positions lasting 1 year or more, mostly with benefits
titles marked (MS) require a master's degree, not necessarily an MS
Featured Positions
Location | Title | Closes | Posted |
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division | Area Citrus Advisor/plant pathology or entomology (MS) | 7/6/15 | 5/31/15 |
Syracuse University | Research Technician, Plant Ecology (includes benefits) | 4/20/15 | 3/25/15 |
University of Colorado Boulder | Ecohydrology Professional Research Assistant | 3/10/15 |
All Positions
Location | Title | Closes | Posted |
Texas A&M University | Field Ecology Research Associate (MS) | 7/20/15 | 6/25/15 |
University of Oxford (UK) | Part-time Data Manager for NERC Human Modified Tropical Forests Programme | 7/15/15 | 6/25/15 |
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division | Area Citrus Advisor/plant pathology or entomology (MS) | 7/6/15 | 5/31/15 |
University of Maine | Forest Research Data and Records Archive Manager | 6/25/15 | |
Audubon Alaska | Arctic Spatial Ecologist and Arctic GIS Analyst | 6/25/15 | 6/15/15 |
Oregon State University | Oregon Sea Grant Research/Scholars Coordinator (MS) | 6/25/15 | 6/15/15 |
Stanford University | Plant Ecology Research Technician | 6/24/15 | |
Missouri Botanical Garden | Restoration Assistant | 6/23/15 | 6/16/15 |
WestLand Resources Inc. | Experienced staff biologist | 6/15/15 | |
Franklin and Marshall College | Research Laboratory Manager/Technician, geosciences (MS) | 6/11/15 | |
University of Minnesota | Science Coordinator, Monarch Joint Venture | 6/10/15 | |
University of Georgia | Research professional, fish/aquatic ecology (MS) | 6/10/15 | |
University of Georgia Marine Institute | Research Technician, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER | 6/10/15 | 5/31/15 |
University of California, Davis | Research Asst, plant community dynamics and soil ecosystem services | 6/9/15 | |
Duke University | Research Analyst, Energy Initiative | 6/9/15 | |
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division | Area Agronomic Cropping Systems & Nutrient Management Advisor (MS) | 6/8/15 | 4/13/15 |
California Chaparral Institute | Nature Advocate/Research Associate | 6/1/15 | |
Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Corporation (Hong Kong) | Plant Identification and Records Officer | 6/1/15 | |
Northeastern University | Research technician in marine ecology | 6/1/15 | 5/26/15 |
Ocean Outcomes | Associate Fisheries Scientist (MS) | 6/3/15 | 5/31/15 |
Point Blue Conservation Science | Senior Marine Spatial Ecologist | 5/31/15 | 5/25/15 |
University of California, Merced | Associate Specialist, Water Security and Sustainability Research Initiative (MS) | 5/31/15 | 4/21/15 |
Florida International University | Biological Scientists - fish and macroinvertebrate communities | 5/26/15 | |
The Nature Conservancy in Arizona | GIS spatial analyst (MS) | 5/17/15 | 4/20/15 |
Society for Ecological Restoration | Membership & Communications Manager | 5/15/15 | 4/21/15 |
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division | Academic Coordinator II (MS) | 5/11/15 | 4/9/15 |
Morton Arboretum | Prairie Restoration Research Assistant | 5/10/15 | 4/21/15 |
Oberlin College | Assistant Project Manager for Environmental Dashboard | 4/30/15 | 4/16/15 |
Marine Biological Laboratory | Research Assistant II - nitrogen cycling in saltmarshes | 4/25/15 | |
Rice University | Research Technician, plant and insect population dynamics | 4/24/15 | 4/13/15 |
Cherokee Services Group/USGS | Biologist I, Brown Treesnakes on Guam | 4/21/15 | |
University of Vermont | Lab Technician in Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology | 4/21/15 | |
Syracuse University | Research Technician, Plant Ecology | 4/20/15 | 3/25/15 |
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division | Environmental Horticulture Cooperative Extension Advisor (MS) | 4/13/15 | 4/9/15 |
Friends of the Cheat | Restoration Program Manager, West Virginia | 4/3/15 | 2/28/15 |
The Xerces Society | Plant Ecologist & Pollinator Conservation Specialists (3 positions) | 3/30/15 | 2/19/15 |
Tulane University | Aquatic ecology research associates, Hawaii (2 positions) | 3/15/15 | 2/28/15 |
WRA, Inc. | Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist | 3/13/15 | 3/2/15 |
University of Colorado Boulder | Ecohydrology Professional Research Assistant | 3/10/15 | |
USGS Canyonlands Research Station | Biologist/IT Specialist | 3/10/15 | |
Arizona State University | CAP LTER Site Manager | 3/6/15 | 2/21/15 |
Suffolk University | Field Station Manager | 3/1/15 | 2/15/15 |
Indiana University | Lab Manager, ecosystem ecology | 3/1/15 | 1/28/15 |
University of Illinois at Springfield | Director, Therkildsen Field Station at Emiquon | 2/28/15 | 1/11/15 |
Center for Natural Lands Management | Rare Species Ecologist, butterflies | 2/27/15 | 2/9/15 |
University of Minnesota | Associate Program Director, Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center | 2/23/15 | 1/18/15 |
University of Maryland Baltimore County | Research Asst, marine disease ecology, microbiology | 2/21/15 | |
Center for Natural Lands Management | Conservation Project Manager | 2/20/15 | 2/11/15 |
University of California, Irvine | Research Specialist, ecological restoration | 2/19/15 | |
Lincoln Park Zoo | Associate Population Biologist | 2/18/15 | |
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens | Science Education Research Manager (MS) | 2/16/15 | |
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Austria) | Research asst, statistical space-time modelling of hydrological droughts (MS) | 2/15/15 | 1/22/15 |
University of Colorado Boulder | Field research assistant, plant community ecology | 1/30/15 | 1/11/15 |
Lincoln Park Zoo | Population Biologist | 1/22/15 | |
University of New Mexico | Field/Lab Tech - Ecology and evolution of plant-animal interactions | 1/22/15 | |
USGS Canyonlands Research Station | Soil scientist (MS) | 1/21/15 | |
West Virginia University | Research Technician in Forest Biogeochemistry | 1/21/15 | |
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center | Wildlife Biologist, pollinator forage and habitat quality | 1/19/15 | 1/16/15 |
Purdue University | Project coordinator, Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment | 1/19/15 | 1/4/15 |
Northern Arizona University | Research Specialist, hydrology, aquatic/riparian ecology | 1/14/15 | |
Washington State Department of Natural Resources | Forest Practices Geologist | 1/11/15 | |
University of Illinois at Springfield | Project Coordinator, endangered wildlife conservation | 1/10/15 | |
Marine Biological Laboratory | Research Assistant, Plum Island Ecosystems LTER | 1/10/15 | |
H. T. Harvey & Associates | Senior Plant Ecologist (MS+) | 1/10/15 | |
US Army ERDC-CRREL | Soil Microbiology (MS) | 1/9/15 | 1/4/15 |
Michigan State University | River Fisheries Modeler (MS) | 1/5/15 | 10/16/14 |
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center | Aquatic Ecology Lab - Research Hourly Worker | 1/3/15 | |
Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy | Fire Ecologist (MS) | 1/1/15 | 10/28/14 |
Louisiana State University | Stable Isotope Ecology Research Associate | 12/28/14 | |
Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation | Field Zoologist, Natural Heritage | 12/22/14 | 12/12/14 |
USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center | Wildlife research technician | 12/10/14 | 11/7/14 |
Rice University | Project Coordinator and Field Crew Leader, Forest Ecology in the Mariana Islands | 12/9/14 | 11/30/14 |
National Ecological Observatory Network | Limnology Field Tech III - Boulder, CO | 12/6/14 | |
Pennsylvania State University | Watershed Specialist | 12/6/14 | |
Michigan State University | Lab tech, microbial ecology | 12/2/14 | 11/28/14 |
University of California, Santa Barbara | Marine Ecology research coordinator | 12/1/14 | 11/3/14 |
SUNY ESF - NY Natural Heritage Program | GIS Specialist, Spatial Ecologist/Modeler, iMapInvasives Admin. Asst. (3 positions) | 11/26/14 | 11/4/14 |
University of Hawaii | Hawaii Demographic Bird Research Supervisor | 11/24/14 | 11/9/14 |
Cardno ENTRIX | Ecologist | 11/21/14 | |
Rutgers University | Field technician/crew leader, Restoration and Urban Ecology | 11/20/14 | |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Research Technician: trees, plant invasions, climate change and plant-insect interactions | 11/14/14 | 10/30/14 |
Burns & McDonnell | Avian & Bat Specialist, Great Plains & Midwest | 11/11/14 | |
Great Basin Institute | Land Management Specialist (5 positions) | 11/9/14 | |
University of Arizona | Research Technician, Biosphere 2 | 11/7/14 | |
Institute for Bird Populations | Sierra Nevada Avian Biologist (MS) | 11/7/14 | 10/26/14 |
USEPA Gulf Ecology Division | Coastal Ecosystem Services | 11/6/14 | 10/28/14 |
The Xerces Society | Endangered Species Conservation Associate | 11/4/14 | 10/24/14 |
Ohio State University | Lab Technician in Geochemistry | 11/3/14 | |
Alaska Department of Fish and Game | Biometrician/wildlife biologist | 10/31/14 | |
University of Akron | Manager, Field Station | 10/30/14 | |
University of California, Santa Barbara | Laboratory Manager, Ecology | 10/30/14 | 10/25/14 |
National Wildlife Federation | Climate Adaptation Manager | 10/26/14 | |
Colorado State University | Academic Support/Internship coordinator, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and Watershed Sciences | 10/26/14 | 10/14/14 |
National Ecological Observatory Network | Field technicians - Puerto Rico, Alabama, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Alaska (5 positions) | 10/25/14 | |
University of Vermont | Lab technician in plant ecological genomics | 10/24/14 | |
University of California, Riverside | Lab Research Assistant: Invasion Ecology | 10/24/14 | |
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science | Research Assistant, Microbial Ecology and Geochemistry | 10/17/14 | 9/18/14 |
The Nature Conservancy | GIS spatial analyst | 10/14/14 | 9/18/14 |
USGS Canyonlands Research Station | Ecologist - Soils, geomorphology, and ecosystem resilience (MS) | 10/8/14 | |
University of Notre Dame | Lab Manager, Alaska | 10/3/14 | |
New Mexico State University | Lab Research Manager, National Wind Erosion Network | 10/3/14 | 9/18/14 |
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center | Ecohydrology Lead Technician I (MS) | 10/1/14 | |
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center | Forest Ecology Tech III | 9/28/14 | |
Colorado State University | Research Associate I, greenhouse gas cycling | 9/28/14 | 9/11/14 |
Yale University | Research Technician, ecology | 9/18/14 | |
Boston University | Senior Research Technician: Ecosystem Ecology/Biogeochemistry/Global Change | 9/18/14 | |
University of California, Riverside | Air pollution research assistant (MS) | 9/15/14 | 8/24/14 |
Columbia University | Laboratory and field technician, Ecosystem ecology/biogeochemistry | 9/7/14 | |
University of Michigan | Estuarine Research Program Specialist (MS) | 9/7/14 | |
University of Michigan Biological Station | Analytical Chemist Lab Manager | 9/5/14 | 8/24/14 |
College of Charleston | Project manager, undergraduates Phenotyping Arabidopsis Knockouts | 9/3/14 | 8/25/14 |
George Washington University | Ant eco-morphology research assistant | 9/1/14 | 8/8/14 |
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium | Research Assistant in Wetland Biogeochemistry | 8/29/14 | |
University of California, Santa Barbara | Quantitative Analyst/Scientific Programmer/Database Developer | 8/25/14 | |
West Virginia University | GIS Analyst | 8/24/14 | |
University of Illinois | Academic Advising Coordinator - Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences | 8/15/14 | 8/2/14 |
The Nature Conservancy | Edge of Appalachia Preserve Naturalist | 8/11/14 | 8/2/14 |
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County | Association Resource Educator, Watershed Stream Management (MS) | 8/8/14 | 7/19/14 |
WRA, Inc. | Ecologist | 8/4/14 | 7/19/14 |
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | Phytoplankton Analyst | 8/1/14 | 7/22/14 |
SUNY ESF | Molecular biologist - population genetics | 8/1/14 | 7/19/14 |
California State Polytechnic University | Plant Ecology Research Technician | 7/31/14 | 7/19/14 |
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation | Coastal Restoration - Coastal Marine Biologist (MS) | 7/31/14 | 7/19/14 |
Smithsonian Institution | Marine Global Earth Observatory Program Manager and Research Tech (2 positions) | 7/30/14 | 7/7/14 |
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center | Aquatic Science Lead Technician I (MS) | 7/22/14 | |
University of Michigan | Research Laboratory Tech in Agroecosystem Biogeochemistry | 7/22/14 | 7/19/14 |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Environmental Data Science (MS) | 7/21/14 | |
University of Virginia | Nitrogen Footprint Research Assistant | 7/19/14 | |
Michigan Technological University (position filled) | Site Manager - Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (MS) | 7/16/14 | |
Oberlin College | Sustainable Energy Technology Research Fellow | 7/14/14 | 7/7/14 |
JHT Incorporated | Marine research technician (GIS) | 7/12/14 | |
Illinois State University | Research Technician in Biogeochemistry | 7/8/14 | |
University of Notre Dame | Geomicrobiology/environmental geochemistry (MS) | 7/2/14 | |
Coonamessett Farm Foundation | Fisheries Technician (MS) | 7/2/14 |
Older listings: 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000
Alaska Department of Fish and Game: Are you looking for a great opportunity to work in Alaska with a dedicated staff of wildlife professionals? Are you a biometrician, or a wildlife biologist with strong quantitative skills? If so, here's your chance! The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, is recruiting for a Biometrician I, II, III Flexibly Staffed position located in Anchorage or Fairbanks, Alaska. This position provides biometric and statistical assistance to mid and upper level wildlife biologists (Wildlife Biologist II, III, and IV) to support Wildlife Conservation staff and projects in the division’s Arctic and Western Alaska Region (DWC, Region V). This position works closely with regional and area-based game management or research issues and offers a rare opportunity to provide biometric support to a diverse array of wildlife projects conducted in very beautiful and remote areas in northern Alaska. Prominent wildlife populations in the area include the largest muskox population in Alaska, the largest caribou herd in North America, as well as Dall sheep, moose, wolves, and three species of bears. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to participate in wildlife field work with a variety of game species managed by Region V staff. For further information, please see: http://agency.governmentjobs.com/alaska/default.cfm Contact: Steve Machida (907-267-2421, steve.machida@alaska.gov). Posted: 10/31/14.
Arizona State University: CAP LTER Site Manager (Research Analyst). The Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research project (CAP LTER) seeks a Site Manager to coordinate research for an extensive, interdisciplinary, long-term project. CAP LTER has been funded by the National Science Foundation since 1997 to study the urban ecology of the greater Phoenix region and surrounding desert. The project involves faculty, post-doctoral research associates, graduate students, and undergraduates from a range of disciplines in the social, physical, biological, and engineering sciences as well as community partners from public, tribal, and private institutions. The position therefore entails considerable interaction and communication with units throughout the university, external agencies, and public and private sector representatives. To review the posting and apply to this position, please visit: https://cfo.asu.edu/hr-applicant, click on Internal or External Applicants, and in the “Requisition ID” section, type 11563BR. The application deadline is March 6, 2015 at 3pm Arizona time. Posted: 2/21/15.
Audubon Alaska: is hiring two new positions: Arctic Spatial Ecologist and Arctic GIS Analyst. These are two-year grant-funded positions, beginning in July or August of this year. Apply no later than June 25. The details can be found here: Arctic Spatial Ecologist | Arctic GIS Analyst. Posted: 6/15/15.
Boston University: SENIOR RESEARCH TECHNICIAN: Ecosystem Ecology / Biogeochemistry / Global Change. A position is available for a full-time research technician to help facilitate and conduct field and laboratory research under the supervision of Dr. Pamela Templer. He or she will help manage a laboratory composed of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as visiting scientists. Research projects in the lab focus on the effects of climate change and atmospheric pollutants on nutrient cycling in temperate and tropical forest ecosystems. Tasks will include the collection and chemical analysis of plant materials, soil, gas and water samples. For sample analysis, the Research Technician will be trained in and use a gas chromatograph, carbon-nitrogen autoanalyzer, inorganic nutrient autoanalyzer (Lachat), as well as an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The Research Technician will be primarily responsible for specialized methods in the lab, including (but not limited to) isotope analysis, sap flow measurements and data management. The Technician’s time will be split between approximately 30% field work (at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire and Harvard Forest in Massachusetts) and 70% lab work (at Boston University). Applicants with an undergraduate or MS degree in chemistry, ecology or related field are desired. Previous research experience in inorganic chemistry, ecology, plant and/or soil analyses is a plus. Interested applicants should send their letter of interest and resume (including relevant course work) and contact information of 2-3 professional references to Pamela Templer at ptempler@bu.edu. Please use “BU Senior Research Technician Position” in the Subject of your email message. Starting date: October 15, 2014 (negotiable). Posted: 9/18/14.
Burns & McDonnell: is seeking an entry-level assistant environmental scientist for its Kansas City, Missouri Headquarters location. This position will involve conducting and assisting with habitat assessments and wildlife surveys. The ideal candidate should have the following skills and experience. * Avian species identification skills ( both sight and sound) * Avian point count survey experience * Raptor migration survey experience * Raptor nest and roosting survey experience * Bat acoustical monitoring experience * Habitat and wetland identification and delineation experience * Ability to prepare technical reports and permitting documents. A strong familiarity with GPS and GIS is also preferred. General data recording and generation of maps and other figures to support permit applications required. Work includes a mix of field assessments, data recording, report/permit preparation and travel. Other duties as assigned. Qualifications: The successful candidate must be self-motivated, detail-oriented, and able to collaborate in a team setting. Excellent technical writing and verbal communication skills are required along with the willingness to travel overnight and work extended hours in a field setting. Strong analytical and problem solving skills preferred. B.S. or M.S. in environmental science or wildlife biology preferred. Candidates with coursework and experience in wildlife, environmental permitting and regulations, and ecology are preferred. Prior permitting experience a plus. Please contact Justin Bailey at jbailey@burnsmcd.com for more information. Burns & McDonnell. Posted: 11/11/14.
California Chaparral Institute: Nature Advocate/Research Associate. - Are you passionate about protecting the natural environment? - Do you love writing about nature and working with people? - Do you enjoy inspiring others? - Are you self-motivated and willing to challenge conventional wisdom? If your answer to these questions is an enthusiastic yes, then please keep reading. A job at the California Chaparral Institute, a research/educational/advocacy non-profit, is unlike any other you will ever have. You'll be challenged as well as inspired. You'll apply what you have learned in college and learn more. You'll have the opportunity to change lives and shift public policy. Working closely with the Institute's director, you will be advocating for and writing about California's most characteristic, extensive ecosystem, the chaparral. You will be responsible for co-designing, coordinating, and expanding an innovative naturalist training program, monitoring public projects that threaten native shrubland habitats, co-authoring influential comment letters to government agencies, assisting in field research, and inspiring others to love nature as much as you do. You will be responsible for managing tasks across multiple projects simultaneously. Most importantly, your creativity will be allowed to expand in ways that challenge convention and yourself. This is a full-time position for at least one year, located in Escondido, California. Do the following activities inspire you? - Collaborating to produce a program - Writing - California native plants - Botanizing, bird watching, watching a colony of harvester ants go about their business - Teaching - Fighting for a cause - Photography - Video production/editing - Hiking Are we looking for YOU? Yes, if you... - Have strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills. - Can work for extended periods of time in a basement office with four windows and a door that's open with it's warm out. - Are willing to crawl under and through the chaparral. - Have competent writing and public speaking skills (with the desire to become excellent). - Can present a compelling personality on film. - Are willing to travel and attend conferences/workshops throughout the state. - Enjoy research. - Have competent (or willing to learn) video editing/photography skills. Education and Experience - A Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Studies or Life Sciences, or in need of a break after 2 or 3 of years of full-time university-level study in the same. Benefits - Competitive salary for a environmental, non-profit organization (enough for an apartment, food, gas, and weekend escapes) - Retirement savings account - Casual, environmental-advocate dress - Meeting senior leaders in environmental/science fields. To Apply Become familiar with our work by visiting our website at www.californiachaparral.org. Submit: 1) a sincere answer (500 words or less) to the following prompt: Why is nature important? 2) resume with photo. Send your materials via email to: naturalist@californiachaparral.org or if you prefer mail: The California Chaparral Institute, PO Box 545, Escondido, CA 92033. Posted: 6/1/15.
California State Polytechnic University: Applications are invited for a research technician in the area of plant ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences at Cal Poly in Pomona, CA. This is a full-time one year position with the possibility of one additional year subject to availability of funding and performance review. The successful applicant will join a collaborative group, including scientists from the USDA Forest Service in Hilo, HI. Our research addresses the use of remote sensing data and spatial analysis to improve the success of reintroduction programs for plant species at-risk of extinction. The technician is expected to perform the following tasks: establish field survey plots; collect data on microclimate and plant community attributes; train and supervise undergraduate researchers; perform graphical and statistical analysis of data; read and summarize primary literature; and perform administrative tasks such as ordering supplies. The technician is primarily responsible for fieldwork at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, but will be expected to occasionally travel to sites in Hawaii to assist with ongoing studies. The position is supervised by Dr. Erin Questad. A bachelor’s degree in ecology, botany, environmental science, geography, or a closely related discipline is required. The ideal candidate will have good communication and organizational skills, field and lab research experience, familiarity with geographic information systems, and the ability to work well with students. Desirable qualifications include a master’s degree, familiarity working with remote sensing datasets, and experience publishing research. To apply go to job openings and apply to the job titled Research Technician-FT-11-71. Please also email a copy of your cover letter and resume as a single pdf file to Dr. Erin Questad (ejquestad@csupomona.edu) with “plant ecology technician” in the subject line. Review of applications will begin 7/31/2014 and will continue until the position is filled. Flexible start date between 8/15-9/30. Posted: 7/23/14.
