Postdoctoral and Professional Positions

Last update: 6/26/2001



Review/close date

Post date

Ecology/Evolution/Modeling of Fisheries University of Toronto 8/15/01 6/22/01
Site Manager, Limnology LTER University of Wisconsin 7/25/01 6/14/01
Research Ecologist/Entomologist USDA-ARS 7/23/01 6/26/01
Remote Sensing/Landscape Modeling USDA-ARS 7/23/01 5/2/01
Research Director Tall Timbers Research, Inc. 7/20/01 5/23/01
Physiological Plant Ecologist Utah State University 7/15/01 6/18/01
Plant Ecological Genetics University of California, Riverside 7/15/01 6/14/01
Nitrogen Cycling USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center 6/26/01
Invasive Species Risk Analysis USDA ORACBA 6/25/01
Plant Physiological Ecology University of Minnesota 6/18/01
Wetland Ecosystem/Mangrove Ecologist Florida International University 6/12/01
Tree Ecophysiology University of Toledo 6/6/01
Smith Conservation Research Fellowships The Nature Conservancy 5/24/01
Estuary Ecosystem Ecology Marine Biological Laboratory 5/24/01
Plant/Spatial Ecology University of California, Davis 5/23/01
Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling Marine Biological Laboratory 5/23/01
Grassland Ecology Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan 5/23/01
Applied Tropical Ecologist School for Field Studies 5/23/01
Theoretical Ecology University of California, Santa Barbara 7/2/01 6/7/01
Landscape Ecology Rutgers University 7/1/01 6/14/01
Quantitative Forest Ecologist Oregon State University 7/1/01 6/7/01
Ecophysiology/Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling Oregon State University 7/1/01 5/23/01
Staff Scientist/Economist, Forest Ecosystem Services Union of Concerned Scientists 6/01 6/7/01
Microbial Ecology/Biogeochemistry/Modeling NASA Ames Research Center 6/30/01 5/3/01
Watershed Ecology US EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division 6/29/01 6/12/01
Fisheries Ecological Modeling Virginia Institute of Marine Science 6/25/01 6/5/01
Plant-Insect-Fungi Interactions Landcare Research (New Zealand) 6/22/01 5/24/01
Wetland, Ecosystem, or Landscape Ecology Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 6/15/01 5/24/01
Executive Director Society for Conservation Biology 6/15/01 4/17/01
Arctic Bird Population Modeling Auburn University 6/4/01 5/23/01
Evolutionary Genetics Lab Supervisor University of California, Berkeley 6/4/01 4/27/01
Plant-Animal Interactions Sonoma State University 6/1/01 5/24/01
Research Riparian Ecologist USDA Forest Service, Laramie, WY 5/29/01 4/17/01
Conservation Science Coordinator National Audubon Society-Chicago Region 5/25/01 5/2/01
Plant Population Ecologist/Evolutionary Biologist Geobotanisches Inst. (Switzerland) 5/25/01 5/1/01
Ecology/Evolution Lecturer University of Washington 5/20/01 4/23/01
Plant Volatiles Pennsylvania State University 5/15/01 4/2/01
Plant Population/Community Ecologist USDA Forest Service (Hawaii) 5/7/01 4/6/01
Soil and Microbial Ecology University of Louisville 5/3/01
Plant Physiological Ecology University of Nevada-Reno 5/1/01 3/29/01
Environmental Studies Oberlin College 5/1/01 3/20/01
Plant Population Ecology University of Lausanne (Switzerland) 4/30/01 4/10/01
Aquatic/Fisheries Ecologist Olympic National Park 4/30/01 4/9/01
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Indiana University 4/25/01
Disturbance Landscape Ecology University of Wisconsin-Madison 4/20/01 3/20/01
Conservation Ecology San Diego State University 4/19/01
Land Use and Biodiversity Miami University (Ohio) 4/19/01
Plant Community Ecology/Clonal Biology University of Michigan 4/13/01 4/5/01
Senior Ecologist Parsons Brinckerhoff 4/9/01
Fire Recovery Rocky Mountain Research Station 4/5/01
Ecosystem Modeling Oak Ridge National Laboratory 4/2/01
Stream Biogeochemist Marine Biological Laboratory 3/21/01
Tropical Tree Seedling Ecophysiology University of Florida 3/20/01
Forest Landscape Modeling University of Missouri-Columbia 3/19/01
Tropical Forest Community Ecology University Of Puerto Rico 4/1/01 3/6/01
Wetland Biogeochemistry Florida International University 3/31/01 2/28/01
Associate Director, Limnology University of Wisconsin 3/31/01 2/2/01
Invasive Plant Species The Nature Conservancy 3/30/01 3/20/01
Disturbance Landscape Ecologist USDA Forest Service, Rhinelander, WI 3/30/01 2/27/01
Mycorrhiza Ecology Pennsylvania State University 3/26/01
Stream Ecology Virginia Tech 3/26/01 1/26/01
Molecular Population and Quantitative Genetics Max Planck Institute of Chemical Ecology 3/23/01 3/1/01
Tree Physiology Oregon State University 3/20/01 2/21/01
Ecology Education Program Leader Institute of Ecosystem Studies 3/16/01 2/5/01
Nitrogen in Forested Wetlands Rutgers University 3/15/01 2/15/01
Ecological Modeler Kansas State University 3/15/01 2/14/01
Biogeochemistry in China University of Maryland, Baltimore County 3/15/01 1/25/01
Aquatic Ecology University of Oklahoma 3/7/01
Remote Sensing/Landscape Modeling University of Maryland 3/2/01 2/26/01
Ecologist New Mexico State University 3/1/01 2/6/01
Regional Vegetation Ecologist Association for Biodiversity Information 3/1/01 2/5/01
Plant Water Relations Duke University 3/1/01 1/26/01
Plant-Herbivore Ecology and Evolution Vassar College 3/1/01 11/6/00
Vegetation Dynamics Modeler University of Minnesota 2/28/01 1/22/01
Forest Ecology Michigan Technological University 2/23/01
Ecology of Soybean Aphid Purdue University 2/20/01
Ecosystem Ecology University of Minnesota 2/15/01 12/13/00
Weed Ecology/Insect Ecology Michigan State University 2/15/01
Plant Physiologist USDA/ARS, Beltsville, MD 2/12/01
Plant Physiologist, Biochemist USDA/ARS, Madison, WI 2/12/01
Ecologist/Microbiologist/Soil Scientist USDA/ARS, Watkinsville, GA 2/12/01
Invasive Species Specialist USDA Forest Service 2/2/01 1/19/01
Research Program Coordinator The Forest Trust 2/1/01
Invasive Plant Species Oregon State University 2/1/01 12/20/00
Earth Institute Postdoctoral Program Columbia University 2/1/01 11/22/00
Scientific Officer Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (Brazil) 1/31/01 10/26/00
Ecological and Economic Modeling University of Notre Dame 1/30/01

Insect Ecology

Virginia Commonwealth University


Vertebrate Ecologist

Archbold Biological Station



Sr. Scientist - Ecologist Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 1/25/01
Salt Marsh Ecology University of California, Davis 1/24/01
Global Change, Mojave Desert University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1/23/01
Rare Plant Ecology or Forest Dynamics University of Georgia 1/22/01
Plant Pathogen Ecology Kansas State University 1/22/01
Marine Ecology (summer teaching) University of Oregon 1/22/01 11/30/00
Fish Ecology U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1/17/01
Microbial Ecology U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1/12/01
Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Modelling CSIRO Plant Industry (Australia) 1/12/01 12/14/00
Tundra Ecosystem Ecology Marine Biological Laboratory 1/10/01
AAAS Fellowships American Association for the Advancement of Science 1/10/01 11/17/00
Applied Plant Physiological Ecology/Restoration Ecology University of California, Davis 1/5/01 12/6/00
Science Officer Mountain Research Initiative (ETH-Zurich) 1/5/01 12/5/00
Spatial Analysis Vegetation Ecologist Virginia Division of Natural Heritage 12/27/00 11/30/00
Remote Sensing/Landscape Modeling University of Maryland 12/15/00 11/16/00
Forest Ecophysiology University of Florida 12/15/00 11/9/00
Evolutionary Ecology University of Tennessee, Knoxville 12/13/00
Soil Biogeochemistry U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 12/11/00
Climate And Nutrient Cycling in Arctic and Sub-Artic Tundras Marine Biological Laboratory 12/11/00
Technical Director, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Duke University 12/1/00 11/8/00
Pollination Ecology Princeton University 11/27/00 10/30/00
Conservation Biology and Ecology University of California, Santa Cruz 11/27/00
Plant Physiological Ecology/Ecotoxicology/Ecological Modelling (3-5 jobs) Shepherd Miller, Inc. 11/22/00
Research Ecologist Purdue University 11/22/00
Wetland Plant Physiological Ecologist Louisiana State University 11/6/00
Senior Program Officer, Climate Change World Wildlife Fund 10/24/00
Community Ecologist/Plant Ecologist Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (United Kingdom) 10/20/00
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior University of Minnesota 11/1/00 9/7/00
Director, Conservation Research Fellowship Program The Nature Conservancy 10/31/00 9/5/00
Exotic Species Introductions USDA-ARS Beneficial Insects Lab 10/19/00
Stream/Microbial Ecology Kent State University 10/13/00
Environmental Biology Villanova University 10/13/00
Carbon Cycling and Microbial Ecology UC Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 10/10/00
Plant Ecophysiology (2 positions) University of Utah 9/14/00
Plant Ecophysiology University of Canterbury (New Zealand) 10/13/00 9/22/00
Forest Ecology Oregon State University 10/13/00 9/8/00
Tropical Forest C Pools University of Colorado at Boulder 10/9/00 10/9/00
Peatland Modeling University of Minnesota, Duluth 10/1/00 9/5/00

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (3 positions)

University of Jena (Germany)



Dendroecology/Landscape Ecology (2 positions)

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL



Adaptive Management Ecologist

U.S. Geological Survey



Plant Ecologist

Landcare Research (New Zealand)



Marine Nearshore Ecosystem Dynamics

University of Toronto



Ecological Modelling

UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research (Germany)



Applied Microbial Ecologist/Phycologist South Florida Water Management District 9/8/00
Wetland Ecosystems Florida International University 9/5/00

Ecosystem Modeling

University of Toronto


Leaf Trichomes

University of Turku (Finland)


Ecological Genetics of Plant-Insect Interactions

University of California, Riverside


Biological Invasions

University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Community Ecology

Florida State University et al.


Ecosystem Modeler

South Florida Water Management District


Plant-Insect Interactions

University of Toronto


Stable Isotope Ecology/Geochemistry

University of Arizona



Wetland Ecologist

Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry (USDA Forest Service)



Ecosystem Modeling/GIS analysis

Colorado State University



Research Ecologist

U.S. Geological Survey



Soil Microbial Ecology

North Carolina State University



Ecological Data Manager (2 positions)

University of Colorado



Physiological Ecologist/Isotope Geochemist

University of Wyoming



Peatland Modelling

University of Alberta/Canadian Forest Service



Ecology (temporary teaching)

University of Delaware



Plant Ecology/Genetics

University of Tennessee, Knoxville



Ecosystems Ecologist/Modeller

Landcare Research (New Zealand)



Global Change

Australian National University



Nutrient Cycling

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency



Global Change - Forest Modelling

Frontier Research System for Global Change (Japan)



Wetland Biogeochemistry

Archbold Biological Station



Urban Ecologist

Landcare Research (New Zealand)




Oregon State University



Director, Western Ecology Division

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency



Quantitative Community Analysis

University of Alaska Fairbanks



Remote Sensing

Oregon State University



Ecological Modelling

UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research (Germany)



Stable Isotope Facility Manager

Cornell University



Ecosystem Ecology

University of Vermont



Chemical Ecology of Community and Ecosystem Processes University of Wisconsin, Madison filled 10/18/00

Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Biologist

CSIRO Plant Industry (Australia)



Outside Links to Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs

NRC Research Associateships

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency



NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada



National Parks Ecological Research Fellowship Program

National Park Foundation/National Park Service/ESA/Mellon



Older listings

Plant Physiological Ecology: Research Fellow or Postdoctoral Research position available in the Department of Forest Resources at the University of Minnesota to study carbon sequestration potential of old-growth forests in the Lake States. The successful candidate will be responsible for the collection and analysis of carbon dioxide and water vapor flux data (including photosynthesis, soil and plant respiration, xylem sap flow) and for the supervision of 2-4 assistants in the field. Willingness to travel to field site located approximately 6 hours from the Twin Cites for extended periods throughout the year is required. The position is currently funded for 1.5 years with the possibility of 1-year extension (contingent upon funding). Starting Date: July/August 2001. Required experience: Prior research experience with measurements and instrumentation used in ecophysiology applications including gas-exchange measurements and plant water relations. Valid driver s license required. Salary: $28-34,000 per year plus health and dental benefits. Please send letter of interest, resume, and names and contact information of 3 references to: Eileen Carey, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, 115 Green Hall, 1530 Cleveland Avenue N., St. Paul, MN 55117. Phone: 612-624-7249 Fax: 612-625-5212. Posted: 6/18/01.

Physiological Plant Ecologist: Postdoctoral fellow to work in a large NSF-funded ecosystem-level project in Utah involving vegetation responses to pulses of water and nitrogen. The work involves a particular emphasis on field studies of belowground processes including root dynamics, hydraulic lift, and resource acquisition as integrated with aboveground activity at several scales, including eddy flux determinations. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and names and addresses of at least three persons willing to provide a reference to Martyn Caldwell, Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5205. Inquiries by email are welcome at Review of applications will begin 15 July 2001 and the position could start as early as 1 August 2001. The position is intended for at least two years. Posted: 6/18/01.

Tree Ecophysiology: Postdoc, Sept. 2001: We have an opening for a postdoctoral research associate with experience in forest ecology, tree ecophysiology, GIS, and spatial modeling in the Earth, Ecological, & Environmental Sciences Dept., University of Toledo. This multi-disciplinary project will quantify cumulative ecosystem exchanges of carbon and water with the atmosphere at the landscape level in northern Wisconsin using eddy-covariance, GIS, and modeling methods. Ph.D. required in related field. To apply, submit CV and a short narrative summary of your research experience to Dr. J. Chen (, 419-530-2009). Posted; 6/6/01.

Plant Physiological Ecology: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Nevada-Reno. Project involves characterizing changes in root growth, respiration and nutrient uptake of desert plants in response to elevated CO2. Research encompasses both field studies at the Nevada Desert FACE facility and greenhouse studies at UNR. Experience with desert ecosystems, gas exchange, stable isotope techniques, and minirhizotron measurements is preferred. Send vita and contact information for three references to Dr. Robert Nowak at; telephone 775-784-1656; fax 775-784-4789. Position available July 2001; consideration of applications begins May 1. Posted: 3/29/01.

Tropical Tree Seedling Ecophysiology: I am seeking a plant ecologist with Ph. D. for an NSF-supported comparative study of the role of whole-plant carbon allocation patterns in growth and survival of tropical tree seedlings. The position will be for two years, starting as early as May 1, 2001 and will include a formal affiliation with the University of Florida. Research experience in tropical plant ecology, plant demography, experimental design, and ecophysiological techniques (light measurements, gas exchange, growth analysis, plant tissue analysis) is desirable. The position will be located at the field site in the Republic of Panama. Primary duties will include: 1) implementation and management of the project in the field and greenhouse, 2) supervising Spanish-speaking field assistants, 3) data collection and analysis, and 4) assisting in instruction of a small group of undergraduate students during a six-week course each summer starting in 2002. The starting salary is US $32,000-34,000, depending on the experience. To apply, please send a letter of application, CV, contact information for three references, and a few selected reprints to the address below. In the letter, please explain how your experience, training, and professional goals will apply to this project. Summary of the project can be found at: For further information, please contact: Kaoru Kitajima, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, 220 Bartram Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. e-mail:, phone: (352)392-4234, FAX: (352)392-3993. Posted: 3/20/01.

Applied Plant Physiological Ecology/Restoration Ecology: A postdoctoral research associate position is available immediately at University of California, Davis on a project that will define requirements for successful establishment and growth of native shrubs at Owens Lake, California. The Owens playa is a major source of fine particulate dust pollution. Establishment of native species in persistent restored plant communities is one of several strategies being investigated for dust control. The successful applicant will work on a multi-year project that will experimentally assess approaches to mitigate the multiple stresses limiting plant establishment and growth on the Owens (dry) Lake playa. These stresses include salinity, low nutrient availability, poor water quality, and sand abrasion. The postdoctoral associate will be integrally involved in designing and conducting field experiments, data analysis, and preparation of both agency and published reports. In addition, the postdoc will be involved in field coordination with ongoing graduate research projects and research being conducted by other groups on the playa. The project requires extended research periods at the field site on the Great Basin-Mojave desert ecotone. Additional information on the project is available at or by contacting Dr. Jim Richards, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8627. Phone: 530-752-0170. E-mail: Qualifications: A completed Ph.D. in plant physiological ecology, soil-plant interrelationships, or related field is required. Knowledge of plant environmental stress physiology, soil chemistry, plant salinity tolerance, plant mineral nutrition, and plant water relations is desirable. The successful applicant will demonstrate strong motivation to apply his/her knowledge to this challenging restoration problem. Experience with field research in desert environments is important. Excellent writing, management, oral communication, and inter-personal skills are essential. Experience with drip irrigation and other restoration technologies will be beneficial. Application: Application should be made on this web site: After completing the application please e-mail to Dr. Jim Richards the following attachments: a complete curriculum vita; a concise statement of research interests and experience; and a statement of your specific interests or experience in restoration applications of physiological ecology. By mail send copies of your graduate and undergraduate transcripts. Application review will begin January 5, 2001 and continue until the position is filled. Posted: 12/6/00.

Plant Ecophysiology: Photoinhibition and Photoprotection in New Zealand Shrubs. We seek a postdoctoral fellow with experience in whole plant physiology and plant photosynthesis research to join a 3 year research program at the University of Canterbury to investigate photoprotective strategies in New Zealand's divaricate plants. The fellow will have specific skills in the analysis of plant photosynthetic function (gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence) and related analytical skills (pigment extraction and identification, plant enzymology). Given the broader implications of the proposed research, an interest and background in plant ecophysiology and/or evolutionary biology will be of great benefit. The fellow should have a demonstrated track record in the successful preparation of research for publication. The position will be for a period of three years at a salary of $45,000 p.a. Applications in writing, including CV, should be made by 13 October. For more information please contact: Dr Matthew Turnbull, Department of Plant and Microbial Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Tel +64 3 364 2987 (Ext 7040), Fax +64 3 364 2083, Email:, Posted: 9/22/00.

Ecophysiologist: Position Number 002-017. Location: Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Starting Date: 1 September, 2000. Application Closing Date: 11 August, 2000. Responsibilities: The position will be with an interdisciplinary team of scientists working on integration of ecological simulation models with plot data and spatial data related to climate, physiography, vegetation, and soil properties. The goal of the research is the simulation of regional net primary production and net ecosystem production in the Pacific Northwest. Responsibilities will include primarily field data collection and database management. Field studies will involve leaf area index, tree dimensions, soil samples, soil CO2 fluxes, and litterfall. The field sites will include chronosequences in three forest types and 60 extensive sites across Oregon and part of Washington. The successful applicant will analyze and manage large data sets (e.g. analysis of stand dimensional data to estimate biomass and aboveground net primary productivity, analysis of optical measurements to estimate LAI; developing statistical models for estimating monthly and annual soil CO2 fluxes from periodic measurements). Qualifications: M.S. in Ecophysiology, Forest Science, Ecology, or Botany is required. Ability to analyze large ecophysiological data sets from many sites (e.g. analysis of stand dimensional data to estimate aboveground net primary productivity, analysis of optical measurements, estimating LAI corrected for clumping; developing statistical models for estimating monthly and annual soil CO2 fluxes from periodic measurements and environmental variables). Strong statistical skills with SAS, SPLUS or other software are needed. Experience with relational database software on a PC platform. Employment Conditions: Full-time (1.0 FTE), fixed term faculty position. Re-appointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Full-time salary is $27,000 - $33,204 depending on experience and qualifications. Medical, dental, and life insurance group plans are available. For More Information: Contact Beverly Law, Department of Forest Science, 328 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331-5752 (541-737-6111, To Apply. Send letter of application with statement of interest, vitae (resume), examples of your publications if available, unofficial copies of transcripts, and 2 letters of reference by August 11, 2000 to: Sandra C. Lewis, Office Manager, Department of Forest Science, Richardson Hall 321, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331-5752. Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. Posted: 7/17/00.

Physiological Ecologist/Isotope Geochemist: Department of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming. Applicants are invited for a NSF-funded, continental U. S. study of the isotopic (d18O/dD) characteristics of precipitation using samples collected by the 250-site NADP (National Atmospheric Deposition Program) network. The project will use existing samples collected across all major biomes between 1989 and the present. The 2-year appointment is based at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY with the possibility of an extension. This is a collaborative project involving the UW Stable Isotope Laboratory and the University of Colorado Stable Isotope Laboratory at INSTAAR (Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research). We are interested in candidates with a Ph.D. in either Biological or Earth Sciences who possess well-developed isotopic analysis, publication and data base management skills. We are most interested in candidates whose research background includes: 1) isotope hydrology, 2) synoptic climatology, 3) soil-plant water and trace gas exchanges, and 4) palaeoclimatology. Applicants who have an interest and expertise in any segment of these broad areas should apply. Preferential consideration will be given to applicants with the following abilities: 1) operation of continuous flow stable isotope mass spectrometers; 2) competency in the management of large data bases; 3) publications in refereed journals addressing isotopic processes, and 4) strong interpersonal skills along with the ability to function in a team and in an independent research atmosphere. In addition to scientific studies, the responsibilities of this position also include: 1) Maintaining linkages between the UW Stable Isotope Laboratory, the CU Stable Isotope Laboratory and the NADP network; 2) organizing and conducting the isotopic (d18O) analysis of precipitation samples on a continuous flow mass spectrometer using CO2-H2O equilibrium techniques; and 3) establishing an Internet-based isotopic data base that interfaces with the GNIP (Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation) program and the scientific community. The salary range is $ 24,000 - $ 34,000 depending on experience and includes medical and retirement benefits. Applicants should send an application letter with a statement of relevant interests and expertise along with a vita and the names and email addresses of three references to: Dr. Jeff Welker, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. Email applications to are acceptable but do not use attachments. For more information on the UW Stable Isotope Laboratory and this program check our web site at Applicants will be considered through September 1, 2000. The starting date is negotiable with preference given to candidates who can start by October 1, 2000. Posted: 7/20/00.

Plant Ecophysiology: We have two postdoctoral positions available immediately for research involving biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Specifically, the research projects will focus on isotope ratio analyses of carbon dioxide and water fluxing from forest and grassland ecosystems. The research involves laboratory, field, and modeling efforts directed at understanding both the isotopic composition of gases and on the ecophysiological parameters influencing that isotopic signal. Field research sites will be located at several AmeriFlux sites, including Konza, Harvard Forest, Howland, Wind River Canopy Crane, and WLEF. E-mail Jim Ehleringer ( ) for further details about these projects and for copies of the proposals describing this research in detail. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and the names of three references. Send completed applications to Jim Ehleringer, Department of Biology, University of Utah, 247 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0840, or by e-mail to Posted: 9/14/00.

Wetland Plant Physiological Ecologist: Center for Energy, Coastal, and Environmental Resources/Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute at Louisiana State University. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. Degree and training in botany, agronomy, ecology, plant physiology, or similar field; OR Master's degree with work experience and training in same areas. Additional Qualifications Desired: experience in wetland ecology and in the measurement of plant response to environmental stressors; experience conducting plant flood tolerance research. Responsibilites: Wetland Plant Ecologist - plant physiological ecologist to conduct laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments investigating flood tolerance mechanisms of wetland vegetation; measurements of anatomical and physiological responses to rooting hypoxia; design and execution of growth chamber experiments; data analysis and interpretation; manuscript preparation. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Anticipated hire date is as soon as possible. Application deadline - until candidate is selected. Submit letter of application and resume to: I.A. Mendelssohn, Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, Louisian a State University, Ref. #023999, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7511. Phone: 225/578-8810. Revised: 11/6/00.

Forest Ecophysiology: A postdoctoral research associate position is available at the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida beginning January 2001. This is a 3 year position with a possibility of renewal for one more year. The successful candidate will be located at the University of Florida-Milton campus where the supervisor is stationed. The project entails examining resource competition among plants in a wide range of natural and planted settings. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in forest ecology/ecophysiology or a closely related field with good oral and written communication skills. Experience in the use of stable isotope techniques and physiological instrumentation (infrared gas analyzers, sap flow sensors etc.) is desirable. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested applicants should send (1) a letter of interest (2) resume and (3) names and e-mail addresses of three references to Dr. Shibu Jose, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, P.O. Box 3634, University of Florida, Milton, FL 32572. Phone (850) 983 2632 Fax (850) 983 2637 e-mail: Closing date: December 15, 2000 or until a suitable candidate is found. Posted: 11/9/00.

Ecophysiology/Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling: Faculty Research Assistant or Post Doctoral Research Associate Position, position 002-935. The Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University seeks a Faculty Research Assistant or Post Doctoral Research Associate to participate in a project to investigate the effects of climate variability and other factors (e.g. fire, logging, land-use change) on ponderosa pine distribution and productivity across Oregon over the past 100 years. The person will work on integration of a simulation model (3PGS) with plot data and spatial data related to climate, physiography, vegetation, and soil properties. The goal of the research is the simulation of net primary production and net ecosystem production of ponderosa pine. Responsibilities will include adapting existing 3PGS code for new purposes, running the model in a spatially-distributed mode, and production of high quality thematic maps. These activities will be carried out primarily in a PC environment. Ability to program in C required. Working knowledge of some or all of the following is needed: ArcInfo, Imagine, IDL, SAS. Experience with relational database software on a PC platform is desirable. M.S. or Ph.D. in environmental science, remote sensing, biophysics, or forest ecology required. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), fixed term faculty position. Re-appointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Full-time annual salary is $32,004 - $34,000 (Faculty Research Assistant), or $40,000 - $42,000 (Research Associate) depending on experience and qualifications. Medical, dental, and life insurance group plans are available. For additional information contact Beverly Law, Department of Forest Science, RH328, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331-5752 (541-737-6111, ). To apply send letter of application (position 002-935) with statement of interest, vitae (resume), unofficial copies of transcripts, copies of publications, and 3 letters of reference by July 1, 2001 to: Sandra C. Lewis, Office Manager, Department of Forest Science, 321 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331-5752. OSU is an AA/EEO employer and has a policy of being responsive to dual-career needs. Posted: 5/23/01.

