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Undergraduate Opportunities

Summer Jobs and Internships | Undergraduate Programs | Short Courses

Summer Jobs and Internships:

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Location Title Closes Posted
University of California REU, Alpine Lakes Research, Sequoia National Park 5/1/15 4/13/15
Michigan State University Undergraduate Research Assistant: Forest Health 4/28/15 4/15/15
Syracuse University REU, Plant Ecology 4/10/15 3/4/15
University of Maryland/Smithsonian Institution Summer undergraduate research, Florida mangroves & salt marshes 4/1/15 2/19/15
Central Michigan University REU, Beaver Island, Michigan 3/27/15 2/16/15
Portland State University REU, Aquatic Ecology  3/22/15 3/6/15
University of Minnesota Summer Field Assts, Forest Ecology and Silviculture  3/21/15 3/21/15
University of Washington REU, Species interactions in a changing climate at Mount Rainier National Park 3/20/15 2/28/15
Samford University REU, Biology and Chemistry 3/16/15 3/9/15
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Minorities in Marine and Environmental Sciences Program 3/13/15 2/11/15
Marine Biological Laboratory REU, Plum Island LTER  3/10/15 3/10/15
University of Minnesota REU, Plant Evolutionary Genetics 3/9/15 2/18/15
University of Texas Marine Science Institute REU, Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity 3/7/15 2/19/15
Northwest Entomological Research Center Field crew/undergraduate research internships 3/6/15 2/19/15
California State University, Monterey Bay REU, Ocean Sciences 3/2/15 2/9/15
University of Louisville REU, Plant Biology 3/1/15 1/29/15
Michigan State University REU, Kellogg Biological Station 3/1/15 1/18/15
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale REU in Convergence Ecology 3/1/15 1/14/15
University of Puerto Rico REU in Tropical Ecology and Evolution 2/28/15 12/16/14
University of Arizona REU, Environmental and Earth system sciences at Biosphere 2 2/27/15 1/29/15
Chicago Botanic Garden Ecology and evolution of plants and plant-animal interactions 2/27/15 2/16/15
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Summer Research Internship 2/27/15 1/10/15
USDA-ARS Undergrad Internship: Invasion Ecology, North Dakota  2/21/15 2/21/15
Oregon Sea Grant Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program 2/20/15 1/29/15
University of Florida REU, plant ecology  2/17/15 2/17/15
University of Georgia REU, Population Ecology of Infectious Diseases 2/16/15 1/22/15
Kent State University REU, Terrestrial-aquatic linkages in urban impacted ecosystems 2/16/15 1/10/15
National Ecological Observatory Network Undergraduate Internship Program, Colorado 2/16/15 12/28/14
Western Washington University REU, marine ecology 2/15/15 2/9/15
University of Wisconsin-Stoudt REU, water quality and phosphorus mitigation 2/15/15 1/29/15
Georgia Tech REU, Aquatic Chemical Ecology 2/15/15 1/29/15
Organization of Tropical Studies REU and NAPIRE, Tropical Biology 2/15/15 1/16/15
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory REU, ecological and evolutionary field projects 2/15/15 1/16/15
University of Texas - Austin REU, switchgrass biology/climate change 2/15/15 1/6/15
University of Arkansas REU, Assessment and Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services 2/13/15 1/10/15
Marine Biological Laboratory REU, saltmarsh ecosystem ecology  2/11/15 2/11/15
University of Tennessee Summer Research Experience in Mathematical Biological Synthesis 2/9/15 12/6/14
University of Texas Marine Science Institute REU in marine science 2/9/15 11/15/14
Plymouth State University REU, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest 2/6/15 1/29/15
Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology 2/6/15 12/8/14
University of Michigan REU, Biosphere-Atmosphere Hydrosphere Interactions in a Changing Global Environment 2/2/15 1/21/15
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Internships 2/1/15 1/10/15
University of Wisconsin Ecology Internships in Iceland 1/30/15 1/2/15
Colby College REU: Cultural, Economic and Ecological Roles of Church Forests in Ethiopia 1/30/15 11/23/14
North Dakota State University STEM discipline-based education 1/29/15 11/11/14
Brookhaven National Laboratory Spring Undergraduate Wildlife Internship 10/7/14 9/7/14

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Summer Jobs and Internships | Undergraduate Programs | Short Courses

Brookhaven National Laboratory: Spring Undergraduate Wildlife Internship. Student Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) is a 16 week internship from Mid-January to the beginning of May. Students will assist with ongoing research on a 200 acre solar facility and at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY. We are looking for highly motivated students who can work independently to complete a variety of research activities. A weekly stipend is provided and free dormitory style housing is available for students who live more than 50 miles from the Laboratory. Applicant should be an undergraduate student pursuing or have recently (within one year) obtained a degree in wildlife/ biology/ natural resources. Must be willing to work non-traditional hours and work alone. Familiarity with the flora and fauna on Long Island or the Northeast will be helpful. Familiarity with GPS and GIS is beneficial. Wildlife handling experience is preferred. Possible research activities include: Small mammal trapping, Radio telemetry on box turtles, Herp surveys, Owl surveys, Wildland fire fuel inventory. Applications must be filled out online with the Department of Energy - SULI program. No applications will be accepted through e-mail. Applicants must be a sophomore or higher with a minimum GPA of 3.00. Two references are required. Students who graduated in or after May 2014 may still apply. Full eligibility requirements are available on the SULI website. When filling out the application, select Brookhaven National Laboratory and biology or environmental science as the research area. Once the application is completed online, please e-mail For further information, full requirements and a link to the application, see: If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Higbie at Application deadline is October 7, 2014. Please see deadline information. Posted: 9/7/14.

California State University, Monterey Bay: Ocean Sciences NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduates Program. Conduct paid summer research in beautiful Monterey Bay, California! Program runs June 8–Aug 14th. Applications due March 2nd. Details: Choose a research project in one of the following areas: Marine Biology and Ecology (includes population ecology, kelp forest ecology, marine landscape ecology, marine microbiology, population genetics, ecophysiology and biomechanics). Ocean Engineering (includes ocean robotics, autonomous underwater vehicle design, artificial intelligence, computer programming, scientific instrumentation development). Oceanography (includes ocean current modeling, deep sea population ecology, ocean acidification and plankton ecology). Marine Geology (includes deep sea canyon formation, coastal hydrology, seafloor mapping, hydrothermal vent dynamics, coastal erosion, plate tectonics and marine biogeochemistry). Students receive a $5,000 stipend in addition to support for travel, room and board, and post-REU support to attend conferences and in applying to graduate programs. The application portal will close on March 2nd at 11:59 PM PST. Our 10 week summer program will run from June 8th to August 14th. We especially encourage applications from student groups historically underrepresented in the Ocean Sciences and students from institutions where research opportunities are limited (Junior/Community Colleges, Tribal Colleges, HBCUs and HSIs). Preference is given to student applicants who are rising sophomores or juniors, but any undergraduate can apply! Posted: 2/9/15.

Central Michigan University: is seeking undergraduate students to participate in a 10-week research experience at its Biological Station (CMUBS) on Beaver Island, Michigan. This program will provide funding for 5-7 undergraduates to work with CMU faculty on research projects related to the chemical, physical and biological aspects of the Lake Michigan nearshore shunt and its influence on nearshore-offshore coupling. Students will live and work on Beaver Island from June 1 – August 7, 2015, receiving a $4k stipend, together with free room and board and up to $500 for travel to Beaver Island and the CMU Biological Station. More information on the program and the online application. Applications, along with supporting materials, are due by Friday, February 27, 2015, with the final selection of participants expected by March 27, 2015. Questions can be directed to Jessica Lapp, coordinator of the Institute for Great Lakes Research, via email to or by phone to 989-774-4401. Posted: 2/16/15.

