Undergraduate Opportunities

Last update: 6/29/2004



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University of Pittsburgh Summer intern, forest ecology 6/29/04
University of Wyoming Summer research tech, aquatic invertebrates/nitrogen cycling 5/24/04 5/19/04
Ecological Society of America Publishing Internship 5/11/04
Michigan State University Summer Research Asst, soil pathogens/tree seedlings 5/3/04 4/19/04
USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range REU, ecosystem ecology or plant ecophysiology 5/3/04 4/12/04
Northern Arizona University Summer field asst, insect community ecology 4/27/04
Fort Jackson, SC Summer field tech, botany 4/26/04 4/8/04
USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range REU, Desert Ecology and Management 4/25/04 4/14/04
Marine Biological Laboratory Internships in estuarine ecosystems 4/22/04
University of Georgia Summer field asst, pollination ecology 4/20/04
University of Nevada at Reno REU, rangeland weeds/restoration 4/19/04 4/7/04
USDA Forest Service, Sierra Nevada Research Center Summer field techs, forest structure 4/19/04 3/11/04
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Summer Biological Technician, birds 4/16/04 2/19/04
Marine Biological Laboratory REUs, Arctic ecosystem research 4/14/04
University of Toledo Summer positions, Soil Ecology 4/6/04
Bigelow Lab for Ocean Sciences Summer internships in subtidal benthic ecology 4/5/04 3/10/04
Cleveland State University Summer REU, ecology of stream watersheds 4/1/04 12/2/03
The Nature Conservancy Summer Intern, Upper Delaware River 3/31/04 3/16/04
University of Puerto Rico Summer REU, Tropical Ecology and Evolution 3/30/04 12/8/03
Chicago Botanic Garden Summer Field Research, plant-insect interactions 3/26/04 2/18/04
University of New Mexico REUs, Sevilleta LTER 3/22/04 3/11/04
University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center Aquatic Ecology & Invasion Biology 3/20/04 3/1/04
University of Pittsburgh Summer interns, invasive species 3/16/04
University of Nebraska at Omaha Summer field assistants, bird ecology 3/15/04
University of California White Mountain Research Station Eastern Sierra Internship program 3/15/04 2/25/04
Fordham University Summer Undergraduate Research, Calder field station 3/15/04 2/17/04
Mississippi State University Summer REU, conservation biology 3/15/04 2/2/04
University of Washington Summer REU, forest/meadow dynamics 3/15/04 1/28/04
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Summer Interns, reptiles and wetlands 3/15/04 12/18/03
University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center Summer field assts, Stream Ecology 3/9/04
University of Georgia REU, forest ecology in Panama 3/8/04
Oregon State University Summer Forest Ecology Field Positions 3/5/04 2/6/04
Michigan State University Summer field/lab asst, forest ecology 3/5/04 2/5/04
Michigan State University Mathematics and Field Ecology Summer Program 3/1/04 2/17/04
University of Minnesota Summer Ecological Research Internships (40) 3/1/04 2/6/04
University of Alaska Southeast Summer REUs, marine physiology, ecology, and behavior 3/1/04 1/29/04
Mountain Lake Biological Station Summer REUs and courses 3/1/04 1/16/04
Harvard University Summer REUs, effects of disturbances on forest ecosystems 3/1/04 12/16/03
Clarkson University Summer REU, environmental sciences and engineering 3/1/04 12/2/03
University of Wisconsin, Madison Spring/summer internships in forest ecology 2/27/04
Pennsylvania State University Summer research in plant ecology 2/27/04
University of Nebraska Summer Ecology Field Assistant 2/23/04 2/6/04
Weber State University Summer REU, Biology of the Greater Salt Lake Ecosystem 2/19/04
Michigan State University Summer internship, ecological modeling 2/17/04
Rocky Mountain Biological Lab Summer REUs and classes 2/15/04 1/16/04
University of Houston Summer research assistants, ants 2/11/04
Utah State University Summer Natural Resources Internships 2/9/04 1/30/04
University of Montana REUs, Flathead Lake Biological Station 1/23/04
USDA-FS, Rocky Mountain Research Station Summer research assistants, Great Basin ecology 1/21/04
USGS, Snake River Field Station Field technicians, sagebrush fire ecology 1/16/04
University of Notre Dame Summer course, Field Environmental Biology 11/7/03 10/30/03

Older listings: 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

Bigelow Lab for Ocean Sciences: Interested undergraduates and recent graduates are invited to apply for summer internships in subtidal benthic ecology research. Internships are available for all or part of mid-May through October 2004. We especially encourage students interested in pursuing a career in marine science, ecology, or fisheries. For full application details, please go to http://www.bigelow.org/intern_lobster.html. Review of applications begins in April 5, 2004. Posted: 3/10/04.

Chicago Botanic Garden: Summer Field Research for undergrads or recent graduates. Are you interested in gaining field research experience and learning about the ecology and evolution of plant-pollinator and plant-herbivore interactions? We are looking for field assistants (two undergraduates and one recent grad) for an NSF-funded research project on habitat fragmentation of the tallgrass prairie. We are investigating how small plant population sizes influence inbreeding, pollination, and herbivory in the purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia). No experience is necessary, but you must be enthusiastic and hard-working. You will survey natural plant populations, measure fitness and floral traits in experimental plots, hand-pollinate plants, observe insects, and assist in all aspects of research. Housing is included and there is a stipend. There are opportunities for doing an independent project. If you want more information or wish to apply, please look here or contact Stuart Wagenius (swagenius@chicagobotanic.org, 847 835 6978). Applications due 26 March. Posted: 2/18/04.

Clarkson University: Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates in environmental sciences and engineering. Theme: Sustainable management through environmental engineering and science. Who: Environmental engineering or science students expecting to graduate between December 2004 and May 2006. When: June 1 - August 6, 2004. Where: Potsdam, New York. What: Conduct environmental research with faculty and graduate student mentors. Research projects are available in the following areas: aquatic and atmospheric chemistry, green chemistry, biodiversity and ecological sustainability, drinking water and hazardous waste treatment technologies, environmental stresses on biological systems, lifecycle assessment and sustainable energy, bioremediation and fate of subsurface contamination. Benefits: free room and board, a stipend of $3,500, some travel expenses, a stimulating research environment, and great summer outdoors activities. For complete information see http://www.clarkson.edu/reu/ or contact the Co-Investigators: Stefan J. Grimberg (grimberg@clarkson.edu) and Tom A. Langen (tlangen@clarkson.edu). Apply by March 1, 2004. Posted: 12/2/03.

Cleveland State University: Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Ecology of Urban Streams, June 5 - August 13, 2004. We offer a 10-week experience in the impact of urbanization on the ecology of small stream watersheds. Interdisciplinary, collaborative research approaches are emphasized - student researchers examine the general issue of the effect of urban stressors on ecological integrity from a variety of perspectives. Last summer, student projects included investigations of the genetic diversity of stream fishes, effects of urban disturbance on ecological interactions among key stream biota, and analyses of landscape indicators of biological change. In addition to research, students engage in a variety of training, as well as social and cultural experiences. We stress training in fundamental skills necessary for successful research including accessing scientific literature and information, hypothesis development, project planning, data collection and management, statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, and scientific communication skills. Additional classroom and field instruction covers such topics as Great Lakes geology, stream ecology, stream site characterization, taxonomic identification of major stream biota. There is a weekly seminar series. Students also attend a career development workshop and the program concludes with a student research symposium. Students are provided with a $3000 stipend plus on-campus housing. More information and application materials. Review begins April 2004. Posted: 12/2/03.

Ecological Society of America: ESA (www.esa.org) is looking for an intern to be based at its Silver Spring, MD offices, to help with the production of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, the society's newest journal. The internship is a great opportunity to learn more about the process of science publishing and how scientific journals are put together. The intern will also have special responsibility for a journal section. Based in Washington, DC. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, launched in February 2003, is a colorful hybrid between a peer-reviewed scientific journal and a magazine for ecologists and environmental scientists. It is published ten times per year. It complements the ESA's three other well-known journals: Ecology, Ecological Applications, and Ecological Monographs. The Frontiers intern's primary responsibility is to coordinate the production of Forums, which are multi-author debates, formatted as an introduction and multiple responses. This involves developing new forum ideas, assembling lists of potential authors, contacting authors and overseeing submissions. The intern also spends time proof checking, carrying out other day-to-day activities of the editorial office, and assisting the marketing and advertising manager. The internship pays $2000 for 3 months, with a moderately flexible schedule and the successful candidate should have a demonstrated interest in the life sciences, scientific publishing, and/or journalism. Resume and cover letter should be sent electronically to Frontiers Assistant Editor, Chris Emery, at chris@esa.org. Please include in your cover letter: dates of availability, how the internship would complement your goals, and two references with contact information. Please do not call. Ecological Society of America, 1400 Spring Street, Suite 330 Silver Spring, MD 20910-2749. Fax: (301) 588-4693. Posted: 5/11/04.