Plant Physiological Ecology/Ecotoxicology/Ecological Modelling: Shepherd Miller, Inc., a full-service environmental consulting and engineering firm, seeks to fill two or three mid- to upper-level positions in the Ecological Systems Division at its Fort Collins, Colorado office. These positions involve supporting or leading a wide variety of projects involving ecological risk assessments, ecological management models, and natural resource management. A major emphasis in many of these projects is development and application of the Ecological DYnamics Simulation (EDYS) model, a large general-ecosystem model with climatic, soil, contaminant, plant, animal, disturbance, and management modules. Successful candidates will have graduate-level degrees (PhD preferred), and some experience related to one or more of the following position descriptions: PLANT ECOLOGY / PLANT PHYSIOLOGICAL ECOLOGY One or two positions. Responsibilities will include: 1) overseeing the collection and synthesis of literature and field data associated with the application of the EDYS model to desert, shrubland, grassland, forest, tundra, and wetland ecosystems; 2) development of conceptual and simulation models related to plant responses to natural and anthropogenic stressors; 3) development of revegetation and ecological restoration plans; 4) oversight of vegetation sampling teams; and 5) support to basic research projects on linkages between plant and soil microbial communities during succession, and on invasion dynamics of non-native species. ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT / ECOTOXICOLOGY One or two positions. Our current ERA team consists of three PhD-level and two MS-level professionals. We wish to add another risk assessor, preferably with a plant or aquatic/marine background. Our risk assessments have included both chemical and non-chemical stressors in terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems, and have been located in the western United States, South America, and Southeast Asia. We may also add a second ecotoxicologist to our staff. For this position, we prefer someone with experience in aquatic, estuarine, or marine ecosystems and experience with either metals or organics. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING One position. Responsibilities will include: 1) application of the EDYS model to ecological restoration, land management, and ecological risk assessment projects; 2) further development of the EDYS model; and 3) linking the EDYS model to engineering, hydrological, and watershed models. Significant opportunities exist for both software development and applications of ecological concepts. Strong analytical and writing skills are required for all positions; quantitative and computer skills such as statistical analysis and modelling are desirable. Opportunities for travel, field work, and project management will be made available to suitable candidates. Preference will be given to U.S. citizens, but applicants with U.S. work visas will be given full consideration. More info: Please submit paper, fax, or electronic resumes, including references and relevant work experience, to: Michelle Malloy, Shepherd Miller, Inc., 3801 Automation Way, Suite 100, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Fax: 970-223-7171, Posted: 11/22/00.

Plant Water Relations: The Biology Department at Duke University seeks a biologist with experience in water relations and/or molecular ecology to study the controls of water transport in plants. The successful applicant can contribute to a range of recently funded (NSF, USDA, and Mellon Foundation) projects examining water transport in both laboratory and field settings, including a unique cave system for integrating root and shoot functioning in situ. Applicants should send a CV, statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation to: Rob Jackson, Department of Biology, Phytotron Building, Box 90340, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0340. Applications received by March 1st, 2001 will be assured consideration. For more information on research in our lab see Duke University is an equal opportunity employer. Posted: 1/26/01.

Tree Physiology: Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University. Closing date: March 20, 2001. Starting date: June 1, 2001. We seek a Research Associate to participate in a three-year project to investigate variations in vegetation water use in a chronosequence of Douglas-fir-western hemlock forests. Previous research suggests that species- and age-related changes in tree physiology as well as stand structure may significantly alter vegetation water use. The primary study location is the Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility in southwestern Washington. The project is funded by a grant through WESTGEC, the western region of the National Institute for Global Environmental Change. The research is part of a larger effort to understand how exchange of matter and energy change through stand development. The Research Associate will have primary responsibility for management and implementation of the study. This will include maintenance of meteorological equipment, installation and maintenance of sap flow measurement systems, measurements of soil moisture and leaf gas exchange, and coordinating field measurements among different research groups. He/she will also participate in all other aspects of the project, including mentoring and supervision of student workers in the field and laboratory, refinement of the experimental design, data management, data analysis, presentations at national and local meetings and writing of manuscripts for publication in refereed journals. Qualifications: A Ph.D. degree in tree physiology, biophysics, or plant ecophysiology; demonstrated ability to write and publish high-quality scientific papers; experience conducting ecophysiological measurements, preferably in forest ecosystems; experience conducting environmental measurements and using data loggers; demonstrated ability to develop and maintain high-quality standards for data acquisition and data management; ability to analyze physiological data statistically; and the ability and disposition to work in canopies of tall trees and to work in the field for long hours in varying climatic conditions. Previous research experience involving soil moisture measurements and sapflow measurements in forested systems is desirable. Full time (1.0) fixed-term, 1-year position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Starting full-time annual salary rate is $30,000-32,004. Competitive medical, dental and life insurance plans. For more information contact: Barbara Bond, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331; phone: 541-737-6110; fax: 541-737-1393; internet: To apply, send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation by March 20, 2001. In the letter, please explain how your experience, training, and professional goals will apply to this project. If available, please include up to two reprints or manuscripts from previous research. These should be sent to: Sandra C. Lewis, Office Manager, Department of Forest Science, 321 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5752. Posted: 2/21/01.

Plant Physiologist: USDA/ARS, Beltsville, MD. Incumbent conducts studies under controlled environmental conditions to evaluate the effects of CO2 and temperature interactions on corn growth and development and uses the data to develop simulation model for corn. Where there are gaps in knowledge, the incumbent seeks to fill them by obtaining unpublished data or by performing additional experiments. Many of these experiments require the use of controlled-environment plant growth cabinets, data acquisition systems, and equipment for measuring environmental conditions, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, etc. Develops conceptual models of the physiological processes involved in plant growth, development, reproduction and senescence. Uses both published and unpublished data to develop mathematical models of crop processes and integrates these models into crop simulators. Works with a team of scientists in the development and testing of dynamic, crop simulation models that are based on the physical, chemical and physiological processes involved in the crop system. Uses the crop simulation models to make predictions about the effects of climate, soil conditions and various management practices on yield, and water pollution. REQUIREMENTS: Recent Ph.D. in plant physiology or a related discipline of science. Knowledge of plant breeding, crop production, and soil and crop management is required. Familiarity in using computers and programming skills are desirable. Full job ad: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Francine Benko, USDA/ARS, 5601 Sunnyside Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705-5104. Phone: 301-504-1335. Posted: 2/12/01.

Plant Physiologist, Biochemist: UDSA/ARS, Madison, WI. The incumbent will employ chemical and biochemical approaches to understand plant responses to up- and down-regulation of the lignin biosynthetic pathway, with the ultimate aim of identifying inducible lignin compostional changes that may allow improved forage digestibility. The primary objective is structural characterization of (altered) lignins in transgenics (genetically manipulated plants that have single or multiple genes up- or down regulated) to determine digestibility implications and whether plants can respond by incorporating unexpected components into lignins when supplies of traditional monomers are downregulated by different means. REQUIREMENTS: Recent Ph.D. in biochemistry, plant physiology or a related biological science is required. Skill in acquisition and interpretation of NMR and mass spectra is needed. Familiarity with GC and HPLC methods is required, along with experience with analytical methodologies for plant cell wall components. Knowledge of plant chemistry and biochemistry, and some molecular biology are required. Knowledge of synthetic chemistry is a plus. Full job ad: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Gloria Snipes, USDA/ARS/Human Resources Division, 5601 Sunnyside Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705-5104. Phone: 301-504-1582. Posted: 2/12/01.

Plant/Spatial Ecology: University of California, Davis. The massive invasions of the Atlantic cordgrass Spartina alterniflora and its hybrids in Pacific estuaries provide an ideal system for delving into the complex ramifications of alien species in ecosystems. The cordgrass invasions are occurring primarily on open mud, and are extremely transparent in remotely-sensed data. This is a system simple enough to disentangle and one complex enough to reveal the intertwined biological, physical, chemical, and social phenomena of biological invasions. The cordgrass invasions involve important feedbacks with the physical environment driven by sediment accretion that changes tidal height of the substrate. The tall, dense, thick growth of Atlantic cordgrasses and hybrids drive interactions with the biota and change profoundly the ecosystem of invaded estuaries. We hypothesize that S. alterniflora invasions of Pacific estuaries will have important biological impacts upon both invertebrates and vertebrates, including mammals and birds; they will also affect human commercial and non-commercial activities and esthetic valuations of these ecosystems. We are investigation these linkages through of a predictive model of the dynamics and selected impacts. In hand extensive and intensive remote sensing data, as well as large amounts of remotely-sense data to be acquired during the project, provide detailed spatial information of current site conditions. These data are a means to accurately reconstruct past distributions of these species. We are analyzing historical and current remote sensing data, integrated with site data in a GIS database. The core model of S. alterniflora spread will include key feedbacks with the environment. We will also investigate the influence of environmental El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) fluctuations that very likely affect the performance of the invasive species, its rate of spread, and thus its feedbacks and non-reciprocal effects upon the environment in Pacific coast marshes in Washington and central California. In addition, we will use the spread model to explore the effect of different control strategies on the spread of S. alterniflora. We are working primarily in San Francisco Bay and Willapa Bay, WA. Queries to D. R. Strong ( and A. H. Hastings ( Preliminary website: Posted: 5/23/01.

Ecologist: Department of Biology, New Mexico State University and USDA/ARS, Las Cruces, NM. The Jornada Long Term Ecological Research Program ( in collaboration with the USDA-ARS, Jornada Experimental Range ( seeks applicants for a postdoctoral position to synthesize, integrate and analyze a number of short- and long-term datasets related to the desertification and recovery of Chihuahuan desert ecosystems. The goal of the project is to provide a synthetic analysis of the role of small and large animals, soils, climate, and disturbance in the dynamics of desert ecosystems. The successful applicant will be responsible for integrating multiple datasets of plants, animals, soils and climate to examine the separate and interactive effects of these factors on vegetation dynamics. Non-spatial, multivariate statistical approaches will be combined with spatially-explicit simulation modeling analyses to examine the relative importance of each factor as well as effects of the redistribution of water, soil particles, seeds, and nutrients on patterns on vegetation through time. The incumbent will collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of researchers associated with the Jornada LTER and located at New Mexico State University, Duke University, University of New Mexico, and King’s College, London. Required qualifications: Ph.D. by start date with experiences commensurate with qualifications below. Good oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a collaborative research group. Highly Desirable: 1) Strong background in univariate and multivariate statistics, 2) At least one degree in ecology, biology, range science or closely-related natural resources field, such as conservation biology, 3) experience in analyses using geographic information systems, preferably ARC/INFO or ARCVIEW. Salary: $43,000/y + benefits. This two-year position is available immediately, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. However, for full consideration, applications should be postmarked by March 1, 2001. Forward complete CV, statement of research interests and goals, selected publications, transcripts from all universities attended, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Dr. Debra Peters, USDA/ARS, Jornada Experimental Range, Box 30003, MSC 3JER, NMSU, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0003. email:, fax: 505 646 5889, voice: 505 646 2777. Posted: 2/6/01.

Senior Ecologist: Parsons Brinckerhoff, a leader in consulting services for over 100 years, has an immediate opening for a senior ecologist in our Atlanta office. The ideal candidate will have at least 7 years experience in wetland delineation, threatened and endangered species surveys, wetland and stream mitigation, and NEPA documentation. We offer excellent opportunities for growth and development as well as a highly competitive benefits package. For more information please contact Jason Mashke at (404) 364-5239 or via e-mail at Jason Mashke, Ecologist, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, 3340 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 2400, Tower Place 100, Atlanta, GA 30326-1001. (404) 364-5239 direct, (404) 237-3015 fax. Posted: 4/9/01.

Sr. Scientist - Ecologist: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH), Water Resources Department, St. Paul, Minnesota. The selected applicant will be responsible for developing and managing natural area and botanical inventory and ecological restoration projects. This includes developing project teams drawn from 45 ecologists, geologists, hydrologic and geotechnical engineers, GIS specialists, surveyors, and landscape architects from SEH, as well as subconsultants providing niche expertise. The position is in St. Paul, Minnesota as part of the natural resources team. Work may occur throughout the Upper Midwest and Rocky Mt. Region with travel four to six times per year expected. The selected applicant will be required to develop field studies including sampling design, selection of biotic indicators, and methods of data recording and analysis. The level of fieldwork will vary from year to year, averaging 200 hours in the field per year, and require knowledge of all ecoregions in the Upper Midwest and their terrestrial and wetland habitats. This position will complement other scientists at SEH with expertise in wetland and aquatic habitats. The selected applicant will be expected to team with engineers in developing construction documents that include bioengineering applications and restoration of native vegetation. Continued active involvement in professional organizations is expected. Proven interpersonal skills are mandatory for mentoring staff scientists, team-building, marketing, internal training, and outside presentations. Presentations to school children, park and natural resource groups, and city councils, as well as professional groups, are expected. Excellent writing skills are needed for reports, grants, proposals, and publications. SEH has a full service media and communications department with video, computer animation and imaging, graphics, and production capabilities for presentation and proposal development. The natural resources team currently has five full-time staff in St. Paul. The selected applicant will supervise or develop a supervisory team with one other Sr. Scientist specializing in wetland habitats. Education: Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Ecology or Biology is required. A Ph.D. in the same or related field is desired. Required experience: Managing project teams, schedules, and budgets must be demonstrated, especially for field studies and ecological restoration design; field experience with state natural heritage program or nature conservancy community grading and ranking guidelines; field experience with a variety of vegetation sampling techniques; familiarity with or field experience using rare plant species search techniques; familiarity or experience in preparing construction plans and specifications; ability to present complex technical information to a nontechnical audience; and demonstration of team leadership. The annual salary range for the position is $55,000 - $82,000 with excellent benefits. Application: Submit cover letter expressing your ability to supervise the natural resources team, resume, and the names, phone numbers, and e-mail of three professional references to: Mickey Ekstrand, SEH Human Resources, 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110. The position will remain open until filled. The expected starting date is April 1, 2001. Posted: 1/25/01.

Applied Tropical Ecologist: The School for Field Studies, Center for Sustainable Development Studies, Atenas, Costa Rica. Anticipated Start Date: September 2001. Appointment Type: Full Time, Year Round, Resident Faculty. Center Research Objectives: The Center for Sustainable Development's research direction is To develop sustainable management models for Costa Rica's abundant but threatened natural resources using small communities as the operational unit and honoring the social, cultural and economic development needs of local residents. For the next three years our research direction includes investigation of alternative land uses, ecological restoration as means of protecting natural resources, and maintaining bio-diversity. Two sub-themes are included: organic agriculture as a viable alternative and long term option for farmers, and protecting bio-diversity and planning ecological restoration in the Atenas watershed networks. Position Rationale/Summary: The purpose of this residential field position is to teach U.S. university students critical environmental issues, to participate in the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary curriculum, and to oversee faculty-designed student research projects that address issues identified in the center's research direction. This position is lead faculty for the course: Tropical Ecology & Sustainable Development. The course, presented as a case study with other faculty, will cover applied tropical ecology which includes two sub-themes: the ecological costs and benefits of alternative land uses such as organic agriculture, and protecting biodiversity in and around protected areas. Course topics addressing these themes will also be developed. Examples include ecological bases of tropical agriculture, natural control and integrated pest management, variation in predator-prey populations, Costa Rican biodiversity, succession, gap analysis, biogeography, mutualism, herbivory, plant physiology, secondary plant compounds competition, biodiversity concepts and measurement, population ecology in Costa Rica, biological indicators of water quality, and the ecology of moist, dry and cloud forests. All topics include local references and examples. Position Requirements: Scientifically relevant Ph.D. (pref.) or Masters; Applied/field research and University-level teaching experience in: Applied Tropical Ecology, Agroecology, Conserving Biodiversity; Research experience or interest in assessing insect species diversity, soil conditions, incidence of diseases and pest problems, and comparing crop yield between organic and conventional farms, ecological restoration (assessing floral or faunal diversity among forested areas at varying successional stages); Fluency in English and Spanish language (program delivered in English). Experience in Costa Rica/Latin America and familiarity with sociopolitical structure preferred. To Apply: send CV and cover letter outlining relevant experiences to: Job Reference 1162 The School for Field Studies, 16 Broadway, Beverly MA 01915, USA; Fax: 1-978-927-5127; Email: For more information, please access our web page at: Posted: 5/23/01.

Tropical Forest Community Ecology: The Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, University Of Puerto Rico, seeks a field ecologist with a Ph.D. and research experience in tropical forest community ecology. Duties will include assisting with two projects in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico: 1) field inventory and data management and analysis for a 16-ha, long-term forest dynamics and tree demography plot, and 2) establishment of tree inventory plots along an altitudinal gradient to examine forest community structure. The position is for one year, with possibility for renewal. Salary is $39,444 per year, plus approximately $350.00 per month to cover a Medical Plan. Candidates should direct their applications, including: 1) cover letter, 2) description of research interests, 3) curriculum vitae, 4) copies of all university transcripts, and 5) three letters of recommendation, to: Post-doctoral Position, Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 363682, San Juan, PR 00936-3682. Website: Review of applications begins 1 April 2001. Preferable starting date is May 15, but can be negotiated. Posted: 3/6/01.

Tropical Forest C Pools: We are offering a post-doctoral research position to conduct field measures of aboveground and soil C pools in forests and managed sites within a variety of forest ecosystems in Costa Rica. This is a three-year position with a salary ranging from $37,000 to $40,000. The person hired for this position will work as part of an interdisciplinary team investigating the impact of past and future land use trends on C storage and dynamics of forests throughout Costa Rica. She/he will work closely with a group consisting of field ecologists, ecological modelers, scientists focused on remote sensing, and economists. She/he will be responsible for conducting plot-level measures (with the assistance of 4 to 6 person field crews) to quantify aboveground and soil C pools, and providing results of those measures to other members of the interdisciplinary team. They will be expected to conduct field work in Costa Rica for approximately 3 months/year, with the remainder of the year devoted to analysis, synthesis, and publication of results. If you are interested in this position please send CV (hard copy or e-version via e-mail), as well as e-mail addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to Flint Hughes (see address below). Consideration of applications will begin Oct. 9 and will continue until the position is filled. R. Flint Hughes, CIRES, Campus Box 216, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309. Office Phone: 303 492-0201, Home Phone: 303 415-1948, FAX: 303 492-5070, e-mail: Posted: 10/9/00.

Fire Recovery: We are seeking a creative postdoctoral scientist to join our research team to address recovery processes after large-scale wildfires in the Rocky Mountain Ponderosa pine forest type. The research emphasis of the position is to conduct an area-based analysis of tree seedling establishment processes after fire. The postdoc will be responsible for developing and conducting studies to address the dynamics of seed availability and dispersal, seedling growth and physiological characteristics, and seedling establishment success within a spatial context for burned patches of different sizes and burn intensities. The position is located at the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Fort Collins, Colorado. Field research sites are located in the Black Hills National Forest within the 84,000 acres that burned in 2000. The postdoc will be a member of an interdisciplinary team of Rocky Mountain Research Station and Colorado State University researchers. The salary is $43,000 per year and includes a benefit package. To apply for this position, please send a resume, transcripts, and 3 letters of reference to Dr. Anna W. Schoettle at or Rocky Mountain Research Station, 240 West Prospect Road, Fort Collins, CO 80526. Posted: 4/5/01.

Disturbance, Ecosystem Processes, and Landscape Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison beginning 1 July 2001 to study spatial variation in postfire ecosystem dynamics in the Yellowstone National Park (YNP) landscape. The postdoctoral researcher will join Drs. Monica G. Turner, William H. Romme and Daniel B. Tinker in a study funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This study will address the degree to which spatial variation in postfire vegetation controls the spatial variability in ecosystem processes across the YNP landscape. The YNP landscape offers many opportunities to investigate general relationships between broad-scale ecological pattern and process. Very large fires occurred in 1988, and moderate-sized fires (ca. 1,000 ha) occurred in 1996 and 2000, and these sites will be the focus of our research. During a four-year period, this study will address four major questions: (1) Do the enormous differences in postfire tree density produce differences in carbon and nitrogen availability across the landscape? (2) Does the disturbance-created mosaic leave a persistent functional legacy? (3) How does the spatial pattern of coarse woody debris vary across the areas of the landscape that burned in 1988, and what is the importance of this variation for ecosystem function? (4) Does the spatial heterogeneity of processes such as ANPP, nitrogen mineralization, and decomposition change with time since fire? Responsibilities will include field studies, laboratory analyses, statistical analysis of data, GIS-based analyses and modeling, and oral and written communication of research. The successful candidate will also assist with project management and field logistics and interact with project personnel. In addition to the principal investigators and postdoc, three graduate student assistantships are also available on this project. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in Ecology, Botany, Forestry or a related field prior to appointment. Experience in ecosystem process studies (especially carbon and nitrogen dynamics in vegetation and soils), field ecology, landscape ecology and geographic information systems is strongly desired. An ability to work well in a collaborative setting and to enjoy field work in remote locations is necessary. Send curriculum vitae, one-page statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Monica G. Turner, Department of Zoology, Birge Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Tel: 608-262-2592, Fax: 608-265-6320, Email:, Review of applicants will begin 20 April 2001; position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. We seek a starting date of 1 July 2001, with field work in Yellowstone occurring during July and August 2001. This is initially a 2-yr position, with potential for extension by an additional one or two years. Posted: 3/20/01.

Disturbance Landscape Ecologist: North Central Research Station, USDA Forest Service. Research scientist position for a Landscape Ecologist with training and experience in disturbance ecology and modeling. - Landscape Ecology Research Work Unit - Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Rhinelander, Wisconsin - Starting salary - $51,927/$61,749 (GS-12/13) depending on qualifications and experience - Full health, retirement (including 401k-type), and vacation benefits - Full-time programmer / technician support. Major Duties: - Study the interactions between fire, land management treatments, human settlements and other disturbances by linking the results of empirical studies within a common modeling framework (LANDIS) - Provide leadership within the North Central Research Station's Landscape Change Integrated Research Program - Develop other research projects consistent with the mission of the Landscape Ecology Research Unit - Peer-reviewed publication and creative dissemination of research findings. Skills and Experience You'll Need: - The desired candidate will have a Ph.D. in landscape ecology, disturbance ecology, fire ecology, forest ecology or other closely related field - Modeling experience - Experience with GIS, C++ programming, relating empirical field data to process models, fire ecology, and spatial statistics is desirable - Good written and verbal communication skills - An ability to work both independently and in a team setting is necessary For application information or a copy of the recruitment notice, contact Jim Elioff at (651) 649-5022 (e-mail: To learn more about the job duties, contact Eric Gustafson at (715) 362-1152 (e-mail: Please respond by March 30, 2001 to be sure of receiving a copy of the recruitment notice. Posted: 2/27/01.

Dendroecology/Landscape Ecology: The Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL focuses on the use, management and protection of terrestrial habitats and the management of natural hazards. In this context we are seeking two outstanding Postdoctoral talents (part-time 75%) in the areas of Dendroecology coupled with landscape dynamics to participate in the research activity "landscape history and -dynamics". This is to ensure that ecological risk assessments are based on sound historical-ecological data. Our present research activity includes topics such as habitat dynamics and modeling, GIS assisted vegetation analyses, Dendroclimatology, time series analysis as well as social science related research ( A well-known densitometry/wood anatomy group technically assists the team. The successful applicants have the chance to establish novel activities in the field of coupling tree-ring information with land-use dynamics and to further existing international collaboration with similar research institutions. Applicants must have Ph.D. degree in environmental sciences or a related field such as geography or environmental history with demonstrated expertise in spatial analysis, GIS and/or simulation techniques. Advanced skills in computational or applied statistics are welcome. The candidates must have internationally reviewed original research papers in one or more fields mentioned above. We offer a two-year contract starting at March 1, 2001, with opportunities for renewal. Qualified applicants should forward (1) a curriculum vita, preferably with photograph, (2) an outline of envisaged research and (3) a list of publications no later than September 30, 2000 to: Personnel Department Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland (Contact person for this job opportunity: Dr. Felix Kienast Tel.: +41 1 739'23'66;; The reference number of both positions is 217. Posted: 8/11/00.

Landscape Ecology: A postdoctoral position is available for a recent Ph.D. to work on projects related to spatial analysis of watersheds, riparian habitats and biodiversity. Current projects in the lab include effects of stream network configuration on biotic processes, distribution of exotic species along riparian corridors, watershed and wetland evaluation, effects of urbanization, and spatial patterns of biodiversity. The postdoctoral associate will become an integral part of one of these projects as well as help in the development of new projects. Qualifications include a Ph.D. with a sound background in landscape ecology, strong quantitative skills, field and modeling experience, a demonstrated record of productivity, and excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred starting date of September 1, 2001 (but latest by January 2002). Review of applications will begin July 1 and continue until position is filled. Initial appointment is for 1 year, with extension to a second year contingent on performance and availability of funding. Competitive salary and benefits are available. To apply, send cover letter, CV, selected reprints, and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Colleen Hatfield, Department of Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resources, Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Rd., New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Email:, Phone: (732) 932-1577. Posted: 6/14/01.

Forest Landscape Modeling:Research Associate in The candidate will work on the further development of the LANDIS model. LANDIS simulates species-level forest dynamics in combination with fire, windthrow, and harvesting, with adequate mechanistic realism for a range of spatial scales. LANDIS is a raster-based model, programmed with C++, and designed using an object-oriented modeling approach. LANDIS is capable of simulating large landscapes (1,000s-1,000,000s ha) in fully utilize the state of art computer capability. This postdoctoral associate will develop a LANDIS fuel module to work with other LANDIS model components, simulate effects of fuel management in space and time, collaborate with other scientists. A qualified candidate will have a background in forest ecology, fire ecology, landscape ecology, and ecological modeling. Proficient skills in C++ programming, GIS, and remote sensing are desirable. The position is for a minimum three years. Salary commensurate with experience and a benefit package will be included. For more info, contact: Dr. Hong S. He, School of Natural Resources, 203M Anheuser-Busch Building, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 U.S.A. Phone (573-882-7717); email ( Posted: 3/19/01.