Cardno ENTRIX: is an environmental and natural resource management consultancy providing a broad suite of services in Water Resources Management, Natural Resources Management, Permitting & Compliance, and Liability Management. Clients turn to Cardno ENTRIX for help navigating complex environmental, natural resource, and business challenges because of our creative problem-solving and the successful track record of our multidisciplinary team. Cardno ENTRIX is seeking an Ecologist in our Riverview/Sarasota, FL office. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: - Regulatory permitting support - Managing small to medium projects - Working closely with Senior Staff and other Project Managers - Providing proposal/report writing and cost estimating - Field investigation/study design, data collection, data entry, presentation and analysis - Administrative support duties as needed Minimum Requirements: - B.S. degree or higher in biology, environmental science, natural science, or related field - Superior technical skills, producing consistent high quality work products - Project management capabilities for small to medium size jobs - Emerging business development and proposal skills, technical scope writing, qualifications and costing - At least three (3) to six (6) years professional experience - Experience with wetland/surface waters and/or wildlife permitting, ecological surveys, ecological studies, data analysis, and data interpretation - Strong wetland delineation skills - Excellent oral and written communication skills - Ability to work well with a wide range of clients in a fast-paced work environment - Ability to work well independently and with a diverse, multi-disciplinary group in a fast-paced, team-oriented work environment - Willing and able to travel to field sites and other Cardno ENTRIX office locations throughout North America - Proficient in MS Office - Experience writing due diligence reports and biological assessments Desired Qualifications: - Seven or more years of relevant experience preferred - Federal regulatory permitting experience - Ability to travel up to 50% of the time as needed - GIS experience - Prior experience in the consulting industry - FWC Gopher Tortoise Agent - Solid time management and follow-through skills, with the ability to simultaneously work on and manage multiple tasks and projects with tight deadlines - Ability to work independently - Positive, flexible team-oriented approach, with the willingness and desire to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team - Self-motivated, strong initiative; effective oral and written skills - Detail oriented, resourceful. Apply online. Posted: 11/21/14.
Center for Natural Lands Management: The CNLM is hiring a Conservation Project Manager to work out of their Olympia, WA office. CNLM is a nonprofit 501(3)(c) organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of imperiled species and their habitats in the states of Washington and California. The Conservation Project Manager will work to enhance our understanding of prairie habitat and restoration effectiveness throughout western Washington by managing several restoration research and long-term monitoring projects. For more information about CNLM and this position, please see http://cnlm.org/donate-get-involved/opportunities/. The application deadline for this position is February 20, 2015. For additional questions about the position, please contact: Sarah Hamman (shamman@cnlm.org). Posted: 2/11/15.
Center for Natural Lands Management: The CNLM is hiring a Rare Species Ecologist to help with butterfly conservation in the South Sound region. CNLM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of imperiled species and their habitats in the states of Washington and California. The Olympia, WA based position will join CNLM's prairie conservation team in restoring some of the rarest habitat in the U.S. and helping to conserve Taylor's checkerspot and other butterflies using rigorous science and conservation planning. Please see http://cnlm.org/donate-get-involved/opportunities/ for more information. Deadline: February 27, 2015. Posted: 2/9/15.
Cherokee Services Group: CSG holds a technical services support contract with the US Geological Survey (USGS) Fort Collins Science Center which conducts ongoing research on the biology, control and containment of the invasive nocturnal Brown Treesnake on Guam, the Mariana Islands, and throughout the Pacific region . We have an opening for a Biologist I, full-time position to join our team of research biologists on Guam. The successful candidate will be provided with the unique opportunity to participate in ongoing research in a dynamic Pacific island field setting. He or she may also be trained as a member of the Rapid Response Team which could require multi-week trips to other (possibly remote) locations in search of snakes, including long hours and difficult conditions involving hot, humid and rainy inclement weather. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a strong interest in academic applied research, a background in international field research, experience with snake handling, a desire to live in the tropics and a comprehensive knowledge of Microsoft word processing and database applications. Responsibilities: • Fieldwork includes the hand capture of live snakes, collection of morphological data, preparation and maintenance of materials and equipment for experiments, preparation of study sites • Handling of live and dead animals (snake, lizards, rodents, and other vertebrates) • Field data collection both during the day and at night • Study site preparation that requires the use of brush cutting equipment, power saws, and other equipment • Duties also include laboratory work and care of lab animals Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Ecology, Environmental Education or related field • Valid driver’s license and clean driving record • Applicants must be in possession of a valid passport and be able to work legally in the U.S. • Excellent (corrected) eyesight, health and physical stamina, a strong work ethic and the ability to work on a research team are required • Ability to walk over rough terrain, carry up to 50 lbs. of equipment, tolerance of climatic extremes in mosquito and spider infested areas while maintaining a sense of humor • Meticulous collection of field data and data entry while adhering to scientific and safety protocols • Demonstrated interest in working on a nocturnal species • Exceptional writing and communication skills as well as the ability to produce professional quality documents • Ability to pass an extensive background check for access to military property. Travel to and from Guam is paid with a one year commitment. Please apply at www.Cherokee-cnts.com. Please include an Updated Resume, 3 References, and a Cover Letter (including Passport expiration date) in a single Word or PDF file. Posted: 4/21/15.
College of Charleston: The unPAK project (undergraduates Phenotyping Arabidopsis Knockouts) seeks a project manager to coordinate activities across 10 participating institutions. The unPAK project is collecting phenotypic information associated with Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion mutants and includes extensive involvement of undergraduate researchers. This project addresses broad questions in ecological genomics and is developing a phenotypic resource for the Arabidopsis and evolutionary genomic communities. The project manager will be responsible for communication between institutions, seed stock production, seed distribution, data curation, and management of participating undergraduates. The position will involve travel to other participating institutions. We seek a candidate who is organized, energetic, and has strong communication skills. A successful candidate will have professional, diplomatic and leadership qualities. Ideally the candidate will bring experience working in a field or laboratory setting with plants. The position has ample opportunities for developing management skills and for publishing research. Interested individuals with undergraduate, master's or doctoral degrees are welcome to apply. Specific responsibilities: distribution of protocols to new partner schools travel to institutions to train participants in phenotyping and data management grow plants with student help to bulk seeds for distribution maintain seed-stock records coordinate seed stocks to be shipped. maintain of tissue and genotype records assist PI and CoPIs with maintaining CURE (course-based undergraduate research experience) plants format datasheets for downstream bioinformatics analyses upkeep experiment log maintain an already existing cyber-presence including the project website and the project google wiki site maintain contact information for all participants initial training of students in lab procedures contribute to newsletters, organize joint meetings (both virtual and in person) podcast and vodcast development. For more information about the position, please contact us at: Matt Rutter (rutterm@cofc.edu), Courtney Murren (murrenc@cofc.edu), Allan Strand (stranda@cofc.edu). Department of Biology, College of Charleston, Charleston SC USA. Full job ad. Closes: 9/3/14. Posted: 7/15/14, revised: 8/25/14.
Colorado State University: The Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability is the fastest growing undergraduate program on campus. We seek an Academic Support/Internship coordinator to contribute to undergraduate student advising in the Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and Watershed Sciences majors and to oversee internship programs for undergraduate and graduate students. This person will work closely with the students, faculty, and administrative support personnel in the department. The person filling this position is a key figure in the department’s commitment to providing students with the assistance, guidance and resources necessary to be successful. The primary functions of the ASC, in collaboration with department faculty and staff, are to foster successful transition to the university environment by students in their initial semesters, promote discipline awareness to help ensure appropriate choice of major, foster student engagement with faculty advisors, mentors and other student services at critical points, place students in appropriate internship positions, and promote timely graduation. Reflecting departmental and institutional values, candidates are expected to have the ability to advance the Department's commitment to diversity and inclusion. This position will embrace the mission of the department and facilitate its programs. Applicants must have advising experience and experience working with diverse student groups. The successful applicant must have a positive attitude, and an ability to get along well with students, faculty and staff. The applicant must also have a strong work ethic, a willingness to serve in a broad variety of roles as needed, and dedication to the mission of the department. To apply and view a complete position description, please visit http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/employment-opportunities.html. For full consideration applications should be submitted by October 26, 2014. For questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Matt Wallenstein at matthew.wallenstein@colostate.edu. Posted: 10/14/14.
Colorado State University: The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory seeks candidates for a Research Associate I position for research into greenhouse gas cycling in agriculture, forestry and other land uses. The goals of the research are to verify and improve greenhouse gas inventory methods used in research and decision support tools. The selected candidate will be responsible for conducting literature reviews, analyzing greenhouse gas inventory methods and models, comparing greenhouse gas inventory method and model results against field measurements, and processing soil and plant samples for chemical and physical analysis. The employee will be expected to manage and work on multiple related projects, keep careful records, and exercise rigorous laboratory quality and safety practices. Required Qualifications: Candidate must have a minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Soil Science, Agronomy, Ecology, Forestry, or Natural Resources Management. Candidate must also have at least 6 months experience utilizing greenhouse gas inventory methods and/or models in cropland, grassland, forest, agroforestry, and livestock systems along with at least 6 months experience processing soil and plant samples for chemical and physical analysis. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required. Desired qualifications include experience in managing research projects and statistical analysis. Reflecting departmental and institutional values, candidates are expected to have the ability to advance the Department's commitment to diversity and inclusion. The salary range is $32-37k annually, commensurate with experience. To apply, please visit: employment opportunities. For full consideration, apply by September 28, 2014. References will not be contacted without prior notification of candidates. Interviews will be conducted over the phone. Posted: 9/11/14.
Columbia University: The Menge lab is seeking a full time lab and field technician. Research projects focus on nitrogen cycling, nitrogen fixation, and the role of nitrogen in ecosystem carbon cycling and climate change. Primary duties will include maintaining and running basic biogeochemical lab equipment (balances, grinders, gas analyzers); maintaining and running greenhouse experiments (preparing greenhouse equipment and potting media, germinating and transferring plants, fertilizing and watering plants, and monitoring environmental settings and conditions); assisting with field work (applying fertilizer, collecting plant and soil and gas samples) in local (Black Rock Forest) and potentially more distant (Hawaii, Oregon, Costa Rica) field sites; and assisting with general laboratory maintenance. This is a 12-month appointment with benefits, and with the possibility of extension. Preferred start date is ASAP. A bachelor's degree in Ecology, Biology, Geology, Earth Science, Chemistry or a related field is required, and previous experience in an ecosystem science and/or biogeochemistry lab is preferred. If you are interested in applying for this position, please visit https://jobs.columbia.edu/. Contact: Duncan Menge (dm2972@columbia.edu). Posted: 9/7/14.
Coonamessett Farm Foundation: CFF is seeking a motivated, experienced scientist with a wide range of fisheries experience. The Fisheries Technician will work closely with fellow CFF employees on a variety of ongoing CFF projects as well as our partners in the Northeast Sea Turtle Collaboration to analyze sea turtle behavior via video analysis from our remotely operated vehicle (ROV) video database. The selected candidate will possess exceptional interpersonal skills, outstanding oral and written communication skills, and excellent problem-solving abilities. Additionally, they will demonstrate work well in a professional, team-oriented environment. A more in-depth job description, including specific responsibilities and qualifications, is at: http://coonamessettfarmfoundation.org/about/employment-opportunities/. Requires an MS in science. Start date is August 4. Posted: 7/2/14.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County: Association Resource Educator. The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP) works to improve water quality, mitigate flood hazards, and enhance aquatic habitat in the Ashokan Reservoir watershed, part of the NYC water supply system. The program uses engineering and natural channel design methods to restore stream stability and habitat quality. A Resource Educator is sought to develop an education program that engages the general watershed public and volunteers in learning about river processes and management. The Educator will be tasked with developing and delivering a volunteer education program and several citizen-science projects. The position requires a self-motivated individual with excellent communication skills, the ability to collaborate, and experience delivering scientifically accurate educational programming. The position is supervised by the Association Issue Leader for Environment and Natural Resources and provides educational services as part of a CCE team and inter-agency collaborative effort for the AWSMP. The position is stationed at the AWSMP office near Phoenicia, NY. The Ashokan watershed serves as a water supply for New York City, supports an historic trout fishery, and is home to multiple communities that depend on recreation and tourism for economic growth. The watershed is located in northwest Ulster County in the Catskills region of New York State. The AWSMP is a cooperative program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County, the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Minimum requirements include a Master's in Environmental Education, Education, Environmental Science, or related environmental sciences field. Demonstrated experience teaching environmental science topics in a community setting. Ability to explain scientific concepts to a lay audience, verbally and in writing. Willingness and ability to learn about stream best management practices that apply the latest science and engineering. Strong interpersonal skills, collaboration, and cooperation skills. Experience using Microsoft Office products. Basic familiarity with ArcGIS, remotely sensed environmental data, and use of GPS and mobile devices for data collection. Ability to meet travel requirements associated with this position and work flexible hours, which may include evenings and/or weekends. Salary: $45,500 along with benefit package. Application deadline is August 8, 2014. Online application only. For questions, contact Leslie Zucker at laz5@cornell.edu or (845) 688-3047. For a complete position description, visit www.cceulster.org and click on Employment Opportunities on the left side of the page. Posted: 7/19/14.
Duke University: The Duke University Energy Initiative seeks a Research Analyst to assist the Director and other researchers on a range of projects concerning energy and its interaction with the economy, environment and security. Research areas may include energy data analysis, particularly of smart grid data, customer utility data and energy resource assessment data; past, present and prospective energy and climate policy proposals, regulations and legislations in the US and in other countries; assessment of long-term projections of global energy markets, technologies and policies; energy efficiency behavior; financial incentives for energy technologies and related research areas. The successful candidate will possess a Bachelor’s degree in economics, engineering, statistics, natural sciences, public policy, environment or a related field. A Master’s degree is preferred. Candidate should have: · Experience with computational or statistical software such as Stata, Matlab, Python, and Mathematica; · Ability in assembling and analyzing large datasets as well as data conversion, manipulation and retrieval; · Familiarity with the technical, market, and/or policy aspects of the energy system and/or energy/environmental policy; · The ability to conduct literature reviews, web searches and docket searches; and · Excellent writing and communication skills. Experience in research/data analysis required. Applications are accepted via http://www.hr.duke.edu/jobs/ requisition number 400943508. Kyle Bradbury, Ph.D., Managing Director | Energy Data Analytics Lab, Duke University Energy Initiative, Email: kyle.bradbury@duke.edu, Phone: (919) 613-2411. Posted: 6/9/15.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission: Phytoplankton Analyst (requisition 77901516-51294718-20140707154505, OPS Fish & Wildlife Biological Scientist II). Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI), St. Petersburg, FL. The Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Program at FWRI/FWC invites applications for a Phytoplankton Analyst/Biological Scientist II. Inquiries about this position may be sent to FWCHAB@gmail.com. The Biological Scientist II will conduct routine and event-response phytoplankton sample analysis in support of FWC’s state-wide HAB monitoring program. The incumbent will be responsible for identifying and enumerating marine and estuarine phytoplankton species in live and preserved samples; coordinating sample collection and delivery with internal and external partners; receiving and logging water samples into databases; entering data into databases; and generating reports. Minimum qualifications include a B.S. in biology, marine science or other relevant field (M.S. preferred); formal training in marine phytoplankton taxonomy; and demonstrated skills in identifying and enumerating phytoplankton using light microscopy. Preferred qualifications include experience identifying small phytoplankton size classes (i.e. <20 μm) and/or a working knowledge of electron microscopy. To apply: (1) email a cover letter, CV and the names of three references together in a single PDF document to FWCHAB@gmail.com and (2) search for the requisition or position at http://jobs.myflorida.com/joblist.html and submit a State of Florida Employment Application Form electronically. Both steps must be completed before applicants are considered. Applications submitted by August 1, 2014 will be given priority. Posted: 7/22/14.
Florida International University: I'm looking to fill two Biological Scientists positions in my laboratory to assist with our studies of fish and macroinvertebrate communities in the Everglades. These are full-time positions with full State of Florida benefits (insurance and retirement). Starting salary range: $32-40k depending on qualifications. Please contact Joel Trexler (trexlerj@fiu.edu) with any questions of apply apply online at careers.fiu.edu and reference job opening ID #509305. These positions are open now for immediate start. Specific duties include: • Organizes and executes ecological field sampling program in the Everglades. Processes samples of fish and macro invertebrates from the Everglades. Enters data into computer spreadsheet. Conducts statistical analyses with computer software and assists in writing reports. • Performs research work in outdoor settings in South Florida; wading in Everglades habitats to collect environmental samples and specimens. • May drives boats and travel to field sites in helicopter. • Revises and approves laboratory and field procedures for the processing of fish and other biological samples from the Everglades. • Maintains database of aquatic animal data and assures the transfer of laboratory data to the funding agencies. • Applies for and maintains adherence to all research and collecting permits and other contracting requirements. • Works with FIU's financial software for purchasing and receiving. Ensures IACUC and Environmental Health and Safety compliance. • Supervises and participates with field crews in carrying out research plan. Participates in and supervises sample processing, data entry, and QA/QC. • Performs other related duties as assigned or as directed. The omission of specific duties does not preclude the supervisor from assigning duties that are logically related to the position. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in an appropriate specialization and one year of experience. College coursework may substitute at an equivalent rate for the required experience. • Must be able to program a computer to run data management and statistical software. • Ability to work at both BBC and MMC campuses. • Must be able to wade through Everglades in inclement environment to collect samples. • Ability to work flexible hours as needed. • Must be able to perform boating activities. Posted: 5/26/15.
Franklin and Marshall College: The Department of Earth and Environment invites applications for a Research Laboratory Manager and Technician. This person will actively participate in technical support of the teaching and research programs of faculty and students, and provide expertise in laboratory and field methods and in computing technology used in the geosciences, environmental sciences, and environmental studies. A full job description for details and to apply. Posted: 6/11/15.
Friends of the Cheat: we seek applications for a Restoration Program Manager to oversee all aspects of its restoration projects and programs in Preston County, WV. Responsibilities include program development, project management, field work, data management and analysis, organizational management and employee supervision. Applicants should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in science, engineering, or related degree, stream monitoring/field work experience, and project management experience. Knowledge of chemistry, acid mine drainage, water quality, field instruments and environmental issues is preferred. Position is full time salaried with paid holidays/personal days, health insurance, and other benefits. Anticipated start in May 2015, date is negotiable. To apply, e-mail cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Kevin Ryan (kevin at cheat.org) before April 3rd 2015 for full consideration. E-mail subject line should read “Program Manager Application”. For more information about Friends of the Cheat, and to view a detailed job announcement, visit www.cheat.org/get-involved/positions-offered. Posted: 2/28/15.
George Washington University: A full-time research assistant position is available in the Powell Lab. The work will focus on sorting and curating turtle ant (genus Cephalotes) specimens, and collecting and analyzing morphological data. The morphological data will span traditional linear measurements, 2D morphometrics, and 3D shape analyses. This work will play a major role in our ongoing research on the ecology of diversification in this remarkable group of ants. Experience with curating ants or other insects is required, and applications from candidates with an existing interest in eco-morphology and/or functional ecology of insects are especially welcome. The successful candidate will be encouraged to play an active role in the scientific content and goals of ongoing work. The Powell Lab is part of the active and newly expanded Ecology and Evolutionary Biology group in the Department of Biological Sciences. The University's location also allows for frequent interactions with the larger community of Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists from the many other institutions in the Washington DC Metro area. The minimum degree required for this position is BA/BS in biology or related field, with specialization in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Entomology, or related disciplines. The position is available immediately, but with the expected start date between September 2014 and January 2015. Funding is available for an initial first year, with renewal possible. Salary is $30k/year with benefits. To apply, e-mail Dr. Scott Powell at scottpowell@email.gwu.edu with (1) your CV, (2) a statement of interest including a summary of your research experience and goals, (3) unofficial transcripts from your undergraduate institution, and (4) contact information for 3 references. Application deadline is rolling until the position is filled, with initial review starting September 1st 2014. For further details about the position, please contact Scott Powell directly. Posted: 8/8/14.
Great Basin Institute: Land Management Specialist(s). Working collaboratively with BLM Winnemucca District, the Great Basin Institute (GBI) is recruiting to hire up to five (5) Land Mangement Specialists in a variety of disciplines. The Specialists will support development of a comprehensive Environmental Analysis (EA) with FONSI and Decision Record (DR). The objective of the overall EA planning effort is to provide the BLM with a defensible NEPA document to support the final decision for proposed range improvements. The EA will address a wide variety of BLM program areas. The successful applicant will work in an interdisciplinary (ID) team setting and be exposed to a myriad of resource areas including natural and cultural resources, recreation and wilderness, hydrology, wildlife, and rangeland management, as well environmental monitoring. The selected candidate will be exposed to a federal land management work environment and will receive training in the appropriate areas needed. Pay: $23/hour + benefits. 15-month appointment beginning in December 2014, or upon availability and adjudication of a Department of Interior Federal Background Investigation. Full details, including qualifications for individual Specialist positions and instructions for how to apply, can be found in the Research Associate employment section of GBI's Website. Posted: 11/9/14.
H. T. Harvey & Associates: immediate openings in our Los Gatos and Fresno offices for experienced project management-level plant ecologist/botanists. These positions will conduct and direct staff efforts on field studies including but not limited to habitat mapping, rare plant surveys, wetland assessments and delineations, and prepare and process environmental impact analyses, resource agency permits, and mitigation feasibility studies. Desired qualifications include: prior ecological consulting experience with CEQA and resource agency permitting, education and experience in plant taxonomy, a solid background in plant ecology, experience with design and implementation of quantitative field surveys, experience with habitat/association mapping, environmental impact analysis, preparation of Caltrans Natural Environment Studies, and mitigation feasibility studies. Demonstrable technical writing ability and good communication and organizational skills are essential. Ideal candidates will possess a M.S. or Ph.D. preferred plus 3-5 years relevant professional experience. We work on projects located throughout California and elsewhere, so a willingness to travel is necessary. Strong, demonstrable plant taxonomic skills, general GIS/ArcView experience, and training and experience in USACE-style wetland delineations are a real plus. Interested candidates should respond by submitting your cover letter, resume and references through the full job ad, or mail/fax to H. T. Harvey & Associates, Attn: Personnel, 983 University Ave., Bldg. D, Los Gatos, CA 95032; fax (408) 458-3210. Posted: 1/10/15.
Illinois State University: Research Technician in Biogeochemistry. We are looking for a technician to join a research team for two agricultural projects focusing on how cover crops alter nutrient and sediment losses from the landscape. Nitrogen loss from agricultural fields in the central USA leads to widespread environmental problems downstream. Cover crops, planted after harvest, growing during fall, and terminated in the spring, may decrease nutrient and sediment losses from the fields over winter as well as improve soil quality. Duties will include analyzing water and soil samples using digestions, ion chromatography and auto-analyzer/flow injection analyses, data QA/QC, and data management. There will be occasional field work involving sampling soils, water, measuring discharge, and maintaining the automated sampling stations. The technician will work closely with graduate and undergraduate students. Requirements: bachelor's degree in the natural sciences; master's degree preferred. Strong background in analytical chemistry. Working knowledge of computers (Excel, Word). Ability and willingness to participate in field work and a valid driver's license. Strong interpersonal skills including good written and verbal communication skills. Salary: $25-30k depending upon experience, plus benefits. This position is currently funded for several years, with the possibility of extension. We would prefer a start date of some time this summer (July or August), but will consider applicants who could not start until fall. To apply, send a cover letter addressing qualifications and background, CV, and contact information for 3 references to Catherine O'Reilly by email. Contact Catherine O'Reilly cmoreil@ilstu.edu Shalamar Armstrong sdarmst@ilstu.edu with questions. Posted: 7/8/14.