Fordham University: The Louis Calder Center - Biological Field Station of Fordham University announces paid research opportunities for undergraduate students in our Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) program, May 31st - August 20, 2004, supported by the NSF-REU site program. This year we will offer up to 12 awards to qualified undergraduates interested in conducting independent research. Stipends of $3600 plus a travel reimbursement will be awarded to successful applicants, and rent on site (at the field station) is free. Limited funds are available to support research and local travel. We offer students hands-on experience and training in a wide variety of field studies, including: - Atmospheric pollution effects on plants and their symbionts - Behavioral ecology of food hoarding and foraging by grey squirrels - Biogeography of freshwater brown algae using mtDNA - Does cannibalism among spiders dampen trophic cascades? - Ecology of the West Nile virus and their mosquito vectors - Factors affecting purple sulfur bacteria in a eutrophic lake - Forest responses to invasive exotic insects - Linking molecular identification of microbes to their ecosystem function - Microhabitat conditions and spatial distribution of the deer tick -Measuring call attractiveness and mating success in gray treefrog choruses - Wildfire effects on soil microbial communities. Successful candidates will be matched with scientists with similar research interests. Core program activities include the design and execution of independent, closely mentored research projects, and participation in mini-courses and weekly seminars. Through these activities, students will learn the fundamentals of experimental design, use of the scientific literature, data collection and analysis, and oral presentation. An application (which includes a full list of potential research projects) can be requested from: REUatCalder@fordham.edu. More details. *Deadline extended to March 15, 2004*. Posted: 12/3/03, revised: 2/17/04.

Fort Jackson, SC: The Land Condition Trend Analysis (LCTA) program on Fort Jackson, SC is hiring one botany field technician for Summer 2004. The technician will assist permanent personnel establishing a permanent vegetation plot system, collecting qualitative and quantitative data including land use, ground disturbance and cover, and plant composition. The technician will also gain experience assisting in wetland delineation, GPS mapping, and GIS processing using ArcView and other GIS programs. Successful applicant will be employed by ORISE. Requirements: Someone majoring in botany, forestry, environmental studies or related field. Knowledge of South Carolina/Southeastern flora or plant taxonomy training, and knowledge of field monitoring methods is required. Due to the nature of the work, applicants should also be willing and able to work in and endure the heat and humidity of the southeast, drive a 4x4 jeep, use a compass and topographic maps, and be familiar with computer operation and data entry. Familiarity with GPS and GIS is a plus. Location: Columbia, SC. Duration of employment: May-Sept, 2004. College students are welcome to apply; start and end dates may be adjusted to correspond to summer break. Successful applicants will work 40 hours per week. Salary: $10.75 - $11.20/hour, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Application deadline: All application materials must be received by 26 April 2004. Successful applicant must complete an ORISE application. Application procedure: Send cover letter, resume, transcripts (photocopies are fine) and 3 references to: Beth-Anee Johnson LCTA Coordinator DPTM/ITAM 2179 Sumter St, Fort Jackson, SC 29207. beth-anee.johnson@jackson.army.mil, phone (803)-751-6427 fax (803)-751-5697. Posted: 4/8/04.

Harvard University: Harvard Forest is soliciting applications for our Summer Research Program in Ecology. Research at the Forest focuses on the effects of natural and human disturbances on forest ecosystems, including atmospheric pollution, global warming, hurricanes, tree falls, and insect outbreaks. Researchers come from many disciplines, and specific projects center on population and community ecology, paleoecology, land-use history, wildlife biology, biochemistry, soil science, ecophysiology, and atmosphere-biosphere exchanges. Each student will participate in an ongoing research project with a researcher from Harvard, Marine Biological Laboratory Ecosystem Center, Woods Hole Research Center or other institutions. Responsibilities may include field sampling, laboratory studies, data analysis and scientific writing. In addition, students attend weekly seminars and workshops given by nationally known scientists on topics regarding ecosystem research, career planning, and graduate school preparation. At the end of the summer, students will develop their research results, prepare an abstract, and present their findings at a student research symposium. Academic credit may be arranged with the student's home institution. Students earn a $3600 stipend for the 12 week session which runs begins Tues. June 1, 2004 and ends on Friday, August 20, 2004. Room and board at the Forest is included free of charge as part of the program. Most positions are for undergraduates but there are a few positions for students who have recently graduated as well. Information, including the application and the Summer 2004 projects, is available here. The application deadline is March 1, 2004. For additional information, please contact the program coordinator, Edythe Ellin (telephone: 978/724-3302, ext. 224; email ellin@fas.harvard.edu). Posted: 12/16/03.

Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary: This 1,125 acre nature preserve and environmental education center on the tidal Patuxent River in Lothian, Maryland, is accepting applications from university students to participate in on-going studies of reptiles and wetlands. Three intern positions are currently available. Each student intern receives a $2,000 stipend and free on-site housing. The intern position is from May 15-August 15. Applicants must be a junior, senior or recent graduate majoring in the life sciences. Deadline: March 15, 2004. For more information and to apply, see the full position ad (Summer Research Fellowship section). Posted: 12/18/03.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking applicants for coastal internships in estuarine ecosystems in Massachusetts. Fellowships are sponsored by the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program and the National Science Foundation TIDE project. Coastal intern positions are available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have either recently graduated from or are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities. Successful candidates will participate in a multidisciplinary project and gain experience in a variety of research areas related to coastal science. In addition, participants will work with local management agencies (US Fish and Wildlife Service, Conservation Commission) to gain experience in practical application of science to environmental issues. Participants will collect and analyze data and present research results in oral presentations and in poster and written formats by the end of their fellowship. Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry and ideally ecology or environmental science. Undergraduates with strong backgrounds in mathematics, computer science, statistics or physics are strongly encouraged to apply. Attention to detail, the ability to work as a member of a team, and a desire to learn new laboratory and field techniques are essential. Applicants must be willing to conduct strenuous fieldwork (lifting, bending, carrying heavy equipment, and walking through waist high marine waters and marsh) in marine environments, primarily intertidal settings, under variable weather conditions. Successful candidates will live and work at the field site in Plum Island Sound, north of Boston. Coastal Interns are expected to start the program in June and work full-time for 4-5 months at the Plum Island Long-term Ecological research site. To apply, send cover letter, resume, transcripts, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of 3 references to: The Marine Biological Laboratory, Attn: Human Resources; Reference Code [CI TIDE], 7 MBL St., Woods Hole, MA 02543. Applications may be sent by email to: resume@mbl.edu. Posted: 4/22/04.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking undergraduate applicants for several Arctic research projects. Successful candidates will participate in field research on either terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems in the Toolik Lake Research Natural Area on the North Slope of Alaska. The Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) positions are available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors). In addition to gaining experience by assisting on a variety of project activities, REU students typically assume an independent project that is linked to larger studies of lakes, streams, tundra or land-water interactions. REU participants are expected to collect and analyze data and to produce a poster describing their project near the end of the field season. We anticipate funding for supporting 6 to 10 REU positions to work on Arctic research during the 2004 field season. Required: Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry and ideally ecology or ecosystem studies. Attention to detail and a desire to learn new laboratory and field techniques are essential. Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity; e.g., working long hours outside in potentially severe weather, carrying >40lb. pack across uneven terrain, hiking many miles per day across tundra and prepared to live in an isolated setting with harsh environmental conditions. Candidates for these jobs should be available to live at the Field Station for 2-3 months during June, July and August. Travel to Toolik Field Station is paid for by the grant as well as the cost of room and board at the Station and a stipend. Please send resume, name, addresses telephone numbers and email addresses of 3 references to: The Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources, reference code [AL REU], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Applications may be sent by email to: resume@mbl.edu. Posted: 4/14/04.

