Staff/Technician Positions Archive

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positions lasting 1 year or more, mostly with benefits

titles marked (MS) require a master's degree, not necessarily an MS

Please consider a voluntary contribution if you would like to post a job ad

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Location Title Closes Posted
University of Nevada, Reno Genetic Lab Technician 8/1/12 6/28/12
Washington State University Research associate/lab manager, disease ecology 5/15/12 5/7/12

All Positions
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Location Title Closes Posted
University of Nevada, Reno Genetic Lab Technician 8/1/12 6/28/12
Arizona State University Research Technician - Grassland Ecosystem Ecology 8/1/12 6/25/12
The Nature Conservancy Web Page Developer: Hydrofracking BMPs 7/13/12 6/27/12
The Nature Conservancy Conservation Information Manager 7/5/12 6/28/12
The Carbon Brief (UK) Science communicator  
Winrock International Program Associate/GIS Analyst 6/28/12 6/15/12
National Park Service Assistant Data Manager 6/25/12 6/14/12
New Mexico State University Senior Research Asst, Jornada LTER 6/20/12 6/7/12
University of Hawaii Manoa Research tech/lab manager, fungal ecology 6/15/12 5/31/12
San Jose State University Marine Biology Research Tech  
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center DNA Lab Technician (MS)  
College of Charleston Research tech, plant ecological genetics 5/31/12 5/25/12
University of California Davis Urban gardening and soil lead 5/31/12 5/17/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Land Use and Planning  
University of Hawaii Invasive Species Program Manager 5/25/12 5/14/12
National Ecological Observatory Network Ecological Science Technician  
Washington State University Research associate/lab manager, disease ecology 5/15/12 5/7/12
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Research Specialist, ecophysiology and evolutionary genetics, mammals 5/15/12 5/7/12
University of Liverpool (UK) Research Tech, Disease Ecology 5/11/12 4/26/12
University of Minnesota Engineering field technician - Ecological Systems  
University of Connecticut Aquatic Ecology & Evolutionary Biology  
University of California, Berkeley Project Coordinator, Global Change Biology 5/3/12 4/10/12
University of Cincinnati Research Asst, Biogeochemistry/Ecosystems Ecology  
Marine Biological Laboratory Research asst, Plum Island Ecosystems LTER  
Duke University Research assistants, Energy Initiative  
University of Oregon Research Assistant/Associate, nematode evolutionary genetics/genomics 4/20/12 3/27/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Statistical/quantitative analysis, climate/land-use change (MS)  
Washington University Invasive Plant Ecology Field Technician 4/16/12 3/23/12
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Research Assistant, Mangroves 4/16/12 3/20/12
Duke University Research Tech, plant evolutionary ecology and genetics 4/15/12 3/21/12
University of Notre Dame Research Tech - Montana Grassland ecosystem project 4/12/12 3/30/12
Fairfax County Park Authority Natural Resource Specialist 4/7/12 3/23/12
University of Pittsburgh Research tech, evolution of coloration and color vision in Lepidoptera  
Purdue University Field Tech, woodrats 4/2/12 3/21/12
University of Arizona Laboratory asst, primate hormone research  
University of Florida Field research supervisor, wading bird nesting colonies 3/30/12 3/19/12
North Carolina State University IGERT program coordinator  
University of Texas at Austin Research Assistant, Ecophysiology 3/26/12 3/13/12
University of Texas at Austin Research Technician, Fish Parasitology  
University of Guelph (Canada) Research Asst, Plant Evolutionary Ecology  
University of Arizona/Biosphere 2 Research Tech, urban and arid ecosystem ecology 3/20/12 3/16/12
Nature's Capital Ecologist/Botanist and Biological Technician, Idaho (4 positions)  
University of Cincinnati Research Tech, Plant Evolutionary/Ecological Genetics  
Rice University Research Tech, plants and insects 3/15/12 2/28/12
Oregon State University Research Asst, Forest Pathology (MS) 3/11/12 2/21/12
North Carolina Plant Conservation Program Research Specialist, conservation preserve management 3/2/12 2/13/12
The Xerces Society Communications Coordinator 3/2/12 2/13/12
Applied Biomathematics, Inc. Programming, Theoretical ecology/evolution (MS)  
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Database programmer, Evolutionary Biodemography 2/29/12 1/20/12
Ecological Society of America Education Programs Coordinator  
Missouri Department of Conservation Resource Scientist, plant communities (MS)  
George Washington University Research Tech, saprotrophic fungal community structure/function  
City of Austin Wild Land Conservation Environmental Conservation Program Manager 2/22/12 2/16/12
Texas A&M University Research Asst, disease ecology  
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Chesapeake Bay Restoration Coordinator 2/17/12 2/3/12
University of Georgia Research Technician, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems  
Florida A&M University Research Coordinator, estuarine ecology, Texas 2/15/12 1/23/12
University of Oregon Research Assistant, microbial ecology 2/15/12 1/23/12
University of Vermont Research Coordinator, Ecological Economics 2/15/12 1/12/12
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Sustainability Coordinator 2/15/12 1/12/12
Syracuse University Research Technician, Plant Ecology 2/15/12 1/3/12
Colorado State University Soil Scientist (MS)  
Arizona State University Research Specialist, Urban and Stream Ecosystems  
Missouri Department of Conservation Research Silviculturist (MS)  
Kansas State University Information System Analyst  
Grand Traverse Conservation District Education Coordinator 2/3/12 1/18/12
Cleveland Metroparks Wetland Ecologist 2/3/12 1/17/12
NC Museum of Natural Sciences Lab Co-Coordinator, Nature Research Center (4 positions)  
National Ecological Observatory Network Field Tecs, Colorado and Florida (5 positions)  
University of California Davis Arboretum Horticulturist 1/21/12 1/12/12
University of Notre Dame Molecular Ecology Research Technician 1/21/12 1/12/12
University of Wisconsin-Madison Education and Outreach Specialist, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center 1/16/12 1/13/12
University of Wisconsin-Madison Research intern, Landscape variability after fire 1/15/12 11/21/11
University of Virginia Station Manager, Mountain Lake Biological Station  
University of Texas at Austin Invasive Species/Citizen Science Program Coordinator  
University of South Carolina Wetland biogeochemistry technician  
Virgin Islands Dept of Planning & Natural Resources Marine Park Coordinator (MS) 1/9/12 12/20/11
University of Maryland Environmental science research assistant 12/31/11 12/2/11
Defenders of Wildlife Conservation Planning Associate  
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Research Tech, soil, water, and air quality 12/16/11 12/13/11
Missouri Department of Conservation Forest Plant Community Ecologist (MS)  
USGS Canyonlands Research Station Ecologist 12/9/11 11/28/11
Durham University (UK) Technician, Organic Geochemistry  
Klamath Bird Observatory Data Manager, Informatics 12/5/11 11/3/11
University of New South Wales (Australia) Research Assistant in Ecological Statistics 11/30/11 11/15/11
University of Oklahoma Assistant Director, Sutton Avian Research Center  
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium Effects of Oil Spill on Coastal Ecosystems (4 positions)  
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Experimental Technologist/Environmental Scientist, MN  
University of Wisconsin-Extension Lake Superior NERR Monitoring Coordinator 11/29/11 11/10/11
Yale University Programmer in Geospatial Analysis and Biodiversity Informatics 11/25/11 11/17/11
CSS-Dynamac Marine Spatial Analyst (MS)  
CSS-Dynamac Mapping Specialist, estuarine and marine organisms  
Grand Canyon Trust GIS Program Manager 11/18/11 11/2/11
University of North Carolina/University of Minnesota Field Technician, dynamics of vector-borne pathogens 11/15/11 10/24/11
Virginia Tech Project Manager, effects of pollutants on wildlife 11/15/11 9/19/11
University of California, Santa Barbara Information Manager, biodiversity in Lake Baikal 11/14/11 10/26/11
USDA/ARS Technician, greenhouse gas emissions from vineyard soils  
The Xerces Society Conservation Associate 11/11/11 10/21/11
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem exposure modeling (MS) 11/9/11 11/3/11
Colorado State University Acoustical Technician Research Associate I 11/6/11 10/10/11
University of Sydney (Australia) Technical Officer (2 positions) 11/2/11 10/20/11
Harris Center for Conservation Education Executive Director 11/1/11 10/4/11
Jones Ecological Research Center Aquatic Ecology Lead Technician (MS) 11/1/11 9/27/11
University of Notre Dame (position filled) Research Technician, Paleoecology  
National Ecological Observatory Network Aquatic Technician  
Lincoln Park Zoo Population Biologist  
The Minnesota Zoo Conservation Biologist 10/28/11 10/10/11
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Data Specialist, Food System Mapping  
University of California, Berkeley Research Tech, ecological theory and conservation-oriented software  
University of California-Davis Jr. Specialist, Soils  
Cornell University Data Repository Developer, Web Application Developer, Signal Processing Programmer 10/26/11 10/13/11
University of Hawaii Manoa Research Technician 10/24/11 10/14/11
University of Rhode Island Research Technician 10/21/11 10/5/11
Rutgers University Research Technician, Pollinator Ecosystem Services  
University of Kansas Research Technician, Grassland Community Ecology  
US Fish & Wildlife Service Botanist, Aquatic Plants 10/18/11 9/29/11
University of Georgia Research Technician, Ecology of Infectious Diseases  
Tamarisk Coalition Riparian Restoration Coordinator 10/3/11 9/23/11
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Community Forester 10/1/11 9/23/11
University of California Research Associate, Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment (MS) 10/1/11 9/20/11
Los Alamos National Laboratory Technician, vegetation & drought  
QinetiQ North America Wildlife Biologist  
The Wilderness Scoiety Landscape Ecologist/GIS (MS)  
Climate Central Data Analyst/Multimedia Specialist (MS)  
Arizona State University CAP LTER Research Technician  
WRA, Inc. Wildlife Ecologist 9/23/11 9/15/11
University of Alaska Anchorage GIS Landscape Ecology-Spatial analysis  
Haywood Community College Forestry/Fish & Wildlife Instructor 9/15/11 8/15/11
Oregon State University Manager – Forest Genetics Programs  
Ecological Society of America Diversity Programs Coordinator  
Marine Biological Lab Research Assistant III - Arctic LTER  
University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Information Processing Consultant, bryophyte and lichen herbarium 8/31/11 8/19/11
University of Wisconsin-Madison Assoc Research Spec, bryophyte and lichen herbarium 8/30/11 8/19/11
University of Malaya (Malaysia) Research Assistant, mammals 8/30/11 7/28/11
University of Texas Marine Science Institute Coastal Training Program Coordinator  
WRA, Inc. Botanist/Plant Ecologist 8/19/11 8/8/11
Virginia Tech Part-time Field tech, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest 8/18/11 8/5/11
University of North Carolina User Interface Designer/Web Application Developer 8/15/11 7/28/11
Colorado State University Laboratory Business Manager (MS) 8/15/11 7/22/11
Virginia Tech Coordinator, Southern Conifer Global Internship Program 8/5/11 7/25/11
New Mexico State University Research Assistant in Dryland Ecosystem Ecology 8/5/11 7/22/11
EcoHealth Alliance Infectious Disease GIS Analyst/Technician 8/1/11 7/6/11
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Research Asst, population genetics and genomics 7/31/11 7/8/11
University of New Mexico Eddy Flux Technician 7/28/11 7/18/11
Stanford University GIS Analyst (Marine) 7/20/11 7/11/11
Stanford University Research Assistant (Marine) 7/20/11 7/11/11
Ecological Society of America Communications Officer  
University of California, Santa Barbara Geospatial Analyst  
NOAA Social Science Geospatial Scientist (MS)  
Great Basin Institute Research Associate Program Director  
The Nature Conservancy GIS, Wildlife and habitat conservation, NC (MS)  
Southwestern University Environmental Studies Program Coordinator/GIS Lab Manager  
World Wildlife Fund Program Officer, Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature  

Older listings: 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

Applied Biomathematics, Inc.: we anticipate the need for an ecologist or evolutionary biologist starting in the spring of 2012. Applicants should have a Master's degree or Ph.D. A background in conservation biology, theoretical ecology, or evolutionary theory is required, as are strong quantitative and writing skills. Programming experience is desired. Responsibilities will depend on the applicant's background, experience, and interests. Compensation will be commensurate with experience. Applied Biomathematics is a small, academically-minded company that develops methods and tools for risk analysis with an emphasis on ecology, engineering, and human health. Over our 30-year history, we have built and continue to expand the widely-used RAMAS software library. We are in Setauket, NY, and share in the intellectual life of nearby Stony Brook University. Interested applicants should send a CV and cover letter to Posted: 2/29/12.

Arizona State University: Research Technician -Grassland Ecosystem Ecology. We are seeking an outstanding full-time research technician to support an active research project in the Sala Lab. Research activities will involve 5 to 7 trips per year to the Jornada Research Station in New Mexico, each trip ranging from 1 to 4 weeks in duration. During field campaigns, the Research Technician will work with PI, graduate and undergraduate students in various activities including vegetation and soil sampling as well as maintenance of long-term rainfall manipulation experiments. Field work will be complemented with laboratory work, data entry and data analysis. A successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in a related field (e.g., Ecology, Biology, Soil Science). Experience in field biology and laboratory work will be desirable. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement detailing how their interests align with the focus of the project, and the names and contact information for three references. Estimated start date is September 1st, or as soon as the candidate is available. Position includes benefits. Please submit applications by August 1st to: Osvaldo Sala ( Posted: 6/25/12.

Arizona State University: Full-Time Research Specialist position at the Tempe Campus. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Rate of Pay $32-41k per year; DOE. The Urban and Stream Ecosystems Laboratory (Nancy Grimm’s research group) and the Sabo Lab (John Sabo’s research group) with the Global Institute of Sustainability and School of Life Sciences seek a Research Specialist for this grant-funded project centered in Sycamore Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (within the boundaries of CAP LTER!). The Research Specialist will perform a variety of work including field research, lab work, data management and data analysis. This is a grant-funded position for an initial appointment of one year, with a possibility of extension to the end of the grant period (September 2013). Continuation beyond the end of the grant is contingent on future grant funding. The Research Specialist’s duties will be to conduct field and laboratory research that examines and analyzes responses of algae, invertebrates, wetland vegetation, biogeochemical processes, ecosystem metabolism and biogeomorphic structure to interannual variability of the hydrological regime in aridland stream ecosystems. Minimum Qualifications– Bachelor's degree in life sciences, environmental sciences or in a related field AND two years related ecology research experience; OR, any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved. Desired Qualifications– Experience with: stream metabolism and nutrient spiraling measurements; standard techniques of water chemistry analysis; stream monitoring instrumentation, particularly automated water samplers (ISCO), field sensors (chloride, nitrate (SUNA), pressure transducers, micrometeorology instrumentation), data loggers, and sondes. Experience or knowledge of: stream ecology, hydrology or biogeochemistry; taxonomy of benthic macroinvertebrates and/or benthic algae; using isotopes in ecological or hydrological research; using spreadsheets, databases and/or other data management software; using GIS. For the full job ad search ASU Careers for Job ID: 27804. Posted: 2/9/12.

Arizona State University: The Global Institute of Sustainability's Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) project seeks a Research Technician to provide field and analytical support for urban ecology research programs in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. The position will involve a combination of administration, laboratory work, and field work with emphasis on environmental analytical chemistry in the laboratory. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Engineering, or similar Life Science field; OR, Four years environmental research experience including field work; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved. For complete job description and to apply, please visit and search for Research Technician with job number 27235. Posted: 9/23/11.

The Carbon Brief: Enthusiastic climate science communicator? Come and work with us - Do you have expertise in the earth sciences or climate science? - Do you have experience communicating about scientific issues? - Do you want to contribute to the accurate reporting of climate science? The Carbon Briefis a blog that aims to foster a more accurate and informed debate about climate change and energy in the UK. We comment on and factcheck stories about climate science and energy issues that appear in the media and online. We promote accurate reporting of climate science in our role as fact-checkers and also by reporting on new developments. We also aim to provide a clear and well referenced resource for anyone wishing to report on or learn about climate and energy issues. We are looking for someone with a background in climate science or a related field and an enthusiasm for communicating science to be our new science communication officer. Duties of this post include: - Writing accessible blogs about new developments in climate science; - Fact-checking media articles about climate science; - Making contact with climate researchers; building and maintaining our network of scientific contacts; - Participating in the planning and editorial processes of a small, close-knit team. You'll need at least an undergraduate degree in a scientific field, and excellent communication skills. The ability to write accurately and accessibly to tight deadlines is essential, and experience of communicating complicated scientific issues to lay audiences is highly desirable. This is a full-time, permanent position, based at our offices in London. For all the details, see the job description, or if you have any questions you can email us at Posted: 6/29/12.

City of Austin Wild Land Conservation: Environmental Conservation Program Manager to lead the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP). BCP is not one single tract of land but a system of preserves that exists as a multi-agency conservation effort operating under a regional 10(a) permit issued under the Endangered Species Act by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The City of Austin's BCP is managed as habitat for eight endangered species-two neotropical migratory songbirds and six karst invertebrates-and 27 species of concern. In addition to existing as habitat for endangered species, these lands provide habitat for numerous native plants and animals and contribute to improved air and water quality and quality of life for the people of Austin. Qualifications: Desirable candidates will have experience negotiating regulatory compliance issues with state and federal environmental agencies; managing and review programs/projects; performing supervisory duties; developing, monitoring, and evaluating program and resource budgets, performing public relations, and developing short and long range planning activities. Additional desired qualifications are included in the job announcement. Salary: $27-35 per hour. See the full job ad to apply (must apply online). Last Date to apply: February 22, 2012. Posted: 2/16/12.

Cleveland Metroparks: This large metropolitan park district consists of over 21,000 acres and located in five counties in Northeast Ohio. We are seeking a wetland ecologist to join our expanding natural resource management program. The Wetland Ecologist will develop and implement ecosystem assessment, natural recovery, and habitat restoration projects in wetlands and other aquatic resources of Cleveland Metroparks and northeast Ohio. Job duties will include developing conceptual and final wetland habitat restoration plans, budgeting, scheduling, agency and staff coordination, restoration construction management, long-term monitoring, wetland delineations, plant and aquatic community surveys, and regulatory permitting. See the full posting. To Apply: E-Mail résumé to For additional information you may contact John Mack, Chief of Natural Resources, at 440-331-8569, or Deadline: 2/3/12. Posted: 1/17/12.

Climate Central: Data Analyst/Multimedia Specialist. Dynamic, growing non-profit organization seeks an energetic and experienced research and data analyst with strong communications skills to help Americans understand the impacts of climate change at the local level. The data analyst/multimedia specialist will contribute to the organization’s programs and goals in the arena of climate change communication. Climate Central’s purpose is to convey to the public and decision-makers that climate change is real, human-caused, and past due for action. Climate Central was established by leaders in the climate change community to provide a bridge between climate scientists and the public, to contribute in a pivotal way to the national effort to communicate the facts of climate science. The data analyst/multimedia specialist will work closely with the Vice President for Strategic Communications, scientific staff and communications staff to develop climate products that showcase how the United States is being impacted by climate change right now. The data analyst/multimedia specialist will be responsible for managing, analyzing and translating large data sets into strong scientifically grounded findings that are of keen interest to the media. Responsibilities include: Identify, obtain, and analyze large data sets and other primary data relevant to climate trends from government and other sources. Recognize and develop interesting original reports, stories, findings, graphics and images from these data sets that will be of interest to the media and resonate with targeted audiences. Work closely with a team of PhD-level experts and journalists to produce content for the web and mainstream media outlets, TV and print. Qualifications: Master’s degree (or equivalent experience) in statistics, environmental science or related field. Strong quantitative skills and an ability to handle, understand and analyze large data sets. Fluency with basic software requirements (for example, “R”, Matlab and ArcGIS) and an ability to learn new ones. An interest and demonstrated talent for creative analysis and clear presentation of interesting newsworthy findings from complex data sets. Strong writing and multimedia communications skills. Design and graphic presentation skills. Ability to work under pressure and to deliver products on deadline. Positive work environment in Princeton, New Jersey. To submit credentials, contact Iveta Weinberg at or 609 924-1980. Posted: 9/28/11.

College of Charleston: research technician in plant ecological genetics. Recent university graduates interested in research experience prior to graduate school or individuals with a master's degree who interested in additional research experience are encouraged to apply. This position requires a bachelor's in biology or related field. Candidates with master's degrees will also be considered. The research project includes field work, greenhouse work, and detailed morphometric analyses to study aboveground and belowground traits and their relationships. We will be investigating natural variation in Europe as well as examination of specific T-DNA insertion mutants. Qualifications include previous experience with greenhouse methods and plant growth, excellent organizational skills, ability to work alone or in groups, self-motivation and independence, and general facility with quantitative data. Spanish language skills are an asset. Valid driver's license and ability to lift large bales of potting mix are required. Duties will include plant care in greenhouse setting, travel to international field sites in Europe required, field experiments at remote field sites, phenotyping root and aboveground traits, data management including entering data into a database, participation in outreach activities, some supervising of undergraduate researchers, general laboratory, greenhouse and computational tasks. Currently available for one year. For additional details and to apply Research Assistant Position in Biology. Closing date May 31 or until appropriate candidate identified. Questions regarding the position can be directed to Courtney Murren, Posted: 5/25/12.

Colorado State University: The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory is seeking a Research Associate III-Soil Scientist to assist with project management of a large scale soil monitoring network. A network of permanent sample locations is being developed for long-term monitoring of soil resources in collaboration with the US Department of Agriculture. The position requires a M.S. in soil science, related field, or equivalent experience. At least two years of work experience is required in a job that included field sampling and soil classification, in addition to analytical laboratory analysis of soil samples. Experience processing plant samples is desirable, as is experience working on multiple projects and managing project teams in past positions. This position will entail frequent travel within the US, mostly during the spring and fall (typically for 1-2 weeks at a time). Position is for 12 months, with potential continuation, contingent upon available funding. Salary level is $45-50K per year depending on experience plus benefits. To apply and view a complete position description, please visit: Application deadline is February 24, 2012. For further information, contact Stephen Ogle at 970-491-7662 or Karolien Denef at 970-491-5580. Posted: 2/10/12.