Indiana University: The Phillips lab is seeking a highly-motivated individual to join our team as a full-time lab manager. Research in the lab focuses on quantifying how plant-microbe interactions influence biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem processes in forests. The successful applicant will spend most of their time working in the lab, and will be responsible for leading and conducting fieldwork during the growing season (April to October). Lab duties include: maintaining a clean and safe work environment, ordering supplies, overseeing lab finances, supervising lab personnel, training and mentoring undergraduate technicians, operating and maintaining scientific instruments, analyzing and organizing data, and helping to write and edit manuscripts. Field duties include collecting soil and plant tissue samples, maintaining in situ instruments, measuring dendrometer bands, downloading data from data loggers, and supervising field campaigns. The initial appointment is for one year, starting in April, 2015, with the strong possibility of an extension (depending on funds and satisfactory performance). Qualifications: B.S. or M.S. (preferred) in the biological sciences - with a focus in ecology, biogeochemistry, environmental science, or soil science. Experience with flow injection and combustion analyzers, field ecology methods, soil analyses, and data organization/analysis is strongly preferred. Additional requirements: An essential quality is willingness to conduct strenuous physical activity in the field under adverse conditions such as heat, high humidity, ticks, chiggers, steep terrain, and so forth. The successful applicant should be proficient with map, compass, and GPS and must be able to carry soil samples (up to 30 lbs.) in a backpack through rugged terrain. The successful applicant will also need to have access to a reliable vehicle for fieldwork (mileage will be reimbursed). Overall, the successful applicant must be well-organized, detail-oriented, posses strong analytical and interpersonal skills, and able to work effectively with minimal supervision as part of a research team. Salary: $26-30k (commensurate with experience). Full benefits are included. To apply: Please submit 1) a brief cover letter describing your research/educational background, why you're interested in the position, and the date you are available to start, 2) a CV that lists pertinent courses (with GPA) and previous research experience, and the names and contact info (including email addresses) of three references:. All materials should be submitted via http://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/1347 by March, 1, 2015. For additional questions about the position, please email Dr. Richard P. Phillips (rpp6@indiana.edu). Posted: 1/28/15.
Institute for Bird Populations: The IBP seeks a Sierra Nevada Avian Biologist to assist with writing reports and conservation plans, analyzing data, and training and supervising field crews working on projects associated with IBP’s Sierra Nevada Bird Observatory. This is a full-time position based in Point Reyes Station, CA. The successful candidate will have as many as possible of the following skills and characteristics: - Strong writing and editing skills, especially scientific writing - Knowledge of Sierra Nevada ecosystems and conservation issues - Experience conducting statistical analysis and/or ecological modeling - Experience analyzing data in R - Experience working with ArcMAP - Strong bird identification skills and experience conducting multi-species point counts - Sufficient level of physical fitness needed for fieldwork in rugged wilderness environments - Experience training or supervising field crews. Other requirements include a Master’s Degree or comparable work experience, a love of Sierra Nevada birds and ecosystems, and a desire to join a team of hard-working, fun-loving biologists. Starting salary is $2,600-$3,400/mo, depending on skills and experience, plus competitive benefits. To apply, send cover letter outlining relevant experience, CV, and contact information for 2 references to Rodney Siegel at rsiegel@birdpop.org by November 7, 2014. Posted: 10/26/14.
JHT Incorporated: Biologist/marine research technician (GIS), Beaufort NC. This is a technical position that supports NOAA scientists in managing spatial (GIS) and tabular data for research on coastal habitats. Specific research projects involve(s) characterization of benthic and fish communities in coastal and offshore hardbottom and coral reef habitats. The main responsibilities for this position are entering and verifying tabular and spatial data; developing cartographic maps and data summaries for use in publications, reports, presentations, field research; assisting with development of metadata; communicating technical information to colleagues. The person will maintain a professional working environment and promote teamwork. Depending on program needs, interests, and skills, the person may have the opportunity to take part in a limited amount of public outreach efforts and/or field work. Required: · 2-3 years experience and Bachelor’s degree in biological or environmental sciences · Computer skills including coursework or related experience using Microsoft Word, Excel, and ESRI ArcGIS 10.x and relational databases · Familiarity with data management principles and metadata creation · Knowledge of marine ecology · Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing · Ability to work well independently and as a member of a team · Organized, detail-oriented, self-motivated and adept at problem-solving and time management · Experience with database applications, R statistical programming language, and/or Python programming language preferred. For details and to apply see http://jht.com/careers_opportunities.asp. Posted: 7/12/14.
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center: The Aquatic Ecology Lab is seeking a Research Hourly Worker to assist with field and lab work. The position is a 12 month appointment with the possibility for extension. The position will begin as early as January12th. The 28,000-acre Jones Center is located approximately 30 miles south of Albany, Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. Job Requirement: The successful candidate will be responsible for: 1) the collection of stream physical habitat data (depth and velocity measurements, substrate analyses) and biological samples (periphyton, macroinvertebrates, and fish); 2) the collection and processing of water chemistry samples; 3) data entry and routine statistical and graphical analysis. The individual will also assist in a variety of other field and lab activities as needed. The successful applicant must be in good physical condition and able to work in very hot, humid conditions and in fast-flowing streams with unstable substrate. Boating and paddling skills are highly desirable. Qualifications: Qualifications include a Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited university in Biology, Environmental Science, or related field. Exceptional non-degree candidates with documented sampling experience in streams or other waterbodies may also be considered. Applicants must have U. S. citizenship. Wages: $9.50 per hour with on site housing provided, or $11 per hour without on site housing. No benefits package is available. To apply, please send a resume including contact information of at least three references and a letter of application detailing your interest and qualifications by email to: jobs@jonesctr.org (Subject line) Aquatic Ecology Hourly Researcher. Information may also be mailed to: Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Attn: Cindy Craft, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, Ga 39870, or FAXED to (229)734-4707. Please contact Paul McCormick for specific questions related to this position at pmccormick@jonesctr.org. Posted: 1/3/15.
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center: Ecohydrology Lead Technician I position. The 28,500-acre Jones Center is located between Albany and Bainbridge Georgia. The employee will contribute to the ecohydrology research program of a staff scientist and will manage projects that examine the effects of forest management practices, land cover and climate change on water use at the tree, stand, and watershed scales. Duties: Both laboratory (60%) and field (40%) work will be required. See the complete job posting (pdf) for a full list of duties. Qualifications: Master’s degree with specialization in any of the following areas: forest ecology/hydrology, ecosystem ecology, plant physiological ecology, or a closely related discipline. This position requires the willingness and ability to climb 110-ft. eddy-covariance towers. Desirable qualifications include GIS skills and experience installing and programming Campbell data loggers. A letter of application, resume, and list of references should be emailed to: jobs@jonesctr.org Subject: Ecohydrology Lead Tech I or sent by mail to: Cindy Craft, ATTN: Ecohydrology Lead Tech I, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870 or by Fax to (229)734-4707. Specific questions regarding the position should be sent to steven.brantley@jonesctr.org. Posted: 10/1/14.
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center: Forest Ecology Tech III. This is a grant funded position with the initial term of one year, renewable for an additional year, depending on performance. The desired starting date for the successful candidate is December, 2014, but no later than February 2015. Candidates with a background in micrometeorology, ecosystem ecology, and/or plant physiological ecology and basic technical knowledge of instruments common to ecosystem productivity measurements or related, are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will assist with all aspects of ongoing research, including a variety of field and lab-based work. Field-related activities involve: 1) Maintenance of three Eddy Covariance Towers (110 feet tall) sites, 2) Maintenance of an automated soil respiration system (LI-8100, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE), 3) Collection of spatially distributed soil respiration measurements (LI-6400, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE), and 4) Collection and processing of imagery (NDVI, LAI, hemispherical pictures). Laboratory duties include periodical calibration of all infrared gas analyzers, maintenance and service of sensors as needed, and QA/QC of all data collected. Field work may involve prolonged exposure to the elements, including high temperatures and humidity. The successful candidate must have the ability and the willingness to safely climb 110 foot tall towers (proper training and safety tower climbing certification will be included, as well as all the required climbing equipment). Outdoor work may also include chance encounters with poisonous snakes or spiders; however these organisms will not be handled in any way. Work may require periods of heavy physical labor, handling heavy objects, general construction skills, and/or extended periods of standing or walking for portions of the work day. Laboratory work may include exposure to hazards or physical risks that require following basic safety procedures. Qualifications: MS degree is highly desirable, but a bachelor trained person with wide ranging experience would be considered. Job Requirements: 1) Ability and willingness to safely climb three 110 foot towers on a weekly basis, 2) Ability to conduct moderate to high physical activity in the field under a variety of weather conditions, 3) Capable of following instructions, 4) Capable of working independently and as part of a team, 5) Self-motivated and good communication skills, 6) Responsible with time frames established to achieve objectives, 7) Capable of summarizing large data sets. Includes benefits package and a 403b retirement program. To apply: Send a resume and cover letter detailing your interest and qualifications including at least three references with contact information by email to: jobs@jonesctr.org, (Subject line) Forest Ecology Tech III. Information may also be mailed to: Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Forest Ecology Research Hourly Worker, Attn: Cindy Craft, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, Georgia 39870, or FAX to (229)734-4707. For specific questions related to this position email Andres Baron, Lead Research Technician, Forest Ecology II (abaron@jonesctr.org). Posted: 9/28/14.
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center: The Jones Center invites applications for the Aquatic Science Lead Technician I position. The employee will contribute to the aquatic research program of a staff scientist and will manage projects that examine human influences on chemical and ecological conditions in streams and rivers of the lower Flint River Basin. The long-term goals of this research are to understand the effects of land-use changes and agricultural water consumption on water quality, aquatic fauna, and human-health related issues. The 28,500-acre Research Center is located between Albany and Bainbridge Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. Duties: The position includes both laboratory (75%) and field (25%) duties. Laboratory activities will include calibration of field equipment, water and soil digestions and extractions, operation of instrumentation (e.g., TOC, flow-injection, and elemental analyzers and ion chromatograph) to measure water and soil parameters, and routine microbiological analyses to detect and quantify waterborne pathogens (e.g., fecal coliforms). Associated office duties will include data management, analysis of data using statistical and graphics software, and routine recordkeeping for qa/qc purposes. The field component will include collection of water samples and assistance with various types of biological sampling. Opportunities will exist to present research findings at professional meetings and to participate in the preparation of peer-review journal manuscripts. Qualifications: Master’s degree with specialization in any of the following areas: water chemistry, aquatic microbiology, aquatic biogeochemistry, or another related discipline. Requirements include experience operating analytical equipment, knowledge of standard laboratory qa/qc procedures for chemical and microbiological analyses, and strong data management skills. This position also requires the ability to conduct routine field sampling of water and sediment. Desirable qualifications include GIS skills and field experience sampling in streams and rivers. A letter of application, resume, and list of references should be emailed to: jobs@jonesctr.org Subject: Aquatic Science Lead Tech I or sent by mail to: Cindy Craft, ATTN: Aquatic Science Lead Tech I, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870 or by Fax to (229)734-4707. Specific questions regarding the position should be sent to paul.mccormick@jonesctr.org. Posted: 7/22/14.
Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Corporation: Plant Identification and Records Officer. KFBGC is seeking a highly motivated ecologist/botanist working on plant biodiversity conservation and research in the Flora Conservation Department. The candidate should be enthusiastic with good communication skills, capable of working in a team and managing projects under supervision. Daily duties will include (1) to help to curate the KFBG herbarium including the management of the internal specimen collection database and to conduct plant exploration field trips in Hong Kong and South China, (2) to organise and to participate in the survey of forest dynamic plots and ecological forest restoration plantings, and (3) to analyse existing and accumulating forest restoration and forest monitoring datasets. Responsibilities: 1. To conduct field trips in countryside of HongKong and in South China for plant conservation and research projects. 2. To identify plant specimens both in the field and in herbarium to ensure the plant collections are well labelled. 3. To establish and manage an inventory database of botanical data for KFBG, and to handle the specimen collection records as part of the mission, activities, and projects of KFBG. 4. To organize the (re)-census of forest dynamic and forest restoration plots and to process the dataset based on CTFS standard. 5. To provide capacity building and deliver presentations or guided tours for plant conservation work relevant to the mission of the Flora Conservation Department. 6. To handle general administrative duties,including but not limited to documentation of various kinds of data and supervising other workers. Requirements: 1. Commitment to the mission, vision and values of KFBGC. Being open minded and recognizes the validity of all spiritual paths.Being passionate about the biodiversity of plants and its conservation. 2. Possess a postgraduate degree (preferably PhDDegree) related to Plant Biodiversity and Conservation. 3. With field identification skills pertaining to the wild plants of Hong Kong and South China. 4. Experience in managing databases for plant in formation, including the living and preserved collections, and plant photos. 5. Experience in data analysis for forest plots or vegetation. Experience either in (1) plant systematics, (2) community ecology, (3) species distribution modelling or (4) macro ecological studies. 6. Computer literacy, with experience and knowledge in computer programming using: R, Python, SQL and GIS would be an advantage. 7. Good communication and interpersonal skills,including good command of spoken and written English and Chinese. 8. Physically fit for outdoor work and experience in hiking in countryside. Further Information. How to apply: Please send a C.V. (with two references, interested position and expected salary) and a short essay (on relevant experience and reasons for interest in the post) to the Human Resources Manager, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong or email to kfjobs@kfbg.org. Posted: 6/1/15.
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation: Position Open Immediately -Contract Position in Coastal Restoration - Coastal Marine Biologist, New Orleans, Louisiana, Deadline: COB July 31, 2014. We are seeking to immediately contract a qualified scientist to assistant with the execution of the Coastal Sustainability Program. The contractual position is expected to require 20 to 40 hours a week and includes some local travel. The term of the position is expected to be at least for twelve months, but could be extended pending performance and available funding. Applicants should have at least a Master's degree in biology/ marine sciences (ichthyology, estuarine processes, fisheries sciences, water quality monitoring, etc.), and have good technical writing and verbal skills. Doctorates or doctoral candidates will be strongly considered. GIS skills are desirable also. Professional experience in coastal science is preferred. Typical work is biological fish monitoring, fisheries analysis, estuarine cruise management, support of hydrocoast mapping, technical report writing, coastal data analysis, participation in coastal planning meetings, and project management (Visit the SaveOurLake.org Website to learn more of the Coastal Sustainability Program). Boating skills are desirable. A successful applicant would be reporting to the Director of the Coastal Sustainability Program of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. Candidates should have an ability to handle diverse situations and field work in a highly professional and effective manner. Applications should include:. A letter of introduction. Resume. Example of past technical writing (just a few pages please). Compensation: Independent contractor - $28 to $36/ hour depending on qualifications. To Apply: Please email (preferred) application materials to John Lopez at jlopez@saveourlake.org with subject line Coastal application. May be mailed to LPBF Att: John PO Box 6965, Metairie, LA 70009-6965. Posted: 7/19/14.
Lincoln Park Zoo: The Alexander Center for Applied Population Biology at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, IL is looking to fill an Associate Population Biologist position focused on conducting Population Viability Analyses of cooperatively managed animal species. Please see the full description below and visit www.lpzoo.org/careers to apply on-line. The Associate Population Biologist is a full-time, 2 year position funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). The grant is focused on using population modeling (PVAs) to study long-term sustainability of Species Survival Programs (SSPs), the cooperatively managed animal populations of the AZA. The Associate Population Biologist will work with a dynamic project team based at Lincoln Park Zoo as well as AZA SSP coordinators across the country. The Associate Population Biologist will be responsible for using existing software tools to conduct Population Viability Analyses across a wide variety of taxonomic groups. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS • Conduct PVAs on AZA SSPs, including analysis of retrospective data, population modeling using ZooRisk, and analysis and interpretation of model results • Prepare PVA reports based on model results • Present project results at AZA National and/or Mid-Year meetings • Participate in department’s team approach to research and data management • Perform various tasks and other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES • Successful candidates will ideally have strong background in population biology, use and interpretation of simulation and deterministic models, zoo population management software, and/or broad biological knowledge of species biologies. • Strong computer skills, including familiarity with PCs, demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Office and statistical software • Ability to clearly communicate verbally and in writing. • Ability to read and understand written and oral instructions. • Ability to organize tasks and time to ensure timely completion of all projects. • Ability to interact courteously and respectfully with supervisors, fellow employees, volunteers, zoo visitors, general public, and colleagues at other institutions • Ability to represent the Zoo and the project professionally at external meetings • Available to work meetings which may occur outside of regular work schedule as assigned. • Must be able to work at computer for 6-7 hours per day EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS Bachelor’s degree essential, Master’s degree in biology or related discipline preferred. Experience with zoo-based population management programs and/or specialized population management software such as PopLink, ZooRisk, SPARKS, PM2000, PMx, or VORTEX is desired. Exposure to or experience with R statistical package preferred. Posted: 2/18/15.
Lincoln Park Zoo: Population Biologist. Provides scientific and logistical assistance to the cooperatively managed animal programs of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Initiates and collaborates in data analyses and research related to the management of small populations of animals. Essential Job Functions: * Work with Studbook Keepers and Species Coordinators from zoos around the country to prepare pedigree ("studbook") databases for analysis; complete standard demographic and genetic analyses on the populations; and develop recommendations for future breedings in cooperatively managed conservation programs. * Assist in the preparation and publication of reports on population analyses and breeding recommendations, and facilitate communication of these to zoos participating in the breeding programs. * Analyze databases and other records to resolve issues related to animal population management. * Conduct and/or participate in research and development of techniques for demographic and genetic management of animal populations. * Provide assistance (via phone, email, internet conferencing) to studbook keepers and species coordinators on questions related to database analyses and population management. * Participate in training of population management topics to zoo professionals, zoo visitors, and other audiences. * Travel to AZA related conferences and meetings. * Develop and/or assist with the development and maintenance of population management software. Required: * Successful candidates must have strong computer, organizational, and communication skills (written and spoken); * Successful candidates would likely have a strong background in population biology, use and interpretation of simulation and deterministic models, and broad biological knowledge of species biologies; * A commitment to wildlife conservation through management of wild and zoo populations; * A willingness to participate in the department's team approach to projects. * Master's Degree is strongly preferred; Bachelor's Degree is essential. Knowledge of basic zoology or biology preferred. Experience with zoo based population management programs is desirable. Must be able to work up to 10 weekends per year. Please submit a resume with a brief cover letter highlighting your relevant experience, education, interests and career goals as attachments by email hrjobs@lpzoo.org (or Human Resources Department, Lincoln Park Zoo, P.O. Box 14903 Chicago, IL 60614). Posted: 1/22/15.
Louisiana State University: Stable Isotope Ecology Research Associate. The Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences (DOCS) seeks an experienced applicant to serve as a Stable Isotope Research Associate 3. This position will play an important role in the Isotope Ecology Laboratory and will be responsible for overall laboratory management including: routine maintenance of instruments, design and oversight of quality control procedures, financial planning and budgeting, and training users of equipment in the facility. Primary instrumentation in the Isotope Ecology Laboratory include a Thermo Delta Plus XP IRMS systems with a Costech Elemental analyzer (Model 4010) for bulk δ13C and δ15N measurements, and a Thermo Delta V Advantage IRMS systems with GC IsoLink II and Trace GC 1310 for compound-specific δ13C and δ15N measurement of primarily amino acids. Sample matrices include animal tissues plants and soils. Additionally, there are opportunities for fieldwork with one of the many projects presently underway. See Polito Lab for info about the sort of ecological projects the lab supports. Candidates with prior experience and a graduate degree in a relevant discipline will be given preference. Successful candidates will be highly motivated, attentive to detail and possess excellent organizational skills. The position is available immediately and will remain open until a suitable candidate is identified. Salary will be determined based upon the applicant’s qualifications. Apply online at: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=58648. Posted: 12/28/14.
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium: A Research Assistant in Wetland Biogeochemistry at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) is sought to participate in a series of field and laboratory experiments studying the effects of the Macondo Oil Spill on coastal marsh ecosystems. The assistant will join a large, multi-institution team of researchers in the Coastal Waters Consortium (cwc.lumcon.edu), a BP GoMRI-funded project studying the impacts of the oil spill and future spills on salt marshes and coastal environments. The position is associated with a collaborative subproject on wetland biogeochemistry and microbial ecology between Drs. Brian Roberts (LUMCON), Anne Giblin (Marine Biological Laboratory), and Anne Bernhard (Connecticut College). The objectives of the project are to improve our understanding of temporal and spatial patterns in marsh biogeochemical process rates, associated microbial communities, and factors regulating rates and to evaluate the impact of oil exposure on marsh biogeochemical processes and associated microbial communities. The research assistant will support the field and laboratory analytical activities designed to accomplish these objectives. The position will be based at LUMCON and will require extensive field and laboratory work. This is a unique opportunity to collaborate with top scientists from around the United States in a large, interdisciplinary research project of great importance to the US Gulf Coast and other ecosystems impacted by oil-related activities. Qualifications: The candidate must have a M.S. or B.S in ecology, wetland science, biogeochemistry or a related field. Familiarity with analytical instrumentation including autoanalyzers (for analysis of inorganic nutrients), TOC/TN analyzers (DOC/TDN), elemental analyzers (C, N), and/or gas chromatographs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) is desired. The candidate will also be expected to participate in field work that may require physical effort to transport equipment in field sites throughout Louisiana that are accessible only by small boats. The ability to work in a group setting is essential, as this researcher will work collaboratively with the PIs, post docs, graduate students, and other research associates/technicians on this project as well as personnel on the larger Coastal Waters Consortium project. The position requires high organizational and communication skills as well as significant database management capabilities. We desire to fill this position as soon as possible. Initial appointment is for up to one year with possible additional support dependent upon funding and satisfactory performance. Location: The position will be based at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) at the DeFelice Marine Center in Cocodrie, LA. The field sites are located along the Louisiana coast between LUMCON and the Mississippi River. To Apply: Send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the name, address, phone and email contact for at least three individuals qualified to comment on scientific and work qualifications to Dr. Brian Roberts (broberts@lumcon.edu) with "Wetlands Research Assistant position" in the subject line. For questions or more information contact Dr. Roberts by email or phone (985-851-2821). Posted: 8/29/14.
Marine Biological Laboratory: We are looking for a full-time year round Research Assistant II for the TIDE project at The Ecosystems Center - full-time position with expertise in biogeochemistry, particularly nitrogen cycling. The successful applicant will work with a diverse research team on a decade long ecosystem level nitrogen press experiment in New England saltmarshes to determine the effects of nutrients and trophic structure on biogeochemical processes. The successful candidate will be expected to take a leadership role in executing the biogeochemical process measurements, including a planned 15N addition. Responsibilities will be to maintain experimental manipulations, coordinate logistics and scheduling of the field season, field and laboratory measurements of chemistry, development and maintenance of project database and scientific paper writing. The position will be based in Woods Hole, MA with summer fieldwork at Plum Island, MA. Apply here: https://mbl.simplehire.com/postings/3018. Posted: 4/25/15.
Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking applicants for an entry-level Research Assistant I position with the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research (PIE-LTER) project. We seek individuals with strong experiences in independent research (e.g., senior thesis or REU project) and coursework with laboratory and field components. The LTER project is directed at understanding how trophic structure and productivity in estuaries is affected by changes in organic matter, nutrient and water fluxes caused by changing land cover, climate and sea level. Research is conducted in the watersheds of the Parker and Ipswich Rivers as well as in the marshes, tidal creeks and bays of Plum Island Sound. The successful applicant will gain broad experiences through strenuous field and laboratory work in all environments. Applicants should have a demonstrated aptitude for biology, ecology and/or physics and chemistry including advanced coursework. Funding for this position is available for up to 2 years. The preferred start date is within 2 weeks of being offered the position. This is an entry level position, requiring a B.A. or B.S. in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Ecology. The applicant should be capable of getting into and out of small boats and walking significant distances across salt marshes. Cover Letter: Should include a description of how this position addresses your long-term goals. Please provide complete contact information for 3 references. Apply online: https://mbl.simplehire.com. Posted: 1/10/15.
Michigan State University: A laboratory technician position is available at Kellogg Biological Station. The Evans Lab is interested in how microbes respond to climate change and how these responses influence ecosystem processes. The successful candidate will assist in laboratory analyses, including characterization of microbial communities with molecular techniques, measurements of microbial function and biogeochemical assays. Minimum requirements: A 4-year college degree (or equivalent experience) in microbiology, molecular biology or ecology, or related field, as well as experience working in a laboratory setting. Technical expertise in any or all of the following methods is desirable: DNA and RNA extraction, experience with gene profiling or metagenomic/metatranscriptomic protocols and data analysis, extracellular enzyme assays, microbial cultivation, chemical analysis of plant and microbial biomass, and microbial functional assays (BIOLOG, CUE). A successful candidate will also be organized and efficient, familiar with word processing and data management, and independently motivated. This is a benefited position, level 10 pay grade level, "Research Technologist II". Apply at www.jobs.msu.edu. Click Support staff, posting #0502. **Posting currently closes on December 2**. If this reaches you after this deadline, email to see if still accepting applications. Posted: 11/28/14.
Michigan State University: River Fisheries Modeler (Research Technologist II). Estimated start date: 1/5/2015. Salary: $37-47k annually, dependent upon skills and experience. Applicants can apply for the position through www.jobs.msu.edu. Search for posting 0252. The selected candidate will assist a team of international researchers to identify novel ways to estimate river fish production on a global scale; will be responsible for developing data-limited production models for river fisheries using non-traditional approaches and managing a global river fisheries database. The position will be based at the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center at the U.S. Geological Survey headquarters (Reston, Virginia) and will work in close collaboration with the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan). Some national and international travel will be expected. Required education/experience/skills: · Knowledge normally acquired by completing a four-year college degree program in statistics, quantitative fisheries science, or related discipline. · Six months of related work experience performing basic research techniques specific to mathematical models of environmental systems. · Six months of related work experience assembling, managing and analyzing databases. · Excellent verbal and written communication skills. · Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively and independently. · Cultural awareness and sensitivity. Desired education/experience/skills: · Master's degree in statistics, quantitative fisheries science, or related discipline. · Familiarity with ArcGIS, MS Access, Oracle, Python, R. · Experience with large-scale biological and physical models and databases. · Knowledge of riverine fisheries ecology, management, and their interactions with other sectors (e.g., aquaculture, agriculture, hydropower, shipping). · Experience with international organizations. Duties: 40% Develops river fisheries production models in consultation with research collaborators and supervisor. 25% Manages and updates river fisheries database. 15% Compiles and summarizes results and participates in preparing reports, manuscripts, and articles for publication. 10% Researches literature to maintain current knowledge of analytical approaches. 10% Consults with research collaborators and supervisor to aid in planning and designing analysis. Contact Abigail Lynch, ajlynch@usgs.gov, with questions regarding this position. Posted: 10/16/14.
[position filled] Michigan Technological University: The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science is seeking a Site Manager for the Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE) in Puerto Rico. TRACE represents the first field warming experiment in a tropical forested ecosystem. We seek a resourceful individual with an M.S. in Biology, Ecology, Earth, or Environmental Science or equivalent experience. Required abilities include: 1) excellent written and verbal communication skills to coordinate with scientists and staff; 2) strong leadership and organizational skills in order to manage day-to-day activities and supervise technicians; 3) experience with fieldwork and willingness to conduct physically demanding work under climatically challenging conditions; 4) a demonstrable skill with word processing, spreadsheet manipulation, and database management. Preferred skills include knowledge of Spanish, experience maintaining laboratory and field instrumentation, managing large data sets, and working in the tropics. This is a full-time position based at the Sabana Field Research Station in Luquillo, Puerto Rico, which will transition to a 3-year fixed-term position with benefits after an initial probationary period. Interested applicants should submit a letter of intent including a cover letter with career goals, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts, and contact information for three references all in a single pdf file named with your last name. Please email the pdf as an attachment to Dr. Molly Cavaleri (macavale@mtu.edu) with “TRACE site manager” in the subject line. Please see the full position advertisement for details. Posted: 7/16/14.
Missouri Botanical Garden: seeking a full time Restoration Assistant to work at the Litzsinger Road Ecology Center in St. Louis, MO. This position will control and maintain invasive plant species, maintain site management records, and assist with other site management, horticulture, and restoration duties as needed. For further details or to apply see Restoration Assistant. The on-line application must be completed by June 23, 2015. Posted: 6/16/15.
Morton Arboretum: recruiting a fixed-term, full-time Prairie Restoration Research Assistant to assist in planning and implementing a prairie restoration experiment at The Morton Arboretum. This position is funded under a National Science Foundation Grant, Testing the effects of phylogenetic diversity on restoration outcomes in tallgrass prairie, and the position has an expected duration of 24 months. The Research Assistant will work closely with staff and researchers at The Morton Arboretum and collaborators at Chicago Botanic Garden to: * Refine species lists for experimental plantings; * Coordinate seed collecting and propagation for experimental planting; * Establish and maintain the experiment through its first seasons; and * Collect and organize data in the first full season. Applicants should have strong experience in plant identification and/or propagation, strong field experience, and an interest in prairie ecology. Please feel free to contact me (Andrew Hipp: ahipp@mortonarb.org) with any questions about the position. Please also feel free to distribute the attached flier to any you believe might be interested. Applications should be submitted to jobs@mortonarb.org by May 10 for full consideration. Posted: 4/21/15.
National Ecological Observatory Network: NEON is hiring a Field Technician III in Boulder, CO. The Field Technician reports to the Field Operations Manager and will be hired as a Field Technician III level depending on skills, experience, and education. The Field Technician III is the shift lead performing and supervising seasonal and periodic sampling activities and sample processing. The Field Technician III will have primary responsibility for coordinating sampling and laboratory activities at terrestrial sampling sites. The Field Technician III will have additional roles and responsibilities assisting the Field Operations Manager with management of the Domain Support Facility, hiring and training seasonal field staff, and acting as manager in the absence of the Field Operations Manager. The Domain 10 Field Technician's primary work location is Boulder, CO. This position supports sites in the Central Plains Domain. The Central Plains Domain includes parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. The Central Plains candidate sites are located in Colorado at the Central Plains Experimental Range (CPER) near Nunn CO, near Sterling CO, in Rocky Mountain National Park and at Fox Ranch near Idalia CO. For more details and to apply online visit our careers page. Posted: 12/6/14.
National Ecological Observatory Network: NEON is hiring field technicians in Puerto Rico, Alabama, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Alaska. NEON is a $430 million dollar observatory project dedicated to understanding how changes in climate, land use and invasive species impact ecology. For the next three decades NEON will collect a comprehensive range of ecological data on a continental scale across 20 eco-climatic domains representing US ecosystems. The Field Technician reports to the Field Operations Manager and will be hired as a Field Technician I, II, or III level depending on skills, experience, and education. For more details and online application visit our careers page. Posted: 9/11/14, revised: 10/25/14.
National Wildlife Federation: Climate Adaptation Manager, Annapolis, MD. Be responsible for managing NWF's coastal climate change adaptation work in the Mid-Atlantic Region focused on preparing for, and addressing, the impacts of climate change on wildlife and their habitats along the East Coast. This position will work to promote the application of climate-smart conservation practices in wildlife and habitat conservation and restoration, and the use of nature-based approaches for protecting human communities from the impacts of climate change. Posted: 10/26/14.
Northeastern University: Dr. Randall Hughes at the Marine Science Center invites applications for a full-time research technician in marine ecology. This job will occasionally involve working long hours under inclement weather conditions; a good attitude and willingness to work hard are a must. The successful candidate will manage research projects focusing on the factors influencing the biodiversity and performance of marine systems, as well as the response of these systems to anthropogenic change. He/she will be required to collect, organize and analyze environmental and biological data in coastal habitats including seagrasses, salt marshes, and oyster reefs. The applicant will also conduct laboratory experiments on marine invertebrates and plants. Analytical techniques will include molecular analysis, microscopy, and tissue elemental analysis, among others. Travel to remote field sites will be expected several times per year, as well as regular field work at the Marine Science Center in Nahant, where the position will be located. A BS in ecology or a related field (Biology, Geography, Environmental Science) is required, plus a minimum of six months work-related experience. The applicant must be able to work independently, highly organized, and willing and able to travel nationally to work in what can be physically harsh field conditions. Familiarity with molecular techniques (DNA extraction, amplification, sequencing) is needed. Some documented familiarity with working in marine environments is required. The position is for one year (with extensions possible) and can begin as early as 1 JULY 2015 and no later than 1 SEPTEMBER 2015. Interested candidates should submit (1) a cover letter with contact information for 3 referees, (2) CV, and (3) a short (1 page) description of research experience all in PDF format to https://neu.peopleadmin.com/postings/35384. The referees listed in the cover letter will receive information instructing them how to submit letters. For full consideration, applications should be submitted by JUNE 1, 2015. Email questions to rhughes@neu.edu. Posted: 5/26/15.
New Mexico State University: Lab Research Manager. This position will provide an opportunity to work with a highly productive interdisciplinary team of scientists on establishing a National Wind Erosion Network to support the development of new management tools. Specific responsibilities of the position include (1) installation, maintenance and trouble-shooting of the National Wind Erosion Network including meteorological equipment and sediment samplers, (2) collection of vegetation and soil field-based measurements, (3) laboratory work including soil physical and chemical analyses, (4) data collection, data entry and manipulation, and (5) training and technical support for Network sites across the United States. The position will include extensive travel (as much as 80% the first year), manual labour and long hours in the field. Trips may last up to three weeks and may involve camping and work over weekends. When not undertaking duties related to the Network, the position will provide technical and field support to related ongoing projects. See https://jobs.nmsu.edu/postings/19824 for more details. Deadline: 10/3/14. Posted: 9/18/14.
Northern Arizona University: This position will serve as a research specialist, working in collaboration with the Southern Colorado Plateau Inventory and Monitoring Network (SCPN) of the National Park Service (NPS). The position will provide technical expertise in support of monitoring and research relating to hydrology, aquatic ecology, riparian ecology, and fluvial geomorphology. This is a field-based position requiring frequent and/or extended travel to the parks within the SCPN. Many of the streams and springs associated with these parks are located in remote and rugged terrain. Fieldwork will require strenuous hiking and camping in remote locations, carrying backpack loads (up to 50 lbs), and may involve exposure to inclement weather, biting insects, poisonous snakes and other field-related hazards. Minimum Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in geology, hydrology, biology, ecology, or environmental sciences AND two year related research or experience; OR - Six years research or work experience in geology, hydrology, biology, ecology, or environmental sciences; OR, - Any equivalent combination of experience, training, and/or education approved by the Human Resources Department. Desired Qualifications - Two years of specialized experience as a Field Technician, in duties related to this position. - Two years related research or ecological experience or master’s degree in geology, hydrology, biology, ecology, or environmental sciences. - Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access software. - Field experience working in remote backcountry settings and harsh field conditions. For more information, see: http://nau.edu/CEFNS/Forestry/CPCESU/Bulletin-Board/Jobs/. Posted: 1/14/15.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Environmental Data Science. The Environmental Sciences Division of (ORNL) is seeking a recent Masters graduate to work at the ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center for biogeochemical dynamics (ORNL DAAC). This new team member will be involved in a NASA-funded project to archive environmental data from a variety of remote-sensing platforms. The successful candidate must have a strong technical background in informatics (e.g. R, Python), GIS, and/or climate modeling, and experience with management of environmental/ecological data. The following skills are required for this position: * Understanding of Earth science data file formats such as NetCDF and HDF5, * Good understanding of metadata standards and conventions, * Familiarity with geospatial data formats and visualization tools, * Experience with HTML and web programming, including visualization tools and libraries (Google Charts/Google Maps, JavaScript), * Interest in open-science & open-data. The position appointment is for one year, with possible extension to a total of three years. The anticipated start date for this position is September 2014. Qualifications: The candidate must have a Master's degree in Earth Science, Geography, Environmental Science, Ecology, or other related discipline. Interested candidates with a PhD or other qualifications may be considered. The most recent degree must be within five years of the start date for the position. Questions: contact Alison Boyer (boyerag@ornl.gov). Reference Code: ORNL14-37-ESD. Apply online. Posted: 7/21/14.
Oberlin College: The Environmental Studies Program invites applications for “Assistant Project Manager for Environmental Dashboard”. This is a full-time, one-year, non-continuing, grant-supported position with the potential for renewal. The hire will assist in development, management, assessment and communication related to “Environmental Dashboard.” This novel technology combines environmentally and socially contextualized real-time feedback on resource consumption and environmental conditions in buildings and cities with pro-environmental images and text drawn from community members (see www.oberlindashboard.org). The goal is to develop, test and disseminate this as a technology and approach that enhances “systems thinking” and pro-environmental identity and that can be adopted by communities throughout the United States. The incumbent will assist in all aspects of project management including overseeing students workers, coordination among community partners (including public school teachers, city government, businesses and non-profits), assisting in curriculum development (K-12 and college level), managing the website, assisting in research, representing the project and coordinating participation from other communities. Important skills and experiences include excellent oral and written communication, project management, web management, strong computer aptitude, and a demonstrated interest in promoting environmental sustainability. Exceptional organizational skills and a high level of responsibility are essential. Review of applicants will begin April 30 and will continue until the position is filled. The position will begin on August 1, 2015. A complete job description including instructions for applying is posted at: http://tinyurl.com/envdash. Posted: 4/16/15.
Oberlin College: Sustainable Energy Technology Research Fellow. The hire will play a central role in the development and management of hardware, software and data associated with “Environmental Dashboard,” a novel technological system that provides community residents, faculty, students and facilities personnel with real-time feedback on energy, water, and other environmental conditions in residential and commercial buildings and through whole communities. We seek candidates with college or masters degree (or equivalent in experience) with deep knowledge of computer systems and excellent organizational skills who is excited by the opportunity to develop and manage novel technology designed to motivate and empower citizens to take better care of the environment. Review of applicants will begin on July 14 and continue until the position is filled for an August start date. Applicants should review and respond to the complete position description. Posted: 7/7/14.
Ocean Outcomes: Join an exciting new organization dedicated to rolling up its sleeves and finding practical, creative solutions to global fisheries sustainability challenges. At Ocean Outcomes, we are dedicated to improving high-risk fisheries globally -- the fisheries that face the toughest sustainability issues and have the most to gain from improvements. In addition to our on-the-ground fisheries improvement work, O2 also provides science and technical services to NGOs, seafood and natural resource businesses, investors and other partners to help meet their sustainability missions. We currently have an open position for an Associate Fisheries Scientist. Job posting is here: http://www.oceanoutcomes.org/who-we-are/join-our-team/. Posted: 5/31/15.
Ohio State University: The Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory (Dr. Grottoli) and the Noble Gas Lab (Dr. Darrah) at seek a full-time laboratory technician to work 50% time in each lab. The technician would be responsible for 1) the operation of the stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer and its peripherals as well as noble gas mass spectrometer and peripherals, 2) trains students to prepare samples and operate the instruments, 3) complete the maintenance and minor repairs of instruments and associated equipment, 4) maintain data quality, correction, and archiving, 5) ensure that the labs conform to all health and safety regulations, and 5) oversee all invoicing for sample analyses and accounts payable. The candidate must hold a minimum of a BS in the physical sciences or closely related field. Desired (but not required) qualifications include an MS in the physical sciences or related field, and experiences in the operation of stable isotope and/or noble gas mass spectrometers and peripherals. This is a one-year position with a possibility of renewal. To apply, please visit http://www.jobsatosu.com and enter the job opening number 403406. For additional details, contact Dr. Andrea Grottoli (grottoli.1@osu.edu) or Dr. Tom Darrah (darrah.24@osu.edu). Posted: 11/3/14.
Oregon State University: Oregon Sea Grant Research/Scholars Coordinator Position. Location: Corvallis, OR. Application deadline June 25, 2015. Oregon Sea Grant is seeking to fill a full-time, 12-month, fixed term professional faculty position to support development and execution of Oregon Sea Grant’s competitive research process, manage our program development grants, coordinate the student scholars program, and prepare various proposal and project budgets, reports and other documents required by the National Sea Grant office and other funders. At minimum, candidates should have a Master’s degree in marine or environmental sciences, resource management, public policy, public administration, resource economics or a related field that gives the candidate a firm basis in the physical and social sciences, or with policy/ administration. In addition, we require two years of experience with responsibility for program or project management, monitoring and coordination. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closing Date 6-25-2015. Posted: 6/15/15.
Pennsylvania State University: Watershed specialist: The Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory seeks a specialist in hydrological, meteorological, geological and/or ecological field applications. The successful applicant will collect samples, operate a sensor network (including wireless communications), troubleshoot sensor problems and manage multiple field efforts simultaneously. The candidate must work effectively in a multidisciplinary team that includes students. The specialist will work directly with the Program Coordinator and Cyberspecialist to manage data and operations for the project and will report to the director of the project. The specialist will also interact with state agencies and local landowners prior to and during field deployment and will have some report-writing duties. The candidate could also participate in publication of scientific research. We expect that the successful candidate will have an advanced degree in a relevant discipline and experience with GIS (but neither are requirements for the position). The job level and salary will be determined relevant to the successful candidate's experience. This fulltime position could be filled as early as January and will come with full benefits. To apply, please go to the Penn State jobs website (Job Number: 54857) and upload your application materials. Posted: 12/6/14.
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens: Phipps (Pittsburgh, PA) is seeking a full-time Science Education Research Manager to strengthen and create new and innovative research partnerships in the areas of communication and outreach, ecological health and wellness, human health and wellness, and education and social justice. The Science Education Research Manager is responsible for assisting in research related to those focus areas as well as coordinating all research activities for the department. This role will also assist with developing and researching programs that connect youth and conservatory guests to scientists and engage them with research. The successful candidate must have a passion for teaching, research and the environment, with a demonstrated ability to interact with children and the general public in a pleasant and courteous manner. Proficiency with computer software and data management, as well as experience with research including successful publications, presentations, and/or grant applications, is required. The candidate must have a Master's degree or higher focused in an area related to Phipps' science education (e.g., environmental education, the ecological or conservation-focused biological sciences, or environmental social sciences) and at least three years of relevant and responsible experience in the field of research/evaluation of science education in an informal learning environment. Phipps offers a competitive compensation package and a beautiful, unique atmosphere. Please include a cover letter, resume and salary history when responding. Qualified candidates should send their resume and cover letter via email to hr@phipps.conservatory.org or mail to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Human Resources Department, 1059 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232. Posted: 2/16/15.
Point Blue Conservation Science: hiring a Senior Marine Spatial Ecologist to help us drive climate-smart conservation actions off the Sonoma coast and across the entire California Current ecosystem. The Marine Ecologist will play a key role in Point Blue's strategic initiative to conserve ocean food webs by helping to: 1) identify the effects of climate change on marine wildlife distribution patterns and the location and function of food web hot spots, 2) guide ocean adaptation planning, management, and zoning to improve the conservation of threatened ocean resources within California's National Marine Sanctuaries, 3) use monitoring and citizen science to inform public outreach and policy recommendations that will reduce human impacts on marine wildlife, and 4) coordinate and support collaborative science and resource management activities with key agencies and stakeholders. The Marine Ecologist will work collaboratively with staff across the California Current Group and Point Blue, as well as externally with public and private partners to carry out research and monitoring, perform analyses, engage in policy and resource management discussions, and disseminate results. Supervision will be provided by Point Blue's California Current Group Director. To Apply E-mail: (1) cover letter describing qualifications and reasons for interest in this position and in Point Blue, (2) complete CV/résumé, and (3) contact information (including phone numbers and e-mail addresses) for 3 references to jobs@pointblue.org with "Marine Ecologist" in the subject line. Application deadline is May 31, 2015; the position will remain open until a successful candidate has been identified. See link above for qualifications and more info. Posted: 5/25/15.
Purdue University: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources is seeking applicants for a project coordinator for the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment (HEE), a large multidisciplinary research project examining the relationship of silvicultural practices to changes in plant and animal species within forests across Indiana. This individual will coordinate all research, extension and teaching activities related to the HEE. The successful candidate will facilitate collaboration between researchers from Purdue, Indiana State, Ball State and other universities, and local land managers for the State of Indiana. Regular communication via emails, meetings and/or biannual newsletters is expected to update investigators and managers on progress and success of field work; to make judgments as to the suitability of the particular field sites for research activities; and to coordinate field activities with land managers on state forests properties. The incumbent will be expected to hire and remotely supervise field technicians and a field research coordinator, oversee implementation of field protocols for sampling of forest vegetation and fauna, and provide oversight for quality analysis/control associated with collection of field data. This position is also responsible for coordinating field crew logistics, including hiring, housing and transportation. The incumbent will work closely with researchers in organizing and archiving tabular and geospatial data into searchable geodatabases. The Project Coordinator will also assist in analysis of data to create annual progress and outreach materials, organize and/or participate in department-sponsored extension activities, and assist researchers by assembling results into publishable manuscripts. The position will be based at Purdue's West Lafayette campus, while the HEE field sites are located near Bloomington, Indiana. Therefore, the position will require travel between campus and the field throughout the year; the amount of travel substantially depending on field needs. The individual will occasionally be expected to collect field data in adverse environmental conditions typical of southern Indiana. Qualifications: B.S. in Forestry or a closely related field, plus two years of work experience similar to the described position, is required; an M.S. in Forestry or a closely related field with supervisory experience is preferred. The successful candidate must have working knowledge of general silvicultural operations, forest inventory techniques and wildlife sampling techniques. Strong knowledge of computer data programs for organizing data (e.g., Excel, Access, ArcGIS) and analyzing field data (e.g., SAS, R) is expected. Strong communication, organizational and interpersonal skills is required. Demonstrated technical and scientific writing skills, such as management plans or manuscripts, are preferred. Salary range is $40-45k per year, commensurate with experience and training. Closing Date: January 19, 2015, or until filled with a qualified candidate. Starting Date: February 16, 2015 is preferred, although it may be delayed for an exceptional candidate. Apply at www.purdue.edu/careers, Posting Number 1403292. With your application, please submit 1) a cover letter, including the names and contact information for three references, and 2) a resume or curriculum vitae. Questions may be directed to Dr. Mike Saunders via telephone (765-430-1440) or email (msaunder@purdue.edu). Posted: 1/4/15.