Remote Sensing/Landscape Modeling: The USDA - Agricultural Research Service, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab at Beltsville has an opening for a permanent full time research scientist to join a team whose research mission is to conduct nationally orientated basic and applied research on water resources and remote sensing concerns related to the production of food and fiber and the conservation of natural resources. The candidate should have experience in one or more of the following areas: 1) investigating the effects of scaling-up from point-based process models to landscape, regional and continental scales; 2) developing methods for modeling and inventorying carbon in soil at various scales from field to continental and relate carbon stocks and sequestration rates to the water cycle, climate, and vegetation; 3) integrating mesoscale atmospheric modeling with remotely sensed data in data assimilation schemes for assessing regional climate effects; 4) developing coupled modeling of land-atmosphere processes leading to improved predictability in the global water and carbon cycles that includes key factors related to agriculture; 5) developing techniques for extracting information from remotely sensed data and a framework to incorporate remotely sensed data into watershed and regional scale hydrologic and climate models; and 6) assisting in technology transfer. Candidates must be U. S. citizens. Salary is commensurate with experience ( GS 12 $ 53,156 to GS 14 $ 97,108). For information about the position contact Dr Walter Rawls at 301/504-8745; . Information about the Laboratory is available at . Information about the application procedures may be obtained by contacting Beverley Jacobs at 301/504-1350; or; or via ARS website ANNOUNCEMENT # ARS-X1E-1359. Applications must be postmarked by the closing date of 7-23-01. Posted: 5/2/01.

Remote Sensing/Landscape Modeling: Full time (12 months). Assistant Research Scientist, Research Associate or Faculty Research Assistant (REF. RESAC/3) with the University of Maryland Regional Earth Science Applications Center and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Appointee will join a UMD Geography/Smithsonian Environmental Research Center team using remotely sensed data to model vegetation and land surface processes in the Mid-Atlantic region of USA with special interest in modeling land cover impacts on nutrient and sediment discharges from natural and human-altered landscapes. For background information see: Qualifications: MA/MS required for Faculty Research Assistant. Ph.D. required for Research Associate or Assistant Research Scientist. Strong background in one or more of the following: hydrology, biogeochemistry, watershed modeling, vegetation processes, or landscape ecology. Technical skills in modeling, analysis of satellite data, or geographical information systems essential. Salary commensurate with experience. Initial appointment 1yr, continuation dependent on performance and availability of grant income. For best consideration send application letter, resume, and names of three references by March 2, 2001 to: Ms. Porsche I. Klemm, Department of Geography, RESAC Liaison, 2181 LeFrak Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-8225. Fax: (301) 314-9299. Posted: 2/26/01.

Remote Sensing/Landscape Modeling: Research Scientist or Research Associate with the University of Maryland Regional Earth Science Applications Center and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Appointee will join a UMD/ Smithsonian Environmental Research Center team using remotely sensed data to model vegetation and land surface processes in the Mid-Atlantic region of USA. Potential topics include land cover impact on nutrient and/or carbon cycling in human-altered landscapes. See Qualifications: Ph.D. required. Strong background in one or more of the following: vegetation processes, landscape ecology, nutrient runoff modeling, remote sensing. Technical skills in modeling, analysis of satellite data, or geographical information systems desirable. Salary approximately $40,000 for RA, $45,750 for RS, commensurate with experience. Initial appointment 1yr, continuation dependent on performance and availability of grant income. For best consideration send application letter, resume, and names of three references by Dec 15, 2000 to: Dr. S. D. Prince, Department of Geography, RESAC, 2181 LeFrak Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-8225, (301) 405 4062, Posted: 11/16/00.

Remote Sensing: Research Associate or Research Assistant Professor Position in Remote Sensing, position 002-916. The Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University is seeking a Research Associate or Research Assistant Professor to participate in a three-year project to investigate the effects of forest age, management and climate on the carbon balance of forests in the Pacific Northwest U.S. (Washington and Oregon). Responsibilities include acquiring, managing, processing, analyzing and interpreting remote sensing imagery (Enhanced Thematic Mapper +), using techniques such as unsupervised classification and regression. Qualifications: both ranks require Ph.D. in relevant discipline; experience integrating forest inventory databases with remotely sensed data and regional scale spatial analysis; demonstrated ability to communicate results in professional meetings and professional journal articles; disposition to work effectively in a team environment. In addition, appointment at the rank of Research Assistant Professor requires evidence of a significant publication record, including senior authorship, and evidence of being a PI or Co-PI on successful research proposals. Full time (1.0) fixed-term position; reappointment at the discretion of the Dean. Salary range is $34,020 - $36,000 (Research Associate), or $42,000 - $50,400 (Research Assistant Professor). For more information, contact Dr. Beverly Law (phone 541-737-6111; e-mail, 328 Richardson Hall, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University. To apply, send letter of application, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation, and reprints from previous work by July 24, 2000, to Sandra C. Lewis, Department of Forest Science 321 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5752. Position starts September 1, 2000. OSU is an EEO/AA employer and is responsive to dual-career needs. Revised: 6/30/00.

Grassland Ecology: Applications are invited for a post-doctoral researcher to work on herbivore-driven nutrient (N, P, K) cycling in pasture ecosystems grazed by cattle. The project includes the analysis of a comprehensive unpublished data set on the spatial distribution of pasture vegetation, soil and plant nutrient contents, leaf area and biomass production, forage quality, and grazer-driven biomass and nutrient removal and return patterns in a heterogenous landscape. The post will be funded for 2 ½ years. The salary will be approximately 37.000 EUR/44.000 EUR p.a.). For application send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and list of reference names and addresses to Prof. Hans Schnyder, Grassland Science, Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan, D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Fax ++49 8161 713243,e-mail, Posted: 5/23/01.

Tundra Ecosystem Ecology: Species Effects on Ecosystem Processes in Arctic Tundra Ecosystems, Full Time, Exempt. The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory is seeking applicants for a full time, year round postdoctoral position in a new research project, focused on species effects on ecosystem processes in arctic tundra ecosystems. The context for the research is the effects of global climate change, particularly global warming, on arctic tundras. Broadly, the aims are to describe long-term changes in composition and structure of tundra vegetation to investigate experimentally the mechanisms responsible for these changes and to assay the feedback due to changes in species composition. One specific interest is on the controls over woody shrub abundance and effects of shrubs on surface energy balance and water and nutrient cycles. A second interest is on interactions between shrubs and mosses as vegetation changes in response to climate. Additional topics will emerge as the research progresses. The study will focus on existing, long-term sites at Toolik Lake in northern Alaska, with comparative studies at Abisko, in northern Sweden and will build upon numerous ongoing experiments at these locations. The postdoctoral researcher will be based in Woods Hole, Massachusetts during the winter season. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in plant ecology or ecosystem science. Open until a suitable candidate is identified. Please forward the following materials: cover letter, vitae, list of names and contact information for at least three people who may be contacted for letters of reference to: Marine Biological Laboratory, Human Resources, reference code [PDS SE ECO], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543; phone (508) 289-7422, email Posted: 1/10/01.

Ecosystem Ecology: We are seeking applications for a post-doctoral associate in ecosystem ecology as part of the Cedar Creek LTER program at the University of Minnesota. The appointment is for one year with potential for renewal, to begin between March 1 and August 1, 2001. The specific research project to be conducted will depend on the interests of the successful applicant. Research on a range of subjects within or related to ecosystem ecology are within the scope of the potential position, including areas such as biogeochemistry, ecosystem physiology, restoration ecology, physiological ecology, and community dynamics. Furthermore, the successful applicant is encouraged to consider working as part of any one of a number of new and ongoing long-term experiments. These experiments include manipulations of fire frequency in oak savanna, long-term nutrient additions in grassland and oak savanna, manipulations of CO2 and biodiversity, and manipulations of herbivore densities. In addition, the Cedar Creek Natural History area contains a variety of ecosystem types (prairie, old-fields, oak savanna, oak forest, pine forest, wetland, agricultural fields) appropriate for comparative studies. Visit for more information about the site and ongoing research projects. Questions should be addressed to Dr. Sarah Hobbie, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior,, 612-625-6269 or Dr. Peter Reich, Dept. of Forest Resources,, 612-624-4270. To apply, send a statement of research interests, CV, and three letters of recommendation to Drs. Sarah Hobbie and Peter Reich, Cedar Creek Post-Doc Search, 100 Ecology, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul MN 55108. Review of applications will begin Feb. 15, 2001, and continue until the position is filled. Posted: 12/13/00.

Ecosystem Ecology: Post-doctoral research associate to participate in multi-investigator, CSREES and Foundation funded projects examining basic ecosystem functioning of forests. One project involves understanding ecosystem responses to tree removal and the other seeks to understand the relative role of factor interaction in determining ecosystem functioning. Both projects use mesocosms to control for environmental variability. A Ph.D. in ecosystem ecology or related field is required. Knowledge and experience with nutrient cycling, chemical analyses, and statistical methods is desirable. To apply please send: 1) application letter with research interests and experience, 2) CV, 3) reprints, and 4) names, addresses, and E-mail addresses of three references to Dr. Deane Wang, School of Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. Phone: (802) 656-2694. Email: Review of applications will begin 10 July and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Additional information available at the web site: The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Posted: 6/28/00.

Plant Ecologist: Landcare Research seeks an ecologist to work with our Ecosystems team on research developing an understanding of forest dynamics as a basis for making effective management decisions about New Zealand's indigenous forests. This involves collaboration in projects that determine processes driving the structure, composition and functioning of forests and integrates these results into process based models. The position will be based in Lincoln, and involves periods of field work in remote locations. You will have a PhD, or equivalent, in plant ecology and preferably postgraduate experience. Experience in research on tree population dynamics and the role of resource competition and herbivory in dictating successional trajectories is desirable. You also need to have demonstrated experience/interest in collaborative research as part of a team, strong statistical skills and demonstrated ability to publish research results in the international literature, as well as knowledge and experience in dealing with the users of research. Applications close 29 September 2000. Further details, position descriptions and application forms from, and written applications to: Andrew van Herpt, Human Resources Advisor, Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3 325-6700, Fax +64 3 325-2418, e-mail Posted: 9/6/00.

Adaptive Management Ecologist: Applications are invited for a full-time, permanent Ecologist, GS-408-12/13 with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland. The incumbent will develop a program of research focused on applying principles of adaptive wildlife management to questions in population, habitat, and landscape management. Scope of research includes site- and problem-specific studies at regional, national, and international scales. Incumbent serves USGS and the scientific community as an authority on adaptive wildlife management and represents USGS in contacts with other agencies and organizations on matters involving policies and programs, application of research results, and coordination in field of wildlife research. Incumbent may be expected to travel as a representative of USGS and in the course of research activities. Annual salary starts at $51,204 for GS-12 and $60,890 for GS-13. In applying refer to announcement number H-00-911. Application packages must be received in the Personnel Office by 9/29/2000 for consideration. For more detailed information on this position please call the Office of Personnel at (703) 648-6131 or visit USAJobs at U.S. citizenship is required for this position. Position opens 9/18/2000 and closes 9/29/2000. Posted: 9/7/00.

Research Ecologist: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University is looking for a talented, motivated individual with strong quantitative skills to serve as a postdoctoral research ecologist in a large, well-funded interdisciplinary project. Fieldwork for the project commences in spring 2001 in the upper Wabash River basin of Indiana. The project focuses on the effects of land-use practices and habitat fragmentation on the structure and function of ecological systems, including both direct effects and indirect effects mediated by altered interspecific interactions. Opportunities exist for work at several levels of biological organization, and at spatial scales ranging from local to regional. The postdoctoral scientist would be expected to work collaboratively with members of the research team on selected facets of study design, sampling, analysis and publication, as well as grant-writing. Strong skills in statistics and GIS (ArcInfo, ArcView) are required; experience with computer programming and simulation modeling is desirable, and a background in vertebrate ecology or natural resource science is preferred. The position is available immediately, with a duration of 2-3 years. Salary is competitive, commensurate with experience, and includes benefits. To apply, please email a brief statement of interest, curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Robert K. Swihart at For more information, please call (765) 494-3566 or e-mail. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 11/22/00.

Research Ecologist: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, North Dakota. Open Period: 8/4-9/6/00. Series/Grade: GS-0408-12/15. Salary: $50,139 to 107,738 (annual). Promotion Potential: GS-15. Announcement Number: USGS-C-00-198-D. Hiring Agency: U.S. Department Of Interior, Geological Survey. Remarks: This is a full-time, permanent position. It may be filled as a research botanist or a research ecologist. Applicant must be U.S. Citizen. Refer to for details and instructions on how to apply. Posted: 8/7/00.

Research Riparian Ecologist: USDA Forest Service, Laramie, Wyoming. The Rocky Mountain Research Station seeks qualified candidates to fill a challenging position within Research Work Unit RWU-RM-4352 at the Forest Sciences Laboratory, Laramie, Wyoming. The mission of the Research Work Unit (RWU) is to further the understanding of sustainable aquatic and riparian ecosystems involving the interaction between hydrological and biogeochemical response, nutrient allocation, channel morphology, aquatic habitat, and fish and macroinvertebrate species, and how this association is influenced by land and water management practices. This research position will focus on determining the effect of altered hydrologic regimes on natural variation in physical and biological processes and vegetation characteristics of riparian ecosystems. The appointment is permanent (career-conditional), full-time, 40 hours per week. The successful applicant for the interdisciplinary research riparian ecologist/ research riparian hydrologist position will have an established research record and an ability to successfully compete for grants and other research funds, demonstrating a knowledge and ability to conduct state-of-the-art riparian research. The candidate's research will require understanding the processes that regulate riparian ecosystems and their interactions with adjacent terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the assigned geographic area. This will involve specific research in one or more of the following areas: (1) The effects of altered fire regimes and other disturbance factors on the natural variation in physical and biological processes and vegetation characteristics of riparian ecosystems; (2) Processes by which riparian ecosystems modify, regulate, or buffer the interaction between upland terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (i.e., through detritus production, below-ground and hyporheic processes, soil organic matter formation, etc.); and (3) The effects that altered moisture regimes (whether upslope, in-channel, or on-site) have on species composition, plant-water relationships, or competitive demands of the species involved. The interdisciplinary research riparian ecologist/research riparian hydrologist position may be filled at either the GS-12 or GS-13 level in the federal civil service depending on the qualifications of the individual. Salary grade level is determined through review by a Research Grade Evaluation Panel. GS-12 salary ranges from $51,927 to $67,500 and GS-13 from $61,749 to $80,279. For a detailed vacancy announcement, including specific qualification requirements, application requirements, and procedures, please see our web site: If you have any questions, please contact the Research Work Unit Project Leader: Todd Mowrer, Tel: 970 498-1255, email: The application period is April 13, 2001 to May 29, 2001. The USDA Forest Service is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Posted: 4/17/01.

Salt Marsh Ecology: Two Postdoctoral Researchers wanted at University of California, Davis, for a five year project on the ecosystem influences of Spartina invasions in Pacific estuaries. Research involves plants, animals, sediments, flow and chemistry in San Francisco Bay and Willapa Bay, WA (for fuller description see: ). Personal research flexibility will be allowed. Completion of a PhD is required. Position 1: an ecologist with experience in analysis of remote sensing image data and GIS is required. Experience using one or more of the following software is desired: PCI, ERDAS, ENVI, Arc/Info, ArcView, and a programming language like AML, IDL, and Matlab. Position 2: an ecological modeler to work on modeling aspects of the proposal. Expertise in as many of integro-difference equation models, reaction-diffusion equations models, time series and parameter estimation, computer models as possible desirable. Experience working with biological models and a willingness to participate in field aspects required. Positions based at U C. Davis, freedom to travel is necessary . Start date flexible, although Feb. 1, 2001 is desired. Annually renewable for up to five years, with minimum commitment of one year. Review of applications begins immediately. Send vitae as an attachment, include names, phone, and email address of three references, to Alan Hastings Posted: 1/24/01.

Fisheries Ecological Modeling: The Departments of Fisheries and Biological Sciences of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) in Gloucester Point, Virginia invite qualified applicants for an upcoming postdoctoral research associate position. This will be a 12-month, non-tenure track position with the opportunity for renewal pending approval and available funds. VIMS is currently establishing an inter-disciplinary research program to develop ecosystem-based fisheries management plans for several commercially and recreationally important species within lower Chesapeake Bay. A major goal of this program is to construct a series of multi-species mechanistic models for the purposes of understanding food webs dynamics and trophic interactions. As such, the successful applicant will be expected to: (1) participate in the theoretical and empirical development of these models (including the design and implementation of relevant field studies); (2) write peer-reviewed publications, grant proposals, and progress reports; and (3) present results to both the scientific and management communities. A Ph.D. with strong quantitative skills and experience in ecological modeling and computer programming are required. Preferred candidates will have a strong publication/scientific presentation record and experience modeling the community dynamics of marine organisms. Please send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, dissertation title and abstract, the names and addresses of three references, and advisor's name, telephone number or email address to: Dr. Richard L. Wetzel, The College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062. Review will begin on June 25, 2001 and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 6/5/01.

Aquatic/Fisheries Ecologist: Olympic National Park The incumbent serves as an expert in ecology, applying a systems approach to the study and analysis of aquatic habitats, organisms, and ecological functions and relationships. This is a senior scientist position with a broad charter for advising and coordinating science and research related to the preservation, restoration, and monitoring of aquatic organisms, genetic diversity, habitats, and ecosystems of national parks in the Pacific Northwest, particularly those parks that (currently or historically) support Pacific salmon species. Duty stationed at Olympic National Park, this position directs scientific inquiry, and develops and advises management programs regarding the conservation of biodiversity and functions of freshwater aquatic systems, with particular emphasis on Pacific salmon species and their associated habitats within national parks. Position is open to all qualified persons. For further information contact: James Kirkland, Personnel Officer, (360) 565-3030. Job Announcement at Applications Accepted: [3/30/2001-4/30/2001]. Posted: 4/9/01.

Aquatic Ecology: Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma. We seek a qualified individual to coordinate project funded by EPA/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that examines spatial and temporal variation of aquatic communities in a large southern reservoir (Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas). Our primary goal is to evaluate the effects of human activities on the reservoir ecosystem. Field activities include sampling littoral-zone fishes, benthic invertebrates, primary productivity, and water quality. Primary responsibilities will include supervision, coordination of field and lab sampling activities by diverse teams, data management, data analysis, and preparation of reports. The initial appointment is for one year with the likelihood of the position continuing through a second year. Qualification: Ph.D. in aquatic ecology, fisheries, or related discipline. Preference will be given to applicants with experience sampling large lakes or reservoirs and a demonstrated ability to publish and present scientific research. Field experience with boat operations and safety also preferred. Salary: 35,000/yr + benefits. The position is available beginning in May 2001. We will accept applications until a qualified candidate is found. Please send CV and three letters of reference to Gary D. Schnell (; 405-325-5050) or William J. Matthews (; 405-325-0786), Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma, 2401 Chautauqua Ave., Norman, OK 73072. Posted: 3/7/01.

Stream Ecology: Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech. Responsibilities: Position involves examining the utility of selected fish-community attributes in assessing ecological health of streams across the U.S. Responsibilities include data management and analysis, consultation with experts, and publication in peer-reviewed literature. Qualifications: Ph.D. in aquatic ecology, fisheries, or related discipline. Also, research experience with stream fishes, working knowledge of statistical analyses, excellent writing skills, and demonstrated research productivity. Preference given to applicants with experience in managing large data sets and assessing environmental quality via multimetric indices. Salary: $30,000/year. Two-year appointment starting in Summer 2001. Closing Date: Review of applications will begin March 26, 2001 and will continue until the position is filled. Contact: Send a letter describing interest in and qualifications for the position, curriculum vitae including academic experience and employment history for the past five years, college transcripts, and names of three professional references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses to: Dr. Paul Angermeier, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321. (540) 231-4501 (voice), (540) 231-7580 (fax), Posted: 1/26/01.

Wetland Ecologist: The Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, seeks an ecologist with experience in forested wetlands to be based in Honolulu, Hawaii, and to conduct research on mangrove swamps and freshwater forested wetlands. Most of the research will be conducted in Micronesia, but some may also be in Hawaii. This position is GS-12, with a salary of $46,955 + 25% cost-of-living allowance. Applicants must have a PhD and be US citizens. A vacancy announcement that includes qualification requirements and application procedures is available on the USA Jobs website ( and from Personnel Management, PSW Research Station, PO Box 245, Berkeley, CA 94701 (phone: 510-559-6300, fax: 510-559-6352, email, Attn: Patricia Steverson. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Katherine Ewel at the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry: (808) 522-8230, ext. 109 (after August 14), or Internet: Deadline for applications is September 8, 2000. Posted: 7/21/00.

Urban Ecologist: Landcare Research is a Crown Research Institute dedicated to high quality research relevant to the sustainable use of natural resources, operating at nine locations throughout New Zealand. Information on this science organisation can be found on We seek a Senior Researcher for a leading position in urban research and management to provide innovative approaches to the problems of contamination and habitat degradation, resulting from urban development. Our principle areas of research will be in the assessment of catchment and ecosystem dynamics, integrated models, initiating and testing innovative methods to mitigate pollution impacts on land and water, and will contribute to the design of environmentally friendly urban infrastructure and integrated catchment management plans. This role is to bring new skills to a recently formed research programme. Your responsibilities would involve the integration of diverse contributing science areas, drawing on the core skills of Landcare Research staff and the use of research, to build relationships with stakeholders to increase the amount of our fundamental and applied work in the urban environment. While primarily biophysical in nature, our research contribution to urban issues will require a strong interface with social, economic and community aspects of urban management. You will have a PhD or equivalent in environmental engineering, urban design or ecosystem management with demonstrated experience of working in urban ecosystems and leading or being part of an interdisciplinary team. You must be an excellent communicator and be capable of working with local government, community groups, consultants and researchers to help develop a research programme which will be looked upon as a model to be followed in other parts of New Zealand. This position is based in our Mt Albert office, Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand and boasts both a diverse cosmopolitan life as well as close proximity to a wide range of natural beauty and outdoor opportunities. Applications close 11 August 2000. Position descriptions and application forms from, and written applications should be sent to: Carol Sayer, Human Resources Administrator, Landcare Research, Private Bag 3127, Hamilton. Telephone 0064-7-8583700, fax 0064-7-8584964, email Posted: 7/18/00.

Vertebrate Ecologist: Applications are sought for a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Biologist to conduct ecological research involving mammals or herptiles at Archbold Biological Station. Archbold, established in 1941, is an independent, non-profit research institute devoted to long-term ecological research and conservation in central Florida. Ongoing research programs emphasize Florida ecosystems, population biology, behavioral ecology, conservation biology, plant ecology, fire ecology, landscape ecology, ornithology, biogeography, insect ecology, and agro-ecology. The post-doc will be expected to establish an independent field research in vertebrate ecology in the terrestrial ecosystems of the Station and the surrounding Lake Wales Ridge. Research should focus on field biology at the population or community level, with an emphasis in ecological fields such as interspecific competition, trophic interactions, population regulation, conservation biology, biogeography or landscape ecology. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to: (1) integrate research with ongoing research, monitoring, and existing datasets at Archbold (e.g. fire histories, vegetation); (2) collaborate with other Archbold researchers (resident and visitors) on interdisciplinary research; and (3) participate in other Archbold programs including conservation, environmental education, and mentoring for student interns and visiting classes. The Post-Doc would need to adjust well to life at a rural field station in south-central Florida. Ph.D. required with strong and relevant publications. Demonstrated ability to seek and obtain outside funding an advantage. Salary to $32,000, depending on experience, with full benefits including health and retirement. Position could be extended if further funding is secured. Applications due by January 29th, 2001. Send resume, letter of interest, a proposed research plan (2-3 pages), and the name, address, phone and email address of three references to: Vertebrate Ecologist Post-Doc Search, Archbold Biological Station, Box 2057, Lake Placid, FL 33862, or email Position will remain open until filled, with the goal of a March 2001 start date. More information about Archbold at Revised: 12/13/00.

Ecology of Soybean Aphid: Department of Entomology, Purdue University. The incumbent will be responsible for conducting research on the population ecology of the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) and its associated natural enemies. Work would include studies on the population dynamics of the aphid and its natural enemies in both primary (Rhamnus spp.) and secondary (soybean) hosts; movement of the aphid and its natural enemies between hosts; and possible preliminary study of the ecology and control potential of exotic natural enemies. This project would be a collaborative effort with a number of departments at Purdue (chiefly, Botany & Plant Pathology and Forestry & Natural Resources) as well as State (Department of Natural Resources), Regional and Federal (USDA) partners. Applicants should have a PhD in Entomology, Ecology, or related fields. The successful candidate should be well-versed in basic concepts of population ecology, quantitative techniques (including spatial analyses), and have experience in field studies of predator-prey dynamics. Familiarity with genetic tools useful for population studies is desirable. This is a two-year position with potential for renewal. Salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience. The position is immediately available and will remain opened until filled. Send a letter of intent that outlines your qualifications for the position, a curriculum vita, three references, and other relevant information to: Robert J. O'Neil, Department of Entomology, 1158 Smith Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1158. For further information contact Bob O'Neil at (765) 494-7207 or Information on Purdue Entomology can be viewed at: Posted: 2/20/01.

Research Ecologist/Entomologist: USDA, REE, Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, Pest Management Research Unit in Sidney, Montana is seeking a permanent, full-time research scientist with demonstrated expertise in Ecology and/or Entomology. The incumbent has full responsibility for initiating, developing and managing independent research projects addressing biological control of invasive weeds, and the biology and ecology of natural enemies for target weed species. Research may include host plant and natural enemy developmental biology; host-specificity; temporal and spatial population dynamics; natural enemy interactions with abiotic and biotic factors affecting population dynamics; biological control; and pest management. Emphasis will be placed on the development of classical and other biological control strategies for use on both rangeland, crop land, and natural areas with special emphasis on the control of knapweeds (Centaurea spp.) and field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). Objectives are to improve our understanding of the biotic and abiotic factors involved in natural and manipulated host/natural enemy/environment life systems and to effectively alter these biological systems to increase biological control effectiveness. US citizenship and a Ph.D. or equivalent is required. Salary commensurate with experience ($43,326 - 80,279 per annum). Comprehensive benefits package includes paid sick and annual leave, life and health insurance, and a savings and investment plan (401K type) are available in addition to the Federal retirement plan. For information on the research program and/or position contact Dr. Thomas Shanower at 406-433-9405 or via e-mail Additional information about the position and application procedures can be obtained at Close date: 7/23/01. Posted: 6/26/01.

