Undergraduate Opportunities

Last update: 6/12/2002



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USDA Forest Service Summer field technicians, botany surveys in the Sierra Nevadas 6/28/02 6/12/02
Oregon State University Field Assistant, lichen surveys 5/31/02 4/26/02
University of Alaska Fairbanks Forestry Technicians 5/20/02
University of Missouri-Columbia Grassland Bird Field Technicians 5/17/02
U.S. Geological Survey Summer positions (many) 5/3/02
University of Kentucky Field Assistants, forest arthropods 5/2/02
Michigan State University REU, alpine lake ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada 4/30/02 3/19/02
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Field Research Assistants, bird and vegetation surveys 4/25/02
University of Nevada Reno Nutrient Cycling in Alaskan Headwater Streams 4/22/02
University of Notre Dame summer field assistant, American Pika 4/22/02
Konza Prairie Biological Station REU, plant ecology 4/16/02
University of Alaska Fairbanks Summer Research Aide, Toolik Field Station 4/15/02 4/1/02
University of Notre Dame REU, ecosystem ecology 4/12/02
University of Hawai'i at Hilo REU, tropical ecology 4/8/02 3/22/02
USDA-ARS (Sidney, Montana) Summer Grassland Ecology Technician 4/5/02
Illinois Natural History Survey Summer field assistants, vegetation monitoring 4/5/02 3/21/02
Oregon State University Summer Research in biogeochemistry, tree physiology, bryophyte ecology, or ecosystem carbon flux 4/4/02 2/5/02
USDA Forest Service Summer field positions, aquatic lichens in the Pacific Northwest 4/3/02
Institute of Ecosystem Studies Summer Project Assistants, songbird ecology 4/1/02 3/14/02
University of Notre Dame Summer Opportunities in Aquatic Ecology & Invasion Biology 4/1/02 3/6/02
Illinois Natural History Survey Field assistants, prairie restoration and birds 3/29/02 2/22/02
Colorado State University REU, Water Research (15 positions) 3/29/02 2/19/02
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Summer internships, Red Crab or American Lobster ecology 3/29/02 2/5/02
Dauphin Island Sea Lab Marine Ecology Internships 3/28/02 1/21/02
Duke University Summer field assistants, Sequoia National Park 3/25/02 3/13/02
Duke University Summer Research Assistant, elevated CO2 and roots 3/20/02
University of Arizona Field assistants, small animals 3/20/02
Natural Resources Research Institute Summer Field Assistants, wetland birds and amphibians 3/19/02
University of Notre Dame Summer Field Assistants, Aquatic Biogeochemistry 3/19/02
Chicago Botanic Garden Summer Field Research, ecology and evolution of plant-pollinator interactions 3/19/02 2/22/02
University of Minnesota Research Interns, Cedar Creek Natural History Area 3/19/02 1/18/02
Oklahoma State University REU, GIS and Soil/Water Resources 3/15/02 2/27/02
Organization for Tropical Studies REU, Tropical Biology in Costa Rica 3/15/02 2/6/02
Clarkson University Summer Research, Environmental Sciences and Engineering 3/15/02 1/28/02
University of Missouri-Columbia Summer field botanists 3/9/02 2/5/02
University of Notre Dame Summer field assistant, grasshoppers 3/8/02
Missouri Department of Conservation Summer Research Technicians, birds or herps 3/8/02 2/11/02
University of Nevada Reno Summer field assistant, lizards and vegetation 3/1/02
University of Pittsburgh Summer field assistants, Forest Ecology 3/1/02
Baylor University Summer undergraduate research, organismal biology 3/1/02 2/20/02
Fordham University Summer Undergraduate Research, field ecology 3/1/02 2/6/02
Darling Marine Center Interns, Ecology of lobsters and sea urchins 3/1/02 2/6/02
Miami University (Ohio) Research in ecology and environmental science 3/1/02 1/30/02
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Field Assistants/Interns, breeding bird/mammalian predator research 3/1/02 1/24/02
University of Virginia Undergraduate Research, Mountain Lake Biological Station 3/1/02 1/11/02
Department of the Army Forestry Technician, Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia 3/1/02 1/11/02
Archbold Biological Station Research internships in ecology 2/20/02
Marine Biological Laboratory Summer field assistants, Toolik Lake, Alaska 2/20/02
University of Wisconsin Undergraduate research/field technician, plant water and carbon relations 2/19/02
Marine Biological Laboratory REUs: field research at Toolik Lake, Alaska 2/15/02
University of Alaska Southeast REU: physiology, ecology, and behavior of marine organisms 2/15/02 2/4/02
USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station Summer positions, forest ecology 2/14/02
University of Georgia Field Assistants, avian response to native grass establishment 2/12/02
University of Pittsburgh Summer Research assistants, invasive species 2/8/02
Konza Prairie Biological Station Summer research, ecology 2/8/02 12/14/01
University of Missouri-Columbia Summer Field Assistants, forest ecology 2/5/02
West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Nest Searchers and Interns 2/4/02
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Effects of an invasive insect on native plants 2/1/02 1/8/02
Archbold Biological Station Ecology of Plant-Insect Interactions 1/29/02
Institute for Bird Populations Field Biologist Interns (49 positions) 1/8/02
Idaho State University Physiological ecology of conifers at alpine treeline 1/2/02
Louisiana State University Everglades pine tree demographics 12/6/01
Archbold Biological Station Research Internships in Plant Ecology 9/20/01