Rice University: I am seeking a research technician to join our lab in the Department of BioSciences. Our research focuses on plant and insect population dynamics, plant-insect interactions, and plant symbioses with microbes. Our work combines field experiments with statistical and demographic modeling. A Bachelor’s degree in Biology or relevant sub-discipline is required for this position. The technician will be responsible for managing several experiments on plant population dynamics, including work in the greenhouse, laboratory, and various field sites. The technician will also be responsible for data entry, data quality control, and database management. The technician will supervise undergraduate assistants, so strong communication skills and leadership abilities are essential. This is a full-time appointment for one year, with the possibility of extension beyond that. The work will involve multi-day trips to field sites throughout east Texas and the southern Great Plains. Desirable experience and skills: - ability to work and solve problems independently - previous field research experience, including the ability to maintain focus and positivity under challenging field conditions - strong written and oral communication skills - strong quantitative skills, including some statistics and mathematics - experience with database software (e.g., MS Excel or Access) and computer programming (ideally R) This position is ideal for a recent college graduate considering graduate school in ecology and evolution and looking to gain more research experience. The technician will be involved in all stages of the research process and will have opportunities to develop independent projects related to research in the lab. To apply, please submit the following to tom.miller@rice.edu: (1) a cover letter (no longer than one page) describing your scientific background, your interest in the position, and how it relates to your long-term career goals, (2) CV, and (3) contact information (name, institution, email, and phone) for two references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis (open immediately), but no later than April 24, 2015. The anticipated start date is June 2015, but this is flexible. Please contact me (tom.miller@rice.edu) if you would like any additional information. Posted: 4/13/15.
Rice University: We are hiring two positions for a research project focused on understanding and restoring the functional role of frugivorous birds on the island of Guam. The invasive brown treesnake is responsible for the loss of virtually all native frugivores on Guam. Many of the native frugivores are still present on the island of Saipan (120 miles north of Guam), so this project will be located solely on Saipan for the year 2015. Position 1: Project Coordinator - The duties of the research coordinator will be to manage the logistical and administrative needs of the project. This includes tasks like a) purchasing, b) organizing housing, utilities, and vehicle needs, c) handling receipts, reimbursements, and bills, and managing the budget; d) compiling information for and completing the monthly, quarterly, and annual reports to the funding agency, e) assisting with hiring field crew, and f) communicating regularly with project leaders based in Houston, TX. The position may also include a limited amount of field work and data management. This position starts in January or February 2015, lasts a minimum of 1 year, and includes competitive pay and benefits. Position 2: Field Crew Leader - The field crew leader will direct the activities of a 4-8 person field crew. Duties includes the following tasks: i) scheduling tasks for crew members to meet monthly goals; ii) training and orienting new crew members, iii): regularly providing feedback to crew members; and iv) communicating regularly with project leaders based in Houston, TX and Seattle, WA, v) managing project data; vi) assisting with the development of scientific protocols, and vii) conducting field research. This position starts in January or February 2015, lasts 9 months, and includes competitive pay and benefits. To apply: Email a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Haldre Rogers (haldre@rice.edu). The cover letter should describe your previous research experience, career goals, and why you are interested in this position. Application materials should be in a single pdf. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but submit by December 9, 2014 to ensure full consideration. For more information, see www.ecologyofbirdloss.org or contact Haldre Rogers (haldre@rice.edu). Posted: 11/30/14.
Rutgers University: We are seeking a field technician/crew leader for Restoration and Urban Ecology research under the direction of Dr. Steven Handel in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources. The position will be based at Rutgers in New Jersey, but field work will take place in the Jamaica Bay Watershed, New York City. The job requires an independent, organized individual with strong plant ID, GIS and leadership skills. See the Laboratory Researcher III, Position Number: 14-002833 to apply. Reports to the Senior Program Coordinator. Assists in ecological field work in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area and performs data analysis and spatial data collection and processing on Cook Campus. Visits field sites, assists with experimental set-ups, records habitat information (including vegetation identification) and GIS locations, and enters on computer data bases. Attends meetings with city officials and collaborators to review procedures and data. Assists senior staff in preparing research reports and new grant proposals. Leads seasonal student field crew. Organizes and maintains laboratory equipment and space; oversees routine and emergency field vehicle maintenance; and assists with designing new vegetation types to be installed. Requires a Bachelor’s degree preferably in ecology or biology or an equivalent combination of education and/or relevant experience. Also requires a minimum of two years research in ecological field work, especially plant ecology including plant identification and restoration processes. MS preferred. Requires the ability to use modern GIS field equipment and software to map habitats; and computer literacy in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Experience supervising a field crew; experience in literature review and scientific writing preferred. Posted: 11/20/14.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: The lab of Dr. John Parker at SERC in Edgewater, Maryland is seeking a Biological Research Technician to fill a full-time federal position. Current projects include: (1) effects of climate change on mangrove distributions, (2) effects of tree diversity and succession status on forest dynamics, (3) mechanisms and consequences of exotic plant invasions, and (4) effects of climate change on plant-insect interactions. Duties will include project management, field work, data collection and analysis, database management, supervision of volunteers and interns, and scientific writing. The applicant must be willing to travel occasionally, able to lift at least 25 lbs, and work outside in standard field conditions. The successful applicant will possess: (1) a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in ecology, environmental science, geography, invasion biology, quantitative ecology, or a closely related discipline; (2) demonstrated field and laboratory skills; and (3) excellent written and oral communication. Proficiency with statistics and large datasets is a plus. This position includes a comprehensive benefits package. Please see the full job posting here. Please apply by November 14th, 2014. Posted: 10/30/14.
Smithsonian Institution: two positions to support the Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO), a growing global network of partners collaborating to understand how marine life is responding to environmental change, and the role of biodiversity in mediating resilience of near-shore marine ecosystems. The partnership is coordinated by the Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network (TMON) based at the Smithsonian and is unique in its use of standardized measurements and coordinated experiments, and its long-term focus on biodiversity and functioning in shallow waters. MarineGEO/TMON represents a major research initiative in the science portfolio of the Smithsonian Institution. The network currently consists of the Smithsonian’s four Atlantic sites in Maryland (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center), Florida (Smithsonian Marine Station), Belize (Carrie Bow Cay field station), and Panama (STRI Bocas del Toro field station), and is actively developing additional partner sites. (1) Program Manager: The Program Manager assists the Director of TMON in coordinating management of the international network, maintains accounting and reporting responsibilities, manages contractual agreements with national and international research partners, prepares summaries of research and program progress and needs, and manages logistical needs, fund-raising and development opportunities, and outreach initiatives for the network. The Program Manager works closely with the Director in developing the collaborative network of MarineGEO/TMON sites globally, including coordination of research and training activities, fellowships and small grants programs, and assistance with data management. The Program Manager serves as assistant to the Director. Candidates should ideally hold a M.S. degree in biology, oceanography, or environmental science with a marine focus. Experience managing large grants, budgets, and/or research programs is strongly preferred. Because the project involves a collaborative global partnership, strong organizational, communication, writing, and people skills are essential. The Program Manager position will be based at the headquarters of MarineGEO/TMON at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. This is a full-time, permanent, trust-fund position with similar requirements and benefits to a federal position. The position is open to all candidates eligible to work in the United States. Review of applications will begin on 30 July 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. (2) Marine Biology Research Technician The marine biology research technician provides technical support for a variety of field and laboratory tasks in MarineGEO/TMON’s program of marine research. Under the guidance of the TMON Director, the duties of the incumbent will include but are not limited to field sampling of marine organisms, identification of marine organisms using microscopy and taxonomic literature; conducting field and laboratory experiments; preparation and curation of frozen and preserved specimens; deposition of specimens in museum collections; maintenance and data retrieval from water quality monitoring instruments; management, entry, and analysis of data; and assistance in preparation and publication of reports, proposals, and manuscripts. The position requires a Bachelor’s degree, with Master’s degree strongly preferred, in Biology, Marine Science, or related field. The position requires practical knowledge of biology and taxonomy of marine organisms and marine research procedures. Ability to operate small to medium sized boats is strongly preferred. Scuba certification and scientific diving experience are strongly preferred, and must be completed soon after acceptance of the position. The applicant must be competent in computer data entry, data management, statistical analysis, and effective writing skills. The Research Technician position will be based at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, MD. This is a full-time, permanent, trust-fund position with similar requirements and benefits to a federal position. The position is open to all candidates eligible to work in the United States. Review of applications will begin on 30 July 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. Applications for both positions should include (1) a current Curriculum Vitae; (2) a 1-2 page summary of career goals, experience, and interests relevant to the MarineGEO/TMON program; and (3) names and full contact information (postal address, email address, and phone number) of three references. Please submit applications electronically as a single PDF document to Dr. J. Emmett Duffy, Director of TMON and Chair of the Search Committee at: duffye@si.edu with the file name and email subject heading ‘MarineGEO manager application – SURNAME’ or ‘MarineGEO technician application – SURNAME’ with your surname in capital letters. Inquiries can be sent to the same email address. Review of applications will begin on 24 July 2014. Posted: 7/7/14.
Society for Ecological Restoration: Membership & Communications Manager. The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) is seeking an enthusiastic professional candidate with environmental knowledge to join its team as the Membership & Communications Manager. The candidate will be responsible for the development and implementation of SER’s membership and communications programs. The ideal candidate will have strong written and oral communications skills, be highly organized with an eye for detail, understand the elements needed to build and implement a successful non-profit membership program, and have experience with technological systems such as Association Management Systems, web editing platforms, and InDesign. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to build long-lasting relationships with staff, members and Society leaders is essential. This is a full-time position located in SER’s Washington D.C. office. Application review will begin May 15 and continue until position is filled. See the full description to apply. Posted: 4/21/15.
Stanford University: The Mordecai lab is seeking a full-time Life Science Research Professional to lead field and laboratory experiments in grassland community ecology and plant – fungal interactions. The position, based out of Palo Alto, CA, will involve extensive field work in Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve and other grassland field sites in California, as well as lab work on Stanford campus. Project objectives will include studying how interactions between grassland plants and their pathogens shape population and community dynamics, and how climate variation may mediate these outcomes. Please visit the lab website to learn more about our research interests: mordecailab.com. Activities will include planting, weeding, and harvesting plant field experiments, collecting and maintaining fungal cultures in the lab, and managing lab inventory. This position is fixed term for one year, with possible extension. For details, and to apply, please see our listing at http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu/job-search, posting number 67332. Questions may be directed to Erin Mordecai: emordeca@stanford.edu. Posted: 10/19/14, revised: 6/24/15.
SUNY ESF: The New York Natural Heritage Program is looking for people to fill the following three positions: GIS Specialist, Spatial Ecologist/Modeler, iMapInvasives Administrative Assistant. Candidates should submit their application by November 26, 2014 to assure optimal consideration. Posted: 11/4/14.
SUNY ESF: The Fish and Wildlife Disease lab at The Research Foundation of the State University of New York for the College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) is seeking to fill a full-time appointment for a Senior Research Support Specialist (molecular biologist) to work on 2 projects: 1) Population genetics and genetic identification of wildlife species from non-invasive samples (80%), and 2) molecular biology and strain typing of Mycobacterium species from laboratory zebrafish (20%). The Senior Research Support specialist will work on molecular biology projects led by Dr. Christopher Whipps working with a team of faculty and graduate students (Whipps lab; Cohen lab; Ryan lab). This position will require strong organization, communication, and math skills; also must be able to handle high volume testing accurately and effectively and work with biological tissues and infectious agents safely. Duties: DNA extraction from tissues, cultures, and scats; running and modifying PCR assays for genotyping microsatellites from cottontail rabbits and other wildlife species; PCR-RFLP assays for species identification of rabbits and bacteria; preparation for DNA sequencing and sequence analysis; troubleshooting microsatellite genotyping data; ordering supplies; assisting graduate and undergraduate students with research; general laboratory management. Required Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in Genetics, Microbiology or related fields; experience in DNA extraction techniques and PCR. Preferred: A strong background in population genetics, laboratory management, and microbiology. Genetics techniques including optimizing and troubleshooting PCR, and genetic analysis. Experience with isolation of bacteria from animal tissues, bacterial culture media preparation, growth and preservation of cultures, bacteriological staining and biochemical techniques. Candidates should submit their application by August 1, 2014 to assure optimal consideration. Employment application is required to be submitted on-line at http://www.esf.edu/hr/ Attach cover letter, curriculum vitae, resume and contact information for three employment references. Full job ad. Posted: 7/19/14.
Suffolk University: The Friedman Field Station (FFS) seeks a Field Station Manager (FSM). The FFS is situated on the shores of Cobscook Bay in Edmunds Township, Maine. The station is used by a variety of groups from Suffolk University and other academic institutions for both research and teaching. This position is a full-time, 12-month, non-tenure track position. The FSM is responsible for the overall management, supervision, and safety of station operations including long term development, marketing, funding, and grant writing. The position does offer opportunities for collaborative teaching and research. More information on this position. Review of applications will begin March 1, 2015. Posted: 2/15/15.
Syracuse University: The Fridley Lab in the Biology Department at Syracuse University seeks to hire a full-time field and lab assistant for summer and fall 2015 (ca. May 18-Dec 31; start and end dates flexible) for projects involving experimental old field communities in New York and New Jersey and a long-term climate manipulation in northern England. Activities will involve lab and field components and include assisting with periodic field measurements of leaf, root, and soil properties; plant harvest and growth analysis; lab analysis of leaf chemistry; maintenance and monitoring of experimental old field communities; and various other lab tasks including data entry. The successful applicant will be based largely in Syracuse, with (paid) trips to other NY and NJ locations. Desired qualifications include a strong interest in field ecology, an undergraduate degree in Biology, Botany, Ecology, or related field, previous field/lab experience, and willingness to work outdoors under sometimes uncomfortable conditions. The pay rate is $12.61/hr and includes full benefits. There is a possibility the position would be extended into 2016 pending funding availability. Information about lab activities can be found at http://plantecology.syr.edu/fridley and questions sent to fridley@syr.edu. For full consideration applicants should complete an online application by April 20 at http://www.sujobopps.com (job posting #031588), and include a cover letter, resume/CV, and a list of at least two academic or professional references. Posted: 3/25/15.
Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy: seeking a Masters level ecologist to assist with research in the areas of plant ecology and fire science in southeastern U.S. with an emphasis on pine-grasslands. The Fire Ecologist will work closely with the Fire Ecology Program Director to implement collaborative and independent research in the Fire Ecology Program. Qualifications: (1) Masters degree completed in biology, forestry, wildlife, natural resources, or related field, (2) enthusiastic about conducting independent research and writing articles for publication with assistance from the Fire Ecology Program Director, (3) enjoys plant identification and wants to become proficient in knowledge of local flora, (4) enjoys working in difficult (hot and humid) outdoor conditions, (5) ability to organize and manage a laboratory, (6) comfortable with leadership role in supervising interns and technicians, (7) comfortable with using and maintaining various tools, technology, and equipment, (8) willing to receive training in prescribed burning and to provide leadership on burns, (9) relational database and GIS skills desirable, (10) supportive of land management practices for conservation (prescribed burning, timber thinning, wildlife management, hunting). Oversight: Fire Ecology Program Director (Kevin Robertson). This position provides an unusual opportunity to practice professional science at the Masters degree level. The Fire Ecologist is responsible for assisting the Fire Ecology Program Director in implementing and developing plant ecology and fire science research and providing information and education to the public. Duties will include supervision of existing long-term research projects, assisting development and implementation of new research projects, data management, writing manuscripts, hiring and supervising interns, acquiring and maintaining supplies and equipment, assisting with prescribed burning and other institutional needs, and assisting with extension and education activities. Research interests of the Fire Ecology Program are diverse and include effects of fire regime on natural community composition and structure, landscape fire history, natural community classification, fire and soil nutrient cycling, remote sensing of burn severity, and hardwood forest community ecology. The position includes support to receive annual fire training and other educational experiences, such as attending professional conferences and workshops. Starting salary (Biologist I level) will be $40k annually plus benefits, with the opportunity for promotion to Biologist II after two years. To Apply: Submit by e-mail a copy of current resume/CV, college transcripts (if graduated within the past 5 years), a writing sample (publication, thesis chapter, etc.), and contact information for three references, including name, affiliation, email address, and phone number, to: Kevin Robertson, PhD (krobertson@ttrs.org), Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy, 13093 Henry Beadel Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32312. Office: 850-893-4153 x 254, Mobile: 850-508-5499. Review of applications will begin January 1, 2015 with the goal of starting the position in February, 2015. Posted: 10/28/14.
Texas A&M University: The Ecosystem Science and Management Department is seeking applicants for a full time Field Ecology Research Associate. Duties include: managing, maintaining, and coordinating departmental research equipment and facilities; coordinating the use and management of the Ecological and Natural Resource Teaching Area adjacent to campus; assist in field data collection, installation, and monitoring of equipment at field sites across Texas. Required education: Masters of Science degree in Natural Resources or related field or Bachelors of Science Degree in Natural Resources or related field andthree years of related experience. Required qualifications: Basic computer skills (word processing, spread sheet, statistics) and knowledge of field ecology research. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to install and troubleshoot technical equipment. Ability to work outdoors under a variety of climatic conditions. Ability to work in remote areas without direct supervision. Ability to multi task, work cooperatively with others, and regularly travel to other locations in Texas. Willingness to obtain a pesticide applicators license. Preferred qualifications: Advanced computer skills. In-depth knowledge of field research infrastructure and plant sampling methods. For full consideration, applicants should complete an online application by July 20, 2015 at https://greatjobs.tamu.edu/ and include a cover letter outlining how you meet the desired and required qualifications, resume/CV and a list of at least three academic or professional references that can speak of your qualifications for this position. See the full job description for more details. Posted: 6/25/15.
The Nature Conservancy: The Arizona Chapter of TNC is seeking a GIS spatial analyst who has the ability to perform complex analyses, creatively adapt landscape models and scenarios, and effectively communicate results to a wide variety of audiences. The Spatial Analyst works as part of Arizona's Center for Science and Public Policy providing leadership and technical expertise in spatial analyses and modeling, database development and management, and GIS technology. The ideal candidate will have a graduate degree in ecology, geography, GIS information science or related field and 2-4 years of relevant experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. S/he will have experience and working knowledge of current trends in conservation-related spatial analyses and data management, GIS software applications (ArcGIS 10, ArcSDE Server, ArcGIS Online), GIS scripting programs (e.g. python model builder), and web software applications (e.g. HTML, CSS, PHP). For more information and to apply, please visit http://www.nature.org/careers, click on "Current Opportunities" and search for job ID# 42434 in the keyword search. Job location is Tucson, Arizona. Deadline to apply is October 14, 2014. Posted: 9/18/14.
The Nature Conservancy: The Edge of Appalachia Preserve Naturalist will work closely with the Appalachian Forests Project Manager and the Edge of Appalachia Preserve Manager in planning, managing, and performing preserve management activities and community outreach on The Nature Conservancy’s southern Ohio preserves, including the 16,000-acre Edge of Appalachia Preserve. The primary responsibility for this position will be to conduct ecological monitoring on four preserves in southern Ohio. This will include conducting rare plant surveys, breeding bird surveys, and monitoring the ecological effects of management activities. The naturalist will identify the need for, and help to develop, key partnerships with organizations such as academic institutions that can assist with these primary responsibilities. In addition, the Naturalist will be responsible for leading interpretive hikes for supporters and for the general public and may be asked to use their knowledge to evaluate new properties in the region as a part of a larger effort to prioritize them for conservation. The Naturalist will also be responsible for participating in other stewardship activities including prescribed burning, invasive exotic species control using herbicide, chainsaw work, mowing, trash collection, and facilities maintenance. He/she will be responsible for preparation and maintenance of equipment used in these management activities. This is a full time position that involves extensive outdoor physical labor in diverse weather conditions and may require working some weekends. The EOA Naturalist is supervised by the Appalachian Forest Project Manager, does not supervise other full-time staff, but may supervise volunteers or seasonal staff. This position is located at the Edge of Appalachia Preserve office near West Union, Ohio. See the full job ad (position number 42298) for details and to apply. Deadline: 8/11/14. Posted: 8/2/14.
The Nature Conservancy in Arizona: seeking a GIS spatial analyst to work as part of an applied science team. The Spatial Analyst performs complex spatial analyses and adapts a variety of model types to address ecological issues, planning needs, and tool development for the Chapter's conservation work in deserts, grasslands, forests, and rivers. The position works as part of Arizona's Center for Science and Public Policy providing leadership, technical expertise and mentoring in spatial analyses and modeling, database development and management, and GIS technology, initiates and leads teams conducting scientific studies, and works collaboratively with external agencies and institutions. The ideal candidate will have a graduate degree in ecology, geography, GIS information science or related field, published in peer review journals, and 2-4 years of relevant experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. S/he will have experience and working knowledge of current trends in conservation-related spatial analyses and data management, GIS software applications (ArcGIS 10, ArcSDE Server, ArcGIS Online), GIS scripting programs (e.g. python model builder), and web software applications (e.g. HTML, CSS, PHP). For more information and to apply, please visit www.nature.org/careers, click on "Current Opportunities" and search for job ID# 43076 in the keyword search. Job location is Tucson, Arizona. Deadline to apply is May 17, 2015. Posted: 4/20/15.
