Staff/Technician Positions Archive

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positions lasting 1 year or more, mostly with benefits

titles marked (MS) require a master's degree, not necessarily an MS

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University of Illinois at Chicago Research Assistant, Ecophsyiology & Plant Nutrition  

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Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Botanist, Vegetation Ecologist, Conservation Planning Specialist, GIS Techs, and Special Projects Coordinator 7/24/11 6/24/11
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Ecological Analytical Lab Manager 7/1/11 6/29/11
Ohio State University Research Asst, Aquatic Ecology 7/1/11 6/16/11
Duke University Research Tech, wetland biogeochemistry  
Boston University Research Tech/Lab Manager 6/30/11 6/3/11
Colby College Teaching Asst, Environmental Studies Program 6/24/11 6/3/11
National Academy of Sciences Science Writer, PNAS  
Miami University Outreach Coordinator, Master of Environmental Science Program (MS) 6/21/11 6/13/11
National Ecological Observatory Network Groundwater Hydrologist 6/15/11 5/25/11
University of Texas Research asst, dog personality research 6/15/11 5/4/11
Cornell University Research Support Specialist, threatened species  
Tamarisk Coalition Staff Scientist, riverside habitat restoration (MS) 6/10/11 5/31/11
University of Liverpool (UK) Research Technician, disease ecology 6/10/11 5/25/11
Oregon State University Research asst, forest ecology 6/10/11 5/12/11
University of Notre Dame Research tech, ecology 6/4/11 5/17/11
Bluegrass Community and Technical College Biology Faculty  
National Ecological Observatory Network Biology Lab Technician  
Environmental Defense Fund Fisheries Policy Specialist  
Hudsonia Ltd. Field biologist, habitat mapping 5/31/11 5/24/11
San Diego State University Marine conservation research technician (MS) 5/31/11 5/4/11
Ventura County Community College Environmental Technologies Instructor 5/29/11 5/24/11
University of Wisconsin-Madison Remote sensing and GIS technician 5/26/11 5/18/11
CSS, Inc. Communications, Outreach, and Marketing Specialist, marine and coastal science  
University of Arizona Research Asst, Soil Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Services, Biosphere 2  
Colorado State University Conservation Data Services Team Leader/Database Developer 5/22/11 5/6/11
Archbold Biological Station Research Asst, Plant Ecology 5/20/11 5/13/11
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Research Tech, soil and water quality in agricultural watersheds 5/20/11 5/10/11
Society for Conservation Biology Policy Fellowship (MS) 5/20/11 5/9/11
Oregon State University Research Asst, Remote Sensing (MS) 5/13/11 5/3/11
University of Florida Project Coordinator, climate change mitigation and adaptation (MS) 5/12/11 4/19/11
University of California, Santa Barbara Database/Web developer for Plant Biodiversity/Ecology Application 5/9/11 5/4/11
The Nature Conservancy GIS Analyst, Oregon 5/6/11 4/19/11
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Ecology Education Program Specialist  
US Geological Survey Wetland Biogeochemistry Research Technician  
Ocean Genome Legacy, Inc. Biological Collections Data Specialist  
American Bird Conservancy Beach-Nesting Bird Conservation Project Officer  
North Carolina State University Technician, plant ecology 4/28/11 4/21/11
University of California, Berkeley Forestry Project/Policy Analyst  
Ecological Society of America Education Coordinator  
>NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center Research Asst, Coastal Hypoxia and Fish/Fisheries  
Nature's Capital Ecologist/Botanist  
California Department of Fish and Game Vegetation Mapping/Ecology 4/15/11 3/29/11
Marine Biological Laboratory Research Assistants - Soil Warming  
University of Illinois Fisheries Research Scientist 4/11/11 3/18/11
Little Priest Tribal College Environmental Science Instructor (MS)  
University of Michigan Research technician, ecotoxicology (MS) 4/5/11 3/30/11
University of New Mexico Plant Ecologist at Sevilleta LTER 4/3/11 3/30/11
Riveredge Nature Center Senior Naturalist 4/1/11 2/18/11
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center IT Specialist 3/25/11 3/18/11
Rice University Laboratory Technician, population and community ecology  
New Mexico State University GIS Landscape Ecology (MS)  
University of Arizona Communications Specialist, National Phenology Network  
Mohave Community College Science Faculty 3/21/11 3/18/11
Audubon California Shorebird Conservation Biologist (MS+)  
Red Rocks Community College Water Quality Management Faculty 3/18/11 2/24/11
University of Oregon Research Asst, climate change and native prairie plants 3/18/11 2/24/11
University of Illinois Program Advisor for Sustainability 3/4/11 2/18/11
Southern Teachers Agency Biology Teaching Jobs  
Florida State University Laboratory Technician, fruit flies  
Bowdoin College Research Tech: land use, climate change, and river carbon and nutrient fluxes 3/1/11 1/27/11
Florida International University Wetland Algal Ecology Field and Lab Tech 3/1/11 1/20/11
University of Wisconsin-Madison Global Land-Use Change and Sustainable Bioenergy (MS) 2/30/11 12/7/10
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife NRCS Review Biologist 2/28/11 2/18/11
University of Illinois at Chicago Research Assistant, Ecophsyiology & Plant Nutrition  
Wayne State University Lab Technician, freshwater zooplankton ecology  
Memorial University (Canada) Research Technician, climate change & boreal forest carbon  
USGS Soil Science 2/22/11 2/17/11
USGS Glacier Field Station GIS/Database Specialist  
University of California, Santa Cruz GIS Analyst, fisheries 2/21/11 2/17/11
University of Wisconsin-Madison Research Specialist, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management (MS) 2/21/11 2/4/11
World Wildlife Fund Program Officer for Africa & Madagascar  
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ecosystem services from ag lands (MS) 2/18/11 1/27/11
USDA Forest Service Forest Cave and Karst Specialist 2/18/11 1/27/11
University of Georgia Molecular biology, plant-soil microbe interactions (MS)  
Cornell University Freshwater Plankton Ecology  
New England Complex Systems Institute Student/Predoctoral Researcher Positions  
Idaho State University Research Biologist  
Missouri Botanical Garden Research Specialist, rare plants 2/15/11 2/1/11
University of Georgia Technicians, coastal wetlands (2 positions) 2/14/11 2/3/11
University of Arizona Education Coordinator, National Phenology Network 2/14/11 1/27/11
Colorado State University Wetlands Biologist, Alaska 2/9/11 1/19/11
Indiana University Research Assistant, ecosystem ecology, invasive plants  
Bard College Research Assistant, Ecology of tick-borne diseases  
Harvard University Research Assistant II Lab, Harvard Forest  
University of Florida GIS Technician, Everglades ecology and restoration  
University of Florida Wildlife Data Specialist (MS)  
Duke University Research Tech, evolutionary ecology and genetics of plants 1/31/11 1/12/11
University of California, Riverside Bioinformatics specialist, Genome Database development  
University of California, Riverside Bioinformatics specialist, high throughput sequence data processing  
Jones Ecological Research Center Plant Ecology Lead Research Technician (MS)  
Ecological Society of America Education Programs Coordinator 1/18/11 11/29/10
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Research associate, marine or estuarine ecology  
University of Idaho Wireless Sensor Network Technician 1/1/11 11/24/10
University of Illinois Fish population monitoring 12/30/10 12/8/10
The Nature Conservancy Northern New York Field Representative 12/30/10 12/7/10
Oregon State University Research Asst, data and programming 12/23/10 11/30/10
Texas A&M University Research Associate, freshwater mussels  
Ecology and Environment, Inc. Avian Biologist, Kansas  
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency GIS and Climate/Land Use Change (MS)  
Victor Valley College Part-Time Faculty, Natural Resources  
USGS Davis Field Station Waterbird biologist and crew leader  
University of Michigan Laboratory Technician, Freshwater Ecology 12/1/10 11/12/10
University of Michigan Laboratory Research Specialist, Freshwater Ecology 12/1/10 11/12/10
University of Maryland Baltimore County Research Asst, Stream Community Ecology 11/17/10 11/12/10
University of California, San Diego Research Asst, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems  
Saint Mary's University (Canada) Ecosystem functioning of green roofs  
University of California, Davis Research Asst, plant-soil interactions in grasslands  
Rice State University Technician, community ecology  
New Mexico State University (MS) Rangeland Ecology/GIS  
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (MS) GIS Analyst  
North Carolina State University Research Asst, cropping systems for bioenergy  
University of California, Santa Barbara Research Technician, biogeochemistry  
University of Wisconsin-Madison Research specialist, Ecohydrology and Ecosystem Services (2 positions)  
Arizona State University Research Specialist/Lab Manager 11/1/10 10/8/10
University of Wisconsin – Stout Instrumentation Innovator (MS) 10/25/10 9/30/10
FishWise Program Manager 10/19/10 9/27/10
National Park Service Assistant Data Manager - Climate Change, Inventory, and Monitoring 10/15/10 9/29/10
University of Wisconsin Lab Manager, global aquatic ecology & conservation 10/11/10 9/29/10
University of California Los Angeles Lab Tech, host-parasitoid communities  
National Park Service Riparian Crew Leader 10/8/10 9/24/10
The Xerces Society Pollinator Habitat Restoration/Plant Production (2 positions) 10/1/10 9/13/10
QinetiQ Ecologist/Wildlife Biologist, California  
Great Basin Institute Visitor Information Assistant  
National Audubon Society Field Technician (Aquatic/Wetlands Ecology), SW Florida 9/13/10 7/9/10
University of Pennsylvania Project coordinator: effects of climate change in Mongolia  
Duke University Marine Lab Research Technician: Fish Conservation Genetics  
University of Minnesota Lab Manager in Disease Ecology Lab 9/1/10 8/6/10
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Aquatic Ecology Research Assistant  
Virginia Tech Wildlife Ecotoxicology Project Manager 8/4/10 7/16/10
Oregon State University Research Asst in Silviculture/Forest Ecology (MS) 8/1/10 7/12/10
University of Alaska Fairbanks Environmental Data Center Technician 7/31/10 7/20/10
Los Alamos National Laboratory Technician, remote sensing/data mining (2 positions)  
University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Climate Change Ecologist (MS) 7/30/10 7/23/10
Duke University Research Tech, elevated CO2 project  
Mystic River Watershed Association Assistant Watershed Scientist 7/23/10 7/8/10
Duke University Research Tech, tree ecophysiology 7/23/10 7/8/10
Bard College Research Assts, molecular biology, ecology of tick-borne diseases  
University of South Carolina Wetland biogeochemistry technician  
University of Missouri Research tech, water quality in an urbanizing watershed  
University of Wisconsin Research tech, longleaf pine community assembly and restoration  
Ecological Society of America Science Policy Analyst 7/1/10 6/9/10
NatureServe Research Botanist (MS)  

Older listings: 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

American Bird Conservancy: Beach-Nesting Bird Conservation Project Officer. Begin date: Spring 2011, End date: Late Fall 2012. This is a full-time, 18 month position, at a location to be determined within the Gulf Coast region (Texas to Florida). The Beach-Nesting Bird Conservation Officer (hereafter Conservation Officer) is responsible for the successful implementation of conservation program to protect large colony sites for beach-nesting seabirds (primarily Least Terns and Black Skimmers) along the Gulf Coast, and implement colony protection measures such as signage and fencing with help from local volunteers. These direct protection measures will be supported by a public awareness campaign designed to encourage beach-goers to respect and avoid sensitive areas. This program aims to provide protection of birds that have been adversely impacted by the BP oil spill, with funding provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife. This position requires an understanding of ABC's mission, programs, and structure, as well as a thorough understanding of beach-nesting bird colonies. Demonstrated success in organizing and working with volunteers and community groups is a strongly desired. There will be a great deal of contact with others within and outside the organization, through public presentations, in person, by telephone, and through e-mail and other correspondence. The work requires initiative, ability to work independently, flexibility, attention to detail, and an outgoing personality. Substantial travel is envisioned to successfully carry out this project. The position reports to the Chief Conservation Officer. A college degree and at least three years' work experience in a related position, or other appropriate combination of education and experience. Please send cover letter and resume to: Merrie S. Morrison, Vice President for Operations, American Bird Conservancy, PO Box 249, The Plains, VA 20198. or Posted: 5/3/11.

Archbold Biological Station: We seek a research assistant in the Plant Ecology Lab, starting June or July 2011. The lab, headed by Eric Menges, is a large, active research lab with projects in plant ecology, conservation ecology, fire ecology, and restoration. Archbold is an independent biological station on a large natural area with programs in research, conservation, and education. The RA will focus on collecting field data in Florida scrub, managing data, and maintaining scientific experiments in lab, greenhouse, and field. This is a full-time position with benefits, running 4-12 months with a strong possibility of extension to multiple years. Housing is available at the biological station. Requirements: BA or BS in biology, botany, or a related field, willingness to work under ambient field conditions in Florida, temperament to work with teams of researchers and supervise student interns. Desirable: Experience and skills in field biology, data management, GPS/GIS, plant identification. To Apply: Send letter summarizing experience, CV, and list of courses and grades to email address below. Arrange to have two letters of reference sent directly to email address below. Application Deadline: We will begin reviewing applications May 20, 2011 and continue considering applications until the position is filled. Applications and Information: contact Eric Menges at Email applications only. Posted: 5/13/11.

Arizona State University: The Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology research group seeks a research specialist / laboratory manager to assist with multiple research projects and laboratory operations. The successful applicant will be responsible for: maintaining laboratory and experimental equipment (e.g gas chromatograph, automated colorimeter, trace gas analyzers); analytical functions such biogeochemical laboratory analyses and data quality control; writing research progress reports; field work, including soil and plant sampling in sometimes remote and challenging conditions; and administrative functions such as auditing monthly grant expenditures and hiring /supervising undergraduate lab personnel. Priority will be given to applicants with a strong background in chemistry, biogeochemistry, or geochemistry and prior experience in ecology; familiarity with arid systems is preferred but not required. Skills /abilities required for this position include: strong organizational skills and attention to detail; the ability to work independently; knowledge of basic analytical chemistry (how to make reagents, types of labware and their proper use, etc.); good laboratory etiquette; strong computer skills and working knowledge of data management; ability to lift 50 lbs. Additionally, the successful applicant will be able to: obtain a valid Arizona Drivers License; work long hours doing research at remote sites; travel internationally; and work well with other researchers from a variety of culturally diverse backgrounds. Applications will be accepted through November 1 or until a suitable applicant is found. The job will begin soon after the position is closed. The position is funded by the National Science Foundation for one year with continuation contingent upon future funding. Application materials should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of three references. Please send requests for job or application information directly to Dr. Sharon J. Hall (Email: Posted: 10/8/10.

Audubon California is seeking a full-time Shorebird Conservation Biologist responsible for helping Audubon California implement shorebird conservation projects on private and public lands in the Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin Valley and surrounding areas, as well as working on other projects helping to protect birds on private lands. Audubon California, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and PRBO-Conservation Science, has created the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership to advance the conservation of migratory birds in California. The partners are working closely with rice farmers, other landowners, and wetland managers in the Central Valley to enhance the value of agricultural lands and managed wetlands for waterbirds, particularly shorebirds. This is currently a one year position with an opportunity to extend if additional funding is secured. Essential Functions: coordinating wildlife friendly agriculture projects and bird monitoring efforts; developing and implementing conservation plans for private farms that involve alternative field management strategies, as well as habitat restoration; enrolling landowners in incentive programs to provide cost share for wildlife-friendly management practices; collaboration with public agency staff and wetland managers to enhance the habitat value of wetlands for shorebirds; and coordinating citizen scientist volunteers to implement bird monitoring. Qualifications: advanced degree in ornithology, ecology, wildlife management, environmental science, or related field; demonstrated experience working with a variety of public and private stakeholders to coordinate and implement conservation projects (ideally including experience working with private landowners in an agricultural setting); strong field identification skills and knowledge of birds, especially waterbirds; experience in identification and surveying of vegetation and other wildlife desirable; experience in habitat restoration and/or management desirable, especially with wetlands; experience in creating and using databases, mapping and GIS skills also desirable; excellent verbal and written communication skills; and ability and willingness to work both independently and as part of a team. Position will require excellent communication skills with the program team, landowners, and volunteers; strong initiative and self-motivation and ability to work with limited supervision; ability to travel in California, and to work evenings and weekends, as needed; ability to perform physically demanding field tasks, including but not limited to, extensive hiking during field monitoring work and manual labor required for establishing monitoring plots and assisting in restoration activities; and strong commitment to the mission and vision of the National Audubon Society. Full job description available on request. To Apply: Please send a cover letter and resume to Rodd Kelsey at rkelsey AT Posted: 3/18/11.

Bard College: The Biology Program is seeking a highly motivated individual for a full-time Research Assistant position. The successful candidate will be joining a multidisciplinary group studying ecological factors affecting transmission of emerging tick-borne infectious diseases. Duties include high throughput screening of ticks for the presence of pathogens using real-time PCR, ordering of supplies, and management of a large database. The successful candidate will have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in biology or a related discipline and a strong interest in disease ecology. Experience with DNA extractions and PCR preferred, but not required. Candidates should be capable of working independently, have exceptional organizational skills and meticulous work habits in the laboratory, and enjoy working as an integral part of a diverse team of scientists and public health professionals. Please send cover letter with resume and list of three references by email only to (Word or PDF attachments only). Posted: 2/2/11.

Bard College: The Biology Program at Bard College is seeking two highly motivated individuals with molecular biology laboratory experience for full-time Research Assistant positions. The successful candidates will be joining a multidisciplinary group studying ecological factors affecting transmission of emerging tick-borne infectious diseases. Duties include high throughput screening of ticks for the presence of pathogens using real-time and nested PCR, ordering of supplies, and management of a large database. Successful candidates will have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in biology or a related discipline and extensive experience with PCR, be capable of working independently, have exceptional organizational skills and meticulous work habits in the laboratory, and enjoy working as an integral part of a diverse team of scientists and public health professionals. Please send cover letter with resume and list of three references to Posted: 7/21/10.

Bluegrass Community and Technical College: Biology Faculty Position. This is a full-time, tenure-track, ten-month faculty appointment in the Natural Sciences Division effective August 1, 2011. The primary teaching assignment is the Lawrenceburg Campus. The position requires flexibility of scheduling, which may include evenings, weekends, and possibly other campus locations. The College teaches an array of introductory lecture and laboratory courses in general biology, ecology, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology. Master of Science degree in a biological sciences related field required. Must be available to start August 1, 2011. Previous college-level teaching experience is a serious consideration. Apply online. Posted: 6/1/11.

Boston University: The Fulweiler laboratory is seeking applicants for the position of Research Technician/Laboratory Manager to take part in field and laboratory operations. This position is a full time, benefited position with salary support for one year. After the first year, the position will be contingent upon continued funding. The applicant will be expected to develop and maintain standard operating procedures for activities within the lab (including database entry and management; data quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)). Specifically this will include running the following instruments: a membrane inlet mass spectrometer for dissolved gas analysis; a gas chromatograph for greenhouse gas analysis; and automatic nutrient analyzer for the measurement of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients in both fresh and marine waters. In addition they will help plan and execute field observations and laboratory experiments. Much of my research involves field sampling – specifically: traveling to the coast, collecting samples onboard research vessels, and then either running experiments onboard the vessel or back on land. The applicant will also be expected to help supervise undergraduate and graduate students. Qualifications: Required: Bachelor’s Degree in biology, chemistry, oceanography, ecology or related degree. Minimum 1 year post graduate experience. Familiarity with field and laboratory measurements of the biological and/or chemical properties of seawater and experience with mass spectrometry and/or gas chromatography is required. Working knowledge of computers (i.e. Excel, Word, etc.) and a willingness to learn other programs is required. Valid driver’s license, ability and willingness to make overnight travel, ability to participate in field sampling. Strong Interpersonal skills is required including: strong written and verbal communication skills Publication and experience grant writing desired. Desired: MS desired in Chemistry, Oceanography, Ecology or a related degree. Field experience (including small boat operation, diving) and advanced computer skills desired. Applications received by June 30th, 2011 will be given preference. Position is open until filled. Please contact Wally Fulweiler for more details:; 617-358-5466. Posted: 6/3/11.

Bowdoin College: We are searching for a research technician to work on a recently funded NASA-IDS project examining historical (land use) and projected (climate) changes in carbon and nutrient fluxes from the major river systems in Maine, USA, and New Brunswick, Canada, to the Gulf of Maine. We will begin reviewing applications March 1, 2011. This technician will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the field sampling and lab analyses associated with a funded NASA IDS project. This is approximately a three-year grant-funded position. Requirements: A B.S./B.A. in Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Environmental Science or closely related field is required. Applicants must possess: a working ability with basic laboratory analytical skills; computer proficiency; strong organizational and communication skills; the ability to work independently or in teams; and the ability to mentor undergraduate students in the lab. Previous experience with lab analyses is required. Some chemistry coursework or research experience preferred. Must have a willingness to participate in field work and an understanding of and familiarity with using specific instrument capabilities like HPLC, spectrophotometry, nutrient autoanalysis, and total C/N analysis, with the ability to step into a laboratory setting quickly with minimal training in these techniques. To apply please see the full job ad and complete an online application for the position. Paper or emailed applications will not be considered. If you have questions about this process, please call (207) 725-3923 or email Posted: 1/27/11.

California Department of Fish and Game: seeking one or two vegetation ecologists/mappers to work full time for a year in the Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program (VegCAMP). Most of the work will be in a DFG office located in downtown Sacramento, although some field work is required. $15-17 per hour. The primary duty will be creating digital vegetation maps of the Mojave Desert using aerial imagery in ArcMap GIS software. Other related duties may include entering vegetation data into existing Microsoft Access databases, organizing and renaming digital field photos, scanning and organizing documents, and keying plants. Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of vegetation ecology and experience with the California flora and the state’s plant communities; experience in vegetation mapping, data entry and quality checking; and attention to detail. Ability to travel and perform field work under a variety of conditions. An interest in the work and a cooperative attitude. Knowledge of ecological field sampling methods; use of GPS and other field equipment; MS Access database experience; ArcGIS experience; ability to work independently and as part of a team. Preferably able to start work with a week in the field on May 2. Must possess a valid California Driver’s License, Class C. To Apply: Email a cover letter, resume, and three references to: Steve Schoenig at Please put “Mojave Mapper” in the subject line, and entitle your word or pdf documents as follows: “Last name_first name_cover” (replacing “resume” and “refs” for those documents). The closing deadline to receive applications is April 15th. Posted: 3/29/11.