Chicago Botanic Garden: Are you interested in field research experience and learning about the ecology and evolution of plants and plant-animal interactions in fragmented prairies? We are looking for 3-6 summer researchers for an NSF-funded project investigating how habitat fragmentation influences inbreeding, pollination, herbivory, and demography in purple coneflower, Echinacea angustifolia, populations in western Minnesota. We anticipate hiring 2-3 REUs, 2-3 summer field assistants, and one or two 12-month research interns. This is a great opportunity for aspiring ecologists, conservation biologists, and evolutionary biologists to gain research experience and learn about the ecology and evolution of plants in fragmented prairies! No experience is necessary, but you must be enthusiastic and hard-working. During the summer, you will monitor natural plant populations, measure plant traits in experimental plots, and assist in all aspects of research. Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to pursue an independent project as an REU participant. Potential projects could involve hand-pollinating plants, observing & collecting insects, monitoring flowering phenology, conducting statistical analyses, or computer programming. If you would like more information or wish to apply, please visit or contact Stuart Wagenius. Applications will be reviewed starting 27 February for REU positions and 6 March for other positions. Posted: 2/16/15.

Colby College: In December we will begin accepting applications for a NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program based at Colby College and in Ethiopia. This REU will provide eight American undergraduate students from diverse academic backgrounds an opportunity to conduct path-breaking interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and cultural roles of church forests. Church forests are patches of Afromontane forest surrounding Ethiopian Orthodox churches. Preserved for centuries by church leaders and communities as religious sanctuaries, church forests are, in many parts of Ethiopia, the only indigenous forests left. Under the eight-week summer REU program students will receive training at Colby College in ecological field methods, spatial analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), social survey research, and written and oral communication. They will then travel to South Gondar, Ethiopia to conduct hands-on fieldwork with mentors from Colby College, the California Academy of Sciences, and local academic and government institutions. Applications will be accepted beginning in Dec 2014. The application deadline is January 30, 2015. Details about the project. Posted: 11/23/14.

Georgia Tech: NSF-Sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates: Aquatic Chemical Ecology (ACE). ACE at Georgia Tech gives you the opportunity to perform exciting research with our faculty in the Schools of Biology, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. You'll participate in research with one or more of our faculty, learn about careers in science and engineering, and see how scientists blend knowledge and skills from physics, chemistry, biology and related disciplines to investigate some of the most challenging problems in environmental sciences. Our REU program is also a great way to check out research as a career before committing to graduate school, and for building relationships that will help you with future career decisions. Our program website is including program details, application process, and contact information. The following three areas comprise the research activities covered by faculty in the Aquatic Chemical Ecology program: Area 1. Biological and geochemical transformations of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems. Area 2. Sensory biology and ecology of aquatic chemical communication. Area 3. Ecological roles and consequences of chemicals in aquatic environments. The application deadline is February 15, 2015. The full-time, 10-week program will start May 24th until July 31st. Participants will receive a stipend of $5000 plus accommodations with kitchen facilities in university housing, and help with travel expenses to and from Atlanta. There will also be numerous social activities. Students can go to our website to get more information and to apply. Any U.S. citizen or permanent resident who is currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program is eligible, unless they have already been part of an NSF-REU program in Ocean Sciences or unless they will graduate before this summer. We are particularly interested in recruiting minority students and those who come from non-PhD granting institutions. Posted: 1/29/15.

Harvard Forest: The Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology is an opportunity for students to participate in 11 weeks of mentored, paid, independent research focusing on the effects of natural and human disturbances on forest ecosystems, including global climate change, hurricanes, forest harvest, changing wildlife dynamics, and invasive species. Researchers come from many disciplines, and specific projects center on population and community ecology, paleoecology, land-use history, aquatic ecology, biochemistry, soil science, ecophysiology, and atmosphere-biosphere exchanges. The strict deadline for this program is February 6th, 2015 @ 11:59pm. Applications are currently being accepted on-line and complete details are listed at the link above. Program dates are May 25 – August 7, 2015. Posted: 12/8/14.

Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary: Undergraduate/Graduate Summer Research Internship. Application Deadline: February 27th, 2015. Term of Internship: Approximately 12 weeks: May August, 2015. Exact start and end time of internship will vary depending on research project and intern's availability. Qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview by March 16th, 2015. Financial Support:The Friends of Jug Bay will provide a $4,000 stipend. Offsite housing is available at no cost. Application Requirements: 1.A short proposal based on one of four specified research topics 2.One-page resume 3.Copies of unofficial transcripts 4.Two letters of recommendation. 2015 Research Topics: 1. Forest understory as a response to deer management 2. Linking accurate elevations to plant communities in a tidal freshwater wetland 3. Population status and breeding ecology of Prothonotary Warbler 4. Historical land use at Jug Bay. Internship details available at: or Send completed applications to Dr. Patricia Delgado at: Posted: 1/10/15.

Kent State University: Summer 2015 REU opportunity focused on Terrestrial-aquatic linkages in urban impacted ecosystems. Kent State and The Holden Arboretum invite applicants for a 10-week summer research training program. Students enrolled in this program will conduct mentored research into the importance of terrestrial-aquatic linkages in the ecology of urban-impacted ecosystems. This research will be designed to examine how human activities such as urbanization, industry, farming, mining, and recreational activities affect the way terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems interact. Projects might compare sites with and without urban impact to examine: nutrient cycling in soils and streams, microbial community composition in forest soils and stream sediments, plant-soil interactions, how shredders modify terrestrial leaf litter input to stream ecosystems, the effects of terrestrial pollutants on aquatic microbial community structure and function, how terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemical cycles are affected by human activities such as acid precipitation and land-use change. Along with learning about hypothesis generation, project design, and ethics in research, students will receive additional training archiving data in a geospatial database and will participate in weekly seminars. Participants will be provided housing and a $500/week stipend. Students must have good standing at a community college, college or university and be a US citizen or permanent resident. Deadline for applications February 16, 2015. For more information and application procedures please see or contact the REU Coordinator at or the PIs Mark Kershner (, Patrick Lorch (, or Kurt Smemo ( Posted: 1/10/15.

Marine Biological Laboratory: seeking applicants for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The successful applicant will work as part of a large-scale, multi-disciplinary project examining the effects of sea-level, climate change, and changes in human land use of the marshes, estuaries and watersheds surrounding Plum Island Sound, MA. REU positions are available to U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents only who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors). For 2015, the primary focus of the 10-week REU program at PIE-LTER will be on fish population and fish community ecology, and the student will work closely with a mentor to develop and conduct an independent project within this research area. However, the student will be immersed in an active research environment and will interact with a diversity of knowledgeable wetland scientists conducting research on plant ecology, invertebrate ecology, and biogeochemical cycling. The student is expected to present his/her findings at MBL's Young Scientist Symposium in August in Woods Hole. Housing will be provided at the field station in Byfield, MA. Basic Qualifications: Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry and ideally ecology or ecosystem studies. Attention to detail and a desire to learn new laboratory and field techniques are essential. Ability to work long hours in the field and carry heavy objects over uneven marsh is required. Previous experience with boats and fishing is useful but not required. The following are required documents: 1) Cover Letter, 2) Resume/CV, 3) References: List of 3 with contact information, 4) Unofficial transcripts. APPLY ONLINE: Posted: 3/10/15.