Tulane University: The Blum Lab in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology invites applications for 2 full-time research associate positions to start in Spring 2015. We are looking for enthusiastic, conscientious and highly self-motivated individuals to work on a project investigating the consequences of aquatic invasive species (AIS) removal for native Hawaiian stream fishes. Both incumbents, who will be based on Oahu in Hawaii, will participate in field surveys and related work to support genes-to-ecosystem assessments of at-risk species responses to AIS removal. Incumbents also will contribute to data analysis for project reports and peer-review publications. Prior experience participating in or leading field research is desired. Successful applicants will be expected to work independently and collaboratively as an active member of a large research group. Incumbents must be able to conduct stream-based field work, such as snorkel surveys, in sometimes remote locations and in variable weather conditions. Incumbents also must be able to perform detailed data analyses with a high level of precision. We are particularly interested in applicants that have experience with Hawaiian stream ecosystems, including but not limited to AIS and native amphidromous fauna. Strong written, verbal and analytical skills are essential. A Bachelor’s degree or higher in ecology or a related field is also desired. We highly encourage Hawaiian residents and Pacific Islanders to apply. An initial appointment will be for one year, with continuation dependent upon performance and funding. A PDF-format application package including (1) a letter of interest; (2) a curriculum vitae detailing past research experience and educational training; and (3) contact information for three professional references should be submitted via e-mail to Ms. Shelley Meaux (cbr@tulane.edu). Please write “Hawaii research associate position" in the subject line. For earliest consideration, apply by 15 March 2015. Posted: 2/28/15.
US Army ERDC-CRREL: The Soil Microbiology Group at Engineering Research and Development Center-Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (ERDC-CRREL) is seeking a highly-motivated candidate for a post-graduate (MSc) position to join an interdisciplinary applied research team investigating the distribution and function of microorganisms in soil and other matrices. Research includes laboratory and potential field assignments. Field assignments may include remote locations. Using a range of environmental samples from soils to ancient ice, the candidate will have the opportunity to assist in generating data and subsequent analyses needed for model development, documenting the data and contributing to reports and local research presentations. Prior experience with soils and molecular techniques is required. Candidates should have experience with microbial community composition and activity in soils, including mRNA, DNA, proteins, and respiration. Experience with next-generation sequencing and associated bioinformatics (e.g. QIIME), ability to sort through large data sets and expertise in statistical analysis of microbial processes are essential. A strong interest in modeling biology is desirable. An understanding of soil water potential and familiarity with soil chemistry and fertility concepts and techniques are also desirable. Qualifications: The ORISE candidate must have a MSc. Candidates should exhibit a strong ability to collaborate with an interdisciplinary team. Prior experience with molecular techniques is desired. Understanding of soil biochemical concepts and their dependency on soil conditions is desired. Strong organizational, as well as oral and written communications skills should be demonstrated. Salary Range: Post-MSc at $45-55k, commensurate with experience. The initial appointment will be for a one year period, contingent on sufficient funding. To apply, please submit cover letter describing research experience and goals, a curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for three references in a single pdf file to: Robyn A. Barbato, PhD, US Army ERDC-CRREL, 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03257, robyn.a.barbato@erdc.dren.mil. For full consideration, please apply by 4:00 pm on January 9, 2015. Posted: 1/4/15.
USEPA Gulf Ecology Division: The Gulf Ecology Division of the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), Office of Research and Development (ORD) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking an individual, at least 18 years of age who has completed a Bachelor's degree in systems ecology, mathematics, social sciences, computer sciences or a related field of study. The student contractor shall provide support and be trained by a multidisciplinary team focused on community sustainability related research including ecosystem goods and services production and valuation. This research will be located in coastal communities of the Gulf of Mexico and their associated drainage basins and aquatic areas. Topics will include community sustainability relationships with landscape development, population growth scenarios as well as sea-level rise and precipitation change effects. The student contractor may work closely with landscape ecologists, fishery modelers, quantitative modelers, and community focused tool developers to connect land and water sources of ecosystem goods and service production to beneficiaries through multiple networks. The student contractor may also work with wetland biogeochemists, microbiologists, fishery scientists, and toxicologists to refine ecological production function curves based on literature reviews, field collected samples, and laboratory analysis. The student contractor may become involved in developing scientifically based outreach products aimed at informing various audiences about sustainability research. This contract is expected to begin approximately December 2014. The student contractor must be currently enrolled in a degree program at an accredited University/College or a recent graduate within the last 24 months. Applications are due by November 6th. Contact: Cynthia Frate (Frate.Cynthia@epa.gov). To Apply: https://www.fedconnect.net Select "Search Public Opportunities Only". From the search criteria dropdown box select “Reference Number” and enter “RFQ-DC-15-00022” into the search box. Posted: 10/28/14.
USGS Canyonlands Research Station: term GS-07 Biologist/IT Specialist. This is a full time position (term: 4 year) with the US Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center. Canyonlands Research Station in Moab, Utah is recruiting a Biologist position with skills in Information Technology, data management, statistical analyses and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Major duties include maintaining computer hardware and software, updating software and virus protection, data management and archiving; setting up local area network and troubleshooting issues related to the network; performing data summarization and statistical analyses of large data sets; using GIS to assemble layers, run spatial models, and analyze patterns; setting up and maintaining equipment to monitor site meteorological and soil conditions. Qualifications. A MS degree in biology, ecology, soil science, or related field is preferred. Applicant must have necessary Information Technology skills. The incumbent must be in sufficient physical condition to withstand the rigors of the field work. Incumbent also must pass a background check. A valid US driver’s license is required. Salary and start date: Salary is $39,570 /year with full health and retirement benefits. Start date is June 1, 2015. Application: Applicants MUST be U.S. citizens. Questions should be addressed to CRS_Jobs@usgs.gov. Application MUST be submitted through www.usajobs.gov. Posted: 3/10/15.
USGS Canyonlands Research Station: soil scientist position (GS07) to work on a project examining how soils, geomorphology, and vegetation states interact to effect ecosystem resilience on the Colorado Plateau. This interprets how climate change affects plants, soils, and ecosystem function. This analyzes existing coupled soil-vegetation data sets, collection of new data, and GIS analysis. The incumbent works closely with USGS scientists and post-doc in project planning, data collection and analysis, and reporting results. The four general classes duties include: 1) lead field data collection, 2) analyze historical ground photos, 3) data preparation and analysis, and 4) assist with the preparation of reports & scientific papers. It is primarily based in Canyonlands National Park where much of 6-7 month field season is spent away from duty station for 8 days on, 6 days off, with frequent overnight and multiday camping trips. Field work involves heavy exertion; withstanding both extreme heat and potential hypothermia conditions; climbing; walking over rocky terrain; carrying equipment and supplies; long hours; driving a 4WD vehicle on unimproved roads. Qualifications: Master’s Degree and background in rangeland ecology or soil science preferred; Experience with range monitoring and assessment techniques, advanced statistical analyses, GIS tools and techniques, and preparation of tables and graphs for publication desired. Salary: $39k/year and full benefits; Preferred start: Jan-Feb 2015. Applicants MUST be U.S. citizens. If you have questions send an email to CRS_Jobs@usgs.gov. This job will be announced on www.usajobs.gov. Please refer to http://sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/news_info/jobs/ for details about announcement. Posted: 1/21/15.
USGS Canyonlands Research Station: Soils, geomorphology, and ecosystem resilience on the Colorado Plateau. An ecologist position is available at the USGS Canyonlands Research Station located in Moab, UT. The successful candidate will work on a collaborative project examining how soils, geomorphology, and vegetation states interact to effect ecosystem resilience on the Colorado Plateau. This position offers an exciting opportunity to elucidate how climate change – predicted to be notably strong on the Colorado Plateau – will affect the plants, soils, and ecosystem function of the region. Moab, UT is a small town offering a variety of outdoor adventures, and more information about Moab can be found at www.discovermoab.com. This project includes analysis of existing coupled soil-vegetation data sets, collection of new data, and GIS analysis. The incumbent will work closely with USGS scientists and post-doc in project planning, data collection and analysis, and reporting results. The incumbent will have four general classes of major duties: 1) lead field data collection, 2) analyze historical ground photos, 3) data preparation and analysis, and 4) assist with the preparation of reports & scientific papers. The primary field location is in Canyonlands National Park where the incumbent will spend much 6-7 month field season away from duty station (Moab, Utah) for 8 days on, 6 days off, with frequent overnight and multiday camping trips. Field work involves heavy exertion; withstanding both extreme heat and potential hypothermia conditions; climbing; walking over rough, rocky, or uneven terrain; lifting and carrying equipment and supplies; long hours; driving a 4WD vehicle on unimproved roads. Qualifications: A Master’s Degree and background in rangeland ecology or soil science is preferred. Prior experience with range monitoring and assessment techniques, advanced statistical analyses, GIS tools and techniques, and preparation of tables and graphs for publication is highly desired. Incumbent also be in excellent physical condition to withstand the rigors of the environmental conditions and must pass a physical fitness test and a background check. A valid US driver’s license is required. Salary is $39k/year plus full benefits. A start date of Jan-Feb 2015 is preferred. Applicants MUST be U.S. citizens. If you have questions send an email to CRS_Jobs@usgs.gov. Posted: 10/8/14.
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center: hiring a full-time Wildlife Biologist to conduct field research on pollinator forage and habitat quality in the Northern Great Plains. The major duties include: Lead field operations to obtain, catalog, process honey bee and native pollinator health data; identify plants used by foraging insects; manage and organize datasets; collect scientific information in a timely manner and in accordance with procedures, laws, regulations; communicate well with contacts of the position; and operate a government vehicle as an incidental driver. Salary Range: $39-50k/Year. Closes: Monday, January 19, 2015. Series & Grade: GS-0486-07. Term - Full-Time. Promotion Potential: 09. 1 vacancy in the following location: Jamestown, ND. Who May Apply: US Citizens. To apply or review a full job description, please visit https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/390769300. Posted: 1/16/15.
USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center: Wildlife research technician. The candidate hired will work on a range of different potential projects focusing on wildlife disease around the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, including elk, wolf and bighorn sheep disease issues. The selected individual will also assist with field observations and sampling, and be responsible for maintaining lab samples. The position will be based in Bozeman, MT starting in January for one year at around 30k/yr with the possibility of extending, pending funding availability. The technician will assist with data management and analyses to be included in annual reports and scientific papers. A significant portion of the technician’s time may be spent on analyzing and grooming large GPS datasets, within intermittent trips to assist with field efforts. Required qualifications: 1. bachelor’s degree with major study in biology, ecology, wildlife or statistics, 2 experience working in the field on either large or small-mammal studies, 3 experience working with extensive GPS datasets. Preferred qualifications: Master’s degree in biology, ecology or statistics, Skills working with R, Access, and ArcGIS, small mammal trapping experience. Screening of applications will begin on December 10th, 2014. To apply, the following to Paul Chafee Cross (pcross@usgs.gov) (1) a letter of application addressing all of the above required and preferred qualifications, and (2) a current resume or vitae, and (3) the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of three current professional references. Posted: 11/7/14.
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien: Research assistant position (Pre-doc, 3 years – optionally Post-doc), Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing , University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna . The Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) has approved funding of the project “DALF-Pro: Drought and Low Flow Projections – learning from the past for managing the future”. The project aims at a comprehensive analysis of drought and low flows under past, present and future conditions. This shall be achieved by a joint analysis of streamflow anomalies with meteorological drivers and tree ring records in the longer past, including the pre-instrumental period. The research assistant will perform advanced statistical modelling of hydrological droughts in close collaboration with in an interdisciplinary consortium of leading hydrologists (Vienna University of Technology), climatologists (ZAMG Vienna and University of Graz), and tree ring experts (BOKU Vienna). The research assistant will be involved in administrative aspects of the project, to enter, analyse and archive the data, to perform annual reporting, to contribute to the preparation of publications for peer-reviewed journals, and to present the results at conferences and workshops. He/she is expected to work towards his/her dissertation which will focus on space-time modelling of hydrological drought. Requirements: The successful candidate will have a Master (or similar qualification) in statistics or hydrology, or a related field of environmental sciences and engineering. Profound knowledge of statistical and geostatistical methods and their application to environmental processes and data is essential, preferably with experience in water issues. The applicant should have excellent analytical and computer skills and experience in statistical software (R) and Geo Information Systems. Very good skills in English and German (speaking and writing) are necessary, along with the willingness to perform scientific writing. Conditions of employment: Pre-doc position (30 hrs/week, duration 3 years) according to the “Kollektivvertrag” of the Austrian Universities. In case of an outstanding Post-doc candidate, the grant may be offered as a Post-doc position of shorter duration (2.5 years, 40 hrs/week incl. teaching supplement). Start of contract: March/April 2015. Location: BOKU, 1180 Vienna. Application: You can apply for this job before 15 February 2015 by sending your application to Gregor Laaha; gregor.laaha@boku.ac.at, Assoc. Professor of Environmetrics and Space-Time Modelling. Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna. Posted: 1/22/15.
University of Akron: The Department of Biology is seeking a manager for the University of Akron Field Station. The UAFS is used by a variety of departments, including Biology, Geosciences, Anthropology, History, and Art, for both research and teaching. The successful applicant will have a Masters or PhD degree in a field of biology, environmental science or environmental education, and will be responsible for: 1) Oversight of the field station building (Martin Center for Field Studies and Environmental Education) and research and teaching equipment and facilities there, 2) Management of and control of invasive species at Steiner Woods (23 acres) and Panzner Wetland Wildlife Reserve (104 acres) , 3) Coordinating and participating in UAFS research/teaching/outreach activities, and 4) Promoting development and support of the station. Preference will be given to candidates with a background in environmental education and outreach. Research is encouraged but not required. Candidates with previous experience managing or working in a field station are encouraged to apply. This is a contract professional position in the Department of Biology. Review of applications will begin Nov 26 2014. Official job ad: https://www.uakron.edu/hr/job-openings/openings.dot - If you encounter an error opening either of these pages try again in a different browser. For further information contact Dr. Randy Mitchell, Director of the University of Akron Field Station, rjm2@uakron.edu. Posted: 10/30/14.
University of Arizona: Research Technician, Biosphere 2. The research technician at the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) at Biosphere 2 will be responsible for daily tasks related to the installation, maintenance, and data-quality-control analysis for a network of meteorological and gas-sampling devices to be installed above the model landscapes at LEO. The work will also require rope-and-harness assisted climbing within the space frame at Biosphere 2 for the purpose of installing equipment. The climbing will be led and supervised by a professional arborist on staff. Other tasks will include active participation in ongoing research projects at LEO. The research technician will be responsible for monitoring instrumentation, recording and analyzing data, and implementing experimental treatments such as irrigation applications onto the landscapes. The research technician will work closely on a daily basis with scientists, instrument engineers, and research technicians at LEO. Minimum Qualifications: Applicants should have a Bachelor of Science degree in an Earth-science or engineering field of study. Preferred: Special skills or experience operating and installing automated data collection devices. Applied experience with collecting and analyzing data as part of scientific research projects. Special skills or experience with rope-and-harness assisted climbing techniques. Job Number: 56791 at https://www.uacareertrack.com/. 40 hours/week, 1 year term. Start Date: As soon as available, no later than 1/1/2015. Salary Range: $22-33k per year depending on experience level. Supervisor: Luke Pangle (520-838-6191, lpangle@email.arizona.edu). Posted: 11/7/14.
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division: Area Citrus Advisor to conduct an extension, education and applied research program that will focus on citrus horticulture with a secondary emphasis in plant pathology, entomology or other supportive agricultural discipline. The Advisor will serve Tulare, Fresno and Madera Counties. This is an academic position offered by the UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) program. LOCATION: Read about these three Central Valley California Counties and their UCCE programs at http://cetulare.ucanr.edu/ , http://cefresno.ucanr.edu/ and http://cemadera.ucanr.edu/. Duties: · Provide research-based information and educational outreach to the citrus industry including citrus growers, pest control advisers, packinghouse managers and the nursery industry, · Present and Conduct individual consultations, seminars, workshops, field days, publications, · Utilize field days, publications, contemporary and emerging electronic tools and public media outlets, · Interact extensively with the Citrus Research Board, · Collaborate with an extensive network of researchers, entomologists and horticulturalists. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: A minimum of a master's degree is required, though other advanced degrees are encouraged, in an appropriate agricultural discipline such as horticulture, plant sciences, plant pathology or other complementary or applicable discipline, with training, education or appropriate experience in citrus. Excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills are required as well as demonstrated experience or abilities in applied agricultural research and extension. Beginning salary will be in the Cooperative Extension Assistant Advisor Rank and commensurate with applicable experience and professional qualifications. Please visit: http://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/187037.pdf. HOW TO APPLY: Please visit http://ucanr.edu/Jobs/Jobs_990/?jobnum=797 to view the full AP#15-03 position announcement and application instructions. To be fully considered, applicants must apply by July 6, 2015 to ANRacademicsearch@ucop.edu. TO RECEIVE FULL CONSIDERATION: Submit the complete application packet containing Cover Letter, Application form, Curriculum Vitae and Transcripts via e-mail to ANRacademicsearch@ucop.edu no later than July 6, 2015. Contact Karen Ellsworth at kaellsworth@ucanr.edu or (530) 750-1284 for information. Posted: 5/31/15.
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division: we seek an Area Environmental Horticulture Cooperative Extension Advisor with education, training and background in a discipline such as environmental/ornamental horticulture, plant science, urban entomology, urban agriculture, or a related field of study to conduct an applied research program in San Diego and Orange Counties. The Advisor will: * Conduct an extension, education and applied research program that will provide technical support and information to meet the needs of residents and professional clientele in the landscape industry which includes urban forestry, arboriculture, proper landscape design and maintenance, and turf with a focus on irrigation and pest management. * Address competition for water and land resources among urban, environmental, and agricultural uses; changes in natural, managed, and human communities caused by increased population; providing information needed by landscape managers and urban foresters to help minimize impacts of endemic and invasive pests. * Identify and implement strategies to reduce water and pesticide use in the urban landscape and increase the use of recycled water or other alternatives. EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: A minimum of a master's degree is required in an appropriate agricultural discipline such as environmental/ornamental horticulture, plant science, urban entomology, urban agriculture or a related field of study. Visit http://ucanr.edu/Jobs/Jobs_990/?jobnum=749 for the full job description, academic application form and application instructions. TO RECEIVE FULL CONSIDERATION: Submit the complete application packet containing Cover Letter, Application form, Curriculum Vitae and Transcripts via e-mail to ANRacademicsearch@ucop.edu no later than April 13, 2015. Contact Karen Ellsworth at kaellsworth@ucanr.edu or (530) 750-1284 for information. Posted: 4/9/15.
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division: UC ANR has begun recruiting for an Area Agronomic Cropping Systems & Nutrient Management Advisor serving Kings, Tulare & Fresno counties. Please help us spread the word by sharing the attached position description announcement to anyone you think might be interested in applying. The University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, a statewide program with local development and delivery, is seeking a Cooperative Extension advisor to conduct a multi-county-based extension, education and applied research program with a focus on production issues in California’s Central Valley for crops including alfalfa, corn, oilseeds, biofuels, and grain legumes, with emphasis on nutrient management linked to animal agriculture and fertilizer use, as well as irrigation management and water quality issues. Programs will be developed and carried out in collaboration with other ANR academics as well as related government and private industries in Kings, Tulare and Fresno Counties. Critical research topics for this advisor position pertain to improved production practices (cultural, variety, pest management, irrigation, and economics) and nutrient (particularly nitrogen) management. A minimum of a master's degree is required, though other advanced degrees are encouraged, in disciplines such as agronomy, crop science, soil science, water management, pest management, crop production, and plant nutrition. Expertise to address nutrient management issues, especially linked to the dairy-forage system is important. Excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills are required. A demonstrated ability in applied agricultural research and extension is desirable. The deadline to apply is June 8, 2015. http://www.ucanr.edu/jobs Position Number AP #15-02. Posted: 4/13/15.
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Division: we seek an Academic Coordinator II requiring a minimum of a Master’s Degree in agricultural or environmental science, policy or economics, and ten years of experience. A PhD holder possessing six years of experience is preferred. The Coordinator will: * Identify and implement strategies for disseminating scientific results and engaging researchers, federal, state and local government and non-governmental organizations, diverse communities and the media about The University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the California Institute for Water Resources (CIWR). * Develop content-rich, research-based outreach materials, create websites, publications, presentations and posters, write articles and blog posts, develop lectures, workshops and training opportunities * Work with and further develop constituencies, partnerships, collaborations and funding opportunities. EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: A minimum of a master's degree is required in an appropriate agricultural discipline such as environmental/ornamental horticulture, plant science, urban entomology, urban agriculture or a related field of study. Visit http://ucanr.edu/Jobs/Jobs_990/?jobnum=749 for the full job description, academic application form and application instructions. TO RECEIVE FULL CONSIDERATION: Submit the complete application packet containing Cover Letter, Application form, Curriculum Vitae and Transcripts via e-mail to ANRacademicsearch@ucop.edu no later than May 11, 2015. Contact Karen Ellsworth at kaellsworth@ucanr.edu or (530) 750-1284 for information. Posted: 4/9/15.
University of California, Davis: Junior Specialist/Research Assistant, Department of Plant Sciences. This position will focus on determining how an interaction between environmental conditions and management/restoration practices influence plant community dynamics and multiple soil ecosystem services in California grasslands. Job duties primarily include: - 30% Field work (establishing, maintaining and sampling field plots). Sampling includes vegetation composition and numerous soil properties and processes. This requires: • Ability to do physically intensive work, often under wet/cold or hot/dry conditions (e.g. taking soil cores, implementing restoration trials, plot set up, running irrigation pumps, operating brush hogs) • Ability to drive, including on rough dirt roads. Occasional long days/overnight trips to the field are required. - 50% Lab work (processing and analyzing plant and soil samples). This requires: • Precision in working with chemicals and analytical equipment, as well as trouble shooting abilities • Maintenance of laboratory equipment - 10% Data entry and management - 10% Lab organization (overseeing the logistics of running the lab --e.g. managing chemical inventory, safety protocols, hazardous waste removal). This requires: • Careful attention to rules and protocols • Management of space and resources across multiple users of the lab (yourself, graduate students, undergraduate students) • Supervision of undergraduate students • Training undergraduate and graduate students in protocols, safety. Preference will be given to those applications with experience with plant identification, soil sampling, and lab chemistry. This is a one-year position (with possibility of extension, depending on performance and funding). Requirements: At least a BA or BS in plant ecology, soils, general ecology, or related discipline. Previous field and lab experience. Ability to spend occasional long days/overnight trips to the field. Ability to drive. Ability to work independently, organize personnel, time, and budgets across multiple projects. Ability to lead the logistics of multiple projects is critical. Application: Submit a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for 3 references to: Valerie Eviner (veviner@ucdavis.edu, 530-752-8538). Posted: 6/9/15.