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies: We are looking for a full time Ecology Education Program Specialist to develop new materials for a Hudson River curriculum, develop and lead workshops for teachers, contribute to research about ecology teaching and learning, and visit schools as necessary to support our education programs. More details. Posted: 5/4/11.

Colby College: The Environmental Studies Program is seeking a Teaching Assistant (12-month, full-time position), starting August 15, 2011. Responsibilities of this position include teaching laboratory sections (in terrestrial, marine and aquatic ecology, and environmental science), preparing laboratory materials for these courses, grading examinations and laboratory papers, maintaining equipment, and other duties as needed. Candidates should hold a Bachelor's or an advanced degree in Ecology, Environmental Studies, or a related field. Graduate study in Ecology or a related field, experience in laboratory teaching, experience with ecological techniques, familiarity with computer applications including GIS, and familiarity with ecosystems of the northeastern United States, are desirable. This salaried and continuing position is a 12-month position and includes benefits. Interested parties should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, three letters of recommendation to: Russell Cole, Chair, Teaching Assistant Search Committee, Environmental Studies Program, Colby College, 5350 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME 04901 (Telephone: 207-859-5350, e-mail: Electronic submission of applications is strongly encouraged, and receipt will be confirmed. Application review will begin June 24, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 6/3/11.

Colorado State University: Colorado Natural Heritage Program - Research Associate III/Conservation Data Services Team Leader and Database Developer. Pay Rate: $44-50k/year. The CDS Team Leader coordinates the statewide implementation of CNHP's information with partners and clients, including federal, state, and local agencies, as well as both non- and for-profit organizations. The CDS Team Leader supervises the CDS Team (3-5 staff) and is supervised by the Director. As Database Developer, the incumbent will coordinate, design, and implement project-specific natural resource-based database applications using primarily MS Access and Visual Basic, but also potentially other software and programming languages, depending on experience and interest. Current, ongoing projects that the incumbent will work on include development, maintenance, and support of Bureau of Land Management Endangered Species tracking database, and National Park Service Vegetation Mapping Plots database. CNHP's work is funded entirely through grants, contracts, and agreements, and as a member of the Leadership Team the CDS Team Leader will need to actively pursue funding opportunities. Approximately 25-33% of this person's time will be spent on Team Leader duties, while 66-75% will be spent on grant writing and serving as principal investigator on database related projects. Required Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Management, Natural Sciences/Resources field or related field and five years professional experience developing and managing relational database applications OR Master's degree and two years professional experience required. * Solid understanding of MS Access queries, forms, and coding is required. * Demonstrated experience and competence with microcomputers including Windows operating systems, data management systems, data transfer methods, file compression, file formats, and MS Office. * Strong communication skills. Must be able to write and speak clearly and accurately, and enthusiastically convey information to scientific and lay audiences. Ability to work as a team with supervised staff and a team of conservation biologists, as well as agency personnel, land managers and representatives of different public and private agencies and groups. * Excellent organizational skills, meticulous attention to detail necessary. * Supervisory experience required. Project and budget management experience highly desirable. To Apply: Submit cover letter, resume and three references, electronically by 5:00 pm, May 22, 2011, to Selection will continue until an appropriate candidate is found. Hiring is contingent upon available funding. Preferred start date is July 2011. Posted: 5/6/11.

Colorado State University: Wetlands Biologist position available with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands, assigned at Fort Wainwright, Alaska (Fairbanks, AK). Responsibilities: Assist Fort Wainwright Wetlands Biologist with execution of wetlands management program. Minimum Qualifications: B.A./B.S. in natural resources management, ecology, botany, or soils. 1+ years experience in wetlands delineation. U.S. Citizenship. Must have/be able to obtain valid driver's license. Desirable Qualifications: Knowledge of plant identification (particularly grasses, sedges and rushes), hydric soils, and wetland hydrology. Familiarization with Army Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual and Alaska regional supplement. Familiarization with wetland permitting. Supervisory skills. Ability to work and camp outdoors in adverse conditions and walk long distances over rough terrain. CSU offers generous benefits package (24 days paid vacation leave, tuition credits, health insurance, and retirement plans). Application: See complete job announcement for directions on how to apply for this position. Application deadline is 2-09-2011. Posted: 1/19/11.

Cornell University: The Department of Natural Resources seeks a highly motivated individual to provide a high level of research support in reviewing New York's list of endangered, threatened, and special concern species lists, with emphasis on prioritization and updating the Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). The individual will work with the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit scientists (Dr. Angela Fuller and Dr. William Fisher) and staff from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine resources. The selected individual will assist to establish a priority ranking scheme for SGCN by engaging taxonomic working groups, key conservation partners, species experts, NYSDEC staff, and governmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations in helping to define objectives for the listing recommendations as well as objectives in developing the priority ranking scheme for the SGCN. Prepare written and oral research reports. This research position date will term on 3/31/2012 with possible extension until 9/30/2014, depending on funding. This position is located in Albany, New York. Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree; 2-3 years of experience or equivalence in biological sciences (e.g., wildlife or fisheries ecology, conservation biology, natural resources, landscape ecology). * Must be personable, flexible, and possess excellent organizational and communication skills (both oral and written). * Must have the ability to develop effective working relationships with faculty, staff, federal and state agencies, NGOs and work effectively and cooperatively with others. * Familiarity with using geographic information systems software (e.g., ArcGIS). * Ability to work independently as well in a team setting to handle multiple tasks and priorities. * Evidence of independent research skills is required. * Travel is required and must possess a valid U.S. driver's license. Preferred Qualifications: * M.S. degree. * Previous experience using geographic information systems software (e.g., ArcGIS). * Broad knowledge of threatened, endangered, and special concern species in New York or the northeastern US. To apply, view the complete job description. Posted: 6/13/11.

Cornell University: Freshwater Plankton Ecology: The Research Support Specialist will be a key participant in, and contributor to, research on the ecology and evolutionary biology of freshwater plankton and lake ecosystems. Current research projects include exploration of the role of algal-consuming crustaceans on water clarity and related ecosystem processes in Cayuga, Oneida and Onondaga Lakes (NY), and the effects of character evolution on ecological plankton dynamics in laboratory microcosms. Oversee lab operation; coordinate and oversee work of undergraduate research technicians. Take major role in setting up and running lab experiments. Participate in set-up, data collection, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. Assist with data interpretation, presentation, and manuscript preparation including carrying out basic statistical analyses, plotting data, preparing figures, and undertaking literature review. Some field research will take place on boats (prior experience with small boat operation is useful but not essential). Learn and apply existing research protocols of this lab group, learn new skills as needed. Order and stock lab supplies. Review of applications will begin 2/14 and will continue until a suitable candidate has been selected. Qualifications: Bachelor s degree, preferably in a biological field, and 2-5 years of technical experience in research either during undergraduate education or beyond the degree; training in ecology and/or evolutionary biology, preferably with knowledge of lake ecosystems and organisms. Position's responsibilities and band will be mapped to selected candidate's qualifications. Must be able to work relatively independently in collaborative environment with faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars and professional visitors in this research group. Must be available for some research outside normal business hours as necessary. Knowledge of standard data management spreadsheets, word processing, and basic statistical packages strongly preferred. Preferred: experience with freshwater organisms; and experience with small boats. Apply Online. Posted: 2/17/11.

CSS, Inc.: recruiting a qualified person to fill the position of Communications, Outreach, and Marketing Specialist within NOAA's Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment. You can find a description of the position and instructions for applying online at Posted: 5/25/11.

Duke University: The Bernhardt lab is looking to hire a research technician to work on a large NSF-funded project. The project involves studying the effects of saltwater intrusion on nutrient transformations between soil, water and atmosphere in a large-scale wetland restoration project in coastal North Carolina. The technician will be expected to perform routine field sampling and preparation and analysis of soil and water samples in the laboratory. Successful applicants will gain experience in both aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical methods, and will also have opportunities to attend seminars and participate in reading groups associated with the vibrant ecology and biogeochemistry community at Duke. Employment duration: 12 months from August 2011 to August 2012 with the possibility for an extension. Job Requirements: Ability to conduct moderately physical activity in the field under adverse conditions (i.e. heat, high humidity, and insects). Previous experience in soil and /or water chemical analysis is strongly preferred. Qualifications: M.S. degree (preferred) or B.S. degree (required) in biogeochemistry, ecology, soils, hydrology, or related fields. Please send cover letter, resume, list of pertinent courses and references (with phone numbers) by email to: Please include “Biogeochemistry Research Assistant” in the title of your email. For specific questions or more information on this position, please contact: Dr. Emily S. Bernhardt, Department of Biology, Box 90338, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, e-mail: Posted: 6/30/11.

Duke University: Biology Department. A Research Technician (Associate in Research) is wanted to participate in research in evolutionary ecology and genetics of plants. Recent university graduates looking for additional research experience before entering graduate school are especially encouraged to apply. Research in this lab combines work in the field, laboratory, and greenhouse to study genotype-environment interactions. This position requires a bachelor's degree in Biology or related field, experience in plant care, impeccable organizational skills, and familiarity with basic molecular biology procedures. Duties include plant care, molecular and biochemical work; maintenance of field/greenhouse experiments, data management, general lab and clerical tasks. Available immediately. Currently for one year. Competitive salary and full Duke benefits. Duke University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Please send CV and names of references to Kathleen Donohue: Deadline: January 31, 2011. Posted: 1/12/11.

[position closed] Duke University: The Oren lab is seeking applicants for a 1-year field and laboratory research technician to assist with ecosystem carbon storage/balance projects at the Duke FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) site, focusing on our final harvest. Field work may include but not be limited to measuring tree diameters and heights of standing and felled trees, and collecting vegetation samples. Lab work will include processing field samples (sorting, drying, weighing, etc.), preparing and measuring bole cross section “cookies” for growth ring analysis, measuring specific gravity on stem sections, making specific leaf area (SLA) measurements using a computer scanner and associated software and scales, and data entry. Candidates should have bachelor's degree in biological or forest sciences, be in good physical condition, be able to work at canopy-level heights, and be willing to work outdoors in a cold or hot and humid environment with various insects and arachnids present. Ability to work both independently and in teams is essential. Our lab is based at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University and our field site is about 12 miles away in the Duke Forest. Successful applicants will need to secure housing in the Durham/Chapel Hill/Research Triangle area. The position starts in early September, 2010 and includes full Duke University benefits. Annual salary is $25k. To apply, send cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Jeffrey Pippen at Posted: 7/26/10.

Duke University: The Clark Lab is seeking a research technician to assist with a study examining tree species differences in ecophysiological responses to environmental stress. Current climate predictions for the Southeast indicate warmer and drier growing season conditions in the future which may further limit tree species which are highly sensitive to drought conditions. This research will focus on the potential impacts of drought and canopy shading on canopy conductance and transpiration for several co-occurring tree species and the implications for forest dynamics in the eastern United States. This is a one year, full-time (40h/week) position, with some possibility of extension, beginning at any time between now and July. Primary duties will include Granier-style sap flux probe installation, system maintenance and trouble shooting, data collection and management. The position will include work with electronics, in the lab and field. Duties may also include, but may not be limited to, the following: 1) Assist with inventories of vegetation within forested study plots 2) Collect, sort and identify seeds 3) Collect and measure tree increment cores 4) Assist with maintenance of open-topped warming chambers 5) Collect data on germination, survival and phenology of seedlings in warming chambers 6) Take and analyze hemispherical photographs of forest canopies We are based in the Nicholas School of the Environment and the department of Biology at Duke University, an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. We study many aspects of forest community ecology including plant demography, population genetics, plant-insect and plant-fungal interactions, and responses to disturbance and climate change. Our research sites are located in North Carolina, in the Duke Forest and at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the southern Appalachians. During the summer, there may be 1-2 weeks of travel to the mountain sites. Housing and transportation are provided for trips to the field sites in the Appalachian Mountains. Knowledge of the natural history of eastern forests and experience using Microsoft Excel and R (a statistical computing package) are beneficial, but not required. Applicants should be willing to work outdoors in a hot, humid environment with abundant insects, ticks and chiggers. The salary is $11/hour, plus health benefits. Successful applicants will need to secure housing in the Durham/Research Triangle area. Submit application by July 12. Application materials should include a cover letter, CV and a list of 3 references. Please submit these materials through e-mail as a single document to David Bell (

Duke University Marine Lab: Research Technician: Conservation Genetics. The Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina is seeking a full time research technician to work on the conservation genetics of anadromous river herring. The goal of this project, which is being funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, is to use genetic and otolith markers to assess the population structure of river herring along the USA Atlantic Coast in order to identify runs that are being impacted by marine bycatch. The duties of this position include: 1) travel and field work for sample collection, 2) laboratory work at the Marine Conservation Molecular Facility involving DNA extractions, PCR, sequencing, and microsatellite genotyping, 3) tasks related to data collection, database management, and analysis, 4) otolith removal and preparation, 5) general field and laboratory tasks, 6) interacting with researchers and managers involved in other aspects of this project, and 7) training students in proper field and laboratory techniques. Please supply a letter of interest, curriculum vitae or resume, and the names and contact information of two individuals who can supply reference letters. For more information on this job opportunity, please contact Dr. Eric Palkovacs: To apply for this position, please go to the Duke HR website and search for ALL jobs in Beaufort. The requisition for this job is 400427660. Please submit your resume and supporting materials online. Posted: 9/7/10.

Ecological Society of America: ESA invites applications for the position of Education Coordinator. The primary responsibility is the planning and implementing of education programs to enhance undergraduate teaching and learning in the field of ecology with emphasis on supporting ESA's EcoEd Digital Library. Candidates will be screened for interviews starting April 30. More information. Posted: 4/20/11.

Ecological Society of America: vacancy for an Education Programs Coordinator, responsible for coordinating education programs to enhance undergraduate teaching and learning in the field of ecology with emphasis on digital resources. This position is available as grant funds allow and may be adapted as needed. The primary duty of the Education Programs Coordinator will be to solicit, manage and/or promote: (a) online teaching resources (b) use of continental-scale data into undergraduate science and ecology courses (c) environmental education resources with a technology component. Please do not contact ESA staff regarding this position. For complete details and information on how to apply, please see the full job ad. Last day to apply: January 18, 2011. Posted: 11/29/10.

Ecological Society of America: ESA, the world's largest professional organization of ecological scientists, seeks to fill the position of Science Policy Analyst. Responsibilities include: track environmental legislation and identify opportunities for scientific input; develop ESA statements; produce ESA's bimonthly Policy News; organize congressional briefings, and attend hearings and other relevant meetings; and produce an ESA podcast. Work closely with ESA's Rapid Response Team. The position requires a degree in environmental science, political science, or related field, and two years of policy experience. The ideal candidate will be a flexible self-starter with excellent judgment, interpersonal, and communications skills. Experience working for a professional membership organization is a plus. The salary for this full-time position is upper $30s. Excellent benefits, EOE. To apply, please email or mail by July 1, 2010 cover letter, resume, and short writing sample to; ESA, Attn. Science Policy Analyst Position, 1990 M Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. No phone calls please. Posted: 6/9/10.

Ecology and Environment, Inc.: Avian Biologist. E&E is a fully integrated environmental consulting firm whose underlying philosophy is its worldwide commitment to supporting sustainable development through responsible environmental stewardship. We are seeking an Avian Biologist for our Overland Park, KS office. Responsibilities: * Performing bird surveys using a range of bird sampling techniques including visual/ auditory identification. * Plant, habitat and threatened and endangered species surveys * Wetland delineation * Permitting of infrastructure development projects with local, state, and federal agencies * Compliance with USFWS, COE and state equivalent agency requirements * Monitoring restoration and construction projects in biologically sensitive areas * Potential for growth to project management. Requirements: * BS/MS in Biology or a related field * 1-3 years’ experience conducting avian surveys * Strong visual/auditory bird identification skills (must be able to identify birds by their call/songs), * Ability to travel and perform field work. * Strong communications skills and ability to work within a team setting as well as a self-starting individual * Proficient in MS Word and Excel * Excellent written and oral communication skills. E&E offers opportunities for growth in a team-oriented environment and a competitive benefits package including medical, dental, 401k and retirement plan. Resumes must be submitted through the career link at Posted: 12/17/10.

Environmental Defense Fund: Fisheries Policy Specialist to lead the organization s fishery policy work in the Southeast US. EDF s Oceans program works to implement innovative fishery management policies that balance the economic needs of fishermen with the sustainable use of marine resources. The Fisheries Policy Specialist will be responsible for developing and implementing EDF s public policy strategy aimed at forwarding these goals in the South Atlantic region and at the national level. EDF s ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of the policy making process and be able to connect seamlessly with a wide range of players, from fishermen to high-level decision makers and the media. The Fishery Policy Specialist would ideally be located in EDF's Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina office. If you have questions about the position, please contact Laura Viggiano ( To apply directly, please see the full position description. Posted: 5/31/11.

FishWise: Program Manager. Non-profit sustainable seafood consultancy located in Santa Cruz, CA, has a job opening for a bachelor's or graduate level position in sustainable seafood and marine science. For more information, see the job description. Deadline: 10/19/10. Posted: 9/27/10.

Florida International University: Wetland Algal Ecology Field and Laboratory Technician. The Southeast Environmental Research Center is seeking a full time research technician to aid in collection, processing and identification of algae from the Florida Everglades. The technician will participate in several multidisciplinary studies that investigate effects of long-term natural and anthropogenic environmental change on Everglades communities. Field work includes traveling by helicopter and airboat to collect algae from Everglades wetlands, and entails long days in hot, wet conditions. Laboratory responsibilities include sample processing for biomass and nutrient analyses, microscopic identification of algae and data entry. Enthusiasm for rigorous field work and previous experience with algae are desirable. FIU has an exceptional interdisciplinary history of research in ecological sciences, particularly in the Everglades and adjacent marine habitats. In particular, FIU is home to the NSF–funded Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research Program (FCE-LTER) which is comprised of > >130 scientists from 27 institutions conducting research on ecological processes and coupled human interactions in the South Florida landscape. The FCE-LTER, together with programs associated with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program, create a stimulating atmosphere for Everglades research. Qualifications: B.S. with experience or M.S. in biology or related field. Salary commensurate with experience. To Apply: Applicants should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae and contact information for three references by e-mail to Dr. Evelyn Gaiser ( Selection process will begin 1 March 2011. Posted: 1/20/11.

Florida State University: Position open for a 15 month project investigating allometry in fruit fly wings in the laboratory of David Houle. This Laboratory Technician position will involve measurement of flies, qrtPCR, data management, fly husbandry, and supervision of undergraduate assistants. Required qualifications are a Bachelor's degree in science or equivalent experience, and knowledge of computer software. Some programming experience is desirable. This project will provide excellent experience in research in evolutionary biology in a pleasant working environment, and is likely to result in authorship on publications for a capable, enthusiastic employee. Salary from $28k, depending on experience. Contact Rosa Moscarella for more information. Posted: 3/1/11.

Great Basin Institute: a Reno-based non-profit organization, in partnership with the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is seeking a Visitor Information Assistant. The Visitor Information Assistant will serve as a primary contact with the public through several venues including over the phone, in-person, by e-mail, through the LTBMU website, and by mail. The Visitor Information Assistant will communicate information regarding Lake Tahoe Basin geographic features, recreation sites, hiking and recreation opportunities, and local Forest Service regulations to visitors. As well, the Visitor Information Assistant will issue and sell woodcutting, Christmas trees, wilderness, and fire permits. The Incline Village office also has a small gift area that sells interpretive association materials, such as books and Forest maps. Qualifications: o Demonstrated ability to work with minimal supervision; o Proven people skills; o Must be able to multi-task and work with a variety of staff members, volunteers, and young adults; and o Demonstrated ability to communicate orally and in writing. Compensation and Timeline: o Rate of Pay: $16.06/hour o One-year contract beginning on or before September 30, 2010 o 24 hours per week (8 hours/day Thursday, Friday, Saturday). Location: This part-time position works at the LTBMU office in Incline Village, NV. The position’s duties are primarily performed in an office setting with occasional visits to other indoor and outdoor environments. For a complete position description please visit How to Apply: Applicants should forward a cover letter, their résumé, and a list of three professional references to Bridget Walden, Great Basin Institute HR Coordinator at Please include where you found this position posted. Posted: 9/13/10.

Harvard University: Harvard Forest seeks an experienced Research Assistant II Lab to coordinate activities across 6 main labs including Nutrient Analysis, Soils, Tech Support/General Use, Plant Physiology, Paleoecology and Computer/General Use Labs with a variety of specialty equipment including: RO water system, gas delivery system, CN analyzer, Lachat Flow Injection Analyzer, ion chromatograph, fume and biosafety hoods, autoclave and pH meter. The research assistant reports to one of the Senior Ecologists. Duties: Environmental Health and Safety Officer; Lab Equipment and Supplies Coordinator; Coordinate lab activities; Act as primary point-of-contact for summer undergraduate research program (REU site); Conduct sample analyses; Data entry and processing. Qualifications: One to two years related work experience (relevant course work may count towards experience). Demonstrated abilities in laboratory techniques required. Exposure to applicable computer technologies, including specific software applications, is required. Appropriate communications skills required. Able to multi-task effectively, work independently to meet deadlines and trouble shoot difficulties. Knowledge of safe lab practices and hazardous waste compliance requirements preferred. Comfortable working with a variety of hazardous materials. Able to lift, move and transport relevant laboratory equipment. Enjoys working with people. Valid driver's license with clean driving record required. This is a two year position with strong possibility of long term funding. More information and Online Application. Posted: 1/21/11.

Hudsonia Ltd.: nonprofit scientific research institute is seeking a field biologist to fill a full-time position for carrying out habitat mapping projects, and conducting other biological field work in southeastern New York. Candidate must be familiar with northeastern U.S. botany, and have excellent writing skills. Other field biology knowledge (e.g., birds, herps, mammals, invertebrates), and experience with GIS and with stereoscopic aerial photointerpretation are strongly preferred. Responsibilities include map analysis and air photo interpretation for predicting habitats, GIS mapping, field habitat assessments and biological surveys, data management and analysis, writing reports and scientific papers, giving public presentations and educational workshops, and working with municipal agencies. Candidate must have good interpersonal skills, and be able to communicate well with landowners, public officials, and the general public. Candidate must be able to work independently on their own projects, and to work closely with other staff in a small organization. Candidate must have personal vehicle for travel to field sites, and be able to conduct field work alone on foot year-round. Send letter, resume, three scientific or technical writing samples, and names and contact information for at least three professional or academic references to: Gretchen Stevens, Hudsonia Ltd., PO Box 5000, Annandale, NY 12504, or e-mail to Closing date: 31 May 2011 or when position is filled. Posted: 5/24/11.