Michigan State University: The Department of Forestry is hiring 1 research assistant to work on a project looking at the role of soil pathogens on tree seedling establishment. We are seeking current or recently graduated undergraduates to help with an NSF-funded project located at Michigan State University. Familiarity with lab/greenhouse work as well as Microsoft Excel is a plus. Duties in the greenhouse include planting tree seedlings, watering and taking measurements for seedling survivorship and growth every week and harvesting seedlings at the end of the experiment. Duties in the lab will primarily be with fungal spore extraction from soil, fungal pathogen isolation from diseased seedlings and data entry. I need a hard-working person with good attention to detail and good organizational skills. The most important qualifications are a willingness to work hard and learn a lot about forest ecology. Applicants who can start work beginning May 17th are preferred. Work commitment through August 15th 2004 is needed. Potential exists for job extension up to 4 months with this part of the research being conducted at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Pay is $7.50/hr but is negotiable depending on experience and skill. Contact Sarah McCarthy at the address below for an interview. Please send a brief resume with references and a letter of interest. E-mail is preferred, but paper mail or FAX is acceptable. Call and leave a message for more information, and I will return your call as soon as I can. No resumes will be accepted after May 3rd 2004. Sarah McCarthy, Forestry Department, 126 Natural Resources, East Lansing, MI 48824. 517-355-7599 (office), 517-432-1143 (FAX), mccar162@msu.edu. Posted: 4/19/04.

Michigan State University: Summer internship: Agent-based computer modeling of ecological community networks. Requirements: We seek a student that can fulfill one of two roles (or both). First, assist with code writing. This student should have expertise and interest in complex systems theory, strong computer-programming skills in some object-oriented language (C++/ObjectiveC/Java) and experience with neural nets and genetic algorithms also desirable. Second, assist with "performing experiments". The student should have a strong interest in integrating biology and computation, some programming skills, and the ability to design and perform experiments with the computational system. Dates: Start in May or June for 3 months. Pay: $5000. If interested, please send a resume and statement of interests, along with any questions, to Scott Peacor (Peacor@msu.edu). Posted: 2/17/04.

Michigan State University: Mathematics and Field Ecology Summer Program 14 June - 30 July for Undergraduate and Graduate Students at Kellogg Biological Station - a new summer science institute, Enhancing Linkages between Mathematics and Ecology. ELME is a course-work based research experience designed for students with little formal training in mathematics, but with an interest in applying mathematics to questions in ecology and evolution. Students can take 3 one week math courses on topics that are relevant to ecology/evolution and then apply these tools in a field ecology/evolution course. The courses will be taught by KBS resident faculty and faculty recruited from around the country for their expertise in linking math and ecology. Undergraduate Fellowships ($2500, plus housing, travel, and tuition) are available for students enrolling in the full ELME program. Scholarships for tuition, housing and travel are also available for graduate and undergraduate students. Students can enroll in a subset of the ELME courses if that better fits their needs and schedules. More information: ELMEprogram@kbs.msu.edu. Application deadline is 1 March 2004. Posted: 2/17/04.

Michigan State University: Summer field and lab assistant for study of hemlock and yellow birch seedling ecology in Michigan’s old-growth hemlock forests. Full-time summer field and lab job (40 hrs/week, longer days in the field) with somewhat flexible starting and ending dates and two weeks off during the summer. Ideally, you would be available from May 1 to August 31. Compensation: $7,000. Requirements: lab experience (work or classes), ability to adapt to changing field conditions (please address this in your cover letter), and a willingness to learn new skills. Field experience is desirable, but not necessary. Knowledge of Michigan flora is not required. To apply: Email a resume, the name and contact information of two references, and a brief cover letter to Laura Marx at marxlau1@msu.edu. Application deadline is March 5, with decisions made by mid-March. Contact Laura if you have any questions. Posted: 2/5/04.

Mississippi State University: We offer research experiences to undergraduate students interested in conservation biology of southeast ecosystems. This REU program will provide opportunities for hands-on research experience with aquatic and terrestrial plants, fish, birds, and mammals. Research will take place in the lab as well as in the field, in locations such as the Tombigbee National Forest or Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge. Students will conduct research under the guidance of MSU Biological Science faculty. Students will receive a stipend of $300 per week for 10 weeks and housing, meal allowance, and travel will be provided. The program is funded by the National Science Foundation. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents and enrolled as undergraduate students at accredited institutions. Graduating seniors are not eligible. The program seeks academically strong students interested in conservation biology. Students with limited research opportunities and those from groups typically under represented in science are especially encouraged to apply. Applications are due on Monday, March 15, 2004. Additional information on the program and application forms can be found here. Direct questions can be emailed to: giselle@biology.msstate.edu. Posted: 2/2/04.

Mountain Lake Biological Station: The MLBS (University of Virginia) announces credit courses in field biology, and paid research opportunities for undergraduates. We offer students hands-on experience and training in a wide variety of biological field studies. Join us for an exciting and unforgettable summer in a first-class field biology teaching and research environment. Scholarships and financial aid are available. Courses: 1) Mycology May 31 - June 25. An introduction to the biology of fungi, with emphasis on field identification and current experimental methods used to study fungal genetics, ecology and evolution. 2) Field Geology May 31 - June 25. Designed for undergraduates interested in geology or ecology. 3) Conservation Biology June 28 - July 23. An introduction to the concepts and field methods used to address issues in conservation of communities and endangered populations. 4) Plant Biodiversity And Conservation June 28 - July 23. The extraordinary diversity of the Southern Appalachians will serve as a backdrop to explore the world of plants. 5) Ecology Of Amphibians July 26 - August 6. Course will introduce students to the diverse amphibian fauna of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, a world hot-spot for salamander diversity. NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program: We match undergraduate students with visiting scientists for 10 weeks of advanced, independent research on a project of the student's own design. REU positions come with a stipend of $3,500 and pay all room and board expenses (pending final NSF approval). Deadline for receipt of applications is March 1. Minority students are especially encouraged to apply. Our field station is located on a mountaintop in southwestern Virginia and is home to a lively research, teaching and social community. For details on these programs, full course descriptions, application material, and a list of research areas see the MLBS web site. or contact: (mlbs@virginia.edu, 434-982-5486). Posted: 1/16/04.

The Nature Conservancy: Upper Delaware River Intern. Location: Cuddebackville, NY and Deposit, NY. Dates: Mid-May through August 2004. The Program Intern will work closely with staff from TNC and a variety of public and private organizations to complete field research and implement associated conservation strategies, such as dam removal, in the Neversink River Basin. Work will include field data collection, data analysis and integration of existing aquatic resource data for the Neversink River. This is a shared position with the Delaware River Foundation. This is a paid internship for 40 hours per week. Housing is provided. Duration and Pay: Summer, Part Time, 15 weeks, $3000 stipend and housing. Duties: 1) Work with TNC and U.S. Geological Survey staff to collect field data on Neversink River communities (mussels, fish, and macroinvertebrates) and aquatic habitat characteristics. 2) Assist TNC and US Army Corps of Engineers staff with Cuddebackville Dam removal project completing a survey of baseline biotic and abiotic conditions around the dam. 3) Assist with development of a wetland and riparian forest restoration project and ecosystem response models for aquatic and floodplain conservation targets. Qualifications: 1) Completed or currently pursuing degree in natural sciences, natural resource management or related subject. 2) Familiarity with aquatic sampling and identification techniques desired. 3) Good written and oral communication skills. Experience dealing with a variety of people. 4) Leadership skills and organization skills. Capable of organizing multiple tasks and people. 5) Ability to work as part of a team or to work alone without supervision. 6) A willingness to travel and provide own transportation. Flexibility in working schedule, including willingness to work occasional evenings and weekends. Please direct inquiries and applications consisting of a cover letter and resume to: George E. Schuler, Neversink River Program Director, The Nature Conservancy, P.O. Box 617, Cuddebackville, NY 12729. Phone: 845-858-2883, Fax: 845-858-2883, Email: gschuler@warwick.net. Applications must be received by March 31, 2004. Posted: 3/16/04.