Insect Ecology: Field and laboratory project involving the use of local insect communities as environmental sensors of biohazards. The position is for 2 years, beginning immediately. Ph.D. in entomology, ecology or related subject, and field, laboratory and statistical experience required; knowledge of insect pathology or bacteriology desirable. Annual salary is $34,000 plus benefits. Please send curriculum vitae and names, addresses (including email), and phone numbers of three references to Dr. Karen Kester, Department of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 816 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284-2012; email:, telephone: (804)828-1562, fax (804)828-0503. Posted: 1/29/01.

[Position Filled] Chemical Ecology of Community and Ecosystem Processes: A postdoctoral Research Associate position will be available spring 2001 at the University of Wisconsin - Madison as part of a new 5-year, multi-investigator, multi-institutional project funded under NSF’s Integrated Research Challenges in Environmental Biology program. This large project will evaluate how genetic and chemical variation in naturally occurring and synthetic hybrids of cottonwood species mediates ecological structure and function at population, community and ecosystem levels. Field sites include a number of riparian habitats throughout the Intermountain West. Project PIs include T. Whitham, S. Hart, P. Keim, and G. Martinsen of Northern Arizona University, and R. Lindroth of the University of Wisconsin. Primary responsibilities of the Research Associate are to coordinate and conduct research involving chemical analyses of cottonwood samples. Results from this work will be integrated with that of other project coordinators to understand the influence of cottonwood genetic structure on chemical variation, and the linkages between chemical variation and primary production, herbivore and natural enemy communities, litter quality and nutrient cycling. Qualifications include expertise in plant chemical analyses, and interest in the chemical ecology of trophic interactions or ecosystem function. Strong interpersonal, laboratory, statistical and writing skills are essential. Extended collecting trips to field sites in the western U.S. will likely be required. Salary and benefits: $28,000 - 30,000, commensurate with experience. Excellent medical/dental health plans available at no cost to Associate. Application: Preliminary inquiries are welcome, preferably by phone or e-mail. To apply, send c.v., names/addresses of three references, representative reprints, and a letter detailing your fit to the position to: Dr. Rick Lindroth, Dept. of Entomology, 1630 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706. Phone: 608-263-6277, E-mail: For additional information about the Lindroth research group, visit Revised: 10/18/00.

Plant Ecological Genetics: A postdoctoral position is available for an independent and motivated individual in plant ecological genetics. The successful candidate will study the genetic basis of quantitative variation in the production of individual leaf surface resin components within and among populations of the chaparral shrub, Mimulus aurantiacus. Primary objectives are to determine genetic basis for variation in the production of seven individual leaf resin components and the relationship between resin production and plant fitness. Research will address the costs and benefits of leaf resin components as plant protectants against herbivores and other environmental stresses over a range of environmental conditions. Opportunities to initiate related research within the system also exist. Candidates must have a Ph.D. before hiring, a strong background and recent research experience in plant ecological genetics and in the measurement of plant growth and fitness. Prior experience in the use of QTL analysis to address questions of ecological adaptation is preferred. A sincere interest in allelochemical analysis is also required, and prior experience in quantitative allelochemical analysis by HPLC is desirable. The salary is $30,888,and health insurance is provided. The initial appointment will be for one year, and renewal is contingent upon satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Candidates should send a Curriculum Vitae including a statement of research interests relating to this project, reprints and manuscripts in press, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to Dr. J. Daniel Hare, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Telephone: (909) 787-3858; FAX: (909) 787-3086; e-mail: Candidates are encouraged to contact me before submitting a full application. Additional information about my research can be found at Applications will be reviewed starting July 15, 2001, but the position will remain open until filled. The starting date is negotiable, but a date close to September 1, 2001, is preferred. Posted: 6/14/01.

Evolutionary Genetics Lab Supervisor: The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology is seeking applicants for the position of Supervisor of the MVZ/IB Evolutionary Genetics Laboratories. This Associate Specialist position entails (1) coordinating daily operations in the MVZ‚s research lab and a teaching lab that is shared with the Department of Integrative Biology, (2) developing and implementing new analytical procedures, and (3) assisting with the training of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty researchers, including support of a course in Molecular Ecology. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in evolutionary molecular biology or a related discipline and to have direct experience with the molecular genetic techniques employed in evolutionary research, including primer design, PCR amplification, automated DNA sequencing, microsatellite isolation and screening, and informatics. An understanding of current issues in evolutionary biology is preferred. Interested persons should send a curriculum vitae, statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation to: Prof. Craig Moritz, Director, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720. Deadline for receipt of applications is June 4, 2001. Posted: 4/27/01.

Molecular Population and Quantitative Genetics: Postdocs are available in the Department of Genetics and Evolution, Max Planck Institute of Chemical Ecology. The institute is international in character, with English the daily scientific language. Additional information can be found at Please send CV, statement of research interests, addresses and phone numbers of three references to Thomas Mitchell-Olds; Department of Genetics and Evolution; Max Planck Institute of Chemical Ecology; Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10; 07745 Jena, Germany; Contact: Thomas Mitchell-Olds; Phone: +49-3641-643657; Review of applications will begin 23 March, 2001. Posted: 3/1/01.

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior: EEB Postdoctoral Associate Appointments, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota. We announce the first-time competition for EEB Postdoctoral Associate appointments/opportunities. Those selected will receive one-year appointments, with potential for a one-year renewal (total of two years). The starting date must be during calendar year 2001. These postdoctoral appointments will provide a salary, healthcare benefits, and a modest research and travel allowance. In addition to their research, appointees will teach one graduate or undergraduate seminar. Applications are sought from individuals whose research interests complement the Department. Applicants must have at least one EEB faculty sponsor(s). To apply, send a CV, copies of publications, a statement of research and teaching interests (including a one-paragraph description of desired activities at the University of Minnesota), and names of three individuals who can be solicited for recommendation letters to: EEB Postdoc Selection Committee, 100 Ecology, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108. Deadline: November 1, 2000. For more information, see: Posted: 9/7/00.

Plant-Animal Interactions: A postdoctoral research position is available to study the long-term effects of mammalian herbivores on plant community structure and ecosystem dynamics at multiple sites in northern California. This NSF-funded project examines the degree to which herbivore impacts at the population and community level scale up to alter ecosystem-level phenomena (e.g. soil nutrient dynamics) in coastal dune and oak-dominated landscapes. It addresses the relative importance of different herbivores (black-tailed deer, meadow voles, deer mice and jackrabbits) as consumers versus fertilizers, and the spatial consistency of these effects. The project also explores the influence of herbivores on oak regeneration and the spread of non-native plant invaders. Numerous experiments are already underway, including large-scale exclosure experiments at four sites. There is abundant opportunity to establish additional experiments and take the project in new, but complimentary directions. The successful applicant will be responsible for running this already established field program and will be expected to design and initiate new experiments. S/he will have some lab manager responsibilities and must have expertise in plant ecology and the statistical analysis of community level data. Given the heavy emphasis on plant communities, the successful applicant must have strong interests in plant identification. This position is for one or potentially two years and the desired start date is August 1, 2001. Please send a current CV, summary of research experience and interests, and names, telephone numbers and email addresses of three references. Review of applications will begin June 1. For further information, contact Hall Cushman, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. 707/664-2142 (office), 707/664-2512 (lab), 707/664-3012 (fax),, Posted: 5/24/01.

Plant-Herbivore Ecology and Evolution: A postdoctoral research associate position is available beginning May 2001, and lasting for up to two years, to work on introgression of plant resistance traits in hybrid willows. The position entails conducting research on selection by an herbivorous slug among F2 and backcross hybrids between S. sericea and S. eriocephala, two willows that commonly hybridize in nature. Specific chemical defenses (phenolic glycosides) have been shown to confer resistance of hybrid willows to the slug, and these chemicals are known to have introgressed in hybrids in the past. The research will include testing the extent of selection on these chemical defenses, the ecological and allocational costs of the chemical defenses in hybrid plants, the inheritance of plant chemistry in F2 plants, and the fitness of introgressed plants compared to pure parents. The candidate will assist in leading a group of undergraduate researchers at the field site each summer and will collaborate with colleagues at Tufts University. Opportunities are available for initiating related research projects. For additional information see: or write Candidates with recent Ph.D. and research experience on plant resistance, hybrid plant genetics, or plant-herbivore interactions are encouraged to apply. Send C.V., reprints, and names/addresses of three references by March 1, 2001 to Dr. Robert S. Fritz, Department of Biology, Box 133, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604. Salary and benefits: $30,000 - 31,500, commensurate with experience. Posted: 11/6/00.

Ecological Genetics of Plant-Insect Interactions: A position to study the maintenance of a plant trichome polymorphism emphasizing differential plant tolerance and resistance to herbivory and the influence of insect herbivory on plant competition. Background information can be found in Evolution 53:22-35 (1999) and Oecologia 123: 57-65 (2000). Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Ecology, Entomology, Botany or related discipline before hiring. Experience in measuring plant growth and fitness in the field is required. Contact Dr. J. Daniel Hare, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, e-mail: for complete application information. The position is available immediately and will remain open until filled. Posted: 8/16/00.

Plant-Insect Interactions: Postdoctoral researcher opening in the area of plant-insect interactions. The position is not linked to a particular project and has large latitude for input by the applicant. Researchers with skills in field biology, chemical ecology, behavior, or any discipline that bears on plant-insect interactions are encouraged to apply. More information about the lab can be found at: The University of Toronto has a large group of ecological-evolutionary biologists in the botany and zoology departments. The position is available immediately and will remain open until filled; applicants should be ready to start within the next year. If interested, please send a letter of interest and CV (by email is fine). Jennifer Thaler,, Department of Botany, 25 Willcocks Street, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3B2 Canada. Posted: 8/2/00.

Plant Ecology/Genetics: A post-doctoral position is available for ecological studies and genetic marker analyses of patterns of hybridization in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex. I am looking for an individual willing to participate in field work and experiments on the physiological ecology of parental and hybrid genotypes. The work includes a mixture of crossing experiments, field work, genetic marker analyses, and theory. There will also be ample opportunity for the post doc to develop related projects of mutual interest. An individual with a background in ecology and field biology and a desire to acquire experience with molecular markers would be particularly suitable for this position. NSF funding for this project is available starting September of 2000. The work will be conducted at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and at Archbold Biological Station in central Florida. The successful candidate will have opportunities to interact with faculty, students, and post-docs in the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and at the field station. More information can be found at our web site: Interested applicants should send a CV, statement of research interests, and a list of three referees by email or smail to Mitch Cruzan, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 569 Dabney, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996. Phone: 865-974-6202, FAX: 865-974-0978, Email: Posted: 7/5/00.

Environmental Studies: The Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College invites applications for a one-year position to teach five courses, including introductory courses and upper level courses in environmental ethics and policy. The position may be renewable for second year. Requirements: Ph.D. degree in hand or expected by 8/15/01; strong background in humanities and social sciences. Send letters of application, c.v., graduate academic transcripts, and at least three letters of reference by 5/1/01, to David Orr, Chair, Enviromental Studies, 122 Elm Street, Oberlin, Ohio 44074. Late applications may be accepted until position is filled. Salary commensurate with qualfications. Posted: 3/20/01.

Ecology/Evolution Lecturer: Biology Program, University of Washington. New, non-tenure track appointment to coordinate/develop field, laboratory, & computer modules for a variety of ecology/evolution upper and lower division courses in several depts. Full-time, 9 mo., starting Sept. 16, 2001; renewable for subsequent academic years. At least a Masters in ecology, evolution or related field required; Ph.D. preferred; 2 years experience teaching college-level biology. For more information, see Applications including a curriculum vita, statement of interest, and three letters of recommendation should be sent to Dr. Bette Nicotri, Biology Program, Box 355320, University of Washington 98195 by May 20, 2001. Posted: 4/23/01.

Ecology (temporary teaching): We have an opening this fall for a temporary teaching position in the ecology program at the University of Delaware. The position requires teaching two lecture sections of General Ecology in the Fall and two lecture sections of Introductory Biology in the Spring. The prospective hire may remain in the position for up to three years. Salary is in the mid-30's and possibly more depending upon experience. Send a letter of application, CV, and three letters of reference to Gregory Stephens, Assistant Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. Have as much as you can sent by email to or We have to move quickly on this one so please get your applications in ASAP. Posted: 7/25/00.

Mycorrhiza Ecology: A post-doctoral scholar is needed to assist with a study on causes and consequences of ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity in monoculture forest stands. Our lab is currently developing molecular techniques for the extraction and identification of DNA from ectomycorrhizal hyphae in forest soils. We plan to use this technique to test the role of resource partitioning in promoting fungal diversity. An additional area of interest is in interactions among mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi. Research site is a red pine (Pinus resinosa) monoculture near State College, PA. More complete descriptions of these and other related projects are available at: Qualifications: PhD in ecology or related subject, experience with molecular techniques (PCR, RFLP, T-RFLP), demonstrated interest in mycorrhizal research. Position available 4 June 2001. Funding is for 1 year with possibility of renewal. Review of applications will begin immediately. Send CV, names of 3 references (with phone numbers and e-mail addresses), and copies of up to 3 recent publications to: Roger T. Koide, 103 Tyson Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 USA. Posted: 3/26/01.

Quantitative Forest Ecologist: Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Available: August 1, 2001. The employee will be responsible for analyzing and synthesizing data from a large interdisciplinary project investigating various biological responses to "green-tree retention" treatments in western Oregon and Washington. This effort will be a key part of the DEMO project (Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options); hence, it will entail formulating and testing various cross-disciplinary hypotheses about responses of understory vegetation, overstory vegetation, fungi, small mammals, birds, amphibians/reptiles, and insects to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention. Data analysis and synthesis will include construction of modeling datasets, formulation and fitting of statistical models, graphical presentation of results, and articulation of the implications for forest management in both written and oral reports. Qualifications: Ph.D. in forest ecology or silviculture, with a strong emphasis on quantitative analysis; or Ph.D. in forest biometrics, with a strong emphasis on forest ecology required. Demonstrated ability to develop and apply statistical/mathematical models for: 1) describing vegetation structure and vegetation dynamics, including both overstory and understory vegetation; 2) testing the integrated responses of vegetation, fungi, small mammals, reptiles/amphibians, birds, and insects to silvicultural treatments. Thorough familiarity with current issues and theories on conservation of biological diversity in forest ecosystems, including demonstrated and potential impact of silvicultural manipulations. Expertise in managing and analyzing large datasets from the perspective of forest vegetation dynamics and wildlife-habitat relationships. Experience in running models for simulating forest dynamics and forest growth and yield. Demonstrated knowledge of statistical methods and theory, including sampling and regression modeling. Knowledge of silvicultural systems; techniques to assess the consequences of specific silvicultural treatments; and models for describing crown and canopy structure. Demonstrated record of ability to work both independently and collaboratively with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, resource specialists, and operational foresters. Ability to write reports and publications for peer-reviewed journals. Strong interpersonal communication skills. Employment Conditions: The position will be based at the Department of Forest Science on the campus of Oregon State University. Some travel between Corvallis, Portland, and Seattle will be an essential part of the position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The full-time salary rate is anticipated to be between $34,008-38,004 per year, commensurate with qualifications. Competitive medical, dental and life insurance plans. For more information contact Dr. Douglas Maguire, Department of Forest Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331; phone: (541) 737-4215; FAX (541) 737-3049; email: For full consideration, all application materials must be received by July 1, 2001. Review of applications will continue through August 31, 2001. To apply, submit a letter of application, resume, transcripts of university work, and names and addresses of three references to: Sandra C. Lewis, Office Manager, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. Posted: 6/7/01.

Forest Ecology: One year appointment, renewable up to three years. Research on belowground C and N cycling in northern hardwood forests receiving chronic N additions. Research areas include, root and mycorrhizal longevity and turnover, root and leaf litter tissue chemistry and decomposition, production and chemical characterization of DOC, and root and soil respiration. Research goals are to delineate the mechanisms underlying observed changes in ecosystem C and N cycling following seven years of simulated N deposition. Send statement of research interests, CV, copies of transcripts, and the names, phone numbers and email addresses of three references to Dr. Kurt Pregitzer, School of Forestry and Wood Products, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931. For additional information please email Dr. Kurt Pregitzer at Posted: 2/23/01.

Forest Ecology: Position Number: 002-922. Location: Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Closing Date: October 13, 2000. Starting Date: January 3, 2001. Responsibilities: Assist in a long-term, permanent-plot program of plant community ecology studies at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, other Experimental Forests, Research Natural Areas, National Parks and Monuments, and National Forests throughout the Pacific Northwest. With guidance from the Permanent Sample Plot Committee, provide supervision of the program of field studies including organizing the semiannual committee meetings, scheduling field activities, and supervising management of the long-term data. Primary focus of research/analyses will be on tree population dynamics, biomass accumulation, and understory development during succession in Douglas-fir western hemlock forests. Prepare progress reports, assist with preparation of research manuscripts, and make oral presentations. Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in Forestry, Botany, Ecology or related field. Experience in: 1) organizing field crews including coordination of all aspects of field work; 2) permanent plot establishment, vegetation sampling, and field mapping; 3) data management and statistical design and analysis using software such as Foxpro, SAS, and multivariate techniques (PCORD, Canoco); and, 4) identification of Pacific Northwest plant species. Demonstrated ability and willingness to collaborate with other scientists, and ability to work across population, community, and ecosystem disciplines. Ability to prepare research manuscripts, progress reports, and communicate effectively with many audiences including natural resource managers. Employment Conditions: Fixed-term, full-time (1.0 FTE) 12-month appointment. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Salary rate $30,000 to $36,000 per year depending upon qualifications and experience. For Information: Contact Mark Harmon ( or 541-737-8455) or Arthur McKee (mckee@FSL.ORST.EDU or 541-750-7350) Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. To Apply: Send letter describing your qualifications, complete resume, transcripts of university coursework, and three letters of recommendation (at least one in support of data management and analytical skills) by October 13, 2000 to: Sandra C. Lewis, Office Manager, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-5752. Posted: 9/8/00.

Estuary Ecosystem Ecology: The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory is seeking applicants for a full-time Post-Doctoral Research Ecologist. DUTIES: The LTER project is directed at understanding how trophic structure and productivity in estuaries is affected by changes in organic matter, nutrient and water fluxes caused by changing land cover, climate and sea level. The successful candidate will work as part of PIE-LTER team to understand the relationships between salt marsh flooding, food webs and fish projection. This is a 2 year position with the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research project. A Ph.D. in fish, ecology, trophic ecology, salt marshes or modeling is required. Experience with database management, spreadsheet and statistical programs, scientific writing skills and experience with small boat handling are required. CONDITIONS: Research is conducted in the marshes, tidal creeks and bays of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts. The successful applicant should be flexible and capable of working long hours with an irregular schedule under sometimes difficult field conditions. Applicants must be able to live at the field station for several days a week (3 hours from Woods Hole) during the field season. DEADLINE: Open until the position is filled. The position will begin in late fall 2001 or January 2002 to be ready for an active field season beginning in April 2002. To learn more about he research, contact: Linda Deegan at Send cover letter with position desired, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and the names and address of 3 references to: Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources, reference code [PDS PIEFISH], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543; telephone (508) 289-7422. Posted: 5/24/01.

Wetland, Ecosystem, or Landscape Ecology: Research Collaborator. We are seeking an individual at the Post-doctoral level to assist a team of scientists involved in a 4-year project funded by EPA. The project involves investigators from Penn State University, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Environmental Law Institute, FTN Associates, East Carolina University, and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). The project is titled 'Ecological and Socioeconomic Indicators for Integrated Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Atlantic Slope'. We seek an individual to work with 5 SERC PI's. The primary goal of the project is to identify biotic and abiotic indicators of ecosystem change, primarily those associated with human activities. The SERC team will compare several mesohaline estuaries with watersheds that differ in land cover composition. The linked watershed-estuary systems will be within the basins of Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay and Pamlico Sound, and will include uplands, streams, tidal and non-tidal wetlands, and shallow intertidal habitats. The successful applicant will be expected to be involved in project planning, oversee daily project activities, and organize a team of technicians to conduct field research. The incumbent also will participate in writing reports and scientific publications and will regularly participate in meetings with SERC and other consortium representatives. Experience in wetland ecology, wetland assessment, and landscape ecology preferred but other areas of expertise will be considered. The successful applicant must be able to work as part of a team, travel regularly for purposes of conducting field work and attending meetings, and coordinate others in both field and laboratory settings. Valid driver's license is required. Full-time 12 month contract; preferred start date between June 30 and August 1, 2001. Salary: Approximately $40,000 + benefits. For inquiries, contact Dr. Dennis Whigham at 443-482-2226 by phone or email at To apply for the position, send a letter, resume, and the names of 3 references to Dennis at: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037. The deadline for applications will be June 15, 2001. Posted: 5/24/01.

Wetland Ecosystem/Mangrove Ecologist: The Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program at Florida International University is seeking a wetland ecosystem ecologist/mangrove ecologist to immediately fill a Postdoctoral Research Associate position. This research associate will work in estuarine wetlands of Everglades National Park as part of the FCE LTER Program (, and is jointly funded by the Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab at FIU and the Center for Ecology and Environmental Technology at the University of Louisiana Lafayette. The successful applicant should have research experience in wetland ecosystem ecology, preferably specializing in mangrove ecology. The position entails maintaining the mangrove field component of the LTER Program as well as assisting with modelling and data synthesis. There will also be opportunities to pursue independent but related field research, such as nutrient biogeochemistry. This is a 2-year position located at FIU in south Florida. Salary and the possibility of extending the duration of the position will be commensurate with experience. A Ph.D. is required. Applicants should send a brief Statement of Research Interests, a Curriculum Vitae, copies of relevant publications, and a list of 3 references to: Daniel L. Childers, Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab, Department of Biological Sciences & SERC, Florida International University, University Park - OE 167, Miami, FL 33199. For additional information, contact Dan Childers (305 348 3101, or Robert Twilley (337 482 6146, Posted: 6/12/01.

Wetland Ecosystems: The Southeast Environmental Research Center (SERC) at Florida International University (FIU) seeks a Ph.D. scientist to join a multi-disciplinary project studying the effects of phosphorus on ecosystem function in the Everglades. We need someone with experience in wetlands and plant ecology to work on macrophyte responses. Research involves assessments of biomass and productivity, as well as whole plant physiology. For information on SERC, see, for other ecological research at FIU, see The candidate will join a strong community of ecologists conducting a wide variety of research on the Everglades and coastal ecosystems, including a new LTER program in the Everglades. Since we have been running this project for several years, the opportunities for synthesis of data and publication are high. Salary is $30,000 per year, with funding available for two years. We'd like the position to begin November 2000. Applications should include a letter, vita, and two letters of recommendation to David Lee, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199. For further information contact David Lee at 305 348-3111 or Posted: 9/5/00.

Nitrogen in Forested Wetlands: Cook College, Rutgers University. A postdoctoral associate is sought to work on a study of the ways in which the roots of plants in forested wetlands interact with nitrogen emanating from agricultural fields and the redox chemistry of the sediments. The objectives of the project are to (1) determine and experimentally manipulate the density and spatial distribution of roots in riparian wetlands, (2) monitor and also experimentally manipulate the availability of inorganic nitrogen, (3) monitor in detail the concentrations of substances involved in the complex sequence of redox reactions occurring in wetland sediments, under both undisturbed and experimental conditions, and (4) produce a model of soil redox chemistry that incorporates the effects of wetland plant roots and the interactions of plants and added N on the soil chemistry. The project is intended to test hypotheses concerning the role of plants in controlling the redox chemistry of the sediments and the fate of fertilizer N. A postdoctoral associate is sought with experience in the study of root systems, preferably in wetlands and/or measurements of denitrification in saturated soils. The postdoctoral associate will be responsible for setting up a set of experimental plots, measuring root biomass and root production, and monitoring N cycle processes (including denitrification) on the experimental plots. The position is funded for two years (USDA grant). To apply, please send a letter describing your training, experience and interests, a curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Joan Ehrenfeld, Dept. Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, 14 College Farm Road, Cook College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001. For more information, contact Dr. Ehrenfeld at (732) 932-1081 or Posted: 2/15/01.

Nitrogen Cycling: The USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin is seeking a biologist (GS-0401-09) to assist in an ongoing study examining nitrogen cycling in the Mississippi River and its tributaries. The incumbent will use approved methods to sample sediments, soils, surface water, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and aquatic plants for nutrient cycling studies. Perform analytical analyses on sediments and soils to determine rates of nitrogen cycling, including denitrification, nitrification, and ammonification. Will investigate effects of nutrients on microbial, macrophyte, and benthic invertebrate communities by developing appropriate analytical methods and applying these methods to ecological studies. Prepare protocols, standard operating procedures, and assigned portions of reports and manuscripts. Summarize and analyze data collected on studies in compliance with Center regulations by data entry method using a microcomputer with a variety of standard computer packages. Qualifications for a Biologist GS-09 position can be found on the following website: Initial term of this position will be for a period not to exceed 13 months with possible extensions up to 4 years without further competition. Salary: $35,808 - $46,546. For additional information about the position see the official position announcement on the USGS Online Automated Recruitment System (OARS) at Applications (resume AND application questions) for this vacancy MUST be received on-line via OARS BEFORE midnight Eastern Time on the closing date of this announcement. For additional information about this position contact: Dr. William Richardson email: phone: (608) 781-6231. Posted: 6/26/01.

Climate And Nutrient Cycling in Arctic and Sub-Artic Tundras: The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory has an immediate opening for a full time Postdoctoral Scientist. The US National Science Foundation has funded a comparative study of ecosystem processes in the Alaskan and European Arctic as part of the Long-Term Ecological Research Cross-Site Comparison Program. This study aims to improve understanding of climate-nutrient interactions in high latitude ecosystems and develop better predictions of their response to climate change. The study will focus on existing long-term field sites at the Toolik Lake LTER in northern Alaska and Abisko in northern Sweden and will build upon numerous ongoing experiments at these locations. Duties: The successful candidate will be involved in field work at both sites, examining landscape variability in vegetation C and N stocks in both natural and manipulated communities relating these structural patterns to key processes such as photosynthesis and in scaling these relationships to the regional level with extant ecosystem simulation models and remote sensing data. The project is highly international involving scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole Massachusetts, USA, the Institute of Ecology and Resources Management, University of Edinburgh, UK, the University of Sheffield, UK, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden. The postdoctoral scientist is likely to be based in Edinburgh and will travel to field sites and meetings in the US and Sweden. Skills/Education/Experience Required: Interested applicants with a Ph.D. in plant ecology or environmental science preferred. Candidates with a strong quantitative training, programming experience of a background in arctic ecology are especially encouraged to apply. Interested applicants send resume, names, addresses of three reference or reference letters to: Marine Biological Laboratory, Human Resources, reference code [PDS CSCP], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543; phone (508) 289-7422, email Posted: 12/11/00.