Idaho State University: Research Biologist. The Center for Ecological Research and Education (CERE) and the Department of Biological Sciences seeks a full-time research specialist to work in CERE, whose mission is to 1) facilitate individual research in environmental studies, and 2) provide a framework for collaborative, interdisciplinary teaching and research that is focused on ecological principles and problems. The position will involve a combination of lab and field work as well as administration. Half time of the position will be to coordinate, manage, run and maintain analytical instrumentation in the CERE and satellite laboratories. General lab tasks will include ordering supplies and maintaining instrumentation as well as training undergraduate and graduate students in research related tasks. The other half time of the position will be to coordinate instrumentation, collection, and chemical analysis of water, soil and vegetation samples from field sites initially in Arizona and also in Idaho, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Colorado. Other duties include collection and processing micrometeorological and environmental data, laboratory incubations and analysis of soil, resin, and water extracts on analytical instruments. Field research can be physically strenuous, including some long days outside in hot or cold conditions, and will involve some travel. Possible late hours may be associated with collection and processing. This position requires an independent, organized, and motivated individual with demonstrated research skills. The successful candidate will be someone genuinely excited by research with a strong desire to learn and ability to troubleshoot. Above all, the candidate must be personable and enthusiastic about working in a collaborative group environment. For additional information about the department or the position please feel free to contact Dr. Kathleen Lohse in the Department of Biological Sciences at Minimum Qualifications: -Driver license; BA/BS degree in ecology, hydrology, biology, chemistry or related field. Preferred Qualifications: -Firsthand experience with analytical instrumentation; coursework in soils, ecology, chemistry and experience in the field, instrumentation lab analytical techniques (automated spectrophotometry, high temperature combustion organic carbon and nitrogen analyzer and isotopes), and soil and water collections and methods. Application process: You must apply for the job through the HR job postings at ISU 1) Go to 2) Apply to job posting #2011089 3) You will need to upload a Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae or resume and list of references (3 names and contact information). Posted: 2/16/11.

Indiana University: We are seeking a highly-motivated individual to join our research team at Indiana University in investigating the influence of fire and invasion by Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) on nutrient cycling. The position is part of a broader research effort to better understand the interaction between fire and plant invasions in eastern forests (funded by the Joint Fire Science Program) and the degree to which plant-soil feedbacks contribute to the success of invasive species. The successful applicant will be expected to conduct field work in local forests (~15% of time), prepare and analyze plant tissue and soil samples in the lab (~70% of time), and help with data analysis and manuscript preparation (~15% of time). The research assistant will be mentored by Dr. Luke Flory and Dr. Richard Phillips. Successful applicants will gain experience in numerous biogeochemical and field sampling methods, be involved in data acquisition and analysis, and will collaboratively participate in manuscript preparation. Qualifications: M.S. or B.S. in ecology, environmental science or related field - completed by spring 2011. Experience with field ecology methods, soil sampling and soil/water analysis, and data organization/analysis is preferred. Employment duration: We are seeking an individual for full-time employment (~40 hr per week) for 1 full year starting in April or May 2011. Continued employment through July 2011 is possible but dependent on funding. Job Requirements: A willingness to conduct moderately physical activity in the field under adverse conditions (i.e. heat, high humidity, insects, etc.) is essential. The successful applicant will also need to have access to a reliable vehicle for fieldwork (mileage will be reimbursed). Salary: Compensation is $11-13/hour. Note: This position does not include benefits. We can assist with finding affordable housing in Bloomington. To apply: Please send an email to the address below which includes 1) a brief cover letter describing why you’re interested in the position, and 2) a resume that details pertinent courses (with grades) and the names and contact info of two references. Dr. Luke Flory ( Please include “Research Assistant” in the title of your email. Posted: 1/21/11, revised: 2/3/11.

Jones Ecological Research Center: Plant Ecology Lead Research Technician. The employee will assist primarily in conducting studies in plant ecology, e.g., biodiversity and restoration of longleaf pine and wetland ecosystems and rare plant biology. This job also entails participation in development of education and outreach programs in related areas of plant ecology. The 28,000-acre Jones Ecological Research Center is located approximately 30 miles south of Albany, Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. Duties: Coordination of all aspects of fieldwork relating to plant ecology studies; Includes implementation of field studies, scheduling, overseeing and participating in field data collection, supervision and training assistants, purchasing and inventorying equipment and supplies, and managing greenhouse studies. Documentation of techniques used in research projects, preparation and implementation of quality control and quality assurance procedures including data storage; Includes data management, initial data reduction and preliminary graphical analyses, performing summary statistics and other analyses as required. Curation of the herbarium collection; Includes specimen identification, specimen preparation, inventory, nomenclatural updates, documentation and pest control. Perform other related duties as required. Qualifications: M.S. degree in botany, forestry, plant ecology or a related field, with relevant research experience in plant ecological studies. Field experience, plant identification and data analysis skills essential. Compensation is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Also included is a competitive benefits package. Send a letter of application, resume, and three references to: Cindy Craft, Attn: Plant Ecology Lead Research Technician, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870-8522. (Fax # 229-734-4707; or preferably via email to: Specific questions regarding this position should be sent to Dr. Katherine Kirkman via email: or call 229-734-4706. Posted: 1/20/11.

Little Priest Tribal College: Environmental Science Instructor. Location: Winnebago, NE. This is a full-time teaching position. It is ideal for someone who loves to teach and who would like to live in a rural area with a rich cultural tradition. The successful candidate will become part of a small community of faculty and staff who are committed to providing a quality education for students seeking two-year degrees and/or who are going to be transferring to 4-year institutions. Duties: Teach up to 15 semester hours per semester with the potential to teach summer classes if desired. Teach basic and environmental science courses and develop curriculum in environmental science. Serve on college committees and engage with other faculty in work related to institutional self-study and continuous improvement. Qualifications: Master's degree in scientific field. Have ability to work with a diverse student body and be a team player. Be knowledgeable and experienced in environmental science, specifically in green energy alternatives. Knowledge and/or experience in wind and solar energy field desired. To apply: See Little Priest Tribal College Website and/or call 402-878-2380 and ask for the Personnel Director. Posted: 4/5/11.

Los Alamos National Laboratory:[all positions filled] Up to five postdoctoral positions and two technician positions at LANL and one postdoctoral position at the University of Montana are available to study the patterns and impacts of vegetation mortality on the terrestrial carbon cycle and climate forcing. The project is an interdisciplinary effort utilizing remote sensing, machine learning, field observations, ecosystem modeling, and climate modeling. The specific postdoctoral positions are focused on 1) remote sensing of vegetation using Quickbird, MODIS, and other platforms (one at LANL and one at U. of Montana), 2) machine learning and data mining of large, space-based and ground-based data sets (two positions), 3) terrestrial ecosystem modeling using the Ecosystem-Demography/Community Land Model (ED-CLM) and possibly other terrestrial ecosystem models, and 4) climate modeling. The technician positions may be focused on the machine learning and data mining efforts, though skilled, motivated individuals with a B.Sc. or M.Sc. will be considered for any of the above focal areas. In addition, technician positions can be converted to graduate student positions depending on interest. The successful applicants will work within an interdisciplinary team of staff members, postdocs and technicians linking LANL’s Earth and Environmental Science Division, the Climate-Ocean-Sea Ice Model group, and the International Space and Response Division. In addition, the positions will involve close collaboration with the Climate and Global Dynamics division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO and the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation group (NTSG) at the University of Montana. Required skills for Postdoctoral Fellowships include demonstrated ability to publish peer-reviewed papers, effective written and oral communication skills, willingness to work in a team environment, and a Ph.D. pending or received within the last five years. Required skills for technician positions may include experience with data mining or remote sensing, and a B.Sc. degree. A complete description of required and preferred skills for each specific position can be obtained by contacting Nate McDowell ( Candidates may be considered for a Director's Fellowship and outstanding candidates may be considered for the prestigious J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard P. Feynman or Frederick Reines Fellowships. For general information, see: postdoc fellowships at LANL. For more information or to apply please send a resume and a short statement of your future research goals to Nate McDowell ( Dr. Steve Running, Director of NTSG and project member, is attending ESA and is happy to address questions. Posted: 7/30/10.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center of the is seeking applicants for two full-time, year-round Research Assistants. This position is funded in part through federally funded grants in soil warming experiments at the Harvard Forest in central Massachusetts. These experiments are part of a long-term study investigating the effects of climate change on carbon and nitrogen cycling in a norther temperate forest. A new soil and air warming experiment is also fully operational. The Research Assistants will work on both the soil warming and air and soil warming experiments. Duties include on-site assistance in the operation and maintenance of a large air and soil warming experiment, which uses open-top chambers to study the effects of warming on various aspects of tree recruitment. Maintenance of two existing long term soil warming experiments, sampling of trace gases, soil, and vegetation for chemical analysis, laboratory analysis of samples, data management and analysis and participation in the writing of scientific papers. College graduate with a Bachelor’s (Research Assistant I) or Master’s (Research Assistant II) degree in Ecological science. Strong math and statistical skills, attention to detail, experience in independent research and coursework with laboratory and field components. Applicant must be comfortable with electric circuitry and be able to operate chemical analytical equipment including autoanalyzer, CHN analyzer and gas chromatograph. To apply, go to: For more information, contact Rose Smith, Posted: 4/12/11.

Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife: The Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program, Westborough, Massachusetts. NHESP, under DFW statutes and regulations is responsible for regulating impacts to rare species through the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. A contract position at Natural Heritage, NRCS Review Biologist, is open. This position will work with other Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program staff in providing the NRCS in Massachusetts with technical assistance to insure that actions authorized, funded or carried out by NRCS are not likely to jeopardize plant or animal species listed under the MA Endangered Species Act or adversely impact their critical habitat and to conduct landowner outreach to encourage participation in NRCS programs aimed at improving habitat quality and MESA-listed species protection. See the full posting. The application deadline is Monday, February 28th. Posted: 2/18/11.

Memorial University: A two-year research technician is available for a motivated individual interested in participating in research activities centered around understanding the impact of climate change on boreal forest carbon reservoirs. The successful applicant would participate in a project focused on exploiting the newly established Newfoundland and Labrador Boreal Ecosystem Latitudinal Transect (NL-BELT) with five sites located in western Newfoundland and southern Labrador. The project aims to determine to what extent increased microbial transformations of soil organic matter (SOM) and losses of relatively recalcitrant pools of SOM may occur with warming along a boreal forest transect. To isolate the potential impact of warming while maintaining an ability to apply the results to intact boreal forests, investigations of soils and the dissolved organic matter they produce will be conducted along the NL-BELT and combined with manipulative warming experiments to develop biogeochemical indicators of soil responses to increasing temperature. It is anticipated that this technician will work with graduate and undergraduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers in the laboratory. Duties will include laboratory and instrument maintenance, instrumental analyses, supply tracking and ordering, sample and data archiving, limited method development, and participation in laboratory group meetings to discuss results as well as the basic working of the laboratory as whole. Laboratory experience in wet chemical approaches such as total organic carbon and nitrogen, inorganic nutrients, and elemental analyses is required. Individuals with M.Sc. degrees in chemistry, geochemistry, environmental science or related fields are preferred as are those individuals with experience with water, soil or organic matter biogeochemistry, organic and/or stable isotope geochemistry. This technician position will be available as early as January 2011 through the Department of Earth Sciences. Please direct inquires or send applications, including letter of interest and curriculum vitae, to: Dr. Susan Ziegler, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL A1B 3X5, Canada. 709.864.2669, Posted: 11/23/10, revised: 2/22/11.

Miami University: Professional Staff Position at Miami University, Oxford OH. Institute for the Environment and Sustainability: (ten-month position) Outreach Coordinator to work in the Institute's Master of Environmental Science (MEn) degree program to coordinate the professional service projects of first-year students and their clients; facilitate internships/practica and employment opportunities of second-year students; provide program outreach to alumni and the public. Require: Master's degree in environmental science, policy, or related field; professional experience in the public or private sector outside of academics; strong leadership and organizational abilities; effective written and oral communication skills. Desire: Training in interdisciplinary teamwork and problem-solving approaches to environmental issues; three years of professional experience in government, public agencies, industry or nonprofit organizations. Send cover letter, curriculum vitae/resume and names and contact information for three references by email to Christine Ingham ( Contact phone number is 513/529-5812. Screening of applications begins June 21 and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 6/13/11.

Missouri Botanical Garden: The Research Specialist participates in ongoing field projects on the population dynamics of rare plants in the Midwest, restoration of federally endangered plant species, ex situ conservation of native plant species, germination ecology of rare plants, and effects of climate change on plants spatial distribution, utilizing varied techniques and resources. Conducts day-to-day activities, including seed-banking, experiments in growth chambers, and general laboratory maintenance, in CCSD’s Conservation Science Lab with or without direct supervision. Inputs, stores, and retrieves research data from research and conservation projects with rare and endangered plants. Helps prepare technical reports and scientific publications. Lectures to local conservation and school groups as appropriate. Qualifications include: * Bachelor’s degree in ecology, botany or related discipline required; Master’s degree preferred. * An equivalent combination of skills, education and experience may be considered. * Strong academic background and interest in one or more of the following fields: botany, ecology, or environmental science. * Minimum of 2+ years experience conducting field work for scientific experiments. * Strong technical skills; demonstrated ability to use MS Excel. * Solid experience with GPS navigation units and managing spatial data. * Prior course work in plant systematics/taxonomy, field botany and ecology. * Willingness and flexibility to travel for extended periods in the Midwest region. * Strong organizational skills and ability to effectively multi-task. * Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively at all levels and work with diverse teams. * Scheduling flexibility that allows occasionally working weekends, holidays and evenings. Applications: For more information please visit our website or contact the Recruiter: To be considered, applicants should apply on-line and submit a cover letter, CV, and a list of three references (including names and contact information) to before February 15, 2011. Recruiter: Tracy Breckenridge ( Posted: 2/1/11.

Mohave Community College: Science Faculty, Multiple Disciplines (5 positions). Full Time. Positions start August 1, 2011. All positions dependent on funding. There are five openings with the following focuses: Lake Havasu City: General biology and environmental science; Bullhead, Kingman, Lake Havasu City (1 position each location): Anatomy, physiology and microbiology; Distance Education campus (located in Kingman): Physical and environmental sciences. Although the faculty member will be teaching for our Distance Education campus, a physical presence within Mohave County is required. All full-time faculty members participate on councils, committees and are required to hold scheduled office hours and assist with advising during registration. More information. Application Due: 03/21/2011. Posted: 3/18/11.

Mystic River Watershed Association: The MyRWA is a volunteer based science and advocacy group that works to protect and restore the Mystic River, its tributaries and watershed lands for the benefit of present and future generations and to celebrate the value, importance and great beauty of these natural resources. MyRWA seeks an Assistant Watershed Scientist. MyRWA is looking for a dynamic, full-time employee to assist the Water Quality Monitoring Director and take over day to day management of the Mystic Monitoring Network (MMN), a volunteer water quality monitoring program. This is a three year grant funded position. Responsibilities: - Recruit, train, and evaluate volunteers for water quality monitoring - Assist in developing sampling plans to assess water quality conditions in the Mystic River watershed - Plan and coordinate water quality sampling events - Perform water quality sampling as needed - Input, process, and analyze water quality monitoring data - Meet with municipal, state, and federal officials to review sampling plans and results; facilitate working partnerships with these stakeholders to address problems and develop action plans - Assist with leading workshops and formal presentations for audiences of diverse backgrounds - Represent MyRWA at conferences, trainings, and member organization events - Participate in meetings with partner organizations relating to MyRWA’s monitoring program. Required Qualities: - Familiarity with water quality sampling procedures - Knowledge of water chemistry and microbiology - Strong analytical skills - Strong organizational skills, with ability to manage multiple projects with overlapping deadlines - Ability to work independently; self-starter - Knowledge of watershed science and associated environmental concerns - Strong ability to communicate effectively in writing, particularly technical data reports - Strong public speaking skills - Proficiency in PC-based computing, including Microsoft Office, database and mapping software a plus - Applicants must be able to occasionally work evenings, early mornings, and weekends - Reliable automobile transportation. Additional Preferred Qualities: - Familiarity with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Familiarity with the Mystic Watershed communities - At least one year of related work experience. Salary: Range of $30-34k plus benefits. Start Date: mid-August 2010. Application Procedure: Send a thoughtful cover letter and resume to Deadline: July 23rd. No phone calls please! Posted: 7/8/10.

National Academy of Sciences: Position: Science Writer Location: Corporate Headquarters - DC. Job Reqs #: 110110-7 and 110104-7Basic. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is the National Academy of Science's official peer-reviewed journal of original scientific research. Since the journal's establishment in 1914, it has published cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. Coverage in PNAS spans the biological, physical, and social sciences. The Science Writer will compose ~200 word lay-language summaries (i.e., press tips) of PNAS articles selected for press interest and will also write one sentence descriptions of other press interest papers. In addition, the writer will prepare ~200 word scientific summaries of research articles for online and print publication in "This Week in PNAS" (TWIP). On an occasional rush basis, the Science Writer will convert and rewrite press tips into TWIP summaries. The writer will be responsible for interviewing Academy members and other scientists for podcasts, question and answer-style interviews, and biographical profiles, which often accompany the member's inaugural article in PNAS. The Science Writer will liaise with the authors of summarized papers regarding revisions, artwork, media contact information, embargoes, and related issues, and will write, edit, and create new media pieces as needed for online and print publication. Additional responsibilities will include editing author summaries submitted with PNAS Plus manuscripts, copyediting other documents as needed, assisting with the preparation of Web content, answering queries from authors/reporters/press officers, providing back-up assistance with the duties of other media staff, and assisting with other projects as needed. Requirements: Bachelor's degree in a scientific field and professional writing experience. A minimum of 2 years of experience writing about complex scientific topics for a variety of audiences, ranging from the general public to scientists. The Science Writer should have a demonstrated ability to work under tight deadlines, respond to editorial comments, and interview scientists. Familiarity with podcasting, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, and audio editing software is a plus. Additional education in the physical or earth sciences, such as a MS or PhD, is desired. APPLY ONLINE. Please address cover letters to Ann Griswold, Media and Communications Manager. Posted: 6/23/11.

National Audubon Society: Description : Seeking a full time Field Technician (Aquatic/Wetlands Ecology) to assist with community ecology research (field, laboratory, and office duties) in SW Florida. This research office, located at Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, supports an active research program focusing on ecological and natural resource management-oriented issues throughout Southwest Florida. Primary responsibility will be assisting with an aquatic fauna monitoring project in Big Cypress National Preserve. A significant portion of time will also be spent assisting with natural resource management (controlled burns, exotic plant control) and other research projects at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary (i.e., aerial bird counts, nesting surveys, habitat restoration). Assistance with other research projects may involve travel in helicopters and small, fixed-wing aircraft. Field sampling requires long hours in the field exposed to the harsh South Florida environment (applicants may sometimes work alone in this very difficult habitat). Laboratory and office duties include processing (sorting, identifying, measuring, preserving, cataloging) fish and macroinvertebrates in the laboratory and entering data into databases. Applicant will also be responsible for maintenance of vehicles (trucks and ATV) and all field gear, assisting with site preparation and construction (as needed), and participating in group projects to maintain the base facility and improve operations. Location : Naples, FL Salary : $30k. Qualifications: This job requires knowledge of wetland ecosystems and a firm understanding and respect of the scientific method. A minimum of a B.S. in biology or a related discipline is required. Physical abilities including tolerance for and ability to work diligently in harsh field conditions (Florida sun, heat, biting insects, and wading in water/mud), with the recognition, understanding, and willingness to deal with the possibility of swimming or wading in murky water that serves as the home for potentially dangerous wildlife (i.e., alligators and venomous snakes). The applicant must be in good physical condition and anticipate the demands of each field trip to avoid dehydration, sunburn, insect bites, and injury. Computer experience and familiarity with spreadsheet and database programs are required. Highly desirable experience includes: maintaining and repairing mechanical equipment (trucks, ATVs, etc.) and field experience in Big Cypress, the Everglades, or other subtropical wetlands. Applicant must be able to secure a Florida drivers license. To Apply: Please send cover letter, resume and at least three professional references to Dr. Shawn Liston ( no later than 08/01/2010 – no phone calls please. Start Date: 09/13/2010. Posted: 7/9/10.

National Ecological Observatory Network. The Groundwater Hydrologist will be part of the Aquatic Team that is responsible for developing a national program to assess physical, chemical, and biological changes in streams and lakes over 30 years. The Hydrologist will design groundwater wells for water quality monitoring; oversee well construction and sensor installation; review/revise science measurements; document field procedures; document data product procedures; train personnel; and perform data QA/QC in order to produce high quality data products for the research, education, and decision making communities. For details, see Groundwater Hydrologist. Review of applications will begin 15 June 2011. Posted: 5/25/11.

NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center: Effects of Coastal Hypoxia on Fish and Fisheries in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Support is available for a full-time research assistant to participate in a project addressing the ecological and economic effects of hypoxia on fisheries in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The project is in collaboration with researchers at the National Marine Fisheries Service Beaufort and Galveston labs, and in the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. We seek a candidate with interests at the interface of ecology, fisheries, and marine policy who has experience with GIS, modeling, and/or statistical analysis of large datasets. There is also the opportunity to participate in field efforts in the Gulf, present results at scientific meetings and author manuscripts, and interact with other researchers in the region. Minimum qualifications include a M.S. degree in ecology, fisheries, statistics, or a related field. Strong quantitative skills, including experience with ArcGis and R (or comparable statistical packages), are highly desired. The successful candidate should be motivated and capable of working independently as well as within a group of interdisciplinary scientists. The successful candidate will be located at the NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center Beaufort lab in Beaufort, North Carolina. This area is home to three university marine labs (Duke, NC State, and UNC-Chapel Hill) and the headquarters of the NC Division of Marine Fisheries. Some travel to the Gulf and the nearby Raleigh-Durham area is required. Salary is $32-37k commensurate with qualifications and experience. To apply please electronically submit a cover letter describing your interest in the position, a CV, and the names and contact information for three references to Kevin Craig ( Inquiries welcome. Start date is flexible but ideally summer or fall 2011. Posted: 4/18/11.

