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Staff/Technician Positions 2012-2013 Archive

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Older listings: 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

positions lasting 1 year or more, mostly with benefits
titles marked (MS) require a master's degree, not necessarily an MS

Featured Positions

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Location Title Closes Posted
MPG Operations Research Assistant - Restoration Genetics and Invasion Ecology  10/2/12 10/2/12
Montana State University Environmental Analyst/Research Associate, aqueous biogeochemistry (MS)  7/10/12 7/10/12

All Positions

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Location Title Closes Posted
Colorado State University Acoustical Technician 7/31/13 6/25/13
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Land Manager for Conservation Ecology (MS) 7/19/13 6/25/13
US Environmental Protection Agency Spatial Data & Modeling 7/16/13 7/1/13
Kansas State University Assistant Conservation Forester 7/8/13 7/1/13
University of Texas Austin Lab tech, genetics and evolution of host-parasite interactions 7/1/13 6/21/13
University of California, Davis Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Geomorphology (MS) 7/1/13 6/21/13
Charlotte Nature Museum Coordinator  6/28/13 6/28/13
National Ecological Observatory Network Field Operations Manager - Great Basin  6/26/13 6/26/13
National Ecological Observatory Network Aquatic Technician I (Training & Illustration)  6/26/13 6/26/13
Colorado State University Research Associate II, Loch Vale Watershed LTER 6/23/13 6/10/13
Mianus River Gorge Preserve Manager/Scientist  6/21/13 6/21/13
University of New Mexico Research Scientist, plant ecology, Sevilleta LTER (MS)  6/21/13 6/21/13
Virginia Military Institute Biology Laboratory Technician  6/10/13 6/10/13
USDA ARS North Central Agricultural Research Lab Lab Technician, Insects 6/5/13 5/29/13
The Nature Conservancy in Arizona Forest Ecologist (MS) 6/3/13 5/13/13
Butler University Sustainability Coordinator (MS) 6/1/13 4/26/13
Northeastern University Program Coordinator/Program Assistant, Marine Biology (2 positions)  5/31/13 5/31/13
University of California, Davis Estuarine Ecology  5/31/13 5/31/13
University of Alabama Research Technician in Aquatic Community Ecology 5/30/13 5/9/13
National Ecological Observatory Network Field Operations Manager (4 positions)  5/29/13 5/29/13
University of Georgia Marine Institute Research Technician, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER  5/29/13 5/29/13
Union of Concerned Scientists Campaign Manager, Tropical Forest and Climate Initiative (MS)  5/28/13 5/28/13
University of Georgia Research tech, evolutionary/ecological genetics of invasive species  5/28/13 5/28/13
Eastern Connecticut State University Part-time faculty in ecology (MS)  5/28/13 5/28/13
Azuero Earth Project (Panama) Director of Programs 5/15/13 5/2/13
Duke University Field Technician, Watershed Science  5/13/13 5/13/13
College of William & Mary Research Tech, Behavioral Ecotoxicology of birds 5/10/13 5/3/13
University of Alabama Soil Diffusivity Project Manager (MS)  5/7/13 5/7/13
University of Georgia Marine Education Center and Aquarium Assistant Curator  5/3/13 5/3/13
Missouri Department of Conservation Resource Science Field Station Supervisor (MS) 5/3/13 4/25/13
Concordia University (Canada) Field tech, road ecology/wildlife passages and American marten 5/3/13 4/22/13
University of Michigan Lab Manager, Freshwater Ecology 5/3/13 4/17/13
University of California, Santa Barbara Scientific Programmer/Analyst, NCEAS 5/2/13 4/25/13
University of Waterloo (Canada) Technician: Plant morphology 5/1/13 3/26/13
University of Maryland Computational Science Assistant (MS) and Database Programmer 5/1/13 3/11/13
Qatar University Teaching Assistant for Biological Sciences (MS) 4/30/13 3/18/13
Ohio State University Program Manager, Lake States Fire Science Consortium  4/29/13 4/29/13
Harvard University/Smithsonian Institution Research Technician on small mammal ecology and distribution in Kenya  4/29/13 4/29/13
Iowa State University Water Chemistry Laboratory Manager 4/26/13 4/19/13
Samish Indian Nation Natural Resource Technician, NW Washington  4/22/13 4/22/13
University of Maine Research assistant, tree biomass data (MS)  4/18/13 4/18/13
Colorado State University Research Associate in forestry/fire ecology (MS) 4/15/13 3/27/13
Northeastern University Research technician in marine ecology 4/15/13 3/20/13
State of Hawaii Wildlife Management Program Specialist  4/12/13 4/12/13
WRA, Inc. Environmental Planner/Ecologist (CEQA/NEPA) 4/12/13 4/9/13
WRA, Inc. Senior Environmental Planner (CEQA/NEPA) 4/12/13 4/8/13
Hamaarag (Israel) Ecological Data Manager  4/9/13 4/9/13
Boston University Senior Research Tech: Ecosystem Ecology/Biogeochemistry/Global Change  4/4/13 4/4/13
National Ecological Observatory Network Science Educator  4/3/13 4/3/13
University of Alaska Fairbanks Research technician in ecosystem ecology/biogeochemistry 4/3/13 3/26/13
University of Kansas Botanist/Ecologist, Native Medicinal Plants (MS) 3/31/13 3/8/13
Purdue University Fisheries Laboratory Manager (MS)  3/29/13 3/29/13
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Asst Watershed Specialist 3/29/13 3/15/13
Montana State University Lab and field technician for plant ecophysiology lab  3/22/13 3/22/13
National Audubon Society Education Manager, Audubon Center at Francis Beidler Forest  3/21/13 3/21/13
University of Notre Dame Field/Lab Research Tech, ecology 3/20/13 3/8/13
Yale University Stable Isotope Lab Manager (MS)  3/19/13 3/19/13
Oregon Department of State Lands Reserve Manager, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve 3/17/13 2/14/13
Capitol Region Watershed District Monitoring Coordinator, Minnesota 3/15/13 3/7/13
University of North Carolina Marine ecology research technician 3/11/13 2/20/13
University of Louisiana at Monroe Utility of ISSRs as population markers in freshwater snails (MS)  3/7/13 3/7/13
South Florida Water Management District Wetland ecologist/modeler  3/6/13 3/6/13
Brown University/Marine Biological Laboratory Research assistant - ecosystem ecology  3/5/13 3/5/13
WRA, Inc. Botanist/Plant Ecologist 3/1/13 2/22/13
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Conservation Resources Molecular Biologist (MS) 3/1/13 1/28/13
University of Michigan Research Manager, GIS (MS) 2/19/13 2/18/13
University of Alaska Toolik Field Station Environmental Data Center Manager 2/15/13 2/4/13
North Carolina Plant Conservation Program Land Management Technician  2/14/13 2/14/13
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife GIS and Data Support Analyst 2/11/13 2/7/13
University of Rhode Island Communications Manager and liaison for Coastal Resources Center 2/9/13 1/22/13
The Nature Conservancy Freshwater Conservation Manager, Iowa  2/7/13 2/7/13
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Conservation Biologist/Information Specialist, Natural Heritage Program 2/6/13 12/10/12
Florida Atlantic University Research Tech: Carbon Cycling in the Everglades  2/4/13 2/4/13
Blue Water Baltimore Urban Forestry Manager 2/1/13 1/22/13
Mississippi Natural Heritage Program Biologist, surveys for rare species/communities (MS) 1/31/13 1/28/13
Mississippi Natural Heritage Program Program Database Manager (MS) 1/31/13 1/25/13
Downeast Lakes Land Trust Education and Communications Manager  1/30/13 1/30/13
University of Michigan Laboratory Technician in Molecular Microbial Ecology  1/28/13 1/28/13
New Mexico State University Geospatial Application Developer  1/24/13 1/24/13
US Environmental Protection Agency Computational ecology 1/12/13 12/17/12
COMPASS Administrative Coordinator 1/4/13 12/11/12
The Nature Conservancy LA-Ventura Land Manager and Restoration Project Associate (2 positions)  1/2/13 1/2/13
Louisiana State University Stable Isotope Research Associate 2 (MS) 1/2/13 12/17/12
National Park Service Lead Biological Science Technician (plants) 12/28/12 12/20/12
USDA Forest Service Biologist, Forest Ecosystem Function and Health 12/28/12 12/3/12
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Researcher II, peatland ecology 12/14/12 12/4/12
Oregon Department of State Lands Partnership Project Assistant Coordinator/Data Manager  12/11/12 12/11/12
University of Idaho Salmon telemetry (multiple positions) 12/11/12 12/4/12
American Rivers River Restoration (4 positions)  12/10/12 12/10/12
The Nature Conservancy Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership Coordinator 12/10/12 11/20/12
Austin College Coordinator, Center for Environmental Studies 12/7/12 12/3/12
University of Colorado Research Technician in Parasitology  12/6/12 12/6/12
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center Aquatic Ecology Research Hourly Worker  12/6/12 12/6/12
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Plant Community Ecologist, Missouri 12/4/12 11/20/12
University of Nebraska at Omaha Research asst, effects of land use on birds 12/3/12 11/21/12
U.S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center Plant Community Ecology/Riparian Restoration (MS)  11/29/12 11/29/12
University of California, Santa Cruz NOAA Fisheries - Technical Writer, Programmer, Data Manager/GIS Analyst (3 positions) 11/29/12 11/13/12
USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Tree Ecophysiology and Forest Mensuration 11/21/12 10/23/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Watershed-Scale Modeling (MS)  11/15/12 11/15/12
Tennessee State University Insect Chemical Ecology & Pest Management 11/15/12 11/9/12
University of California, Davis Field/Lab Tech, Pollination and Native Plant Restoration 11/14/12 10/29/12
Colorado State University Academic Support Coordinators (2 MS+ positions) 11/9/12 10/16/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Valuation of Estuarine Ecosystem Services (MS) 11/7/12 10/26/12
Miami University Lab manager, Aquatic and Watershed Sciences 11/5/12 11/1/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Watershed Modeling and Decision Support Studies (MS) 11/5/12 10/26/12
Denver Botanic Gardens Herbarium Database Assistant  11/1/12 11/1/12
University at Albany, SUNY Instructional Support Specialist - Biology (MS)  11/1/12 11/1/12
University of Michigan Lab manager, aquatic and disease ecology 10/31/12 10/29/12
Southern Oregon University Lab manager, tree-rings 10/25/12 10/8/12
Missouri Department of Conservation Resource Staff Scientist, Fisheries  10/24/12 10/24/12
Boston University Research Assistant - Urban Ecology  10/23/12 10/23/12
USFWS Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative Environmental Information Manager 10/23/12 9/28/12
Archbold Biological Station Research assistant in plant ecology  10/19/12 10/19/12
California State University Long Beach Vertebrate/Insect Collection Technician 10/19/12 9/27/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Watershed Modeling 10/17/12 9/20/12
University of Hawaii Manoa Technician, Population genetics/phylogenomics  10/15/12 10/15/12
Purdue University Project Coordinator, Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment 10/15/12 10/1/12
Grinnell College Manager, Conard Environmental Research Area 10/15/12 9/7/12
University of California, Santa Barbara Bioeconomic modeling and data analysis of fisheries and other marine resources (MS) 10/12/12 9/27/12
Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University Research Techs, climatic and hydrologic monitoring systems (3 positions)  10/8/12 10/8/12
MPG Operations Research Assistant - Restoration Genetics and Invasion Ecology  10/2/12 10/2/12
Arizona State University Research tech, urban ecology  10/1/12 10/1/12
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Bioinformatics, Center for Great Lakes Genomics 10/1/12 9/10/12
The Nature Conservancy Field Biologist, Texas  9/26/12 9/26/12
US Environmental Protection Agency Research training, pesticide risks to threatened and endangered species (2 positions)  9/25/12 9/25/12
URS Corporation Senior Botanist/Wetland Ecologist  9/18/12 9/18/12
Michigan State University Research Assistant: Early Detection of Forest Health Threats 9/18/12 8/24/12
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center Environmental Scientist 9/15/12 9/7/12
National Audubon Society Important Bird Areas Program Biologist  9/14/12 9/14/12
CSIRO Land and Water Stable Isotope Technician  9/14/12 9/14/12
Denver Botanic Gardens Genetics Laboratory Technician  9/10/12 9/10/12
Chicago Botanic Garden Plant Conservation Research Technician & Program Analyst/Coordinator (MS) 9/10/12 8/16/12
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) Stable Isotope/Analytical Lab Manager 9/10/12 8/16/12
Desert Research Institute Climate/Ecosystem Research Asst (part-time)  9/7/12 9/7/12
HDR Engineering, Inc. Biologist II (Wetlands/Terrestrial Resources)  9/7/12 9/7/12
North Carolina State University Research Assistant, Ecology (MS)  9/7/12 9/7/12
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Endangered Species Conservation Associate 9/6/12 8/24/12
University of Notre Dame Molecular Ecology Research Technician 9/5/12 8/29/12
WRA, Inc. Senior Wildlife Ecologist 9/3/12 8/21/12
University of Wyoming Manager, Surface and Subsurface Hydrology Lab 8/30/12 8/24/12
WRA, Inc. Wildlife Ecologist 8/27/12 8/14/12
The Nature Conservancy Conservation GIS Analyst 8/27/12 8/2/12
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Plant-insect interactions and invasion ecology  8/24/12 8/24/12
Los Alamos National Laboratory Research tech, vegetation dynamics and climate change  8/21/12 8/21/12
Greenstone Environmental Services Environmental Scientist, Nevada  8/21/12 8/21/12
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Conservation Botanist (MS) 8/17/12 7/19/12
University of New Mexico Field Research Scientist, eddy flux  8/15/12 8/15/12
WRA, Inc. Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist (2 positions) 8/15/12 8/2/12
University of Maryland Appalachian Laboratory Research asst, global change ecology - ecological modeler 8/15/12 7/23/12
University of Florida Lab Tech, Disease and Drought Physiology in Citrus 8/9/12 7/25/12
University of Georgia Data Management Specialist, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER  8/7/12 8/7/12
University of California, Davis Tech, Eelgrass genetic diversity and ecosystem functioning 8/5/12 7/23/12
Ecological Society of America Diversity Programs Coordinator 8/1/12 7/19/12
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Research Tech, Ecological Modeling/GIS Analysis 7/31/12 7/11/12
University of Wisconsin-Madison Water Chemistry Lab Tech 7/27/12 7/16/12
SimBio Science Education Research Coordinator  7/26/12 7/26/12
Fort Collins, Colorado Natural Areas & Trails Ranger 7/20/12 7/6/12
The Cadmus Group, Inc. Watershed Scientist (MS)  7/18/12 7/18/12
Montana State University Environmental Analyst/Research Associate, aqueous biogeochemistry (MS)  7/10/12 7/10/12
Partners of the Americas Climate Change Program Officer  7/6/12 7/6/12

Older listings: 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

American Rivers: We currently have an Associate Director position opening for our California fish passage barrier removal program. Additionally, we have an Associate Director position for conservation work in Washington State, a legal internship position out of our DC office, and a fellowship position all currently accepting applications. Descriptions for all available positions: Posted: 12/10/12.

Archbold Biological Station: Available January 2013. We seek a motivated, experienced plant ecologist for a research assistant position in the Plant Ecology Laboratory of Eric Menges at Archbold Biological Station, located in Lake Placid, south-central Florida. Duties include leading efforts in field data collection, field experiments, shadehouse experiments, and lab work. Additional duties include data analysis, data management, preparing written reports, and contributing to manuscripts. Our research focuses on plant population biology, fire ecology, restoration ecology, conservation biology, and community ecology; with a focus on the endemic plants of Florida scrub and on long-term data collection and analysis. Our lab consists of 4 full time scientists together with variable numbers of interns, graduate students, and collaborators; and is a stimulating and enjoyable workplace. The applicant should have a Master’s degree or a BA/BS with at least three years of research experience. Education and experience should be in ecology, botany, or a related field. The applicant should have experience collecting ecological data, skills in data handling, a willingness to work both as part of a team and independently, and stamina to work in a subtropical climate. Other desired qualifications include specific training in plant population biology, population modeling, or fire ecology, field experience in Florida, experience in hot, humid climates, experience with GPS and GIS, statistical training, computer modeling experience, and interest or experience in conservation and land management. We are also particularly interested in candidates with substantial experience in statistical analyses and scientific writing. The RA will have the opportunity to present talks at scientific meetings and receive specialized training. We ask for a commitment of at least two years. Applications will be reviewed beginning in early November 2012 and will be accepted until the position is filled. All application materials should be sent via email to Dr. Eric S. Menges ( Include a cover letter summarizing experience and qualifications, a CV or resume, lists of courses and grades, and names, phone numbers, and email addresses for 3 references. Posted: 10/19/12.

Arizona State University: The Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) project seeks a full-time research technician to provide field and analytical support for urban ecology research programs in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. The position will involve a combination of administration, laboratory work, and field work with emphasis on studies of animal behavior and ecology in the field. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in a field appropriate to the area of assignment; OR, four years research experience appropriate to the area of assignment; OR, any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved. Desired qualifications: Evidence of a Bachelor or Master's degree in ecology or related field. Experience in: conducting sample collections (field work) in remote locations; identifying Sonoran desert plants, Arizona bird and/or reptile species; using GIS; using spreadsheets, databases and/or other data management software; organization and attention to detail; working in a team environment with other researchers from a variety of culturally diverse backgrounds For the complete job description and to apply, please visit and search for Research Technician with job number 29521 under staff positions. Posted: 10/1/12.

Austin College: a selective liberal arts college in Sherman, Texas (one hour north of Dallas) seeks a coordinator for its Center for Environmental Studies. Austin College has a vibrant environmental studies program, is a signatory in compliance with the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, and is included in Princeton Review's list of green schools. A complete position description is available here - Under "Non-exempt Positions" click on Coordinator, Center for Environmental Studies. Note that the file will open as a blank black file if you use Safari on a Mac. Firefox works. Review of applications begins immediately with applications accepted through December 7th. Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions. Peter Schulze, Director, Center for Environmental Studies ( Posted: 12/3/12.

Azuero Earth Project: a non-profit organization with the mission to preserve the earth’s ecosystems, protect biodiversity, and promote healthy communities by helping people to make informed decisions, take sustainable actions, and share knowledge seeks to fill our Program Director position in Pedasí, Panama. We would greatly appreciate your help in forwarding this message to any interested candidates. The full position description and details about how to apply can be found on AEP's webpage at: or Deadline: 5/15/13. Posted: 5/2/13.

Blue Water Baltimore: seeks a full-time Urban Forestry Manager to fill a critical role in our community greening program. This is a great opportunity to work with a dynamic and effective environmental nonprofit in the region. This position will lead implementation of our Urban Forestry Program throughout our watersheds. BWB currently plants about 2,000 trees per season with volunteers and staff. See the full job description. Position closes softly on 2/1 open until filled. Posted: 1/22/13.

Boston University: Senior Research Technician: Ecosystem Ecology / Biogeochemistry / Global Change. A position is available for a full-time research technician to help facilitate and conduct field and laboratory research under the supervision of Dr. Pamela Templer, Department of Biology. He or she will help manage a laboratory composed of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as visiting scientists. Research projects in the lab focus on the effects of climate change and atmospheric pollutants on nutrient cycling in temperate and tropical forest ecosystems. Tasks will include the collection and chemical analysis of plant materials, soil, gas and water samples. For sample analysis, the Research Technician will be trained in and use a gas chromatograph, carbon-nitrogen autoanalyzer, inorganic nutrient autoanalyzer (Lachat), as well as an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The Research Technician will be primarily responsible for specialized methods in the lab, including (but not limited to) isotope analysis, sap flow measurements and data management. The Technician’s time will be split between approximately 30% field work (at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire and Harvard Forest in Massachusetts) and 70% lab work (at Boston University). Applicants with an undergraduate or MS degree in chemistry, ecology or related field are desired. Previous research experience in inorganic chemistry, ecology, plant and/or soil analyses is a plus. Interested applicants should send their letter of interest and resume (including relevant course work) and contact information of 2-3 professional references to Pamela Templer at Please use “BU Senior Research Technician Position” in the Subject of your email message. Starting date: June 15, 2013 (negotiable). Posted: 4/4/13.

Boston University: Research Assistant - Urban Ecology. We seek a motivated, creative, and focused problem-solver to join interdisciplinary projects relating to urbanization, conservation, ecology, biogeochemistry, and remote sensing. The researcher will be an active participant in project planning, data analysis, scientific publications, and must be able to work as part of an interdisciplinary research team. Applicants should have at least a bachelor’s degree in one of the relevant environmental or social fields; a master’s degree is preferred. Desirable skills include experience with ARC-GIS software, multivariate statistical analysis (particularly using R software), interview and survey research, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, and/or image processing. Please direct all inquiries and send application materials to Lucy Hutyra ( As part of your application including a short statement of research interests (1 page maximum), curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of three qualified references. Posted: 10/23/12.

Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University: Research Technicians in iUTAH (innovative urban transitions and arid-region hydro-sustainability). We seek three technicians to take responsibilities for the operations of climatic and hydrologic monitoring systems in northern Utah. These technicians will have daily responsibility for all aspects of hydrological instrumentation network design, operation/maintenance, data quality assurance/control, and training. iUTAH is a statewide project funded through NSF's EPSCoR Program. Planned research instrumentation will quantify aspects of climate, snow and vegetation dynamics, and water quantity and quality in the Logan, Red Butte, and middle Provo watersheds. Aside from these duties the iUTAH project will afford excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary experiences in hydrologic data management and interpretation. One technician will be hired to work at each of the three universities. Responsibilities:.Work with iUTAH researchers to choose instruments most appropriate for project goals; assemble quotations/bids; oversee instrument installation.Assemble existing standard operating procedures for hydrological instrumentation; develop iUTAH-specific standard operating procedures for operation and maintenance of hydrological instrumentation to ensure that data quality, service, and security of data products are linked to needs of iUTAH researchers.Test and calibrate hydrological instrumentation according to standard operating procedures; validate and analyze data as part of quality assurance and control.Field data collection responsibilities include (a) conduct routine maintenance and calibration of climate and aquatic sensors according to standard operating procedures; (b) measure stream flow and prepare rating curve for surface water locations; (c) collect and prepare snow and water samples for biogeochemical analyses.Participate in iUTAH project meetings and activities at home institution and state-wide.Train iUTAH researchers how to use instrumentation Minimum Requirements:.Bachelors degree in science or engineering.Experience in field work and environmental measurements.High motivation and independence with good interpersonal and communication skills.Ability to lift 50 lbs.Ability to travel on a daily basis and to work in inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.) Preferred Qualifications:.Masters Degree with research experience/thesis in some aspect of environmental science.Technical experience in either climate monitoring and environmental data acquisition (e.g., Campbell Scientific data loggers) or stream hydrogeography and aquatic sensors (e.g., YSI datasondes).Ability to drive a snowmobile or to ski in backcountry locations Salary and benefits are competitive and specifics depend on the university hiring practices. One technician will be employed at each of three institutions. To apply for these positions: * Brigham Young University (College of Arts and Science) (Zach Aanderud * University of Utah (Global Change and Sustainability Center) ( * Utah State University (Ecology Center) ( Posted: 10/8/12.

Brown University/Marine Biological Laboratory: Field and Lab Research Assistant (1-year appointment with the possibility of extension). Candidate will assist with research on nitrogen cycling and soil greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural and forested ecosystems. The candidate will spend time at both the Marine Biological Laboratory, Ecosystems Center in Woods Hole, MA and Brown University in Providence, RI. The position also requires considerable travel to field sites in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Massachusetts. Responsibilities will include maintenance of gas analyzers and an eddy flux tower, collection of soil and plant samples, field and laboratory methods in ecosystem ecology, and data entry. Required Qualifications: Previous experience in ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, or other natural resource field experience; valid driver's license required; excellent organization and communication skills; successful applicants will have a demonstrated ability to work both independently and collaboratively. Field work in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (field sites in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) will occur between April and August, requiring extensive travel during this time. Preferred Qualifications: B.S. in Ecosystem Ecology or related field; previous experience with gas analyzers and/or eddy flux towers; experience handling large datasets. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Start date is negotiable, but the position is available immediately. To apply, please send an electronic application containing a cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone number, and email addresses of three references to Rebecca Ryals ( and Jim Tang ( Posted: 3/5/13.