Northern Arizona University: We have an opening for a summer field assistant the will work with a graduate student researcher in insect community ecology. This research takes place on cottonwoods along the Weber River near Ogden, Utah. The position provides a student with the unique opportunity to work with an integrated research group that studies the effects of host plant genetic diversity on: plant chemistry, physiology, dependent insect communities, and ecosystem function. The student accepted for this position will specifically be working on the effects of host plant genetic variation on insect community structure and diversity, which has important conservation implications. The student associated with this project will gain expertise in the following areas: 1) advanced field identification of insects, 2) design and implementation of field experiments, 2) and data collection and entry, all of which are essential to the study of ecology. The student will also interact with ecologists who are advancing the newly developing field of community genetics. Preferred qualifications: 1) completion of introductory-level courses in biology or environmental science, 2) completion of a course in entomology or experience with the taxonomic identification of insects, and 3) familiarity with the outdoors through recreational activities, previous field work, outdoor camps, scouting, etc. The position will start in mid-May and extend through mid-August of 2004. Salary will be $7.00 and hour and the student will work at least a 40-hour week. The student’s housing will be paid, but they are expected to pay for their own boarding costs. For more information, please contact Art Keith (ARK36@dana.ucc.nau.edu). Posted: 4/27/04.

Oregon State University: Forest Ecology Field Positions in Western Oregon – Summer 2004. Five field crew positions are available to assist with a long-term ecological study in the forests of western Oregon. The field crew will participate in vegetation studies as part of the Density Management Study (DMS) Field sites are located in the western Oregon Coast Range and western Cascade Foothills. The field crew will establish and sample permanent plots to characterize response of vegetation composition and structure to harvest treatments. Responsibilities will include: identifying and estimating abundance of herbs, shrubs and non-vascular plants; measuring overstory trees; measuring coarse woody debris; and characterizing substrate. The field positions are best suited to upper-level undergraduates or recent graduates who are interested in continuing work and/or studies in forest ecology or silviculture. The nature of the work requires extended periods in the field (possibly up to 8 consecutive days). Hotel lodging and per diem will be provided to the crew during the work week. The crew will be based in Corvallis. Lodging will not be provided in Corvallis, but summer accommodations are not difficult to find (many sublet opportunities are available). Qualifications: Previous field experience in sampling forest overstory and understory vegetation or other vegetation; familiarity with the flora of western Oregon and/or ability to utilize taxonomic keys. We seek individuals who are attentive to detail, can work long hours under strenuous field conditions (e.g., steep slopes, dense vegetation, inclement weather) and can work cooperatively with others. Salary: $10.00-12.00/hr, depending on qualifications and past experience, plus per diem for overnights. Duration: June 17 - September 30, 2004 Closing Date: March 5, 2004 or when positions have been filled To apply, send: •Typewritten or electronic cover letter that includes information about your qualifications, work-related interests, and your dates of availability; •Typewritten or electronic resume that includes two references with phone and email contact information; •Copies of unofficial college transcripts (if applicable); Send To: Shanti Berryman, Department of Forest Science, 321 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. For more information contact Shanti Berryman, project coordinator (Shanti.Berryman@oregonstate.edu, 541-737-9882). Posted: 2/6/04.

Pennsylvania State University: Summer undergraduate research opportunities in plant ecology are available in the laboratory of Dr. David Eissenstat. Research projects vary from plant water relations to investigations of root form and function. Students will have the opportunity to conduct independent research while contributing to the larger research goals of the projects. We are offering a stipend to cover travel and living expenses. Additionally, there is an opportunity for international travel. Interested students should send a cover letter, resume, and three letters of reference to: Tom Adams, Department of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University, 107 Tyson Bldg., University Park, PA 16802. (tsa3@psu.edu) Posted: 2/27/04.

Rocky Mountain Biological Lab: The RMBL is hosting its 77th session of undergraduate classes and research opportunities. Located in central Colorado, RMBL's summer sessions are a unique opportunity to interact with scientists from around the world. Courses include Conservation Biology, Field Ecology, Ornithology, Botany, Plant-Animal Interactions and Independent Study. Through the Independent Study program, the RMBL can assist students who are interested in conducting a senior thesis project. Classes are for 4 and 8 weeks and run from June 17- Aug 15. Students can earn up to 8 hours of college credit. A large number of full and partial scholarships are available. Applications for financial aid are due April 1. The RMBL also hosts a Research Experience for Undergraduates Program. With the supervision of a scientists, students conduct a research program. The RMBL pays for all expenses and students receive a salary. This is 10 week program and applications are due Feb. 15. Students from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. For more information, visit our website or contact Dr. Ian Billick at director@rmbl.org. Posted: 1/16/04.

USDA Forest Service, Sierra Nevada Research Center: Field technicians are being hired to collect stand structure data at the Teakettle Experimental Forest; approximately 8 to 10 positions are being filled. Teakettle is a 1300 ha old-growth mixed-conifer forest 80 km east of Fresno, CA at 2200 m elevation in the Sierra Nevada Duties will include, but are not limited to, mapping forest structure using a surveyor’s total station, basic tree measurements and assisting visiting and resident scientists with other projects as needed. Desired, but not required, skills include: plant identification, use of a total station, basic knowledge of tree measurements and experience as a member of a field crew. The facilities at Teakettle are rustic due to the remote location of the station. The cabin has solar power, a bathroom, kitchen and common space; sleeping quarters are in tents. The nearest town for supplies is Shaver Lake, CA (approx 1 hr drive). All applicants must currently be a student at a college or university and expecting to return to school next fall and must be a U.S. citizen. Graduating seniors qualify if they are enrolled in a graduate program for the fall. The pay range is $10-12/hr depending on experience and college courses (GS 3, 4 or 5). Employment will be from mid-May to mid-August (students on a semester schedule) or mid-June to mid-September (students on a quarter schedule). Please send a resume, 3 references (contact information) and college transcripts (unofficial is fine) to: Jim Innes, Sierra Nevada Research Center, 2121 2nd Street Suite A-101, Davis, CA 95616. (530-759-1711, jinnes@fs.fed.us) For additional information about the job or how to apply please contact Jim Innes. All applications must be postmarked by April 19. Posted: 3/11/04.

USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: Summer research assistants for field and lab work with the riparian plant ecology, pinyon-juniper ecology, invasive species, and fire history studies of the Great Basin Ecosystem Management Project. Work includes sampling vegetation and soils in central Nevada watersheds near Austin, Nevada, laboratory processing of the collected materials, and data entry. You may be eligible for academic credit-talk to your advisor. Full time (40 hrs/wk) from mid/late May until classes resume at the end of August. Some part time before and after this period is possible. Pay $11.22-$15.55/hr depending on education and experience. 6 Positions to be filled. Qualifications: Interest in working with plants required, knowledge of native Nevada plant species desirable. Familiarity with field plant and soil data collection techniques and lab processing techniques. Computer skills, especially MS Excel. Good physical condition, including ability to work outdoors for extended periods of time in varying weather conditions. This will include hiking long distances in rough terrain with sampling gear and samples. Low-impact camping skills. Availability for extended field work, up to five days (usually Monday-Friday). Good driving record. Some experience with 4WD vehicles is desirable. Must be registered as at least a half-time student. Contact: David Board (dboard@fs.fed.us), Dr. Robin Tausch (tausch@unr.edu), or Dr. Jeanne Chambers (chambers@unr.edu), phone 775.784.5329. Posted: 1/21/04.

USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range: We are looking for a highly motivated undergraduate student to work on a National Science Foundation-funded project in Chihuahuan Desert shrub and grass ecosystems at the Jornada Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in conjunction with the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range and New Mexico State University. Under our guidance, the student will design and complete a field-based research project related to ecosystem ecology or plant ecophysiology. The student will be included in all phases of research and funding will be provided for the student to present his/her research at a scientific meeting. Background: Shrub encroachment into grasslands is a worldwide problem. We are examining how changes in rainfall patterns, soil characteristics and grazing affect shrub encroachment and grass survival. Large-scale rainfall manipulations are being used to examine how changes in rainfall patterns affect plants, biological soil crusts and ecosystem water use and productivity. We employ a variety of techniques, such as stable isotopic methodology, to examine fluxes of water and carbon in these systems. Position requires willingness to spend long days in the field. Project Duration and Stipend: The student will be paid $3600 for 12 weeks over the summer field season. Start date is flexible. Qualifications: Students majoring in biology, environmental sciences, or a related discipline are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is May 3rd, 2004 or until position is filled. Application should include a letter of interest, resume, and contact information for two references. Mail or e-mail applications to: Dr. Keirith Snyder, USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3 JER, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003. kasnyder@nmsu.edu Phone (505) 646-3584. If emailing applications please specify subject line as: LTER REU application. Posted: 4/12/04.

USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates 2004--Desert Ecology and Management. One fulltime, summer internship is available for an undergraduate student to participate in several research projects associated with the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research site. The projects include a region-scale inventory of plant-soil-climate relationships in the Chihuahuan Desert, the spatial ecology of plant recruitment and mortality, and rodent and ant population responses to grassland-shrubland ecotones. The student will work with a team and receive hands-on experience in landscape ecology, plant and animal ecology, and soil science, and learn about how these topics are being applied to aridlands management. Part of the student's time will be spent designing, conducting, and analyzing/presenting independent research related to one of the projects. The position starts May 15 to June 1 and ends up to 12 weeks after the start date. Compensation is $3676 for 12 weeks. Requirements: 1) Current undergraduate status, with major in biology, ecology, environmental science, range science, soil science, 2) Ability to work long hours outdoors in hot conditions, including lots of walking, digging, and rodent handling, 3) a valid US driver's license. Application deadline is 25 April 2004. Application should include a letter of interest, resume, and contact information for 2-3 recommenders. Please email (preferred) or send applications to Judy Ward, jward@nmsu.edu, USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, MSC 3JER Box 30003, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003. Posted: 4/14/04.

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center: Two summer Biological Technician positions available for undergraduate students having completed 2 years of course work. Assist in maintaining the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) program. Duties include: preparation of biological data for computer entry, performance of quality assurance and quality control procedures on biological data using optical character recognition software and other techniques, assisting with database management, photocopying and filing, conducting literature searches, preparation of graphs, charts and other materials for web pages, and assisting in preparation of administrative correspondence and technical reports on wildlife resources. Required Expertise/Skills: Current student at an accredited college or university with at least two years of completed course work; coursework in biology, wildlife management, or related field preferred; knowledge of biological theories, concepts and principles (knowledge of distributions and natural histories of North American birds a plus); knowledge of computer software used to summarize data (i.e. Excel); ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. This is a full-time (8 hours/day, 40 hours/week), temporary position. Work will be performed in an office environment located on the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center campus in Laurel, MD. Extended periods of computer use will be required, as well as, extended periods of standing to organize project materials. Compensation is commensurate with the level of education and experience, as follows: $12.43 per hour for student who has completed two or more years of college. Student is responsible for all costs of transportation to and from the principal duty station location. The Government does not provide housing, meals or other living expenses while working at the principal duty station. Travel away from the duty station is not expected. Principal Duty Station: USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 12100 Beech forest Road, Laurel, MD 20708-4038. Student may enter building only during business hours or when project member is present. Position 1: Estimated hours: 512; Approx Start Date: 1 June; Approx End Date: 27 August; Application Due Date: 2 Apr. Position 2: Estimated hours: 280; Approx Start Date: 12 July; Approx End Date: 27 Aug; Application Due Date: 30 Apr. Possibility of part-time extension (16 hrs/week) into November for one position. For more information, contact Keith Pardieck (301-497-5843; keith_pardieck@usgs.gov). To apply, send cover letter and resume with three references by 16 April 2004 to: Keith Pardieck, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 12100 Beech Forest Road, Laurel, MD 20708-4038; email: Keith_Pardieck@usgs.gov. Posted: 2/19/04.

USGS, Snake River Field Station: Responsible field technicians needed mid-March to July to collect vegetation and soils data in order to characterize recovery of big sagebrush communities after fire in southwestern Idaho. This work is part of the Coordinated Intermountain Restoration Project, which is increasing understanding of invasive plants in the Intermountain West and developing methods to maintain and restore biodiversity in these ecosystems. These jobs will be Student Contracts, paying ~$16/hour; workers are responsible for paying their own Social Security and income taxes. Applicants will be required to show proof of full time student status within the past 12 months. These jobs will involve working long hours in both cold and hot weather, driving on poor and sometimes muddy roads, navigating with GPS unit and map, identifying plants, accurately recording data, and extended stays in remote locations (backcountry camping). Preferred candidates will have knowledge of the plants and ecosystems of the Great Basin and experience with vegetation transects. But more important is the ability to work independently with a minimum of supervision, make sensible decisions, play well with others, appreciate the beauty of the Sagebrush Sea, and treat the field vehicle tenderly. The work involves long hours spent standing, bending, walking, and a great amount of physical exertion. The incumbent may be required to lift containers weighing up to 35 pounds in the performance of the assignment. Work could possibly be done in 10 hour plus days, hours can include all times of day and night, and will vary during the employment term with weather and field conditions. Please email or send letter of interest, CV, and names and contact information for at least three references to: Cindy Salo, Research Ecologist (csalo@usgs.gov, 208-426-2893), USGS, Snake River Field Station, 970 Lusk St., Boise, ID 83706. Posted: 1/16/04.

University of Alaska Southeast: research experience for undergraduate students interested in the physiology, ecology, and behavior of marine organisms. The UAS Juneau Campus, located on Auke Bay, provides opportunities for hands-on research experience with marine algae, invertebrates, and mammals. In addition to the Juneau area, field research projects take place in Glacier Bay National Park, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Arctic Ocean. Student participants will conduct research under the guidance of faculty and collaborating research scientists. The program is supported with funds from the National Science Foundation and UAS. Each student participant will receive a stipend of $325 per week for 10 weeks and housing while in Juneau. Up to $500 in travel costs to Juneau and travel and subsistence costs within Alaska will also be provided. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents and enrolled as undergraduate students at accredited institutions. Graduating seniors are not eligible. The program seeks academically strong students interested in marine biological research. Minority applicants are especially encouraged. Applications are due on Monday, March 1, 2004. For more information, please visit our web site. Direct questions by email to reu@uas.alaska.edu. Posted: 1/29/04.

University of California White Mountain Research Station: The Summer 2004 Eastern Sierra Internship program is recruiting undergraduate students and recent graduates to work in the fields of ecology, conservation biology, physiological ecology, population ecology, natural resource management, remote sensing and communications in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains of Eastern California. When: June 13-August 21st. Deadline March 15th 2004. For more information and to apply, please visit http://poppy.wmrs.edu or email interns@wmrs.edu. Posted: 2/25/04.

University of Georgia: I am looking for a summer field assistant in a study on the pollination ecology and plant mating systems. Previous research experience is not required. Location: Based at Highlands Biological Station, Highlands NC and Athens, GA; throughout GA, NC, SC, FL. Dates: End of June through August (~10 weeks, flexible). Assistant in plant ecology & evolution study investigating plant-pollinator interactions and demography in a native herbaceous annual of the Eastern United States. Work involves assistance locating populations and performing demographic censuses, pollinator observation watches, and pollination experiments in communities such as open woods, pine glades, rocky outcrops, and open fields. We will travel throughout parts of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the Florida panhandle. One month will be spent at Highlands Biological Station, located in a summer resort town and situated on a high plateau of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Qualifications: Interest in plant-pollinator interactions or plant demography preferable and enthusiasm a must!!!. Although the actual work is not strenuous, you must be willing to work long days. Must also be willing and able to live and work out of campsites for a few days at a time as we will be traveling in addition to working out of Highlands Biological Station and Athens, GA. Benefits: Room and board will be provided throughout the 10 week position. Application: Send resume with GPA and at least one reference along with a cover letter/statement of interest including potential start/end dates. Applications may be sent via postal mail or email. Contact: Rachel Spigler, 2502 Miller Plant Sciences, Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30601. Email: rspigler@plantbio.uga.edu. Posted: 4/20/04.