National Ecological Observatory Network: The CVAL and Biology Research Technician works in the Calibration, Validation, and Audit Laboratory (CVAL). The CVAL audit lab is responsible for the auditing of external analytical laboratories for soil, vegetation and invertebrate samples analysis. Reporting to the Manager of Cal/Val Lab, the CVAL and Biology Research Technician will provide support in developing, process testing, and maintaining of the CVAL audit laboratory. In addition, the Technician will work with the CVAL team to perform environmental sensor calibrations and validations. For more information and to apply see Posted: 5/31/11.

National Park Service: The NPS Northeast Temperate Network (NETN) is pleased to announce a term, GS-9, assistant data manager position; applications will be accepted until October 15. Term positions are renewed annually for up to four years, and include health and other benefits. This position will be based in Woodstock, Vermont. The duties will be divided evenly between assisting the NETN Data Manager and coastal climate change monitoring tasks being coordinated by the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network (NCBN), NETN, and National Capital Region Network (NCRN). The incumbent will work closely with network data managers, park resource managers, scientists, GIS specialists, and cooperating personnel to assist in the design, development, and management of database systems for the long-term maintenance, analysis and dissemination of natural resource-related data sets produced by past and forthcoming inventory and monitoring efforts. The successful applicant will possess strong computer skills. To apply or for full details, use this link to access the full job description. Questions can be directed to Adam Kozlowski, NETN Data Manager,, 802-457-3368 x40. Closes: 10/15/10. Posted: 9/29/10.

National Park Service: Riparian Crew Leader - permanent GS-7 STF, Northern Colorado Plateau Network, NPS Inventory & Monitoring. Moab, UT - travel to CO, UT, WY. Closing Date: 8 Oct 2010. This position will act as a crew leader for integrated riparian and invasive plant monitoring in national parks on the Colorado Plateau. The incumbent will supervise 2-4 seasonal, intern and volunteer staff in remote backcountry locations. Primary technical duties include identifying riparian plant species by scientific name, mapping invasive plant species, and conducting geomorphology surveys using a total station. The crew leader is based out of Moab, UT. This position works eight 10-hour days followed by 6 days off and requires constant travel to parks within Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. The anticipated field season is April through October, with some office work at the beginning and end of each season. We are advertising for both a biological science technician (plants specialty) and physical science technician (fluvial geomorphology specialty), but only one position will be hired. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply. To view the announcement, go to and search for the following announcement numbers: Biological science technician - IMDE-10-254, Physical science technician - IMDE-10-256. Posted: 9/24/10.

Nature's Capital: Ecologist/Botanist. A small business located in Boise, Idaho, our mission is to assist in the maintenance and enhancement of the natural capital found in biological and physical resources. We provide scientifically sound, high quality vegetation inventory and assessment information and management recommendations founded in knowledge of ecosystem processes and functions. This is a leadership position with responsibility for project oversight and worker supervision. The Ecologist/Botanist will collect, summarize and analyze data on the ecology of forest, shrubland, and grassland vegetation or rare plant species. The incumbent will conduct ecological field inventories and assess vegetation condition and quality. Duties include making observations and recording data on plant species composition, stand structure and environmental factors influencing the distribution of plant communities or species. Duties may include recording, summarizing and proofreading technical information; use of word processing, spreadsheet, database or GIS software; and interpreting spatial imagery or other technical map products. The position will require experience in back country travel; use of basic tools such as a field compass, topographic map, clinometer, altimeter and global positioning systems; and operation of motor vehicles on unimproved roadways. Work activities require ability to walk for several hours in rugged terrain and work in extreme weather conditions. Work schedules will require overnight travel and primitive camping in remote locations. Qualifications: A bachelor's degree in botany, ecology, forestry, range or a related field; one year graduate level education; and one year of work experience; or a bachelor's degree and an equivalent combination of work experience and education. Work experience should demonstrate knowledge of a regional flora and ability to complete tasks outlined in the position description, for example: experience identifying plants using a taxonomical key; sampling vegetation using standard plant ecology, common stand examination, ecological site inventory, or habitat assessment methods; rare plant or noxious weed surveys; or habitat and population monitoring methods. Back country experience may be documented through work history or recreational activities such as hiking, skiing, or mountaineering. To apply, please send a current resume as an email attachment to Include the job title in the subject line. Please provide contact information for individuals with knowledge of your experience and capabilities. Hiring decisions are planned on or before April 24, 2011. Posted: 4/18/11.

NatureServe: NatureServe, an international nonprofit conservation organization, seeks a Research Botanist to join its team of scientists. This is a full-time position located in Arlington, Virginia just outside Washington, D.C. The Research Botanist assesses and reviews the conservation status of rare North American plants and contributes to diverse projects and analyses that use this information to influence conservation decisions. Frequent clients/partners include U.S. and Canadian Federal land management agencies, as well as more local conservation groups and university-based conservation researchers. The ideal candidate will have a M.S. in botany or in biology/ecology with a botanical emphasis, at least one year of experience working in a botanical field, a working knowledge of some portion of the North American flora, knowledge of systematic concepts, and excellent research and communication skills. If you would like to pursue a career in plant conservation that makes a tangible difference, please go to for detailed information about this job, the organization, and how to apply. Posted: 10/27/09, revised: 6/1/10.

New England Complex Systems Institute: Student/Predoctoral Researcher Positions. We offer funding for college graduates who would like to engage in a year or two of research before beginning a PhD program. Students with a background in physics, mathematics and computers science, who are interested in becoming complex systems science researchers, particularly in social and economic topics are particularly encouraged to apply. To apply please visit: Posted: 2/16/11.

New Mexico State University: Research Assistant Professor/GIS Landscape Ecology, Jornada Experimental Range. Master's degree (in hand by hire date) in biology or closely related field and 6 years of experience in GIS remote sensing, botany and forest landscape ecology. Position will require some travel. Position is contingent upon funding. Review of applications will begin 3/28/11. Applications received after this date may be considered. For complete job description, qualifications and application process, visit: Requisition #2011002005. Posted: 3/22/11.

New Mexico State University: The Jornada Experimental Range is looking for a creative, ambitious rangeland ecologist to assist in development and implementation of rangeland monitoring and assessment projects/tools and outreach to public and private partners. This is full-time position located in Las Cruces, NM. Duties of the position include: - Develop training materials (manual, videos, instructor-led and online courses, wiki pages) and programs for rangeland monitoring and assessment and lead training workshops and seminars for public and private audiences. - Work with Jornada staff and external cooperators to create and update information sources for ecosystem monitoring and assessment and web-based tools for data synthesis, analysis, and visualization. - Work with an interdisciplinary team of managers, researchers, and programmers to integrate existing tools and develop new tools for collection, storage, analysis, and visualization of ecosystem monitoring and assessment data. - Assist Jornada staff in designing monitoring and assessment programs, work with federal land management agencies to implement these programs, and help in the analysis and reporting of results. - Use GIS, statistical, and visualization software packages to analyze and present results from monitoring and assessment data. See the full position description for application instructions. Contact Jason Karl (, 575-646-7015) with questions. Posted: 11/12/10.

North Carolina State University: A full-time technician position is available immediately in the Department of Plant Biology at North Carolina State University to participate in a study of fire impacts in longleaf pine savannas and adjacent wetlands. Duties will be varied and will include monitoring of plant population dynamics, measurement of environmental variables, vegetation mapping, setup and maintenance of data loggers, assisting with field ecophysiological measurements, analyses of carbohydrate content of plant tissues, and database maintenance. A bachelor's degree in biology, environmental science or related field is required, but a master's degree is preferred. Experience with GIS or plant ecophysiology is beneficial. The position is funded for 3.5 years, with possibility of extension, contingent on funding. Annual salary is $33k plus health and retirement benefits. For full consideration, apply by April 28, 2011. To apply go to and search for position number 62135. William (Bill) A. Hoffmann (919-513-7668, Posted: 4/21/11.

North Carolina State University: A research assistant position is available immediately within the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University to conduct research on the development of short-rotation cropping systems for bioenergy plantations. The work will be conducted at two field labs in the Piedmont and lower coastal plain physiographic regions of North Carolina. Emphasis will be placed on quantifying above- and belowground productivity and the environmental consequences of intensive, short rotation cropping for soil nutrients, carbon, and water. The successful candidate will have a background in plant physiology, forestry, ecology, or related field, be willing to perform field work and help maintain the experiment, and have a solid work ethic. Interested persons should contact Dr. John S. King ( Qualifications: The successful candidate will have a B.S. or M.S. in forestry, forest ecophysiology, or related field. Experience in a forestry-related field is advantageous, as is experience in tree physiology measurements, carbon and nutrient cycling studies, and soils. To view the full position description and apply: complete an online EPA profile at and attach your complete CV, transcripts, contact information for three references. Posted: 11/8/10.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Postgraduate Researcher in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analysis. The Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) at ORNL has several openings for research associate positions beginning immediately. These positions involve the use of geographic information systems in modeling studies for carbon cycle, climate, hydrology, and ecological impacts. More details. Posted: 11/11/10.

Ocean Genome Legacy, Inc.: Biological Collections Data Specialist (Job Code: OGL-ICBG-EL). The Ocean Genome Legacy Laboratory for Marine Genomic Research seeks a Biological Collections Data Specialist to participate in data management associated with its Philippine Mollusk Symbiont-International Cooperative Biodiversity Group (PMS-ICBG) and to participate in operation of the Ocean Genome Resource DNA and Tissue Repository (OGR). The position will be part-time initially (20-30 hours per week), but may lead to a full-time position in the future. We are seeking an employee with exceptional organizational and communication skills, a strong background in molecular biology, and who pays strong attention to detail and has the desire and ability to work well in a collaborative group setting. The position is available immediately and offers exciting opportunities for organizational development, competitive compensation, and the potential for advancement within an academically oriented non-profit research institution. The successful applicant will have primary responsibility for managing, developing, maintaining, curating, and updating metadata and bioinformatic data associated with our PMS-ICBG project. There is a real opportunity for creativity with this position as key aspects include an interest and ability to develop a bioinformatics component for the project (e.g., analyzing and tracking genome sequence data); and an opportunity to work with a large, diverse group of project participants to ensure a complete and up-to-date dataset that is useful for project participants and for bi-annual project reporting. Fieldwork in the Philippines (1-2 trips per year) and occasional domestic travel for meetings are possible, as well as occasional travel to obtain additional specimens for the Ocean Genome Resource (OGR) public biorepository. Currently, OGL is planning trips to Australia (1-3 weeks) and Florida (1 week) to subsample extensive museum collections. The timeline for these trips is very flexible. Applicants should meet the following basic requirements: • BS, MS or PhD in Biology, Microbiology, Marine Biology or related field • Coursework in molecular biology and taxonomy • Laboratory experience including genomic material handling and storage • Demonstrated expertise in database design and management; FileMaker Pro a plus. • Field collection experience and/or collections management experience. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV/resume (including publications, if applicable), and contact information for at least three references by email to (referencing job code OGL-ICBG-EL in the subject line) or by regular mail to the address below. Please direct all inquiries to: Daniel L. Distel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Ocean Genome Legacy, 240 County Rd., Ipswich, MA 01938 Posted: 5/4/11.

Ohio State University: The Aquatic Ecology Laboratory is seeking a full-time Research Assistant for at least two (2) years to support a research project designed to help the Ohio Division of Wildlife understand how historical changes in the lower food web and environmental conditions have influenced Lake Erie's fish community. This research project will primarily be laboratory-based, with some limited opportunities to do field work. Duties will include enumerating phytoplankton and zooplankton samples, coordinating project activities (e.g., overseeing sample processing, managing and analyzing large historical Access and Excel databases, helping write project reports and possibly manuscripts), and supervising the activities of other research and undergraduate technicians. The incumbent would join a dynamic, interactive group of faculty, post-docs, visiting scholars, and students at OSU's Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, which is housed within the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology. Qualifications: Applicants must 1) have completed a bachelor's degree in a biological science or related field, 2) be self-motivated and capable of working both independently and as part of a team, 3) have an ability to use a microscope for extended periods for identification and enumeration of phytoplankton and zooplankton, and 4) be proficient with Microsoft Office (especially Excel and Word). While not required, we desire candidates with a Master's degree, experience conducting independent research, or a strong quantitative background. Expertise GIS mapping, MS Access, and/or computer programming would provide the incumbent greater ability to utilize his/her skills and conduct independent research. Salary & Benefits: $12.50 - $14.50 per hour, depending on experience, with a comprehensive health and retirement benefits package. Other benefits include flexible scheduling, employee tuition benefits, and opportunities to conduct collaborative and/or independent research. Closing Date: July 1, 2011, or until filled, with an ideal start date during summer 2011. How to apply: Send a cover letter, resume (or CV), unofficial copies of college transcript(s), and contact information for three (3) references electronically to Ruth Briland ( Posted: 6/16/11.

Oregon State University: The Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society invites applications for a full-time, 12-month, fixed-term Faculty Research Assistant (FRA) for the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Long Term Ecological Research program. This FRA contributes to long term research at the Andrews Forest by applying expertise in field deployed sensors and dataloggers, management of streaming, real- time climatic and hydrologic data, as well as technical support of wireless communications and local area computer networks. See posting number 0007205 at Oregon State University Jobs for more information and to apply. For further questions about the position, contact Dr. Mark Schulze (541-822-6336 or Closing Date: June 30, 2011; please apply by June 10th for full consideration. Posted: 5/12/11.

Oregon State University: Faculty Research Assistant. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position. This research position is with the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing in Ecology (LARSE) and the Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping, and Analysis (LEMMA) team, in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society. The position provides support for three related projects, including one developing and validating maps of forest change for the conterminous US (the North American Forest Dynamics Project), and two linking forest change mapping with Gradient Nearest Neighbor (GNN) modeling to map vegetation conditions through time across Washington, Oregon, and California. The research is multifaceted, and involves determination of forest and other land cover conditions photo-interpreted from dense Landsat time series and historic airphotos for the purpose of informing and validating forest change maps and conducting outlier analysis of forest inventory plots for use in gradient modeling. Gathering and interpreting of additional ancillary change data will support image interpretations and review of field measured vegetation attributes. Analyses will require multivariate statistics, computer script writing, data management and documentation, and presentation of results. The employee will also provide support for LARSE management. For review of the full position announcement, or to apply: Posting #0007220. For additional information on the position, contact Maureen Duane (541-758-8754 or Applicants will be required to upload the following documents when applying: 1) letter of application with statement of interest, addressing how the applicant's experience and skills specifically match the required and preferred qualifications 2) vita (resume) 3) unofficial copies of transcripts, and 4) names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three references (if not addressed in the Resume/Vita, upload to Other Document) by May 13, 2011. Posted: 5/3/11.

Oregon State University: Faculty Research Assistant, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position. This position provides programming, database management, and data analysis services in support of a project that investigates trends in vegetation biomass over time in relation to field-recorded and remote sensing-detected disturbances in western forests. The position is responsible for assisting the PI and fellow investigators by contributing to database construction, data quality control, programming to compile, compare, and analyze data from different sources, comparison of field-collected and satellite-derived results, and documentation. For review of the full position announcement, or to apply: and posting #0006619. For additional information on the position, contact Dr. Andrew Gray (541-750-7252 or or Dr. Vicente Monleon (541-750-7299 or You will be required to upload the following documents when applying: 1) letter of application with statement of interest (upload to Cover Letter, 2) vita (resume)(upload to Resume/Vita), 3) unofficial copies of transcripts (upload to Transcripts), and 4) names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three references (upload to Other Document) by December 23, 2010. For questions regarding the application process, contact Jeannette Harper at or 541-737-6554. Posted: 11/30/10.

Oregon State University: Faculty Research Assistant in Silviculture/Forest Ecology, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position. This position will coordinate implementation of study plans for cooperative research with the US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, examining the integrated effects of forest management treatments and climate variation on forest vegetation, stream habitats, and headwater amphibians in western Oregon. Duties: Data management and analysis -- Will develop and manage complex data sets, perform statistical analysis of the data, including multivariate analysis using management programs such as Access, SAS, PC-ORD. Field sampling/supervision -- Will collect data from field sites, developing proper experimental designs to accomplish research results. Will supervise two temporary/student workers to accomplish this work. Laboratory -- Will prepare samples to enable accurate sample measurements. Preparation of progress reports, publications for appropriate peer-review journals, and give presentations of research results at workshops and meetings Qualifications: MS in Forestry, Forest Ecology or related discipline at time of employment. Able to meet eligibility requirement for work in the United States by the time the appointment is scheduled to begin. Demonstrated experience in forestry and statistical analysis of ecological field studies. Familiarity with silviculture, experimental design, basic forest mensuration tools and techniques, GIS, ecophysiology, and flora sampling. Demonstrated familiarity with linkages between forest vegetation and wildlife habitat suitability. Demonstrated experience with database development and management of complex data sets. Demonstrated experience with statistical analysis, includingmultivariate analysis. Demonstrated experience with statistical and database management programs (preferably Access, SAS, PC-ORD). Ability to work independently, utilize library resources, and communicate results in the form of presentations and publications. Demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhanc! ing diversity. Physically able to do fieldwork in steep terrain under adverse conditions, often while lifting and carrying up to 40 pounds. Demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity. Preferred Qualifications: Familiarity with Oregon's forests. A demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity is: A preferred qualification. For review of the full position announcement, or to apply: and posting #0005928. For additional information, contact Dr. Klaus Puettmann (tel. 541-737-8974, email You will be required to upload the following documents when applying: 1) letter of application with statement of interest, 2) vita (resume), 3) examples of your publications, 4) unofficial copies of transcripts, and 5) names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by August 1, 2010. For questions regarding the application process, email Jeannette Harper at or phone 541-737-6554. Posted: 7/12/10.

QinetiQ: The ecologist / wildlife biologist position, in support of Fort Irwin. The position is about 50% field work/50% office work. You will be working with some combination of the following organisms: desert tortoise, bighorn sheep, migratory birds, Mojave fringe-toed lizards, nuisance animals (coyotes, ravens), and rare plants (a milkvetch, desert cymopterus). A mater's degree is prefered but work experience can substitute for this. You would write and perform surveys and possibly write management plans. A knowledge of or familiarity with with the NEPA process and the ESA is a plus, as well as a familiarity with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This is a permanent, full-time position (with overtime possibility) that starts immediately. You will be working closely with military and government officials and an ability to pass a background check is a must. Unfortunately, I believe we can only hire US citizens because of this. This is a great mid-level position for someone who has done years of temporary work or recently finished an MA/MS. Be prepared to send long days in the heat (or cold in the winter) of the Mojave desert, doing brisk walking and hiking. We would also really love someone with an expert eye for bird idenfitication (not a must, just a plus). Please include the following with your e-mail (updated): -a current resume, -a cover letter, -a writing sample, -transcripts. Send your resume to either and I will forward it. Or send it directly to the hiring manager, Kevin Hurrell ( If you send it directly to Mr. Hurrel, please mention my name (Kurt) and that you saw the post on Ecolog. If you already applied and did not include everything requested, you can e-mail it to me or wait until our hiring manager contacts you. Posted: 9/16/10, revised: 9/23/10.

Red Rocks Community College: Water Quality Management Faculty. Location: Lakewood, CO. Full Time, Position #: RRCC 300005, Salary: $40-42k per year. Apply by: March 18, 2011. Start Date: August 15, 2011. Responsibilities: Teach using traditional and alternative methods of instruction (on-line, self-directed, learning communities, etc.). Participate in assessment and use data to improve student learning. Maintain full-time faculty load. Coordinate with other faculty in curriculum planning, development, delivery and review. Advise students. Hold office hours. Assume department duties as needed. Participate in department, division and college-wide professional development activities and committees. Fulfill the teaching, professional development and service obligations of full-time faculty. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Biology, Chemistry or Environmental Sciences and minimum 4-5 years experience in the water, wastewater industry. Possess or meet the qualifications for a Post-secondary teaching credential in WQM. Preferred Qualifications: Community college or similar teaching experience. Strong commitment to the community college philosophy. Teaching experience that demonstrates knowledge of a variety of innovative teaching strategies Red Rocks supports the following attributes: Mission-oriented with the ability to translate the College's vision and strategy in job behaviors and actions. Innovative and resourceful problem solving. Ability to adapt rapidly to changing situations. Service-oriented and approachable by others. Values learning opportunities, such as service learning, internships and international education. Diversity-sensitive enjoying and honoring the differences of others. Willing to invest time with others to ensure their success. Quality-sensitive, continuously striving to exceed the expectations of others. Willing to take risks. Growth oriented, seeking out new opportunities for learning to improve job performance. Believes the collective strength of an organization is founded in the individual uniqueness of each of its members. Red Rocks Community College serves over 13,000 students annually from throughout Colorado, the U.S. and around the world. Red Rocks has campuses in Lakewood and Arvada. Application: A cover letter, resume, application and transcripts are all required to apply for this position. Interested applicants can apply online or can submit hard copies of these documents. The application is available at Documents may be emailed to or mailed to: Red Rocks Community College, 13300 W. Sixth Avenue, Campus Box 17, Lakewood, CO 80228-1255. Phone: 303-914-6570, FAX: 303-914-6800. Posted: 2/24/11.

Rice University: I will be hiring one laboratory technician to begin August 2011 or sooner. The minimum commitment for this position is one year; longer is possible. A Bachelor’s degree in Biology or relevant sub-discipline is required. Salary is $13.50/hour and benefits are included. The technician will be responsible for managing ecological experiments involving plants and insects in the laboratory and greenhouse, as well as maintenance of plant and insect populations. Some field work will also be required. The appointment will be 40 hours/week, and this may include evenings and/or weekends as experiments demand. The technician will be the immediate supervisor of undergraduates working in the lab, so strong communication and leadership abilities are essential. This position is ideal for a recent college graduate considering graduate school in ecology and evolution and looking to gain more experience. The technician will be involved in all stages of the research process, will be encouraged to develop independent projects related to research in the lab, and will have opportunities to co-author papers. Desirable experience and skills: - strong quantitative skills, including experimental design, statistics, and mathematics - programming skills (ideally R) - GIS knowledge - basic molecular techniques (DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis). To apply, please submit the following to (1) a statement describing your interest in the position and how it relates to your long-term career goals, (2) CV, (3) college transcripts (need not be formal reports), and (4) contact information (name, institution, email, and phone) for two references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis (open immediately), but no later than May 6, 2011. Please contact me ( if you would like additional information. Posted: 3/24/11.