Butler University: The Center for Urban Ecology (CUE) invites applications for Butler’s first Sustainability Coordinator. We seek applicants who share our passion for creative solutions to issues related to campus sustainability, urban ecology, and sustainable cities. Butler University is a recent signatory of the American Colleges and Universities Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) and is looking to build upon this signing to develop innovative and robust sustainability programming for Butler’s campus, viewing the campus as a living laboratory for these programs. Butler’s Sustainability Coordinator will develop and oversee sustainability programming for faculty, staff and students of Butler University and promote Butler’s campus sustainability to local, regional and national audiences. This position reports to the director of the Center for Urban Ecology and will work closely with Butler’s existing Sustainability Council, students, faculty and staff to help develop and execute the University’s sustainability program. Primary Responsibilities: · Develop and oversee the campus sustainability program through facilitating student, faculty, and staff participation opportunities and developing new campus sustainability initiatives · Work with the Sustainability Council and the Administration to meet the requirements of ACUPCC and AASHE reporting · In consultation with the CUE outreach coordinator, report and promote campus sustainability to campus, regional, and national audiences · In consultation with the CUE director and CUE administrative coordinator, assist in the development and oversight of a budget for the sustainability program · Pursue internal and external funding opportunities in concert with the CUE Director and Faculty affiliates to support the sustainability program · Develop and teach a sustainability practicum course during the academic year Requirements include: · Masters degree in sustainability, environmental studies, ecological sciences, environmental design or related field · Interest in and knowledge about sustainability and urban ecology · Ability to work independently and as a team leader and member · Ability to handle multiple priorities in a time sensitive environment · A demonstrated ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in written form Preference is given to applicants with prior experience managing campus sustainability initiatives including student programming and community engagement. Review of applications will begin June 1, 2013. We anticipate a start date in late summer 2013. Interested applicants should email a cover letter, resume, an example of creative work, and contact information for three references in a single PDF file to: Timothy Carter, Director, Center for Urban Ecology (, Butler University, 4600 Sunset Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Posted: 4/26/13.

The Cadmus Group, Inc.: is in search of an entry level (0-2 years’ experience) Watershed Scientist to join our Watershed Science & Management Team. The Watershed Scientist will utilize their technical expertise to efficiently plan and conduct watershed and water quality assessments, which involve quantitative analyses and the preparation of reports. Projects focus on hydrologic, water quality, and other natural resource management studies. Example duties include: background research and literature review; collection, analysis, and integration of relevant data from various sources; statistical and other data analyses; watershed and water quality modeling; preparation of graphical and tabular data summaries for inclusion in reports and presentations; and preparation and writing of technical reports, as well as reports for a lay audience. Qualifications: The preferred candidate will have a professional demeanor, be highly motivated, and possess excellent quantitative, problem-solving, and written and oral communication skills. Excellent organizational skills are a must, and the preferred candidate will be able to work on multiple projects concurrently, meet tight deadlines, and work well both independently and as a member of a team. Candidates must have demonstrated experience and knowledge of the theories, principles, practices, and techniques of limnology, aquatic chemistry, and hydrology. Bachelors and Masters Degrees in the aquatic, environmental, or natural sciences are required. Candidates must also have experience applying statistical and other quantitative techniques to water quality projects, including the development of sound findings and conclusions following analysis. Some training and/or experience with R, or another programming language with the ability to quickly learn R, is required. Candidates must also have a solid foundation in the use of ArcGIS for geospatial analyses. Strong data management and analysis skills are essential for success in this position. Although not required, ideal candidates will also have an understanding of watershed and water quality models, their limitations, and their applicability; an understanding of watershed-based planning and watershed management principles; and demonstrated knowledge of the Clean Water Act, especially the TMDL program. This position is located in our Chicago, IL or Madison, WI office. Candidates should submit a resume and cover letter explaining interest and suitability for this position. The position will be open until filled; however, we are looking to hire immediately, so candidates are urged to submit resumes soon. Apply at: Contact: Malika Shampine Posted: 7/18/12.

California State University Long Beach: Instructional Support Technician -Vertebrate Biology. Curates the vertebrate and insect collections of the Department of Biological Sciences. Makes the collections available for appropriate non-destructive uses in teaching and research. Sets up laboratory exercises for the vertebrate and entomological courses. Provides technical support for all faculty members who use these collections in teaching and research. The salary range is $3,698 to $5,546 per month with benefits. See the full job ad at (Job ID: 1010882) Full Time, 40 hours/week. Must be able to work variable hours. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: Ability to curate and maintain a diversity of vertebrate collections. Ability to compile and maintain a collection database. Ability to communicate effectively in a professional manner both verbally and in writing. Sufficient manual dexterity and proficiency with small tools to prepare specimens. Ability to communicate with an ethnically and culturally diverse campus community. Ability to follow all university policies, procedures, and guidelines including but not limited to safety, civility, information security, and non-discrimination policies and procedures. Ability to contribute to a positive university experience for each and every student, and assist in achieving the university's commitment to a "vision of excellence." Education and Experience: Equivalent to three years of academic or professional laboratory experience in vertebrate biology required. BA or BS degree in biological sciences preferred. Additional experience in entomology preferred. Experience preparing specimens for museum collections is desirable. Application Deadline: October 19, 2012. Posted: 9/27/12.

Capitol Region Watershed District: full-time Monitoring Coordinator. This position coordinates the data collection, review and implementation of water quality and biological monitoring of water resources and Best Management Practices within the District. The Monitoring Coordinator is responsible for the management of the monitoring program and coordinating with internal staff, partner institutions, organizations and agencies as well as preparing an annual report of the Monitoring Program. The salary range for the position is $42-58k, depending on qualifications and experience, plus benefits. For a full description contact our office or visit our website. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume (no faxes or emails) by March 15, 2013 to: Mark Doneux, Administrator, Capitol Region Watershed District, 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4, St. Paul, MN 55108, (651) 644-8888. Please direct inquiries about the position to Mark Doneux. Closes: March 15, 2013. Posted: 3/7/13.

Charlotte Nature Museum: Coordinator, Full Time. Plans, directs and coordinates day-to-day operations for Charlotte Nature Museum. The Coordinator also acts as the Lead Manager on duty in the absence of the Director. Other responsibilities include performing curatorial duties related to animal care, interpreting native North Carolina flora and fauna, training staff members as needed, developing and delivering educational experiences, overseeing the birthday party and volunteer programs, overseeing guest admissions and gift shop sales and working the Museum floor and other tasks as assigned. Bachelor's degree in science, science education or related degree. 2+ years of similar experience including management responsibilities required. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 6/28/13.

Chicago Botanic Garden: Plant Conservation Research Technician & Program Analyst/Coordinator, Conservation and Land Management Internship Program. This position is a split position, 50% research and 50% administration. Research Technician: The ideal candidate will participate in the collection of data in the lab and field, data analysis and the writing of peer-reviewed scientific papers. Experience in all or any combination of the following is preferred: leading/coordinating fieldwork, population genetics/parentage (microsatellites and/or RAD sequencing), plant reproductive biology and/or pollination biology, entomology (specifically hawkmoths and bees), plant identification, and basic ecological data collection. Research will focus on ongoing projects including the Oenothera, Castilleja, and CARICE Projects and others as they develop. To learn more about these projects, please visit the Skogen Lab website. CLM Program Analyst/Coordinator: Assist with the coordination and analysis of the CLM Internship Program, which hires 80-100 interns annually to assist federal biologists in the western US. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: advertisement & recruitment; organization & evaluation of applications; collection & processing employment paperwork for interns; payroll data collection & reporting; coordination of the training workshop; analyzing CLM Program data and evaluations for monthly, quarterly and annual reports; assisting with the supervision of volunteers, students or research assistants; others as they develop. The ideal candidate will have a passion for education, research and botany. Proficiency in Microsoft Office is required, knowledge of data management software (Access, etc.), data analysis software (R, Structure, Hickory, MIGRATE, POPGENE, SPAGdDi, TESS, CERVUS, etc.), and experience publishing scientific papers are preferred. Ability to work under harsh conditions (extreme heat/cold, camping for 4+ weeks at a time) is required and experience leading/coordinating fieldwork (team) is preferred. This position requires a high level of attention to detail, strong organizational skills, and the ability to respond calmly to shifting priorities. The ideal candidate will have strong interpersonal skills, will be a self-starter, highly motivated, and able to function successfully within a team structure and independently. Must have excellent verbal, written, and communication skills. Minimum of Master's degree in ecology, evolution, botany, biology and/or related field. Pay commensurate with experience, starting at $38k annually. Grant funded – salaried position but continued employment conditional on additional grant funding. Apply here. Starting Date: Fall 2012 or Winter 2013. Application review will begin Sept 10, 2012. Questions? Please contact Krissa Skogen Posted: 8/16/12.

College of William & Mary: Professors Dan Cristol and John Swaddle of the Department of Biology seek applications for a research technician position in Behavioral Ecotoxicology of birds. The position is open to candidates possessing a relevant life sciences degree or equivalent experience, and a sincere interest in the behavioral ecological effects of mercury contamination in songbirds. We are looking for someone with experience in captive wildlife handling and basic lab work and protocols; and with strong communication and organizational skills. The position is open for an initial one-year period (with the expected renewal for an additional two years) and offers competitive salary and benefits. The successful candidate will join a dynamic behavioral ornithology group and assist in the smooth running of a mercury dosing experiment on Zebra Finches to examine behavioral and physiological consequences of long-term, low-level mercury contamination. Major duties include making food and verifying dose levels, assisting PI’s and students with research, and assisting with animal care. Attention to detail and meticulous record keeping are necessary. If desired, the successful applicant may conduct research within the larger project in preparation for continuing their own education. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until an appointment is made. Submit application online (position 00889W). Review date: 5/10/13. Close date: 5/31/13. Posted: 5/3/13.

Colorado State University: Acoustical Technician (Research Associate I) Salary: $35k plus benefits. Full Consideration Date: July 31, 2013. Start date: September 2013 (negotiable). Full-time (includes benefits) One year initial term with possible extension depending on performance and project funding. The position is funded entirely from federal sources under an NPS Cooperative Agreement. The National Park Service (NPS), Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division (NSNSD) is part of the Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate (NRSS), a Washington, D.C. based office, located in Fort Collins, Colorado. The NSNSD assists park units in monitoring and managing acoustical environments. This position will assist NSNSD staff in collecting and analyzing acoustical data needed to support park management. Data collection will require extended field projects at park units; data analysis will require intensive analytical work. Applicants must be adaptable, available for extensive travel, capable of working in wilderness, and possess a keen interest in engineering or scientific analysis. To apply and view a complete position description, please visit: For full consideration applications should be submitted by July 31, 2013. Questions: Posted: 6/25/13.

Colorado State University: Research Associate II, Loch Vale Long-Term Ecological Research and Monitoring Program. The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL) is seeking a Research Associate II to manage field and laboratory operations for a long-term mountain watershed research program in Rocky Mountain National Park. The position requires a M.S. in hydrology, ecology, biogeochemistry, watershed science or similar field with post-graduate experience in program management. Experience with field and laboratory methods for biogeochemical and physical hydrologic sampling techniques, and data quality assurance are required. Backcountry mountaineering skills in all seasons are required. Experience utilizing and maintaining online databases are necessary. Good written and verbal communication skills are required. Experience working on multiple projects in a team environment is desirable. Position is for 12 months, with potential continuation, contingent upon available funding. Salary level is $27-35K per year plus benefits, depending upon experience. Electronic submissions are preferred. To apply and view a complete position description, submit a cover letter, resume, and names and contact information for three references via Employment Opportunities by 5 pm on Sunday, June 23, 2013. All interviews will be conducted remotely over the phone or on skype. For further information, contact Jill Baron at the NREL at 970-491-1968. Posted: 6/10/13.

Colorado State University: Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. This Research Associate II position is a fixed-term position scheduled to expire two years after the date of appointment. The term may be renewed past two years pending available funding. Salary Range: $3,150- 3,500 per month, benefited. The incumbent will work primarily in Colorado, with an emphasis on dry, frequent-fire forest types. Required Qualifications: · M.S. in Forestry, fire ecology, or related field of study · Demonstrated background, experience or expertise in dendrochronology, forest vegetation ecology and management, and fire ecology. Desired Qualifications: · Demonstrated experience establishing research plots and excellent forestry field skills · Experience supervising large crews · Experience with compiling and synthesizing large, complex datasets · Understanding and use of nonspatial and spatial statistics · Demonstrated high-quality written communication skills · Demonstrated experience with a chainsaw. Specific Duties: · Establish research plots, sample fire scars on living and remnant trees, map live and remnant tree locations, core living trees, and record current and previous mountain pine beetle activity from downed logs and patterns of tree mortality · Laboratory work will consist of using dendrochronological methods to determine tree germination, death, and fire scar dates, and to determine historical tree diameters · Data analysis will require the use of both spatial and nonspatial methods to compare historical and current metrics and to evaluate how historical metrics vary along environmental gradients. · Writing reports and contributing to manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals. · Supervise a large field crew including planning field campaigns, travel, and administrative duties (trainings, timesheets, etc). For full consideration send letter of interest, curriculum vita and three references by April 15, 2013 via Employment Opportunities. The letter of interest should describe interest in forest restoration, dendrochronology, the desire to link science to management, and prior experiences and expertise that make the applicant suitable for the position. Posted: 3/27/13.

Colorado State University: The Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (FWCB) is seeking two Academic Support Coordinators to help strengthen efforts to provide quality undergraduate advising and instruction and to promote undergraduate student success. Each Academic Support Coordinator will be a 12-month Administrative Professional position. The Academic Support Coordinators will embrace the mission of the Department and facilitate its undergraduate programs through advising and teaching. One of the positions will focus on undergraduate progress and retention as part of the campus-wide network of Academic Support Coordinators. Required Qualifications: 1) M.S., M.A., or Ph.D completed by time of appointment with at least one degree in fish or wildlife biology, ecology, or closely related natural resource or biological science field; and 2) Practical experience or demonstrated ability in advising and teaching at the undergraduate level. Desired Qualifications: 1) Keen interest in and desire to advise and mentor undergraduate students about educational and career goals in fish, wildlife, and conservation biology; 2) Proven ability to facilitate multiple projects in a highly organized manner; 3) Excellent skills in learning and applying technological tools in the classroom and to gather, analyze, and present student data to faculty and administration; 4) Creativity, leadership, and ability to work with diverse groups of people; 5) Excellent communication skills; and 6) Experience developing education, outreach, and training programs Salary: $48k plus benefits for 12 months. Start Date: Negotiable, but as soon after January 2, 2013 as possible. Application Procedure: To apply and view a complete position description, please visit: employment opportunities. For full consideration send cover letter, resume, and three references by November 9, 2012. Submit materials as a single Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file. Posted: 10/16/12.

COMPASS: dedicated to helping scientists connect themselves and their science to the wider world, seeks motivated and well-organized candidates with an interest in science in service of society for the position of COMPASS Administrative Coordinator, to be located in the COMPASS office in Santa Barbara, California. The COMPASS Administrative Coordinator will provide administrative and logistical support to a wide variety of COMPASS activities including assisting the Director of Science Outreach, supporting COMPASS’ scientist communications trainings and other events, as well as working closely with all COMPASS staff as needed Application deadline is January 4, 2013. A complete description for this position can be found at: Posted: 12/11/12.

Concordia University: A funded field technician position (for up to 3 years) is available at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to support research into the effectiveness of wildlife passages and fences along roads for small and medium-sized mammals.The widening of highway 175 between Québec City and Saguenay has been one of the largest road expansion projects in Canada during the last 5 years. The region is important habitat for many wildlife species since the road runs through the Réserve Faunique des Laurentides and is adjacent to the Parc de la Jacques-Cartier. There is increasing concern about the reduction in connectivity for wildlife across roads. Connectivity is important for many ecological processes such as access to resources on both sides of the roads, gene flow across the road, dispersal of subadults, source-sink dynamics, and predator-prey dynamics. 33 new wildlife passages have been constructed which are the first designated wildlife passages for small and medium-sized fauna in Quebec. There is an urgent need to evaluate their performance for a variety of species to inform management with regard to the implementation of wildlife passages along other highways. This project is part of a larger project about the effectiveness of mitigation measures (in collaboration with A. Clevenger and A. Desrochers and others). Further information: Dr. Jochen Jaeger We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic field technician who has a solid background in handling small and medium-sized mammals in the field. Tasks will include: - participate in capture-mark-recapture study of American martens, - VHF telemetry on American martens, - baiting and luring infrared cameras to monitor American marten and other meso-carnivores, - monitoring wildlife passages with infrared cameras, - species identification (photos, tracks) - running wildlife track stations (track boxes) around wildlife passages, - wildlife mortality survey along highway, - snow tracking in winter. The field technician will be expected to work in the field on most days, under sometimes inclement weather conditions. Skill of using GPS and orienting in the field is essential. This work will best be done by someone who has organized and done fieldwork before, knows the challenges and can carry out the work properly. A minimum of a technical degree in Environment and/or Wildlife Management (e.g., Cegep) or a BSc degree in Biology is required; a MSc degree would be an advantage. Strong preference will be given to applicants who speak French. The fieldwork will be conducted in the Réserve Faunique des Laurentides between Quebec City and Saguenay. Fieldwork will be conducted over 6 to 8 months each year. This position is fully funded for 6 to 8 months each year, for up to three years (and potentially longer if the project is extended). Accomodation during the time of fieldwork is provided. Please send your application to: Dr. Jochen Jaeger, Concordia University, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Suite H1255, Montréal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8, or by email: Please include in your application your CV, your transcripts, three references (including phone number and email addresses), and a letter of interest that describes your background and your motivation for this project. One or two letters of recommendation would be very welcome (but are not required). Applications are welcome as soon as possible, and by May 3rd the latest; they will be looked at immediately and the position will be filled as soon as possible. The start date of the work is May 27, 2013. Posted: 4/22/13.

Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Hydrologist (Assistant Watershed Specialist). Closes on March 29, 2013. The Tribal Environmental Office is recruiting a limited-duration Assistant Watershed Specialist to support watershed planning, monitoring and assessment programs. Major responsibilities include watershed analysis and assessment, hiring and supervision of a summer field crew, and data management and analysis. Must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to work both independently and as part of an interdisciplinary team. The position does involve frequent field work, strenuous activity and the ability to wade streams and walk in steep and rugged terrain in inclement weather while carrying equipment. A Bachelor’s degree in Hydrology, Watershed Science, Environmental Science, Natural Resources, Soil or related program is required, along with two years of related work experience. Proficiency in general computer programs, such as Excel, and use of field equipment such as GPS, and a valid Oregon Driver’s License is also required. Additional desirable qualifications include knowledge, experience with wetlands assessment, road/streams interactions, GIS, data analysis, and prior crew supervision/leadership. Salary Range $32-40k/Yr. See announcement and apply online. Posted: 3/15/13.

CSIRO Land and Water: we seek an experienced stable isotope technical officer for a 13 month contract beginning 1 Dec 2012. The position will be split between the Soil Carbon & Nutrient Cycling and Isotope Hydrology groups at the Waite Campus in Adelaide, Australia. This exciting position offers the opportunity to support numerous stable isotope applications including measurement of 13C and 15N of solids, liquids and gases (CO2, N2O, CH4), measurement of deuterium and 18O in water and solids (plants and soils) and analysis of noble gases in water and sediments across a range of projects. Required skills: Expertise in running, routine maintenance and advanced trouble shooting of isotope ratio mass spectrometers for ecological, geochemical or hydrological applications. Desirable skills: Familiarity with Sercon GEO 20-20 Mass Specs, quadrupole mass spectrometry, Gas bench and Cyroprep systems, Picarro and LGR laser stable isotope measurements, gas chromatography for CFC and SF6 and “groundwater dating”, Radiometry (Quantulus LSC and GPC), preparation of noble gases in water samples, basic electrical engineering and computer programming skills (LabView, VBA). For additional information contact Dr. Jonathan Sanderman ( To apply please send CV and a cover letter detailing your experience with stable isotope analysis along with contact details for three references. This position will be open until filled. Australian resident preferred but highly qualified international candidates will also be considered. Salary range = $75-85k + 15.4% superannuation contribution. Posted: 9/14/12.

Denver Botanic Gardens: Herbarium Database Assistant - One year, Full-time. Job Summary: Assist with all digitization activities in the herbarium especially those associated with Digitization TCN: Collaborative: The Macrofungi Collection Consortium. Key tasks include specimen data entry, editing records, geo-referencing and digital imaging of fungal and plant specimens. Starting date: January 2013. Qualifications: Associate's degree (A. A.) or equivalent from two-year college or technical school (BA preferred); or six months to one year related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in relational database systems (Access, MySQL, symbiota or other relational database). Experience related to museum collections preferred. Knowledge of digital photography, digital photo editing software and GIS software a plus. Must be able to work independently, possess excellent interpersonal skills, strong organizational abilities and be detail-oriented. Proficiency with standard office equipment - MS Word, Outlook, and data entry required. Basic knowledge of scientific nomenclature and museum collections including handling specimens preferred. Send resume and/or application to Human Resources, Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St., Denver CO 80206, or e-mail your resume to Posted: 11/1/12.

Denver Botanic Gardens: Genetics Laboratory Technician, Full-time. The genetics laboratory technician will be responsible for collection of plant conservation genetic data, genetic data analysis, and day-to-day ordering and upkeep in the Conservation Genetics lab at Denver Botanic Gardens. Data collection and analysis will focus on ongoing projects including the examination of population genetic patterns and taxonomic status in several federally listed species. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree (B. A.) (Masters preferred) in botany, biology, genetics, environmental sciences or related field, from four-year college or university; and one to two years related experience and/or training. Experience working independently in a lab is essential. Experience in any combination of the following is preferred: population genetics, ISSR (intersimple sequence repeat) analysis, dominant marker techniques, microsatellite analysis, systematics (Sanger sequencing or RAD/other Next Generation sequencing), hazardous waste handling, and lab management. Undergraduate class work in genetics and botany and a basic knowledge of plant biology are required. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills are a must. Experience conducting analyses and producing figures for publishing scientific papers preferred. Database design and management, global position systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), and Microsoft software (Word, Excel, Access) are desirable. Send resume and/or application to Human Resources, Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St., Denver CO 80206, or e-mail your resume to Posted: 9/10/12.

Desert Research Institute: DRI's Program for Climate, Ecosystem and Fire Applications (CEFA) seeks a part-time (50% FTE) research scientist with experience in atmospheric models, data analysis, computer programming and fieldwork. The overall goal of this position is to assist in research activities that include running atmospheric models, developing computer software code to analyze data including GIS, and project papers, reports and proposals. The selected individual will report to and work closely with the Director of CEFA. Required: Master's Degree in Meteorology, Climatology, or related field. Ability to write computer software programs and scripts in the languages C, Python, Fortran, NCL, GDAL and Unix-shell. Experience working with WRF, CFS, NARR, GFS, NAM atmospheric models. Experience in analyzing atmospheric science data. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to make occasional trips into the field for a period of 1-7 days while operating field vehicles/quads in adverse conditions (winter/off-road/heavily loaded). Ability to perform sustained and vigorous physical activities in a variety of adverse weather conditions (summer heat/winter snow). Ability to stand and walk for extended periods; to frequently stoop, bend, and kneel; lift and move objects weighing up to 60 lbs; work at heights on towers of (<35'). If this sounds like the job for you, visit for a complete description, required qualifications, and how to apply online. Posted: 9/7/12.

Downeast Lakes Land Trust: is pleased to announce that we are hiring an Education and Communications Manager. We are seeking a dynamic leader with exceptional skills. With an outstanding 33,708-acre Community Forest under our management, and strong cooperative relationships within our community, DLLT has an opportunity to develop and expand our education and communication program. We seek to build stronger connections between residents, visitors, and the natural resources that sustain the economy, while educating future generations and building their appreciation for the natural environment and sustainable use of forest resources. The Education & Communications Manager will lead development and expansion of DLLT’s education program and assume substantial responsibilities for communications including print and online materials and media relations. This is a full-time position. Initial funding for the first three years is secured due to a major grant from the Maine Timberlands Charitable Trust, and the position is expected to be permanent. See the complete position description for details. Posted: 1/30/13.

