a complete list of publications, and 3) names and contact information for professional references. Submit application materials directly to Dr. Cory Williams by email ( Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Possted: 7/13/18.

Physiology of Plant-Fungal Interactions: A position is open for a Post Doc / professional to characterize the adaptive physiological traits of high elevation five-needle pines as they relate to susceptibility to white pine blister rust and source climate. The studies are to (1) characterize physiological response to drought and temperature within and among seedling families and species and (2) analyze Next Generation sequencing data of fungal associates of forest grown trees. Key requirements include an excellent work ethic, ability to work independently and in a team, a record of timely publication, and research experience in physiology including operation and trouble shooting of a Li-6400XT. Experience with other physiological techniques (e.g. cold hardiness), plant-fungal interactions, statistics (R, multivariate), genetics, bioinformatics, and a background in evolutionary biology is preferred. The position is located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Position is open until filled - a start date of this summer is preferred so that measurements can begin in August 2017. Please submit a cover letter, CV, and contact information for references to Dr. Anna Schoettle ( at USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station) and Dr. Jane Stewart ( at Colorado State University). Posted: 6/5/17.

Ecology and/or Evolution: The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Toronto invites applications for four different Postdoctoral Fellowships for 2018-2019: Banting, Liber Ero, EEB, FAS. Area of Research: Ecology and/or Evolution, broadly defined. The Fellow will collaborate with the advisor(s) on research that is mutually agreed upon by all parties and the Fellow will publish the results in scientific journals. The Fellow will be a fully participating member in the Department. Application: first contact and obtain the agreement of a faculty advisor (or co-advisors). For some of these fellowships, only full-time faculty members at the St. George (downtown) campus of the University of Toronto are eligible to serve as advisors. For the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship competition, the first deadline is July 5, 2018. See this website for details on deadlines, criteria, etc. for each of the four different postdoctoral fellowship competitions (details will be added to the website when they become available). Posted: 7/3/18.

Huxley Fellow In Ecology & Evolution: BioSciences at Rice University seeks to fill a position in the prestigious Huxley Fellow Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology starting in January, 2019. Huxley Fellows are outstanding early-career scientists who pursue their own independent research programs in ecology and/or evolution while teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Huxley Fellows appointments are for two years with a third year extension possible. We seek candidates with a Ph.D. and outstanding potential, who can contribute through their research and teaching to the inclusive excellence of the Rice academic community. We particularly welcome applications from women and members of historically underrepresented groups who bring diverse cultural experiences and who are especially qualified to mentor and advise members of our diverse student population. Huxley Fellows receive non-tenure track faculty status, benefits, salary commensurate with experience, and modest research funds. To apply, please submit the following materials: (1) cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) research statement, and (4) statement of teaching philosophy at In addition, candidates will be asked to provide the names and contact information for 3 references, who will automatically be emailed for letters of recommendation at the time of application. Application review will begin August 15, 2018. For informal inquiries, contact Dr. Scott P. Egan, Huxley Fellow Search Committee Chair. Posted: 6/12/18.

Plant Ecology: Postdoctoral opportunity in plant ecology at the University of Texas at Austin. Our ability to predict future ecosystem functioning and to accurately manage ecosystems is often limited by our understanding of plant ecology. In particular, we struggle to connect the scales of individual plants to landscape dynamics and global patterns. Because experiments are impossible across these scales, in the Farrior lab, we use models to connect them and generate predictions testable with data we can collect. Through this integration of mechanistic models and data, we generate new insights into the fundamental governing principles of plant communities – principles we hope will hold in the future under the novel environmental conditions that come with climate change. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate for a postdoctoral position in plant ecology. The candidate must hold a PhD in Ecology or related fields at the time the appointment begins. Successful candidates will have some experience with both empirical and theoretical ecology, evidence of good writing and communication skills, and organization and collaborative ability. Current projects of interest in the lab of interest include, but are not limited to: • Investigating fundamental differences in tropical and temperate forest ecology through integration of forest size structure, modeling, and species characteristics. • Understanding the variation in competitive pressure among plants across biome boundaries. • Understanding the relative importance of rare disturbance and constant competitive pressure on plant hydraulic strategies. Funding is available for 2-3 years. A start date in the summer or early fall of 2018 is expected. To apply, compile a single PDF with the following: a (1-2page) statement of research accomplishments and interests (as they pertain to projects listed here or other proposed work that fits within the goals of the lab), a CV, and the contact information for three professional references. Include details of your experience with and/or preparation for theoretical work. Review of applications will begin May 25, 2018. Inquiries and applications should be directed to: Include in the subject line: Postdoc in Plant Ecology. Posted: 5/20/18.

Ecologist: - A postdoctoral research project training opportunity is currently available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Research and Development (ORD)/National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in Durham, NC (Research Triangle Park). The postdoc will benefit by learning approaches for the evaluation, analysis and integration of evidence on the ecological effects of atmospheric pollutant exposures used in EPA’s scientific assessments. They will have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of projects that can include qualitative or quantitative analyses of study findings and data and synthesizing the findings to support highly influential science assessments. This experience will provide an understanding of how scientific evidence is used to inform EPA decision-making processes. Additionally, the research participants will collaborate with scientific staff in NCEA and potentially scientists from other EPA Labs, Centers or Offices, in evaluating evidence related to the effects of air pollution on ecosystems. They will have opportunities to conduct quantitative or qualitative analyses that contribute to EPA scientific assessments and can result in peer-reviewed publications. They may also interact with policy staff to focus these analyses to be informative for rulemaking. Full position announcement is found here: Please contact Dr. Jeffrey Herrick ( for more information. Review of applications is on-going. Open until filled. Posted: 4/4/18, revised: 4/24/18.

Tropical Ecology: Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow in Ecology in the School of Biological Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, to commence May 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter, for two years, with the possibility of a one year extension. We will be using the international canopy crane network, canopy climbing techniques and experimental manipulation experiments to understand responses of plant-insect food webs to global change. Applicants should possess (or be close to submission) a PhD in terrestrial ecology with experience in tropical rainforest ecology, foodweb ecology or climate change manipulation experiments. In this role you will lead field work and collect and analyze the data. The successful candidate will take a lead role in preparing manuscripts for publication and disseminating the research at international conferences. Required criteria: • PhD in terrestrial ecology • Strong experimental design and analytical skills • Tropical field work experience • Good problem-solving skills • Excellent publishing record. Desirable: • Experience in climate change manipulation experiments (e.g. thermotolerance experiments) • Experience in foodweb ecology • Plant or insect identification skills • Molecular skills • Good time management and ability to work collaboratively • Experience and/or willingness to work in forest canopies. Applicants should send a completed application form together with a cover letter, a statement of your research interests and how you meet the selection criteria, an up-to-date CV and contact details for three referees to Dr Louise Ashton ( See for more details on research themes. Application forms (341/1111) can be downloaded at Posted: 3/21/18.

Ecology, Geography, Soil and Atmospheric Sciences: The College of Environment and Planning at Henan University, China is recruiting 4 postdoctoral researchers in the fields of Ecology, Geography, Soil and Atmospheric Sciences. Qualifications include: (1) Ph.D. in relevant fields; (2) Candidates should have research experience in at least one of the following areas: Plant Ecophysiology to examine plant adaptation to stresses and climate change; Ecosystem Ecology focusing on ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling; Physical Geography with emphasis on large-scale (regional to global) ecological patterns and processes and their interactions with climate, hydrology, topography, and human disturbances; Conservation Ecology (e.g. biodiversity conservation under climate change); Remote sensing and GIS; and Modeling techniques (e.g. process-based modeling and model-data assimilation): (3) Priorities will be given to candidates with experience in photosynthesis/respiration modeling, ecosystem carbon accounting, ecosystem service modeling/mapping and protected area planning; and (4) Excellent oral and written communication skills in English. The working language for these positions is English, knowledge of Chinese is welcome but not required. The positions are available for 3 years, however, annual renewal is dependent on performance. The incumbents will also have the opportunity of induction as Assistant/Associate professor after a successful completion of the postdoc period with excellent performance during the tenure. We offer a competitive salary (about US$35K/year), benefits (health and retirement), research supports (RMB100K), and bonus (about US$3000-16,000/paper/year). The college provides ample funds to support research projects, excellent working environment (lab facilities and field stations), and opportunities to work with world-class professors and scientists (advisors). Henan University is located in Kaifeng, a famous historic city which was the capital of China during seven different dynasties. Today, Kaifeng is a modernized city with amiable climate, excellent transportation and low living costs. Applications should include a cover letter, CV, copies of up to 3 publications, and the names and addresses of three references. Please send application package as a single PDF file to Dr. Lin Wang through email at Review of applications will begin March 15, 2018 and continue until the positions are filled. Posted: 2/12/18.

Ecology and Organismal Biology: The Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University (Orange County, California) invites applications for its postdoctoral teaching and research fellows program. Appointments will begin in summer 2018 for two years with a third year extension possible. Schmid College Fellows are outstanding early-career scientists who provide innovative teaching and mentorship to undergraduate students in our Grand Challenges Initiative, as well as advance independent research in collaboration with a member of the faculty. Fellows are offered a competitive salary, benefits, research support, and personalized professional development in teaching and research. Chapman University has a vibrant and productive group of faculty working in the areas of ecology and organismal biology. Possible projects and mentors are listed below. Molecular mechanisms of plant interactions with various biotic stresses and daily environmental fluctuations (Hagop Atamian, Comparative genomics and biomimetics of silk-like fibers from hagfish slime (Douglas Fudge, Plant physiological ecology of tropical forests (Greg Goldsmith, Effects of climate change on northern peatland ecosystems; controls of anaerobic carbon cycling and greenhouse gas dynamics in wetlands (Jason Keller, Behavior and neuroendocrinology of quail (Patricia Lopes, Changes in behavior and physiology among breeding common loons entering their teens and 20s; a long-term study of known-age, territorial individuals (Walter Piper, Intertidal invertebrates and trait-mediated effects of climate change (William Wright, File review will commence on January 8, 2018 and will continue until all positions are filled. For more information, please see the full advertisement. Posted: 12/2/17.

Ecological Modeling of Plant Phenology: I am looking to hire two new data scientist postdocs to join the PhenoCam project at Northern Arizona University. The first position (NAU Job ID 603575) is focused on modeling and ecological analysis. The postdoc will lead efforts to develop phenological models for key vegetation types and analyze the role of phenology in regulating biosphere-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks using empirical and model-based approaches. Applicants must be willing to work collaboratively on team projects. This position is funded by a new grant from NSF’s Macrosystems Biology program. The second position (NAU Job ID 603576) is focused on coding and the development of software tools. The postdoc will lead efforts to develop new software tools to facilitate the integration and synthesis of phenological data from PhenoCam, satellite remote sensing, ground observations, and gridded data products. The ideal applicant will be interested in ecological applications of “big data”, but will also have extensive prior training in computer science and programming. This position is funded by a new grant from NASA’s Advanced Information Systems Technology program. The listing for each position, as well as an online application, can be found by going to this web page, clicking “Search Jobs Now”, and entering either the ID numbers above (603575 and 603576) or PhenoCam as a keyword. Applications will be reviewed beginning February 5. Both positions are available immediately. A separate application is required for each position. Applications must be submitted online through the NAU HR web page. Please email me directly with any questions. Andrew Richardson ( Posted: 1/5/18.

Modelling Plant-Plant and Plant-Environment Interactions: Here at our plant ecology group at SLU Uppsala Sweden we are seeking a highly motivated postdoc to work on modelling of plant-plant and plant-environment interactions to establish predictive understanding of ideal plant mixtures in agriculture for high and stable crop yields, efficient resource use, reduction of losses due to biotic and abiotic stresses, and provision of ecosystem service. This position will be associated with the H2020 project “DIVERSify – Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability”. Deadline for applications: November 5th, 2017 (Apply by sending an email to, referring to the opening code 3718/2017 and attaching the relevant documents as pdf). Contact person: Giulia Vico More information and application instructions. Posted: 10/7/17.

Vertebrate Field Ecologist: We seek applications for a postdoctoral research associate for a SERDP-funded project focused on understanding the role of the Mariana fruit bat in seed dispersal. This is part of a larger project that aims to determine the importance of vertebrate seed dispersal for tropical forest composition and structure and develop strategies for restoring seed dispersal to human-dominated landscapes. See the project website at for more details about ongoing and previous research in this system. The postdoc will join the lab of Dr. Haldre Rogers at Iowa State University and will be co-advised by Dr. Tammy Mildenstein of Cornell College. The postdoc will work closely with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Fish and Wildlife fruit bat biologist and other wildlife staff. In addition, they will collaborate with postdocs and grad students from Iowa State University (Rogers lab) and Colorado State University (in the lab of Dr. Julie Savidge) who have led the collection of field data focused on native avian and non-native mammalian frugivores. The target start date is late 2017 or early 2018 (negotiable) and the appointment will be through September 2019. The position will require an extended field season on the island of Rota, in the Northern Mariana Islands, although the duration is negotiable. Minimum qualifications: *Ph.D. in ecology or related field, with extensive experience in animal movement *Significant vertebrate handling experience *Experience with the R programming language and strong quantitative skills *Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with demonstrated ability to write and publish research results *Experience working on a team, and working with people from different disciplines and backgrounds Desired qualifications: *Experience with fruit bat capture and handling *Experience with tracking via radio or GPS telemetry Position details: Salary is $46-48K/year (depending on experience), plus health benefits. Costs of trip to at least one conference will be covered. How to Apply: Please email a cover letter, CV, and contact details for three references in a single pdf file to Dr. Haldre Rogers at For questions, contact Haldre Rogers ( Review of applications will begin November 15, 2017. Posted: 10/31/17.

Modeling Nitrogen and Hydrological Dynamics in Agroecosystems: One Postdoctoral Researcher Position in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) and National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), full-time, 100% (2-year duration, with possibility of extension, contingent upon performance and funding). Please see the full job ad. Ideal starting time is March 1, 2018, negotiable. Posted: 1/26/18.

Terrestrial Modeling:. Berkeley Lab’s Climate & Ecosystems Division has an opening for a Terrestrial Modeling Postdoctoral Scholar. The successful candidate will analyze agricultural systems, including soil biogeochemical and plant processes and management. You will be part of a multi-institution and multi-disciplinary project. The position calls for expertise in numerical methods for land-surface modeling; uncertainty quantification; parameter estimation; and microbial, abiotic, and plant processes and interactions. The project offers an excellent environment for working with a highly skilled interdisciplinary team and will require strong motivation and excellent oral and written communication skills. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is a renowned center of scientific expertise in many facets of climate-related fundamental and applied science. The successful candidate may focus on several agriculture-relevant processes, including coupled hydrological and biogeochemical dynamics, nutrient and carbon interactions, plant allocation, plant and microbe interactions, and management. We are particularly interested in relating above and belowground plant properties and how those relationships can be used to inform plant breeding. We are also interested in developing methods to evaluate, against observations, process-level and emergent model responses, and in developing model benchmarking approaches. What You Will Do: • Use state-of-the-art mechanistic agricultural models. • Develop and test numerical representations of complex inter-related terrestrial ecosystem processes suitable for site to regional scale models. • Apply state-of-the-art parameter uncertainty and calibration methods. • Work as a member of a large multidisciplinary research team. • Author technical reports and publish in peer-reviewed journal articles. • Present results in group project meetings, seminars and/or conferences. What Is Required: • PhD in relevant field. • Ability to develop numerical representations of complex inter-related terrestrial ecosystem processes. • Strong mathematical skills. • Ability to work creatively, independently, and productively. • Participation in preparation of proposals. • Oral and written presentation of results. • Ability to work in an integrated team environment. The posting shall remain open until the position is filled, however for full consideration, please apply by close of business on January 15, 2018. Notes: • This is a full time, 2 year, postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of renewal based upon satisfactory job performance, continuing availability of funds and ongoing operational needs. You must have less than 3 years paid postdoctoral experience. Salary for Postdoctoral positions depends on years of experience post-degree. • Full-time, M-F, exempt (monthly paid) from overtime pay. • This position is represented by a union for collective bargaining purposes. • Salary will be predetermined based on postdoctoral step rates. • This position may be subject to a background check. Any convictions will be evaluated to determine if they directly relate to the responsibilities and requirements of the position. Having a conviction history will not automatically disqualify an applicant from being considered for employment. • Work will be primarily performed at: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA. Apply directly online and follow the on-line instructions to complete the application process. Posted: 12/26/17.

Global Change Ecology: We are seeking a post-doc to join a USDA-AFRI project investigating the impacts of increasing climate variability on rangeland production across the western United States. The position, based in Peter Adler’s research group at Utah State University, will involve collaboration with Katie Suding (University of Colorado), Brady Allred (University of Montana), and John Bradford (USGS). The post-doc will work with long-term, remotely sensed time-series data to characterize the sensitivity of primary production to interannual variability in weather and soil moisture. Patterns of sensitivity will be compared across five rangeland ecoregions, and across areas of contrasting vegetation composition within those ecoregions. The position is funded for two years at a salary of $48k per year and can begin as early as May 1, 2018. For more information, and to apply, go to: Review Date: 4/8/2018. Posted: 3/13/18.

Global Change Ecology: The Anderegg Lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Utah is seeking a creative and innovative postdoctoral researcher who can lead research projects that contribute to a better understanding of the impacts of climate extremes on forest ecosystems. We have ongoing projects on an array of topics, including drought-induced tree mortality, recovery after climate extremes, disturbance and carbon dynamics, plant ecophysiology and hydraulics, coupled models of human-ecosystem interactions, and ecosystem modeling. We work across a wide range of scales from plant physiology to ecosystem fluxes. Candidates with research interests in ecosystem ecology, ecological modeling, ecophysiology, or plant ecology would be strong fits. Candidates with strong quantitative skills and proficient programming skills are preferred and background in ecosystem modeling is a strength. Interested applicants should send a current CV, a 1-2 paragraph description of research interests that specifically outlines the work the applicant would be excited to undertake in the position, and a list of 3 references to William Anderegg ( Review of applicants will start March 12th. Posted: 3/2/18.

Global Change Ecology: The Global Change Ecology Lab (GCEL, Dr. Scott Ferrenberg, PI) within the Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, is seeking a post-doctoral scientist with strong quantitative skills and an interest in dryland and/or forest ecology. The GCEL has a broad goal of understanding how populations and communities of plants, microbes, and animals interact with global change pressures, and what these interactions mean for ecosystem functioning. Work within the GCEL ranges from tests of ecological theory to questions and research aimed at improving ecological modeling and resource management. The incoming post-doc will have the flexibility to identify novel research aims, but will also join a funded project aimed at determining the vulnerability of dryland plants and ecosystem functions to climate change and disturbance interactions across multiple deserts of western North America. The Post-doc will also help to lead an upcoming, large-group synthesis effort regarding ecosystem functions and resource pulses in arid ecosystems. The ideal candidate will have a strong record of leading and publishing science, strong quantitative skills, and the ability to occasionally join field crews working in remote field locations and adverse weather conditions (i.e., desert and high elevation environments across western North America). The proposed start date is spring of 2018, but applications from candidates who are scheduled to complete their Ph.D. training by the summer of 2018 will also be considered. Initial funding is for one year with continued support possible based on available funding. Applications are due on 3/15/18. Further details and information on how to apply can be found at Posted: 1/15/18, revised: 3/2/18.

Global Change and Plant Community Ecology: Postdoctoral Researcher in the University of Oulu, Ecology and Genetics Research Unit, in cooperation with Physiological Diversity Department, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Leipzig, Germany. We seek a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher to work with an international researcher team in a project funded by Academy of Finland (“Biotic modulators of plant community resistance and resilience to multiple global changes”). The postdoctoral researcher will be working with a range of questions and data sets related (but not limited) to interactions among herbivory, plant competition, climate change and nutrient enrichment, and how these interact to impact plant community composition and diversity, flowering phenology and/or ecosystem functioning. The research is based on experimental approaches in different ecosystems (grasslands, tundra). Successful applicant will be based at least partly in Leipzig, Germany, and will be doing field work both in Germany and Finland, possibly also in other countries. We are particularly interested in applicants with strong experimental background, field work experience, expertise in plant traits, plant-herbivore interactions, and/or climate and global change ecology. Excellent writing and communication skills, strong statistical skills, ability to work in an international team and mobility (willingness to travel in several countries) are requirements for this position. Essential qualifications: Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in ecology or in a similar field Excellent written and spoken English Willingness to be mobile Successful candidates will have demonstrated experimental, statistical and writing skills to independently carry out field experiments, analyze data and write publications. Desirable qualifications: Good communication skills in an international team Creative and independent scientific thinking Good statistical modelling skills with R Good knowledge of global change ecology, plant-herbivore interactions and/or plant traits. The position is currently funded for two years. Apply online latest on Sunday 31.05.2018 at 24:00 (Finnish local time). Please include the following: Cover letter (describing experience relevant to this position, research interests, general career goals, motivation and why this position is of interest to you), Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, and contact information for three references. See the job announcement for details and to apply. Further details are available from Dr. Anu Eskelinen (anu.eskelinen(at) who is the PI of the project. Posted: 5/19/18.

Plant Community Ecology: The Hallett Lab is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to join our research group at the University of Oregon. Projects in the lab are broadly focused on community ecology, with an emphasis on biodiversity and ecosystem service responses to global change. A postdoctoral position in community ecology is available in the research group of Lauren Hallett at the University of Oregon. The successful candidate will be part of a USDA-funded project to explore how soil amendments and rainfall variability affect the resilience of ecosystem services in California rangelands. We are excited to work with someone with strong quantitative skills, a demonstrated publication record, and expertise in community ecology and/or ecosystem ecology. Abilities in the field are highly desirable. The position is available September 2018, with some flexibility in the start date if desired. Funding is available for at least two years. The position will be based on the University of Oregon and will involve collaborations with the Suding (University of Colorado Boulder) and Silver (University of California, Berkeley) labs groups. Field work, which largely occurs in the spring, will require travel to the Sierra Foothills Research and Extension Center (Browns Valley, CA). Review of candidates will begin August 1, 2018. The application consists of a cover letter and ~500 word research statement, a curriculum vitae, including relevant publications, and names and contact information for three professional references. For more information and to apply visit the full job ad. Questions should be directed to Lauren Hallett (; Posted: 7/3/18.

Ecosystem Science and Plant Physiology: Center for Ecosystem Science and Society, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. We are seeking a Research Associate (Lab Manager) with strong interests in ecosystem science and plant physiology to join the lab of Professors Andrew Richardson and Mariah Carbone. Research in the lab is focused on ecosystem carbon cycling in the context of global change. Current research projects emphasize carbon allocation in plants, using observational and experimental approaches, including isotopes and trace gas fluxes. The Research Associate will be responsible for coordinating lab activities, including participating in field sampling, conducting wet-lab analysis of plant and soil samples, and supervising undergraduate technicians. This is a permanent, full-time position. Allowable relocation expenses will be reimbursed, up to 5% of annual salary. Applications will be reviewed beginning January 20. The position is available immediately. To view the full listing and apply: Posted: 1/2/18.

Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology: Postdoctoral Research Associate. The Terrestrial Ecosystem Science group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, Tennessee) is seeking an individual with a real passion for studying the natural world, motivated to take on the challenge of synthesizing data and building models that accurately represent roots and root function. Roots are fundamental for plant resource acquisition and survival, yet accurate representation of roots and root function in terrestrial ecosystem models remains challenging. We have an ongoing and long history of fine-root research and we are seeking a postdoctoral candidate for an exciting new opportunity to translate this amassed knowledge and data into ecosystem models. You will have the flexibility to explore your interests within the broad scope of the role of roots and root function in ecosystem ecology. Qualifications include: - PhD in ecology, botany, or related field - A proven track record of high-quality publications - Programming skills in FORTRAN and data analysis languages R or Python - A proven track record of high-quality publications - Competence in statistical techniques. Applicants cannot have received their PhD degree more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment. Apply at: All qualified applicants, including individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, are encouraged to apply. End Posting Date: 1/12/2018. Posted: 11/15/17.

Arctic Ecosystem Ecology: One two-year postdoc position is available with Dr Daniel Metcalfe at Lund University, Sweden. The postdoc will use a unique map of environmental research cross the Arctic to perform a rapid environmental survey of plants and soils across six of the least studied areas in the Arctic, then compare these measurements with matching surveys from two of the most intensively researched areas (Toolik lake, USA and Abisko, Sweden). The overall aim is to understand if and how the current patchy distribution of Arctic research affects dominant scientific paradigms. For further details and to apply, visit the full job ad. The application deadline is 31st August 2017, the position start date can be negotiated. We encourage applications from highly motivated and independent young scientists particularly with experience of ecological fieldwork in arctic ecosystems, soil science, measurement of gas fluxes, plant ecophysiology and / or plant community measurements. Posted: 7/21/17.

Coastal Wetland Ecology: The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama seeks a post-doctoral research associate to contribute to projects examining tidal marsh resilience to environmental changes, including climate change and nutrient enrichment. The position requires a Ph.D. in Ecology, Marine Science, or similar field, and expertise in field-based techniques to assess biophysical processes regulating marsh surface elevations and ecosystem responses to disturbance. The successful applicant will contribute to ongoing projects studying ecosystem functions and elevation maintenance in marshes along the northern Gulf of Mexico, and will have the opportunity to co-develop new projects. Highly motivated candidates with a demonstrated record of publishing in peer-reviewed journals and strong data management and statistical analysis skills are encouraged to apply. The post-doc will work closely with, and under the direction of, Dr. Julia Cherry at the Tuscaloosa campus. This is a 12-month position available starting as early as August 16, 2018, with the possibility of renewal for additional years. Applications should be submitted via email to Dr. Julia Cherry ( and should include a CV; a statement of research interests; a one-page summary of the Ph.D. dissertation; the names and contact information for at least three references; and a statement of immigration status for non-citizens. Additional information: Department of Biological Sciences and Dr. Cherry’s research program. Posted: 6/19/18.

Wetland Ecosystem Modeling: A postdoctoral researcher is sought in the School For Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan. The successful candidate will be located on the Ann Arbor campus and supervised by Prof. Bill Currie, contributing to a large-scale collaborative project to evaluate the effects of future land-use and climate change scenarios on coastal wetlands across the Great Lakes basin. This is a NASA-funded research project conducted in collaboration with co-PIs at the University of Michigan, Michigan State University (MSU), Michigan Tech Research Institute, Texas A&M University and the University of Northern Iowa. The successful candidate should have a PhD in ecosystem ecology, plant community ecology, wetland ecology, physiological ecology, biogeochemistry, ecosystem or ecological modeling, or a closely related field and should have some prior experience with modeling ecological plant communities or ecosystems. S/he should have strong skills in data management. The ability to write or debug computer code is a plus, as is an understanding of clonal plants, wetland N cycling including denitrification, or wetland P cycling. This research will involve working with the Mondrian model of community-ecosystem processes in wetlands, applying the model for both basic and applied research to study wetland plant invasions and the effects of nutrient cycling and hydroperiod on wetland function. The project will also involve linking the Mondrian model to a large-scale watershed hydrogeochemical model developed by collaborators at MSU. The linked models will be used to study wetland function and feedbacks under future scenarios of land use change and climate change, and in a variety of inland to coastal landscapes across the Great Lakes region. The candidate will be expected to function well as part of a research team, including working with co-PI faculty at other collaborating universities. The candidate will be expected to present research results at national conferences and to lead the development of collaborative manuscripts for publication in peer reviewed journals. S/he will have some flexibility to develop original research questions and topics in areas related to the research funding. The position will be hired for one year, with renewal for a second year possible based on performance and availability of continued funding. This position has a flexible start date anticipated to be as early as May 1, 2018. To apply please combine a CV, cover letter describing your research interests and qualifications for the position, and a copy of one publication in a single PDF. Go to the UM careers website,, and search for job opening ID# 134120 to upload the single pdf. As part of the required application process three reference letters should also be sent to Review of applications will begin on April 10, 2018. Questions about the position can be addressed to Bill Currie ( Posted: 3/29/18.

Stream and Wetland Ecology: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Watershed Studies Institute and Department of Biological Sciences, Murray State University. The postdoctoral associate will conduct research on the ecology, conservation, and restoration of aquatic environments, help mentor graduate and undergraduate research students, and teach one biology course per semester. Research will focus on the impacts of disturbance and restoration on stream and riparian ecosystems, using observational studies, experiments, and analysis of long-term data. Field sites are in western Colorado and western Kentucky. Ph.D. in a relevant discipline required; experience with experimental design and multivariate statistics is preferred. This is a two-year position starting May 15 (negotiable); salary is $47k/year with benefits. Murray is a highly-rated, vibrant public university with significant infrastructure and personnel dedicated to ecological research, including the Hancock Biological Station. To apply, email a letter of interest detailing career goals and research experience, a curriculum vitae, several representative reprints, and email addresses of three references to Dr. Howard Whiteman ( Review of applications will begin April 1st. Posted: 3/21/18.

Stream Ecology: A postdoctoral research scholar position is available in the Department of Applied Ecology at North Carolina State University. We are seeking a postdoctoral scholar to conduct experimental and observational studies exploring how environmentally induced shifts in stream algal communities impact stream invertebrate secondary production and the flow energy and nutrients to fish and terrestrial consumers of stream insects. The primary responsibilities will include 1) conducting fieldwork in the Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains, and possibly other locations, sometimes for continuous durations of 3-4 months, 2) some independence in research design and execution, 3) and field sampling, sample processing and analyses, and publishing and presenting the findings in collaboration with others. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in biology, entomology, ecology or a related field at the time of hire. Highly desirable qualifications include experience in one or more of the following areas: quantifying invertebrate secondary production, trophic basis of production, organic matter flow, fatty acid analysis, invertebrate sampling, invertebrate taxonomy and life histories, and knowledge of or an interest in fish or bird foraging experiments and/or energetics. The postdoctoral scholar will be working with Brad Taylor’s Lab group. For additional information regarding the research group and focal areas, please consult our website, and email if you have questions. In addition, to interactions among our lab group, the position provides opportunities to interact with a vibrant group of scientists at NC State, other institutions in North Carolina’s Research Triangle, and at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado. The salary is $48-50k plus benefits. The position is for two years, with renewal dependent on performance. Applicants should include a cover letter (stating their potential start date), a curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, 2-3 relevant publications, and a 1-2 page statement of research interests. Review of applications will begin on 31 January 2018 and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The start date is flexible but no later than 15 April 2018. Apply at enter position number “PG170060PD” in the keyword field. Posted: 11/4/17.

Floodplain Ecology and Water Resources Modeling: Postdoctoral Research Associate in floodplain landscape ecology: modeling tradeoffs between aquatic/riparian habitats and hydropower production in the Lower Mekong Basin (southeast Asia). We seek applicants with expertise in at least one of the following: water resources modeling, aquatic/riparian landscape ecology, or land cover/land use change – with an interest in quantitative interdisciplinary research and a willingness to learn new skills, as needed. This 2-year position is offered jointly by Peter Weisberg (University of Nevada, Reno) and Sarah Null (Utah State University), with flexibility for the post-doc to base in Reno, NV or Logan, UT. Extension of the position for a 3rd year is possible. The successful candidate will work with an international team of interdisciplinary scientists on the US AID-funded Wonders of the Mekong Project, under the auspices of UNR’s Global Water Center. More information (pdf) How to Apply: Please submit the following materials to Dr. Peter Weisberg ( and Dr. Sarah Null ( cover letter, CV, 2 pg. statement on previous research, professional goals and how your skills will be applied, contact information for three references. Posted: 7/28/17.

Multi-trophic Responses in Restored Grasslands: We seek a postdoctoral research associate who will examine trophic responses to restoration of grasslands through the Conservation Reserve Program across Kansas. This is a collaborative project among labs at Wichita State University (Greg Houseman and Mary Liz Jameson) and Emporia State (Bill Jensen) universities representing plants, insects, and birds (respectively) and will be based in the lab of Dr. Greg Houseman. The position requires both project management and analytical skills. Funding is available for two years. The postdoc will be responsible for managing 6 field crews across 108 sites in Kansas sampling plants, insects, and birds on privately-owned fields restored from cropland to grasslands under USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The study involves investigating trophic responses (plants, insects, birds) to cattle grazing (done in 2017 only) and seed diversity (high, low) of CRP fields across the state’s steep precipitation gradient. The successful applicant will supervise field research in Kansas grassland habitats, supervise field crews, conduct data analyses, prepare reports and manuscripts for publication, maintain lab, and organize equipment. Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills are necessary for managing field crews and interacting with landowners. The field season runs from mid-May to the end of July each year. Field crews consist of graduate (MS) and undergraduate students who work in demanding conditions (such as hot, sunny weather; early mornings; long hours; much hiking) and live in close quarters at field stations. In addition to monitoring sampling schedules, activities, and data management of field crews, the postdoc must have excellent interpersonal skills to address any landowner concerns. The ability to find solutions to logistical challenges that arise suddenly is essential. The postdoc must be proficient in field navigation using GPS or ability to learn, have experience working in demanding field conditions (hot, sunny, much hiking), and have a valid driver’s license and experience with driving vehicles on unimproved roads. Much travel is required across the state before and during field seasons to monitor crews and transport plant and insect biomass and miscellaneous supplies and equipment. Temporary housing is provided at several field stations as well as a rental vehicle. The postdoc should have at least basic familiarity with sampling plant biomass and community composition, insect sampling (pitfall and sweep-net samples), and bird surveys (line-transect surveys, nest monitoring). The postdoc will play a pivotal role in the analytical dimensions of the project. A key approach will be to use Structural Equation Modeling to integrate the plant, insect and bird responses to grassland management and precipitation. Additional modeling or analytical expertise such as ArcGIS, multivariate analyses, and proficiency in R are highly desirable. Preferred Qualifications: 1) Graduate degree in ecology, agroecology, soil science, ecology, environmental science, entomology, avian ecology, or a related field; 2) ability to manage field technicians; 3) demonstrated skill in statistical analysis, particularly with Structural Equation Modeling or related modeling; 4) excellent writing skills as evidenced by publications, thesis, or dissertation; 5) valid driver’s license; 6) the ability to work well independently and collaboratively; 7) demonstrated ability to successfully initiate, manage, and complete professional projects; 8) ability to multi-task and will give careful attention to detail; 9) strong work ethic and professionalism. Salary $37k. Apply online at Provide: 1) a letter of interest detailing qualifications for the position, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) a list of three professional references with contact information (institution, email address, phone number), and 4) three samples of professional writing. Applications review will begin 9/22/2017. Desired start date is early January 2017. Questions: Dr. Greg Houseman (Greg.Houseman[at] Posted: 9/5/17.

Baboon Life History Variation/Demography/Pop Bio: A postdoctoral position is available to study developmental and social origins of individual life histories, health, and fitness in the Archie Lab at the University of Notre Dame. The position is for 1 year with the option to extend for up to 3 years. The postdoc will have access to extensive longitudinal data from the well-studied Amboseli baboon population. The Amboseli baboon population has been the subject of long-term, individual-based study on baboon ecology, social behavior, health, and demography since 1971. Prior publications especially relevant to this project include Tung & Archie et al. (2016) in Nature Communications, Archie et al (2014) in Proceedings of the Royal Society, and Lea et al. (2018) in Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health. Several projects are available, including: (i) testing evolutionary hypotheses to explain developmental origins of health and disease, such as predictive adaptive response and developmental constraints models; (ii) testing health selection and social causation hypotheses to understand the causal links between early adversity, social context, adult health, and aging; and (iii) testing critical periods and windows of sensitivity in explaining developmental origins of health and disease. Strong, experienced applicants are also encouraged to develop their own research questions. The Amboseli baboon data set is exceptionally rich and amenable to a wide range of projects, either on the baboons themselves or in a comparative context with other species, including humans. Candidates must have a PhD in biology or a relevant social science (or plan to graduate in the summer or fall of 2018). The ideal candidate will have outstanding skills in data analysis, writing, and oral communication. Candidates with experience in one or more of the following areas are especially encouraged to apply: population-based database analysis, population biology, biodemography, life history evolution, social behavioral research, demographic modeling, mixed modeling, longitudinal data analysis, path analysis, causal inference, and/or epidemiology. Familiarity or experience with long-lived social vertebrates, including humans, may be helpful, but is not essential. The Archie lab offers a congenial research environment that fosters strong interdisciplinary training and collaborative exchange. Collaborators on this project include Susan Alberts, Fan Li, and Ran Blekhman, all of whom are available for advice and interaction. To apply for the position please send an email to Elizabeth Archie (, including a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references. The anticipated start date is in summer or fall 2018. Applicants should submit their materials by March 30, 2018 to ensure full consideration. Posted: 3/1/18.

Applied Demography of Reptiles: Pennsylvania State University. I am recruiting a post-doc to work in my research group (Applied Population Ecology Lab) on two projects that both employ long-term mark-recapture data sets to examine demographic patterns in reptiles. The first project is funded by NIH to look at aging in turtles. The focal population is a 30 year study of painted turtles in the Midwest, with the potential to also use other long-term turtle data sets. The second project is again a long-term study (40+ years) of garter snake populations in California funded by NSF. The goal of this project is to understand the inter-relationship between climate, individual physiology (condition, immune-function, and stress), and demographic responses in multiple populations of two species in the Eagle Lake area of California. The post-doc will be tasked with analyzing the long-term data and contributing to the overall goals of the two projects. The focus of both is on demography and estimating demographic parameters and the person filling the position should have experience and interest in this area. The position would be a good fit for a person with interests in any of the following: quantitative ecology, applied population ecology, and/or evolutionary ecology. To apply, submit a CV, cover letter, and contact information for 3 references at: I will begin to review applications in early November with the goal of having someone start sometime after the new year (start date may be flexible). Any questions can be directed to David Miller ( See the full announcement for more details. Posted: 10/11/17.

Invasion Ecology/Macro Ecology: The Ecology lab of Mark van Kleunen in the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz is seeking a highly motivated postdoc to work on a DFG-FWF-funded project on the analysis and maintenance of the Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database. This project is part of a large international collaboration, and has already resulted in many high-profile publications. The tasks of the postdoc will be to maintain and expand the database, and particularly to analyse the database to address major questions in invasion ecology and macro ecology. The successful candidate should have an interest in plant invasions, be able to handle large complex databases (mySQL), have a solid plant taxonomic knowledge, and have strong writing and statistical skills (preferably in R). The 100%-position has been funded for three years, and the salary will be at scale E 13 (pdf). The earliest starting date is 1 March 2018, but a later starting date is negotiable. The Ecology group is very international, and works on a wide range of topics, including among others mating system evolution, plant responses to global change and determinants of plant invasiveness. If you are interested in this position, please, send a single PDF document including a letter of motivation, a CV with a complete list of your publications, a copy of your best publication, and the contact details of two references to The application deadline is 17 February 2018. Posted: 1/24/18.

Stormwater ponds and plant invasion: The Residential Landscape Ecology Lab in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida is looking to hire a creative and motivated postdoc to lead a project aimed at using individual-based, computational experiments to quantify the potential for stormwater ponds to facilitate the spread of invasive plants. This position will require field data collection and computational work. The term of the position would be one year, with extension dependent upon availability of funding. The candidate would be a member of the Sustainable Human and Ecological Development Cohort. The diverse interests of this cohort include community and ecosystem ecology, geospatial analysis, invasion biology, ecological restoration, hydrology, energy conservation, soil and water science, and big-data analytics. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in ecology or related field, experience and interests in applied research, spatial ecology, biological invasions/species movement, computational modeling, and strong writing skills. A strong publication record and knowledge of individual-based modeling platforms are highly desirable. To apply: Email the following as a single PDF file to (1) Letter of Interests stating your research/career goals, how you would benefit from this opportunity, and your qualifications; (2) C.V.; (3) contact information for three professional references. Place “Postdoc Position” in subject line. Review of applicants will begin immediately. The position is available as soon as January 2018. Posted: 12/14/17.

Tropical Community Ecology and Conservation: The Beaudrot Lab in the BioSciences Department at Rice University seeks a highly motivated postdoctoral associate. We combine observational field data with statistical modeling approaches to investigate questions at the interface of ecological theory and conservation biology. The primary goals of the lab are to 1) identify mechanisms that structure tropical vertebrate communities across spatial scales 2) understand how tropical fauna respond to global change and 3) apply results to biodiversity conservation. The lab works closely with the Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring Network and particularly the long-term TEAM camera trap data. The postdoc will manage and analyze large spatial and temporal data sets, develop statistical and theoretical models, carry out analyses, and write manuscripts and proposals. The position will begin during the 2018-2019 academic year. Precise start date is flexible. This is a full-time, 12-month fixed-term position with reappointment conditional on satisfactory performance. Funding is available for two years. Additional years of funding may be obtained through grants. Application review will begin on June 1, 2018. Please apply at Posted: 5/19/18.

Applied Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available in Hall Cushman’s lab in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science at the University of Nevada, Reno. The lab has recently moved from California to Nevada and is continuing an existing project in the Bay Area and establishing new ones in the greater Reno area. Research in the lab focuses on population, community and ecosystem ecology, with an emphasis on plant invasions, plant-herbivore interactions and the dynamics of tree and shrub populations. This work has an applied emphasis, is strongly field-oriented, and relies heavily on the use of experiments and observational studies stratified across environmental gradients. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to the lab’s research efforts in two main areas: 1) The long-term dynamics of aspen populations in the Sierra Nevada and mountain ranges of the Great Basin and Intermountain West, with emphasis on the importance of conifer invasion, herbivory and other biotic and abiotic factors in mediating the health and viability of these biodiverse forests. 2) Cascading effects of reintroducing once-extirpated large mammals on plant and animal communities and soil processes in coastal California ecosystems (see Ender et al. 2017, Ecology and Evolution 7:1561–1571). The Postdoctoral Fellow must be an excellent writer and ecologist, have experience conducting experiments, collecting observational field data and working with remotely-sensed data. They must also have well-developed abilities to analyze large data sets, a strong publication record, and an interest in collaborating on grant proposals to support ongoing research. The ideal Postdoctoral Fellow will be an individual who can collaborate effectively on projects with other lab members as well as develop their own projects within the lab’s study systems. The hope is that the position will continue for three years, although this will be contingent on the postdoc’s performance and productivity as well as funding. The desired start date for this position is August 15th, although slightly later dates in 2018 can be discussed. If you are interested in this position, please send a detailed letter of interest, CV and the names and contact information of at least three referees to Hall Cushman at J. Hall Cushman, Professor & Chair, Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Science, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, 775/784-4000 (voicemail). Posted: 5/25/18.

Population, community and ecosystem ecology: A postdoctoral position is available in Hall Cushman’s lab in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science at the University of Nevada, Reno. The lab has recently moved from California to Nevada, and will be continuing an existing project in the Bay Area and establishing new ones in the greater Reno area. Research in the lab focuses on population, community and ecosystem ecology, with emphasis on the dynamics of plant invasions, plant-herbivore interactions and woody plants as ecosystem engineers and community facilitators. This work typically has an applied emphasis, is strongly field-oriented, and relies heavily on the use of experiments stratified across environmental gradients. The postdoctoral fellow will contribute to the lab’s research efforts in two main ways: They will develop research projects that use a 20-year-old exclosure experiment in California to explore the cascading effects of reintroducing once extirpated large mammals on coastal ecosystems (see Ender et al. 2017, Ecology and Evolution 7:1561–1571). They will help develop new research projects in Great Basin and/or Sierra Nevada ecosystems and collaborate on writing grant proposals to support them. The ideal postdoctoral fellow will be an individual who can collaborate effectively on projects with other lab members and can also develop their own projects within the lab’s study systems. The postdoctoral fellow must be an excellent writer and field ecologist, have well-developed abilities to analyze large data sets and have a strong record as a highly productive scientist. This position will be filled initially for one year, but there is an option for two additional years, based on performance and funding. If you are interested in this position, please send a detailed letter of interest, CV and the names and contact information of at least three referees to Hall Cushman at J. Hall Cushman, Professor & Chair, Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Science, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557. Posted: 10/13/17.

Population/Community Ecology and Statistical Ecology: five postdoctoral researchers for a fixed term of three years. There will be a trial period of four months in the beginning. The post doc positions are part of the University of Helsinki Research Centre for Ecological Change and are funded by the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for 1.1.2018-31.12.2020. PIs of the Centre are prof. Anna-Liisa Laine, prof. Otso Ovaskainen, prof. Tomas Roslin, assist. prof. Jarno Vanhatalo and dr Marjo Saastamoinen. The starting date is 1.1.2018, but a later starting date can be negotiated. Starting salary ~3300-3800 euros/month, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. Deadline is 7 October 2017. To apply, see open positions. 3 POST DOC POSTITIONS IN POPULATION/COMMUNITY ECOLOGY We are seeking three post docs to analyse extensive ecological datasets. The successful candidates will take part in developing the specific research questions, and in linking spatial and temporal data on the abundance and distribution of species and on community composition to data on habitat structure, population harvesting, fragmentation, land use and/or weather. Examples of questions of interest include the role of environmental change on biodiversity in different habitats, on the spread of pests, disease, and invasive species, on the threat status of endangered species, and on potential mismatches in phenology among interacting species. The data and research questions concern both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The focus of the specific research questions can be modified in accordance with the background and interests of the candidate. The successful applicant should have completed a PhD in ecology or a related field, and have a strong background in statistics, spatial statistics, and/or GIS. We seek candidates with excellent written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to conceive, execute and complete research projects, and to think independently and creatively. The post docs will work as a part of a team at the Centre but also with researchers from other environmental institutes. Overall, excellent social skills are required for extensive collaborations. For more information, contact prof. Anna-Liisa Laine, prof. Tomas Roslin and/or Dr. Marjo Saastamoinen by email:,, 2 POST DOC POSTITIONS IN STATISTICAL ECOLOGY The post docs take part in the development of statistical methods for analyzing long-term ecological data and in statistical analyzes within the Research Centre for Ecological Change. The methodological work focus on development of Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) and hierarchical multivariate Gaussian processes. HMSC is a joint species distribution modelling framework that can be used for the statistical analysis of data on species occurrence, environmental covariates, functional traits and phylogenetic relationships. HMSC can be applied to hierarchical, spatial and temporal study designs, and it applies to many kinds of response data (presence/absence, counts, etc.). Gaussian processes are flexible and versatile modeling approach that are emerging to statistical ecology as tools for species distribution and population dynamics modeling. Gaussian processes are used to model spatial and spatiotemporal heterogeneity in data and describe species responses to their environment in nonparametric manner. A successful post doc candidate will have experience in the development and application of Bayesian methods for computationally challenging problems. In particular, prior experience in multivariate generalized linear mixed models, factor models and/or Gaussian processes is highly valued. A successful candidate will also have experience in scientific computing. Prior experience in ecology is not necessary, but is counted as an advantage. The exact direction to which the post doc will develop HMSC and Gaussian process models can be agreed upon based on the experience and interests of the candidate. For more information, contact prof. Otso Ovaskainen and/or assistant prof. Jarno Vanhatalo by email:, Posted: 9/12/17.

Community Ecology/Evolutionary Biology: Utah State University. I'm looking for a post-doc with experience in community ecology or evolutionary biology, who is interested in analysing the co-occurrences and associations of many taxonomic groups using NEON data. The position is fully-funded, and includes money to travel to conferences and working groups. A copy of the funded proposal that outlines the project and instructions for application are available at I'm happy to answer any questions over email - Will Pearse ( Posted; 6/12/18.

Functional Community Ecology: The Laughlin Lab in the Botany Department at the University of Wyoming is seeking applications for a two-year post-doctoral research associate to start in the Fall of 2017. The lab integrates community dynamics and ecophysiology to advance the theoretical foundations of ecology so that we can restore and manage wild landscapes in a rapidly changing world. The successful applicant will have an opportunity to choose from a variety of exciting projects where data is already available for analysis; including, but not limited to, the impact of traits on plant fitness along experimental environmental gradients, the relationship between plant traits and decomposition rates across multiple organs for multiple species, and testing new modeling frameworks that integrate environmental filtering and species interactions. We encourage applicants from under-represented groups in science and we place value in work-life balance. Nestled between the Snowy and Laramie Ranges, Laramie is a vibrant western town with a rich cultural history. This region of the Rocky Mountains offers ample opportunity for outdoor activities (e.g. hiking, mountain biking, skiing) and the elevation gradients provide a diversity of landscapes for exploration. Apply here. Closes: 9/29/17. Posted: 8/29/17.

Spatial Ecology and Modelling: A postdoc position is opened in Spatial ecology & Biogeography in my ECOSPAT group at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), to be started on 1st November 2018. See and on ecospat website. Application deadline: 30.06.2018. The candidate is expected to have very good skills in modelling and spatial analyses with R. Posted: 6/12/18.

Ecological Statistician and Spatial Ecologist: I’m excited to announce two postdoc positions, one for an ecological statistician and one for a spatial ecologist, are available here at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Both will work to develop and test “next-generation” species distribution models and both are for 2 years. So far only one is officially posted (ecological statistician; application deadline February 28th, 2018), but the other will appear soon! Please contact me if you have questions! Adam B. Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Scientist in Global Change, Center for Conservation & Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden. Posted: 1/15/18.

Spatial Modeling of Land-Use Change: A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Departments of Biology and Sustainability & Environment at the University of South Dakota to model impacts of land use-land cover (LULC) and climate change on landscapes, biodiversity and social values in the Upper Missouri River Basin (UMRB). The postdoctoral position is a two-year NSF-funded position that is part of a larger project examining impacts of LULC and climate change under different scenarios related to carbon balance on a variety of ecosystem services provided by the UMRB. A Ph.D. in ecology or ecological/environmental modeling, or a related field is required. Demonstrated experience in spatial modeling and/or remote sensing is also required and experience in applying these techniques to species distribution and/or species abundance models is preferred. The candidate will work with faculty at the University of South Dakota and with collaborators at the USGS EROS Data Center. Applications must be submitted on-line at and must be accompanied by a cover letter, statement of research interests, CV and names and email addresses of three references. Questions about the position may be directed to Dr. Swanson ( Posted: 6/19/18.

Spatial Modeling of Biodiversity and Geodiversity: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. We seek a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate for large-scale biodiversity modeling and data science. The researcher will work on multiple biodiversity, geodiversity, and spatial modeling research projects at Michigan State University under the supervision of Dr. Phoebe Zarnetske (Forestry/Fisheries & Wildlife), in collaboration with Dr. Kyla Dahlin (Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences), and Dr. Andrew Finley (Forestry/Statistics). The research projects address: spatial scaling relationships among NASA remotely-sensed geodiversity and point-level biodiversity; and ecological linkages between biodiversity and productivity across terrestrial and aquatic realms. Both projects are motivated by improving the ability to forecast future changes in biodiversity. Taxonomic groups include (but are not limited to): birds, trees, aquatic insects, and fish. These projects are collaborative and are connected with two larger working groups. The position will begin as a one-year appointment with extension available depending on satisfactory performance and continued funding. REQUIRED: The successful candidate will have earned a PhD in ecology, statistics, data science, or related field by the position start date. Additional preferred qualifications include a strong background in ecological theory, climate change ecology, and spatial modeling (including Bayesian); expertise in R, analyzing large remotely-;sensed and point-level data, big data management, high performance computing; previous project management experience; and exceptional work ethic, professionalism, and collaborative skills. TO APPLY: submit your application online at to job number 483196. Upload the following required documents: 1) a letter of interest detailing qualifications for the position, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) a list of three professional references with contact information (institution, email address, phone number). Incomplete applications will not be considered. Review of applications will begin January 31, 2018. Desired start date is May 2018, but earlier or later start dates may be possible if identified in the application cover letter. Questions should be directed to Dr. Zarnetske: More Information. Posted: 1/4/18.

Spatial Ecology: The Kitzes Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate to join our lab. Our lab studies species diversity and distributions in human-altered landscapes, primarily using methods drawn from spatial macroecology. Our goals are both to answer fundamental questions about how species organize themselves in space and to inform the practice of conservation in fragmented landscapes. Our lab is currently involved in both theory-based and field-based projects, and the Postdoctoral Associate will work on at least one of these in addition to potentially developing independent, related projects. Our current theoretical work involves investigating the relationship between spatial scaling metrics, such as the species-area relationship, and point process models. We expect these to lead to new predictions of species turnover patterns as well as multivariate scaling metrics that will predict species diversity in patchy landscapes. Our field projects use autonomous acoustic recorders, placed throughout western Pennsylvania, to study the factors that control bird and bat distributions at landscape scales and to provide data to test our theoretical models. A major portion of this research involves developing algorithms and software to identify the species that are present near each recorder from many terabytes of recorded sound files. We are seeking applicants with experience in spatial ecology, macroecology, conservation biology, avian ecology, statistics, machine learning, ecoinformatics, and/or data science. Competitive applicants will have programming skills in Python, R, or a related language, and experience with ecological modeling and/or statistics. The salary for the position will be $47k per year. The initial appointment will be for one year, with funding available for a second year pending a positive first year review. Postdoctoral Associates at Pitt also receive benefits including health insurance, access to libraries and recreational facilities on campus, free access to public transit, and paid vacation days. Interested applicants should send an email ( that includes (1) a cover letter describing your interest in this position, prior research, and plans for future research, (2) your CV, (3) the names of three references, and (4) a writing sample. Review of applications will begin in early December. The start date for the position is flexible, and applicants may join the lab any time between January and June of 2018. Posted: 11/3/17.

Spatial Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available in the Haddad Lab at the Kellogg Biological Station of Michigan State University. A general feature of our lab is research at the interface of basic and applied ecology. We recently moved to KBS to advance research within our LTER. We are seeking a population or community ecologist to work on experimental and observational studies associated with the LTER and set within agricultural landscapes. The primary responsibilities of the successful candidate will include 1) analysis of community, ecosystem, and environmental data collected at the 28 year old LTER at Kellogg Biological Station and 2) design and implementation of experiments in spatial/landscape ecology either within or connected with the LTER. Requirement: experience in the design and implementation of field experiments. Other qualifications: experience within large-scale experiments and knowledge of population and community ecology (of insects or other taxa). The Kellogg Biological Station is located in Hickory Corners, MI ~65 miles from the main campus. KBS is home to 14 resident faculty, graduate students, postdocs, research staff, visiting research scientists, and many summer undergraduates. Research covers a broad spectrum of ecology, evolution, and conservation. Salary: $47-51k plus benefits. The position is for one year initially, with renewal dependent on performance. Start date is January 1, 2018. Interested applicants should email a CV, a brief statement of research interests and accomplishments, and the names and contact information of two references to Nick Haddad ( Review of applications will begin October 20, 2017. Anticipated start date is January 8, 2018. Posted: 9/26/17.