University of Georgia: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): May-July 2004. The lab of Dr. Steve Hubbell has funding for two undergraduates to travel to our research site in Panama to assist with an NSF-funded project examining patterns of growth and mortality of tropical tree seedlings. The purpose of the project is to evaluate different hypotheses about the maintenance of high levels of diversity in tropical forests. Students will assist with the main project and will also conduct independent research projects on the distribution and abundance of herbaceous understory plants and their effect on tropical tree seedling survival and growth. All travel and living expenses will be covered, and students will also receive a small stipend. Students will live and work on Barro Colorado Island, a Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute-run biological field station situated in the middle of the Panama Canal. This project offers students the opportunity to gain experience working on a long-term, large-scale ecological study, to learn how to design and carry out independent research, and to be exposed to the intellectual and cultural environment at an international biological research station. Qualifications: We are looking for undergraduates who are majoring in Biology, Botany, Ecology, Forestry, or a related field. Preference will be given to students interested in pursuing graduate degrees and/or careers in biology. The ability to speak (or a willingness to learn) basic Spanish will be required. Most of all, we are looking for enthusiastic students with a genuine interest in tropical plant ecology. (Due to the nature of the funding, only US citizens or permanent residents enrolled as undergraduates during Summer 2004 are eligible. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.) Interested students should send a letter of interest and CV to Liza Comita (liza@plantbio.uga.edu). Posted: 3/8/04.

University of Houston: We are looking for four Undergraduate Research Assistants for the summer of 2004 (June 1 to August 15) to aid in research on foraging behavior and reproductive allocation of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. The study area is located approximately 20 miles northwest of Grand Junction, Colorado on the Colorado plateau. Students will monitor daily activity patterns, measure food intake and help with estimating reproductive output. In addition to salary, student housing costs will be covered. Applicants should be willing to work in desert conditions and have their own car. Interested individuals should send a CV or resume, including relevant course work, to Drs. Blaine J. Cole or Diane C. Wiernasz, Department of Biology, University of Houston, Houston TX 77204-5001, or by email to bcole@uh.edu or dwiernasz@uh.edu. Posted: 2/11/04.

University of Minnesota: Ecological Research Internships, Summer 2004. The Cedar Creek Natural History Area has about 40 positions available for students to work as Research Interns. Most positions run from June through August, but some interns are needed as early as April and some until late September. Pay is $8.25 per hour ($4000.00 in three months). If you are an undergraduate or a newly graduated student with a background in biology and want to start a career in ecology or environmental studies, or if you have a strong background and interest in flora of the Great Plains, we encourage you to apply. For more information, see http://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/interns/. Deadline is March 1, 2004. Posted: 2/6/04.

University of Montana: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at Flathead Lake Biological Station, near Polson, Montana, from June 9 to August 17, 2004. We are soliciting applications for our "Crown of the Continent" REU Program. We are looking for 10 upper-division field-oriented students who are eager to engage in an intense program of interdisciplinary research. Students must be willing to learn about other disciplines and their complementary roles in complex research programs. Two of the 10 REU positions will go to students interested in science applications of information or data management. REU students receive a stipend of $3,000 for the ten weeks, and lodging and meals are provided. Students enroll in BIOL 497 and receive three credits with successful completion of the summer program (tuition waived). More information. Posted: 1/23/04.

University of Nebraska: Ecology Field Assistant - May 15 to August 15 2004. Description: We have an opportunity for 1-2 highly motivated upper class undergraduate students interested in field experience in ecological research. The students will assist faculty with field experiments and observation to evaluate effects of biological interactions, including herbivory by both insects and mammals and competition for nutrients, in determining ambient and augmented species composition and ecosystem dynamics in the mid-grass prairie of the Nebraska Sand Hills. The positions are for 3 months ($1,200 / mo. + housing + food + great field experience!). For more information, contact Dr. F. Leland Russell or Dr. Svata M. Louda, Charles Bessey Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (frussell@unlnotes.unl.edu, 402-472-1539; Slouda@unl.edu, 402-472-2763). Application: Please submit a resume, description of interests and experience in biology, and have three letters of recommendation sent to Dr. Svata M. Louda, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE, 68588-0118. Review of applications will begin February 23. Posted: 2/6/04.

University of Nebraska at Omaha: We plan to hire a number of field assistant positions for the summer 2004 field season. Start and end dates are flexible; positions start between mid-May and mid-June and run until late July or mid-August. The emphasis of the research is on comparing the population and community ecology of birds adjacent to fields planted in transgenic herbicide tolerant crops to those using traditional crop varieties. Field assistants will work with grassland birds (especially Dickcissels) as well as cavity-nesting species in riparian areas. Field work may provide training and experience with nest searching; mist netting; sampling vegetation; insects, herps, and mammals; and radio telemetry. Work is conducted in an agricultural landscape in e. NE and w. Iowa. The project includes two faculty members, four graduate students and a number of field assistants. Stipends vary between $250 – $350 per week, depending on experience. Housing is available. In addition, internship credit may be available through University or your home institution. Requirements: 1) interest in field research in ecology and the application of research to addressing current issues in conservation and environmental policy, 2) Valid driver's license and good driving record, 3) Willingness to work long hours under very hot and humid conditions, 4) Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work with landowners, 5) Ability to keep careful records and an attention to detail. No experience is necessary. In a cover letter describe any relevant course work or experience, especially: 1) Prior research experience (or non-research related field work), 2) Ability to identify birds (by sight and vocalizations), 3) Ability to identify plants or insects, 4) Experience working with farmers or landowners, 5) Experience searching for bird nests, 6) Experience working with mist netting, 7) Course work in agriculture, ornithology, ecology, botany, entomology, or natural resources, 8) Ability to provide your own vehicle. For additional information, email us (jmccarty@mail.unomaha.edu or lwolfenbarger@mail.unomaha.edu) or see our website. Applicants should include a cover letter, resume, unofficial copies of transcripts, and the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of two references. Positions are open until suitable candidates are found. Review of applications will begin 1 December 2003. Update: We have three additional field assistant positions for summer 2004. Review of applications will begin immediately. E-mail applications to: Page Klug (pklug@mail.unomaha.edu) or Lorelle Berkeley (lberkeley@mail.unomaha.edu), Telephone: 402/554-2559. Posted: 11/5/03, revised: 3/15/04.

University of Nevada at Reno: A new Research Experience for Undergraduates grants program is available for students interested in integrating weed control and restoration of Great Basin rangelands. Successful undergraduate researchers will participate in a collaborative research project among three universities (University of Nevada at Reno, Utah State University, and Oregon State University), three federal research agencies (USFS Rocky Mountain Research Lab, USGS Forest and Range Research Center, and USDA Agricultural Research Service), and two federal land management agencies (Natural Resources Conservation Service and Bureau of Land Management) that addresses the ecologic and economic impacts of invasive weeds on Great Basin rangelands and investigates the methods for restoring these degraded rangelands with diverse, native plant communities. A series of common experiments in Oregon, Nevada, Utah and Idaho will be used to: 1) test techniques for controlling cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other weeds, establishing native plants, and restoring ecosystem structure and function; 2) provide an ecological understanding of why restoration techniques succeed or fail; 3) develop conceptual and economic bases for choosing appropriate management techniques; and 4) convey knowledge to land managers and increase public awareness of invasive species and native plant restoration problems. Undergraduate students at colleges and universities in or adjacent to the Great Basin will have the opportunity to participate in research experiences associated with the project. During 2004, two mini-grants (up to $4,000 each) will be available to support original and independent research experiences. Applications are due April 19, 2004. Details of program are at: http://www.ag.unr.edu/esa/Announcements.htm. Posted: 4/7/04.

University of New Mexico: The Sevilleta LTER in Central New Mexico will offer two (2) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) opportunities during summer, 2004. In direct association with a faculty mentor, each REU student will develop and conduct independent summer research on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. Students will participate in all aspects of research, from planning projects and collecting field data through computer data management and analysis, report preparation, and oral presentations of results at a student symposium, and possibly at the Ecological Society of America Meetings in Portland, Oregon. During the course of the summer, students will gain training and experience in plant and animal systematics, taxonomy, physiology, and ecological relationships that emphasize trophic structure and ecosystem productivity. Lodging and laboratory space for REU students will be provided at the UNM Sevilleta Field Station. In addition, candidates chosen will receive a stipend for the duration of the 12-week summer program (June-August). Applications will be accepted from students at any stage of their undergraduate program (freshman to senior) and any discipline, so long as the applicant is interested in conservation biology and ecology. Students are not eligible if they have completed an undergraduate degree by Summer 2004. We welcome applications from students at four year colleges, students that are the first member of their family to attend college, non-traditional students, and students from traditionally underrepresented groups. Applications will be accepted until March 22, 2004. Further information, including application forms, please visit the sev.lternet.edu website. You may also contact Jennifer Johnson (jjohnson@sevilleta.unm.edu) or Scott Collins (scollins@sevilleta.unm.edu) with any questions.