Nutrient Cycling: It is anticipated that two post-doctoral research positions will be available at the Ecosystems Research Division (ERD) of the US Environmental Protection Agency in Athens GA, through the National Research Council. The focus of the research will be on nutrient cycling in watersheds as impacted by landscape/landuse. Experimental research and modeling will be coordinated to link the biogeochemistry of nitrogen with soil and plant processes for preservation/restoration of surface- and ground- water quality and ecosystem functioning. Process studies postdoctoral position: We anticipate that the successful applicant would use our Division's stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) system and/or nitrogen gas (N2O and NO) flux measurement equipment to study some aspect of terrestrial N-cycling and/or transport of N-compounds to the atmosphere, surface water or groundwater. Our Micromass Optima IRMS has gas chromatograph and elemental analyzer combustion modules coupled to it for a range of continuous flow isotope ratio measurements. We also have a Shimadzu GC-14A with an electron capture detector, a Unisearch LMA-3D NO2 analyzer, and chambers available for N2O and NO flux measurements. Contact Dr. Roger A. Burke (706 355-8134; for further details about this project. Modeling studies postdoctoral position: We anticipate that the successful applicant will conduct research in an active modeling environment, in association with landscape, ecological and water quality modelers. Applicant will have access to NT and Unix workstations, data management and display tools, model libraries, ArcInfo/ArcView, hardware and software support. Contact Dr. Rochelle Araujo (706-355-8133; for further details about this project. Applications are encouraged by August 15, in order to ensure consideration by an October review panel. Starting dates may be arranged at the mutual agreement of EPA investigator and applicant. Posted: 7/26/00.

Carbon Cycling and Microbial Ecology: The Department of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley and the Center for Isotope Geochemistry of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory seek applicants for a postdoctoral researcher to join a 3-year collaborative project on belowground carbon cycling in temperate forests, and the implications of plant allocation to roots versus leaves for carbon storage. Aspects of the project include using radiocarbon and 13C to estimate soil organic matter turnover times and fine root lifetimes, and to investigate the fates and fluxes of carbon in diverse forest ecosystems. The postdoctoral research will address the decomposition of root vs leaf litter and the fate/recalcitrance of decay products, as a function of microbial community, litter quality, soil depth and soil type. Scope of project is up to post doc; there's an opportunity to look at nutrient cycling as well. Experience in isotopic analysis, microbial identification (e.g., PLFA), or related research is desired. The position is open immediately; applications will be reviewed until position is filled. Contact Todd Dawson ( or Margaret Torn (; (510) 495-2223) for more information. To apply, please send curriculum vitae, brief statement of research experience and interests, and names of 3 references (with phone number and email address) to: Margaret Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road ms 90-1116, Berkeley, CA 94720. Posted: 10/10/00.

Microbial Ecology/Biogeochemistry/Modeling: NASA Ames Research Center near Mountain View, California, seeks applicants for a postdoctoral research position in the ecology and biogeochemistry of microbial communities. The candidate would join an interdisciplinary team of experimentalists and modelers who are focused on developing new simulation models of microbial mat dynamics, for example in hypersaline, low sulfate, and marine benthic environments. Areas of research will include simulation modeling of microbial community structure, emission of trace gases from mats under a range of environmental conditions (relevant to evolution of early Earth atmosphere), with linkages to the genetic composition of various populations of photosynthetic Bacteria and Archea. The postdoctoral position will be supported by grant funding to NASA Ames Research Center from the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI). The postdoc will be expected to present results at conferences and to publish results as part of the NASA Ames NAI team. See the web site at for more information on the NASA Astrobiology programs. Applicants should have a recent Ph.D. in microbial ecology/geochemistry. Field or laboratory experience working with marine microbial communities is preferred, but not essential. Experience in simulation modeling is desirable. The postdoctoral position is for 2 years and would start around October 1, 2001. Please submit applications before June 30, 2001. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, Ph.D. thesis abstract, list of publications, names of three references, and dates of availability to Revised: 5/3/01.

Biogeochemistry in China: A postdoctoral research position is available in a five-year NSF-funded study of long-term changes in land use and biogeochemistry across the densely populated agricultural landscapes of China. Emphasis is on scaling data from field sites to make regional estimates of biogeochemical change. Candidates should have expertise in statistical, spatial, and process modeling, data management, and the use of field and remote sensing data at differing scales. Proficiency with ArcInfo GIS and ERDAS Imagine or other image processing software is required. The position will involve travel to China and collaboration with Chinese research partners; Chinese language skills are advantageous. Support includes full benefits and is for two years with possibility of extension. Starting date is September 1, 2001. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001 and will continue until position is filled. Please apply with cover letter, CV, list of three references, and evidence of required skills to: Prof. Erle C. Ellis, Dept. of Geography & Environmental Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250. Tel: (410) 455-2002, Fax: (410) 455-1056, email:, Posted: 1/25/01.

Soil Biogeochemistry: The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently seeking to place a postdoctoral researcher with a background in Soil Science, Soil Biogeochemistry, Environmental Science, or Microbial Ecology. The researchers will be assigned to the Ecosystem and Subsurface Protection Branch of the Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division located in Ada, Oklahoma. Project title: Soil Biogeochemistry and Nitrogen Processing under Conditions of Low Level Chronic Nitrogen Enrichment and Manipulated Herbivory. Excess nitrogen causes eutrophication of surface water, acid rain, degradation of ground water, and may interact materially with global atmospheric carbon availability. The response of plant communities to excess nitrogen is comparatively well documented ? what remains less certain are effects of primary consumers and detritivores on the amount and flux of nitrogen experienced by plants and microbes. Long-term research was initiated in 1998 wherein through a factorial manipulation of herbivory and nitrogen availability on 16, 40 x 40-m plots we seek to understand the effects of low-level but chronic nitrogen enrichment to pastoral terrestrial landscapes, and ultimately determine whether and/or to what extent terrestrial systems are at risk of nitrogen saturation; an occasion that ultimately would lead to accelerated nitrogen leaching to the Nation's waters. The appropriate candidate would function as a soil science specialist in an interdisciplinary team. Necessary skills include ability to measure and quantify changes to soil chemistry in response to planned environmental manipulations: the Candidate must be able to relate these changes to microbial processes although the candidate may or may not work with microbes directly. The Candidate will understand soil nitrogen chemistry and be open-minded to new data interpretations thereof. The Candidate will be proficient in the use of laboratory chemical analysis equipment for the determination of soil chemistry; particularly related to nitrate and ammonium, be able to work independently, and maintain high a high level of integrity. The Candidate will have a demonstrated ability to produce peer reviewed publications and conduct presentations before gatherings of like-minded professionals. Appropriate avenues for research focus include studies investigating the effects of large-scale environmental manipulations (e.g., atmospheric nitrogen deposition) on soil chemistry, soil biogeochemical processes, rhizosphere biogeochemistry, or soil microbial ecology especially as they relate to nitrogen saturation of landscapes. The work will focus on continuing research investigating soil nitrogen processing in experimental plots, which have been exposed to experimental treatments of low-level nitrogen loadings and herbivore exclosure for 2 years. An ability to apply this research to concepts of ecosystem risk and ecosystem restoration is desirable. Applicants should have received a doctoral degree in an appropriate field within three years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. U.S. Citizenship or permanent resident alien status is preferred. Compensation: $50,000 annually. 2 year renewable term. Note: This is not a Federal Position. Contact: Eric Jorgensen, USEPA, P.O. Box 1198, Ada, OK 74820. Phone: (580) 436-8545, Fax: (580) 436-8703, Jorgensen.Eric@EPA.GOV. Posted: 12/11/00.

Stream Biogeochemist: The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory is seeking applicants for a full-time Post-Doctoral stream biogeochemist. DUTIES: The successful candidate will interact closely with a diverse team of scientists who have been studying stream biogeochemistry as part of the Arctic LTER project (see The objectives of this component of the project are to combine modeling with experiments and observations to provide a synthetic understanding on how Arctic stream ecosystems respond to locally and globally induced perturbations. REQUIRED: Ph.D. plus expertise in coupled hydrodynamic-constituent transport modeling, strong programming skills in FORTRAN, C or C++. Expertise in developing or applying coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical models such as those published by the USGS or EPA. Experience with finite element and/or difference methods is also helpful. Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity (e.g., working long hours outside in potentially severe weather, carrying >40 lb. pack across uneven terrain, hiking many miles per day across tundra) and prepared to live in an isolated setting with harsh environmental conditions. Candidate should be available for travel. DEADLINE: Until a suitable candidate is identified. Please send resume to: Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources, reference code [PDS BIOG], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543; telephone: (508) 289-7422; e-mail: Posted: 3/21/01.

Wetland Biogeochemistry: The Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University is seeking a postdoctoral associate to assist in conducting biogeochemical research in the Florida Everglades. This position is available immediately. Applicant will be responsible for conducting research into the cycling of C, P, and N between soil, water, and biota of Everglades marshes. Research primarily is focused on P movement and sequestration in periphyton mats and surficial soil. Microbial loop dynamics especially regarding metabolic coupling in periphyton and nutrient regeneration from organic matter are important research areas. Bacteriology, microbial techniques applied to layered periphyton systems extremely advantageous. The applicant will be involved in several multidisciplinary studies evaluating the effects of phosphorus and hydrology on the Everglades. Applicant should have an earned PhD in environmental chemistry, biology, soil/water science or a related field. Candidates with expertise in wetlands and biogeochemistry are particularly sought. Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2001 or until the position is filled. Applicants should send application letter, CV, and names of three references to Dr. Leonard J. Scinto, Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, FL 33199; email:; telephone: 305-348-1965. Revised: 2/28/01.

Wetland Biogeochemistry: A postdoctoral research associate position will be available starting October 1, 2000 at the MacArthur Agro-Ecology Research Center, a division of Archbold Biological Station in south central Florida. The center is the site of cooperative research between Archbold, the Univ. of Florida and the South Florida Water Management District. The postdoc will collaborate on a large-scale experiment investigating the influence of cattle management and land use on surface water nutrients, soil nutrient dynamics, and other ecological characteristics of subtropical grazing lands. The postdoctoral research will focus on cycling of N and P in seasonal wetlands, storage of N, P and C in wetland sediments and effects of grazing on wetland productivity. The successful applicant must have a Ph.D. in ecology, biogeochemistry, soil science or related field. Familiarity with techniques for measuring transformations of N and P in saturated soils is desirable. The appointment will be for two years with possible extension contingent on external funding. Review of applications will begin August 15 and continue until the position is filled. To apply send a CV, letter of intent including a statement research interests, and contact information for three references to: Dr. Patrick J. Bohlen, MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center, 300 Buck Island Ranch Road, Lake Placid, FL 33852. Further information on the program can be obtained by contacting Dr. Bohlen at (863) 699-0242 (e-mail or at our website Posted: 5/25/00.

Theoretical Ecology: University of California, Santa Barbara. Applications are invited for a post-doctoral researcher to participate in a study of population dynamics in systems with strong unidirectional flow. Examples include plants with windborn seeds, aquatic organisms in streams, rivers and estuaries, and marine organisms with larval dispersal influenced by ocean currents. The overall objective of this proposal is to develop a modeling framework describing consumer-resource interactions in such systems. Although many of the results will have wide application, the primary emphasis is on mechanisms that are important in stream ecology. The project is led by Dr.Roger Nisbet working in collaboration with the stream ecology group at UCSB led by Dr. Scott Cooper, and with Dr. Mark Lewis (University of Alberta, Edmonton). Also participating in the research are Dr. Bill Gurney (University of Strathclyde) and Dr. Sebastian Diehl (University of Munich, Germany). The post-doc will be based in Santa Barbara, but will make extended visits to Edmonton to work with Lewis. Applicants should possess a PhD in mathematical biology, theoretical ecology, applied mathematics or some related discipline, and have skills in both analytic and numerical approaches to ecological dynamics. Experience with spatially explicit models is desirable, but not essential. The position is funded for 2½ years. Start date no later than 1 January 2001. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research interests, and the names of three referees to Initial screening of applications will begin on 2 July, but applications received after that date may be considered. Both Nisbet and Lewis will attend the SMB meeting in Hawaii form 15-19 July 2001, and would be happy to meet with applicants at that time. Posted: 6/7/01.

Rare Plant Ecology or Forest Dynamics: The University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory ( anticipates a position for a postdoc to conduct research on 1) ecology and biology of rare plants, including the federally endangered coneflower Echinacea laevigata or 2) land use effects on aspects of forest dynamics (e.g., species composition, stand or landscape structure, biogeochemical cycling). The appointment can begin as soon as 1 April, 2001 and possibly extend through December, 2004. Applicants must be US citizens. To apply, send CV and contact information for 3 references. To apply, or for more information, contact Beverly Collins, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, PO Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802. Phone: 803-725-8158. FAX: 803-725-3309. Email: Posted: 1/22/01.

Vegetation Dynamics Modeler: The River Studies Center at the University of Wisconsin ­ La Crosse has an opening for someone to model dynamics of aquatic plant communities in the Upper Mississippi River. The selected individual will work on the Aquatic Vegetation Modeling Project to develop models that predict distribution patterns of submersed aquatic vascular plants in the Upper Mississippi River System. Specific duties include conducting statistical analysis on vegetation data, developing predictive models, collecting field data, conducting literature searches, publishing research findings, and training/overseeing UWL student interns. QUALIFICATIONS: M.S. from an accredited institution in biology or a related environmental/life science discipline (or B.S. and 2+ years experience natural resources management/research) and 1 or more years of experience with a programming language (SAS, FORTRAN, C++, or PASCAL). Selection of the successful candidate will also include knowledge of/experience with (1) plant ecology; (2) concepts and applications of statistics in ecology and life sciences; (3) ecological simulation modeling; (4) effective scientific writing; and (5) effective collaboration/communication skills for working with students, staff members, and project collaborators. SALARY: $33,642 - 40,000. Starting Date: April 1, 2001. Applicants must provide a cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three letters of reference. Applications should be sent to Dr. Robin W. Tyser, River Studies Center, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, La Crosse, WI 54601. DEADLINE: February 28, 2001. More info: Posted: 1/22/01.

Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling: The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory is anticipating funding for a full-time, year round Postdoctoral Scientist position to work as a modeler with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling (TEM) group. This position is funded as part of a large NASA study. DUTIES: This is a long-term modeling study investigating the effect of global changes (climate, atmospheric chemistry and land cover) on terrestrial ecosystems. The research includes the development and application of terrestrial ecosystems simulation models, especially for regions underlain by permafrost and extensive analyses of model results. SKILLS/EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE: Applicants should have a Ph.D. in ecology or related field and extensive training in mathematics and computer programming. Previous research on global change issues is essential. Experience with regional to global-scale models is highly desirable. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Employment could begin in September or October, 2001. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Until a suitable candidate is identified. To apply: Please send a curriculum vitae to The Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources reference code [PDS TEM], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015, email: Posted: 5/23/01.

Ecosystem Modeling: Postdoctoral position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We are seeking a postdoctoral associate who has experience with process models of terrestrial ecosystem biogeochemistry and ecophysiology. The person will be a member of a team of modelers and experimentalists investigating forest responses to elevated atmospheric CO2, changes in precipitation, ozone, and other environmental factors. Existing models will be calibrated and tested with field data from the Oak Ridge FACE experiment, the Aspen-FACE experiment in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, the Throughfall Displacement Experiment at Oak Ridge, and related field research. Goals of the work are model improvement and better understanding of forest ecosystem responses to environmental change. The position will be funded jointly by the USDA Forest Service and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The person will reside at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory with occasional trips to Rhinelander. For more information about research programs in Environmental Sciences at ORNL, see The Aspen-FACE Experiment is described at Please send a letter of interest with a CV and references to the address below, or contact me for more information. Richard J. Norby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Bldg. 1059, P.O. Box 2008, (for express mail use: Bethel Valley Road) Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6422. 865-576-5261; fax: 865-576-9939, Posted: 4/2/01.

Ecosystem Modeling: One-year position to study the effects of global warming on species diversity. Quantitative techniques will be used to examine the potential implications of rapidly shifting climate envelopes on diversity of terrestrial biological communities, with a focus on North American forests. Experience modelling population or community processes is required. Send CV, brief description of research interests, and contact information for three references to: Dr. Jay R. Malcolm, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, 33 Willcocks St., University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, M5S 3B3 ( Posted: 9/5/00.

Ecosystems Ecologist/Modeller: Landcare Research (Lincoln, New Zealand) seeks a Postdoctoral scientist to join an established, multi-disciplinary group led by Dr David Whitehead to quantify carbon uptake and storage in woody vegetation at a range of spatial scales. The project will be focussed primarily on measuring and modelling net ecosystem productivity, validating predictions from models, and quantifying uncertainties associated with estimates of carbon storage. The research results will contribute to policy on national reporting for greenhouse gas emissions as defined by the Kyoto Protocol. Applicants should have a PhD in quantitative ecosystem ecology or related fields and be familiar with methods for measuring biomass in woody vegetation. Experience with process-based productivity models linking plant and soil processes at a range of scales, and with statistical methods for error analysis will be required. The position will be for a two-year fixed term based at Lincoln, near Christchurch. Your application should include a full CV, a list of three professional references (with contact information) and up to a page describing how your skills would benefit the proposed research. Applications close 18 August 2000. Further information about Landcare Research can be found from our web site at Position description and application forms are available from, and written applications should be sent to: Andrew van Herpt, Human Resources Advisor, Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8142, Christchurch, New Zealand. Phone +64 3 325 6700, Fax +64 3 325 2418, e-mail Posted: 8/15/00.

Ecosystem Modeler: This is a time-limited leased worker position subject to a contract with SCI, a licensed employee leasing company. This position is due to expire 7/27/2003, and is subject to renewal. The South Florida Water Management District invites applications for a three-year post-doctoral position. The successful applicant will participate in the development of ecological models of Florida Bay seagrass communities. In addition to creating ecological models and performing sensitivity and scenario analysis, the applicant will conduct data synthesis, data analysis and metadata analysis using existing large databases. The position is associated with a collaborative USGS-funded project to develop ecological models that will be used in making management decisions regarding Everglades inputs to Florida Bay. The project forms part of one of the most ambitious wetland restoration programs in the world. The applicant should be proficient in managing large databases, and interpreting ecological data sets, have experience seeking literature data in support of models, and be willing to participate in field and lab efforts that yield data critical to the modeling process. Applicant will also be involved in writing reports and manuscripts for publication. Setting: The applicant will be based in either the West Palm Beach headquarters or our facility in the Florida Keys, should be willing to travel to several meetings and workshops per year, and eager to assist in strenuous estuarine fieldwork in Florida Bay on occasion. Qualifications: Applicant must possess a Master's degree (Ph.D. preferred) degree in Coastal, Marine or Wetland Ecology, and have knowledge and four (4) years experience working in shallow coastal systems. The applicant must also have extensive computer modeling experience, and proficiency in at least one of the following programming languages: Stella, C, Fortran, Madonna or similar desktop computer application suited to model development. Applicant should have some familiarity with statistical analyses and database management packages. Some knowledge of GIS, web design and html would be useful. Salary to be commensurate with qualifications. Valid driver's license required. Interested applicants should send a letter including job reference number 000411, stating qualifications and a statement of research background and interests; a CV; and a list of four references (with email addresses and phone numbers) to: 6520 Human Resources, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406. FAX: 561-682-5100, E-Mail: Please send courtesy copy of submittal to: Dr. Christopher J. Madden, Everglades Systems Research Department, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406, Posted: 8/10/00.

Ecosystem Modeling/GIS analysis: Available 10/1/00, working with interdisciplinary team analyzing implications of climate change and land use change for herbivores, people and rangeland ecosystems. Includes application of SAVANNA ecosystem model in Africa, Asia and North America. Requires Ph.D in natural resource science; experience in ecosystem modeling, programming and GIS. Send CV, statement of research interests and experience and contact information for three references to: Neil Shropshire, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1499. Salary commensurate with experience. Closing date: 9/6/00. Posted: 7/26/00.

Peatland Modeling: A Postdoctoral Fellowship is available with full funding for two years through the National Science Foundation's Biocomplexity Program to develop and analyze a model of water, carbon, and nutrient cycling and the functional roles of plant species in peatlands. We expect that this work will provide a theoretical basis of peatland functioning to assist in the interpretation of various manipulative experiments, such as a long-term ecosystem warming experiment we have been conducting (see for details and a copy of the proposal). The postdoc will be based at the University of Minnesota - Duluth in the laboratory of John Pastor, but will also work with Scott Bridgham (Univ. Notre Dame), Nigel Roulet (McGill Univ.), Steve Frolking (Univ. New Hampshire), Jiquan Chen (Michigan Technological Univ.), Jake Weltzin (Univ. Tennessee), and Tim Moore (McGill Univ.). Some travel to these other labs is expected. Essential qualifications: Ph.D. and demonstrated experience through a thesis or publications in mathematical ecology (especially differential equations) and computer programming with an advanced degree in an environmental biology subdiscipline. The candidate must be able to work in a collaborative, interdisciplinary atmosphere. Salary: $27,000/yr plus benefits. Position available as soon as a suitable candidate is found after Oct. 1, 2000. Send letter of application, vitae, relevant publications, and names and addresses (including email) of three references to: John Pastor, Natural Resources Research Institute, Univ. of Minnesota, 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth, MN 55811 (email: Posted: 9/5/00.

Peatland Modelling: We are currently looking for a postdoctoral fellow (or a research associate for persons without Ph.D.) starting immediately. This position will be held at the Canadian Forest Service office and officially associated with the University of Alberta in Edmonton. The position will be involved in modeling carbon storage and carbon sequestration rates of forested peatlands in continental western Canada (three prairie provinces). This person will be working with a team of scientists in the Carbon Budget Program of the Canadian Forest Service, led by Dr. Mike Apps. Candidates should have basic knowledge and understanding of boreal ecosystems (forests and peatlands) and forest ecology, and modeling experience of forest and wetland soils. Some computer programming skills is desirable. Candidates should also have a strong and proven commitment to publication of their results. While Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference, others will also be considered. This position is funded by the Climate Change Action Fund (Canada), and the annual salary will commensurate with experience and education to a maximum of ca. $35,000. This position is at present for one year only, but with possibility of renewal pending funding availability. Applicants are asked to send a detailed academic CV and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three referees to: Dr. Zicheng Yu, Canadian Forest Service, 5320 - 122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6H 3S5. Phone: 780-435-7304, Fax: 780-435-7359, E-mail: Posted: 7/25/00.

Ecological and Economic Modeling: An interdisciplinary team of researchers, based at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, USA, seeks a postdoctoral research associate for an NSF-funded project on evaluating the biological and economic risks posed to Great Lake ecosystems by invading aquatic species. This project will combine ecological and economic modeling with data on the establishment, spread, and impact of nonindigenous species. The successful candidate will have a leadership role: in coordinating the project that includes Notre Dame, the University of Chicago, the University of Wyoming, and the University of Utah; in melding the areas of expertise of the PIs (aquatic ecology, applied economics, ecological modeling, population genetics, and ethics); and in combining published information with existing models. The position requires a Ph.D. in aquatic ecology, ecological modeling, or resource economics. The position is for at least 13 months (at a starting salary of at least $34,000 per year plus benefits) with the possibility of longer term support. Send inquiries ( or applications (letter of interest, curriculum vitae and the names of three references) to: Dr. David Lodge, Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 369, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Screening of applications will begin in mid February. Posted: 1/30/01.

Ecological Modeler: Computer simulation modeling of extinction risk for species in landscapes undergoing chronic habitat loss and fragmentation. Expertise in C/C++ programming in a UNIX environment preferred. Must have Ph.D. by start date and a demonstrated record of productivity, including publication and presentation of past research. Start date is flexible, but on or before July 1, 2001 preferred. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001 and continue until position is filled. Initial appointment is for 1 year, with extension to a second year contingent on performance and availability of funding. Send cover letter outlining background and experience, CV, selected reprints, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Kimberly A. With, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Posted: 2/14/01.

Ecological Modelling: The Department of Ecological Modelling of the UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle offers a PhD position aiming at "Modelling dispersal in fragmented landscapes" This position is for 3 years starting at 1st February 2001. The working place is Leipzig. One of the main topics of research of the Department of Ecological Modelling of the UFZ addresses the question of survival in fragmented landscapes. "Dispersal", i.e. the way in which organisms move between landscape fragments, is a mechanism of central importance in this context. The Department focuses on getting a principle understanding of the individual processes and their effects on the viability of fragmented populations, drawing practical conclusions for landscape evaluation and landscape management, and developing special tools for decision support in the field of conservation. In the course of the work of the EU-TMR-Network FRAGLAND "Survival of Species in Fragmented Landscapes", field experiments on butterflies in Wales (UK) brought a very interesting dispersal behaviour to light. By taking this information as a basis, a computer simulation model should be developed that allows the effect of dispersal on population viability to be analysed. As a further step, rules of thumb for landscape management should be derived. The movement model itself should be extended to user-friendly software for application in conservation biology and landscape planning. Preconditions: * Thesis in a scientific subject (e.g. Biology, Physics, System Sciences and related subjects), * mastering of a modern programming language (e.g. Delphi, C++, Java), * knowledge of ecological modelling is desirable, * good knowledge of the English language, * willingness to co-operate with the partners in the European FRAGLAND Network (esp. with the group from the University of Leeds / UK). The salary follows the salary scale of the German BAT-O IIa/2 for public employees. To increase the position of female scientific staff, UFZ especially encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities will be preferred when equally suited for the position. For more detailed information, please, contact Prof. Christian Wissel (phone: ++49-341-235 3245; email: You also can find this job offering at Please, send your complete application by 22. 09. 2000 and refer to the reference number 62/2000. UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research, Personnel Department, PO Box 2, D-04301 Leipzig, F.R.G. Posted: 9/5/00.