Duke University: Drs. Brian McGlynn, Emily Bernhardt and Dean Urban of Duke's River Center are looking for a new full time field technician to assist in setting up and maintaining a variety of watershed and stream hydrologic and biogeochemical sampling programs in central North Carolina. This is a full-time position with benefits. The start date is negotiable, but could be as soon as June 1, 2013. The current position is for one year with expectation of renewal given satisfactory performance. This position would be ideal for recent bachelor's or master’s degree recipients with field experience, technical competence, and an interest in gaining further expertise in watershed science. The applicant will have the opportunity to interact with the wide variety of graduate students, postdocs and faculty affiliated with Duke's River Center and will have the opportunity to coauthor papers and present research at regional or national meetings. Duties will include the following: * Install and maintain a wide variety of dataloggers and environmental sensing systems in central NC streams and watersheds * Regularly download data from and maintain database infrastructure for a network of environmental sensors and data loggers. * Collect soil, water, and sediment samples and assist with chemical analyses. The Duke River center is based in the Nicholas School of the Environment. We study stream, river, and watershed ecology and hydrology across a broad gradient of natural and disturbed systems. Ideal candidates will have a strong interest in hydrology/biogeochemistry and a willingness to work outdoors in hot, humid conditions with abundant insects, ticks, and chiggers and curious urban and rural residents. Proficiency with setting up and troubleshooting electronic devices is desirable as is experience with GIS. Duke is located in Durham, North Carolina. Successful applicants will need to secure housing in the Durham/Research Triangle area. Please submit application materials (resume, a one-page cover letter, and the names of two willing references) via e-mail to Brooke Hassett (bhassett [at] Posted: 5/13/13.

Eastern Connecticut State University: Part-time faculty in ecology. The Department of Biology at seeks qualified individuals to teach part-time (days and/or evenings) in its non-majors, undergraduate program. We currently seek to hire engaging professors who can teach lecture and/or laboratory sections in Ecology and the Environment. A Master's degree in a related field is required. Applicants must demonstrate a record of successful university teaching. Additional qualifications include professional development activities that maintain currency in the teaching field such as continuing education, workshops, consulting, and/or attendance at professional conferences. To apply, please submit (via e-mail or mail) a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a brief statement of teaching philosophy, and a list of three references to Dr. Gloria Colurso, Department of Biology, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226. E-mail Posted: 5/28/13.

Ecological Society of America: ESA’s Education and Diversity Programs office offers a variety of programs to increase the diversity of the ecology-related professions and to improve the quality of ecology education. The Diversity Programs Coordinator is responsible for developing and implementing education programs that will increase diversity in the field of ecology in general, and specifically, for supporting and advancing the Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) program which nurtures minority undergraduate students along the ecology career pathway. Core program areas include undergraduate research fellowships, ecological field trips, grants to SEEDS chapters, annual leadership meetings and scholarships to the ESA Annual Meeting. This is a junior level position for candidates with at least 1 year of work experience interested in developing a professional career in education program development and implementation. Full details. Candidates will be screened and shortlisted for interviews after August 1, 2012 and applications are accepted through August 31, 2012. Posted: 7/19/12.

Florida Atlantic University: A research technician position is available in the Plant Ecology Lab in support of a Department of Energy-funded project investigating carbon cycling in the Florida Everglades watershed. Duties will include: Coordination and participation in field data collection campaigns Maintenance of field and lab instruments Supervision of undergraduate assistants Participation in laboratory analyses and data collection Data QA/QC and project database management Applicants must be willing to participate in multi-day off-campus field campaigns and conduct rigorous field work in Florida wetland conditions. Applicants must have a valid US driver's license, good driving record, and must be bondable (for insurance purposes), as well as a Bachelor's or Master's degree from an accredited college or university in a relevant field (e.g., biology, chemistry, geosciences). The successful candidate will be detail oriented with an aptitude for conducting scientific research. Prior field research experience is preferred, as are skills in personnel and/or data management, statistics, gas exchange measurement (eddy covariance or chamber incubations), use of dataloggers, airboat operation, and soil or plant ecology. Base salary is $10/hr (negotiable, commensurate with experience). Duration is up to 2 years, with potential for further renewal contingent upon funding availability. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV or resume, and names and contact information of two references to Dr. Brian Benscoter ( via email. Posted: 2/4/13.

Fort Collins, Colorado: The City of Fort Collins is recruiting for a Natural Areas & Trails Ranger. This position conducts daily patrols of natural areas and trails to provide visitor safety, assistance and education while protecting natural and cultural resource values. Interacts with the public to provide information on recreation, natural history, ecological functions, and stewardship practices. Enforces codes (misdemeanors) in natural areas and on recreational trails, including issuing warnings or citations to violators. Conducts foot and mountain bike patrol on properties to monitor recreation activities and ensure visitor safety and resource protection. Coordinates emergency response including administration of first aid, wildland fire, and search and rescue. Testifies in court in support of citations issued. Monitors wildlife activity and ecological changes, and works with staff to adapt site management if necessary. Monitors site conditions, performs inspections on visitor use, permitted activities, boundary marking, and encroachment violations. Requires Bachelor's degree in Natural Resources, Recreation, Environmental Management, Biological Sciences or related field and minimum of 1 yr related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Valid driver s license. Hiring range: $3,471-4,725/mo. plus excellent benefits. Visit for more information and to apply by July 20, 2012. Posted: 7/6/12.

Greenstone Environmental Services: Currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of Environmental Scientist for a project south of the Las Vegas area. Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science, Wildlife Biology, Geology, or related field. * Minimum 2 years environmental experience * Valid Driver's license * Familiar with MS Office applications. Preferred: * Prior environmental consulting or Agency experience * Experience with writing and implementing SPCC and Hazardous Materials Management Plans * CESSWI, QSP, or similar storm water certification or experience * Familiarity with California and Nevada environmental regulations * Construction monitoring experience * Experience with Environmental Impact Studies and reports * Desert Tortoise monitoring or handling experience * Clark County Dust Control Permits and Regulations. Primary duties of this position will include performing field work and assisting team members and work crews with environmental compliance mitigations during construction activities. Job duties frequently include working outdoors, sometimes in inclement weather conditions, and may require hiking to remote sites and other duties such as staking, shoveling, and lifting materials. An ability to communicate clearly and to work well with many different personalities are key attributes for the candidate to possess. Candidate will assist with fugitive dust prevention and plan compliance, spill prevention, response, and management, biological resource protection, SWPPP implementation and monitoring, and other environmental compliance items. Approximate start date: September 4, 2012. If interested, submit your resume via email ( for consideration. Please include the job title and location of the position for which you are applying when submitting your application. Posted: 8/21/12.

Grinnell College: we seek a full-time Manager for the Conard Environmental Research Area (CERA), a 365 acre teaching and research facility located ten miles from the campus. Native woodland, savanna, restored and remnant prairie, and wetland habitats occupy the landscape, and facilities include CERA's Environmental Education Center, the first building in Iowa to receive Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program. The Manager position serves two programs. The Manager assists the college's Center for Prairie Studies in accomplishing its mission by planning and implementing campus and outreach programs, events, and special projects, primarily but not exclusively at CERA. The Manager assists the Biology Department in planning all restoration activities at CERA in consultation with the CERA Director and advisory committee, including prescribed burning, tree thinning, and invasive species control. Other work includes applying and monitoring experimental treatments, assisting students with research projects, developing and maintaining a comprehensive website, archiving data sets, researching and purchasing equipment and supplies, hiring and supervising student employees, and organizing field trips and work days for volunteers. Qualifications: A Bachelor's degree in an appropriate field and experience managing natural areas are required. A Master's degree and experience in environmental education, public programming, and/or citizen science are desired. Apply at, Posting Number S00019. Upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts and three references with their contact information. Closing Date: 10/15/2012. Posted: 9/7/12.

Hamaarag: Ecological Data Manager. Hamaarag, Israel's ecosystem assessment program, is a partnership of the organizations that manage Israel's ecosystems and open landscapes: the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Israeli National Parks Authority, the Israeli Forestry Service (KKL) with scientists from academic institutes. Hamaarag is located in the Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. Hamaarag mission is to support evidence based management and policy of Israel's open landscapes and ecosystems. Hamaarg operates via the following channels: · Publication of Israel's state of nature report. · A national terrestrial biodiversity monitoring. · Promotion of the National LTER network. · A national ecosystem assessment: the Israel – NEA. · Mediterranean Sea program. Hamaarag aims to create a data base and a web based data portal enabling access to the data collected in the terrestrial biodiversity monitoring program. To this end Hamaarag is opening a one year position for an Ecological Data Manager. The data manager primary responsibility will be the development of a geospatial data base and web application for data entry, viewing and reporting. The data manager will work with the end users to define requirements, created the system specification, and will work with external contractors to design and build the system software and hardware architecture. The data manager will promote national and international collaboration and will design the system to adhere to international standards of ecological data storage. Responsibilities: · Coordinate and lead the data base and data portl development from requirements to implementation. · Define and implement data management plan for Hamaarag. · Interface and with external contractors developing the system. · Promote partnerships in the national and international arenas. · Support Hamaarag's internal IT needs (up to 10% of time) Requirements: · At least two years experience in the development and management of ecological/biological data systems. · Graduate degree in ecology, biology or related field with a strong quantitative background. Applicants with a computer science degree with significant experience in the management of biological data sets may also apply. · Experience with database management systems, including design, data entry, SQL and backup procedures. · Familiarity with GIS interface with databases. Experience with the developmet of web based interfaces. · Experience in the statistical analysis and visualization of biological data. · Experience in program management: work plan development, budget preparation and execution, supervision of external contractors. To apply please send resume to Posted: 4/9/13.

Harvard University/Smithsonian Institution: Seeking applications from qualified candidates (BS or higher) for a research technician position to help manage field and museum activities for a project seeking to understand drivers of small mammal community composition change over time in Kenya, with implications for zoonotic disease risk. The project is a collaborative effort between researchers at Smithsonian Institution and Harvard University. This is a full-time 1 year placement working largely at remote field sites in Kenya. Research technician will be based at Mpala Research Station but will be called upon to lead operation from other temporary research camps. Work schedules can be demanding and erratic. Responsibilities for the position are diverse and include: managing project databases, trapping small mammals, husbandry of small mammals, permitting and logistics, sampling and specimen preparation of small mammals, collecting and initial analyses of tissue and ectoparasite samples for genetic, immunological, and isotopic analyses, maintaining project vehicles and equipment, and managing research staff. Experience working outdoors, working in remote settings, international experience, museum skills, and field research is preferred. Background in science is necessary - with preference given to candidates with training and interest in research ecology or museum based research as a career path. Some time (1-3 months) working in the US at the end of the period is possible if desired. The position is one year in duration. Candidates available for start in early summer 2013 are preferred. Travel costs and all living expenses paid along with a living stipend. Interested candidates please provide 1) CV with GPA, 2) 1-2 paragraph statement of interest, 3) names of 3 references and their contact information, and 4) the date you would be available to start. Send materials to Hillary Young: Posted: 4/29/13.

HDR Engineering, Inc.: Biologist II (Wetlands/Terrestrial Resources) - Job Code 121247 - Folsom, CA. The primary duties will be to work with clients, resource agencies, environmental and technical staff to prepare environmental documents and technical studies related to wetlands and terrestrial biological resources. Works independently on medium sized projects or assists more senior scientists on larger projects. Additional duties may include conducting biological field surveys, data interpretation and analysis and to plan and manage written environmental reports. May give direction to clerical and technical personnel. Assignments may require dealing with diverse working conditions while in the field. Requirements: Bachelors degree (BS/BA) in Biology or related field. MS preferred. 2 years minimum experience managing biological/environmental projects. Proficiency with MS Office. Strong oral and written communication skills. Leadership skills and ability to work in a team environment. Apply On-line. Posted: 9/7/12.

Iowa State University: John Downing's limnology lab is seeking an immediate replacement for our long-time water chemistry laboratory manager. The person in this position directs the analysis of a lot of really interesting water samples from our lake monitoring program and other projects. The lab is state and federally certified so experience or ability in QA/QC is a must. We are a big and busy group and have a lot of fun while doing a lot of serious science. You can see the types of analytes we do at: If you are interested, please see the entire job ad. To ensure consideration, apply by 4-26-2013. Posted: 4/19/13.

Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center: The Aquatic Ecology Lab at Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center is seeking a Research Hourly Worker to assist with field and lab work. The position is a 12 month appointment with a three month evaluation period and the possibility for extension. The position will begin January 2nd. The 28,000-acre Research Center is located approximately 30 miles south of Albany, Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. The successful candidate will be responsible for assisting with: 1) the collection of physical habitat data (depth and velocity measurements, substrate analyses) and biological samples (primarily macroinvertebrates); 2) laboratory sample processing; 3) data entry and routine statistical and graphical analysis. The individual will also assist in a variety of other field and lab activities as needed. The successful applicant must be in good physical condition and able to work in very hot, humid conditions and in fast-flowing streams with unstable substrate. Boating and paddling skills are highly desirable. Qualifications include a Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited university in Biology, Environmental Science, or related field. Exceptional non-degree candidates with documented sampling experience in streams or other waterbodies may also be considered. Applicants must have US citizenship. Wages: $8 per hour with on site housing provided, or $9.50 per hour without on site housing. No benefits package is available. To apply, please send a resume including contact information of at least three references, a letter of application detailing your interest and qualifications by email to: (Subject line) Aquatic Ecology Research Hourly. Information may also be mailed to: Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Attn: Cindy Craft, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870, or FAXED to (229)734-4707. Please contact Lisa Cowart for specific questions related to this position at Posted: 12/6/12.

Kansas State University: The Kansas Forest Service is currently recruiting to fill an Assistant Conservation Forester position (4493) located at the State Office in Manhattan, KS. The incumbent responsibilities are to 1). promote conservation tree plantings through broadcast, social, and printed media, exhibits, tours, and field days, 2). work with related agencies to encourage and facilitate their involvement in the conservation tree planting program, 3). serve as the principle Conservation Trees order taking agent and provide leadership for others involved with order taking. This function includes inputting orders into the SAPS computer program, running credit cards through a First Data credit card machine, balancing accounts on a daily basis, and monitoring unpaid invoices, 4). serve as the principle for relaying shipping orders to the Shipping Department and provide leadership for others involved with relaying shipping orders to the Shipping Department in a timely manner, 5). assist Conservation Forester order, receive and inventory all supplies for tree sales so there is no interruption in daily operations, 6). prepare annual report, and, 7). serve as back-up for the greenhouse, shade house and shipping operations. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in forestry or closely related field, such as Natural Resource Management or Ornamental Horticulture. Ability to work effectively with others, both individually and in a team setting; organize work priorities and carry them to completion under limited supervision; and effectively communicate both orally and in writing. Computer skills such as database and word processing. Willingness to travel within state and out-of-state. Valid driver’s license. Salary: 32-35k. Qualified applicants must submit: (a) letter of application; (b) current resume; (c) unofficial academic transcripts; and (d) the name, address and phone number of three professional references to Cathy Sandoval, Office Manager, Kansas Forest Service, 2610 Claflin Road, Manhattan, KS 66502. Review of applications begins July 8, 2013 and continues until the position is filled. Interested candidates may call (785) 532-3300 for more information. Posted: 7/1/13.

Los Alamos National Laboratory: A technician position is available within the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division to assist with field and laboratory work focused on understanding the dynamics of vegetation in relation to climate change. In particular, the applicant will work with arctic vegetation exposed to permafrost thaw and degradation, and vegetation from numerous other ecosystems, including coniferous forests native to New Mexico. Our main work goals for the technician are collect, process, analyze and interpret carbohydrate concentration and isotope composition to aid in understanding water stress and physiology under climate stressors. Additional field and laboratory work across a number of projects is a likely perk of this position, exposing the technician to more science questions, ecosystems, and techniques. The successful applicants will work within an interdisciplinary team of staff members, postdocs and graduate students focused on explaining patterns of vegetation survival and mortality in response to climate variability and on linking their data to vegetation models. This position can become a graduate student position (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) depending on mutual interest and funding. Required skills include experience doing field work, experience doing wet chemistry in the laboratory environment, effective written and oral communication skills, willingness to work in a team environment, and a B.Sc. pending or received within the last five years. Desired skills include knowledge of physiological or ecosystem ecology. For more information or to apply please send a resume and a <1 page statement of your future research/career goals to Nate McDowell ( Posted: 8/21/12.

Louisiana State University: The Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences seeks an experienced applicant to serve as the Stable Isotope Research Associate 2. This appointment offers the opportunity to support numerous stable isotope applications including measurement of 13C and 15N of solids, liquids and gases and measurement of 34S in solids (plants, animals and soils) across a range of projects. The Research Associate will have direct responsibility for operating and maintaining the laboratory instrumentation. Specific responsibilities include: routine maintenance of instruments, design and oversight of quality control procedures, budgeting and supervision of all users of equipment in the facility (including the work study students/lab assistants). Additionally, there is also an opportunity for fieldwork with one of the many projects presently underway. The laboratory is equipped with two IRMS instruments and each has different on-line preparation system: Thermo Finnigan DeltaPlus GC-IRMS and Thermo Finnigan DeltaPlusXP IRMS. The DeltaPlusGC-IRMS is equipped with a NA-1500 elemental analyzer and a either a single-component (13C/12C, 15N/14N) or dual-component gas chromatography combustion interface (13C/12C, 15N/14N and 34S/32S). The DeltaPlusXP IRMS is equipped with a Gas Bench II interface combined with an injection interface which enables the simultaneous measurement of δ13C and δ18O of dissolved gases in water samples. The successful candidate will have, at a minimum, a B.S. degree in appropriate scientific discipline. The successful candidate will have demonstrable knowledge of combined elemental analyzer-isotope ratio mass spectrometers and gas chromatography systems, as it applies to stable isotope of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur analyses; competence in methodologies associated with processing/analyzing plant, animal, soil and particulate samples and; ability to use standard statistical assessment approaches to generate and report data derived from the stable isotope processes employed in the laboratory. Candidates with a graduate degree in a relevant discipline will be given preference. Successful candidates will be highly motivated, attentive to detail and possess excellent organizational skills. Apply at (Position # 036987). Deadline: 1/2/13. Posted: 12/17/12.

Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife: The Massachusetts Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program has a full time contract position (no benefits) for a "Conservation Botanist". See the job description for more details and to apply. The job is officially in Westborough MA -- but they're demolishing our building and we're moving to West Boylston, MA in Sept. 2012 while a new 'green building' is built that we'll move into, scheduled for 2014. It's a field job with lots of office work, or an office job with lots of field work. Application Deadline: 8-17-2012. Posted: 7/19/12.

Miami University: We invite applications for a Research Assistant/Associate position to serve as a laboratory manager and coordinator in the Center for Aquatic and Watershed Sciences; duties include field sampling of lakes and streams; laboratory nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) and carbon analysis of stream and lake samples using a Lachat auto-analyzer, scanning UV-visible spectrophotomer, and radioisotope techniques; operation of field sensor networks; training and supervision of student research assistants; data management; coordination with a volunteer stream monitoring program. Require: Bachelor's degree in biology, ecology, environmental science, natural resources, chemistry or related field; three years of post-degree experience in aquatic field sampling and laboratory analytical techniques (carbon and nutrient analyses). Desire: Master's degree (for appointment as Research Associate) in biology, ecology, environmental science, natural resources, chemistry or related field. Ecology and environmental science include more than 40 faculty across multiple departments. Miami offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate co-major in environmental science and interdepartmental graduate programs in ecology and environmental science. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references via email to, Denise Withrow, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Miami University, Oxford, OH. Screening of applications begins November 5, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 11/1/12.

Mianus River Gorge: The Mianus River Gorge is a land protection, conservation, ecological research and education non-profit located in Bedford, NY. We are looking to fill a 4-day/week Preserve Manager/Scientist position. This position combines work as a staff scientist/biologist in our research and education programs with responsibilities to manage the lands of the Mianus River Gorge Preserve. The ideal candidate has an applied science background with experience designing and implementing research projects along with a willingness to work outdoors on land management projects. The position will work with the Executive Director (ED), the Director of Research and Land Management (DRLM), the chief of maintenance, as well as with high school, undergraduate and graduate students designing and implementing land management projects, conducting research, and mentoring students. Responsibilities: 1. This position will be responsible for the on-the-ground management of the Mianus River Gorge Preserve and related greenway properties that make up the Mianus River Conservation Area including trail design and maintenance, enforcement of Preserve rules and regulations, invasive species management, wildlife inventories, and other duties as assigned. 2. Work with other staff and volunteers to maintain and steward the hiking trails system. Organize and supervise all volunteer work groups. 3. Work with DRLM to develop and implement ecological research projects on the Preserve and at other sites in the tri-state area. 4. Mentor Wildlife Technicians and undergraduate students as needed 5. Work with students to analyze and publish their results and contribute to staff research publications 6. Work with the DRLM to develop and disseminate the Research and Education e-update at least four times annually. Qualifications: • BS in science-related field, MS preferred. • Demonstrated ability to fully understand and effectively communicate the land protection and scientific research programs of MRG • Strong knowledge of the study design and implementation of ecological scientific research studies. • Willingness to work outdoors on physically demanding projects either with other staff, volunteers or alone. • Good people skills, ability to communicate with the public the rules and regulations of the Preserve and work with volunteers and potential supporters. • Must be available to work occasional evenings and weekends. • Skills with chainsaw and other land management tools important. • Skills with Microsoft word, excel, statistical software, databases and GIS very helpful. • Knowledge of natural history and flora and fauna identification very helpful. Compensation: $33-40k/yr, commensurate on experience. Includes retirement benefit. Possibility of expansion to full-time in near future. For more information contact: Rod Christie, Executive Director, 914-234-3455, Posted: 6/21/13.

Michigan State University: A full-time research assistant position is available in the lab of Dr. Steve Chhin in the Department of Forestry. The research assistant will primarily conduct field and laboratory work for a project recently funded by the USDA Forest Service (Forest Health Protection program). The general objective of the project is to promote field-based application of non-destructive technologies that will allow rapid, early detection of emerald ash borer (EAB) in the Great Lakes region. The research technician will also provide assistance on other projects in the Chhin lab and provide supervision of undergraduate assistants. This position will be initially for a 1 year period (starting in November 2012) with the possibility of extension based on satisfactory performance. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Qualifications: Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural resource field. Preference will be given to applicants that are highly self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong communication skills. A background or strong interest in conducting field based research and working in a laboratory environment is desirable. A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework is desirable. Please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information of at least two references. Please describe your career goals in the cover letter. Applications will be considered immediately and continue until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration please submit material by September 18, 2012. Please e-mail all application material to Dr. Steve Chhin ( Posted: 8/24/12.

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science: The Mississippi Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks/MS Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, MS is seeking to hire a Conservation Resources Biologist with a Molecular Biology emphasis. Work Station: Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, 2148 Riverside Drive, Jackson, Mississippi 39202 Job Description: • Collaborate with existing Museum staff on molecular based projects while also developing an independent program that complements existing staff and programs. • Research into systematics, taxonomy and population genetics-based questions providing data needed for the successful management of threatened and endangered species. • Development, maintenance and oversight for expanding and existing tissue collections • Networking with other regional and national government agencies and academicians • Full time with occasional weekend and evening work. • Job may require some overnight travel. Qualifications: • A Master's degree from an accredited four-year college or university in biology, or biological sciences, with specific training in molecular systematics or population genetics or a directly related field and one (1) year of experience directly related to the above-described duties; OR: • Directly related education above the Master's Degree and directly related experience may be substituted on an equal basis. Salary: $45-47k. To apply, please send a cover letter and CV to Verity Mathis at Last date to apply is March 1, 2013. Posted: 1/28/13.

Mississippi Natural Heritage Program: The MS Dept of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks/Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, MS is a seeking to hire Biologist within the Mississippi Natural Heritage Program (MNHP) at the MS Museum of Natural Science. The individual in this position is responsible for conducting surveys for rare species/communities for the Mississippi Natural Heritage Program (MNHP), and disseminating related technical guidance to other state and federal agencies and the general public. •Surveys for, monitors, and disseminates information regarding rare species/communities of MS. •Work with other agencies/entities towards conservation goals utilizing MNHP database and other technical information. •Compose environmental reviews in regards to rare species/communities using MNHP database. •Provides technical conservation guidance to others. Preferred Skills: Individual must have: 1) knowledge of wildlife ecology, conservation biology and methodologies; 2) knowledge of endangered species conservation; 3) understanding of balance between environmental and development/economic needs; 4) proficient with computer software such as ARCGIS, MS Access, etc; 5) scientific writing and communication skills; 6) ability to effectively work with scientific professionals, private individuals and state and federal agencies and organizations; 7) must also have the ability to effectively evaluate and solve complex situations and multitask. Qualifications: A Master's Degree from an accredited four-year college or university in wildlife/fisheries ecology/biology or in wildlife/fisheries conservation/management or a field of study defined by the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; and One (1) year of work experience directly related to the above-described duties. OR Directly related education above the Master's Degree and directly related experience may be substituted on an equal basis. Salary: $39k/year plus benefits Last Date to Apply: 01/31/2013 Email a cover letter and CV to Andy Sanderson at Posted: 1/28/13.