Marine Biological Laboratory: seeking applicants for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The successful applicants will work as part of a large-scale, multi-disciplinary project examining the effects of excess nutrients on salt marshes in the Plum Island Estuary, MA. REU positions are available to U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents only who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors). The student will be immersed in an active research environment and will interact with a diversity of knowledgeable wetland scientists. The student will work closely with a mentor to develop and conduct a research project based on their interests during this 10-week program. Possible research areas include population ecology, plant ecology, invertebrate ecology, biogeochemical cycling, and community ecology. The student is expected to present their findings at MBL's Young Scientist Symposium in August in Woods Hole. Housing will be provided at the field station in Byfield, MA. Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry and ideally ecology or ecosystem studies. Attention to detail and a desire to learn new laboratory and field techniques are essential. Ability to work long hours in the field and carry heavy objects over uneven marsh is required. Required documents include: 1. Cover Letter, 2. Resume/CV, 3. References List of 3 with contact information, 4. Unofficial Transcripts. APPLY ONLINE: . Posted: 2/11/15.

Michigan State University: An undergraduate research assistant position is available in the lab of Dr. Chhin in the Department of Forestry. The undergraduate assistant will primarily conduct field and laboratory work for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service (Forest Health Protection program). The objective of this project is to determine the mechanism behind white pine decline in the Great Lakes region. The undergraduate research assistant will assist with laboratory work (MSU campus) and field sampling (Huron National Forest of Michigan). The research technician will also provide assistance on other applied ecology projects in the Chhin lab. Training and field equipment will be provided. This position will be for a 4 month period from May 2015 to August 2015. During the Summer 2015 semester, the work schedule will be on average 40 hrs/week. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Qualifications: All sophomore, junior, or senior students currently enrolled in an academic program at an accredited university related to forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, entomology or a similarly related natural resource field are welcomed to apply. Preference will be given to applicants that are highly self-motivated and possess a strong work ethic. A background or strong interest in conducting field based research and working in a laboratory environment is desirable. A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework is preferable. Intensive field sampling will be conducted during the Summer 2015 semester with trips expected to last an average of 2 weeks at a time. Candidates must be willing and able to travel long distances, camp outdoors on occasion, do physically demanding work, and work in hot or otherwise uncomfortable conditions. Applicants must possess a valid driver’s license. Application: Please submit a cover letter, resume with major and GPA, and contact information of two references. To ensure full consideration please submit material by April 28, 2015. Please e-mail all application material to Katie Minnix (, Research Assistant. Posted: 4/15/15.

Michigan State University: MSU’s Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) is currently accepting applications for the Summer 2015 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program. KBS will be funding 8-10 REUs on projects related to Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Sustainable Agriculture. The KBS REU program provides a $5,000 stipend, FREE room & board, up to $500 in travel expenses, and up to $500 in research funds. The program runs 12-weeks from May 18th to August 7th. Applications are due March 1st. For more information or to apply please visit the link above. Posted: 1/18/15.

National Ecological Observatory Network: NEON's Undergraduate Internship Program has six new exciting projects and mentors lined up at our headquarters facility in Boulder CO for this summer. Do you know an undergraduate student who would benefit from real-world summer work experience in ecology, engineering or computing? NEON is currently looking for interns in the following areas: biology, ecology, environmental science, statistics, imaging, instrumentation, electrical, civil and environmental engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science. See our Opportunities page for specifics on this year's projects. NEON interns receive a competitive summer salary, housing, and travel to and from Boulder. Our program is designed to promote student success through mentoring, leadership training, communications workshops and various professional networking opportunities. We encourage applications from students who are members of groups underrepresented in the sciences and engineering, first generation to college students, and students who have limited internship opportunities at their home institutions. The application deadline is February 16, 2015, and the 11-week program will run from May 18-July 31, 2015. Dates can vary for students on the quarter system calendar. Questions should be directed to Posted: 12/28/14.

North Dakota State University: We are excited to announce the 3rd year of our summer undergraduate research program in discipline-based education. This program is an excellent opportunity for students interested in the learning and teaching of STEM at the undergraduate level to engage in an immersive, 10-week summer research experience. Our program includes on-campus housing, a $5000 stipend, and is a great opportunity for students to get hands-on research experience as part of a cohort of undergraduate scholars. Students may have the opportunity to present their research at a national conference. The program begins May 26, 2015 and runs through July 31, 2015. Applications due January 29, 2015. For more information, including descriptions of potential research projects, please visit -or-Email Warren Christensen ( or Jennifer Momsen ( Posted: 11/11/14.

Northwest Entomological Research Center: We are recruiting for 8 open field crew/undergraduate research internships for the summer 2015 field season. Take part in on-going research in Western Oregon learning about insects, ecology, and field studies while gaining hands-on experience. Position length: May 1 - August 31 (some positions available for June-August only). Job Requirements: Interest in Entomology (a MUST!), Able to navigate rough terrain, Able to carry up to 30lbs, Must have valid driver's license, Preference for upperclassmen and applicants with field work experience. NWERC will work with your home institution for internship credit, all positions are paid. Internships provide hands-on, industry and NGO experience for young professionals in "real-time science" in the fields of: Entomology, Natural Resources, Conservation Science, Organismal Biology, Ecology, Ecosystem-based field studies. Interns gain proficiency in: Invertebrate identification methods, Study Design for multiple project types, Field sampling methods and equipment, Data Collection, Ecological monitoring, Database management, Insect population monitoring, Industry-specific protocols, Professional Presentation. Program flyer. All questions and applications must be e-mailed to Melissa Scherr, Program Director ( To apply: Send a cover letter addressing job requirements listed above, your most current Curriculum Vitae or resume, and a list of THREE references to Dr. Scherr (e-mail above). Application deadline is March 6th, 2015. Posted: 2/19/15.

Oregon Sea Grant: Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program - Applications due February 20, 2015. Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our fifth Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. Summer Scholars will be placed for 10 weeks with an academic, government, or non-governmental organization, and will gain real life practice in marine resource science, policy, management, and outreach. For more information about eligibility, placements and how to apply, go to: Posted: 1/29/15.

Organization of Tropical Studies: OTS has internships available for our summer programs REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) 2015 and NAPIRE (Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience) 2015. The REU Program is open to undergraduate U.S. citizens and permanent residents of ethnic groups underrepresented in the sciences who are enrolled in LSAMP institutions in the United States and who have taken at least 2 semesters of upper-level biology (beyond introductory courses) or can explain in an essay how they are sufficiently qualified to conduct independent research in field ecology. Graduating seniors are not eligible. LSAMP is the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, a National Science Foundation (NSF) program that was designed to foster achievement in minority students seeking degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). REU award covers: - Room and board - International Travel costs - $4500 stipend for the 10 weeks of research. More information. Deadline: January 31, 2015. The NAPIRE Program is open to biology majors and other students interested in environmental issues and field ecology. Native American; Alaskan Natives and Pacific Islander students are strongly encouraged to apply. U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents who are undergraduate students enrolled in accredited institutions in the United States may apply to the program. Incoming freshmen and graduating seniors are not eligible. Students must attend LSAMP institutions. LSAMP is the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, a National Science Foundation (NSF) program that was designed to foster achievement in minority students seeking degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). NAPIRE award covers: - Room and board - International Travel costs - $4000 stipend for the 8 weeks of research. More information. Deadline: February 15, 2015. Posted: 1/16/15.

Plymouth State University: A Summer Research Experience at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Investigating and Communicating Change in Ecosystems. Nine undergraduates will live and work at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire for a 10-week, National Science Foundation sponsored program emphasizing both research and public outreach on topics concerning Northern Hardwood Forest ecosystems. Research areas include: Ecosystem Services, Hydrology, Soils, Stream Invertebrates, Biogeochemistry, Plant Ecology. Research projects will be conducted under the supervision of research mentors active at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest/LTER site. Outreach activities will focus on environmental policy, informal science education, and secondary education, through case-studies and weekly workshops led by scientists and professionals active in science outreach, as well as REU-student led outreach to local students. Dates: May 27 through August 5, 2015 (10 weeks). Eligibility: Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or first semester seniors. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions. Stipend: $5000 and free housing. To apply: Visit Applications are due Friday, February 6, 2015. This program is funded by National Science Foundation Grant DEB #1156844 and is jointly managed by Plymouth State University's Center for the Environment and the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation. Posted: 1/29/15.