Native Plant Recruitment on Degraded Rangeland in Oregon: The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources division seeks an academic Project Scientist to lead a multi-state research project investigating biotic and abiotic drivers of native plant recruitment on degraded intermountain rangeland and identifying potential management actions that can be used to improve large-scale restoration efforts. The Project Scientist will work closely with both project directors at UC Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center (SFREC) and Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center (EOARC). This position is headquartered Burn, Oregon. The Project Scientist position is a non-career track, full-time, academic position. The position is a one-year renewable term appointment (up to three years total) with a merit cycle every two years. The performance in the position will be evaluated annually. The position will be extended based on performance and availability of funding. The beginning salary will be in the Assistant Project Scientist rank, with benefits. See the full job ad for details and to apply. For full interview consideration, complete application packets are due no later than June 8, 2018 from candidates who, by the hire date, will possess at least a Ph.D degree in disciplines such as, plant ecology, range ecology, or closely related field is required at the time of appointment. All application packets must be submitted via e-mail to Please contact Soo Hsieh and refer to AP # 17-29, to answer any questions related to this search at (530) 750-1285 or Posted: 1/26/18, revised: 5/19/18.

[position filled]Rangeland Vulnerability to Climate Change: The Department of Ecosystem Science & Management at Texas A&M University invites applications for a post-doctoral research associate to contribute to an USDA-NIFA funded project investigating agricultural vulnerability to climate change in the U.S. Great Plains. The incumbent will work with a transdisciplinary group of USDA scientists and several USDA Climate Hubs. Responsibilities include assessing climate change impacts on rangeland ecosystems, including extensive cattle production enterprises, and evaluating the potential benefits of adaptation strategies on agricultural vulnerability. Assessments will be based on historical data from the National Agricultural Statistical Survey (NASS) and projections of NPP and vegetation change from the MC2 Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. Metrics of beef cattle production will be derived from MC2 model output and the consequences of various adaptation strategies on these production metrics will be accessed from the relevant literature. Tradeoff models will evaluate the agricultural and ecological consequences of land use shifts among rangeland and cropping systems in future climates. Incumbent must hold a Ph.D. in ecology, range science or closely related field. Knowledge of climate change impacts on rangelands and associated adaptation strategies is required. Experience with data management, data analysis and interpretation, geospatial data processing, and transdisciplinary research is highly desirable. Position available January 1, 2018 for a 2-year period, but an extension is possible. Salary is $50k/year, plus benefits. Direct inquires to David D. Briske ( Submit applications at; NOV: 10478; PIN: 006467. Applicant evaluation will begin December 1, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. Posted: 10/9/17.

Climate Change Impacts: University of Massachusetts. We have an exciting opportunity for a postdoctoral fellow to study the responses of species to climate change in the northeastern United States. Specifically, the researcher will 1) analyze an extensive long-term survey dataset; 2) synthesize landscape genomic and telemetry data into an understanding of movement ecology; and 3) incorporate isotope analyses to understand how red squirrels will respond to climate change. This work fits into a broad interdisciplinary project focused on understanding how climate change will impact the northern forest ecosystem, with collaborators conducting cutting edge research on trees, songbirds, and carnivores that all exist in the same sub-boreal ecosystem and are affected by climate change and by each other. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in ecology, biology, evolution, or environmental sciences with significant training in quantitative methods. The ideal candidate will have experience with ecological modeling, spatial statistics, and field studies; preference will be given to candidates that are able to spend several weeks live-trapping or conducting radio-telemetry of red squirrels. Other important qualifications are a strong work ethic, problem-solving and time management skills, creativity, an ability to work independently, and a track record of publications. The fellow will also be responsible for mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. The postdoctoral fellow will be located on the campus of University of Massachusetts in Amherst, in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. This is a fantastic location, with a remarkable mix of college atmosphere (Smith, Mt Holyoke, Amherst, and Hampshire Colleges are also here), culture, and country living. The fellow will be part of a vibrant Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (NE CASC) community and co-located with USGS scientists. The NE CASC mission is to work with natural and cultural resource managers in the Northeast and Midwest regions to apply future climate scenarios to decision making and co-produce information and tools for climate change adaptation. This full-time position will be 1 year in duration, with a potential for extension pending funding. Start date is negotiable, with a preference for September. To apply, send a cover letter, CV, and list of 3 professional references to Toni Lyn Morelli, Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Application review will begin on June 6, 2018. For questions email or call 413-545-2515. Posted: 5/29/18.

Landscape/Wildlife Ecology Research Assistant Professor: The Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences at the University of Idaho invites applications for an academic year (nine-month), non-tenure-track faculty position as research assistant professor in the area of landscape and wildlife ecology. We seek team players with interdisciplinary research experience and expertise in landscape ecology, wildlife ecology and conservation biology. This is a soft-funded position; successful candidate is required to fully fund their own salary and fringe benefits. The appointment will include responsibilities for research (95%), and graduate student advising (5%) with the opportunity for paid undergraduate and graduate level teaching. The position is located on the main University campus in Moscow, Idaho. Additional position information can be found at: Closes 1/10/18. Posted: 1/4/18.

Landscape Ecology: Postdoctoral position: spatial models to scale up forest dynamics from sites to landscapes. This postdoc will model plant population and community dynamics over large areas using a suite of computational and mathematical approaches. The position will be based in the Caughlin lab at Boise State University, and the research will be applied to forecast land management scenarios in rangeland ecosystems, including restoration of sagebrush steppe in the Intermountain West and tropical reforestation in Latin American cattle pastures. Our lab is focused on developing novel ways to link ecological and remotely sensed data across multiple scales, from individual plants to million-hectare management units. We are looking for someone that brings expertise in either ecological modeling or remote sensing techniques. Motivated candidates with strengths in any of these areas are encouraged to apply: data analysis in R or Python, size-structured population models, hierarchical Bayesian models, the Stan programming language, and/or the Google Earth Engine API. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and demonstrated independent research ability via first author publications. This two-year position will be based at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho. University strengths include a new EEB (Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior) program, human-environment systems, geosciences, and community partners in federal and state agencies. The application requires a cover letter describing your research interests and skills and how they relate to this position, along with a CV. In addition, please arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to The application deadline is August 1st, 2017. Apply online. Posted: 6/21/17.

Carnivore Occupancy Modeling: The New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell University is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position to estimate density of American marten and to develop occupancy models for a suite of carnivore species (marten, fisher, bobcat, coyote, red fox) in New York. The project will involve 1) Marten Density Estimation: estimate density and landscape connectivity of American marten using a spatial capture-recapture model by integrating non-invasive genetic data (collected over 4 years), live trapping data, and telemetry data (>100 individuals); 2) Co-occurrence Models: investigate regional patterns in co-occurrence of carnivore species in New York using occupancy modeling with camera trapping data (collected at over 700 sites in New York). Depending on interest, there will also be opportunities to assist with field work, including camera trapping and live-trapping/tagging fishers, but field work is not required. The candidate will be expected to develop manuscripts for submission in peer-reviewed journals and communicate research to project partners. The candidate will be supervised by Dr. Angela Fuller, U. S. Geological Survey, NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York). The postdoc will work closely with Dr. Paul Jensen and other biologists with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Minimum Requirements: 1) Ph.D. in ecology, wildlife biology, natural resources, or a related quantitative field. 2) Strong mathematical and programming skills, experience in statistical estimation, simulation modeling, and use of R. 3) Strong programming skills with demonstrated knowledge of statistical modeling used to describe population dynamics from mark-recapture data. 4) Previous experience with occupancy modeling. 5) Demonstrated desire and proven ability to publish in peer-reviewed journals. 6) Excellent writing and personal communication skills. 7) The ability to work independently and under limited supervision as well as collaboratively. Recommended QUALIFICAITONS: Competitive candidates will also have one or more of the following qualifications: have a background in Bayesian inference, hierarchical modeling, and experience with ArcGIS. Previous publications utilizing spatial capture-recapture and occupancy modeling preferred. Position length: 19 month appointment with end date not to exceed March 31, 2020. SALARY: $50k/year plus benefits. START DATE: September 2018 (somewhat negotiable). To APPLY: Please send a curriculum vitae, a letter of application describing your background and experiences relative to each of the requirements and qualifications, and the names and contact information for three references (all in a single pdf document) to Dr. Angela Fuller, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 211 Fernow Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853,, (607) 255-2841. Deadline for applications is July 13, 2018, but the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Please find the full announcement here. Posted: 6/19/18.

Wildlife Ecology: We are seeking an exceptional post-doctoral researcher to join our research group that is focused on understanding the response of wildlife to global change. The postdoc will be based in the lab group of Dr. David Jachowski within the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University, where lab members are currently studying wildlife ecology in a variety of systems globally, and leading efforts to design effective conservation and restoration strategies. In particular, we are searching for applicants with a strong background and interest in current lab focal research topics of reintroduction biology and terrestrial mammalian carnivore ecology. We expect the post-doc to develop questions with lab members, as well as with existing collaborators both nationally and internationally. While we emphasize that there is flexibility in the specific questions the post-doc will work on, several existing long-term datasets on mammalian carnivores and their prey exist from both Africa and Eastern North America that the post-doc will be able to utilize or build upon. Regardless of the questions evaluated, it is expected that the post-doc will submit multiple publications to peer-reviewed journals annually. In addition to research, there is the potential to mentor graduate and undergraduate students, and to gain teaching experience as the co-instructor or lead instructor of courses within the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation. Further, while funding is secured for this position, there is the expectation that the post-doc will work with lab members and other faculty/collaborators on future grants. Clemson is the largest public land grant university in the state of South Carolina and was recently designated a RI institution. Qualifications: A PhD in wildlife biology, ecology or a related field by June 2018. Applicants must also have a demonstrated record of publication in peer-reviewed journals, including at least one first author publication. Strong writing and quantitative skills are required, particularly as it relates to analyzing animal community ecology. Experience using program R and working with large datasets is a plus. To receive full consideration, please apply at by May 25, 2018. Applications should include: 1. Cover letter, 2. CV, 3. representative writing sample, 4. unofficial transcript, and 5. contact information for three references. Posted: 5/19/18.

Bobcat Spatial and Population Ecology: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University seeks an energetic and motivated post-doctoral scholar for a project to understand more fully the dynamics of bobcat population recovery in Indiana. The successful applicant will provide insights into bobcat spatial and population ecology via application of advanced modeling approaches to previously collected telemetry data from bobcats in south-central Indiana and supplementary data from road-kills, archer surveys, and camera trapping. The post-doctoral scholar will: (A) derive estimates of survival rates for bobcats in an expanding population in south-central Indiana, (B) estimate home-range size and habitat selection in this population, (C) model habitat suitability and derive estimates of potential capacity of habitat to support bobcats, and (D) develop connectivity maps with resistance surfaces to allow comparison with habitat suitability maps as a tool for planning and management. The successful applicant will begin in May 2018 and work closely with project PIs and collaborators from the Indiana DNR. This position is offered as a one-year contract with renewal contingent on funding availability and satisfactory performance. The initial annual salary for this position is $47k plus benefits. Required qualifications include completion of a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology, ecological modeling or related field prior to May of 2018 with proficiency in the use of R statistical software and ArcGIS mapping tools. Applicants should have experience managing a research project and a solid record of publication in scientific journals. Preferred qualifications include experience with: (1) common approaches to survival analysis, (2) probabilistic modeling of home range and habitat selection including a range of presence-only based tools, (3) maximum-clique analysis to estimate carrying capacity and (4) development of movement resistance surfaces from habitat suitability maps for use in least cost path analysis, circuit theory algorithms and/or individual-based models to estimate connectivity across landscapes. To apply: Prospective applicants should send via email a brief letter of interest and CV with “Bobcat Post-Doctoral Scholar” in the subject line to the project PIs Rob Swihart ( and Pat Zollner ( Review of materials will begin on 16 February. Posted: 1/15/18.

Spatial Population Ecology: We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to work on a collaborative NSF-funded project to study range expansion in an iconic invasive species. The successful applicant will investigate population dynamics at an invasion front and integrate population dynamical data with gene flow analyses. The goal of the study is to understand the multi-scale patterns and underlying processes of range expansion by the European gypsy moth across the natural and human landscape in the eastern United States. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in population modeling and statistical analyses on spatiotemporal scales. Understanding of forest insect ecology, experience with GIS, and/or experience with Bayesian approaches are desirable but not required. Proficiency in the R programming language is required. Applicants must have a PhD in biology, ecology, environmental science, or a related area before the start date. Applicants need to have demonstrated excellent writing skills and have a proven ability to publish research in peer-review journals. The position will be based in the Department of Biology at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA. The successful applicant will be based in the laboratory of Derek Johnson, but will also work with collaborators Rodney Dyer (VCU), Patrick Tobin (University of Washington), and Jeffrey Holland (Purdue University). The appointment is for one year, but may be extended conditional on performance and funding. Preferred start date is in January-April 2018. Later start dates may be considered for the right candidate. Salary and benefits are competitive. To apply or request more information, contact Derek Johnson ( Applicants are requested to submit the following via email: 1) a cover letter that explains your fit to the position, the particular skills and expertise you will bring to the project, and preferred start dates, 2) a complete CV with publications (including manuscript in submission), grants, and when you completed (or will complete) your PhD, and 3) the names of three references. Applicants may also send reprints or preprints (pdf format) of relevant publications and manuscripts. Review of applications will begin in mid-November, 2017. Posted: 10/20/17.

Population Biology: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is seeking applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in the Population Biology Program of Excellence. The goal of the Population Biology-POE Postdoctoral Fellowship is to stimulate synergistic interactions between faculty and postdoctoral scholars interested in the broad area of Population Biology. We are seeking applications from recent PhDs who show promise of conducting cutting edge research related to, and expanding upon, faculty research areas in the Ecology, Evolution & Behavior (EEB) section in the School of Biological Sciences. The POE also seeks to identify potential postdoctoral fellows who will enhance graduate education, serve as a model for graduate students in career development, and promote interactions among faculty at UNL. Qualified candidates are required to submit a 2-3 page research proposal detailing the two-year program of research to be completed under the guidance of a faculty member in the Ecology, Evolution & Behavior (EEB) section in the School of Biological Sciences. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to potential faculty mentors before developing a proposal for additional guidelines and suggestions. The position does not include research funds so the extent of contributions from the faculty sponsor should be addressed in the proposal. While in residence, the postdoctoral fellow will be expected to lead a seminar, symposium or outreach project that will appeal to Population Biologists across campus. Applications must include a CV, a 1-page description of previous or current research and the description of proposed research. In addition, the applicant must arrange for two recommendation letters from non-UNL faculty, and one from the UNL faculty sponsor (a total of 3 letters) to be emailed to the address below. The expected salary will be $45,000 per year with a start date of August 19, 2018. Priority will be given to applicants who have completed their degree and are new to UNL. Research descriptions for past and current POE postdoctoral fellows can be viewed at Application materials should be emailed to: Dr. Johannes Knops at: The subject line should read “Population Biology Post-doc application”. Applications should be received by March 1, 2018. We anticipate notifying the successful applicant by April 1, with a starting date of August 19 or later in 2018. Posted: 1/4/18.

Population Biology: The Center for Population Biology at the University of California Davis invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Population Biology, broadly defined to include ecology, phylogenetics, comparative biology, population genetics, and evolution. We particularly encourage applications from candidates that have recently completed, or will soon complete, their PhD. The position is for TWO YEARS, subject to review after one year, and can begin as early as July 1, 2018. This position is covered by a collective bargaining unit. It has a starting annual starting salary of $48,216 plus benefits, and $6,000 per annum in research support. The Fellow will be a fully participating member in the Center for Population Biology and will be expected to have an independent research program that bridges the interests of two or more CPB faculty research groups. We strongly encourage candidates to contact appropriate faculty sponsors before applying. We also ask that each Fellow propose a workshop, discussion or lecture series that they could offer to the community of population biologists at UC Davis; faculty sponsors or the Director of CPB, Artyom Kopp, can provide additional input on this aspect of the fellowship. For samples of past workshop abstracts and more information about UC Davis programs in population biology, see CPB postdoc fellowship. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, CV, a short (1-2 page) description of research accomplishments, a short (1-2 page) description of proposed research including potential faculty mentors, a brief (1 page or less) description of their proposed workshop, and copies of two publications, all in PDF format at: Applicants should also provide the information requested for three referees. Once entered, applicants will electronically request letters from referees who will then be prompted by email with upload instructions. Refer to the on-line instructions for further information. For full consideration, applications (including letters of reference) must be received by October 30, 2017. Posted: 9/21/17.

Applied Biological Modelling: CSIRO's Data61 is seeking a talented quantitative researcher for an exciting role, extending and complementing the skill set in our team of statisticians and probabilistic risk assessment practitioners in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. You as the successful candidate will be working primarily on the application and development of models that describe and predict how the synthetic biology products, including gene-drive modified organisms, will spread through a landscape and impact target and non-target organisms. To be successful you will need 1. A doctorate in applied mathematics, quantitative genetics, population ecology or other relevant discipline. 2. Demonstrated expertise in spatio-temporal modelling of population genetics and/or biological populations. 3. High level computational and programming skills, ideally in the R computing language, and a willingness to learn other languages if needed 4. A demonstrated understanding of probabilistic methods and Bayesian statistical inference. We work flexibly at CSIRO Data61, offering a range of options for how, when and where you work. Talk to us about how this role could be flexible for you. Applications will remain open until filled, however we encourage you to submit your application by 1st November 2017 as we will interview suitable candidates from that date onwards. Apply at Posted: 10/5/17.

Mathematical Biology - Temperate and Tropical Dryland and Savanna Ecology: We have open opportunities for graduate students (1-2) and a post-doctoral fellow with interest/experience in the ecology of temperate and tropical drylands and savannas. Candidates will have the opportunity to engage in fieldwork and analyses at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico (a few miles from the New Mexico State University campus) and in tropical savannas in Africa and elsewhere. I will be attending the ESA annual meeting in New Orleans in early August, which might be a time for further discussions/interviews. For more information, contact me (; please consolidate any attachments into a single PDF file). Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: we seek a self-motivated colleague interested in exploring the dynamics of tropical savannas and temperate drylands from a mathematical biology perspective, using data collected across scales, from individual plot-based measurements, to landscape, region and global analysis using remote sensing and modeling. A strong background in mathematical biology is essential, with experience integrating theoretical ecology with GIS and remote sensing an advantage. This position has funding for 2 years, with possibility for continuation. Graduate students: we are currently recruiting 1-2 exceptional Graduate Research Assistants (MSc with up to 2 y GRA support, or PhD with up to 4 y GRA support) interested in field based ecological studies of vegetation dynamics, population and community ecology in the Chihuahuan Desert and shrub-dominated systems of temperate and tropical drylands. Students will have the opportunity to work with the Jornada Basin LTER program, with potential for comparative studies in other drylands (e.g. in Africa, India, etc). A strong background in ecology, biology and/or environmental studies is essential, and students with experience and a love for fieldwork (in sometimes hot and dry conditions) are particularly encouraged. Students must have completed a masters to be eligible for a PhD position. Posted: 7/18/18.

Ecological Networks Above- and Belowground: We have a postdoc position for 2.5 years in the lab groups of Jason Tylianakis and Ian Dickie at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, working on ecological networks. Details are here, and applications close on 23 March 2018. Posted: 3/5/18.

Population Modelling: Dr Daniel Reuman is recruiting into his lab in the University of Kansas Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). At least 3 years of funding are available to carry out modelling pertaining to spatial population dynamics and analysis of large spatial population datasets. The postdoc will join an interdisciplinary team consisting of Reuman, three postdocs and one student currently in the Reuman lab, collaborators in EEB and in the Math Department at KU, and collaborators at several institutions in the USA and UK. Funding is from the NSF Mathematical Biology program and the James S McDonnell Foundation. In many hierarchical dynamical systems, “synchrony” between multiple fluctuating variables, i.e. correlations or other similarities in fluctuations between variables through time, is more important than the individual variables themselves. For instance, a neuron may fire only when its input neurons fire synchronously. Or the electrical grid may crash only when demands of multiple users become synchronized, producing total-usage spikes. Ecosystems can show this type of dependency on synchrony. Ecosystems include multiple trophic levels, with population signals from lower levels often being spatially aggregated to affect higher levels. For instance, a predator is only harmed if its prey are scarce over its whole hunting area. For systems of this type, it is primarily the synchronous components of signals that matter in the average signal that affects the next level – non-synchronous components tend to cancel in the spatial average. Thus synchrony is very important to ecosystems. Synchrony is found in organisms as diverse as mammals and protists, at distances up to thousands of kilometers. Synchrony relates to large-scale outbreaks and shortages and is important in conservation. In spite of the importance of synchrony in ecology, possible impacts of climate change on synchrony are little studied. Synchrony can also be transmitted through trophic interactions - e.g., a synchronized predator can induce synchrony in its prey. But the extent to which climate-induced changes in synchrony may cascade through species interaction networks via this mechanism, or influence spatial or other branches of ecology, is unknown. The postdoc will perform statistical and/or mathematical population modelling to address these questions, and will investigate connections to extinction risk models and to Taylor’s law, a commonly applied empirical regularity in spatial ecology. The postdoc will be encouraged to develop his/her own projects within the goals of the funding grants. We seek individuals from biological or physical-science backgrounds with skills and demonstrable interests in modelling and related areas. Experience with stochastic process modelling and Fourier or wavelet approaches is a plus. Experience with population models is a plus, as are computational skills, particularly if applied in a statistical or modelling context. A PhD or ABD in a related field is required. Applicants from underrepresented groups are encouraged. See full position details (pdf). Email with questions. A start date during/before winter 2017 is preferred. To apply, send a CV, cover letter, two references, and one publication to Posted: 7/17/17, revised: 7/20/17.

Modeling Species' Climate Change Adaptive Capacity: The Department of Biological Sciences at Boise State University invites applications for a post-doctoral researcher with expertise in modeling and evolution to develop quantitative models that integrate genomic, phenotype, and demographic rate data to forecast the adaptive capacity of species under different climate change scenarios. The post-doc will work with collaborative teams of ecologists, modelers, and geneticists across different institutions. The position will provide a unique opportunity to develop a transdisciplinary research program that addresses the National Science Foundation’s research priority of predicting phenotypes from genetic and environmental factors. The successful candidate will leverage data from the full cycle phenology project to forecast the adaptive capacity of wildlife and build capacity to extend the modeling framework to other species. In addition to modeling activities, the post-doc will lead and contribute to peer-reviewed publications, present findings at national meetings, and work with partners to extend modeling framework to other systems. Minimum Qualifications: Candidates must have obtained their PhD by the appointment start date: in mid-late September. Demonstrated statistical and programming skills with an emphasis on any of the quantitative areas: population genetics, agent-based models, integrated population models, size-structured population models, hierarchical Bayesian models. Written and verbal communication skills. The selected candidate must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the US at the time appointment is scheduled to begin and to continue working legally for the proposed term of the appointment. Preferred Qualifications: Evidence of creative problem solving The ability to work well on teams and independently Interest and understanding of ecological genomics, population dynamics, and evolutionary concepts. Interest, experience, and/or ability to promote a climate of inclusion and equity The position is available for one year, with potential for renewal for subsequent years dependent on performance. Apply: Submit a single PDF by email that includes a cover letter that specifically address the qualifications listed above and a description of work experience, curriculum vitae, and contact information for 3 references to the following email address: Please put “evo postdoc” in the subject line. Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted with final deadline of August 7. Posted: 6/18/18.

Species Distribution Modeling and Conservation: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher in species distribution modeling and conservation at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) and in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This is a full-time, one year position. The postdoc will work with UT faculty as part of an interdisciplinary team researching how to account for the combined effects of land use change and climate change when designing conservation strategies for the Appalachian region. The postdoc will help collate relevant data on current species distributions, future climate scenarios and other variables to estimate projected shifts in species distributions within the Appalachian region. The individual will work with others to integrate resulting biodiversity data with data from other project components focused on modeling land use change in optimization analyses intended to inform future land protection strategies. This work will provide the individual with experience of a range of interdisciplinary techniques and approaches relevant to conservation science. Applicants for the position should have a PhD in Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Geography or other relevant discipline, strong quantitative and computational skills, and proficiency in English. Experience with GIS and analysis of spatial ecological data are essential. Review of applications begins May 14, 2018 and continues until the position is filled [still open as of 5/19/18]. Ideal start date: September 1, 2018. Apply at Posted" 5/19/18.

At-Risk Species Distribution Modeling: The Quantitative Ecology & Spatial Technologies Laboratory in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University is seeking a full-time post-doctoral research associate beginning January 1, 2018. The successful candidate will work with MSU researchers, state and federal agencies, and private organizations to conduct species distribution modelling for at-risk species using heritage and collections datasets in the southeastern United States, with numerous deliverables to cooperating organizations. Previous expertise in species-habitat relationships, statistical and/or mechanistic modeling, and spatial ecology and technologies is preferred, particularly as applied to conservation and management. Questions regarding this position should be sent to both Kristine Evans ( and Garrett Street ( See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 8/10/17.

Evolutionary Responses to Environmental Change: The Campbell lab in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of California at Irvine invites applications for a post-doctoral position examining how climate influences natural selection. The project is part of a NSF-funded research program designed to test models for evolutionary rescue and determine if plant populations can adapt quickly enough to environmental change to avoid extinction. The postdoc will investigate impacts of snowmelt timing and summer precipitation on the strength of selection on vegetative and floral traits. The project will involve extensive field research based at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, ideally beginning in spring 2018. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to combine field data with quantitative genetic and demographic modeling and to develop expertise in gas chromatography – mass spectrometry of flower volatiles. The postdoc will also be able to collaborate with a dynamic group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists at both UC Irvine and RMBL. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in ecology, evolutionary biology, or a related field, demonstrated experience in conducting field experiments, strong statistical skills, and a successful publication record. The ideal candidate will also have expertise in one of the following areas: chemical analysis of plant volatiles, plant ecophysiology, population modeling. The initial appointment is for one year with potential for renewal. Review of applications will begin October 26, 2017. Candidates should submit curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and experience, and names and contact information for three references to: For more information, contact Dr. Diane Campbell at Posted: 10/5/17.

Modelling Plant Species' Response to Environmental Change: University of Zurich, Switzerland. 2-year SNSF-funded position starting January 2018. Deadline for application: 15 October 2017. We seek a strong candidate to model the demographic and evolutionary responses (eco-evo responses) of (plant) species to environmental changes at large geographical scales. The candidate will investigate the ecological and evolutionary conditions leading to species persistence when facing rapid climate/environmental changes. The project will be a mix of evolutionary modelling with the software Nemo, ecological niche modelling, and population dynamics modelling. Strong and documented expertise in one of those fields is required. Preference will go to candidates that have developed strong computational skills and/or a deep understanding of eco-evolutionary processes. With this project, we seek to improve on our current individual-based modelling approach by developing new approaches, for e.g. population-based or multi-species approaches, depending on the candidate's background and motivations. Partners and potential collaborators on this project include Prof Arpat Ozgul (population ecology, UZH), Prof Nick Zimmermann (niche & climate modelling, ETH-WSL), and Drs. Felix Gugerli and Christian Rellstab (tree genetics/genomics, ETH-WSL). The position is available in Prof Frederic Guillaume's lab at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies. We offer a competitive working environment in the beautiful international city of Zurich, one hour from the closest mountains. The work-related activities are conducted in English. Please send your application package as a *single* PDF to with your CV, publication list, a one-page summary of research interests explaining why you want to join our group, and the contact information of min. two references. Application review will begin October 15th 2017. Direct inquiries are welcome. Frédéric Guillaume ( Posted: 9/25/17.

Plant Species Distribution Modeling: The Stinson lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst seeks a postdoctoral researcher with a background in hierarchical species distribution modeling to generate predictive maps for invasive and allergenic plant species. The position offers an opportunity to work with unique spatial datalayers and extensive presence/absence datasets. The postdoc will interact regularly with scientists in Environmental Conservation at University of Massachusetts as well as two premier field stations: The Harvard Forest and the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab. We are an interactive research team working together on diverse aspects of plant ecology and global change with an interest in the importance of land use history, land cover change, climate, and microhabitat variables as drivers of plant population dynamics and spatial distribution. At least two publications are well within reach for the first year, with an opportunity to develop a new independent project and additional manuscripts for a second year of funding. Position offers broad training in plant ecology, academic writing, and grant development. Candidates should have a strong background in hierarchical approaches to understanding range shifts (i.e., CART, MaxENT), proficiency in R and ArcGIS and an excellent publication record. While modeling is the focus, a willingness to work in high altitude field conditions during summer is preferred. Earliest start date is October 1. Initial position is one year, with a second year contingent on performance. Please send a single PDF file with CV, LETTER OF INTEREST AND names of 3 academic references directly to Posted: 8/8/17.

Risk Modelling Dispersal and Spread of Alien Conifers in New Zealand: The Bio-Protection Research Centre, a New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence hosted by Lincoln University is embarking of an ambitious 5-years multidisciplinary research programme examining the ecology, impacts and management of invasive alien conifer species in New Zealand. The research involves researchers at Lincoln University, Canterbury University, Scion and Landcare Research drawing on a wide range of expertise from plant and soil ecology, spatial and economic modelling as well as different management approaches. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closing date is 15th August 2017. Posted: 7/24/17.

Forest Ecology: The University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Forest Ecology to assist with ongoing research projects investigating biomass production and nitrogen cycling in intensively-managed forest plantations. The primary duties will focus on analyzing biomass production and soil chemistry data from an experiment designed to assess the effects of silvicultural treatments on tree productivity and nitrogen cycling. The successful candidate will lead the preparation of at least two peer-reviewed manuscripts—one focusing on biomass production as a function of silvicultural treatment and another focusing on nitrogen dynamics. The successful candidate will also collaborate with other project scientists in cross-study syntheses and modeling efforts, and identify other potential publishable units that can be derived from existing datasets. Opportunities to establish new research will also be available. The successful candidate will also work with USDA Forest Service technicians, providing technical advice and oversight for continuing and future research projects. A Ph.D. in forestry, ecology, soil science, natural resources, or related discipline is required. The ideal candidate will have strong written and oral communication skills, capable of working independently and as part of a team. Demonstrated experience in statistical analyses and data management skills is essential, and capabilities for biogeochemical modeling desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate commitment to timely completion of deliverables, including publication of results in peer-reviewed outlets. The position is with the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in Aiken, SC, and the position will be housed at the Forest Science Laboratory - Aiken. The Savannah River Ecology Laboratory is a research unit of the University of Georgia located on the 200,000 acre Savannah River Site, a National Environmental Research Park operated by the Department of Energy near Aiken, SC. Outdoor working conditions can be harsh (i.e., hot and humid). The anticipated start date for this position is August 1, 2018. Support is available for two years. Salary will be $54-60K depending on experience and will include benefits. Applications will be reviewed starting June 15, 2018 and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. To apply, please send: (1) a cover letter summarizing your qualifications for the position, research interests, and career goals; (2) a CV; and (3) names and contact information for three professional references to Doug P. Aubrey ( Posted: 5/19/18.

Forest Ecology: The Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is a part of the ETH domain. Within the framework of 'Forest reserves research' the group 'Stand Dynamics and Silviculture' is looking per August 18 for a two year PostDoc in Forest Ecology. You will examine the Swiss-wide long-term monitoring data collected on over 170 permanent plots in 49 forest reserves with a focus on forest dynamic processes. This data set is unique due to its long observation period of up to 60 years and the wide range of ecological conditions and forest types covered. You will combine the terrestrial data set with information derived from remote sensing and link your findings to existing succession theories. You will have the possibility to contribute to scientific proposal writing, present results at conferences and publish in international scientific journals. You will closely collaborate with the forest reserve research team at WSL and the forest ecology group at ETH Zurich. Project information. You hold a PhD in forest science or a related field in ecology with a corresponding publication record. You have excellent knowledge of forest ecology, data analysis and statistical modelling with R. Experience with empirical and dynamic modelling, remote sensing or spatial ecology would be an advantage. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are necessary, knowledge of German or French is an asset. Furthermore, you are a team-oriented person with good communication skills, and used to work independently and in a well-organized way. Please adress your complete application to Stefania Pe, Human Resources WSL and apply online. The evaluation process will start April 25, 2018. Dr. Martina Hobi (, and Dr. Peter Brang ( will be happy to answer any questions (no applications). Qualified women are particularly called upon to apply for this position. Posted: 3/21/18.

Modeling Tree Population Responses to Climate: The laboratory of Dr. Laura Leites in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University is seeking applications for a postdoctoral scholar to investigate adaptation to climate of northeastern forest tree species. The research project involves understanding and modeling adaptation to climate in ecologically and economically important northeastern forest tree species with emphasis in modeling populations’ growth responses to climate. In addition, the project seeks to delineate seed collection zones for the species of interest using multiple methodological approaches and data sources. Qualifications: candidates must have a PhD in Forest Ecology, Forest Science or related field. Emphasis in ecological genetics or quantitative forest ecology is preferred. Candidates are expected to have a solid publication record, demonstrated analytical and statistical modeling skills, as well as strong R programing and GIS skills. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with a possibility of re-funding. Applications should include: curriculum vitae, names and contact information for three references, and a personal statement of background, interests, and skills relevant to the position. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Apply online at Posted: 6/7/17.

Forest Carbon Modeling: The USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station and University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources are seeking a Researcher (Researcher 6) to support forest carbon modeling and research for the United States’ National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. This individual will lead research efforts with a team of scientists from the USDA Forest Service and University of Minnesota to address carbon stocks and stock changes in forest ecosystems for national and international reporting instruments. The position is available immediately and includes one and a half years of funding and health insurance. Future funding is contingent on satisfactory progress and success in securing additional funds. Qualifications: PhD in forestry, natural resources, or a closely related field. The ideal applicant will have experience with statistical techniques and employing large datasets such as National Forest Inventory data to address research questions. Applicants should also have a strong work ethic, be able to work independently and cooperatively with researchers and analysts, and have demonstrated writing and quantitative capabilities. Application: Please submit a CV and cover letter to the position announcement at (Job ID 319109). Review will begin on 1 September 2017. For more information, contact Dr. Grant Domke ( and Dr. Matthew Russell ( Posted: 8/11/17.

Modelling Carbon Allocation and Tree Hydraulics: INRA Nancy, France. We are looking for a postdoc to model carbon allocation and tree hydraulics. The position is within the European project ForRisk, which studies the interactions of drought and tree population density on the resistance and resilience of tree growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver fir (Abies alba). It combines a large dataset from long-term experimental management stands in Germany, France and Switzerland with a mechanistic ecosystem model and a forest succession model including forest management and ecosystem services, yielding economic risk-assessment at different spatial and temporal scales. The postdoc will provide mortality rates for the risk-assessment model ForClim (Rasche et al. 2011) by modelling tree mortality with the ecosystem model MuSICA (Ogée et al. 2003) under different forest management strategies and climate change scenarios. MuSICA is among the most advanced multi-layer soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (SVAT) models, based on ecophysiological process representations and includes, among others, species competition for a limited number of resources such as light and water. The postdoc will enhance MuSICA by incorporating carbon allocation including carbohydrate stores, yielding carbon starvation during drought, as well as tree hydraulics, which may lead to hydraulic failure during drought. ForRisk combines researchers from the NFZ.forestnet that connects six research institutions from Nancy (France), Freiburg (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland). The postdoc will work with the partner institutions, forming the link between the data-centred work packages and the economic risk-assessment tool. S/he will also work closely with the main developer of the ecosystem model in Bordeaux (J Ogée). MuSICA is written in Fortran. Strong programming skills are required. The position is based at INRA Nancy (France) in the Joint Research Unit (UMR 1137) of Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology (EEF). It is for a duration of three years, starting as soon as possible. Salary level will correspond to “Chargé de Recherches, 1ère classe”. Applications to Matthias Cuntz (matthias.cuntz (at) should include a CV, the publication list, a letter of motivation, as well as telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of possible references. Posted: 7/17/17.

Climate Change in Mediterranean Woodlands: A postdoc position is available to study the effects of climatic changes and climate history on the structure, diversity and function of Mediterranean vegetation in the woodlands and shrublands in Israel. The position is for three years, at the Hebrew University, Rehovot campus, Israel. The work will include intensive field work and field surveys throughout the country, big data analysis, and opportunities to combine remote sensing, and global climate modeling (with a possibility to continue a collaboration in the US). Candidates should have a background in ecology (field and quantitative). Driving license and ability to work independently in the field (including managing field assistants) is necessary. Please contact Efrat Sheffer ( for more information. Posted: 8/7/17.

Eddy Covariance Scientist: Postdoctoral position is available at Texas A&M University, to work on the Ameriflux North Carolina Core Site cluster (sites US-NC2, US-NC3 and US-NC4). Compatible research interests could include data synthesis, land cover change, management effects, soil carbon dynamics or model validation. The primary responsibility of the appointee will be daily oversight and quality control of eddy covariance data, re-processing and synthesis, and publication of site-level and network-wide analyses in peer-reviewed journals. Required qualifications include PhD at the time of application, at least 3 years of experience in eddy covariance methodology and data processing, strong scientific programming, quantitative and writing skills, and publication record, ability to work with existing workflows in Matlab, R and SAS. The position is available from September 1st, 2018 (flexible), for two years, pending continued availability of funding, and satisfactory performance. Review of applications will begin on August 1st and will continue until the position is filled. The pay will be commensurate with experience, up to $50k/yr. The position will be based at the Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, relevant publications, examples of programming skills, and contact information of three references to Dr. Asko Noormets ( AA/EOE. Posted: 6/12/18, revised: 7/13/18.

[position filled] Land Use Change/Sea Level Rise Effects on Coastal Forest Ecosystems: A postdoctoral position is available for a motivated research associate to join a multi-institutional research team (North Carolina State University, Texas A&M University, USDA Forest Service) working on coastal forest responses to climate, land use, and sea level rise. Work focuses on plant and microbial acclimation to environmental forcings, testing and developing ecosystem models, and scaling across spatial and temporal domains. Field work is conducted at three eddy covariance towers in mature and young loblolly pine plantations and a natural bottomland hardwood swamp (AmeriFlux sites US-NC2, US-NC3 and US-NC4, respectively) in eastern North Carolina. Primary job duties include: 1) field maintenance of the eddy covariance towers, 2) coordinating data acquisition and processing with Texas A&M partners, and 3) original research leading to publication of results in peer-reviewed journals. Additional opportunities include: engaging with collaborators, professional development, and teaching and mentoring experience. Active grantsmanship and outreach to stakeholders will be encouraged. Qualifications include a PhD degree in forest ecosystem science or related field, experience with eddy covariance equipment/data, demonstrated research accomplishments, and ability/readiness to travel and conduct field work, sometimes under uncomfortable conditions. The position is available immediately and expected to last for three years, with possible renewal. It includes competitive salary and NCSU postdoctoral benefits described at Screening of applications will begin immediately. Interested persons should send cover letter, CV, academic transcripts (unofficial copies are fine), relevant reprints, and contact information of three references to Dr. John King: Posted: 12/21/17.

Forest Community & Ecosystem Ecology: The Bisbing Forest Ecosystem Science lab at the University of Nevada – Reno (UNR) seeks highly motivated, independent candidates for PhD and post-doctoral work on Great Basin forest stand dynamics and ecosystem response to climate change. Research will investigate woody plant functional trait variation across mountain environmental gradients to identify thresholds of tolerance to climate, disturbance, and extended drought. We will evaluate relationships between species and functional diversity at within- and among-community scales to allow for identification of mechanisms of species’ establishment and success for predicting forest ecosystem dynamics and response to climate change. Long-term permanent plot sampling will be paired with common garden trials, manipulative greenhouse experiments, and predictive modeling to address these research objectives. Sampling will occur along elevational gradients in four Great Basin Mountain Ranges (Spring, Sheep, Snake, and Ruby Mountains). Research will require extensive time in the field at high elevation, across rugged terrain, and in extreme arid environments. The successful candidates must have field experience and be comfortable spending extended periods of time traveling to and from remote field sites and working in the backcountry. Ideal candidates will have experience with dendrochronology, greenhouse work, and/or biogeochemical research. Applicants should have an excellent academic record, a strong interest in forest and landscape ecology, and a desire to improve quantitative and writing skills. PhD Position: The primary responsibilities of the PhD candidate will be establishing field sites, collecting annual ecological data, and maintaining common garden and greenhouse experiments. The successful candidate must apply to the PhD program in Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation Biology. Preference will be given to applicants with a Master’s degree, evidence of success in establishing a scientific study, and strong quantitative skills. Applicants should have a BS and/or MS in ecology, biology, environmental science, or related field. This position is funded through a combination of research & teaching assistantships. Post-Doctoral Position: The post-doctoral scholar will assist in study establishment, training of graduate student researchers, and grant and manuscript writing. Ample opportunities exist for pursuit of independent research questions within the project framework. Anticipated start date of January 2018 but with flexibility up to June 2018. To apply, please send (1) a letter of interest, including: research interests, career goals, and relevant past experiences; (2) a CV; (3) GRE scores (PhD only); (4) unofficial academic transcripts; and (5) contact telephone numbers and email addresses for three references. Submit application materials as a single pdf file to Dr. Sarah Bisbing at Posted: 9/21/17.

Forest Ecology/Fire Ecology: A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Sewall Lab in the Department of Biology at Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). The postdoctoral fellow will investigate the effects of prescribed fires and other forest management efforts on a target forest community in south-central Pennsylvania. Primary objectives include research to understand the effects of prescribed fires, thinning, and other management efforts on (1) forest communities, (2) wildfire risk, and (3) tree growth rates. Research is focused on both the development of manuscripts for publication and clear communication of results to collaborating forest managers via reports, presentations, and informal consultations. The position will primarily focus on analysis of a rich set of existing data available from the field site, but some field work is also possible. The postdoctoral fellow will also develop and train collaborating professional foresters in effective and feasible protocols for forest and fire monitoring. Opportunities will also exist to collaborate on ongoing applied research on bats, butterflies, and forest and grassland ecosystems that is being conducted at the same site. Work will be based in the Sewall Lab, with regular visits to the field site at Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Training Center, a 17,100-acre area of working landscapes, native eastern deciduous forest, and rare remnant Pennsylvania grasslands. This site is 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia and 22 miles northeast of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Required: - Ph.D. in Forest Ecology, Fire Ecology, Forestry, or related field; - Expertise in statistical analysis of forest data or fire data; - Expertise in sampling designs in forestry or ecological research; - Strong understanding of forestry data collection techniques and the ability to clearly interpret forestry data; - Previous field experience in forestry, forest ecology, or fire ecology; - Expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyses; - Excellent communication skills; - Ability to train professional foresters in protocols for forest and fire monitoring; - Ability to interact in a consistently positive manner and to foster positive relationships with foresters, academic researchers, students, and military personnel; - Have or able to obtain a valid driver’s license. Preferred: - Previous training in Forestry from a program accredited by the Society of American Foresters - Experience working on a prescribed fire or wildfire crew - Experience working on a military installation - Experience mentoring students in research. Terms of Employment - Start date: October 1, 2017 (start date is flexible) - Duration: One year, with extension depending on funding availability - Compensation: $47k+ per year salary. How to Apply - Send via email to Dr. Brent Sewall at the following materials: (1) a cover letter that describes your qualifications for the position, (2) your CV, and (3) a list of contact information of three references - Please put “Forest Ecology Postdoctoral Fellow” in the subject line of the email - Optional: please provide pdfs of your publications relevant to this position. Posted: 8/7/17, revised: 8/29/17.

Mangrove Forest Distribution and Dynamics: A research participation training opportunity is currently available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Research and Development (ORD)/National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL). This appointment will be served with the Exposure Methods and Measurements Division (EMMD) in Research Triangle Park, NC. The overall goal of this project is to improve scientific understanding of mangrove forest distribution and dynamics of the world. In 2011, USGS prepared the most comprehensive, accurate, and consistent mangrove database of the world using Landsat 30 m spatial resolution satellite data for the year 2000. The data is freely available from a number of organizations including Google, the World Resource Institute’s Global Forest Watch, UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, CIESIN, and USGS. The data has been cited more than 700 times since its publication in 2011. The data is being used from local scales to global scales because the data is globally consistent and locally relevant. Although, extremely useful, the 2000 data is becoming increasingly dated. Moreover, information on past changes on mangrove forests and associated changes in carbon stocks and other ecosystem goods and services is of interest. With the availability of free Landsat/Sentinel-2 data, improvement in classification algorithms, and cloud computing, it is now possible to derive such information. For details see Posted: 9/24/17.

Computer Vision for Tropical Forests: A postdoctoral research position is available for a computer vision or machine learning expert to develop and apply algorithms to high resolution satellite imagery of tropical forest canopies. The planned study involves the use of high-quality, high-spatial resolution satellite data (0.8m – 3.7m VNIR) from Planet (formerly Planet Labs) and Carnegie Airborne Observatory LiDAR data to map tropical forest stocks and emissions in support of science and conservation efforts led by project partner: the Erol Foundation. The position will be based in Greg Asner’s lab at the Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science, on the campus of Stanford University in Stanford, CA. Posted: 3/27/18.

Modelling Productivity of Tropical Fast-Growing Plantations: Postdoctoral Fellowship ­ NIPE/UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. The successful candidate will parameterize an existing process-based forest growth model for Eucalyptus plantations, and explore the potential of time series of remote-sensing images (MODIS, Landsat) and field measurements data streams assimilation to constrain the model at regional scale. The fellowship includes a tax­free monthly stipend of R$ 7.174,80 , plus 15% of the yearly expenses. Desired skills: · A Ph.D. in earth system science, ecophysiology, forestry or related discipline. · Previous experience in process-based modelling of vegetation growth or similar complex models, confirmed by publications. · Working knowledge of coding languages (C++, Matlab, R, Fortran, etc. ). The work will be mainly in R · Minimum qualifications include a demonstrated ability to publish peer-reviewed papers, effective oral communication skills, and to work well in a collaborative team environment. · Experience with analysis of remotely sensed data will be a bonus · Strong interpersonal skills and adequate fluency in English, Portuguese will be a bonus · Full-time work, 1 year, starting in November 2018 · All conditions and salary related to this FAPESP post-doc are listed there : Selection process: by email to Rubens Lamparelli ( with a copy to NIPE project manager (Johinislan Prates,, including “FAPESP project 2014/50715-9 post-doc” in the subject line until July 31, 2018. Send a cover letter stating your professional experiences and how you would satisfy the minimum qualifications (2 pages max), a CV, and two recommendations letters (all documents in pdf format). Posted: 7/3/18.

Tropical Forest Phenology and Productivity: Florida State University’s Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP) to enhance diversity in academia. Apply to work with Dr. Stephanie Pau (FSU Geography) on the phenology and productivity of tropical forests using thermal imaging (project description below) through FSU’s Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP) competition. Fellowships will provide two years of salary support (including health insurance and fringe benefits) plus a small grants award (up to $20k) for training related expenses. Fellows will be selected based on their track record and potential synergy with their research mentor. Review of applications will start March 1, 2018. Interested applicants for the project below should contact Stephanie Pau ( before applying. This is a collaborative project with researchers from Oregon State University, Princeton University, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and there are opportunities to network with a diverse group of scholars. Project: The vulnerability of tropical forests to climate change is globally significant because these habitats are hyper-diverse, and store and cycle large amounts of carbon. Forest canopy temperatures depart considerably from air temperatures, sometimes by as much as air temperatures are projected to increase by the end of this century; yet canopy temperatures are rarely considered in climate change analyses. Preliminary results from near-continuous thermal imaging and eddy covariance estimates from a tropical forest in Panama show that canopy temperatures reached a maximum of ~34 °C, and exceeded maximum air temperatures by as much as 7 °C. Gross primary productivity (GPP) – which represents the gross rate of carbon fixed by the forest during photosynthesis – was highest at a canopy temperature of ~31 °C, above which declines in GPP occurred. Although future warming is projected to be greater in high latitude regions, these results show that tropical forest productivity is highly sensitive to small changes in temperature. This postdoctoral researcher would continue work on understanding the thermal environment of the tropical forest canopy in Panama. New directions for future work could address: 1) how water stress affects canopy temperatures and resulting GPP, 2) the different sensitivities of diverse species in the canopy and how leaf-level processes scale up to the whole canopy, 3) how phenological patterns and seasonal changes in leaf development and demography constrain GPP, and/or 4) integration and scaling with satellite remote sensing data. Posted: 1/26/18.

Tropical Forest Dynamics and Soil-Forest Interactions: The Center for Tropical Forest Science - Forest Global Earth Observatory (CTFS-ForestGEO) invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships in tropical forest dynamics and soil-forest interactions. Candidates should have a strong analytical background, an established record of research, and scholarly publication in forest science. Research topics should include subjects related to the dynamics of tropical or temperate forests including comparative studies of growth, mortality, and biomass change, emphasizing comparative studies among forests. The successful candidate will be based at either the CTFS-ForestGEO headquarters at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, or the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama City, Panama. Candidates should hold a PhD in ecology, forest ecology, or environmental science with experience directly relevant to the specific position described above, strong written and communication skills, and demonstrated ability to work in a team environment. Each fellow will be awarded the standard Smithsonian postdoctoral stipend. The appointments are for two years with possibility of extension. The starting date is flexible; earlier start dates are preferred. To apply: send a single PDF file containing a cover letter including a statement of research interest, CV, contact information for three references, and three relevant publications or manuscripts to Lauren Krizel, CTFS-ForestGEO Program Manager, Closing date for applications is 31 July 2018. For further information, see the full posting or contact CTFS-ForestGEO Director, Stuart Davies, Posted: 6/19/18.

Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) project is a collaborative effort to establish a series of experimental silvicultural trials across a network of different forest ecosystem types throughout the United States. Scientists, land managers, and a variety of partners have developed five initial trial sites as part of this multi-region study to research long-term ecosystem responses to a range of climate change adaptation actions. As the first five ASCC sites move forward with implementation and monitoring over the long-term, and as the ASCC Network continues to grow in scope, there is a critical need to support cross-site research at the national level, as well as site-level data collection and project oversight. The Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship at Colorado State University seeks an individual with a strong silviculture background, manuscript and grant writing skills, and an interest in climate change adaptation and mitigation research to explore pressing land management questions. This research will help fill a critical gap as land management agencies attempt to adapt forest ecosystems to changing climatic conditions. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for leading the development of new, cross-site research for the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) project to provide land managers on-the-ground examples of climate change adaptation actions. The researcher will develop and write grant applications to explore cross-site research questions pertaining to the ASCC project that lead to the publication of peer-reviewed manuscripts. This position will also assist with cross-site maintenance and long-term data collection to promote the advancement of climate-adaptive silviculture research and outreach at the national level. To apply and view a full position announcement please visit: by July 30, 2018 for full consideration. Posted: 7/18/18.

Silviculture/Applied Forest Ecology: The Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California, Berkeley seeks an Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in silviculture/applied forest ecology. This position is a full time, career-track appointment. The expected start date is after July 1, 2018. For more information about the positions, including required qualifications and application materials, go to: The initial review date is December 29, 2017. Please direct questions to Posted: 12/2/17.

Lecturer in Forestry: The Forestry Program in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources (RSENR) at The University of Vermont (UVM) seeks applicants for a full-time, 10-month position as a Lecturer in the Forestry Program. We seek a dedicated educator with a broad background in forestry science, applications and field skills, committed to delivering training and education to undergraduate students in forestry and related natural resources fields. UVM has a growing, vibrant, and engaged Forestry Program and is looking for individuals who can contribute to our strong commitment to training undergraduate students in forest conservation and management. The successful candidate will teach and develop courses in the undergraduate Forestry Program, including courses such as dendrology, forest mensuration, small woodlot management, and forestry field camp, and contribute to the School-wide Core Curriculum courses. As a 10-month position, there will also be opportunities for the successful candidate to develop, participate, and receive funding for summer research, particularly as part of broader interdisciplinary, school-wide efforts centered on UVM Forests. Other duties will include advising forestry undergraduate students, assisting with forestry student clubs and activities (Forestry Club and Woodsmen Team), field equipment maintenance, and outreach to Vermont state and U.S. Forest Service agencies, the regional non-profit community, private ownerships, and others on issues related to sustainable forest management in Vermont. General teaching expectations are two courses per semester and three weeks as part of Forestry Field Camp. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in forest science, forest ecology, forestry, or a related natural science field (B.S. in forestry preferred); demonstrated excellence in teaching and innovative pedagogy; evidence of strong quantitative and technical skills, especially as they are integrated into classroom or field-based experiences for students; have excellent communication skills, and demonstrated commitment to promoting diversity in educational and research experiences. Candidates with a combination of both academic and professional experience, including demonstrated experience in current forest management practices and forestry operations, relevant to this position are particularly encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin on December 4, 2017. We anticipate a start date of May 2018. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, teaching statement, and contact information for three references to Inquiries may be made to Dr. Anthony D’Amato, Chair, Forestry Search Committee, at Posted: 11/15/17.

Staff Scientist, Tropical Research: The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) has openings for 5 Staff Scientists to pursue independent, internationally recognized research programs in the tropics. Previous tropical experience is not required. We are especially interested in hiring scientists in animal behavior, terrestrial microbial ecology, forest biology and marine science. We will consider exceptional candidates in any of our research areas. Positions are for full-time research and include internal research funds. STRI is headquartered in Panama with modern research facilities and field stations throughout the country, and hosts a vibrant and collaborative scientific community of 30 staff scientists and over 1500 scientific visitors per year. Early- to mid-career candidates are especially encouraged; applicants at all postdoctoral stages will be considered. Annual salary is commensurate with experience, and compensation packages are internationally competitive. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and post-doctoral research experience in a relevant field. Interested candidates should submit the following as PDF files: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research accomplishments and interests, 3-5 publications, and contact information for three references to Please address inquiries in the four focal fields to respective search committee chairs: animal behavior, Dr. Rachel Page, at; microbial ecology, Dr. Kristin Saltonstall at; forest biology, Dr. Helene Muller-Landau at; and marine science, Dr. Mark Torchin at For other research fields please address inquiries to Dr. William Wcislo at Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2017. For more information, see Posted: 8/15/17.

Plant Evolutionary Ecology: Postdoctoral Position. Individual with interests and training in plant mating system evolution, plant demography/life-history, and, or the evolution of plant-animal interactions. The position will include collaboration on data sets “in hand” for statistical analyses and subsequent publications that includes analyzing one of the longest demographic data sets on a perennial plant species to date, in addition to the opportunity to be involved in the development of a novel plant-pollinator study system in the Great Plains and the Appalachian Mountains. Additionally, the successful candidate will be encouraged to develop their own independent avenues of inquiry on the proposed study systems. The postdoc would be working with Michele Dudash and her collaborators at South Dakota State University in the Department of Natural Resource Management, Brookings SD. The position is for one year, but renewable for up to three years. Qualified applicants must have a PhD in biology or a related field and have demonstrated interest in field work and experimental design. Prior training should emphasize interests in plant mating or breeding systems, plant life history evolution with a strong background in statistics, experimental design and proficiency with SAS or R is required. Start Date: Opening August 2018 or until filled. Application materials should be emailed as ONE document to and include: a cover letter, CV, statement of research interests, and a sample of recent writing (article, report or other publication where applicant is either first or senior author) as well as contact information for 3 references. Posted: 5/20/18.