Ecological Modelling: The Department of Ecological Modelling of the UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle offers a position as scientist for the fields of ecological modelling and/or theoretical ecology. This position is for 3 years with a working place in Leipzig / Germany. We expect an active participation on the main topics of research of the department. These topics cover (a) modelling of the viability of small and/or metapopulations, (b) spatio-temporal models in terrestrial ecology, and (c) modelling of (semi-)arid plant communities. Grid-based and individual-based models are mainly used. We are especially interested in results with a certain potential for generalization and the development of general concepts. Preconditions: PhD in scientific subject, sound knowledge of ecological modelling, mastering of a modern programming language (e.g. Pascal, C++, Delphi), good knowledge of the English language. For more detailled information, please, contact Prof. Wissel (phone: ++49-341-235 3245; email: The salary follows the salary scale of the German BAT-O for public employees. You also can find this job offering at To increase the position of female scientific staff, UFZ especially encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities will be preferred when equally suited for the position. Please send your complete application by 17 July 2000 and refer to the reference number 38/2000. UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle Ltd. Personell Department P.O. Box 2, D-04301 Leipzig (Germany). Posted: 7/6/00.

Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Modelling: CSIRO Plant Industry, Post Doctoral Fellow, AUD$47K-$53K plus superannuation. A two year position is available for a person to join members of the CRC for Greenhouse Accounting, working on dynamic terrestrial carbon cycle simulation models at patch, landscape and continental scales with specific emphasis on the estimation and propagation of variance of model terms and parameters (uncertainty analyses). Applicants should have a PhD and a background in at least one of the following areas: biogeochemical cycles (with emphasis on carbon), spatial dynamic modelling, spatial statistics, or 'uncertainty analysis'. Knowledge of the terrestrial carbon cycle as it relates to the enhanced greenhouse effect or previous experience with climate change issues and the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change would be advantageous but is not essential. The appointee will be based in CSIRO Plant Industry at the Black Mountain site in Canberra but will be expected to spend time in joint activities with another project in the CRC on the same topic. The appontee will also be expected to partake in general CRC activities (seminars, workshops, collaborations). For more information contact Project 1.4 Leader: Dr Damian Barrett, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 2601. (Ph: 02 6246 5558. Email: For the full job ad, which includes the detailed Duty Statement and Selection Criteria, see Applicants must obtain and respond to the Selection Criteria and Duty Statement. Address your application for the above position quoting Reference No. PG: 00103 and include details of your experience, skills and qualifications. Please mark 'Confidential' and forward to: Julie Clements, Human Resources, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra ACT 2601. Applications Close 12 January 2001. Revised: 12/14/00.

[Position Filled] Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Biologist: CSIRO Plant Industry seeks a motivated/experienced plant scientist for a project in the Collaborative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting as part of the input from the project "Vegetation in relation to global atmospheric change" which is part of the CSIRO multi-divisional Climate Change Research Program. The specific topic concerns observational investigation and interaction with modelers in the area of the carbon-sink potential of Australia's terrestrial biological resources emphasising the change in carbon stocks in soil, root and surface litter after existing well-established pastures are planted to pine forest. The successful applicant will apply skills in two or more of the areas of terrestrial carbon cycle function, root physiology, plant litter studies, soil organic matter, forest science or ecophysiology, to conduct innovative exploration of why it is that forests planted onto pastures often do not increase soil carbon stocks or may even decrease them in some instances. This position is for a term of 2 years. $45k - $51k plus superannuation. For further information contact Dr Roger M. Gifford ( or (02) 6246 5441. An Information Package and Selection Documentation can be obtained by contacting the answering service on (02) 6246 5434 or fax (02) 6246 5000 or email Alternatively hearing impaired applicants may call TTY on (02) 6246 5136. This information is also available via our web site Applicants must obtain and respond to the Selection Criteria and Duty Statement. Address your application for the above position quoting Reference No. PG: 00006 and include details of your experience, skills and qualifications. Please mark 'Confidential' and forward to: Trish Borger, Human Resources, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra ACT 2601 by 21 August 2000. Posted: 7/21/00.

Director, Western Ecology Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis Oregon: Announcement #EPA-00-SES-ORD-6183. This Division is responsible for the management of a research program on terrestrial and watershed ecology, and on multimedia ecological effects assessment for pollutants and other environmentally harmful factors. Qualifications: To meet the requirements of this position, applicants must have a BS (or higher) degree in one of the biological or physical sciences (advanced degree preferred but not required). Preferred candidates would possess recognized scientific expertise as evidenced by multiple publications in peer-reviewed literature and invitations to participate in national and international meetings/panels. Candidates must also have competence a substantive specialized (scientific, administrative or managerial) experience in a type of work or a combination of functions directly related to the position. Salary range: $113,400 - $124,185. How to apply: To express an interest in either of these positions, please send your current resume via email to: by July 21, 2000. If you have any questions about these positions, please call Karen Dean at: (919) 541-5037. In addition, to officially apply for and be considered for the position, you must submit a full application, which must be postmarked by the closing date of August 11, 2000. A full description of the job and instructions for applying are described in the full text of the announcement, which is available via Internet at: Posted: 6/8/00.

Leaf Trichomes: A two-year position beginning January 1, 2001, is available at the Section of Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Turku, Finland, to work on a new project funded by the Academy of Finland on structure and functions of birch leaf trichomes. The work will involve development of the microscopic techniques for examination of trichome structure, screening of genetic and environmental variation in trichome structure and density, extraction and chemical analysis of glandular trichome exudate, and conducting the experiments to examine the role of leaf trichomes as constitutive and induced defenses against various type of biotic and abiotic stresses. The successful candidate will join a highly active and international group of researchers involved in studies of plant-herbivore interactions at the Section and will be expected to work in close collaboration with other colleagues. Salary is ca FIM 11 600 (about $1800) per month. Applicants must have a PhD in ecology or related field. Experience in scanning microscopy and biochemical analyses would be an advantage. Please send or email a CV, a short summary of research experience and interests, a list of publications and the names and e-mail addresses of two references to: Dr. Julia Koricheva, Section of Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Turku, FIN-20014, Turku, Finland, phone: 358-02-3335722, fax: 358-02-3336550, e-mail:, Posted: 8/22/00.

Global Change, Mojave Desert: Postdoctoral research associate will research the influence of biological soil crusts on Mojave Desert vegetation in conjunction with the Mojave Global Change Experiment on the Nevada Test Site. The experiment investigates the effects of biological crust removal, increased N deposition, and increased summer precipitation on N-fixation, vegetation responses, N and C mineralization, and soil organic matter formation. Applicants must be able to obtain an unclassified, non-restricted US DOE security clearance in order to work at the Nevada Test Site. Postdoctoral research associate to work on vegetation responses and the interactions between soil and vegetation responses, residing at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Projected start date: May 1, 2001. Contact: Stan Smith,, (702) 895-3197; or Bob Nowak,, (775) 784-1656. Posted: 1/23/01.

Global Change: Two positions at the Australian National University in the Institute of Advanced Studies Research, School of Biological Sciences, Environmental Biology Group. Salary: Postdoctoral Fellow (Level A) $38,545-$46,514 pa Ref: RSBS 7.7.1. Two energetic and creative people are being sought to join our research program investigating plant responses to rising atmospheric CO2. One position, funded by the CRC for Greenhouse Accounting based at RSBS, will use experimental pasture systems to examine the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on C sequestration under controlled environmental conditions, with particular emphasis on nutrient limited soils. The other position will be expected to participate in this work and other parts of the program which are examining symbiotic N fixation under controlled environments and the interaction between N nutrition and temperature stress on tree seedling establishment with a system of open topped chambers in the field. The group is well resourced to perform gas exchange and stable isotopic research. Appointment: 2 year contract with the possibility of a further contract for one year, subject to funding. Positions are available immediately. Enquiries: Dr John Evans, Ph (02) 6249 4492, Email Contact: Further particulars, including selection criteria must be obtained from Susan Toscan, Administration, RSBS, Ph: 61 2 6249 4752; Fax: 61 2 6249 4891, email: and also consult RSBS web site: Closing date: 18 August, 2000. Information on how to apply may be obtained from the ANU Web page - or by telephoning/emailing the contact. All applications should be addressed to the Staffing Recruitment Officer, Chancelry 10A, Australian National University, CANBERRA ACT 0200. Applications from suitably qualified women, are particularly welcome. Posted: 7/17/00.

Global Change - Forest Modelling: I am involved in Ecosystem Change Research Program under Frontier Research System for Global Change supported by the Science and Technology Agency of Japan. As one of four research groups under the above program, we are responsible for conducting a group on ecosystem architecture modelling. Our concern is to predict long-term dynamics of forest systems. In our group, we are intending to fill the gap between physiological processes and tree population processes using shoot-module-based models, and to extend stand-based simulators to geographic scale to predict forest-zone response to climatic change. The full-time researcher of this group will be up to three-five year contract. The detail of the formal advertisement is in URL: [... where our group is outlined in 3. - (5) - 2) ] Closing date: August 15, 2000. Related URLs are: For Frontier Research System for Global Change: For our architecture group: For more information, contact: Takashi Kohyama, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan; Fax +81.11.706.4954; Tel +81.11.706.2260,

Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry: Indiana University's Environmental Science Research Center seeks a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with experience and interest in stable isotopic studies of soil/sediment processes. Candidates must be independent thinkers, who can develop and manage research in the area of stable isotope biogeochemistry and its application to problems in environmental science. Ongoing projects associated with this position focus on stable isotopic studies of methane biogeochemistry in boreal wetland soils. The position is initially a one-year appointment, renewable for an additional year, and is open beginning July 1, 2001. Responsibilities include conducting scholarly research, writing research grants, presenting research at major conferences, writing articles for peer-reviewed journals, and interacting with other ESRC and Biogeochemical Laboratories faculty, post-docs, and graduate students. IU-Bloomington's Biogeochemical Laboratories will serve as the base of laboratory activity. It is an outstanding research facility that employs full-time technical staff specializing in molecular and stable isotope research methods and instrumentation. The facility provides extensive cryogenic distillation systems, irmGC/MS systems and other isotope and molecular mass spectrometers (for more detail browse to: Candidates must be familiar with the techniques and instrumentation of stable isotope biogeochemistry, and have earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry, Earth Science, Soil Science or a related discipline. To apply, submit a letter of interest, names and addresses of three professional references, and a curriculum vita to Professor Jeffrey White, Environmental Science Research Center, SPEA 410, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 47405. Posted: 4/25/01.

Stable Isotope Ecology/Geochemistry: University of Arizona Geosciences and Renewable Natural Resources Departments. A postdoctoral research position is available starting in October or November of this year to work with the newly purchased stable isotope mass spectrometer for biological sciences research at the University of Arizona. We seek a recent PhD graduate with experience in the operation of continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometers and an interest in a broad range of ecological questions. Funding for this position is guaranteed for two years. Beyond two years the position will rely partly on externally funded research. Broad opportunities exist for collaborative research with faculty in many departments of the University. Current research using this facility includes plant and animal physiological ecology, trophic level studies, paleoecology, dendroecology, and many other topics. The successful candidate will be responsible for maintenance, training and supervision of operators, and coordinating the day-to-day sample flow and data reporting for this instrument. The mass spectrometer system being purchased is a continuous-flow Finnigan Delta + with EA, TC/EA, Gas-bench, and PreCon. This instrument package is part of the University of Arizona Stable Isotope Facility in the Geosciences Department that houses three other mass spectrometers. Applications will be given full consideration if they arrive by September 11. Please send a letter of application with a statement of research interests and experience. Include your vita and three personal references. Send to: Department Head Department of Geosciences University of Arizona Gould-Simpson Building 1040 E. Fourth Street Tucson, AZ 85721. For more information please contact David Williams, School of Renewable Natural Resources ( or David Dettman, Geosciences ( Please reference job number 19360. Posted: 8/4/00.

[Position Filled] Technical Director, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry: The Department of Biology at Duke University is seeking a technical director to oversee and run the daily operations of a newly established Laboratory for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (LIRMS). The Technical Director will interact with faculty, staff, and students across campus, especially those in the School of Arts and Sciences and the Nicholas School of the Environment. The Biology facility is one component of a planned campus-wide Center for Mass Spectrometry, including additional facilities in the Chemistry Department and in the Duke University Medical Center. The successful candidate should have experience using stable isotope mass spectrometers and a M.S. or Ph.D. in a suitable discipline such as analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry, or environmental sciences. He or she will be hired as a Research Scientist at a salary commensurate with experience. Please send a curriculum vitae, a brief summary of past research, and two letters of reference to Mass Spectrometry Facility Search Committee, c/o Rob Jackson, Biology Department, Box 90340, Phytotron Building, Duke University, Durham, NC USA 27708-0340. Applications received by December 1 will be guaranteed consideration. Duke University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Posted: 11/8/00.

Stable Isotope Facility Manager: Cornell University and Boyce Thompson Institute Stable Isotope Laboratory. The Laboratory Manager will have direct responsibility for running the facilities of the Cornell and Boyce Thompson Stable Isotope Laboratory (CoBSIL, formerly CLSIA), located on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, New York. The technical core of the facility consists of 2 Europa (Geo 20/20) and 1 Finnigan MAT (Delta Plus) IRMS. Extensive manual prep-lines and 7 automated front-end devices can also provide for diverse analyte preparation. These include CNS combustion in continuous flow, acid-digestion of carbonates, water by either equilibration or pyrolysis methods, and trace gas analysis. The Laboratory Manager will be responsible for maintenance of instruments, design and oversight of quality control procedures, financial planning and budgeting, and supervision of all users of equipment in the facility. He or she will also participate in training and educational use of the equipment in the Laboratory, and in the development of new analytical procedures. The Manager will be expected to help develop a business plan for the Laboratory. The Laboratory Manager will report to the CoBSIL Director, who chairs the isotope facility steering committee. The Manager will in turn supervise all other laboratory staff (currently 1 full-time assistant plus part-time student help). The facility serves a broad community of biologists and biogeochemists with highly diverse applications including both natural abundance and low-level enrichment studies. The Laboratory Manager will have interactions with all users of the facility, including faculty, staff, and students, and advise on analytical aspects of the studies. Minimum salary will be $39,000, and is negotiable commensurate with the skill and experience of applicant. Requirements: A Master's or PhD degree is strongly preferred in an appropriate scientific discipline, such as analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry, or environmental sciences. Requirements for the position include prior experience working with isotope ratio mass-spectrometers. The laboratory manager must also have proven management skills, financial planning skills, and the ability to interact well with people. Candidates with experience with electronics, glass repair, sample preparations, and isotope chemistry will be given high priority. Cornell University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed beginning July 10th, and will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Send applications to: Dr Jonathan Comstock (CoBSIL Director), E-mail: Applications should consist of a CV and cover letter . Cover letters should describe IRMS and managerial experience, and list three references with address, phone, and E-mail. Posted: 7/5/00.

Quantitative Community Analysis: The Boreal Ecology Cooperative Research Unit at the University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate to participate in International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) research under the direction of Dr. Marilyn Walker. The postdoc will play a major role in analyzing multi-site data on community responses to experimental warming in arctic tundra. This is a 2.5 year position. More information and description of the research are available at: Information on how to apply is available at: For more information contact Marilyn Walker, Leader, Boreal Ecology Coop Research Unit, USFS PNW Research Station and Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, Phone: 907-474-2424, FAX: 907-474-6251, Closing date: July 26, 2000. Posted: 7/5/00.

Arctic Bird Population Modeling: The Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit ( at Auburn University is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Wildlife Sciences to develop recovery models for Arctic bird populations. This is a two-year position contingent upon performance and funding availability. Project objectives include developing a generalized framework for modeling the recovery times of selected bird populations from perturbations, developing mathematical models that are suitable for estimating recovery time and associated uncertainties for selected bird populations found in the Beaufort Sea region, identifying information requirements and gaps for modeling the recovery bird populations, supervising the development of a stand-alone, interactive computer program to estimate recovery rates, and uncertainties for sensitive bird populations, and conducting an information transfer workshop for natural resource professionals to demonstrate the interactive modeling tools and describe their use and limitations. Responsibilities will include participation in organizing and conducting an initial scoping workshop to be held in Alaska, supervision of 1 graduate student and 1 research assistant, organizing and conducting an information transfer workshop at the completion of the project, and publication of research results in peer-reviewed outlets. Candidates must have a PhD in wildlife biology, biology, zoology, biometrics, or closely related field. Solid background and experience in population modeling and computer simulation required. Knowledge of population biology, avian ecology, biology, and dynamics of Arctic or subarctic bird populations desired. Knowledge of methods for assessing catastrophic impacts to populations is desirable. Demonstrated ability in oral and written communication, quantitative analysis, and ability to work effectively as part of a research team. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin after June 4, 2001. To apply: submit a letter of application that outlines research interests and goals; curriculum vita that includes summary of education and experience, list of publications, grants, awards, and other pertinent information; transcripts of all university/college courses; and a list of three references to: Ms. Lenore Martin, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, 108 M. White Smith Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849-5418. Posted: 5/23/01.

Land Use and Biodiversity: A postdoctoral position examining the effects of land use on native biodiversity is available in the Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. The position is not tied to any particular grant and thus the successful applicant will have considerable latitude in choosing his/her project as long as they are active and willing to contribute to the research of others in our lab group. Individuals with expertise in population, community, and ecosystem approaches to bird and butterfly diversity are encouraged to apply. Expertise in GIS and spatial analysis would be particularly useful. Any combination of field, lab and/or modeling approaches is possible. Research in our laboratory centers on the effects of land use on native biodiversity with a particular emphasis on birds and butterflies. Current projects include examining source-sink dynamics of bird populations along a gradient of urban land uses, determining the effects of golf courses on bird and butterfly communities in the Midwest, and evaluating the validity of using birds and butterflies as surrogate taxa in conservation assessment. We are also involved in developing an Index of Biotic Integrity for upland terrestrial systems and algorithms for selecting umbrella species. Finally, our lab has a strong education and outreach component. We currently sponsor the NSF-funded LABS program ( which works with high-school and middle-school teachers in the areas of conservation biology, teaching science by inquiry, and teacher leadership. We are also working on the second edition of a high-school level textbook in conservation biology. This is a one-year appointment beginning in the Summer and/or Fall of 2001 with the possibility of renewal for an additional year. For more information explore the Zoology Department web site at and contact Robert B. Blair, Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056, Phone: 513-529-3190, Fax: 513-529-6900, email: Posted: 4/19/01.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: (3 positions) Applications are sought for a project on the relationship between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Grassland Ecosystems for three Ph.D. positions (BAT-O IIa/2). Starting date for all posts is 1.1.2001 for a period of three years. The closing date for applications is Saturday, 30th September 2000. The project is a collaborative research effort of the University of Jena and the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, both in Jena, Germany, and the Bureau for Ecological Studies in Bayreuth, Germany. Using grasslands in Thuringia as model ecosystems, the project is designed to investigate the relationship between genetic/phenotypic diversity and ecosystem processes such as carbon and nitrogen fluxes. All details can be found at: or Applications (including the names, phone numbers and E-Mail-addresses of two referees) should be sent to: Prof. Wolfgang W. Weisser, Institut für Ökologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Dornburger Str. 159, 07743 Jena, Germany. Tel: ++49 3641 949 410; Email: Posted: 8/23/00.

Ecological Data Manager: (2 positions) Position 1: Data Manager, Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research Program. Applications are solicited for a full-time position for a data manager for the long-term ecological research program at the University of Colorado. The web page for this program (maintained by the data manager) is at Minimum qualifications include a bachelors in computer science or one of the ecological sciences, and proficiency with Unix, perl, HTML, CGI, and Windows NT. Salary is $32,000 per year. The position is a Professional Research Scientist position and has no termination date (subject to federal funding) with the University and provides excellent benefits. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, vitae, and the names of three individuals willing to serve as references to: Data Manager, c/o Tim Seastedt, INSTAAR, CB 450, University of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309. Applications will be accepted through 1 September 2000 or until a suitable applicant is found. Position 2: Data Manager, US-UK Soil Biodiversity Experiment (USA Program). Applications are solicited for a full-time position for a data manager for the soil biodiversity experiment being conducted by CU, CSU, NU, and associated scientists at Konza Prairie Kansas. The Data manager position will be housed at at the University of Colorado. Minimum qualifications include a bachelors in computer science or one of the ecological sciences, and proficiency with Unix, perl, HTML, CGI, and Windows NT. Salary is $32,000 for the first year. The position is a Professional Research Scientist position, is funded for two years, and provides excellent benefits. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, vitae, and the names of three individuals willing to serve as references to: Soil Biodiversity Data Manager, c/o Tim Seastedt, INSTAAR, CB 450, University of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309. Applications will be accepted through 1 September 2000 or until a suitable applicant is found. Note: given that both of these positions have become available at the same time, the possibility exists to hire a senior-level manager with experience in oracle or other relational databases to administer both programs. however, funding for such a position is limited to a two year interval. please indicate in your correspondence if this option is of interest to you. Posted: 7/28/00.

Plant Community Ecology and Clonal Biology: We will be hiring a postdoc (minimum of one year) and at least one intern (minimum of 5 months) to work on a project involving the community consequences of interactions among clonal plants at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Both positions could start as soon as May 1, 2001 and will join a group of two faculty (D. Goldberg, Univ. of Michigan and L. Gough, Univ. of Alabama) and several graduate and undergraduate students. Although clonal plant species are recognized as important and frequently dominant components of many plant communities and ecosystems, their role in plant community structure and ecosystem function as clonal organisms is poorly understood. This NSF-sponsored research explores the influence of two important clonal attributes, clonal integration and ramet aggregation, on the outcome of interspecific interactions among clonal plants from calcareous peatland communities (fens) of southeastern Michigan, using a combination of observations in natural systems and experiments in mesocosms. Several experiments are already underway, including a large mesocosm experiment involving manipulations of competitive environment, as well as ramet aggregation pattern (natural or evenly distributed) and integration (connections between ramets intact or severed). We expect to establish more detailed experiments this summer, to explore the patterns and consequences of physiological integration and clonal architecture in these eight sedge species. A related project involves study of the patterns and mechanisms of invasion of exotics into the fens and the role of clonality in regulating invasions. The postdoc will have major responsibility for running aspects of the already established field program and will be expected to initiate and design new experiments. S/he will also have some lab manager responsibilities. We are especially interested in someone with expertise in aspects of clonal biology, such as foraging studies or modeling of clonal growth patterns. While we prefer someone who would be able to begin in May, we will also consider candidates who will not be available until later in the summer or early fall. Please send a CV, summary of research interests, and names and telephone/emails of 3 references. The intern(s) will assist with conducting all observations and experiments in the field and experimental garden and will also be expected to spend some time on a related, independent research project. Residence in Ann Arbor from early May through the end of September is required. Please send a CV and names and telephone/email of 2 references. For further information, contact: Deborah Goldberg (, Department of Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA. Tel: 734.764.1490, Fax: 734.647.0884. We will begin reviewing applications for both positions on April 13th, although later applications will be accepted. Posted: 4/5/01.

Community Ecologist/Plant Ecologist: The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), carries out large-scale and long-term research in the terrestrial and freshwater sciences to support a broad user community. We address key environmental issues through integrated monitoring, process studies and predictive modelling, and the development of essential infrastructure and facilities. A highly motivated research leader with a proven record of innovative research is required to develop the science programme of a team of ecologists studying fundamental processes and applied problems in community ecology. Current themes include plant-plant competition, plant-herbivore interactions and plant-soil interactions. Much of the work is topical, strategic research, such as the impact of changing climate and land management on species diversity, habitat dynamics and ecosystem function. You should hold a PhD plus 5-10 years' relevant experience. A vision of how to integrate long-term datasets from plots to landscape scales, with well designed experiments and predictive modelling, is essential. An interest in upland, montane or Arctic model systems would be desirable, and research group management experience would be an advantage. You will be expected to pursue funding opportunities and publish in leading international journals. For an application form, please write to: Sue Ryan, Admin HQ, CEH Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 2LS, UK. Posted: 10/20/00.

Community Ecology: Florida State Univ./Mt. Holyoke College/Univ. of Vermont. We seek a postdoctoral fellow to participate in a collaborative NSF-funded project investigating the small aquatic communities found in the leaves of the pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea. The support will be for 15 months, with possible extension to 2 years, beginning in the spring of 2001 (Jan 1 preferable). The project will organize a group of scientists to develop and test hypotheses on biogeographic patterns in community structure. The postdoctoral fellow will participate in all aspects of the work and will supervise field work and database development. For further information, please contact one of the following: Tom Miller, Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee FL 32306 (850-644-9823); Aaron Ellison, Biological Sciences, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley MA 01075; Nick Gotelli, Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405 Posted: 8/14/00.

Plant Volatiles: A Post Doctoral research associate position is available to investigate the biosynthesis and release of volatile organic compounds by plants in response to pathogen attack/infection. This position is funded for two years by a grant from the Department of Defense and the person hired for this position will work in the Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. The research project is a cooperative effort between Department of Entomology, PSU and the Insect Chemistry Research Unit, CMAVE, USDA, ARS, Gainesville, FL. We would like to fill this position as soon as possible after May 15, 2001. The person selected for this position will work as a member of a team of chemists, entomologists and plant biochemists to investigate the multitrophic interactions among plants, pathogens, insect herbivores and natural enemies of the herbivores. Knowledge and experience in plant-pathogen interactions and chromatographic separations of biologically active natural products is highly desirable. Experience in designing and conducting bioassays to monitor isolations would also be desirable. Applicants for this position should send a letter stating experience and interest along with a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of three references to Dr. J. H. Tumlinson, CMAVE, ARS, USDA, P. O. Box 14565, Gainesville, FL 32604, USA. Tel: 352-374-5730, FAX: 352-374-5707. Additional information may be obtained directly from Dr. Tumlinson at or Jack C. Schultz at Posted: 4/2/01.

Plant Pathogen Ecology: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research opportunity in plant pathogen ecology at Konza Prairie Biological Station (a NSF LTER site; through the Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University ( Responsibilities The successful applicant will continue and develop studies exploring the influence of environmental variation on plant pathogens in tallgrass prairie ecosystems and the role of pathogens in structuring plant communities. Qualifications Applicants should complete a PhD in ecology, plant pathology, or related field before beginning the position. In addition, experience in microbial taxonomy, ecological field studies, ecological modeling, and sampling complex systems would all be desirable. Salary: $30,000/year plus benefits The current position is funded for one year, with funding for an additional two years pending. Starting date: April 1, 2001, negotiable. Applications will be reviewed beginning Feb 10. Applications should include a cover letter, CV, contact information (e-mail, phone, and address) for four references familiar with the applicant's work, and up to two relevant reprints. Contact: Dr. Karen A. Garrett, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502. E-mail:, Fax: (785) 532-5692, web: Posted: 1/22/01.