Portland State University: Summer 2015 NSF-Sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates in Aquatic Ecology. The Strecker Aquatic Ecology Lab invites applications for an REU position on an NSF-funded project on the effects of hydrologic alterations and climate change on freshwater ecosystem connectivity and ecology on the Columbia Plateau. The candidate will have numerous opportunities to enhance their career by working with ecologists and other scientists, including members of the PI’s lab. The REU project will focus on a unique feature of some aquatic invertebrates, which can produce resting eggs that undergo prolonged dormancy in the sediment of waterbodies and hatch under favorable conditions. The project will work on a research question related to hatching success of zooplankton resting eggs in different environmental conditions and at different historical time periods. A stipend of $4500 is available, in addition to $600 for subsistence and help with travel costs to and from Portland. On-campus housing will be provided. Applicants must provide their (unofficial) transcripts and two letters of recommendation from professors familiar with their academic performance. A one page essay describing their experience, motivation, qualifications, and research interests is required. All materials should be sent to Dr. Angela Strecker ( Selection Criteria: A background in ecology, biology, environmental science, or a related field, with a strong interest in aquatic ecosystems is required. Previous research experience is not required. Students from underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Additional selection criteria include: • Motivation and enthusiasm to develop research skills and techniques • Successful completion of college-level courses relevant to research • An academic record with consistent progress • Ability to participate in the entire 10 week program – start date is negotiable • Applications are due by March 22, with a decision expected by April 10. Eligibility: Students graduating in the year of the program are not eligible. Students must also be United States citizens or permanent residents. Students must be enrolled in a community college, college or university and have good academic standing. Posted: 3/6/15.

Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory: Applications for RMBL's 2015 undergraduate research program are being accepted at: Follow the link for 'students'. Each year the (RMBL) matches approximately 40 students with mentors from around the world. Students have opportunities to work on a wide array of ecological and evolutionary field projects. Additionally, students have the opportunity to supplement their research project with additional training in field ecology or wildlife biology. RMBL provides REU funding for approximately 10 students. RMBL also makes available additional scholarships. Consequently financial need should not preclude students from applying. This is a wonderful opportunity for students thinking about a career in the sciences. RMBL is located in Gothic, Colorado, a stunningly beautiful location in the Rockies. Because we host approximately 100 graduate students and senior scientists, undergraduates have an opportunity to learn about graduate programs from around the world. Many undergraduates end up as co-authors on scientific papers and start building professional networks that foster their career across a lifetime. We have had many undergraduates turn their summer research into a senior thesis project, even though they have not necessarily had someone from their school present at RMBL during the summer. Our program does fill. Consequently we encourage strongly motivated applicants, or applicants who need financial support, to submit their online application by Feb. 15 for REU applicants and by March 2 for RMBL Scholarships. Students can apply for both sources of funds with one application. Posted: 1/16/15.

Samford University: Research Experience for Undergraduates: Explore the world of research and develop your scientific skills. With funding from the National Science Foundation, the Samford University REU program will offer hands-on, field- and laboratory-based research experiences to US undergraduates. In this 9-week residential experience, students will work one-on-one with experienced researchers in biology and chemistry to design, conduct, and present research related to the chemistry, genetics, and ecology of organisms, populations, and communities of Oak Mountain State Park, a large and diverse suburban park located in the southern Appalachians. Potential research topics include plant and animal ecology, water quality, biochemistry, plant natural products chemistry and bioactivity, plant taxonomy, and aquatic community ecology. Application Deadline: March 16, 2015. Program Timeline: May 31-July 30, 2015. * $525 per week stipend * Travel, room, board and research expenses covered * 12 students will be accepted into the program. Reasons to Apply: * Explore the worlds of field and laboratory research * Explore your career opportunities as a working scientist * Work closely with expert scientists to develop your own project * Develop your understanding of scientific ethics and social justice * Spend the summer at Oak Mountain State Park, Alabama's largest state park Application Process All application materials should be submitted electronically to Deadline: March 16, 2015 Students must be US citizens or Permanent Residents and have completed two years of undergraduate study by May, 2014, including one year of college-level biology. Students must be enrolled in an undergraduate program at accredited institutions in the United States at the time the REU program is held. Please submit: * Application Form * Transcripts * Letters of Recommendation * Personal Statement For more information, go to the link above or email Posted: 3/9/15.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: SERC in Edgewater, Maryland offers undergraduate and beginning graduate students a unique opportunity to gain hand-on experience in the fields of environmental research and education. The program enables students to work on specific projects while getting experience in valuable lab techniques all under the direction of the Center's professional staff. The program is tailored to provide the maximum educational benefit to each participant. SERC is focused on understanding the causes and consequences of environmental change for marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. Interns at SERC conduct independent projects over 12-16 weeks utilizing our 2,650 acre research site on the shores of Chesapeake Bay to provide novel insights into some of the most profound issues challenging our world today, including habitat loss, climate change, and invasive species. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center has maintained an REU site since 2001 and those students sponsored have used our professional-training programs as a stepping stone to pursue advanced careers in the environmental sciences. Application to the SERC Internship Program consists of a registration form, transcripts, personal essay, CV or resume, and two letters of recommendation using at: Summer (May-August): Deadline is February 1st. More information or email: Posted: 1/10/15.

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources: opportunity for minority undergraduates interested in marine and environmental sciences to participate in the NSF-funded Minorities in Marine and Environmental Sciences (MIMES) Program, a 12-week paid summer internship at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in Charleston, South Carolina USA. I have served as Principal Investigator for this program since 2009 and most recently was successful in securing funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to implement this program in the summers of 2013-2015. In 2015, this 12-week paid summer internship will be from May 18th to August 7th 2015, with the grant covering the costs of return travel to and from Charleston, dormitory housing with the College of Charleston, a $4,500 stipend and any associated individual intern research project costs (up to $500 per student). Each intern will receiving expert training in the key professional skills needed to pursue graduate school and/or a career in the marine and environmental science disciplines, design and complete an individual research project under the guidance of their mentor(s), and will present their findings to their peers and the Fort Johnson research community at the end of the program in a one-day colloquium setting. More information about the MIMES Program and instructions on the application process. Please note that our deadline for applications is MARCH 13th 2015. Posted: 2/11/15.

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale: REU in Convergence Ecology. Deadline: March 1, 2015. This NSF Site REU offers diverse opportunities to study ecology resulting from an extraordinary combination of SIU faculty research programs in southern Illinois, a distinctive physiogeographic region where prairie, forest, wetland, floodplain, and river systems converge. This program will provide research opportunities for 10 undergraduate students under the guidance of faculty mentors associated with the Center for Ecology. Participation in this REU program will introduce students to ecological research tools used to study populations, communities, and ecosystems. Research areas include ecological pattern and variability, organismal response to environmental degradation, population and community response to restoration, and conservation of managed and natural systems. The goals of this REU program are to foster (1) hands-on scientific inquiry through research, (2) development of a diverse ecological skills-set through guided quantitative field and laboratory methods, (3) comprehension of and confidence in communicating science through weekly reading and discussion, (4) a broad awareness of ecological science through weekly seminars, and (5) a better understanding of biodiversity (to include human culture) through educational field trips to local natural and cultural areas. The program will culminate with The Colloquium of Undergraduate Research in Ecology (The CURE). Program dates: June 1 – Aug 7, 2015. Requirements: Applicants must not have graduated before summer 2015 and must be a U.S. citizen. More info and application instructions. Applicants will need to submit the electronic application and unofficial transcripts to Two letters of recommendation on behalf of the student's application should also be sent to Posted: 1/14/15.