University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center: The Stream Ecology Laboratory is seeking applicants for the following research projects: 1)Four field assistants are needed to assist with a U.S. EPA project studying the effects of ultraviolet radiation on benthic food webs in streams of northern Michigan. Duties would include assisting with artificial stream experiments, sampling stream water chemistry, measuring UV radiation in streams, and assisting with sample preservation and analysis. Independent research related to the project will be available and encouraged. Housing and monthly stipend will be provided. Duration: May 15-August 30, 2004. Location: University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, Land O’ Lakes, WI. Contact: Dr. Paul Frost (pfrost@nd.edu). 2)One field assistant is needed to assist with crayfish, fish, and invertebrate sampling (electrofishing and snorkeling), habitat surveys, water chemistry analyses, and data entry for a project evaluating the impacts of invasive rusty crayfish on stream trophic interactions. Duration: May-Aug. 2004; Location: University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, Land O’ Lakes, WI. Contact: Angela Bobeldyk (bobeldyk.1@nd.edu). 3)One lab technician is needed to help study toxic effects of room temperature ionic liquids on simple aquatic communities. Duties will include sampling and upkeep of algal cultures, microscopic cell counting, and maintaining experimental conditions. Duration: May 17- Aug. 13, 2004. Location: South Bend, IN; Contact: Konrad Kulacki (kkulacki@nd.edu). Wages for all positions listed will be a minimum of $7.25/hr and 40 hrs/wk. Start and end dates are somewhat flexible for all positions listed. To apply, please submit the following to the appropriate contact listed above: (1) a cover letter explaining your interest in this work, any relevant work experiences, and available work dates; (2) a copy of your transcript (unofficial copies are acceptable) if possible; (3) your resume; and (4) a list of at least 3 references, including name, title, address, email, and telephone. Inquiries and applications submitted through email are encouraged. General Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Gary Lamberti’s laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-0369; laboratory phone: (574) 631-0580. Posted: 3/9/04.

University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center: Summer Opportunities in Aquatic Ecology & Invasion Biology. The lab of Dr. David Lodge has two field assistant positions to fill for summer 2004 (mid-late May through late August) at a pay scale of $6.35-$7.25 per hour, commensurate with experience. Upper division undergraduates or recent graduates with an educational background in biology, ecology, or environmental sciences are encouraged to apply. Both positions will be based in northern Wisconsin at UNDERC, and will involve working under the direction of current graduate students. Projects include: 1. Landscape Spread and Impact of Invasive Species: (A) Investigating how different invasive species (rusty crayfish, Eurasian watermilfoil etc.) spread through lake systems (B) Analyzing the effectiveness of public education (C) Investigating ecological effectiveness and economic costs of invader control. Duties include conducting field experiments, sampling lakes, and processing lake samples in the laboratory (identification and enumeration of invertebrates and plants). SCUBA certification, or willingness to obtain certification, will be a plus. 2. Lake Restoration After Invasion: Upper Peninsula of Michigan for projects evaluating ecosystem level effects of the nonnative rusty crayfish and exploring measures of crayfish control and lake restoration. Duties include conducting field experiments, sampling lakes, and processing lake samples in the laboratory (identification and enumeration of invertebrates and plants). SCUBA certification, or willingness to obtain certification, will be a plus. For more information about projects, please contact Reuben Keller (rkeller2@nd.edu), Jody Murray (jmurray7@nd.edu) or Angela Bobeldyk (abobeldy@nd.edu). Housing will be provided at UNDERC. To apply, indicate position(s) of interest and send copies of your resume, transcripts, and a list of three references with telephone numbers to: Joanna McNulty (mcnulty.9@nd.edu), P.O. Box 369, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. 574-631-2849. Decisions will begin March 20, 2004. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Posted: 3/1/04.

University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center: The UNDERC and the Department of Biological Sciences are now accepting applications for the summer 2004 course, Practicum in Field Environmental Biology (BIOS 569). This six-credit course is open to five sophomores/juniors from colleges/universities other than the University of Notre Dame. Acceptance in the program includes tuition, housing, round trip transportation between Notre Dame and UNDERC, and a $2500 stipend. The purpose of the course is to promote an understanding of field-oriented environmental biology and how field research is conducted. The program is a unique 9-½ week summer field environmental biology program at UNDERC, which is located in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. UNDERC encompasses more than 7500 acres with abundant wildlife (including wolves, black bear, deer, and fisher) and includes thirty lakes, several streams, wetlands, and northern forests that are unspoiled. The program includes five modules on field biology topics (bird/mammal ecology, amphibian/reptile ecology, insect ecology, aquatic ecology and forest ecology) with each module lasting five to seven full days. Furthermore, each student is expected, in the remaining time, to design and complete an independent field research project under the direction and assistance of a faculty member or graduate student. Therefore, a portion of the course involves training in experimental design, data collection, data analysis and presentation of research results (a sixth module). The culmination of each student’s research is completion of a written research report and seminar presentation at the end of the course. Applications and further information can be obtained from Assistant Director Dr. Karen Francl (biology.underc.1@nd.edu) as well as our website. Completed applications for the summer of 2004 must be received by Friday, November 7, 2003 and notification of acceptance into the program will be provided by Monday, December 1, 2003. Acceptance to the program is competitive, based on previous academic performance, and requires a one-page, single-spaced essay on your professional goals and research interests which will be used to match the student with a research advisor with the most similar interests. Preference will be given to students intending to pursue graduate work in environmental biology. The course will take place from May 17 to July 23, 2004. Posted: 10/30/03.

University of Pittsburgh: I am seeking a motivated undergraduate or recent graduate interested in forest ecology and looking for field experience. The project is a large-scale investigation on the role of white-tailed deer browsing, understory fire, tree-fall gap dynamics, and seed predation on the abundance and distribution of canopy tree species in eastern temperate forests. The intern will be working alongside an experienced field crew, so no prior field experience is necessary. Duties will primarily involve censusing of the seedling, sapling and canopy layer vegetation. The research is conducted at the MeadWestVaco Ecological and Wildlife Research Forest, located in the Appalachians near Elkins, West Virginia. Housing and a modest stipend will be provided and the internship runs from late June - late August (exact dates flexible). If interested, please email Henry Schumacher (hbs2@pitt.edu). Posted: 6/29/04.

University of Pittsburgh: Interns wanted for invasive species research, Summer, 2004. We seek highly motivated undergrads or recent graduates interested in ecological field experience to fill four research assistant positions. Our NSF-funded research project is designed to test the applicability of resource competition theory to invasive species and biological control. The model system includes purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), an invader of fertile marshes throughout the US and Canada, broad-leaved cattail (Typha latifolia), a native often displaced by loosestrife, and Galerucella calmariensis, a leaf feeding beetle currently being released in an effort to control purple loosestrife. The experimental design includes mesocosm and field experiments. Many opportunities exist for independent research projects. The research is conducted in and around the Pymatuning Lab of Ecology in northwestern Pennsylvania. Primary responsibilities include: censusing loosestrife, cattail and other marsh vegetation; rearing and releasing biocontrol beetles; collecting light measurements and soil samples; and collecting herbivore damage estimates. Some lab and computer work is required. Early mornings and long days occasionally required. Qualifications - Successful candidates will be hard-working, conscientious, have great attention to detail, and be able to tolerate rugged conditions. Field experience, background in ecology preferred, but not necessary. Pay - $7/hr, 40hrs/week. While we prefer candidates that are available early May through early August, but duration is negotiable. Housing available at Pymatuning. Apply Now - Positions will be filled as qualified applications are received. To Apply - Send a brief letter of interest, a CV or resume, and names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of three references to: Daniel E. Bunker (dbunker@pitt.edu). Posted: 3/16/04.