Rice University: The Rudolf lab is looking for a technician, effective immediately (position open until filled). Duties will include both labwork and fieldwork on two separate projects in community ecology that examine 1) the role of functional diversity for ecosystem functioning and 2) the impact of global climate change on community dynamics and ecosystems processes. Candidates should have B.A./B.S. in biology and some hands-on field and/or lab experience. Training will be provided, but experience with working in aquatic systems is a bonus. The position is classified as full-time, temporary (6-24 months). This position would be an excellent fit for someone planning on graduate study in ecology & evolutionary biology, as there will be the opportunity to gain experience in a number of research areas and to co-author papers. Please send a resume and contact information for three references by email ( or by post (V. Rudolf, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, MS 170, Rice University, Houston TX, 77005). Posted: 11/12/10.

Riveredge Nature Center invites applications for a full-time Senior Naturalist who is the Center's principal educator, scientist and naturalist, and is responsible for (1) planning and delivering innovative environmental-education programs for people of all ages, and (2) supervision and coordination of sanctuary management and research programs. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, statements of their teaching and land-management philosophy, as well as three letters of reference by April 1, 2011 to: Patrick Boyle, Executive Director, Riveredge Nature Center, P.O. Box 26 Newburg, WI 53060-0026, Phone: 262-675-6888. Posted: 2/18/11.

Saint Mary's University: We are seeking highly motivated PhD/MSc students for graduate work on the ecosystem functioning of green roofs. Green roofs are constructed ecosystems that provide a variety of services that are greatly affected by plant species composition. We are examining green roofs from the perspective of biodiversity/ecosystem functioning theory. Potential projects could include prediction of green roof performance from plant traits, invasibility of roof plant communities, coexistence mechanisms, and mechanisms of overyielding in green roof ecosystem performance. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in at least one of the following or a related field: community ecology, ecosystem ecology, soil ecology, plant ecophysiology. Applicants should be interested in ecological theory and have strong quantitative skills. Please contact Dr. Jeremy Lundholm for more details. Posted: 11/15/10.

San Diego State University: We seek a research technician with expertise in elasmobranch demography, fisheries management and bycatch, and strong database skills, to join a team of scientists working on project that will develop tools for estimating population impacts of fisheries bycatch and sustainable limits of incidental mortality for data-poor marine wildlife. Project duration is at least 18 months, beginning *as soon as possible.* The position will be located in San Diego. The technician will work in Dr. Rebecca Lewison’s lab at San Diego State University and will work closely with scientists at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) in La Jolla. Primary duties of the position include: • conducting extensive literature search to assemble life history and fisheries-related information for elasmobranchs, seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals • developing and managing a large database of this information • participating in several large workshops (mostly at SWFSC) as part of a working group of scientists, managers and policy experts, to devise a set of best practices and decision algorithm for setting appropriate bycatch thresholds in multiple types of fisheries (US and foreign). Ideal qualifications include: • Completion of a MSc degree with preferred emphasis on marine population dynamics/demography, elasmobranch life history, and/or fisheries bycatch of large marine vertebrates • Experience designing, constructing, and managing databases in software such as MS Access or SQL. Salary rate is $37k per year plus full benefits (health insurance, vacation, etc). To apply, please send a CV and cover letter to Jeff Moore ( and Rebecca Lewison ( *and* submit an application online at for Job #110077. Review of applications will begin immediately. Close date: 5/31/11. For questions about the position contact Jeff Moore ( or Rebecca Lewison ( For technical issues with the online application process, please contact Kristin Touchet at Posted: 5/4/11.

Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation: Full Time Research Associate. Starting date ASAP. Applications will be accepted immediately and continue until the position is filled. Annual Salary: Commensurate with experience, includes full benefits and other support. The Marine Laboratory at the SCCF has an immediate opening for a research associate with a background in marine or estuarine ecology, with experience working with invertebrates (especially shellfish) and vertebrates. The successful candidate will conducting field work related to intertidal oyster habitat, water quality and other critical habitats. Strong preference will be given to candidates with an M.S. in environmental, marine or ecological sciences. Existing scientific diving experience (AAUS or similar) also a plus. The individual will work closely with senior lab staff and its collaborators in the planning, execution (field sampling and related lab analyses), interpretation of results, and associated reporting. Prior field work experience, including small boat operation and trailering (<23') boats required. The successful candidate should have excellent written and oral skills (presentations at scientific meetings, publications, etc.), be able to work independently, be proficient in the use of software including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and graphical (e.g., SigmaPlot, Surfer) and statistical (e.g., SPSS, SYSTAT, JMP, Primer) software. Prior experience supervising others will also be critical. He or she should be able also to create and follow QA/QC protocols (to insure all partners using identical methods), have experience with species keys, shellfish and associated terminology Education and Experience Requirements: The position requires a B.S. (with extensive experience) or an M.S (qualifications above. The candidate will also assist with this and other lab projects (e.g., monitoring marine habitats, collection of water quality data, and work with lab staff). Applications will be accepted starting immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please send a detailed CV detailing your educational background and experience, as well contact information for two references (required) ASAP to Dr. Loren D. Coen, Director, 239-395-3115 direct #, 239-395-4616 fax 239-395-4617 general #, Posted: 1/7/11.

Society for Conservation Biology: The SCB announces the establishment of the Jordan Policy Fellowship to assist the Policy Director in participating in the United States policy process and empowering SCB membership by helping them influence the policy process. The Policy Fellow will assist the Director in bringing the principles and findings of natural resource conservation science more fully into natural resource conservation law and policy, and in turn help scientists understand and affect the policy process for the advancement of conservation. The initial tenure of the Fellowship is one year, with successful performance leading to the opportunity for an additional year extension, based on an evaluation of the previous year’s work. Deadline for applying is May 20th. Description and applications procedure are available at: Posted: 5/9/11.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Researcher II Position: Ecological Analytical Lab Manager. The Department of Plant Biology & Center for Ecology invites applications for a 24-month technical and supervisory position for two years, renewability dependent upon availability of funding. Responsibilities include assisting with the development and further managing a new central facility for chemical and biogeochemical analyses of environmental samples. Management of the facility will include running and maintaining analytical equipment (i.e., autoanalyzer, microbalance, multiple gas chromatographs, and new equipment dedicated to the core facility), purchasing supplies, overseeing student workers, coordinating sample processing for multiple projects, and upholding laboratory compliance procedures and records. Qualifications: Earned MS in an environmental discipline and post-MS employment in a chemistry and/or biogeochemistry analytical laboratory. Effective Date of Appointment: ASAP. Application Deadline: July 1, 2011 or until filled. Application Procedure: Applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to Sara G. Baer ( Posted: 6/29/11.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Research Technician. The Department of Forestry, invites applications for a full time professional researcher position on a funded project assessing soil and water quality associated with cover crops and tillage practices in agricultural watersheds near Decatur, Illinois. The position will involve: independent field work, supervision and direction of field teams of graduate and undergraduate students, database management, soil quality analysis, water quality analysis, and helping to manage a water quality laboratory. The position requires significant overnight travel and field work in all weather conditions; must maintain a valid driver’s license. Qualifications (Required): M.S. or B.S./B.A. degree with equivalent experience in Forestry, Soil Science/Agronomy, Environmental Science, Hydrology, or a related discipline. (Preferred): Experience in soil quality characterization, surface and ground water quality monitoring, hydrologic assessments, and geographic information systems. This is a 12 month grant-funded position and could be extended dependent upon funding availability and workload needs for at least 6 years. Application deadline: May 20, 2011, or until filled, with an anticipated start date ASAP. To apply: submit a letter of application, resume, unofficial transcripts (officials required upon hire), and names and contact information of 3 references to: Dr. Karl Williard, Department of Forestry, Mail Code 4411, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1205 Lincoln Dr., Carbondale, IL 62901 Tel: (618) 453-7478, Fax: (618) 453-7475, Email: Posted: 5/10/11.

Southern Teachers Agency: Biology Teaching Jobs We currently have 28 science/biology vacancies listed by schools for the 2011-12 school year. We expect schools to post additional openings with STA this spring and summer. STA is the oldest teacher-placement service in America. We receive job listings from hundreds of PK-12 private schools around the South. Schools come to STA because they recognize the value of STA’s help in recruiting & screening talented candidates. Certification is not required by private schools for many science jobs. We presently have jobs listed in the following states: Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia These jobs range from elementary-grade science through AP Biology. It is common for science teachers to teach more than one science, especially at the middle-school level. Requirements: For most middle- and high-school biology or life-science positions, a bachelor’s degree with a major in biology (or closely related field) is essential, but teacher certification is not. Of course, a degree in science education is highly desirable, as is a master’s degree in biology. Candidates should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Application process: Interested candidates should apply to Southern Teachers Agency. The process consists of completing an STA application (available online), sending a credentials file, and having a telephone interview. Please visit our website or contact: Southern Teachers Agency, 7 Elliewood Avenue, Suite 2A, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Tel (434) 295-9122. Posted: 6/8/10, revised: 3/2/11.

Tamarisk Coalition: Staff Scientist. The TC is seeking a qualified individual with a passion for rivers in the west and expertise/experience in riverside habitat restoration, ecology and environmental sciences. Please visit for the job posting. The application deadline is June 10, 2011. Posted: 5/31/11.

Texas A&M University: Research Associate, Full Time. Duties: Fulfill obligations for contracted, local-scale projects; write interim/annual reports; participate in opportunities for professional development and collaboration with university, private, state, and federal researchers. Evaluate distribution and abundance of freshwater mussels in central Texas, with particular focus on state-listed species. This will involve development and management of several mussel research projects, including presence/absence surveys, abundance estimates, habitat associations, and experimental projects on both public and private lands. Maintaining open communication and coordination with other researchers in the state and mussel research community as a whole. A portion of the work will pertain to surveys near bridge/road crossings, but there is extensive flexibility for expanding to other locations and objectives. Requirements: M.S. degree in biology, fisheries, aquatic ecology, or related field or B.S. degree in biology, fisheries, aquatic ecology, or related field and two years of related professional experience. Demonstrated experience in stream ecology, familiarity with freshwater mussels biology, and prior experience in the field (e.g, boats, snorkeling, SCUBA), sampling freshwater mussels, and statistical analysis. Knowledge of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and ArcGIS. Ability to travel and conduct field research. Good oral, written, and interpersonal skills, including ability to communicate well with private landowners. Self-motivated with strong work ethic. Location: Central Texas (with office in College Station or San Antonio) - some flexibility to be discussed. Ability to multi-task and work cooperatively with others. Application: (search for NOV # 05219). Posted: 12/17/10.

The Nature Conservancy: We have an opening for a GIS Analyst. This position will be based out of the Portland, OR office. The GIS Analyst will work in a team environment to support data development, management, and analysis needs for Nature Conservancy projects throughout the state/region. She/he will work to identify robust and innovative analysis to inform solutions for complex natural resource management problems. She/he will work to increase the penetration of GIS technology at all levels of the Oregon chapter, and to improve the flow of data and information between offices, programs and individuals throughout the state/region. See the complete job description for more information. Deadline: May 6, 2011. Posted: 4/19/11.

The Nature Conservancy: Northern New York Field Representative. Full-time position. Basic Qualifications: · Bachelor’s degree in natural resources or science-related field and 1 year related experience in ecological land management. · Experience working with ecological land and water management principles. · Experience performing physical work. The Northern NY Field Representative will be located in the Pulaski, New York, office of the Central and Western NY Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. The successful candidate will work closely with Chapter colleagues and other partners to conduct ecological monitoring, coordinate invasive species control projects, and implement ecological restoration techniques, primarily along the eastern Lake Ontario dune and wetland complex. The Northern NY Field Representative also is responsible for managing the Chapter’s portfolio of northern NY preserves, which includes maintaining trails, boundaries and other structural improvements. S/he will also interface with the Chapter’s Volunteer Coordinator in implementing a volunteer program throughout the Chapter and will be responsible for leading preserve hikes for chapter members and donors. S/he will work with multi-disciplinary teams including science, ecological management, protection, government relations, philanthropy, and marketing staff to accomplish these and other objectives. This position will be supervised by the Program Stewardship Ecologist and may supervise seasonal staff and interns. Please apply online at, Job ID number: 12677 Deadline: 12/30/10. Posted: 12/7/10.

USDA Forest Service: The Lincoln National Forest is advertising a GS-0401-05/07/09 Biologist position. This person will serve as the Forest Cave and Karst Specialist. This will be a permanent full time position located on the Guadalupe Ranger District in Carlsbad, NM. Caving is a very popular activity in the Guadalupe Mountains. The incumbent must be able to use climbing equipment, ropes, and descending and ascending equipment when entering and exiting caves. Please pay close attention to the closing dates. Status Candidates ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: 11-308-0292G-BL OPEN: January 19, 2011 CLOSES: February 18, 2011 US Citizens ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: 11-308-0292DP-BL OPEN: February 7, 2011 CLOSES: February 18, 2011 For additional information about the duties of the position, please contact Cherie Edwards at 575-885-4181 or email at, or Ron Hannan at 575-885-7200 or email at Posted: 1/27/11.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: The EPA-Ecosystem Services Research Program (ESRP) project working on ecoservices from midwestern ag lands is looking for a student contractor to be based in RTP, North Carolina. Please see the full announcement for details. Deadline: February 18, 2011. Posted: 2/1/11.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: A postgraduate research training opportunity is currently available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA). This appointment will be served with the Global Change Research Program (GCRP) in Arlington, Virginia. This research training opportunity, in the development of GIS-based decision support tools, will support a linked, interdisciplinary set of projects with the overarching goal of improving our understanding of the implications of climate and land-use change for U.S. water quality, aquatic ecosystems, and urban areas. This research will ultimately help inform EPA about reducing environmental and societal vulnerabilities to climate change through appropriate adaptation strategies. This project involves (1) analyses of land-use change projections for the conterminous U.S. to 2100 and (2) vulnerability analyses of regions and watersheds to global changes. The research participant will have an opportunity to engage with a team of scientists at EPA on a variety of climate change projects in the pursuit of creating Geographic Information System (GIS) products and effective GIS-based decision support tools for managers and decision makers. For more information, see the full job description. Posted: 12/8/10.

US Geological Survey: Wetland Biogeochemistry Research Technician. Looking to be part of a research team working in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and sites across the Southeast? Looking for a fast-paced and rewarding work environment with the opportunity to grow? Looking to hone your laboratory skills? The Wetland Ecosystem Ecology & Biogeochemistry Lab is hiring a full-time, non-permanent technician to be part of our team. We research the hydrologic, geomorphic, and biotic controls on biogeochemistry in wetlands and their coupled fluvial ecosystems in order to better protect and restore the nation’s water resources. Job duties are centered on chemical analyses of P, N, C, and other elements in sediment, soil, water, and plant samples. Additional duties include field work for collection of samples and measurement of ecological and hydrogeomorphic data, sample processing, lab management, database management, QA/QC, and report preparation. The position is based in Reston, Virginia, with extensive collaborations with hydrologists, geomorphologists, ecologists, and geochemists within the USGS and with partner organizations. Field work will require travel for routine monitoring and intensive field experiments. Applicants must demonstrate the desire and capability to be an independent member of a team in charge of laboratory components of our work, including experience operating autoanalyzers, elemental analyzers, and ICPs, conducting laboratory incubations and microwave digestions of sediments, making measurements of soil gas flux, and also showing strong capability for tough field work in wetlands. A B.S. degree in a relevant field and related experience is required, in particular a robust background in analytical chemistry. Please send your curriculum vitae with names of two references to Dr. Greg Noe (; review of applications will begin immediately. Applicants should be available to begin work as soon as 1 June or 1 July 2011. Annual salary is mid-$30K and includes health benefits and paid vacation. Posted: 5/4/11.

USGS Glacier Field Station: Geographic Information System (GIS) / Database Specialist: The primary purpose of this position is to provide GIS and database management support to the USGS research ecologist who is the principal investigator of several large-scale bear research projects in northwest Montana. The incumbent will use GIS to address ecological research questions, assist in the development and coordination of GIS projects, and prepare graphics for multimedia presentations to various technical and non-technical audiences. The incumbent will also assist in managing project databases, provide data summaries as needed and help coordinate field activities. The incumbent will work under the technical supervision of the Research Ecologist. This position is duty-stationed at the USGS Glacier Field Station in West Glacier, Montana and is full time for at least 2 years, starting as soon as possible. For more information: Posted: 2/21/11.

USGS: A team of research scientists including Jen Harden, Mark Waldrop, Corey Lawrence and their Fate of Carbon in Soil Systems project invites applications for a physical scientist at the GS-5 level. Candidates should have at least a 4-year degree in biology, ecology, geology, or a related discipline. Candidates with demonstrated knowledge of soil science and experience with related field and laboratory techniques are preferred. This project is tasked with characterizing and quantifying soil carbon cycle and its linkage to processes of soil development and weathering, plant and microbial communities, climate, and land-use. We study these topics in arid, temperate and boreal ecosystems ranging from the southwestern US to Alaska. The position will be primarily focused on laboratory work but may also involve occasional fieldwork. Regular laboratory duties will include the preparation, processing, and oversight of biogeochemical analyses of soil and other geological samples. Specific tasks may include solid sample digestions, mineral extractions, carbon and nitrogen combustion analyses, radiocarbon sample preparation, x-ray diffraction, and other related measurements. Also, data entry and analysis of large scientific datasets, graphing of these datasets, statistical analyses, and communication of results will be included. More information about the position can be found at using the job announcement number: PAC-2011-0219. Applications for the position will be accepted until February 22nd, 2011. Posted: 2/17/11.

USGS Davis Field Station: Waterbird biologist and crew leader. Seeking a crew leader at the USGS Davis Field Station starting Winter 2010 to September 2011 (with likely extension) to work on studies on waterbird ecology and avian reproduction in the San Francisco Bay, California. Primary duties will involve leading field crews, organizing and managing large datasets, and coordinating research projects. Experience with nest monitoring, radio telemetry, and capturing and handling waterbirds is preferred. Specific duties may include locating and monitoring several species of waterbird nests to estimate survival; handling and measuring chicks; capturing, marking, and radio-tracking Forster?s tern chicks; maintaining equipment; egg and fish sample processing; field and laboratory sorting and identification of birds and fish; data entry; organizing field work; and collecting other ecological data as directed by supervisor. Nest monitoring involves hiking through marshes for much of the day and lifting heavy boats and motors off vehicles into ponds on a daily basis. Applicants should have experience with the operation of 4WD vehicles and boats and must be comfortable working in small boats and in heavy, urban traffic conditions. Incumbent will be expected to enter data into spreadsheets, compile and organize field data, as well as prepare tabular data, graphs, charts, and reports under the direction of the supervisor. Position will require incumbent to work independently and as a team member to execute field research. We are seeking enthusiastic and organized person with a strong work ethic. Must be willing to work some long hours, including early morning, evening, or nighttime hours and some weekends as needed. Housing is not provided. Incumbent will work initially in Davis, CA, and then in April 2011 will lead a field crew at field site near San Jose California. If interested send cover letter, resume, and 3 references VIA EMAIL to: Dr. Josh Ackerman (, Dr. Mark Herzog ( and Dr. Garth Herring ( ASAP. This is a preannouncement only; please contact us for further information on the required application process. Posted: 12/2/10.

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center: We seek a highly motivated and detail-oriented individual with significant web programming and web-based mapping experience for development of an intricate point-count coordinate collection and display system. This system will provide a geospatial foundation for the multinational North American Breeding Bird Survey. Preferred applicants will have specific skill and experience with web application development using ColdFusion, Javascript, Fusebox, OpenLayers, Ajax and Transact-SQL. This individual will function as part of a team, working with biologists and geospatial professionals, as well as working independently to accomplish project goals. To apply, go to:, Announcement Number: ATL-2011-0315 Position Title: IT Specialist (Applications Software); GS-2210-11/12; DEU-BB. Closes: 3/25/2011 Duty Location: Laurel, MD. Series/Grade: GS - 2210A 11/12 Salary Range: $62-97k. For more info contact: Beth Bagby; 703-648-7445; Posted: 3/18/11.

University of Alaska Fairbanks: We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced individual to operate, develop, and maintain a meteorological station and to provide data management and quality assurance of meteorological data collected by the Environmental Data Center (EDC) for the Toolik Field Station (TFS). The goal of the EDC is to collect and manage data on key environmental drivers and biological responders to climate change in the local Toolik environs. This baseline data is provided to the science community of Toolik for their use as background and context for framing specific questions and hypotheses about plant and animal adaptation to the Arctic, the structure and function of arctic ecosystems, and responses and feedback of the arctic environment to climate change. Please see and for more information. Duties include: (1) develop, operate, and maintain weather stations in an arctic field location, (2) program, deploy, maintain and calibrate meteorological sensors, Campbell Scientific and other dataloggers, time-lapse cameras and other instrumentation, (3) provide quality assurance and quality control of climate data to meet NSF Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) data standards, (4) integrate data availability with LTER, GIS and web-based data server teams, and develop real-time availability of meteorological data on our web site, (5) upgrade sensors on the climate station as funds become available, and (6) contribute to the further development of the climate data collection component of the EDC. This position requires residence at TFS half to three-quarters time from mid-May through September of each year; otherwise the job location is at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The desired candidate will possess: (1) demonstrated experience with Campbell Scientific dataloggers, datalogger programming (PC208W and PC900), data collection software, communication peripherals, and sensors, (2) strong personal communication and quantitative skills, (3) self-motivation, independence and the ability to work with minimal supervision, as well as ability and willingness to work with site investigators, and (4) excellent organizational and documentation skills. Desired qualifications include Bachelor's degree in Meteorology or related fields, and/or significant experience with meteorological instrumentation. For more information about the position, contact Dr. Syndonia Bret-Harte (, the supervisor for this position. This is a full-time position with benefits. Apply online. In your application, include a cover letter, c.v. or resume, and the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references. In your cover letter, explain how your experience, training, and professional goals apply to this project, and anything you think will convince us you are the right person for the job. For full consideration, you must apply by July 31, 2010. Posted: 7/20/10.