Syracuse University: The Fridley Lab is seeking a highly motivated undergraduate student interested in gaining research experience in field ecology as part of a research team investigating forest development across the Eastern U.S. Activities will depend in part on the interests of the student but could involve tree seedling surveys, light measurements, root growth monitoring, and other measurements of tree performance (carbon storage, nutrition). The student will be provided with a $2000/month stipend for living expenses over the 12-wk duration. Relevant field experience and ecology-related coursework is desirable but not required. Information on eligibility and how to apply. Applications will be accepted through April 10, 2015. Posted: 3/4/15.

USDA-ARS: 8 week internship in Ecology. The intern will be working on a project that determines the factors contributing to biological invasions in the mixed grass prairie of western North Dakota. How do species diversity and soil productivity predict the presence of exotic and invasive species within the Bakken oilfield? This is part of a larger research effort determining the effect of oilfield activity (well construction and pipeline building) and subsequent reclamation activities on soil quality, native plant species abundance, and on bird and insect populations. The intern will assist with field work to collect ecological data and will summarize these data. The intern will be trained for field work that includes four-wheel driving, hiking, performing point counts for bird species, measuring plant frequency, making soil collections and quantifying soil conditions, performing insect sweeps, and recording data in field computers. The intern will use Microsoft Excel to summarize the data, JMP for preliminary statistical analyses, and a word processing program to write a summary of the project, including introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. The intern will work with our technology transfer specialist to develop a poster that communicates the results of the project. Identification experience for plants, insects, OR birds is highly preferred. Require knowledge of Microsoft Excel or other data entry program. A general ecology course is also required. Start date is flexible. The internship pays $3900 over the 8 week period. Please send a cover letter and resume to Posted: 2/21/15.

University of Arizona: 10-week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program this summer (June 7- Aug 14, 2015) in environmental and Earth system sciences at Biosphere 2 (B2). Students will participate in a variety of activities that will help them pursue a career in environmental sciences. Students will conduct their own research under a mentor, interact with other participants and scientists, and present research findings in a formal poster symposium setting. A unique part of the B2 REU experience will be the opportunity to interact with the public who visit B2 on tour and to obtain training in outreach related to their research topics. Additionally, students will participate in professional development workshops, an ethics in science workshop, and field trips to local attractions. Students in their Sophomore or Junior years from a wide range of disciplines and interests including biology, ecology, plant sciences, hydrology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, or computer science are encouraged to apply. Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible for this NSF funded program. Research at Biosphere 2 aims to catalyze interdisciplinary thinking and understanding about the Earth, its living systems, and its future. Students in the REU program will conduct research in the Earth system and environmental sciences that examines some facet of soil-water-atmosphere-plant interactions. Improving understanding of these interactions is important in gaining insight into the impacts and causes of global environmental change and variation. Key to research at B2 is the use of methods and techniques that allow linking across scales. Additionally, some REU projects will be conducted in partnership with the southwestern Critical Zone Observatory. Projects will focus on a variety of topics that include (but aren't limited to): coupling ecohydrology and biogeochemistry, investigating abiotic and biotic contributions to ecosystem processes, integrating measurements across scales, using innovative tools to link climate and ecological function, and modeling of ecosystem and soil processes. REU Students will receive: A competitive stipend, Lodging at Biosphere 2's student village, a food allowance, and travel to and from Tucson, AZ. Applications are due February 27, 2015 (extended). Application material can be found at: Posted: 1/29/15, revised: 2/21/15.

University of Arkansas: Research Experience for Undergraduates - Assessment and Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services - summer 2015 (May 16 to July 24) - for undergraduates who have completed at least 3-semesters of coursework and who will not be enrolled in summer coursework. Through special associations with Native American scientific and civic groups in neighboring Oklahoma, this program provides specific opportunities for Native American students. Other under-represented groups, as well as all students interested in environmental science fields are encouraged to apply. This REU focuses on field- and lab-based research in areas ranging from water quality and urban spring ecology to sustainability studies and more. Project faculty mentors originate from various departments [e.g., Biology, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Crop, Soil and Environmental Science, Geosciences] and vary from year to year based on the most current work being conducted at UA and REU student interests. The 10-week program consists of Ecosystem Services immersion course, a research experience, and an intensive component on data analysis. Cohort-building exercises include canoeing and camping in the Ozarks, waterfall hikes, and Pow-Wow attendance. All projects result in a student-sourced manuscript and formal presentation. Funding from the National Science Foundation and the US Department of Agriculture provides for each student: room and board at UA in addition to a $500 weekly allowance. Application Deadline: February 13, 2015. For more information and to apply: Posted: 1/10/15.

University of California: Position duration: ten weeks of funding to be used June 1 – September 30, 2015 with possibility of extension. Location: Sequoia National Park, California. Benefits: $5,000 total stipend, some travel support, and food allowance for fieldwork. Project Summary: Alpine lakes are important indicators of environmental change because they are especially sensitive to shifts in climate and rates of atmospheric deposition of nutrients. Our research seeks to understand the structure and function of high-elevation aquatic ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada. Position requirements: Applicants should have considerable backcountry experience and the ability to carry heavy (50+ lb.) loads extended distances over steep and uneven terrain. They should be comfortable using small inflatable boats and will be expected to work independently and, at times, without supervision. A general understanding of aquatic ecology and limnology, environmental chemistry, and computers is desirable. Eligibility limited to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States currently enrolled as undergraduate students. Applicants must provide their own backpacking equipment, vehicle, and health insurance. Application deadline: May 1, 2015. Read position requirements carefully to insure eligibility. To apply: Send a copy of your resume and a ONE page statement of interest that addresses the following areas: Experience with field research in general and limnological research more specifically, extent of backcountry experience and involvement in logistical planning for trips, experience operating small inflatable boats, and expected graduation date. Please indicate your dates of availability. Send application materials as a single file with your last name and first name as the file name (example: "Smith.Katie.doc") to: Steve Sadro, University of California, Santa Barbara/Riverside ( Posted: 4/13/15.

University of Florida: The Flory Lab is seeking applicants for an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2015 to evaluate mutualistic soil fungi effects on competition between an invasive grass and native trees. The successful applicant will work closely with graduate student Cathy Fahey and PI Dr. Luke Flory to develop an independent research project investigating how mycorrhizal associations influence invasions of Microstegium vimineum in forest understories. The student will join a team of scientists at the University of Florida, Duke University (PI Dr. Justin Wright, ), and Indiana University (PI Dr. Richard P. Phillips) that are investigating how and why invasive species impacts on decomposition and nutrient cycling differ across the landscape. The student will be trained in experimental design, data entry and analysis, and science communication and will gain experience in evaluating plant performance and working with soil fungi. Applicants must be enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program with an anticipated graduation date no sooner than fall 2015, and must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The ideal candidate will be planning to enter a graduate program in ecology, environmental science, or biology following graduation. Prior field or lab experience is beneficial, but not necessary. Applications from women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged. The REU position is for 12 weeks, with a negotiable start date in mid May to early June 2015. A stipend of $450 per week is provided. We can assist with identifying housing if needed. To apply: Send to Dr. Luke Flory ( the following as PDF files (combined as a single file preferred): 1) A brief cover letter outlining your relevant experience, interest in the position, and career goals 2) A resume or CV 3) Transcripts (official or unofficial) 4) Contact information for two references (faculty members are preferred). Posted: 2/17/15.