Soil and Microbial Ecology: A post-doctoral position is available in the Biology Department at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky to study the effects of urban and suburban land use on vegetation, soil biota, and nutrient cycling in forests and woodlands in the Kentuckiana region. Duties would include assisting in permanent plot establishment, and in initial studies to characterize soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization at the landscape scale. However, since the position is not associated with a particular grant, there are also opportunities for the post-doc to pursue independent research questions that address responses of soil biota (invertebrates or microbial communities) and nutrient cycling processes to habitat fragmentation, pollution inputs and/or exotic species introductions. Such approaches could include use of stable isotopes, soil enzymes, or molecular tools. Those with knowledge of basic soil ecology techniques used to quantify soil biota or in measuring soil nitrogen transformations would be preferred. Familiarity with GIS analyses would be a plus. For more information see: The two-year appointment begins July 1, but start date is somewhat flexible. For more information AND to apply for the position, contact Dr. Margaret Carreiro, Biology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. E-mail:; Telephone: 502-852-2093; FAX: 502-852-0725. When applying please include a resume with names and contact information of three referees. Posted: 5/3/01.

Ecologist/Microbiologist/Soil Scientist: USDA-ARS, Watkinsville, GA. Incumbent will investigate soil biology/ecology relationships as part of a multi-disciplinary team developing sustainable cotton cropping systems based on strategies that reduce nutrient and pesticide inputs and improve soil quality. Research will focus on complex interactions among environmental conditions, vegetation, soils, and pest management effects on below ground ecology. Incumbent responsibilities include: evaluate winter cover crop influences on specific groups of macro- and micro-fauna, fungi, and bacteria important for reducing nematode damage to reduce insecticide inputs; investigate interactions among soil macro- and micro-fauna, and microbial populations and soil physical, chemical, and biological properties important for improving soil quality; and determine positive and negative effects of soil biota on soil structure, nutrient cycling, and plant health. Components of the investigation include whole community analyses, as well as studies of specific biotic group, functions, and activities that impact soil processes such as residue decomposition and organic matter turnover. Research is conducted on farmer fields, in replicated field plots, greenhouse and laboratory facilities. Studies will utilize classical biological and microbiological techniques as well as new biochemical and molecular methods to detect differences in soil biota populations caused by soil management. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Recent Ph.D. in ecology, microbiology, soil science or a related field. Broad professional knowledge of the scientific theories and principles which underlies soil biology, soil ecology, and soil microbiology as they apply to agroecosystems with an emphasis on ecological interactions among bacteria , fungi, macro- and meso-fauna and plant influences n community structure. Advanced knowledge of ecological, biological, and microbiological methods, procedures and techniques which are generally applied to soil biology studies. Skill in appropriate statistical approaches for soil biology/ecology studies. Ability to interpret complex relations among soil biological components and develop scientifically defensible conclusions. Full job ad: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Dawn McCourt, USDA/ARS/Human Resources Division, 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705-5105. Phone: 301-504-1516. Posted: 2/12/01.

Microbial Ecology: The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently seeking to place a postdoctoral researcher with laboratory capability using PCR and related molecular/genetic techniques to study environmental effects on microbial consortia. The researchers will be assigned to the Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division located in Ada, Oklahoma. Project title: Effects of Low Level Chronic Nitrogen Enrichment and Manipulated Herbivory on Microbial Consortia. Necessary skills include ability to apply PCR and related molecular/genetic techniques to investigate effects on microbial consortia of environmental manipulations. The Candidate will understand soil nitrogen chemistry and interactions thereof with microbial consortia. The Candidate will be proficient in the use of laboratory chemical analysis equipment, be able to work independently, and maintain high a high level of integrity. The Candidate will have a demonstrated ability to produce peer reviewed publications and conduct presentations before gatherings of like-minded professionals. Appropriate avenues for research focus include studies investigating the effects of large-scale environmental manipulations (e.g., atmospheric nitrogen deposition) on soil chemistry, soil biogeochemical processes, rhizosphere biogeochemistry, or soil microbial ecology especially as they relate to nitrogen saturation of landscapes. The work will focus on continuing research investigating soil nitrogen processing in experimental plots, which have been exposed to experimental treatments of low-level nitrogen loadings and herbivore exclosure for 2 years. An ability to apply this research to concepts of ecosystem risk and ecosystem restoration is desirable. Applicants must have received a doctoral degree in an appropriate field within five years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. U.S. Citizenship is required. Compensation: GS-12; $51,927 annually; 3 year term. Applications are accepted and processed on a continuing basis. For more information related to the EPA facility in Ada, Oklahoma, please visit their web site at The EPA contacts to whom questions may be addressed is Eric Jorgensen; (580) 436-8545; Jorgensen.Eric@EPA.GOV or Mary Gonsoulin; (580) 436-8616; Gonsoulin.Mary@EPA.GOV. To be considered for this position, please e-mail vitae and letter of interest to Eric Jorgensen at your ealiest convienance. Posted: 1/12/01.

Stream/Microbial Ecology: Post-doc needed for NSF funded study on comparison of bacterial communities among streams and examination of bacteria-DOC relationship. Features a combination of field and lab work, with field trips to several NSF LTER sites and other streams. Qualifications: PhD and expertise in stream or microbial ecology. Requirements: valid driver’s license; access to one of the study sites is restricted to US citizens; start in spring 2001. Salary: 12 month position, $30,000 plus benefits. To apply, send CV and 3 letters of reference to: Laura G. Leff, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001. Phone: (330)672-3788 (office), (330)672-2071(lab), fax: (330) 672-3713,, Posted: 10/13/00.

Applied Microbial Ecologist/Phycologist: Senior Environmental Scientist, Everglades Department. Salary range $44,720- $69,264. Date opened 8/28/00. The Everglades Department seeks an applied microbial ecologist/phycologist to join a multi-disciplinary team conducting research to support restoration of the Florida Everglades, one of the most ambitious restoration projects in the world. This position will enhance our understanding of the role of periphyton in freshwater Everglades wetlands. The successful candidate will conduct laboratory and field research examining microbially-mediated nutrient cycling and the response of periphyton communities to hydrologic and nutrient changes. The candidate will also have opportunities to analyze existing data on periphyton responses to phosphorus enrichment. Prefer Ph.D. in biogeochemistry, limnology, ecology, microbiology or related field and at least four years of experience, or M.S. and seven years of experience. Microbial processes, aquatic chemistry, statistics, and strong oral and written communication skills are required. This position may be filled at the Staff Environmental Scientist level. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter of research interests, resume, names and contact information for three (3) references. Include the Job Reference Number 000460 in your application. Applications should be submitted to: 6520 Human Resources, South Florida Water Management District, P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, or via email: Please send a courtesy copy of submittal to Dr. Sue Newman, 4440 Everglades Department P.O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, or via email: Posted: 9/8/00.

Soil Microbial Ecology: The Department of Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University seeks candidates to fill a post-doctoral research associate position in soil microbial ecology. The selected candidate will be expected to work creatively on effects of soil microbial activities and diversity on activities of soilborne pathogens (mainly Pythium ultimum and Rhizoctonia solani). The incumbent will be expected to work independently on the characterization of microbial activities and diversity and collaboratively on detection of related plant pathogens. A Ph.D. in soil microbiology/ecology, plant pathology or a related field with good interpersonal skills is desired. Experience in the characterization of microbial biomass, activities and diversity, and nutrient cycling is required. Experience with fungal plant pathogens is an asset. The initial appointment is for one year, starting on November 1, 2000, with possible renewal for another two years subject to work performance. The incumbent will receive a competitive salary plus a fringe benefit package. Applications received before September 1, 2000 will receive priority consideration, and the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is identified. To apply, send copies of transcripts, curriculum vita (including publication list), and names, phone numbers and email addresses of three references to: Attn: Lori Force, Box 7616, Dept. of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7616. Phone: 919/515-2730; E-mail: (Please reference position #08). Posted: 8/10/00.

Marine Nearshore Ecosystem Dynamics: Closing Date: September 29, 2000 for full consideration. Starting Date: October 15, 2000 (or when available). Responsibilities: The appointee will join a Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Consortium (MEDC) which includes marine scientists involved in the study of nearshore marine ecosystem dynamics in the Pacific Basin, including the coasts of Oregon, California, central Chile, and the South Island of New Zealand. Responsibilities include primarily data analysis, synthesis and integration across the data sets from each region, helping to establish and maintain a web-based data management and archival system, and publication of results. The successful candidate will be based in the Zoology Department at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Qualifications: Ph. D. in Marine Ecology, with particular expertise and interest in analytic, integrative and synthetic approaches, and strong interests in investigating cross-scale linkages between physical and biological environments. Strong computational, statistical and internet skills are necessary. Salary and Appointment Period: $40,000/12 months at 1.0 FTE, renewable at the discretion of the hiring supervisor. Application: Send a Letter of Application, Curriculum Vitae or Resumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of two references to: Drs. Gary Allison, Bruce Menge, or Jane Lubchenco, Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, 3029 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-2914. Telephone 541-737-8403, email: Posted: 9/5/00.

Fish Ecology: Vacancy Announcement: (WED-01/02/01-02). Location: Corvallis, Oregon. Project Title: Influence of human activities on wild salmon and native fish of the Pacific Northwest. Research Description: In the Pacific Northwest, habitat loss and degradation has contributed to the decline of wild salmon and non-anadromous native fish. Human disturbance is an important factor in these declines. The goal of this project is to evaluate and to quantify the influence of human activities in stream networks and watersheds on Pacific Northwest salmon and/or other native fish. This research project will use a range of population modeling, empirical modeling, and field study approaches to accomplish this goal. Several important research questions have been defined. What is the influence of habitat structure and connectivity in stream networks on fish? How do changes in watershed land use influence habitat and fish? What effect does wild salmon management have on other native fish species? Contact: Dr. Parker J. Wigington, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 200 SW 35th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97333. Email:, (541)754-4341. Posted: 1/17/01.

Ecology/Evolution/Modeling of Fisheries: A two-year postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Zoology at the University of Toronto to work with a group of scientists who are applying life history theory to the management of recreational fisheries. The project will involve developing dynamic optimization models of energy acquisition, growth, and reproduction for several species of freshwater fish in Ontario, Canada. It will also involve incorporating these theoretical results into a broader, generalized food-web model for several focal fish species. The successful applicant will work in collaboration with a number of faculty members at the University of Toronto (Peter Abrams, Nicholas Collins, Troy Day, Donald Jackson and Locke Rowe) as well as researchers at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Bryan Henderson, Nigel Lester, and Brian Shuter). Experience with ecological and life history modeling, including dynamic optimization methods, and computer programming and simulation modeling is an asset. Salary is competitive and is dependent upon experience. This project represents an opportunity to work on a complex problem with theoreticians, experimentalists and resource managers. Starting date is flexible but preferably between September 2001 and March 2002. Applicants should send a C.V., a short description of research interests, and names and contact information for three potential referees. Applicants should also indicate the date they will be available to begin the position. Materials should be sent to: Dr. Peter Abrams, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 25 Harbord St., Toronto, M5S 3G5, Canada (email; fax 416-978-8532). Applications should be postmarked no later than August 15, 2001. Revised: 6/22/01.

Watershed Ecology: Statistician/environmental scientist post-doc position to conduct research in support of watershed-scale studies on freshwater stream, river, lake, and wetland ecosystems to develop efficient monitoring strategies for development of state 305b and 303d listings, and prioritization of TMDL (total maximum daily load) and watershed restoration activities. US EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division, Duluth MN. For full listing of research opportunity, see For further application instructions, see To apply, a curriculum vitae, letter of recommendation from a senior research advisor or other comparable official, letter indicating research interest and preferred geographical location(s) should be sent to: Ms. Karen Dean, ATTN: Post-doc Recruitment, US EPA, NHEERL (MD-85), Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 by June 29. Naomi E. Detenbeck, Ph.D., Branch Chief, Watershed Diagnostics Research Branch, US EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division, 6201 Congdon Blvd., Duluth, MN 55804. (218)-529-5204, Fax: (218)-529-5003, Posted: 6/12/01.

Pollination Ecology: Conservation of Pollination Services across Landscapes. The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University ( seeks a postdoctoral researcher to study the role of native bee pollinators and natural habitat in maintaining pollination services on farms in Northern California. Position is available beginning May 2001, or thereafter for up to three years. Ph.D. required. The successful candidate will have demonstrated statistical, writing and management skills and excellent inter-personal skills. Experience in pollination ecology preferred; experience in field entomology, conservation biology, landscape ecology, restoration ecology, bee biology and/or GIS desirable. The project's PI (Dr. Claire Kremen) works with collaborators at University of California at Davis (Dr. Robbin Thorp, Dr. Robert Bugg), and the post-doc would spend a portion of his/her time at each institution. The broad goals of this project, which began in 1999, are to: (1) determine the importance and economic value of native bee pollinators in the pollination of selected crops, (2) assess the importance of natural habitat areas (type, spatial distribution) in the maintenance of native bee populations, (3) determine the critical floral and nesting resources for native bee populations across native and agricultural lands, (4) use this information to develop effective restoration protocols and plans to restore and maintain pollination services in mixed agricultural/wild landscapes. Current sites include farms and natural areas in the vicinity of Davis, Winters, Woodland, Rumsey, Lake Berryessa, and the Jepson Prairie in Northern California. The post-doctoral associate will be integrally involved in the design and implementation of field experiments, analysis, and writing of papers and proposals, and will be expected to manage field teams. Opportunities will be available for independent work and first authorship. Salary commensurate with experience ($26,000 - $33,000); excellent benefits. DEADLINE: 27 November 2000. Send curriculum vitae, letter of interest, copies of publications, and names of three references to: Dr. Claire Kremen, c/o M. Guimond, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 104 Guyot Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544.

Evolutionary Ecology: We are seeking a postdoctoral associate for a project on the evolution of responses to light (daylength and spectral quality) in Arabidopsis thaliana. The project, funded by the National Science Foundation, includes field, molecular work, and experimental work to be carried out in the laboratories of Dr. Massimo Pigliucci ( and Dr. Mitchell Cruzan ( at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. The field work is to be conducted over two seasons in Europe (Spain, Netherlands, and Sweden). The position starts March 1st, 2001. The salary is competitive and includes a generous benefit package. The Departments of Botany and of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology provide an excellent intellectual environment, and Knoxville is located near the Smokey Mountains National Park and other beautiful natural areas. If interested, please contact Dr. Pigliucci at A summary and full narrative of the proposal can be found at Posted: 12/13/00.

Weed Ecology/Insect Ecology: Interdisciplinary team seeks a broadly trained individual to investigate the joint effects of cover crops, weed seed predation by insects, and weed seed decay on weed suppression in agroecosystems. The candidate will be responsible for coordinating and conducting research to evaluate the interaction of cover crops and seed predator activity-density on weed seedling establishment, determine movement of weed seed predators in cropping systems, and determine rates of weed seed decay. The successful candidate should have skills in field and laboratory studies, ecological data analysis and a desire to provide integration across the disciplines. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in plant ecology, weed science, entomology, or related fields. Experience in agroecosystems is desirable but not required. Funding is available for two-years. Position available May 1, 2001. Send letter of interest, CV, names and addresses of 3 references, copies of transcripts, and relevant publications to Dr. Karen Renner, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences Bldg., Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824 (517)-353-9429, Posted: 2/15/01.

Plant Population Ecologist/Evolutionary Biologist: 3 Year Lectureship/Oberassistant position for a Plant Population Ecologist/Evolutionary Biologist who uses molecular markers. Responsibilities include lecturing in undergraduate courses, supervising students and research. Position starts 1 July 2001. Send CV and statements of research and teaching to: Dr. P.J. Edwards, Geobotanisches Inst., Zürichbergstr. 38, CH-8044, Zürich, Switzerland by 25 May. Posted: 5/1/01.

Plant Population Ecology: Junior Group Leader (Maitre-assistant), Institute of Ecology, University of Lausanne. We are seeking a young motivated plant population ecologist to join the Institute of Ecology. The successful candidate should have a good research record in the field of plant population biology using experimental approaches. The candidate will be expected to build up their own independent research program, to attract external funding and to collaborate with professors working on plant-microorganism symbioses and plant community/ecosystem ecology. The position also involves teaching in botany and managing a team of assistants for teaching practical classes (lab and field). The position is initially open from 1.9.2001 - 31.8.2003, renewable for a third year. Teaching is in French and the candidate would have to be proficient in French before starting teaching in March 2002. Female applicants are encouraged to apply. Candidates should send applications including a CV and statement of research interests to Prof. Nicole Galland, Institute of Ecology, Batiment de Biologie, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. The application deadline is 30th April 2001. Informal enquiries can be made to Prof. Ian Sanders ( or Prof. Nicole Galland ( Tel: +41 21 692 4260, Fax: +41 21 692 4265. Posted: 4/10/01.

Plant Population/Community Ecologist: The Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Research Station, U. S. Forest Service, seeks an ecologist to conduct research on the ecology of invasions by non-indigenous plants into native Hawaiian and Pacific island ecosystems. The position, based in Hilo, Hawaii, is a GS-12 with a salary range of $48,223 to $62,686 plus 16.5% cost-of-living allowance. Applicants must be U. S. citizens. A full vacancy announcement is available at and from Personnel Management, Attn: Elvira Metcalfe, Pacific Southwest Research Station, P. O. Box 245, Berkeley, CA 94701. Telephone: 510-559-6357; Fax 510-559-6352; e-mail: Reference: Research Ecologist PSW/DEMO 207-01. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Julie Denslow: 808-933-8121, ext. 16 or Deadline for applications is May 7, 2001. Posted: 4/6/01.

Plant-Insect-Fungi Interactions: Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand. A two-year postdoc is available with the title, 'Where kingdoms meet: exploring the direct and indirect impacts of herbivorous insects and plant pathogenic fungi on each other, and on the plant hosts that they share.' This ecological project will examine the interactions between an environmental weed called mist flower (Ageratina riparia, Asteraceae) and the two agents that were recently introduced to New Zealand for its biological control: a white smut fungus (Entyloma ageratinae) and a gall fly (Procecidochares alani). This work promises to be one of the first studies that describe and quantify how fungal plant pathogens and insect herbivores compete and interact to alter plant performance and plant population dynamics. It will combine laboratory trials, field studies, and modelling of mist flower and its biocontrol agents to illuminate the basic mechanisms and consequences of inter-kingdom interactions. The fellowship is for two years and the position would be based in Mt. Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. Landcare Research is New Zealand's largest terrestrial environmental research organisation (400 staff) with a clearly defined scientific purpose: to make a difference for a truly clean, green New Zealand. For further information on Landcare Research, check out our website ( For further details on the project science, salary, and working conditions, please contact Jane Frohlich, Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand, tel. 64-9-815-4200, fax. 64-9-849-7093, e-mail: To apply, please send a full CV, a list of three professional references (including contact information), and one page or less describing how your skills would benefit the proposed research to Andrew van Herpt (Human Resources Advisor) via email ( or via post (Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, New Zealand). Applications close on 22 June 2001. Posted: 5/24/01.

Invasive Species Risk Analysis: The USDA Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis (ORACBA) is interested in identifying potential candidates for a post-doctoral position to participate in developing and evaluating methods and procedures for risk analysis of invasive species and biological control agents. ORACBA is seeking candidates with experience in computer simulation modeling of biological population and/or community dynamics in space and/or time, as well as knowledge of ecological theory of biological invasions. The position is a term appointment (one year, may be extended to 2 years) at the GS-11/12 salary level (beginning at $44,352/$53,156) and will be located in Washington, DC. For further information contact: Mark Powell, USDA Office of Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Rm. 5248 S. Ag., Wash., DC 20250, tel: 202/720-9786, fax: 202/720-4240, email: Posted: 6/25/01.

Invasive Plant Species: The Nature Conservancy is seeking a plant community ecologist interested in conducting a study to determine: 1. The efficicacy of Apthona flea beetles in controlling leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), 2. The impacts of this biocontrol method on native plant communities, 3. The abiotic and biotic conditions underwhich this biocontrol method is most effective. Currently we have financial support for two field seasons of what we expect to be a five year study. The study sites are in eastern South Dakota, eastern North Dakota, western Minnesota, and possibly in northwestern Iowa. The work will start in late April and continue through much of September, although we can be flexible on these dates. What we would like from you: A. Excellent plant taxonomy skills, B. Experience in prairie systems and with prairie plant species, C. Experimental design and statistical analysis skills and a willingness to develop valid and efficient methods with a group of advisors already working on this project, D. Experience collecting voucher specimens, E. Attention to detail, F. Willingness to travel, possibly in personal vehicle. What we can provide: A. Support for two field seasons of work (2001 and 2002). B. Housing in Clear Lake, South Dakota. C. A mentor from The Nature Conservancy in Clear Lake (the land steward who initiated the biocontrol program in this area), a mentor from The Nature Conservancy in Minneapolis (a PhD scientist who coordinates the conservation science program for the Minnesota chapter; and the opportunity to work with top invasive weed specialists from The Nature Conservancy and other organizations. D. Opportunity to be part of a study which we expect to publish in a peer reviewed journal upon completion. If you're interested, please send a cover letter and resume to Jenny Brown, Director of Conservation Science, The Nature Conservancy, 1313 5th St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 by March 30, 2001. If you have questions, please phone me at (612)-331-0758 or e-mail me at Posted: 3/20/01.

Invasive Species Specialist: USDA Forest Service Rangeland Ecosystem Specialist, Natural Resource Specialist, GS-0401-12/13/14 Washington, DC. Superb opportunity to join one of the Forest Services most progressive, dedicated natural resource management staffs in the most exciting places to work and live in the United States, the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Forest and Rangeland Staff in the Washington office is advertising for a Rangeland Ecosystem Specialist/Natural Resource Specialist for the Planning and Ecosystem branch. The position is permanent full-time and is located in the Forest Service National Headquarters office on 14th Street and Independence Avenue. The incumbent serves as a staff assistant to the Deputy Director for Planning and Ecosystem Management branch of Forest and Rangeland Staff, on invasive species. The incumbent is responsible for recommending and developing National Forest policy and management actions, which enhance the health of forest and rangeland ecosystems, which are fully integrated with other resource activities and research. The incumbent serves as lead for National Forest Systems in the Washington Office on invasive species management in collaboration with Research, State and Private Forestry and International Programs. The incumbent provides leadership and technical direction to develop and implement an integrated weed policy and management program across all National Forest System lands. This involves working with budget staff to develop budget proposals for noxious weeds, monitoring progress in achieving desired state of health for rangeland ecosystems, and making recommendations for shifts in national program emphasis. The incumbent also serves as primary Forest Service contact at the national level for noxious weed management with peers in other Federal agencies, universities/colleges, State agencies, professional societies, and national environmental and commodity organizations which are concerned about, and affected by noxious weed management. Requirements: Knowledge of concepts, principles and practices of management of forest and rangeland ecosystems, including management of noxious weeds across all ecosystems. Ability to communicate and work with diverse disciplines, other agencies, elected officials and external professional and special interest organizations. Knowledge and skill in analytical reasoning and the ability to apply that skill to identify and analyze problems and develop solutions to resolve resource issues in a collaborative forum. Ability to plan, organize, direct, and manage resources to achieve desired results, and the ability to advance and implement Federal Civil Rights laws and programs. Knowledge of invasive species (noxious weeds), integrated approaches to management of noxious weeds and demonstrated ability in managing the implementation of a noxious weed management program that includes work in prevention, detection, inventory and monitoring, control, and restoration. If you are interested in this position and want to receive a copy of the Vacancy Announcement, please send a message to If you are not a current Forest Service employee or do not have access to e-mail, please phone Larry Bryant at (202) 205-0850. The vacancy announcement will be posted on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Website under USA jobs on or around December 12, 2000. USDA Forest Service, Rangeland Management, ATTN: Larry D. Bryant, Sidney R. Yates Building, Washington, DC 22090-6090. Fax (202) 205-1096. Please respond to this outreach notice by February 2, 2001. Posted: 1/19/01.

Invasive Plant Species: Position # 002-926. Position Location: Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon. Duty Location: U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, La Grande, Oregon. Closing Date: February 1, 2001. Starting Date: March 1, 2001. Context: The department of Forest Science seeks a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to participate in an invasive plants research program for the Blue Mountain Demonstration Area (BMDA) in Northeastern Oregon. This position is in conjunction with a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) between Oregon State University and the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. The purpose of the Joint Venture Agreement is to foster cooperative studies and fill knowledge gaps relating to invasive species that threaten the watersheds within the BMDA. Results of this work will likely be widely applicable across the Intermountain West. Responsibilities: This person's primary responsibilities will be to: * Generate a map of the BMDA showing known invasive plant species. Data will be collected through established collaborative relationships with the various agencies responsible for land management within the BMDA (e.g. USFS, BLM, tribal and state organizations, tri-county weed boards, private landowners of Union and Wallowa counties). * Establish and correlate the locations of invasive plant species according to such variables as land ownership, management history, vegetation types, topographic features, disturbance regimes, and transportation corridors. * Describe and map the areas within the BMDA at risk to invasive species colonization and expansion. * Identify invasive plant species prevention guidelines and an appropriate suite of management tactics for use within the BMDA. * Conduct and coordinate studies on the population demography and management of the identified invasive species. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in plant, forest or range ecology, environmental science. geography, remote sensing or related discipline. Experience in field mapping, vegetation sampling, data management and ArcInfo or comparable GIS software. Candidates with a good background in plant population demography and complementary modeling are preferred. Demonstrated ability and willingness to work across disciplines with other scientists, land managers and citizens. Ability to prepare research manuscripts, progress reports, and to communicate effectively with many audiences. Employment Conditions: Full time (1.0 FTE) fixed term, 12-month position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Salary Range is $32,004 -$36,000. Competitive medical, dental and life insurance plans. For More Information: Contact Steven Radosevich, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331; phone: 541-737-6081, fax: 541-737-5814, internet: To Apply: Send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation by February 1, 2001. In the letter please explain how your experience, training and professional goals apply to this project. If available, please include two reprints from papers of previous research. These should be sent to: Sandra C. Lewis, Office Manager, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5752. Posted: 12/20/00.

Exotic Species Introductions: USDA-ARS, Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Laboratory seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate to study site matching for exotic species introductions. The position is for 2 years, beginning as soon as possible. Ph.D. in ecology or related subject, knowledge of evolutionary ecology, and experience with statistical modeling required; experience in geographical information systems desirable. Annual salary is $42,919 plus benefits. Please send curriculum vitae and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three references to Dr. Keith R. Hopper, USDA-ARS-BIIRL, 501 South Chapel St., Newark, Delaware 19713; E-mail, Telephone 302-731-7330 ext 38, Fax 302-737-6780. Posted: 10/19/00.