University of Arizona: Research Assistant, Soil Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Services at Biosphere 2. We are seeking a Research Assistant to work as an Ecological Research Technician on projects relating to urban ecology, green infrastructure, climate change, and semi-arid landscape change in the lab of Dr. Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman. Duties include: field sampling of soils and plants, processing samples for carbon and nutrient contents, conducting microcosm experiments to asses microbial function, working with low-level remote sensing, working with eco-physiological equipment, supervision of undergraduate researchers, data management and data qa/qc; statistical analyses of data; and participation in the interpretation and presentation of project results. Because Biosphere 2 is a public science center facility, additional duties will relate to public interaction and interpretation, including maintaining project websites, facilitating citizen science research, and interacting with the public at Biosphere 2. A Bachelor's degree in ecology, environmental sciences, soil science, biology, or related discipline is required, as is previous research experience related to soils, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, ecohydrology, etc. Previous experience with routine chemical analysis of soils, soil enzyme analysis, processing of hyperspectral and infrared imaging, dataloggers field-gas analyzers preferred. Experience with GIS, statistical analysis, database management is desired. Excellent time management, organizational, and communication skills required. Note: Position will occasionally require performing physical labor during field work including under adverse (hot and dry) weather conditions. Occasional work after hours and on weekends may be required as projects determine. The position includes a university benefits package. This is a full time, one year position available immediately and will be renewable based on performance - desired start date is between June 15 and 21. For consideration, send a cover letter describing your research experience and interest, resume, and contact information for three professional references to Dr. Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman,, Biosciences West, Rm 310, Tucson, AZ 85721. Apply through, Job Number: 47632. Posted: 5/24/11.

University of Arizona: The USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) is seeking a full-time Communications Specialist to facilitate successful and strategic communication at the Network's National Coordinating Office. The successful candidate will identify audiences, messages, branding and identity and develop corresponding materials in support of the USA-NPN mission and program activities. Based at the University of Arizona, the USA-NPN brings together citizen scientists, government agencies, non-profit groups, educators and students of all ages to monitor the impacts of climate change on plants and animals in the US. For more information on the messages we seek to communicate to our audiences see our Communications Standards (pdf). Duties : * Develop content for program briefs, information sheets, press releases, brochures, posters, videos, web content, email newsletters, powerpoint presentations and other communications materials; * Ensure that current and new communication materials are differentiated and appropriate to each audience (citizen science observers, researchers, resource managers, funders); * Develop social media and community-generated content outlets for different audiences; * Evaluate and improve current messages and audience categorization; * Coordinate media outreach and placement(cultivating venues, providing story ideas and articles); * Develop communications-related partnerships within the USA-NPN (e.g., National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, universities, nature centers); * Develop and conduct science translation and interpretation to increase science and climate literacy in the U.S. public; * Evaluate the success and efficacy of communication materials and strategies; * Contribute to other projects depending on programmatic needs and the Specialist's interests. Minimum Qualifications * Bachelor's degree in communications, journalism, environmental science or a related field * Two years of professional communications experience * Excellent verbal and written communication skills * Able to work effectively both independently and as a member of a team * Self-directed with the ability to initiate, implement, and manage projects * Familiarity with standard document, graphic design, publishing and web content management software. Preferred: * Master's degree in communications, journalism, environmental science or a related field * Three years of professional communications experience * Experience with nation-level campaigns and messaging * Proficiency with standard document, graphic design, publishing and web content management software. See the full job description. To apply, please submit your online application including a cover letter, resume, sample communication materials and three professional references. Salary of $39-48k plus benefits. This is a temporary, one year position, with the possibility to extend depending on performance and the availability of funding.Contact: Alyssa Rosemartin ( Posted: 3/21/11.

University of Arizona: The USA National Phenology Network National Coordinating Office (USA-NPN NCO) is currently seeking a part-time Education Coordinator (aka Program Coordinator, Senior) to plan, develop and implement both formal and informal educational programming. The focus of the program will be phenology and the USA-NPN's plant and animal phenology observation program Nature?s Notebook. The coordinator will build on existing partnerships and resources to create an education plan for the network, as well as organize and develop educational materials. The successful candidate will seek additional external support for related projects or activities of benefit the USA-NPN NCO, potentially extending the scope of the position. For more details and to apply, see the full job ad. Review of applications will begin on February 14. This is a benefits eligible half-time classified position with annualized salary of $42-48k depending on experience. This is a temporary, one year position, with the possibility to extend depending on performance and the availability of funding. Posted: 1/27/11.

University of California, Berkeley: Project/Policy Analyst 2 - Center for Forestry and Center for Fire Research and Outreach. We are currently seeking a project/policy analyst to support the College of Natural Resources’ Center for Forestry and Center for Fire Research and Outreach. These Centers function as dynamic hubs where multidisciplinary research teams are organized, financial support is developed, and science-based outreach is coordinated related to critical issues for forests and fire in California. As the sole staff person, the incumbent will work directly with and for the two co-directors of the Center for Forestry and the Center for Fire Research and Outreach. The incumbent is responsible for independently providing coordination and management of the existing grant funded programs, new advisory committees, fundraising strategies as well as expanded outreach programs. This includes fire-adapted silviculture, innovative approaches to comprehensive ecological monitoring of forest and other fire prone ecosystems, improving the effectiveness of fuels reduction treatments, and enhancing the ability of buildings to withstand wildfires through planning, construction and maintenance. The full job description and procedures to apply are at for Project/Policy Analyst 2, job #12142. Posted 4/21/2011.

University of California, Davis: Junior Specialist/Research Assistant Position, Department of Plant Sciences. This position will focus on plant-soil interactions in California grasslands and how they are affected by range management and restoration practices. Job duties primarily include field work (establishing, maintaining and sampling field plots) and lab work (processing and analyzing plant and soil samples), with some additional tasks related to database management and greenhouse experiments. The junior specialist will be expected to: 1. 35% - Establish and maintain field plots and collect plant material, soil samples, and leachates from field plots. 2. 55% - In the laboratory, process and analyze plant and soil samples for nutrient contents. 3. 10% - Maintain databases and laboratory equipment and supplies. Position duration: January 2011 through December 2011, with possibility of extension. Requirements: BA or BS in plants, soils, ecology, or related discipline. Preference will be given to those applicants with experience in plant identification, soil sampling, and lab chemistry. Occasional long days/over night trips to the field. Application: Submit a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for 3 references to: Valerie Eviner (, 530-752-8538). Posted: 11/12/10.

University of California Los Angeles: A Laboratory Technician position is available on a NSF-funded project that investigates temperature-mediated trait variation in host-parasitoid communities. Responsibilities include maintaining live insect cultures, conducting experiments on temperature effects in walk-in chambers, microscopic analysis of parasitism, and data entry and analysis. Applicants should have a B.S. degree in Biology, Ecology, Entomology or a related discipline. Those with a M.S. degree in these areas are also encouraged to apply. Prior research experience with insects is required. Applicants should apply online using the url: (job requisition number 15202), and have three letters of reference sent to Dr. Priyanga Amarasekare (e-mail: Posted: 10/11/10.

University of California, Riverside: Bioinformatics specialist for Genome Database development. A bioinformatics specialist position is available in the laboratory of Dr Jason Stajich to support the development of FungiDB, a database for fungal genomic and functional data. Strong candidates will be proficient in the Perl programming language; modern biology in general and bioinformatics in particular; show a demonstrated ability to quickly pick up new biology and computer science concepts; be comfortable using relational databases; and possess core Unix skills to do these tasks efficiently. Experience using Perl for genome sequence data processing a plus. You'll also have a relentless attention to detail, the ability to work independently on challenging problems with no direct easy solution. You will use these skills to help organize, analyze, and display a vast amount of disparate biological data and interact with the fungal community. There will be opportunities for self-directed research utilizing this collection of genomics and comparative database and tools. The start date for the position is Spring 2011, salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience. Minimum qualifications include BS in Computer Science, Statistics, or a related field and at least 2 years of programming experience. Demonstrated experience in bioinformatics is highly desirable and high proficiency in programming is required. Ability to communicate clearly, work independently, and interact collaboratively is essential. To Apply Contact Jason Stajich ( Posted: 1/28/11.

University of California, Riverside: Bioinformatics specialist for high throughput sequence data processing. An NSF funded bioinformatics data specialist position is available in the laboratories of Dr Susan Wessler and Dr Jason Stajich to support the study of the evolutionary dynamics of transposons in rice and their impact on phenotypic differences. This individual will support the data analysis pipelines for the rice resequencing projects using next generation sequencing from Illumina/Solexa technology. The successful candidate will be expected to perform bioinformatics processing of NGS data, quality control, coordinating of datasets among collaborators at Cornell University, manage genome browser software, and coordinate deposition of datasets into public archives. Opportunities exist for additional software tool development with projects in the Wessler lab to create improved tools for teaching in the Dynamic Genomes course, or in supporting bioinformatics tool development in the Stajich laboratory. The start date for the position is Spring 2011 or after, and salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience. Minimum qualifications include BS in Computer Science, Statistics, or a related field and at least 2 years of programming experience. Demonstrated experience in bioinformatics and high proficiency in programming is necessary. Experience with UNIX operating system environment and next generation sequence data is highly desirable. Ability to communicate clearly, work independently, and interact collaboratively is essential. To Apply Contact Jason Stajich ( or Susan Wessler ( Posted: 1/28/11.

University of California, San Diego: We are seeking applicants for a Research Assistant to manage the daily operations of experiments in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in 2 labs in the Division of Biological Sciences under the supervision of the Principal Investigators (Elsa Cleland and Jonathan Shurin). These labs seek to understand how species respond to shifts in resource availability. In aquatic systems, the Research Assistant will perform water chemistry analysis to measure nutrient concentrations (N, P and C), analyze the abundances of micro-organisms (zooplankton and phytoplankton) using microscopy, and assist in conducting experiments in freshwater algae. In terrestrial systems, the Research Assistant will assist with an experiment to assess water limitation of plant production and nutrient cycling in a local chaparral ecosystem. This will involve construction and maintenance of irrigation systems, as well as independent data collection. Incumbent will perform standard lab procedures for chemical assays and count and identify microscopic organisms. Additionally, the incumbent will provide work direction to undergraduate researchers. Additional information and instructions to apply. Posted: 11/16/10.

University of California, Santa Barbara: The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), working in partnership with the iPlant Collaborative seeks a motivated, knowledgeable, and skilled Database/Web developer to help create web-enabled information resources informing the analysis of ecological and environmental data. The primary focus for this position involves constructing a database solution for the joint NCEAS/iPlant "BIEN" working group (PI Brian Enquist), to enable a "Botanical Information and Ecology Network" that consolidates and presents vegetation information about plant specimen and plot occurrences on a global basis, along with accompanying geospatial, taxonomic, and other ecologically-relevant information. Principal duties include: design, development, deployment, and optimization of web-based scientific data management and analysis applications, using relational, object-oriented and XML-based technologies; creation of end-user documentation and training materials to assist scientists and technologists in the use and maintenance of said resources; and community outreach and training in these products. Position dependent upon grant funding. Current funding for one year with anticipation of continuation for another year. The position will be located at NCEAS, in downtown Santa Barbara. Fingerprinting required. Salary range $4,538 - $6,350/mo, depending on experience. For primary consideration apply by 5/9/11, thereafter open until filled. AA/EOE. If interested, apply online at Job #20110141. If questions, please contact Mark Schildhauer ( Posted: 5/4/11.

University of California, Santa Barbara: The Schimel and King Labs at UCSB anticipate the opening of a full-time research technician position in biogeochemistry to support projects focused on understanding controls and mechanisms of biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and other elements in terrestrial ecosystems ranging from arctic tundra to grasslands and savanna to urban ecosystems. The job duties for research technician will include: operation and maintenance of analytical instruments (including GC, TOC, EA, Lachat), processing and analysis of lab and field samples, data management, field work, supervision of undergraduate assistants, ordering and receiving supplies, maintaining lab safety protocols, and general lab management. The position will be for one year with the possibility for renewal depending on performance and on funding availability. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Qualifications include college level natural science courses and laboratory experience, excellent organizational skills, familiarity with statistical software and data management, familiarity with soil, plant, and microbial assay techniques, and experience with analytical instrumentation. Interested individuals should contact Josh Schimel ( and Jennifer King ( and include a resume, cover letter, and names of three references in their email message. Posted: 11/4/10.

University of California, Santa Cruz: Geographic Information System Analyst, JOB #1102972, Full Time / Career, Minimum Starting Salary: $3,008/monthly. The Groundfish Analysis Team (GAT) is a team of biologists and statisticians that develops life history studies and fisheries stock assessments for rockfishes in the California Current, in cooperation with researchers from the California Department of Fish and Game and the University of California Santa Cruz. We are currently engaged in a process of recovering spatially explicit catch data for California fisheries from the late 1920s through the late 1960s. This position will include responsibility for management and analysis of these, and likely other, fisheries data. Overarching objectives include the need to better understand spatial patterns of fisheries development and activities over time. Results from this program are intended to benefit stock assessment biologists and resource managers. This is currently anticipated to be a one year appointment, extended if possible, subject to the availability of funds. Duties: The selected candidate will assemble, analyze, synthesize, and support mapping and modeling of several complex data sets in support of basic and applied research on the spatial characteristics of fisheries data. Note: the location for this position is at the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz Lab, 110 Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Qualifications include: * Experience and/or knowledge such as attained through upper division coursework leading to Bachelor's Degree * Strong familiarity and experience with use of ArcGIS and database management * Additional computer skills, including knowledge of spreadsheets, imaging and word processing programs, as well as statistical software (such as R or Matlab) * Experience in compilation, preparation and analysis of charts, graphs and\or models involving spatially explicit data * Knowledge of fisheries ecology, habitat, management and conservation issues, especially (but not necessarily) those related to demersal marine fishes Position is open until filled; Initial Review Date: 02/21/2011. Full job description and on-line application. Posted: 2/17/11.

University of Florida: Project Coordinator, School of Forest Resources and Conservation. We are seeking a qualified individual to assist with all aspects of coordination for a large (50 investigator, 11 university), 5-year research, extension and education project on southern pine climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Project Coordinator will assist the Executive Committee (EC) in managing all aspects of the project, including: coordinating and drafting project workplans and reports; monitoring progress on subgroup work plans; monitoring and ensuring compliance with project reporting requirements; monitoring budget; providing technically accurate guidance to investigators and staff related to spending, reporting, and other decisions directly related to the project funds; developing a strong working relationship with investigators and key staff at all participating institutions; and coordinating project-level communication, activities, and meetings. Qualifications: œ Masterfs degree in a relevant field œ Three yearsf experience managing projects preferred œ Formal training and certification in project management (e.g., Project Management Professional Certification or Certified Associate in Project Management Certification), and formal training in grant management; or willingness to complete (at no cost to manager) formal training and certificate programs offered by the University of Florida œ Excellent communication skills and ability to convey technical information to staff and investigators in diverse fields œ Ability to develop high quality and timely draft reports and other documents needed to administer the project in coordination with the EC œ Excellent organizational and time management skills, and ability to successfully monitor grant compliance, including progress toward the work plan, appropriate spending, and required timely reporting by collaborators œ Excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to manage conflict œ Proficiency with MS Office, PeopleSoft, website authoring, and other software necessary to complete required tasks. Direct questions to Dr. Tim Martin,, 352-846-0866 To apply, go to and search for requisition # 0807909. The position closes on May 12, 2011. The successful applicant may start as soon as they are available. Posted: 4/19/11.

University of Florida: GIS Technician: The Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida is seeking an enthusiastic individual to work as part of a multi-agency team engaged in research in support of Everglades ecology and restoration. This individual will be the primary GIS/Remote Sensing specialist in a research group that includes scientists and managers from the University of Florida, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and the National Park Service. The individual will assist in ongoing projects that monitor and assess responses of the Greater Everglades system to ecological restoration, evaluate the distribution and effects of invasive species in the region, and forecast the possible effects of climate change on endangered species. Specific duties will include (1) compiling geospatial data from collaborators, online warehouses and in-house field data; (2) extensive QA/QC of data; (3) geospatial analysis using ArcGIS, R and other open source tools and software; (4) preparing metadata and developing/documenting protocols used in data analysis; (5) assisting colleagues in the preparation of proposals, project reports, and peer-reviewed publications and (6) maintaining ongoing communication with collaborators across a diverse range of government agencies and research institutions. This is a full time position with an initial one-year appointment. Ongoing employment will be dependent on performance and funding. Qualifications: Applicant should have at least a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s preferred) in geography, ecology, environmental science, or related field and at least one year of GIS experience. Applicant must be able to work well independently and with others in a fast-paced environment. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience using GIS to support ecological research, be proficient in ArcGIS and have experience in R, and have excellent written and oral communication skills. Technical writing, problem solving and organizational skills are essential. Applicants must be eligible to work in the United States and have all paperwork completed prior to accepting the position. Salary: $15-20/hour depending on experience. Position Starts: As soon as a suitable candidate can be identified. Review of applications will start immediately. To Apply: Please send resume or CV and letter of interest by email to: Dr. James Watling,, with the subject line GIS Technician. In your letter please address how you have worked as part of a team, your GIS experience, and examples of your ability to juggle multiple projects efficiently while maintaining high standards of quality, including documentation of metadata and data collection/analysis protocols. Posted: 1/20/11.

University of Florida: Wildlife Data Specialist. The Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida is seeking an enthusiastic individual to work as part of a multi-agency team modeling potential effects of climate change on biodiversity. Primary responsibility will be to assist in the ongoing use, maintenance, and expansion of a database warehousing information describing climate effects on endangered species. This database is a key resource for the development and interpretation of species distribution models we are creating to support decision making by natural resource managers. Our collaborators include scientists and managers from the University of Florida, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and the National Park Service. We anticipate that the database will be used for other purposes by current and future collaborators, so the person in this position will maintain regular and ongoing communication with individuals from other state, federal and research institutions. Specific duties will include mining the existing database for information and serving as an in-house ‘species expert’, advising on model development and interpretation in light of what is known about climate effects on our focal species. The ideal candidate will be motivated to use this knowledge to development publications exploring how species traits mediate responses to climate change. Additional duties will include expansion of the database, acquiring primary literature and government documents and extracting relevant data from those sources, data entry, QA/QC and assisting in development of optimal data structure for specific tasks and users. This is a two year temporary full time position with possible extension dependent on performance and funding. Qualifications: Applicant should have a Master’s degree in ecology, wildlife biology, zoology, or related field and demonstrated experience with database development. Applicant must be able to work well independently and with others in a fast-paced environment. Individuals should be comfortable working across agency boundaries, making excellent written and oral communication skills essential for this position. The ideal candidate will have experience publishing in the scientific literature. Problem solving skills and good ecological knowledge are essential. Applicant must be eligible to work in the United States and have all paperwork completed prior to accepting the position. Salary: $17-20/hour depending on experience. Position Starts: As soon as a suitable candidate can be identified. To Apply: Please send resume or CV and letter of interest by email to: Dr. James Watling,, with the subject line Wildlife Data Specialist. In your letter please address how you have worked as part of a team, your database experience, research experience with endangered species and/or climate change issues, and examples of your ability to synthesize information and communicate it to a range of audiences. Posted: 1/14/11.

University of Florida Fort Lauderdale: Climate Change Ecologist. The Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida is seeking an enthusiastic individual to work as part of a multi-agency team modeling potential effects of climate change on biodiversity. This individual will help develop species distribution models to be used as decision support tools by natural resource managers. Our collaborators include scientists and managers from the University of Florida, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and the National Park Service and the person hired for this position will be expected to interact regularly with all team members. Specific duties will include working with our team to develop species response models under various climate change scenarios, managing large datasets, analyzing data, writing proposals and reports, and working with agency staff to link our products with management needs. The incumbent will be involved in all aspects of the project from data acquisition to model execution. We are looking for someone who is motivated to take the lead on developing aspects of the project for future funding. This is a one year temporary full time position with possible extension dependent on performance and funding. Qualifications: Applicant should have a Master’s degree in ecology, wildlife biology, zoology, vegetation science or related field. Applicant must be able to work well independently and with others in a fast-paced environment. Individuals should be comfortable working across agency boundaries, making excellent written and oral communication skills essential for this position. We are seeking someone with a strong quantitative background interested in using cutting-edge analytical approaches to model climate effects on species. Experience with statistical software and geospatial data analysis is mandatory. The ideal candidate will have experience publishing in the scientific literature. Problem solving skills and good ecological knowledge are essential. Applicant must be eligible to work in the United States and have all paperwork completed prior to accepting the position. Salary: $17-20/hour depending on experience Position Starts: As soon as a suitable candidate can be identified. Review of applications will start July 30, 2010. Individuals attending the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Pittsburgh who would like to schedule time to discuss this position while at ESA should send an email indicating their interest to the address below. To Apply: Please send resume or CV and letter of interest by email to: Dr. James Watling,, with the subject line Climate Change Ecologist. In your letter please address how you have worked as part of a team, any experience you may have with ecological modeling or climate change, evidence of quantitative skills, and examples of your ability to synthesize information and communicate it to a range of audiences. Posted: 7/23/10.

University of Georgia: A research professional with previous experience in molecular biology techniques is need to help perform research on the impacts of an invasive plant on native plants and soil microbial communities at UGA in Athens, GA. This NSF funded project seeks to understand how native plants and garlic mustard have evolved in response to one another over the course of this 150 year old invasion, and the role that soil microbes (especially mycorrhizal fungi) have played in this interaction. This technician will be responsible for performing and overseeing laboratory and greenhouse research on plant-soil microbe interactions. In the laboratory, this will entail extracting and purifying DNA from soil and root samples, amplifying specific gene regions with PCR, and preparing products for analysis by core facilities. Laboratory work may also require clearing and staining root samples and quantifying fungal infection under microscopes. In the greenhouse, the technician will help with propagating native and invasive plants from seeds, and in establishing and maintaining greenhouse experiments. Some field work in nearby locations may be required, but will not be the primary focus of this position. Finally, the technician will be responsible for maintaining a functional lab by keeping stock of supplies and ordering when necessary, will ensure that data are properly recorded and backed-up, and will help supervise undergraduate assistants. Required: Master's degree or equivalent experience, including experience with: DNA extraction, PCR amplification, gel electrophoresis, sequence analysis, plant propagation. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in ecological, evolutionary, or agricultural research with plant systems, and/or those with experience in microbiology, fungal culture, mycorrhizal techniques, or next-generation sequencing (esp. 454 pyrosequencing). Salary range: $30-35k/year for up to 3 years. To apply, please submit a cover letter and CV/resume to: Please email Richard Lankau ( with any questions. Posted: 2/17/11.