University of Georgia: Applications are now being accepted for the summer of 2015 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates in Population Ecology of Infectious Diseases, hosted by the University of Georgia. We are excited about the program, which strives to integrate experimental biological science with computational methods and techniques to investigate a variety of areas in infectious disease research. Our goal is to recruit both students with a background in biology, with the intent of introducing them to computational techniques, and also students with a background in mathematics and/or computer science, in order to give them experience in data collection in a laboratory setting. Dates: May 26-July 24, 2015 (9 weeks). Number of students: 10. Students will receive a $4500 stipend for the summer, free housing at the University of Georgia, and up to $300 travel assistance to Athens, GA. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its territories and have not yet obtained an undergraduate degree. To Apply: - Complete the online application - Send transcripts (unofficial is ok) to - Arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to To be considered, all application materials should be received by February 16, 2015. Accepted students will be notified in early March. For more information, please see the link above or contact Dr. John Drake, program director, at Posted: 1/22/15.

University of Louisville: The Department of Biology is accepting applications for a summer REU program in Plant Biology. Please send inquiries to Mark Running at the address below. The essentials: - The program will support up to 6 REU positions in Plant Biology, including Biochemistry, Development, Ecology, Genetics, Genomics, and Molecular Biology. - Dates = May 26-July 31, 2015. - Stipend $6,450 for 10 weeks, free on-campus housing provided. - Details and application form at - Application deadline March 1, 2015. - Contact Mark Running ( for more information. Posted: 1/29/15.

University of Maryland/Smithsonian Institution: We seek a summer research assistant for a study of species range expansion and community ecology in marsh and mangrove ecosystems along the Atlantic coast of Florida. The assistant will be supervised by graduate students associated with the University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institution, based primarily at the Smithsonian Marine Station in Ft. Pierce, Florida. The research broadly considers factors promoting and inhibiting species range expansion, and how ecological communities respond to habitat shifts that result from range expansion. In particular, most research help will be required for a pair of studies focusing on mangroves and marsh as resources for pollinators and crab communities. The assistant will have opportunities to conduct an independent research project that relates to plant-pollinator interactions, crab habitat selection, or a similar topic. Field work will be conducted in a mixture of terrestrial and aquatic settings; work can be strenuous at times, and applicants should be willing and able to work in hot, buggy conditions in and around water. Previous experience with insects and/or crustaceans is preferred, but is not required. Tasks will include monitoring insect floral visitors and experimentally manipulating floral resources in the field, processing and identifying insect specimens in the lab, collecting plankton samples and traps, and identifying larval crabs using microscopes. Applicants will gain experience with GPS navigation, water analyzers, dissecting scopes, and data collection and management. Position will be based in Ft. Pierce and St. Augustine, Florida. We will help the assistant to procure local housing. The assistant ideally will have a personal vehicle or local transportation of their own (it will not be used for work). Compensation starts at $10/hour depending on qualifications. Position would begin in mid- to late-May, ending in August/September (specific dates are flexible). Please send any queries or your application by email to Mayda Nathan ( and Cora Johnston ( by April 1. Applications should include a resume, contact information for two references, and a cover letter that describes prior research experience, relevant coursework, outdoor experience, and interests. Please include your dates of availability within the window given above. Posted: 2/19/15.

University of Michigan: Two weeks remain to apply to the University of Michigan Biological Station's NSF-funded REU, Biosphere-Atmosphere Hydrosphere Interactions in a Changing Global Environment. Participants receive $5,000 stipend, room and board at the Biological Station, travel allowance and research supplies budget. Applicants must be college sophomores or juniors, US citizens or permanent residents. This REU provides a truly interdisciplinary and hands-on experience in field biology and atmospheric science. Students engage with all phases of research, from hypothesis formulation and data gathering to analysis, interpretation, and communication of scientific findings. During this nine-week program, students will: --Work closely with a selected mentor/professor as part of an on-going research project; --Design, conduct, analyze, and report on a research project of their own; --Participate in special workshops and group discussions designed to provide the philosophical bases and technical tools needed to carry out scientific research. More details. UMBS is located on Douglas Lake near Pellston, Michigan at the tip of the lower peninsula. Its campus is situated amid 10,000 undeveloped acres owned by the Station. Students have quick access to many unique habitats in the region including dune, alvar, bog, and old-growth forest. The Station also has 2 atmospheric gas sensing towers for monitoring forest and atmospheric gas. Deadline: 2/2/15. Posted: 1/21/15.

University of Minnesota: The Dept. of Forest Resources is seeking six undergraduate students to assist on a diversity of projects examining the ecology and management of black ash wetlands and red pine-dominated forests in northern Minnesota. A joint effort between the University of Minnesota, University of Vermont, and the USFS Northern Research Station, these projects utilize large-scale manipulative field experiments in northern Minnesota forests to assess the response of vegetation communities to emerging management practices, introduced insects (e.g., emerald ash borer), and climate change. Requirements: Applicants should have a background in forestry, natural resources, environmental science, ecology or biology, and should have previous field experience. A working knowledge of tree and shrub identification and common forest measurements is strongly desired. Applicants must be willing and able to work efficiently in remote forested settings as part of a research team. Applicants must also be able to hike through varied terrain to reach study areas and be willing to work long hours outdoors under various field conditions (heat, humidity, bugs, rain, etc.). Responsibilities: Work will involve extensive field work, including vegetation and woody debris data. These positions begin mid/late May 2015 and end mid/late August and will be located in Grand Rapids, MN. Dormitory-style housing will be available in Grand Rapids, MN at a rate of approximately $300 monthly, including Wi-Fi. Hourly wage will vary from $10-$12 depending on work experience. Application procedures: Please send resumé (including a list of relevant courses taken), short explanation of interest, and contact information for three references to Mitch Slater ( by March 21, 2015. Interviews will commence in late March/early April. Posted: 3/6/15.

University of Minnesota: Ruth Shaw’s Research Group in the Dept. of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior is seeking applicants for an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2015 to study the process of ongoing adaptation in experimental populations of partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) in prairie habitat. The student will work closely with Dr. Ruth Shaw and Dr. Seema Sheth to develop an independent project in the area of plant evolutionary genetics, with possibilities ranging from estimating heritability and phenotypic selection on various plant traits to conducting studies of pollination ecology. The student will gain invaluable experience in performing field work and in conducting an independent research project, from hypothesis formulation through oral and written dissemination of results, thereby preparing the student for a career in inquiry-based scientific research. The student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and should be enrolled as an undergraduate in Fall 2015. The ideal candidate should enjoy working outdoors and have an interest in learning about the evolution and ecology of plants in the Midwest prairies, and candidates planning to pursue a graduate career in evolution, ecology, or conservation biology are particularly well-suited for this position. The REU intern will receive a stipend of $5,000 and room and board in the Twin Cities (with occasional overnight travel to field sites). Costs of travel to and from the Twin Cities will also be provided. The deadline to apply for this position is March 9, 2015, and the 10-week internship will begin on Monday, June 8 and end on Friday, August 14. Please contact Seema Sheth ( for more information. The University of Minnesota provides equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Individuals of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Please spread the word to any interested and qualified undergraduates. To apply, please e-mail the following application materials to Seema Sheth ( with the subject line “REU” no later than March 9, 2015: 1) a statement explaining the following: - Why you are interested in this position? - What previous experience do you have that is relevant for this position? - What are your future plans? - What dates are you available to start and end this position? - confirm eligibility for the REU program - the name of the person who will serve as your reference - your e-mail address and phone number 2) resume 3) transcript (unofficial is acceptable) 4) 1 letter of recommendation (sent by your reference). Posted: 2/18/15.