Plant Evolutionary Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available in Seema Sheth’s plant evolutionary ecology lab in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. We study the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying species climatic niches and geographic ranges, with the aim of understanding evolutionary and plastic responses to climatic changes. We combine field, greenhouse, and growth chamber experiments, quantitative genetics, and comparative analyses to examine constraints to adaptation in populations, species, and clades. The successful candidate will contribute to studies of evolutionary responses to climate change in the scarlet monkeyflower, Mimulus cardinalis, a perennial herb that grows in riparian habitats in western North America. The postdoctoral scholar will participate in ongoing greenhouse and growth chamber experiments at North Carolina State University, and will set up and manage field experiments in California. Primary responsibilities include establishing and monitoring field and greenhouse experiments, managing and analyzing data, and contributing to the dissemination of results through manuscripts and presentations. The position requires travel to California for several weeks each spring/summer and fall to establish and maintain field experiments. The postdoctoral scholar will also have opportunities to analyze existing datasets, develop additional research programs related to the overall objectives of the project, and gain experience mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Botany, or a related discipline, and experience conducting field experiments with plants. Candidates are also expected to have a background in statistical methods, a strong work ethic, and excellent problem-solving, interpersonal, communication, and time management skills. A clear track record of publications, independent research experience, and a commitment to mentoring undergraduates is also required. Experience with data analysis in R is strongly desired. This position is for one year, with potential for renewal for up to two additional years. Start date is flexible, but ideally in Summer or Fall 2018. TO APPLY: Please e-mail a single PDF that includes: 1) a cover letter describing your previous research experience and qualifications for this position, along with your current and future research interests, 2) current CV, and 3) contact information for 3 references, along with separate PDFs of up to 3 manuscripts (published, in review, or in preparation), to Feel free to e-mail Dr. Sheth if you have any questions about this position. Posted: 4/3/18.

Evolutionary Ecology: The Wolak Research Group at Auburn University is hiring a Postdoctoral Research Associate to test and develop theory predicting the evolutionary dynamics of genetic effects and phenotypic distributions in response to selection for sexual dimorphism. The main focus of the initial project will be theory development using mathematical or individual-based models. However, beyond this there are opportunities for the postdoc to expand along many possible avenues - including current laboratory experiments and analyses on the empirical study of sexual dimorphisms. The postdoc will be expected to assist with training graduate students, develop synergistic projects, write grants, and produce first authored papers and contribute to co-authored papers. Persons from groups typically under-represented in science are strongly encouraged to apply. Required: - A Ph.D. in an appropriate field (including but not limited to evolution, ecology, genetics) at time of hire - A demonstrated track record of creative, productive research - The ability to work in a dynamic, collaborative environment with graduate and undergraduate students - A strong quantitative background - Excellent communication, organizational, and leadership skills. Preferred: - Expertise in quantitative genetics - Experience building mathematical or individual-based models - A demonstrated ability to code in at least one programming language Availability: The position start date is June 1 2018, but can be flexible. This is a one-year, full-time position with the possibility of renewal for a total of 2 years, pending satisfactory work. The postdoc will also benefit from AU fringe benefits and access to conference travel funds within the Wolak Research Group. Additional group funds for independent projects are available upon submission of a written proposal. If interested, please email the following materials to Matthew Wolak ( - 1) a current CV with contact information for three references - 2) a 2 page statement of interest in this opportunity with descriptions of relevant skills and experience - 3) up to 3 PDFs of relevant publications or manuscripts in preparation Submit application materials before 9 April 2018 to receive full consideration. The selected candidate must be able to meet eligibility requirements to work in the US at the time the appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment. Posted: 3/19/18.

Evolutionary Ecology: A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the Walsh lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Texas at Arlington. This position will contribute to a NSF CAREER grant that is testing the role of phenotypic plasticity in adaptation. This project is resurrecting populations of waterfleas (Daphnia) from lakes in Wisconsin that have recently adapted to a novel invasive predator. Activities associated with this position include field and laboratory experiments using aquatic organisms. Duration: The duration is for two years with annual renewal contingent on performance. Requirements: A Ph.D. in ecology or evolutionary biology is necessary. Start date: The start date is flexible although ideally the position will begin sometime this summer. To apply, e-mail Matthew Walsh ( with a cover letter explaining your research interests, (2) a CV, and (3) contact information for three references. Posted: 3/19/18.

Evolutionary Ecology: The Turcotte Lab at the University of Pittsburgh is hiring a postdoc to experimentally test the dynamic interplay between rapid evolution and community ecology in the field. Field experiments could be combined with lab experiments, modeling, comparative approaches, or theoretical development. Although, I have some projects in mind, this position is independent of current grants and thus allows you to develop their own research questions. Start date is flexible but I would prefer the candidate to begin as soon as possible. Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD in Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, or related topics. The position is for 1 year with the option to extend for up to 2 more years. A valid drivers license is required. To apply for the position please send an email to me ( including a cover letter stating why you are interested in the lab and your past research experience. Please also include your C.V., the contact information for three references, and up to 3 PDFs of relevant publications or manuscripts in prep. Applicants should submit their materials by March 30, 2018 to ensure full consideration. Posted: 8/8/17, revised: 3/2/18.

Plant Science Faculty Team: Faculty Team Positions at the Boyce Thompson Institute. BTI, an independent research institute on the Cornell University campus, invites applications for teams of 2-3 individuals seeking to conduct an interdisciplinary project(s). BTI will evaluate the success of these appointments by demonstration of collaboration and strategic contributions to projects with colleagues, rather than leadership within a given discipline or biological focus. Therefore, selection of successful applicants will be based on the potential of the team, rather than the individuals involved. Successful teams will therefore conduct a project together, but their members will also be parts of other teams involving BTI, Cornell or other scientists around the world. The research goals of the team project should be within, or touch on, the field of plant science. However, we encourage the involvement of non-traditional disciplines including engineering, physics, or any other field with the potential to contribute to plant science. We welcome projects that include potential translational components. Queries as to appropriate topics for applications are welcomed. Appointment type. Appointments will be made at the Assistant Professor level initially for three years, with a second 3-year appointment possible. Exceptional performance of the team on the criteria mentioned above could lead to consideration of further extension. A generous research/startup fund will be provided to the team to be shared as it sees fit. Applications should include a single proposal for collaborative research project(s) of up to three pages, with a maximum of two additional pages to describe the collaborative framework. This document should describe the rationale for forming a team, anticipated synergies within the team, and the concept for project management and budgeting. Individual CV’s with the names of three references should also be included. Materials should be submitted as a single PDF document to For potential applicants who wish to participate in team science but have not yet conceived that team, BTI has created a virtual space to facilitate exchanges of research ideas, platforms and expertise - please visit Identifying information on this site is kept confidential, including to the search committee, and your contributions are accessible only to others who express a mutual wish to be considered as a potential member of your team. Please send any inquiries to We will be happy to arrange phone calls to discuss these novel positions. Review of applications will begin April 23, 2018, with the starting date for the appointments being flexible. More information at Posted: 3/5/18.

Herbarium Collections Manager: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee - Knoxville The TENN herbarium is seeking a highly organized, detail-oriented individual to join our department as the Herbarium Collections Manager. This key team member oversees the day-to-day management, preservation, and accessibility of our plant and fungal biodiversity collection, which includes specimen curation, record keeping, and monitoring specimen inflow/outflow. In addition, the Herbarium Collections Manager leads a team of undergraduate students and volunteer assistants with specimen curation and scientific outreach projects. The Herbarium Collections Manager reports to the TENN Herbarium Director, Dr. Jessica M. Budke, and collaborates with the Director and Curators to plan and implement herbarium goals, priorities, and programs. For details, see the full job ad. Application review will begin April 19, 2018. Posted: 3/27/18.

Assistant Curator in Botany: The Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, invites applications for an Assistant Curator (equivalent to Assistant Professor), a tenure-track position, who will serve as curator-in-charge of the Herbarium, including supervision of its staff. The successful candidate is expected to conduct a dynamic research program focused broadly on the evolutionary biology of plants. Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. in Biology, Botany, or a closely related field, and demonstrate a record of research and publication focused on the evolution of any group(s) of plants. Candidates should also be willing to collaborate actively, although not exclusively, with the University of Florida’s diverse botanical research programs in the Florida Museum of Natural History, Department of Biology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), and Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences. Candidates must be capable of leading, promoting, and utilizing an internationally recognized Herbarium (FLAS) that includes more than 465,000 specimens of vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, and moss. The appointee is expected to teach and mentor both undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Florida. Pursuit of external funding is expected. The anticipated start date is no later than August 16, 2018. See the full job ad for details and to apply. The search committee will begin reviewing applications on October 1, 2017. Posted: 8/31/17.

Plant Systems Biology and Bioinformatics for Designing Feedstocks: A postdoctoral position is available in the department of Plant Biology at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in the lab of Amy Marshall-Colon. We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc to work on a DOE-funded project aimed at designing feedstocks for biofuels and bioproducts using the “Plants as Factories” concept. This project takes a systems biology approach to integrate information from feedstock genomes with gene expression, protein, and metabolite data to build interactomes. Network comparisons will identify key genetic targets for engineering. This project is part of the larger Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) project recently awarded to UIUC. Postdocs will work closely with Dr. Marshall-Colon and other members of the CABBI team to receive cross-disciplinary training in metabolomics, transcriptomics, genomics, and network modeling. The duties of the project postdoc will focus on computational biology including bioinformatic and statistical analyses, developing new network modeling approaches, and writing manuscripts. Expertise in some or all of the following areas is desired: Bioinformatics, Statistical modeling, Genomics, Metabolomics, Protein-Protein interactions, and/or network modeling. Strong candidates will also possess the following attributes: - A strong publication record from their PhD (papers published, in press, or submitted). - Creativity, independence, and the desire to learn new things. - Excellent communication skills, both written and oral. All candidates must have received a Ph.D. in a relevant field within the past five years. The position is available for 4 years; however, annual renewal is dependent on funding and progress made by the individual. This position includes a competitive salary and full benefits. Application review will begin December 1, 2017. Start date is flexible, but ideally January 2018. All materials should be submitted to the PI for consideration. Applications should include a brief cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for three references. Please put “postdoc application” in the subject line of your email to Amy Marshall-Colon, Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois, Any offer for this position is contingent upon your successful completion of a criminal background check. Contact the PI regarding the position or application process. For further information about the Marshall-Colon lab, or the Plant Biology department at the University of Illinois, visit the faculty page. Posted: 10/10/17.

Population Genetics of Endangered Freshwater Fishes: A postdoctoral fellowship (1 or 2 yrs.) is available in the Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation Laboratory led by Dr. Mark Poesch at the University of Alberta. This position is aimed at a population geneticist, regardless of taxa. Species specific single nucleotide polymorphism primers have been designed for several freshwater fish species at risk, including the Athabasca Rainbow Trout (Endangered), Western Silvery Minnow (Endangered) and Mountain Sucker (Threatened). The post-doctoral fellow will help develop population genetic models to aid in the management of these species. This project is fully funded for up to two years (after satisfactory review of the candidate's performance after one year). Candidate must have a Ph.D. at the time of commencing the position. Experience with population genetics is essential. Candidates interested in this position should send an email to Dr. Mark Poesch (poesch(at) with cover letter clearly articulating how this research builds on their experience, specific skills and date of availability. Please note review of applicants will not commence until July 2, 2018. This competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Start date is negotiable but ideal start date is fall 2018. The candidate will receive a salary of $45k per year plus benefits. Contact: Dr. Mark Poesch, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation, University of Alberta, Department of Renewable Resources, 751 General Services Building, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Ph: 780-492-4827, Email: Poesch(at) Posted: 6/12/18.

Population Genetics and Computational Genomics: Postdoctoral positions are available in the Human Evolutionary Genetics Unit (Quintana-Murci’s Lab), in the Department of Genomes and Genetics at Institut Pasteur in Paris. The lab combines empirical datasets and computational approaches to study human population genetics. Current work in the lab focuses on a wide range of topics, including (i) the study of the relative effects of demography and natural selection in the shaping of human genome variability using whole genome genotyping and sequencing datasets (with an emphasis on African and Oceanian populations), (ii) the genetic control of gene expression related to immunity-related processes, (iii) the influence of genetic variation and changes in lifestyle and ecologies of human populations on patterns of epigenetic variation. Our lab benefits from the large and outstanding community of researchers in population genetics, epigenetics, microbiology, immunology and computational biology at the Institut Pasteur, providing a working interdisciplinary research environment. Applicants must have a strong background in statistics and computer science and a desire to do research in genetics and evolutionary biology, or a strong background in theoretical population genetics with experience in analyzing genome-wide datasets. Programming skills and proficiency in unix-based computational environments are essential. The applicants will have the freedom to choose their own projects as long and they fit within the general interests of our lab. Informal inquiries as well as applications (including CV, research interests, copies of relevant publications and contact information for at least two references) should be emailed to Lluis Quintana-Murci ( Starting dates are as soon as possible, but are negotiable. Posted: 9/12/17.

Population Genetics of Cycads: A postdoctoral research position is available to conduct research on cycads at the California Academy of Sciences. This position reports to the Associate Curator of Botany within the Institute of Biodiversity Science and Sustainability and the successful candidate is expected to work in this collaborative environment. This is a temporary one year position with the possibility of renewal for up to two years, contingent on research progress. The fellow will conduct research on the population genetics of Australian cycads to examine the roles of pollination and seed dispersal in gene flow to inform cycad conservation. However, applicants with expertise in any area of plant evolution will be given full consideration. The candidate will contribute to the development of herbarium and genomic collections, and bioinformatic resources at the California Academy of Sciences. Additionally, public outreach through in-person and online interactions will be a component of the position. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closes: 9/30/17. Posted: 8/8/17.

Plant Molecular Ecology: University of Louisville. An NSF-funded postdoctoral position is available in plant molecular ecology. The project will focus on transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of plant defense priming. RNA sequencing with selective qPCR is planned for intensive interrogation of plant gene expression and network profiles. Functional characterization of putative priming genes will be a key focus of this project. The primary metabolomics platform is Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The successful applicant will be expected to develop into a leadership role in the lab group, work independently, and bring creative energy and spirit to the group. Funding is available for two years, with the potential for extension. A Ph.D. in plant biology or chemical ecology is required, and an interest in plant defense biology would be helpful. Demonstrated previous experience with relevant molecular biology techniques (RNA handling, qPCR, cloning) is essential. Previous experience RNA sequencing, bioinformatics analysis of large datasets, plant volatile organic compounds, and/or analyte derivitization for GC-MS would be helpful. Salary is $47,476 per year, plus a competitive benefits package and retirement contributions. Interested applicants should submit a single pdf containing (1) a cover letter addressing specific qualifications and interest in the position, (2) a curriculum vitae with compete list of current publications and synergistic activities, and (3) contact info for 3 references directly to Dr. Christopher Frost ( The deadline for applying to receive full consideration is March 1, 2018, though applications will be reviewed immediately. The Frost Chemical Ecology Laboratory is comprised of a diverse group of hard working folks and a strong collaborative spirit; we encourage and promote diversity in our group, and all qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Posted: 2/15/18.

Plant Molecular Phylogenetics: I am looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join my lab at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. The NSF-funded project involves constructing a species-level phylogeny for the Neotropical genus Burmeistera (Campanulaceae) using high-throughput sequencing approaches (targeting low-copy nuclear regions with enrichment probes and genome-skimming for plastomes). Results will be used to test the relative roles of pollinator-mediated, gametic, and postzygotic reproductive isolation in the diversification of Burmeistera. Candidates should have experience with plant molecular phylogenetics, including labwork and bioinformatics analysis of next-gen data, and an interest in plant speciation and/or pollination biology. Successful applicants will also be encouraged to carry out his or her own research projects related to work done in the Muchhala Lab. The start date for the position is flexible, from August of 2018 to January 2019. Funding is available for one year, with renewal for up to three years given satisfactory progress. Review of applications will begin on July 20th. Informal inquiries are welcome: Submission online at click ‘Faculty’ tab, ‘Get Started’ tab, then search ‘26783’ (the Job ID #). Applicants must combine application materials, including 1) a short statement (one to two pages) on previous experience, research interest, and motivation for applying, and 2) a curriculum vitae, into a single PDF or Word document and upload as a resume attachment. Additionally, have three recommendation letters sent to For questions about how to apply, please call (314) 516-5258, or if you are experiencing technical problems, please email Posted: 6/20/18.

Plant Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics: A postdoctoral position is available in the Oakley lab at Purdue University to study the genetic and physiological mechanisms of fitness tradeoffs across environments. We use a combination of field experiments in native habitats and experiments in controlled growth chambers to investigate the links between sequence polymorphism, molecular phenotypes, organismal phenotypes, and ultimately fitness in contrasting environments. Current and future work will incorporate transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches to studying genotype by environment interactions for fitness. Additional research in the lab is focused on the evolutionary ecology and genetic basis of heterosis and outbreeding depression. Development of new research directions building on these broad themes is strongly encouraged. There is a vibrant community of interdisciplinary plant biologists at Purdue, providing ample opportunity for interaction and new collaborations. Research activities will include (but are not limited to): Leading growth chamber experiments to estimate freezing tolerance & lifetime fitness, and combining this data with differential expression analyses using RNAseq; field planting and harvesting of experiments at sites in Italy (near Rome) and northern Sweden (three to four trips per year, ~10 days each); overseeing development of CRISPR-CAS9 lines, near isogenic lines, two new recombinant inbred line populations; data analysis; and manuscript preparation. A PhD in biology or related discipline is required and preference will be given to candidates with a strong background in plant evolutionary biology or plant genetics. The ideal candidate will have an interdisciplinary skill set, having some combination of wet lab, bioinformatic, and experimental biology experience. A strong foundation in R, and at least a basic familiarity with bioinformatic analysis on a cluster is strongly preferred. This is initially a one-year appointment, with the possibility of an extension of 1-2 years dependent on funding and performance. A start date of August-September 2018 is preferred, but this is negotiable. Applicants should send (as a single PDF attachment): CV, a letter summarizing research interests, accomplishments, and fit to the lab and project, and the names and contact information for two professional references. Review of applications will begin June 15, 2018. I will also be at the Botany 2018 conference and would be happy to chat with interested candidates. Chris Oakley Posted: 6/12/18.

Plant Genetics: Three Postdoctoral positions available in the Ronald Laboratory at the University of California, Davis. We have recently identified and characterized a microbially derived tyrosine sulfated peptide that modulates host immunity and root development in rice, a genetically well-characterized crop that represents monocotyledonous species, and Arabidopsis, a representative dicot. Two of the successful candidates will characterize rice mutants compromised in recognition and response to this peptide, identify amino acid residues regulating receptor/ligand binding, engineer immune receptors with novel specificities and determine the biological function of this peptide in the infection process (see recent work on this topic). A third position is available to use a chemical genetics approach to identify genes that modulate root traits and drought tolerance in rice and tomato (see Nature Biotechnology 34, 95–103 (2016)). The successful candidates must have a Ph.D., a strong record of accomplishment in plant or microbial genetics, molecular biology or protein biochemistry as well as the ability to design and conduct experiments independently; experience in supervising and training students; and excellent communication and writing skills. There are abundant intellectual and training opportunities for postdoctoral fellows in the Ronald lab and at UC Davis in all aspects of agricultural science, modern genomics, proteomics, crystallography and bioinformatics. In addition to the facilities available in the UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology and at the UC Davis Genome Center, the postdoctoral fellow will have access to a wide range of facilities, resources and world-class expertize at the Joint Bioenergy Institute and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The position is available for 1 year, renewable annually. Interested individuals should submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae and three letters of reference before August 1 to Shannon Albers: Posted: 7/21/17.

Modeling Freshwater Mussel Populations: Valery Forbes (University of Minnesota), Nika Galic (Syngenta) and Daniel Hornbach (Macalester College) are looking for a highly motivated and collaborative postdoc to work on a project assessing potential risks to threatened and endangered freshwater mussel species from pesticide exposure through population modeling. In particular this project will involve a life-history analysis of listed and non-listed freshwater mussel species inhabiting Midwest and Southeastern US water bodies and development of generic population models to represent different life-history groupings using a case study approach. Possible validation through field data and population trends from monitoring programs will be explored. Freshwater mussels provide essential services in freshwater ecosystems and represent one of the most endangered groups of animals in North America. Pesticide risk assessments are required for species listed as threatened or endangered in accordance with the Endangered Species Act, and population modeling has been recommended by the National Research Council as a valuable tool in such assessments. A major challenge in developing population models for listed species is a lack of physiological and life-history data for the vast majority of species. This project will aim to address this challenge. The postdoc will be employed in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and co-supervised by Valery Forbes, Nika Galic and Daniel Hornbach. The position term is for 2 years, and is annually renewable depending on performance and availability of funding. The successful candidate will receive training in professional and personal development, research collaboration, presentation and publication of results, outreach, and mentoring. The position includes a competitive salary and health insurance. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. A near-term start date is desired. All applicants must have a Ph.D. in biology, ecology, ecotoxicology or a related field, and preferably be well acquainted with mussel biology and/or ecology. Expertise in modeling and/or computer programming is highly desirable. Applications should include: (i) brief cover letter, (ii) curriculum vitae, (iii) a brief description of past research accomplishments (under two pages), and (v) the names and contact information for three references. All materials should be uploaded through, Job ID# 322858. The curriculum vitae, description of past research accomplishments, and references should be combined into one PDF and uploaded in the resume area. The cover letter should be uploaded as a separate document. Any questions should be directed to Valery Forbes ( Posted: 3/27/18.

Food-Web Modeler: “The Jefferson Project” at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is searching for a post-doc with expertise in food-web modeling. The Jefferson Project is an exciting and ambitious research endeavor devised to study lake ecosystems by using “smart sensor” technology, leading-edge experiments, and coupled computer models of the weather, runoff, lake circulation, and food webs. This is an unprecedented collaboration between Rensselaer, IBM, and the FUND for Lake George that is intended to serve as a global example for understanding and protecting freshwater ecosystems. The post-doc will collaborate with researchers who are collecting traditional food-web data, high-frequency sensor data on lake chemistry and phytoplankton, and experimental data that are identifying the impacts of human activities on lake and stream food webs. Applicants should send (as pdf) a cover letter, CV, research statement, and a list of 3 references to Dr. Rick Relyea ( The desired start date is Summer 2018. Posted: 3/27/18.

Freshwater Ecology: The research group of Dr. Rick Relyea at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) will be hiring a post-doc in the area of freshwater ecology. Of particular interest is expanding our current research on the ecological and evolutionary impacts of road salts on wetlands (from individuals to food webs to ecosystem function), with a mix of field studies and experimental work (including lab, mesocosm, and in situ experiments). Rensselaer has a growing group of aquatic ecologists, superb facilities for aquatic research, and a beautiful field station on Lake George in eastern NY (Darrin Fresh Water Institute). Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, research statement (including potential research projects), and a list of 3 references to Dr. Rick Relyea ( in pdf format. Applications will be reviewed as they arrive. The desired start date is March 2018. Posted: 1/24/18.

Algal Consortia: The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) is seeking a talented and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Researcher to join a team of scientists at the NMC and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to advance a DOE-funded project focused on algal-algal and algal-bacteria consortia. The project was developed in response to the Bioenergy Technologies’ Office (BETO) Productivity Enhanced Algae and Tool-Kits (PEAK) FOA. The researcher will be responsible for conducting culture-based experiments focused on the growth of algal monocultures and consortia as well as leading other relevant work. This is a full-time position for at least two years, and offers a competitive salary and benefits. Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in biology or other relevant discipline, a strong working knowledge of phytoplankton biology and culturing, the ability to work independently and as part of a team, and a demonstrated publication record. More information on the position. To apply, please upload a cover letter, CV, and list of three references in a single PDF file to: Applications will be accepted through April 8th or until the position is filled. Feel free to email Alina Corcoran, Ph.D. ( with questions. Posted: 3/27/18.

Aquatic Ecology: Closing date: April 27th, 2018. Start date: by July 1st if possible. Salary: $46-48K/annually, plus benefits. The Stream and River Ecology Laboratory at The Ohio State University is seeking a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to contribute to an EPA-STAR-funded project on harmful algal blooms in the upper Ohio River Basin. The incumbent will be expected to contribute to studies of the ecological impacts of nutrient enrichment in streams, rivers, and reservoirs (from individuals to food webs to ecosystem functions), including field, experimental (e.g., mesocosms), and lab work. In addition, the incumbent will be expected to assist with the analysis of data as well as the preparation of reports, articles, and associated project deliverables. In addition to contributing to the project described above, the incumbent will be expected to pursue additional, complementary research. The incumbent will be based at the Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park and will be mentored by Dr. Mažeika Sullivan, with opportunities to work with project co-PIs Dr. Lauren Pintor and Dr. Kaiguang Zhao. Strong statistical and programming skills, preferably with R, are required. Interest in teaching within the Aquatic Sciences curriculum is highly desirable. Applicants must have completed and defended their Ph.D. by the start of the appointment. Interested applicants should submit the following: (1) Cover letter, C.V., and the names and contact information for three references; (2) Unofficial transcripts; and (3) Examples of published work. Funding is available for two years. For more information or to apply, contact Dr. Sullivan @ Posted: 3/18/18.

Aquatic Ecology, Conservation and Management: A postdoctoral position is available in the Blum Lab to support DoD-funded collaborative research on the control of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Hawaiian Island streams. The incumbent will be expected to contribute to studies of aquatic community responses to AIS control under varying surface flow regimes that fall within a broader portfolio of work on genomic, life history, population, and ecosystem conditions. The incumbent will be expected to assist with the analysis of data from long-term, field-based studies as well as the preparation of reports, articles, and associated project deliverables. In addition to contributing to the project described above, the incumbent will be encouraged to pursue other, complementary research. The incumbent will be mentored by the project PI, Dr. Michael Blum at Tulane University, and both project Co-PIs, Dr. J. Derek Hogan (Texas A&M – Corpus Christi), and Dr. Peter McIntyre (University of Wisconsin – Madison, Cornell University). Candidates are being sought with: (1) strong statistical and programming skills, preferably with experience in R; (2) demonstrated research excellence; and (3) strong oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to applicants whose research interests and expertise complement the research project but outstanding applicants looking to broaden their field of interest will also be seriously considered. A PhD in Ecology, Conservation Biology, or a related field is required. An initial appointment will be for one year, with continuation for at least one additional year dependent upon performance. The position is available immediately, with a preferred start date of late spring or early summer 2018. Send via email attachment a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and names and addresses of three references to Dr. Michael Blum at For earliest consideration, apply by 15 March 2018. Posted: 3/2/18.

Aquatic Ecology: The Hood Lab within the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at The Ohio State University is recruiting a postdoctoral associate for a study examining the spatial and temporal coupling between river nutrient fluxes and plankton dynamics in Lake Erie. This project asks how Lake Erie phytoplankton and zooplankton community dynamics are shaped by nutrient loading and whether those dynamics have responded to changes in land use or climate over the last 20 years. To address these questions, the successful candidate will apply spatially explicit time series modeling approaches to long-term plankton, climate, and nutrient loading time series datasets A successful applicant will be creative, motivated, and capable of working both independently and cooperatively within an interdisciplinary group, including academics and agency biologists. Strong quantitative and communication skills are required. Ideal candidates will have a strong knowledge of spatially-explicit time series modeling, computer programming experience (ideally in R), and a track record of peer-reviewed publications. An understanding of plankton community dynamics and experience working with large datasets is desired, but not required. Electronically submit a single PDF with cover letter, CV, and names/contact information of three references to Dr. Jim Hood at Put “Lake Erie Post-doc” in subject line. Posted: 2/7/18.

Aquatic Ecology/Modelling: We are looking for a prospective postdoc in aquatic ecology/modelling in a competitive cluster hire at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. Six postdoc positions are offered, each for 11 months with possibility of further extension. The positions start from 1 June 2018. Deadline for applications is on 5 February 2018. Our aquatic ecology group lead by Jaroslav Vrba and David Boukal is actively seeking candidates with expertise that complements of extends our own focus on consequences of human impacts such as climate change, habitat alteration and eutrophication on freshwater habitats and ecosystems. We combine laboratory and field experiments, long-term field studies and modelling to understand how environmental drivers shape individual life histories, species interactions, population dynamics and community assembly in standing freshwaters ranging from small pools to large reservoirs. Given the relatively short duration of the postdoc, candidates with interest in modelling, analysis of existing data or short-term experiments are preferred. Please send any informal enquiries to and The complete advertisements can be found here and here. Posted: 1/15/18.

Riverine Macrosystem Ecology: The Kansas Biological Survey and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS) are soliciting applications for a post-doctoral position to work in the laboratory of Prof. James H. Thorp as part of a 9-university, 5-country, 2-continent macrosystem ecology project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. Approximate Time Commitments: 60% Research: This will be a combination of lab activities (data and GIS analyses) and participation in 2-3 field-team expeditions (each lasting ~1 month) to the USA (Great Plains rivers; probably in Sept. 2018) and/or Mongolia (probably mid-July to mid-August of 2018 and 2019). During the field expeditions, the post-doc will collaborate with various teams studying food webs, fish traits, invertebrate traits, system metabolism, and/or hydrogeomorphology. 20% Manuscript Preparation: Write technical reports and scientific papers for peer reviewed journals and possibly assist in the preparation of research proposals to federal, state, and private organizations. 20% Collaboration: Assist the principal investigator, graduate students, and undergraduates working in our lab in data analysis and manuscript preparation. Start Date: Preferred by June 1, 2018 (a somewhat earlier start date may be possible). Position Length: Up to 24 months. Stipend: NSF starting rate for post-doctoral investigators (~$47k for 12 months). Additional funding will be provided for the post-doc to attend workshops and science conferences. Required Qualifications: • Ph.D. dissertation officially submitted to the candidate’s home institution prior to KU’s official offer of the position; • Demonstrated knowledge of ecology in general; • Strong knowledge of multivariate statistics and R programming; • Proven abilities in GIS; • Publications in refereed journals. Preferred: • Ph.D. dissertation officially awarded by the candidates university; • Demonstrated knowledge of aquatic ecology; • Five or more publications in national and international journals, some of which need to have strong statistics and GIS components. Please send inquiries by email ( to Prof. James H. Thorp Kansas Biological Survey and Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Higuchi Hall, University of Kansas 2101 Constant Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047-3759 USA. Posted: 1/5/18.

Freshwater Fish Ecology and Habitat Modeling: University of Alaska Fairbanks – Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Responsibilities – Post-doctoral researcher sought to lead a research project to investigate vulnerability of boreal aquatic ecosystems to fire and climate change. Fire is a dominant, natural, and widespread ecological disturbance process in boreal forests, yet fire frequency, size, and severity are increasing in Alaska owing to climate warming. Interactions among fire, climate, permafrost, vegetation, hydrologic, and watershed processes are poorly understood, yet critical for conservation and management of boreal aquatic habitats in a changing environment. The incumbent will be expected to develop an integrated modeling framework by linking spatially-explicit climate, fire, vegetation, permafrost, hydrologic, and stream temperature models parameterized for interior Alaska. Model output will be used to quantify future impacts of fire and climate on boreal aquatic habitats and population vulnerability, and inform fire management scenario development using structured decision making. This position is part of a larger project with goals to develop a better understanding of the effects of fire and climate change on boreal aquatic ecosystem dynamics. Project personnel include aquatic and terrestrial ecologists, hydrologists, climate scientists, graduate students, and support staff including a lab manager and undergraduate field and lab technicians. Qualifications – PhD in fisheries biology, aquatic ecology, or closely related field. The successful candidate will be a highly productive, self-directed, and motivated individual with a strong record of scientific research and publication. Experience working in freshwater ecosystems is preferred. Applicants with interest in ecohydrology, spatial modeling, and vulnerability analysis are desired, and strong quantitative and communication skills are required. Position for 2 years with opportunity to extend. Preferred start date is late Spring or early Summer 2018. Contact – Dr. Jeff Falke, U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99775-7020. Office: 907.474.6044; Email: Posted: 11/12/17.

Fisheries - Integrated Analysis of Aquatic Ecosystems: We seek a highly capable and motivated Post-doctoral Fellow to be part of a collaborative research project involving the University of Toronto, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, AMEC Foster Wheeler, Total E&P Canada, and Golder Associates Ltd. The successful applicant will integrate freshwater ecological data collected by the project partners across Canada to research how human activities, climate change, and habitat quality influence fish community composition and productivity in lakes and rivers. The PDF will have strong quantitative skills in modelling, frequentist and Bayesian statistics, and programming to develop approaches that can be used to standardize information across datasets. This project addresses a common challenge in ecological studies, and its success will increase our statistical power to test fundamental questions in aquatic ecology and fisheries. There will also be opportunities to participate in field calibrations of different fish community sampling methods such as hydroacoustics, electrofishing, and netting. The successful applicant will start in Oct 2017, or as soon as possible, in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Interested individuals should submit their CV, and a letter detailing their interest and relevant background to Professors Don Jackson ( and Cindy Chu ( Applications will be accepted until the position is filled but no later than Sept 25, 2017. Please include “Fisheries Post-doctoral Position” in the subject line of your email. For additional information, see the full job ad. Posted: 8/10/17.

Migratory Birds and Climate Change: USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center seeks a post-doctoral research associate for a minimum of 13 months to study how land use and system change, including climate change, may affect migratory birds, and how these effects may alter federal strategies for land acquisition and related management decisions. There are a number of national programs that underpin the conservation and management of migratory birds, including the Land and Water Conservation Fund, Migratory Bird Conservation Fund, and North American Wetland Conservation Act, among others. Public natural resource managers face difficult decisions related to land acquisition and other investment strategies given vast uncertainty related to the spatial and temporal distribution of limiting habitats and changes in land use related to socio-economic needs and changing climate. Recognizing these important decisions and associated uncertainty, the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center convened a workshop with managers of migratory bird habitat and scientists in migratory bird ecology to identify critical uncertainties that affect land acquisition decisions and climate science needs. The postdoctoral associate will articulate and evaluate multiple working hypotheses related to climate and land-use effects on migratory bird populations in a decision analytic framework, and identify research priorities to inform management decision making. The ideal candidate will have a background in ecology and conservation of migratory birds and climate change effects on wildlife, with excellent communication skills, and evidence of success in publishing in peer-reviewed journals. Preferred candidates will also have experience in decision analysis, population ecology, and quantitative ecology. Candidates must be U.S. citizens and have received their Ph.D. within the last 5 years. This position is located in Laurel, MD. If interested, send CV, letter of application, and names and contact information for three references to Drs. Jim Lyons ( and Michael Runge (, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 12100 Beech Forest Road, Laurel, MD 20708. Closing date: 18 August 2017. Posted: 8/7/17.

Quantitative Ecology: Postdoctoral researcher in quantitative ecology, S.E. Hampton and S.L. Katz, Washington State University. We are seeking a postdoctoral associate for collaboration in freshwater research, with a general emphasis on highly quantitative approaches to understanding ecology and system stability, but with specific topics to be defined primarily by the successful candidate. Special opportunities exist for the postdoc to engage in interdisciplinary research on stability and behavior of food-energy-water systems, as part of a large collaboration. Additional areas of current interest include time series analysis of multivariate long-term data, under-ice ecology, monitoring and evaluation of stream restoration at regional scales, and global patterns in freshwater use and status. However, we are open to considering many areas of inquiry for the postdoctoral researcher’s work. A Ph.D. (A.B.D. candidates will be considered) and a record of peer-reviewed publication in a relevant science field are required. Strong commitment to collaborative work is necessary, and experience working in large research collaborations is desired. Experience with programming in R is ideal, but those experienced in other programming environments should feel free to contact us to determine their fit to this position. The postdoc will be based at Washington State University working directly with Dr. Stephanie Hampton and Dr. Steve Katz. While there is flexibility in start date, we anticipate that the postdoc will be in residence at WSU-Pullman by September 2018, with the yearly appointment renewable up to two years. Please direct inquiries to and with subject "Ecology Postdoc". A complete application will include a Statement of Interest (1-page maximum) that outlines some of the areas of potential research, and a C.V. with the names and contact information for 3 professional references. For full consideration, please apply by 26 June 2018. Dr. Hampton is planning to attend the 2018 ASLO meeting in Victoria BC from June 11-15. Interested parties who are also attending and who may have questions about the position are invited to contact Dr. Hampton via email to coordinate a meeting time. Posted: 6/12/18.

Quantitative Ecologist: We seek a postdoctoral researcher to predict changes in suitable habitat for sea turtle species nesting in the southeastern US, using a biophysical niche modeling approach. The researcher will integrate existing future SLR and storm surge models, urban growth models, and landscape change with predicted coastal nesting species distributions under climate change to assess future sea turtle nesting habitat vulnerability across southeastern coastal National Parks. Experience with correlative niche models, biophysical niche models, GIS, and statistical modeling desired. A PhD is required as well as mathematical and programming skills. The candidate should be able to work both independently and collaboratively with the principal investigators and NPS stakeholders. The postdoctoral researcher will be based at the University of Central Florida, as a part of the UCF Preeminent Postdoctoral Program (P3), and will work under the direction of Drs. Betsy von Holle and John Weishampel. The researcher will be expected to prepare results for peer reviewed journals as well as reports. There is the potential for novel, related project ideas to be developed, using the existing datasets and models. Appointment: Two years, contingent upon performance. Salary is $50K a year, plus benefits. As part of the P3 award, the postdoc will receive an additional $5K for professional development or to supplement research activities. To apply: Please send letter of interest including related skills, CV, contact information for three references in a single pdf to Betsy von Holle ( Please include “Quantitative ecologist” in the email subject heading. Review of applications will begin 10/1/2017 and continue until the position is filled. Posted: 9/12/17.

Oceanography: Multiple postdoctoral researcher positions. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is one of the major universities of China. Institute of Oceanography (IOO) is located in the Xuhui Campus of SJTU in downtown Shanghai, and has several postdoctoral researcher positions open for 2018 to work with faculties at IOO. Applicants are expected to have background in oceanography, ecology, environmental science, biogeochemical cycle, or climate change etc. Responsibilities: 1. Independently doing research in relevant researching fields. 2. Applying for funds open to post-doctoral research 3. Providing assisting guidance for students. Compensations: Up to 3 years In accordance with regulations regarding SJTU Post-doctors, annual salary 160k – 180k RMB, with insurance and benefit, plus project commission and annual performance bonus. University housing, university daycare and school system available for the family. Based on the achievement at this position, applicants may be promote to the faculty track job at SJTU. Applications apply by e-mail to Ji Li ( Applications should include an application letter describing your interests and their relevance to this position, a CV, and up to 3 publications. For further information, please contact Ji Li ( Posted: 2/14/18.

Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling: A postdoctoral scientist position is available at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. This position is part of a large Simons Foundation collaborative project on Computational Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems (CBIOMES) that involves multiple investigators and is directed by Mick Follows at MIT. The MBL component of the project focuses on developing metabolic network representations of marine microbial food webs and their associated biogeochemistry. The goal of the MBL team is to leverage information gleaned from genome-scale models to improve understanding and modeling of marine ecosystems. Consequently, we are seeking applicants with expertise or familiarity in systems biology modeling combined with marine ecosystem modeling, or individuals with interest in exploring this new area of research. While not required, knowledge of Fortran, thermodynamics, genome-scale models, numerical analysis and/or optimal control theory will be considered advantageous. The successful candidate will be expected to work collaboratively with members of the CBIOMES team. Review of applications will begin 1 Feb 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Funding support is available for up to five years, but performance will be reviewed on an annual basis. Basic Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Ocean Sciences, Engineering, Systems Biology or related field is required. Applicants with experience in computer modeling of marine food webs, biogeochemistry or biology will be preferred, but computational modeling in other fields will also be considered. APPLY ONLINE: Posted: 12/2/17.

Shorescapes - Tidal Shoreline Systems: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Shorescapes. The College of William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to participate in basic and applied research on tidal shoreline systems, working with Dr. Donna Bilkovic in the Center for Coastal Resources Management. The Postdoctoral Investigator will join ongoing interdisciplinary projects involving the socioecological system associated with various types of estuarine shorelines. Research activities will contribute to development of models simulating the consequences of alternative management strategies including living shoreline approaches. Responsibilities: Position responsibilities include interacting with and supervising graduate students and visiting scientists, working closely with collaborators on ongoing projects, preparing reports and manuscripts, and developing new independent research consistent with the goals of the Center. Qualifications: At the time of appointment, the successful applicant will have a PhD in an environmental science related field (e.g. marine science, biology) coupled with a broad knowledge of coastal and estuarine systems. Strong quantitative skills and experience in spatial statistics will be required, as well as demonstrated technical writing skills. Geospatial analytical expertise, particularly with ESRI software (ArcGIS), and experience with R will be preferred. Experience in coastal systems, particularly tidal marsh systems and experience with standard marsh sampling protocols and basic laboratory techniques will also be preferred. The position will be located at VIMS, but may involve collaboration with investigators at other locations. Multiple years of funding are possible. Application materials for the position listed above should include: 1) a cover letter identifying timeline for PhD completion and/or availability for this position; 2) a full curriculum vitae; 3) the names, addresses (including titles and institutions), email addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Application materials should be addressed to: Dr. Donna Bilkovic, Search Committee Chair, and will be accepted at For full consideration, application materials are due August 1, 2018. Posted: 6/20/18.

Modeling Plankton, Fish, and Particle Movement: The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is seeking up to 3 post-doctoral Assistant Research Scientists to work at Horn Point Laboratory on recent and anticipated funded projects that have a common theme of simulating the transport and movement of animals, plankton, or particles (hydrocarbons). The topics are: (1) advancing individual-based modeling of zooplankton coupled with a biogeochemical model as part of using satellite data to estimate zooplankton biomass and productivity in the Gulf of Mexico, (2) simulating fine-scale behavioral movement of fish and how this behavior affects the performance of optical and other sampling methods, (3) advancing a novel model of gene abundance and expression that will simulate the evolution of hydrocarbons and their associated communities in a Lagrangian framework coupled with a biogeochemical model. While each post-doc will focus on a single project, the benefits of a joining a large group working on similar themes include: developing broader research networks, leveraging shared conceptual frameworks, and sharing code. In addition, the appointees will be encouraged to collaborate with scientists across UMCES. A Ph.D. in Marine Science, Ecology, Fisheries, or Oceanography or a related field is required. Working knowledge of programming in one or more computational software languages (FORTRAN, C, R, Python) is preferred. Salary will be commensurate with experience. We welcome applicants that enhance project diversity. The Assistant Research Scientist rank carries full State of Maryland health and retirement benefits, as well as the ability to develop collaborative independently funded research projects. Horn Point Laboratory is located in Cambridge, Maryland on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, with accessibility to Annapolis, Baltimore, and Washington DC. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2017 and will continue until position is filled. Applications should include CV, copies of up to 3 publications, one-page summary of Ph.D. thesis, and the names and addresses of three references. For further information contact Kenneth Rose ( or Victoria Coles ( Posted: 11/4/17.

Quantitative Movement Ecology: We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher highly trained in quantitative movement ecology (statistical and mechanistic models) to fulfill a position of Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Florida's Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Fl. The candidate will work in a large international project funded by the Human Frontier Science Program, investigating the use of infrasound by seabird. The candidate will be in charge of developing a comprehensive movement ecology framework to investigate movement of seabirds in relationship to the infrasoundscape on the open sea using a hierarchy of environmental cues at multiple nested scales. Lead PI is Dr. Samantha Patrick, from the Seabird Ecology Group (University of Liverpool, UK); co-PIs are Dr. Susana Clusella-Trullas (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), Dr. Jelle Assink (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, the Netherlands) and Dr. Mathieu Basille (University of Florida, USA). See below for the general project summary. The candidate will be located at the University of Florida's Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Fl, under the supervision of Dr. Basille. The project covers 3 years of postdoctoral research in each institution, and all postdoctoral researchers will tightly work together, including several extended stays at collaborators' institutions. The postdoctoral researcher will be primarily in charge of developing statistical and mechanistic models to investigate movement of seabirds in relationship to the infrasoundscape. The postdoctoral researcher will also be largely involved in hiring and supervising a Master's student for this project, as well as training lab members (including graduate students) in state-of-the art techniques in movement ecology. Preferred Qualifications: A PhD is required as well as strong mathematical and programming skills. Advanced knowledge of R and SQL (PostGIS) is expected. Experience in Movement Ecology is highly desirable. Strong publication record in peer-reviewed journals in Quantitative Ecology or Biostatistics is highly desirable. Previous experience with Linux systems preferred. To apply: Please follow the instructions at (job number 502790). Deadline extended to 31 August 2017. Posted: 8/7/17.

Quantitative Biodiversity Ecologist: Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment is seeking a postdoctoral associate with experience in quantitative modeling of biodiversity and remote sensing. This position will analyze spatio-temporal dynamics of multiple species and biophysical variables across US NEON sites. The associate will advance generative joint-attribute Bayesian modeling of community response to climate change to predict distribution and abundance of species. Modeling will directly access NASA’s online remotely sensed data storage. The researcher will be responsible for development, implementation, and support of a software application. The candidate must have experience with the R programming language and a background in geospatial and remote sensing analysis. The candidate should be capable of working independently and collaboratively. The researcher will be expected to prepare results for peer reviewed journals. The position will be supervised by Drs. Jim Clark and Jennifer Swenson. Travel to domestic conferences on an annual basis. Qualifications: Applicants should hold a PhD in ecology or similar field. Previous doctoral or postdoctoral research experience should include quantitative analysis of large datasets. Applicants should be fluent in R, and have experience programming in other languages, such as Python or JavaScript. Experience with Git/GitHub, RMarkdown, Shiny, and Jupyter Notebooks is a plus. Preferred: Candidates with 3+ years of experience in Bayesian modeling and/or manipulation of large remotely-sensed datasets. Familiarity with geospatial analysis and remote sensing is preferred. Familiarity with both fine spatial scale measurements (field surveys and remote sensing) and with coarse scale data (remote sensing and geospatial data) is ideal. Initial appointment will be for two years, with possibility to extend to three years. Position is available immediately. Visa sponsorship is not available. For details and to apply, see the full job ad. Posted: 8/14/17.

Quantitative Ecologist, Birds and Conservation: National Audubon Society’s Science Division is hiring another Quantitative Ecologist to join our team. We’re looking for someone with substantial population modeling experience using a variety of approaches, including Bayesian, frequentist, and machine-learning methodologies. Experience designing and developing metrics and protocols for evaluating bird responses to conservation actions is particularly desirable. Apply online. Please contact Nicole Michel, PhD, Senior Quantitative Ecologist ( with any questions. Posted: 7/28/17.

Great Barrier Reef Modelling: The Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Australia, seeks to appoint the “Queensland Water Modelling Network Senior Research Fellow” to carry out numerical modelling of the ecological functioning of the Great Barrier Reef. This is an opportunity to undertake research to improve model functionality, capability and prediction for the Great Barrier Reef system. This unique system is critically threatened by a number of stressors. The numerical modelling will be used to better understand the interactions of these stressors, particularly those between the catchment and receiving waters, having consideration for the influence of land use/land management. The modelling will also examine climate change and policy interventions to sustain the Great Barrier Reef, address the threats to it, and prevent further loss and degradation of the Reef. Required: - PhD in relevant field, with research experience in water modelling. - Demonstrated knowledge of diverse modelling research approaches and methodologies, with capability in one or more of the following modelling techniques: data assimilation; Monte Carlo simulation; sensitivity analysis; and, advanced visualization techniques. - Demonstrated ability to provide leadership and conduct collaborative research in multi-disciplinary and multi-agency projects. - Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines. - Demonstrated capacity to obtain and successfully manage external research funds. - High-level verbal and written communications skills, including experience in developing research funding proposals and report production. - Experience with supervision of higher degree research candidates. - Well established track record of publication in high-impact, international, esteemed peer-reviewed journals and/or high quality creative outputs. - Demonstrated excellent organisational, interpersonal and negotiation skills as well as the ability to work both independently and as part of a team to meet competing deadlines. See the full job ad for details. Please contact David Hamilton ( for additional information about this position. Closing date is Friday, 24 November 2017. Posted: 11/3/17.

Quantitative Ecology, reef coral communities: We are seeking candidates with postdoctoral research interests in the long-term ecological dynamics of biological communities. The successful applicant will conduct empirical research into understanding the long-term ecological dynamics of reef coral communities using multiple large data sets at multiple temporal scales. As part of the Marine Palaeoecology Lab in the School of Biological Sciences of The University of Queensland in Australia, the position duties are primarily related to the implementation of novel quantitative techniques applicable to time-series data that test fundamental ecological hypotheses in community ecology. See the full job posting for details. Applications close: 16 Jul 2017. Posted: 6/28/17.

Plankton Ecology: Applications are invited to the following two post-doctoral positions in the Marine Food Webs Working Group of the Hakai Coastal Initiative, University of British Columbia. PDF position 1: Seasonal evolution and environmental controls of eukaryotic microbial plankton communities. PDF Position 2: Resolving zooplankton trophic pathways for enhanced prediction of food web response to a changing ocean. See the full job ads for details and to apply. Closes: February 15, 2018. Posted: 1/24/18.

Evolution of Competitive Ability in Phytoplankton: The Narwani lab at Eawag (the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences and Technology) is recruiting a postdoc to work on the evolution of competitive ability in phytoplankton. The goal of this project is understand how competitive traits evolve. We will investigate to what degree the evolution of competitive traits alters the outcome of competition, both in terms of community structure and in terms of species’ relative contributions to ecosystem functioning. To answer these questions we use competition experiments in the lab and in natural lakes. These investigations will have the opportunity to leverage existing resources in my group from prior resource limitation evolution experiments (e.g. descendant populations and whole genome sequences). The position is a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The anticipated start date is January 2018. Candidates should have obtained their PhD in topics including community, population, microbial or evolutionary ecology, with no more than 2 years of work experience post-PhD. Applicants should have at least two of the following three qualifications: (1) a background in competition and coexistence theory, 2) quantitative data analysis skills including familiarity with statistical and modelling techniques using R, Python or similar platforms, 3) experience with modern molecular methods including DNA/RNA extraction, qPCR and library preparation for next generation sequencing and basic bioinformatics. Knowledge of standard methods in aquatic ecology and algal culturing is an asset. Excellent written and spoken English with a track record of publishing in international journals is required. Eawag offers a high-tech and progressive research and working environment. Applications from women are especially welcome. For additional information contact Dr. Anita Narwani, E-Mail: (will not accept applications directly). The deadline for applications is 12 November 2017. Applications should include a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information for 3 references. Apply here. Posted: 10/20/17.

Ecology or Oceanography: NOAA’s Environmental Research Division in collaboration with the University of California Santa Cruz’s Institute of Marine Science is hiring up to two positions in Monterey, CA to start as soon as possible and closing on January 16th, 2018. Our research interests span oceanography to ecology, particularly how data science can be used to sustain healthy marine ecosystems. We are looking for a PhD level scientist with strong programming and statistical skills for help with ongoing projects analyzing top predator distribution and fisheries data relative to oceanographic processes. This position could be an ecologist, modeler, oceanographer, statistician or data scientist. Skills working with remotely sensed or modeled oceanographic data (e.g. NetCDFs) and statistics in R or Matlab are highly preferred. For the Project Scientist, we are looking for someone with a PhD (postdoc or beyond) to lead and collaborate on ongoing research projects. Please see ad here and apply here. Applications are accepted via the UCSC Academic Recruit online system, and must include a letter of application that addresses how you meet the basic and preferred qualifications, a curriculum vitae, one to three writing samples (of published material), and the names and contact information for at least three individuals who we could contact for letters of recommendation. Documents/materials must be submitted as PDF files. Posted: 12/2/17.

Zooplankton Grazing: The Menden-Deuer and Rynearson labs at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography invite applications to fill a Postdoctoral Researcher position focused on investigating both micro- and mesozooplankton grazing as part of the NASA EXPORTS program. Responsibilities and Duties: The postdoctoral associate will be responsible for participating in field research for the NASA EXPORTS program with a focus on micro- and mesozooplankton and their role in transforming organic carbon in the water column. Activities will include dilution experiments at sea, culturing of live plankton, flow cytometry, microscopy and the application of molecular methods to examine both gut contents and regulation of predator metabolic pathways in response to the prey field. Responsibilities also include dissemination of results in publications and presentations. The successful candidate will be required to contribute to the functioning of the lab, assist with graduate or undergraduate student mentoring and develop future research projects. There is no teaching requirement, but teaching opportunities can be provided. Qualifications: Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. degree by January 2018 in Oceanography, Biology or a related field. Candidates must possess demonstrable experience with the application of molecular methods (e.g. PCR, qPCR, sequencing, bioinformatics) and familiarity with cell biology. Prior experience with high-throughput sequencing datasets and statistical skills is preferred. Excellent command of the English language (written and verbal) and quantitative analytical skills are essential. Appointment: The position is for 12-months initially, commencing in late 2017 or early 2018 and renewable depending on funding availability and performance. The successful candidate will receive training in research collaboration, presentation and publication of results, and outreach and mentoring. There will be opportunities for development of additional research projects and proposals. To Apply: Applications must include (1) a maximum 3-page statement of experience, career goals, research vision and interests; (2) curriculum vitae, (3) reprints of relevant publications and (4) names and addresses of three referees willing to write confidential letters of recommendation. All materials should be emailed as a single pdf document to: with ‘EXPORTS PostDoc Application’ in the subject line. Candidates will be selected based on overall excellence, including academic qualifications, letters of recommendation, and prior skills, experience, and research goals that are compatible with the goals of the funded research. Closing date: For full consideration, applications should be received by Oct 17, 2017. Posted: 10/5/17.

Lecturer, Hopkins Marine Station: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University is searching for a Lecturer who will use their expertise in zoology, botany, and general natural history to help the station take advantage of its long history and unique location on Monterey Bay. The Lecturer will (1) teach a summer field course centered on the local kelp-forest/rocky reef ecosystem, (2) teach other courses during the academic year, (3) use their expertise in natural history and field research to facilitate exploration of the local coastal waters and their use in education, and (4) assist in the development and promotion of graduate and undergraduate courses and curricula. A PhD in the natural sciences is required, as well as scientific diving certification (AAUS or equivalent). Experience in teaching inquiry-based courses, especially those involving fieldwork, is highly desirable. The qualified applicant will also have good interpersonal and communication skills. This position is a full time (12 month) appointment at 100%. Send a cover letter, CV, a statement of teaching philosophy and plans, and names and addresses of three references to Beth Sheets at Hopkins Marine Station, 120 Ocean View Blvd., Pacific Grove, California, 93950, or by email ( Applications will be reviewed starting April 16, 2018. Posted: 3/19/18.