Colorado State University: An Acoustical Technician Research Associate I position is open in Fort Collins, Colorado. Salary: $35k plus benefits. Start date: Negotiable Tour of Duty: Full-time (includes benefits) One year initial term with possible extension depending on performance and project funding. The position is funded entirely from federal sources under an NPS Cooperative Agreement. The National Park Service (NPS), Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division (NSNSD) is part of the Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate (NRSS), a Washington, D.C. based office, located in Fort Collins, Colorado. The NSNSD assists park units in monitoring and managing acoustical environments. This position will assist NSNSD staff in collecting and analyzing acoustical data needed to support park management. Data collection will require extended field projects at park units; data analysis will require intensive analytical work. Applicants must be adaptable, available for extensive travel, capable of working in wilderness, and possess a keen interest in engineering or scientific analysis. To apply and view a complete position description, please click here. Applications will be considered until the position is filled; however, applicants should submit by 5:00 p.m. November 6, 2011 for full consideration. Posted: 10/10/11.

Colorado State University: The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL), a premier center for ecosystem research, seeks applications for the position of *Laboratory Business Manager* for the EcoCore analytical facility. The EcoCore was recently designated as a CSU core facility, providing an opportunity to enhance and expand the services offered by the NREL analytical laboratory. This is a common-use facility for a broad suite of chemical-physical and biological analyses of soil, plant, water and other environmental samples. Our primary mission is to provide cutting-edge capabilities, facilities, and expertise to our research community, which includes scientists from our institute, the greater CSU community, federal and state partner agencies, and other parties. We also operate as a service laboratory, offering a variety of analyses on a fee basis. The successful applicant will join two full-time laboratory staff with decades of combined experience at NREL, and two faculty laboratory directors. We seek applicants with experience and expertise in chemical and/or biological analyses of environmental samples, who can help us to develop and execute a business plan for the facility, oversee client relationships and manage laboratory services. This position will involve business planning, project management, contract and grant writing, as well as hands-on participation in laboratory analyses and training. Major instruments include: Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, solid sample elemental analyzer, automated wet chemistry system for ammonium, nitrate and phosphate, total organic carbon/ total nitrogen analyzer, infrared gas analyzers, and a gas chromatograph.* Successful candidates will be able to articulate a vision for increasing revenue, seeking external funding, and increasing training opportunities, without sacrificing our ability to meet our primary mission.* Required: · Applicants must have at least a Master’s degree in a related science or business management. · Experience in analyses of laboratory samples. Desired: · Experience in project management, client relations, marketing, and grant writing. · Strong communication skills. The position will be funded as a 12-month salaried position at a salary of $38-52k based on experience. The position will be filled at the Research Associate-III or Research Scientist-I level depending on the qualifications of the successful candidate. For full consideration send cover letter, resume and three references by August 15, 2011 to Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Posted: 7/22/11.

Cornell University: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is currently accepting applications for three positions. A Data Repository Developer, a Web Application Developer, and a Signal Processing Programmer. For details about each job and to apply, please see the corresponding job ad. These positions close on October 26, 2011. Posted: 10/13/11.

CSS-Dynamac: Marine Spatial Analyst, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi. Full time Contract Position. A person with academic training in marine biology, ecology, fisheries, and spatial or landscape ecology is being sought for a full-time contract position with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA), Biogeography Branch. The Branch conducts ecological studies that map, characterize, assess, and model the spatial distributions and movements of estuarine and marine organisms across habitats throughout the United States and Island Territories. The successful candidate will have the following core responsibilities. MS required. See the full job ad for details. Posted: 11/22/11.

CSS-Dynamac: Mapping Specialist. Full time Contract Position in Silver Spring, MD. A person with academic training in biological, earth, physical sciences, geography or spatial ecology is needed for a full-time contract position with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA) Biogeography Branch. The Branch conducts ecological studies that map, characterize, assess, and model the spatial distributions and movements of estuarine and marine organisms across habitats throughout the United States and Island Territories. Applicants should have demonstrated experience in conducting spatial analysis in ESRI ArcGIS, and should be available for frequent travel to conduct ship-based mapping missions for periods of two to three weeks. Experience with Hypack/Hysweep, Konsgberg and Reson multibeam systems; NOAA Hydrographic Specifications and Deliverables; and habitat mapping are also desirable. See the full job ad for details. Posted: 11/21/11.

Defenders of Wildlife: Washington, DC or Portland, OR. The Conservation Planning Associate works with Defenders staff, state and federal agencies, land trusts and other non-governmental organizations to develop and promote more strategic approaches to species and habitat conservation. The focus of this two-year term position will be to improve planning tools that in turn produce better on-the-ground results for wildlife conservation. The Conservation Planning Associate will review and synthesize scientific and policy research, facilitate conservation planning efforts, organize conferences, workshops and meetings, prepare reports, and represent Defenders of Wildlife in a variety of forums at both technical and policy levels. For details and to apply, see the full job ad. Posted: 12/16/11.

Duke University: The Duke University Energy Initiative is currently seeking part-time or full-time research assistants (specific title and position depending on level) for a set of projects concerning energy and its interaction with the economy, environment, and security. A candidate should have a masters or bachelors degree in economics, natural sciences, engineering, public policy, environment or a related field. Advanced students currently enrolled in a degree program may also qualify for part-time work during the summer or academic year. We are looking for applicants with an outstanding academic record, strong quantitative ability, organizational skills, and the ability to write clearly, quickly and concisely. Other skills that we value highly include: • knowledge of upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level economics; • familiarity with the technical, market, and/or policy aspects of the energy system and energy/environmental policy; • management, organization, and interpersonal skills; ability to manage conferences and workshops and to engage with university faculty, external stakeholders, and policymakers; • ability to conduct literature reviews, web searches and docket searches; • excellent writing and communication skills; • facility in assembling and analyzing large datasets, as well as data conversion, manipulation and retrieval; and • experience with computational or statistical software, such as Stata, Matlab, and Mathematica. An immediate focus will be to assist Professors Newell and Pizer on a range of research projects and outreach activities. One specific project will relate to past, present, and prospective energy and climate policy proposals, regulations, and legislation, both in the United States and in other countries. Another project will focus on assessment of long-term projections of global energy markets, technologies, and policies. Energy efficiency behavior, financial incentives for energy technologies, and energy data analysis are other likely research areas. To apply, please send a brief cover email and attach a resume to with subject line “Research assistant”. Posted: 4/24/12.

Duke University: A Research Technician (Associate in Research) is wanted to participate in research in evolutionary ecology and genetics of plants. Recent university graduates looking for additional research experience before entering graduate school are especially encouraged to apply. Research in the Donohue lab in the Biology Department combines work in the field, laboratory, and greenhouse to study genotype-environment interactions. This position requires a bachelor’s degree in Biology or related field, experience in plant care, impeccable organizational skills, and familiarity with basic molecular biology procedures. Duties include plant care, molecular and biochemical work; maintenance of field/greenhouse experiments, data management, general lab and clerical tasks. Available 15 May, 2012. Currently for one year. Competitive salary and full Duke benefits. Please send CV and names of 3 references to Kathleen Donohue: DEADLINE: APRIL 15, 2012. Posted: 3/21/12.

Durham University: Technician (Organic Geochemistry, Ref. 1349) The Department of Geography seeks a technician for a 2 year fixed term position, to assist in the generation of new organic geochemistry data from marine sediments as part of the NERC funded project “Reconstructing intermediate water temperature response to Pliocene-Pleistocene climates”. The appointed person will extract and analyse lipid biomarkers, including preparation by HPLC and analysis by GC and GC/MS. Full training will be provided in the methods required. For further details please contact Erin McClymont ( Posted: 12/5/11.

EcoHealth Alliance is expanding its research programs in emerging disease ecology and seeks a GIS Analyst/Technician to work with infectious disease data sets, as well as environmental and socioeconomic data sets, to support model development for the Hotspots of Emerging Infectious Disease project. A graduate degree in quantitative or computational sciences is preferred, however we will consider candidates with undergraduate level degrees in geography, epidemiology, or ecology as well. Full position description: All positions are based in New York and require some international travel. Review of applications will begin August 1 and continue until positions are filled. Candidates should submit a CV, 2-page cover letter stating clearly the position of interest and career goals, and email addresses for two references to Please include the position title in the subject of the email. Posted: 7/6/11.

Ecological Society of America: Education Programs Coordinator. ESA's Office of Education and Diversity Programs works to develop and implement education programs that will increase diversity in the field of ecology and improve the quality of ecology education. The Education Coordinator is responsible for coordinating education programs to enhance undergraduate teaching and learning in the field of ecology with emphasis on digital resources. This position is available as grant funds allow. The primary duty of the Education Programs Coordinator will be to solicit, manage and/or promote: • online teaching resources for undergraduate faculty • use of continental-scale data into undergraduate science and ecology courses • environmental education resources with a technology component • an annual Education conference • the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. For full details and how to apply, please go to the ESA job board. Posted: 2/28/12.

Ecological Society of America: ESA (Washington, DC) has a vacancy for Diversity Programs Coordinator, who is responsible for developing and implementing education programs that will increase diversity in the field of ecology. The primary responsibility of the Diversity Programs Coordinator is to provide leadership and coordinate all logistics and agenda for SEEDS semi-annual research field trips and related events at ESA Annual Meetings. Full details including description of duties, skills and qualifications. To Apply: Send resume, cover letter with 3 references via email to On Email Subject line, please state: "Diversity Programs Coordinator YOUR NAME". Candidates will be screened and interviews conducted after September 15, 2011 and applications are accepted until the position is filled. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Posted: 9/2/11.

Ecological Society of America: ESA, a membership organization of 10,000 professional ecological scientists, seeks to fill the position of Communications Officer to: manage ESA's blog, EcoTone, including writing original posts and soliciting and editing guest posts; help maintain other social media efforts, including regular Twitter and Facebook updates; produce the podcast, Field Talk; produce and distribute press releases, maintain a press database, and serve as media liaison. Position requires a Bachelor's degree (biology, journalism, English); at least two years related work experience, including media relations; excellent verbal and written communications skills; ability to summarize technical scientific information; ability to handle multiple projects; strong interpersonal skills; and social media expertise. Knowledge of scientific associations, journalism, and public relations practices are helpful. Web (especially Wordpress) and design experience a plus. The Communications Officer works out of the Society's Washington, DC Headquarters Office. Salary for this full-time position is commensurate with experience. ESA is an EOE and offers excellent employee benefits. To apply, email or mail cover letter, resume, and one writing sample to the attention of ESA Director of Public Affairs (;1990 M Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. No phone calls please. Posted: 7/19/11.

Fairfax County Park Authority: seeks a Seasonal Natural Resource Specialist to join the Natural Resource Management and Protection (NRMP) Branch of the Park Authority’s Resource Management Division. This is a part-time position not to exceed 1,560 hours per calendar year (approximately 30 hours per week). Hours may be varied but are not to exceed 40 per week. Salary $30/hour. This position may extend for up to three years depending on available funds. A benefit plan will be available for purchase. We are seeking a natural resources professional with strong technical and communication skills and a ‘can do’ attitude. Activities and time will be split between two parks: Old Colchester Park and Preserve in Lorton and Ellanor C. Lawrence Park in Chantilly, with an office in Fairfax. This position is responsible for implementing on-the-ground management activities at both parks to achieve clearly defined natural resource goals. At the outset, the hire will develop the scope of the work to be performed in coordination with park staff, partners and contractors. Natural resource inventory and management plans will provide the foundation for the work, but additional information may also need to be gathered. Project management and communication skills will be critical, as well as good local knowledge of ecology and best management practices. Other activities will include coordinating volunteers and contractors to conduct field studies and implement management activities (e.g. invasive species control, deer management), conduct outreach and education, organize team meetings, provide regular progress reports, and formulate measures of success to gauge progress. Qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree as minimum, Master’s degree preferred (ecology, biological sciences, natural resources or related field). • 3 plus years relevant experience (graduate education can substitute for part) • Expertise in natural resource management (inventories, planning and project implementation), wildlife ecology, forestry, field ecology or related field. • Experience in managing volunteer programs or supervising personnel. • Proven ability to perform field work. • Experience with GIS and GPS. • Experience using MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel and Access) and in managing databases. • Demonstrated communication skills (public speaking, presentations, written materials) and ability to present complex information effectively to lay audiences. • Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple tasks and shifting priorities. • Works well independently and with little direction and as part of a team. To Apply: Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume via email to Applications will be accepted from March 24th- April 7th at 5:00pm. Posted: 3/23/12.

Florida A&M University: Research Coordinator position open that will be located at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas. This position will be a FAMU employee, but will maintain an office at UTMSI. The purpose of this position is to support the Environmental Cooperative Science Center (ECSC). The ECSC addresses ecological and management issues through studies research at several NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve sites, including the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Reserve), which is located at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute. This position will serve as a liaison/research technician to assist with research and monitoring activities of the ECSC. Duties will include attendance at annual ECSC meetings, conference calls, field work, and sampling. This position will also include logistics coordination of research, student mentoring, and meetings. For details, see position number: 22104 at FAMU employment. Deadline: Thursday, February 16, 2012. Posted: 2/9/12.

George Washington University: Postdoctoral and technician positions are available in the Zanne lab, beginning August 2012, with the potential to begin fieldwork near St. Louis, MO in June 2012. Support is available for multiple years for the postdoc and a single year for the technician to participate in an NSF-funded project, which examines the influences of plant traits and fungal community composition on wood decomposition rates in the Ozark Highlands Ecoregion as climate changes. Potential additional field sites include Appalachians, USA and NSW, Australia. The postdoc will be responsible for fungal identification, using both traditional techniques (field collection and culturing) and molecular methods (targeted sequencing, environmental DNA extraction and next-generation based metagenomics) with encouragement to further develop the project according to his/her own interests. Opportunities will be available to spend time in collaborating labs that specialize on fungal identification, enzyme analysis and genomics. The technician will work closely with the postdoc and help to establish the lab. In both cities, there are strong links among institutions, including ties to the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Smithsonian. GWU is located in the heart of DC, with easy access to numerous science-, conservation-, and policy-based institutions. Motivated applicants with skills in mycology, molecular biology, phylogenetics, and bioinformatics are especially encouraged to apply. Postdoc applicants should have a PhD in a relevant field and strong writing and quantitative skills. Technician applicants with an MSc in a relevant field are preferred but Bachelors applicants will be considered. Applications will be reviewed as received and the positions remain open until filled. Applications should include a research statement, including relevant skills for the project and future goals, for the postdoc (1-2 pages) and research interests and relevant skills for the project (1 page) for the technician, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references (including emails and phone numbers). Materials should be sent to Amy Zanne: Posted: 2/27/12.

Grand Canyon Trust: GIS Program Manager. The Trust's mission is to protect and restore the Colorado Plateau — its spectacular landscapes, flowing rivers, clean air, diversity of plants and animals, and areas of beauty and solitude. This position provides GIS, IT and data management for the Trust’s conservation and environmental advocacy programs, with an emphasis on developing a conservation GIS program, increasing organizational GIS capacity, and applying a vision of how GIS tools can advance conservation on the Colorado Plateau. The position produces high-quality cartographic products, conducts spatial analyses, acquires spatial data, maintains and upgrades hardware and software, maintains spatial and non-spatial databases for the organization, manages the program’s budget, develops relationships in the greater GIS community, supervises interns and volunteers, and assists in fundraising. See the full job description. Submit cover letter and resume to Darcy Allen @ Deadline November 18, 2011. Posted: 11/2/11.

Grand Traverse Conservation District: GTCD (Traverse City, MI) is seeking a full-time Education Coordinator. The Education Coordinator will work in partnership with GTCD staff, volunteers and supporters to promote the GTCD’s mission of inspiring the exploration, appreciation and conservation of the natural world.They will develop, deliver and provide for the ongoing vitality of environmental education programs and exhibits at the Boardman River Nature Center and throughout the community. For a full position description, requirements and application materials, visit Applications are due February 3, 2012. Posted: 1/18/12.

Great Basin Institute: The GBI is a Reno, NV based interdisciplinary field studies organization that promotes environmental research, education, and conservation throughout the West. With an $8 million annual budget, the Institute advances ecological literacy and habitat restoration through educational outreach and direct service programs. The Research Associate (RA) Program seeks a Program Director who will be responsible for the overall growth and development of the RA Program, including project and partner development, RA recruitment and retention, facilitation of training and professional development opportunities, and RA management and administration. The RA Program Director is responsible for local, state and regional project initiatives, including compliance with and reporting on a national AmeriCorps Education Award Program (EAP) grant. The Director will also develop and maintain existing partner agency relationships through site visits, fiscal oversight, and contract management. For details, see the full job ad. Rate of Pay: $45-55k plus benefits. Posted: 7/15/11.

Harris Center for Conservation Education: The Harris Center for Conservation Education in Hancock, NH is seeking an exceptional Executive Director to take this respected organization to its next level. The ideal candidate will have educational background and/or experience in environmental education or land conservation, along with the demonstrated management and leadership skills required to oversee an organization with a full and part time staff of 14 and an annual budget of $600,000. The Harris Center has a 40-year history of outstanding conservation education and land protection work in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire. Education programs include a ground breaking “naturalist in residence” program for elementary students, field study for middle and high school students, courses for adults, citizen science projects, youth camps, and weekly outings. As a local land trust, the Harris Center owns or holds easements on almost 18,000 acres within its 125 square mile focus area. For a full job description, as well as instructions for applying, please visit the Harris Center website. Application deadline: 11/1/11. Posted: 10/4/11.

Haywood Community College: Forestry/Fish & Wildlife Instructor. Location: Clyde, NC. Application Due: 9/15/2011. Primarily instruction and public service and those forms of research which promote and enhance the college's commitment to excellence in instruction and which supports the current needs of the students and faculty; advising students; maintaining office hours; assisting with registration; serving on College committees; developing curriculum; maintaining professional competence; and participating in professional development activities. Faculty members are responsible to a department/division chair or team facilitator, sometimes a coordinator. The relationship of the faculty member to the student is one of leader, teacher, adviser and facilitator of learning. See position description for additional information and to apply. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor of Science degree in Fish and Wildlife Management, Forestry or a closely related field. Teaching or outreach experience with a wide range of learners. Ability to teach effectively in the classroom, field, and online. Willingness to advise student clubs and conduct overnight travel for field trips and club activities. Proven record of timely reporting and completion of paperwork. Willingness to continually train and upgrade skills as workforce needs evolve. Preferred Qualifications: Master's Degree in Fish and Wildlife Management, Forestry, or closely related field. Ability to teach soils, hydrology, dendrology, forest measurements, and fire management. Experience with geospatial technology and software. Previous experience in natural resources management. Familiarity with Datatel and Moodle a plus. Proposed Hiring Date: January 3, 2012. Deadline: September 15, 2011. Position filled pending budget funding. Contact: Human Resource Department, Haywood Community College, 185 Freedlander Drive, Clyde, NC 28721. Telephone: (828) 627-4568 Fax (828) 627-3606 To Apply Submit: (1) Official Haywood Community College employment application to the Human Resources Department (2) Application must be complete for consideration - do not reference resume (3) Transcripts of all graduate work completed (HCC requires official transcripts of all degrees if selected for employment) (4) Current VITA. Posted: 8/15/11.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future is seeking a Data Specialist to support the Maryland Food System Mapping Project team. We are looking for someone with a background and interest in food systems, geography, agriculture and land use research to help us collect and map data about environmental impacts of agriculture in Maryland, processing and distribution of local food, and to help expand a new interactive mapping website. Full-time position. Masters degree preferred. See the complete job listing for details. Posted: 10/26/11.

Jones Ecological Research Center: The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center invites applications for the Aquatic Ecology Lead Technician I position. The employee will contribute to the aquatic research program of a staff scientist and will manage projects that examine land-use influences on water quantity and quality and ecological conditions in streams and rivers of the lower Flint River Basin. The long-term goals of this research are to: 1) identify minimum stream flows required to protect native fauna; 2) understand the importance of surface and subsurface nutrient transport pathways and in-stream responses to nutrient loading. The 28,500-acre Research Center is located between Albany and Bainbridge Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. The position includes both field and laboratory duties. The field component will include collection of in-stream hydrologic and water-quality data, installation and sampling of groundwater wells, and various types of biological sampling. Laboratory activities will include calibration of field equipment, water and soil digestions and extractions, operation of instrumentation (e.g., TOC/TN, flow-injection, and elemental analyzers) to measure water and soil parameters, and the management and analysis of data using SAS and graphics software. Opportunities will exist to present research findings at professional meetings and to participate in the preparation of peer-review journal manuscripts. Qualifications: Master’s degree with specialization in any of the following areas: water quality, hydrology, aquatic biogeochemistry, or another related discipline. Requirements include strong boating and other general field skills and experience conducting a broad range of quantitative sampling in streams and rivers. Laboratory experience, including the operation of analytical equipment, and strong data management skills are highly desirable. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2011, but applications received after that date will also be considered until the position is filled. A letter of application, resume, and list of references should be emailed to: Subject: Aquatic Biology Lead Tech I or sent by mail to: Cindy Craft, ATTN: Aquatic Biology Lead Tech I, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870 or by Fax to (229)734-4707. Specific questions regarding the position should be sent to Posted: 9/27/11.

Kansas State University: The Division of Biology is seeking an Information System Analyst to assist with data management for a multi-scale ecological project including coordination of data products from entry/streaming to storage. Emphasis of the position is placed on database development, maintenance and data entry for a variety of end users including research scientists. Responsibilities: • Design and develop standard data entry forms and tools, that simplify the capture, display, and analysis of data • Produce and maintain thorough technical documentation in the form of database entity-relationship diagrams, metadata records, and application user manuals • Create a data management protocol that will be compliant with either data management efforts being developed by the NSF Long Term Ecological Research Network Office, or with the National Ecological Observational Network (NEON). Mandatory Qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Computer science, mathematics, statistics, or similar field • Strong written and oral communication skills with the ability to interface with a variety of academic specialties • Ability to work as a data manager • Understanding of data management best practices and available tools • Sufficient web programming and design abilities for creation of data entry tools. Preferred: • Understanding of ecological concepts • Understanding of Microsoft SQL Server databases and ability to write complex SQL queries • Proficiency with Ecological Metadata Language (EML) • Web or application development using .NET • Programming experience with Python, XML, Java, or HTML • Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or similar field. Questions about the position should be directed to Walter Dodds ( Applicants should submit a letter of application, resume, and names, emails and telephone numbers of three professional references via email to Screening of applicants will begin February 6, 2012, with an anticipated start date of March 2012. Posted: 1/23/12.

Klamath Bird Observatory: KBO is currently seeking a Data Manager to lead the Informatics program which provides technical and human resources for effective data input, management, and access in support of KBO programs. We are working to increase capacity for effective informatics that meets organizational and programmatic needs. The primary responsibilities of this position are development and management of a series of databases and an avian data center. Salary Range: $35-38k. See the full job ad for more info. Review date: 12/5/11. Posted: 11/3/11.