University of Georgia: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER program seeks two Research Technicians to be based at the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, GA. The selected individuals will work as part of the field crew supporting the project. One position will lead an effort to construct, maintain and monitor a large experiment focusing on sea level rise and effects on freshwater tidal marshes. This includes helping to obtain permits and comply with appropriate regulations, constructing boardwalks, installing a system to deliver water to plots, measuring salinity in plots, and monitoring soil, plants and invertebrates in plots. The second position will be responsible for helping conduct the GCE monitoring program, transporting personnel to field sites in marshes and estuaries, assisting with a wide variety of research tasks, processing samples in the laboratory, and entering data. Both positions will occasionally require strenuous physical activity a! nd irregular hours. Applicants must be able to hike through mud, marsh grass and other difficult terrain; lift and carry heavy gear in the field; and assist in light construction. The selected individuals may either live on the Island (in UGAMI housing at a subsidized cost) or on the mainland. The ideal candidates will have a B.S. in an appropriate field; small boat piloting experience; first aid certification; field research experience; basic computer skills, including experience with email, word-processing and spreadsheet programs; and the ability to work harmoniously with a wide variety of people. The salary range for these positions is $24-30k, and both include full benefits. Applicants should be willing to make at least a 2-year commitment to the project. Apply online at, posting numbers 20110098 and 20110099. Applications will be considered starting February 14 and until the position is filled. Inquiries may be addressed to Dr. Steve Pennings ( Posted: 2/3/11.

University of Idaho: Wireless Sensor Network Technician. The candidate will be responsible for technical support in the design, installation, and testing of a large wireless sensor mesh network near the Taylor Wilderness Research Station in central Idaho. This is a very remote location in the center of the Frank Church River of No Return wilderness area. The candidate will install, operate, test, and maintain electronic sensors and electrical power for those sensors. The candidate will build weatherproof containers for sensors and communications and control electronics. The candidate will conduct communication and testing protocols for the sensors and the wireless mesh network. The position requires a basic understanding of digital and analog sensor operation, wireless mesh communication technology, computer networking and communication protocols, elementary electrical power (battery and grid), and electrical construction methods. The incumbent must be willing to travel to remote field sites, fly in small aircraft, hike in steep rugged terrain while carrying heavy loads, and camp in primitive settings. To apply, see the full job ad. For more information about the position contact: Kathleen Kavanagh ( Please note we are extending the deadline until early January. Posted: 11/24/10.

University of Illinois: Fisheries Research Scientist -Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS). The successful candidate will collaborate with Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Division of Fisheries staff to support and implement fisheries resources programs and collaborative sport fish research investigations on Lake Michigan. They will provide technical assistance in the collection, review, analysis and evaluation of sport fish population assessment data for the development and implementation of sport fish management programs. Participate in pollution-caused fish kill investigations. Utilize, operate and maintain in good repair a variety of specialized tools, equipment and assessment nets. Utilize and operate boats, outboard motors, electrical generators, fish nets, database entry and data analysis software. Assist in the preparation of project plans and reports as well as summaries of findings and analyses for online distribution to the public. Some extended/overnight travel periods may be required. Location: Des Plaines IL. Qualifications: Applicants must have a Bachelor degree in fisheries, aquatic ecology, or similar discipline, a Master's degree is preferred. In addition, this requires one year of progressively responsible experience in fisheries resource activities, requires working knowledge of database design and utilization, requires possession of a valid driver's license and own transportation to the field office. Must be able to ride and function aboard commercial boating vessels operating under a wide variety of weather conditions. Working knowledge of GIS software and knowledge of Illinois fish species preferred. Salary: $35-38k per year. This is a regular, academic professional, full-time, grant-supported 12-month position. The estimated starting date is on or after April 25, 2011. Apply online by April 11, 2011. Qualified candidates must upload a letter detailing qualifications noted above, curriculum vitae, working e-mail address, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references. All requested information must be submitted by the closing date for your application to be considered. Incomplete information will not be reviewed. For further information please contact Angela Young, Human Resources, Illinois Natural History Survey, 217-244-7793 or For technical questions, please contact: Jeffrey Stein, Search Committee Member, or 217-244-1516. Posted: 3/18/11.

University of Illinois: The Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) is seeking 2 individuals to lead field research teams in the collection of fish population monitoring data. These positions will be located at the Illinois River Biological Station in Havana, Illinois. This US Army Corps of Engineers' funded long-term fish population monitoring program to complement and augment current efforts by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to monitor the composition and relative health of the fish populations in the Illinois River. Successful candidates will lead teams of field technicians in the collection of fish population monitoring data on the Illinois River from June 15 - October 31 each year, with administrative and research duties in off-season. Successful candidates must demonstrate strong leadership skills, experience in pulsed-DC boat electrofishing, fyke and hoop netting, trawling, standard fish sampling and water quality sampling techniques. Candidates should have experience driving 4WD trucks and trailering boats, be willing to travel with occasional overnight stays, work in inclement weather and conditions, and be proficient in fish identification. The successful candidates will also be responsible for fish identification and processing, data entry, and maintenance of field equipment. The successful candidates will also be strongly encouraged to participate with the principal investigator and other field station staff in the publication of peer-reviewed scientific articles and scientific presentations related to this program. Qualifications: The incumbent must have a B.S. in fisheries, biology, aquatic ecology, or related field by the start of the appointment. Greater consideration will be given to M.S. level candidates. Experience writing reports and journal articles, with standard fisheries statistical analyses, and presenting at scientific meetings is preferred, but not required. Large river experience in electrofishing standard fish sampling techniques, boat driving, fish identification, and maintaining field equipment is also preferred. Demonstrated proficiency with Microsoft Office and statistical software packages is a plus. The individuals must have a valid driver's license, be able to swim, and be able to work in extreme weather conditions. Salary: $32-38k per year plus benefits. These are regular, academic professional, full-time grant supported 12-month positions. The estimated starting date is March 1, 2011. Applications must be received by December 30, 2010. To apply, all candidates must submit an online profile through by the close of the posting period. Qualified candidates must upload a letter of which details qualifications noted above, curriculum vitae, working e-mail address, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references. All requested information must be submitted for your application to be considered. Incomplete information will not be reviewed. For further information please contact Erica Hanson, Human Resources, Illinois Natural History Survey, 217-333-6897, For technical questions, please contact: Dr. Greg Sass, Search Chair, Posted: 12/8/10.

University of Illinois: The Illini Union, the campus community center of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is seeking a talented professional to serve as Program Advisor for Sustainability. Responsibilities: Advising campus Student Sustainability Committee, this position will serve as the administrator to assist the Student Sustainability Committee in managing proposal submission, review process, and funds awarding process. The Program Advisor will work with a diverse group of student leaders and oversee the execution of projects funded thru the Committee. In addition to the maintenance of all funding records and project documents, the individual will prepare financial and other reports for the Student Sustainability Committee. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science or related field required, plus two years experience in student advising. Master's degree in Environmental Science is preferred. Qualified candidate should demonstrate strong knowledge of environmental issues and commitment towards issues regarding sustainability. Project management skills in planning, tracking, and completion is required. Experience in managing grants, funds, or budget planning is required. Ability to relate to and work with diverse students is essential. Experience working with student fees, university payment processes and operating a budget is recommended. This is a 12-month, full-time Academic Professional position. Proposed Starting Date: As soon as possible. Application Deadline: March 4, 2011. Application Procedures: All candidates must complete an online application at (search for A1100054) prior to the application deadline for full consideration. Qualified candidates must upload a letter of application, resume, and contact information (name, address, telephone number, and email address) for three current professional references. For additional information regarding the application procedures, please contact: Illini Union Staff Development and Human Resources 217-333-8305 (phone), Posted: 2/18/11.

University of Illinois at Chicago: Research Assistant, Ecophsyiology & Plant Nutrition. We are seeking an experienced technician to join a physiological ecology lab. The individual should have experience with plant and soil nitrogen analysis including a working knowledge of C&N analyzers and possibly HPLCs. The individual should be comfortable to work with instruments for measurements of plant gas-exchange, hydraulics and water relations. The successful candidate is also expected to know and follow safe lab practices regarding the use and disposal of hazardous materials. The position comes with full benefits and a competitive salary commensurate with experience. This is a one year position available immediately and will be renewable based on performance. Interested individuals should send inquiries and/or applications To: Hormoz BassiriRad (, Professor Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Posted: 2/24/11.

University of Liverpool: We have a full-time Research Technician position available starting this summer to work on co-infection dynamics in a wild mammal population in the UK. This will be part of a NERC funded grant led by Amy Pedersen (University of Edinburgh), Andy Fenton (University of Liverpool), and Owen Petchey (University of Zurich) to quantify within-host parasite interactions and assess the stability of parasite communities. The research technician duties involve both fieldwork and conducting laboratory assays. The technician will be part of the team that undertakes the trapping, so should be familiar with fieldwork and have small mammal handling experience. The post will start as soon as possible, is available until May 2012 initially, and will be based within the lab of Andy Fenton at the Institute of Integrative Biology at the University of Liverpool. The salary range is £22-25k; dependent on experience. Applications will be accepted until June 10, 2011. Interviews will be held shortly after. For the Research Technician (Ref. #: S-569345) application and specific job description, please go to University of Liverpool Job Vacancies. For specific information about the project, please email Andy Fenton ( and/or Amy Pedersen ( Posted: 5/25/11.

University of Maryland Baltimore County: The Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education at UMBC seeks a Research Assistant to work as an Ecological Research Technician. Duties include: field sampling of stream macroinvertebrates and basic water quality parameters; initiating, maintaining and sampling field and stream mesocosm experiments; processing invertebrate samples and determining taxonomic composition; data management and data qa/qc; statistical analyses of data; and participation in the interpretation and presentation of project results. In addition the incumbent will perform other duties as assigned. Requires a Bachelor's degree (Master’s preferred) in ecology, biology, or environmental sciences and one (1) year of research experience directly related to research in stream community ecology. Experience with stream invertebrate sampling and taxonomic identification, routine water freshwater sampling and chemical analysis, and quantitative analysis of ecological communities preferred. Must be proficient in use of computers and common word processing and spreadsheet software, be able to follow standard operating procedures, and have knowledge of basic data management and statistical procedures. Experience with the R statistical environment, ArcGIS and database management is desired. Excellent time management and organizational skills required. Note: Position requires performing physical labor to conduct field work including under adverse weather conditions. Occasional work after hours and on weekends may be required. Position is full-time and includes full University benefits package. This is a grant-funded position wherein employment is contingent upon the renewal of the grant. For best consideration, send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three professional references by November 17, 2010 to: Dr. Christopher M. Swan, Associate Professor, Geography & Environmental Systems, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle, 211 Sondheim Hall, Baltimore, MD 21250. FAX: 410-455-1056, E-mail: Posted: 11/12/10.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: Aquatic Ecology Research Assistant Position. The UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory is looking to recruit a full-time Research Assistant to assist in water quality monitoring program evaluating the effectiveness of stream restoration at reducing loads of pollutants transported to the Chesapeake Bay. Responsibilities include field work in streams around Anne Arundel County, MD, and lab work in the Chesapeake Biological Lab (Solomons, MD) as well as: data analysis and laboratory maintenance; coordination of biweekly water quality sampling; storm flow sampling on an event basis using automated samplers; maintenance and use of hydrological equipment; processing and analyzing water samples in the laboratory for measurements of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended solids. MS or BS degree in aquatic sciences, hydrology, biology, or environmental science required. Must be able to perform and be comfortable working under variable weather conditions in the field. QA/QC protocols and computer databases, Proficiency in PC-based computing (GIS), are desirable. Occasional evenings, early mornings, and weekends may be required. This position is contingent upon continued grant funding. A comprehensive benefit package may be available. Please provide a letter describing prior related work experience, CV and contact information for two references to: Dr. Solange Filoso,, UMCES/CBL, P.O. Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688. Posted: 8/12/10.

University of Michigan: The School of Natural Resources and Environment seeks a candidate to fill the position of research laboratory technician in Dr. Allen Burton's laboratory assisting with research projects pertaining to ecotoxicology of metals, nanomaterials, and organic contaminants. Duties include assisting with field and lab experiments, processing samples, culture and lab maintenance, data collection and management, and supervision of temporary student employees in the lab. A master's degree in biology, chemistry, or related discipline or equivalent combination of education and experience is required. Previous research and analytical experience, experience working in a laboratory, a willingness to learn new techniques, and the ability to work well in a group environment is required. To be considered for this position and for more information please see the full posting. Application review will begin April 5. Posted: 3/30/11.

University of Michigan: Laboratory Technician, Freshwater Ecology. Salary Range: $26-32k. This is a full-time position for 1-year, available as early as January 1st, 2011. The successful applicant will work in Dr. Bradley Cardinale’s new freshwater ecology laboratory. Under supervision of the PI, this employee will help set-up a new freshwater ecology lab in the School of Natural Resources and Environment, after which, s/he will assist with a new research project that examines how species extinction impacts water quality in streams. The position will initially focus on the construction of a new, state-of-the-art experimental stream facility that will be located in the Dana Building. The successful candidate will take lead on the construction and set-up of 125 re-circulating stream channels, which will require that s/he become proficient at working with plastics, electronics, and some wood-working. Training will be provided, but some background in one or more of these areas is desirable. After stream channels are constructed and the lab is set-up, attention will turn towards a new research project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation that will determine how species extinction of freshwater algae and their herbivores impacts the production of oxygen, and removal of nutrient pollutants, from streams. This position will assist with the set-up, maintenance, and collection of data from this new experiment, as well as preliminary data analyses. The technician may oversee 2-3 undergraduate research assistants who will be hired to assist with the collection of data from the experiment. Applicant must have a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science, Engineering, Water Resources, or a closely related field. Prior experience using plastics in construction, or working with electronics is desirable. Knowledge of freshwater organisms is also desirable. Apply on line at for job number 53010. Applications are due by 12/1/2010. Posted: 11/12/10.

University of Michigan: Laboratory Research Specialist, Freshwater Ecology Salary Range: $30-34k. This is a full-time position for 1-year, available as soon as January 1st, 2011. The successful applicant will work in Dr. Bradley Cardinale’s new freshwater ecology laboratory. This individual will initially help set-up the laboratory, after which s/he will manage the lab as well as assist with experiments that focus on the ecological impacts of biodiversity change in streams and lakes. Specific responsibilities will include (1) setting up and maintaining cultures of freshwater organisms, including various species of stream and lake algae and invertebrates that are used in laboratory and field experiments, (2) overseeing employee safety training, as well as lab compliance with University of Michigan requirements for environmental health and safety, (3) ordering and ensuring proper installation, calibration, operation, and maintenance of laboratory and field research supplies and equipment, (4) assist with the preparation, set-up, maintenance, and collection of data from laboratory and field-based experiments, (5) use of standard methods to perform a variety of limnological analyses ranging from physical and chemical characterization of water samples, to analysis and identification of biological samples of algae and invertebrates, (6) manage project databases and assist with summaries and preliminary analyses of the data, (7) supervise a small number (1-3 individuals) of undergraduate research assistants. Applicant must have a Bachelor's degree in Ecology, Environmental Science, Biology, a closely related field, or a combination of experience and education. Prior experience working in freshwater habitats or with freshwater organisms is desirable. Apply online at for job number 53009. Applications are due by 12/1/2010. Posted: 11/12/10.

University of Minnesota: Lab Manager in Disease Ecology Lab. Drs. Elizabeth Borer and Eric Seabloom (Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior) are recruiting a lab manager position. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position with renewal based on performance and funding. Salary is negotiable and commensurate with education and experience. The purpose of this position is to assist in conducting research in the general area of disease community ecology including topics such as effects of pathogen diversity, host diversity, and resource supply rates on pathogen dynamics in complex natural systems. This position is part of a large collaborative research effort including researchers at University of Minnesota, Cornell University, University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University, and Princeton University. The principal focus of the empirical work is on on plant viral pathogens (barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses) in natural grasslands. Applicants with strong empirical skills, aptitude for field ecology, and knowledge of PCR to quantify pathogen communities are especially encouraged to apply. For technical questions on this position please contact Elizabeth Borer ( This job posting will remain open until the position is filled, but applicants are encouraged to apply by September 1, 2010. For further information on this position and to submit application materials go to: and search for requisition 167368 or go directly to: Application materials include: 1) Cover letter summarizing interests and qualifications 2) Resume/Vita 3) Names and contact information of at least three professional references. Posted: 8/6/10.

University of Missouri: The Interdisciplinary Hydrology Laboratory is seeking a research technician or a graduate student (M.S. or Ph.D.) to assist with a study investigating water quality in a dynamic multi-land-use urbanizing watershed of the central U.S. The study takes place in the Hinkson Creek Watershed (HCW), which encompasses the city of Columbia and the University of Missouri. The Interdisciplinary Hydrology Laboratory is located in the School of Natural Resources and the Department of Forestry of the University of Missouri. The University of Missouri is among the top ten of the nation's universities with demonstrated excellence in teaching and research. This is a 3yr, approximately 20-30hr/week position beginning immediately. There is some possibility of a one-year extension. Primary duties will include every-other-day water grab sampling and on-site water quality measurements at each of five permanent monitoring sites in the HCW. Other duties will include ordering supplies, water quality analyses using a spectrophotometer, and overseeing an undergraduate technician who will assist with laboratory work. The successful applicant will be required to work collaboratively, conduct field work and aid in installation and maintenance of instruments and monitoring sites. Other duties may include data collection, processing and analysis. Applicants should have completed at least one degree in natural resources, environmental sciences, hydrology, water quality, or a related field, and must possess a valid US driver's license. Experience in stream measurements, data processing, analysis and modeling, water quality monitoring, soil physics, GIS, and computer programming are a plus. Strong verbal, written, and computational skills are essential. Applicants must be able to lift and carry equipment and tools. If interested in applying please forward by email the following documents (as appropriate), transcript, curriculum vitae, recent GRE scores, recent TOEFL scores, cover letter (including professional goals and interests), and the names and contact information of three references to: Dr. Jason A. Hubbart, Department of Forestry, University of Missouri, 203-Q ABNR Bldg, Columbia, MO 65211, USA; Tel No. (573) 884-7732; Fax: (573) 882-1979; Email: Posted: 7/9/10.

University of New Mexico: The Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program is seeking to fill a position at the level of Research Scientist 1. Applicants must have a Bachelor of Science degree in a relevant biological science. This is largely a field ecology position and applicants should be willing to reside at the Sevilleta LTER field station (appx. 50 miles south of Albuquerque) from Monday-Thursday for up to six non-consecutive months of the year. All other duties are to be performed on campus in Albuquerque, NM. The primary responsibility of this position is to collect and manage data for ten long-term research projects. Most of this research focuses on a variety of topics within desert grassland ecology. However, there is some collection of small mammal data, as well. The successful applicant should be able to work independently and be knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures of ecology. Applicants should be able to identify the plants of central New Mexico or have the demonstrated ability to learn this flora. Preferred Qualifications: M.S. degree in a relevant biological science. Ability to hike long distances carrying field equipment. Ability to wear a half-face respirator. Previous field crew experience. Knowledge of the flora of central New Mexico. Experience with the trapping, handling, and identification of small mammals. Experience managing large data sets. To apply, please visit: Please note that the job description included with this message is more complete than the UNM on-line posting. Also, out of necessity, the application period for best consideration is brief and closes April 3, 2011. For further information, please contact: Douglas Moore at Posted: 3/30/11.

University of Notre Dame: A full-time research technician position is available to work with Dr. Gary E. Belovsky on ecological research both on campus in Notre Dame, IN and at the University of Notre Dame's Environmental Research Center in northern Wisconsin. Duties: Run field and lab experiments, both aquatic and terrestrial. Enter, manage and statistically analyze data. Maintain variety of field and lab equipment at UNDERC-East, Land O' Lakes, WI. Maintain weather stations and oversee downloading of data. Supervise undergraduates in a laboratory setting. Location of position includes spending 7-8 months in the lab at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend campus, and 4-5 months at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC-East), Land O' Lakes, WI. Housing is provided on the UNDERC property. Qualifications include a BS or BA degree in ecology, environmental sciences or equivalent degree with previous relevant field and lab experience. Master's degree is preferred but not required. Excellent communication and organizational skills are essential. Experience working in a research setting is preferred. Knowledge/understanding of experimental ecology in lab and field. Field experience in collecting data for aquatic and terrestrial systems. Computer skills with the following are preferred: Word, Excel, Access, Systat, GIS, web page maintenance, upload/download of data from various pieces of equipment. Valid US Driver's License. Deadline for application: June 4, 2011. Start Date: July 11, 2011. Salary: $26-35k, with benefits. Applications: Please applyat Click on Search Postings and enter "UNDERC" as a keyword. Please include cover letter, resume and contact information for 3 references. For questions, please contact Jennifer Slade Belovsky at Posted: 5/17/11.

University of Oregon: The Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology has an opening for a full time Research Assistant to work on research project investigating how predicted climate change will affect native prairie plants in the Pacific Northwest. The position is available 4/15/2011, with renewal until 12/31/12 possible dependent on performance, funding and need. A Bachelor's degree and prior field work experience is required. Botanical knowledge of Pacific Northwest prairie species and biogeochemistry training are preferred qualifications. Must be able to work in a team atmosphere, be available for extensive travel to field sites from Southern Oregon to Central Washington, and conduct field and laboratory research under the direction of PIs Scott Bridgham and Bart Johnson. Salary 24K. Please send letter of application and a current resume with names and contact information of three references to: CEEB Posting: 11052, 5289 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5289. ( To assure full consideration, applications must be received by 3/8/11, but the position will remain open until filled. See the full posting. Posted: 3/2/11.

University of Pennsylvania: Project coordinator to manage day to day activities of multi-investigator ecological research project studying the effects of climate change in the steppe grasslands of northern Mongolia (see Coordinator’s responsibilities in include managing travel arrangements, ordering scientific equipment, arranging shipping to Mongolia, organizing meetings of US and Mongolian researchers, managing recruitment and training of undergraduate participants, managing data sets including entering data, checking data files for accuracy, uploading files to online database, maintain and updating the project webpage. Bachelor's degree and a background in science is required and 0 to 1 year of experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Master's degree and experience in ecology preferred. Experience with data entry, MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint and web design and maintenance required. Good organizational skills are required. All candidates for the position must apply through the University of Pennsylvania’s job posting board (Reference number 100728968). Posted: 9/9/10.