University of Puerto Rico: Undergraduate Internship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution - Summer 2015. We are now accepting applications for the Summer 2015 internship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution at El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico. The internship will run from June 1 - August 7. Application deadline: 28 February 2015. The program will offer students the opportunity to have hands-on experience fields such as: - Aquatic Insect Ecology - Stream acidification effects on aquatic insects - Plant-animal interactions, Plant population biology. Students receive a stipend for the ten weeks duration of the program. Round-trip plane ticket from home institution to Puerto Rico will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $600. The program will cover housing at El Verde Field Station. The National Science Foundation and the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus, fund the program. The program is limited to undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor degree at a college or university during summer 2015 that are US citizen or permanent US residents. Application materials and further information can be found at Posted: 12/16/14.

University of Tennessee: The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) is now taking applications for its eight-week long Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates and Teachers (SRE). The program takes place June 8 - July 31, 2015, on the UT Knoxville campus. Undergraduate majors in biology, math, and related fields, as well ashigh school teachers in biology and mathematics, will live on campus and work in teams with UT professors, NIMBioS researchers, and collaborators to conduct research. *This year's research topics include canine distemper modeling, host-pathogen interactions, invasive species and global shipping, fluid pressure in the kidney, tuberculosis in mice, and more. Stipend and housing are provided along with some funding for travel. Application Deadline: February 13, 2015. For more information and how to apply, go to the link above. For more information about contact Kelly Sturner, NIMBioS Education and Outreach Coordinator, at or Suzanne Lenhart, NIMBioS Associate Director of Education and Outreach, Interested high or middle school math or science teachers should send an email to Dr. Lenhart. Posted: 12/6/14.

University of Texas - Austin: Dr. Tom Juenger's research group is currently seeking undergraduates interested in conducting research in Switchgrass biology. This program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in mentored independent research on the biology of Switchgrass. The program is funded through the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program and is associated with our ongoing interdisciplinary work on the ecology, physiology, and genomic responses of switchgrass to future climate change. Summer students will be immersed in research and learn basic and applied biology through active participation. Working as part of our research team, they will contribute to group research projects, design short research projects, and present their work in an end-of-summer student symposium. Undergraduates in the second or third year should apply. Each REU position is supported for ten weeks from the beginning of June, with a stipend of $4,500. Students will be housed in a UT dormitory, and the costs of the dormitory and meal plan are included in the program. The application deadline is February 15, 2015. Applicants should submit a cover letter describing experience, interests and future career plans, along with a copy of their transcripts. Applicants should also ensure that two letters of recommendation are submitted on their behalf. Only applications that are complete will be considered. If acknowledgement of receipt is required, please request this in the application. Applications and requests for further information should be directed to: Dr. Brandon Campitelli; e-mail:; Subject: Switchgrass REU 2015. Posted: 1/6/15.

University of Texas Marine Science Institute: REU Opportunity Summer 2015: “Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity” The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Department of Biological Sciences invites applicants for the NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity. This is a 10 week summer program. The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field based and/or laboratory methods and fully engage students in projects associated with the ecology and evolution influencing Chihuahuan Desert biodiversity. The program provides: -High quality research experience in ecology and evolutionary biology in the field and/or lab -Research opportunities at the Indio Mountains Research Station (IMRS), a 40,000 acre facility controlled by UTEP -One-on-one and group mentoring from active research faculty in multidisciplinary fields -Training in bioethics and other relevant professional skills. The program includes: -$5000 stipend for 10 weeks -Housing in shared apartments and field station -Travel reimbursement of up to $600. For more information on the program, research projects or to apply please visit: Deadline: March 7. Posted: 2/19/15.

University of Texas Marine Science Institute: Our REU Program is accepting applications for our summer research opportunity for undergraduates. Our program is looking for eight talented undergraduates who are dedicated, detail-oriented, hardworking and interested in marine science. Our program offers research in the areas such as marine biogeochemistry; coastal watersheds; estuarine ecology; microbial, phytoplankton & zooplankton ecology; and fish physiology and population biology. The program includes ten weeks of research, field trips, seminars and workshops, culminating in a symposium where the students will present their accomplishments. Student projects take advantage of the wide variety of coastal habitats near the Institute, including shallow bays, hypersaline lagoons, seagrass beds, estuaries, mangroves, and marshes. It is a great opportunity to gain valuable research experience and spend a summer by the sea! We will be accepting applications until February 9, 2015. Required application materials include an online application, unofficial transcripts, professor recommendation forms and recommendation letters from two professors. Students must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions. We welcome applications from High school graduates, transfer students, and students enrolled at community colleges. Students will receive a stipend of $5,000 for the ten-week program, subsidized housing, a research allowance, a travel allowance, and a food allowance. The program runs from June 1st - August 7th, 2015. Interested applicants can check out, or contact Dr. Benjamin Walther and Dr. Deana Erdner at Posted: 11/15/14.

University of Washington: The HilleRisLambers community ecology lab is seeking applicants for an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in the summer of 2015. The student will contribute to ongoing NSF-funded field research on the effects of climate change on plant communities in Mt. Rainier National Park, and will work closely with Dr. Janneke HilleRisLambers and other lab members to develop and implement an independent project focusing on the role of indirect interactions between plants mediated by their shared pollinators.To be eligible, you must be a US Citizen or permanent resident currently working towards a Bachelor’s degree in a related field, graduating no sooner than Fall 2015. The REU will run from May 26th through August 21st. We will provide a stipend of $500/week for the 12-week period of the internship along with lodging and food at Mt. Rainier during field work (~5 days / week). When not in the field, the REU student would be based at UW’s Seattle campus. To get more information about the REU position and specific instructions on how to apply, please visit The online application will be open until Friday March 20th, and we anticipate interviewing candidates the following week. If you have additional questions, please contact Ian Breckheimer ( putting “Mt. Rainier REU 2015” in the subject field. Posted: 2/28/15.

University of Wisconsin: ECOLOGY INTERNSHIPS IN ICELAND ­ Summer 2015. We are looking for undergraduates or recent graduates to join our team of interdisciplinary researchers in northeast Iceland this coming summer. We study the ecology of Lake Mývatn, and interns will be expected to assist in our ongoing LTREB (Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology) project. We expect the internships to include both REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) and non-REU positions. To be eligible for a NSF-REU, applicants must be non-graduating undergraduate students with US citizenship. We will consider the ability of each candidate to live and work with our team under field conditions in rural Iceland, conduct a semi-independent research project, and contribute to our ongoing research efforts. We will also consider how much each candidate would benefit from the experience. The research focuses on the population dynamics of midges in Mývatn and the consequences they have for the aquatic and surrounding terrestrial food webs. The work includes conducting lab and field experiments, and collecting arthropod, zooplankton, sediment and plant samples. The research will be divided approximately equally between aquatic and terrestrial systems. Relevant skills and experience include previous lab and, especially, field research. Competitive candidates will have basic proficiency in collecting and identifying arthropods, foreign travel/cross-cultural experiences, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to work both in a team and independently. If you are interested in joining our team, please apply with the following: 1. Cover letter. Your cover letter should outline your background and the reasons why you would be a good candidate for this position. Include a discussion of why you want this position and how it relates to your career goals. Also, be specific about experiences and skills you are bringing to the position. Make your case for why you are a good fit for the position, highlighting details from your resume or other pertinent information that might not appear on your resume. Please include your citizenship, and your current and future educational plans. 2. Resume. Include a current resume that details your education and work experience. Please provide the names and contact information for at least two references that we can contact to ask specific questions about your background and qualifications for the position. Submit your application as a single PDF (only 1 file), including cover letter and resume. Email your PDF to Joe Phillips Include your surname in the file (e.g., Smith_Iceland_application.pdf). Put "2015 Summer Research in Iceland" in the subject line of the email. After initial screening of materials, finalists will be contacted for interviews in early February. For full consideration for summer 2015 internships, please submit your application by 30 January, 2015. All positions include travel expenses to and from Iceland, food and lodging, and a small stipend. Interns are expected to join the research team in Iceland from the first week of June to late August. A critical part of the program is conducting your own research project under our guidance. Past summer research interns have completed their projects as senior research theses or have presented their work at national conferences. If you have any questions about the position, or our work in general, please don't hesitate to email us. More information about our work and field experience can be found at our blog, Contacts: Joe Phillips (graduate student) - Kyle Webert (graduate student) - Tony Ives (professor) - Claudio Gratton (professor) - Posted: 1/2/15.