University of California, Irvine: Research Specialist. The Center for Environmental Biology (CEB) in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is seeking a highly motivated candidate for a full-time position focused on ecological research in southern California landscapes. This is a one-year appointment with potential extension pending successful performance. The specialist will be provide support for a number of research and monitoring projects, including assessments of the success of ecological restoration, evaluation of the dynamics of ecosystem structure and function under different management approaches, experimentation on the resource-use patterns of dominant plant species, and the installation / maintenance of significant environmental instrumentation supporting a diverse research and management community. These projects are associated with the activities of the Center for Environmental Biology (CEB) and the Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center (SBABDRC) in partnership with local and regional land managers and conservation non-profits. This position is based at the UC Irvine main campus and will have duties that require travel throughout the open space of southern California – from local sites in Orange County to UCI’s field station in Borrego Springs. We seek an individual with skills in plant ecology (vegetation sampling, plant identification), ecophysiology (plant gas exchange, plant water relations), ecohydrology (soil moisture monitoring), and micrometeorology (remote weather stations). The ability to program and maintain an environmental monitoring system is critical and database maintenance skills / geographic information system expertise is highly desirable. Motivated individuals with a B.S. or M.S. in a relevant field are encouraged to inquire and apply. The position is available immediately and we will review applicants until the position is filled. To apply, please submit electronically a brief letter of introduction, resume/CV, and contact information for 3 referees to Travis Huxman (thuxman@uci.edu). Posted: 10/3/14, revised: 2/19/15.
University of California, Merced: Associate Specialist - Sierra Nevada Research Institute. The Associate Specialist will engage in the research of the Water Security and Sustainability Research Initiative (WASSRI), addressing the issues of unprecedented climate change, population growth and changing landcover, with impacts on human and environmental uses of water. The Specialist will be responsible for developing core elements of information systems for wide adoption by stakeholders, supporting outreach, assisting with project management, reporting and facilitating project communications on the Water Security and Sustainability Research Initiative (WASSRI). The outreach program will involve engaging stakeholders and other researchers with WASSRI, maintaining the WASSRI website (including ensuring data accessibility), and identifying education opportunities. The Specialist will work with the WASSRI investigators to prepare reports, coordinate communication among scientists, interface with stakeholders and research partners, and planning meetings. This position will also work with scientists to write outreach proposals and to develop outreach talks and materials based on research findings. This position is located at the University of California in Merced, CA. Basic Qualifications: *MS in Earth Science , Hydrology, Environmental Engineering or a closely related field and minimum of 5 years of experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience. *Excellent organizational skills *Meeting facilitation skills (or strong interpersonal and communication skills and willingness to learn facilitation) *Excellent communication skills, including written and oral presentations * Field experience in a variety of environmental and technical settings *Basic computer skills, including familiarity with MS Office Suite. *Willingness and availability to travel throughout California; valid driver's license. Preferred: * Quantitative skills * Familiarity with Geographic Information System software (eg ArcGis) * Familiarity with Content Management System software (eg Drupal) * Familiarity with Project Management Software (eg Asana). Required Documents: · Cover Letter · Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V. · Statement of Research · 3-5 references (contact information only). See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closes: May 31, 2015. Posted: 4/21/15.
University of California, Riverside: The Wilson Rankin Lab in the Department of Entomology is seeking a lab research assistant to work on projects investigating the effects of invasive species on ecosystem services utilizing molecular approaches. This position would involve both field and lab components. Please see full job posting: Job # 201408278566. For more information on current research projects, please see our lab website: Erin Wilson Rankin, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, 900 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92521. Posted: 10/24/14.
University of California, Riverside: The Department of Environmental Sciences invites applications for an Assistant Specialist to work on a research project developing new and innovative methods for measuring rates of atmospheric deposition in southern California. The successful candidate will help develop field instruments, collect and prepare field samples for analysis, perform chemical analyses, and prepare manuscripts and presentations. An M.S. degree, or equivalent experience, in biology, ecology, environmental sciences or related field and a proven publication record are required. Minimum of one-year of experience operating automated instrumentation for nutrient analyses of water, soils and plants is required. Ability to work at remote field sites and a valid California driver's license are required. Applications must include a cover letter, CV or resume and recommendation letters from three professional references. All application materials, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted through https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply . Applicants are encouraged to complete a demographic survey. For more information about the position, please contact Dr. James Sickman, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside; jsickman@ucr.edu. Evaluation of applications will begin on September 15, 2014. Posted: 8/24/14.
University of California, Santa Barbara: The UCSB Marine Science Institute is seeking to hire a highly qualified Specialist at the Junior/Assistant or Associate level in marine ecology to work with the Santa Barbara Channel Biodiversity Observation Network. The overall objective of this project is to assess biodiversity of a broad suite of marine organisms across space and time in benthic and pelagic habitats of the Channel using diverse methodologies. The qualified individual will work closely with the project’s investigators in the development and implementation of the project’s research activities. Principal duties include: organize and lead a diverse team in subtidal and oceanographic field research; manage laboratory activities such as equipment maintenance, sample processing, data entry and quality assurance, and protocol documentation; manage large data sets and perform an assortment of data analyses; conduct literature searches and assist in manuscript preparation; supervise and mentor undergraduate student assistants. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or higher in a relevant scientific field and extensive field experience in marine habitats. Desired skills include: advanced training in research diving and boating with AAUS certification; in-depth knowledge of taxonomy and identification of southern California marine algae, invertebrates, and fish; experience in designing sampling protocols; familiarity with biological oceanographic and deep-sea sampling techniques; experience using underwater imaging systems; ability to manage, analyze and synthesize diverse types of ecological and environmental data; strong organizational and communication skills; experience mentoring and supervising research assistants; and a strong desire to work on highly interdisciplinary problems with a diverse team of investigators, postdocs, and students. The position will be located on the UCSB campus and field research will take place in the Santa Barbara Channel. Some multiday research cruises may be required. The appointment is full time with competitive health and retirement benefits. The position is available immediately and applications will be considered until the position is filled. Primary consideration is December 1, 2014. Apply via https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/apply/JPF00413. Please include a cover letter stating your research accomplishments and interests, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for references. Posted: 11/3/14.
University of California, Santa Barbara: Seeking full-time Laboratory Manager for the McCauley ecological research lab. Candidate will be responsible for assisting with data analysis, launch of experiments in field and lab, management of laboratory finances, the production of research reports, management of databases, and will oversee a team of ten undergraduate research volunteers. Outgoing Lab Manager actively published scientific papers in collaboration with PI and this opportunity will again be emphasized. QUALIFICATIONS: BS or MS in the biological sciences, particularly with strong background in ecology. Experience in ArcGIS and R required. Applicants interested in carrying on to pursue a higher degree in ecological sciences are preferred. Experience with the peer-review publishing an asset. Apply at http://jobs.ucsb.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=188456. Application review begins on Oct 30 2014. TIMING: 1 Year. Start dates in Dec 2014 or Jan 2015 preferred. Interested candidates please provide in your online application package 1) CV with GPA and listing of relevant experiences, 2) 1-2 paragraph statement of interest, 3) names of 3 references and their contact information, and 4) the date you would be available to start. Posted: 10/25/14.
University of California, Santa Barbara: The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) seeks a quantitative analyst/scientific programmer/database developer to support the analysis and synthesis of ecological and conservation science information. The incumbent will consult with and advise NCEAS and SNAP researchers on efficient and powerful computational and informatics approaches for advancing scientific investigations; develop, test, and support analyses and informatics products using best-of-class and open-science inspired technologies; instruct and assist in use of these solutions; and work with NCEAS' developers and cyber-infrastructure collaborators to optimize interoperability and long-term sustainability of these codebases and datasets as generalized resources for ecological and conservation science researchers. Skills: specialist in scientific programming and quantitative analyses, with a strong service orientation, extensive experience with ecological, environmental, and conservation data and concepts, and advanced capability using high-end software solutions on Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. Strong familiarity with collecting, organizing and analyzing natural science data, especially relative to ecological, conservation, and geospatial data. Proficiency working with one or more of the following software languages or technologies: R, Python, SAS, Matlab, GRASS, GDAL, Javascript, JSON, C/C++, Java, HTML, XML and RDF. Experience with GIS and remote-sensing techniques and software also desirable, e.g. PostGIS, QGIS, or ArcGIS; as is familiarity with relational or object-oriented database modeling and usage (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL), and emerging trends with NOSQL and cloud-based approaches. Notes: Fingerprinting required. Occasional travel required including occasional work on weekends. Work location in downtown Santa Barbara. Salary $4,958-$6,938/mo. For primary consideration apply by 8/11/14, thereafter open until filled. Apply online at https://jobs.ucsb.edu Job #20140333. If any questions about this position, please contact Mark Schildhauer ( schild@nceas.ucsb.edu). Posted: 8/25/14.
University of Colorado Boulder: The Ecohydrology Lab in the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado-Boulder is seeking a highly qualified Professional Research Assistant to manage field and laboratory activities related a newly funded project investigating transpiration-groundwater interactions. The initial assignment will be for one year with the possibility of extension pending funding and evaluation. The preferred start date is May 1st, 2015. Primary responsibilities will include (a) construction, installation, programming and maintenance of sapflow systems and related instrumentation (b) operation and maintenance of stable isotope analytical instrumentation, (c) training of students, (d) sample preparation and analysis, and (e) method development. Primary isotope analyses will include determination of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in environmental samples (e.g., water, soil, xylem, and foliage). Full position details can be found at: https://www.jobsatcu.com/postings/97125. Posted: 3/10/15.
University of Colorado Boulder: We are recruiting a postdoctoral fellow and field research assistant to join our research group. Details about the positions are listed below. Projects in the lab are broadly focused on community ecology, with an emphasis on biodiversity, plant invasions, environmental change, and restoration. Research Assistant: Functional Diversity and Global Change. We are looking for someone with a Bachelor's degree in biology or environmental science to join our group as a full-time field (seasonal) research assistant. They will join an USDA-funded project relating functional diversity and ecosystem resilience to precipitation variation. This position requires good communication, organization, and problem-solving skills, willingness to work outside in sometimes harsh conditions, and a valid driver's license. Experience in field work, experimental design, botany, and/or soil or biochemistry techniques is desirable. The position will be based primarily at a field site near Grass Valley, California (Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center). Shared housing at the research station will be provided. Start date is flexible, a date in March 2015 preferred. Position will run to mid- May with the possibility of extension into the summer in Colorado. Review of research assistant candidates will begin January 30, 2015. To apply, email a cover letter, curriculum vitae and names of two references to sudinglab@gmail.com. Please include your last name and position (research assistant) in the subject line. Posted: 1/11/15.
University of Georgia: Prof. Gary Grossman and Dr. Jason Neuswanger are seeking a motivated individual with an MSc degree (please do not apply if you don’t have your degree) and experience in fish/aquatic ecology for a project developing and testing mechanistic, fitness-based microhabitat selection/foraging models for several central Alaskan salmonids. The position is available in early August 2015 and the applicant (U.S citizens or legal residents only) will be based at University of Georgia. Job responsibilities will be diverse and involve: general administrative responsibilities of the grant (budgets, progress reports, etc.), prey capture-success lab experiments, analysis of video-taped data of foraging success and microhabitat data, analysis of drift and stomach samples (requires experience with identification of aquatic invertebrates), data management, report writing and statistical analyses. A familiarity with R is essential, and some experience with mixed model and information theoretic analyses preferred. Working with graduate students and supervision of undergraduate workers are part of the job. Other responsibilities may be added as project needs change. The position is available for two years (although a probationary period is required and unsatisfactory performance is grounds for dismissal at any time). A collecting trip to Alaska may be possible. Send an updated CV to grossman@uga.edu (2 pp. maximum, GPA, GRE scores, pubs/presentations, but do not list papers “in prep” or presentations “to be given”) and email addresses of your thesis supervisor and two other supervisors/individuals who can write knowledgably about your professional performance. Initial salary is approximately $39k per annum. Gary D. Grossman, PhD, Professor of Animal Ecology, Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA 30602. Posted: 6/10/15.
University of Georgia Marine Institute: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER program seeks a Research Technician to be based at the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, Georgia. The selected individual will work as part of the field crew supporting the GCE LTER project. This will include monitoring plant and invertebrate populations, water chemistry, climate, and sediment dynamics, maintaining monitoring instruments, entering data into spreadsheets, downloading data from instruments, and a variety of other tasks. The position will occasionally require strenuous physical activity and irregular hours. Applicants must be able to hike through mud, marsh grass and other difficult terrain; lift and carry heavy gear in the field; and assist in light construction. The selected individual may either live on the Island (in UGAMI housing at a subsidized cost) or on the mainland. The ideal candidate will have a B.S. in an appropriate field; small boat piloting experience; first aid certification; field research experience; basic computer skills, including experience with email, word-processing and spreadsheet programs; and the ability to work harmoniously with a wide variety of people. Starting salary is typically $22750-26k and includes full benefits. Applicants should be willing to make at least a 2-year commitment to the project. Apply online at: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/, posting number 20150978. Applications will be considered starting June 10. Inquiries may be addressed to Jacob Shalack (shalack@uga.edu) or Dr. Steve Pennings (spennings@uh.edu). Posted: 5/31/15.
University of Hawaii: Hawaii Demographic Bird Research Supervisor needed to assist USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center in developing and implementing cooperative research with the Hawaii Cooperative Studies Unit (HCSU) into the ecology and demography of forest birds mainly on Hawaii Island. Duties include but are not limited to: conducting field research on Hawaii forest birds including banding, radio telemetry tracking, resighting, nest searching, and nest monitoring; assisting in other research projects, such as tracking movement of Hawaii waterbirds with telemetry; assuring that data is properly collected and managed and assisting in analyzing data and writing reports for administrative use and scientific publication; and assisting with public relations and outreach. Responsibilities include planning and scheduling field activities for Hawaii bird research; directing field activities; recruiting, training, and supervising two (2) biological technicians and eight (8) research volunteers per year. Regular, Full-Time position with the University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hawaii Cooperative Studies Unit (HCSU), located at the Kilauea Field Station of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center (PIERC) and field sites on the island of Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai, and Maui. Minimum Salary: $2,868.00/Mon. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree from an accredited four (4) year college or university in Biology, Zoology, Wildlife Science, or other biological discipline with at least three (3) non-introductory courses in biology, zoology, botany, ecology, or wildlife science. Three to five (3-5) years of experience (paid or volunteer) conducting avian research, including at least one (1) year experience capturing and handling passerine species, tracking birds with radio telemetry, censusing populations, or nest searching. At least one (1) year of supervisory experience with a biological research team, or natural resources field operations. Working knowledge of the principals of avian ecology and conservation biology. General knowledge of native Hawaiian flora and fauna, and native Hawaiian ecosystems. Knowledge of field operations, logistics and standard safety protocols. Ability and skills in techniques of avian population ecology and management. Ability to perform data management and analysis and to write scientific reports or publications. Ability to coordinate field logistics and train research personnel and volunteers to collect field data. Must possess a valid driver’s license and maintain throughout duration of employment, and be able to drive a 4-wheel drive vehicle with manual transmission in rough road conditions. Ability to work within a culturally diverse community at an inter-personal level, when dealing with the general public. Secondary Qualifications: Master's Degree from an accredited college or university, or at least two (2) years post-graduate education in biology, zoology, wildlife science or other biological field. At least two (2) years of experience capturing and handling passerine birds with mist nets, tracking movement of passerine birds using radio telemetry, and locating and monitoring birds. Experience working directly with endangered species. Demonstrated writing ability of scientific papers and or publications. Knowledge and ability to identify native Hawaiian flora and fauna at a species specific level. Inquiries: Sharon Ziegler-Chong 808-933-0759 (Hawaii). To apply: For complete details on announcement, please go to www.rcuh.com, click on “Employment”; select “Apply” and navigate to “See Job Announcements and/or Apply for a Job.” Job announcement # 14606. You must submit the following documents online to be considered for the position: 1) Cover Letter, 2) Resume, 3) Salary History, 4) Supervisory References, 5) Copy of Degree(s)/Transcript(s)/Certificate(s). All online applications must be submitted/received on or before November 24, 2014. Posted: 11/9/14.
University of Illinois: The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) seeks a 12-month, 50%-time visiting academic professional to advise undergraduate students and provide guidance to NRES faculty advisers. This position may become non-visiting and/or the percent time may change in the future dependent upon funding and programmatic needs. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closes: August 15, 2014. Posted: 8/2/14.
University of Illinois at Springfield: Director, Therkildsen Field Station at Emiquon. Directs activities of the Therkildsen Field Station at Emiquon (TFSE). The TFSE is a 1.5 acre holding with agreed access to the 7,000 acre Emiquon Preserve, located at Lewiston, IL. The TFSE Director will work to fulfill the station's mission to promote research and education of the Illinois River floodplain, with special emphasis on the Emiquon restoration project being managed by the Nature Conservancy. See the link above for details and to apply. Close Date: 2/28/2015. Posted: 1/11/15.
University of Illinois at Springfield: I am seeking a project coordinator to contribute to conservation and recovery of threaten and endangered wildlife species in Illinois. The project coordinator will take the direction and guidance from the principal investigator and be in charge of field supervision, data acquisition, management and analysis, proposal development, as well as independent research and writing for publications as instructed. The project coordinator will be of an important research and coordinating role in implementing and evaluating the recovery actions for threatened and endangered species, including osprey and Franklin's ground squirrel, in the state of Illinois. Successful candidate must have a M.S. degree in environmental science, wildlife, biology, or related field by December 31, 2014. Candidate should have a minimum of two seasons of directly related field or professional experience. Experiences working with mammals and birds of prey, trapping, PIT-tagging, radio-tracking, maintaining field equipment, chainsaw operation, and prescribed burns are preferred. Experiences with database management, writing reports and journal articles, statistical analysis, and presenting at scientific meetings are also preferred. Proficiency with Microsoft Office, ArcGIS 10.1 or above, GPS, and statistical software packages is highly desirable. Experience in R or Python programming a plus. Successful candidate must demonstrate strong leadership and communication skills. Candidate must have a commitment to high level of work quality, attention to detail, and field personnel and equipment safety. The individual must be willing to travel, have and maintain a valid driver's license, and be able to work outdoors in extreme weather conditions for long hours. The work requires the ability to lift loads which may exceed 50 pounds, to traverse outdoor terrain on foot without mechanical assistance, and to negotiate a variety of natural obstacles while carrying or transporting equipment. This is a full-time, grant-supported visiting academic professional position. Start date is flexible, but preference will be given to those who can start as soon as possible and no later than March 1. The duration of the position ends on June 30, 2017, with possibility of extension based on funding. The continuation of the position also depends on satisfactory performance. Starting salary is $30k per year, with full benefits and annual salary increase. To apply, please email the following to Dr. Tih-Fen Ting at tting1@uis.edu as soon as possible: 1. Cover letter addressing background and extent of qualifications. 2. Resume, including contact information for three references. 3. Transcripts (unofficial or scanned copy acceptable). Tih-Fen Ting, Ph.D., Department of Environmental Studies, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL 62703, (217) 206-7876. Posted: 1/10/15.
University of Maine: The School of Forest Resources is seeking a full-time, two-year (with possibility of extension) soft-money professional staff position that is jointly funded by the US Forest Service Research Data Archive (70%), and the US Forest Service Northern Research Station (30%). The primary purpose is to assist both University and US Forest Service researchers to make research data available online, manage active research data, and organize research-related records archives. Typical hiring range for this position is $38-42k. See the full position listing for details and instructions on how to apply. Posted: 6/25/15.
University of Maryland Baltimore County: The Department of Marine Biotechnology located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor is seeking a Faculty Research Assistant for the laboratory of Dr. Colleen Burge. The selected candidate will understand aquatic organism husbandry, sampling, and quarantine procedures. He or she will demonstrate the ability to work independently, perform marine disease ecology, microbiology, and molecular biology tasks, and have working knowledge of basic laboratory equipment and have the ability to operate standard equipment (i.e. autoclave and centrifuge). The candidate is expected to partake in either field or laboratory sampling of marine organisms and perform general molecular biology and microbiology laboratory duties, including sterile technique, isolation of micro-organisms, DNA/RNA extractions, PCR, RT-PCR, gel electrophoresis, cloning of genes, and plasmid preparation. Responsibilities also include preparing solutions, buffers, and ordering supplies. Qualifications: B.S. in Biology/Molecular Biology/Marine Science or related field required. Minimum of 1 year experience in aquatic animal health or similar field. Interested applicants should send a letter of application & curriculum vitae including three references (name, affiliation, phone number, and e-mail address) in PDF format via email to upload.Job.v14efvvly4@u.box.com. Applicants will receive an e-mail from "Box" confirming receipt of the e-mail with attached files. More details. Posted: 2/21/15.
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: Faculty Research Assistant I – Microbial Ecology and Geochemistry. The Horn Point Laboratory of UMCES invites applications for a laboratory technician position in the fields of microbial ecology and geochemistry. The position is a full-time appointment as a Faculty Research Assistant. Salary will be commensurate with experience and a comprehensive benefits package is available. Funding is currently available for one year. The applicant will serve as a general laboratory assistant supporting marine microbiology research. Duties include, but are not limited to: culture media preparation, supply ordering, reagent preparation, making analytical standards, nutrient analyses, sample preparation for isotopic analysis, maintaining small laboratory equipment, and preparation for oceanographic research cruises. Some sea-going field work may be required as part of this position which will require the employee to travel nationally and/or internationally and work on research vessels ranging in size from 12' to global ocean class vessels. The position will require work with hazardous chemicals and occasional heavy lifting. The ideal candidate will have experience with oceanographic sampling, basic molecular biology techniques (nucleic acid extraction, PCR, plasmid purification), and/or microbial cultivation. Experience with gas source analytical equipment such as gas chromatographs is a plus. A degree (BA, BS, or MS) in biology, chemistry, environmental science, or related fields is required. SCUBA certification is beneficial, but not required. To apply, email a single PDF containing a letter of interest, resume or curriculum vitae, and contact information for three professional references to Alyson Santoro (fra-ecology@umces.edu) Subject: Faculty Research Assistant. To receive full consideration, applications must be received by October 17, 2014. Posted: 9/18/14.
University of Michigan: The University of Michigan Water Center is seeking experienced, self-starters who are committed to bridging science, policy and management to support the development of science to support the management of the nation’s 28 National Estuarine Research Reserves. The Center is undertaking an initial, five-year effort to work with members of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) leadership to identify and address priority management issues and knowledge gaps, work with multi-disciplinary and multi-sector experts in estuarine science and management to develop and improve usable science outputs, and evaluate, synthesize and disseminate information and approaches to managers and policy makers responsible for management in the nation’s estuaries. Interviews for qualified candidates will begin in September 2014. View the full job posting for details and to apply. Required Qualifications include Masters degree in a relevant field of study and 4-5 years experience. Posted: 9/7/14.