Older listings: 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

Archbold Biological Station: Research internships in ecology are available at the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center (MAERC), a division of Archbold Biological Station, in south central Florida. MAERC is located at a 4,000-ha full-scale commercial cattle ranch that encompasses varied pastures and prairies, a citrus grove, woodland hammocks, and abundant wetlands. The Center is the site of large collaborative research projects with the University of Florida and South Florida Water Management District. Current research projects focus on nutrient cycling in seasonal wetlands, the effects of beef cattle ranching on water quality and the influence of grazing on belowground processes in subtropical rangelands. Research interns spend half time assisting with projects of the staff Research Biologist and half time conducting their own independent research project, and have the opportunity to interact with staff at Archbold Biological Station, a vibrant and dynamic center for ecological research and education. The internship is available for undergraduates and recent college grads or graduate students. The length of appointment will be for 3-6 months. Internships are available on a continuous basis and the next position will be available in mid-April and will remain open until filled with a suitable candidate. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Patrick Bohlen at (863 699-0242 x22, pbohlen@archbold-station.org) or apply by sending (1) a letter of application, including period of availability, (2) a resume or curriculum vitae, included G.P.A. and relevant course work, and (3) contact information for at least two references, to Dr. Patrick Bohlen, MacArthur Agro-Ecology Research Center, 300 Buck Island Ranch Rd., Lake Placid, FL 33853. E-mail applications are welcome. More information about MAERC is available at: http://www.maerc.org. Posted: 2/20/02.

Archbold Biological Station: Research experience, Ecology of Plant-Insect Interactions. We plan to hire one or two persons to work as part of a research group studying aspects of interactions and coevolution between yuccas and yucca moths. Major aspects include insect behavior, pollination biology, and plant ecology. The positions are roughly equivalent to standard REU positions, last for as much as ten weeks, and are suitable either for undergraduates or somewhat more senior students. The project starts on April 1, and will last through mid June. Start date would need to be as close as possible to April 1, and no later than mid April. You will receive free housing and a stipend similar to that provided on REU grants. The project is performed at and near Archbold Biological Station in central Florida, a great biological station located on one of the largest remaining tracts of native Florida scrub. Members of the project will be able to use station resources, and have access to weekly seminar series etc. If interested, please send a note with a brief resume and names of two possible references to: olle.pellmyr@vanderbilt.edu. Web: http://www.biology.vanderbilt.edu/BioWWW/bio-nop.html. Posted: 1/29/02.

Archbold Biological Station: Research Internships in Plant Ecology, 2001, 2002: Ideal for students with undergraduate degrees contemplating graduate school. Includes independent research project. Provides stipend, room, and board. Openings are available starting in fall 2001, January 2002, and beyond for research internships at Archbold Biological Station in south-central Florida. Research in the plant ecology laboratory of Eric Menges emphasizes conservation biology, plant demography, population viability assessment, fire ecology, landscape ecology, and fire management. We study many species of endemic vascular plants in endangered Florida scrub and related communities. Active fire management provides outstanding opportunities for short-term comparative studies in fire ecology. Our long-term (12-year) datasets on dozens of scrub plants gives context to short-term, focused, field projects. Interns receive room, board, and a weekly stipend of $100. They work 20 hours per week as research assistants and the remainder on an independent research project. Internships generally run for 4-6 months but are flexible in their starting dates and durations. Internships offer an opportunity for experience in every aspect of scientific research, from project choice and experimental design to oral and written presentations. Archbold Biological Station is active in research, conservation, and education. Our facilities include a 2000 ha preserve, an outstanding regional library and a GIS lab running ARCINFO. We have a staff of about 50 with many visiting scientists, an active seminar program, and a relaxed biological station atmosphere. For more detail see http://www.archbold-station.org. To apply for an internship in the plant ecology lab, email or mail: a letter stating research interests, a resume or cv, a summary of grades, and have two letters of recommendation emailed or mailed to: Dr. Eric S. Menges, Archbold Biological Station, P.O. Box 2057, Lake Placid, Florida 33862 USA. Phone: 863-465-2571, FAX: 863-699-1927, Email: emenges@archbold-station.org. Posted: 9/20/01.

Baylor University: The Department of Biology announces it's 2002 summer undergraduate research program, "A Feeling for the Organism" (http://www.baylor.edu/reunsf). Approximately 10 summer undergraduate research fellowships, funded by the National Science Foundation and Baylor, will be awarded for Summer 2002. Academically talented undergraduate students majoring in biology or related fields, and interested in exploring a career in research, are invited to apply. Priority will be given to sophomores and juniors with at least a 3.0 GPA. Applicants for the NSF-funded positions must be US citizens or permanent residents. No previous research experience is required. In addition to conducting a research project focusing on whole organism biology under the supervision of a faculty mentor, students are expected to participate as professionals in program seminars, lectures, discussions, and hands-on workshops, as well as local and regional field trips. Each participant will receive a $3000 stipend for the 10-week program that will begin on about June 1. Apartment housing will be provided and travel will be reimbursed up to $500. Interested students should submit an application (available at the web site), college transcripts, and 2 letters of recommendation from professors familiar with their academic performance and career goals. All materials should be postmarked by March 1, 2002. Awards will be announced in late March 2002. For more information about the NSF-REU Program in Organismal Biology at Baylor University contact the Program Co-Director: Dr. Ann E. Rushing (Ann_Rushing@baylor.edu), departmental phone (254) 710-2911. Posted: 2/20/02.