Lincoln Park Zoo: The population biology research program has a 2 year, full-time, grant-funded position for a Population Biologist. The grant is focused on using population modeling (PVAs) to study long-term sustainability of Species Survival Programs (SSPs), the cooperatively managed animal populations of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). The Population Biologist will work with a dynamic project team based at Lincoln Park Zoo as well as AZA SSP coordinators across the country. The Population Biologist will be responsible for using existing software tools to conduct Population Viability Analyses across a wide variety of taxonomic groups. For more details, please see the job listing at: Posted: 10/28/11.

Los Alamos National Laboratory: The Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Lab has support for a highly motivated individual interested in working on two DOE funded studies of the mechanisms of vegetation mortality during drought. These projects are specifically focused on the carbon and water-based mechanisms of mortality using field manipulations of precipitation and temperature of piñon pine-juniper woodlands, with opportunities extending to modeling and remote sensing investigations of the distribution of mortality and its consequences. These are interdisciplinary studies involving multiple academic and forest service collaborators. The selected candidate will split their time between analysis and management of large data sets, field measurements, and laboratory analyses. Opportunities to co-author publications are abundant, and particularly strong candidates may be considered to continue on for graduate degrees within these projects. Minimum qualifications include a B.Sc. at the time of appointment (M.Sc. is acceptable), willingness to work in a team environment, and strong data analysis experience such as with Microsoft excel. It is desirable if the candidate has experience using MATLAB, S-PLUS, or similar data analysis packages, experience with dataloggers or other physiological instrumentation, laboratory analysis experience, and a background in biology, chemistry, computer science, or similar fields. To apply, please send a CV and very short statement of career goals to Nate McDowell (, 505-665-2909). Posted 9/30/11.

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. LUMCON seeks a cadre of Postdoctoral Associates (2), Graduate Student (1), Research Associate/Assistants (2), Data Manager (1), and Web Developer (1) to help with research programs that investigate the Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Coastal Ecosystems of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Drs. Nancy Rabalais and Brian Roberts seek several scientists to join a large, multi-institution team of researchers studying the impacts of the oil spill on salt marshes and coastal environments. Studies include differentiation of coastal ocean oxygen and phytoplankton dynamics from pre- and post-spill conditions, the biogeochemistry of oil-affected marsh ecosystems, benthic studies of oil-affected marsh ecosystems and related wetland gas exchange. Detailed information on the positions. Applications should include a letter of interest, a current resume, and name, address, phone and email contact for at least three individuals qualified to comment on scientific and work qualifications with a subject line of "LUMCON BP GRI Research Program". Send to Dr. Rabalais ( and/or Dr. Roberts ( Questions should be directed to Dr. Rabalais (985-851-2801) or Dr. Roberts (985-851-2821). Posted: 11/29/11.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking applicants for an entry-level Research Assistant I position with the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research (PIE-LTER) project. We seek individuals with strong experiences in independent research (e.g., senior thesis or REU project) and coursework with laboratory and field components. The LTER project is directed at understanding how trophic structure and productivity in estuaries is affected by changes in organic matter, nutrient and water fluxes caused by changing land cover, climate and sea level. Research is conducted in the watersheds of the Parker and Ipswich Rivers as well as in the marshes, tidal creeks and bays of Plum Island Sound. The successful applicant will gain broad experiences through strenuous field and laboratory work in all environments. Applicants should have a demonstrated aptitude for biology, ecology and/or physics and chemistry including advanced coursework. Funding for this position is available for up to 2 years. The preferred start date is within 2 weeks of being offered the position. This is an entry level position, requiring a B.A. or B.S. in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Ecology. The applicant should be capable of getting into and out of small boats and walking significant distances across salt marshes. Your cover letter should include a description of how this position addresses your long-term goals. Unofficial transcripts are required documents, but may either be uploaded with your application materials or faxed to the MBL Human Resources Office, 508-289-7931. If faxing, please reference this posting. Apply online at: Posted: 4/30/12.

Marine Biological Laboratory: Research Assistant III - Arctic LTER. The Ecosystems Center at MBL, Woods Hole MA is seeking applicants for a full-time Research Assistant to work with the Lake component of the Arctic LTER project. The position is based in Woods Hole with a summer field season on the North Slope of Alaska. The field duties of the lakes research assistant are to maintain long-term whole lake manipulations and carry out long-term monitoring of lake biology, physics and chemistry. Activities in Woods Hole include chemical analyses of water and sediment samples, data analysis, writing of reports and manuscripts, and logistical planning for the summer Arctic field season. Basic Qualifications: A MA in aquatic biology, ecology or chemistry or a BA/BS in above fields with at least three additional years of relevant experience. The successful candidate will be expected to schedule own work and should be prepared to supervise a small field crew. The position is available immediately. The ideal candidate would be able to start work in the Fall of 2011, or at least to come to Woods Hole for 2-3 weeks in October, November, or December for training with the person who has filled this job for the past three years. The candidate will be expected to live and work in Woods Hole in the fall, winter, and spring months, traveling to Alaska each summer and working there from early June through late August. All travel and living expenses while in Alaska will be paid in addition to a year round salary. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with statistical analyses, database management, spreadsheet programs and graphics programs a plus. Physical Requirements: Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity (e.g., working long hours in potentially harsh environmental conditions, carrying >40 pound pack across uneven terrain) and prepared to live in an isolated research camp in northern Alaska. Unofficial transcripts are required, but may be either uploaded with your CV and Cover Letter or faxed to the Human Resources Office at 508-289-7931. Please reference this posting if faxing. Apply online at: Posted: 9/1/11.

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research: The Evolutionary Biodemography laboratory (Rostock, Germany) is looking for a programmer with expertise in databases. The goal of the project is to create an online platform for an already existing, yet ever growing database containing information on the life history (i.e. life tables, projection matrices and integral projection models) of over 4000 animal and plant species, whereby scientists may retrieve and upload data. This innitiative, one of a kind in demography, is led by an young, active team of researchers with expertise in demographic modelling, animal and plant biology. The contract will last for one year, with the possibility of extension based on pending amount of work and performance. This position is a TVÖD 11 rank, gross payment is euro ~2700/month, depending on the experience of the candidate. Social benefits include, among others, health insurance, unemployment insurance, and pension fund. Tasks: - Management and optimization of research databases. - Creation of a browser-based platform for researchers to enter, retrieve, download data from the database. Required experience: - Well-funded database management, fluent in SQL, Perl, PHP, HTML, AJAX - Fluent in spoken and written English. - Team work with other IT and non-IT researchers. The research group is composed by professors, research scientists, postdocs, PhD students and undergraduate students of various nationalities who have already made significant impacts to the field of demography, ecology and evolution (James Vaupel, Hal Caswell among others). Please submit your curriculum vitae to Dr Alex Scheuerlein ( by February 29th 2012. Interviews will start the second week of February, via phone, or in person, depending on geographic location. Posted: 1/20/12.

Minnesota Zoo: seeks a Conservation Biologist (State Program Administrator Senior) with expertise in butterfly breeding and/or conservation to develop and implement a conservation program, in collaboration with other conservation agencies and organizations, focused on Minnesota’s prairie butterflies. This program ultimately seeks to prevent the extinction of Minnesota’s threatened/endangered prairie butterflies and reverse declining population trends for these species. The Conservation Biologist will be responsible for developing and implementing a captive breeding program for certain threatened/ endangered prairie butterflies. The incumbent will also work with collaborators to plan and conduct field work on prairie butterflies in western Minnesota, to monitor their populations and investigate possible reasons for the decline of certain species. The Conservation Biologist will also be charged with communicating research results to the scientific community as well as increasing public awareness about the importance of butterflies and prairie ecosystems, the Zoo’s conservation efforts, and actions that the public can take to help. Minimum qualifications - Masters degree or Ph.D., from an accredited educational institution, in Entomology, Conservation Biology, Ecology, Wildlife Management, or other related field. - High level of expertise and experience working with butterflies as part of a conservation, research, wildlife management, and/or captive breeding program. - Ability to conduct field work independently in remote areas. Previous field experience is required. - Experience in empirical research design, methodology, and data analysis, with appropriate academic skills to publish results in peer-reviewed scientific journals. - Proficiency in Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS). - Excellent communication skills, including the ability to create and deliver high-quality presentations to both a scientific and general audience. - Excellent leadership skills, including previous experience developing and/or implementing a conservation or research program, and demonstrated ability to collaborate and work well with others on conservation or research efforts. Preferred qualifications - Ph.D. (in-hand by time of appointment). - Previous experience breeding/rearing butterflies. - Expertise and/or experience working with prairie butterflies in the United States or Canada. - Knowledge of the plants and/or prairie ecosystems of Minnesota/Great Plains. - One or more previous first-author publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, relevant to butterfly research and/or conservation. - Previous field experience in conditions similar to those present in Minnesota’s western prairies. Salary: $19.33/hour, $40,361 annually Benefits: Yes Travel required: Yes Start date: December 2011/January 2012 Position type: Temporary unclassified. Program funding is guaranteed through December 2013 with a possible extension beyond that date. Please contact the Human Resources Office at the Minnesota Zoo (952-431-9212) if you would like further details regarding this appointment. Please note that though this position is open to all applicants the Minnesota Zoo and the State of Minnesota are unable to sponsor an employment visa. The applicant is responsible for ensuring current, valid work documents to work in the United States. The incumbent will be asked to present those documents on the first day of hire. Submit the following application materials, in a single email, to Tara Harris (, Director of Conservation, Minnesota Zoo, no later than October 28, 2011: - Cover letter that explains how/why you meet the minimum and/or preferred qualifications - Curriculum Vitae - Unofficial graduate school transcript (official transcript to be supplied upon request). Posted: 10/10/11.

Missouri Department of Conservation: permanent research scientist position with a primary focus on forest plant communities. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 2/27/12.

Missouri Department of Conservation: permanent Resource Scientist position (Research Silviculturist) at Ozark Regional Office, West Plains. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master’s Degree in Forestry (or similar field) and 2 years of experience in scientific research or natural resource management; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 2/7/12.

Missouri Department of Conservation: Forest Plant Community Ecologist. The principle responsibility of this professional position is to coordinate and administer a program of technical support and scientific research and assessment that fulfills information needs for maintaining and improving plant communities affected by land use in upland forests, woodlands, and savannahs in Missouri. Under the supervision of a Resource Science Supervisor (Forest Systems Field Station), this Resource Scientist performs the following: • Primary responsibility is leading a project describing the ground flora communities on upland forest sites under even-aged, uneven-aged, and no-harvest forest management (MOFEP). • Leads field data collection and management for MOFEP Soft Mast Project. • Develops and maintains plant databases for research projects. • Designs, budgets, and conducts research and management-evaluation projects on a variety of forest/woodland projects and assists managers with plant community management evaluations and other terrestrial topics. • Collaborates with the Forest Systems Field Station team of MOFEP field coordinator, two forest community ecologists, and a fire ecologist as an expert in forest/woodland plant identification. • Collaborates with MDC regional Forestry, Wildlife, and Private Land Services Division staff, Resource Science Field Station and Resource Science Center, and outside managers and researchers to develop and execute research projects. • Provides input during research project reviews and actively participates on project review teams for other research. • Maintains the capacity to conduct high-quality research and disseminate state-of-the-art information by reading current applicable scientific literature, attending and participating in scientific meetings. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master’s Degree in Plant Community Ecology, Botany, Forest Ecology, Forestry, or closely related field, and two (2) years of progressively responsible professional experience in scientific research or natural resource management. Familiarity with common Ozark plants and experience in training and supervising field crews is desirable. See the full job ad to apply. Posted: 12/14/11.

National Ecological Observatory Network: Ecological Science Technician - This is an entry level position in which the employee is trained to provide skilled technical assistance to scientists in the execution of biological observing programs and basic analysis of data. The incumbent monitors the assigned equipment and processes and assists science staff and technicians in design, development, testing and evaluation of field and laboratory protocols. The Science Technician assists with seasonal and/or periodic sampling activities and related laboratory activities, and is responsible for instruments and sampling activities at terrestrial field sites. For details and to apply, see NEON Careers. Posted: 5/16/12.

National Ecological Observatory Network: Full-time Field Technicians: Field Technician I - Boulder, CO Field Technician II - Boulder, CO Field Technician III - Boulder, CO Field Technician - Gainesville, FL - 2 positions. Reporting to the Field Operations Manager, The Field Technician(s) will perform a variety of technical and scientific tasks. The Field Technician III is the shift lead performing and supervising routine maintenance, field calibration, and repair of scientific instruments and associated infrastructure. They will also supervise and assist with seasonal and/or periodic sampling activities. The Field Technician II will have primary responsibility for instruments and infrastructure at tower or aquatic sites. They will also assist with seasonal and/or periodic sampling activities. The Field Technician I is the biological sampling lead performing seasonal and periodic sampling activities. Seasonal field sampling is conducted with the assistance of temporary field crews. Field sampling activities include the following observation and specimen collection activities: • Small mammal abundance • Small mammal-borne disease (i.e. Hantavirus) • Breeding bird population counts • Ground beetle abundance and diversity • Mosquito phenology, diversity, and disease (i.e. West Nile Virus) • Plant phenology observations • Soil and water sample collection for microbial diversity and biogeochemical analysis • Terrestrial and aquatic vegetation diversity and primary productivity measurements • Aquatic invertebrate and fish diversity and abundance Stream morphology mapping. For details and to apply, see the links above. Posted: 1/26/12.

National Ecological Observatory Network: Reporting to the Aquatics Supervising Scientist, The Aquatic Technician supports the Aquatic Team in their effort to prepare the NEON Observatory for Operations by providing technical experience in the areas of illustrations, CAD/blueprint designs, GIS analysis, and website management. The Technician assists the team in a variety of activities including design of Aquatic sensor installations, supporting the developing of standardized operating procedures for field data collection, lab analysis, data QA/QC, and assisting in the development of a training program. For details, see the full job ad. Posted: 10/28/11.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: looking for a Chesapeake Bay Restoration Coordinator who will serve as NFWF´s regional field person to assist with ensuring the success of grant investments made to support the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. This two-year contract position will be expected to spend approximately half of their time in the field and travelling throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The position´s permanent duty station may be in Annapolis, MD or another central location, subject to negotiation. The position´s immediate point of contact at NFWF will be Amanda Bassow, Program Director, Chesapeake Programs. Major Duties o Conduct outreach and offer assistance to potential grantees in targeted watersheds to understand NFWF funding priorities, develop restoration project concepts, identify potential partnerships, and identify funding opportunities. o Conduct post-award site visits for all grantees to trouble shoot potential challenges with project implementation; conduct pre-project monitoring assessments; and collect photo documentation. o Conduct site visits at the completion grants to conduct post-project monitoring assessments; collect photo documentation; provide guidance regarding projects´ long-term maintenance plans; and, to scope potential next phases of projects with grantees. Other Duties o Organize site visits to successful projects for other NFWF staff, funding partners, and key policy makers. o Network with Chesapeake Bay Program staff and other partners in the Chesapeake restoration effort to identify partnership opportunities for CBSF grantees. o Facilitate peer-to-peer learning among grantees through field tours, site visits, workshops and other venues. o Organize opportunities for grantees to co-present projects at venues such as the Chesapeake Watershed Forum, the Choose Clean Water Coalition Conference, and CBSF grantee roundtable events. Applicants should have a strong background and knowledge of stream and riparian buffer restoration, significant on the ground field experience, familiarity with other restoration techniques, experience with water quality and benthic monitoring, strong communication skills, and experience interacting with the government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private entities engaged in restoration activities, particularly those providing assistance to private landowners. Applicants also should have a knowledge of the complexities of the Chesapeake Bay Program and its restoration partnership. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume and references to Amanda Bassow ( by February 17, 2012. Posted: 2/3/12.

NOAA: Social Science Geospatial Scientist, Silver Spring, MD. Start Date: September 1, 2011. CCMA Biogeography Branch is seeking a person with academic training in human/social geography, sociology, anthropology, social-spatial statistics or similar discipline for a one-year, full-time contract position to support the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA), Biogeography Branch. The successful candidate will work on a research project investigating community aspects of well-being associated with coastal ecosystem health and the provision of ecosystem services, as well as support other projects on a variety of topics within the Biogeography Branch. Core responsibilities: Provide GIS, statistical, and analytical support to projects in one or more of the following topical areas: human population well-being; human population demographics; land/ocean use; spatial dimensions of human use, values, and preferences for coastal and marine resources and ecosystems; Evaluate spatial and tabular social science data and integrate into GIS; Evaluate and statistically analyze social science data, and create GIS maps to visualize results; Assist with preparation of reports and journal articles describing the results of analyses; Work with data and web managers to integrate datasets, maps, and analytical products into dynamic websites and online mapping tools. Required: Master's degree in human/social geography, sociology, anthropology, social-spatial statistics, or similar discipline, or some combination of education and progressively responsible, relevant work experience equivalent to a Master's degree; Interest in the sociological aspects of coastal and ocean ecosystems, natural resource use and management, natural/industrial disasters, and/or public health; Experience with GIS beyond academic training, including use of ArcGIS to conduct analysis and produce maps; Experience cleaning, preparing, analyzing, and interpreting social science data using appropriate statistical techniques, individually or as a part of a research team, using SPSS, SAS, or R and spatial statistics packages; Experience drafting metadata or otherwise documenting procedures used in GIS, social science research, and data analysis; Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing; Attention to detail with outstanding organizational and time-management skills; Ability to work efficiently and effectively with minimal supervision, as well as part of a research team. Preferred: Experience with the spatial modeling of human well-being and/or human use, values, and preferences related to natural resources; Experience conducting spatial analysis and mapping using existing, secondary datasets, such as the American Community Survey and decennial Census. Apply online. Posted: 7/18/11.

National Park Service: The Northern Great Plains Inventory & Monitoring Network is advertising for a permanent, GS-9 Assistant Data Manager located in Rapid City, SD. The announcement closes on June 25, 2012. Salary range: $47-61k/year. See the announcement at MWRC-12-MP-0150 or MWRC-12-OC-0148. Duties: You will provide technical data management support for the Northern Great Plains Inventory and Monitoring Network (NGPN). The duties include developing and maintaining custom interactive databases (Microsoft Access and SQL Server) for complex inventory, monitoring, and management projects for a variety of natural resources. Supervision is by the NGPN Data Manager. The job requires working closely with Network staff, the 13 Parks in the Network, and outside scientists and contractors. You may enter data directly, but more often advises others in data entry and quality control and assurance measures to validate raw data. After validation you will run, create, and maintain custom queries to provide summary statistics and reports to scientists who use the data to analyze and interpret biological, physical, geographic and other geospatial data. You are responsible for working with program scientists to create metadata for each database and to document data management procedures through detailed standard operating procedures. Closes: 6/25/12. Posted: 6/14/12.

Nature's Capital: Ecologist / Botanist (1 position) and Biological Technician (3 positions). We are a small business located in Boise, Idaho. Our mission is to assist in the maintenance and enhancement of the natural capital found in biological and physical resources. We provide scientifically sound, high quality ecological inventory and assessment information and management recommendations founded in knowledge of ecosystem processes and functions. The Ecologist / Botanist is a leadership position with responsibility for project oversight and worker supervision. We also seek to fill three Biological Technician positions. Duties collect, summarize and analyze data on the ecology of forest, shrubland, and grassland vegetation or rare plant species. The incumbent will conduct ecological field inventories and assess vegetation condition and quality. Duties include making observations and recording data on plant species composition, stand structure and environmental factors influencing the distribution of plant communities or species. Duties may include recording, summarizing and proofreading technical information; use of word processing, spreadsheet, database or GIS software; and interpreting spatial imagery or other technical map products. The position will require experience in back country travel; use of basic tools such as a field compass, topographic map, clinometer, altimeter and global positioning systems; and operation of motor vehicles on unimproved roadways. Work activities require ability to walk for several hours in rugged terrain and work in extreme weather conditions. Work schedules will require overnight travel and primitive camping in remote locations. Minimum Qualifications: A bachelor's degree in botany, ecology, forestry, range or a related field; one year graduate level education; and one year of work experience; or a bachelor's degree and an equivalent combination of work experience and education. Work experience should demonstrate knowledge of a regional flora and ability to complete tasks outlined in the position description, for example: experience identifying plants using a taxonomical key; sampling vegetation using standard plant ecology, common stand examination, ecological site inventory, or habitat assessment methods; rare plant or noxious weed surveys; or habitat and population monitoring methods. Back country experience may be documented through work history or recreational activities such as hiking, skiing, or mountaineering. To apply, please send a current resume as an email attachment to Include the job title in the subject line. Please provide contact information for individuals with knowledge of your experience and capabilities. Candidates for the position should make contact as soon as possible. Hiring decisions are planned to occur on or before April 9, 2012. Posted: 3/15/12.

New Mexico State University: Senior Research Assistant, Requisition #0600506 Anticipated Start Date: July 1, 2012 Salary: $36k. Required Qualifications: A Bachelor's degree in Biology, Soil Science. Environmental Sciences or field of research applicable to the position and three years of related experience. Must have a Valid Driver's License. Specific field responsibilities include plant measurements and identification (~200 species); soil moisture measurements using a neutron probe; collection of aeolian dust and hydrology samples; handling and identification of small mammals (~20 species); and maintenance of field instruments, equipment, and infrastructure. The position will entail manual labor such as routine carrying of heavy instruments in the field for extended periods and that related to infrastructure maintenance. General responsibilities include collecting and recording moderately complex data in both field and laboratory environments in accordance with established protocols; data entry; maintaining organizational and historical data for each study; aiding principle investigators with data collection; design, testing, and/or modification of experimental equipment and procedures; and the installation of experimental apparatus. For a complete job description or to apply for this position, visit, Requisition #0600506. Review begins 6/20/12 and ends 6/27/12. Posted: 6/7/12.

New Mexico State University: Research Assistant in Dryland Ecosystem Ecology #2011003352. This full-time position will assist with laboratory and field research on ecosystem ecology in arid and semi-arid systems. The position will include work establishing and maintaining several field experiments, processing and analyzing plant and soil samples in the laboratory, and supervising undergraduate researchers. Field work will include long hours under difficult conditions. The duration of this position is contingent upon availability of funding. The position will be based primarily at NMSU, but may require travel for laboratory analyses and fieldwork throughout the US. Key Duties: * Establish and maintain field projects and equipment * Process and analyze soil and plant samples in the laboratory * Compile and summarize data * Prepare tables and figures for publications; assist with project report development * Supervise, direct, delegate, and evaluate work of assigned staff * Perform related duties as required. Qualifications: Knowledge of: Computer data entry (e.g, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, SigmaPlot); use of laboratory analytical equipment (e.g., analytical balance, microbalance, elemental analyzer); field measurements (e.g., leaf water potential, soil respiration, photosynthesis). Skills in: Short-and long-range planning; data compilation and synthesis; oral and written communication; field and laboratory research techniques; and processing and analyzing large numbers of plant and soil samples. Ability to: Direct, evaluate, train, and supervise the work of assigned personnel; develop and maintain effective working relationships; maintain accurate and orderly records and data files; use independent judgment and initiative; organize and direct activities; analyze and evaluate information. Bachelor's Degree in biology, ecology, soil science, environmental science, or a related field. Experience with laboratory analytical techniques and ecological fieldwork is strongly preferred. Good communication, quantitative, and organizational skills are required. To Apply: Compile a formal letter of interest, current resume, copies of college transcripts, and three professional references (including names, titles, addresses, daytime phone numbers, and email addresses) into a single pdf file. Email this file as an attachment to: Dr. Heather Throop ( Review of applications begins August 5, 2011 and remains open until filled. Incomplete application packets will not be considered. For additional information, contact Dr. Heather Throop. Starting date is negotiable, but a start date of September 2011 is preferred. Posted: 7/22/11.