Historical Ecology of Marine Parasites: Explosions of marine disease are now a regular occurrence: urchins in the Caribbean, abalone in California, and sea stars of the west coast of North America have experienced recent epidemics resulting in mass mortality. Is this apparent uptick in infection real, or an artifact of improved observation and reporting? The Wood Lab at the University of Washington is "turning back the clock", generating primary data on the dynamics of marine disease over long time profiles, using liquid-preserved museum specimens of fish. We seek to hire a creative, accomplished, driven parasite or historical ecologist with a track record of high research productivity. The Postdoctoral Scholar we hire will perform research at the intersection of parasite ecology and historical ecology and will be based in Seattle, WA at UW's School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, with a start date of 1 September 2018. The Postdoctoral Scholar will work at the forefront of this emerging discipline, collecting and analyzing new empirical data, analyzing extensive existing datasets, and designing new projects. Our lab is new and growing fast - read about this and other ongoing projects on our website and check out our recent publications for more details. Applicants must have a background in disease ecology, parasite ecology, or host-parasite interactions. Historical ecologists with an interest in parasite ecology are also welcome to apply. Prior experience identifying parasites of fishes is not required, but would be advantageous. Applicants should expect to have a PhD before the start date of 1 September 2018. This position is funded for one year, with possibility of extension. Interested applicants should send the following as a single pdf: 1. CV 2. Contact information for three references 3. A brief (<2 pages) statement of research interests, as they relate to this position. Applications will be evaluated based on past research productivity, alignment of applicant's research interests with the objectives of the Wood Lab, and the individual's potential to excel as an independent researcher. Address applications to Dr. Chelsea Wood (, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. Questions about the position may also be addressed to Dr. Chelsea Wood ( Applications will be accepted until 15 April. Posted: 3/5/18.

Marine Invasion Ecology/Ecophysiology: A 1-year postdoctoral research fellowship with possibility of renewal is available in marine invasion ecology to examine environmental tolerance, survivorship and invasion dynamics of marine invertebrates. Investigating the role of shipping, including conditions experienced by invertebrates during transfer, will be central to this position. The position is based at the Marine Invasion Research Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Edgewater, Maryland, USA. SERC is a research center of the Smithsonian Institution, located on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay, approximately 10 miles south of Annapolis, 40 miles west of Washington D.C., and 40 miles south of Baltimore. The Marine Invasion Research Lab currently has a staff of approximately 40 biologists, who conduct research throughout the country and overseas, in collaboration with researchers from a variety of other institutions. This position is in collaboration with the United States Coast Guard. Starting Salary: $55k plus benefits. Duration: 1 year, with prospect for renewal. To Apply: Please submit current CV, cover letter, as well as contact information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) for 3 references. Your cover letter should be limited to 2 pages and highlight your specific interests and experience relevant to this position. Application review will begin 10 October 2017. Applications should be submitted to Laura Falsone,, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, P.O. Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037 USA. Email submission preferred. Environmental Tolerance, Survivorship, Invasion Dynamics of Marine Invertebrates: We currently seek a postdoctoral researcher to examine environmental tolerance of marine invertebrate species as it relates to invasion of coastal bays and estuaries, including how conditions during transit in and on ships affect invasion success. A goal of this research is to understand that capacity of organisms to (a) survive conditions in and on ships during transit and (b) colonize new global regions upon delivery. We anticipate that research will include primarily statistical and modeling approaches to estimate (predict) survivorship and potential geographic range of selected species, but with the opportunity to conduct laboratory experiments that examine the ecophysiology of invertebrate species (e.g., voyage simulation). Use of existing Marine Invasions Lab data with collection and incorporation of newly generated data are expected. Education / Experience: PhD in Marine Ecology, Ecophysiology, Biogeography or related field. Candidates must have (a) a strong background in statistics and modeling, (b) knowledge about marine invertebrate biology/ecology/physiology, (c) background in experimental ecology or ecophysiology with experience conducting lab and or field experiments. Experience working with large, complex datasets, risk analysis, and working with environmental data for aquatic systems is desirable. Applicants must be organized, self motivated, independent and pro-active. Strong communication skills and ability to work as part of a research team are required as is a proven talent to write reports and publications. Some travel may be required. Posted: 10/5/17.

Quantitative Marine Spatial Conservation: I am looking for a postdoctoral fellow for a Sept start. Are you an ambitious scientist looking for your next challenge? Do you have an established background in conservation science? Do you want to further your career in one of the UKs leading research intensive Universities? The University of Leeds is a vibrant, multidisciplinary institution with extensive teaching and research programmes in ecology, evolution, biomedical sciences, climate and conservation. The School of Biology seeks to recruit an outstanding, highly quantitative Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow. The person will apply quantitative ecological models to advance conservation science with concepts and methods from functional ecology, with a particular focus on the effects of changing exposure along environmental and human use gradients, focussing on coral reef habitats in the Pacific and at high latitudes. The position also has a teaching component, the fellow will assist with teaching conservation science to undergraduates (Advanced Topics in Conservation Science module), supervise undergraduate and masters-level student projects, and teach tutorial modules. This role contributes to the “Conserving marine biodiversity under climate change” family of projects; and through participation in the School’s academic activities you will also contribute towards learning and academic pursuit within the School of Biology, specifically the Ecology and Evolution group. You should possess a PhD in the area of conservation science, ecological modelling, big data manipulation, or a closely related discipline, and have an excellent publication record. You should be familiar with conservation tools and literature. To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact: Dr Maria Beger, University Academic Fellow in Marine Conservation Science Tel: +44 (0)113 343 2899 or Email: Posted: 7/18/18.

Marine Ecosystem Services and Stressors: We have two postdoctoral fellowships available within the Integrated Ocean Processes group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST University) in Saudia Arabia. The post-doc positions are for a three year period and include fellowships to study "Multiple stressors in the Red Sea" and "Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services". The post-doctoral and PhD student would be working with faculty and research scientists with experience in marine ecology, benthic ecosystems, coral reef dynamics, genomics and oceanography. The fellowships are open to candidates with a strong research background across the natural sciences. (1) Post-Doctoral Fellow: Multiple Stressors Effects In The Red Sea Marine Habitats; (2) Post-Doctoral Fellow: Marine And Coastal Ecosystem Services. Posted: 8/10/17.

Marine Ecology: The research lab of Dr. Austin Humphries at the University of Rhode Island is recruiting a Research Associate to be a part of a multidisciplinary team broadly interested in how coastal and fisheries management influence ecological processes. The basic function of this position is to perform independent research work across a variety of projects on marine fisheries ecology, habitat restoration, and/or aquaculture related projects. The person will be expected to maintain diverse datasets, produce graphs/tables, work with undergraduate and graduate students in these duties, and help with grant reporting, fieldwork scheduling, and general book keeping. Ideally the candidate will be interested in contributing as co-author on publications. Required qualifications are either a MS degree in relevant field or a BS degree and 5 years experience. Application deadline: March 14, 2018 for first consideration. Start date: Early April preferred. Duration: 1 year with subsequent years dependent on performance (funding secured for 2+ years). Compensation: $42-52k per year, depending on experience, including benefits. For details and to apply: Posted: 3/2/18.

Marine Ecology: The Smithsonian Institution is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher to help launch an NSF-sponsored collaborative research project exploring the effects of marine grazing and tropicalization on Western Atlantic seagrass beds. The position will commence March 2018, with a duration of two years. The postdoc will take a lead role in coordinating and conducting field research among a network of >10 partners (distributed across the broader Caribbean region). The postdoc will be responsible for establishing and maintaining field sites in Florida, while also providing general oversight and coordination among network partners at other locations. Opportunities to develop independent research interests within the field of seagrass ecology also exist. The position will be based at the Smithsonian Marine Station in Ft. Pierce, FL. The candidate must have a Ph.D. in biology, ecology, marine science, or other relevant field. Extensive experience in field ecology is a must, along with a demonstrated ability to lead domestic and international field expeditions involving SCUBA. The position will also require an advanced statistical / quantitative skillset (e.g. Structural Equation Modeling). Applications should include (1) Curriculum Vitae; (2) brief summary (1-2 pages) of career goals, experience, and interests in seagrass ecology; and (3) names and full contact information of three references. Please submit your applications as a single PDF to The postdoctoral salary is $52k with benefits of group health insurance. Review of applications will begin on 01 September 2017, and will continue until the position is filled. For more information, please contact: Posted: 8/4/17.

Marine Biology and Climate Change: Bowdoin College invites applications for a one-year fellowship as the Doherty Marine Biology Postdoctoral Scholar beginning June 1, 2018. A second year is possible pending administrative approval. The Doherty Scholar’s research and teaching will be based at the Schiller Coastal Studies Center (SCSC) located on a 118-acre property on Orr’s Island, a 20 minute drive from campus. The site offers easy access to nearshore habitats of the Casco Bay region of Maine. Over the last four years, the SCSC has enhanced Bowdoin’s capacity for conducting research that examines the impacts of climate change on coastal systems. This effort includes a new NSF funded experimental seawater laboratory and coastal monitoring platform as well as a recent gift that will significantly expand research and residential infrastructure. We seek applicants who take an inter-disciplinary approach to studying changing chemical environments and the impacts on benthic invertebrates. Additionally, scholars who have primary training in marine biology/physiology and ocean acidification with an interest in incorporating cross-disciplinary tools from geochemistry and paleoceanography are encouraged to apply. The Doherty Scholar will maintain an active research program that synergizes with a 1/3 time commitment to a collaborative ocean acidification project with marine biologists, marine geochemists and paleoceaongraphers funded by Maine Sea Grant. The teaching responsibilities include a course module in the fall Marine Science Semester and the supervision of undergraduate research in the applicant’s specialty during the summer and academic year. The annual stipend for this benefits-eligible position is $50k. Applicants must have received, or anticipate receiving, their Ph.D. between June 1, 2012 and June 1, 2018. Bowdoin College accepts only electronic submissions. Please visit to submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research and teaching interests, and the names and contact information for three references who have agreed to provide a recommendation. Applicants received by February 1, 2018 will receive first priority. Posted: 1/4/18.

Stable Isotope Ecology of Marsh Food Webs: A postdoctoral position is available to work in the Polito Lab at Louisiana State University (LSU), Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences. The postdoctoral researcher will focus on the analysis of bulk tissue and compound-specific stable isotope measurements of amino acids to help understand the ecological effects of multiple stressors and subsequent restoration practices on the trophic structure and flow of energy through coastal saltmarsh food webs. This position will include both laboratory and field work and the ideal candidate would have experience in both stable isotope analyses and coastal ecosystem ecology. A summer 2018 start date is preferred, but start dates as late as fall 2018 will be considered. Interested individuals can contact and see the full job ad to apply online. Closing Date: June 13, 2018. Posted: 5/30/18.

Marine/Coastal Scientist: The Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory (FSUCML) invites applications for a RESEARCH FACULTY position in Marine/Coastal Science (12-month renewable appointment). We seek a highly motivated scientist with notable research achievements aligned with FSUCML’s mission to conduct pioneering, interdisciplinary research on coastal and marine ecosystems, to mentor the next generation of problem solvers, and to leverage scientific outcomes and expertise through engagement with stakeholders to optimize marine management and conservation. The FSUCML is embedded in an area of rich terrestrial and marine biodiversity with an abundance of complex and interconnected estuarine and marine habitats including tidal salt marshes and flats, seagrass meadows, oyster reefs, and hard- bottom reefs dominated by soft coral and sponge communities. It is expected that the successful candidate will focus on processes related to these local habitats and environments. Applicants must have a Ph.D. with significant postdoctoral experience. The successful applicant will be expected to make a commitment to excellence in scholarship, student mentoring and outreach and to develop a well-funded, independent research program. Salary will be provided at 100% for the first two years and 75% from the 3rd year forward, with the expectation that the remaining 25% of salary will be met through external funding. A competitive start-up package will be offered. Application Content: Applicants are asked to provide a single document in PDF format containing a letter of application, a curriculum vita, a two-page narrative describing their research interests and plans, a brief graduate student mentoring statement, and the contact information for three references. Applicants are encouraged to present their research in a way that is complementary to and can form a basis for integrative collaboration with faculty at the FSUCML and on the FSU main campus. Applications must be sent electronically to Tianna Forbes: Review of applications will begin on December 18, 2017 and will continue until the position is filled. Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Sophie McCoy: See also Posted: 11/15/17.

Coastal Ecology: We are seeking a highly motivated scholar to join a multi-disciplinary research team at the University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL) to participate in an NSF Coupled Human-Natural Systems award entitled, “Restoration and Resilience in Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Reciprocal Dynamics of a Coastal Lagoon” (NSF Award #1617374). The project is focused on the impact of community-based oyster reef restoration and living shoreline stabilization on the broader ecosystem and the people of the Indian River Lagoon (IRL). Research is located along the east coast of central Florida in Canaveral National Seashore and directly north of the park boundaries in Mosquito Lagoon Aquatic Preserve. Although the IRL is federally listed as an “estuary of national significance”, many now refer to it as an “estuary in peril” due to recent harmful algal blooms, fish kills, and habitat loss. The research team consists of biologists, biogeochemists, engineers, social scientists, and GIS experts collaboratively seeking to understand of the mechanisms by which human engagement in ecosystem restoration promotes beneficial feedbacks within CNH systems to enhance resilience. Applicants should be willing and able to work across traditional scientific boundaries to address coastal questions with intertidal oyster reefs and estuarine shorelines on some or all of the following: integrating system-wide impacts of restoration on the estuary, the role of sea level rise in restoration success, local invasive species and harmful algal bloom ecology, and the impact of restoration on threatened and endangered wading birds and their prey. There is also significant scope for novel, related project ideas. Outreach is essential to the success of this project and it is hoped that applicant is willing to engage with community members at restoration events and preK – 12 educators to share information on the project as well as other aspects of estuaries and restoration significance/success. Examples of community engagement events can be found on Facebook at: UCF Coastal and Estuarine Ecology Lab. Individual should be available to start by November 1, 2017. Funding sources are NSF CNH program plus the new UCF Preeminent Postdoctoral Program. Term of appointment will be for two years, contingent upon continued NSF support and above satisfactory performance and productivity metrics. Stipend will be commensurate with experience and based on available funding. The postdoctoral fellow will devote most of his/her time to collaborative, interdisciplinary research. If desired, a teaching opportunity may be possible later in the postdoctoral appointment (though not required). Qualifications: must have PhD in relevant field (e.g. Biology, Environmental Science, Conservation, etc.) at time of hire as well as excellent quantitative, organizational, communication (written and oral), GIS and field skills. Applicant must be knowledgeable or willing to learn small boat handling skills, and be willing to work collaboratively with faculty, other post-docs, graduate students and undergraduates supported on this award. To Apply: Please send the following information to Dr. Linda Walters via email at as a single pdf document: 1) brief cover letter describing interests, motivations and career goals, 2) CV, 3) names and email addresses of 3 references, and copies of 2-3 peer-reviewed publications. Please include “Postdoctoral Scholar Opportunity” in the subject line and include the applicant’s last name in the file name. Strongest consideration given to candidates that submit applications by 5 PM EST on August 31, 2017. Posted: 8/11/17.

Mosquito Behavioral Ecology: The Medical Entomology Laboratory at the Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to study the foraging ecology of an invasive mosquito (Aedes albopictus). Topics of interests include: understanding how vector-feeding preferences vary under a diversity of natural host communities; elucidating the influence of physiological state and infection on feeding behavior; and disentangling the selective pressures behind host specialization. The work would entail a combination of field, mesocosm, and lab work, and support the creation and use of mathematical models to explore the evolutionary and epidemiological implications of environmental influences on mosquito behavior. The Postdoctoral Research Associate will develop, direct, and coordinate studies on the behavioral ecology of container-breeding mosquitoes. The applicant will have the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary team of lab, field, and computational researchers focused on the topic of vector-borne disease ecology. The work may involve the supervision of students or hourly workers. The successful applicant will be expected to take the lead on disseminating the project outcomes through peer-reviewed journal publications and presentations at conferences. Qualifications: Applicants should have a Ph.D. (within the last 5 years or by their start date) in a relevant field (e.g., ecology, entomology). The ideal candidate will have 1) prior experience with studies on mosquito ecology, life history, and behavior; 2) previously performed blood-meal identification with PCR-based methods, behavioral assays in olfactometers or mesocosms, and / or studies on parasite/pathogen-infected mosquitoes; 3) a solid foundation in experimental design, statistical analysis, and an ability to finalize projects and publish peer-reviewed papers. The position is available for one year initially with possibility of extension, with a salary of $47k. For full consideration, applications should be received by November 25, 2017. To apply send a current academic curriculum vitae, the names and contact information of three professional references and a cover letter highlighting research interests, qualifications and career goals (2 page maximum) to For informal inquiries, please contact Dr. Chris Stone at For hiring questions, please contact Angela Young, Human Resources Associate, at Posted: 9/24/17.

Food-Web Consequences of Controlling Mosquito Vectors of Malaria: The Department of Zoology, University of Oxford (UK) is recruiting two researchers for a project investigating the food-web consequences of controlling the mosquito vectors of malaria. The posts are full time and fixed term for 4 years. The closing date is 31 January 2018. The posts are funded by an award from the Open Philanthropy Project to the Target Malaria consortium to assist it develop and prepare for the potential deployment of gene drive technologies in mosquitoes to help eliminate malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa. Deployment will only occur if it is feasible, ethical, safe, approved by the regulatory authorities, and supported by the affected communities. Part of the award has been allocated to understanding the community-ecology consequences of reducing in density, or eliminating, the particular mosquito species that transmit malaria to humans. Fieldwork in Ghana will seek to understand the ecology of these mosquitoes and use modern molecular techniques (such as DNA “barcoding” and metagenomics) to analyse their position in local ecological food webs. The project will be led by Professor Charles Godfray [Oxford] assisted by Dr Fred Aboagye-Antwi (Accra), Professor Owen Lewis (Oxford) and Professor Frédéric Tripet (Keele). (1) Postdoctoral Researcher and Project Coordinator (Grade 8: £40-47k p.a.) We are looking for an experienced community ecologist to play a leadership role in this project. The position, which will be at senior post-doc/fellow level, will be based 50% of the time in Oxford and 50% in Ghana. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing the detailed plan of the programme with the PIs and then will take a leadership role over the course of the four-year project. The successful candidate will lead a team of field biologists in Ghana and molecular ecologists in Oxford who will construct quantitative food webs of the insect communities within which the vectors of malaria are embedded, and carry out experiments to understand the community level consequences of the elimination of the mosquito species. The work will explore the aquatic niche of the larval mosquito as well the role of the adult as food for other animals and as pollinators of plant species. We are looking for an ambitious field ecologist who has experience with working in the tropics. The successful candidate will be highly motivated and capable of working independently, and will have the personal skills to motivate and lead an international team of young ecologists. While in Oxford, the successful candidate will be asked to take a role in the intellectual life of the Zoology Department appropriate to a more senior postdoctoral fellow. The successful candidate will hold a PhD in the relevant field. (2) Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Grade 7: £31k p.a.) We seek a post doc with molecular biological skills, who ideally has experience in the application of molecular biology to ecological problems (for example, obtaining quantitative estimates of DNA sequences from environmental samples, metagenomics, constructing trophic webs using molecular data). The successful candidate will be based mostly in Oxford and will be responsible for developing molecular techniques to, for example, identify the diet range of predators from gut or excreta samples, the role of mosquitoes in pollination through molecular pollen grain analysis, and the effects of mosquitoes on the microbial flora of their larval habitats. We are looking for a motivated individual who is interested in working across the sub-disciplines of biology. The successful candidate will be a team player and enjoy working collaboratively on a common project. The successful candidate will hold a PhD in a relevant field (or awaiting examination). For further information or to apply, please see or follow the links above. Closing Date: 31-Jan-2018. Posted: 1/15/18.

Plant-Pollinator-Pathogen Interactions: I plan to hire two postdoctoral researcher positions to begin in Jan-March 2017. One of these positions is funded by the USDA to evaluate and develop sunflower pollen as a treatment for pathogens in bumble and honey bees. Interested applicants should have experience working with honey and/or bumble bees in field or lab settings; experience working with bee pathogens and communicating with beekeepers and/or growers is also desirable. The other is funded by NIH from the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease (EEID) panel to test models predicting disease transmission via manipulations of bee traits, floral traits, and plant-pollinator network characteristics. Interested applicants should have experience working in plant-pollinator or pollinator-pathogen interactions, and ideally experience conducting experiments with multiple bee species. For both positions, desirable additional qualifications include a strong record of publishing research in quality journals, expertise in R and statistical analysis, and an interest in mentoring undergraduate research. The University of Massachusetts Amherst has a vibrant intellectual community and strong graduate program in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB). These are benefited, full-time positions. Salary no less than $47k annually. This is not an official job advertisement, but I'm posting because I am at ESA in Portland and would be happy to meet with interested applicants here. The official ads will come out in early September. If you are interested, please contact me, Lynn Adler, at Posted: 8/8/17.

Plant-Herbivore-Predator Interactions: I'm looking for a postdoc to join my lab to work on non-consumptive effects in predator-prey interactions to start sometime the next academic year. Experience in a variety of areas of including ecology, entomology, physiology, behavior or chemistry would be valuable. See the official announcement below. Feel free to contact me (Jennifer Thaler) if you have any questions. The Thaler lab in the Department of Entomology at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to participate in USDA-funded research in the area of non-consumptive interactions between predators and prey. Our lab combines field-scale experiments with laboratory behavioral, physiological and chemical assays to determine the mechanisms of species interactions. The postdoc will oversee research investigating how prey responses to predators influence prey populations. This includes leading field and laboratory experiments and contributing to population modeling in collaboration with Dr. Nora Underwood’s lab at the University of Florida. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to carry out a component of the research described in the funded USDA grant including refining the experimental questions and design, conducting statistical analyses, writing the results for publication and presenting the work at scientific meetings. I also expect the postdoc to develop new, related lines of inquiry. The postdoc plays an important role in the lab, supervising and mentoring undergraduate students who are working on projects related to this research, contributing to a positive lab atmosphere, attending lab meetings, Departmental seminars, and providing scientific feedback for all researchers in the lab. This is a 12-month appointment which is renewable pending available funding and successful performance. Requirements: PhD in Ecology, Entomology or related field. To apply: please contact Jennifer Thaler at providing your CV, including details of two referees. The covering letter should include an explanation of how your qualifications and experience make you a good candidate for the position. Please make clear which position you are applying for, to ensure full consideration, all materials should be received by July 15 however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Informal inquiries are welcome. Posted: 6/19/18.

Plant-Insect Interactions in Forest Systems: The Preisser lab at The University of Rhode Island seeks applications for a postdoctoral researcher in plant-insect interactions in forest systems. This is initially a one-year position, with the possibility of an additional year of funding. This postdoc will explore the underlying mechanisms of resistance of eastern hemlock trees to the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid; within this framework, there will be a substantial amount of freedom in terms of research direction. The postdoctoral researcher will need to be able to work independently as well as with graduate and undergraduate students. The ideal candidate would have a background in woody plants, be proficient with commonly-used chemical instrumentation (e.g. HPLC, GC, mass spectrometry, FT-IR), plant physiological work, and experience with insect bioassays. The lab desires to have this position filled relatively quickly, with a desired start date of late May/June 2018. Please email questions to Evan Preisser ( or the current postdoctoral researcher, Chad Rigsby (; leaving to become Technical Researcher for the U.S. Midwest, Bartlett Tree Experts Inc.). If interested, send a C.V., statement of research interests that includes career goals (1-2 pp), pdfs of two relevant publications, and contact information (emails and phone numbers) for three professional references to Evan Preisser ( Please put "Postdoctoral Applicant" in the Subject Line. Applications will be reviewed as received through May 31, 2018. Posted: 5/19/18.

Plant-Insect Interaction Webs: The Lill lab at George Washington University in Washington, DC is searching for a full-time postdoctoral scientist with a background in terrestrial plant-insect interactions. The full position description can be found at: Posted: 3/27/18.

Plant-Pollinator Interactions: A post-doc will soon be available working on plant-pollinator interactions in wild and cultivated Asteraceae. The stipend is $48k + health insurance. Please read description below. If qualified and interested, please contact Jarrad at DESCRIPTION: An opportunity in entomology research is available with the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Fargo, North Dakota. Research will focus on plant-pollinator interactions in wild and cultivated Asteraceae, including sunflowers (Helianthus spp.) and Silphium spp. Possible areas of investigation include modeling pollinator responses to specific plant traits, investigating the (plant or insect) genetic basis of pollinator preference, or other topics appropriate to the successful applicant’s interest and expertise. Research will include ongoing research collaborations with Biological Sciences faculty at North Dakota State University. There will also be opportunities to work with other plant and insect scientists at this and other locations. QUALIFICATIONS: To be eligible, applicants must have received a Ph.D. in entomology, biology or a closely-related field. Ability to publish peer-reviewed research, experience with plant-insect interactions, pollinator rearing or identification, and molecular or quantitative genetics are desirable. Posted: 3/27/18.

Bee Health and Ecology: The Adler Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass, Amherst) seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate to assess how floral, bee and network characteristics mediate bee disease transmission dynamics under the guidance and supervision of the Principle Investigator. This research is part of a larger NIH grant examining trait-mediated bee disease transmission, with collaborators at Cornell, NCSU, and UC Riverside. The appointee is expected to establish some independence in research design and execution, to publish her/his work as appropriate in collaboration with the principle investigator, and to be an engaged member of the lab. There is an opportunity to mentor undergraduates in related independent research, but this is not a position requirement. This is a benefited, full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate position. Initial appointment is for one year; reappointment beyond the first year is contingent upon availability of funding and job performance. Funding is available for at least two years. Primary responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, selecting and preparing plant, bee and pathogen species for manipulative experiments and conducting research in field tents asking how network characteristics and floral and bee traits affect bee disease transmission. Research will require close contact with bees in tents and in field settings, and training lab personnel in various experimental techniques. The successful candidate is required to have a Ph.D. in biology, entomology, ecology or related field by the time of hire. Highly desirable qualifications include experience conducting research in plant-pollinator interactions; experience with pollination networks, experience working with multiple bee, plant and pathogen species in field and/or lab settings, demonstrated record of publishing research in quality journals, expertise in R and statistical analysis, experience and/or strong interest in plant-insect interactions, and experience and/or interest in mentoring undergraduate research. Inquiries about the position can be directed to Lynn Adler, Postdocs are unionized and receive standard salary and benefits, depending on experience, with a salary minima of $47k. Candidates must apply online, submitting a cover letter, CV, summary of research interests, and the contact details of three references willing to provide letters of recommendation. Review of applications will begin October 3, 2017. Posted: 9/21/17.

Honey Bee and Bumble Bee Ecology: We offer a Research Scientist (Postdoc) position at the Department for Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Germany for three years with possible extension for further three years. The position builds upon long-term research activities of the group on the ecology of honey bees and bumble bees in the context of land use and climate change and combined risks by pesticides, parasites, and loss of floral resources. The successful candidate (i) will analyse existing data sets on community dynamics, biotic interactions, and seasonal timing of social bees and on environmental risk assessment in honey bees, (ii) will initiate new projects and (iii) contribute to teaching. The candidate is expected to hold a PhD degree in Ecology or a similar discipline with a background in bee ecology. Further requirements are a very good knowledge of ecological statistics (using R) and experimental designs, very good writing and communication skills, ability to work independently and self-motivated, interest to work in interdisciplinary projects, and the willingness to teach undergraduate students and to supervise BSc, MSc and PhD students. Further valued skills are practical experience in beekeeping, DNA-metabarcoding of pollen samples, bee parasites and pathogens, and GIS/landscape ecology. We offer the membership in an ambitious research team, modern facilities and an international research environment. Salary and benefits are according to public service positions in Germany (TVL13, full position). Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. Disabled applicants will be preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification. Planned start date is 1st November 2017. Please send your application as a single pdf file per-email to ingolf.steffan@uniwuerzburg. de and latest until 31th August 2017. Applications should include a cover letter, a short summary of research interests, CV, complete certificates, and the names (with email addresses) of two potential referees. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, by Email (see above), phone: +49 931 3186947. Posted: 7/28/17.

Global Ecosystem Modeling: The Crowther lab at ETH-Zürich (starting on October 1st 2017) are seeking 2 postdoctoral positions to conduct competitive research in quantitative ecosystem ecology at a global scale. The research will aim to improve our understanding of how the physiology or composition of biological communities affects ecosystem functioning (primarily carbon cycling) at a global scale. We seek ecologists who are familiar with Earth System Models that will enable them to identify critical uncertainties that can be addressed through experimental or observational research. ETH-Zürich provides an ideal location to perform this quantitative research. The Department of Environmental Systems Science boasts a highly interdisciplinary group of world-leading experts that provide a good opportunity for collaboration. This will be reflected in this lab, which will bring together experts with highly different skillsets to promote interdisciplinary research. Starting salaries will be CHF 86,300 (~$89k) per annum, or higher depending on experience. Post-docs will have the opportunity to design projects for, work with, and advise PhD students who can help to develop their broader research lines. The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in a related topic. All research will require strong quantitative/analytical stills, with considerable experience handling big datasets and generating models. Experience in Earth System Modeling or complex system analysis will be favorable. The researcher should be driven to lead experimental/observational studies or meta-analyses that generate the empirical data needed to parameterize ecosystem models. Our previous post contained a link to a page that will go live on September 29; in the meantime, please send applications to “” with the subject line “ETH Postdoc ESM”. Posted: 9/22/17.

Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Fluxes: We are seeking a postdoctoral scholar to work on a collaborative study focused on greenhouse gas emissions from California dairy farms. The postdoc will be based in the Silver Lab in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California Berkeley and collaborate with Dr. Francesca Hopkins at U.C. Riverside, as well as with a diverse group of scientists at other institutions (UCR, LANL, LBNL, UCI, UCD). We are looking for a highly motivated, independent researcher with experience in automated greenhouse gas measurements under field conditions, as well as experience with laboratory incubation studies. Experience with cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy and automated chambers is highly desirable. The project will focus on manure handling systems and field application at working dairies. A major goal of the project is to compare different measurement techniques; hence, he/she will work closely with other field scientists and modelers to compare results with regional observations to determine the best strategies for future emissions monitoring. Qualifications: The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree in biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, soil science, geochemistry, or related field with emphasis on greenhouse gas dynamics. He/she should have field and instrumentation experience, and ideally have published in peer reviewed scientific journals. Candidates must have received a PhD within the past five years from an accredited college or university. Application contents: One page cover letter describing the applicant’s research experiences and interests; Curriculum vitae; Names, addresses, email, and phone number for 3 references. Contact: Applications or informal inquiries can be sent to Dr. Whendee Silver at with GHG FIELD POSTDOC as the subject line. Posted: 2/9/18.

Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Modeling: A postdoctoral position on greenhouse gas emissions modeling for California dairy farms is available on a multi-campus project funded by the University of California Office of the President Lab Fees program. The postdoc will be jointly advised by Professor Whendee Silver at UC Berkeley and Professor Francesca Hopkins at UC Riverside, with an option for the individual to be based at either campus (Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management in Berkeley, CA, or Dept. of Environmental Sciences in Riverside, CA). We are looking for a highly motivated, independent researcher with experience in biogeochemical process modeling to model methane and N2O emissions from manure management on California dairy farms. Field data for drivers of mechanistic models (e.g., temperature, moisture, O2) and fluxes of CH4 and N2O will be measured for manure handling systems at several dairies in collaboration with other UC campuses (LANL, LBNL, UCI, UCD). The postdoc will use these observations along with process-based models (e.g., Manure DNDC, DayCent) to examine predicted outcomes of management changes, and scale emissions up to the region. A major goal of the project is to compare different measurement techniques; hence, he/she will compare these process-model results with regional observations to determine the best strategies for future emissions monitoring. Qualifications: The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree in agricultural science, soil science, soil/environmental chemistry, geochemistry, or related fields. He/she should be experienced with biogeochemical process modeling, and publishing in peer reviewed scientific journals. Candidates must have received a PhD within the past five years from an accredited college or university. Application contents: One page cover letter describing the applicant’s research experiences and interests; Curriculum vitae; Names, addresses, email, and phone number for 3 references. Contact: Applications or informal inquiries can be sent to Dr. Francesca Hopkins at with GHG POSTDOC as the subject line. Posted: 2/8/18.

Spatial scaling of methane emissions in boreal and arctic environments: Stanford University, Stockholm University, and Ohio State University seek a full-time postdoctoral earth scientist in remote sensing, geospatial analyses or biogeosciences to improve spatial scaling of methane emissions in boreal and arctic environments, initially in Canada and the United States. The successful candidate will have expertise in remote sensing and geospatial analysis-to refine mapping of land forms relevant to the methane cycle- with experience in field work on methane emissions or northern soils optional, but desirable. Project investigators include Rob Jackson, Gustaf Hugelius, and Kaiguang Zhao. This international collaboration is part of a larger effort to improve understanding of sources and sinks in the global methane cycle through the Global Carbon Project ( The postdoctoral scientist will have opportunities to interact with other researchers examining wetland and tropical methane emissions on the same grant and to link with other international efforts, including the Permafrost Carbon Network and the new EU H2020 Nunataryuk consortium. There are also potential opportunities to join field campaigns to the Canadian Arctic in 2018 or 2019. Send a CV, statement of interests, and three letters of recommendation to: Stanford is an equal opportunity employer; minority applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Please apply by February 15th, 2018, for full consideration. Posted: 1/11/18.

Land-Atmosphere Carbon Cycling: The University of California Los Angeles Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) seeks two postdoctoral scholars for positions based in the labs of Prof. Ulli Seibt and Prof. Jochen Stutz. The research area is the observation and modelling of land biosphere fluxes of OCS/CO2/H2O and solar induced fluorescence (SIF). One position focuses on the acquisition and interpretation of field data from flux towers in the rainforest in Costa Rica, agricultural fields in Iowa, and the boreal forest in central Canada. The second position has a stronger focus on numerical modeling activities related to the field data. Combining the various datasets will be a component of both positions. Candidates with experience in biosphere remote sensing, gas exchange measurements, carbon cycle modeling, or related research areas are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences or a related field, proof of effective oral and written communication skills, and strong analytical skills. Applicants should submit (1) a statement of research interests and goals, no longer than one page, (2) a complete CV, including contact information for three references, and (3) at least one first-authored publication/manuscript. The materials should be addressed to Ulli Seibt and Jochen Stutz (, Consideration of applications will begin on Nov 1, 2017. The positions would begin in the Winter of 2018 and are initially for one year, with the option of renewals for up to two years. Posted: 10/9/17.

Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation: A post-doctoral position is available in the Ecological Forecasting lab at Boston University as part of a larger project to develop a terrestrial carbon cycle data assimilation system, focused initially on North America, using the PEcAn model informatics system. This system will employ a formal Bayesian model-data fusion between bottom-up process-based ecosystem models and multiple data sources to estimate key C pools and fluxes. Duties: Candidate will work with collaborators at Brookhaven to iteratively extend the PEcAn data assimilation system to ingest a wide range of remotely-sensed and ground data with the goal of fusing and reconciling multiple data streams into a continental-extent carbon cycle (pools and fluxes) data product. They will be responsible for incorporate new scaling approaches into the data assimilation system itself and extending the assimilation to work with multiple land surface models. They will contribute to analyses assessing the impacts of different data sources and models on carbon pool and flux estimates and uncertainties, with the aim of improving carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification. Finally, the candidate will also assist collaborators at NOAA who will be incorporating the bottom-up assimilation product into the CarbonTracker-Lagrange (CT-L) inverse modeling framework to help reconcile top-down and bottom-up flux estimates. Minimum qualifications are a doctoral degree in a related environmental science (ecology, geography, atmospheric science, earth science, etc.). Experience with R and at least one of the following topics is required (along with interest in learning the others): Bayesian statistics, ensemble filtering approaches (e.g. EnKF), ecosystem or land surface modeling, remote sensing, and ecoinformatics. Three years of funding available. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a cover letter, CV, and contact info for 3 references to Dr. Michael Dietze (dietze at Posted: 9/21/17.

Trace Gas and Isotope Biogeochemistry: We are looking for a creative post-doctoral scientist with a strong background in instrumentation, isotope biogeochemistry, and/or modeling to join an interdisciplinary “ecosystem genomics” team seeking to discover how microbial community composition and metabolism scale to the ecosystem biogeochemistry of carbon, focusing on a carbon-rich biome critical for understanding feedbacks to climate change. The position will focus on methane cycling across land use types in the Amazon of Brazil. The candidate will manage cutting edge field instrumentation, lead interpretation of resultant data on isotopic composition of fluxes and concentrations of carbon cycle gases, and work as part of an international team studying the molecular microbial ecology of carbon cycling using multiple methods (from metagenomics of microbial communities to ecosystem fluxes). Facility with using a mathematical modeling framework to interpret field observations is desirable, as are original ideas for complementary investigations of microbial community ecology. The position is based at University of Arizona, but will involve significant time commitments at international research sites and collaborator institutions. These are exceptional opportunities to learn new techniques and to make major scientific contributions to problems of both scientific and societal interest using cutting-edge technology. The position requires excellent communication skills and also an ability to take a leadership role for specific project components and collaborate with members of a broad international and interdisciplinary team. Fluency in (or a desire to learn) Portuguese is strongly desired. This is an interdisciplinary research program, and the candidate need not to be familiar with all of the relevant methods, but a strong science background relevant to isotope biogeochemistry, including field instrumentation, and interpretation of data within a mathematical modeling framework, is desired. For details see posting number P20464. Please send inquiries to Dr. Scott Saleska ( or Dr Laura Meredith ( Posted: 11/3/17.

Resilience of Boreal Catchments to Changes in Fire and Permafrost Regimes: A post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Tamara Harms at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, focused on resilience of boreal catchments to changes in the fire and permafrost regimes. The researcher would join a team using instream sensors to characterize carbon and nitrogen cycles of boreal catchments and evaluate temporal patterns as potential indicators of ecosystem stability and impending regime change. Applicants should have research experience and interests in ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry, and expertise with either time series analysis or collection of high-frequency data using sensors. Expected start date is March 2018. Prospective applicants should contact Dr. Harms ( by Jan 15 with a CV and cover letter describing research interests and experience. Posted: 12/2/17.

Nutrient biogeochemistry, catchment hydrology, and limnology: University of Vermont. Vermont EPSCoR is recruiting a postdoctoral associate to join our cutting-edge NSF-funded research on Basin Resilience to Extreme Events (BREE). We are continuing a five-year interdisciplinary research project, which studies Lake Champlain Basin landscape, watershed and lake condition responses to extreme weather events. Policy scenarios for enhancing resilience are tested using our comprehensive Integrated Assessment Model (IAM). As a member of the BREE team, the successful candidate will benefit from unique learning and professional development experiences including science communication through our program with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, grant writing through workshops, and undergraduate mentorship through our summer internship program. Nutrient Biogeochemistry, Catchment Hydrology, and Limnology Postdoc Position ID: PDA#006 We seek a field-oriented postdoctoral researcher with expertise in nutrient biogeochemistry (C, N, P, Fe), catchment hydrology and limnology interested in studying how extreme events cascade through the soil-stream-lake continuum. Research will leverage a heavily instrumented suite of watersheds and lakes in Vermont. The candidate should possess expertise and/or interests related to the processing and transport of nutrients or pollutants across riparian soil corridor, river and in receiving water networks. Elements of interest include carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and iron in both particulate and dissolved forms. Experience working with in-situ sensors as well as advanced statistical analyses requisite for interpretation of large environmental datasets are desirable. The successful candidate will be responsible for mentoring undergraduate and graduate students associated with this large cross disciplinary project, and will be expected to collaborate actively with a large group of natural and social scientists seeking to develop an integrated assessment model of the Lake Champlain Basin. This is a 2-year position with possibility of extension with exceptional performance. Please contact Andrew Schroth ( or Carol Adair ( for more information. A major goal of Vermont EPSCoR is workforce development, which means that the graduate students and postdocs will be mentored for success. The anticipated start date is June 1, 2018. To apply: please send CV, names and contact information for three references, and a cover letter outlining research interests, expertise and availability to and reference Position ID PDA#006. Posted: 10/17/17.

Reactive Transport Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes: A postdoctoral research position is available at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University in reactive transport modeling of transient biogeochemical processes in variably saturated alluvial aquifers that impact water quality. The scholar will join a vibrant and highly interactive multidisciplinary research team that is integrating observations of water transport, microbiology, and geochemistry to develop models of hydrological-biogeochemical coupling in contaminated alluvium. The post-doctoral project will involve modeling of field and laboratory experiments targeting the role of variable water saturation on microbially driven biogeochemical redox reactions and their impact on uranium, sulfate, and molybdenum transport. We seek an exceptional individual with a Ph.D. in hydrology, geochemistry, environmental engineering, soil science, or a related discipline, who has experience applying reactive transport modeling approaches in one or more of the following areas: (i) unsaturated zone processes and transient flow conditions, (ii) biogeochemical oxidation-reduction reaction networks, including metabolite, contaminant, or nutrient biogeochemical cycling/release/uptake; or (iii) data science or machine learning applied to physics-based models and uncertainty quantification. Experience integrating hydrologic, geophysical and geochemical measurements into model simulations and familiarity with Department of Energy computational frameworks is also desirable. The researcher will work under the supervision of Professor Kate Maher (Stanford, Department of Earth System Sciences) as part of the DOE-BER-funded SLAC Groundwater Quality Science Focus Area (SFA) program. The scholar will collaborate with the other team leaders, John Bargar, Kristin Boye, Scott Fendorf, and Chris Francis. The project is envisioned and funded as a two-year effort. In addition to conducting the research program, we encourage postdoctoral associates to develop strong skills and networks for successful scientific careers by publishing papers, presenting papers at scientific meetings, organizing symposia, writing proposals, and expanding on their existing skill set. Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a one page narrative summary of research experience and goals, and the names and contact information of two references to Professor Kate Maher ( Posted: 6/12/18.

Sediment Biogeochemistry: Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota Duluth. We seek a postdoctoral researcher to investigate sediment biogeochemistry in the framework of a NSF-funded project on the role of benthic communities in coupled C-N-P dynamics in the Great Lakes. A successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team of biogeochemists, ecologists, and modelers to investigate how recent large-scale changes in the profundal benthic communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes have affected sediment characteristics, benthic-pelagic coupling and whole-system elemental dynamics. Work will combine extensive offshore fieldwork in Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron with laboratory studies. Applicants should have a demonstrated record of conducting research in a relevant field, including proficiency in analytical techniques, and an excellent record of scholarly publications. They would be expected to conduct independent research, assist with lab and field coordination activities, and participate in supervision of graduate students. Preference will be given to candidates who have excellent written communication skills, experience in limnological or oceanographic work, experience in sediment geochemistry, especially in the Great Lakes, or experience in numerical modeling. The position is to begin between March and June 2018, for a term of up to 2 years. Salary minimum $47k/year. The Large Lakes Observatory, located on the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota, is an interdisciplinary research department dedicated to oceanographic studies of large lakes worldwide and offers excellent professional development opportunities. To apply to the position or to request more information contact Drs. Sergei Katsev ( or Ted Ozersky ( ). Please submit a CV, statement of research interests, and names of three references. Review of applications will begin on December 1. Posted: 10/13/17.

Land Use Change & Biogeochemistry: Multiple PhD and Post-doctoral positions are available in the Hutyra Lab at Boston University. We seek scholars interested in working to connect physiological, ecological, and remote sensing observations of plant productivity. Research applications will particularly focus on better characterizing impacts of land use change, urbanization, and forest fragmentation on ecosystem dynamics. The successful applicant(s) are not required to have expertise in all specified areas, but must be interested in interdisciplinary work and bridging spatial scales to improve ecosystem understand. Post-doctoral candidates should have strong quantitative skills in data analysis, numeric modeling, and programming to develop approaches. Experience working in the field (ecological or spectroscopy) strongly preferred. The successful applicants will start as soon as possible in the Department of Earth & Environment. Interested individuals should submit their CV, and a letter detailing their interest and relevant background to Professor Lucy Hutyra ( Post-doctoral applications will be accepted until the position is filled; PhD student applications are due by December 19. Please include “Land use change and biogeochemistry” in the subject line of your email. Posted: 8/15/17.

Long-Term Earth System Change: A postdoctoral position is available at Kansas State University focused on the temporal aspects of interactions among biogeochemistry, paleoecology, and global change. The postdoc will perform original research on topics in paleoenvironmental change, especially related to long-term biogeochemistry and disturbance, in collaboration with supervisor Dr. Kendra McLauchlan. The primary responsibilities associated with this position are: (1) to assist with coordination of a diverse and broad network of researchers in the U.S. and elsewhere, and (2) to conduct independent research on the biogeochemical consequences of ecosystem change at decadal to multi-millennial timescales. Required minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. in a relevant ecological, Earth, or environmental science, and previous experience acquiring and analyzing data in the fields of Earth science, ecosystem ecology or paleoecology. Preferred qualifications include successful production of peer-reviewed publications, and previous experience with microscopy, spectrometry, and/or techniques used in analytical chemistry. To apply, submit ONE pdf file containing a letter of interest, your CV, one reprint of a publication, and a list of three professional references. See the full job description to apply. Screening begins August 21, 2017. Posted: 8/4/17.

Invasive Species Ecology: The Environmental Resilience Institute (ERI) at Indiana University (IU) invites applications for a four-year Fellow position in invasive species ecology to begin in Fall 2018. Applicants with interests in range shifts of invasive and native species, mechanisms of invasion, models of spread, and impacts of invasive species on native species and ecosystems are especially encouraged to apply. Potential for using local biological systems and IU’s land resources will be considered assets. A generous research allowance, a rich collaborative environment, and eligibility to serve as PI on external grants makes this an attractive position. The position is part of IU’s Grand Challenge initiative in Prepared for Environmental Change. The successful candidate will join a cohort of twelve Fellows of the ERI and a growing community of colleagues across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities who are engaged in this collaborative program of research and communication about environmental change. Excellent fellow candidates will have experience with and openness toward multi- and trans-disciplinary collaborative research. Applicants must have a Ph.D. prior to employment along with demonstrated research experience invasive species ecology; applicants with prior post-doctoral training will be favored in the review process. Fellows will be expected to develop independent research programs that interface with ERI’s multidisciplinary initiative. Appointment will be for two years initially, with possibility of renewal for an additional two years. While the position is not permanent, Fellows are encouraged to extend the appointment period through external funding. To ensure full consideration, applications should be submitted by 10/15/17. Interested candidates should review the job description and submit application materials at Questions about the position should be directed to: Keith Clay, Search Committee Chair ( Posted: 8/29/17.

Invasive Plant Modeling: The University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources is seeking a researcher (Researcher 6) to model the distribution and density of invasive plant species across Minnesota. This individual will lead research efforts with a team of scientists and managers from the University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota Extension, and MN Department of Agriculture to develop species distribution models for 12 invasive plants across Minnesota. The results of this work will be used to conduct economic analyses of invasive species across Minnesota. The position is available immediately and includes one year of funding and health insurance. Future funding is contingent on satisfactory progress and success in securing additional funds. More information on the project funded through the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (pdf). Qualifications: PhD in natural resources, agriculture, ecology, or a closely related field with coursework in economics, or vice versa. The ideal applicant will have experience with GIS analysis, statistical techniques, and plant databases (e.g., EDDMapS, Forest Inventory and Analysis). Applicants should also have a strong work ethic, be able to work independently and cooperatively with researchers and analysts, and have demonstrated writing and quantitative capabilities. Application: Please submit a CV and cover letter to the position announcement at (Job ID 319117). Review will begin on 1 September 2017. For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Russell ( Posted: 8/11/17.

Siberian Primary Boreal Forests: Woods Hole Research Center seeks a post-doctoral researcher to co-lead an investigation into Russia’s primary forests. The successful candidate will work closely with the lead scientist and collaborators to assess the impact of land use, wildfires, and other disturbances on the spatial distribution, carbon cycling, and ecosystem services of primary boreal forests in Siberia, as well as provide policy recommendations for relevant national and international arenas. The position requires advanced geospatial modeling skills, knowledge of forest disturbance dynamics, and ability to lead a collaborative research project. The successful candidate will join a team of researchers working across the boreal-arctic zone at a variety of scales. Responsibilities: • Analyze the loss of primary boreal forests in Siberia by integrating field observations, remote sensing, and other geospatial data sets using a number of approaches. • Conduct a full spatial carbon accounting of primary forest conversion and degradation due to wildfires, logging, infrastructure development, resource extraction, and other land use change. • Working with project collaborators, produce updated primary forest maps for Siberia and other boreal regions, assess ecosystem services from Siberian primary forests, and provide policy recommendations related to their preservation value. • Work in a highly collaborative environment to analyze, synthesize, present, and publish results. Qualifications: • Ph.D. (granted or expected soon) in Environmental Sciences, Geography, Forestry, Earth System Science, Ecology, or a related discipline. • Experience with manipulating large geospatial data sets and statistical modeling. • Knowledge of boreal ecosystem science, disturbance dynamics, and carbon cycling. • Ability to think and work across disciplines and scales. • Excellent interpersonal, teamwork, written and verbal communication skills. • Knowledge of ecosystem service frameworks, international climate change policy, and Russian sociopolitical dynamics is preferred. • Proficiency in Russian language is desirable but not required. Desired Start Date: September 2018. Salary Range: $51-56k, with very generous benefits package. This is a two-year appointment, with the possibility of extension based on funding and performance. Deadline: June 29, 2018. To apply, please send cover letter referencing “Post-Doctoral Researcher Job # BRPD18”, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Please type “BRPD18” in the subject line. Posted: 5/25/18.

Protecting Carbon in Boreal Forests: The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), the leading science-based organization at the center of today’s most exciting and important policy debates, seeks outstanding candidates for a new Kendall Science Fellowship. This two-year fellowship is open to candidates who will have completed their PhD degree before September 2018. The fellow will conduct a two-year research project that brings new science to bear on how Alaska wildfire mitigation can help to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the US by mid-century. Research findings will fill critical data and knowledge gaps, serve as the basis for engaging key stakeholders at the state and federal levels, and build demand for strategies that address and limit the climate disruption of Alaska’s vast forest carbon stocks. UCS is partnering with the Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) in this project, and there will be extensive opportunities for engagement with WHRC researchers and their scientific partners. For details, see the full job ad. Deadline: April 18, 2018. Posted: 3/13/18.

Fire Frequency and Soil Carbon Dynamics in Boreal Forest: The Forest Ecosystem Science laboratory at the University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation seeks a postdoctoral research associate to work on an NSF-funded project examining how increased fire frequency in Alaskan boreal forests affects vegetation dynamics and ecosystem carbon cycling. The postdoctoral researcher will lead efforts to estimate soil CO2 efflux, linking these estimates to changes in vegetation and soil thaw created by repeat burning. The researcher will join a multidisciplinary (remote sensing, modeling of ecosystem process and permafrost dynamics), with collaborators at multiple institutions (Portland State, Universities of Alaska and Idaho). The postdoctoral research associate will assist in connecting field observations of soil and vegetation C dyamics to the ecosystem process model LANDIS-II. Interested candidates should feel comfortable working in remote locations with a team of colleagues, and there will be some strenuous fieldwork. The researcher will spend the majority of the 2018 and 2019 summer in Alaska, and winters at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Ideal candidates would be available at some point in the spring of 2018, preferably in January. The candidate will have a PhD in biology, soil science, ecology, forestry, or environmental science. The position is available for 2-3 years, with the 3rd year contingent on satisfactory progress toward project goals. The researcher will be mentored by Dr. Jason Vogel, and will join a growing and diverse lab group. Email for more information or call at (979) 846-0879. To apply for this position, visit the full job ad. Closes: 9/30/17. Posted: 9/12/17.

Fire Behavior and Plant Physiological Effects: (3 years). The Michaletz Lab in the Department of Botany at the University of British Columbia is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to help develop and evaluate a next-generation modeling framework for climate change effects on plant responses to multiple interacting disturbances. This includes extending current trait-based models for fire and drought effects on whole-plant function, and implementing these into the physics-based FIRETEC coupled fire-atmosphere model and a coupled surface-subsurface hydrology model. Modeling will be combined with new data collected at Eglin Air Force Base. The postdoc will be based at the University of British Columbia, but will work closely with collaborators Adam Atchley, Rod Linn, and the Applied Terrestrial, Energy and Atmospheric Modeling Team (ATEAM) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Start date is Fall 2018 or Winter 2019. Required skills include experience with domain modeling and code development using programming languages such as Fortran or C++, high performance and parallel computing, and numerical simulation models (computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, ecohydrology, plant physiology, and/or forest dynamics). Candidates must exhibit effective written and oral communication skills, have demonstrated ability to publish peer-reviewed papers, and have a Ph.D. pending or obtained within the last five years. Desired skills include experience with fieldwork and knowledge of hydrology, plant physiology, and ecology. For more information and to apply, visit Applications will be reviewed beginning September 1st 2018. Posted: 5/19/18.

Vegetation Model & Fire Model Integration: A postgraduate research opportunity is available with the Western Wildlands Environmental Threats Assessment Center, part of the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. The participant will perform, under mentorship of experts, the integration of MC2 dynamic vegetation model output with FSIM fire simulator model. The research includes designing model integration strategies, performing computer simulations, analyzing output, and writing reports and manuscripts for publication. Applicants must have at least an MS degree (PhD is preferred) in the field of ecological modeling, fire science and modeling, forestry, landscape ecology or environmental science. A strong background in modeling and computational skills are preferred. Applicants must have both conceptual knowledge and practical skills with statistics, databases, spatial datasets, and Linux/Unix computing platforms. This is an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) fellowship. The appointment is full-time for one year with an anticipated start date of May 1, 2018. Additional years (up to four more years) are possible depending on the availability of funding. The annual stipend rate is $60k, with additional allowance for health insurance. FOR MORE DETAILS AND TO APPLY, PLEASE VISIT: John Kim, USDA Forest Service ( Posted: 3/21/18.

Modeling Vegetation Dynamics and Disturbance Across California: The University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar position starting Summer/Fall 2018. Climate, water balance, vegetation and fire are tightly interlinked across California’s landscape and must be studied together to gain understanding of changes in each component. The candidate will play a central role in a project funded by the UC National Laboratory Fees Research Program to develop, test and apply a cutting-edge demographic, dynamic vegetation model of California’s ecosystems as part of a high- resolution regional modeling system. Goals of the project include modeling the 2011–2015 drought and its effects on tree mortality and fire, modeling tree mortality and fire under future drought and climate change, and understanding effects of management on future vegetation and fire risk. The candidate will work in collaboration with Dr. Lara Kueppers of the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley and Dr. Chonggang Xu at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), as well as project collaborators at UCLA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, NCAR, UC Irvine, UC Davis, and UC Extension to utilize high-resolution regional atmospheric forcing and evaluate model vegetation output with historical field and remotely sensed observations. The modeling framework is the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES), which is embedded within the CLM5 land surface model, and includes the SPITFIRE model of fire spread. The postdoc will be located at UC Berkeley but will have opportunities to also work at LANL. Questions regarding this recruitment can be directed to Lara M. Kueppers, or Chonggang Xu, To apply and for details of the job description, please visit: Next review date: July 10th, 2018. Final date: July 26th, 2018. Posted: 7/3/18.

Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeller: Postdoc (TV-E 13) full time 3 Years with Professor Thomas Hickler at Quantitative Biogeography Working Group Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute, Frankfurt, Germany. See the official announcement (pdf) for details. Deadline: May 31st 2018. Posted: 5/20/18.

Vegetation Modeling: The Earth System Observations Group (EES-14) in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is seeking applications from diverse candidates with expertise in modeling vegetation dynamics (preferably related to coastal systems), coastal sediment transport and landscape dynamics, and feedbacks between vegetation and coastal landscape evolution. The successful candidate will work with a multi-disciplinary team of geomorphologists, vegetation, hydrological, infrastructure and ocean modelers, focused on developing multi-physics models for high-resolution simulations using high-performance computational architectures. The successful candidate will have opportunity to work with the current state-of-the-art DOE-sponsored modeling codes such as Advance Terrestrial Simulator (ATS) model, FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Simulator) dynamic vegetation model, and evaluate model predictions with observations from field or remote sensing. A successful candidate could also focus their research on quantitatively representing feedbacks between vegetation and sediment deposition and erosion in coastal settings in the ATS model directly coupled to the DOE global ocean model MPAS-O. To apply, please visit Posted: 2/14/18.

Vegetation Dynamics: The Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab seeks a California and Western US Vegetation Dynamics Postdoctoral Scholar to combine observations, ecological theory, and numerical model development to explore the impacts of and feedbacks between climate extremes and vegetation dynamics for ecosystems in California and throughout the western US. This role will work within a five-year project funded by the Department of Energy’s Regional and Global Climate Modeling program to assess the role of climate extremes in governing tree mortality, disturbance-recovery cycles, changing ecosystem function, and transient vegetation range shifts. What You Will Do: • Explore how plant hydraulic and other traits govern vegetation distributions in California and the western US. • Develop and test process representation within the Functionally-Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES), a demographic, dynamic, vegetation model for use within the land models of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). • Test model predictions against a wide variety of observational datasets, including eddy covariance, remote sensing, and forest inventory data. • Use the recent California drought as a test of model predictions of how climate extremes govern vegetation dynamical process rates. • Explore the roles of changing climate extremes over the historical period and future projections in governing ecosystem structure and process. • Explore the role of vegetation dynamics in governing biophysical and carbon cycle climate feedbacks in California and the Western US, using coupled land-atmosphere configurations within an Earth system model. What is Required: • PhD in relevant field (e.g., climate science, ecology, plant physiology, forestry, atmospheric dynamics). • Proficient coding skills in, at a minimum, data analysis languages (Python, R, matlab, etc), and ideally, in compiled languages such as Fortran. • Knowledge of and interest in land surface processes, atmospheric dynamics, and ecological science concepts. • Experience with analysis of both observational and model-derived datasets. • Particularly interested in candidates with experience working with demographic vegetation models, plant hydraulic models, or variable-resolution climate models. • Ability to understand and use state-of-the-art land-surface and coupled land-atmosphere models. • Evidence of ability to publish research results in peer-reviewed journals. For full consideration, please apply by close of business on January 10, 2018. For details, see the full job ad. Posted: 12/6/17.

Palaeo-Vegetation/Ecological Modelling: With the official start of the new ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage ( in July, I am pleased to announce two new CABAH-funded postdoctoral positions (a.k.a. Research Associates) in my global ecology lab at Flinders University in Adelaide (Flinders Modelling Node). One of these positions is a little different, and represents something of an experiment. The Research Associate in Palaeo-Vegetation Modelling is being restricted to women candidates; in other words, we’re only accepting applications from women for this one. In a quest to improve the gender balance in my lab and in universities in general, this is a step in the right direction. The project itself is not overly prescribed, but we would like something along the following lines of inquiry: Quantifying the impact of climate- and human-driven landscape change on megafauna extinction in Australia. The project aims to integrate explicitly the interactions between vegetation dynamics (grazing, climate change) and the effects of fire (natural or human-driven) on environmental change to investigate how first human occurrence, fire frequency, grazing, and climate change interplay until they have driven species extinction events. The second position — Research Associate in Palaeo-Ecological Network Modelling — is open to everyone, and is in the general area of ecological network modelling: The incumbent will construct networks for Australian palaeo-communities to test for cascading extinctions and ecosystem stability by stochastic virtual ‘removal’ experiments. Rapid and widespread extinction of megafauna species across the globe occurred throughout the Late Quaternary and into the Holocene (~ 50,000 to 5,000 years ago). Both human-driven and climate-influenced models have been proposed to explain these massive waves of extinction, but their outcomes have largely ignored complex ecological relationships to date. Genetic data, fossil records and archaeological archives are the primary source of information for understanding the ecology of long-extinct communities, but these datasets are mostly incomplete so that we can never expect to construct complex ecological networks. However, we can build proxy networks based on analogue (modern days) systems and ecologically realistic assumptions validated from present-day ecosystems. You can apply by following this link (Position 17115 and 17116): Closing Date: 18-AUG-2017. Posted: 7/28/17.

Ecological Modeling and Global Change: The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut, in collaboration with UNC-Chapel Hill and Georgetown University, invites applications for a multi-year NSF-funded Postdoctoral Fellow to work on spatio-temporal patterns and ecological consequences of phenological mismatch across three trophic levels. Funded by NSF’s Macrosystems Biology program, the project seeks to quantify ecological patterns of phenological asynchrony between plants, Lepidoptera, and birds, and to explore demographic consequences of mismatch. The Fellow will join a highly collaborative and dynamic group of researchers across 8 North American institutions. For further information, see Primary responsibilities will include: building spatio-temporal models of phenological events across North America; using mark-recapture data in an integrated modeling framework to explore demographic responses to mismatch of phenophases; collaborating closely with climate, vegetation, and insect teams across multiple institutions; and assisting in curation of data products and associated bioinfomatic resources. All project data would be available to the postdoc to develop their own analyses for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals in accordance with project goals. Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. in biology or a closely related field, experience in ecological models of occurrence, abundance, and mark-recapture, and expertise in statistical analyses using R. Preferred candidates will additionally have: experience with ecological “big data”; advanced statistical and programming skills including the creation of R packages, and knowledge of python and SQL; demonstrated commitment to reproducible and open science; prior success in Team Science scenarios; and a strong track record of peer-reviewed publication. Application Details: See Posted: 3/5/18.

Ecological Modeler: Post-Doctoral Position. The Wildland Fire Science Program of Tall Timbers Research Station (Tallahassee, Florida) in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Center for Forest Disturbance Science (Athens, GA) is seeking an ecological modeler for a one year position that can be extended up to an additional 1.5 years (2.5 years total) contingent upon on applicant’s performance and continued funding. The purpose of the project is to model forest landscape dynamics using various modeling techniques, field data, and remote sensing instrumentation. Application reviews will begin Aug. 15, 2017. Details on this position, including how to apply. Posted: 8/7/17.

Ecological Modeling: The Brosi Lab at Emory University is seeking a post-doctoral research fellow focused on ecological modeling. Specific topics include biodiversity-ecological functioning relationships and network structure - function - stability relationships. Much of our lab's work focuses on mutualisms and especially pollination, and we intend for this modeling work to include those systems and well as extensions to other systems. While the focus is on modeling, there is a possibility to conduct field work at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (summer 2018) and / or conduct controlled multi-species resource-based experiments with bees in the lab. There will also be opportunities to interact with collaborators, on both the theoretical and empirical side, from a range of institutions. The post-doc will initially be physically located at Stanford University, where the PI (Berry Brosi) will be on sabbatical in Fall 2017 (preference to begin 1 September). The position will then transition to Emory University in January 2018. For candidates with a strong record of independent work, there may be the possibility to work remotely, particularly after at least some time in residence. The position has an initial duration of one year with the possibility of extending to a second year. The salary for the position is $48k. REQUIREMENTS: - Ph.D. in ecology or a Ph.D. in an allied field (e.g. applied mathematics) - strong experience and skills in ecological modeling - strong publication track record - strong quantitative and programming skills - excellent writing skills - able to work collaboratively in a positive and productive team setting PREFERRED SKILLS: - experience with network modeling, preferably in a population-dynamic framework - experience with dynamical systems theory, including Lyapunov stabilty - use of R for programming is preferred, though other languages may be used - interest in and experience with grant writing To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV, and 1-3 representative publications to (please do not email these materials). Get in touch with PI Berry Brosi, bbrosi [at] emory (dot) edu if you have any questions regarding the position. While the deadline of the position is set to mid-August, please apply by 15 July 2017 for full consideration. Posted: 6/28/17.

Theoretical Ecology: I am seeking a post-doctoral fellow with expertise in theoretical ecology for an exciting collaborative project modelling the effects of temporal environmental variance on the diversity of ecological communities. The project will involve a combination of mathematical work, computer simulations, and data analysis. The ideal candidate will have experience with analysis of dynamical systems and Markov chain models. The project is funded by a collaborative grant between the National Research Foundation of Singapore and the Israeli Science Foundation. The Singapore Principal Investigator is me (Ryan Chisholm, National University of Singapore) and the Israeli Principal Investigator is Nadav Shnerb (Bar-Ilan University). The post-doctoral fellow will be based in Singapore but will travel to Israel for collaborations. NUS is consistently ranked among the world’s top universities, and our lab in the Department of Biological Sciences is a thriving lab with high research output. Salary will be competitive with international post-doc salaries. Start date is flexible but ideally before the end of 2018. To apply, please send a CV and cover letter describing research interests to Posted: 3/21/18.

Theoretical Ecology: The Theoretical Ecology Group at the Peking University in China opens 2 postdoctoral positions in the areas of: (1) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and stability; (2) Meta-communities and meta-ecosystems; (3) Food webs. The successful candidates are encouraged to develop independent projects on any topic under these themes. Projects that combine mathematical modelling and meta-analysis of existing data are particularly welcome. The positions will be co-supervised by Dr. Shaopeng Wang (Peking University) and Prof. Michel Loreau (Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station of CNRS, France). The postdocs will be based primarily at Peking University, but will visit the Loreau Lab for ~2 months every year. The initial appointment will be for 2 years, with the possibility of extension for another 2 years contingent on performance and funding. The positions will be supported by either the Bo-Ya Fellowship for Postdoc program or the general postdoc fellowship program of Peking University. The Bo-Ya Fellowship for Postdoc program is a new program announced by the Peking University, which provides attractive salary (~270,000 RMB per year; before tax) and aims to attract excellent early-career scientists from all around the world. The general postdoc fellowship program of Peking University provides a salary of ~160,000 RMB per year. To apply, please send a cover letter, a CV, a statement of research interests, and names and email addresses of three references to Shaopeng Wang ( Evaluation of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled. Please feel free to get in touch informally beforehand to discuss projects or ask questions. Posted: 2/27/18.

Multi-Mutualist Community Ecology: The Segraves and Althoff labs at Syracuse University invite applications for a joint postdoctoral position on the community and evolutionary ecology of multi-species mutualisms using a synthetic mutualism lab system based on strains of brewer’s yeast. The goal of the project is to develop and test qualitative and quantitative theoretical predictions of community dynamics by using an easily replicable and fast-growing community of organisms. The project will combine theory with experimental manipulations of community structure to examine the properties of mutualistic communities that contribute to their persistence. This project will involve joint collaborations with the Segraves and Althoff labs as well as with Dr. Chris Moore at Colby College ( and Dr. Mark Ritchie at Syracuse University. S.U.’s Department of Biology is a collaborative group of vibrant researchers spanning a wide array of disciplines and also has close affiliations with faculty at SUNY-Environmental Science and Forestry. Preferred start date is Jan 10, 2018 or later. We are willing to delay the start until the summer of 2018 for ideal candidates. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in evolutionary ecology, community ecology, experimental evolution, or theoretical ecology is required. Applicants should have a demonstrated ability to combine theoretical and empirical approaches in species interactions or community ecology and strong interests in linking experimental data with results from mathematical models. Proficiency in basic molecular biology skills such as pipetting, making solutions, culturing microorganisms, and sterile technique is preferred, but not necessarily required. Please direct any questions to Dr. Kari Segraves ( and view full job description to apply. Application review will begin Nov. 27. Posted: 10/17/17.

Temperature and Microbial Community Stability: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ offers the following position: Postdoctoral fellowship (limited to 2 years, 100 percent of a full -time employment) “Testing the influence of temperature on community stability and co-existence: a theoretical and microbial model systems approach” Background: Researchers often predict species abundances based on species traits and their associations with environmental conditions. However, in addition to reacting to their environments species also interact with each other. Theory suggests that striking shifts in community composition could arise if environments additionally alter the nature of species interactions (e.g. climate warming alters the outcome of predation or competition), and thus their abundances. Experiments taking into account presence of predators with different prey ranges are thus needed to understand the relative importance of ecological and evolutionary processes. Using theoretical and laboratory microbial model systems, the postdoctoral researcher will test how temperature-driven effects on microbial species traits and species interactions influence community stability and coexistence. To examine mechanisms underlying changes in the outcome of microbial interactions, the researcher will measure phenotypic, physiological, genomic parameters as well as co-evolutionary dynamics of each population, which in a second step will inform a mathematical model. This research forms the foundation for a collaborative microcosm research platform aimed at testing ecological mechanisms underlying species coexistence and stability in the face of global change. Topic/job description: -Assemble simplified microbial model communities consisting of different trophic levels -Describe organisms, interactions and co-evolutionary dynamics under varying temperature conditions with phenotypic, physiological and genomic approaches -Use ecological modeling to predict the outcome of changing environmental context -Publish results in peer-reviewed journals, present results at conferences and meetings -Transfer knowledge to technical staff or students. Requirements: -A PhD degree in microbiology, ecology or related disciplines at the start of the contract -Demonstrated expertise in the area of research -Excellent skills in running lab experiments, microbiological methods, community ecology and statistical tools -Solid knowledge in ecological modeling and molecular biological tools; bioinformatics skills are a plus -Experience in one or more programming languages such as R, Python, Matlab, Julia or C/C++ -Capability to collaborate effectively within a multidisciplinary team of UFZ and iDiv researchers -Very good written and oral communications skills in English -Proven track record of publishing research. We offer you a two -year postdoc position at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, which provides excellent facilities and an interdisciplinary work environment. The project is supervised by Dr. Antonis Chatzinotas (Leader of Microbial Systems Ecology group; Department of Environmental Microbiology) and is strongly linked to the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research –iDiv. Applications are accepted until 01 September 2017. Applicants must hold their doctoral degree at the start of the contract (January 2018). Applications should include: -Cover letter (in English) describing motivation, research interests & relevant experience -Complete curriculum vitae including list of publications, grants and honors -Contact information of former professor(s)/ supervisor(s) who know the applicant -Copy of Master’s and Bachelor’s degree, and Doctoral certificate (if already awarded). Applications are only accepted via Selected candidates will be invited to an interview between 23-27 October, 2017. For queries on the application process, please contact; for research project questions, contact Dr. Antonis Chatzinotas We will also be available to discuss the position in person at ESA in Portland, USA. Please contact Jes Hines Posted: 8/7/17.

Root-Rhizosphere Interactions: A postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, at Clemson University, Clemson SC. The goal of the NSF supported project is to elucidate the chemical changes in plant roots that underlie the physio-morphological adaptations of roots to soil resources and to mycorrhizal associations, and how this in turn influences the root functions, root decomposition and soil carbon/nutrient cycling. The postdoctoral fellow will join the lab of Nishanth Tharayil at Clemson University, and will closely work with other principal investigators in the project- Peter Kennedy and Luke McCormack at University of Minnesota, and Vidya Suseela at Clemson University. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should have a Ph.D. in plant ecology/physiology or soil chemistry/ microbiology or related fields. Experience in conducting field/lab scale research in plant root morphology/physiology is preferred. Prior experience in plant chemistry is not required, but will also be considered as an advantage. The candidate should have a strong aptitude to learn analytical and molecular techniques as required by the project. Other preferred qualifications include- experience in conducting field-scale experiments, ability to work both independently and collaboratively, ability to formulate creative, hypothesis-driven projects, and a strong record of publications. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please submit your application documents to; i) cover letter describing motivation, research interests and career goals (1-2 pages), ii) C.V., iii) copies of up to three relevant publications, iv) name and contact information of three references, v) unofficial copy of transcript. The position is available starting June 2018 (negotiable). The initial appointment is for one year with possibility of renewal up to 2.5 years based on performance evaluation. Review of applications will begin on May 14, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. For more information about this position please contact Nishanth Tharayil ( Posted: 4/23/18.

Ecology of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in agroecosystems: The Drinkwater Lab, (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY) is seeking a post-doctoral scientist with strong research skills and an interest in legume and mutualism ecology. The work will focus on investigating the relative importance of plant genotype, soil environmental conditions and genotype x environmental interactions in governing the capacity and plasticity of symbiotic N fixation in annual legumes. This position supports an interdisciplinary effort that aims to develop improved cultivars of three annual legumes commonly used in agricultural systems as cover crops: hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), Austrian winter pea (Pisum sativum L.), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.). Responsibilities are as follows: assist with the design, data collection and analysis of field-based research, contribute to the preparation of reports, articles, and associated project deliverables and assist the PI with project integration/coordination with collaborators. In addition to contributing to the project described above, the incumbent will be encouraged to pursue other, complementary research. We seek candidates with: 1) strong quantitative and statistical skills, 2) demonstrated research excellence and 3) strong oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to applicants whose research interests and expertise complement the research project but outstanding applicants looking to broaden their field of interest will also be seriously considered. A PhD in Ecology, Biogeochemistry or Plant biology, or a related field is required. An initial appointment will be for one year, with continuation dependent upon performance and funding availability. The position is available immediately, with a preferred start date of late spring or early summer 2018. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and names and addresses of three references as email attachments (pdf or word formats) to Laurie Drinkwater at For earliest consideration, apply by April 15, 2018. Posted: 4/2/18.

Freshwater Microbiome: This postdoctoral research associate will lead independent and collaborative research to advance understanding of the controls and mechanisms that predict stream microbiome structure and function. This research will leverage the gradient of land-use and precipitation that exists across the state of Kansas, and is supported by the NSF-EPSCoR RII Track-1 project, "Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant and Soils across Kansas (MAPS)". The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for sample collection, data collection, data analysis and dissemination of their research. This work will be done in collaboration with Drs. Lydia Zeglin and Walter Dodds in the Division of Biology at Kansas State University, with the state-wide aquatic team including Drs. Amy Burgin, Pam Sullivan and Belinda Sturm at the University of Kansas, and in affiliation with the broader MAPS collaborative group including researchers at KU, Fort Hays State U. and Wichita State U. Candidates are expected to have completed a PhD degree in Microbial Ecology or a related field, to have strong written and oral communication skills, to have strong organizational skills, and to have a record of productive work both independently and as part of a collaborative team. The successful candidate will have two of the following core competencies: (1) experience with analysis of microbiomes or a background in microbial ecology; (2) bioinformatics skills relevant to analysis of next-generation sequence data; (3) experience with aquatic ecology or ecosystem ecology in a field setting. The candidate should be prepared to travel to field sites and conduct sample collection in field conditions, to conduct rigorous and well organized molecular microbial ecology and biogeochemistry lab protocols and data analysis, and to interpret and present results of the work at professional meetings and as published manuscripts. The successful candidate will embrace working in a collaborative team environment, while remaining independently motivated. We welcome applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, and candidates who can bring creativity and novel perspective to bear on the general research topic. Anticipated start date for this position is September 1, 2018, but start date is negotiable. The position may be renewed for a total of 2.5 years contingent upon satisfactory performance. Salary $47-50k. Submit a cover letter that explicitly describes your professional qualifications for the position and how postdoctoral research in aquatic microbial ecology complements your career goals, a full curriculum vitae, up to three relevant reprints, and contact information for three references. Application materials must be submitted via the official job posting at For more information, contact Dr. Lydia Zeglin ( or Dr. Walter Dodds ( Posted: 7/3/18.

Aquatic Microbiome Research: The Stream Biofilm and Ecosystem Research Laboratory at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, will soon start recruiting two postdocs to study the structure and function of the microbiome in high-alpine streams. We seek two outstanding individuals with proven expertise in at least one of the following fields: high-throughput meta-omics, metagenomics, proteomics, metabolic network and energy pathways reconstruction, and molecular inter-species interactions. Good understanding of general microbial ecology and proficiency in bioinformatics and coding are assets. All candidates must be proficient in English with excellent writing skills. Among the requirements is a PhD in computational biology, bioinformatics or a related field, the mastering of at least one programming language (e.g., such as Python, R, or C/C++), and experience with large omics data sets. We offer an intellectually nurturing environment with a competitive salary at EPFL, the integration into a larger research network, and mentoring towards research independence. The financing for both will be for a minimum of two years. The positions will be available starting in September 2018 an onward. The positions will be based at EPFL in Lausanne, with one of the postdocs closely interacting and spending time with the Laboratory of Prof. Paul Wilmes at the University of Luxembourg. Please direct your application to Applications must contain a letter of motivation, a CV including a publication list and letters from at least three references; applications without letters will not be considered. We will start screening applications on 31 May 2018 until both positions are filled. Do not hesitate to contact Prof. Tom J. Battin ( for any question. Posted: 5/19/18.

Microbial Ecology: The Eco-Evo Lab at California State University, Northridge is searching for a post-doctoral researcher with skills in microbial ecology and interests in community ecology, evolutionary ecology, or eco-evo feedbacks. The position includes one year of funding, with potential for a second year renewal, from a recent grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant focuses on eco-evolutionary dynamics of protozoa and bacteria that live inside carnivorous pitcher plants. The goal is to examine how dispersal and genetic variation affect the relative effect of rapid evolution and adaptation on ecological processes at the local scale. The post-doc will be based in Casey terHorst’s lab at Cal State Northridge in Los Angeles, CA, but will also work closely with Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler at Humboldt State University and Tom Miller at Florida State University. Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in microbiology, ecology, evolution, or a related field. A successful candidate must be able to work independently conducting experiments in both lab and field settings. As the goal of the project is to examine how protozoan (predator) evolution affects bacteria (prey) communities, experience with aseptic techniques, molecular work, and bioinformatics associated with the study of microbial communities is a plus. A record of publication in this area of research will strengthen an application. The Eco-Evo lab is committed to fostering diversity in STEM. The post-doc will be expected to train, mentor, and serve as a role model to students that are underrepresented in the field of ecology. CSUN is a Hispanic-Serving Institution and an Asian-American-Pacific Islander-Serving Institution. Women and members of underrepresented groups in ecology are especially encouraged to apply. In addition, teaching opportunities may also be available, but are not required. Interested candidates should combine the following into a single pdf file: (1) a cover letter or short (~1-2 pages) statement that describes your past and future research interests, (2) a CV, (3) names and contact information for two potential references. Submit the single pdf file via email to The ideal start date is January 2019, but this date is flexible. Initial review of applications will begin on September 1, 2018. If you plan on attending the ESA meeting in New Orleans in August, please contact Casey terHorst ( to try to meet up there. Posted: 6/19/18.

Microbial Ecology and Plant-Microbe Interactions: Three Post Doctoral Research Associate positions at the University of Wyoming Position descriptions available below and on the UW job site (positions 9465, 9480, 9466) at Microbiology and Microbial Ecology (position 9465): The Ward research group is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in microbiology and microbial ecology. Minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, and experience in successful cultivation of diverse bacterial taxa from environmental samples. Additional preferred qualifications include expertise in genomic, proteomic, or metabolomic approaches to microbial ecology, as well as fieldwork experience. Plant-Microbe Interactions (position 9480): The Weinig lab is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to collaborate on research studying 1) the effects of host plant genetic pathways on microbial distributions and 2) the consequences of microbes to host plant performance. Minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline as well as demonstrated ability to work as an independent and innovative researcher, experience conducting plant or soil microbial ecology experiments, expertise in bioinformatics of biomarker gene sequencing, and history of peer-reviewed publication. More specific preferred qualifications include proficiency in environmental DNA extraction, amplicon preparation, and field experience. Microbial Ecology (position 9466): The van Diepen Soil Microbial Ecology lab is seeking a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in microbial ecology and physiology, biogeochemistry, and microbial genomics. Minimum requirements include a PhD in a relevant discipline, proficiency in bioinformatics, and R programming or other statistical software. Additional preferred qualifications include experience with microbial culturing techniques, environmental metagenomics and transcriptomics analysis, field work, and method development. This search is part of a cluster hire of postdoctoral research associates, supported by a new 5-year, $20 million NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 grant to the University. In this project we will study microbial life and its ecological consequences; additional details can be found at To apply, please complete the online application through with the correct position number (positions 9465, 9480, 9466). Please upload a single PDF file containing a cover letter, CV, contact information for three references, and two papers describing recent research. Posted: 3/19/18.

Plant-Microbe Interactions: A postdoctoral position is available in plant-microbe interactions in the Russo lab in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. The position is part of a multi-PI NSF-funded project Center for Root and Rhizobiome Innovation (CRRI) investigating plant-microbe interactions in natural grassland and agricultural systems. The postdoctoral fellow will work collaboratively with other project investigators on multi-disciplinary field, greenhouse, and lab-based research to investigate how microbial community structure and function influence plant phenotypes using genomic and phenomic methods and will also have the opportunity to develop independent projects. Members of the Russo lab work broadly in plant ecology and diversity. Qualified candidates will be creative, independent, and motivated scientists with a PhD and a demonstrated track-record of scientific publication in the following or related areas: plant-microbe interactions, plant ecology or physiology, bioinformatics or -omics approaches. Interested candidates should send a single PDF document with a cover letter explaining their interests and experience and a CV listing the names and contact information for three references to Dr. Sabrina Russo ( with the subject line, “CRRI Postdoctoral Position”. Evaluation of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For the full ad, see: Posted: 10/23/17, revised: 2/27/18.

Plant-soil microbe interactions: Postdoctoral Researcher positions in the study of the ecology and evolution of plant-microbiome interactions are available in the lab of Jim Bever at the University of Kansas. Individual projects focus on (1) the role of AM fungal community dynamics on plant species turnover and coexistence, (2) the role of pathogens in patterns of plant diversity and its benefits (3) microbiome mediation of plant adaptation along a precipitation gradient. 1. AM fungal dynamics. We have found that late successional plant species are more responsive to mycorrhizal fungi (Koziol and Bever 2015), are more sensitive to particular species of mycorrhizal fungi (Koziol and Bever 2016), and generally have less negative soil community feedbacks (Bauer et al. 2015), all of which are consistent with AM fungal community dynamics playing an important role in plant dynamics during succession. 2. Plant pathogens. Accumulating evidence identifies pathogen dynamics as critical to generating negative plant-soil feedbacks, leading to plant species coexistence (Bever et al 2015). We will be testing the extent to which pathogen dynamics drive patterns and benefits of plant diversity. 3. Microbiome influence on plant adaptation. Kansas has a dramatic precipitation gradient. We have found that the AM fungal community in undisturbed grasslands are markedly differentiated along the gradient, but this differentiation is lost with disturbance. We will be testing the extent to which mycorrhizal fungi and other components of the plant microbiome mediate adaptation and resource dynamics along the gradient. Jim Bever and Peggy Schultz share a lab that is generally interested in the ecology and evolution of plant microbe interactions. Much of our work focusses on the feedbacks on plant fitness through changes in microbial composition and the influence of this feedback on plant species coexistence, invasion, succession and community structure. We are also interested in the application of microbial dynamics to restoration of native plant species and overyielding in polyculture. The lab has research emphases on the evolution of species interactions, including the stability of mutualism, the evolution of virulence, and life history trade-offs. We integrate greenhouse and field experiments, environmental sequencing, and theory development. We are located in the Lawrence, Kansas in the Kansas Biological Survey and the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The start date for these positions is flexible. Qualifications: 1. Doctoral degree in Environmental Science, Ecology or closely related field. 2. Demonstrated experience with research in the field of Applied Ecology. 3. Record of scientific publications in the field of Ecology and Environmental Biology. Salary: Begins at 47k. Application review begins Nov 1, 2017. Apply to: If you have questions please contact Posted: 10/6/17.

Plant-Associated Microbial Communities: Postdoc examining rhizosphere microbial community ecology, with a focus on bioenergy cropping systems, in the Evans Lab at Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, Hickory Corners, MI. Position to begin between January and May 2018. Application review to begin January 8, 2018. The postdoc would contribute to two highly interrelated projects. The first is the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, a large multi-PI and interdisciplinary project, of which one part is examining the potential of the plant-associated microbiome to sustainably enhance stress tolerance of plants in degraded lands. The second project, MMPRNT (Microbial Mediated Perennial Rhizosphere Nitrogen Transformations) is a multi-PI DOE-funded project at MSU that examines how the rhizosphere microbiome of perennial grasses influence plant nitrogen availability. In addition to research and career development, a proportion of this position (10%) involves coordination among the two projects (data management, communication, training), and is ideal for a candidate looking for exposure to multi-PI projects, mentoring, and close interactions with several collaborative laboratories (including Shade, Bonito and Tiemann at MSU). Qualifications: A PhD in an appropriate discipline is required, as is demonstration of strong written and oral communication skills. Experience with bioinformatics and statistical analysis of microbial community composition (i.e. amplicon sequencing) data is strongly preferred. Other skillsets relevant to the project, and that the postdoc could apply or potentially learn, are stable isotope probing, high-throughput quantitative PCR, culture isolation and assessment of plant growth-promotion, greenhouse experimentation, and shotgun metagenomic analysis. For full ad and instructions for application, see Posted: 12/21/17.

Plant Microbiota: The Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ) in Cologne, Germany invites applications for an genomics. The position is available in the Multitrophic Plant-Microbe Interactions group headed by Dr. Stéphane Hacquard for an initial period of two years, with the possibility of extension. In the Multitrophic Plant-Microbe Interactions group, we aim at understanding the fundamental mechanisms that underlie the structure and the functions of multi-kingdom microbial consortia colonizing plant roots. By combining microbial community profiling data from natural A. thaliana populations, with the use of reference microbial culture collections and gnotobiotic plant systems, we dissect how both host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions impact microbial community structure and plant health. We are also generating extensive microbial genome resources that will serve as key resources to identify the genetic determinants of microbial adaptation to plant roots and to interpret metatranscriptomic profiles of artificial microbial consortia. The initial project of the selected candidate will include the reconstitution of the microbiota of Arabidopsis roots in gnotobiotic plant systems using genome-sequenced microbial isolates (bacteria, fungi, oomycetes), the development of a protolcol for metatranscriptome profiling of synthetic microbial consortia, and the analysis of the corresponding metatranscriptomic signatures during root colonization or upon perturbation. The project aims at providing novel insights into the molecular mechanisms and the functions that drive the establishment of multikingdom microbial consortia on plant roots. For details, see the link above. Deadline: 10/30/17. Posted: 9/12/17.

Geo-Bio-Interfaces: The GFZ's Interface Geochemistry group led by Liane G. Benning is looking for a Research Associate (PostDoc) in Geo-Bio-Interfaces. The holder of this position will work on laboratory-based experiments addressing fungal-mineral interface processes with special focus on assessing rates and mechanisms related to biological weathering. Your responsibilities: - conduct plant-microbe-mineral microcosm experiments to derive biotic, mineral specific weathering rates - quantify molecular-scale interface processes with special applications to nutrient uptake and carbon cycling - collect, process and interpret complex high-resolution and micro-spectroscopic data from fungal-mineral surface interaction observations - integrate experimental, theoretical and modelling results - publish in international peer-reviewed journals; present research results at scientific meetings - lead and/or considerably contribute to writing proposals for third party funding - help co-supervise Masters and PhD students. Your qualifications:(essential in bold,all others are desirable) - MSc and PhD with a focus on geobiological processes with specialization in laboratory experiments - proven expertise in microcosms experiments and analyses, data processing and interpretation of complex carbon and nutrient speciation data sets - documented, hands on knowledge of light microscopy, SEM/TEM, Raman, µ-FTIR and / or synchrotron based micro-spectroscopic - proven expertise in working at the interface between geochemistry/mineralogy and microbiology - documentable excellent publication and 3rd party funding records - capacity for interdisciplinary and international teamwork and excellent communication skills - proven experience in supervision of students and/or PhD candidates - proficiency in spoken and written English, German is an asset Starting date: 15th May 2018. Fixed term: 3 years (with possibility for extension). Your application must be in English and include the following components : (a) a maximum 2-page research statement; (b) full CV and publication list and (c) the names of 3 independent referees. Contact for any questions: Prof. Liane G. Benning GFZ, German Research Centre for Geosciences/ Interface Geochemistry Group 4.4, Potsdam, GERMANY, Apply online by April 20th, 2018. Posted: 3/29/18.

Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions: The Plant and Soil Ecology Lab (Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada) is seeking an outstanding postdoctoral fellow available starting in January 2019. Research will focus on the temporal dynamics of plant-soil biotic interactions with an emphasis on exotic plant invasions and mycorrhizal symbiosis. The postdoc should have: • a Ph.D. in soil microbial ecology; • a strong background in experimental design and statistics; • knowledge of meta-analysis; • experience in setting up greenhouse and/or field experiments; • expertise in molecular techniques; • excellent oral communication skills and a strong publication record; • the capacity to work independently and in a team. The lab is located on campus in the Biosciences and Technology Convergence Centre. In addition to excellent plant growth facilities, the lab is fully equipped for PCR-based techniques and traditional microbiology. Exceptional greenhouse facilities and a long-term field research site are available through the Ontario Forestry Research Institute located only 10 minutes away. Funding is available for one year possibly renewable for a five-year period (pending funding and a positive evaluation). Salary: $50k, which includes benefits. Please submit your application by email (cover letter and CV) including the names of three referees and sent to Dr. Pedro M. Antunes before June 15th, 2018. If you have any questions email Posted: 5/19/18.

Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions in Nitrogen Cycling: A microbial ecology postdoctoral position is available in the Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) as part of the Sustainability Theme in the new US DOE-funded Bioenergy Research Center (BRC), the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI). A postdoctoral researcher is sought to support research on plant-soil-microbe interactions in bioenergy cropping systems (sorghum, energycane, and Miscanthus) with a focus on nitrogen biogeochemistry and microbial functional groups responsible for mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, nitrogen fixation, etc. Job duties include: designing and conducting field and laboratory experiments to evaluate ecological drivers of nitrogen-cycling microbes, high-throughput DNA sequencing and qPCR, bioinformatics and data analysis. The postdoctoral researcher will coordinate research activities with a large team of collaborators, supervise technicians and undergraduates, engage in data management, and write manuscripts. The postdoc will work with Dr. Angela Kent and will collaborate with plant breeders, ecosystem ecologists, ecosystem modelers, ecophysiologists, ecohydrologists, and others in the CABBI Sustainability Theme. For details see Application review will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The start date is flexible, but ideally in March 2018. Posted: 2/8/18.

Quantitative Ecology and Microbial Genomics: We seek a postdoctoral research associate to conduct research at the interface between quantitative ecology and microbial genomics in the Center for Ecosystem Science & Society at Northern Arizona University (Ecoss). The postdoc will use tools in bioinformatics, statistics, ecological modeling, as well as laboratory and field experiments, to develop new quantitative models describing how microorganisms grow and interact in the environment. The postdoc will also use existing tools developed within Ecoss to analyze existing datasets and prepare manuscripts for publication. Work will address topics in the microbiome of soils, aquatic ecosystems, and the human microbiome. The scope of work will depend on the successful applicant’s interests and skills. We seek to recruit a creative thinker, analyst, and writer who will work at the cutting edge of microbial ecology to quantitatively integrate genomic and experimental data. The postdoc will collaborate with a large and interactive team working in quantitative microbial ecology. The postdoc will also participate in Ecoss activities, including regularly scheduled seminars and working groups. This position is subject to the availability of funding. Minimum Qualifications PhD in the subject discipline conferred by the time of appointment. Competent programming skills in bioinformatics (R and/or Python). Preferred Qualifications: Record of publication in the peer-reviewed literature, Fundraising for research, and collaborative interdisciplinary research, Skills and experience in quantitative analysis of molecular and metagenomic/amplicon data, Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills Innovation, self-motivation, critical thinking and problem solving skills, Vision for research growth and collaboration in ecosystem science. Knowledge of quantitative techniques for integrating data and models, bioinformatics, and microbial ecology Excellent written and oral communication skills. To Apply Please submit a single combined PDF file including: (1) cover letter, (2) CV, (3) 1-2 page statement of research vision in microbial ecology, and (4) names and contact information for three references must be attached to the application. See complete position announcement for details and to apply: (staff Job ID 603559). For more information, contact Posted: 2/14/18.

Modeling Ocean Microbial Ecosystems: A postdoctoral research position is available at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, modeling ocean microbial ecosystems. The researcher will use the MIT Darwin ecosystem model to explore large-scale patterns in microbial ecosystem structure and function. The specific research questions to be addressed are flexible, and will be discussed with the project PI, David Talmy. The postdoc will work in the Department of Microbiology and the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), a University wide center aimed at fostering collaboration between mathematical and biological scientists. Applicants must have a PhD in an area with scientific computing, and an interest in ecosystem modeling. Applications from candidates with experience in numerical modeling involving ODE and PDE integration in an HPC environment are especially encouraged. An interest in ecosystem modeling is desired, but applications will be considered from candidates with PhDs in a wide range of fields. Start date available immediately but also negotiable. Email a CV and brief summary of research interests to David Talmy at Posted: 2/21/18.

Microbial Ecology/Metagenomics: Post-doctoral position available at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. I am seeking a postdoctoral researcher in microbial ecology/metagenomics that will be co-advised by myself (Melissa Cregger) and Chris Schadt. The researcher will be focused in understanding the ecology of plant associated and soil microbial communities as well as their responses to various anthropogenically induced changes (climate, contaminants, land use, etc) in multiple systems. This position will be focused on projects using metagenome information to understand microbial changes induced by warming in a peatland ecosystem as part of the SPRUCE project team and on optimizing microbial nitrogen cycling associated with Populus trees as part of the Center for BioEnergy Innovation. Apply online here. Please feel free to contact me with any questions: Posted: 1/15/18.

Microbial Ecology: A postdoctoral research associate position is available in the lab of Dr. Lisa Tiemann at Michigan State University to work with the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC). The GLBRC is one of four national bioenergy research centers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. There are multiple labs involved in the GLBRC at MSU and the University of Wisconsin and multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations. In particular, this position will work in close collaboration with the MSU Insects and Landscape Ecology lab of Dr. Doug Landis ( The research will focus on the diversity and chemical complexity of root residues and exudates that affect soil microbial community structure, diversity, and function, which in turn influence rates of C accrual via microbial growth and the production and turnover of decomposition by-products. We seek to understand key parts of microbial C cycling as influenced by plant and invertebrate diversity, which will change the timing and diversity of root exudates as well as residues. By processing plant material, invertebrates alter the quality, quantity, and timing of both plant detrital and root exudate inputs to soil microbial communities, with significant implications for C cycling. The position will include some combination of the following activities: Assisting with field work in research sites across Michigan and Wisconsin; conducting and/or coordinating biogeochemical analyses, including 13CO2 stable isotope pulse-chase experiments and stable isotope probing; molecular work including DNA and RNA extraction and sample preparation for sequencing; data analysis and manuscript preparation; presentation of results at national and international scientific meetings. In addition, the research associate will assist with lab organization and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students, and engage in a stimulating research environment created by multiple researchers working on coordinated aspects of the project. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. with a research focus in soil ecology, soil microbiology, soil science, biogeochemistry, or a closely related field with preference given to those with experience in molecular methods. Strong candidates will also possess the following attributes: A strong publication record from their Ph.D. (papers published, in press, or submitted); creativity, independence, and the desire to learn new things; excellent communication skills, both written and oral. The position is renewable annually, contingent upon funding and/or job performance. A start date of January 1, 2018 is preferred, but alternative timelines will be considered and should be noted in the cover letter. All questions about the position and application materials should be submitted to: Lisa Tiemann at Applications should consist of a single pdf file that includes: 1) a brief cover letter (no more than 2-pages) that highlights past research accomplishments, how your previous experience will benefit this project and your future research goals; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3) names and contact information for three references. Posted: 10/20/17.

Molecular Microbial Ecology: A postdoctoral position in molecular microbial ecology is available at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. This NSF-funded collaborative project with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution seeks to identify the nature of microbial predator-prey interactions using laboratory chemostats combined with RNA stable isotope probing, sequencing, and trait-based modeling. We are seeking an individual with expertise in molecular microbial ecology, including those with interests in microbial, viral, and eukaryotic dynamics, microbial food webs, and theoretical ecology. While the primary focus of the work will be in research, the postdoctoral investigator will have an opportunity to participate in educational and outreach activities associated with the project. Basic Qualifications: The successful applicant must hold a Ph.D. in microbiology, marine science, systems biology, or a related field. Expected skills include molecular biology and microscopy with bioinformatics proficiency; chemostat operation and nutrient analyses are considered advantageous, but not necessary. Please submit the following three items with your application: (i) a cover letter describing your research goals and your specific motivation to join our project; (ii) a CV, and (iii) contact information for three references, including your Ph.D. supervisor. (We will contact your references when needed). Please email Joe Vallino ( or Julie Huber ( with any questions about the position. APPLY ONLINE: Posted: 10/7/17.

Microbial Community Ecology: Two postdoctoral fellow positions are available in the Fukami Lab at Stanford University. The successful candidates will use nectar-inhabiting bacteria and yeasts to ask broad questions about ecological and evolutionary community assembly. There will be opportunities to develop independent and collaborative research. Expertise in one or more of the following and related fields is desirable: chemical ecology, pollination biology, and microbial ecology, genomics, and metagenomics. Appointment will initially be for one year and annually renewable for up to three additional years. Start date is preferably October 2017, but flexible. To apply, please e-mail a single PDF including a cover letter, a CV, and the names and contact information of three references to Tadashi Fukami (, with the subject line as "Nectar microbe postdoc (your name)". Review of applications will begin on August 5, 2017 and continue until suitable candidates are identified. Informal inquiries prior to application are welcome. Fukami will attend the Ecological Society of America meeting in Portland, Oregon, on August 7-11, 2017, and are available for informal individual meetings during the conference. Posted: 7/24/17.

Tropical Wood Decay and Carbon Cycling: A postdoctoral position is available in the Zanne lab at George Washington University (GWU) in Washington, DC, USA. The postdoctoral scientist will work on joint NSF (with Steve Allison: UCI) and NERC (with Paul Eggleton: NHM London) funded field- and lab-based projects. The goal of these projects is to measure the relative roles of microbes and termites in deadwood carbon turnover in tropical Australia to better inform earth system models. The projects will be based at Lucas Cernusak’s lab at James Cook University (JCU) in Cairns, QLD, Australia. The postdoc will move between the Zanne and Cernusak labs. Motivated applicants with experience working with saprotrophic microbes and/or termites monitoring wood decay and/or gas fluxes are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant field, strong writing and quantitative skills, and a record of publishing in peer-reviewed journals. Applications will be reviewed as received and the position will be open until 17 September 2017. Applications should include a research statement, including relevant skills for the project and future goals (max: 1-2 pages), CV, and contact information for three references (including emails and phone numbers). Materials should be sent to Amy Zanne ( In addition, candidates should apply directly through Posted: 8/29/17.

Modeling Microbial Processes Under Environmental Change: One full-time postdoctoral position and one graduate student position are available at the University of California Irvine in Dr. Steven Allison’s research group. Successful candidates should have interests in microbial processes, soil carbon cycling, and/or ecosystem ecology and experience in mathematical, computational, or data sciences. A record of publication in peer-reviewed journals is strongly recommended for postdoctoral candidates and encouraged for graduate student applicants. Positions are funded by the Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and European Research Council. Potential projects include: · Trait-based modeling of microbial communities and functioning under drought conditions · Modeling of greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian tropical forests · Development and parameterization of microbial-ecosystem models · Model-data integration with soil priming effects. Interested candidates should email a CV and cover letter to as soon as convenient. In addition, postdoctoral candidates should apply at Prospective graduate students should apply through relevant graduate programs in biological sciences, physical sciences, or gateway programs. Note that graduate application deadlines are often December 1. Postdoctoral candidates are encouraged to apply by August 1, 2017. Posted: 5/31/17.

Ecology & Omics of Fungal Endophytes: University of Texas at Austin. The Hawkes lab is hiring a postdoc to work on a USDA-funded project studying how fungal endophytes control plant drought responses in switchgrass, sorghum, and maize. The goal of the project is to develop a mechanistic framework for predicting fungal effects on plants at scale. Candidates should have experience in fungal genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics, as well as related skills in bioinformatics and phylogenetics. If you're interested and attending ESA, please email me to meet up - Christine V. Hawkes ( For more info, see the link above. Posted: 8/8/17.

Forest Entomology: The Forest Entomology Laboratory at Purdue University seeks a Postdoctoral Scholar to advance ongoing research focusing on the integrated pest management of Thousand Cankers Disease (TCD). This disease complex is caused by the association of a fungus (Geosmithia morbida) and the walnut twig beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis). TCD is responsible for the widespread death of black walnut (Juglans nigra) in the western United States, and was recently discovered in the East, where it threatens the health of this important timber species throughout its native range. This is a full-time, two-year appointment based in West Lafayette, IN. The specific objectives of this study are to evaluate the efficacy of trap trees, semiochemicals and the conservative use of insecticides to reduce WTB populations, while protecting high-value crop trees and minimizing the chemical footprint of walnut plantations. Responsibilities: • Work with Principal Investigators to establish field evaluations and sampling regimes. • Lead field and associated laboratory efforts related to the research objectives. Some overnight travel will be required. • Develop and present (written and oral) products suitable for scientific audiences explaining the purpose and results of project. • Create scientific manuscripts based on research that are suitable for publication. • Participate in scientific meetings and engage with colleagues and collaborators pursuing related research questions. • Provide guidance and assistance to technicians, students, and others carrying out related work. Preferred Qualifications: • A Ph.D. in Entomology, Forest Protection, Ecology or related fields (Ph.D. required). • Experience designing, organizing, and managing research projects involving insects, trees, or fungi. • Expertise and experience in chemical ecology and management of insects in forest systems. • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work with an interdisciplinary team. Preferred start date is Summer 2018. The salary is set at $48,500 per year plus benefits. Interested applicants should submit a single pdf including a cover letter, CV, and names and contact information for three references to Please use the subject header “TCD Postdoctoral Scholar”. The cover letter should include (1) a summary of the applicant’s research and analysis experience (2) the applicant’s earliest possible start date. Posted: 5/20/18.

Functional Genomics of Disease and Pesticide Susceptibility in Bumble Bees: Postdoctoral Position, Salary $43-47k per yr. Applications are invited to join the Cameron Lab in the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois. Research will focus on experimental studies of the functional genomics and ecological effects on bumble bee health of the fungal pathogen Nosema bombi, and its interactive effects with neonicotinoid pesticides. We are looking for expertise in the laboratory production and bioinformatic analysis of gene expression data (RNAseq, qPCR, etc.). The collaborative research team includes Dr. Ben Sadd, Illinois State University, and James Strange, Utah State USDA Bee Biology Lab. The research includes a series of lab experiments on both declining and stable populations of bumble bees, with the broad goal of understanding causal factors of decline in U.S. bumble bee populations. We will examine how bumble bee species vary in susceptibility to pathogens and pesticides, investigating how these stresses can interact to the detriment of bee viability. An integration of colony-level, whole-organism, cellular, and transcriptomic approaches will address how susceptibility is linked to decline status. The postdoc will play a key role in setting up and analyzing RNAseq data, with an ultimate goal to identify expression and genetic diversity associated with infection and pesticide susceptibility. Major responsibilities will be to interact with the research collaborators to participate in experiments and develop the transcriptome datasets. A strong bioinformatics or statistical genetics/population genetics background with a PhD degree in the relevant areas is required. Communication skills are essential; programming and analytical skills are desirable. To apply, please submit your CV and a Statement of your interest in the position, including discussion of how your skills are concordant with the project's research needs, along with names and contact information including email addresses for three professional references. For informal inquiries please contact Sydney Cameron ( Posted: 8/8/17.

Ecological Genomics of a Vector-Borne Plant Pathogen: A postdoctoral researcher position for a highly motivated young scientist is available in the group of Rodrigo Almeida in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, at the University of California, Berkeley, to study the dynamics of plant pathogen epidemics, host adaptation, and specialization. The position is funded by a Horizon 2020 collaborative project dedicated to the emerging plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: identification of genes underpinning pathogen host adaptation and specialization, exploration of pathogen genetic diversity and selection forces leading to disease emergence. Within the broad scope of the project, developing novel research questions will be encouraged. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in an area related to microbial genomics, evolution, or population genetics; computational, programming, and quantitative skills are required. The successful candidate will be independent and have good writing skills, yet be able to work in an interdisciplinary environment where collaboration and synergistic interactions are expected. Researcher will be responsible for experimental design, data analyses, preparation of research manuscripts and project reports. Post-doctoral researchers in our group are also expected to help mentor and work with students and peers when necessary. Appointment: One year renewable to two years based on satisfactory performance. Starting annual salary US$48k. Start date is negotiable, but strong preference will be given to candidates that can start by early Summer 2018. Application: Prepare a single PDF with i) a 2-page CV that lists publications and computational skills, ii) a research statement (up to 2 pages), and iii) three references who could be contacted. We hope to close the position by March 31st, 2018. Send PDF directly to Rodrigo Almeida ( Posted: 3/5/18.

Functional Genomics of Dutch Elm Disease: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Louis Bernier’s group at Université Laval in Quebec City (QC, Canada) to work on the functional genomics of the Dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. The successful candidate will be part of the multidisciplinary Genome Canada-funded BioSAFE project on genomic biosurveillance of alien pathogens and pests. The candidate will participate in the development of an efficient procedure for gene deletion in O. novo-ulmi and in the design and analysis of RNASeq assays of elm-pathogen interactions. Successful applicants should have a PhD degree in biological sciences and extensive experience in molecular biology and functional genomics. Knowledge in phytopathology and plant-microbe interactions is desired. Candidates should have a record of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and be able to communicate and write in English. Fluency in French would be an asset as Quebec City is predominantly French speaking. Salary: CDN$37k per year (including benefits). Duration: 2 years (starting no later than 1 November 2017). Applicants should forward their CV, a cover letter and the names and contact information of three references, no later than 21 August 2017, to: Professor Louis Bernier ( Posted: 8/7/17.

Crop Disease Management in Haiti: We seek a Postdoctoral Research Associate for a project at the University of Florida that will provide excellent experience in working with an interdisciplinary team, and an opportunity to impact food security in Haiti. The project addresses crop disease management in Haiti, in collaboration with a team of scientists addressing components of Haitian agriculture. The Research Associate’s responsibilities will include evaluation of a new plantain disease, approaches for improving plant disease diagnostics and information systems, and Haitian systems for plant disease management more broadly. This is an opportunity to discover the etiology of an important disease and contribute to improvement of crop disease diagnostics and integrated pest management in Haiti, as an example for how to improve these systems throughout the region. The project will provide valuable experience in international development for agricultural programs, and will support improved livelihoods for smallholder farmers. The Research Associate will work with Dr. Karen Garrett in the Plant Pathology Department at University of Florida as part of the new Institute for Sustainable Food Systems, and with a team of scientists working in a USAID-funded project addressing improvement of agriculture in Haiti. The Research Associate is expected to contribute to an environment that fosters diversity and cooperation. Work will begin Fall 2017. The project will last at least 2.5 years, dependent on acceptable performance and continued funding. Screening of applicants will begin October 18. Required: 1. A recent Ph.D. degree in plant pathology, entomology, ecology, horticulture or related field; 2. Demonstrated publication record, quality of work, and ability to design and conduct independent experiments with a strong commitment to achieving goals; 3. Excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to work in a team-based, multicultural, collaborative environment; 4. Authorization to work in the United States for any employer; 5. Demonstrated ability to work in challenging field environments. Preferred: Research and familiarity with plant disease systems in the lab and field is desirable, but candidates with research experience in other biological systems and a desire to apply that knowledge are encouraged to apply; Fluency in French and/or Haitian Creole would be very useful, but not necessary; Experience working in Haiti is desirable, but experience in similar agricultural systems is also useful; R programming experience is desirable, but other programming language experience is also useful. To apply, please submit (1) Cover letter explaining research interests and experience, qualifications for the job, and timing of availability, (2) Curriculum Vitae, and (3) Three references, including: names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. Apply here. Posted: 10/13/17.

Microbial Diversity in Beech Bark Disease: The Garnas lab (University of New Hampshire) is currently seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist or PhD student (with relevant Masters or Masters-level experience) to study 1) patterns and consequences of microbial diversity in the beech bark disease (BBD) pathogen complex and associated bark communities; and 2) impacts of divergent life histories among the dominant BBD associates on pathogen gene flow and population structure across the range of the disease. Within this framework, the successful candidate will be encouraged to develop their own ideas to advance basic understanding of fungal evolution in the context of a complex, multi-organism decline disease. Beech bark disease (BBD) is a widespread decline disease arising from complex interactions among a non-native scale insect and at least two putatively native pathogens that differ in key aspects of their biology and ecology. Recent work also suggests that associated microbes may play a role in disease development and/or attenuation. In addition to being highly relevant ecologically (e.g., to wildlife and to forest stand development), the BBD system represents fertile ground for scientific inquiry, with many key questions that are currently unexplored. The ideal candidate will have both experience and a proven publication record that demonstrates a keen interest and background in population genetics, microbiome sequencing and bioinformatics as well as facility with the core concepts of eco-evolutionary dynamics. The research is primarily lab and bioinformatics-based using comprehensive collections across the range of the disease. Fungal isolation and culture curation will also be required. Experience working with fungi is preferred but not required. Start date negotiable but must ideally be no later than October 1, with an earlier start date preferred. Postdoc salary of $48k plus benefits is for one year with reappointment subject to satisfactory performance. Standard stipend (including Summer salary) plus tuition waiver will be provided for PhD candidates. Interested applicants should send the following as a single pdf file to – CV – Statement of purpose that summarizes research goals/interests/trajectory and relevant experience – 2-5 relevant publications, with an annotated list of the applicant’s role/contribution for each (fewer publications would be expected in the case of PhD applicants) – Contact information for three references - GRE scores (applicants for PhD position only). See: for updates/details. Posted: 7/3/18.

Plant Disease Ecology: An opening is available for a postdoctoral researcher to study the epidemiology of Pierce’s disease in Northern California vineyards. The researcher will analyze an extensive dataset of vector and disease records to understand the factors driving an ongoing epidemic, then leverage the results to develop an epidemiological model to inform management strategies. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in ecology, plant pathology, entomology or a related field with extensive training in quantitative methods. The ideal candidate would have a combination of experience with statistical (generalized linear models, hierarchical models, model selection) and consumer-resource or epidemiological modeling. Familiarity with spatial statistics or geospatial tools is desirable, but not required. The position will be 1 1/2 to 2 years in duration, with a preferred start date this Summer, and with the potential for being located at the University of California Riverside or UC Berkeley. To apply, send a cover letter, CV, list of professional references, and a writing sample to Matt Daugherty ( Posted: 5/25/18.