University of Michigan: Research Laboratory Technician Position in Agroecosystem Biogeochemistry, School of Natural Resources and Environment. Full-time, one-year laboratory technician position focused on soil nutrient cycling in agroecosystems is immediately available in an interdisciplinary Sustainable Food Systems laboratory at the University of Michigan. The Research Technician will assist scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate assistants in performing laboratory and field procedures. Specific position activities include setting up field experiments on diversified grain and vegetable farms, plant and soil sampling, assisting with preparation of research protocols, and analysis of soils and plants including inorganic nitrogen, particulate organic matter fractionation, total carbon and nitrogen, and preparing samples for isotope analysis. The technician will be responsible for organizing and managing field work, operating laboratory equipment, preparing solutions, ordering supplies, recording and compiling data, conducting library research and literature searches, and performing other duties as assigned. Funding is available for one year, with possibility for position renewal. Successful candidates will have demonstrated organizational skills and ability to pay close attention to detail, and are expected to work both independently and collaboratively. A Master’s degree in soil and crop sciences, agronomy, ecology or related areas is desired, and a bachelor’s degree and prior experience in a laboratory setting is required. Interested persons should submit a statement of qualification, a list of relevant course work, and a resume online under job ID #98446 by July 22nd, 2014: http://umjobs.org/job_detail/98446/research_lab_tech_intermediate. Posted: 7/19/14.
University of Michigan Biological Station: The University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) seeks to hire a year round Analytical Chemist to manage a full-service analytical chemistry laboratory facility at our Douglas Lake facility in Pellston, Michigan. The UMBS, established in 1909, is one of the oldest, continuously running research field stations in the country. It offers 15-20 credit bearing courses annually, fosters undergraduate and graduate student research, and hosts interdisciplinary research on biosphere-climate interactions, biodiversity, field ecology and organismal biology. The Analytical Chemist Lab Manager plays an important role within the Biological Station community by providing year-round quality analyses and advice and ensuring the safety of the analytical laboratory for hundreds of students enrolled in courses, graduate students and researchers each year. Qualifications: Must have a Bachelor's Degree (Master's preferred) in chemistry or one of the environmental sciences and 1-3 years related experience. A working knowledge of flow type analyzers, combustion analyzers and stable isotope mass specs is required. The ideal candidate should have strong analytical chemistry skills, patience, be detail oriented, and able to communicate clearly. See www.umjobs.org, job posting number 99931, for details and to apply. Please include a cover letter as the first page of your resume. Contact Karie Slavik, UMBS Associate Director with any questions (slavik@umich.edu or 734-763-4462). Closes: 9/5/14. Posted: 8/24/14.
University of Minnesota: An exciting new position with the Monarch Joint Venture is now open for applications: the MJV Science Coordinator. The Science Coordinator will maintain and enhance the MJV's reputation and standing as the leading science-based monarch conservation organization. They will collaborate with our team of partner organizations to build and maintain MJV's Science Program. This work will result in innovative ways to develop and prioritize monarch conservation strategies and responses. We are looking for a qualified conservation professional with a strong quantitative science background and excellent communication skills. The right candidate will be self-motivated, and excited to work in a team environment. They will have conducted research projects that led to peer-reviewed publications, have experience with landscape-scale conservation initiatives regarding insects or pollinators, and have demonstrated accomplishments in providing scientific advice in order to influence local, state or federal natural resource issues. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the growing science-based movement to protect the declining monarch migration. The Monarch Joint Venture is leading the way in bringing together federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic programs to work together to restore the monarch population. As MJV continues to grow, the Science Coordinator will be an important addition to our expanding partnership. The Science Coordinator will ensure that the MJV's conservation efforts are driven by state-of the-art conservation science, help to integrate science and conservation planning tools into the organization's ongoing conservation and advocacy efforts and assist partners in addressing critical science needs. To apply, view the full position description (Job ID: 301326), or contact the Monarch Joint Venture Coordinator, Wendy Caldwell at monarchs@monarchjointventure.org with questions. Posted: 6/10/15.
University of Minnesota: Associate Program Director for the newly formed Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center. This is a full-time position. The goal of the MITPPC is 'to develop solutions to Minnesota's Invasive Terrestrial Species problems by developing an in-depth understanding of key terrestrial invasive species.' It seeks to accomplish this goal by prioritizing efforts to have the greatest potential impact on Invasive Terrestrial Species, and fostering collaborative research across faculty disciplines to address the diverse challenges presented by Invasive Terrestrial Species (e.g., plants, pathogens, insects, and animals). The MITPPC resides in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences and functions in collaboration with the College of Biological Sciences, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR), Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), U.S. Forest Service (USFS) as well as other federal, state and local governmental agencies, private industry and citizens groups. This Associate Program Director will manage the day-to-day program operations and works with the Director of the MITPPC in the administration of terrestrial invasive species programs, grants, and activities. Major Areas of Responsibility: (30%) Ensure smooth operation of the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (MITPPC) by communicating and coordinating within MITPPC and between MITPPC and other functional areas of the University and externally. (30%) Facilitate mission-driven programming valued by and relevant to external stakeholders. (40%) Finance/Development/Planning. Required Qualifications Bachelor's Degree; Experience with program planning and grants management; Experience with multi-institutional project management; Experience working with sponsored projects from a variety of funding sources; Strong interpersonal and communication skills; Strong computer skills; Demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion. Preferred Qualifications: Master's degree; Experience working in a research setting; Experience working with faculty and external agencies; Experience working with diverse populations; Experience working with interdisciplinary teams; Experience with grant writing or other fund raising activities; Knowledge of issues related to terrestrial invasive species; Experience with legislative processes; Strong organizational and management skills. See the full position description for details and to apply. Closes on February 23, 2015. Posted: 1/18/15.
University of New Mexico: Field and Laboratory Technician - Ecology and evolution of plant-animal interactions. The Whitney & Rudgers Labs will soon be posting a technician opening. Duties will include work in both field and laboratory settings on NSF-funded projects examining the ecology and evolution of plants, plant-animal interactions, and plant-microbe interactions. Candidates should have B.A./B.S. in biology (or related field) and some hands-on field and lab experience. Training will be provided, but experience with DNA techniques (DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing), plant care and greenhouse maintenance, plant identification and vegetation sampling, and/or general field methods in ecology, is a bonus. The position will involve supervision of undergraduate research assistants. This position would be an excellent fit for someone planning on graduate study in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, as there will be the opportunity to gain experience in a number of research areas and to co-author papers. For more information on the position, please send a CV and contact information for three references by email (whitneyk@unm.edu). Posted: 1/22/15.
University of Notre Dame: The Rocha lab is seeking a full-time lab manager. The successful applicant will spend the majority of the year working in the lab, and spend several months in the summer leading and conducting field work in arctic Alaska. Duties at Notre Dame will include analyzing data, maintaining scientific instruments, ordering supplies, helping to write and review lab papers, and planning and coordinating summer field work. Field duties include maintaining instruments, collecting field data, and supervising other lab personnel. Candidates should have familiarity with ecological and meteorological techniques such as eddy covariance, micrometeorological instrumentation, remote sensing, and Campbell dataloggers. Candidates should be comfortable with spending extended periods in the field, and be an effective team leader. Proficiency with GIS, ENVI, Matlab, C, Fortran, or R is preferred. Training is available, and criteria for this position is flexible. Anyone with a BA or MS degree in environmental science or ecology is encouraged to apply. Send a cover letter and resume or any questions to arocha1@nd.edu. Posted: 10/3/14.
University of Notre Dame: I am looking to fill an open lab technician/research associate position in my geomicrobiology/environmental geochemistry lab. The position entails about half time of lab technician responsibilities (equipment maintenance, student training, supply purchasing, etc.) and half time independent research on projects of mutual interest to me and the candidate. I am looking for someone with excellent lab skills, preferably with experience in basic microbiology and geochemistry experimental approaches, with experience with a range of analytical techniques (especially ICP-OES). The position is suitable for someone with a Ph.D. in geochemistry, geomicrobiology, or chemistry, although candidates with a M.Sc. in these areas are also encouraged to apply. Please send a c.v. and a brief (1-2 page) statement summarizing research experience and interests to me via email. Please forward this to any potentially interested candidate. The position is a fulltime one with benefits, funded through an endowment at the University of Notre Dame, and can be renewed indefinitely given satisfactory performance. Jeremy Fein, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences; Director, Center for Environmental Science and Technology. Posted: 7/2/14.
University of Oxford: Part-time Data Manager for NERC Human Modified Tropical Forests Programme, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford. Grade 6: £27,057 - £28,695 p.a. (pro rata). Applications are invited for a part-time (50% FTE) Data Manager position. The work will involve metadata compilation, data description and compilation and archiving of data from across the Human Modified Tropical Forests (HMTF) programme. The HMTF programme is a NERC-funded programme dedicated to exploring the interactions between forest modification and biodiversity and ecosystem function and involves a collaboration across UK Universities and Research Institutes involving research programmes BALI, LOMBOK and ECOFOR conducting research in specific landscapes in Brazil and Malaysia, with collaboration with partner organisations in those countries. The position will primarily involve supporting the substantive need for data collation, description, organisation and archiving across this ambitious programme. The successful candidate will be a graduate with good organisational and data archiving skills and understanding of how to handle scientific and geographical data. You will need good collaboration and interaction skills and be able to deliver to key deadlines. Experience in database programming is not required, but ability to manipulate and handle existing databases is essential. An interest in ecological datasets and questions is also desirable. This is a fixed-term post for 4 years in the first instance. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application. The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 15 July 2015, interviews will be held week commencing 27 July. See http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/news/jobs/ for details. Posted: 6/25/15.
University of Vermont: The Lockwood Lab in the Department of Biology is looking to hire a technician in our new research lab. We study how populations respond to changing climate conditions. We integrate approaches in genetics, genomics, biochemistry, and developmental biology to connect molecular processes to whole-organism phenotypes in an ecological context. The technician will assist the PI in managing the lab and conducting research, with the opportunity for co-authorship on scientific publications. The lab offers an exciting, integrative and supportive work environment, with opportunities to be involved in a wide range of research projects. Minimum qualifications include, a bachelor's degree in a related field or an equivalent combination of education and relevant experience in physiology, evolution, ecology, molecular biology, and/or developmental biology. To apply, please visit https://www.uvmjobs.com/ and search for Posting # S206PO. Please submit a CV/resume, contact information for 3 references, and a cover letter that highlights your previous laboratory experience. Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The position will ideally begin in June. This is a full-time position, initially appointed for a period of 12 months with benefits. The position can be extended for at least one year depending on performance. Please contact Brent Lockwood (bllockwo@uvm.edu) with any questions. Posted: 4/21/15.
University of Vermont: The Keller Lab is looking to fill a lab technician position in plant ecological genomics in the Department of Plant Biology. The focus of the lab's research is on using high-throughout genotype and phenotype data to understand the evolutionary impacts of changing environmental conditions on natural populations. Our research investigates the genetic architecture of local adaptation, genotype-phenotype mapping, ecological divergence in patterns of gene expression, and genetic signatures of demographic history such as effective population size, structure, and landscape connectivity. Our main study systems are forest trees and invasive plants. Duties: The technician must be comfortable in both the lab and in the field. Lab work will focus primarily on generating population genomic data for evolutionary analysis (e.g., high-throughput genotyping and sequencing). The position will also include field work involving trait measurements and maintenance of common garden experiments, as well as travel for specimen collecting from natural populations. Additional responsibilities may include growth and maintenance of plants in the greenhouse or growth chambers, ordering of lab supplies, maintaining lab equipment, ensuring lab safety standards, contributing to manuscript preparation, and assisting undergraduate students. Qualifications: A B.S. or B.A. in biology is required by the time of appointment. Candidates should have strong organizational skills, and be proficient in standard molecular biology techniques such as DNA/RNA extraction, electrophoresis, primer design, PCR, qRT-PCR, DNA sequencing, genotyping, restriction digests, etc. Desirable experience includes making next-generation sequencing libraries (GBS or RAD-Seq, RNA-Seq, WGS), and the ability to conduct occasional field work under diverse outdoor conditions, including in mountainous, forested terrain. Start date is flexible, and could begin as soon as a suitable applicant is found. The position is full time and comes with benefits. Funding is available for an initial period of two years, contingent on performance. Apply at: https://www.uvmjobs.com/postings/13488 Informal inquiries are welcome and should be directed to srkeller@uvm.edu. Posted: 10/24/14.
University of Virginia: Nitrogen Footprint Research Assistant. The Department of Environmental Sciences is seeking an individual to manage the adoption of a nitrogen footprint tool by universities, secondary schools and communities. A nitrogen footprint is the contribution of an entity (e.g., a university) to nitrogen pollution through activities such as energy consumption, food consumption, and the associated food production. The first stage of this project will require the individual to coordinate the application and adaptation of an existing university-level, Excel-based nitrogen footprint tool to other universities in diverse ecological settings. The framework of the tool is already in place; in the first stage of the project the individual will be responsible for both providing support to universities calculating their nitrogen footprint and updating the model when necessary. The individual will also be responsible for organizing multiple workshops for the project team members and developing a Drupal-based website for the project. In subsequent stages of the project, the individual will support adaptation of the university-level nitrogen footprint tool to secondary schools and communities. The ideal candidate is self-motivated, organized, has strong writing and communication skills, and has a demonstrated interest in sustainability as well as independent judgment and a high degree of professionalism. The successful candidate will be able to balance research on nitrogen footprints with support and outreach to universities and other stakeholders. The candidate must have a Bachelor's Degree by the expected start date. The candidate must also have coursework in environmental sciences, agricultural sciences, engineering, chemistry, computer science, planning, or related fields and must have a background that includes an understanding of the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen. A minimum of 1 year of total experience in at least 2 of the 3 following areas is required: developing and/or managing an interdisciplinary collaborative research project (research experience as a student may be considered); experience with web programming (Flash, Drupal, PHP, html and/or xml); or project budget management. Strong writing and communication skills required; as well as the ability to use independent judgment. Advanced Microsoft Word and Excel skills are required. Prefer research experience on how human use of food and energy resources alters the nitrogen cycle and impacts the environment as well as experience coordinating programs with outside organizations. A Master in Science is preferred. To apply, complete a Staff Application through https://jobs.virginia.edu and electronically attach the following: a cover letter describing research experience and interests, a CV/Resume, and contact information for three (3) references. Search for posting number 0614629. Posted: 7/19/14.
Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation: The Division of Natural Heritage is seeking a Field Zoologist/Scientist I. The mission of the Natural Heritage Division is to conserve Virginia's biodiversity through inventory, protection, and stewardship. Primary Duties will be: As part of the inventory section within Natural Heritage, this position gathers and analyzes data on the fauna of Virginia to: 1) determine the identity, distribution, status, and ecology of rare, threatened, and endangered species; and 2) enable the division to develop strategies for the conservation of the rare animal species of Virginia. This work is funded with a variety of contracts and grants gathered by the division to facilitate this work. Application deadline: 12/22/14. Applications may be submitted at: http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/job.shtml. Posted: 12/12/14.
Washington State Department of Natural Resources: Washington State Department of Natural Resources has an exciting and challenging opportunity for the FOREST PRACTICES GEOLOGIST-Natural Resource Scientist 3-Recruitment #2014-06-5818-05752 Salary Range: $4,322 - $5,668 per month plus a comprehensive benefit package including retirement. *This position provides scientific consultation to DNR region Forest Practices Foresters and the Forest Practices Division on the effects of proposed forest management activities on potentially unstable slopes, erosion potential, channel migration zones, groundwater recharge hazards, hydrologic impacts and wetlands. *This position may present training to DNR Forest Practices Foresters, TFW stakeholders, Tribal members and employees, and the general public on forest practices scientific issues. *The position may provide scientific support and testimony in forest practices enforcement actions and appeals. *On occasion, this post participates in special department or FP Division projects and may be requested to participate on the Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research committee (CMER). Required Qualifications: *Bachelor's degree in Geology, Hydrology, Soil Science, Forestry or closely related natural resources field. *An Engineering Geologist License in good standing in the State of Washington. *Three years of professional experience evaluating unstable slopes in the forested environment as required by WAC 222-10-030(5). Desirable Qualifications: *Experience in evaluating unstable slopes and identifying the presence of and delineating channel migration zones according to Washington's Forest Practices rules. *Experience carrying out or overseeing scientific research. *Participate positively in small groups with representatives from various backgrounds. *Be familiar with logging systems, logging roads, and silvicultural practices of the Pacific Northwest. *Fluvial geomorphology and knowledge of channel processes. *Requires an Engineering Geologist License. *The incumbent in this position is required to travel. *Must have a valid driver's license and have two years of driving experience. *The employee works in steep mountainous terrain with slope gradients greater than 70 percent in all weather conditions. Working in dense and fallen vegetation and trees presents hidden uneven terrain and obstacles which may be hazardous. The incumbent must be able to traverse unstable substrates and fluvial environments safely. There may be exposure to sun, insects, and wildlife. The incumbent will usually be in company of others, but at times alone. For more information and how to apply, go to the full job ad or www.dnr.wa.gov/aboutdnr/employment and search on Geologist-Forest Practices -NR Scientist. Questions? Please contact Leslie Lingley at 360-902-2138 or e-mail us at DNRrecruiting@dnr.wa.gov. Posted: 7/9/14, revised: 1/11/15.
West Virginia University: Research Technician in Forest Biogeochemistry (BIO 15-0005) to assist with the start-up of Dr. Edward Brzostek’s forest ecology and modeling lab in the Biology Department. Research in the lab seeks to couple measurements with models to understand and predict how interaction between plants and soil microbes impact ecosystem responses to global change. This position is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the lab, including assisting in purchasing and setting up new equipment and instruments, overseeing undergraduate researchers in the lab, and processing soil and plant tissue for chemical analysis. This position will also require work outside of the lab in nearby experimental forests to set up new research plots and collect soil and plant samples. A bachelor’s degree in biology, or a related science field, and at least 2 years’ related experience are required. An equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. Experience performing ecological research in a field setting is preferred. For a complete job description and to apply for this position, please visit http://hr.research.wvu.edu and click on the “WVURC Employment Opportunities” link. Inquiries to this position can be addressed to Edward Brzostek erbrzostek@mail.wvu.edu. Posted: 1/21/15.
West Virginia University: seeks to hire a GIS Analyst in the Division of Forestry and Natural Resources in Randolph County. The purpose of this position is to provide GIS support and services for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Section. Incumbent will work primarily on two projects: Analysis for the revision of the State Wildlife Action Plan; and, documenting invasive species distribution and management efforts, in coordination with the Potomac Highlands Cooperative Weed and Pest Management Area. A bachelor's degree in GIS or Computer Programming with significant coursework in GIS, and 2 - 4 years' experience in providing GIS analytical support in a professional context required. An equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. A master's degree and familiarity with concepts in landscape ecology and conservation planning are preferred. For a complete job description and to apply for this position, please visit http://hr.research.wvu.edu and click on the "WVURC Employment Opportunities" link. Posted: 8/24/14.
WestLand Resources Inc.: we are actively seeking an experienced staff biologist to support our environmental consulting practice. WestLand’s environmental consulting practice specializes in the technical and procedural requirements necessary for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. Our biological resources practice includes: development of natural resources management plans; conducting ecological investigations and baseline studies; and mitigation planning, design and implementation. The successful candidate for the position of Staff Biologist may be in the field 15% or more of the time, depending on client needs. The Staff Biologist will be expected to contribute to project planning, manage and train field crew on sampling and survey techniques, lead biological field studies, manage, analyze and interpret data and statistical analysis, and to provide assistance for the development of conservation and mitigation measures for potential adverse impacts to biological resources. The Staff Biologist is expected to write reports in an efficient and effective manner while working closely with the Senior Biological/Natural Resources Lead, project managers, and other team members. Required: • B.S. or higher degree in biology/ecology or related fields • Expertise in one or more discipline such as vertebrate zoology, botany, or aquatic biology, etc. through coursework or experience • Excellent writing and oral communication ability • 5+ years experience and demonstrated ability working in biological resource surveys, inventories and analyses • Experience in the southwestern United States preferred. Send cover letter & resume to: WestLand Resources, Inc., 4001 E. Paradise Falls Dr. Tucson, AZ 85712. Attn: SWR. Or via email to: sreeder@westlandresources.com. Posted: 6/15/15.
WRA, Inc.: WRA, Inc. is an environmental consulting firm based in San Rafael, California, with offices in San Diego, Fort Bragg, and Denver. We are looking for an energetic, career-minded wildlife biologist/ecologist to join us on a full-time basis in our San Rafael office. Sound technical knowledge and the ability to work both independently and with a small team are required. Periodic travel is a requirement of the position. We are particularly looking for someone with Northern and Southern California experience, regulatory permitting experience, and experience conducting surveys listed wildlife species. Applicants with federal recovery permits for any listed species in California will be preferred. The work that this position entails is varied and may include special-status species surveys, habitat evaluation and mapping, environmental compliance (CEQA, permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in wildlife studies. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in California wildlife taxonomy and surveys, habitat evaluation and monitoring, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, regulatory compliance, construction monitoring, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to info@wra-ca.com and reference “Wildlife Biologist/ Ecologist.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. WRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Close date for submission of application materials is March 13, 2015. Please, no calls. Posted: 3/2/15.
WRA, Inc.: WRA, Inc. is an environmental consulting firm based in San Rafael, California, with offices in San Diego, Fort Bragg, and Denver. We are looking for energetic, career-minded ecologists, wetland ecologists, and other biologists to join us on a full-time basis. We currently have two openings in our San Diego Office. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, wetland delineation and permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, biological surveys, and restoration planning. Possession of USFWS recovery permits and experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor's degree or higher in biology and may require some travel to other areas of the State for up to one week at a time. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in southern California natural resources, familiarity with California vegetation communities and habitats, California plant taxonomy, GIS field mapping, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. Previous experience is preferred. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, unofficial transcripts, and three references to info@wra-ca.com and reference "San Diego Biologist." Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date is Monday, August 4, 2014. Please, no calls. Posted: 7/19/14.
The Xerces Society: The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation has three great job opportunities right now: -Plant Ecologist -Pollinator Conservation Specialist, Project ICP -Pollinator Conservation Specialist, Pacific Coast Region. For more information, please go to http://www.xerces.org/job-opportunities/ Apply by March 30th, 2015. Posted: 2/19/15.
The Xerces Society: Endangered Species Conservation Associate. As a member of the Xerces Society’s Endangered Species Program, the Conservation Associate will work with the Endangered Species team on multiple projects to further the conservation of imperiled freshwater and terrestrial species, including freshwater mussels, butterflies, bees, caddisflies, stoneflies, beetles, snails, and other taxa. The first major project will deal with freshwater mussel conservation and assessment. Full job description and application instructions. Deadline: November 4th, 2014. Posted: 10/24/14.
Yale University: We are looking for a research technician to support research based out of a newly renovated lab shared by three ecologists with field programs. Masters degree and relevant experience required. A detailed description and instructions for applying are available at the employment website. Applications must be made through the Yale site. Links for the three investigators: Craig Brodersen (Plant Physiological Ecology) Os Schmitz (Community and Ecosystem Ecology, Insect Ecology) David Skelly (Spatial Ecology, Amphibian Ecology) Yale Jobs Site. Job Title: Research Associate 1, MS. Job Requisition Number: 27190BR. Please contact David Skelly if you have any questions: david.skelly@yale.edu. Posted: 9/18/14.