North Carolina Plant Conservation Program: The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Plant Conservation Program (PCP) is pleased to announce an opening for a Research Specialist. A successful applicant will work as part of the PCP team to develop management plans for N.C. Plant Conservation Preserves, and conduct land management, stewardship, and monitoring activities statewide. PCP is a small team dedicated to protecting NC’s imperiled plant species in their natural habitats. Much of our work centers on PCP’s 20 + Preserves; common activities include prescribed burning, natural community restoration, and rare plant monitoring. This permanent full time position includes a comprehensive benefits package. This position will be based out of Raleigh, NC and will include substantial travel and field work across the state. Closing Date March 02, 2012. For specific application details please visit, specifically #65015752 Research Specialist (Wake). For more information on the PCP or details about the duties for this position you may contact me directly: Rob Evans, Coordinator, N.C. Plant Conservation Progam, (, 919-733-3610 x- 249, 919-218-5774. Posted: 2/13/12.

NC Museum of Natural Sciences: The below positions just posted through the NC Museum of Natural Sciences' new wing, the Nature Research Center (NRC). The NRC will open on April 20th, 2012 so hiring should happen fast and the job ads will close soon. Please note: The PD107 State form is REQUIRED to be considered for any of these positions. Biodiversity Investigate Lab Co-Coordinator (Natural Science Curator III, #65015796) Micro World Investigate Lab Coordinator (Natural Science Curator III, #65015797) Coordinator of Distance Learning at the NRC (Natural Science Curator III, #65015798) Curator of Youth Programs (Natural Science Curator III, #65015799). Posted: 1/27/12.

North Carolina State University: We are searching for a program coordinator for our interdisciplinary graduate program in "Genetic Engineering and Society: The case of transgenic pests". The program is funded by the National Science Foundation through its Integrative Graduate Education Research Traineeships program (IGERT). The program coordinator is responsible for the day to day administration under the supervision of the program director. Salary: $33-36k. Responsibilities: Recruitment of students: *Advertise our program through email/phone contacts with faculty and administrators at other colleges/universities. *Maintain and enhance Website. *Communicate with potential applicants and connect these applicants with appropriate IGERT faculty. *Coordinate application process with PhD graduate programs in four NCSU colleges. *Maintain communication with applicants throughout the recruiting period. *Develop and maintain filing system for applications. *Arrange student visits in coordination with Co-PIs. Course arrangements: *Work with course instructors to make arrangements for July-August course in Latin America. * Provide logistic course support from the US during the course. *Assist in developing materials for the Latin America course as well as courses taught on campus. *Assist with logistics of campus courses Student and program coordination: *Assist students with applying for NC residency, fellowship payments, and coordinating IGERT and departmental responsibilities. *Track appointments of graduate students to the program. *Maintain files and progress reports for all students *Coordinate logistics of student group projects *Coordinate logistics for outside seminar speakers * Make arrangements for IGERT symposia, meetings, and social events *Develop materials for annual NSF assessment and external evaluation of program *Assist executive committee members with tasks. *Assist subcommittees with tasks. Financial: *Set up fellowship payments through the graduate school *Track program finances through graduate school and by use of online tracking system *Keep the IGERT director updated on finances Required Qualifications: Background in biological and social sciences Excellent interpersonal skills Excellent verbal and written communication skills Computer technology skills Desired Qualifications: Experience in coordinating similar programs International experience Spanish Contact: or see NCSU position 00102546. Posted: 3/27/12.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Experimental Technologist/Environmental Scientist Position In Minnesota. We are looking for a highly motivated individual capable of working independently while supporting the interests of a diverse group of scientists to provide onsite management and support for the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change Experiment (SPRUCE) being developed on the USDA Forest Service’s Marcell Experimental Forest in northern Minnesota. The individual will manage and maintain SPRUCE infrastructure and work with SPRUCE scientific staff to facilitate experimental activities at the SPRUCE site. The individual will also oversee and manage leased office and light-laboratory space in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The individual will coordinate daily activities with technical and scientific staff of the USDA Forest Service, university scientists and other agency scientists engaged in SPRUCE development and operations. More information and to apply. Posted: 11/29/11.

Oregon State University: The Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management (FERM) invites applications for a full-time, 12-month, fixed-term Faculty Research Assistant position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Department Head. This position independently performs project development (proposal and design), set-up and maintenance, including data collection, work with fungal disease agents and hosts, management and statistical analyses, for the Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (SNCC). The SNCC is a research cooperative mandated and funded by the State of Oregon to serve forest land owners in Oregon and Washington by managing research projects that examine the health of coast range forest affected by the disease. This position is key to the operations and management of the SNCC and several other forest health projects aimed at providing managers with valuable information on various forest health issues. This involves working with fungal forest pathogens, project design and implementation, travel to remote field sites for collection of data, data management and analysis. The position will include the hiring, training and supervision of multiple temporary employees, both in the lab and the field. He/she will write and review scientific publications to disseminate information to the scientific and land management audiences, reviewing and maintaining budgets, and preparing and submitting proposals for future Swiss needle cast projects. Required Qualifications: M.S. in Forest Pathology or related field and experience working in the area of forest pathology with a focus on fungi causing tree disease. Experience with statistical analyses. Preferred: Use of statistical program packages such as SAS and S-Plus. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Willingness to learn tree climbing. To review posting and apply, go to, posting #0008642. Apply by March 11, 2012. When applying you will be required to attach the following electronic documents: 1) A resume/vitae that includes the names of at least three professional references, their e-mail addresses and telephone contact numbers (Upload as 'Other Document' if not included with your resume/vitae) and 2) a cover letter indicating how your qualifications and experience have prepared you for this position. For additional information please contact: Dave Shaw at 541-737-2845 or Posted: 2/21/12.

Oregon State University: Manager – Forest Genetics Programs. Professors Steve Strauss and Glenn Howe, in the College of Forestry, are seeking a highly qualified candidate to manage their diverse research programs. The position requires a bachelor’s degree, preferably with experience in biology, horticulture, or related fields. Responsibilities include: Hiring and firing of laboratory and field employees; management of budgets; aid in preparation of grant proposals and publications; Management of two field sites in Corvallis; Compliance with safety regulations in the lab and field; literature searches; ordering laboratory and field supplies and overseeing equipment maintenance; arranging occasional meetings and conference calls; and, overseeing operation of the laboratory security system. The successful applicant will work closely with Professors Strauss and Howe and other lab members in organizing research and serving students and post docs in their laboratories. Excellent teamwork skills are essential. To review posting and apply, go to Posting #0007939. For questions about the application process: For questions about the job responsibilities: or Posted: 9/9/11.

Purdue University: One industrious field technician is needed for a one year appointment beginning May 2012 to assist in a research project addressing the post-release survival of captive-reared Allegheny woodrats, the numeric response of supplemented populations, patterns of woodrat habitat use and movement on the landscape, and seed preferences of the larger granivore community. The project will incorporate a number of field techniques including radio-telemetry, live-trapping/handling, habitat sampling, and the deployment of camera-traps. Allegheny woodrats are listed as a state endangered species in Indiana and a species of conservation concern throughout much of their range. All woodrat populations in the study are restricted to the cliff/bluff habitats overlooking the Ohio River in extreme southern Indiana, near the town of Corydon. Occupied habitats are very steep; applicants should be comfortable and confident working at heights, and rock climbing and rope experience are a strong benefit. Duties will be partitioned seasonally, transitioning from woodrat husbandry and telemetry to live-trapping to the maintenance of camera-traps placed over seed trays. Telemetry will include both diurnal and nocturnal work and will require scrambling throughout the cliff environment to identify occupied den sites. Live trapping will require setting traps throughout the study areas and processing captured individuals (sex, age, weight, collecting DNA samples). Camera-traps will be maintained throughout large stretches of intact forest surrounding woodrat habitats. A bachelor’s degree in a natural resources or related field or equivalent experience is desired. Prior experience with radio-telemetry, trapping and handling mammals, and/or the use of camera-traps is preferred. Applicants must be willing and capable of walking several miles a day in variable weather conditions, possess the ability to work independently as well as in a team, and live in close quarters. Pay rate is $9/hour, and field housing will be provided. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and good driving record. To apply: Send via e-mail a letter of interest, resume, and the contact information for 3 references to Rita Blythe ( Additionally, a second short-term position is offered from May through August; please indicate if interested. The closing date for both positions is April 2, 2012. Posted: 3/21/12.

QinetiQ North America:Our company is hiring a new wildlife biologist for a position on Ft. Irwin in the Mojave Desert. Please see the below link and apply through there. I would be part of the hiring process but cannot accept any documents directly... However, if you have already applied through this link, you can also send your resume to: and I can expediate the hiring process. General qualificatons include a degree in biology and some work experience with TES species and a preferred ornithologist/bird experience candidate, and can be found here. If the link is not working, try the QinetiQ - North American website or go to and look for 'QinetiQ wildlife'.
Respectfully, Mr. Kurt Broz, MA Wildlife Biologist/Filmmaker (216) 299 - 7219. Posted 9/30/11.

Rice University: I am seeking a research technician to join my lab in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rice (Houston, TX). A Bachelor’s degree in Biology or relevant sub-discipline is required. The technician will be responsible for managing ecological experiments involving plants and insects in the laboratory, greenhouse, and field. The appointment will be 40 hours/week, and this may include weekends or holidays as experiments demand. The technician will supervise undergraduates working in the lab, so strong communication skills and leadership abilities are essential. This position is ideal for a recent college graduate considering graduate school in ecology and evolution and looking to gain more experience. The technician will be involved in all stages of the research process, will be encouraged to develop independent projects related to research in the Miller lab, and will have opportunities to co-author papers. Desirable experience and skills: - ability to work and solve problems independently (required) - previous research experience with plants and / or insects - strong quantitative skills, including experimental design, statistics, and mathematics - programming skills (ideally R) - GIS knowledge - basic molecular techniques (DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis). To apply, please submit the following to (1) a statement (no longer than one page) describing your scientific background, your interest in the position, and how it relates to your long-term career goals, (2) CV, and (3) contact information (name, institution, email, and phone) for two references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis (open immediately), but no later than March 15, 2012. The position could start as soon as mid-April but start dates in late spring or summer are also possible. Please contact me ( if you would like additional information. Posted: 2/28/12.

Rutgers University: Rachael Winfree's lab group at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ has multiple job openings for research technician / field assistant positions in spring and summer 2012. All positions are for field data collection and data processing for research projects on native bee pollination of crops as an ecosystem service. The work includes collecting data on bee visitation to flowers, pollen deposition by different bee species, vegetation transects, net-collecting bee specimens, data entry, GIS data processing, and microscopy identification of pollen. Work dates are somewhat flexible. We are particularly interested in applicants who could stay for more than one position sequentially. $12-$14 per hour, depending on experience. Requirements: field research experience; insect identification skills; ability to work long hours outdoors; driver's license and own vehicle; great attention to detail; self-motivation, maturity and ability to work independently. Additional Information: Late March - late May 2012 (3 positions): Assist with a study of blueberry pollination in southern New Jersey. Based at the Rutgers Pinelands Field Station in Pemberton, NJ and at the Winfree lab. Mid June - late August 2012 (3 positions): Assist with a study of watermelon pollination in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Based at the Winfree lab. Contact: Interested applicants should send a description of their background and interests, dates of availability, CV, and contact information for at least 2 references, to Faye Benjamin: Posted: 10/18/11.

San Jose State University: Marine Biology Research Technician. This is a two-year, full time position with benefits. A second two-year appointment is possible. For information or to apply, please contact Professor Jonathan Geller at The successful candidate will perform molecular analysis on marine organisms including DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction, DNA purification, and DNA sequence analysis. The candidate will maintain a laboratory database and information system. The candidate will be responsible for laboratory management including sample curation, ordering, care of equipment, maintenance of laboratory reagents, stocks, and general laboratory order. The candidate must safely operate molecular biology apparatus such as but not exclusive to autoclaves, centrifuges, thermocyclers, spectrophotometers, fluorometers, electrophoresis equipment, and a DNA sequencer. The candidate will coordinate activities of Graduate Student Assistants that relate to the project. See the full job ad at SJSU Job Opportunities. Posted: 6/14/12.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: seeking a highly qualified Research Assistant to be based at the Smithsonian Marine Station in Fort Pierce, FL. The successful applicant will conduct field and laboratory-based research on mangrove and salt-marsh ecosystems in Florida, USA, with occasional domestic and international travel required. Required qualifications / skills: (1) a Master’s degree in ecology, environmental science, geography, invasion biology, quantitative ecology, or a closely related discipline (in some cases a Bachelor’s degree plus experience would also qualify); (2) strong field and laboratory skills; and (3) excellent written and oral communication abilities. Proficiency with statistics, large datasets, remote sensing, and geographic information systems are a plus. How to apply: (1) submit a cover letter outlining your qualifications for the position; (2) a current curriculum vitae; (3) relevant publications or other evidence of written communication abilities; (4) names and contact information (email address, phone number) for two professional references, and (5) undergraduate and graduate unofficial transcripts. Email your application as a single PDF file to with “mangrove technician” in the subject line. Review of applications will begin on 4/16/2012 and will continue until the position is filled. The desired start date is negotiable. This is a full-time, non-federal position at 40 hrs/wk. Starting salary is $42,209 and includes a comprehensive benefits package. Successful applicants must pass a background investigation prior to the start of employment. Questions may be sent to Dr. John Parker at with the words “mangrove technician question” in the subject line. Posted: 3/20/12.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Sustainability Coordinator, Office of Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance. The Sustainability Coordinator will provide leadership for sustainable practice initiatives at SIU Carbondale, and will work closely with the University's Sustainability Council, other campus departments, and the external community. The Coordinator will serve as the University's chief contact regarding the development of sustainable initiatives and practices, the identification of opportunities, and the evaluation of results. Minimum Qualifications: Master's degree in environmental science, public administration, or a related field. Three years of experience in coordinating, organizing and implementing programs and events. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Training and/or experience in resource conservation and sustainability practices. Preferred Qualifications: Supervisory experience. Management of environmental resources in public or private settings. Familiarity with higher education organizational and operational structures. Salary: $45-52k annually. Effective Date Of Appointment: March 1, 2012, or later. Application Deadline: February 15, 2012, or until filled. Application Procedure: A complete application consists of a letter of intent, resume and names and addresses of at least three references. Submit to: Sustainability Coordinator Search, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, MC 4315, SIU Carbondale, 1265 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901. Posted: 1/12/12.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: The Department of Forestry invites applications for a full time, term, professional Research Technician on a funded project assessing soil, water, and air quality associated with cover crops and tillage practices in agricultural watersheds near Decatur, Illinois. The position will involve: independent field and laboratory work with soil, water, and air quality measurements and analysis, assisting teams of graduate and undergraduate students with research, and database management. The position requires significant overnight travel and field work in all weather conditions; must maintain a valid driver’s license. Qualifications (Required): B.S./B.A. degree in Forestry, Soil Science/Agronomy, Environmental Science, Hydrology, or a related discipline. Preferred: Experience in soil sampling and quality characterization, surface and ground water quality monitoring, hydrologic assessments, and geographic information systems. This is a 12 month grant-funded position and could be extended dependent upon funding availability and workload needs for at least six years. Application deadline: December 16, 2011 or until filled, with an anticipated start date ASAP. To apply: submit a letter of application, resume, unofficial transcripts (official required prior to hire), and names and contact information of three references to: Dr. Karl Williard, Department of Forestry, Mail Code 4411, SIU Carbondale, 1205 Lincoln Dr., Carbondale, IL 62901 Tel: (618) 453-7478, Fax: (618) 453-7475. Electronic submissions not accepted. Posted: 12/13/11.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Community Forester (Researcher II) - Full-time, term, professional researcher position on a state funded project serving as a source of community forestry expertise to the interested public and municipal leaders within Illinois, excluding the Chicago area. Funding is secured for one year and may be extended based on job performance. The community forester will also be an effective communicator, possesses business acumen, and be willing and able to cooperate with an array of agencies and individuals. The position duties include but are not limited to: analysis of date to determine and respond to the specific needs of communities within the project area; work with state, federal, and local agencies on forest resources management issues on a case-by-case basis within the region to support community forestry management practices that compliment community values; offer and conduct regional community forestry educational workshops or seminars on technical topics as identified by constituents and supervisors; contribute technical materials as requested by Illinois community forestry stakeholders; serve as liaison with the Illinois Arborists Association; seek external funding when appropriate; prepare reports to funding agencies. Qualifications: B. S. in Forestry with at least one year work experience in urban or community forestry or M. S. in Forestry with appropriate technical forestry and communication skills. Must have and maintain a valid Illinois driver’s license. Application Deadline: October 1, 2011 or until filled. To Apply: Submit a letter of interest, resume, unofficial transcripts (official required prior to hire), and the names and contact information of three references to: Dr. Eric Holzmueller, Department of Forestry, Mail Code 4411, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901. Tel: (618) 453-3708, Fax: (618) 453-7475, Email: Electronic Submissions not accepted. Posted: 9/23/11.

Southwestern University: full-time twelve-month position - Environmental Studies Program and GIS Lab Manager. This is a staff position with faculty rank (non-tenured). Primary duties include overseeing and maintaining the Geographic Information System (GIS) lab; teaching one to two GIS courses and/or lab components each academic year; providing support/instruction for faculty in developing and implementing GIS content in their courses; managing the Environmental Studies Program budget, including grant administration; working with the Development Office to pursue additional grants and other funding; coordinating programs and student opportunities with the Office of Career Services (internships) and the Office of Intercultural Learning (study abroad); and providing general support for the administration of the Environmental Studies program, as needed. Requirements: a Master’s degree in geography, computer science, environmental studies or related field, with significant coursework in GIS; extensive working knowledge of GIS; prior experience developing GIS applications and labs; evidence of excellence in teaching; strong communication skills; budget management experience; and a clear interest in the field of environmental studies. Preferred: academic program management and grant writing experience. Interested persons may submit a letter of interest, resume, the names, addresses and phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses of three professional references, and salary history and expectation to: Environmental Studies Program and GIS Lab Manager Job #431, Southwestern University, P. O. Box 770, Georgetown, TX, 78627-0770, or fax: (512) 863-1880, or email to Posted: 7/11/11.

Stanford University: The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, the University of Minnesota, and Stanford’s Woods Institute together seek to fill the position of GIS Analyst (Marine) for the Natural Capital Project. Our researchers, based in Seattle and Stanford, are developing tools to model and map the flow of multiple ecosystem services across land- and seascapes. The Natural Capital Project is applying its innovative, spatially-explicit ecosystem-service quantification and valuation tool, InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) in various locations (e.g. Monterey Bay, CA; Vancouver Island, Canada; Belize) The successful applicant will work in a team to adapt and apply the InVEST ecosystem-service models and will then synthesize these results in order to best inform policy at our demonstration sites. We seek a creative individual to support further development, documentation, maintenance, and application of the Marine InVEST models. Principal Responsibilities: · Maintain Arc toolbox elements to run biophysical and economic models created by postdoctoral researchers and other project collaborators. · Collect, create, and refine raster, vector, and table input data from a variety of source including Natural Capital Project field sites. · Coding in Python to adapt and improve the InVEST models. · Run InVEST models in ArcGIS and analyze the results using Spatial Analyst and other tools to create maps, tables, and documentation for presentation of results. · Help create user-friendly manuals tailored to the needs of site applications for Arc tools. · Provide technical assistance related to InVEST to relevant personnel on partner installations. Qualifications: · Bachelors or Masters degree in geography or related field required. Graduate degree desired. · Adept skills with all major functions in ArcGIS, including map design, data processing, spatial analysis with geoprocessing tools and ModelBuilder. · Python programming experience; knowledge of MATLAB or FORTRAN is a plus. Database management experience Excellent analytical skills · Excellent written and oral communication skills The ability to effectively prioritize and work well under time constraints · Experience working with collaborators from diverse backgrounds and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary teamwork. The GIS Analyst will be located in Palo Alto, CA or Seattle, WA Term: One year fixed-term appointment (with the potential for extension, contingent upon funding.) Apply to, Job #43393. Please include a CV and a cover letter that includes contact information for three references. We will begin reviewing applications July 20, 2011. The position will remain open until filled. Posted: 7/11/11.

Stanford University: The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, the University of Minnesota, and Stanford’s Woods Institute together seek to fill the position of Research Assistant (Marine) for the Natural Capital Project (NatCap). We seek a creative individual for a 1-year position to support the development, documentation, and application of the Marine InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) models. Marine InVEST is a tool developed by NatCap to model and map the flow of multiple ecosystem services across seascapes. The Research Assistant will be responsible for helping Marine InVEST model developers gather data (e.g., parameter values and species-specific life history information for various models), perform basic statistical analyses, and collate and summarize literature. The Research Assistant will help apply Marine InVEST on the West Coast of Vancouver Island (WCVI), British Columbia, Canada, and in other locations. This will include supporting user training and contributing to the users guide. The research assistant will also be responsible for procuring data for the development and support of the general Marine InVEST model, which will be applicable in a wide variety of locations. This position requires good organizational skills, leadership, and an exceptional aptitude for teamwork. The candidate should have strong independent research skills and excellent communication skills. Some data management experience is required. Statistical experience is desired so that this person can help in developing functional relationships or parameterizations. InVEST is a tool within GIS. Basic experience with GIS is desirable, but not required. This position will be based with part of the NatCap Marine Initiative Team in Seattle, WA. Required: · B.S. or B.A. in natural resources, earth sciences, oceanography, ecology, environmental economics or a similar field required, MSc or other graduate degree preferred · Research experience in coastal and/or marine ecosystems · Experience with data management and basic statistics · Good teamwork skills and demonstrated writing skills · Enjoys working in a highly collaborative environment · Ability to understand the big-picture of the Natural Capital Project Marine Initiative’s work and to bring that understanding to bear on specific tasks. Term: through 11/30/12 (with the potential for extension, contingent upon funding). Application review will begin on July 20, 2011, and the position will be open until filled. To assure your application information is captured in our official files and that the hiring manager has immediate access to your resume and cover letter, you must apply to, Job #43392. A cover letter describing interest in and suitability for the position is required. Please include at the end of the cover letter contact information for 3 references. Posted: 7/11/11.