Plant Disease Ecology: The Flory Lab at the University of Florida (UF) is recruiting a postdoctoral research associate for a project that seeks to improve understanding of how pathogen emergence and accumulation is affected by, and in turn affects, interactions among invasive and native plant species. The collaborative project is funded by the NSF/USDA/NIH Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease program. Our focus is on the widespread invader Microstegium vimineum, co-occurring native grasses, and their associated pathogens in eastern US forests. We have published on emerging pathogens and their potential ecological consequences for the invader (e.g., Stricker et al, 2016, Ecology Letters; Flory and Clay, 2013, Journal of Ecology, Flory et al, 2011, Ecosphere) and now seek to determine the long-term outcomes for invaded plant communities. The postdoc will work closely with Luke Flory (UF Agronomy), Erica Goss and Phil Harmon (UF Plant Pathology), Bob Holt (UF Biology), and Keith Clay (Indiana University). A Ph.D. in ecology, environmental science, plant pathology, or a closely related field is required. Ideal candidates will have broad field ecology experience and peer-reviewed publications, and will be familiar with plant disease ecology, but we encourage all interested candidates with some field ecology experience to apply. The successful candidate will have excellent demonstrated writing, presentation, and statistical analysis skills, and have experience managing large field projects. The postdoctoral researcher will be integrally involved in the design and implementation of field and greenhouse experiments, data analysis, manuscript preparation, and presentations at conferences. This postdoc position is available as soon as September 1, 2017 but start date is flexible. Renewable annually for up to three years. Salary is $48k plus benefits. For full consideration please submit application materials by August 15, 2017. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Send CV, a brief statement of interest, copies of relevant publications, and names of three references in a single PDF file to: S. Luke Flory (, 352-231-2376). Candidates attending ESA in Portland should contact Luke to set up a time to meet and discuss this postdoc opportunity. Posted: 7/25/17.

Aquatic Microbe Diurnal/Seasonal Cycles and Fish Health: Post-Doctoral Researcher Exploring the Impact of Diurnal and Seasonal Cycles on Aquatic Microbes and their Role in Fish Health. An 18 month postdoctoral position is available in the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre at the University of Derby. The work will focus on exploring the importance of the microbiome and pathobiome in freshwater fish. To accomplish this goal, the postholder will use the newly established Aquatic Research Facility and associated molecular laboratories to assess (ex-situ) what (if any) effects variations in environmental parameters (both diurnally and seasonally) have on the health of fish, specifically their microbiome. In particular we are interested in the impact such modeling has on the disease causing pathogens from the genus Mycobacterium. Aquaria programmed to mimic more natural settings will be tested against the more standard protocols utilized by zoos and aquariums i.e. fish housed under more constant environmental conditions. Specifically, we aim to explore and understand; 1. The importance of the microbiome and pathobiome in fish health 2. How such microbes are regulated in the environment and how this governs the microbiome of the host 3. Does the current practice of consent environmental conditions associated with housing fish in aquaria encourage pathogen growth and negatively impact health of the host in question? 4. The use of an endangered freshwater fish species (Valencia robertae) as a model organism in order to address a devastating fish disease (Mycobacterium) from destroying exsitu collections of this species. This post is ideally suited to researchers who have experience in both bacterial metagenomics and experimental biology. The post holder should have an interest in ecology and aquatic systems and experience with micro controllers and embedded hardware would be advantageous or alternatively experience setting up aquaria is desirable. The postholder will be given the opportunity to contribute to the development and direction of this project, and these positions are ideally suited for ambitious researchers with good team-work and leadership skills. The postholder will be joining an ever increasing team of researchers (3 post docs and 5 PhD students) led by Associate Professor Michael Sweet and this project will be co-lead by microbiologist Dr David Elliott. The successful candidate will hold a doctoral degree (or near completion) in a relevant subject area and will be encouraged to apply for further funding with Dr Sweet and Elliott over the duration of the grant. To apply please go to closing date 28th March. Posted: 3/7/18.

Amphibian Disease Ecology: The Richards-Zawacki lab at the University of Pittsburgh is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to participate in collaborative, federally funded projects investigating the effects of climate and climate change on amphibian disease dynamics. The successful applicant will collaborate on projects aimed at clarifying the impacts of climate on the (1) distribution and virulence of Batrachochytrium pathogens and (2) the development of amphibian immune responses. The position will involve field work in Pennsylvania and possibly also Louisiana, as well as laboratory-based experiments. Much of the work that takes place in Pennsylvania will be based at the University of Pittsburgh's Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology in Northwest Pennsylvania though laboratory work will mostly take place in Pittsburgh, PA. The incumbent will also have the opportunity to collaborate with the PI on a K-12 outreach program focused on climate change impacts on ecosystems. The successful applicant will have (1) a Ph.D. in ecology, biology, or a related field, (2) the ability to organize and lead field studies, (3) strong writing skills, (4) the ability to work independently and collaboratively, and (5) a strong record of mentorship and outreach. Candidates with experience with microbiology, immunology and molecular techniques will be preferred. Funds are available for one year with the possibility of additional years pending satisfactory progress. Starting salary is dependent upon experience. The position is available starting April 2018 (negotiable). Review of applications will begin February 19, 2018. To apply, please send (1) a cover letter, (2) CV, (3) statement of research interests/experiences, and (4) names and contact information for three references to Dr. Corinne Richards-Zawacki ( Posted: 1/15/18.

Disease Ecology, Amphibians: A postdoctoral research position in the fields of infectious wildlife diseases, microbiome ecology and conservation biology is available in the laboratory of Dr. Gui Becker in the University of Alabama Department of Biological Sciences. This position will explore the integrative mechanisms that underlie host-pathogen-microbiome interactions in amphibians. The ideal candidate is a talented researcher that is hardworking, creative, and, above all, competent with manuscript writing. Responsibilities will include laboratory work involving fungal culturing, molecular analyses, planning and supervising experiments, student mentoring, data management and analysis, manuscript preparation and submission, and animal care. The candidate could be interested in conducting fieldwork in the tropics and/or working with existing datasets on amphibian chytridiomycosis. Candidates must have received a Ph.D. in a relevant field by the start date. Funding is available for two years, with annual renewal dependent on performance evaluation, and will include a competitive salary and full benefits. The University of Alabama offers a range of professional development opportunities. Application review will begin November 1, 2017 and will continue until the position is filled. Start date is negotiable, but the successful applicant should be able to start in the January 2018 semester. Applicants interested in the position should contact Dr. Gui Becker ( Applicants must apply by submitting an application to the Fall 2017 Biological Sciences Departmental postdoctoral pool at (requisition number 0810628). Materials should include: 1. Cover letter stating your application for the disease ecology position, a brief description of research accomplishments and interests, and career goals. 2. The names and contact information for 3 references. 3. Curriculum vitae. 4. Two representative publications. Posted: 10/10/17.

Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available to study tolerance of infection in animals at Iowa State University. This project will use comparative, molecular, and experimental techniques to uncover patterns, mechanisms, and consequences of tolerance in house finches infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. The postdoc will be responsible for overseeing field and laboratory work, generating related experiments, and helping mentor graduate and undergraduate students. Minimum requirements: PhD in biology, ecology, or a related field; experience in immunological and molecular techniques: prior work with birds or other small vertebrates; excellent written and oral communication; a strong publication record; and the ability to work independently and in teams. Ideal applicants will have an interest in travel, as this project involves fieldwork in diverse locations and collaborations at Virginia Tech. Experience with RNA expression, disease ecology, and mentoring undergraduates is desirable. To apply, please submit the following to James Adelman ( a cover letter outlining your interests, research experience, and career goals; a curriculum vitae; reprints of up to two papers; and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2018, with an anticipated start date before June 1, 2018. Base salary is $46k annually, including benefits, increasing with prior postdoctoral experience. Posted: 2/14/18.

Disease Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available to work in the Elderd lab at Louisiana State University (LSU), Department of Biological Sciences. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for investigating the effects of plant defenses on insect-host pathogen interactions using quantitative approaches by combining data analysis with mechanistic models. Specifically, this work involves using experimental data to create Bayesian models of spatial and temporal disease outbreaks. The individual will also be responsible for supervising students and preparing manuscripts based on the research. Additional opportunities exist to research novel means of transmission in insect host-pathogen systems. The ideal candidate for this position would have experience in both empirical and quantitative ecology. The position is available for one year with the possibility of extension. Interested individuals -- please email me a CV and contact information at Posted: 9/24/17.

Historical Ecology of Infectious Disease: The Wood Lab in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington seeks a post-doc to study the historical ecology of infectious disease. Competitive candidates will be on track to complete their PhDs in the upcoming academic year (by August 2018), will specialize in parasite ecology or historical ecology of marine or freshwater ecosystems, and will be able to show evidence of research independence and high scholarly productivity. Please e-mail Chelsea Wood at with a brief summary of your dissertation research and attach your CV. Posted: 9/24/17.

Viral Phylodynamics/Ecology/Epidemiology: Our group at Johns Hopkins University is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on projects related to HIV phylodynamics aimed at understanding geography of HIV transmission networks and the role of mobility and migration on HIV incidence and epidemic dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa. The ideal applicant will have expertise in phylogenetics or computational biology, quantitative experience in epidemiology, statistics, and/or ecology and an interest in public health research related to disease prevention and control in global settings. The successful applicant will be working with Dr. Kate Grabowski in the Department of Pathology at Johns Hopkins Hospital. They will also work closely with the Hopkins Infectious Disease Dynamics Group (, as well as project collaborators at Oxford, University of Edinburgh, Imperial College, and University College London. Applicants with, or nearing completion of, a doctoral degree in evolutionary biology, computational biology, epidemiology, biostatistics, or a related field will be considered. The successful applicant will work primarily with Dr. Kate Grabowski and colleagues on PANGEA-HIV (Phylogenetics And Networks for Generalized Epidemics in Africa) consortium studies, a project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that aims to improve our understanding of HIV epidemiology in order to design targeted HIV control strategies and to understand impact of HIV interventions. The successful applicant will be expected to lead analyses using these genetic and epidemiologic data to understand the spatiotemporal patterns of HIV transmission and other aspects of HIV epidemic dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa in collaboration with a team of global experts in infectious disease epidemiology and evolutionary biology. Through PANGEA-HIV, the successful applicant will have access to next generation HIV sequencing and corresponding epidemiological data from over 15,000 persons in sub-Saharan Africa. This work will be highly connected to ongoing HIV control work throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, and the successful applicant will have the chance to share results with policy and operational partners including the Centers of Disease Control and Ministries of Health. The successful applicant be joining a highly collaborative group who work on projects ranging from empirical data collection to theoretical modeling of disease dynamics. In addition to PANGEA-HIV, there will be ample opportunities to collaborate on other Johns Hopkins studies and with the Rakai Health Sciences Program (a world renowned HIV research organization in southern Uganda) to work on cross-cutting projects focused on issues in infectious disease transmission and control both related and unrelated to HIV. The position will be for 1-2 years, depending on applicant interest and career plans. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Kate Grabowski ( with a CV, statement of interest, and references. Application will be considered on a rolling basis and should be submitted by April 20, 2018. Posted: 3/21/18.

Modeling and Analysis of Disease Transmission in Plant-Pollinator Networks: The Ellner, Myers and McArt labs at Cornell University are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join an interdisciplinary team focused on understanding the spread of disease in bee populations as mediated through their pollination activities. The team spans the fields of entomology, ecology, infection biology, applied mathematics, data science, network science, and physics. We seek a postdoc with quantitative skills to join our group and collaborate with biologists on analysis of rich, heterogeneous data sets connecting bees, flowers, and pathogens, and on the development of mathematical and computational models of population dynamics, foraging behavior and infectious disease spread. Expertise that would be useful in this position includes analysis of complex data sets, application of machine learning methods, and development and analysis of dynamical models and complex networks. Experience in infection biology or entomology is not required, while experience in data analysis, computation and mathematical modeling is. The position is available for two years starting Summer or Fall 2018, with an appointment in a department suited to the candidate's background. While the position is based at Cornell, the postdoc will interact regularly with an interdisciplinary group of Co-PIs and postdocs/grad students at UC Riverside, UMass-Amherst, NC State and the departments of Physics, Entomology, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell. Brief descriptions of the overall project NIH | Cornell. Please contact Steve Ellner ( and Chris Myers ( directly if you are interested in the position, including your CV, a brief 1-paragraph statement of interest and a list of 2-3 references who we can contact for reference letters. Posted: 6/19/18.

Mathematical Modeling of Epidemiology and Evolutionary Game Theory: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher in Mathematical Modeling of Epidemiology and Evolutionary Game Theory at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) and in the Fefferman Lab at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This is a full-time, one year position, with the potential for renewal. The work involves the mathematical modeling, including analysis and simulations, of systems of differential equations and game theory. The ideal candidate would have some experience in both areas of applied bio-mathematical research. The researcher will be expected to help formulate mathematical models, characterize analytic properties of the systems, implement numerical simulations, take a primary role in preparing manuscripts for publication, and contribute to the collaborative research group environment. Review of applications will begin 1 May 2018 and continue until the position is filled [still open as of 5/19/18]. Ideal start date: July 1, 2018. Apply at Posted: 5/19/18.

Bayesian Models of Vector Borne Disease Transmission: The Quantitative Ecological Dynamics Laboratory (QED) - in the Departments of Statistics and Biological Science at Virginia Tech is seeking applications from outstanding candidates for a Postdoctoral Researcher (PR) position. This position is part of the NSF funded project “Effects of temperature on vector-borne disease transmission: integrating theory with empirical data”. The PR will join a large collaboration spanning multiple universities. Duties of the PR include statistical analysis of incidence/case data of vector-borne infections from the field cites in Ecuador and the validation of mechanistic models of disease spread. This may include the development of new methods. The PR will prepare technical reports detailing all aspects of the work done (such as analysis methods), and interpretation of results. The PR will be responsible to creating and maintaining code for the reproducible analysis of all data, possibly including the creation of an analysis package. The PR will also prepare articles for submission to peer-reviewed journals, present findings at conferences, and participate in collaborative aspects of the NSF project and the QED lab (including travel for collaboration meetings). Candidates are sought with (1) Expertise in Bayesian methods and Monte Carlo computation methods (2) Extensive experience coding in R or another programming language (3) Experience in building and analyzing mathematical models of infectious disease spread (e.g., dynamical systems models), particularly as applied to vector-borne diseases. A PhD in Applied Math, Statistics, or Mathematical Biology are required. Candidates with PhDs in Biological sciences will be considered with evidence of significant quantitative/statistical training. The position is available immediately. The initial appointment will be for 1 year with possibility of extension dependent upon performance. To Apply: Qualified applicants must electronically submit online application, cover letter, resume/curriculum vitae, research statement and a list of 3 professional references to, posting # SR0180032. Posted: 3/21/18.

Theoretical/Quantitative Disease Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available in the Turner Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York. Funding is available for one year (renewable), to study the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, focused on environmentally-transmitted pathogens. The successful candidate will integrate statistical and theoretical modeling techniques to generate hypotheses and test ecological theory. Potential research areas include disease transmission, pathogen virulence-persistence trade-offs, and host-pathogen coevolution for environmentally-transmitted diseases. Duties will include conducting research; writing publications, grant proposals and reports; providing technical assistance to the PI and graduate students; assisting the PI in management of the lab; maintaining communication with the PI and collaborators; opportunity for international travel to meet with collaborators and collect data; opportunity to design/conduct experiments to parameterize models in a wildlife anthrax disease system in Namibia. Career development will be emphasized. Start date is September 1st, 2017 (negotiable). Questions can be directed to Dr. Wendy Turner ( Qualifications: Ph.D. degree or equivalent in ecology and evolutionary biology or in a related field; strong interest in disease ecology; quantitative skills to confront models with data (programing, statistical modeling, and/or theoretical modeling); excellent oral/written communication; leadership, organizational, and interpersonal skills; an ability to work with colleagues of diverse cultural backgrounds. Apply online. Closes: July 13, 2017. Posted: 6/22/17.

Ant Evo-Devo: Post-doc position, Paris, France, full time, 2-year contract. Expected starting date: September 2018. ANR-funded project SOCIODEV: Understanding social evolution through the study of embryogenesis in ants Over 15000 ant species are known so far and present highly diverse morphologies, behaviour, colony structure and chemical recognition. Yes, we know very little about their mechanisms of embryogenesis, although this knowledge can shed light on the evolution of sociality. The SocioDev project aims at unravelling the mechanisms of embryo development across a representative selection of ant species and test how these mechanisms can inform us about their social lifestyle. The project is coordinated by Dr. Abderrahman Khila, Institute of Functional Genomics, CNRS, ENS Lyon. The post-doc will work on one task on this large project, focussing in particular on testing the possible link between the mode of embryogenesis and chemical recognition of larvae by nestmate workers. This task involves behavioural assays, chemical analyses and manipulations, and RNAseq experiments to analyse hydrocarbon biosynthesis pathways in the embryos. The successful applicants will have a PhD in behavioural biology or evolutionary biology and a solid track record. Experience with insects and chemical analysis is welcome. Candidates should be fluent in English. The post-doc will be based at the Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Ethology, University of Paris 13, working with Prof. Patrizia d’Ettorre but will spend extended periods of time at Institute of Functional Genomics, Lyon, working with Dr. Abderrahman Khila. Candidates should send, in one single PDF file: a) letter of interest, b) Curriculum Vitae with publication list; c) contact information (e-mail, phone) for two referees who can provide letters of recommendation. DEADLINE for receiving applications: 15 April 2018 Contact: Patrizia d’Ettorre, Posted: 3/27/18.

Evolution and Eco-Physiology of Fungus-Farming Ants: A two-year postdoctoral fellowship is available from June 1, 2018 in the Section for Ecology and Evolution within the Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The fellowship will be part of a 5-year research project financed by an ERC Starting Grant. Led by Assistant Professor Jonathan Shik, the project will be based in the thriving research environment of the Centre for Social Evolution, and will involve fieldwork in the Panamanian tropical rainforests at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. The successful applicant will have experience and interest in ecology, evolution, physiology, microbial ecology, and molecular techniques. The project will focus on the remarkable lineage of leafcutter ants (genus Atta) that harvest fresh vegetation and use it as compost to produce domesticated fungal crops in huge underground nests that feed massive super organismal colonies with millions of workers. We will explore how leafcutter ants have managed to grow a single cultivar lineage from Texas to Argentina, thriving across extreme contemporary rainfall and temperature gradients and across diverse climates over millions of years. Projects will combine field experiments in Panamanian rainforests and integrative laboratory studies of cultivar gene expression to resolve the mechanisms governing the resilience of industrial-scale fungus farming in ants within diverse tropical insect communities. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2018. For further details and information about how to apply, visit: Posted: 1/4/18.

Community Phylogenomics of Ants in Madagascar: The three-year NSF-funded (DEB-1655076) Postdoctoral Fellow will investigate community structure and diversity patterns, as well as potential drivers of community assembly and species endemism, in ants in Madagascar. The postdoc will assemble a phylogenomic dataset of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) for 1300 species of Malagasy ants and combine this data with over 100,000 curated specimen records with climatic niche data to model species distributions for all Malagasy ants. The postdoc will lead analyses to characterize the phylogenetic patterns of ant community structure and diversity in Madagascar based on these phylogenomic and community datasets. This a collaborative project between Brian Fisher, California Academy of Sciences, and Bonnie Blaimer at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC [previously Smithsonian]. This study bridges genomic techniques with ant biogeography and ecology across multiple scales, from local communities to the whole Malagasy region. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Questions: Contact Brian L. Fisher ( or Bonnie Blaimer ( Posted: 6/28/17.

Behavioral Ecology: The Pruitt Lab at the University of California Santa Barbara explores the ecology of intraspecific variation, with particular focus on how the collective traits of animal societies influence their rise and fall in contrasting environments. We will be hiring multiple postdocs starting fall 2018. Initial appointments will be for a year, but can be extended up to three years. Each position will come with an annual research and discretionary fund of $8000. Postdoctoral positions are available in any subfield of behavioral ecology, but applicants interested in the ecology of social behavior, collective behavior, and the determinants of group success are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants may choose to work on any organism they wish, but existing laboratory infrastructure can support research on invertebrates, small terrestrial vertebrates, and fishes. Interested applicants should submit a brief cover letter containing the contact information of three references, a CV, and a 1-page proposal describing their proposed research including system information and hypotheses. Please send these documents to Review of applications will begin on March 15th. Posted: 3/1/18.

Quantitative Amphibian Ecology: During the late 1980’s scientists recognized that amphibian populations were declining globally (Wake 1991). These declines have continued and amphibian extinction rates have been elevated (Stuart et al. 2004, Wake 2012). In response to this crisis, USGS developed an Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) in order to obtain inferences about North American amphibian populations. The ARMI program has led to much useful research, and inferences include reduced occupancies of N. American habitats over the last decade. The success of the ARMI program has resulted from collaboration between field scientists and statistical ecologists. We seek a postdoctoral researcher who will engage in research that will support the ARMI program. The research will include developing new statistical methodology, as well as tailoring existing methods to specific ARMI uses. This includes assistance with nonstandard statistical problems that arise during their analyses. In addition, we will suggest 1-2 research topics that focus on statistical and applied ecological issues in amphibian population dynamics and ecology, depending on the interests of the postdoc, which may include developing goodness of fit tests for occupancy models, methods to improve estimation of demographic rates from combined data models, improving estimation of community dynamics, and improving models for use in resource management decisions. The work will be conducted in collaboration with the leadership of the USGS ARMI program (current head is Mike Adams). Drs. Evan Grant and James Nichols at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and Dr. David Miller, Pennsylvania State University, are the primary collaborators. All USGS researchers associated with the ARMI program are potential collaborators as well. Qualifications 1. Ph.D. in quantitative ecology, wildlife ecology, or related fields. 2. Knowledge of amphibian ecology, modeling, statistics, decision analysis. 3. Excellent verbal and written communication skills to facilitate a collaborative research environment and dissemination of results in scientific outlets. The salary range is ~$50-60k depending on qualifications and other factors. This is a one-year time-limited appointment with potential for extension based on the scope of the applicant’s interests and contingent on funding. Application: Send CV with names and contact information for three potential references to Evan Grant (; subject: ARMI postdoc application). I encourage applicants to submit materials by 07 July 2017. Posted: 6/28/17.

Quantitative Human-Environment Science: The Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado Boulder announces an opening for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in quantitative human-environment science. Applicants must have a PhD in ecology, geography, sociology, economics, or a related discipline in the human sciences at the time of appointment. The postdoc will join an interdisciplinary research group focused on interactions between humans and their environments, including human adaptation to environmental and climate change. Ongoing projects are based in Africa, Latin America, and the American West. The postdoc, under the supervision of Dr. Joel Hartter, will participate in several ongoing projects including: Population, Environment and Climate in the Albertine Rift (PECAR); Kavango-Zambezi Vulnerability Assessment (KAZAVA); Responsible Mining, Resilient Communities; and Communities and Forest in Oregon (CAFOR). The postdoc is expected to contribute intellectually to these projects, as well as to advance their own research interests in collaboration with Dr. Hartter. Primary responsibilities include analysis of existing datasets, writing of peer-reviewed articles, development of grant proposals, and management of existing research projects. Creation and dissemination of communication and outreach materials for stakeholders is also expected. Salary is USD $50k annually, plus benefits. The initial appointment is for 12 months; funding exists for annual renewal thereafter, based on performance. Start date is flexible, but not earlier than 1 October 2018. Required Qualifications: PhD in Environmental Studies/Science, Geography, Ecology, Engineering, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Economics, or relevant discipline Strong quantitative and analytical skills (e.g., computational statistical and/or process modeling; geospatial methods) Record of or demonstrated potential for writing peer-reviewed papers and grants Experience with and ability to conduct fieldwork, especially in rural communities in the US and internationally, for extended periods Will support and encourage a diverse and inclusive research and learning environment Can contribute to a team-oriented, collegial work environment. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with experimental design and statistical analysis for causal inference Experience with remote sensing data acquisition, processing, and analysis Experience with agent-based, Bayesian network, or other behavior simulation models Proficiency in R and/or Python Interest in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students Professional and/or academic experience with field work and travel in the US West, Africa and/or Latin America Interest and/or experience in working with diverse stakeholders (e.g., farmers, livestock owners, land managers, policymakers), including science communication with these groups. To Apply, see the full job ad. Review of materials will begin July 15. Posted: 7/3/18.

Quantitative Conservation Ecology: Climate smart connectivity for Southern California wildlife -Biology Department, San Diego State University. We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in species distribution modeling and familiarity with population and connectivity modeling. A PhD is required as well as strong mathematical and programming skills. The candidate must be fluent in R and GIS; familiarity with Python is preferable. The candidate should be able to work both independently and in a collaborative setting with project stakeholders at the Department of Fish and Wildlife and Climate Science Alliance – South Coast. Familiarity with the Southern California ecosystems is desirable. Start date is as soon as possible. The postdoctoral researcher will work on a project funded by California’s Wildlife Conservation Board and a State Wildlife Grant to identify and prioritize corridors to promote population resilience for five focal Southern California wildlife species under threat from climate change, land use change, and altered disturbance regimes. The project combines traditional habitat niche modeling, recent advances in connectivity modeling, and spatially-explicit demographic dynamics for populations undergoing disturbances and/or management actions. The postdoctoral researcher will be based at San Diego State University (SDSU) and will work under the direction of Rebecca Lewison (SDSU) and Megan Jennings (SDSU) and with external collaborator Erin Conlisk (Pt Blue Conservation Science). The project may require travel within California. Model development and analysis will include: 1) providing habitat suitability ensemble forecasts for five focal species, 2) using least cost path and resistance connectivity modeling to identify corridors, 3) constructing population models that incorporate (1) and (2) to explore species resilience under different corridor scenarios, and 4) using decision support tools to prioritize corridors. The researcher will be expected to prepare results for peer reviewed journals. Appointment: 75-100% time appointment for one year from start date, with the possibility for additional year(s) of funding contingent upon performance. Salary is $43k a year plus benefits. To apply: Please send your letter of interest, CV, contact information for three references and any inquiries to Megan Jennings at Please put “Quantitative Postdoc” in the email subject heading. Application review will commence on July 7, 2017. Posted: 6/28/17.

Avian Space Use and Movement: The Oregon State University Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society in the College of Forestry is soliciting applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work as part of a collaborative effort between the laboratories of Dr. Jim Rivers and Dr. Matt Betts in association with Kim Nelson and Dan Roby in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. This position will assist with research projects that are investigating space use, habitat selection, and breeding ecology of the endangered Marbled Murrelet in western Oregon. Salary is $44-52k/year, depending on experience; support is available for a minimum of 2 years subject to adequate performance review after 12 months. Start date is somewhat flexible, but ideally the incumbent would start on or before June 18, 2018. The postdoc will be responsible for several project components that include but are not limited to: 1. Evaluating marine and terrestrial habitat use by murrelets during the breeding season 2. Quantifying breeding behaviors obtained from remote cameras (e.g., incubation, offspring provisioning) 3. Helping to lead field efforts at-sea capture, tagging of murrelets, and execution of field data collection 4. Leveraging existing data to further project objectives Minimum Qualifications: - Ph.D. in wildlife ecology or a closely related field - Computing skills including statistical software (e.g., R), spatial software (e.g., ArcGIS, Spatial Analyst, Google Earth), and database programs - Professional competence in planning, designing, executing, and coordinating research - Demonstrated proficiency for independently writing scientific publications for peer-reviewed journals - Strong communication skills, including excellent command of the English language, that allows for working effectively as a member of a large research team - Professional competence in handling and banding/tagging birds, as well as obtaining biological samples - Ability to traverse steep, rugged, and/or uneven terrain while carrying up to 25 pounds in all weather conditions. Preferred Qualifications - Previous research with spatial and breeding ecology of seabirds (especially alcids) - Knowledge and experience with forest management practices of the Pacific Northwest - Lead-author on publications assessing habitat use and selection and/or breeding ecology - A demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity. For additional details about the position, including how to apply, visit ( and search for posting number P01981UF. Applications will be accepted until the position closes on 4/19/2018. Only applications selected for consideration on a shortlist will be contacted and asked to provide letters of recommendation. Questions should be directed to Jim Rivers ( Posted: 3/27/18.

Avian Bioacoustics and Behavior: The Behavioral and Community Ecology, Conservation Biology lab group at the College of Forestry, Guangxi University (Nanning, China) is looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow for two years, starting in July 2018. The fellow will work on two projects: 1) a database of audiorecordings made by remote recording machines on vegetation plots in Guangxi Province and elsewhere in southern China, 2) a project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China that looks at the vocalizations of group-living birds under field and aviary conditions. For the first project, having experience in signal detection (e.g. of specific bird species' vocalizations), and programming, is desired. Strong quantitative skills and publishing record will also be attractive. Further, we are looking for a good team member who can supervise students and who enjoys the interesting cultural experience of living in China (although all academic work in English). Postdoc will work directly with PI Eben Goodale and interact with the rest of our group at: If interested, please send cover letter, CV, reprints of up to three publications, and names of three references to, with e-mail subject of "Bioacoustics Postdoc". Posted: 3/5/18.

Wildlife Responses to Anthropogenic Noise: Postdoctoral Fellow, Colorado State University, Department of Fish, Wildlife, & Conservation Biology. The successful candidate will work in collaboration with CSU and National Park Service (NPS) scientists. The CSU scientists (PI’s: Dr. George Wittemyer, Dr. Lisa Angeloni, and Dr. Kevin Crooks) are part of a collaborative research team investigating noise impacts on wildlife. The NPS partners (PI’s: Dr. Kurt Fristrup and Dr. Megan McKenna) are part of the Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division (NSNSD), within the Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate (NRSS) located in Fort Collins, Colorado. The direction of this research position will be crafted to take advantage of the applicant’s expertise, the capabilities of the CSU and NPS science team, and existing NPS datasets. Possible research directions include: 1. Integrate camera trap, GPS tracking, acoustic, and light data to gain understanding of the influence sound and light on species occupancy and behaviour; 2. Perform a meta-analysis of existing NSNSD datasets to understand bioacoustic conditions in park units, the effects of noise on wildlife, and means to forecast future conditions; 3. Investigate temporal responses of wildlife to noise pollution to understand behavioural responses to disturbance and time courses to recovery; 4. Develop threat maps of noise pollution for integration into conservation planning tools for mitigating human disturbances. For full consideration submit application by December 15, 2017 to: For inquiries, please contact Dr. George Wittemyer ( via e-mail with “Acoustic Postdoc” in the subject line. Posted: 11/7/17.

Conservation Research and Teaching: The American Museum of Natural History offers a unique opportunity for a recent Ph.D. who is interested in both biodiversity conservation research and educating the next generation of students in applied biodiversity conservation. The purpose of this position is to conduct scientific research with a focus on biodiversity conservation, and teach in the Museum's Student Research Mentoring Program as it expands biodiversity conservation research opportunities for high school students from historically underrepresented groups. For more information and to apply go to: Posted: 5/25/18.

California Conservation Science: The University of California Los Angeles La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science invites applications for its annual Postdoctoral Fellowship in California Conservation Science. Consistent with our mission, we seek one or two postdoctoral scholars who simultaneously conduct innovative research and interface with the conservation and management agencies that direct and lead California conservation. For our 2018 competition, we are specifically seeking one, or possibly two postdoctoral candidates who will lead a broad, conservation genomics analysis of multiple co-distributed species across Los Angeles and Southern California. Our goal for this targeted call is to determine such issues as the contribution of protected lands to the conservation of genetic diversity, the ability of species to traverse the urban landscape of Los Angeles and surrounding regions, and genetic resilience to future climate change. Work on any taxa can be appropriate. We are particularly interested in fellows who develop a taxonomically broad, multi-species approach to comparative landscape genomics. The fellows will be co-funded by the La Kretz Center and the UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge, working together to conduct molecular lab work and GIS-intensive analyses. We will consider candidates who have recently completed their PhD, or will have completed it by summer, 2018. For more information, download the full PostDoc Announcement (pdf). Deadline: 10 February 2018. Posted: 1/15/18.

Taiwan Leopard Cat Ecology/Conservation: The Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) is now offering a two-year postdoctoral research position, with support from and in collaboration with S.P.E.C.I.E.S.. The purpose of this postdoctoral appointment is to support an individual to conduct a detailed ecological study of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) on Taiwan, and to help identify those aspects of the species ecological needs that will lead to improvement in the conservation status of this critically endangered small felid. Formerly distributed widely across the island, the Taiwanese leopard cat is currently one of the most endangered small cats in the world, with probably fewer than 500 individuals left all confined to the northwestern part of Taiwan. It lives mainly in lowlands and hills nearby human communities and settlements. This population faces extremely high pressure due to the continued encroachment of these communities on leopard cat habitat. Our present understanding is that major roads (Provincial and County roads) significantly impede the movement of individuals, and are also a high source of mortality for the population. These threats warrant a more detailed investigation of the behavior of leopard cats in these anthropogenic landscapes, the results of which will be used to inform effective actions that mitigate roadkills, and develop effective dispersal and movement corridors. Moreover, a more thorough understanding of leopard cat habitat use can contribute to broader, long-range efforts to protect key habitat in and adjacent to current leopard cat distribution, as well as plans to restore the species to other areas. Over the course of this two year project, we are planning to live-trap at least 12-18 leopard cats in Miaoli County, Taiwan and fit each individual with a VHF and/or GPS tracking collars. Among the research goals this position is intended to satisfy, include but are not limited to, (1) evaluating the response of individual leopard cats to the fragmented landscapes they inhabit, and (2) identifying those areas that currently and might serve as important habitat “refuges”. In addition to the spatial analysis of movement data, the postdoc will also be responsible for helping us develop quantifiable criteria to serve as the basis for leopard cat conservation planning efforts, and participate in the mentoring and advising of local undergraduate and graduate students in wildlife science and ecology. This position will be open until we find a suitable applicant, with the appointment to begin as soon as possible thereafter. Salary: US$ 28,500/ year. Qualifications : We are looking for adaptable, self-reliant candidates with prior experience researching and developing conservation activities for small carnivores. Previous experience using camera-traps, radio-tracking, and/or live-trapping of small carnivores is preferred, as is a strong interest in helping us develop a lasting, effective conservation program for a regionally important endangered species. Application materials: please send a cover letter, C.V. including list of prior publications, and the names and contact information for three references. International applicants are encouraged and welcome to apply. Start Date: ASAP, probably by summer 2018 after all entry paperwork is completed and approved. Contact: Dr. Kurtis Jai-Chyi Pei (

China Wildlife Conservation: The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) is offering a 2-year Fellowship in wildlife conservation centered on wildlife and landscapes of the giant panda reserves in Southwest China. Fellow must have published record of wildlife conservation work in China and experience dealing with nature reserves and the appropriate agencies and NGOs in China. Fellow would be stationed at SCBI in Front Royal, Virginia but make frequent trips to China to establish new projects, inspect current projects, and network with conservation partners, potentially spending up to half the year in China depending on project needs. Research funds are available for joint projects with SCBI Conservation Biologists working in China. Requires PhD in wildlife, forest, or landscape ecology; with preference given to applicant fluent in Mandarin and English with advanced education in US. A stipend of $55k per year plus health benefits is available for 2 years, with the position starting early in 2018. Review of applications will start December 15 (extended). Send Letter of Interest, CV, transcripts, and contact information for three references to Dr. Qiongyu Huang at Posted: 10/31/17, revised: 12/2/17.

Mammal Phylogenomics: I (Jeff Good) have a new postdoc position available in my lab using phylogenomic approaches to unravel patterns of speciation, adaptation, and convergence across the adaptive radiation of the murine rodents (>10% of all mammal species in 15 million years). Start date is flexible, and I will consider applicants interested in a 2019 start. Full job ad. Jeffrey M. Good, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, The University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive, HS104, Missoula MT 59812, Phone: 406-243-5771. Posted: 5/25/18.

Biodiversity Genomics: Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS), Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The INHS is seeking a Visiting Assistant Research Scientist, Biodiversity Genomics to develop, plan, conduct, and direct an independent research program of significance on any of a broad range of topics using genome scale data to address questions in the biodiversity sciences. Scientist is expected to apply techniques in next-generation sequencing, genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics, and bioinformatics to topics in biodiversity and systematics to understand mechanisms of diversification, including phylogenomics, speciation, adaptation, and population-level processes. Requires a Ph.D. in a scientific discipline relevant to the mission and goals of INHS and the ability to establish an independent research program that incorporates analyses of Big Data. Position may become a regular, non-visiting position at a later date. Applications must be received by December 11, 2017. For additional information, including instructions on how to apply, please visit or contact Lori Walston-Vonderharr, Human Resources, Prairie Research Institute at Posted: 11/7/17.

Plant Conservation: Chicago Botanic Garden. The Manager, Plants of Concern & Regional Native Plant Conservation Specialist oversees a long-term citizen science rare plant monitoring program and participates in diverse initiatives to advance regional conservation of native plants. Purpose: Manage the Plants of Concern program and coordinate with local partners and Garden staff to accomplish regional conservation goals and advance institutional needs of the Garden. Duties and Responsibilities: In this role you will be responsible for the following: Manage the Plants of Concern rare plant monitoring program, including the supervision of the research assistants, interns, and 100-200 volunteers annually. Maintain a high quality long-term dataset on rare plant populations. Provide data to research partners and land owners in ways that advance conservation of rare plants while preserving confidentiality Conduct research on the native, rare, threatened, and endangered plants of the upper Midwest collaboration with with Garden scientists, and academic and non-academic partner institutions (e.g., Forest Perserves of Cook County and other conty conservation landowners, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Openlands, The Morton Arboretum, Northwestern University) Disseminate research results through lectures, publications, and presentations at professional meetings Work with development and accounting staff to apply for and manage grants to help support operational costs of the Plants of Concern program as well as related conservation projects. Prepare and submit reports. Serve as an external liaison to regional conservation groups like the Midewin Stakeholders Alliance, Chicago Wilderness, and the Illinois Native Plant Society. Provide expertise in local natural areas conservation, permitting, and contacts to the Plant Science department. Qualifications: MS or PhD in plant biology with a focus on ecology or related field Minimum of strong experience and knowledge of local flora Ability and willingness to work with volunteers and local land owners Passion for fieldwork Great people skills Ability to work with large data sets Great communication skills. For more information, see the link above. Posted: 1/26/18.

Population Demographics of Hawaiian Freshwater Fishes: Post Doctoral Research Associate in Fish Conservation Lab, Department of Life Sciences, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi. We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with strong quantitative skills for a collaborative project to determine the effects of invasive species removal on population demography of endemic Hawaiian freshwater fishes. The successful applicant will be advised by Dr. Derek Hogan, and will be expected to work closely with a large, dynamic, multi-institution team of PIs, postdocs, students and technicians from Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, and Cornell University. The goals of the project are to: 1) determine the effect of invasive species removal on population demographic parameters of native fishes; 2) assess the association between native species demography and invasive species distribution and abundance; 3) evaluate the demographic response of native species to differential AIS recolonization success. Qualifications: PhD in ecology with an emphasis on quantitative population ecology, invasive species ecology, or related field with a strong interest/experience in analysis of mark-recapture data to assess population demography. Experience with otolith microstructure analysis is also preferred. Priority will be given to applicants with strong quantitative and communication skills, and a demonstrated ability to publish in peer-reviewed journals. Salary: $48k annually plus benefits; funded for 1 year. Start date: negotiable, preferred start date in early summer 2018. Contact: To apply, email a cover letter that addresses your interest and experience, curriculum vitae, copies of 3 relevant publications, and contact information for at least three references to: J. Derek Hogan at Subject line of the email should read “Hawaii Postdoc Opportunity”. Application packets should be sent as a single PDF document. Posted: 3/27/18.

Population Genomics of Great Lakes Fishes: The Larson Lab at the USGS Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point) is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to conduct genomics research on cisco populations throughout the Great Lakes region. The successful applicant will focus on analyzing RAD data from over 60 populations of cisco to investigate population structure at neutral and adaptive markers. Opportunities to work on additional projects such as population genomics in walleye and eDNA metabarcoding will also be available. Competitive applicants should have a strong background in bioinformatics and proficiency in one or more scripting languages such as Perl or Python. The full listing can be found at and information on how to apply can be found at The application deadline is April 9 and we are looking for someone to start in early summer but starting dates are flexible. Please direct any additional questions to Wes Larson ( Posted: 3/19/18.

Conservation Biology and Population Genomics: The Meek Lab at Michigan State University is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral scholar to study population and conservation genomics in fish and other species. The lab uses field studies and next-generation sequencing to address fundamental ecological questions that are directly relevant to the conservation and management of threatened species. We study biodiversity at the level of the genome, transcriptome, and epigenome. Some major questions being addressed in the lab are: 1. What is the genomic basis for thermal tolerance and local adaptation? We aim to understand if there are differences in gene expression patterns among fish from populations with different thermal histories, and if so, what are the regions of the genome associated with differences in phenotypic response to thermal stress. The information gained from this study will be invaluable for understanding the molecular basis for local adaptation and its relation to climate change resiliency planning, and in designing management actions that sustain imperiled species into the future. 2. How do human activities affect genetic diversity and local adaptation? We are interested in understanding how anthropogenic forces, such as hatchery propagation, fishery stocking, and habitat alteration, are influencing diversity patterns and fitness in the wild. This understanding will allow us to better design propagation techniques and target habitat restoration activities to protect the genetic diversity needed for populations to persist into the future. 3. What controls complex life history patterns? Salmonids are an excellent model for looking at the molecular control of life history, due to their variation in migration timing and propensity to migrate. We are integrating across genetic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic pathways in steelhead and Chinook salmon to understand the molecular basis for this life history diversity. Please look at our website to get a more complete picture of the work we do. The post-doc will have the opportunity to work on one or several of the ongoing projects in the lab, based on interest and fit. There is also potential for developing new projects, based on the candidate’s interests. We are a very interactive lab and are looking for an excellent scientist, who cares about conservation, and is a good collaborator. The Meek lab strives to be a safe space and support diversity in STEM. The initial hire is for one year with an additional year of funding contingent upon satisfactory progress. The position will be based in the Department of Integrative Biology. Start date is negotiable. *Qualifications* Applicants should have a PhD in ecology, evolution, genetics, bioinformatics, or related fields. We are looking for a creative and talented scientist with a good publication record and excellent organizational and communication skills. We are especially interested in candidates with a strong computational background and previous experience with next-generation sequencing data analysis. Experience working in the Unix environment is essential and familiarity with one or several programming languages is highly desirable. Interested candidates should apply through the full job ad. Please feel free to email ( before applying to ask questions, putting “Postdoctoral opportunity” in the subject line. Required application material: 1) Brief cover letter describing research interests and motivation 2) CV 3) Names and email addresses for 3 references 4) 2-3 published papers or manuscripts in preparation. Review of applications will begin on August 16, 2017. Posted: 8/8/17.

Belowground Effects of Invasive Conifers: Post-doctoral fellowship available on "Belowground effects of invasive conifers: tipping points and reversibility" at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. This fully funded, 3-year position is a great opportunity to be part of a multi-agency collaboration (Landcare Research, Scion and two universities) using cutting edge approaches to solve one of the most pressing ecological problems. Position details and application instructions here: job ID = 5133; Learn more here; Closing date for applications is 15 October (NZ time!). Posted: 10/5/17.

Microbial-Explicit Soil Biogeochemical Modeling: Stuart Grandy and Serita Frey’s collaborative research programs in soil microbial ecology and biogeochemistry have an open postdoc position at the University of New Hampshire. The postdoc will advance the capabilities of microbial-explicit soil biogeochemistry models, including the Microbial Mineral Carbon Stabilization Model (MIMICS). A key feature of MIMICS is the representation of two microbial functional types (MFTs) that are based on physiological tradeoffs that occur between microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and microbial growth rates (MGR). These microbial groups with unique kinetics and decomposition capacities are represented in both the original C-only version of MIMICS (Wieder et al. 2014; 2015) as well as a newly developed version of MIMICS with coupled soil C and N cycles. Using new data from microbial genomes and laboratory studies, the postdoc will improve model parameterization of microbial physiology across variable environments, and ultimately explore the potential responses of forest and agroecosystem responses to climate change. While this position’s focus is on modeling, the postdoc will also have opportunities to lead or collaborate on experimental work examining the genomic basis for CUE and MGR, determining how physiology varies with environments and substrate quality, and assessing the broader implications of variations in microbial physiology for C and N cycling in forest and agroecosystems. Candidates are expected to be highly motivated, possess strong oral and written communication skills, and have demonstrated ability to publish high quality papers. Candidates must be experienced modelers capable of independent work, with a background that encompasses microbial ecology, biogeochemistry or related disciplines. The position will be housed in Stuart Grandy’s Lab, which examines how soil organisms interact with their environment to regulate agroecosystem productivity and ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, organic matter turnover, and trace gas emissions. Serita Frey’s Lab will co-advise the position, and is interested in how anthropogenic stressors (e.g., climate change, nitrogen deposition, agricultural management, invasive species) affect the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities and microbial-mediated carbon and nitrogen cycles. The postdoc will also be expected to engage with UNH graduate and undergraduate researchers and network among project collaborators that include Will Wieder at NCAR, Seeta Sistla at Hampshire College, and Kristen DeAngelis at the University of Massachusetts. To apply please send your CV with the names of three references and a 1-2-page statement of research interests and career goals to Stuart Grandy ( Applications will be considered until the position is filled, or until February 15, 2018. Posted: 1/15/18.

Soil Viral and Microbial Ecology: The Emerson Lab at the University of California, Davis is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to lead a new project in soil and/or rhizosphere viral and microbial ecology using omic approaches, particularly metagenomics and/or metatranscriptomics. A strong bioinformatics background is preferred, but soil and virus experience are not necessary. The start date is flexible. Studies in aqueous systems have shown that viruses are abundant members of microbial communities with significant impacts on local and global microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. While similar viral impacts on soil and plant-associated ecosystems are expected, approaches for studying viral community ecology and virus-host dynamics in these systems have only recently emerged. We are looking for a postdoc to dive into this exciting new field. The research project(s) will be bioinformatics-focused but will also include field and laboratory components, and there is funding available for the postdoc to develop his/her own research interests in collaboration with the PI. The postdoc’s primary project(s) can be tied to a variety of soil and plant types, including natural and agricultural soils and crops, field-scale experimental sites, and greenhouses in and near Davis, CA. For more information and to apply: Questions? Please contact Dr. Joanne Emerson, Posted: 10/5/17.

Climate Change: The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) at Brown University is participating in a cluster hire with the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society (IBES) - inviting applications from rising leaders in the natural, social, public health, and environmental justice aspects of climate change. EEB is interested in a scholar whose research addresses pressing issues in the science of environmental change that are particularly informed by questions in ecology or evolutionary biology. This open rank search will seek to fill an endowed university chair with a tenure or tenure-track home in EEB. Even though the position is for an endowed chair, we are seeking an excellent and diverse pool of applicants at any rank. Endowed chairs are named faculty positions that include a small fund in perpetuity (in addition to start up funds) to assist chair holders in achieving their research and teaching goals. We are particularly interested in scholars who demonstrate research excellence, an interest in working to promote diversity and inclusion in environmental disciplines, and a dedication to teaching and research mentoring. The successful applicant will have an outstanding record of research and teaching that complements the strengths of both EEB and IBES, while demonstrating the potential to work across both units. For more information and to apply see: Posted: 7/13/18.

Climate Change Risks to Financial Markets: The Woods Hole Research Center seeks a scientist who will lead a new research effort into the effects of climate change on financial markets and investment risk. This work will be funded through a new partnership with a major private investment firm and a major public asset holder. This scientist will collaborate with investors and data scientists from those organizations. The successful candidate will use the results of climate models and observational climate data, together with financial, demographic, and other socioeconomic data, to assess climate impact on asset values and investment risk. The position will be 75% funded through the partnership with our investment partners. After a ramp-up period, the successful candidate will be expected to obtain external funding to support 1-2 months/year of effort. S/he will be expected to divide time between Boston and the WHRC campus in Falmouth. Deadline: July 1, 2018 or until filled. For details, see the full job ad. Posted: 6/19/18.

Economic & Environmental Impacts of Gene Editing in Agriculture: Dr. Matthew D. Potts in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee position starting Spring 2018. The candidate will work on socioeconomic and environmental impacts of gene editing in agriculture in collaboration with Dr. David Zilberman and researchers at the Innovative Genomics Institute. Application of gene editing technology in agricultural presents multiple opportunities for economic and environmental improvement and has the potential to contribute to global development and sustainability targets. However, gene editing is also likely to encounter obstacles because of political objections and regulatory hurdles as well as individual constraints on grower adoption. The postdoctoral scholar will work to: (i) assess the impact of the gene editing technology in agricultural under different conditions for heterogeneous actors, (ii) identify diffusion strategies and agricultural supply chain designs that will allow applications of gene editing technology to move from the lab to the field most effectively and (iii) assess the impact of gene editing technology in agricultural on several dimensions of environmental quality, food security, and economic welfare (surplus to consumers, to farmers of different types, and to industry in different countries). For more information and how to apply please see: Review of Applicants will be May 25, 2018. Posted: 5/19/18.

Agricultural and Soil Ecology: We seek a postdoctoral scholar for a one-year position to conduct research for a new project assessing how crop rotational diversity affects the rhizosphere microbiome and soil health, and in turn contributes to the stability and resilience of key ecosystem services, particularly crop yields. The postdoc will be based in the Bowles Agroecology/Sustainable Agriculture Lab at the University of California, Berkeley; in addition to working with PI Timothy Bowles the successful candidate will work closely with Co-PIs Mary Firestone (UC Berkeley) and Stuart Grandy (University of New Hampshire). This project brings together collaborators from a large set of long-term experiments in the Central U.S., offering a unique opportunity for accessing long-term datasets and field sites across a wide climate gradient. The anticipated start date for this appointment is late Fall 2017. The initial appointment is for one year, with renewal for up to 2.5 years based on performance and funding. For details and to apply, visit: Next review date: October 10th, 2017. Posted: 9/24/17.

Agricultural Applications Engineer: The University of California's division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) seeks an Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension to provide regional leadership in the area of agricultural engineering extension and applied research, with a focus on spray application engineering. We seek a specialist who will: 1) develop a strong applied engineering research program in perennial specialty crops, addressing critical complex issues identified through a needs assessment, 2) provide overall leadership for planning and coordination of extension education in application engineering in perennial specialty crop systems in the San Joaquin Valley of California, 3) research and collaborate with a wide range of UC colleagues, including UC ANR Workgroups and Program Teams, CE advisors, CE specialists, UC Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) faculty and others within the research/extension network, regional, national and international experts in the fields of agricultural engineering, pest management, and environmental quality, 4) disseminate useful, science-based information to inform clientele, using extension methods that are responsive to clientele needs and appropriate for the audience and situation. This is an academic career track appointment with the following required skill set: 1) A minimum of a doctoral degree with a background in agricultural engineering with a preferred emphasis on spray application technology and/or machinery design earned by the appointment start date, 2) Ability to build partnerships and to work with multidisciplinary teams to address production and environmental challenges, 3) Excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills, 4) The Specialist in CE must possess or obtain a Qualified Pesticide Applicator Certificate (QAC) or license (QAL) prior to applying or supervising the application of any pesticide. Possessing demonstrated excellence in applied agricultural research and extension is a highly desirable attribute. Beginning salary will be in the Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension rank. Includes Benefits. For position announcement containing list of required academic application packet content, visit Please contact Karen Ellsworth at or (530)750-1284 for more information or questions. Deadline: April 9, 2018. Posted: 3/23/18.

Modelling biodiversity-ecosystem services under climate change: The aim of this project is to model spatial and temporal relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem services in socio-ecological systems and to deepen the understanding of the functional role of biodiversity for ecosystem services and health in one or more natural resource issues in the tropical Andes (e.g., crop-disease system dynamics, sustainable use of high altitude wetlands, palm pollination- seed production trade-off) in a context of changing climate and land use. The portfolio of work can adapt to the successful candidate’s interests and skills but could involve cross-system network analysis, biodiversity-function modelling, socio-ecological modelling and/or agent-based modelling. Based in the Centre of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE) in Montpellier (Southern France), the candidate will be part of the International Joint Laboratory BIO_INCA, sponsored by IRD, Uniandes (Colombia) and PUCE (Ecuador), which develops knowledge, technologies, and methods in support of science-based solutions for socio-economically and ecologically sound uses of natural resources in the tropical Andes. We particularly seek applicants with skill in quantitative modelling of, for example, agro-ecological systems, bio-economic relationships, or land cover changes. Candidates should have (1) a PhD, (2) facility in assembling, manipulating, and analysing datasets (3) excellent communication skills in English (skills in Spanish would also be appreciated), (5) the ability and desire to collaborate with fellows from other research fields, in both France and South America. Contact: Send a CV and 2 recommendation letters to Posted: 7/18/18.

Scale-Dependent Drivers of Biodiversity Change: We are searching for a Postdoc to investigate: “Scale-dependent drivers of biodiversity change in marine and terrestrial ecosystems” The position is based in Leipzig, Germany at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, co-supervised by Jonathan Chase (iDiv) and Helmut Hillebrand (Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity; HIFMB), as well as Shane Blowes (iDiv) and Dorothee Hodapp (HIFMB). Background: Global concern about human impact on biological diversity has triggered an intense research agenda on drivers and consequences of biodiversity change in parallel with international policy seeking to conserve biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions. However, quantifying the trends in biodiversity change and its drivers, as well as its variation among realms, is far from trivial. The prospective postdoctoral researcher will develop and explore key hypothesis for differences in biodiversity change and its drivers between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This will be done using cutting-edge tools to analyze and enhance complied databases on biodiversity and its change in space and time. Several aspects of the research will be co-developed by the successful candidate and collaborators. Requirements: -a PhD degree in ecology or a related field -strong quantitative skills, preferably using R -interest in integrative biodiversity research, working independently and as part of a team -excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Preferred start date is Oct 1, 2018, but negotiable. The position can last up to two years, depending on start date (budget runs through 30 September 2020) Salary: German Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L Applications are accepted until July 23, 2018. Applications should include: - cover letter (in English) describing motivation, research interests & relevant experience - complete curriculum vitae including names and contact details of at least two scientific references - PDF of one publication or thesis chapter - digital copy of MA/PhD certificates. Applications with reference file number 157/2018 are accepted via our application portal under While we prefer applications via our application portal, hard copy applications can be sent to German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research – iDiv; Dr. Hanna Weise; Deutscher Platz 5e; 04103 Leipzig. For queries on the application process, please contact Dr. Hanna Weise (; for research project questions, contact Prof. Jonathan Chase ( Posted: 7/7/18.