Biological Invasions: I am seeking a post-doctoral fellow (one-year appointment; may be extended) to work in the newly formed Institute for Biological Invasions. Duties will include assistance in ongoing research on invasive species (with the opportunity to originate such research), assistance in surveys of impacts and management of introduced species, interaction with invasive species management and policymaking entities, and other functions associated with operations of the institute as appropriate to skills and interests. Salary to be determined depending on qualifications; it will be competitive with research post-doctoral fellowships in ecology and conservation biology. Position can be filled immediately. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of professional goals, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to Dr. Dan Simberloff, Nancy Gore Hunger Chair of Environmental Studies, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996. E-mail: Posted: 8/15/00.

Environmental Biology: Villanova University, Department of Biology: Two year fellowship, half-time teaching and half-time research, to begin 8 January 2001. The position provides experience in balancing the demands of teaching, research, and service for an individual seeking a tenure-track teaching/research academic position. Teaching: Environmental Sciences course with laboratory (spring) for non-majors, and an ecology/environmental course for biology majors or Masters degree students (fall). Area of research open to any field in environmental biology. Ph.D. required. Send CV, graduate transcripts, and statements of teaching philosophy, research interests, career goals, and arrange to have three reference letters sent, to: Dr. R. Gardner, Dept. of Biology, 800 E. Lancaster Ave., Villanova University, PA 19085-1699. Email: For further information, visit Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Posted: 10/13/00.

Staff Scientist/Economist, Forest Ecosystem Services: The Union of Concerned Scientists, a national non-profit organization, seeks an individual to develop and implement analytic, policy and outreach activities aimed at strengthening forest conservation and sustainable land use through policies and measures that capture the values of carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services. A priority focus will likely be on identifying and promoting ecologically sound policies and measures to reduce carbon emissions from forests and land use through targeted research and outreach to scientists, policymakers, NGO's, and/or forest industry. S/he will work with a team of biologists, climate scientists, policy advocates, and outreach and communications specialists seeking to bring scientific expertise to bear on U.S. and international policy decisions affecting global environmental change. Applicants should have a masters or doctorate in ecology, resource economics, forestry, or related field, with minimum 3-5 years of relevant experience; strong project management skills and experience; excellent written and verbal communication skills and experience in translating technical information for non-specialist audiences; and ability to work independently and as a member of a multidisciplinary team. Working knowledge of scientific and policy aspects of the climate change and the role of forests and land use in climate change mitigation strongly preferred. Spanish language skills are desirable. The position will be based at either UCS's Cambridge or Washington offices. Review of applications will begin June 2001. Expected date of hire fall 2001. For full details, see: Reposted: 6/7/01.

Regional Vegetation Ecologist: Association for Biodiversity Information. LOCATION: Durham, North Carolina. CLOSING DATE: March 1, 2001. The Regional Vegetation Ecologist works to develop, use, and train others in the development and use of the United States National Vegetation Classification for conservation applications in the southeastern United States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia). Primary activities include 1) development and application of standard methods for ecological sampling inventory and classification, 2) support and facilitation of Heritage inventory and classification of ecological communities, 3) support and facilitation of the management of ecological data, 4) mapping of ecological units, 5) qualitative and quantitative analysis and description of vegetation types, 6) management of information on ecological communities, and 7) interpretation of the vegetation classification and community data for conservation planning and management. This work will be done in partnership with state natural heritage programs and conservation data centers, the central ecology program of the Association for Biodiversity Information, The Nature Conservancy, and federal agencies. The Regional Vegetation Ecologist provides technical support, as needed, to heritage programs and other partners for the purposes of incorporating information on ecological communities in conservation planning efforts. The Regional Vegetation Ecologist will work with federal and state agencies, the academic community, and private sources to foster collaboration and secure financial support for community ecology projects. For full job description, see or contact: Karen Patterson, Senior Regional Ecologist, Association for Biodiversity Information, Southern United States Regional Office 6114 Fayetteville Road, Suite 109 Durham, North Carolina 27713. Fax: 919-484-7357, E-mail: Posted: 2/5/01.

Conservation Ecology: San Diego State University offers a 2-year position with a strong chance of extension to investigate responses of Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) to varying levels of human disturbance. The project will develop an Index of Biological Integrity for CSS while simultaneously conducting basic research on the response of CSS communities and food webs (plants, small mammals, insects, avifauna, and herpetofauna) to human disturbance. Responsibilities include organizing and implementing fieldwork as well as performing data analysis. Strong statistical skills are desired to assist in analyzing a number of pre-existing data sets and design optimal sampling protocols. This position offers a unique opportunity to work closely with both academic and agency (USGS-BRD, USFWS, CDF&G, USFS, and TNC) research labs and personnel. We are an active, highly collaborative and motivated group. This California Department of Fish and Game/USGS-BRD funded project begins May 15, 2001. A PhD in population or community ecology and strong statistical skills are required, particularly in areas of sampling theory and experimental design. The ability to make work happen is a must. Field experience sampling any combination of the above taxa is helpful and familiarity with Southern California biota considered beneficial. Please send a letter (or email) of interest, curriculum vitae, reprints and the names of three references (with addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) to: Dr. Jay Diffendorfer, Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182. Phone: 619-594-0311, Fax: 619-594-5676, E-mail: Posted: 4/19/01.

Conservation Biology and Ecology: We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work with, and help to coordinate, a project entitled: Designing a Monitoring Framework for Measuring Conservation Success on Large Landscapes. This multifaceted project involves the development of methods to optimize the use of different monitoring approaches in order to achieve timely and representative information on the ecological health of large-scale conservation projects. In addition to helping to coordinate this multi-PI project and to synthesize existing knowledge, the postdoctoral researcher will assist in development of models to simulate the efficacy of different monitoring strategies, as well as help to develop monitoring programs for three large conservation projects in California. Useful skills for this position include: proficiency in statistical analysis, preferably including spatial statistics and GIS skills; some modeling/programming experience; experience in field data collection. The project will run for two years. Our group includes researchers from several universities and from The Natural Conservancy of California. The postdoc will be based in the lab of Dan Doak at UC Santa Cruz. For further information contact or To apply, please email a CV and letter of interest to Jody Williams: Posted: 11/27/00.

Spatial Analysis Vegetation Ecologist: Environmental Specialist II, Position #00912 - Working as part of the Virginia Division of Natural Heritage ecology team, which currently has 5 ecologists, and other Natural Heritage staff, the Spatial Analysis Vegetation Ecologist will assist in the classification of the vegetation of Virginia through the collection and analysis of digital data to examine the relationships between vegetation composition and site conditions. This position will establish and maintain a Geographic Information System (GIS) that will support and be fully integrated with the existing database of vegetation plot data. This position will enhance the capabilities of DNH ecologists to explore vegetation-environment relationships by supplying promising and powerful tolls such as digital elevation models. This position will also use GIS to produce predictive vegetation models based on ecological land classifications, more sophisticated vegetation mapping capabilities based on landscape models and/or remote imagery; and integrate multiple information layers with vegetation data. Qualifications: Masters degree in biology, geography, environmental science, or a related field preferred; thorough understanding of conservation biology and environmental planning concepts as applied to protection of significant natural communities; professional knowledge of the principles and practices of vegetation community classification; fluency in ArcInfo or equivalent software language; ability to identify vascular plant species found in the region; experience in analyzing vegetation - environment relationships using digitally derived indices; technical expertise in interpreting vegetation patterns from spectral analysis of remotely sensed data; experience in predictive modeling; experience creating and using relational databases; good oral and written communications skills; ability to work with public and private interests to initiate and complete environmental planning process. Position located in Richmond, VA. Salary $38,000 - $42,000. Closing date: December 27, 2000. To learn more about the Division of Natural Heritage or obtain a state application, visit our web site at Submit state application &/or resume for each position, including the position #. Mail to: Human Resources Office, Dept. of Conservation & Recreation, 203 Governor St., Richmond, VA 23219. Or Fax to (804) 371-0315, Or hand deliver to 109 Governor St., Madison Bldg., 13th Floor, Richmond, VA. Questions? Call: Phone (804) 786-7964, TDD (804) 786-2121. Posted: 11/30/00.

Research Director: Tall Timbers Research, Inc., founded in 1957, is a non-profit, scientific, conservation, and educational organization known for studies in fire ecology and long-term research on wildlife (particularly Bobwhite Quail) habitat, resource management, forest stewardship, and ecology of natural communities. Candidates must have research experience stressing wildlife habitat/resource management, especially in fire-mediated systems, with an interest in natural history. Research director coordinates science division activities integrated with other institutional components (including conservation, development, and communications) and is responsible for personal research program and direction of staff research. Send CV and arrange for 4 letters of reference to be sent by July 20, 2001: Lane Green, Executive Director, Tall Timbers Research Station, 13093 Henry Beadel Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32312-0918. Phone: (850) 893-4153 x 239, FAX: (850) 668-7781, Email: Posted: 5/23/01.

Conservation Science Coordinator: National Audubon Society-Chicago Region. Interested in creative models for integrated conservation? The Habitat Project brings together scores of land managers and professional biologists along with a "field staff" of more than one thousand citizen scientists. We collect and analyze data that is then used by land management agencies to make on-the-ground decisions, to restore and protect biodiversity in 200,000 acres of rare woodlands, grasslands, and wetlands in the 14-county Chicago region. The Conservation Science Coordinator is principal scientific staff for this effort and works with Audubon colleagues, regional land managers, academics, and volunteer leaders to ensure continued success. She or he balances scientific leadership with land management goals and grassroots support. The position requires someone with a love for good science who at the same time appreciates the urgency implicit in conservation biology. This is not an academic research position. Most of the work is collaborative. The Conservation Science Coordinator works to bring the best out of a wide variety of people by leading, coaching or supporting them with patience, grace and skill. Sample Projects: a. Conservation design Organize and coach a process that involves many stakeholders in regional conservation planning and design for specific ecological systems and suites of species. b. Monitoring initiatives: Coach and support five separately organized groups of volunteers who do high-quality monitoring (birds, endangered plants, plant communities, frogs, and butterflies) for use in decision-making by land-management agencies. c. Bartel Grasslands Design monitoring for this new project that will restore 292 acres of habitat for Henslow's sparrows, associated bird species, grassland plants and butterflies. d. NASA Project - Combine satellite photos and ground-truthing to generate useful maps of important habitats (in collaboration with the Field Museum and University of Illinois). Qualifications: In the best of all worlds we'd hope for a dedicated conservation biologist with at least an MS, years of demonstrated accomplishment, and strong references. Yet this program is early in our history, and at this stage, even for the most experienced candidate, we offer a salary only in the 30s or 40s. So we're also expecting to be creative about considering folks who have great potential even though they don't have all the credentials. Respond with resume and a one-page letter by May 25 to: Conservation Science Coordinator Search, c/o Stephen Packard, Director, Audubon Chicago Region, 5225 Old Orchard Road, Suite 37, Skokie, Illinois 60077. Posted: 5/2/01.

Executive Director: Society for Conservation Biology. Position Objectives: Organizing and coordinating the operations of the Society for Conservation Biology, an international organization of 5200 professionals dedicated to science in the service of conservation. Principal Responsibilities: 1) Organize, coordinate, and provide leadership in the operations of the Society. 2) Work with the Society’s elected Board of Governors to provide strategic direction to the Society and implement board directives. 3) Develop a detailed business plan (a draft has been written). 4) Raise funds for the Society. 5) Provide budget tracking and oversight. 6) Supervise executive office employees. 7) Serve as the primary point of contact and support for local chapters and sections, as well as for outside organizations. 8) Spearhead work in the policy arena. 9) Market Society publications and other products. 10) Formally represent the Society at meetings with other scientific organizations, conservation groups, and other bodies. Qualifications: The candidate must have strong oral and written communication skills and demonstrated leadership abilities. Superior management and interpersonal skills are essential, as is a proven aptitude for fund-raising. The candidate should be a professional in the biological or environmental sciences (Ph.D. preferred) with expertise in environmental policy or administration desirable. Applicants should submit curriculum vitae, names of at least three references, and a cover letter to: Dr. Reed Noss, President, Society for Conservation Biology, 7310 NW Acorn Ridge, Corvallis, OR 97330. The closing date for applications is June 15, 2001. The position will likely be located in Washington, D.C. and begins as soon as feasible after August 1, 2001. More information on the Society for Conservation Biology can be obtained from our web site: Posted: 4/17/01.

Director, Conservation Research Fellowship Program: The Nature Conservancy (TNC) seeks a Director for the David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program. This program awards over $1 million annually in fellowships for postdoctoral and visiting scientists to conduct research on pressing conservation problems affecting TNC sites. The Director provides overall leadership and builds, markets, and manages the program. He/she collaborates as part of a TNC team furthering the general goal of improving conservation through research. The ideal candidate combines strong leadership, management, and communication skills with broad scientific knowledge and a fundamental understanding of how research can help solve real-world conservation problems. Ph.D. in conservation biology, ecology, or related field required. Up to 20% time may be devoted to research at TNC sites. Salary $70,000-$80,000. Located in Arlington, Va. (strongly preferred) with frequent travel. Review full posting at before applying (listed under "Headquarters"). Submit letter, c.v., and names of 3 refs. by 10/31/00 to: Dr. E.A. Chornesky, The Nature Conservancy, c/o Environmental Studies Dept., Natural Sciences 2, 1156 High St., Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064. Posted: 9/5/00.

Science Officer: The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) has recently been established as a collaborative interdisciplinary project of IGBP (The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme), IHDP (The International Human Dimensions Programm) and GTOS (The Global Terrestrial Observing System). The ultimate objectives of the Initiative are (1) to develop a strategy for detecting signals of global environmental change in mountain environments, (2) to assess the consequences of global environmental change for mountain regions as well as lowland systems dependent on mountain resources (highland-lowland interactions), and (3) to make proposals towards sustainable land, water, and resource management for mountain regions at local to regional scales. The MRI is seeking to appoint a full-time science officer/postdoctoral fellow in its new coordination office in Bern (Switzerland) at the earliest convenience. Duties include international networking activities, initiation and coordination of research projects, organization of meetings and workshops, development and maintenance of communication platforms (email list, web site), and editing of reports and a newsletter. Postdoctoral experience in mountain research plus fluent spoken and written English are essential. Good computer skills and knowledge of additional languages (particularly German and Spanish) are strong assets. The successful candidate will be expected to make at least a two-year commitment and to put personal scientific research in second place relative to the needs of the MRI. Salary will be commensurate with the qualifications of the successful candidate. For further information about the Mountain Research Initiative, see Inquiries should be made to Harald Bugmann (Phone +41-1-632 3239, Fax +41-1-632 1146, email Applications including CV, the names of three referees, and not more than four reprints should be sent to Prof. Dr. Harald Bugmann, Mountain Forest Ecology, ETH Zürich, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland, by January 5, 2001. Posted: 12/5/00.

Scientific Officer: The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research seeks a Scientific Officer (SO). The SO is chiefly responsible for proposing and implementing research-related policies and systems, for monitoring the scientific progress of the Institute, and for supporting the work of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) so that the research priorities are clearly established, activities are performed effectively through decentralized and cooperative efforts, and the Institute is fully accountable to its member countries and donors. For more, see The SO should be a recognized scientist with a proven range of experience and knowledge of the technical and scientific aspects of global environmental change issues. High-level research accomplishments, as well as a demonstrable record of successfully linking research to policy formulation and decision-making should be present. Verbal and written communication skills in English and in another language of the region (Spanish/Portuguese/French) are required. Experience in project formulation, monitoring, and evaluation is highly desirable, as are experience in management of scientific data and information systems, and experience with multidisciplinary/multinational research environments. The SO must hold a Ph.D. degree in a relevant sub-discipline of the natural or social sciences. The SO will be appointed for a 3 year-term, which can be renewed, but shorter appointment terms may be considered. An internationally competitive total compensation package, commensurate with experience and professional qualifications will be provided. Applications and nominations of interested candidates should include: (a) a cover letter, which directly relates the main responsibilities and qualifications of the position to the candidate’s qualifications; (b) a current curriculum vitae; and (c) the names/addresses/phone numbers/fax numbers/e-mails of three referees. These materials should be sent to: Armando Rabuffetti, IAI Director, c/o INPE, Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 – Jd. da Granja, São José dos Campos, SP – Brasil, 12227-010. The deadline for submission of applications is January 31, 2001, but applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is identified. Posted: 10/26/00.

Senior Program Officer, Climate Change Campaign: The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) seeks a Senior Program Officer to ensure that our Climate Change Campaign is actively engaged in the scientific climate change debate. The successful candidate will have state of the art knowledge of climate science and biodiversity impacts, an understanding of ecosystem and biodiversity science, and co-authored academic papers. The ability to take complex scientific concepts and explain them to popular audiences and policy makers, through writing and editing a variety of published materials is required. A Master's degree in a relevant field (biology, ecology, environmental science, environmental law, or atmospheric science), strong oral, presentational and written skills are essential. AA/EOE Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Please send cover letter and resume by fax to (202) 293-9211 or by mail to World Wildlife Fund, Human Resources Dept. #20119W,1250 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037, For more info: No telephone inquiries please. Posted: 10/24/00.

Research Program Coordinator: The Forest Trust is seeking a Research Associate to coordinate its Southwest Community Forestry Research Center and oversee the programs, partnerships, operations and budgets. Research programs include 4-6 participatory research projects in forest-dependent communities and 2-6 research initiatives carried out by staff. The position requires a Masters degree in conservation biology, fire ecology, forest ecology or a related field, forest-related research experience, and excellent writing and communication skills. Additional qualifications include a Ph.D., experience with participatory research methods, strong management skills, and publications. Visit for more information. Apply with a cover letter, resume, and list of three references to: SCFRC Search, Forest Trust, P.O. Box 519, Santa Fe, NM 87504. Position open until filled. Posted: 2/1/01.

Site Manager, North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research Project: Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin. The Center is recruiting at the assistant or associate scientist level for an individual to serve as site manager for an interdisciplinary long-term ecological research site based at the Center's Trout Lake Station in Vilas County in the Northern Highland Lake District of Wisconsin. The goals of the North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research Project (NTL-LTER) ( ) are to detect long-term change in lakes at landscape and regional scales, and understand feedbacks between lake and human processes. Principle duties are: primary responsibility for the LTER activities in the district (productive research collaboration with LTER principal investigators, national LTER network, reporting to NSF); opportunities for cross-site research with other lake districts and/or LTER sites; working with postdocs, graduate students, and other scientists at the Center for Limnology; and communication with natural resource agencies and the public. The position requires that the individual have a PhD in freshwater sciences or a related field and have proven academic excellence in an area related to the NTL-LTER project, including at least 2 years postdoctoral experience and significant publication in primary scientific literature. Anticipated start date is August 27, 2001. More information is available at Send a resume and cover letter to Denise Karns, Center for Limnology, 680 North Park Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA. To insure consideration, application must be received by July 25, 2001. Posted: 6/14/01.

Associate Director, Limnology: Assistant, Associate, or Senior Scientist. The University of Wisconsin seeks an individual for the position of Associate Director for the Trout Lake Station limnological research station (Boulder Junction, WI), a major field station that serves as the northern site of the Long Term Ecological Research Program . The Station is used as a platform for research by local, national and international scientists and students. PhD in limnology, biology, or a related field required. Applicants should have at least 2 years research and administrative experience. Specific responsibilities include approving and supervising the use of Trout Lake facilities by faculty, researchers, and students from the University of Wisconsin and other institutions; supervising the Station's permanent and part-time employees; overseeing the Station's inventory and expenditures; pursuing extramural funding to support employee's own research efforts centered on northern Wisconsin lakes; collaborating with faculty and others on ongoing research projects; publishing in peer-reviewed journals; presenting at professional meetings; participating in professional organizations, and assisting faculty in the supervision of graduate students at the MSc and PhD level. Position requires residence in the area near the Trout Lake Station (Woodruff -Minocqua area of northern Wisconsin). This is an 83-84% time appointment, with a minimum full-time salary of $45,000 annuallly. Anticipated start date is April 1, 2001. A complete position announcement is available at or telephone 608-262-3014, fax 608-265-2340, email Application deadline March 31, 2001. Send resume and cover letter referring to Position Vacancy Listing #39049 to: James Kitchell, Director, Ctr. for Limnology, Univ. of Wisc., 680 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706-1492 NOTE: Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding the names of applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. Posted: 2/2/01.

AAAS Fellowships: The American Association for the Advancement of Science invites scientists and engineers to apply for one-year science and technology policy fellowships in Washington, DC, beginning September 2001. Fellows serve in the Congress, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Agency for International Development, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Justice, and other federal offices. These programs are designed to provide each Fellow with a unique public policy learning experience and to bring technical backgrounds and external perspectives to decision-making in the U.S. government. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and must have a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree by the application deadline (January 10, 2001) from any physical, biological or social science or from any field of engineering. Engineers with a master's degree and at least three years of post-degree professional experience may also apply. Federal employees are ineligible. Stipends typically begin at $52,000. For application instructions and further information about AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Programs, contact: 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Phone: 202/326-6700. E-mail: Web: Posted: 11/17/00.

Earth Institute Postdoctoral Program: The Columbia Earth Institute is founded on the principle that the substantial environmental challenges facing our society are best addressed by teams of scholars from a wide array of disciplinary backgrounds. The Earth Institute is committed to knowledge generation and institutional innovation in facing these challenges. The Earth Institute postdoctoral program is designed to provide young innovative scholars with the opportunity to build a foundation for a career in science that addresses critical issues related to the study of environmental problems using approaches that go beyond those typically confined by traditional disciplines. Specifically, we are seeking applications from candidates interested in working on problems positioned at the intersections between physical, biological and social/economic fields. The fellowships are also expected to catalyze new research directions at Columbia. Earth Institute post-docs will be guided by multidisciplinary teams of two or more senior scholars. Applicants are encouraged to visit the Earth Institute post-doc web site ( to review a list of CEI units and several Columbia University and Barnard College departments. The fellowships will ordinarily be granted for a period of 24 months. Two of the Earth Institute fellowships this year are 3-year, Mellon Foundation-sponsored positions with Barnard College. They are designed especially for candidates who are interested in building a foundation in teaching as well as in research. The incumbents will spend the first fellowship year establishing a research program along-side the other Earth Institute fellows; in the second and third years, research will be continued and a teaching program will be built in the undergraduate Environmental Sciences program at Barnard College. Candidates should submit a proposal for multi-disciplinary research and an appropriate work plan following instructions found at the Earth Institute post-doc web site. The proposal should suggest a composition for a small multi-disciplinary mentoring team (candidates for the Barnard position should include a Barnard mentor). Candidates for the Barnard teaching position must propose to work in an area that complements the Barnard faculty, include a description of their teaching goals, and commit to completing the 3-year term. Proposals will be evaluated by the Earth Institute Academic Committee on the basis of the strength of the research plan and its relevance to Earth Institute's goals. A letter of application, proposal and work plan, curriculum vitae, and three (3) letters of recommendation should be sent to: Fellow Selection Committee, Columbia Earth Institute, 535 West 116th Street (Mail Code 4335), Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. Applications submitted by February 1, 2001 will be considered for fellowships starting in the summer or fall of 2001, and fellowship offers will be made about March 15, 2001. Posted: 11/22/00.

Smith Conservation Research Fellowships: The Nature Conservancy's post-doctoral program devoted solely to conservation biology. Smith postdoctoral fellowships enable selected scientists to improve and expand their research skills, direct their research efforts toward urgent conservation issues, and avail themselves of unique research opportunities by working closely with conservation practitioners. Recent thematic areas include global climate change, invasive species, and conservation planning. Each fellow conducts an original research project developed in conjunction with an academic and a conservation mentor. Smith Fellows are hosted at a major research university. Our program supplies two years of support (36K), plus health and retirement benefits, plus 7K in travel monies and a 15K research budget for a total award on the order of 120K. The Request for Proposals for next year's fellowships will be distributed at the Madison ESA meeting, and posted on no later that Sept. 1, 2001. For more information, contact: J. Christopher Haney, Ph.D., Director, David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program, The Nature Conservancy, 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203. E-mail:, Voice: 703-841-5346, FAX: 703-525-8024. Posted: 5/24/01.

Ecology Education Program Leader: The Institute of Ecosystem Studies seeks a talented individual to direct its Ecology Field Programs for teachers and school-aged children. Duties include: 1) program direction, assessment, refinement and promotion; 2) teaching; 3) designing new programs; 4) hiring and supervising staff; 5) managing budget; 6) assisting with grant writing; and 7) writing articles and making presentations at regional and national meetings. This is a full time, professional position with a competitive salary and full benefits package. Qualifications: Master's degree in education or a relevant scientific field, three years experience in education minimum, including some in ecology education and program administration. To apply, send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Dr. Alan R. Berkowitz, Head of Education, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, PO Box R, Millbrook, NY 12545, fax: (845) 677-6455, email: Position is available immediately. Closing date is March 16th. Posted: 2/5/01.

Marine Ecology (summer teaching): The University of Oregon's Institute of Marine Biology is seeking an instructor to participate in its eight week summer session marine biology program by organizing and teaching a course in marine ecology for upper division undergraduates and first year graduate students. The maximum class size is 24 and averages 12 16 upper division undergraduate biology majors and 2 4 beginning graduate students. Approximately 60 undergraduate and graduate biology majors will be in full time attendance at the Institute during the summer session. The Institute, located on the coast in Charleston Oregon, has dedicated teaching laboratories with running seawater. There is easy access to a variety of rocky shore, sand and estuarine habitats, which facilitates field trips. Additional information about the Institute can be found on our web site: Dates: June 25-August 17, 2001. Salary: $4800 plus on site housing and research facilities (fees waived). If desired the selected applicant could spend time at OIMB before or after the course to conduct research. Qualifications: Ph.D. with teaching experience preferred. Knowledge of Pacific northwest marine fauna and flora. To apply, please send a cover letter outlining ideas for how you would teach this course, curriculum vitae, teaching evaluations if available, and names, email and phone numbers of two references that can comment on your teaching ability to: Dr. Jan Hodder, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon, Charleston, OR 97420. Phone: 541 - 888 -2581 ext.215, Closing date for applications: January 22, 2001. Posted: 11/30/00.

Physiological Ecology Section home