University of Puerto Rico: Undergraduate Internship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution – Summer 2004. The Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies is accepting applications for the Summer 2004 internship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution at El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico. The internship will run from June 1st to August 6th, 2004. Deadline: 30 March 2004. The program will offer students the opportunity to have hands-on experience fields such as: - Plant Systematics and Population Biology. - Plant Community Dynamics and Forest Ecology. - Plant eco-physiology. - Terrestrial Arthropod Ecology. - Plant Reproductive Ecology and Evolution. - Aquatic Insect Ecology. - Hydrology and fluvial geomorphology. - Land-use History and Species Diversity. - Soil Ecology. Students will receive a stipend of $3,000.00 for the ten weeks duration of the program. Round-trip plane ticket from home institution to PR will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $800. The program will cover housing at the University of Puerto Rico and El Verde Field Station. The NSF and the UPR, Rio Piedras campus, fund the program. The program is limited to undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor degree at a college or university during summer 2003 and to US citizen or permanent resident. Application materials and further information here or contact Alonso Ramirez (aramirez@sunites.upr.clu.edu) Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 23341, San Juan, PR 00931. Ph: (787) 764-0000, ext 7781, Fax: (787) 772-1482. Posted: 12/8/03.

University of Toledo: The Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Sciences (LEES) Laboratory at the has several summer job openings starting in May of 2004. We are seeking one qualified candidate to process root and soils data for a carbon flux study (Soil Ecology Laboratory Assistant). This individual will be responsible for organizing and storing all samples properly, washing soil samples with a root washer, separating roots by size class, and keeping reliable records of all data in spreadsheet format. The position is based in Toledo, OH. In addition, LEES is seeking 3-5 qualified candidates to work collecting field data this summer (Field Asssistants). These positions may involve a lot of strenuous hiking and long hours outdoors, sometimes in inclement weather. Duties may include: weather station maintenance, soil respiration and/or photosynthesis monitoring, collecting soil or root samples, data entry, and processing samples. Positions will be based in the Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and California and may involve traveling from one site to another. Training will be provided. However, candidates should be working toward a BS or BA in ecology, natural resources, forestry, or related field and have an interest in soil ecology and/or climate change studies. An ability to work efficiently with little supervision, good communication skills, and experience with Microsoft Excel are required. Position dates are flexible and positions will begin in mid- May or June and end between late August and October. Salary is between $6.50-8.50 and hour, depending on experience. To apply please send a cover letter and resume to: Amy Concilio, Department of EEES, Mailstop 604, The University of Toledo, 2801 W Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. Amy.Concilio@utoledo.edu. Posted: 4/6/04.

University of Washington: One NSF-funded REU position is available from mid-June through the end of August 2004 to participate in field studies of forest/meadow dynamics [project description] in the western Cascade Range of Oregon. Stipend and Benefits: $3,800 for ten weeks. Lodging is provided at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. For the full job ad, contact: Charlie Halpern (chalpern@u.washington.edu). Application Deadline: 15 March 2004. Posted: 1/28/04.

University of Wisconsin, Madison: The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab seeks applicants for internships in forest ecology. The focus of the internships is applied field research as part of the Flambeau Experiment, a long-term, multi-faceted ecological research project in northern hardwood forests. Professors David Mladenoff and Tom Gower are co-PIs on the project. The project is located on the scenic Flambeau River State Forest, near the town of Phillips in northern Wisconsin. Successful candidates will participate in varied field research on the effects of experimental manipulation of large woody debris and canopy openings. The overall purpose is a mechanistic examination of the development of old-growth forest processes, including carbon and nitrogen cycling. Available field tasks include plant community sampling (species identification and cover estimates by strata), microclimate monitoring (including sensor arrays and data loggers), forest surveying/mapping, forest-structure measurements, and sampling of woody debris and soil. Other activities may include logistical planning, lab sample preparation and analysis using sensitive equipment, data entry, large database management, and statistical analysis. Specific field activities will be shaped to the intern’s individual experience and interest. Background in ecology, biology, biogeochemistry, soil science, forestry, computer science, statistics, or a related discipline is required. Experience with identification of Northwoods flora, microclimate monitoring, and/or forest mensuration is desirable, but not required. The successful candidate is expected to be a conscientious self-starter with a strong interest in forest ecology, and capable of independent work and timely project completion. Applicants should be capable of vigorous physical activity (e.g., working long hours outdoors in hot, rainy, and buggy weather; able to hike with a 40-pound pack all day across uneven terrain), and prepared to live in rural north-central Wisconsin. Though a longer term may be desirable in order to gain more diverse experiences, a commitment of at least 1 month is required during the 2004 field season (April-October). We will start with a spring ephemeral plant survey around April 19. In addition to a monthly stipend of $400, housing in northern Wisconsin, adjacent to the Flambeau River State Forest, will be provided. Applications will receive priority consideration in order of receipt, with consideration continuing until suitable candidates are identified. Please send a cover letter, resume, and list of three references to: Dr. Tom Hayes (tdhayes@wisc.edu). Posted: 2/27/04.

University of Wyoming: I am looking for a summer research technician to help with a project examining stream-lake interactions. The project is focused on elucidating the role of aquatic invertebrates in nitrogen cycling along a stream-lake-stream sequence and is part of a larger study investigating stream-lake interactions conducted by aquatic ecologists from Utah State and the University of Wyoming. The field site is located in the Sawtooth Mountains of central Idaho. Field work (80%) will consist of collecting benthic invertebrates, sampling biofilm, detritus, and suspended particles for 15N, and measuring nutrient concentrations in stream water. Lab work (20%) will involve fluorometric determination of chlorophyll and ammonium concentrations in samples. Applicants should be in good physical condition as field work will involve carrying sampling gear (~ 30 lbs.) and hiking off-trail (~ 4 km/day). Applicant should be willing to occasionally work long hours in the field and be tolerant of wet and buggy conditions. Shared housing (with other researchers) will be provided at no cost in the nearby town of Stanley, ID. Pay ranges between $7.50/hr. -$9.25/hr. (for approximately 40 hr/week) depending on education & experience. Starting and ending dates are approximately June 1st to August 15th. This position is ideal for undergraduates or recent college graduates looking to gain research experience in aquatic ecology. If interested, please send a letter of interest and resume by May 24th to bkoch@uwyo.edu or for further information contact me at (307) 766-4156 or bkoch@uwyo.edu. Posted: 5/19/04.

Utah State University: Summer 2004 Natural Resources Internships in: Range Ecology, Wildlife, Recreation, Interpretation, Botany/Exotic Plants, GIS, Hydrology, Fire Planning, Natural Resource Policy. Positions with the BLM and the National Park Service in Utah, Arizona, Montana, Idaho, and Nevada. Earn 6 college credits and a minimum $4800 stipend. For more information: visit www.tehabi.org or contact Ben Baldwin (435-797-2582, ben.Baldwin@usu.edu). Application deadline: February 9, 2004. Posted: 1/30/04.

Weber State University: National Science Foundation REU Site Program on the Biology of the Greater Salt Lake Ecosystem. This program will provide support for ten students to conduct full-time (ten weeks) research collaboratively with a faculty member from within the College of Science at Weber State University in Ogden, UT, May 24 to August 2, 2004. REU students will receive a $3250 stipend, free housing, and $700 for research expenses. Students participating in this program will pursue independent research on the biology of the Greater Salt Lake Ecosystem (GSLE) under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Research will be conducted at different levels of organization, from the molecular level to the ecosystem level. The Great Salt Lake, located in northern Utah, is the largest lake west of the Mississippi River. Despite its extreme salinity (three to five times higher than the ocean), the GSLE supports a diverse biota in a unique mosaic of upland, wetland, mudflat, river delta, brackish and freshwater marshes, ephemeral ponds and other habitat types. Our focus on the biology of the GSLE will foster a sense of community among student researchers who will be engaged in answering questions and testing hypotheses centered on a common theme. In addition, students will gain a working knowledge of, and an appreciation for a unique and important area. In addition to research, the REU student will participate in: Orientation, Seminar on the Biology of the Greater Salt Lake Ecosystem, Research Tools Workshop, course on Research Ethics, field trips, social events, and an end-of-program symposium. Women and underrepresented minorities, nontraditional students, and students from institutions where research opportunities are limited are strongly encouraged to apply. Visit our NSF-REU website for more information on mentors and to apply. Contact either Dr. John F. Cavitt, at 801-626-6172, jcavitt@weber.edu or Dr Ron Meyers at 801-626-6170, rmeyers@weber.edu for more information. Posted: 2/19/04.

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