Syracuse University: Research Technician, Plant Ecology. The Fridley Lab is hiring a technician to conduct field research in areas of the Northeast (NY, NJ) in conjunction with a cross-site experimental project on climate change and old field succession. The successful candidate will help construct experimental gardens in Syracuse, the Hudson Valley, and central NJ, assist in monitoring plant communities during the summer and early fall of 2012, and contribute to various lab activities in Syracuse. An undergraduate degree in Biology, Botany, Ecology, or related field is required and field research experience and/or an advanced degree in these fields is preferred. A current driver's license is required and access to a personal vehicle preferred. The pay rate of the position is $13-15/hr, depending on experience, and includes full benefits. Depending on the availability of the person hired, the position could be available on a full-time basis for 6 months or half-time for 12 months, and would ideally begin in March or April 2012. Information about the Fridley Lab can be found at and questions sent to For full consideration applicants should complete an online application by February 15 at (job posting #028661), and include a cover letter, resume/CV, and a list of at least two academic or professional references. Posted: 1/3/12.

Tamarisk Coalition: Restoration Coordinator. The Tamarisk Coalition (TC) is a non-profit organization providing education and technical assistance to restore riparian lands in the West. The Coalition is seeking creative individual(s) to work in the dynamic field of riparian restoration. The Restoration Coordinator will work in conjunction with the Tamarisk Coalition staff, many organizations and agencies to support restoration efforts in the Grand Junction area, state of Colorado, and the western region of the United States. Specifically, this position’s main focus will be working in conjunction with the Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP). This position is based in Grand Junction, Colorado. Professional full-time hourly position, 40hrs/week, flexible work schedule to accommodate projects needs including travel and working some weekends. Salary range is $35-39k/year plus benefits. See the full job ad at for details and to apply. Application deadline 10/3/11. Posted: 9/23/11.

Texas A&M University: The Gabriel Hamer and Sarah Hamer Laboratories research the ecology and epidemiology of vector-borne, bird-borne, and zoonotic diseases. Disease systems we study are at the interface of human, domestic animal, and wildlife health, and include West Nile virus, Lyme disease and other tick-borne zoonoses, Chagas disease, and more. We seek a part-time or full-time research assistant to help establish our new laboratories, conduct general laboratory maintenance, carry out molecular diagnostic protocols, manage databases, order laboratory supplies and oversee student workers. Other duties may also be necessary, including travel to field sites for sampling of vectors or wildlife. Desired start date is around March 26, 2012. Review of applications will begin on February 20, 2012 and continue until a suitable candidate is selected. Interested candidates may contact Gabe Hamer in the Entomology Department ( or Sarah Hamer in the Veterinary Integrative Biosciences Department ( See the full job ad for more info and to apply. Posted: 2/20/12.

The Nature Conservancy: We have an opening for a Conservation Information Manager for TNC in New York. This position will be based out of the Albany office. See the complete job description for details and to apply. Deadline: 7/5/12. Posted: 6/28/12.

The Nature Conservancy: Web Page Developer: Hydrofracking BMPs. TNC is looking to contract the development of a publicly accessible, queryable webpage that would allow TNC to share information with the public regarding Marcellus Shale Best Management Practices (BMPs). Currently, this information is stored in an MS Access database. The successful candidate will demonstrate experience and skill (with evidence of products) in developing a user-friendly web application using the Microsoft technology stack to query the Access database. Since TNC will be updating the service several times a year, we also anticipate the development of some type of management interface to the web application. This job may be worked remotely, as long as adequate communication with TNC’s TIS and Conservation staff is maintained. Minimum qualifications: • Experience with ASP.NET MVC or a similar web application framework. • Experience working with Microsoft Access and SQL Server databases. • Experience with Visual Studio. • Experience developing a data access layer with Microsoft technologies (Entity Framework, LINQ, ADO.NET) • The candidate will also be expected to provide evidence of their ability to meet these qualifications. Funding is available for this project. The project must be completed within 90 days, after the execution date of a contractual agreement. Please include a cover letter, resume and contract rate required, as well as specific examples of similar products that you have developed in your application materials. Send applications to Scott Bearer at: Include “Web Page Developer: Hydrofracking BMPs” in the subject line. No phone calls please. Closing date is Friday, July 13th, 2012. Posted: 6/27/12.

The Nature Conservancy: TNC is seeking candidates for one Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) internship stationed in the Conservation Center of the Sandhills located in Southern Pines, North Carolina. This position works with TNC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to accomplish the mission of the North Carolina Sandhills Conservation Partnership. Eligible candidates will have graduated from an ecology, conservation biology, natural resources, or wildlife related graduate program within three years of the hiring date. The appointment is for one year but may be renewed for up to three years. More information on the ORISE program. The NC Sandhills TNC ORISE intern’s primary duties are to advance the wildlife and habitat conservation mission of the Partnership through conservation planning and research, grant and project management, and data analysis: * Provide technical GIS support for the Partnership. Conduct complex GIS analyses to support conservation reserve design, land protection priorities, and special projects such as the Green Growth Toolbox. Maintain updates and data records for the existing GIS database. * Support coordination of the Partnership by working directly with the Partnership Coordinator to facilitate meetings, participate on working groups, attend partner activities, and communicate with the public about the role of the Partnership. * Conduct literature review and other research to inform actions of the Partnership. Compile, synthesize, and communicate scientific or other information via oral and written presentations at meetings and other events. * Assist TNC staff with prescribed burning and other land restoration activities including collecting native groundcover seed and sowing native grass seed in prepared areas. * Assist USFWS staff in monitoring red-cockaded woodpeckers, which may include the following field work; updating activity status of RCW cavity trees, banding nestlings and/or adult RCWs, monitoring fledglings, and using a spotting scope to identify individuals. Required: 1. Master of Science or higher degree preferred in ecology, conservation biology, natural resources, or wildlife biology. 2. Familiarity with advanced principles of GIS and spatial modeling. 3. Experience using ESRI software including ArcMap and other associated products. 4. Ability to successfully work with a diverse suite of partners. 5. Excellent oral and written communication skills. 6. Familiarity with conservation planning approaches and/or willingness to learn. 7. Certified in Wildland Firefighting and Prescribed Burning (S130/190, L180, I100) and/or willingness to participate in training. 8. Proficiency in computer database management using Microsoft Access and/or willingness to learn. For further information, please contact Peter Campbell, USFWS, Sandhills Sub-Office at (910) 695-3323. To apply, please email a resume and cover letter to Posted: 7/15/11.

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center: DNA Lab Technician. Salary: $25-45k. Hours: 40 hrs./week; occasional overtime with pay or compensatory time off Start Date: June 18 –July 16 2012 Travel: Rare Requirements: MS degree in Genetics, Molecular Biology, Zoology, Microbiology or related field, or BS degree and 1-years experience as technician in DNA laboratory. Opportunities exist for positions as lab technicians with the Conservation & Ecological Genetics Team (CEGT) within the Environmental Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, MS. The CEGT pursues a wide variety of DNA-based research, including population, conservation, and ecological genetics in plants and animals. Applicants should be familiar with 1) DNA extraction from animals, plants, or prokaryotes, 2) PCR, 3) DNA Sequencing, and 4) plasmid-based cloning of DNA fragments. These positions are not currently federal government hires, but will be filled through various contracting mechanisms. Position guaranteed through September 2013, after which it will either continue or be eliminated depending on program funding. Overseas moving expenses will not be provided; other moving expenses may be covered, but are not guaranteed. If interested, please send your CV/resume to Dr. Richard Lance ( Posted: 6/8/12.

USDA/ARS: The Bioscience Technician will primarily conduct field and laboratory work for a project on greenhouse gas emissions from vineyard soils in the Central Valley, California. The technician will travel independently to field sites on a near daily basis, be expected to run analyses in the lab independently, mix chemicals, process samples, analyze soil nutrients, manage data, and keep records of all activities. Much of the field work involving greenhouse gas emissions will be conducted alone. Depending on the week, the technician may have to work more than 8 hours a day until work is completed for the day. The technician also may be asked to assist on other projects in the lab involving soil sampling. Qualifications: Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, soil science or a similarly related natural resource field. Applicants must be independent, have a strong work ethic and be highly self-motivated. The applicant must be detail oriented and able to follow instructions. Applicant must be able to work well in a team environment and respond positively to feedback. A background or strong interest in conducting field based research and working in a laboratory environment is desirable. Please note that field conditions can be very challenging in the Central Valley, and field sampling will occur in the middle of the day when temperatures can reach above 100F in summer and cool and rainy in the winter. Applicant must have a valid US drivers license and a clean driving record. As there is an immediate need to fill the position, applicant must be able to start in mid-December 2011 or beginning of January 2012. This position is with Dr. Kerri Steenwerth (Research Soil Scientist, USDA/ARS, Crops Pathology and Genetics Research Unit, Davis, CA). We are co-located with UC Davis, Dept. of Viticulture and Enology Dept. The position is a letter of authority appt., ranging from GS3-5, dependent upon experience. Please send Resume/CV to Dr. Kerri Steenwerth ( AND Dr. Minda Berbeco ( Posted: 8/9/11, revised: 11/11/11.

US Environmental Protection Agency: A postgraduate research training opportunity is available at the EPA's National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. This activity addresses Land Use and Planning for the Safe and Healthy Communities Research Program, which is designed to provide holistic, integrated, and functional technical tools that can be used to identify and evaluate solutions and alternatives for land use problems faced by communities and regions. Research and analysis of land use practices and needs will be conducted to determine the state of the science and practice for community and regional land use decision making in the built and natural environments. Results of this analysis will include an evaluation of existing tools and models to address specific community and regional needs for sustainable land use. The selected individual, under the guidance of the primary mentor, Dr. B. T. Walton, will have a pivotal role in accomplishing the goals of this project. Activities will involve review of the primary scientific literature on land use decision tools and impacts of those decisions on human health and ecological services. Data analysis will lead to insights and recommendations for research to better understand and predict implications of land use decisions on public health and delivery of ecosystems goods and services. Qualifications: Applicants must have completed at least two years of graduate level course work or have received a master’s degree in an environmental science or closely related field within five years of the desired starting date. Graduate students must be currently enrolled in an accredited U.S. college or university and provide proof of enrollment each semester. Relevant areas of interest are environmental sciences, public health, and city and regional planning. The appointment is full-time for one year and may be renewed for up to one additional year upon recommendation of EPA and subject to availability of funds. See the project description for more information and to apply. Posted: 5/30/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: Post-Masters Research Training Opportunity with U.S. EPA Global Change Research Program. We are looking for a candidate with: * An interdisciplinary background or interest in a wide variety of natural/environmental sciences, including aquatic ecosystems, urban systems and planning, water resources, land use change, climate change * Strong quantitative and statistical capabilities, including multivariate and non-parametric techniques, spatial statistics, or time series analyses * Strong interest in applying quantitative and statistical tools to a variety of global change assessments * Interest in global change research, particularly impacts, vulnerabilities, resilience, and adaptation * Excellent verbal, oral, and graphical communication skillsThe work is highly interdisciplinary and interactive with applicability to EPA and other agency programs. We are looking for a highly motivated individual with excellent skills in statistics, quantitative analysis, spatial ecology, hydrology, environmental economics, modeling, urban planning, environmental science, natural resources, or related fields. See the fellowship announcement for details. Please feel free to contact (, 703-347-8613) with any questions. Posted: 4/17/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: The Ecosystems Research Division (ERD) of the Office of Research and Development at the US EPA in Athens, Georgia is seeking individuals who have completed their Master’s degree in biology, ecology, environmental science, statistics, engineering, computer science, or a related field to provide services under a contractual agreement as part of a research team providing technical support for ERD’s aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem exposure modeling. These models estimate exposure and effects of chemicals on listed species under the Endangered Species Act and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Selected individuals shall possess knowledge, skills, and experience concerning the application of mathematical models to ecological problems; have demonstrated proficiency in scripted languages such as R and Matlab and/or in high level programming languages such as Fortran, Python, and C++; be familiar with the application of statistical models; and possess excellent written and oral communication skills. The student contractor may also aid in statistical applications, programming, and software testing, including utilization of specific model evaluation tools. Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to: 1) the application of existing deterministic and stochastic models to simulate fate and exposure of pesticides and other chemicals; 2) the integration of these models through a software program with a common user interface; 3) development of reusable risk assessment software libraries; and 4) parameter estimation applications for chemical and biological exposures in agricultural and urban ecosystems. The student contractor may be expected to participate in conferences and seminars and to publish in the peer-reviewed literature in support of this Statement of Work. Announcement, statement of work, and evaluation criteria can be found here: This application window closes on November 9. The position pays $28.48 per hour but is otherwise without benefits. Posted: 11/3/11.

US Fish & Wildlife Service: BOTANIST GS-0430-11/12 The San Marcos National Fish Hatchery and Technology Center (Center), San Marcos, TX, provides applied fishery and aquatic research and development capabilities to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. With an annual operation budget of approximately $1 million (base and soft monies) and a current staff of nine, the Center’s applied research programs assist restoration and recovery efforts through the scientific development and evaluation of new methods, concepts, systems, and approaches. The Center currently maintains active applied research programs in the fields of Physiology and Ecology of fish, amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants. The employee in this position coordinates and provides technical guidance for the aquatic plant activities for the Center and the Uvalde National Fish Hatchery, Uvalde, Texas. Activities include: managing the Texas wild rice refugium; obtaining funds, planning, conducting, and publishing the results of scientific investigations associated with Texas wild rice and other aquatic plant propagation, native aquatic plant restoration, aquatic plant population dynamics in the wild, and aquatic invasive species control and management; and participates in Center’s educational and outreach programs. Major Duties: Texas Wild Rice Refugium - Responsible for design, establishment, and coordination of Texas wild rice refugium activities at two facilities (San Marcos NFHTC and Uvalde NFH). Assists in the updating and execution of the San Marcos and Comal Springs Recovery Plan. Assists in the development and execution of the Contingency, Captive Propagation, and Reintroduction plan for Texas wild rice. Develops long range plan to produce genetically sound propagated Texas wild rice to be used for possible restoration efforts. Develops “standard operating procedures for Texas wild rice propagation.” Participates in the acquisition and reporting requirements of Federal and state permits regulating Texas wild rice activities. Aquatic Plant Restoration And Research – Assists in stream restoration projects. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining partnerships; proposing, justifying, and obtaining funds; initiating, carrying out, and guiding projects to completion; and developing new technologies for research, propagation, and restoration projects. To Apply For Position R2-11-542065-CI-MP (Status Applicants) or R2-11-542225-CI-DEU (General Public Applicants). For Additional Information Contact Tom Brandt, 512-353-0011 ext 224, Closes 10/18/11. Posted 9/29/11.

USGS Canyonlands Research Station: The Canyonlands Research Station in Moab, Utah is recruiting for an ecologist (GS-0408-07). This is a temporary (one year with a strong possibility of extension) full-time position with the US Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center. The incumbent will be responsible for carrying out a large field survey of vegetation and soils in the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (PARA) under the leadership of Dr. Mike Duniway. The goal of this research project is to assess rangeland ecosystem conditions and to identify resource-management needs pertinent to livestock grazing, ecological restoration, and long-term ecological monitoring. The duty station is Moab, Utah, but incumbent will spend 4-5 months in remote areas of northern Arizona, USA. A background in rangeland ecology or soil science is preferred. Salary is $38,790/year. Applicants MUST meet education/experience qualifications, be U.S. citizens, and pass a physical fitness test and background check. If you have questions send an email to This job will be announced on and will close Dec. 9, 2011. A start date of Jan-Feb 2012 is preferred. Visit for more details. Posted: 11/28/11.

University of Alaska Anchorage: GIS Landscape Ecology-Spatial analysis, Alaska Natural Heritage Program. AKNHP conducts applied and fundamental scientific research focused on native species, invasive species and biological systems of conservation concern in Alaska. We seek an individual with research experience in landscape ecology/spatial analysis to assist principal investigators on several projects. Previous experience in spatial modeling, raster-based GIS analysis, and ArcGIS software desired. A background in either botany, vegetation ecology, or zoology is also required. Education: BS, MS or PhD. Duration: Full time 40hrs/week, beginning October 1, 2011 for a one-year term. Potential for long-term funding and conversion of position to research. To apply: This position can be applied to through two web access points. (1) All applicants can apply at (2) Or, for recent PhD’s, you can apply as a postdoctoral fellow at Posted: 9/15/11.

University of Arizona: The School of Anthropology seeks to hire a laboratory assistant for a new lab facility (LEEP lab) that supports primate hormone research, primarily using noninvasively collected samples from the wild, with enzyme immunoassay analyses. The laboratory will operate one spectrophotometer for assays, and solid phase extraction and celite chromatography manifolds for extraction protocols. The ideal candidate has expertise in standard laboratory safety protocols; is well-organized with attention to detail; has strong interpersonal and communication skills; has experience organizing data and a lab, developing safety and training protocols; can train students in basic laboratory methods and safety; and can prepare solutions, media, and reagents. Experience with enzyme immunoassay and/or spectrophotometry is particularly desirable. We encourage candidates who will expand the lab's research portfolio by developing new research projects. Qualifications - Three years of related laboratory or research experience; OR, any equivalent combination of experience, training and/or education. For details and to apply, see the full job ad. Posted: 3/30/12.

University of Arizona/Biosphere 2: Full time Research Technician on projects relating to urban ecology, green infrastructure, climate change, and semi-arid landscape change (see: Dr. Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman). The position will conduct a variety of duties including field research, lab analysis, data management and analysis, and public interpretation of citizen science projects. This is a one-year, full time position, renewable based on performance. Specific duties will involve lab and field research to assess the functionality of green infrastructure, the response of soil organisms and C&N cycling process to urbanization, landcover change, and climate change, and facilitating citizen science research, coordinating undergraduate researchers, and interacting with the public at Biosphere 2. Minimum requirements: a Bachelor's degree in ecology, environmental sciences, soil science, biology, or related discipline is required, and previous research experience related to soils, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, ecohydrology, etc. Desired Qualifications: previous experience with routine chemical analysis of soils, soil enzyme analysis, processing of hyperspectral and infrared imaging, dataloggers field-gas analyzers, GIS, statistical analysis, database management, and public interpretation of science. For consideration, send a cover letter describing your research experience and interest and resume to Dr. Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman,, Biosciences West, Rm 310, Tucson, AZ 85721. Desired start date is around March 30, 2012. Applicants will have to apply through - Job Title: Research/Laboratory Aide (Extended Temporary), Department: 1306-Biosphere 2. Position #: 49683. Review date: 3/20/12. Posted: 3/12/12, revised: 3/16/12.

University of California: Staff Research Associate. The Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment is a field experiment replicated at three elevations at Niwot Ridge, CO, testing projections of upward shifts in the elevational ranges of subalpine and alpine species. The experiment includes automated heating infrastructure and climate and microclimate measurements. This partial or full-time position will provide critical support to maintaining, archiving, and analyzing these data streams, as well as manually collected ecological and environmental data. In particular, the Staff Research Associate is responsible for maintaining Campbell datalogger, multiplexer, and communications equipment in the field to ensure dataset continuity; integrating new sensors into existing programs; developing a robust portable sensor platform; improving communications infrastructure for our highest elevation site (>11,500 ft); revising and maintaining datalogger and QA/QC algorithms; providing data via a website interface in a timely manner; training field staff; maintaining records; and communicating regularly and effectively with the project PIs and other staff. Other responsibilities may include managing seasonal research assistants, contributing to research articles, and/or mentoring undergraduate researchers, depending on the skills and experience of the candidate. Required Experience: • Experience using automated environmental sensors • Experience with Campbell Scientific dataloggers, multiplexers and communications devices and software • Experience working in a collaborative scientific or engineering enterprise, and • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in written and oral forms. Education: • Masters degree in an environmental science field (e.g., biometeorology, ecosystem science, micrometeorology, soil ecology) or a related field, or a bachelor’s degree plus masters-equivalent work experience • Recent PhD graduates with relevant experience may apply (this is not a post-doc position). Preferred Experience: • Work experience with production data flows • Knowledge of a wide range of meteorological sensors and measurement techniques and their associated data acquisition and analysis procedures, • Knowledge of Ethernet communication protocols, including security, • Experience with quantitative uncertainty analyses and time-series analyses, • Experience designing metadata and data handling programs. Skills and abilities: • Computer programming in R and/or Matlab and Campbell’s programming languages, • High-elevation hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, and/or related physical abilities, • Ability to work effectively under remote supervision, • Critical thinking, scientific writing and review, • Ability to travel (infrequently), • Demonstrated problem-solving and communication skills, including ability to apply experience, judgment, and creativity to both short- and long-term challenges. Salary will be $40-55k per year, with full benefits. The initial appointment will be for one year, with extension contingent on job performance and funds. The position is based near Boulder, CO. To Apply: Please send your Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter to with DataSRA in the subject line. In your cover letter, please detail your experience with environmental sensor data streams, program testing, program languages, and any relevant field experience. Direct any questions to Professor Lara Kueppers ( Review of applications will begin Oct 1, and be ongoing until the position is filled. Posted: 9/20/11.

University of California, Berkeley: Project Coordinator (Payroll title: Assistant/Associate Specialist, Job # 12-100). The Berkeley Initiative in Global Change Biology (BiGCB) is seeking applications for a Project Coordinator for the W.M. Keck Foundation Funded Project entitled Informatics Engine for Understanding Biotic Response to Global Change. A one-year position is available starting June 1, 2012 (renewable for one year). The Project Coordinator will coordinate all day-to-day aspects of the project's data mobilization activities across the Berkeley Natural History Museums (BNHM), Field Stations, and Ancillary Datasets. The Project Coordinator will be required to supervise and coordinate graduate and undergraduate students who will be conducting geospatial analyses, digitization, and databasing tasks. Within the framework of existing BNHM activities, the Project Coordinator will assist with the development of methods for high throughput digitization and data integration. In addition, the Project Coordinator will interface with project PIs and the programming team, and will be required to work with campus faculty labs to identify and incorporate additional data sources relevant to the project's goals. The Project Coordinator will, under the guidance of the Project PIs and the Project executive committee, act as liaison with other relevant informatics projects on campus. This position requires a degree in an appropriate field of the biological sciences. Experience in, or a working understanding of informatics and geospatial technologies in biodiversity research is required, along with a keen interest in natural history data and collections. The position holder should have experience with museum and field station collections and research, as well as laboratory and field research. Familiarity of topics and concepts in biology, ecology, evolution and conservation are strongly desired. Excellent data management, problem solving, and administrative skills are required, along with excellent communication skills, both verbally and written. A demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team is essential. The Project Coordinator will also be required to travel to and stay at select UC Berkeley Field Stations for variable lengths of time. Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and three Letters of Recommendation. Applicants should refer references to the UC Berkeley Statement of Confidentiality. Applications must be sent to the attention of Sandra Richmond, Research Enterprise Services, 3101A VLSB, Berkeley, CA 94720-3160. Electronic submissions are acceptable, but all materials must be uploaded as Adobe PDF and sent to, with the subject: BIGCB KECK- [Applicant Name]. Deadline: May 3, 2012. Posted: 4/10/12.