Quantifying Marine Biodiversity: We seek a postdoctoral scholar to join a research project (the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network; mBON) focused on quantifying and monitoring marine biodiversity. As part of this project, a range of data on marine biodiversity have been collected and synthesized, including both traditional methods that have been applied for decades (such as diver counts of marine organisms) and cutting-edge techniques that have only recently become possible, including computer vision and environmental DNA. We seek a postdoc who is interested in comparing the effectiveness of these alternative techniques, asking: 1) How do the new techniques compare to more traditional approaches to monitoring? 2) How much better/cheaper would the novel techniques need to be to outperform traditional approaches? 3) Given a fixed budget for monitoring, how should resources be allocated across different techniques? The postdoctoral scholar would be based in the department of Biological Science at Florida State University, supervised by Dr. Andrew Rassweiler, but also would work closely with mBON researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara. The project has considerable technical support for data management, integration and analysis (with data technicians based both at UCSB and at FSU), allowing the postdoc to focus on designing analyses and leading papers. Although this position is focused primarily on the mBON project, the Rassweiler lab is engaged in a diversity of research related to marine community ecology and sustainable fisheries management, with potential opportunities for the postdoc to also engage in these or related projects. The postdoc would be joining a dynamic lab group co-led by Dr. Rassweiler and Dr. Sarah Lester (FSU Department of Geography). Qualifications: Eligible candidates must hold a PhD in quantitative ecology, statistics, economics or a related discipline at the time of appointment. The postdoctoral scholar must have strong quantitative skills, strong coding skills, experience working with ecological data and a demonstrated ability to publish papers. Experience in marine ecology would be helpful but is not required. Terms: Start date is flexible. Initial appointment will be through December 31, 2019 with a strong possibility of extension beyond that date. Apply by submitting a cover letter, CV, and names and contact information for three professional references as a single PDF to Contact Dr. Andrew Rassweiler at with any questions. Application review will begin on June 1, 2018, although all applications received before June 25 will receive full consideration. Posted: 5/20/18.

Biodiversity Research: We seek applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in the University of British Columbia Biodiversity Research Centre. The next application round begins November 1, 2017. The Centre is made up of over 60 faculty members with interests in ecology, evolution, systematics, biodiversity and conservation. Preference will be given to candidates with bold ideas, demonstrated research ability, and strong communication skills. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct original research on core problems in biodiversity, foster interactions within the Centre, run a seminar series, and organize a retreat. Postdoctoral fellows funded by the Biodiversity Research Centre typically interact with several lab groups. Candidates are welcome to contact potential collaborating labs in the Centre to inquire about current and potential research activities, but it is not necessary to apply to work with a specific faculty member. Starting date: 1 September 2018. Salary: $48k per yr. Research stipend: $7k per yr. Application requirements: curriculum vitae, a statement of overall scientific goals and interests (approximately 2 pages), and the names and contact information for three references. The statement of goals and interests is free form but we should be able to determine both the general interests and specific projects that the candidate will engage in over the post-doc period. All of the material should be submitted to as a single PDF (please name your file using this format: Lastname_Firstname_PDF2017.pdf). The deadline is January 12, 2018. Late applications will not be considered. Posted: 11/3/17.

Biodiversity and Human Health: Two Postdoc positions: 1) Psychological benefits of biodiversity in Singapore. Exposure to nature has been linked to human wellbeing. These benefits range from increases in life satisfaction and health (e.g. reduced mental health problems, obesity and high-blood pressure). The majority of studies linking urban greenspaces and wellbeing have however been limited to temperate regions, and information to guide recommendations on how to achieve positive wellbeing outcomes from tropical urban greenspaces remains largely non-existent. In addition, research has in general focused on green spaces without distinguishing between the different components of biodiversity in ecosystems (e.g. species richness, functional diversity) and how the type of exposure to these components may affect wellbeing. This project aims to fill these gaps by studying the relationship between tropical biodiversity exposure and measures of wellbeing through nature walks, semi-controlled and controlled experiments. Roles: The research fellow will contribute to the project through devising research experiments and developing surveys to study how biodiversity influences wellbeing. 2) Sustainable diets for biodiversity conservation and human health Position: 1 Postdoc Project description: A global transition towards diets high in refined sugars, fats and animal protein is taking place as income rises in nations. This new diets unite human health, food security and the environment in unprecedented ways. On the one hand, they lead to higher prevalence of diseases such as coronary heart disease and type II diabetes, on the other hand, they require inefficient crops with large environmental footprints (e.g. cattle ranching, sugarcane) and that are produced, in most instances, at the expense of tropical forests. These multifold negative impacts open an opportunity to curb the rampant increase in non-communicable diseases while conserving nature and strengthening the food security of countries like Singapore. The project has two main research objectives: (i) identify and map the trade-offs between health, the environment and food security of individual ingredients and most consumed dishes in Singapore; and (ii) identify the substitutability between ingredients according to the preferences of consumers in Singapore. The project will aim to help Singaporean’s policy makers identify interventions that would most effectively switch consumer patterns towards healthier eating with minimum impact on their utility and respecting their preferences. Likewise, achievable dietary switches that increase the food security of Singapore and the preservation of nature will be identified. Roles: The research fellow will be in charge of survey design and data analysis using GIS and R and leading publication writing. Both positions: • Successful applicants will join the BioEcon Lab at the Department of Biological Sciences of the National University of Singapore. • Funding available for 2 years. • To apply please send your CV to (Roman Carrasco) before the 10th June 2018. Posted: 5/25/18.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health: The Environmental Monitoring and Science Division of Alberta Environment and Parks is looking for 4 experienced scientists recognized as experts in their field to fill the following positions: -Aquatic Invertebrate Scientist -Ecotoxicologist -Landscape Disturbance Scientist -Fish Ecologist. To apply visit: and search for JOB ID: 1045074. Closing Date: October 10, 2017. All 4 positions require: -A PhD in biological science with specialization in the field of aquatic invertebrate ecology, ecotoxicology, fish ecology, or landscape disturbance (as per the relevant position description); -Demonstrated expertise in one or more additional fields listed above, plus more than one of the following areas: biostatistics (study design and data analysis), community ecology, landscape ecology, and the ecology of plant and animal populations in terrestrial, aquatic, and wetland ecosystems. -A minimum of 5 years' experience in design and implementation of biodiversity and ecosystem health monitoring and research programs; -A record of publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals commensurate with established peers with a similar level of experience (for example, assistant or associate professors at Canadian academic institutions); -Extensive knowledge in advanced numerical analysis of large environmental data sets, application of appropriate models or other means to predict local, regional and cumulative impacts of a broad range of development and activities; -Extensive knowledge in new and emerging methods related to assessing the status and trends in Alberta's biodiversity and ecosystem health from field surveys laboratory analysis, and remote sensing; and Equivalencies will be considered. Note: Candidates with lesser qualifications may be considered at a lower classification. Posted: 9/26/17.

Tree and Soil Biodiversity: Post-doc position on the relationship between tree and soil biodiversity at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå. We seek a post-doctoral researcher to investigate tree-soil diversity relationships utilizing a European network of tree diversity plots across climatically contrasting European forest types and as well as in two climate manipulation experiments. The tasks that this project involves include the establishment of a functional trait matrix of soil fauna communities, testing statistical relationships among below-and aboveground diversity indices across trophic levels, and evaluation of the extent to which soil organism diversity can be predicted by tree diversity. We anticipate that the post-doctoral researcher will carry out sampling and analysis of soil mesofaunal communities and use multivariate and structural equation modelling approaches to analyze the relationships among above- and belowground diversity and environmental factors.The position is fully funded for 2 years. The supervisors for the post-doctoral researcher will be Paul Kardol (SLU, Umeå), David Wardle (Nanyang University, Singapore & SLU, Umeå), and Matty P. Berg (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam). See the full job ad for details and to apply. Deadline: September 10, 2017. Posted: 8/29/17.

Biodiversity and Global Change: Several positions starting fall/winter 2017/18 are available associated with the Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change, Map of Life and the Jetz Lab. To apply please send, in one pdf, a short cover letter, CV and contact info for three referees to For questions or associated PhD opportunities contact The final selection process will begin on 18 Aug 2017, but applications before this date are welcome and will be reviewed as received. # Postdoc: Integrated models of biodiversity distributions and change. We are seeking a postdoc (2-3y) addressing questions and research opportunities surrounding uncertainty-assessed models of species (co-)occurrences over time. Project work would benefit from range of carefully curated biodiversity data sources and novel remotely sensed layers from associated NASA projects. Contingent on funding, the position may address specific GEO BON use cases in support of Species Populations Essential Biodiversity Variables. We are open to a candidate’s preferred taxa, regions, and questions and animal/plant and terrestrial/marine/freshwater expertise – qualifications and vision are more important than a specific system. We seek someone with as strong quantitative background and ability to traverse community- and single-species perspectives and spatial scales. # Postdoc: Mountain biodiversity change. A postdoc position (1-2y) is available to address questions surrounding spatial patterns and temporal changes in global mountain biodiversity. This position will build on the data and infrastructure collaboration of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment and Map of Life. Targeted work aims to document the evidence base and causes behind geographical mountain biodiversity patterns and to integrate information about change and protection in support of Target 4 of Sustainable Development Goal 15. The successful candidate will have excellent spatial biodiversity modelling skills and statistical background, first-hand experience with observational field data collection, knowledge of global change scenarios and models, and a passion for mountain biodiversity. # Postdoc: Global macroevolution and macroecology. We are seeking a postdoc (2-3y) to work on questions of species and trait diversification and the evolution of niche-relevant traits in geographic space and across spatial scales. Focal taxa include vertebrates, but we are open to work on invertebrate or plant taxa. The candidate should have a strong background in phylogenetic comparative methods and rate-based diversification analyses and ideally prior experience in the assembly of phylogenies, geospatial analyses, and a solid natural history background. Familiarity with R, python, and bash is desirable, as are strong writing and verbal communication skills, a successful track-record of publications, and strong team-working skills. Posted: 7/28/17.

Biodiversity, Conservation & Extinction: University of Minnesota A post-doctoral position is available for research on issues related to species diversity, habitat destruction and fragmentation, extinction and/or other conservation issues. Research may be conceptual, theoretical or experimental; regional or global; and might focus on human-caused extinction risks (such as agricultural land clearing, bush-meat hunting) and their prevention; design of protected areas; causes of multispecies coexistence in foodwebs; or other diversity, extinction and conservation issues proposed by an applicant. Starting date is negotiable and may be anytime within the coming year. Work location may be either site where David Tilman is a professor (St. Paul, Minnesota; Santa Barbara, California). Position is annually renewable for up to three years. All applications submitted by July 25 2017 will be fully considered. To apply, submit a CV, a cover letter stating your research interests, and up to three reprints or manuscripts to (Job ID# 317491). Three letters of recommendation should be sent to David Tilman (; or Posted: 5/23/17, revised: 6/28/17.

Soil Health, Hydrology, and Water Quality: Stroud Water Research Center is searching for a Postdoctoral Associate to study the impacts of agricultural practices on soil health, hydrology, and water quality as part of a 6-year grant-funded collaboration with the Rodale Institute. The preferred candidate will have a Ph.D. in soil science with expertise in microbial ecology, environmental chemistry/biogeochemistry, hydrology/soil hydrology, or closely related field. The ideal candidate should (1) have core competencies soil microbial ecology, soil/hillslope hydrology, or soil water quality/biogeochemistry; (2) possess a strong basic and theoretical understanding of both soil microbial ecology and soil/hillslope hydrology and be able to integrate bio-, geo-, and hydrological sciences; (3) possess a strong publication record; (4) have a proven ability to work collaboratively with a multidisciplinary team; (5) be flexible about field work, especially beyond routine work hours, and spending quality time with collaborating scientists; and (6) be knowledgeable about the emerging technologies within their discipline. The application deadline is February 28, 2018 in anticipation of starting the position in late spring 2018. To apply, please follow instructions described in the full job ad. Posted: 1/26/18.

Research Assistant Professor, Jornada Experimental Range: New Mexico State University, Jornada Experimental Range is currently seeking to fill a research faculty positon. The successful candidate will participate in analysis of data and project coordination for the Jornada long-term ecological research (JRN-LTER). This is a 12 month, non-tenure position. PhD in ecology, biology, or a related field. Position is contingent upon funding. Application must be submitted online by: 6/10/2018. For complete job description, qualifications and application process visit: Posting #1800209F. Posted: 5/20/18.

Dryland Hydrology, Erosion, and Restoration: The post-doctoral research associate is responsible for overseeing erosion field measurements (wind tunnel, rain fall simulator, silt fences, passive dust traps, and others) at biological soil crust restoration experiments (Jornada Experimental Range and Hill Air Force Range) and grazing experiments (Grand Junction, CO). The person will be employed with the University of Colorado Boulder (supervised by Nichole Barger), but will work out of the Canyonlands Research Station USGS office with Mike Duniway and live in Moab, Utah. This position requires expertise in field methods, lab methods, and modelling approaches to understanding erosion processes in dryland ecosystems. The incumbent will work closely with project scientists and USGS staff in project planning, data collection and analysis, and reporting results. The incumbent will have four general classes of major duties: 1) lead field and lab data collection, 2) implement existing soil erosion models, 3) data preparation and analysis, and 4) preparation of reports & scientific papers. Field work involves heavy exertion; withstanding both extreme heat and potential hypothermia conditions; climbing; walking over rough, rocky, or uneven terrain; lifting and carrying equipment and supplies; long hours; driving a 4WD vehicle on unimproved roads. This is a 40-hour a week appointment with flexibility to allow for extensive field work periods. Salary is $49k/year. A start date of fall/early winter 2017 is preferred. Application: If you are interested, please send a CV to Nichole Barger ( and Mike Duniway ( Posted: 8/19/17, revised: 8/22/17.

Hydroclimatologist: The Environmental Monitoring and Science Division of Alberta Environment and Parks looking for a Hydroclimatologist that is a recognized scientific expert to lead our provincial hydrometric and climatological sciences monitoring programs. To apply visit: and search for JOB ID: 1045097. Closing Date: October 10, 2017. The position requires: • A PhD in hydrology or climatological science with expertise and demonstrated experience in at least one of the following areas: surface hydrology, climatology, ecohydrology, terrestrial hydrometeorology, climate-mediated and anthropogenic landscape changes, climate dynamics, and nonlinear dynamics systems; • A minimum of 2 years' experience in design and implementation of watershed science monitoring programs; • A record of publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals commensurate with established peers with a similar level of experience (for example, Assistant Professors at Canadian academic institutions); • Extensive knowledge in advanced numerical analysis of large environmental data sets, application of appropriate models or other means to predict local, regional and cumulative impacts of a broad range of development and activities; • Extensive knowledge in new and emerging methods related to assessing the status and trends in Alberta's surface water resources, and current and emerging provincial and national hydrological issues; • In-depth working knowledge of relevant environmental legislation, regulations, and management frameworks. Equivalencies will be considered. Note: Candidates with lesser qualifications may be considered at a lower classification and salary range. Posted: 9/26/17.

Freshwater conservation and eco-hydrology: We seek a postdoctoral researcher to join an interdisciplinary team of ecologists, hydrologists and engineers on a two-year project funded by the Great Plains LCC and the South Central Climate Science Center. We aim to identify conservation strategies for navigating trade-offs between societal water usage and ecosystem outcomes in the Red River. Research activities will include: forecasting stream fish distributions under future climate and water availability scenarios; collaborating with hydrologists and computer scientists to delineate trade-offs between societal needs for water and instream flows; and working with conservation practitioners to identify cost-effective conservation strategies that balance societal water needs and ecosystem outcomes. Applicants should have a genuine interest in agency/NGO outreach, as well as a desire to make contributions to conservation science that are transferable to other ecosystems. Applicants should be fluent in R and have experience with manipulation of large geospatial datasets. The postdoc will be based in the Dept. of Geography and Environmental Sustainability at the University of Oklahoma and supervised by Drs. Thomas Neeson and Hernan Moreno, and will collaborate with the Systems Realization Laboratory and South Central Climate Science Center at OU. To apply, please email a CV, statement of interest and contact info for three references to Deadline: Sept. 15, 2017. Posted: 8/28/17.

Stream Hydro-Ecology: University of California, Berkeley. We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral scholar to investigate environmental controls on the abundance and survival of endangered coho salmon in the Russian River basin, California, USA. The candidate will be responsible for modeling hydro-ecological dynamics in intermittent stream systems. Primary goals will be to quantify limiting factors to fish habitat and over-summer survival and writing papers. There will be opportunities for independent lines of inquiry involving field work or retrospective data analysis. The successful candidate will work with a team of researchers, including UC faculty as well as management and conservation partners. This is a full-time appointment in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, and will be jointly supervised by Drs. Carlson and Grantham. Full details on the position, including the submission portal, can be found here: Final review date: July 31, 2017. Posted: 7/5/17, revised: 7/17/17.

Boreal Ecohydrology: Understanding how water moves through terrestrial ecosystems is not just a fundamental question for hydrologists, but it also highly relevant for the long/term productivity of our forests, the continuity of fresh water supplies, and maintaining flourishing lakes and streams. Yet one of the major challenges when modeling the terrestrial hydrologic cycle is the need to partition evapotranspiration losses into evaporation and transpiration. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for a postdoctoral position aimed at partitioning evaporation and transpiration water fluxes across multiple spatial and temporal scales in an already established, well instrumented boreal forest catchment. The main goal of this project is to use a combination of techniques, including sap flow measurement, stable isotope techniques and eddy covariance data to investigate the interactions and feedbacks between vegetation and the terrestrial hydrologic cycle as well as evaluate how these interactions and feedbacks may respond to a changing climate. Additionally, this position is part of a larger project that is funded by the prestigious Wallenberg Foundation, with the overarching aim of deepening our fundamental understanding of the physiological and environmental drivers of carbon and water flows and their coupling in forest ecosystems. Thus, the successful candidate will be a member of a large, vibrant working group that offers ample possibilities to interact with a diverse group of experts in the field of ecohydrology. The project will take advantage of an already established network of sap flow sensors in combination with detail forest inventory data to i) quantity canopy transpiration across different temporal scales ranging from daily, seasonal to inter annual, ii) partition evapotranspiration into evaporation and transpiration within different sub-catchments to better understand how forest stand dynamics influence water losses back to the atmosphere, and iii) integrate this information into process based hydrologic models. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to participate in other ongoing projects that are using natural abundance stable isotopes techniques to quantify evaporation, transpiration, and water movement throughout the soil profile. The position is with the Faculty of Forest Sciences at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Forest Ecology & Management, in Umeå, Sweden. Our mission at the Department is to advance our understanding of forest ecosystem processes and to assist in developing sustainable forest management practices. The department has modern technical facilities, close collaboration with several state-of-the-art technical platforms at Umeå University and SLU, and is in close proximity to unique long-term ecosystem experiments and other field sites. Duties: 1) Oversee and maintain a network of sap flow sensors within the Krycklan Catchment; 2) Process and analyze sap flow data and in combination with forest inventory data calculate rates canopy transpiration at the sub-catchment and catchment scale; 3) Publish findings in relevant high-rank scientific journals. The overall aim of this project is to quantify the important role trees play in the boreal hydrologic cycle as well as evaluate how changes in forest structure and climate change influence canopy transpiration. Qualifications: We are seeking a highly motivated individual with good communication skills in English, both orally and written, a strong work ethic, a team player that works well in a strong research environment. We are searching for a person with a PhD in ecohydrology, plant physiology, hydrology or related field. The successful candidate must also have demonstrated experience handling and processing large, high-frequency data sets using Matlab or similar software. Experience in sap flux measurements, hydrological modeling, GIS analyses, and/or stable isotope techniques would be advantageous. The candidate must be able to independently conduct field work, which requires a valid driver’s license. Persons interested in this position should send a statement of interest outlining relevant research qualifications (max two pages), a CV, up to three relevant publications and contact information for three references. Application should be sent to Niles Hasselquist ( For additional information about his position please contact Niles Hasselquist ( or Hjalmar Laudon ( Complete application must be received by April 27, 2018. The position start date is somewhat flexible but is anticipated to start in June. The position is for two years and is funded by a Kempe scholarship. Posted: 3/30/18.

Ecohydrology: Michigan Technological University is seeking applications for a post-doctoral researcher in broad areas of ecohydrology, biogeochemistry, and watershed hydrology and the position is located at School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science. We seek both field- and modeling-oriented postdoctoral researcher in greenhouse gas biogeochemistry and ecohydrology interested in studying how forest disturbance affect greenhouse gas emissions and ecohydrological processes. The position is for one year, with subsequent yearly appointment(s) subject to successful review and anticipated funding. The research will focus on synthesizing, modeling, and publishing several years of field measurements related to the impacts of emerald ash borer (EAB) on black ash wetland systems. Focus areas include hydrology, carbon and nitrogen fluxes, and vegetation responses of small watersheds under simulated EAB infestations. Some field work in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan will be required, and additional travel to field sites and to meet with collaborators in northern Wisconsin and Minnesota is anticipated. Preferred qualifications: a PhD in forest hydrology, ecology, ecosystem science, biogeoscience, soil science, or a closely related field; the ability to synthesize and model complex field studies for peer-reviewed and management-focused publications and presentations; and database management and statistical analysis of environmental data. Desirable ability: GIS and remote sensing; coding with R; expertise in ecological and ecohydrological modeling; excellent written and oral communication skills and experience in publishing at professional journals. Annual salary of approximately $47k plus benefits. Applicants should submit a 2 page cover letter, CV, transcripts, up to three examples of published work, and the names and email addresses of three references. The cover letter should address the candidate’s research interests and experiences and a vision for how the results can be communicated to and applied with the greatest impact to land management. These materials should be submitted as a single pdf to Fengjing Liu at or Randall (Randy) Kolka at Review of applications will begin on January 3, 2018. Posted: 11/12/17.

Hydrology: The Mountain Hydrology Research Group at University of California, Merced and the University of California, Los Angeles seek applications for a postdoctoral scholar research position in hydrology and water resources. The successful candidate will carry out hydrologic modeling of Sierra Nevada watersheds, with particular emphasis on the American River basin. The modeling work that will be undertaken is intended to lead to improved understanding of how climate, vegetation, soil, and geologic characteristics control and modulate critical zone processes across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales (e.g., from headwater to river basin). The successful applicant will be expected to assemble historical and real-time hydroclimatic observations, in-situ field measurements, and remote sensing data that will be used to constrain numerical hydrologic models (including USGS/PRMS) that are increasingly important in prediction and forecasting of hydrologic processes. The successful applicant will join an interdisciplinary group working at UC Water Security and Sustainability Research Initiative and Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory. The scholar will meet with stakeholders and water managers, prepare manuscripts and reports based on the research. This position will be located at the UC Merced and UCLA campuses – the primary location can be either Merced or Los Angeles, depending on the applicant’s preference. Qualifications: Ph.D. in hydrology, water resources engineering or closely related field. The candidate must have hydrologic modeling experience as well as the ability to write and understand codes in Fortran with working knowledge of Python, MATLAB, and R. Prior experience in hydrologic modeling (advanced hydrologic prediction methods such as PRMS, DHSVM, VIC, and/or LPJ-DGVM/MC1) is essential. Experience with fieldwork is desirable. The successful candidate will have the ability to work with guidance from principal investigator and collaborators, have excellent written communication skills, good organizational and interpersonal skills. The selected candidate should have the ability to work in a team environment and interact with a broad range of colleagues. Initial review date: December 29, 2017. To Apply: Interested applicants are required to submit through 1) a cover letter 2) curriculum vitae 3) statement of research and 4) a list of three references with contact information including mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. For more information: Drs. Martha Conklin -, Dennis Lettenmair - and Mohammad Safeeq – Posted: 11/7/17.

Groundwater Hydrology/Geochemistry: Postdoctoral Researcher Opportunity - To investigate how water table fluctuations influence the transport of redox-sensitive solutes in shallow aquifers. The postdoctoral scientist will have the opportunity to develop field and controlled laboratory experiments involving real-time monitoring of dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and iron and manganese concentrations (through voltammetry). The postdoctoral scientist will join my computational hydrogeology lab at The Ohio State University and will participate in an established network of scientists working in the DOE-funded East River Watershed SFA and NSF-supported Critical Zone Observatories. The position requires a Ph.D. with expertise in aqueous geochemistry, biogeochemistry, or groundwater hydrology. The position is for 1.5 years with flexible start date (ideally between August 2018 and January 2019). To learn more, please contact me (Audrey Sawyer) at Please be sure to attach a c.v. Posted: 2/8/18.

Computational Ecology / Ecohydrology: The Climate Change Science Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory seeks a postdoctoral researcher with experience in computational ecology and/or ecohydrology to support a newly funded project aimed at exploring how plant traits and the hydrologic environment co-vary to form ecosystem function. Responsibilities will be to develop, calibrate, and evaluate coupled models of trait-based ecosystem function and hydrology, and then use those models to advance the field’s understanding of how plant traits and the abiotic environment interact and co-evolve. This is a multi-disciplinary team of investigators including experts modeling and observing plant traits, plant hydraulics, and soil hydrology, who are developing and evaluating numerical models coupling a fine-scale hydrologic model to a model of plant demography and competition. The successful applicant will develop hypothesis-driven numerical experiments, bringing data and ecosystem process understanding together with models to evaluate these hypotheses, lead manuscript development and shape how ecosystem function is modeled in next generation Earth System Models. The position is for up to 24 months, contingent on successful performance and continued funding. Formal job listing: Contacts: Ethan Coon ( and Anthony Walker ( End Posting Date: 2/01/2018. Posted: 11/15/17, revised: 12/1/17.

Watershed Hydrologic Modeling: A postdoctoral position in watershed hydrologic modeling is available in the lab of Dr. Jason Knouft in the Department of Biology at Saint Louis University. This two-year NSF-funded position focuses on developing contemporary and future climate change-based estimates of streamflow and water temperature in watersheds across the United States and Canada. The overall goal of the project is to develop the ‘HydroClim’ dataset, which will be integrated with biodiversity data to provide a widely available resource for researchers and water resource managers to investigate the potential impacts of climate change on freshwater resources and biodiversity. The successful candidate will be expected to develop GIS-based Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic models on high-performance parallel computing systems. In addition to having experience with SWAT, applicants should have experience with programming languages such as R, Matlab, or Python as well as working in Linux. The postdoc will also be encouraged to develop independent lines of research and will have the opportunity to collaborate with biologists, hydrologists, and informatics specialists at Saint Louis University, Indiana University, and Tulane University. Additional information at A Ph.D. in a related research field is required by the starting date of employment and experience with the SWAT model is preferred. The position is available for two years contingent upon satisfactory annual reviews. The earliest start date is January 1, 2018; however, a later start date through June 1, 2018 is negotiable. Applications must include a cover letter with a statement of research experience and interests, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references. Please send versions of these files to Dr. Jason Knouft at Posted: 10/7/17.

Watershed Hydrologic Modeling: The Department of Geography at Indiana University – Bloomington is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral position in watershed modeling in the lab of Dr. Darren Ficklin. The overall goal of the National Science Foundation funded project is to develop techniques that integrate citizen science-derived streamflow and stream temperature data with a Boyne River hydrologic model. Specifically, this research is designed to fully integrate citizen participation in the development of a real-time stream discharge, temperature, and aquatic species habitat modeling framework. Through the use of citizen-based observations of streamflow and stream temperature, this approach will demonstrate how citizen-derived observations can contribute to forecasts of stream discharge, stream temperature, and identification of freshwater fish habitat. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a GIS-based Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic model on high-performance parallel computing systems. In addition to having experience with SWAT, applicants should have experience with Linux and programming languages such as R, Matlab, or Python and also be able to measure streamflow discharge in the field. The postdoc will also be encouraged to develop independent lines of research and will have the opportunity to collaborate with ecologists, hydrologists, and sustainability specialists at Indiana University, Saint Louis University, and the University at Buffalo. Additional information can be requested by emailing Dr. Darren Ficklin at The position is available for 1.5 years. The earliest start date is November 15, 2017; however, a later start date is negotiable (but no later than January 1, 2018). All applications must be made online and include a cover letter with a statement of research experience and interests, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references at: In addition, please send versions of these files to Dr. Darren Ficklin at with the words “Watershed modeling position” in the subject line of the email. For full consideration, submit all application materials by October 1, 2017. Posted: 8/29/17.

Hydrologic Modeling for Ecosystem Services: The Natural Capital Project at Stanford University seeks a creative and application-oriented hydrologist to support the assessment of hydrologic ecosystem services and targeting of land management and development choices. The focal hydrological services are water regulation (flood mitigation, baseflow regulation) and sedimentation. The postdoc will support development of a parsimonious flood risk model and application of existing watershed hydrology models in innovative ways to support two studies on the valuation and prioritization of land management activities to support ecosystem services. The position will be based in the lab of Dr Gretchen Daily (Natural Capital Project founder and faculty mentor), and will be co-supervised by project leads Dr Adrian Vogl and Dr Perrine Hamel, and Prof David Freyberg (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering). The postdoc will: (i) develop or refine models to link land use change with flood risk and inundation change in selected case study areas, (ii) develop or refine models to link land management with sedimentation and seasonal water regulation in the Himalayas (Nepal and Pakistan), (iii) simulate different watershed management and green infrastructure solutions to estimate their likely impacts on hydrologic services, and inform optimization/prioritization of watershed investments. Start date: Sep 15, 2017 Duration: 12 months, with possibility of extension. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, and we expect to make a decision by Aug 31. For details see Posted: 7/25/17.

Ecological/Ecohydrology Modeling: The Plant Ecology Group at the University of Tübingen is searching for a Post-Doctoral Researcher. The position is part of the interdisciplinary research consortium DRIeR, coordinated by the University of Freiburg, which addresses the ecological and societal impacts of extreme droughts in South-West Germany. The role of the Post Doc in this project will be to utilize existing data and data from a recently established field drought experiment to develop and parameterize an ecohydrological simulation model. The model will address plant community structure and plant trait composition, incl. ecosystem service values, as a function of management, drought intensity, duration, and frequency. It shall be further expanded to connect to hydrological models within DRIeR with the goal of developing scenarios for vulnerability of biodiversity and ecosystem services to extreme drought. In addition to the modeling, the candidate is should continue an extensive ecological field experiment designed to investigate the impact of extreme droughts on European grasslands and forests. We are seeking for an independent researcher with excellent knowledge in modeling ecological and/or hydrological systems on local to regional scales. In addition, the candidate should be familiar with conducting and analysing ecological field experiments and s/he should be willing to work in an interdisciplinary setting. The candidate should hold a Ph.D. in ecology, geoecology, hydroecology or in a related field. Furthermore, the candidate should have excellent writing and presentation skills. Knowledge of German is welcome but not essential. The position will be paid according to the German pay scale E13 TV-L. It is scheduled for a period of three years, starting January 1st, 2018. The University seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified female academics to apply for these positions. Disabled candidates will be given preference over other equally qualified applicants. Please send your application including a letter of interest, CV and a list of publications as a single pdf-file to Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger ( to whom also inquiries should be addressed. Please also make sure that two letters of reference will be sent to the above address independently. Deadline: October 1st, 2017. Posted: 8/29/17.

Ecohydrological Modelling: We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral research fellow in ecohydrological modelling. The post forms part of the project VeWa: Vegetation effects on water flow and mixing in high-latitude ecosystems", funded by the European Research Council (ERC). VeWa is an interdisciplinary project which investigates water and plant interlinkages and consequent water availability in ecosystems to understand future responses to change. We are assessing the role of plants in moderating water stress and possible climate change in low energy environments. The post is designed to conduct coupled hydrological/ecohydrological modelling. Qualifications for this position include a Ph.D. in hydrology, ecology, soil science, or a related field of environmental science. The successful candidate will be dynamic and motivated and have experience in the development and application of numerical models for various scales and environmental science contexts. The successful candidate should be experienced in combining process-based understanding with strong numerical / computational skills. Experience with programming is essential. Expertise in remote sensing & data assimilation and / or incorporation of tracers into hydrological models would be advantageous. Other advantageous background includes experience in working in interdisciplinary research projects, and working well in a team environment. Strong English language skills both in oral and written communication are also required. The post is based at the Leibniz Institute in Berlin, Germany, but involves close collaboration with international project partners (in Scotland, Canada, Sweden, US). The successful candidate will be part of an exciting international team. The Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) is the largest freshwater ecology research institute in Germany. It is a member of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. and the Leibniz-Association. IGB offers excellent laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale experimental facilities, and long-term research programs and data sets. Application deadline is 23/07/2017. The position has to start at the 01/10/2017 and is limited to one year. Enquiries or questions should be directed to Professor Doerthe Tetzlaff Please apply online. Posted: 6/28/17.

Precision Restoration Scientist: The Nature Conservancy is hiring a 2.5 year term full time position in Burns, Oregon. The Precision Restoration Scientist (PRS) will work with a team of researchers who are focused on increasing success of native perennial vegetation restoration on annual grass invaded sagebrush rangeland. Improved seed and seeding technologies are a means to increase success of seeded native perennial plant species. Increased seeding success would help to mitigate expansion of non-native annual grass species and associated increased fuel continuity and fire frequency across tens of millions of acres of western U.S. rangeland. The Precision Restoration Scientist (PRS) will work with Conservancy staff and external partners (e.g., USDA-Agricultural Research Service) to develop and test seed technologies across environmental gradients in the sagebrush ecosystem. The PRS will use geospatial information to identify and prioritize treatment areas, design and implement experiments to test seeding efficacy and relationships with key environmental variables, and lead development of predictive modeling of seed technology cost-effectiveness across a range of environmental conditions on western rangelands. For details on the position and how to apply, see TNC Careers (job ID 45818). Deadline: 11/5/17 @ 8:59 PM PST. Posted: 10/23/17.

Grassland Ecosystem Restoration: The Nature Conservancy is hiring a full-time Ecosystem Restoration Scientist at The Nachusa Grasslands in northern Illinois. The Ecosystem Restoration Scientist (ERS) will be the on-site lead for providing technical and scientific support for habitat management and restoration at Nachusa Grasslands, a 4,000-acre landscape of native and restored prairies, savannas, streams and wetlands in north-central Illinois. Nachusa Grasslands has emerged as the premier location for ecological restoration and management. The success of the project has also attracted significant scientific interest from faculty and students from numerous universities throughout the country as well as state and federal agencies. The ERS ensures that the most beneficial, applied science is conducted and that it is executed in a manner that maximizes its value to Nachusa Grasslands and TNC over the long term. For details on the position and how to apply, see TNC Careers, Job ID 45753. Deadline: 11/17/17. Posted: 9/26/17.

Spatial Biology: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher in spatial biology at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) and in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This is a full-time, two-year position, with the potential for a limited-time-period renewal. The postdoctoral fellow will integrate remote sensing tools with publicly available data to answer interdisciplinary topics in Global Environmental Change (with possible foci in macroecology, physiology, and environmental sociology and economics). The fellow will be expected to participate in and contribute to NIMBioS activities. Technical remote sensing expertise is required, specifically experience in data-fusion techniques and in working with multiple types of remotely sensed data (multispectral + hyperspectral or multispectral + radar or multipectral + lidar, etc.). The most competitive candidates would have had experience collating, processing, and analyzing large datasets (e.g., biodiversity, physiology, climate, agriculture/land-use, economic trade) at the regional and/or global scale(s) and have published some of this work in leading peer-reviewed journals. The postdoctoral fellow will be mentored by Xingli Giam (EEB), Monica Papes (EEB and SAL), and Kimberly Sheldon (EEB). Review of applications begins May 14, 2018 and continues until the position is filled [still open as of 5/19/18]. Start date flexible, but not later than 31 August 2018. Apply at Posted: 5/19/18.

Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation: The Terrestrial Ecosystem Science and Technology (TEST) group at Brookhaven National Laboratory is seeking a post-doc interested in reducing uncertainty in the modeling of the terrestrial carbon cycle through remote sensing and data assimilation approaches. This position is part of a larger project to develop a terrestrial carbon cycle data assimilation framework, focused initially on North America, using the PEcAn model informatics system (PEcAn). This system will employ formal Bayesian model-data fusion between bottom-up process-based ecosystem models and multiple data sources, including remote sensing data, to estimate key carbon pools and fluxes. More information. Posted: 10/25/17.

Remote Sensing of Forest Ecosystems: Northern Arizona University seeks a postdoctoral researcher to participate in research projects focused on mapping, monitoring and modeling forest ecosystems, incorporating climate, land use, and disturbance dynamics. The successful candidate will work closely with the principle investigator and collaborators, using remote sensing observations, biodiversity data, and models to analyze the influence of multiple factors on forest ecosystem dynamics. The position will require processing multi-sensor imagery, primarily satellite-based but also airborne remote sensing, to derive geospatial products characterizing ecosystem properties (e.g. canopy 3D structure, composition, habitat, biomass, regrowth dynamics). The research will advance analyses of disturbance and drivers of change through time. Exploration of state-of-the-art techniques to quantify relationships between structure and diversity in tropical environments is desirable. Ability to synthesize complex information and develop structured analyses in written and visual form is essential. The qualified candidate should have a PhD in Environmental Science, Remote Sensing, Computer Science and/or a related discipline. Relevant qualifications include experience working with earth observation imagery, lidar data, large databases, geospatial software/ tools and advanced scripting. A strong publication record and familiarity with principles of ecosystem dynamics and macroscale conservation is highly desirable. Duration: Two years, full-time. How to apply: Apply online (Job ID 603439). Deadline: January 1, 2018. Posted: 10/10/17.

Patterns of Foliar Traits/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: The Townsend Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking a post-doc interested in the study of patterns of foliar traits as derived from imaging spectroscopy (hyperspectral remote sensing). Over the last several years, our group has been using field data and hyperspectral imagery to map foliar biochemical/physiological traits, such as nitrogen, leaf mass per area, pigments, in a range of ecosystems for several projects. We are now interested in synthesizing some of these data from many locations to better understand generalities in the hyperspectral data as well as in ecological relationships. This work will be collaborative, and work with data from multiple sensors. The position requires strong quantitative skills (R and/or Python are our primary tools), experience with remote sensing data, and a background in ecology or environmental sciences. Studies to be synthesized include data from forests, grasslands, and agro-ecosystems in the eastern US, at NEON domains, on the Indian subcontinent, and in California as part of NASA’s HyspIRI airborne project. Responsibilities: - Collaboration with Townsend Lab team members and our collaborators to develop, validate and compare vegetation trait models from imaging spectroscopy data - Synthesis of biochemical/physiological trait maps and trait models across multiple ecosystem types - Testing new quantitative methods for mapping traits and analyzing their patterns - Analysis of ecological patterns from trait maps derived across many sites and systems - Contribute to and write papers based on the analyses. Prospective candidates should have: - A Ph.D. in-hand in geography, biology/ecology, ecosystem or environmental science, or a related discipline, - Experience with remote sensing data and its analysis, and - Strong statistical background, and preferably related experience programming in R or Python. Applicants must have excellent English writing and verbal communication skills, as well as the ability to work and lead a research team, are essential. The start date for the position is September or October, 2017, but is flexible and can be sooner. The position is available for two years, pending satisfactory performance. Further years are contingent on funding. Applications received before September 1 will be given full consideration. The position is open to both US citizen and international candidates. To apply, send the documents listed below to Dr. Phil Townsend compiled together in ONE PDF named YourSurname.pdf with “Foliar Traits Postdoc Application 2017” in the email subject line. - Letter outlining research interests, academic and professional background - Resume or CV - Copies of transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable) - Names and contact addresses of three references Questions should be directed to Dr. Phil Townsend ( Posted: 7/25/17.

Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Services: We’re hiring a postdoc with remote sensing expertise at the University of Minnesota! - Gillian Galford, Becky Chaplin-Kramer, and Kate Brauman. This postdoc will support a series of three workshops that will bring together the earth observation and ecosystem services communities. The postdoc will provide critical intellectual input to identify linkages between Earth observation (EO) products and ecosystem service models, develop proof-of-concept products for more easily attainable integration, and facilitate collaboration and grant development for cutting-edge projects. This is a one-year position. There is the possibility for an extension of the position to execute a related project focused on grassland productivity in Mongolia. The ideal candidate has extensive experience using EO data and is well-versed in the extent of data products as well as about their limitations. The candidate must be interested in developing users for EO data and in the theoretical as well as practical challenges that non-experts face in integrating EO for applications. Interest in ecosystem services is critical; experience with specific ecosystem service assessment is beneficial not but required. The primary role of this position will be to produce two peer-reviewed papers. One will focus on concrete examples of how EO products could be used in existing ES valuation tools, providing examples and demonstrating varying levels of difficulty of this integration. A second will be more theoretical, laying out the different ways that EO could be used in ES valuation and providing a framework for development of novel ES valuation approaches designed with EO as an integral part. Both of these papers will provide guidelines to the wider community on how best to go about integrating EO into ES valuation. This postdoc will also provide meeting support, including working directly with potential participants in both the remote sensing community and the ecosystem services community. This provides an excellent opportunity to expand your network, but it does require talking to people and organizational skills. More information and application instructions at Posted: 6/7/17.

Water Quality Research: The National Center for Water Quality Research (NCWQR) of Heidelberg University in Ohio seeks a highly motivated scientist with experience relating watershed export studies to human land use, including nutrient dynamics in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The new staff member will be an integral member of the NCWQR and will collaborate with other personnel on multiple ongoing NCWQR projects. An initial focus will be to assist in the data analysis and project management of a 4R nutrient stewardship grant examining how 4R practices may reduce nutrient export and influence stream metabolism. The staff member will also help manage a new paired watershed study examining the effectiveness of agricultural BMPs on nutrient runoff. Approximately 70% of the research scientist’s time initially will be devoted to these two grants. The remainder of the individual’s time, and 100% of their time after completion of the above grants, will be devoted to other programs and projects of the NCWQR that are funded through a variety of sources. The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience and qualifications, including: a. Completion of a PhD in the Natural Sciences, Engineering, or a related field. Postdoctoral research experience is preferred. b. Experience in writing and publishing scientific articles. c. Experience writing proposals seeking external funding, preferably with multidisciplinary collaborators. d. Presentation experience to both scientific and lay audiences. e. Experience in statistical approaches to examining long-term and high frequency data sets is preferred. For consideration, or to obtain additional information, please visit In addition to a cover letter and current CV, candidates should upload a research statement, up to three recent peer-reviewed publications on which the candidate is the senior author, and the contact information for three references. Review of candidates will begin February 1, 2018. Posted: 1/4/18.

Lake Water Quality Forecasting: A new position for a postdoctoral research associate to collaborate with a vibrant, interdisciplinary research team working in freshwater science is available in the Carey Lab at Virginia Tech. This position is part of a recently-funded NSF project that will develop a water quality forecasting system for a drinking water supply reservoir and Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) site. As part of the project, we are combining high-frequency sensor monitoring, modeling, ecosystem forecasting, and data-intensive analytical approaches from ecology, computer science, engineering, and social science. This project is unique because it combines theory and application: we will be developing new, generalized approaches to forecasting that will be directly applied to managing the drinking water reservoir. We are seeking a creative and quantitative Ph.D. with significant research experience in freshwater science, especially the implementation of sensor networks and modeling. The specific start date is flexible and could begin as soon as January 2018 or as late as May 2018; review of applications will be rolling with a deadline of October 1, 2017. The position is for two years, contingent upon a successful one-year review. Apply at: Posted: 8/22/17.

Global Synthesis of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Applications are invited for a 2-year position as a Postdoctoral Research Associate as part of a newly NASA-funded interdisciplinary project titled “The Global Land Rush: A Socio-Environmental Synthesis”. This project will conduct an integrated global synthesis of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs), a growing phenomenon in the global South as governments and transnational investors seek to secure access to land in developing countries to produce food, bio-fuels, and non-agricultural commodities. Consequences of LSLAs vary widely across the globe, ranging from land improvement and creation of new livelihood opportunities to land degradation and dispossession of land from local inhabitants. The project brings together researchers at the University of Maryland and University of Alabama, and offers an exciting opportunity for a rising scholar to engage in globally impactful, interdisciplinary research. Qualifications: Candidates must have a PhD in one or more disciplines associated with Land System Science (e.g., geography, natural resource economics, sociology, political ecology, remote sensing). Proficiency with the management and analysis of geospatial data in geographical information systems (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS, etc.) and experience with acquiring, managing, and harmonizing heterogeneous data types are required. Preferred candidates will also have experience with spatio-temporal statistical analysis (e.g., spatial regression, survival analysis), synthesis methods (e.g., meta-analysis, archetype analysis, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)), and/or familiarity with remote sensing data and time series analysis. This position is based in the Department of Geography at the University of Alabama located in Tuscaloosa, AL. This is a full-time, 12-month, fixed-term position with a start date of January 15, 2018, but that is flexible. Review of applications will begin July 1, 2017. See full details and how to apply. Please direct questions about this position to Dr. Nicholas Magliocca ( Posted: 6/7/17.

Cluster Hire: Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation: Cluster Hire: 9 Postdoc positions. The Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) — a new U.S. Department of Energy-funded Bioenergy Research Center — is seeking dedicated postdoctoral researchers to help grow, transform, and market biofuels and other bioproducts. CABBI research teams will integrate recent advances in genomics, synthetic biology, and computational biology to increase the value of biomass crops. This holistic approach will help reduce our nation’s dependence on fossil fuels, thus increasing national security. CABBI research is divided into three main themes: Feedstock Production (growing the right crops in which biofuels, bioproducts, high-value molecules, and foundation molecules are synthesized directly in plant stems); Conversion (developing a versatile, automated biofoundry for rapidly engineering microbes to produce biodiesel, organic acids, jet fuels, lubricants, alcohols, etc.); and Sustainability (determining which feedstock combinations, regions and land types, market conditions, and bioproducts have the potential to support the ecologically and economically sustainable displacement of fossil fuels). Positions in all three themes are available at the lead institution — the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — as well as at some of the 17 partner institutions across the United States. Current openings include 8 postdocs at UIUC and 1 at the University of Florida. Read about all openings and the recruitment process at Review dates vary, but most are Dec. 1, 2017. Posted: 11/15/17.

Sustainable Insect Management: A postdoctoral position is available within the Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland to develop sustainable insect management programs in small fruit or agronomic crops. The successful candidate will be able to design and carry out their own experiments within the lab's ongoing projects in agronomic or small fruit cropping systems. Basic and applied research interests that include integrated pest management, invasive species, and insect-microorganism interactions would best fit current and future research directions within the Hamby research group. The successful candidate will be expected to analyze and publish data, initiate and manage both field and laboratory projects, compose grants, and will be expected to travel to field sites. Professional development opportunities such as management of grants and student supervision will be provided. This position will be located on the University of Maryland College Park campus. This is a term-limited position with the option to renew, depending on performance and availability of funding. For more information visit: Applications received before April 1st will receive priority, but the position will remain open until filled. We anticipate the successful applicant will start May-July 2018. Posted: 3/19/18.

Natural enemies and ecosystem services in cucurbit production systems: Post-doctoral Research Associate in Entomology/Applied Ecology – two-year appointment in the Department of Entomology at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. The successful candidate will evaluate ecosystem services provided by natural enemies in cucurbit production systems. This will include determining key natural enemy/pest interactions using combinations of field experiments and lab bioassays to measure pesticide exposure and predation/parasitism/pathogens with contemporary field, laboratory and molecular techniques. This research is part of a regional team effort working on the compatibility of cucurbit pest management practices and pollinator health. A highly motivated recent Ph.D. in entomology or related discipline with a background in applied insect ecology, IPM, statistics and familiarity with molecular diagnostics. Experience using state-of-the-art techniques to elucidate trophic interactions/food webs, working in agricultural cropping systems -especially vegetables, peer-reviewed publications, successful grantsmanship, and strong communication skills is considered a plus. She/he must be able to work independently, contribute to a team effort, and plan and execute hypothesis driven research that leads to peer-reviewed publications. A valid driver’s license is required. Position available January 1, 2018. Send letter of interest, curriculum vitae and the names of three references to: Steve Yaninek at Posted: 10/9/17.

Urban Environments: The Centre for Urban Environments (CUE) is seeking applications for two post-doctoral researchers to study any topic related to urban environments in the social sciences, natural sciences or humanities at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). Before applying, applicants should identify and contact at least two potential supervisors at UTM, who will jointly supervise and are willing to support the application. To find potential supervisors, please see faculty listed on the CUE website. Applications should include: i) a cover letter (please identify the potential supervisors in this letter); ii) full CV; iii) a one-page research statement indicating the planned research and how the applicant plans to contribute to the mission of CUE; iv) examples of up to three publications and/or creative works; and iv) contact information for three references. Starting salary: $45k CDN + benefits and $5k/year in research funds (more research funds may be provided by supervisors). Start date: Flexible, but preferably before Dec. 1, 2018. Duration: 2 years (conditional on favourable annual performance review). Application Deadline: Review of applications will commence August 15. Please submit applications to the Director of CUE, Prof. Marc Johnson ( Questions about CUE can be directed to the Director. Posted: 7/13/18.

Urban Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Food Systems: The University of Michigan announces one post-doctoral research opportunity, beginning August 2018 and focusing on urban GIS broadly-conceived. The successful applicant will work on Food Systems. This includes two projects: 1) The food-energy-water nexus of urban agriculture across multiple scales; and 2) urban meat production-consumption patterns and dynamics. Collaborating with a team of faculty, postdocs, and students, research will be conducted in cities in Europe (France, Germany, the U.K, and Poland) and the U.S. (New York, Los Angeles, and Detroit). The postdoctoral researcher will be work in the Urban Sustainability Research Group, mentored by Joshua Newell (Associate Professor). Qualifications: A PhD is required at the time of appointment. Candidates must have a PhD in one or more disciplines broadly associated with Land System Science (e.g., geography, natural resource economics, sociology, political ecology, remote sensing, landscape architecture). Proficiency with the management and analysis of geospatial data in geographical information systems (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS, etc.) and experience with acquiring, managing, and harmonizing heterogeneous data types are required. Preference will be given to applicants with publication experience and programming experience in R, Python and/or Google Earth Engine. Experience processing, analyzing and displaying ‘big data’ is a plus. The ability to apply this expertise and tools in an urban context is highly desirable. The position is initially for one year, with the potential to extend to two years based on performance. Application Instructions: Applicants should send: 1) a CV; 2) a 2-page cover letter that a) details their interest in the position, and b) outlines their relevant skills and experience; 3) one recent publication or dissertation chapter, and 4) names and contact details (email addresses and telephone numbers) for three references, to Dr. Alec Foster ( Please bundle all materials as one pdf file. Contact Dr. Foster should you have questions. The application deadline is March 12, 2018. Posted: 3/1/18.

Urban Nature Research: The Urban Nature Research Center (UNRC) at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHMLA) invites applications for its 2018 POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP in URBAN NATURE RESEARCH. The UNRC at NHMLA is a cutting edge, urban biodiversity research group that studies how species are responding to urbanization in Southern California. Most of our research focuses on the Greater Los Angeles Area, although we will consider a focus on urban faunas elsewhere. Ongoing research efforts examine the taxonomy, distribution, ecology, evolution, and behavior of native and nonnative species. Because traditional methods of surveying biodiversity often cannot be applied in highly urbanized areas, we use citizen science to crowdsource data collection. Currently, our citizen science projects include Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern California (RASCALs), Snails and Slugs Living in Metropolitan Environments (SLIME), the insect-oriented Biodiversity Science: City and Nature (BioSCAN) project, Los Angeles Spider Survey (LASS), and the Southern California Squirrel Survey. The UNRC is an outreach-oriented center that frequently communicates with the public and works closely with the Museum’s Citizen Science Office. This research position is available for two years, subject to review after the first year. Future announcements for this fellowship are expected every other year. The expected start date for 2018 is January, although an earlier start is possible and encouraged. For 2018, the UNRC is specifically looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will analyze urban insect diversity data accumulated through the BioSCAN Project over the past four years. Thus, applicants with experience in urban ecology, community ecology, analysis of large-scale biodiversity datasets, and/or entomology are especially encouraged to apply. Full job ad. Posted: 10/20/17.

Tropical Urban Ecosystem Services: The Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher in tropical urban ecosystem services, to begin on 1 January 2018 or soon thereafter. The position will be for a period of 2 years, subject to performance review. The successful applicant will be part of a major new project on the topic of ‘Assessing Singapore's Natural Capital’. The Postdoctoral Researcher will have expertise in working on urban ecosystem services, or similar environmental issues. S/he will be responsible for overall coordination of a work package dealing with terrestrial ecosystems, including overseeing the implementation of the project work plan. The Postdoctoral Researcher will take a significant lead in research relating to terrestrial ecosystem services quantification in Singapore, largely through integrating field and remotely-sensed datasets. Statistical modelling and GIS experience are highly regarded, and fluency using the R statistical programming language is preferred. Experience in remote sensing would be an advantage. The Singapore-ETH Centre was established in 2010 by ETH Zurich and Singapore's National Research Foundation, as part of its CREATE campus. The vibrant hub for research aims to provide practical solutions to some of the most pressing urban problems. More information on the position, including how to apply, can be found at Posted: 10/6/17.

Ecosystem & Disease Ecology: University of Minnesota. We seek to hire a motivated and conceptually driven post-doctoral associate to work collaboratively using theoretical and meta-analytical approaches to tackle questions at the interface between ecosystem and disease ecology. This work will focus on, but not necessarily be limited to, investigating the interactions between increased nutrient supplies from human activites, pathogen impacts on autotroph (e.g., plant or algae) communities, and carbon or nutrient fluxes in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This research will include work with a new working group funded through the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). This small team is composed of faculty and postdoctoral researchers with expertise in using mathematical, statistical, and empirical approaches in ecosystem, community, and disease ecology. The successful applicant will be based at UMN, in the highly interactive Borer-Seabloom lab group of students, postdocs, and faculty using empirical, statistical, and theoretical approaches to address questions in disease, ecosystem, and community ecology. We are particularly interested in applicants with strong lateral thinking skills and expertise in mathematical, statistical and analytical techniques as well as interest in examining the human dimensions of their work. Demonstration of excellent writing skills are an essential qualification for this position. The appointment is initially for one year, but may be renewed annually. Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis, and starting date is negotiable. The position may begin as soon as possible. Full Job ad can be seen here: Posted: 3/19/18.