University of South Carolina: Wetland biogeochemistry technician. A NSF-funded Research Specialist position is available at the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (Georgetown, SC) to examine the causes and effects of nutrient limitation on carbon cycling and storage in wetlands. In collaboration with scientists from the University of South Carolina, Duke University, and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, the successful candidate will determine if and why wetland plant and microbial production are limited by the same or different nutrients and will address hypotheses that connect the nature of nutrient limitation with ecosystem-level carbon sequestration. The research will include measurements of carbon dioxide and methane gas fluxes, bacterial production, and soil/water chemistry in experimentally manipulated field plots at wetlands in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. The candidate must be able to commit to quarterly sampling campaigns that will involve travel lasting two weeks at a time. A M.S. degree in a relevant field or a B.S. degree plus two years of related experience is required. Experience in wetland science and/or biogeochemistry is desired, as is prior experience with gas flux techniques and radioisotopes. Funding is available for up to 18 months. This position includes full benefits, including annual and sick leave, health insurance, and retirement. A full description of the position and duties can be found at Applications must be submitted through the USC job website and must include a cover letter, vita/resume, and contact information for at least three references. Evaluation of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. For specific questions about the position, please contact Scott Neubauer ( Posted: 7/14/10.

University of Texas: The Gosling Animal Personality lab has an immediate opening for a research assistant. This is a full-time position that includes UT employee benefits and requires an initial 2-year commitment with the possibility of a further 2 years pending both parties? agreement. Interested candidates should apply online as well as sending a resume/CV (with references) and cover letter to Closing date for applications is June 15 2011, and interviews will begin at that time. Preferred start date for the successful candidate is mid-late July 2011, but no later than late August 2011. Salary is $33k/annum. We are seeking a full-time research assistant to assist research projects on personality development in working dogs. Our population of study animals is located in San Antonio, Texas, so the successful applicant would reside in San Antonio but would occasionally be required to travel to Austin. Responsibilities include assistance with standardized behavioral testing of dogs, collection of behavioral data, development of a new measurement scales and methods, working with US federal government employees, data entry, assisting with purchasing, and other general administrative duties. Candidates should be mature, responsible, organized, detail-oriented, able to multi-task and work independently, and have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Our project is funded by the US federal government, so we are restricted to hiring US citizens or permanent residents. A bachelor's degree is required. Applicants with the following qualifications will be favored (equivalent combination of relevant education and experience may be substituted as appropriate): *Minimum of 6 months experience in research settings or independent research experience *Minimum of 6 months experience observing animals, especially in research settings *Experience working with dogs, especially working dogs *Experience evaluating animal personality traits *Experience in writing papers, reports, or presentations *Basic background in statistics/experimental design *Experience with Excel, SPSS, and basic video editing software. Posted: 5/4/11.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: A new position for a remote sensing and GIS technician is available in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The major work tasks will be to download, pre-process and classify satellite imagery, especially from Landsat and MODIS sensors, and to acquire and process GIS datasets. The technician will work primarily on two major projects assessing deforestation in Mexico, and climate change effects on biodiversity in the U.S. The position is part of the SILVIS lab. In the lab, we strive for a strong level of collaboration and team work, and to facilitate this, the technician’s task will also include assisting graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with remote sensing and GIS analyses. V. Radeloff will be the supervisor for this position. Qualifications: - B.S. in geography, forestry, environmental science, computer science or a related discipline. MS preferred. - 1-2 years of experience in remote sensing image classification (e.g., with ERDAS Imagine, ENVI), and processing of GIS datasets (e.g., in ArcGIS, GRASS) is essential. Programming experience to automate tasks highly desirable. Familiarity with Internet-GIS a plus. The GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist will organize and manage extensive spatial databases, and support and lead efforts to map land use and land use change. The specialist will also be responsible for documenting metadata and creating maps. Experience with conservation-related spatial data analysis is a plus. - We especially encourage candidates who work well in a collaborative setting and have excellent communication and writing skills. We are particularly interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching and/or service. The appointment type is Associate Information Processing Consultant. Funding is in hand for 2 years, and the position is renewable based on continued funding and satisfactory performance. The position is available immediately, and an early start date is preferred, but is open to negotiation. Salary is competitive and includes health care benefits. To apply: Candidates should send a cover letter summarizing their research interests, a CV, and the contact information for three references. Review of applicants will begin immediately; position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. All applications received on or before May 26th 2011 are guaranteed consideration. Application packages (e-mailed as a single PDF file) should be sent to Posted: 5/18/11.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Research Specialist - Climate Change and Natural Resource Management. This position supports ongoing research on climate change impacts on regional resources. This position will collaborate with state, tribal, and federal government entities across the Upper Midwest to (1) identify terrestrial animal and plant species for priority evaluation of the direct and indirect impacts of climate change, and (2) convene state and regional working groups to identify common management objectives and terrestrial species for priority evaluations. Careful documentation and written and oral presentation of work will be required. Fulfillment of duties requires regional travel in the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes region. This position is for a period of 9 months with an anticipated 3-6 months of additional support. Minimum $33k/yr. Anticipated begin date: March 21, 2011. Application must be received by: February 21, 2011. See the full job ad for more details and to apply. Posted: 2/4/11.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Global Land-Use Change and Sustainable Bioenergy. The Gibbs Lab Group seeks a full or part-time Post-Masters Research Intern to begin work in September 2011. The Research Intern will lead GIS analysis, statistical modeling, and database development in support of multiple research projects focused on land-use change, sustainable bioenergy and carbon emissions. The research will include synthetic, global-scale questions as well as case studies focused on particular countries or regions. Potential questions include: What are the drivers of agricultural land-use change? Do bioenergy subsidies in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere influence rates of forest clearing? What role could REDD play in mitigating causes and drivers of deforestation? How have tropical land-use patterns changed over the last three decades? What does this mean for carbon emissions? The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills and be able to work independently. Preference will be given to those with a strong interest and/or experience with tropical conservation and land-use issues. Desired (but not required) technical skills include at least two years experience with: 1.) GIS analysis including some experience working with satellite data, 2.) Statistical analysis including programming in R, Splus, Python or SAS, and 3.) Visualizing data communicating them to a range of audiences. We are interested in highly capable and energetic individuals who genuinely enjoy doing careful research, will contribute to a team-oriented atmosphere, and are comfortable balancing multiple tasks. Background in economics is a plus. Candidates with a B.S. and exceptional technical skills and work experience are also encouraged to apply. The position is for one year with renewal for a second year based on performance. Salary will be at least $31k per year, commensurate with qualifications. See also: Nelson Institute: Department of Geography. To apply, please submit a cover letter detailing qualifications, CV, and phone and email addresses of three references to Holly Gibbs Electronic documents are preferred. Application deadline is February 30, 2011 or until position is filled. Posted: 12/7/10.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Multiple research positions are now available as part of a new five-year project funded by the National Science Foundation's Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) program. The geographic setting for this project is the Yahara Watershed, an urbanizing agricultural watershed in southern Wisconsin, containing the city of Madison. Here and elsewhere, human needs for freshwater are growing as changes in climate, landscapes, the built environment and institutions alter water flows and quality in sometimes unpredictable ways. These changes affect ecosystem services related to freshwater, such as flows of freshwater for domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other uses; regulation of floods; water quality; and aspects of human health. To strengthen conceptual frameworks and improve predictive capacity, our interdisciplinary project will integrate biophysical and social-economic aspects of regional water systems. The overarching question of our work is: How will ecosystem services related to freshwater vary and how can they be sustained in regional watersheds as climate, land use and land cover, land management, the built environment and human demands change? We are seeking to build a diverse, interdisciplinary team of scholars, including approximately six graduate research assistants working towards a Ph.D. degree, two postdoctoral scientists, two research specialists, and several undergraduate research scholars. Several research laboratories at UWM are involved: Dr. Chris Kucharik (Agronomy and The Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment), Dr. Steve Loheide (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Dr. Adena Rissman (Forest and Wildlife Ecology), Dr. Steve Carpenter (Zoology and Center For Limnology), and Dr. Monica Turner (Zoology). For more information about the project and the full job ad, see: Posted: 11/2/10.

University of Wisconsin: The McIntyre lab group in the Center for Limnology seeks a lab manager to begin work in October 2010 (start date flexible). The position will include contributing to multiple projects in both the field and lab, assisting with oversight of students, and sample analyses using a variety of equipment. Substantial paid travel (up to 4 months per year) will be required for field work in Tanzania, Hawaii, the Great Lakes, Wisconsin River, and elsewhere as needed. Many of our field sites are spectacular, but candidates should be comfortable being away from home with only moderate communications access, and be able to function effectively in a foreign culture. Field work will often include challenging physical conditions (hiking, carrying equipment, SCUBA diving) and sometimes inclement weather. Our projects focus on the role that freshwater fishes play in ecosystems, and the conservation implications of fish-ecosystem linkages. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational and people skills along with a mix of skills/interests in both fish and environmental chemistry. Specific desired (but not required) skills and experience include 1) analyzing water and/or solid samples for elemental composition (C, N, P, S, Si, C, trace metals); 2) analyzing solid samples for stable isotope content using isotope ratio mass spectrometry, laser ablation ICP-MS, and/or ion microprobe; 3) collecting, identifying, and handling fish; 4) measuring ambient conditions in aquatic environments using sondes, probes, and thermistors; 5) entering and managing field and laboratory data; 6) conducting field work in remote areas; and 7) conducting research underwater (snorkeling or SCUBA) and on the water (small boats). GIS and modeling experience is also of interest, but is less important than experience with aquatic field work and environmental chemistry. Overall, we are especially interested in highly capable and energetic individuals who genuinely enjoy doing careful research, who will contribute to a team-oriented atmosphere in the lab group and the Center for Limnology, and who are comfortable balancing multiple tasks. Funding is currently available for two years, and we hope to sustain this position indefinitely. Thus, preference will be given to candidates who might, in principle, be available long-term. Salary will be at least $29,500 per year, but likely higher depending on qualifications. A B.S. or B.A. degree is the minimum requirement, but we encourage applications with an M.S. as well. To apply, please submit a letter of interest, CV, and phone & email addresses of 3 references to Denise Karns by 11 October 2010. Electronic documents are preferred. Full position listing. Posted: 9/29/10.

University of Wisconsin: A research technician position is available to work within a large-scale experiment to understand longleaf pine understory community assembly and restoration. The successful candidate will be based full-time at the Savannah River Site (SRS) near Aiken, South Carolina, and act as project manager for the SRS experimental sites. Job duties will include vegetation and soil sampling and establishment and monitoring of experiments to evaluate controls over longleaf pine understory community assembly (e.g. restoration, land-use history, competition, consumers, seed dispersal). The technician will interact closely with project PIs John Orrock (University of Wisconsin), Ellen Damschen (University of Wisconsin), Lars Brudvig (Michigan State University), and Joan Walker (US Forest Service Southern Research Station and Clemson University), as well as local resource managers, and will also be responsible for managing field assistants to assure the execution of the project. The preferred start date is August 2010, with funding for salary and benefits available for two years (second year of funding contingent upon favorable one-year evaluation). Successful candidates will hold a bachelor’s degree in ecology, biology, or a related discipline (Master’s degree preferred) and must be able to endure hot and humid conditions and long hours in the field. Previous field research experience and the desire to quickly learn the longleaf pine forest flora are mandatory. Candidates possessing background in one or more of the following – botany, GIS, field experiments, or field crew supervision – will be especially favorably received. Because the Savannah River Site is a highly secure area run by the U.S. Department of Energy, non-United States citizens may have difficulty gaining clearance to work there. Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. To apply, please email a CV and cover letter describing past experience, why you are a strong candidate for this position, dates of availability, and contact information (email addresses and phone numbers) for three references to John Orrock ( Posted: 7/9/10.

University of Wisconsin – Stout: We seek an Instrumentation Innovator to manage and maintain instruments; train students, staff and faculty; teach Instrumental Methods of Analysis; and assist in future instrument grant proposals and purchases. Detailed application information. A minimum of an MS or ABD in biology, chemistry, physics or related discipline is required. To apply, submit electronically, in PDF format, a single file containing a cover letter highlighting your instrumentation experience, your resume or CV, unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts (official transcripts will be requested if candidate is selected for on campus interview) and a list of three references to: For questions regarding the search contact Ann Parsons, Ph.D., Instrumentation Innovator Search Chair, at 715-232-2563. Complete applications must be received by October 25, 2010 at 8 am Central Time. Posted: 9/30/10.

Ventura County Community College: Environmental Technologies Instructor. Posting Number: 0601366. Brief Description: Work with the assigned Dean to plan, coordinate, evaluate, and implement the Associate's in Science degree in water/wastewater science. Maintain current knowledge of California Department of Public Health and California State Water Resources Control Board certification regulations along with EPA and all other licensing agencies. Under the general direction of a dean, an Instructor provides comprehensive classroom instruction to students from diverse backgrounds for the purpose of facilitating the attainment of their academic or vocational objectives. Minimum Qualifications: Any bachelor's degree and two years of experience, or any associate degree and six years of experience OR the equivalent* OR possession of an appropriate California Community College Credential. Preferred Qualifications: Four, or more, years as a licensed journeyman level operator in Water or Wastewater, Extensive experience with Water/Wastewater infrastructure. Additional Information: Requested Start Date: 8/16/2011 Closing Date 05-29-2011. Salary Range: $45-95k. To apply, visit Posted: 5/24/11.

Victor Valley College: Part-Time/Adjunct Associate Faculty (67%), Natural Resources. Natural resources includes but is not limited to the following: Range management; soil, air and water resources; forestry; fish/wildlife management; parks and recreation. Minimum qualifications for this discipline is any bachelor's degree and at least two years of experience in the field of Natural Resources, OR any associate degree and six years of experience in the field of Natural Resources, OR the equivalent. See the complete job description or for info on how to apply. Posted: 12/6/10.

Virginia Tech: The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences is accepting applications for a Project Manager to coordinate research efforts on the effects of pollutants on wild and captive wildlife. The incumbent will be responsible for interfacing with a team of scientists and helping to manage a large collaborative project. The incumbent will develop and maintain a research database, quality assurance program, and provide both field and laboratory assistance. The incumbent will maintain protocols on standard lab and field procedures, safety plans, and permitting, and will provide support with scientific reports and web page management. Required Qualifications: Post-graduate research or lab management experience; demonstrated experience with database management; experience with PowerPoint; strong interpersonal and organizational skills; excellent writing skills; willingness to travel several times a year to field sites; demonstrated ability to work as part of a team; ability to work under limited supervision. Preferred Qualifications: B.S. in a scientific or related field; working knowledge of basic animal biology and/or ecology; knowledge of pollution or related conservation issues; experience with quality assurance and safety programs; understanding of how field and laboratory research is integrated. The review of applications is currently ongoing and will continue until August 4th, or until position is filled. To submit applications or for more information, please contact: Tara Craig, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech, 100 Cheatham Hall (0321), Blacksburg, VA 24061, or William Hopkins at Posted: 7/16/10.

Wayne State University: A position for a full-time laboratory technician is available in the Steiner lab in the Department of Biological Sciences (Detroit, MI). The technician will aid in ongoing experiments and projects focused on the population and community ecology of freshwater zooplankton. General duties include running and sampling lab experiments, enumerating zooplankton samples, running nutrient analyses using spectroscopy, performing chlorophyll a analyses, running PCR reactions, supervising undergraduate research assistants, and general lab maintenance and upkeep. The position will be based primarily at WSU, but the technician will be required to periodically be in residence (for up to 7 days at a time) at Michigan State University’s Kellogg Biological Station during the summer field season (funds are available for housing during these periods). This position is for 40 hours per week with a starting salary of $16 per hour and includes full benefits. Time period for this position is April 2011-April 2012, with continuation dependent on continued funding. Qualifications: 1) B.S. degree in natural sciences 2) Fluency in English 3) Willingness to work for long hours in the outdoors 4) Proficiency using Microsoft Word and Excel 5) Organization and the ability to work independently and to supervise other workers 6) Research experience in any of the following is highly desirable but not necessary: field ecology, limnological analyses, biogeochemistry, molecular techniques (optimizing and running PCR reactions, analyzing microsatellite fragment data, etc). To apply, send cover letter, resume, and list of references as a single document to Dr. Steiner. Review of applications will begin immediately. Posted: 2/23/11.

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy: Six full-time position openings. Botanist. This position will be based in Middletown, PA. Primary duties will include collecting, assessing and monitoring botanical resources, with emphasis on rare species, for the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program. This person will design, schedule and manage inventory projects as well as a variety of other projects oriented toward the conservation of biologically significant plant populations and natural communities. A Master of Science degree in Botany or a closely related field required. Broad familiarity with Pennsylvania and/or mid-Atlantic/Midwest regions’ flora and ecosystems is required. Expertise in a few taxonomic groups (e.g., grasses, ferns, etc.) is desired, with some experience with aquatic flora necessary. Must be able to work a flexible schedule, which will include some evenings and weekends. Must be able to traverse rugged terrain, work on extended field excursions, and be able to travel within Pennsylvania. Must be able to work well independently and with others. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you are interested in this position, please send a letter, resume, and salary requirements to and list Botanist in the subject line of the email. Vegetation Ecologist. This position will be based in Middletown, PA. Primary duties will include research and analysis related to plant communities and ecological systems in Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) and WPC. Using PNHP methodology assesses the classification. Develops/reviews element occurrence records and provides information to update PHNP Biotics database. A minimum of a Master of Science degree or equivalent work experience in ecology, field biology, conservation, botany or related field; with knowledge of conservation biology, natural resource preservation, restoration ecology, and ecological aspects of resource management. Familiarity with Pennsylvania and/or mid-Atlantic/Midwest regions’ flora and ecosystems and experience in natural community classification, along with intensive field studies, and ecological research techniques is required. Position requires the ability to traverse rugged terrain, spend long hours out-of-doors on extended field excursions, and travel within Pennsylvania. Must be able to work well independently and with others. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you are interested in this position, please send a letter, resume, and salary requirements to and list VegEcol in the subject line of the email. Conservation Planning Specialist, based in Pittsburgh, PA. This position provides capacity for numerous conservation planning projects, GIS oriented projects, and conservation information management projects/tasks. The work focuses on the interpretation and provision of ecological information, with heavy reliance on GIS mapping and analysis, for use in planning at regional, county, and municipal levels, conservation organizations and state agencies. Additional work will involve processing and entry of records into Biotics and other databases, mapping, and providing assistance in developing plans. Qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree preferred) with emphasis in natural resources planning, landscape architecture, ecology, geography, or related fields. Knowledge of county and municipal planning tools, land use regulations and planning products such as comprehensive plans, greenway plans and/or river plans required. Must be willing to work a flexible schedule, which may include some evenings and weekends and frequent travel within Pennsylvania. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you are interested in this position, please email a letter, resume, and salary expectations to and list ConPlan in the subject line of the email. Heritage GIS Technicians. One position will be based in Middletown, PA and one will be based in Pittsburgh, PA. The Heritage GIS Technician is responsible for carrying out a variety of tasks related to processing and providing information for the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP). With an emphasis on creating and maintaining GIS-based information, carries out individual GIS and database related tasks as needed, such as data processing, map-making, and reporting. The positions also assist information management functions in processing information, data entry into databases, map and manual files, and providing information to users as needed. Qualifications include a minimum of a Bachelor's degree plus related work experience (Masters degree preferred) in geography, spatial information management, or related field. Education and/or experience in biology, conservation, or a related scientific field is strongly preferred. To apply, send a resume, cover letter and salary requirements to and list GISTECH – MID or GISTECH-PGH in the subject line of the email. Special Projects Coordinator, based in Middletown, PA. This position will focus on developing and utilizing tools to better represent the habitats and areas of importance for species and natural communities of conservation concern for the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) and WPC. This position will gather, interpret, and integrate information on species of concern into a standardized format, develop criteria for developing and mapping Conservation Planning Polygons (CPPs), and enter data into a state-wide GIS geodatabase. The Coordinator will assist in the selection of and directly supervise a staff of GIS technicians, whose primary focus will be to develop CPPs and enter polygon information into the CPP geodatabase. Qualifications include a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biological sciences and an understanding of natural systems, basic ecology, and habitat utilization concepts. Proficiency in GIS, database management systems, and at least two (preferably more) of the following: ARC/GIS, Arcview, Oracle, ARCIMS, and MS Access and the ability to troubleshoot hardware and software problems. Must have prior supervisory experience and the ability to manage work groups effectively. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you are interested in this position, please email a letter, resume, and salary expectations to and list SpProj in the subject line of the email. Deadline for all positions is 7/24/11. Posted: 6/24/11.

World Wildlife Fund: WWF, the global conservation organization, seeks a Program Officer (PO) for its Africa & Madagascar Program (AMP) to identify and secure new funding streams though writing proposals for submission to donors (individuals, US Government, foundations, etc.). Under the leadership of the Managing Director for the Congo Basin, the PO will work directly with US-based and field staff to assure synergy and communication with Development, Government Partnerships, Strategic Agreements, and Program Operations. The PO will identify requests for proposals and other opportunities, and determine technical requirements and other needs related to proposal development. S/he will keep abreast of and advise the Africa & Madagascar Team of new funding and strategic opportunities. A bachelor's degree in English, business, business communications, journalism, environment, conservation, development or a related field is required. Position requires at least three years of proposal writing and/or editing experience with demonstrated success in securing funding. A strong command of the English language including demonstrated writing and editing skills and an ability to translate complicated or technical ideas into proposal-appropriate language is required. Familiarity with the donor community and the international conservation and/or rural development sectors is desirable. French language skills would be an asset. This is a part-time limited term (not to exceed 1 year) position located in Washington, DC. The position may be extended based on available funding. To submit cover letter and resume please visit, job # 11094. Posted: 2/18/11.

The Xerces Society: The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is pleased to announce an open application period for two new staff positions in our Pollinator Conservation Program. Deadline: Oct 1. 1) The Pollinator Habitat Restoration Specialist (Mid-Atlantic Region) will work to provide training and technical oversight to farmers and conservation agency staff on pollinator conservation and native plant restoration. This position will be based in New Jersey and implement projects and events throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. More information about this position and how to apply is available at 2) The Native Plant Production and Restoration Specialist will implement a nationwide plan to increase the availability of milkweed (Asclepias spp.) seed for habitat conservation efforts targeting monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and other pollinators. This position will be based in Portland, Oregon, or for the right candidate, at a satellite location. More information about this position and how to apply is available at Posted: 9/13/10.

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