Mississippi Natural Heritage Program: The MS Dept of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks/Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, MS is a seeking Program Database Manager responsible for managing the Mississippi Natural Heritage Program (MNHP) database within the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. Job Duties: •Manages data for rare species/communities of MS in ARCGIS, Biotics, and other database systems. •Conducts data updates in-house and with NatureServe. •Composes environmental reviews in regards to rare species/communities using MNHP database. •Provides technical conservation guidance to other agencies/private entities. Preferred Skills: Individual must have: 1) knowledge of wildlife ecology, conservation biology and methodologies; 2) knowledge of endangered species conservation; 3) understanding of balance between environmental and development/economic needs; 4) proficiency with computer software such as ARCGIS, MS Access, Biotics, Oracle, etc.; 5) management, scientific writing, and communication skills; 6) ability to effectively work with scientific professionals, private individuals and state and federal agencies and organizations; 7) must also have the ability to effectively evaluate and solve complex situations and multitask. Qualifications: Master's Degree from an accredited four-year college or university in wildlife/fisheries ecology/biology or in wildlife/fisheries conservation/management or a field of study defined by the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; and One (1) year of work experience directly related to the above-described duties. OR Directly related education above the Master's Degree and directly related experience may be substituted on an equal basis. Salary: $39k/year plus benefits. Last Date to Apply: 01/31/2013. Email a cover letter and CV to Andy Sanderson at Posted: 1/25/13.

Missouri Department of Conservation: Resource Science Field Station Supervisor at Ozark Regional Office, West Plains. Supervises and directs a science program unit comprised of four to six permanent Resource Scientists and four to ten term and temporary personnel and various volunteer workers. Administers and coordinates all activities of the station. Beginning Salary: $45-51k doq. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master’s Degree in Fisheries, Wildlife, Forestry, Ecological Sciences, Conservation Biology, or in a related biological science with substantial course work in fisheries, wildlife, forestry, ecology or applicable field of study and at least 4 years of progressively responsible professional experience in management or research, 2 years which must have been in a supervisory and/or administrative capacity; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closes: 5/3/13. Posted: 4/25/13.

Missouri Department of Conservation: Resource Staff Scientist (Term) at Big Rivers and Wetland Field Station, Jackson. Serves as the Long Term Resource Monitoring (LTRM) fisheries component field crew leader and specialist. Provide leadership and coordination while overseeing the LTRM fisheries component. Coordinates and/or collects fisheries and water quality data from the Mississippi River using protocols established by the LTRM and U.S. Geological Survey. Leads field crews to collect fish, water quality, invertebrates, and other aquatic animals in a fixed and/or stratified-random sampling design. For details and to apply, see the full job ad. Posted: 10/24/12.

Montana State University: I am seeking a technician to help set up a plant physiological ecology lab and to help with research in the Ecology Department. Tasks for setting up the lab include ordering equipment, organizing equipment, and testing instruments. Research includes fieldwork in both Montana and Colorado, related to carbon and water relations at both leaf level and ecosystem scales. Stable isotope analysis of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon will also be used extensively. The technician should have a B.A. or B.S (although M.S. preferred) in plant ecology, plant physiology, ecosystem ecology, or environmental sciences. I am seeking someone with any of the following skills and qualifications: 1) experience with using stable isotopes in ecological studies, 2) experience with gas exchange measurements (e.g. using a Li-6400), 3) experience with sap flow measurements, and 4) experience using the Picarro water vapor isotope analyzer. The applicant should also be comfortable working independently for long hours in the field, often in inclement weather. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license. Position is for up to one year, starting in May 2013, although there is some flexibility in start and end dates. Salary and benefits are dependent on qualifications. I will consider admission to a graduate degree program in the Department of Ecology. If interested, please send: 1) cover letter with a brief statement of research interests, 2) C.V., and 3) contact information for three references to: Jia Hu ( Posted: 3/22/13.

Montana State University: Environmental Analyst/Research Associate: MSU's Land Resources and Environmental Sciences department, with partial support from the IoE and Montana EPSCoR, is seeking an interactive and experienced aqueous analytical chemist who will manage a research and teaching laboratory focused on waters, soils, and sediments. The Environmental Analyst will be responsible for coordinating standard analyses of soils and natural waters using a suite of instrumentation including inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, ion chromatography, flow-injection analysis, and combustion methods for total and dissolved carbon and nitrogen. The Analyst will participate in the LRES teaching mission by training and facilitating graduate student projects (independent study), supervising graduate and undergraduate student assistants, and providing guest lectures and hands-on experiences for undergraduate students in the soil-water curricula. The Analyst will work closely with laboratory co-directors Jack Brookshire and Stephanie Ewing, and other participating faculty with expertise in geochemistry, hydrology, biogeochemistry, microbiology and soil science, and will have the opportunity to participate in research projects that are an integral component to the laboratory mission. Required Qualifications: M.S. in Analytical Chemistry, Hydrology, Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Soils or related field. Demonstrated experience in aqueous analytical chemistry. Screening began May 22, but the position is still open as of 7/10/12. More information and application instructions. Posted: 7/10/12.

MPG Operations: Research Assistant - Restoration Genetics and Invasion Ecology. MPG Operations seeks a research assistant to participate in projects focused on increasing our knowledge of weed invasions and grassland restoration. These projects will combine basic and applied research to generate insights into what ecological processes are altered by invasion and what plant materials are best suited for restoration of invaded sites. A BS in Ecology, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, or related discipline is required. Preferred qualifications include 1) an MS degree; 2) experience using molecular genetic approaches; 3) familiarity with methodology associated with soil and plant ecology. The position will be filled when a suitable candidate is found. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications (plus benefits). Follow this link to apply: Posted: 10/2/12.

National Audubon Society: Education Manager, Audubon Center at Francis Beidler Forest. We are looking for a really good teacher/naturalist who is passionate about birds. The Education Manager plans, creates and supervises the day to day operation of the full spectrum of educational offerings available both at and away from the Audubon Center at Francis Beidler Forest. He/she will pay particular attention to the Center’s alignment with National Audubon’s Strategic Plan. He/she will also assist the Center Director with Beidler Forest Sanctuary management and protection, as well as State Office support, as needed. For details, see the full job ad. Posted: 3/21/13.

National Audubon Society: The Important Bird Areas Program Biologist will play a lead role in helping to determine high priority conservation targets for the organization and the IBA network. He/she will be responsible for the management of data about Important Bird Areas, including spatial data, and will manage and maintain information about species triggering IBA criteria. Data about Important Bird Areas include information about sites, species, criteria, ownership, habitat, land use, and threats and are currently stored and managed via a centralized web-based database. The IBA Program Biologist will coordinate with the IBA network as well as regional and national level partners to obtain and analyze data to determine additional hot spots for birds of conservation concern and high concentrations, and will work with IBA staff to ensure data updates and facilitate the Global IBA process. He/she will compile national level summaries and will be integral to analyses of Important Bird Areas as projects are developed. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 9/14/12.

National Ecological Observatory Network: Field Operations Manager - Great Basin - Domain 15. The NEON Field Operations Manager is responsible for managing all personnel and activities coordinated from the assigned field office. Field office activities include (1) preventative and corrective maintenance of scientific instrumentation, field infrastructure and equipment, office and laboratory equipment, (2) field observations, (3) specimen collection, handling, preparation and shipment according to NEON scientific protocols. Personnel management includes (1) selecting, (2) training, (3) scheduling, and (4) performance management for 5-10 regular full-time field technicians and 20-30 seasonal field technicians according to NEON, Inc. Policies and Procedures. Must have permanent authorization for US employment. The primary work location is near Salt Lake City, UT. This position support sites in the Great Basin Domain and the Moab Site. Great Basin candidate sites are located at Onaqui-Ault Center, Murray Tower and Red Butte Canyon near Salt Lake City, UT. The Great Basin Domain includes parts of California, Utah, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho and Wyoming. For details and to apply, see the link above. Posted: 6/26/13.

National Ecological Observatory Network: Aquatic Technician I (Training & Illustration) - 2 Year Term. The Aquatic Technician I supports the Aquatic Team in their effort to develop the Aquatic Program and STREON experiment. The Aquatic Technician will assist the Aquatic Team by performing a variety of tasks and will bring to the team a broad range of skills and experiences-as described in the essential functions. The Aquatic team is involved in several science areas including: freshwater (surface and groundwater) and sediment chemistry; stream reaeration, algae and aquatic plants, invertebrates, and fish; stream morphology and lake bathymetry; stream discharge; and the STREON experiment. The role of this Aquatic Technician involves developing training materials, including videos and illustrations, in support of the Aquatic Team’s training program for Operations of the Observatory. The Aquatic Technician may also be responsible for assisting with experiments and drafting STREON and Aquatic technical reports. For details and to apply, see the link above. Posted: 6/26/13.

National Ecological Observatory Network: The Science Educator is responsible for developing educational materials (web and print) for use in informal education settings to support implementation of Project BudBurst, a national plant phenology and climate change program. This Boulder, CO based position will work in conjunction with staff from the National Geographic Society’s FieldScope effort. Working with educators, scientists, and web technologists, the SE will contribute expertise in the development and dissemination of online educational resources related to plant phenology, climate change, and visualization/analysis of geospatial data. This is a one year .75 FTE (30 hours per week) position with benefits. For details and to apply, see the link above. Posted: 4/3/13.

National Ecological Observatory Network: Field Operations Manager (4 positions). Locations: Domain 04 – Puerto Rico, Must be bilingual in Spanish, Domain 05 – Wisconsin, Domain 08 – Alabama, Domain 15 - Utah. NEON is a $430 million dollar observatory project dedicated to understanding how changes in climate, land use and invasive species impact ecology. The NEON Field Operations Manager is responsible for managing all personnel and activities coordinated from the assigned field office. Field office activities include (1) preventative and corrective maintenance of scientific instrumentation, field infrastructure and equipment, office and laboratory equipment, (2) field observations, (3) specimen collection, handling, preparation and shipment according to NEON scientific protocols. Personnel management includes (1) selecting, (2) training, (3) scheduling, and (4) performance management for 5-10 regular full-time field technicians and 20-30 seasonal field technicians according to NEON, Inc. Policies and Procedures. For details, see NEON Careers. Posted: 1/30/13, revised: 5/29/13.

National Park Service: Lead Biological Science Technician (plants) GS-6/7 permanent, subject to furlough, NPS Northern Colorado Plateau Inventory and Monitoring Network, Moab, UT with travel throughout Utah and western Colorado. This position will act as the crew leader for integrated upland monitoring (vegetation and soils) in 10 national park units on the Northern Colorado Plateau. The incumbent will lead 5-7 seasonal, intern, and volunteer staff in remote backcountry locations. Major duties include: -Leading plant data collection using established network monitoring protocols. -Accurately identifying Northern Colorado Plateau vegetation to the species level in the field or in the office using standard floras. -Training crew members in appropriate data collection, entry, and verification methods. -Conducting fieldwork in remote backcountry settings and under difficult conditions in a safe and efficient manner. -Ensuring crew safety. -Accurately collecting and entering data into established databases and following quality assurance procedures. -Maintaining field and camping equipment. This position works eight 10-hour days followed by 6 days off and requires constant travel to parks within Utah and western Colorado. Crew members are required to hike off trail with heavy packs, sometimes in extremely hot weather and through thick vegetation. Field crews camp in remote backcountry locations. The anticipated field season is April through October, with approximately a month of office work at the beginning and end of each season. To apply, view the full job description at: under Job Announcement WO-COMR-13-811164DE. Applications due by December 28. For more information about this position, contact Dana Posted: 12/20/12.

National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center: Environmental Scientist (B.S./M.S.) - SESYNC, Annapolis, Maryland. Applications are being accepted until September 15 for an environmental scientist to provide support to the Director and support for activities focused on synthesis. The center supports research in the natural, social, or computational sciences that is related to the structure, functioning or sustainability of coupled human-natural systems. See the full job ad for details. Posted: 9/7/12.

New Mexico State University: The Jornada Experimental Range in Las Cruces, New Mexico is recruiting a geospatial and analytical applications developer to assist in developing software to support ecosystem monitoring and assessment. The Jornada is a leader in the development of globally applied ecosystem monitoring and assessment protocols. This position provides an opportunity to develop applications that will be applied by government agencies, private landowners, and other land managers to increase the sustainable management of rangelands in the United States, Africa, Asia and Latin America. For more information, visit This is a full-time position (planned for two years with the possibility of continuation depending on funding). Jornada is a research unit of the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, and is located on the NMSU campus. The incumbent will work with Jornada scientists to develop an array of web-based and desktop software tools to support ecosystem monitoring programs. Examples of the kinds of applications to be developed include: tools for selecting locations for monitoring; web-based applications for graphing, comparison, and analysis of monitoring data; web services (and a user interface) for running existing predictive models; and mobile-device applications for collection and retrieval of monitoring data in the field. Major duties of this position will include: 1) develop application specifications in cooperation with Jornada scientists and staff, 2) program and test developed applications, 3) set up and administer databases related to applications being developed, and 4) oversee the development of technical documentation and support materials for developed applications. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree (or higher) is required for consideration. Degree may be in computer science with experience in developing geospatial applications, or in a related field such as geography, ecology, mathematics, or statistics with demonstrated experience in software application development. Applicants should be proficient in computer programming and application development skills. Additionally, applicants should have a basic understanding of principles of geographic information systems (GIS) and statistics. Experience in developing applications for GIS or statistical analysis is preferred. Strong written and verbal communication skills are essential. A start date of March 1, 2013 is preferred, but negotiable. Application: Apply at - search for requisition # 0600924. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Jason Karl at or 575-646-1301. Posted: 1/24/13.

North Carolina Plant Conservation Program: Land Management Technician. Full-Time (11 months); renewable annually. Hiring Range: $10–12.75/ hr. The Land Management Technician will assist with core activities needed to conserve North Carolina’s rare plant species in their natural habitats. This position involves the following activities: Participating in prescribed burning program, including installation of fire breaks, Operating heavy equipment, including pumper trucks, tractor, bulldozer, skid steer loader, Delivery of key equipment to work site using hauling units and trailers, Maintaining equipment necessary for a host of management activities including those listed above, as well as small engines, pumps, water tanks, hand tools, and personal protective equipment. Monitors Preserve boundaries, and posts property boundary signs, Clearing brush and trees using handtools & chainsaws, Treating invasive species using mechanical and chemical methods These duties include working in difficult field locations in adverse and strenuous conditions, such as high heat and humidity, and smoky conditions while carrying heavy loads and operating tools with a high degree of precision. Work is primarily done outdoors in all weather conditions. This position requires considerable travel within the state. Required Qualifications: · Possess a valid NC Driver's License · Have a Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, natural resources, forestry, or similar field · Experience operating and maintaining tractors, and other heavy equipment · Experience operating and maintaining chainsaws · Ability to travel statewide Preferred Qualifications: · Possession of Pesticide Applicators License · Possession of Commercial Driver's License · Wildland fire or prescribed fire experience · Knowledge of North Carolina plant communities and invasive species For more information, contact: Rob Evans (, Coordinator, N.C. Plant Conservation Program, N.C. Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Posted: 2/14/13.

North Carolina State University: We seek a person with strong organizational, management and problem-solving skills, experience or at least interest in ecology and evolution, and a willingness to perform a job that includes a broad mix of roles. The research associate would help to manage and coordinate projects in a large lab with many types of research (Rob Dunn Lab) as well as outreach (Your Wild Life). This position will be 70% technician/manager and 30% ecology research assistant. Key duties: (1) Manage undergraduate students and research projects in the lab. This work will require organizational ability, an interest in mentoring students and evidence of working well with others; (2) Conduct email and phone correspondence with citizens involved in our citizen science projects and other outreach; (3) Track research samples and manage both research and outreach project workflow; (4) Work with citizen science data, maintain and manage databases (quality control) and help to coordinate mailings. FTE: 1.0. Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found with an ideal start date in Fall 2012. Position appointment will last for one year from starting date, with possibility of renewal for additional years based on performance and funding. Salary: $32-35k (depending on experience). Minimum Experience and Education: Masters degree in ecology, evolution, biology, entomology, microbiology, history of science, science writing or related fields. Preferred: - Experience with databases, particularly Microsoft Excel & Access, incl. mail merge functions - Experience working in a supervisory role - Project management skills including ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks at once - Ability to work independently and complete projects in a timely, efficient manner - Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail - Demonstrated evidence of working well with others and communicating with the public. This job will formally post at Prior to this listing, please send email with cover letter, resume, and names of two references to Lauren Nichols ( and cc: Rob Dunn ( Posted: 9/7/12.

Northeastern University: The Three Seas Marine Biology Program is seeking applications for two full-time positions - a Three Seas Program Coordinator and Three Seas Program Assistant. Three Seas trains 20-25 students per year through a rigorous, hands-on experience in Marine Biology. The program begins with the fall semester at Northeastern’s Marine Science Center in Nahant, MA, then in the spring semester moves to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Center in Bocas del Toro, Panama, and concludes in late spring/early summer at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories. Three Seas Program Coordinator will be responsible for all logistics of the Three Seas Program. Responsibilities will include: arranging housing and transportation for all three locations of the program for students, TA’s, and faculty; providing on-ground logistical support for all aspects of the program; and ensuring that the program has all needed supplies and equipment, including making purchasing decisions and maintaining dive equipment. The individual will have primary responsibility for the safety of all program participants while traveling, diving, and in residence at remote field locations. The individual will also work with the program’s Master of Science students to identify and secure research internships for the final phase of their program, and will help to promote the program by attending Northeastern recruiting events. For questions about this position, contact Steve Vollmer ( Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology or similar required; Master of Science degree highly preferred. Two years field research experience in a marine environment. Experience may be concurrent with time spent completing degree. Scientific diving certification required (preferably AAUS). Dive Master or Instructor certification preferred. Individual must be trained in CPR and AED use. As the individual will be in residence with the program in Panama from January through March and in Washington from April-May, a willingness and ability to travel and spend significant time abroad is required. Proficiency in spoken Spanish a plus. Some teaching experience preferred. Three Seas Program Assistant will serve as the primary point of contact for all administrative needs of students and faculty in the Three Seas Program, a one-year intensive program in Marine Biology for undergraduates and Master’s students. The Program Assistant will oversee the admissions cycle, serve as the primary point of contact with the Registrar and Student Accounts office, provide HR support for hiring of teaching assistants and part-time faculty, and assist faculty with course-related needs. The Program Assistant will maintain and update the Three Seas and Marine Biology PSM websites as well as be responsible for production of other marketing materials. The Program Assistant will also provide academic and recruiting support for the Marine Biology major. For questions about this position, contact Heather Sears ( Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree preferred with at least two years experience in academic program administration required. The successful candidate will have high attention to detail and excellent interpersonal skills, ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment, and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Demonstrated familiarity with Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat Professional required. Experience with shared document environments such as Dropbox, Google docs, and Sharepoint preferred. Experience with website maintenance and knowledge of Wordpress a plus. Please apply via the links above. Applications are being reviewed now. Posted: 5/31/13.

Northeastern University: The labs of Dr. Randall Hughes and Dr. David Kimbro at Northeastern University's Marine Science Center invite applications for full-time research technician in marine ecology. This job will occasionally involve working long hours under inclement weather conditions; a good attitude and willingness to work hard are a must. The successful candidate will manage research projects focusing on the factors influencing the biodiversity and performance of marine systems, as well as the response of these systems to anthropogenic change. He/she will be required to collect, organize and analyze environmental and biological data in coastal habitats including seagrasses, salt marshes, and oyster reefs. The applicant will also conduct laboratory experiments on marine invertebrates and plants. Travel to remote field sites will be expected several times per year, as well as regular field work at the Marine Science Center in Nahant, where the position will be located. A BS in ecology or a related field (Biology, Geography, Environmental Science) is required, plus a minimum of six months work-related experience. The applicant must be able to work independently, multi-task, highly organized, and willing and able to travel nationally to work in what can be physically harsh field conditions. Familiarity with molecular techniques (DNA extraction, amplification, sequencing) is greatly preferred. Some documented familiarity with working in marine environments is required. The position is for one year and can begin as early as 1 MAY 2013 and no later than 1 AUGUST 2013. Interested candidates should submit (1) a cover letter with contact information for 3 referees, (2) CV, and (3) a short (1 page) description of research experience all in PDF format to: The referees listed in the cover letter will receive information instructing them how to submit letters. For full consideration, applications should be submitted by APRIL 15, 2013. Email questions to Posted: 3/20/13.

Ohio State University: We seek qualified applicants for a full-time position of Program Manager for the Lake States Fire Science Consortium. Duties include: managing liaison activities with scientists, resource managers, fire managers, and policymakers across the region; organizing and conducting educational programs and developing outreach materials related to fire science, including research summary bulletins, briefs, newsletters and web sites; assisting Consortium partners to coordinate, organize, and lead regional meetings and conferences related to fire science; developing training modules on topics related to the application of fire science information (e.g., fire behavior modeling, prescribed fire use, fire risk, fuel management, etc.); leading activities with Consortium partners to develop a network of demonstration sites, including collecting, analyzing, and publishing findings from demonstration sites; collaborating with Consortium members and PIs to develop technical research bulletins and peer-reviewed manuscripts related to applied fire science and management; and, coordinating and assisting Consortium Advisory Committee and Principal Investigators with reporting and budgets. M.S. in forestry, fire science, or related field (e.g., natural resources, biology, ecology), or B.S. in forestry or related field with equivalent work experience, is required. Evidence of strong writing and other communication skills is required. Expertise with natural resource management agencies, fire behavior models, prescribed fire, and silvicultural practices is strongly desired, as is experience with project administration, planning, and training/outreach. Location is negotiable, with the expectation of travel throughout the region and periodic travel to OARDC in Wooster, OH to meet with the Program Director. Start date is also negotiable, starting no earlier than May 1, 2013. To Apply: Apply at (position #375366). For more details about the position, please contact: Dr. Charles Goebel, Program Director, Lake States Fire Science Consortium, School of Environment & Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, Ohio 44691; Phone: 330-263-2789; Email: Posted: 4/29/13.

Oregon Department of State Lands: We are currently recruiting for a full-time Reserve Manager for the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve located in Charleston, Coos County. Position details. Closing Date: 3/17/13. Posted: 2/14/13.

Oregon Department of State Lands: We are currently recruiting for a full-time, LIMITED DURATION (funded through 8/30/14) position within the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (SSNERR) located in Charleston, Coos County. For link above for details. The purpose of this position is to work with the SSNERR Coordinator of Monitoring Programs (project coordinator), the SSNERR lab team and project partners (Coos Watershed Association staff) to help coordinate tasks associated with the second phase of the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds (PCW) project, funded by a two-year grant from the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Science Collaborative. The SSNERR was established in 1974. The Reserve is a special research natural area that encompasses approximately 5,000 acres in the southern portion of the Coos watershed. The site was selected to represent estuaries found within a broad region covering approximately 1,000 miles of the Pacific Northwest coastal zone. The Reserve provides a location for researchers and members of the public to improve their understanding of estuaries and coastal watersheds found in this region. Posted: 12/11/12.

Partners of the Americas: Climate Change Program Officer. Partners of the Americas is an international grassroots organization. We connect volunteers, organizations, and communities to serve and to change lives. We are seeking an energetic program officer to provide support to a professional exchange program focusing on international cooperation around energy and climate change in the Americas. The exchange brings together experts and community leaders from across Latin America and the US to explore common challenges and build new skills and leadership in this area. Responsibilities of the Program Officer: · Lead logistical and administrative activities that ensure participants are well prepared to travel and that all stakeholders fully understand the goals of the program; Coordinate pre-departure orientations and logistics, agendas and presentations, exchange logistics and cultural activities, and participant monitoring; · Identify and pursue new opportunities to further connect the Partners climate change network and build new programming areas. · Provide support to activities that enhance program and partnership collaboration. These include coordination and frequent communication with participating Partners’ chapters. Applicant should have experience working with volunteers and be prepared to foster innovation in program implementation to strengthen a volunteer network; · Interact regularly with government and civil society representatives and agencies in Latin America and the US. Lead outreach to experts and leading organizations working in this field. Represent Partners and the program at conferences, seminars, and meetings; · Support outreach/publicity efforts for the program, including developing promotional materials in English and Spanish and drafting press releases and articles about program activities. Support innovative communications strategies and development of website and various forms of social media; · Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the program, including maintaining up-to-date records of participants; maintaining frequent communication with volunteers, stakeholders, and participants; and collecting and analyzing data on program impact. · Some travel to Latin America and within the US will be required. Requirements: · Bachelor’s degree required. Master’s degree or two years' professional related experience in international development or international NGOs preferred; · Background in environmental science or issues related to climate change and international development desirable; · Strong networking skills required; · Fluency in Spanish required; excellent oral and written skills in English and Spanish; Portuguese not required but encouraged · Experience and skills working with volunteers desired; · Strong cross-cultural/interpersonal skills, knowledge of Latin America and development issues, and the ability to interact with participants with cultural sensitivity; and · Strong computer skills including MS Word and Excel and some experience with web management and social media development. In addition, candidates should have demonstrated ability to work independently and be a team player; have excellent organizational skills and be detail oriented; be able to manage time, set priorities, and meet deadlines; be enthusiastic and energetic; and be willing and flexible to undertake multiple tasks. Interested applicants should send letters and CVs to with Climate Change Program Officer on the Subject line. Posted: 7/6/12.