University of California, Berkeley: The Harte lab is seeking a lab technician to contribute to several exciting new projects involving the testing of ecological theory and the development of scientific and conservation-oriented software. The position will be part of a collaborative effort based at UC Berkeley to continue the development of a maximum entropy-based theory of ecology (see Harte 2011, Oxford University Press, for more information) and apply this theory to outstanding problems in ecology and conservation biology. The technician will have primary responsibility for (1) creating and managing a centralized repository of data sets used for theory testing, (2) developing scripts/software to test theories of species richness, spatial scaling, and energetics using these data, and (3) contributing to the release of scientific software for public use in research and conservation. There may also be opportunities to contribute to the development of new theory. Requirements include (1) an ability and willingness to quickly learn new ecological, mathematical, and computational approaches, (2) an undergraduate or graduate background in ecology, computer science, mathematics, and/or physics, and (3) previous experience with some or all of R, Matlab, Python, C/C++, SQL and Git (or other version control systems). This position is available starting immediately and will be funded for an initial term of one year, with a possible extension for a second year. Salary commensurate with experience. To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, contact information for three references, and a representative publication or writing sample to, including the phrase “Lab Tech Position” in the subject line. Posted: 10/26/11.

University of California Davis: The Cadenasso Landscape and Urban Ecology lab, Department of Plant Sciences, seeks a junior specialist to assist with an interdisciplinary project focused on ecosystem services in urban systems, home gardening, and lead exposure. The applicant will be responsible for quantifying soil lead concentrations in urban gardens in Sacramento, CA, recruiting study participants, creating spatially explicit maps of research results, mentoring undergraduate students and interns, and conducting surveys. The position will require extensive time in the field, i.e. residential areas of Sacramento, CA. The applicant will be expected to engage with study participants and be able to articulate the goals of the research project to a wide range of audiences, including academic and local community groups. The applicant will be an active member of a collaborative and interdisciplinary research project and must possess the flexibility to work both as a team member and independently. Bachelor's degree in environmental science or related field required. Previous field and lab experience required. GIS (geographic information systems) experience and familiarity with ESRI software required. The applicant must possess excellent written and oral communication skills. Knowledge and experience working closely with Sacramento non-profits focused on issues surrounding urban agriculture is desired but not required. Working knowledge of culturally important crops and regional environmental justice issues is desired but not required. This is a full time position. The applicant is expected to work 40 hours per week. Applicant must have access to reliable transportation in order to travel to sampling sites in Sacramento, CA. Duties: 1. 50% -- In the field - sample soil at research sites, maintain a field notebook of sampling locations, and map research sites/sampling locations. 2. 30% -- In the office - coordinate field crews, assist with administrative duties associated with participant recruitment efforts, enter data, conduct basic statistical analyses, maintain geographic database, maintain laboratory/field equipment and supplies, produce maps, update x-ray safety information, and attend meetings with community partners. 3. 20% -- In the laboratory - prepare and analyze soil samples. Closing Date: May 31st, 2012 or until position is filled. Salary: $34-37k annually, commensurate with experience. Application: submit a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for 3 references to: Mary Cadenasso ( Posted: 5/17/12.

University of California Davis: The UC Davis Arboretum is recruiting for a GATEways Horticulturist. This position will help design, install, and manage innovative teaching landscapes for the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden as part of the GATEways initiative (Gardens, Arts, and The Environment). Working directly with UC Davis faculty, students, staff, and community members, the position will help develop and implement plans for sustainable educational landscapes that reflect the academic work of UC Davis and incorporate Valley-Wise gardening strategies, art, interpretive signs, plant labels, and changing exhibits that engage University visitors. For more details, see, Job requisition number: 03006633. Starting salary: $3,354-$5,396 per month. Application deadline: January 27, 2012.

University of California-Davis: We are seeking an individual with a M.S. (preferable) or B.S. degree in Soil Science, Entomology, Ecology or Environmental Science. The project involves investigation of soil ecosystem services within a variety of rangeland restoration sites in the Sacramento Valley. The research supported by this position is field- and lab-based. The specialist should have experience or demonstrated capability to learn the following activities: soil sampling, collection of soil dwelling fauna (insects and arthropods), identification of adult and immature fauna to the family level, basic soil characterization (bulk density, infiltration, and soil description). The Jr. Specialist responsibilities include participation in designing the experimental plan, organizing and setup of the overall field experiment, installation and maintenance of field equipment, assisting in regular collection of field data and laboratory analysis, faunal extractions from soil and identification and data analysis, and coordination with other UC-Davis research labs involved in the project. Major Responsibilities: Research in specialized areas (85%) 1. Field sampling of soil dwelling fauna 2. Support with installation and maintenance of study plots 3. Field characterization of soils via regular visits to the field year round to measure bulk density, soil organic carbon, pH, infiltration and aggregate stability. 4. Faunal identification 5. Nitrate resin bag deployment and collection 6. Data entry, organization, processing and analysis. Professional competence and activity (15%) 1. Participation and presentation of research at laboratory meetings and select professional meetings. 2. Synthesis of data for publication and/or outreach efforts (written and internet formats). This is a 2-year position with a annual salary of $33,672/yr + benefits. To apply for this position, please send a CV and a short written description of your qualifications to Toby O'Geen at Posted: 10/26/11.

University of California, Santa Barbara: Two positions are available for a newly funded Lake Baikal Dimensions of Biodiversity research project (see the postdoc in plankton community dynamics position on the postdoc page). More postdoc and student positions soon will be advertised at the collaborating institutions listed below. Information Manager We seek an environmental Information Manager for a 3-yr project focused on biodiversity in Lake Baikal. The Information Manager will interact with environmental informatics experts at UCSB and distributed project personnel to ensure that data are managed in accordance with best practices, training all project personnel in quality assurance and quality control protocols for data and metadata entry and management. The Information Manager will be based at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and will work under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Hampton, in close collaboration with researchers at Wellesley College, Michigan State University, University of Texas, and East Tennessee State University. While the focus of the position is on data management and maintaining excellent communication among data users, ideally the Information Manager also will be meaningfully engaged with the science and logistics of working on Lake Baikal in Siberia. The successful candidate likely will have at least a bachelor's degree, willingness to learn some basic Russian, excellent interpersonal communication skills, and experience working with large environmental data sets. Ideally the Information Manager would also have a background in aquatic ecology, experience managing scientific logistics (field or lab), and proficiency in Plone web site maintenance. Start date is negotiable, but ideally 1 January 2012. Salary and benefits are expected to be consistent with appointment at the level of Junior Specialist 1 at UCSB. To apply, attach your CV to an email that describes your interest in the position and gives the name and contact information for three references; send this email to with the subject line: Baikal information manager application. Review of applicants will begin 14 November 2011. For more information, see: project abstract, the history of this Russian-American collaboration, and several papers describing work to date on one of the primary Baikal data sets. Posted: 10/26/11.

University of California, Santa Barbara: NCEAS and the iPlant Collaborative seek an experienced geospatial/environmental analyst (GA) to design and create an integrated data product merging satellite, weather station, digital elevation model data, and potentially other data resources, to produce an innovative suite of geospatially-referenced layers that will help inform plant biology and ecological analyses. Candidates should have experience with multiple geospatial tools useful for working with large raster and vector datasets, timeseries data, and NASA satellite data (e.g. ASTER, MODIS), including e.g., R's raster package, GDAL libraries, Python, ArcInfo, Matlab, or related tools. The GA need not be a statistical expert but must be cognizant of the statistical issues when working with geospatial and temporal datasets. The GA will interact closely with a team of scientists, as well as developers at the iPlant Collaborative, in defining the exact deliverables and calculation methods to be used for this project. The position is for one year with the potential for a second year. The target salary starts at $54K/year but is negotiable based on experience. The incumbent will work at NCEAS, associated closely with the NCEAS "Environment and Organisms" working group. The position is part of a broader collaboration among multiple institutions (U. Maine/McGill, Yale/Jetz, U. Colo/Guralnick), and the iPlant Collaborative, and may require occasional travel to these locations. The person will ideally be based in Santa Barbara, though a remote working situation with travel to Santa Barbara will be considered under special circumstances. If interested, please apply online, job # 20110235. If any questions, please feel free to contact Mark Schildhauer, NCEAS' Director of Computing ( Posted: 7/18/11.

University of Cincinnati: A full-time junior research associate position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Ishi Buffam, Department of Biological Sciences, to assist in biogeochemical studies of the influence of vegetated roofs and other urban green infrastructure on surface water quality in the Cincinnati, OH region. Position duration is initially 1 year, possible extension based on funding availability. Dr. Buffam is seeking a field/laboratory technician to join his research group. The technician is expected to carry out sampling of soil and water under a range of weather conditions and assist in designing and implementing plot-scale ecological and biogeochemical experiments. The technician will also analyze soil and water samples in the lab for a range of chemical parameters including: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content, concentration of metals, cations and anions. In addition, the technician is expected to oversee lab QA/QC and maintain a well-documented database of field and analytical data. The technician will interact closely with graduate students and help with the training and supervision of undergraduates in lab and field techniques. The successful candidate will have a BS in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science or a related field, and a minimum of 1-2 years of experience in aquatic ecosystems ecology, biogeochemistry and/or water quality analysis, including both field and lab experience. Applicants should be in good health and capable of rigorous outdoor activity. Familiarity with standard water quality techniques (colorimetric nutrient analyses, dissolved organic carbon analysis, ICP-OES) is required. Maturity and self-motivation, good organizational skills, the demonstrated ability to work independently, and a strong capacity for focus, concentration, and attention to detail are all essential. Proficiency in MS Excel is required, MS Access a plus. Driver’s license in good standing also required. If you should have any questions about this position, please feel free to email Dr. Ishi Buffam at For more details and in order to apply, go to: The position number is 212UC0748. Posted: 5/2/12.

University of Cincinnati: A one-year, full-time technician position in Plant Evolutionary/Ecological Genetics is available beginning June, 2012 in the Baucom lab in the Dept of Biological Sciences. General research in the laboratory addresses plant adaptation to environmental stresses. Duties will include working at the University’s main campus in Cincinnati, OH and a nearby field research site. The technician's immediate responsibilities will be to carry out large field and greenhouse experiments, thus, the willingness and ability to work outside in the summer heat is a necessity. The technician will also be required to perform molecular genetics studies as well as general lab maintenance--previous experience with basic molecular techniques such as DNA isolation, PCR and cloning is desired. The candidate should have a BA or BS in biology, genetics, horticulture or plant sciences, previous experience performing independent research, the ability to work well in a group environment, and the willingness to supervise undergraduates. The position is ideal for a highly motivated person interested in gaining field and laboratory skills prior to starting graduate school. While I cannot accept official applications until this position is created at the University level, if this would be a position in which you might be interested, please email a CV, a cover letter of qualifications and interests, and the names and contact information of three references to Please feel free to contact me with any questions at the above email. Review of applications will begin March 20, 2012 and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Salary is commensurate with experience and includes benefits. Posted: 3/14/12.

University of Connecticut: The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut has one opening for a full-time Research Assistant I position beginning June 1st in the lab of Mark Urban in Storrs, CT. The responsibilities include performing experiments in the areas of ecology and evolutionary biology, conducting field work in remote locations, identifying aquatic organisms, maintaining laboratory animal populations, and general lab maintenance. The applicant would be involved in all aspects of field and laboratory work that evaluates the evolutionary ecology of aquatic food webs. Minimum Qualifications: A bachelor's degree with no post-degree experience in ecology, evolutionary biology, biology, or a related field is required by the start date; a working knowledge of scientific practices; and the ability to operate, maintain, trouble-shoot and resolve ordinary problems with lab instruments and equipment is required. Preferred Qualifications: A Master's degree in the fields listed above; research experience with zooplankton or amphibians or more generally in freshwater ponds; ability to identify zooplankton samples; experience with maintaining laboratory cultures of zooplankton; ability to care for and maintain amphibian populations; experience conducting wild animal surveys and experiments in remote field locations; the ability to maintain laboratory and outdoor experiments, especially in lentic habitats; and use of standard equipment in an aquatic laboratory. This is an end date position, renewable annually depending on funding and performance. Please apply online using Husky Hire where you should submit a CV, a one-page summary of research experience, and the names of three references. Posted: 5/3/12.

University of Florida: This full-time position will coordinate and supervise regular aerial and ground surveys for wading bird nesting colonies and studies of nesting success in Florida south of Lake Okeechobee, assist with other field and lab research, manage and analyze data, and write annual reports as needed. Requires field work in south Florida approximately six months of the year followed by six months of report writing, data management and other research duties in Gainesville, FL. This grant-supported position will aid in research by Dr. Peter Frederick, Department of Wildlife Ecology. Minimum requirements: Master's degree in an appropriate area of specialization; or a bachelor's degree in an appropriate area of specialization and two years of appropriate experience. A criminal background check will be conducted. Preference will be shown to applicants with previous supervisory experience, emergency health or wilderness health training, data management experience, boat safety certification, proven writing/communication skills, previous experience in small aircraft, some mechanical aptitude, and especially, the ability to show good humor in trying field conditions. Ability to work in hot humid conditions. Must have certain amount of agility because of the need to get in and out of boats in swampy areas and wade long distances in water and deep mud. The field supervisor will be living and working 360 miles from the principal investigator, and the successful applicant must be a self-motivated individual capable of handling many logistical, organizational and personnel challenges independently. The incumbent will be responsible for hiring and supervisory decisions for a group of 4-6 seasonal employees. Starting salary is $42-45k, commensurate with education and experience; field housing is provided for 6 months of the year. Benefits package offered. Applications are received only through Closing date is March 30, 2012, starting work date will be during spring 2012. Posted: 3/19/12.

University of Georgia: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program seeks a Research Technician II to be based at the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, Georgia. The selected individual will work as part of the field crew supporting the GCE LTER project, and will lead an effort to construct, maintain and monitor a large experiment focusing on sea level rise and effects on freshwater tidal marshes. This includes helping to comply with appropriate regulations, constructing boardwalks, installing a system to deliver water to plots, measuring salinity in plots, and monitoring soil, plants and invertebrates in plots. The position will require strenuous physical activity and irregular hours. Applicants must be able to hike through mud, marsh grass and other difficult terrain; lift and carry heavy gear in the field; and assist in light construction. The position is based out of the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, GA. The selected individual may either live on the Island (in UGAMI housing at a subsidized cost) or on the mainland. The ideal candidate will have a B.S. in an appropriate field; small boat piloting experience; first aid certification; field research experience; basic computer skills, including experience with email, word-processing and spreadsheet programs; and the ability to work harmoniously with a wide variety of people. The salary range for the position is $24-30k, and includes full benefits. Applicants should be willing to make at least a 2-year commitment to the project. Apply online at, posting number 20120226. Applications will be considered starting February 16 and until the position is filled. Inquiries may be addressed to Dr. Steve Pennings ( Posted: 2/16/12.

University of Georgia: Research Technician – the Ezenwa lab in the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia is seeking a full time research technician and laboratory manager. Research in our lab focuses primarily on the ecology of infectious diseases, and combines work in the laboratory and field. This position requires a B.A. or B.S. in biology, ecology, microbiology, or a related field, as well as previous laboratory experience in at least two of the following areas: parasitology, molecular biology, immunology, or behavioral endocrinology. The ideal candidate should have excellent organizational and communication skills, and be willing to travel internationally for field work. Duties will include assisting with project-related laboratory and field work; collecting and analyzing data; entering and organizing data; overseeing day-to-day lab operations; training lab members; and general lab set-up, management, and clerical tasks. Salary will be commensurate with previous experience. Recent graduates who want to gain additional experience before applying to graduate school are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants should send inquiries to Dr. Vanessa Ezenwa at including the following materials: 1) Cover letter stating why you are interested in the position and how it relates to your future career goals; 2) CV; and 3) Three letters of reference (reference letters should be sent directly from the referee). Applications will be accepted starting immediately until the position is filled. The start date for the position is as early as December 2011. Posted 10/3/11.

University of Guelph: The Caruso Lab, in the Department of Integrative Biology, is seeking a full time Research Assistant in Plant Evolutionary Ecology. The successful candidate will oversee field and greenhouse experiments designed to examine sex ratio evolution in wild plant populations, take part in other lab research projects in evolutionary ecology, and participate in day-to-day lab management. He/she must have (1) the ability to work independently and (2) some background in ecology and/or evolutionary biology. Experience working with plants is desirable, but not essential. The position is suitable for those who have recently completed an undergraduate degree in biology and are seeking additional research experience prior to entering graduate or professional programs. There will be opportunities to develop an independent project related to current research in my lab. I am currently accepting applications, and will do so until the position is filled. The position will start in early August 2012. The initial appointment is for one year, but may be extended if funding is available. Salary will be commensurate with experience, and will include benefits. To apply, please submit a letter of interest, CV, and the contact information for three references to Christina (Chris) Caruso ( Posted: 3/21/12.

University of Hawaii: The Big Island Invasive Species Committee is recruiting a full-time Invasive Species Program Manager for operations based in Hilo, Hawaii. See the job ad for details. The complete job posting can be found on, with Job ID# 12191. The closing date has been extended to May 25, 2012. Posted: 5/14/12.

University of Hawaii Manoa: The Amend and Hynson labs are currently seeking a skilled laboratory manager to help with the set-up, maintenance, and on-going research of two fungal ecology labs. See the job posting for details and to apply. Questions can be directed to Nicole Hynson ( Closing Date: June 15, 2012. Posted: 5/31/12.

University of Hawaii Manoa: A research technician position is currently available with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NREM), College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR), University of Hawaii at Manoa. The minimum salary for this position is $3,057/month. The position will be based in Hilo, Hawaii, and is associated with a Forest Service-funded long-term study that will use modeling and field observations to examine how climate change, invasive species, and the interactions of these stressors impact the hydrological and ecological function of Hawaiian streams. For job resposibilities and duties, qualifications, and to apply, see the full job ad. Application deadline: 10/24/11. Posted: 10/14/11.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: The Department of Animal Biology/School of Integrative Biology invites applications for a full time Visiting Research Specialist to assist with research that focuses on the ecophysiology and evolutionary genetics of adaptation along environmental gradients, primarily on birds and mammals that are distributed across broad elevational gradients in the Andes and the Rocky Mountains. For additional details about ongoing projects, please visit the Cheviron lab website. Full consideration will be given to applications received by May 15, 2012. For complete details see the full job ad. Posted: 5/7/12.

University of Kansas: The Foster Lab in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Kansas Biological Survey at the University of Kansas is seeking a research technician to support NSF-funded research in grassland community ecology. The position begins February 1, 2012 and is funded for 2 years with possibility of extension. The technician will be responsible for coordinating field and laboratory work associated with a long-term field experiment in tall-grass prairie community dynamics and restoration. Duties include: 1) Aiding in the development of research protocols, implementing and maintaining field experiments and collecting data; 2) Supervising the hiring and management of undergraduate field/lab workers and research interns; 3) Managing and maintaining project databases and coordinating purchasing. Requirements for the position include: 1) Bachelor's degree in biology, botany, ecology, agronomy, range science or related field; 2) At least 1 year of experience in field research, either as a field worker, field/lab technician, or investigator; 3) Knowledge and experience in plant identification obtained through experience or education; 4) Experience in the use of word processing and spreadsheet software; 5) Good written communication skills as demonstrated by application materials; 6) Ability and desire to work outside on a regular basis. Salary: $32K/yr. Application materials include: Cover letter, CV, Three letters of recommendation. To apply visit and search for position # 00206497. To inquire further, contact: Bryan L. Foster, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, 785-864-4361, Posted: 10/18/11.

University of Liverpool: A full-time Research Technician position is available in the Institute of Integrative Biology. A research technician post is available starting on June 1, 2012 to work on dynamics of within- and between-species parasite transmission in a natural small mammal community in the UK. This will be part of a NERC funded grant led by Andy Fenton (University of Liverpool), Amy Pedersen (University of Edinburgh) and Owen Petchey (University of Zurich) to quantify host species contributions to parasite transmission and persistence across a diverse, natural multi-host-multi-parasite community. This work will involve a combination of fieldwork (small mammal trapping), large-scale ecological manipulation experiments and laboratory assays. The main role of the research technician post is to undertake and assist with the planning of small mammal trapping at our field sites on the Wirral, record data on each mouse caught and take blood and faecal samples. In addition the technician will be involved in the maintenance of sampling equipment, field-measuring equipment, sample storage and transportation etc. as well as analysing faecal and blood samples in the lab to identify the parasites within them. This will lead to the compilation of a unique and extensive database on the parasite communities of these wild rodents. The technician will work closely with, and receive training from, a senior technician (Grade 6), and be involved with the supervision of a number of undergraduate volunteer workers throughout the summer months. In addition, the technican will be part of a wider team involving the PIs on the project and a Post-Doctoral researcher, all of whom will be part of the trapping and data collection team. The post will be for up to 35 months and will be based within the lab of Andy Fenton and will be fully integrated within the wider research team from the Universities of Edinburgh and Zurich. The salary range is £22-24k; dependent on experience. Applications will be accepted until May 11, 2012. See the job description (Ref: S-577616) to apply. For specific information about the project, please email Andy Fenton ( or Amy Pedersen ( Posted: 4/26/12.

University of Malaya: The Museum of Zoology is seeking a Research Assistant to conduct a two years research on a collection of skins/preserved specimens of Malaysian mammals. Limited field collections will also be conducted at the UM Field Studies Centre, in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. The project leaves space for personalized research lines according to the candidate's background and interests, and objectives and methods will be discussed by the candidate, his/her supervisor and the museum curator. Opportunities are offered for gaining experience in experimental design, curatorial skills, data collection, publication, and oral/written presentation. Minimum qualifications: B.Sc. in biology, wildlife science or related fields, highly motivated and ability to work in tropical conditions, and a good knowledge of the English language (both written and oral skills). Previous experience in mammal taxonomy/ecology and in management of museum collections is also desirable. Research Assistants receive a monthly stipend of RM 1,600, being appropriate for local living standards. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae (inclusive of attended academic courses, English courses, and GPA/marks), and contact e-mails of two academic referees to Dr. A. Sasekumar (curator of the UM Museum of Zoology, Closing date is 30th August 2011. Posted: 7/28/11.