University of Wisconsin-Stoudt: summer research internship with the National Science Foundation sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at UW-Stout in Menomonie, Wisconsin. This is the second year of this REU program. We select 10 new students each summer. The LAKES (Linking Applied Knowledge in Environmental Sustainability) REU focuses on water quality and phosphorus mitigation in an interdisciplinary manner over an 8 week program (June 14-August 8), with projects in sociology, biology, economics, geology, and anthropology. Students will be provided with room and board and a generous stipend during their participation in the LAKES program. This program prioritizes under-represented students, pairing them with mentors in individual projects that collectively will contribute to a more complete understanding of the dynamic interactions of our political economy, our social networks, and our ecosystems. We will start reviewing applications for the 2015 summer program on February 15th. Complete program information can be found at the link above. Questions can be directed to: Posted: 1/29/15.

Western Washington University: The Shannon Point Marine Center (SPMC) invites applications from undergraduates for its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site this summer. The program will support independent, supervised research on the part of eight undergraduates in 2015. Student support includes a $4500 stipend plus a $567 food allowance, a travel allowance and housing at SPMC for the nine-week session (June 23 - August 21). Students work with faculty supervisors in designing and conducting projects and in developing written and oral reports at the conclusion of the session. General research themes include studies on productivity and nutrient cycling in local watershed systems; marine microbial ecology; physiology of symbiosis; larval development; physiology, ecology, and morphology of marine invertebrates; and chemical ecology. Additional information on the program and SPMC is available at Deadline: 2/15/15. Posted: 2/9/15.

Undergraduate Programs:

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Summer Jobs and Internships | Undergraduate Programs | Short Courses

Short Courses:

Summer Coral Reef Internships in Marine Ecology & Conservation: 4 Transferable Undergraduate/Graduate Credits - Rutgers University . Programme Dates: 31st May – 17th June, 2015. Central Caribbean Marine Institute (Little Cayman) and Rutgers University invite students to apply for our Coral Reef Internship programme. Participants will learn about principles of tropical ecology, sustainability and management, through a combination of fieldwork and lecture series. Students will finally develop and conduct a field research project with a principal investigator relating to coral reef ecosystems in the Caribbean. These projects will be developed into a joint research poster that may be published or presented at a national or international conference. Students are also engaged in data collection as part of 15 years of active research by CCMI at one of the world's most beautiful coral reef systems surrounding Little Cayman and the Bloody Bay Marine Park. Applications should be received no later than March 1st. Registration is limited so early application is encouraged. Scuba divers are encouraged to apply, but non-certified participants are also accepted. Undergraduate and graduate course credit is offered through the Rutgers University Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences and the Rutgers Study Abroad programme. Credits are transferable. All registration requirements and payment for this course must be processed through Rutgers Study Abroad programme. More information on the course can be found at the Rutgers Study Abroad website here. For more information on the program, please contact Tom Sparke, Education Coordinator at CCMI, at Students may also email Rutgers at or call 732-932-7787. Posted: 1/10/15.

Wildlife Field Course: The Northeast Section of the The Wildlife Society, in cooperation with Castleton State College and the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, will be hosting our 7th annual 2-week Wildlife Field Course in Castleton, Vermont, May 17-30, 2015. Please visit for details and application materials. The course fee is $950 and includes 3 undergraduate or graduate credits through Castleton State College and room and board for the 2 weeks. The course is housed at the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department's Edward Kehoe Conservation Camp near Castleton with much field work on the nearby Bird Mountain Wildlife Management Area. The course emphasizes hands-on experience with basic field techniques and small group work organized around the theme of conducting a biological inventory. The course is led by practicing wildlife biologists and ecologists who volunteer their time to serve as instructors providing great networking opportunities and career perspectives during evening discussion sessions. Enrollment is capped at 20 students. Posted: 11/9/14.

Tropical Ecology & Conservation: Study Fish, Wildlife, & Natural Resources in the Tropics! From the Maya Mountains to the Caribbean Sea; Rainforests and Savannas to Mangroves and Coral Reefs; and Jaguars, Scarlet Macaws, and Howler Monkeys to Corals, Grouper, Sharks and Rays, Dolphins, and Sea Turtles -- Students spend their days learning and experiencing fish, wildlife, natural resources, and local cultures with PTECS faculty, local scientists, and indigenous peoples. Every day is spent in the field examining ecology, conservation, or field methods in these tropical ecosystems! The courses are open to anyone, and credits can be earned at either undergraduate or graduate levels. Specific courses include (credits provided through the University of Florida): - Wildlife Ecology & Conservation in the Tropics (3 credits; 28 February - 8 March 2015) - Field Methods in Ecology & Conservation in the Tropics (5 credits; 9 - 24 May 2015) - Marine Ecology & Conservation in the Tropics (3 credits; 25 May - 1 June 2015) - Internships in Ecology & Conservation in the Tropics (Variable credit; any time) Detailed Information, Course Syllabi, & Applications can be found at: Enrollment is open and each course is limited to 10 students. Program Director: Bill Giuliano - - 352-846-0575. Posted: 11/9/14.

Field Ecology and Environmental Science: The University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC) offers two Field Ecology and Environmental Science Programs for the summer of 2015. Hands on field work … Paid tuition and housing… 3 credits/summer…and get paid $3,500/summer!! Applications due November 12th! UNDERC-East: (May 18 – July 24) Spend the summer studying northwoods ecology and conducting your own research in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula where UNDERC encompasses more than 7500 acres with abundant wildlife, and includes lakes, streams, wetlands, and forests that have been protected for nearly a century. Course modules include vertebrate ecology, invertebrate ecology, aquatic ecology and forest ecology UNDERC-West: (June 6 – August 14): Explore more than a million acres on the Flathead Reservation with abundant wildlife, grasslands, montane forests, streams and lakes. Course modules like those at UNDERC-East include wildlife ecology, grassland ecology, and montane ecology, as well as an environmental history/Native American ecology module. Each student conducts an independent research project in collaboration with a faculty advisor that is more advanced given the skills learned at UNDERC-East. (Pre-requisite - UNDERC-East). These programs promote understanding of field environmental biology and how field research is conducted through 9 – 10 weeks in the field. Applications are accepted from students who will be completing at least their sophomore year at a 4-year college or university. Acceptance is based on past academic performance and a statement of purpose. Preference is given to students pursuing a career in environmental sciences. Four openings are reserved for students of Native American heritage and four openings are reserved for students from Puerto Rico. Additional information and applications are available at or from Dr. Michael Cramer, UNDERC-East Assistant Director ( or Dr. Angela Laws, UNDERC-West Assistant Director ( Application deadline is Wednesday, November 12, 2014 and notification of acceptance will be provided by Friday, December 5, 2014. Posted: 10/25/14.

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