Purdue University: Laboratory Manager. Duties: Coordinate and manage safe use of laboratories in Fisheries in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources and one off campus nutrition/necropsy aquatic laboratory. Ensure proper maintenance of laboratory equipment. Maintain inventory and order supplies. Prepare and maintain common use chemicals and biologicals. Design and implement various methods/protocols pertaining to research. Train and oversee departmental personnel, graduate students and undergraduate students in proper and safe methods, techniques and procedures for use of specific research equipment. Qualifications Required: * Master's degree in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or related field. * One year of experience with general laboratory management and safety. * Working knowledge of complex analytical equipment used in chemical and molecular analyses. * Experience with supervision of technical personnel. * Proficiency in software: MS Word, Excel and Outlook/Electronic Email. Preferred: * Experience in analytical chemistry, proteomics, metabolomics, PCR, ChIP and cell culture. * Strong knowledge of molecular biology techniques. * Skilled in the identification of fish and aquatic invertebrates. A background check is required for employment in this position. For consideration submit resume and apply online at: and reference Job Number 1300113. Posted: 3/29/13.

Purdue University: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources is seeking applicants for a Project Coordinator for the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment (HEE), a large multidisciplinary research project examining the relationship of silvicultural practices to changes in plant and animal species within forests across Indiana. This individual will coordinate all research, extension and teaching activities related to the HEE. The successful candidate will be expected to hire and supervise field technicians and a field research coordinator, implement field protocols for sampling of forest vegetation and fauna, and provide oversight for quality analysis/control associated with collection of field data. The incumbent will serve as primary contact between researchers from Purdue, Indiana State, Ball State and other universities, and the local land managers for the State of Indiana. Regular communication via emails, meetings and/or quarterly newsletters is expected to update investigators and managers on progress and success of field work; to make judgments as to the suitability of the particular field sites for research activities; and to coordinate field activities with land managers on state forests properties. The incumbent will work closely with researchers in organizing and archiving tabular and geospatial data into searchable geodatabases. The Project Coordinator will also assist in analysis of data to create annual progress and outreach materials, and may also assist researchers by assembling results into publishable manuscripts. The field sites of the HEE are located near Bloomington, Indiana. The position will be based at Purdue's West Lafayette campus. Therefore, the position will require significant travel between campus and the field intermittently throughout the year. The individual will also be expected to collect field data at times in adverse environmental conditions typical of southern Indiana. Qualifications: B.S. in Forestry or a closely related field, plus one year of work experience similar to the described position, is required; an M.S. in Forestry or a closely related field with supervisory experience is preferred. The successful candidate must have working knowledge of general silvicultural operations, forest inventory techniques and wildlife sampling techniques. Strong knowledge of computer data programs for organizing data (e.g., Excel, Access, ArcGIS) and analyzing field data (e.g., SAS, R) is expected. Strong communication, organizational and interpersonal skills is required. Demonstrated technical and scientific writing skills, such as management plans or manuscripts, are preferred. Salary range is $35–45k per year, commensurate with experience and training. Closing Date: October 15, or until filled with a qualified candidate. Starting Date: December 1 is preferred, although it may be delayed to January 7, 2013, for an exceptional candidate. Application: This position is listed at as Posting Number 1201582. With your application, please submit 1) a cover letter, including the names and contact information for three references, and 2) a resume or curriculum vitae. Questions may be directed to Dr. Mike Saunders via telephone (765-430-1440) or email ( Posted: 10/1/12.

Qatar University: Teaching Assistant for Biological Sciences, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences. Duties: 1. Teach general practical sessions in general biology, basic ecology, desert biology and environmental biology; 2. Assist in supervision of undergraduate students research projects; 3. Bring innovation to instruction and practical practice; 4. Participate in developing a strong practical sessions. Qualifications: 1. Master in Biological Sciences or relevant field 2. Teaching experience (3 years or more). For details and to apply, see the full job ad. Deadline: 4/30/13. Posted: 3/18/13.

Samish Indian Nation: Natural Resource Technician, NW Washington. The Natural Resource Technician will report to the Natural Resource Field Supervisor and Director and will work closely with staff on water quality, air quality, natural resource planning, invasive species control, and other natural resource issues as assigned. Primary activities will be water quality sampling, sediment and shellfish tissue sample collection for duration of a specific grant project cycle. A large percentage of time for this position will focus on invasive plant species mapping and control efforts. Duties: -Coordinate and work with Natural Resource Director and other staff on Tribal Natural Resource issues. -Be willing to work outdoors in inclement weather. -Conduct field data collection in streams, salt water and lakes with primary work in outdoor environments. -Data compilation analysis and report construction -Calibrate and audit of field equipment. -Initiate and maintain positive, respectful working relationships with the Environmental and Tribal staff to foster a team environment. -Possess a cooperative attitude, a professional manner, and have the ability to maintain confidentiality. -Work independently and accurately in an area of frequent interruptions and as part of a multi-tasked environment. -Be proficient using Microsoft Office applications. -Other related duties as assigned. Required Qualifications: -Environmental field experience(please list in resume) -AA degree or higher in environmental field -Good physical health for active field work -Must possess a valid driver's license and be able to meet the minimum insurance requirements regarding driving record in order to utilize tribal vehicle. -Must be willing to receive herbicide application license and be able or maintain valid licensure. -Ability to communicate verbally and through written reports to a variety of stakeholders in the general population as well as the tribal community. Desired Abilities/Skills: -Database knowledge (Access, Excel) -Organized work habits which will assure timely and accurate submission of reports -Team Player -GIS experience -Boating/kayak experience -Strong sense of curiosity and desire to learn new concepts For more information on how to apply visit Posted: 4/22/13.

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute: seeks a land manager to manage natural areas within its 3200 acre facility in Front Royal, VA. The successful applicant would have a Master’s degree focused on ecological restoration and/or practical experience in controlling exotic plant species, prescribed burns, and forest or grassland restoration. Applicant is expected to have knowledge of plants for the Mid-Atlantic region and restoration of native grasslands. Manager will coordinate applications for research projects within natural areas, be the point of contact for long-term ecological projects, and assist with livestock used to control pastures and fields. It is possible to develop short courses on field or forest restoration. This trust fund position (IS-07) within the research ecology unit is an annual position with the possibility of renewal. Qualified candidates please send cover letter, resume with contact information for 3 references, and transcripts to Review of applications will start immediately and no applications accepted after July 19. Job is available in August but willing to delay start for good candidate. Posted: 6/25/13.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: SERC has an opening for a research technician on a team using geographic information system (GIS) technology and ecological modeling in regional studies of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and estuary. The research considers the factors controlling material discharges from watersheds; the relationships between landscape characteristics and aquatic ecosystem health; and the linkages among watersheds, wetlands, and estuaries. Applicants should have experience with GIS and statistical analysis and a Bachelors or Masters degree in science, geography, mathematics, or information systems (or equivalent experience). The successful applicant will build skills in watershed modeling, landscape ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, nutrient transport, hydrology, stream ecology, computer programming, data base management, remote sensing, and ecological assessment of water quality and stream biota. This is a Career Federal Civil Service position offered at the GS-7 or GS-9 level with a full performance level at GS-9. Starting salary is $42,209 at the GS-7/1 level or $51,630 at the GS-9/1 level (plus benefits). The official announcement and application instructions are available at Refer to announcement number: 12R-RB-297836-DEU-SERC. Please direct all inquiries to the contacts listed in that announcement. Closing date is Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Posted: 7/11/12.

SimBio: a leading developer of biology education software across many fields of biology (including ecology and evolution), is hiring for a biology education researcher to join our team. The job will primarily involve working on an NSF-funded Cyberlearning project investigating how simulations can help students apply the experimental process to biological problems. The SimBio researcher will work in collaboration with researchers at MIT, BC, and Cal State Fullerton. A second component of the job will involve assessing SimBio's Virtual Labs and Interactive Ecology Chapters to help in our continual efforts to improve them. The job is based in the Boston area and is a permanent position. To see the full job announcement and apply, please visit: If you have any questions, please email to Posted: 7/26/12.

South Florida Water Management District: The Everglades Systems Assessment Section seeks a wetland ecologist with spatial analytical skills including, but not limited to, numerical ecological models and computer simulations to assess and integrate the effects of water quality and quantity on Everglades ecosystem responses, habitat succession and evolution. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team this position's primary responsibilities will include conducting data analyses and predictive models that can: 1) aid in the development of science plans and environmental triggers that improve the design and operation of stormwater treatment areas (STA) and Water Conservation Areas (WCA's), and 2) synthesize spatial and temporal ecological responses to evaluate the effectiveness of restoration activities on Everglades ecosystem recovery. Strong ecological background and advanced computer skills are required. Excellent analytical, written and oral communication skills, and the ability to work well within a team, are essential. Required: Bachelor's Degree in natural sciences, environmental science, or ecology with 4+ years experience (M.S. / Ph.D. preferred). Please apply at, position ID 941BR. Posted: 3/6/13.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: The Department of Plant Biology invites applications for a grant-funded 12-month Researcher II position in peatland ecology, renewable with availability of funding. Appointment Date: January 2, 2013. Duties are: 1) Field sampling for a n-challenge experiment in northern Alberta, Canada, including prolonged time in the field; 2) Laboratory analyses of peat and plant samples; 3) Communicating and organizing annual reports and meetings of the research team; and 4) Overseeing undergraduate student workers. Qualifications: Master of Science degree in plant biology, experience carrying out fieldwork in remote areas, and demonstrated experience in peatland ecology. Application Deadline: December 14, 2012 or until filled. Application Procedures: Applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to: Dr. Dale Vitt, Department of Plant Biology, Mail Code 6509, SIU Carbondale, 1125 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901 or to Posted: 12/4/12.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale: Plant Community Ecologist(s): Two full-time, term, professional researcher positions on a state (MO) funded project leading the plant community ecology portion of a multiple-discipline project developing Ecological Site Descriptions for all terrestrial ecological communities in Missouri. Qualifications: An M.S. or B.S. with equivalent experience in Ecology, Botany, Forestry, or a closely related field is required. Candidate(s) must exhibit a strong background in field identification of herbaceous and woody species, have a sound understanding of the relationship between soil and site edaphic factors on the development of ecological communities and have proven experience as team member/project leader. Exceptional written and oral communication skills are critical and education and/or experience in Missouri plants and soils are definite pluses. Must have and maintain a valid driver's license. The position duties include integrating input from individuals from several state and federal agencies across a variety of specialties into a structured classification system. Testing preliminary ecological classifications. Supervision of a 4-person crew in the collection of field data to confirm ecological relationships and describe communities. Develop detailed work-plans, and then conduct the duties in the work-plans with little direct supervision. Ability and desire to work and communicate with a wide variety of individuals. Collaboration with ecologists, soil scientists, and managers from Missouri Department of Conservation, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, US Forest Service, and University of Missouri. Preparation of reports to funding agencies. Application Deadline: December 4, 2012 or until filled. Start Date: Upon hire. Project Location: The position will be based in Columbia, MO. Interested applicants must submit a letter of interest, resume, unofficial transcripts (official required prior to hire), and the names and contact information of three references to (electric submissions not accepted): Dr. Eric Holzmueller, Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4411, Carbondale, IL 62901. Phone: (618) 453-3708, Email: Posted: 11/20/12.

Southern Oregon University: A full-time lab manager position is available within the Biology Department at SOU to aid in the collection and processing of tree-rings from large California coastal redwoods. The position is currently available for one year, with the possibility of extension to two years or more dependent on funding. Our lab’s ongoing NSF-funded research is now establishing a 1000+ year tree-ring stable isotope record. Our lab works with the California Redwoods State Parks to cut and utilize slabs from large trees that have previously fallen across roads within the parks. Narrow tree-rings are separated using a robotic micro-milling station. Milled wood is processed to alpha-cellulose and the stable isotope compositions established within our laboratory at SOU or at a collaborating facility at the University of California at Berkeley. The primary responsibilities of the lab manager will be overseeing micro-milling, cellulose extractions, sample weighing and data archiving. To accomplish these tasks the candidate will need to help manage the laboratory budget, order equipment and supplies and supervise undergraduate workers. The ideal applicant will have experience managing research and conducting wet chemistry in a laboratory, a demonstrated ability to collaborate on research projects leading to scientific publication, and a received M.Sc. Additional skills benefiting the applicant would be experience with methods in dendrochronology, mass spectroscopy, machining technology or related fields. Full time salary: $35,724 (12 months). For more information about the job or how to apply please send a resume and a <300 word career goals statement to Steve Voelker ( Full job ad. Application must be received by 10-25-2012 for priority consideration. Posted: 9/27/12, revised: 10/8/12.

State of Hawaii: Wildlife Management Program Specialist. This is a key position for the study and conservation of biodiversity in Hawaii. Duties: Plan, supervise and coordinate program planning, research, evaluation and related staff and administrative services for the State's wildlife management program. Supervise staff assigned to game and non-game programs with responsibilities for research, program development and management assistance; formulate and recommend program goals, policies, plans and budgets; serve as the key subject matter expert for the wildlife management program and perform other related duties as assigned. See the full job ad for details. Posted: 4/12/13.

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation: The Division of Natural Areas anticipates hiring a working level full-time Environmental Specialist 3 to support rare species data management and environmental review of projects to evaluate potential impacts to rare species, exemplary natural communities, and conservation lands. Start Date: Winter 2013. The salary is $2,819 to $4,510 per month plus state benefits package. Minimum requirements for the Environmental Specialist 3 position. The above link provides a variety of possible work activities for the Environmental Specialist 3 job classification. Specifically, this posting is for a Conservation Biologist/Information Specialist who will directly report to the Natural Heritage Program manager. The successful candidate will assist the program in rare species and conservation database management, performing written environmental reviews related to rare species and conservation sites, rare species data entry, information requests, creation of maps, use of conservation data to guide the division's natural area selection process, and field assessments for rare species and significant ecological sites. The position will be stationed in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to the minimum requirements, the successful candidate will possess: * Working knowledge of ecological concepts of Tennessee's fauna, flora, and/or natural communities, * Familiarity with conservation issues in Tennessee or the region, * Excellent verbal and written communication skills, * Familiarity with ArcMap GIS software, and/or database management, and GPS, * Ability to troubleshoot GIS or database problems, * Excellent attention to detail, * Ability to conduct field work and site assessments sometimes in difficult terrain, * Experience conducting environmental reviews, and * Experience with Oracle and SQL desired as is knowledge of NatureServe methodology. The position will officially be open for applications on or about January 23, 2013 and close February 6, 2013. Between these dates candidates must complete an online state application for the Environmental Specialist 3 position. To begin the process, visit Prior to the above-listed application window, interested candidates should send a resume, copies of transcripts, example of writing, and list of references to Posted: 12/10/12.

Tennessee State University: This is a 12-month non-tenure track position located at the Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center in McMinnville, TN. The Research Assistant will support and assist in all aspects of research directed at using semiochemicals for managing insect pests of ornamental plants. The incumbent will assist in the planning and design of laboratory, field and greenhouse experiments; maintain and rear insects; maintain greenhouse and field plants, perform general laboratory cleaning and maintenance; collect, document, and report data; implement directives from supervisor; assist in preparation of scientific results for publication in reports, journals, books, and/or other media; assist in supervision of laboratory and field personnel. Requires a B.S. degree in Entomology, Biology, Chemistry or Plant Sciences or closely related field and a minimum three years of related research experience in horticulture, integrated pest management, insect ecology or organic chemistry. Experience with personal computers, spreadsheet software, and statistical packages to collect, analyze and summarize data. Experience in adult and immature insect identification a plus. Training in insect behavioral/electrophysiological techniques and analytical chemistry methods a plus. Individual should be innovative and highly motivated, able to perform general research activities in the laboratory, field, and greenhouse. Applicant must be able to report for work within 90 days of hire. How to Apply: Go the and follow the links to the employment page. Job is listed under Research Associate. Karla Addesso (, Research Assistant Professor. The job closes on the 15th of November. Posted: 11/9/12.

The Nature Conservancy: The Iowa Chapter is hiring a Freshwater Conservation Manager. The application deadline is March 8, anticipated start in April 2013. The Freshwater Conservation Manager has lead responsibility for implementing an integrated freshwater program in Iowa, with emphasis on sustainable conservation of two priority agriculture-dominated watersheds: the Iowa-Cedar Basin and the Boone River watershed. Key components of the program include: 1) Securing exemplary conservation in the Iowa-Cedar River Basin, the Boone River watershed, and other potential watersheds as a platform for leveraging watershed-scale conservation in other priority watersheds; 2) Participating in various statewide freshwater initiatives and policy issues; 3) Expanding and catalyzing public and private partnerships for conservation outcomes including potential development of payment for services programs ('water funds'); 4) Working with the Conservancy's Great Rivers Partnership to support conservation efforts and key priorities for the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Work includes collaborating with public agencies and diverse partners to develop and implement on-the-ground projects and practices that address altered hydrology, water quality and loss of floodplain connectivity to achieve conservation goals as well as societal needs including flood risk reduction, water quality improvements and a sustainable agricultural economy. This position supervises TNC's Boone River Project Director, and is supervised by the Director of Conservation Programs. For more information and/or to apply search for Position ID/Keyword 40830. Posted: 2/7/13.

The Nature Conservancy: We are hiring for 2 positions in Ventura, CA. TNC first became engaged in the Project Area to protect the last remaining free flowing river in southern California and the 18 threatened and endangered species that inhabitant it. Over the last decade, our conservation strategies have broadened and matured to include creating multi-benefit approaches to non-structural flood control, analyzing the economic and ecological impacts resulting from a changing climate, and developing local partners to take on future capacity. Land acquisition has shifted to focus on protecting contiguous nodes of strategic parcels, where subsequent habitat restoration and management can be accomplished more efficiently than on individual parcels. The Los Angeles-Ventura Project has become a laboratory for innovative conservation strategies along the wildland-urban interface, contributing solutions to environmental issues faced globally. (1) The LA-Ventura Land Manager oversees land stewardship operations including the maintenance, management, development, and coordination of open space preserves and agricultures leases, as well as, supports general project administration. Responsibilities include management of agricultural leases, including timely payment and lease renewals and compliance; interfacing with existing and potential tenants and contractors; contract management and site supervision for land management activities; ensuring property security, including working with law enforcement and contractors to prevent trespass; tracking and managing contracts; public outreach, including coordinating field visits to properties and public access; administrative support, including processing check requests, filing, correspondence, scheduling and maintaining project equipment. (2) The LA-Ventura Restoration Project Associate will advance and lead the Conservancy’s LA-Ventura Project habitat restoration program on the Santa Clara River and Ormond Beach. The Project Associate will provide highlevel technical leadership and support to the project on all aspects of habitat restoration, including, but not limited to: planning, permitting, fundraising/grant writing, implementation and monitoring. S/he will require a wide range of skills, including the ability to manage projects independently, as well as, track the progress of projects being led by others and coordinate community support. S/he will advance the project’s restoration program by identifying, developing, and managing large-scale restoration projects. S/he will manage contractors and contracts; assist with fundraising by writing and managing funding proposals; assist with preserve management programs, stewardship and public access; assist with research, real estate and other general project support; and further the Conservancy’s strategic goals through advancing conservation within the project area. For more information and to apply, please visit and search for job ID# 40637 (LA-Ventura Land Manager) or 40638 (LA-Ventura Restoration Project Associate) in the keyword search. Posted: 1/2/13.

The Nature Conservancy: Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership Coordinator. The Partnership Coordinator supports the management and operations of the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership, a collaboration of TNC, Audubon California and PRBO Conservation Science. The Coordinator will provide high-level partnership support requiring a wide range of skills, including the ability to manage projects independently, as well track the progress of projects being led by others. S/he will identify, develop and manage an internet-based file sharing system and develop a partnership calendar. With supervision, s/he will manage contractors and contracts. S/he will develop and edit a partnership newsletter and help develop marketing materials for external audiences, including website design and content. S/he will assist with fundraising by helping to write funding proposals and drafting reports to funders. S/he will support key partnership meetings by scheduling, helping to draft agendas, preparing staff for presentations, coordinating and synthesizing committee updates, and taking and distributing meeting notes. The Coordinator will coordinate an annual retreat for ~50 staff. S/he will have frequent interaction with staff from all three organizations, as well as external partners, donors and vendors. The Coordinator must have a positive attitude, patience, the ability to deal with and manage multiple personality types, through clear and frequent communications. It is essential that the Coordinator take the initiative to solve problems as they arise, seeking input and equitable solutions. The Partnership Coordinator should have a passion for conservation and be highly motivated. S/he will report to the Project Director for the Migratory Bird Initiative at TNC and will be based in Sacramento. This is an 18 month position with the possibility of renewal. To apply: The job ID # is 40566. Deadline: 12/10/12. Posted: 11/20/12.

The Nature Conservancy: Field Biologist; Full-time, permanent; San Antonio, Texas. The Field Biologist will assist with a variety of monitoring and research projects throughout Texas. Current and anticipated projects include but are not limited to songbird surveys in central and west Texas, habitat descriptions for black-capped vireos and golden-cheeked warblers, fire effects monitoring in east and west Texas, grassland surveys in coastal prairie, and monitoring of rare plants. Duties will include preparation and maintenance of equipment, generating maps, conducting field work, data entry and verification, and report writing. The Field Biologist will travel to remote preserves for extended periods and work under variable field conditions. Work will be conducted alone, with other staff, and with volunteers. Roads on many preserves are rough and experience driving 4WD vehicles off-road is highly desirable. The position will start in winter 2012-2013. Additional/Desirable Qualifications: •Experience using GIS software and data to create maps, as well as using GPS units and reading maps. •Familiarity with standard avian and vegetation monitoring techniques. •Familiarity with the birdlife of Texas; familiarity with birds of the Edwards Plateau, west Texas sky islands, and grasslands highly desirable. •Familiarity with the vegetation (woody and herbaceous) of Texas is highly desirable. To apply and to read the full job description, please visit and search for Job ID #40390. Posted: 9/26/12.

The Nature Conservancy: We are recruiting for a full-time/permanent Conservation GIS Analyst position to be located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. See the complete job description for details and to apply. Deadline: 8/27/12. Posted: 8/2/12.

The Nature Conservancy in Arizona: we are looking to hire a Forest Ecologist based in the Flagstaff, AZ area. The Forest Ecologist provides scientific leadership in forest management, focusing on evaluating, developing and applying science-based practices in a dynamic socio-political environment. The Forest Ecologist works with a cross-functional team within the Conservancy and with external stakeholders to: 1) design and implement science-informed adaptive management and monitoring programs; 2) help resolve conflicting perspectives among stakeholders by adding more relevant science to the many factors being considered; and 3) help accelerate and guide forest restoration through collaboration, building relationships, and creative problem-solving. This position plays a key role in the Conservancy's ongoing work with the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) as well as development of innovative technologies to streamline forest thinning operations while providing data on effectiveness of restoration treatments. Applicants should have a Master's degree in ecology or science-related field plus 4 years of relevant experience (or equivalent combination); a strong interest in using science to inform land management and stakeholder discussions; experience and enjoyment working closely with diverse partners such as federal land managers, academic researchers, and forestry professionals; demonstrated skills in ecological measurement, analysis and modeling; and excellent written and oral communication skills. For details and to apply, see, search for job #41102. Applications will be accepted through June 3. Posted: 5/13/13.

Union of Concerned Scientists: The Campaign Manager, Tropical Forest and Climate Initiative (TFCI) directs UCS' campaigns to achieve the goal of zero deforestation, particularly that caused by palm oil, by 2020. Directs the TFCI's advocacy campaigns; leads the TFCI's business advocacy and partnership work with other NGOs and consulting companies; coordinates with the TFCI Director on major programmatic decisions around planning, hiring, strategy, and priorities; represents the TFCI to media and the general public; and represents UCS in the General Assembly of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Washington, DC is the preferred base for this position, but Cambridge, MA or Berkeley, CA Office will also be considered. For more information, please see the link above. Posted: 5/28/13.