University of Maryland: Environmental science research assistant. The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) located in Annapolis, Maryland is a new think-tank type research center funded by the National Science Foundation through the University of Maryland. SESYNC is devoted to promoting interdisciplinary synthesis research on the sustainability of coupled human-natural systems, and is seeking a candidate to provide support for activities focused on the synthesis of environmental and social science. The successful candidate will work on a variety of activities, including: * Support activities designed to identify center themes and working with facilitators to support workshop and workgroups. * Help manage the proposal review process, including monitoring proposal submission and tracking/facilitating communications with submitters and reviewers. * Track materials relevant to the evaluation of synthesis activities. * Work with SESYNC leadership to prepare written materials and presentations. * Provide general research support to program activities and activities by visiting scholars. A B.A./B.S. in biological and/or environmental science or policy is required. The successful candidate must have an interest in socio-environmental issues, possess excellent written and verbal skills, and have strong organizational abilities. Proficiency with desktop computers is essential and some experience with database use is a plus. A professional demeanor and ability to work with a variety of individuals from different disciplines in an office setting is a must. To Apply: Preference will be given to applications received by December 31, 2011. Please email a CV and the names and email addresses of three references to: or [Note: which email address to use is unclear in original job ad]. Posted: 12/2/11.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: A Faculty Research Assistant position in population genetics and genomics is available to work with Dr. Stephen Keller at the Appalachian Laboratory (AL) of UMCES. The focus of the research is on using genetic data to understand the impacts of changing environmental conditions on natural populations, including effects on population size, structure, connectivity, and adaptation. This position will focus primarily in the lab on generating molecular genetic data for evolutionary analysis. The position may also involve computational data analyses, growth and maintenance of plants in the greenhouse, ecological field work, ordering of lab supplies and maintaining lab equipment, contributing to manuscript preparation, and assisting undergraduate and graduate students. A B.S. or B.A. in the natural sciences is required by the time of appointment. Candidates should be proficient in standard molecular biology methods such as DNA/RNA extraction, electrophoresis, primer design, PCR, DNA sequencing, genotyping, restriction digests, etc. A positive attitude, excellent organizational skills, and a strong quantitative background are regarded favorably. The position is available starting in late September or early October, and can be filled at either half-time (20hrs/wk) or full-time (40 hrs/wk). An excellent benefits package is available, including health, dental, and retirement. Candidates should apply by emailing a letter of interest, their CV, and contact information for three references to Close date: 7/31/2011. Posted: 7/8/11.

University of Minnesota: Engineering field technician with an interest in Ecological Systems. Want to get out of the lab and use your technical talents in the field? Want to work on a large-scale experiment with leaders in the ecological field? Join our team this summer! The BioCON experiment at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (MN) is a Long-term Ecological Research site funded by NSF. The experiment is the only experiment in the world that simultaneously manipulates plant species diversity, nitrogen deposition, and CO2 concentrations via a free air CO2 enrichment system. The experiment was recently enhanced to simulate warming (+3 C) in a subset of plots (see above picture). This is one of the most comprehensive global change experiments in the world. We are looking for a full-time field technician, starting now (May) through August. The main responsibility will be diagnostics and maintenance of the warming system within the larger BioCON experiment (see qualifications below). Secondary tasks will involve basic ecological fieldwork (soil, plant, and nutrient measurements): this work will be taught on site, but necessitates a willingness to work outdoors in hot/ buggy conditions. This position presents a unique opportunity to fill an *increasingly important and desired niche for engineers in the field of Ecology* – this could be an incredible career opportunity for those with interests in both systems. Desired qualifications: 1) Knowledge of basic analog and digital circuits, 2) Interest in sensors and control systems, 3) Interest in developing databases for scientific data, 4) Willingness to work hard in an outdoor setting, 6) Demonstrable ability to work independently, 7) Experience with Campbell Scientific dataloggers and R statistical language a plus, but not required. Pay rate depends on previous experience. To apply, please send cover letter, CV, undergraduate transcript, and a list of 3 references to Kally Worm ( Posted: 5/10/12.

University of Nevada, Reno: Genetic lab Technician. The Agriculture, Nutrition, and Veterinary Science Department is seeking a dynamic and independent technical scientist to work on several funded projects in disease ecology in the laboratory of Mike B. Teglas. The successful candidate should be have a Master’s degree or equivalent experience in the use and development of qPCR diagnostics and genetic sequencing. The successful candidate will be responsible for analyzing the infection status of wild animals and genetically characterize the genotype of tick-borne pathogens. In addition, the successful candidate will also be required to develop other assays of tick-borne diseases as necessary. The project is funded by a grant from the NIH and the National Academy of Sciences to the principal investigators MB Teglas and NC Nieto (Northern Arizona University). Qualification: A master’s degree in genetics, or a related program is preferred although others with significant experience may also be competitive. To Apply: Send CV and letter of research interests to MB Teglas ( or NC Nieto ( for consideration. Letters of recommendation will be requested following the initial assessment. We are looking to hire starting August 1, 2012. Posted: 6/28/12.

University of New Mexico: We are seeking a highly qualified Field Research Scientist that will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of a cluster of nine eddy flux towers across an elevation gradient in Central New Mexico. We are using these towers to increase our understanding of atmosphere-biosphere interactions and climate land surface feedbacks in well represented upland biomes throughout the Southwest. The candidate will maintain all tower flux systems and will work with an interdisciplinary group of faculty, postdoctoral and graduate researchers to make additional physiological and ecological field measurements associated with this project. The candidate will also participate in data management, data analysis, and the preparation of peer-reviewed publications of research findings. Candidates with a background in micrometeorology and/or plant physiology and technical expertise with Campbell Scientific dataloggers and eddy covariance-based flux measurement equipment are encouraged to apply. This position will be based in UNM Biology and will require frequent day travel to field sites. For more information and to apply, see: Please contact Dr. Marcy Litvak, 505-277-5580, if there are any questions. Apply by 7/28/11 for best consideration. Posted: 7/18/11.

University of New South Wales: Research Associate/Assistant in Ecological Statistics, School of Mathematics and Statistics: Research Assistant (Ref # 8380) Salary Level 5: A$57,733 - A$65,326 per year (plus 9% employer superannuation and leave loading) For Honours or Masters graduates considering a career in statistics research. One year full-time with possible extension. Research Associate (Ref # 8381) Salary Level A: A$74,129 - A$79,288 per year (plus 17% employer superannuation and leave loading) For researchers with a PhD in statistics or related area Two years full-time with possible extension. A research associate/assistant is required to contribute to the development of modern methods of modelling high dimensional count data, for applications in understanding ecological communities. This will involve research into modern methods of modelling high dimensional data, and the ability to program such methods efficiently and apply them in real and simulated settings. The appointee will be a member of a young and expanding team of researchers working under the supervision of A/Prof David Warton on diverse methodological problems arising in Ecological Statistics (Eco-Stats Research Group). The team forms part of a statistics department with 15 tenured academics, 3 research-only academics and 8 research students, located in Sydney Australia, and based in one of the nation's leading schools for mathematics and statistics research. To succeed in this role, you should have the ability to work independently, good knowledge of one of R, Matlab and C++, and a sound knowledge of generalised linear modelling, linear algebra and multivariate analysis. Applicants should address the selection criteria found within the position description, in their online application. Women and people from equity groups are encouraged to apply, as well as those who hold a Masters degree. To apply, see the links above. For further information, please email Applications close: 30 November 2011. Posted: 11/15/11.

University of North Carolina/University of Minnesota: seek a field technician to work on site in Hopland, CA who will manage and participate in work on two NSF-funded projects that use a group of aphid-transmitted viruses, and the wild grass species they infect, to investigate the dynamics of generalist, vector-borne pathogens. The technician will: supervise 4-5 field assistants, be supervised on-site and remotely by Principal Investigator Mitchell and PhD student Miranda Welsh, and coordinate on-site with other project participants. Most work will be in the field, with some work in the lab and greenhouse. Work will include taking a leading role in collecting plant samples for virus assays, surveying aphid populations and enemy damage on plants, estimating plant species abundances via percent cover, quantifying plant physiological traits, weeding experimental plots, and propagating plants in the greenhouse. Research is conducted at the University of California’s Hopland Research and Extension Center in northern California: Employment will extend from early February through mid-June 2012. Start and end dates are moderately flexible, and will be discussed during the interview process. Dorm housing is provided on site, but employees are responsible for their own transportation. This is a great opportunity to supervise and participate in basic ecological and epidemiological research, and to work with a group that is happy to provide scientific and career mentoring. Past technicians have gone on to permanent positions and graduate school. Also, this same seasonal position will be rehired in future years, with preference to past employees. Please see our website for more details.1 Required Qualifications: BA or BS degree, with upper-level coursework in ecology. Research experience in ecology, preferably field work with plants, insects, or microbes. Willingness and ability to work outdoors under a wide range of weather conditions. Daytime temperatures range from 45-90 F, and rain is common. Ability to perform mildly strenuous field work for extended periods (up to 9 hours). Valid driver’s license and vehicle. Ability to work independently, supervise others, and work well in a team is essential. Preferred: Supervisory or leadership experience, demonstrated ability to work independently, experience in the system. To Apply: Send a brief cover letter, a CV or resume, and contact information for at least two references by email to the address below. Review of applications will begin mid-October, and continue until filled. Salary: $11.67 to $14/hr (commensurate with experience), housing is provided on site. Last Date To Apply: 15 November 2011 (rolling). Contact: Miranda Welsh, PhD candidate under Dr. Charles Mitchell, Email: (preferred), Phone: 919-357-7833. Posted: 10/24/11.

University of North Carolina: NESCent is hiring a User Interface Designer / Web Application Developer. We seek a creative and enthusiastic individual to design user interfaces and web applications for scientific applications that manage, analyze, visualize and share data in support of evolutionary research. The successful applicant will work as part of our informatics team in close collaboration with domain scientists. More details and application information. Closing date is August 15, 2011. Posted: 7/28/11.

University of Notre Dame: Crew Leader, full-time position, will provide field and laboratory support for an ongoing grasshopper ecology project in the lab of Dr. Gary Belovsky. This project is funded by NSF-LTREB (Long Term Research in Environmental Biology). The field work portion on grasshoppers in western Montana at the National Bison Range entails approximately five months of the year (mid-May through Sept 30). The remainder of the year at the University of Notre Dame is spent analyzing samples, processing data, data management and other research duties. The ideal candidate will be able to prioritize tasks, work independently, and solicit feedback. This position will require organizational, logistical, and time management skills. Enthusiastic, highly motivated individual with previous experience working in grasslands is preferable. This person will also need to show a willingness to learn from and work under the direction of the PI and supervisor. Applicants must demonstrate the willingness and ability to live in shared housing with others working on the project, communicate well in a variety of situations, and be comfortable living and working in a rural area of western Montana. Enthusiasm for the natural world and a positive attitude are expected. Please apply online (Job Number 12189). Please include cover letter, resume and contact information for 3 references. For questions, please contact Jennifer Slade Belovsky ( Deadline: 4/12/12. Posted: 3/30/12.

University of Notre Dame: Molecular Ecology Research Technician: The Lodge Lab seeks a highly motivated person to join our workgroup as a research technician. Our group is studying the molecular detection of rare species in aquatic systems using genetic tools. The Research Technician will support the research activities of the faculty, postdocs and graduate students in the lab. This includes support for sample collecting and processing, data organization and analysis, report writing, and general lab and equipment maintenance. Applicants should have a strong interest in ecological or environmental science and possess an enthusiasm for laboratory research. Opportunities to contribute to manuscripts and proposals, build professional experience, and further training in molecular research will be provided. Responsibilities for this position include performing general molecular laboratory functions including DNA extractions, PCR, gel electrophoresis, data entry, and report writing. Additional duties include, but are not limited to ordering supplies, equipment sterilization and sample processing preparation. To apply, please visit the full job posting. Review of applications will begin on January 21, 2012 and continue until position is filled. Posted: 1/12/12.

[position filled] University of Notre Dame: Research Technician, PalEON Project. PalEON is the Paleoecological Observatory Network, an interdisciplinary effort to reconstruct forest composition, fire regime and climate across the northeastern US over the past 2000 years using statistical models, and to use these estimates to drive and validate terrestrial ecosystem models ( Job Description: We seek a highly motivated person to manage and participate in the PalEON research agenda. They will help manage a large research team spanning institutions around the world. Duties include coordinating the collection and analysis of a diverse array of data; organizing and participating in research working groups; and managing a small team of undergraduates at Notre Dame. The project offers the opportunity for research on paleoecological and historical data such as pollen and charcoal from sediments, tree rings and other paleoclimate proxies, and historical surveys. Experience in paleoecological research, terrestrial ecosystem models, and/or Bayesian statistical analysis is preferred. Familiarity with GIS is also helpful. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in biology, ecology, geology, geography, or a related field. Please direct questions to Dr. Jason McLachlan ( To apply, please send a cover letter and resume (including a list of relevant coursework and 3 references) to Sam Pecoraro ( Salary is $28k/yr with an excellent benefits package. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The position begins in January 2012 and is funded for 1.5 years. Posted: 10/31/11.

University of Oklahoma: The George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, is searching for an Assistant Director. The Sutton Center is affiliated with the Oklahoma Biological Survey at the University of Oklahoma. The Sutton Center’s mission is to find cooperative conservation solutions for birds and the natural world through science and education. The Assistant Director assists the Executive Director with personnel management, coordination of Center activities and budgeting. Responsibilities include maintaining and reporting on financial records, communicating with the public about Center activities, and occasional outside field work. We seek an individual with financial management skills, particularly with grants and contracts, organizational management experience, a background in wildlife management and/or conservation biology, and who is comfortable interacting with and speaking to the public. A Bachelor’s degree and 24 months of management experience are required. Individuals with an advanced degree, familiarity with accounting software, and knowledgeable about birds will be given preference. Questions regarding the position can be directed to Applications must be completed online at Enter code 12872. Posted: 11/29/11.

University of Oregon: Full-time Research Assistant or Research Associate position available in the Phillips Lab at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Candidates having a B.A/B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. are invited to apply. We seek a highly motivated and responsible individual who enjoys participating in an interactive intellectual environment to join us in our studies of evolutionary genetics and genomics using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and its relatives as model systems. The candidate will be responsible for coordinating long-term selection projects, perform genetic crosses, prepare samples for whole genome sequencing, and perform general laboratory management/maintenance. Previous experience with basic molecular techniques is required, with experience with DNA sequencing and/or the genetics of model organisms preferred. Research assistant position would be under the direction of the investigator, research associate (PhD required) would participate in student training and conduct research under general guidance. Initial appointment for one year, renewal possible based on performance, funding and need. Please send CV and names of three references to: Patrick Phillips, Ph.D., via reference search 12096 or c/o Search# 12096, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 5289 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5289. The successful candidate will support and enhance a diverse learning and working environment. To assure full consideration, applications must be received by April 20, 2012, but position will remain open until filled. Full job ad. Posted: 3/27/12.

University of Oregon: The Institute of Ecology and Evolution currently has an opening for a full time Research Assistant to work on a project in the area of microbial ecology. The successful candidate will gain experience working with an interdisciplinary team developing new approaches to understanding microbial diversity in a variety of environments and habitats. The initial appointment is for one year, with the possibility of extension dependent on funding and satisfactory performance. Extensive experience using molecular techniques is required, including some combination of skills in DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, cloning, next-generation DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, and phylogenetic analysis. Ability to work in a team atmosphere is a must. A Master's degree in biology is desirable, but individuals with a bachelor in biology or related field and extensive experience are also encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting laboratory research under the direction of Principal Investigators Jessica Green and Brendan Bohannan. We invite applications from qualified candidates who share our commitment to diversity. Please e-mail a cover letter and current CV with names and contact information of three references to: Subject: Posting 12007 Or mail to: Posting 12007, 5289 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5289. To assure full consideration, applications must be received by February 15, 2012, but position will remain open until filled. Posted: 1/23/12.

University of Pittsburgh: I (Nathan Morehouse) am looking for a research technician to join my lab group, which studies the evolution of coloration and color vision in invertebrates with a specific focus on the Lepidoptera. The major responsibility of the technician will be maintaining several large laboratory cultures of butterflies, both exotic and native. Strong organizational skills, personal initiative and attention to detail are essential attributes. Preference will be given to applicants who have prior research experience and are willing to commit to two years of employment. This is a potentially long-term position in a growing lab group with opportunities for international fieldwork and authorship on publications. A bachelor’s degree in a related subject is required. Prior research experience preferred. Preference will be given to applicants who are willing to commit to two years of employment. The position will be filled as soon as possible. Annual salary will start at $22,500 with full benefits. For more about this job opportunity, contact Dr. Nathan Morehouse ( See the full posting for further information. Posted: 4/6/12.

University of Rhode Island: The Kolbe lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Rhode Island seeks a full-time research technician and laboratory manager. Research in our lab focuses on the evolutionary ecology and evolutionary genetics of invasive species, particularly Anolis lizards. This position requires a B.S. in biology or a related field, molecular genetic and/or evolutionary genetic laboratory research experience including PCR, and preferably, experience with microsatellite or SNP genotyping. Strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills are required. Duties will include ordering lab supplies; preparing solutions and reagents; carrying out of DNA extractions, PCR, sequencing and genotyping; and conducting phylogenetic and population-genetic analyses of molecular data. Will supervise adherence to Chemical Safety and IACUC and related policies and practices; maintain live animals (lizards); train students in molecular techniques; and maintain lab equipment. Must be self-motivated and interested in collaborating with the PI and students on all aspects of the research process. Please direct questions to Dr. Jason Kolbe at and visit our website to view complete details and apply for posting # (6000557). Online applications will require two PDF attachments: 1) a cover letter, and 2) a resume to include the names/addresses/email addresses for 3 references. Online applications will close October 21, 2011. Posted: 10/5/11.

University of South Carolina: Wetland biogeochemistry technician. A Research Specialist position is available in the Wetland Biogeochemistry Lab at the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (Georgetown, SC) to examine how saltwater intrusion will impact the fate of organic carbon (i.e., preservation vs. degradation) in coastal freshwater wetlands. In collaboration with scientists from the University of South Carolina and Virginia Commonwealth University, the successful candidate will conduct experiments to look at the effects of saltwater intrusion on the turnover of soil carbon pools and understand how changes in rates of plant and soil respiration affect ecosystem-level metabolism. The research will include fieldwork in wetlands in South Carolina and Virginia, measurements of the efflux rate and isotopic composition of soil-derived carbon dioxide and methane in laboratory and field settings, and physico-chemical analysis of soils and plants. The candidate must be comfortable working in the field throughout the year and in the laboratory. A M.S. degree in a relevant field or a B.S. degree plus two years of related experience is required. Experience in wetland science and/or biogeochemistry is desired, as is prior experience with gas flux techniques, measurement of CO2 and CH4 carbon isotopic signatures, and/or soil analysis. Funding is available for three years. This position includes full benefits, including annual and sick leave, health insurance, and retirement. A full description of the position and duties can be found at Applications must be submitted through the USC jobs website and must include a cover letter, vita/resume, and contact information for at least three references. Evaluation of applications will begin 10 January 2012 and will continue until the position is filled. For specific questions about the position, please contact Scott Neubauer ( Posted: 1/12/12.

University of Sydney: is Australia's first university and has an outstanding global reputation for academic and research excellence. It employs over 7500 permanent staff supporting over 49,000 students The Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource has staff and students based at Camperdown, Australia Technology Park (ATP), Eveleigh, Cobbitty and Narrabri conducting teaching and research and hosting research staff and postgraduate students. We are seeking two Technical Officers (Gas Exchange and Analytical) to provide high level technical support and maintenance of gas exchange equipment (or of faculty owned advanced analytical instrumentation), and assist with the optimisation and development of new gas exchange technologies (or analytical techniques and instrumentation) in the faculty. * Join the faculty's technical services team. * Work on Cobbitty campus and in the field. * Full-time continuing, competitive remuneration package available which includes leave loading and up to 17% super. Based at the Plant Breeding Institute at Cobbitty, you will: * assist staff and students in the use of gas exchange technologies (or analytical equipment) including developing and running undergraduate and postgraduate practical classes in gas exchange (or analytical) techniques * operate, maintain and oversee the maintenance, repair and running of all gas exchange (or laboratory analytical) equipment * assist with day to day operations of the faculty including purchasing of consumables, liaison with suppliers, and reconciliation of expenditure in Spendvision. To be successful in the position you will have: * a relevant Diploma of Laboratory Technology or equivalent * experience in a laboratory environment and with laboratory (or analytical equipment) maintenance issues * ability to assist staff, students and visitors on laboratory (or analytical) equipment * current NSW drivers licence (or capacity to attain within 12 months). Technical Officer (Gas Exchange or Analytical) appointment will be made at HEO 5, HEO 6 or HEO 7. Experience in remote fieldwork, including working on canopy access towers and/or cherry pickers; experience in demonstrating gas exchange techniques; and experience in a wide range of gas exchange techniques including portable photosynthesis systems and soil respiration systems is required for HEO 6 appointment(Gas Exchange). Experience in demonstrating analytical laboratory techniques, and experience in a wide range of advanced analytical equipment is required for HEO 6 appointment(Analytical). Extensive experience within these areas is required for HEO 7 appointment. All applications must be submitted via the University of Sydney careers website and search by the reference number 1661/0911 (Gas Exchange) or 1662/0911 (Analytical) for more information and to apply. Closing Date: 2 November 2011. Posted: 10/20/11.

University of Texas at Austin: The Bolnick lab in the Section of Integrative Biology is seeking a highly motivated research technician to assist with a study of the evolution and quantitative genetic basis of interactions between helminth parasites and fish hosts. The primary responsibility of the lab technician will be animal care, including husbandry of a large laboratory population of fish (threespine stickleback), and maintaining a culture of a cestode parasite. Additional responsibilities, as time allows, will include surveying parasite abundance and identity in samples of wild-caught stickleback, DNA extraction, PCR, and sample preparation for next-gen sequencing. The technician will have the opportunity to assist with periodic field work on Vancouver Island, Canada, to obtain specimens. The technician may also assist with daily management of the laboratory, including purchasing, equipment maintenance, and database management. Minimum qualifications: A Bachelor's degree in biology or equivalent field. A strong work ethic, an ability to work independently and meticulously, and good organizational skills. Experience with one or more of the following is desirable: fish care, molecular genetics, parasitology, or immunology. Position Title: Research Technician 1. Employer: Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Salary: $30-35k annually depending on qualifications, plus benefits. Start date: No later than June 30 2012. Duration: Renewable annually depending on performance, with an expected duration of two years. Applications should include: 1) a letter of application with a description of past research experience and education (degree, institution, GPA, courses taken), and other relevant skills. 2) a curriculum vitae 3) the names of three references. The application may be sent via email as a pdf file (preferred) or word file to: Posted: 3/22/12.