Socio-Environmental Synthesis: Deadline: December 14 (CVs and research statements for pre-screening approval). The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) [University of Maryland] and Georgetown University invite applications for two postdoctoral fellowship opportunities. The Fellows will work a minimum of three days a week at SESYNC in Annapolis, Maryland and two days a week at Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C and will join a cohort of Postdoctoral Fellows at SESYNC and take part in the SESYNC Postdoctoral Immersion Program. This opportunity is open to applicants who have completed their PhD in a relevant field within the last four years (no later than July 31, 2018 and no earlier than June 30, 2014). Ecological Connections: Climate and Health. The Postdoctoral fellow will co-develop a project designed to address critical research gaps on the relationship between the changing environment and children’s respiratory health by building a model based on the synthesis of multiple data sets and a wide range of variables. The successful applicant will demonstrate innovative approaches to studying impacts on climate change, air quality, and health impacts, building on established evidence and co-develop the project with the collaborating mentor. Check out for more information. Coping with Disaster in a Warming World. The Postdoctoral fellow will co-develop a project designed to address critical gaps in our understanding of how societies cope with the sorts of natural disasters that are expected to become more frequent and more devastating in coming decades. The successful applicant will demonstrate innovative approaches to studying how societies cope with unexpected natural disasters, building on established evidence and co-develop the project with the collaborating mentor. Posted: 12/2/17.

Food Waste Modeling: Deadline: December 14 (CVs and research statements for pre-screening approval). The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) [University of Maryland] and Research Triangle Institute (RTI) invite applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship opportunity, focused on modeling the environmental and ecological impacts of food waste in the United States. The Fellow will work in residence at SESYNC in Annapolis, MD and will join a cohort of Postdoctoral Fellows at SESYNC and take part in the SESYNC Postdoctoral Immersion Program. This opportunity is open to applicants who have completed their PhD in a relevant field (e.g., environmental economics, agricultural economics, ecology, environmental engineering, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences) within the last four years (no later than July 31, 2018 and no earlier than June 30, 2014). Applicants are expected to propose ideas for a data synthesis or modeling project that contributes to our understanding of the environmental, ecological, and economic impacts of food loss and waste across the U.S. food system, taking into consideration all sources of impacts from input sourcing in agricultural production through landfill disposal of waste. Posted: 12/2/17.

Modeling environmental and ecological impacts of food waste: The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) and Research Triangle Institute (RTI) invite applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship opportunity, focused on modeling the environmental and ecological impacts of food waste in the United States. The Fellow will work in residence at SESYNC at the University of Maryland in Annapolis as a full participant in SESYNC’s Post-doctoral Immersion Program, and will work with Dr. Mary Muth of RTI as their primary Collaborating Research Mentor. This opportunity is open to applicants who have completed their PhD in a relevant field (e.g., environmental economics, agricultural economics, ecology, environmental engineering, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences) within the last four years (no later than July 31, 2018 and no earlier than June 30, 2014). Applicants are expected to propose ideas for a data synthesis or modeling project that contributes to our understanding of the environmental, ecological, and economic impacts of food loss and waste across the U.S. food system, taking into consideration all sources of impacts from input sourcing in agricultural production through landfill disposal of waste. The intent is to incorporate food system, environmental, and economic datasets into a modeling effort that will provide information for prioritizing public and private food waste reduction initiatives. CVs and research statements for pre-screening approval are due December 1. More details. Posted: 10/31/17.

Socio-Environmental Modeling: The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) seeks two Assistant Research Scientists, one with expertise in agent based modeling, and the other with expertise in system dynamical modeling. These are two-year, research faculty positions through the University of Maryland. Effort in each will be equally divided between conducting independent synthesis research and contributing to SESYNC’s programs and activities. The incumbents will have freedom and responsibility to design and conduct their own independent research program, applying ABM or system dynamics approaches to understand aspects of sustainability and address pressing problems in socio-environmental systems. It is expected that publications in scholarly outlets will result from this research, and the incumbents may apply for grants and generate additional types of scientific products (e.g., databases, models, white papers). Half of the incumbents’ time will be dedicated to supporting and furthering SESYNC’s institutional goals. This includes activities of both an administrative nature, such as planning, organizing, leading, and managing SESYNC programs and activities, as well as more research-oriented support, such as applying and sharing scientific expertise to assist SESYNC’s scholars and teams when relevant. Qualifications: - Ph.D. in computational, natural, or social science and peer-reviewed publications in outlets relevant to scholars using ABM or system dynamics approaches, respectively; - More than two years work experience in academic, NGO, or governmental research setting; - Experience working both independently and as part of a team of researchers; - General knowledge of socio–environmental or sustainability literature & research methods; - Strong organizational skills and the ability to initiate and manage multiple and diverse projects and activities; - A professional demeanor and exceptional written and oral communication skills as well as a desire to actively engage with and serve a variety of individuals in various settings. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Deadline: Oct 2, 2017. Posted: 8/15/17.

Subarctic Data Synthesis, Water Resources: The Northern Water Futures (NWF) consortium in collaboration with the Wilfrid Laurier University -Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Partnership invite applications for two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Subarctic Data Synthesis. One will be located in Waterloo, Ontario and the other in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (NWT). For more details of the position please go to: Posted: 7/25/17.

Water Sustainability: Heinz Postdoctoral Water scholar. The Pittsburgh Collaboratory for Water Research, Education and Outreach in the Department of Geology & Environmental Science at the University of Pittsburgh seeks candidates for a distinguished postdoctoral position in fields of study relevant to water sustainability. The Postdoctoral Scholar will be housed within the newly created Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory, whose aim is to catalyze creative solutions to Western Pennsylvania’s water challenges by facilitating collaborations between University of Pittsburgh researchers, water practitioners, and communities. Postdoctoral Scholars will devote their appointment to research activities, but are also expected to lead outreach efforts, mentor graduate students, and help coordinate multiple research projects among affiliated faculty under the direction of Dr. Emily Elliott, Director of the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory. Potential research areas of interest include, but are not limited to nutrient pollution, harmful algal blooms, stable isotope biogeochemistry, green infrastructure effects on water quality, nutrient watershed modeling, or greenhouse and trace gas emissions from aquatic systems. The Postdoctoral Scholar will interact with Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory faculty (affiliated Collaboratory faculty include Drs. Daniel Bain, Brian Thomas, and Eitan Shelef) with expertise in a wide variety of water-related disciplines including green infrastructure, trace metals, soil moisture, remote sensing, statistical hydrology, topographic analyses, and drainage network formation. Appointments will have a term of one year starting in January 2018 or soon thereafter and are renewable contingent upon funding. The Scholar will receive a salary of $50k, plus benefits and a discretionary fund of $7k/year for relocation, travel, and research expenditures. Requirements for the positions include a Ph.D. in a field of study relevant to water and water sustainability, experience and/or interest in science outreach and community-embedded research, ability to take initiative and work independently, a high level organizational skill, and experience and interest in contributing to a dialog across disciplinary boundaries. To apply, please submit the following items to Cindy Niznik ( by October 31, 2017 as a single pdf document: 1) a cover letter describing your interest in the position and how the position relates to your career goals, 2) a recent C.V., 3) a research statement (1500 words maximum) describing past and future research interests and goals, and 4) contact information for three references. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Emily Elliott, Director of the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory, Posted: 10/5/17.

Global Shark Trends: Population Modelling/Spatial Planning: 2 Postdoctoral fellowships PDF/RAs. The project seeks to develop a dashboard of global shark and ray indicators to track conservation outcomes at national, regional, and global scales. The project is an international collaboration between Simon Fraser University, James Cook University, Charles Darwin University, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Shark Specialist Group and Red List Unit, as well as Comms Inc. POPULATION MODELER Candidate #1 is expected to have a good understanding of quantitative population dynamics and their application to policy-relevant ecological problems. A keen interest in hierarchical modeling, Bayesian methods, and reproducible analyses would be an advantage. An understanding of how information can be borrowed using phylogeny, traits, and geographic structure would be advantageous. SPATIAL PLANNER Candidate #2 is expected to have a good understanding of a wide-range of spatial conservation planning paradigms and methods, including MARXAN, GIS, QGIS. The candidate will develop conservation priorities, based on the knowledge of population trajectory and Red List status for species, aggregated by location and combined with information on conservation management likelihood. An understanding of reproducible analyses and tool development, e.g. RShiny is advantageous. HOW TO APPLY Both candidates are expected to communicate regularly with the project team and have a desire to work in a policy-facing environment. The candidates will ideally have a PhD but we will consider appointing suitably qualified quantitative scientists. The candidates will ideally be based at Simon Fraser University within the Earth to Ocean Research Group in the Department of Biological Sciences, under the supervision of Dr Nicholas Dulvy. The positions may continue for 2.5 years, subject to continued funding and review after six months, and can begin as early as Sept 1, 2018. Applications will be reviewed beginning Aug 1st, 2018. Candidates should submit a CV (including reference contact details), and a brief (2 pages or less) description of research interests and career goals provided in a single PDF document in the order described here, via email to with the subject heading “GST PDF”. Please make it clear which post you are applying for. Posted: 7/3/18.

Sustainable Fisheries: The Sustainable Fisheries Group (SFG) at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) seeks a fisheries scientist or fisheries economist for a post-doctoral scholar position to begin in late summer 2018. The research focus of the position will be to conduct empirical and/or theoretical analysis and explore innovative solutions to applied challenges in fisheries, marine resource management, and conservation. The ideal candidate will have excellent quantitative and modeling skills and an interest and track record in publishing in top scientific journals. Interest and or experience in spatial modeling is a plus. The scholar will collaborate with SFG, a multidisciplinary research team that combines principles of economics and ecology to address applied and theoretical challenges in the marine environment. The successful candidate will report to SFG Principal Investigators and will be affiliated with the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and the Marine Science Institute at UCSB. Basic Qualifications: *PhD in Environmental Economics, Natural Resource Economics, Fisheries Science or a closely related discipline. *Familiarity with fisheries management and its underlying economic principles, in both small and large-scale fishery contexts *Advanced modeling experience in R (or similar) statistical software *Experience with management, synthesis, and analysis of large datasets *Relevant academic and/or practical experience conducting economic modeling, fisheries modeling, and/or stock assessments. Preferred Qualifications: *3+ years of experience in empirical fisheries research and modeling *Proficiency using GitHub, Shiny, and/or other modern data management, sharing, and presentation interfaces *At least two peer-reviewed publications in an internationally recognized journal *Excellent communication skills to contribute to reports and peer-reviewed scientific publications, deliver presentations, and translate scientific concepts for diverse audiences *Strong interpersonal skills to build and maintain strong relationships with academic, NGO, and government partners and to work effectively as part of a highly collaborative research team. The duration of the appointment is for 100% time for 12 months; reappointment is possible depending on performance and funding. The start date is negotiable but ideally would be in late summer, 2018. For primary consideration apply by June 12, 2018. Send applications including cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, sample of written research, and contact information for three references to: Posted: 5/30/18.

Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience: The Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst seeks talented applicants for a permanent 12-month, non-tenure-track appointment as Extension Assistant Professor in Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience. This faculty will be based at the UMass Gloucester Marine Station in close proximity to North Shore communities and State, Federal and non-governmental collaborators. Earliest appointment date is October 2, 2017. Review of applications will begin August 28, 2017. Candidates should have a Masters degree with a minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience or a Ph.D. degree in coastal environmental management, fisheries or marine sciences, or closely related field. Candidates should understand the critical link between applied research and extension in fulfilling the mission of a land grant institution. The candidate is expected to develop and lead outreach and extension programming in the broad fields of community resilience, and adaptation-related actions to mitigate impacts of changing fisheries and/or natural hazards in coastal Massachusetts communities. Examples of relevant foci include, but are not limited to: (1) development of sustainable harvesting practices for commercial fisheries stocks, (2) integration of new fisheries products into the supply chain, (3) socioeconomic impacts of a changing environment, (4) coastal conservation and habitat restoration, (5) adaptation to sea-level change and other climate-related impacts, (6) community engagement in emerging coastal issues, such as wind energy, and (7) improving the integration of marine science into K-12 classrooms through development of curricula incorporating research and modern technologies. For more details and to apply, see the full job ad. Posted: 7/28/17.

Sustainable Governance of Transboundary Environmental Commons: As part of a major research project entitled Sustainable Governance of Transboundary Environmental Commons in Southeast Asia and funded by the Social Sciences Research Council (SSRC), the Department of Geography and Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore (NUS), invite applications for the following research positions: 1) Senior Research Fellow - for two years in the first instance, extendable by up to an additional two years. 2) Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows - both for two years in the first instance, extendable by up to an additional two years. 3) Two PhD research scholarships - both fully funded for four years. More details about the positions, including deadlines for applications, the application procedure and expected start dates for successful applicants. Deadline: 1 August 2017. Posted: 5/9/17.

Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Tropical Fish: The Tropical Fish Ecology Lab (PI Alastair Harborne) at Florida International University (FIU) is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher to work on an exciting new project examining community-based natural resource management in Indonesia. The project is in collaboration with Conservation International, Rare, Wildlife Conservation Society, and World Wildlife Fund (the Alliance for Conservation Evidence). The work at FIU will synthesize existing marine protected area (MPA) monitoring data from across institutions and geographies to examine how and why MPA status, trends, and impacts vary across Indonesia. In so doing, the project will accelerate national-level marine spatial planning, strategic prioritization, and MPA implementation. The position is for 20 months at a competitive salary, and the successful candidate must be able to start by late March 2018 and attend a US-based initial project meeting in April. The position will include multiple visits to Indonesia to attend project workshops and work with project partners. Required skills: • Experience with ArcGIS, statistical analyses, and management of large and diverse data sets • Experience of social science research, particularly relating to marine conservation • Ability to work and live in south Florida and travel repeatedly to Indonesia • Track record of publishing in peer-reviewed journals • Excellent written and oral communication skills. Desirable skills: • Experience of marine community-based natural resource management, particularly in tropical areas • Experience of working in south-east Asia • Experience of disseminating research results to a range of stakeholders. To apply: Please contact Dr Alastair Harborne at (subject ‘ACES position’), and attach a covering letter addressing each of the required and desirable skills, plus a full CV including the names of at least two references. The deadline is Feb 2nd 2018, with interviews soon afterwards. Posted: 1/18/18.

Natural Resources: Purdue University’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources seeks candidates for 1-2 post-doctoral positions for its annual recurring competition for post-doctoral scholars in natural resources science or management. The department has a broad environmental scope with nationally ranked doctoral programs, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches across a spectrum of research areas including ecology, genetics, forest biology, forest measurement and assessment/GIS, wood products, wildlife, fisheries and aquatic sciences, and natural resources social science ( Departmental faculty members actively participate in interdisciplinary initiatives including the Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Center for the Environment, Purdue Water Community, Purdue Interdisciplinary Center for Ecological Sustainability, Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center, Tropical Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center, Center for Global Soundscapes, Center for Regional Development, Purdue Climate Change Research Center, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, and the Natural Resources Development Institute. Requirements for the position(s) include a Ph.D. in natural resources or related discipline, evidence of initiative, independence, and productivity, and a commitment to conservation of natural resources. The program is open to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. Positions will be 2-year appointments at a salary of $47k, plus benefits and a discretionary fund of $5k/year in addition to any research funds that are provided by mentors. Application Process: Before applying, interested individuals should contact prospective postdoctoral mentors in the department to discuss project ideas. List of faculty mentors. Mentoring may be sought from individual faculty or by faculty teams, whichever is more appropriate to successfully conduct the proposed work. To apply to the Natural Resources Scholars program candidates must submit a) names of one or more faculty who have agreed to serve as mentors for the proposed project, b) a curriculum vitae, c) a proposal describing the work to be undertaken, d) two letters of reference, and e) a 1-page statement of support from the proposed mentor(s). Materials should be submitted as PDF files via email to with the subject line “Application: Postdoc Scholars in Natural Resources”. Letter writers should submit their recommendations directly using the email address above. The deadline for receiving completed applications is October 16, 2017. Applicants may propose projects that complement, extend, or synthesize existing efforts and interests of the faculty. The proposal should identify the issue to be addressed, summarize the current level of knowledge as it relates to the issue, describe the objective(s) of the proposed work, provide the study design and methods used to meet the objective(s), explain expected results and deliverables, and highlight their scientific and broader significance. The proposal is limited to a 300-word summary page and 3 single-spaced pages, not including references, using one-inch margins and a minimum 11-point standard font. Applications will be judged on overall quality including prior performance, support letters, and the scientific and technical merit and feasibility of the proposal. For additional information, please contact Douglass Jacobs, Fred M. van Eck Professor and Associate Department Head of Research ( Posted: 10/5/17.

Environmental Policy: The Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP) program at the College of William & Mary seeks applications for a two-year postdoctoral scholar position in Environmental Policy to be housed in the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations (ITPIR). The discipline is open, but the ideal candidate will be able to collaborate with faculty in the social sciences, have some advanced quantitative methods training (R, GIS, Stata, Python), have strong organizational and communication skills, and will be able to engage in interdisciplinary research related to energy and the environment. The postdoctoral scholar will also teach one upper-level course per academic year, and arrange an environmental speaker series in the second year. A Ph.D. is required by the time of appointment. The position offers a competitive salary, research and travel funds, and administrative support. The postdoctoral fellow will be mentored by two William & Mary faculty with teaching and research interests that intersect with Environmental Politics, and will have substantial opportunities for the postdoctoral fellow to pursue their own research projects. The postdoctoral scholar position will be housed at the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations (ITPIR), which supports and promotes internationally focused research that can make a difference in the world. In addition to housing postdocs, visiting scholars, and staff, ITPIR projects have generated more than $44 million in external grants and contracts that have supported more than 1,400 student and faculty researchers, and produced research in leading scholarly journals and in outlets addressed to policy practitioners. This is a 9-month academic year appointment. Start date is August 10, 2018. Posted: 3/19/18.

Environmental Science: The Environmental Science Program at Trinity College invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position in Environmental Science to begin in the fall term of 2018. The preferred candidate has a strong interest to combine teaching in the liberal arts environment with a dynamic research project that includes active participation from undergraduates. At the time of appointment, the candidate should have a Ph.D. in an environmental field, such as biology, chemistry, geology, meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, or physics, with a research specialty in some area of environmental science. Prospective candidates can either strengthen or complement our current research projects (see program website for details). The successful candidate will teach two courses per year: an introductory course in environmental science and an upper-level course in the candidate’s area of expertise. The position also allows for participation in existing on-campus research or the development of new research projects according to the candidate’s own interests. Research with undergraduate student participation is expected. Research space and limited funds for on-campus research will be provided. The Environmental Science program enjoys support from faculty in biology, chemistry and physics. These departments and the program have excellent modern research instrumentation. Additional information about the position and the Environmental Science Program. Consideration of applications will begin 4/16/2018. For additional information please contact Dr. Christoph Geiss ( Please submit a letter of application (including statement of research goals and teaching philosophy), CV, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and contact information for three professional references on Posted: 3/27/18.

Environmental Postdoctoral Fellowships: The Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex, offers several Postdoctoral Fellowships annually to outstanding early career scientists. The Smithsonian’s distinctive combination of field research facilities, museum archives, and expertise in ecology, biological conservation, systematics, and paleobiology provides opportunities for synthetic, big-picture insights into some of the most profound issues challenging our world today, including habitat loss, climate change, and invasive species. Scientists at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland conduct environmental research in temperate, tropical, and polar ecosystems across the globe. Recent research has highlighted the separate and interactive impacts of multiple global change factors on populations, communities, and ecosystems, including climate change, biological invasions, biodiversity loss, nutrient loading, trace element pollution, and habitat alteration. Insights gained in these studies will be crucial to developing science-based conservation plans that allow human societies to thrive while protecting our finite natural resources. Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellows receive an annual stipend of $50k plus health, relocation, and research allowances. Each position is expected to run for two years, with the second year of funding contingent upon satisfactory progress. Applicants are encouraged to coordinate with a SERC scientist prior to submitting an application for this competitively-awarded fellowship. Applications are due December 1st. See for details. Please contact Professional Training Coordinator Daniel Gustafson at, or 443-482-2217, for further details. Posted: 10/5/17.

Environmental Fellows Program: The Harvard University Center for the Environment created the Environmental Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Harvard's extraordinary resources to tackle complex environmental problems. The Environmental Fellows will work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department to create new knowledge while also strengthening connections across the University's academic disciplines. Approximately six fellowships will be awarded for the 2018 cohort. The Center will organize a co-curricular program to ensure that the fellows get to know each other and each other's work. All fellows will attend biweekly dinners with their colleagues, faculty members, and guests. The Award: The fellowship includes a salary of $66k per year, employee health insurance eligibility, up to $2,500 reimbursement for relocation expenses, and a $2,500 allowance for travel and other professional expenses. Program Requirements: See the full list of requirements and FAQ. Please complete the online application form and attach the listed relevant supporting documents as PDFs. If you have questions about the fellowship or application process, please contact: Jean Gauthier (, Harvard University Center for the Environment, 26 Oxford Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge MA 02138, 617-495-0368. APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 17, 2018 by 5 p.m. (EST). Posted: 9/12/17.

Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellow: Two-year Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to exceptional scholars who want to pursue research with faculty at Rice University in any field. Rice Ecology and Evolution faculty interested in mentoring scholars. The standard stipend for a Rice Academy Junior Fellow is $60k. Academy Junior Fellows will also be provided with $5k/year in a research fund, and access to university resources. Applicants should submit a Research proposal (three pages maximum), CV, a sample publication, names of 2 Rice faculty mentors, and 3 letters of recommendation. Applications are due January 10th, 2018. Posted: 10/5/17.

Science Integrator: The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) invites applications for a Science Integrator. The successful candidate will work with an established and dynamic team at the Integration and Application Network (IAN). IAN’s mission is to accomplish positive environmental change through scientific synthesis, engagement, and communication. Effective science communication is fundamental to all aspects of IAN’s work. This position will be located in Cambridge or Annapolis, Maryland, based on the needs of the team. The job announcement is listed at: Posted: 10/6/17.

STEM Education Research and Teaching: Two Educational Postdoctoral positions are available at Cornell University: The anticipated start date for the appointments is August 1, 2018. The review of applications will begin on July 15, 2018 and will continue until a suitable candidate is selected. More details about the positions, and instructions about how to apply: Educational Teaching Postdoc Applications are invited for an Education Teaching Postdoc in the Investigative Biology Teaching Laboratories with interest in developing skills and experience essential to evidence-based education research and university teaching. We are looking for an individual who is excited about teaching, education research in biology course assessment and collaboration in biology education. Experience with laboratory tools used in neurobiology or genetics research, and work with video production is a plus. The Postdoctoral Associate will assist and report to the Director of the Laboratories and will be devoting 40% of their full-time effort to using modern pedagogical methods in teaching and in training graduate TAs, 30% of their effort to discipline-based education research projects and helping assess active learning methods, and 30% of their effort to helping develop new course modules, especially in the fields of neurobiology, behavior and modern genetics lab skills (CRISPR). The Postdoc may also help prepare biology education videos and other media. Educational Research Postdoc Applications are invited for an Educational Research Postdoc in STEM education research in collaboration with the Investigative Biology Teaching Laboratories and the Physics Department at Cornell University. The successful candidate will be devoting 100% of their full-time effort to discipline-based education research and participate in the evaluation and improvement of the Investigative Biology Laboratory course and help redesign and evaluate the introductory physics labs to similarly develop students’ scientific abilities and critical thinking skills. The successful candidate will work with co-PIs Dr. Mark Sarvary in biology) and Dr. Natasha Holmes (in physics) and a growing team of discipline-based education researchers to evaluate the existing courses, and design and test improvements. A significant portion of the project will be devoted to developing training materials for instructors and teaching assistants (graduate and undergraduate). Please also contact Dr. Sarvary ( or Dr. Holmes ( with any questions. Posted: 7/7/18.

Science Education Research: A postdoctoral position focused on writing-to-learn pedagogies in science education is available in the Biology Department at Duke University. The position is part of an NSF-funded IUSE grant (Improving Undergraduate STEM Education) to understand the role of writing in promoting learning and engagement for undergraduates at the introductory and capstone levels, with particular attention to the mechanisms of effect. The responsibilities of the position include: executing empirical studies of student learning and engagement in collaboration with researchers and course instructors from biology, chemistry, statistics, and other disciplines/departments across three universities (Duke University, University of Minnesota, and University of Michigan); performing extensive quantitative analysis of new and previously-collected data; and disseminating products of our efforts to both research communities (through peer-reviewed publications, conferences, and written reports) and communities of practice (through annual professional development workshops and subsequent virtual collaborations). Applicants should have a background in program evaluation and scientific teaching, have strong writing and quantitative analysis skills, be highly motivated to participate in a diverse research team, and possess exceptional organizational and management skills. Experience with teaching through writing is desirable, but not required. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop expertise in writing-to-learn pedagogies. A Ph.D. in disciplinary-based education research in STEM is required. Please apply online (#11209). Please contact Julie Reynolds ( with any questions. Deadline: 6/25/18. Posted: 5/25/18.

STEM Education: The University of Arizona is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Department of Agricultural Education. This is a 12 month, non-tenure track faculty position with a focus on applied STEM. Please feel free to share this announcement with any potentially interested individuals. Details and application: Review Begins On 4/16/2018. Posted: 4/2/18.

STEM Education Research: Three Post-Doctoral Research Associates The Automated Analysis of Constructed Response (AACR) Research Group in the CREATE4STEM Institute at Michigan State University will be seeking candidates to fill three one-year, 12 month (with possible additional years) Research Associate positions for research on assessment of STEM learning. We are an interdisciplinary team of Discipline-Based Education Researchers (DBER) from Biology, Genetics, Chemistry, Engineering, Education, and Statistics who are investigating computerized analysis of students’ writing in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses to model students’ thinking. We are expanding our NSF-funded project to develop resources for analyzing undergraduate learning in the field of physiology. The selected Research Associate will participate in NSF-funded research projects in collaboration with MSU faculty in the Colleges of Education, Natural Science, and Engineering and will provide liaison to our partner institutions. Our research group has a strong post-doc researcher mentoring program and an excellent placement record of our researchers. Applicants should have completed a doctoral degree in the life sciences or STEM education with experience in discipline-based education research (DBER) in biology. You should have a strong commitment to undergraduate STEM education and interest in working with a leading group of interdisciplinary STEM education researchers. Successful candidates will have a mix of some set of the following skills, which will enable the Research Associates to make unique contributions to the project team: - disciplinary expertise in physiology - disciplinary expertise in biology - STEM education research - assessment of learning - learning progressions - qualitative research methods - statistical analysis - machine learning - publishing and presenting research findings - database development - web site development - mentoring of undergraduate researchers. Excellent communication and organizational skills are required. You will be expected to participate in the mentoring of graduate and undergraduate research assistants. A complete application package will consist of a cover letter, CV, copy of transcripts, two samples of scholarly writing and names and email addresses of three references. The review of application materials will continue until the positions are filled. At SABER, talk with Kevin Haudek ( or Mark Urban-Lurain ( about your interest or possible candidates. To apply, go to: and search for AACR or position 451270 or 438349 Applicants for either posting will be considered for all three positions. Posted: 7/25/17.

Biology Education: working with Dr. Sarah L. Eddy, Florida International University’s Department of Biological Sciences and the STEM Transformation Institute is searching for a full-time postdoctoral research associate in biology education research. The position will focus on an NSF-funded project to understand the relationship of different sources of motivation (such as interest in biology content and career goals) on the experiences undergraduates pursue outside of the classroom and their ultimate persistence in pursuing their personal career goals. This work will help us identify who is not accessing the critical undergraduate experiences needed to be competitive to transition to the next steps in their career pathway and help develop interventions to increase this access. The successful applicant will also be encouraged to develop projects based on their own interests and will have opportunities to interact and collaborate with nine discipline-based education faculty across multiple STEM fields through the STEM Transformation Institute. FIU is a public, urban, minority-serving research institution serving over 55,000 students located in Miami, FL. The position requires either a PhD in biology with a demonstrated interest in education; science education; educational psychology; or other related fields. Candidates should have experience with quasi-experimental study design, strong statistical analysis experience, and evidence of scholarly writing skills. The appointment is for one year with possible renewal for a second contingent upon satisfactory performance. Review of applications will begin March 1st, 2018. Start date is flexible, but ideally the successful candidate would start by June 1st 2018. Any questions about this position can be directed to Dr. Sarah L. Eddy ( To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, a one-page summary of education research interests, and the names of three references. Posted: 2/14/18.

Lecturer in Microbiology: The Department of Biology at the University of Portland invites applications for a full-time lecturer position (non-tenure track) in Microbiology beginning August 2018. The candidate will be expected to teach Microbiology (lab and/or lecture) for nursing majors, with a teaching load of approximately 4 courses (12 contact hours/week) per semester. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in microbiology or a related field is preferred but an M.S. is acceptable. The ideal candidate will have a documented record of teaching effectiveness and the ability to manage a microbiology laboratory environment. Please submit a single PDF file consisting of (1) a cover letter explaining your interest in the position, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) expected letters of support and the contact information for those references, (4) a statement of your teaching philosophy, including your approach to supporting the success of students of diverse backgrounds, and (5) recent teaching evaluations from relevant courses--including a concise, quantitative summary of evaluations via HireTouch (full job ad). In addition, please submit the contact information for three references; the HireTouch system will request that those references send reference letters to the HireTouch system. All application materials are due Oct. 1, 2017. Posted: 8/28/17.

Instructor, Geospatial Analysis & Sustainability: The Center for Environmental Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University seeks applicants for a full-time 12-month, Instructor (non-tenure eligible) position. The successful candidate will contribute to the academic programs in Environmental Studies and support teaching and advising the undergraduate Certificate in Sustainable Innovation. VCU is a premier urban, public research university with a diverse study body located in historic Richmond, Virginia. VCU enrolls more than 31,000 students on two campuses. The Center for Environmental Studies is a Chartered Research Center and focal point for environmental and geospatial research and instruction at VCU. The Center for Environmental Studies consists of 26 fulltime, affiliate, and adjunct faculty and staff, maintains a multidisciplinary undergraduate Certificate in Sustainable Innovation, a Bachelor of Science degree, and both non-thesis and thesis track Master’s degree programs. For the full description see Deadline: 7/15/18. Posted: 6/19/18.

Lecturer in Terrestrial Ecology and/or Environmental Management: The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University-Bloomington seeks applications from accomplished professionals from the practitioner and/or academic ranks, for one non-tenure-track teaching position in the general field of environmental science with a specific focus on terrestrial ecology and/or environmental management. Experience with applications of GIS to environmental science is also desirable. The selected applicant will teach graduate and undergraduate courses on topics that may include Environment and People, Terrestrial Habitat Analysis, GIS, Environmental Management, Conservation Biology, or Applied Ecology. We anticipate that the successful applicant will start in August 2018, with a teaching load of 3 courses per academic semester. Limited summer teaching may be possible, either for additional remuneration or in exchange for semester teaching. Lecturer and Clinical faculty are not eligible for tenure, but will be considered for promotion and/or long-term contracts no later than the fifth year of appointment. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. SPEA-Bloomington is a leader in environmental-affairs education; its graduate program in environmental policy and management is ranked #1 in the US. Undergraduate environmental degrees include a BS Public Affairs in environmental management, a BS in Environmental Science, and a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies (delivered jointly with the College of Arts and Sciences). Masters degrees include Masters of Science in Environmental Science, Masters of Public Administration, dual MPA-MSES, and Masters of Environmental Sustainability. Minimum qualifications include a Master’s degree in a relevant environmental science. For applicants whose terminal degree is a master’s degree, significant prior professional experience in environmental science, management of natural resources, environmental planning, or a related area of science-based environmental work is essential. SPEA offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Please submit a letter of application, current vita, complete contact information, and three letters of recommendation to The letter of application should address professional qualifications in the relevant fields; teaching, training, and/or presentation experience; and teaching interests, At least one letter must address experience in teaching, training or presentation. For best consideration, applications must be received by January 1, 2018. Questions regarding the position or application process may be directed to Dr. Vicky Meretsky at 1315 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 or to . Posted: 11/7/17.

Ecology and the Environment (teaching): The Evolution, Ecology and Behavior program at the University at Buffalo invites applications for a Clinical Assistant Professor. The instructor who will take primary responsibility for teaching an undergraduate ecology course, an undergraduate laboratory course in ecological research methods and specialized courses in the areas of ecology and the environment. The instructor will also assist in the advisement of undergraduate students interested in degrees in the broad areas of ecology and environmental sciences and undertake additional responsibilities in support of the degree programs in Evolution, Ecology & Behavior; Environmental Geosciences; and Environmental Studies. The initial 10 month appointment begins on August 24, 2017, and is renewable for two additional years. Apply at Posted: 6/7/17.

California Ecology and Conservation Lecturer: The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department of the University of California, Santa Cruz invites applications for a qualified instructor to teach an entirely field based upper-division course in ecological methods and conservation: California Ecology and Conservation. The course will be offered in the spring, summer, and fall quarters. Each course offering consists of 7 weeks entirely in the field at UC Natural Reserves, which constitutes a full -time appointment. Outstanding candidates with experience in teaching university -level courses in ecology, biology, botany, field methods, zoology, natural history, and /or field -based courses in the natural sciences are encouraged to apply. Minimum annual salary $62k. Apply at Review date: November 6th, 2017. Posted: 10/13/17.

Lecturer in Plant Ecology: Loyola University Chicago’s Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES) invites applications for a full-time three-year faculty teaching position, with possibility of renewal, at the rank of Lecturer beginning in August 2018. We are seeking a candidate with expertise in plant ecology to support our programs in Conservation and Restoration Ecology and/or Food Systems and Sustainable Agriculture. The successful candidate will be expected to teach introductory environmental science for both majors and non-majors, and to teach upper-level courses in plant ecology, restoration ecology, soil ecology, sustainable agriculture, bioremediation, and/or Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Candidates who approach these fields from diverse perspectives – for example by exploring social and policy dimensions – are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in ecology, environmental science, or another relevant field. Candidates must have demonstrated success working with diverse populations of students and should have experience teaching undergraduate courses as the instructor of record. Full description and application instructions: Posted: 10/13/17.

Lecturers in Ecology: The Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia invites applications for a full-time Lecturer (non-tenure track) to contribute to instructional offerings in our B.S. and A.B. undergraduate degree programs in ecology and to provide support for administering these programs. We seek candidates who are passionate about quality undergraduate education and who can contribute to advising and mentoring of students interested in either traditional ecological science careers (through the B.S. degree), or in careers focused on translation of ecological science into policy, management, and other applications (via the A.B. degree). Applicants must show evidence of excellence in teaching, an ability to collaboratively support a growing undergraduate academic program, and excellent organizational skills. To apply, candidates must have a PhD or terminal degree in ecology or a related field, such as sustainability, conservation biology or environmental policy. This posting is for a 9-month academic position with 1-month of summer support provided (i.e., 10 months of salary) with responsibility for teaching 4 courses per year, including an introductory course in either ecology or environmental science, a service-learning course focused on environmental management or policy, a course in science communication, and other courses to be developed based on the expertise of the successful candidate. This position will contribute to administrative duties including advisement of undergraduate students for registration, facilitating undergraduate program assessment, coordinating undergraduate internships, publicizing the degree programs, updating website materials, and participation in orientation and commencement activities. Lecturers at the University of Georgia are eligible for rank promotion as per UGA guidelines. To apply, candidates should electronically submit their application at Applicants should submit, in PDF format, the following items: a) cover letter indicating career goals b) curriculum vitae c) 2-page statement of teaching philosophy and experiences regarding undergraduate instruction and mentoring d) name and contact information (address, email and phone) for three professional references who can address the candidate’s qualifications. A separate file with evidence in support of teaching excellence can also be uploaded, but should be limited to 10 pages (items included could be course syllabi, letters from students taught, peer teaching evaluations, or excerpts from student evaluations). Applications should be received by 18 Sep 2017 to ensure full consideration. Note that a second lecturer position (12-month appointment) in the Odum School of Ecology is being advertised, and applicants interested in both positions must apply separately: Questions about both positions may be directed to Search Committee Chair Dr. John Wares ( Posted: 8/8/17.

Lecturer, Natural Resources and Environmental Science: The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science in the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks to hire a continuing Lecturer to contribute to and help further develop the Department’s curricular programs. The successful candidate must have demonstrated excellence in teaching and deep commitment to STEM education practices, with interest and ability to help Departmental faculty maintain and develop innovations in teaching methods and student engagement. This faculty member will be heavily involved with student engagement in the Department, which will include student advising and activities relating to student recruitment, retention, and learning. The successful candidate must be qualified to teach topics related to environmental policy (e.g. environmental law and the National Environmental Policy Act) and environmental sciences or natural resources. Strong candidates will have experience integrating scientific writing and critical thinking skills into course curriculum. Candidates should have received at least one higher-education degree in a Natural Resources or Environmental Science discipline, and while a formal degree in science education is not necessary, candidates must have experience with innovative science education approaches and best practices in preparing students for successful careers in the Natural Resources and Environmental Science. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Close Date 2/16/2018. Posted: 1/18/18.

Lecturer in Applied Ecology and Resource Management: The School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada) seeks to fill a teaching position in Applied Ecology and Resource Management at the Lecturer rank. This is a continuing, non-research, teaching appointment beginning December 1, 2017. Applicants must have a Ph.D. (as of the application deadline) and demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level using experiential learning techniques and innovative pedagogies. The successful applicant will develop and teach primarily undergraduate courses addressing natural resource management issues of local, national, and international significance. (1) Suitable candidates will have a strong background in applied ecology and resource management with expertise in areas such as conservation biology, forest ecology and management, landscape ecology, ecosystem-based management, wildlife ecology and management; (2) The successful candidate is expected to foster an interdisciplinary approach to teaching REM topics such as applied ecology and resource management, global change, forest resource management, system dynamics and modelling, and possibly advanced graduate courses on similar topics; (3) Preference will be given to applicants with experience in advanced quantitative methods. Applicants should send a Curriculum Vitae, sample course syllabi, a brief (2 page) teaching philosophy, prior (official) student course evaluations (if available) and the names of three referees. Reference letters will only be requested from short-listed candidates. Applications must be received no later than July 31, 2017. Please submit your application in a single PDF formatted document to: Dr. Sean Cox, Director, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Room 8405 TASC 1 Bldg., 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C., CANADA V5A 1S6. TEL: 778-782-3074; FAX: 778-782-4968; E-mail: Posted: 5/23/17.

Lecturer in Environmental Science: Arrupe College, a new two-year undergraduate college of Loyola University Chicago, invites applications for a non-tenure-track renewable appointment as a Lecturer of Environmental Sciences position beginning July 1, 2018. Arrupe College is located on the Water Tower Campus of Loyola University Chicago. In addition to an attractive compensation package, this position comes with the opportunity to help build a college that is at the forefront of improving access to liberal education. As a new institution, Arrupe College offers faculty an opportunity to experiment and develop initiatives that advance our educational mission. We seek to develop basic environmental literacy and proficiency in our students, for some of this century’s most pressing environmental issues, including the loss of biodiversity, global climate change, nitrogen cycling, ocean acidification, and diminishing natural resources. Over the course of 12 months, the selected individual will teach introductory level courses in Environmental Sciences and participate in the college’s advising process. The individual selected for this position will demonstrate commitment to serving a diverse student body, including underserved, minority, and first-generation college students. The successful candidate will exhibit experience with active-learning teaching methods and enthusiasm for and commitment to undergraduate teaching and mentoring as well as a willingness to engage students beyond formal classroom experiences. Candidates with experience teaching in community colleges are encouraged to apply. A doctorate in biology, chemistry, earth science, environmental science, or geology is preferred, but a Master’s degree is required, with at least five years of teaching experience, working with diverse student populations. The successful candidate must provide evidence of excellent and innovative teaching at the introductory levels and show dedication to program development. The successful candidate will provide documented evidence of co-curricular mentorship experiences with students of this age group. Review of applications will begin January 1, 2018. Position will begin July 1, 2018. Applicants are asked to submit (1) a letter of interest, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) a teaching statement, and (4) the names and contact information of three individuals prepared to provide professional references. Quick link to posting: Candidates may forward inquiries and additional materials related to their qualifications to: Jennifer R. Boyle, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Arrupe College, Loyola University Chicago, Maguire Hall, Suite 366, 1 Pearson Street, Chicago, IL, 60611. Posted: 11/15/17.

Lecturer in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management: The Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a pool of part-time, non-tenure track lecturer positions (including summer sessions) to teach courses in Environmental Science and related topics. Screening of applicants begins immediately and will continue as needed. Applicants will be typically selected from this pool for one semester; some appointments will begin in the spring 2017 semester. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. See this job posting online: The posting will remain open until November 30, 2017. Posted: 3/20/17.

Lecturer, Vertebrate Biology: The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Department of Biology invites applicants for a one-year, part-time (80%) instructional academic position in Vertebrate Biology. We are searching for enthusiastic candidates to teach one introductory non-lab course in general biology along with a few upper-level undergraduate courses such as Wisconsin Wildlife, Vertebrate Field Zoology, and other related areas of interest. The salaried position would be for a 12-hr contact load per semester with the option for additional teaching of winterim/interim field courses. At minimum we require a master’s degree or equivalent (e.g. ABD) in vertebrate or wildlife biology or related discipline. Post-docs wanting more teaching experience are welcome to apply. The ideal candidate would demonstrate evidence of successful teaching at both the introductory & upper level biology; evidence of teaching immersive experiential field courses; and expertise and research experience with birds, mammals &/or herps of the Upper Midwest. Please find details and application instructions at Priority screening of applications will begin after April 9th, 2018. Posted: 3/27/18.

Lecturer in Biology: The Department of Biology at Indiana State University (ISU) invite applications for a full time, one-year lecturer in Biology, to begin in the fall semester of 2018. ISU is committed to experiential learning and providing unique educational experiences to its students. This position is a full-time teaching position with an expectation of 15 credit hours per semester or equivalent. In addition to teaching introductory biology laboratory and lecture courses for both majors and non-majors, this teaching position includes an opportunity to teach upper division courses in the applicant’s associated area of expertise. Although strong applicants will have experience with the development of teaching tools and pedagogy, this position includes an opportunity to utilize existing materials in course design, development, and preparation. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate as a full member of the Department of Biology and collaborate with current faculty. Required Minimum Education: ABD, in Biology or related field. Apply at Along with their application, candidates must submit a curriculum vita, a statement of teaching philosophy/experience. In addition to providing a list of references online, candidates should also arrange to have 3 reference letters uploaded by their references to this website. Inquiries should be directed to: Dr. Donna Selman, (I) Chairperson of Biology Department, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, Email: Review of applicants will begin April 9, 2018. Posted: 3/21/18.

Lecturer – Introductory Biology: The Department of Biology and Marine Biology at The University of North Carolina Wilmington invites applications for a full-time lecturer to teach introductory biology courses beginning in August 2018. Preference will be given to candidates with prior teaching experience in the areas of cellular/molecular biology and genetics. The successful candidate may also develop additional courses and inquiry-based learning experiences, as determined by candidate strengths and departmental needs, and be expected to take an active role in departmental service. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Biology at the time of appointment. The Department of Biology and Marine Biology has an excellent record of faculty development and mentorship, and is committed to assisting new faculty to succeed. The department is especially interested in qualified candidates who can contribute, through their teaching and service, to the diversity and excellence of the academic community. To apply for this position, please visit (Position #6283). Application materials must include a cover letter, CV, copies of (unofficial) graduate transcripts, and statements of teaching philosophy and diversity. Questions regarding the application process can be directed to Ms. Debbie Cronin (, while questions regarding the position can be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Tom Lankford ( The priority consideration date is December 1. Posted: 10/17/17.

Applications Analyst: LI-COR Biosciences in Lincoln, NE has a professional opportunity available: Applications Analyst · Provide daily technical support to researchers and scientists. The ideal candidate would have an MS degree in biological or physical sciences, with special emphasis in photosynthesis research, OR a BS degree in biological or physical sciences with applicable experience in LI-COR’s Environmental division. To apply please visit: Posted: 6/18/18.

NEON Operations Project Manager: serve as part of the Battelle leadership team responsible for the successful day-to-day performance/operation of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). This position will support the NEON Observatory Director/Chief Scientist regarding execution and management of NEON Operations project scope, cost and schedule performance. The NEON Operations Project Manager will oversee a complex, multi-year project in a requiring coordination of geographically dispersed teams, operation of a continental network of sensor with associated communications systems, and provisioning of observatory data through a Cyber infrastructure with a public facing data portal. Collaboration will be required in the performance of these functions with the NEON Chief Scientist/Observatory Director, who is responsible for leading and setting the Observatory direction through close coordination with the ecological science community and ensuring that the Observatory fulfills its scientific and educational mission. This will include strategic project planning consistent with client (NSF) and the Ecological research community’s expectations for operations, development and implementation of project execution plans, and management of project cost, schedule and performance. Apply: Posted: 5/25/18.

Director, Baruch Marine Field Laboratory: Applications are being accepted for a research associate professor position located at the University of South Carolina Baruch Marine Field Laboratory in Georgetown, SC. This individual will serve as the Director of the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (BMFL). This position is a full-time, 12-month, state-funded permanent position with a starting date of September 3, 2018. Salary range: $60-85k, with benefits. The Director of the Baruch Marine Field Lab (BMFL) in Georgetown, SC serves as chief administrator of operations and facilities which consists of 18 primary structures (~50k sq.ft), boat and vehicle fleets, 20-25 employees, and hosts ~5000 visitor days/year. Oversees operating budget, interacts with campus offices, ensures compliance with policies including health and safety, develops and implements site-specific procedures, supervises staff, and oversees use and maintenance of facilities and equipment. Communicates and coordinates with academic programs and researchers to promote and schedule use of the site. Conducts independent research program and other activities as a member of the research faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. in environmental sciences; excellent organizational and communication skills; understanding of field-based scientific research, data, and associated infrastructure; good familiarity with building and equipment management and maintenance; willingness to participate in outdoor activities including boating. Candidates must complete an application and upload a CV, letter stating interest in the position, research statement, and a list of three references with contact information. For additional information and to apply: If you have any questions, please contact Dr. James L. Pinckney, Director, Baruch Institute, at Posted: 6/19/18.

Division Director for Earth Sciences: The National Science Foundation is seeking applicants for the position of Division Director for Earth Sciences (EAR) in the Geosciences Directorate. We are using every possible avenue to ensure this vacancy announcement is widely advertised and attracts a very diverse pool of highly qualified candidates. We encourage you to consider this potential opportunity to serve as the leader of the EAR Division at NSF, and for application details refer you to: full job ad The closing date is January 31, 2018. It’s important to note that the federal employment application process is different than that in academia, therefore in addition to your resume and general application, it is strongly recommended that you provide a written narrative to address the itemized Executive Qualifications and Professional/Technical Qualifications as outlined in the application materials available at the USAJobs link above. If this opportunity does not fit your current professional or personal situation, but you have recommendations of colleagues whom you believe would be strong candidates, please encourage them to apply. We also encourage you to pass along your recommendations to the Search Committee (listed below), and we will contact potential candidates directly. Members of the Search Committee are also available to answer questions you may have. Thank you for any assistance you can provide us in ensuring NSF selects the most highly skilled and visionary leaders. Sincerely, Search Committee Chair: Rick Murray (, Irene Qualters (, Greg Anderson (, Jennifer Wade (, Jonathan Wynn (, Dena Smith ( Posted: 1/15/18.

Program Scientist, Terrestrial Ecology: Program Scientist, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program Location: NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC Requirements: PhD or equivalent in Terrestrial Ecology or closely related discipline plus at least five years of research experience. Knowledge of terrestrial ecology and the principles and practice of airborne and satellite remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems. Start Date: May to August, 2018 Duration: Two years, renewable up to six years Description This full-time position as Program Scientist for the NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program is located in the Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. The principal responsibility of this position is to support the Terrestrial Ecology Program Manager in managing NASA’s research program in this discipline area. The Terrestrial Ecology Program is part of the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems (CC&E) Focus Area, which is one of the six interdisciplinary science focus areas that makes up NASA’s Earth Science research and analysis program. The CC&E Focus Area also includes programs in Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry; Land Cover and Land Use Change; and Biodiversity, all of which work together in implementing a common research vision. This position will add to the Terrestrial Ecology team at NASA Headquarters which otherwise includes a Program Manager, a Program Scientist, and occasional support by contract personnel. The successful candidate will support the Program Manager for Terrestrial Ecology in (i) developing solicitations for research in the areas covered by the program, (ii) conducting the evaluation of proposals by organizing and implementing peer review panels as well as reporting the results to NASA management, (iii) monitoring the performance of researchers who are selected for funding, (iv) supporting the planning and implementation of the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE); (v) supporting NASA satellite missions that are pertinent to the Terrestrial Ecology Program (e.g., GEDI, GeoCarb) whether they be in formulation/pre-formulation, development, and operation, (vi) supporting the implementation of Decadal Survey recommendations that are pertinent to Terrestrial Ecology; (vii) providing oversight to the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Office (CCEO) at NASA Goddard; (viii) supporting data archiving activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Data Active Archive Center (DAAC); (ix) assuring interagency and international coordination of the program with those of other entities such as the Global Change Research Program (GCRP), Interagency Arctic Research and Policy Committee (IARPC), the National Academy of Science (NAS), and the Committee of Earth Observation Systems (CEOS); (x) assisting CC&E Focus Area personnel in their reporting requirements of research activities. He/she will also interact closely with the terrestrial ecology research communities in the US and abroad. This is IPA (Intergovernmental Personnel Act) position. The IPA Mobility Program provides funding for the temporary assignment of personnel between the Federal Government and state and local governments, colleges and universities, Indian tribal governments, federally funded research and development centers, and other eligible organizations. The successful IPA will continue as an employee of their original institution while in residence at NASA Headquarters. IPA positions are for two year increments, renewable up to a maximum of six years. This position requires occasional travel both domestic and international. Application: Please provide a cover letter describing your scientific experience and your career objectives. Please also provide a curriculum vitae and the names of three references before February 14, 2018 by email to: Hank Margolis, Program Manager, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program, Earth Science Division, NASA Headquarters, 300 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20546. Email:, Tel: (202) 358-4760. Posted: 1/4/18.

Assistant Director for Biological Sciences: The National Science Foundation is initiating a national search for the Assistant Director for Biological Sciences (BIO). We seek your assistance in the identification of visionary candidates to lead the Directorate during the coming years. Dr. James Olds has served in this position with distinction since October 2014. He has worked with his colleagues on new initiatives in Understanding the Brain, the Rules of Life, from genome to phenome, and continental-scale ecology. The next Assistant Director will have similar opportunities to shape future research and education in the biological sciences as well as ensure that BIO is a key participant in NSF's expanding efforts to support convergence research. The Assistant Director, BIO, manages a budget of approximately $750M and a portfolio comprising the various fields of biology, including the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB), the Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI), the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS), the Division of Environmental Biology (DEB), and the Emerging Frontiers Office (EF). [Not] Attached is a PDF version of this letter, which includes an information sheet that summarizes the Directorate's activities and the responsibilities of the position, together with the criteria that will be used in the search. Employment may be on a temporary or permanent basis in the Federal Service or by temporary assignment under provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Roger Beachy, National Science Board member and Professor at Washington University in St. Louis will Chair the Search Advisory Committee. Both the Committee and I [France A. Córdova, Director, NSF] seek your help in identifying candidates with the following qualifications: outstanding leadership; a deep sense of scholarship; and a grasp of the issues facing the biological sciences, especially in the areas of education and fundamental research. Candidates must also have the ability to serve effectively as a key member of the NSF senior management team, teaming with the NSF Director and other Assistant Directors on cross-directorate activities and interactions with executive and legislative branches of government. When opportunities arise, the candidate must be able to communicate effectively with leaders of business and industry as well as the philanthropic community. Recommendations of individuals from any sector — academic, industry, or government — are welcome. Please send your recommendations, including any supporting information which you might be able to provide, to the AD/BIO Screening Committee via e mail ( or at the following address: National Science Foundation, Office of the Director, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA, 22314. We would appreciate receiving your recommendations by November 10, 2017. Posted: 10/25/17.

Executive Director: Georgia ForestWatch (Dahlonega, GA) is seeking a full-time Executive Director to lead the organization. Georgia ForestWatch is a 501 (c)(3), grassroots environmental nonprofit, now in its 31st year of operation. Its overall mission is to promote sustainable management that leads to naturally diverse and healthy forests and watersheds within the 867,000 acres of Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests; to engage and educate the public to join in this effort; and to promote preservation of this legacy, particularly roadless and old-growth areas, for future generations. ForestWatch reviews all proposed timber management projects on the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests and submits detailed comments during public comment periods based on field surveys, research, scientific literature and NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) compliance. The Executive Director and staff Forest Ecologist work with skilled volunteers, conservation and legal partners, and the U.S. Forest Service to improve projects and identify true restoration opportunities. Georgia ForestWatch is the only environmental nonprofit devoted exclusively to the protection of Georgia’s national forests. The primary duties of the Executive Director are to provide leadership on environmental issues pertaining to the national forests in Georgia and watersheds therein, maintain funding for the organization, and implement the annual budget. The Executive Director also provides oversight on all programs, maintains a high level of communication with our legal partners and Forest Service staff, directs the implementation of the strategic plan, and supervises staff and volunteers. The Executive Director reports directly to the Georgia ForestWatch Board of Directors. The successful candidate will have a strong background in forest ecology or other related field, fundraising, grant writing and partnership building, as well as strong communication skills. Candidates should be creative and goal-oriented, with demonstrated leadership abilities. They should have significant experience with financial and administrative management of nonprofit organizations and supervisory skills. Minimum of a BS degree in forest ecology, forestry, environmental sciences or related fields is required, plus 3-5 years of experience in the field. Project management skills are desirable. QUALIFIED candidates should email their resume with a cover letter and contact information for three references to or mail to: Executive Director Position, Georgia ForestWatch, 81 Crown Mountain Place, Bldg C #200, Dahlonega, GA 30533-1627. Applications will be accepted through April 2, 2018, or until a qualified candidate is found. Posted: 3/2/18.

Executive Director: The Ecological Society of America (ESA) - the largest community of professional ecologists in the world - invites nominations and applications for the position of Executive Director. Following more than two decades of dedicated leadership from outgoing Executive Director, Katherine McCarter, ESA is poised to enter a new era of service to its members and to society. With 9,000 members globally, ESA is the flagship organization for one of the youngest, most energetic scientific fields today, with an extremely broad disciplinary scope and important policy relevance. The Society connects scientists across multi-faceted disciplines and promotes ecological science through high-quality publications, events, and educational programs. It works to infuse ecological knowledge into national dialogue and to garner federal support for ecological research. The Executive Director oversees a staff of 26 and an operating budget of $5.4 million. The position calls for a dynamic leader and spokesperson who brings proven managerial and organizational leadership skills and outstanding abilities in communication, collaboration, and customer service. While scientific credentials and/or professional experience in ecology would be an asset, ESA is open to strong candidates from a range of professional backgrounds. Informed passion for ecology and the role of science in society is essential. An eight-member search committee has been established to conduct this search on behalf of ESA's Governing Board. The search committee is assisted by Isaacson, Miller, Inc., a national executive search firm. Additional information, including a full position profile, can be found at Applications received by November 1, 2017, will be assured full consideration. Posted: 9/24/17.

Physiological Ecology Section home