USDA Agricultural Research Service: Biological Science Lab Technician (Insects), North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory, Brookings, SD. The incumbent will perform work that supports an ongoing research program of a Research Entomologist, whose main research themes support conservation of beneficial insects within modern cropping systems, the feeding ecology of insects, and the ecological risk assessment of new pest management technologies. Main projects that this project will support are the environmental risk assessment of pesticidal small RNAs on non-target species, including beneficial insects and insect communities associated with cropland. See the full job ad for details. If you are interested in this position, please send you application directly to me ( as well as to the HR contacts outlined in the application instructions. Closes: 6/5/13. Posted: 5/29/13.

USDA Forest Service: The Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW), Forest Ecosystem Function and Health Program, will soon be advertising for a term position (Biologist, GS-0401-09). This appointment, renewable annually up to four years depending on the funding, works in support of Resource Management and Use Research at the PSW Laboratory in Redding, California. The primary responsibility is to continue data collection efforts on a long-term study of natural regeneration. Duties include surveying, collecting, and analyzing field data, establishing test plots from designed experiments, developing preliminary plans for improving field methods, and leading temporary summer employees. A master degree with one degree in forestry or related natural resources is preferred. A basic knowledge of silviculture and mensurational techniques is required. The person is expected to be a team player. U.S. Citizenship is required. This position requires work in remote locations with rugged terrain and the ability to backpack in to field sites. If you have questions about the position, please email Martin Ritchie ( If you are interested in this opportunity, please send an e-mail including your name, address, phone number, and your experience in the areas of silviculture and forest mensuration to Martin Ritchie ( PSW Research Station, 3644 Avtech Parkway, Redding CA, 96002, or fax to Martin Ritchie (530-226-5091) by December 28, 2012. Posted: 12/3/12.

USDA Forest Service: The Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW), Forest Ecosystem Function and Health Program, will soon be advertising for a term position (Biologist, GS-0401-09). This appointment, renewable annually up to four years depending on the funding, works in support of Resource Management and Use Research at the PSW Laboratory in Redding, California. Duties include surveying, collecting, and analyzing field data, establishing test plots from designed experiments, operating complex equipment and equipment systems to collect plant physiological and ecological data, developing preliminary plans for improving the methods used in implementing biological programs, leading temporary summer employees, and carrying out the full range of technical duties common to a specialty area, including both standard and non-standard assignments. A master degree with one degree in forestry or related natural resources is preferred. The basic knowledge of plant ecophysiology instrumentation is required. The person is expected to be a team player. U.S. Citizenship is required. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send Dr. Jianwei Zhang ( an e-mail by November 21, 2012. (Please include "Biologist" on the subject line of your message). Please include your name, address, phone number, and your experience in the areas of tree ecophysiology and forest mensuration. The term position will be advertised on shortly. Posted: 10/23/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: The Gulf Ecology Division of the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), Office of Research and Development (ORD) at EPA is seeking an individual who is at least 18 years of age and who has completed atleast a Bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology, mathematics, statistics, computer sciences or related field of study. The student contractor who is selected by EPA will receive hands-on Laboratory experience and shall provide technical support services with EPA scientists under the Sustainable and Healthy Communities Research Program (SHCRP) Puerto Rico Sustainable Communities project. The student or recent graduate will support research efforts directed at developing information to be integrated into decision support tools, including geospatial data layers, ecosystem service production functions, dynamic models for spatially-explicit scenario analyses, and metrics of human well-being. The details pertaining to this announcement, including application instructions, are available at RFQ-DC-13-00075. Deadline is 4:30 PM ET on July 16. Posted: 7/1/13.

US Environmental Protection Agency: A postgraduate fellowship is available (via the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education) with the Ecosystems Research Division of the USEPA in Athens, GA. This research training opportunity involves the integration and application of existing ecological models to assess pesticide risks to threatened and endangered species. Research under this project directly supports the EPA's Endangered Species Protection Program to help promote the recovery of listed species and the registration of pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The objective of this project is to integrate, improve, and further develop available EPA models for estimating chemical exposures in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems while incorporating important fate and transport processes. Relevant programming skills include R, Python, and scripting languages for web applications. Details on the fellowship and how to apply and the application form. Review of applicants will commence on January 12. Posted: 12/17/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: We are seeking candidates for a one-year post-master's degree watershed-scale modeling position with US EPA in Cincinnati, Ohio, through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Program. With guidance from the mentors, Drs. Charles Lane and Heather Golden, the selected individual may be involved with the following training opportunities: •Developing multi-scale empirical models describing direct linkages between landscape characteristics (e.g., land cover, soil moisture, and hydrologic distance-to-stream metrics), in-stream habitat metrics (e.g., channel embeddedness), water chemistry data (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, and pesticides concentrations), and ecological endpoints (e.g., functional measures such as decomposition rates, nutrient spiraling distances, and primary productivity; condition measures such as various indices of biotic integrity and their components). •Applying and refining a mechanistic model to identify and quantify hydrological connections between isolated wetland systems and other aquatic systems (e.g., streams, rivers, and lakes) at multiple scales. The research participant will be afforded the opportunity to develop, utilize, and refine watershed scale empirical and mechanistic models to answer research questions that will support future decision making for agricultural watersheds and protection of US waterways. To apply, see the full job ad. Posted: 11/15/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: The Western Ecology Division in Newport, Oregon is seeking a student contractor to assist with a study of the market and non-market values of Pacific Northwest (PNW) estuarine ecosystem services as part of EPA’s Sustainable and Healthy Communities Research Program (SHCRP). The study will focus on estimating the marginal values of those ecosystem services; that is, estimating how the value of an ecosystem service changes in relation to incremental changes in the production of the ecosystem service. A secondary goal is to evaluate the transferability of those marginal value estimates among estuaries in the PNW and to other coastal regions of the US. The study will be conducted using existing data and models, and will include several estuarine ecosystem services such as nutrient uptake, carbon sequestration, finfish and shellfish fisheries and wildlife production, and floral and faunal biodiversity. The study will start with a literature review and gap analysis to identify those ecosystem services best suited for developing models of marginal value estimation; subsequent model development will proceed from there. More detailed information and requirements. Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. ET, November 7, 2012. See the website above for full details on how to submit a package for this requirement. Proposals must contain all the required information and documentation to be considered. Include reference number RFQ-RT-13-00014 on your submission. Student candidates: Questions regarding this services student contract should be directed to the contract specialist Jacqueline Sayles via email at . Questions regarding the technical aspects of the contracted duties and responsibilities should be directed to Dr. Ted DeWitt, the EPA technical mentor for the contracted activities, at or 541-867-4029. Be sure to check the solicitation website frequently for amendments. Posted: 10/26/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: The Western Ecology Division in Corvallis, Oregon is seeking a student contractor to join a team of ecological modelers in support of regional ecosystem service assessments in EPA’s Sustainable and Healthy Communities Research Program (SHCRP). The student contractor will assist in the development of software for an integrated watershed modeling and decision support framework for assessing the effects of land use and climate on multiple ecosystem services, including the capacity of ecosystems to regulate water quality and quantity, greenhouse gases, carbon sequestration, food and fiber production, and habitat for fish and wildlife populations. Study areas will include inland and coastal watersheds and associated communities within the Pacific Northwest and Chesapeake Bay. The student contractor’s main task will be to assist in developing "plug-in" software that links several ecological models to the Envision decision support framework (more info). Qualifications: The student contractor must have received their Masters degree within the past 24 months or be a current student in good academic standing. Demonstrated experience with program code development (C++, JAVA, etc.), software design and simulation modeling is desirable. The student contractor will work at the EPA laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. The expected starting date is January but this is negotiable. The initial contract will be for 12 months with an option for an additional 12 months, depending on funding and performance. Pay rate is $28.48 per hour for up to 1928 hours per year. Application details and requirements. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. ET, November 5, 2012. Applications must contain all the required information and documentation to be considered. Include reference number RFQ-RT-12-00071 on your submission. For application procedure questions contact Heather Pinney (, 919.541.3083). For questions about scientific aspects of this position, please contact Dr. Bob McKane (; 541-754-4631) or Dr. Allen Brookes ( Posted: 10/26/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: Postgraduate research project training opportunities are currently available at the EPA's National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL). This appointment will be served in the Ecosystems Assessment Branch (EAB) within the Ecosystems Research Division (ERD), located in Athens, Georgia. This project involves the integration and application of existing ecological exposure models to assess pesticide risks to threatened and endangered species via the creation of web applications for a decision support dashboard. Research under this project directly supports the EPA's Endangered Species Protection Program (ESPP) to help promote the recovery of listed species and the registration of pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The objective of this project is to integrate, improve, and further develop available EPA models for estimating chemical exposures in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems while incorporating important fate and transport processes. Applicants must have received a bachelor’s or master’s degree in environmental science or computer science, or a related physical sciences field (e.g. biology, ecology, engineering, geosciences, or physical geography) within five years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. Knowledge of ecological processes and food chain modeling and computer programming is desired. For details and to apply, see: EPA-ORD/NERL-ERD-2012-01. Posted: 9/25/12.

US Environmental Protection Agency: The Western Ecology Division in Corvallis, Oregon, is seeking a student contractor to assist with implementing an integrated watershed modeling and decision support framework for assessing the effects of changes in land use and climate on multiple ecosystem services, including the capacity of ecosystems to regulate water quality and quantity, greenhouse gases, carbon sequestration, sources and sinks of reactive nitrogen, and production of food and fiber. Study areas will include agricultural and forest watersheds in the Pacific Northwest in Oregon and Washington, and the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Student responsibilities will include the following: (1) developing and managing GIS data layers describing spatial and temporal changes in land use, land cover, climate, and stream water quality for the study areas; (2) setting up model simulation scenarios and input files; and (3) analyzing model results using spreadsheet, statistical and visualization software. This research supports EPA’s Safe and Sustainable Water Resources (SSWR) research program and the Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) research program. Pay rate is $21.19 per hour for a student who has completed a Bachelor of Science Degree. The student contractor must be currently enrolled in a degree program at an accredited University/College or a recent graduate within the last 24 months. Application forms, requirements and additional information. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. ET, October 17, 2012. See the Announcement file at the web address above for full details on how to submit a package for this requirement. Proposals must contain all the required information and documentation to be considered. Include reference number RFQ-RT-12-00176 on your submission. Please contact David Murphy at the address below should you have questions about application procedures for this position. For questions about scientific aspects of this position, please contact Bob McKane (; 541-754-4631). Posted: 9/20/12.

US Fish & Wildlife Service Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative: Environmental Information Manager. Duties: Provides database and geospatial information system (GIS) leadership to work teams of the Pacific Islands climate Change Cooperative (PICCC) and the Pacific Islands Climate Science Center (PICSC). Leads the development of a shared data management system for PICCC and PICSC, and managing database and GIS operations on a daily basis. Primary support for GIS and data analyses performed by PICCC and PICSC. Duties will include acquisition of data sets and imagery from the region and implanting methods and technologies to integrate such data sets. Duties will also include using and adapting web-based platforms to spatially display natural or cultural resource data. For details, see the full job ad at - click on Employment|Apply, and search for Job ID: 12483. Closing Date: October 23, 2012. Posted: 9/28/12.

U.S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center: Cherokee Services Group - an on-site government contractor at the U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center (FORT), is seeking a full-time Biologist III. The FORT is seeking an individual with experience with statistical analysis of plant community data, design and implementation of greenhouse xperiments, and preparation of manuscripts to report study results. The research team that will include the Biologist III is focused on understanding factors driving vegetation responses to biological control of Tamarix in western riparian ecosystems, and using this knowledge to develop recommendations for riparian restoration. The successful candidate will perform the following duties: -Assist with management and analysis of existing datasets collected from biological control monitoring sites in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada; -Lead the implementation, management, and maintenance of greenhouse experiments designed to assess the effects of different soil and litter treatments on native and non-native plants likely to colonize riparian sites following Tamarix die back; -Lead data analysis and manuscript preparation associated with greenhouse experiments. -Assist with preparation of other manuscripts. -Assist with field data collection at study sites in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada; -Assist with development of new studies. Individuals with a Master’s degree in Biology, or a related discipline, and at least two years of relevant experience are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates please send letter of interest and resume with four references to: Rick Sabo,, Cherokee Services Group, 2150 Centre Avenue Bldg C, Ft. Collins, CO 80526; FAX 970-226-9455. Posted: 11/29/12.

University of Alabama: The Howeth Laboratory invites applications for a full-time research technician in community ecology beginning August 15, 2013. The technician will be involved in projects which aim to understand (1) succession in pond metacommunities and (2) the role of metacommunity dynamics in affecting the establishment, spread, and impact of non-native species, using freshwater plankton communities as a model system. The position is for 12 months, with responsibilities divided equally between field and laboratory work. Field work may include out-of-state travel for several weeks, and mesocosm experiments at the University of Alabama Tanglewood Biological Station. Laboratory work may include identification and enumeration of zooplankton, culturing of zooplankton, water chemistry analyses, and microsatellite DNA analyses. Required qualifications: BS or MS in Biology, Ecology, or related science. Ability to tolerate harsh field conditions when necessary. Basic computer skills and familiarity with major software programs (word processing and database management). Ability to interact congenially with students. Preferred qualifications: Previous experience in freshwater ecology and/or molecular ecology. Salary is commensurate with experience. Visit (job #007755) for more information and to apply. All applicants should submit a cover letter, a statement detailing relevant research experience, contact information for three references, and a CV. Job close date 05/30/2013. Posted: 5/9/13.

University of Alabama: opportunity available for a M.S. graduate in soil ecology, soil science or related field, to manage a project in the The Plant Physiological Ecology / Global Change Lab. We seek a highly motivated person to work on a soil greenhouse gas diffusivity and moisture release study for soils orders collected across the United States. This person will work with a group of collaborators from the University of Alabama, The Ecosystems Center at MBL and NEON Inc. The successful candidate should have an understanding of soil properties, Campbell data logger programing and use, soil sensors installations (soil moisture and temperature), and have experience working in a research group. In addition, knowledge of Licor CO2 and CH4 analyzers would be beneficial. Support for this position is through extramural funding and is guaranteed for one year with the possibility of an additional 4 years of funding depending on progress of the project and job performance. The position consists of a competitive salary and benefits package (health insurance and retirement). Interested applicants should send a copy of their CV and a statement of research interest to Dr. Gregory Starr or contact Dr. Starr for more details ( or 205-348-0556). Posted: 5/7/13.

University of Alaska: We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced individual to manage the Environmental Data Center (EDC) for the Toolik Field Station (TFS). The goal of the EDC is to collect and manage data on key environmental drivers and biological responders to climate change in the local Toolik environs. This baseline data is provided to the science community of Toolik for their use as background and context for framing specific questions and hypotheses about plant and animal adaptation to the Arctic, the structure and function of arctic ecosystems, and responses and feedback of the arctic environment to climate change. Duties include: (1) Manage the collection of data on plant phenology and arrival, departure, status and abundance of birds in the Toolik region, (2) summarize these data, develop protocols, provide quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), and provide metadata, (3) integrate availability of all EDC data (including climate data collected and QA/QC’d by our meteorological group) with GIS and web-based server team and make them available to the public via the EDC website, (4) assist in the further development of the Biodiversity/phenology program with guidance from TFS management and the external EDC science advisory committee, (6) manage core and general-use field and laboratory equipment for TFS scientists and (5) supervise summer seasonal staff. This position requires residence at TFS half to three-quarters time from mid-May through September of each year; otherwise the job location is at Fairbanks. The desired candidate will possess: (1) Familiarity with biological monitoring protocols developed in other arctic settings, and knowledge of arctic birds and vegetation, (2) strong written and oral communication and quantitative skills, (3) self-motivation, independence and the ability to work with minimal supervision, as well as ability and willingness to work with site investigators, (4) excellent organizational and documentation skills, and (5) prior supervisory experience. Desired qualifications include M.S. in the Biological Sciences with a background in plant ecology, population biology of plants or animals, and/or significant experience. For more information, contact Dr. Syndonia Bret-Harte (, the supervisor for this position. This is a full-time position with benefits. To apply, see the full job ad. In your application, include a cover letter, c.v. or resume, and the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references. In your cover letter, explain how your experience, training, and professional goals apply to this project, and anything you think will convince us you are the right person for the job. For full consideration, you must apply by February 15, 2013. Posted: 2/4/13.

University of Alaska Fairbanks: A technician position is available in ecosystem ecology/biogeochemistry in the Ecosystems Ecology Laboratory, Institute of Arctic Biology. We seek a motivated individual with strong problem-solving skills, experience with analytical chemistry, demonstrated skill in both effectively leading and collaborating with groups, interest in ecosystem ecology, and ability to contribute to field sampling in the arctic and sub-arctic. The technician's primary role will be to contribute to chemical analyses, including assisting with installation and maintenance of equipment, training students, performing analyses, and troubleshooting. Specific analyses include colorimetry, ion chromatography, dissolved carbon, trace gas, elemental, and isotopic analysis of soil and water samples. Experience with any or all of these techniques is desired. Opportunities will arise to assist with field work near Fairbanks and at the Toolik Lake Field Station, requiring travel. At least one year of college-level coursework in natural science (e.g., ecology, biology, chemistry, environmental science, hydrology) with demonstrated experience in analytical chemistry is required. Preferred qualifications include a bachelor's degree in natural science, and research experience in an ecological or environmental science laboratory. Submit application materials via, posting 0066150. Contact Tamara Harms ( with questions. Review date: 4/3/13. Posted: 3/26/13.

University at Albany, SUNY: The Instructional Support Specialist - Biology (P12-28508) will be expected to develop four laboratory courses. The courses to be developed will be chosen by the Chair of the Department and the Specialist from among the following areas (depending on the Specialist's expertise): anatomy, physiology, ecological sciences botany, zoology, systems biology, virology, host-pathogen interactions, behavioral genetics, and related areas. Qualifications: MS degree in a biological science from a college or university accredited by the U.S. Department of Education or an internationally recognized accrediting organization; Research experience; Teaching experience; Applicants must address in their applications their abilities to work with a culturally diverse population. Preferred Qualifications: Experience designing courses, especially laboratory courses; Demonstrated research skills; Expertise in one or more of the following fields: ecology, physiology, anatomy, botany, plant physiology, stem cell biology. See the complete job description for details and to apply. Posted: 11/1/12.

University of California, Davis: opening to begin August 1, 2013 for a Postgraduate Researcher (MS or PhD) in the area of Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Geomorphology. Working from the new paradigm of near-census river science, the goal is to use high-resolution, large extent datasets from a dynamic cobble-bed river corridor draining the Sierra Mountains in California to investigate interactions between vegetation structure, geomorphic change processes, and river hydraulics drawing on both historic and modern datasets. The project will primarily involve analyzing data and writing up journal articles drawing on a large informatics system and dataset already in place, but may also include targeted field experimentation, depending on the skills and interests of the successful candidate. The position has an initial one-year appointment that can be extended annually depending on the progress, interest, and career goals of the successful candidate. The successful candidate will receive specialized training to expand their pre-existing skill set and then lead the project, while also interacting with faculty and students on campus as well as participating in regular meetings of the multi-stakeholder group that manages the river. Candidates must have a MS or PhD in Hydrology, Ecology, Physical Geography, Geology, Engineering, or related field. Applicants will be evaluated based on educational background, research experience related to this opportunity, computer skills (e.g. any capabilities with GIS, AutoCAD, modeling, and/or programming of any kind), field-work experience (e.g. GPS, total station, sensors, discharge measurement, etc.), publication record, and outdoor experience. The successful candidate must know how to swim and handle themselves safely in rivers. Review of applications will commence July 1, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. International applicants are welcome and can be accommodated with a J-1 or TN visa. Please e-mail a curriculum vitae, letter of interest (fully detailing your skill set and experience), and names/addresses of 3 references to: Professor Greg Pasternack at Posted: 6/21/13.

University of California, Davis: Postgraduate Researcher in Estuarine Ecology. Requesting applications for a postgraduate researcher (bachelor’s degree) to assist with field and lab work associated with an interdisciplinary project “Removal and Restoration: Social, Economic and Ecological Dynamics of Invasive Spartina in San Francisco Bay” funded through the NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH). This project integrates across ecological, social and economic fields with significant field work and modeling components to examine the consequences of eradication of Spartina cordgrass for habitat restoration in San Francisco Bay. The postgraduate researcher would closely with other project personnel including project P.I.s, postdoctoral and graduate students researchers as well as undergraduate assistants and volunteers to organize and conduct field work and laboratory analyses. The position would include a variety of tasks including helping to design and execute field and lab experiments and lab analyses supporting field research. Additional tasks include organizing schedules and personnel for field and lab work, coordinating activities of undergraduate assistants and volunteers, overseeing purchasing of lab supplies, and coordinating data entry and management. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology, marine science, or relevant field and have some experience in experimental marine ecology. This requirements for this position include: a) familiarity with marine/estuarine benthic communities and plant-animal interactions, b) experience with various experimental methods in marine/estuarine ecology. Experience with any of the following is not required, but any of these would be a plus: a) identifying marine invertebrates, b) biogeochemical analysis of water and sediments, c) stable isotope analysis of food webs. Applicants should also have good organizational and communication skills and familiarity with basic software associated with data entry and data management. The position is a 100% time paid position available for up to one year contingent on funding. The postgraduate researcher would be based primarily on the UC Davis campus and would need to start by July 1, 2013, although earlier is desirable. To apply, please send the following to the email address below: (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) a short summary of relevant course work and experience with lab and field research and (3) names and contact information of three references. Please send these by email to Professor Ted Grosholz and in the Dept of Environmental Science and Policy. Posted: 5/31/13.

University of California, Davis: A full-time two-year field and lab research position working on pollination and native plant restoration for pollinators is available in the Neal Williams lab. The successful applicant will assist with a series of collaborative research projects on pollination of selected crops by native and managed bees, identification of native plant materials to support wild and managed bee populations, and habitat restoration to provide nesting and floral resources for pollinators within agricultural landscapes. Responsibilities will include comparing pollinator quality between managed and wild bee taxa in a controlled field context, helping with establishment and maintenance of wildflower restoration plots on farms, and monitoring bee use of floral and nesting resources within restoration plots. The position provides an excellent opportunity to develop skills in pollination biology, native plant restoration, bee biology, sustainable agriculture and conservation outreach. Our lab is part of vibrant Ecology and Entomology groups at UC Davis. The position is funded by a grant from USDA and continuation of the position is dependent on job performance. Pay: $33,672 annual; eligible for health benefits Anticipated Start date: December, 2012 (flexible Late November 2012-January 2013). Minimum Qualifications: - Bachelors degree in biological sciences (Ecology, entomology, plant biology/botany is especially useful) - Previous experience in pollination biology, entomology and/or field ecology, conservation biology - Flexibility to work at various hours of day and week to support experimental requirements (e.g., evenings, weekends). - Attention to detail (will be collecting and working with original data from multiple projects) - Ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others - Previous field experience (preferably with plants and native bees) - Basic computer skills (Word, Excel) - Valid driver’s license - Ability to work in the field under hot sunny conditions for long hours. Additional Qualifications: - Knowledge of California Flora - Knowledge of and facility with ArcGIS. Application: Please send the following materials to Kimiora Ward at (ucdbees123[at] cover letter briefly detailing your interest in the position, CV, list of 3 references, with full contact information, who are familiar with your scholarship, research ability, experience and potential. Review will begin Nov 14 and continue until the position is filled. Posted: 10/29/12.

University of California, Davis: We are searching for a field/lab technician to join an interdisciplinary project on effects of genetic diversity on eelgrass ecosystem functioning at the UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab. The position will assist PIs and a graduate student with measuring nutrient uptake, assessing interclonal competition, and other biochemical measurements in the lab and help plant and maintain various experiments in outdoor tanks and in the field. Early morning and late night work will be needed periodically to accommodate field and lab schedules. General experience with field and laboratory ecological research required. Must also have good work ethic, organizational skills, general computer skills (excel, word), and an interest in ecology or marine biology. Experience / skill in any of the following specific areas is desirable (though not absolutely required): nutrient analysis (nitrate, ammonium), basic mechanical skills (e.g., pumps, simple plumbing), scientific diving, marine ecology, analytical instruments (autoanalyzer, elemental analyzer). B.A. / B.S in biology, ecology, marine science or a related field required. Position will be located at the Bodega Marine Lab in Bodega Bay, CA in the labs of Jay Stachowicz and Susan Williams. Questions about the position should be directed to Jessica Abbott at The full time position is available starting in August 2012 and for up to 2 years. Salary ~$34k per year and includes health benefits. To apply, send the following material to Jessica Abbott at (1) Cover letter that outlines interests, previous research experience, any relevant skills, career goals, and earliest possible start date; (2) Unofficial copy of college transcript or list or relevant coursework with grades earned; (3) Resume or curriculum vitae and (4) the names, email address and phone number of 2 references. Applications must be received by August 5 to receive full consideration, but the position will remain open until filled. Posted: 7/23/12.