University of Texas at Austin: The Section of Integrative Biology is recruiting a full-time research assistant to be located at the USDA-ARS laboratory at Temple, TX under the direction of Dr. Philip Fay. The research assistant will manage an experiment examining the growth, productivity, and ecophysiology of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) genotypes grown under varying rainfall regimes. Duties will include operating and maintaining an experimental rainfall manipulation facility, measuring switchgrass growth and ecophysiological characteristics, operating and maintaining field instrumentation, and managing and summarizing data. Qualifications: A B.S. degree (M.S. preferred) in ecology, biology, agronomy, forestry, or related field; field research experience measuring plant gas exchange, soil moisture and temperature, and other micrometeorological parameters; facility with data loggers and programs for statistical data analysis; strong organizational and communications skills; and an ability to work in an interdisciplinary collaborative setting. The position is initially for one year, and renewable contingent upon satisfactory performance and funding availability. To apply, please email a single pdf file containing a letter of interest, a CV, and contact information for three professional references to Dr. Philip Fay at Please put 'Research Assistant in Global Climate Change' in the subject line. Applications will be reviewed beginning March 26, 2012 until a suitable candidate is found. Starting date: June 1, 2012. Posted: 3/13/12.

University of Texas at Austin: Invasive Species/Citizen Science Program Coordinator. The program coordinator manages and progresses a statewide volunteer citizen science program ( with over 1,000 citizen scientists, who seek out and report outbreaks of selected harmful invasive species in their local areas. Position is located at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Preferred Qualifications: Master's Degree and 3 years of experience in ecology, botany, natural resources, biology, invasive species biology, conservation, citizen science, or related field. Monthly Salary: $2,666 negotiable depending on qualifications. For details, see the full job ad. Posted: 1/12/12.

University of Texas Marine Science Institute: UTMSI and the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve are seeking applications for a Coastal Training Program Coordinator. This position will be responsible for development of workshops to train coastal decision-makers. Essential functions include developing and coordinating coastal decision maker workshops, prepare a strategic and marketing plan, and participating in the national system activities. This position is located in Port Aransas, Texas. Further information. Posted: 8/19/11.

University of Vermont: The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics seeks a Research Coordinator to support our interdisciplinary research and education efforts. We will hire a talented, thoughtful, and organized individual to work closely with the Director in managing all aspects of Institute. Main responsibilities include helping to set strategic directions, working with Institute fellows to develop collaborative grant proposals, coordinating activities among fellows and students, overseeing internal and external communications, and co-managing the Institute's budget. The Research Coordinator will also have opportunities to participate in Institute projects. The Gund Institute is an interdisciplinary research center, where faculty and students collaborate widely to understand and help solve complex environmental problems. The institute has a new Director and substantial new resources, so the successful candidate will have an opportunity to shape its future direction. The Institute is part of the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at UVM, located in Burlington between the Green and Adirondack Mountains and on the shores of Lake Champlain. Candidates must have a Master's degree in ecology, economics, environmental science, or related disciplines, plus at least two years of relevant experience. Expertise in supporting scientific collaborations and managing budgets is required, along with excellent writing, communications, and organizational skills. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, a resume, and contact information for three references at (posting #0040285). Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2012 and we anticipate a start date of June 2012. Posted: 1/19/12.

University of Virginia: The Mountain Lake Biological Station in Giles County, VA is accepting applications for a Station Manager to oversee daily operations. This position will support the research, educational and outreach activities at the Station and will work closely with the Associate Director, Director and other faculty members, staff, students and visiting researchers. See the full announcement for details and to apply. Posted: 1/13/12.

University of Wisconsin-Extension: Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (LSNERR) Monitoring Coordinator (MC). The provides lead oversight for the System Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) as well as other LSNERR water quality monitoring programs and volunteer programs. The MC collects, compiles, analyses, and reports on water quality trends and plans monitoring projects. The MC will work extensively with the LSNERR geographic information system (GIS). For more information, see the full listing. Review Date: 11/29/2011. Posted: 11/10/11.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) has posted an opening for an "Education and Outreach Specialist." This person will be based at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. See the full job ad for details. This position is built around collaboration with numerous researchers and educators working on the frontiers of second-generation bioenergy sources and sustainability. Deadline: 1/16/12. Posted: 1/13/12.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Postgraduate research intern position (Landscape variability in forest structure, function and fuels 25 years after the 1988 Yellowstone fires) is available on a collaborative project funded by the Joint Fire Science Program. The size and pattern of the 1988 Yellowstone fires created novel opportunities to study succession at an unprecedented scale following severe fire, and we have studied the consequences of these fires for >20 years. This project will involve re-sampling our permanent vegetation plots to understand the patterns and mechanisms of change in these young postfire forests. This is a 2-yr full-time paid position that will allow a postgraduate to gain experience in a multi-faceted research program in a large wildland landscape. Collaborators include Dr. William H. Romme (Colorado State University) and Dr. Daniel B. Tinker (University of Wyoming). The intern will be based in Madison but must spend summers of 2012 and 2013 in Yellowstone. The intern will provide assistance with project coordination, all field logistics, field sampling, sample processing and laboratory analysis, data entry and GIS analyses, supervision of field assistants and posting data to the web. The target start date for this position is May 1, 2012. Qualifications. Applicants must have completed a B.S. (M.S. preferred) in biology, botany, ecology, forest ecology or a related field prior to appointment. Candidates must have experience with forest sampling, the use of GPS and GIS, and be competent and comfortable working in backcountry wilderness settings. Successful applicants will demonstrate excellent organizational skills, the ability to work effectively in a collaborative setting, and attention to detail. Experience in soil and foliar nitrogen sampling and analyses (e.g., CHN, inorganic N, soil pH) is an asset. To apply. Candidates should email (in a single PDF file) a cover letter, CV, one-page statement of research interests and professional goals, transcripts, and the names and contact information for three references to Monica Turner ( Review of applications will begin on January 15. Posted: 11/21/11.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Associate Information Processing Consultant, Vacancy Listing # 71243. This position will work with the information management team responsible for managing a diverse array of imaged labels from bryophyte and lichen specimens, which will exceed 2 million by the end of the grant period. The position will be responsible for running OCR (optical character recognition) and NLP (Natural Language Processing) programs to parse the information into database and assist the project's lead programmer in optimizing the OCR and NLP outputs and minimize subsequent editing by a nation-wide team of volunteers. Other responsibilities include developing online documentation of procedures and protocols for volunteers to follow and responding to technical questions from volunteers regarding the transcription process. The person will develop and implement database quality control routines. As necessary the person will coordinate with the imaging teams at 16 different institutions nationwide and the project's lead programmer. See the full job ad for details. Deadline: 8/31/11. Posted: 8/19/11.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Assoc Research Specialist, Vacancy Listing # 71238. This position will coordinate a team of undergraduate student hourlies responsible for digitizing a diverse array of specimen labels from bryophyte and lichen specimens at roughly 100,000 per year. The position will be responsible for developing an efficient workflow for selecting specimens, photographing labels, and returning specimens to their herbarium cases. See the full job ad for details. Deadline: 8/30/11. Posted: 8/19/11.

Virgin Islands Dept of Planning & Natural Resources: Marine Park Coordinator for the St. Croix East End Marine Park. Responsibilities: program development and implementation in a manner consistent with the park’s grant requirements, management plans, sustainable finance plans and rules and regulations. Must be able to satisfactorily complete work with minimal supervision. Qualifications: Knowledge of Caribbean marine ecosystems and coastal resource management; environmental, zoning, fisheries, boating and coastal zone laws and related rules and regulations; knowledge of marine protected areas as a resource management tool; strong technical skills and public relations background; grant writing and management skills, excellent organizational, written and communication skills, etc. A Masters degree from an accredited college or university in natural resources management or a similar discipline. Salary Range: $35-50k. Interested applicants please contact Celia Jackson-Williams, Personnel Relations Administrator at (340) 774-3320, ext., 5135 or submit a cover letter and curriculum vitae to no later than January 9, 2012. Posted: 12/20/11.

Virginia Tech: The Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation is accepting applications from self-motivated individuals for a Project Manager to coordinate research efforts on the effects of pollutants on wild and captive wildlife. The incumbent will be responsible for interfacing with a team of scientists and stakeholders, and helping to manage a large collaborative project. The incumbent will develop and maintain a research database, quality assurance program, and periodically provide laboratory assistance and possibly field assistance (based on the incumbent's expertise). The incumbent will secure and maintain vehicles and field housing, maintain protocols on standard lab and field procedures, develop safety plans, and handle permitting, and will provide support with scientific reports, PowerPoint presentations, and web page management. Required Qualifications: B.S. in a scientific or related field; Post-graduate research or lab management experience; demonstrated experience with database management; proficiency with PowerPoint, Excel, and Word programs; strong interpersonal and organizational skills; leadership skills; excellent writing skills; willingness to travel periodically to field sites; demonstrated ability to be self-motivated, work independently and as part of a team, and to work independently under limited supervision. Preferred Qualifications: Working knowledge of basic animal biology and/or ecology; understanding of basic laboratory and/or field techniques; experience with Microsoft Access; knowledge of pollution or related conservation issues; experience with personnel management; experience with quality assurance and safety programs; understanding of how field and laboratory research is integrated. Note: Applications for this position will not be accepted via email. Apply online at Refer to posting number 0110986 (Position title = Project Manager). Review of applications begins September 22nd, 2011. Applications will be accepted until November 15th, 2011. Direct any inquiries to Tara Craig at Posted: 9/19/11.

Virginia Tech: Field technician, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, North Woodstock, NH Part-time: minimum 40 hours per month for 1.5 to 2 years. Pay rate: $12/hr. We are seeking a field technician to assist with an NSF funded project examining soil development and hydrologic controls on stream chemistry. This project is part of an ongoing collaboration between Drs. Kevin McGuire, Scott Bailey, Tom Bullen, and Don Ross at Virginia Tech, US Forest Service, US Geological Survey, and University of Vermont, respectively. For more information see Hubbard Brook hydropedology project. Duties: • Collection of water samples from streams, wells, and soil solution samplers for laboratory analysis • Laboratory processing and analysis of water and soil samples • Operation and troubleshooting of monitoring equipment (e.g., water level recorders and dataloggers) • Documentation and reporting of monitoring activities (written and computer-based) Required qualifications: • Well-organized and detailed oriented, self-starter capable of working safely in remote locations and with minimal supervision • Strong skills in data analysis, statistics, and synthesis • Ability to communicate effectively with project members • Willingness to work in adverse weather conditions, including snow Preferred qualifications: • BS in environmental science, hydrology, forestry, soil science, or related discipline; or prior field technician experience or similar experience • Prior knowledge of hydrologic monitoring methods highly desirable but not required • Experience with snow mobiles and winter field conditions highly desirable but not required Deadline: Review of applications will begin on August 18, 2011 and continue until a suitable candidate is selected. Start date: Negotiable, with a target of Sept. 1, 2011 To apply: Interested applicants must complete an online application to be considered for this position. Go to and search posting 0110815. Posted: 8/5/11.

Virginia Tech: Project Associate – Coordinator, Southern Conifer Global Internship Program. Employee will serve as coordinator for a new southern conifer global undergraduate internship program in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation. The program is one part of a large education/extension effort involving multiple investigators and organizations aimed at increasing public literacy in southern conifer forestry and potential effects of climate change. This undergraduate research internship program will pair selected undergraduate students from across southeastern states with a graduate student mentor for a summer. Undergraduate students will take a fall course in teaching skills and develop and present interactive presentations and activities for secondary schools. Specific duties will include: ? Website development and maintenance ? Development of recruiting materials ? Coordinating the selection and placement of undergraduate interns with appropriate graduate students and schools ? Coordinating a new distance-delivered undergraduate communications class for interns ? Facilitating and coordinating placement of interns with public schools throughout southeastern states ? Preparation of reports and publications as needed ? Other additional tasks may be assigned as needed to meet program needs Job duties will occur primarily on campus in Blacksburg, but some travel is expected, which may include trips that occasionally require overnight lodging. Qualifications: Required: (1) M.S. with emphasis in development, implementation, and coordination of biological education/extension program development; (2) experience in producing scientifically sound surveys and analysis of data; (3) prior work with public educators Preferred: Background in forestry or natural resources. Review of applications will begin August 5, 2011, and continue until a suitable candidate is selected. Starting Date: Negotiable, with a target of September 1, 2011. Duration: Initial one-year appointment with opportunity for extension for up to four more years pending satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Application Procedure: Online application is required through Search for posting 0110596. For more Information: Dr. John R. Seiler, Alumni Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, 228 Cheatham Hall (0324), Blacksburg, VA 24061 U.S.A. (540) 231-5461. Posted: 7/25/11.

Washington State University: Research associate, disease ecology. The Brunner lab studies pathogen transmission, persistence, virulence, and host range evolution using an amphibian-virus model system. We are looking for a lab manager / research associate to help set up lab and mesocosm experiments--from data collection to analysis and writing--as well as care for amphibian animals, maintain cell culture stocks, order supplies, and train student assistants. An undergraduate degree in Biology, Ecology, or related field is required and lab research experience and/or an advanced degree is preferred. Must possess a valid driver's license. The appointment is for one year, with potential for one-year renewal. Monthly salary is $2,333 - $3,333 commensurate with experience, plus benefits. Submit a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references to Application review begins 15 May. Posted: 5/7/12.

Washington University: We are hiring a field technician for our experimental research on the population dynamics of invasive plant species based out of the Washington University Department of Biology and Tyson Research Center. Our research strives to understand why some plant species are noxious invaders while others are benign members of the community. We examine the interactive roles of plant evolutionary history, plant responses to disturbances (in particular, fire), and plant-animal interactions. The research involves collecting demographic data on native and exotic plants in different treatments and then projecting plant population dynamics. The hiree will work closely with Tiffany Knight and Raelene Crandall, performing tasks related to data collection, data analysis, and project maintenance. The Tyson Research Center is located near St. Louis Missouri. Glades, prairies, and oak-hickory forests comprise the 2000 acre research area. It is home to more than 550 plant species as well as hundreds of insect species. Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher. Applicants should have experience collecting field ecological data, managing databases (including proficiency with Microsoft Excel), identifying plants and insects, working with GIS data, and collecting plant demographic data. Applicants should be capable of working in inclement weather and rough terrain, carrying heavy equipment, walking long distances, following directions and working independently, solving problems in the field, and leading a diverse crew of undergraduate and high school students. Start date is negotiable, but preference will be given to individuals who can start on or before June 1, 2012. This is a full-time 1 year position with potential to be renewed for up to three years based on performance evaluations. Please submit a current resume/CV, names of three references, and a cover letter outlining your background and interests, including any botanical experience or training. Application materials are due April 16, 2012. To view the complete job description and to apply, please visit the Washington University employment website at and search for job title "Research/Lab Technician II” or job id “23551” in the keyword search. If you have any questions about the position, please contact Raelene Crandall at Posted: 3/23/12.

The Wilderness Society seeks a Landscape Ecologist to join our Center for Landscape Analysis. This is an exceptional opportunity for a GIS professional to apply his or her spatial analysis, scientific, and communications expertise to land conservation and management challenges and work in the nexus between science and public policy. We seek a GIS professional who can apply their GIS, natural science, and communications skills to design and perform landscape analysis projects to further our land management and conservation programs. The primary role of this position is to provide landscape analysis expertise to support land management and conservation planning, with an emphasis on forest restoration, in Idaho and Montana and oil and gas related projects in Wyoming. This position will join the team of six scientists in our Center for Landscape Analysis (CLA)—a subset of the Research Department. The individual in this position will also be a member of the interdisciplinary project teams in the Bozeman and Boise offices consisting of Research, Communication, and Regional Conservation Department staff. The position will require balancing multiple complex projects and close collaboration with ecologists, economists, regional conservation specialists, policy experts, communicators, and external partners engaged in collaborative projects. For more information and to apply, see the full job ad. Posted 9/29/11

Winrock International: Program Associate/GIS Analyst. This position within the Ecosystem unit is responsible for development and analyses of spatial databases, design and implementation of user interfaces, integration of field and other ancillary spatial data into GIS, remote sensing (RS) image processing and analysis, and organization and archiving of Ecosystem Services GIS related work products. The ideal candidate will have at least 2 years of experience and a BA degree with demonstrated coursework in the application of GIS techniques to issues in ecosystem ecology, forestry, natural resource management or a closely related field; must have demonstrated experience in the application of spatial analysis to land use, land use change or land planning; ability to work and train using GIS/Image processing software packages. Travel to remote locations, both domestically and internationally is possible. Must not require sponsorship to work in the US. Applicants may go to Winrock's Job Page at to complete an online application, submit a current resume and cover letter referencing HRM / PAGIS by June28, 2012. Posted: 6/15/12.

World Wildlife Fund: WWF, the world's leading conservation organization, seeks a Program Officer to coordinate all aspects of the Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature Program, as well as take a leading role in developing and coordinating WWF's Conservation Science Network (CSN), a new initiative designed to connect, support, and grow WWF's community of scientists working around the world. The Program Officer will develop effective communications and outreach materials, online and in other media; organize symposia, seminars, and other events; assist senior staff in preparing reports, proposals and presentations; conduct research and analyses; manage projects, databases, and online content; engage with and grow the CSN membership; and identify, synthesize, and disseminate scientific information and resources of interest to WWF scientists globally. The incumbent will be actively engaged in redesigning the CSN web interface and will communicate with members to ensure that resources are shared and delivered in formats that are of greatest use to colleagues around the world. A Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience plus three years relevant experience in conservation science or a related field is required. The successful candidate will have excellent writing and communication skills; strong organizational, research and analytical skills, experience using and developing online tools and resources; familiarity with conservation science issues; and a successful record as a team player and independent worker. Must be detail oriented, creative, and proficient in Microsoft Office software. International experience is preferred. This position has an initial duration of one year, with the possibility of extension based on funding. To submit cover letter and resume please visit (job # 11127). Posted: 7/6/11.

WRA, Inc.: WRA is an environmental consulting firm based in San Rafael, California. For over 30 years, WRA has provided outstanding ecological and design expertise to develop successful solutions for our clients. We employ experts in the fields of plant, wildlife, and wetland ecology, GIS, CEQA/NEPA and landscape architecture. We are looking for an energetic, career-minded wildlife biologist/ecologist to join us on a full-time basis. We are particularly looking for someone experienced conducting surveys for one or more of the following: California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, San Francisco garter snake, desert tortoise, Mohave ground squirrel, southwestern willow flycatcher, California clapper rail, Alameda whipsnake, and vernal pool crustaceans. Applicants with federal recovery permits for one or more of these, and any other listed species in California, will be preferred. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, special-status species surveys, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in wildlife. Desired qualifications include: 4 to 8 years experience supervising others, education and experience in California wildlife taxonomy and surveys, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, regulatory compliance, construction monitoring, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to and reference “Wildlife Biologist/ Ecologist.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date for submission of application materials is September 23, 2011. Posted: 9/15/11.

WRA, Inc.: WRA is an environmental consulting firm based in San Rafael, California. For over 30 years, WRA has provided outstanding ecological and design expertise to develop successful solutions for our clients. We employ experts in the fields of plant, wildlife, and wetland ecology, GIS, CEQA/NEPA and landscape architecture. We are looking for energetic, career-minded botanists, plant ecologists, and other biologists to join us on a full-time basis. We currently have entry-level openings and are looking for someone with experience in California plant, vegetation, and wetland identification. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, wetland delineation and permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, rare plant surveys, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor's degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in botany or plant ecology. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in California plant taxonomy and surveys, habitat/association mapping, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume and three references to and reference "Botanist / Plant Ecologist." Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date for submission of application materials is August 19, 2011. Posted: 8/8/11.

The Xerces Society: The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is seeking a Communications Coordinator. The Communications Coordinator will work under the direction of the Executive Director to develop and implement Xerces Society’s communications strategy and manage the organization’s external communications and media relations. The Coordinator will be based in our Portland, Oregon office. Please see our job postings for more information. Deadline: March 2. Posted: 2/13/12.

The Xerces Society: We are now hiring a Conservation Associate to work in our Endangered Species Program under the direction of the Endangered Species Program Director to support projects relating to the conservation of bumble bees and other at-risk species. This position is a full time one-year position with the potential for extension and will be based out of Portland, Oregon. Please see our job postings for more information. Applications are due Friday, November 11 at 5 pm PST. Posted: 10/21/11.

Yale University: Programmer in Geospatial Analysis and Biodiversity Informatics A three-year software developer position is available in the Jetz Lab to support collaborative work in biodiversity informatics and conservation starting January 2012 (some flexibility). General Purpose: Provide programming work for ongoing collaborative projects in geospatial analysis, biodiversity science and conservation research (e.g. Map of Life). This work is in partnership with scientists and biodiversity informaticians at CU Boulder, UC Berkeley and Senckenberg, Frankfurt. Extension beyond three years is possible. Essential Duties: Work with a team of researchers and developers to identify requirements, develop and modify code for geospatial analysis, backend (cloud-based) and frontend browser-based applications. Education and Experience 1. Bachelor’s degree in a relevant area and three to five years of programming experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. 2. Strong background in all: Python, postgreSQL, PostGIS, Linux/Unix 3. Specialized knowledge in open source geospatial software tools 4. Preferably experience in most of the following: App Engine, HTML5/CSS, java, javascript, php, IaaS such as Linode, web design, system administration, deployment tools, Chef Skills and Abilities: 1. Excellent programming skills and a strong interest in learning and developing new approaches to support the databasing, analysis and web-delivery of spatial, environmental and biodiversity data and tools. 2. Well developed analytical and problem solving skills. 3. Ability to communicate effectively through both oral and written expression. 4. Excellent skills for working in and leading a distributed and international team of developers. 5. Excellent planning and organizational skills. Application: Please email a short letter of interest, C.V., and the names and contact details of referees (ideally all combined in one pdf) to – subject line: Geospatial programmer. Job and application info can also be accessed here, job numbers: 14773 & 14774. Review of applications will begin on 25 Nov 2011 and continue until the position is filled. Posted: 11/17/11.

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