University of California, Santa Barbara: Scientific Programmer/Analyst (Computer & Network Technologist III), The National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS). NCEAS is seeking a scientific programmer/analyst to consult with and advise NCEAS' researchers on efficient, appropriate, and powerful computational approaches and tools for implementing their scientific investigations. Tasks include: assisting target groups in accomplishing analyses by developing, testing, and assisting researchers in the use of custom-developed code created with advanced software tools; helping with or training how to archive analytical products and data; and working with other NCEAS' technologists to coordinate developing codebases and datasets into generalized resources for ecological research. Reqs: specialist in scientific programming and quantitative analyses, ideally with extensive experience with ecological/environmental data and concepts, and advanced capability using high-end software solutions on Linux, MacOSX and Windows machines. Advanced knowledge in several of these areas: statistical procedures and tests, analysis of time series and spatially explicit data, modeling of populations and ecosystems, and the software tools needed for accomplishing these tasks. Strong knowledge in several of these applications: R, Python, Ruby, javascript, SAS, or MATLAB, including expert facility with data processing and manipulation, as well as use of analytical libraries. Advanced programming skills in C/C++, FORTRAN, and Java also desirable. Experience with GIS and remote-sensing techniques and software also desirable, e.g. PostGIS, QGIS, or ArcGIS; as is familiarity with relational or object-oriented database modeling and usage (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL). Bachelors degree or higher in ecology, earth and environmental sciences, or related field, with strong quantitative background in analysis, programming, and database development. Strong familiarity with collecting, organizing and analyzing natural science data, especially relative to ecological, conservation, and geospatial data. Candidates with backgrounds in engineering/computer sciences will also be considered if complemented by strong prior experience organizing and analyzing earth and environmental science data. Must have strong communication skills, and work well with other scientist/researchers in intensive collaborations. Note: Fingerprinting required. Occasional need for air travel to meetings, and to work on weekends. Work location in downtown Santa Barbara, California. Salary: $4,674 - $6,541/mo. Position is available for one-year, with a possibility of renewal depending on funding. For primary consideration apply by 5/2/13, thereafter open until filled. Apply online at, Job # 20130163. If further questions, please contact Mark Schildhauer ( Posted: 4/25/13.

University of California, Santa Barbara: Project Researcher (Specialist) in Bioeconomic modeling and data analysis of fisheries and other marine resources. Position will remain open until filled, but please apply by October 12, 2012 for primary consideration. The Bren School of Environmental Science & Management invites applications for an anticipated Specialist position with the Sustainable Fisheries Group (SFG). A Master’s degree or above is preferred for this position. SFG seeks an individual who can, with limited supervision, perform bioeconomic analyses using computer models and statistical programs. Specifically, the applicant should have the technical skills to refine existing models used by the SFG and develop new models to address questions related to spatial fisheries management and conservation, fishery sustainability, stock assessment, marine spatial planning and seafood certification. Model development may include data collection for parameterizing and ground-truthing of the models; strong coding skills preferred. The applicant will be required to carry out both theoretical work and analysis related to diverse geographical regions, including California, Latin America, Indonesia, and others. The successful applicant will possess strong communication skills to document methods, contribute to peer-reviewed scientific publications, and deliver presentations on model development, analyses, and results. The technical work carried out by the successful applicant will inform the SFG’s demonstration projects, in which innovative approaches for reform of fisheries management and management of other ocean uses are implemented in case study regions around the world. 100% time appointment for one year from start date, with strong possibility for additional year(s) of employment contingent upon performance. Open Specialist position, with salary step commensurate with qualifications; full benefits package included. To apply, please send a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for 2-3 references electronically to: Kelsey Jacobsen, Project Manager, Sustainable Fisheries Group Posted: 9/27/12.

University of California, Santa Cruz: We are hiring three multi-year, grant-funded positions: a Technical Writer, a Programmer, and a Data Manager/GIS Analyst. They will work as part of a team on the following project: The Central Valley Chinook Life Cycle Model (CVC-LCM) team is working to produce an empirically based model that will simulate the effects of diverse conservation actions on the amount of available habitat and the survival of threatened/endangered salmonids in California's Central Valley. The model integrates information on hydrology, water temperature, habitat quantity/quality, and juvenile survival across space and time, incorporating effects on various life stages (eggs, fry, smolts, oceanic sub-adults, and returning adults) and in different parts of their range (rivers, delta, floodplains, bays, and ocean). The CVC-LCM team consists of ecologists, geographers, modelers, and programmers, and relies on close collaboration between these diverse team members, each of whom brings his/her own specific skills to project. See the links above for details and to apply. Feel free to contact me with any inquiries about the position. Candan Soykan, NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC, Santa Cruz, Review date: 11/29/12. Posted: 11/13/12.

University of Colorado: The Johnson Lab is currently seeking a part- or full-time Research Technician in Parasitology to join our group. The position will involve isolation and identification of endoparasite communities from amphibian hosts, both wild-caught and experimental. The successful candidate will be expected to perform comprehensive necropsies and related procedures, including: use of dissection and compound microscopes, blood smear collection, microscope photography, macroparasite/microparasite quantification and identification, and data management. The selected candidate will be invited to collaborate and/or lead research projects within the Lab, including the design and implementation of experiments, data analysis using advanced statistical techniques, and preparation of manuscripts and grants. Position may also involve training and supervising of new laboratory staff and interns. Target start date for the position is 5/1/2013 and will be part- or full-time at 30-40 hours per week (benefits included). Qualifications: Applicants must possess a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a biological field with background work in parasitology. At least 1 year of laboratory/microscopy experience and 6 months of necropsy experience is required. Qualified candidates should also have strong communication, organization, and leadership skills. Experience with identification of other aquatic organisms, such as zooplankton or invertebrates, is desirable but secondary to necropsy experience and macroparasite/microparasite identification skills. See also: Amphibian Parasite Observatory. Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, and the names of three references to Jazzmin Jenkins, Johnson Laboratory Manager ( with the words "Parasitology technician" in the subject header. Posted: 12/6/12.

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg: Lab manger (# GZN-AG-TK8) 50%. Responsibilities include: · Analysis of water samples with a variety of analytical techniques (e.g. ion chromatography, ICP-OES and IRMS) · Field sampling · Instruction of apprenticeship applicants and students. Desired qualifications: · Best with college degree (FH) or professional experience · Qualification to train apprentices ("Auszubildende(r) Chemielaborant") · Driving license · Interest or experience in stable isotope analyses (IRMS), GC/MS, ion chromatography. Salary is in accordance to TV-L (50%). This is initially a fixed-term position until end 2014. Applications (if possible as single PDF file) are welcome to before 7. September 2012. See the full job ad (in German). Posted: 8/21/12.

University of Florida: Citrus Research and Education Center: The lab of Craig Brodersen is looking for a lab technician at the level of Biological Scientist to help our efforts in the studying the structure-function relationships of xylem and phloem networks as they relate to disease and drought physiology in citrus. Duties will involve the acquisition and analysis of data using a variety of microscopy and physiological ecology instruments and methods, including newly developed methods for visualizing plants using high resolution X-ray computed tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. A bachelor’s degree in Biology, Horticulture Science, Plant Biology, Engineering, Computer Science, or a relevant area of specialization is preferred along with three or more years of appropriate experience. The position is located in Lake Alfred, FL. See the detailed description of the position to apply. Revised closing date: 8/9/2012. Posted: 7/25/12.

University of Georgia: I anticipate hiring a research technician with an immediate start date. My laboratory conducts research in evolutionary and ecological genetics of invasive species. Qualifications are an undergraduate degree in Biology or related field with 1 or more undergraduate or graduate courses in genetics, and some research experience. Experience with PCR and molecular biology protocols is necessary. I would prefer to hire a recently graduated undergraduate who is interested in working in an academic setting for at least a year before starting graduate school. Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. For more information, please contact me by e-mail at: Interested persons should send by e-mail a letter of application, a CV and the name, phone number and e-mail address of 2 references. Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D. Department of Genetics. Posted: 9/25/12, revised: 5/28/13.

University of Georgia: We are currently seeking a data management specialist to assist with information management for the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER, a major NSF-sponsored research project administered at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. The employee will assist scientific research staff and graduate students with preparing data and metadata for archiving in the GCE LTER information system, perform routine processing and quality control of near-real-time environmental monitoring data (e.g. weather stations, hydrographic moorings), assist with maintenance of content in project web sites and databases, and create and manage web pages and other content for outreach and educational activities. They will also provide administrative support for project personnel. The job may include periodic travel to the Georgia coast and other research institutions to meet with research staff and students and participate in educational activities. Candidates are preferred with demonstrated proficiency in scientific data processing and formatting using technical software (Microsoft Excel, Access, MATLAB, R), experience in the use of computer software for web content creation (e.g. Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop), and experience with form-based web and database interfaces, excellent verbal and written communication skills. A Bachelor's degree in environmental science plus 4 years of relevant experience or Master's degree in environmental science are required. For more information or to apply, visit and search for posting 20120994. Questions should be directed to Wade Sheldon Posted: 8/7/12.

University of Georgia Marine Education Center and Aquarium: The University of Georgia Marine Extension Service is seeking an Assistant Curator (Posting # 20130598) for its Marine Education Center and Aquarium on Skidaway Island. For the full job ad, search for Posting Number 20130598. Primary duties involve life support system operations, animal husbandry, and aquarium maintenance. This includes the preparation of food for a variety of animals based on the knowledge of their biology & behavior; feeding the animals as needed; knowledge in monitoring & treating all animals for disease, injury, and abnormal behavior; ensuring that all exhibits are educationally accurate (appropriate labeling & signage); and cleaning aquaria in a manner that does not harm the animals (adhering to a monthly schedule). Also responsible for the maintenance of equipment; testing & verifying that air pumps, water pumps, auxiliary filters & aeration stones are functioning properly. Must prepare river intake water for use in aquarium. This requires filtering, disinfecting, and adjustment of chemical balance. Assist in maintenance of outdoor settling tanks. The successful applicant will have basic skills in boat handling, knowledge in the collection, transport, and release of live mar ine animals, experience with the use of seine nets, cast nets, and otter trawls for collection, experience in hook & line fishing; willingness to conduct occasional overnight collecting trips, and willingness to work in adverse conditions. The aquarium MUST be checked 365 days of the year to confirm that systems are functioning. Willingness to work weekends, holidays, & above and beyond the call of duty when emergency situations arise (the animals' well-being is of utmost priority). This responsibility is shared between several employees, but aquarium personnel are charged with oversight of weekend & holiday duties. Secondary duties include working with the education department to coordinate and deliver PK-4 aquarium education programs for school groups and casual visitors (general public) in the aquarium. This will involve coordinating, scheduling, modifying/improving and teaching existing PK-4 classes as well as teaching marine science/ coastal ecology classes to grades 5-12 and adults as scheduling permits. The successful applicant will have excellent verbal and written communication skills (including social media and webpage postings), organization, and time management skills, as well as the ability to lead and work as a part of a small team of intern and volunteer educators. Posted: 5/3/13.

University of Georgia Marine Institute: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER program seeks a Research Technician to be based at the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, Georgia. The selected individual will work as part of the field crew supporting the GCE LTER project. He or she will be primarily involved in maintaining and monitoring a large experiment focusing on sea level rise and effects on freshwater tidal marshes. This includes helping to maintain permits and comply with appropriate regulations, maintaining boardwalks and a water delivery system, measuring salinity in plots, and monitoring soil, plants and invertebrates in plots. The position will occasionally require strenuous physical activity and irregular hours. Applicants must be able to hike through mud, marsh grass and other difficult terrain; lift and carry heavy gear in the field; and assist in light construction. The position is based out of the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, GA. The selected individual may either live on the Island (in UGAMI housing at a subsidized cost) or on the mainland. The ideal candidate will have a B.S. in an appropriate field; small boat piloting experience; first aid certification; field research experience; basic computer skills, including experience with email, word-processing and spreadsheet programs; and the ability to work harmoniously with a wide variety of people. The salary range for the position is $22-30k, and includes full benefits. Applicants should be willing to make at least a 2-year commitment to the project. Apply online at posting number 20130726. Applications will be considered starting May 27 and until the position is filled. Inquiries may be addressed to Dr. Steve Pennings ( Posted: 5/29/13.

University of Hawaii Manoa: The University of Hawaii Manoa and USDA-ARS Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center have funding for a entry level technician in the area of population genetics/phylogenomics/bioinformatics. This research project is focused on analyzing populations of Tephritid fruit fly species using genome-wide analysis techniques towards marker discovery and developing assays for determination of source populations. The duties would be assisting with laboratory molecular biology, analysis of NGS data, focusing on population biology, genomics, etc. Background in population genetics and phylogenetics is required. Knowledge of linux/unix, scripting, and light programming in some language would be good, although on-site learning is possible too. Our approaches include RAD-Seq, GBS (genotyping by sequencing), RNA-seq, and multi-gene sequencing. We have advanced computing resources and a very active research program. Salary is ~$30k, hired through UH Manoa, and the job will be stationed at the USDA-ARS Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center in Hilo, Hawaii. Funding is guaranteed for 1 year, with possibility of extension based on future funding. Undergraduate degree in Genetics or similar is required. If interested, please contact Dr. Scott Geib at and submit CV, Research Narrative, and contact for at least 3 references. Posted: 8/29/12, revised: 10/15/12.

University of Idaho: several positions in the lab of Chris Caudill that will contribute to an on-going large scale study of adult salmon, steelhead and Pacific lamprey migration in the Columbia River Basin. The focus of the research program is on the ecology and conservation anadromous fishes in large regulated river systems. The positions include: 1) Research Support Scientist 1 (single position) based in the Columbia River Gorge area (e.g., Stevenson, WA). The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, possess a Masters degree in fisheries or ecology, have experience with telemetry studies including a good working knowledge of telemetry electronics, have strong data management skills, have experience working multi-agencies settings, and demonstrated ability to work independently in remote locations. The primary duties will be to assist with the installation and maintenance of a large telemetry array in the lower Columbia River, supervise 1-2 technicians, contribute to the collection and tagging of adult fishes, and contribute to report and manuscript preparation. Close Date: 12/5/12. 2) Scientific Aide 2 (multiple positions) based in the Columbia River Gorge/Portland area. The ideal candidate will possess a B.S. degree in fisheries or ecology, have a strong interest in anadromous fish biology, have the ability to work in a dynamic setting, the ability to travel to field locations, to work collaboratively and independently, and possess a strong attention to detail. The primary responsibilities will be to work under the supervision of the Research Support Scientist and other staff to support telemetry monitoring efforts and other field projects. Close Date: 12/11/12. Posted: 12/4/12.

University of Kansas: The Native Medicinal Plant Research Program is seeking a full-time botanist ecologist for the research program and laboratory run by Kelly Kindscher. The lab is focused on Botany/Plant Ecology/Conservation Biology/Medicinal Plants research. The unclassified staff position will begin as early as April 22, 2013, although applicants who are graduating this spring will also be considered. The position will be located at the Kansas Biological Survey office near 21st and Iowa Streets in Lawrence, Kansas. Funding for the position ($35-42k/year) will be provided by grants to the Kindscher lab at the University of Kansas). Currently funding is secure for the first 18 months, but we will work together to find additional funding. Work will be focused on continuing to develop the Native Medicinal Plant Research Program (a project focused on ethnobotany, plant ecology, botany, conservation biology, horticulture, restoration ecology, and the study of medicinal plants) and other projects of the lab. The position will have a major focus on field work. Broad skills in botany and ecology, collection and propagation of medicinal plants, and preparation of manuscripts, reports and grants will be needed. We seek a highly motivated and dedicated individual to participate in collaborative work for these projects. For details, see Deadline: March 31, 2013. Posted: 3/8/13.

University of Louisiana at Monroe: I (Dr. Russ Minton) am looking to recruit one M.S. student for Summer/Fall 2013 examining the utility of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) as population markers in freshwater snails. The successful candidate will screen four to six populations of the pleurocerid Elimia potosiensis with multiple primers as part of a larger project examining the genetic and environmental factors affecting shell shape. Pending available funds, the student will compete for an $8,000 annual teaching assistantship plus full tuition waiver for at least four semesters. Preferably the student would start in June 2013; funds are in place for summer employment. Applicants must have demonstrable experience with standard DNA methods including extraction, PCR amplification, and agarose gel electrophoresis. At least one reference/recommendation must speak to the student's ability in the lab. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA and 1000 M+V GRE score. Since assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis, the higher the GPA and GRE the better. Note that these values are higher than ULM's minimum graduate admissions standards. Interested students can contact me directly at and browse the Biology Department website. Posted: 3/7/13.

University of Maine: The School of Forest Resources invites applications for a one-year research assistant position available June 1, 2013. Additional information on the job and instructions for applying. Responsibilities: The selected candidate for this position would work on a research project funded by the US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis to develop new regional tree biomass equations for the primary species in the Northeast. The position would require a combination of field-, office-, and laboratory-based responsibilities. The primary responsibility would be supervising and assisting in the collection of biomass data from felled trees across the state of Maine. This would involve developing a necessary sampling plan, locating appropriate areas for field work, conducting several standing tree measurements, felling the tree, dissecting it into its various components (foliage, branch, bole, etc), weighing the components, and taking subsamples for additional laboratory analyses. The person would also be responsible for creating and maintaining a database documenting all the measurements. Laboratory measurements would be conducted to assess moisture content and specific gravity. Additional duties and responsibilities would include: statistical analysis of data, preparing technical reports and presentations, maintaining and organizing field and laboratory equipment, and performing other reasonably related duties as assigned. Qualifications: A Master's or higher degree in forestry or closely related field is required by the date of hire. Prior experience conducting forest measurements, destructive tree biomass sampling, and multi-level mixed-effects regression are preferred. Within- and out-of-state travel would be required an essential job function. Also, the ability to frequently lift 30 pounds and collect research samples in appropriate field conditions under sometimes adverse weather conditions is necessary. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable pool of applicants is found. To apply, send an electronic letter of interest with a resume and contact information for three professional references to: Aaron Weiskittel, Associate Professor of Forest Biometric and Modeling, 5755 Nutting Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5755. 207-581-2857, Posted: 4/18/13.

University of Maryland: The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)- a research center dedicated to creating synthetic, actionable science related to the structure, functioning, and sustainability of socio-environmental systems-currently has four open positions: Computational Synthesis Scientist, who will lead efforts to research, develop, and deploy software applications to meet the novel computational challenges faced by social and natural scientists who seek to understand and solve large-scale problems related to meeting the needs of people while maintaining healthy ecosystems. Evaluation of applications will begin March 21, 2013. Research Scientist in Quantitative Socio-Environmental Science, who will use theoretical, computational, and/or mathematical approaches to study the structure and dynamics of socio-environmental systems, as well as initiate and secure funding for new research efforts and assist resident / visiting researchers with their SESYNC-sponsored research. Evaluation of applications will begin April 15, 2013. Computational Science Assistant, who will work closely with SESYNC's cyberinfrastructure team to assess and respond to the data integration and model development needs of center-supported projects and collaborations, as well as be an integral member of SESYNC's partnership with RENCI (Renaissance Computing Institute) to build a Water Science Software Institute. Evaluation of applications will begin April 15, 2013. Database Programmer, who will work on a mix of administrative and research coding efforts and develop applications that integrate and manage data from the social and natural sciences. Depending on the research, some data sets may require substantial front-end web programming. Preference will be given to applications received by May 1, 2013. Posted: 3/12/13.

University of Maryland Appalachian Laboratory: Research assistant in global change ecology - The Appalachian Laboratory (AL) seeks a computer scientist / ecological modeler to support several projects in modeling the impacts of global change on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Applicants should possess a BA/BS or MS degree in Computer Science, Ecology, Statistics, Geography or a related field. Experience in computer programming (R, Python, C++), ecological modeling, and spatial analysis using GIS highly desired. In addition, the ideal candidate would possess (1) knowledge of and interest in ecology, biogeography, and landscape ecology; (2) excellent organization skills; (3) strong quantitative and critical thinking skills; and (4) an ability to work independently and supervise others, and to handling multiple responsibilities while meeting deadlines. Primary duties include supporting research projects by writing custom computer code, developing and handling large ecological databases, and creating graphics, maps, and website content. The position is based in the lab of Matt Fitzpatrick. AL is located near Frostburg State University in western Maryland - a mountainous region noted for its access to outdoor activities. Baltimore, Washington D.C., and Pittsburgh are within 2.5 hours drive. The position is available as soon as September 2012.Salary is dependent on experience and includes benefits. To apply, please e-mail a *single PDF document* that includes: (1) a letter describing relevant research experience, (2) resume, and (3) contact information for three references to (references will not be contacted without permission). Review of applications will begin on 8/15/2012 and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 7/23/12.

University of Michigan: Lab Manager, Freshwater Ecology. Salary $30-34k, commensurate on experience. This is a full-time position for 1-year with possible renewal contingent on funding. Position is available as soon as July 1st, 2013. The successful applicant will work in Dr. Bradley Cardinale’s freshwater ecology laboratory ( in the School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE). The successful applicant will help manage the lab as well as assist with experiments that focus on the ecological impacts of biodiversity change in streams and lakes. Specific responsibilities will include (1) setting up and maintaining cultures of freshwater organisms, including various species of stream and lake algae and invertebrates that are used in laboratory and field experiments, (2) overseeing employee safety training, as well as lab compliance with University of Michigan requirements for environmental health and safety, (3) ordering and ensuring proper installation, calibration, operation, and maintenance of laboratory and field research supplies and equipment, (4) assist with the preparation, set-up, maintenance, and collection of data from laboratory and field-based experiments, (5) use of standard methods to perform a variety of limnological analyses ranging from physical and chemical characterization of water samples, to analysis and identification of biological samples of algae and invertebrates, (6) manage project databases and assist with summaries and preliminary analyses of the data, (7) supervise a small number (1-3 individuals) of undergraduate research assistants. Requirements: Applicant must have a Bachelor's degree in Ecology, Environmental Science, Biology, a closely related field, or a combination of experience and education. Prior experience working in freshwater habitats or with freshwater organisms is desirable. Candidate must be familiar with basic limnological techniques for assessing water quality, measuring algal biomass, and methods of identifying freshwater organisms. Apply online at, job number 81020. Applications are due by 5/3/2013. Posted: 4/17/13.

University of Michigan: Research Manager to organize research tasks across grants and projects in the lab of Dr. Bill Currie. Please see the full job ad for more information and to apply. The posting number is 79408. Posted: 2/18/13.

University of Michigan: Full-time laboratory technician position centered on microbial ecology/molecular biology is immediately available. Duties include molecular analyses of soil microbial communities using DNA and RNA extraction, PCR, quantitative PCR, gel electrophoresis, restriction digests, DNA cloning, and microbial cultivation. Successful candidates will be expected to work independently and collaboratively within a team of microbial ecologists and biogeochemists seeking to understand how microbial community composition and function control the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen in terrestrial ecosystems. A bachelor’s degree in ecology, molecular biology, microbiology or related areas with prior experience working with molecular techniques is required, and a master’s degree in one of the aforementioned fields is preferred. Please send a statement of qualification, a list of relevant course work, and a resume to Dr. Donald R. Zak ( Posted: 1/28/13.

University of Michigan: I am looking to hire a technician/lab manager for my lab, which focuses on aquatic and disease ecology. See the full job posting for information on how to apply. Briefly, the job will involve sampling inland lakes, maintaining lab cultures, running lab experiments, and supervising undergraduate research students. Applicants must have a valid drivers license, be able to swim and help carry a small jonboat, and have strong organizational skills. Prior experience working with plankton is preferred, but not required. Questions can be addressed to me ( Applications will be accepted at least until Wednesday, October 31. Posted: 10/29/12.

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: The Agronomy and Plant Genetics Department seeks applicants for a junior scientist position. The successful candidate will conduct research on two projects. The first project will test the potential for bioenergy grass crops to invade prairie grasslands and impact native biodiversity. This work will quantify the effects of biotic factors (ie. interspecific competition and herbivory) on bioenergy grass crop invasions. The second project will evaluate integrative perennial cropping systems to improve biological control of the soybean aphid. Both experiments involve intensive experimental manipulation across numerous research sites and detailed collection of plant and insect data. The position will be responsible for designing and implementing research protocols, supervising and training undergraduate assistants, managing timelines and materials, overseeing data entry and preliminary analysis, and supporting the publication of peer-reviewed articles. The position will be based at the University of Minnesota, Saint Paul Campus, and there will be regular travel to field experiments across the state. The position will be initially 1 year, and renewable for an additional year contingent on personal contributions to the project. Qualifications: The applicant should have a B.S. in Biology, Ecology, Entomology or related science. At least one year of laboratory and/or field experience in related science. Experience with collection of insect data: insect identification, molecular techniques (ie. PCR, pollen gut analysis), insect collection techniques (ie sweep net, sticky traps, observation) AND plant data: size measurements, plant community composition, and plant taxonomy. Experience in insect husbandry. Data management and analysis. Preferred: A MSc in ecology, entomology or related field. Published peer-reviewed research in a related field. Demonstrated ability to balance multiple research projects and serve as a leader in the laboratory and field setting. Apply through, Requisition # 179723. For questions, please contact Jim Eckberg ( Posted: 8/24/12.

University of Nebraska at Omaha: The Wolfenbarger lab in the Department of Biology seeks a full time research assistant to support a variety of ongoing research projects related to the effects of land use on bird populations in the Great Plains. The starting date for the position will be January 22, 2013. The position is initially funded for twelve months. The salary is $30k (annualized) and includes benefits. Duties will include assisting with all aspects of faculty and graduate research projects on grassland passerines, migratory shorebirds, and prairie grouse. The technician will participate in fieldwork and will be responsible for managing and analyzing data and preparing reports. Strong communication and teamwork skills, ability to work closely with private landowners and other stakeholders, and the ability to maintain accurate and organized records. A Masters degree in biology, biostatistics, wildlife ecology, or related field including experience in conducting research, analyzing data, and preparing results for publication; or a Bachelors' degree in biology, biostatistics, wildlife ecology, or related field plus 1 year experience conducting and analyzing field-based ecological research is required. The position involves occasional travel and a valid drivers license is required. Applicants must submit an online application to the University website. Please go to, click on Employment then Current Job Openings (in red) and follow directions. Applicants should upload a cover letter describing qualifications and interests, curriculum vitae or resume, and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin 3 December 2012 and will continue until the position is filled. For further information contact: Dr. L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger at Posted: 11/21/12.

University of New Mexico: The Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program at the University of New Mexico is seeking to fill a position at the level of Research Scientist I. This position has a large field ecology component and requires the ability to live at the Sevilleta Field Station from Monday through Thursday for up to five non-consecutive months per year. All other duties, which include managing and processing field data, as well as ensuring that data is publicly accessible on the Sevilleta LTER website, will be performed on the UNM campus in Albuquerque, NM. The primary responsibility of this MS-level position is to work with other scientists to collect and manage data for a number of long-term research projects. The vast majority of these projects focus on plant ecology, although some occasional small mammal work will be performed. Thus, the successful candidate will have excellent plant identification skills and the ability to hike long distances in a desert environment carrying field equipment. For small mammal projects, the ability to wear a half-face respirator is necessary. A familiarity with data management and analysis, including the use of SAS, MySQL databases, Microsoft tools and/or additional software packages, must also be demonstrated. This is a term position with yearly renewal contingent upon performance and funding. Position open until filled. To apply, see posting #0820755 at If you have any questions, please contact John Mulhouse at Posted: 1/24/13, revised: 6/21/13.

University of New Mexico: The Department of Biology is seeking a highly qualified technician to be hired as Field Research Scientist I. The successful candidate will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of two eddy flux towers in Central New Mexico that are being used to increase our understanding of how ecosystem structure and function are altered by widespread coniferous mortality. The candidate will maintain tower flux systems and will work with an interdisciplinary group of faculty, postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate researchers to make additional physiological and ecological field measurements associated with this project. In particular, this position will involve extensive measurements quantifying carbon pools, decomposition rates of various carbon pools and the primary controls over decomposition rates. The candidate will participate in data management, data analysis, and the preparation of peer-reviewed publications of research findings. Candidates with a background in micrometeorology, ecosystem ecology, plant physiological ecology and technical expertise with eddy covariance-based flux measurement equipment are encouraged to apply. This position will be based in Albuquerque at UNM Biology and will require frequent day travel to field sites. The position is initially available for 12 months and renewable on a year-to-year basis, based on performance, for two additional years. Apply to posting 0816888 at UNM Jobs. Position available immediately and open until filled. Contact Marcy Litvak ( for more information. Posted: 8/15/12.

University of North Carolina: Marine ecology research technician, Institute of Marine Sciences. Hiring Range: $10.61/hr. Proposed Start Date: 7/1/2013. This is a temporary position not to exceed 24 months. Close Date: 3/11/2013. We seek a research technician for an applied marine ecology study investigating fish and invertebrate community structure on natural and artificial hard bottom. The two-year study will determine how fish utilize low- and high- relief hard bottom as a function of sedimentation dynamics and benthic community condition, especially in relationship to offshore wind energy development. Technician duties include field surveys and data management. Year-round field surveys will be conducted in North Carolina coastal waters using SCUBA equipment and scientific diving methodology. Data management will involve data entry, video processing and analysis, photoquadrat image processing and analysis, database management, and statistical analysis. This position will be based at UNC-CH Institute of Marine Sciences, 3431 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC 28557. Education and Experience: SCUBA experience with minimum of 75 logged dives and Rescue Diver certification. AAUS certification preferred. Bachelor’s degree in biology, marine science, ecology, or environmental science preferred. Preference will be given to recent graduates with long-term interest in obtaining experience that will prepare them for success in graduate school and in a marine conservation ecology career. Familiarity with statistical analysis using R or SAS and experience with ArcGIS are a plus. This work will require the ability to lift at least 50 lbs., to work in cold/hot, wet conditions, as well as during some early-morning and late-night shifts. Applicants must be willing to conduct offshore diving fieldwork while operating off of small boats and must hold a valid driver’s license. Please direct specific inquires to Avery Paxton (project investigator), Required Documents: 1. Resume/ Curriculum Vitae 2. Cover Letter 3. List of References (minimum of three references, at least one of which can testify to dive experience). Apply for the position: Posted: 2/20/13.

University of Notre Dame: A full-time research technician position is available to work with Dr. Gary E. Belovsky on ecological research both on campus, Notre Dame, IN and at the University of Notre Dame's Environmental Research Center (UNDERC-East) in northern Wisconsin. Duties/responsibilities: Run field and lab experiments, both aquatic and terrestrial. Enter, manage and statistically analyze data. Maintain variety of field and lab equipment at UNDERC-East, Land O' Lakes, WI. Maintain weather stations and oversee downloading of data. Supervise undergraduates in a laboratory setting. Location of position includes spending 7-8 months in the lab at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend campus, and 4-5 months at UNDERC-East, Land O' Lakes, WI. Housing is provided on the UNDERC property. Qualifications include a BS or BA degree in ecology, environmental sciences or equivalent degree with previous relevant field and lab experience. Master's degree is preferred but not required. Excellent communication and organizational skills are essential. Experience working in a research setting is preferred. Knowledge/understanding of experimental ecology in lab and field. Field experience in collecting data for aquatic and terrestrial systems. Computer skills with the following are preferred: Word, Excel, Access, Systat, GIS, web page maintenance, upload/download of data from various pieces of equipment. Valid US Driver's License. Deadline for application: March 20, 2013 or until filled. Start Date: April 15, 2013. Salary: $26-35k, with benefits. Please apply online at Please include cover letter, resume and contact information for 3 references. For questions, please contact Jennifer Slade Belovsky at Posted: 3/8/13.

University of Notre Dame: We seek a highly motivated person to join our lab as a research technician. Our group is studying the molecular detection of rare species in aquatic systems using genetic tools. The Research Technician will support the research activities of the faculty, postdocs and graduate students in the lab. This includes support for sample collecting and processing, data organization and analysis, report writing, and general lab and equipment maintenance. Applicants should have a strong interest in ecological or environmental science and possess an enthusiasm for laboratory research. Opportunities to contribute to manuscripts and proposals, build professional experience, and further training in molecular research will be provided. Responsibilities for this position include performing general molecular laboratory functions including DNA extractions, PCR, gel electrophoresis, data entry, and report writing. Additional duties include, but are not limited to ordering supplies, equipment sterilization and sample processing preparation. To apply, please see the full job ad. Review of applications will begin on September 5, 2012 and continue until position is filled. Posted: 8/29/12.

University of Rhode Island: Communications Manager and liaison for the Coastal Resources Center. Serve as the communications manager and liaison for the Coastal Resources Center (CRC). Responsibilities include keeping key CRC stakeholders, including but not limited to the public, donors, coastal and marine policy-makers and practitioners, press agencies, and other key audiences updated on CRC projects and initiatives. Write and/or edit copy for the CRC website and other "corporate" documents including the Center's Prospectus and other marketing and outreach materials; author and/or edit program success stories, publications, news editorials, newsletters; and edit program proposals and program technical reports as needed. Coordinate with other CRC staff tasked with providing communications services for their program/projects. Also serve as a mentor and communications liaison with program communications specialists in CRC program field offices in developing countries. Some international travel, limited to 4 weeks per year, required. Application info:, Posting Number: 6000994. Deadline: February 9, 2013. Posted: 1/22/13.

University of Texas Austin: The laboratory of Dr. Daniel Bolnick, supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, seeks an organized and experienced individual to fill a laboratory technician position studying host-parasite interactions. The technician will be expected to work with lab members to carry out assays of three-spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) resistance/tolerance to a tapeworm parasite. This is part of a study of the genetic basis of parasite resistance. The technician will also be asked to assist with dissecting specimens, flow cytometry assays of immune function, ELISAs, and RNAseq and SNP genotyping using RADseq genotyping. Applicants should have lab experience with molecular genetics, including DNA extraction, quantitation, PCR, and sequencing, and familiarity with sterile techniques. Preference is given to applicants who also have some laboratory experience with flow cytometry or ELISAs, RNAseq, or bioinformatics. Strong organizational skills are a necessity, as are a strong work ethic and the ability to work well with others. The Bolnick lab's research focuses on evolutionary ecology of trait variation within populations, including variation in diet, courtship traits, and immune function. Minimum qualifications: A Bachelor's or Master's degree in an appropriate field of evolutionary biology or molecular ecology/genetics and the demonstrated ability to perform the molecular laboratory techniques listed above. To apply, pleases send a pdf containing a coverletter, a CV, and names and contact information for two recommendation letter writers to Dr. Daniel Bolnick ( Previous experience in the laboratory should be highlighted in both the cover letter and letters of recommendation wherever possible. Questions may be directed to the same email address. Applications will be reviewed starting July 1, 2013, though additional applications may be considered after this deadline until the position is filled. This is a full-time position, initially appointed for a period of 12 months at a starting salary of approximately $2,500 per month (depending on qualifications), plus benefits. The research technician will be an employee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The position duration could be extended, depending on performance and availability of research funds. The chosen applicant will ideally start work in late August or early September. Applications will be accepted until the position has been filled. Posted: 6/21/13.

University of Waterloo: A one year position as a research technician is available in the department of biology. The successful candidate assist in experiments on the effects of plant morphology on microclimate conditions and insect population dynamics. Qualifications: Training will be provided, but it would be best for applicants to be comfortable with basic computer programming, equipment and related devices (e.g. cameras, scanners). A candidate with a B.Sc. in ecology or engineering, with an understanding of statistics would be the best match. Note: The latest start date for this position is September 2013. Please submit materials (resume, unofficial transcripts, contact info for 3 references) by May 1, 2013. Contact: Dr. Kim Cuddington, Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Email: Posted: 3/26/13.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Water Chemistry Lab Technician, Center for Limnology, Vacancy Listing # 74114. Official title: RESEARCH SPECIALIST (T16DN) or ASSOC RESEARCH SPEC (T16FN). Degree and area of specialization: BA/BS in Biological, Geological or related disciplines required; MS degree preferred. Qualifications: A minimum of 1 year of experience working in a water chemistry laboratory required. Preference will be given to applicants with experience 1) with use of the following analytical equipment: nutrient autoanalyzer, organic carbon analyzer, ion chromatograph, inductively coupled plasma spectrometer, gran titrator; 2) with data entry and laboratory information management software; and 3) using and maintaining standard water chemistry laboratory equipment. Applicant must have the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience including federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, and the public. The North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research (NTL-LTER) Project is in need of a specialist to: 50%-Oversee all aspects of the water chemistry laboratory, including the analysis of water samples, sample tracking, data entry, writing/updating method protocols for laboratory and data entry procedures, maintenance of equipment logs, hire, train, and supervise student hourly employees who will assist with laboratory analyses and data entry. 20%-Oversee quality assurance/quality control and management of project data, and work with NTL-LTER Information Management staff. 10%-Participate in sample collection on site (Vilas County, WI) several times throughout the year. Transportation and living accommodations will be paid. 10%-Assist PI with writing annual reports and sections of technical reports 10%-Assist PI, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers with water chemistry projects. Full time salary: Minimum $30k (12 months) Depending on Qualifications Term: This is a renewable appointment Appointment percent: 100% Anticipated begin date: August 7, 2012 Number of positions: 1 To ensure consideration, application must be received by: July 27, 2012 To apply, please submit your cover letter, resume and 3 references (containing name, relationship to individual and contact information) to Val Seidel at Posted: 7/16/12.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: The new Great Lakes Genomics Center at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Freshwater Sciences, is seeking a highly qualified individual to assist in providing bioinformatics support for functional, comparative, and environmental genomics projects. This individual will assist in developing our bioinformatics capabilies, develop of project-specific bioinformatics (computational and database) tools in conjunction with Faculty, Students, and Academic Staff, provide training and technical support for bioinformatics software, analyze genomic and sequence data, oversee computational and informatics resources including software and hardware, assist in preparation of manuscripts, reports, web-based public databases, and funding proposals. We seek an individual with at minimum a bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics, molecular biology or related field and two years experience in multiple sequence alignment (preferably with high-throughput sequencing data), management of large datasets, and experience with gene and protein prediction, neural network analysis, and analysis of microarray data.Experience in programming with Perl, BioPerl or other programming related to sequence analysis, statistical packages (such as R or MATLAB). Familiarity with UNIX environments and computing clusters. Apply at All applicants must submit a cover letter outlining qualifications and interests, along with a resume that includes names of three references that can speak to the applicant’s abilities, and contact information for all three references. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled. Posted: 9/10/12.

University of Wyoming: The Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG) is seeking a manager for the Surface and Subsurface Hydrology Lab. The manager will work with the Facility Manager of the Facility for Imaging the Near- and Sub-Surface Environment to help build a comprehensive research enterprise in the investigation of surface and subsurface hydrology with a research focus on ecohydrology. The manager will assist in the identification and purchase of facility equipment, including a wide range of hydrological observation equipment for streamflow, soil moisture, meteorological data, snow, and the establishment of long-term monitoring stations. Furthermore, the manager will work with faculty and staff including training & assisting users in field research, calibrate and test equipment, and participate in data archiving & analysis. Duties will require occasional travel and physical endurance including lifting and transporting heavy equipment. Applicant must be willing to participate in field work, be interested in collaborative work and be a positive team player. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work as part of large interdisciplinary research initiatives funded by NSF EPSCoR and the state of Wyoming, and will have and have access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and computational systems. Minimum qualifications include 1) Bachelor's Level Degree in Natural Resources, Civil Engineering or closely related discipline; 2) two years of work-related experience; and 3) excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills. Desired: 1) M.S. in Hydrology or closely related field; 2) recent experience with hydrological and ecological monitoring equipment, including familiarity with theory, data acquisition and the interpretation of hydrological data; 3) familiarity with a range of field measurement techniques such as stream gauging, soil moisture, snow survey, water quality sampling and groundwater. To apply, please visit the University of Wyoming Human Resources web site for job ID 5138. Closes: 8/30/12. Posted: 8/24/12.

URS Corporation: URS is seeking a full time Senior Botanist/Wetland Ecologist to add to our existing biology practice of over 35 biologists in the Oakland office. The ideal candidate has botanical and wetland field experience in California and would complement our talented staff, expand our capabilities, and work within our successful interdisciplinary wetland, wildlife, botanical and restoration teams. We are seeking a dynamic individual, capable of conducting and leading field surveys and provides technical knowledge; someone who works well with junior staff and is comfortable leading small or large groups of staff; and someone that can deliver high quality technical documentation. This position requires excellent verbal communication and writing skills and the desire to assist URS in the continued growth of the biology practice. A successful candidate will utilize these skills to provide technical guidance, conduct floristic surveys, map vegetation communities, prepare vegetation sections for plans and specifications for restoration projects, conduct compliance monitoring, prepare technical reports, and interact with a variety of staff level biologists, senior project managers, and clients and regulatory agencies. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 9/18/12.

Virginia Military Institute: The Department of Biology invites applications for a full-time laboratory and research technician beginning in July 2013. Core responsibilities of the position include assisting with faculty research projects, preparing materials for upper-level biology labs, maintenance of laboratory instrumentation, and managing research purchases. Individuals in this position will be expected to work independently and as part of a team, to follow established research protocols, and to perform field and laboratory procedures. The position is state classified, full-time position, with benefits. Starting salary is negotiable based on credentials and experience. Applicants should have college coursework in biology or a related field of study. The ideal candidate will have experience with biochemical and molecular laboratory techniques and should have good technical, organizational, communication, and leadership skills to support an academic department of eight full-time faculty with state-of-the-art laboratories. Candidates must apply on-line. Applicants should submit a letter describing qualifications for this position, a resume, and three letters of recommendation. The letters of recommendation should be sent to Dr. Anne Alerding, Chair, Lab Technician Search Committee, Department of Biology, VMI, Lexington, VA 24450 ( Posted: 6/10/13.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: GIS and Data Support Analyst - full time Permanent position located in the Wildlife Program, Science Division. The duty station is the Natural Resources Building located in Olympia, Thurston County. See the full job ad for details. Review date: 2/11/13. Posted: 2/7/13.

WRA, Inc.: We are an environmental consulting firm based in San Rafael, California, with offices in Los Angeles and Fort Bragg. For over 30 years, WRA has provided outstanding ecological and design expertise to develop successful solutions for our clients. We employ experts in the fields of plant, wildlife, and wetland ecology, GIS, CEQA/NEPA and landscape architecture. We are looking for an entry-level, energetic, career-minded CEQA Environmental Planner to join us on a full-time basis in our San Rafael office. Periodic travel is a requirement of the position. We are particularly looking for someone familiar with the CEQA/NEPA process; experience compiling these documents is preferred. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in CEQA, NEPA, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, and regulatory compliance. Demonstrable technical writing ability, leadership skills, and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Our employment package includes medical, dental, and 401K with generous match. More information about WRA and our areas of expertise: Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing a cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to and reference “CEQA Entry-level Position.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date: April 12, 2013. Please, no calls. Posted: 4/9/13.

WRA, Inc.: We are an environmental consulting firm based in San Rafael, California, with offices in Los Angeles and Fort Bragg. For over 30 years, WRA has provided outstanding ecological and design expertise to develop successful solutions for our clients. We employ experts in the fields of plant, wildlife, and wetland ecology, GIS, CEQA/NEPA and landscape architecture. We are looking for a senior-level, energetic, career-minded CEQA Project Manager/Senior Environmental Planner to join us on a full-time basis in our San Rafael office. Project management experience and the ability to work independently are required. Periodic travel is a requirement of the position. We are particularly looking for someone with CEQA/NEPA project management experience, experience facilitating client and public meetings, and successful completion of the CEQA/NEPA process. Experience with budgeting, staff management and mentoring, proposal writing, project interviews, and client management are required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in CEQA, NEPA, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, and regulatory compliance. Demonstrable technical writing ability, leadership skills, and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Our employment package includes medical, dental, and 401K with generous match. More information about WRA and our areas of expertise: Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing a cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to and reference “CEQA Project Manager Position.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date: April 12, 2013. Please, no calls. Posted: 4/8/13.

WRA, Inc.: We are an environmental consulting firm with offices in San Rafael, Fort Bragg, and Los Angeles, California. For over 30 years, WRA has provided outstanding ecological and design expertise to develop successful solutions for our clients. We employ experts in the fields of plant, wildlife, and wetland ecology, GIS, CEQA/NEPA and landscape architecture. We are looking for energetic, career-minded botanists/plant ecologists to join us on a full-time basis in our San Rafael office. We currently have entry-level openings and are looking for someone with experience in California plant, vegetation, and wetland identification. Southern California and desert experience is preferred, but not required. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, wetland delineation and permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, rare plant surveys, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in botany or plant ecology. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in California plant taxonomy and surveys, habitat/association mapping, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Our employment package includes medical, dental, and 401K with generous match. More information about WRA and our areas of expertise can be found at Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, unofficial transcripts, and three references to and reference “Botanist / Plant Ecologist.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date for submission of application materials is March 1, 2013. Posted: 2/22/13.

WRA, Inc.: We are looking for senior-level, energetic, career-minded wildlife biologists/ecologists to join us on a full-time basis in our Los Angeles and San Rafael offices. Project management experience, and the ability to work independently, is required. Periodic travel is a requirement of the position. We are particularly looking for someone with regulatory permitting experience, fisheries experience, and experience conducting surveys for one or more of the following: California coastal gnatcatcher, least bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, desert tortoise, arroyo toad, Mohave ground squirrel, and San Bernardino kangaroo rat. Applicants with federal recovery permits for one or more of these, and any other listed species in California, will be preferred. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, special-status species surveys, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in wildlife. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in California wildlife taxonomy and surveys, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, regulatory compliance, construction monitoring, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Our employment package includes medical, dental, and 401K with generous match. More information about WRA. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to and reference “Wildlife Biologist/ Ecologist.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. WRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Close date for submission of application materials is September 3, 2012. Please, no calls. Posted: 8/21/12.

WRA, Inc.: We are looking for an energetic, career-minded wildlife biologist/ecologist to join us on a full-time basis in our San Rafael office. Periodic travel to our Los Angeles office is a requirement of the position. We are particularly looking for someone experienced in the following: freshwater fisheries, fluvial geomorphology, freshwater invertebrates, algal sampling, songbird surveys, amphibian surveys, and/or small mammal trapping. Applicants with federal recovery permits for one or more of these, and any other listed species in California, will be preferred. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, special-status species surveys, habitat assessment, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in wildlife. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in California wildlife taxonomy and surveys, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, regulatory compliance, construction monitoring, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Our employment package includes medical, dental, and 401K with generous match. More information about WRA. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to and reference “Wildlife Biologist/ Ecologist.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date for submission of application materials is August 27, 2012. Posted: 8/14/12.

WRA, Inc.: We are looking for an energetic, career-minded wildlife biologist/ecologist to join us on a full-time basis in our Los Angeles office. (We also have a second openings and are looking for someone with experience in mitigation banking.) Periodic travel to our San Rafael office is required. We are particularly looking for someone experienced conducting surveys for one or more of the following: California coastal gnatcatcher, least bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, desert tortoise, arroyo toad, Mohave ground squirrel, and San Bernardino kangaroo rat. Applicants with federal recovery permits for one or more of these, and any other listed species in California, will be preferred. The work that this position entails is varied and may include environmental compliance (CEQA, permitting), mitigation and conservation banking/planning, special-status species surveys, and restoration planning. Experience in these areas is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology with an emphasis in wildlife. Desired qualifications include: education and experience in California wildlife taxonomy and surveys, environmental impact analysis, permit preparation, regulatory compliance, construction monitoring, and mitigation analysis. Demonstrable technical writing ability and excellent communication skills are essential. We offer an excellent salary and benefits package and a positive, progressive work environment. Our employment package includes medical, dental, and 401K with generous match. More information about WRA. Interested candidates should respond by e-mailing your cover letter, resume, transcripts, and three references to and reference “Wildlife Biologist/ Ecologist.” Please also reference where you heard about the position. Close date: August 15, 2012. Posted: 8/2/12.

Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation: Endangered Species Conservation Associate. Under the direction of the Endangered Species Program Director, the Endangered Species Conservation Associate will spend approximately two thirds of her or his time managing our effort to conserve monarch butterflies and their habitats and approximately one third of his or her time assisting with other endangered species conservation projects. The Associate will ideally be based in our Portland, Oregon office but locations in California will be considered. See the full job ad for more information and to apply. Deadline: September 6, 2012. Posted: 8/24/12.

Yale University: The Yale Earth System Center for Stable Isotopic Studies is looking to hire a new lab manager to manage the operation and maintenance of a state of the art multi-use isotope center. The manager collaborates with principal investigators and students in method development, sample analyses and data interpretation and also provides input in the form of technical guidance and direction on various phases of isotopic research. The job offers competitive pay and good benefits. More information and online application. Please contact Peter Raymond ( or Hagit Affek ( for more information. Posted: 3/19/13.

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