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences: Interested undergraduates and recent graduates are invited to apply for summer internships in subtidal benthic ecology research. Internships are available from mid-April through October, 2002. We especially encourage students interested in pursuing a career in marine science, ecology, or fisheries. Position 1: Research during the summer of 2002 begins a three-year NOAA supported study on the ecology and population dynamics of the little studied deep-sea red crab (Chaceon quinquedens) inhabiting deep waters at the fringe of the continental shelf. A fishery for red crab is conducted by a small New England fleet, but the impact of harvesting is not clear. Trap, trawl and camera-mounted benthic sled surveys will provide data on the distribution and abundance of red crab along the continental margin. In addition, we will be tagging crabs to provide better information of growth and movements. The research will be conducted during 10-day cruises on 90-foot commercial fishing vessels. Interns will be responsible for: (1) assisting with benthic surveys, and (2) sea sampling and tagging crabs on commercial vessels, and (3) analyzing images from surveys. Position 2: Research during the summer of 2002 continues more than a decade of research on early life history and recruitment processes of the American lobster in New England. This year with support from Maine Sea Grant, research will focus primarily on the development of multiple mark-recapture methods to assess patterns of abundance and dynamics of lobster populations. The research will be conducted in the Mid-coast region of Maine. Interns will divide their time among the following: (1) Tagging lobsters caught in research traps, (2) Diving on the study sites to ground truth trap-based data, and (3) Sea sampling on commercial lobster vessels fishing in the study area. In addition, interns will conduct several different diving related surveys using visual, video, and suction sampling techniques. Applicants must be SCUBA certified and provide their own equipment, except tanks. Divers can expect water temperatures ranging from 9-18°C, and sometimes low visibility. Prior experience with outboard motor boats, computer spreadsheets and statistical software is preferred. This is an intensive field-based research program with long hours and physically demanding work. Therefore, a reasonable level of physical fitness is expected. Work will be staged from both Bigelow Laboratory http://www.bigelow.org/ in West Boothbay Harbor and the University of Maine's Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Interns are housed at the Darling Marine Center http://server.dmc.maine.edu/ where dormitory, kitchen, vessel, and diving facilities are available. Interns are provided a living stipend and dormitory housing. The opportunity to earn 3 upper level undergraduate credits for the internship is available. For complete application details, go to http://www.bigelow.org/employment.html Questions should be directed to: Michael Dunnington, Wahle Lab Internship, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04575. email: mdunnington@bigelow.org, tel: 207 633 9612, fax: 207 633 9641. The deadline for applications is March 29, 2002. Revised: 2/5/02.

Chicago Botanic Garden: Summer Field Research. Are you interested in gaining field research experience and learning about the ecology and evolution of plant-pollinator interactions? I am looking for a field assistant for an NSF-funded research project on habitat fragmentation of the tallgrass prairie. We are investigating how limited pollinator services and small plant population sizes influence reproduction, genetic diversity, and inbreeding in the purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia). This summer we will conduct experiments to determine mating incompatibility among plants in a common garden and in 30 remnant Echinacea populations in Douglas County, Minnesota. No experience is necessary, but you must be enthusiastic and hard-working. You will hand-pollinate plants, survey plant populations, measure floral traits, observe insects, and assist in all aspects of research. Housing is included and there is a stipend. There are opportunities for doing an independent project. If you want more information or wish to apply, please look here http://www.cbs.umn.edu/~wagenius/echinacea/jobs/jobs2002.htm or contact Stuart Wagenius. Applications due 22 March 2002. Posted: 02/22/02.

Clarkson University: Summer Research Opportunities in Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Spend a summer in the Adirondacks doing some interdisciplinary research on the environment! Our REU program features a weekly seminar on sustainability issues while offering laboratory experience with ecologists, environmental engineers, microbiologists, and biochemists. Participants have a unique opportunity to incorporate both applied and basic science approaches to environmental problems. The program includes seminars on analysis and presentation of scientific data. In addition to the seminars and research experience, outings to local natural areas, field trips, and visits to Ottawa or Montreal provide opportunities for recreation and fellowship. Theme: Sustainable management through environmental engineering and engineering and science. Who: Environmental engineering or science students who start their junior or senior year in Fall 2002. When: Ten weeks, May 28 - August 2, 2002 Where: Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. WHAT: Conduct environmental research with faculty and graduate student mentors. Research projects are available in the following areas: · aquatic and atmospheric chemistry,· biodiversity and ecological sustainability, · water and hazardous waste treatment technologies, · environmental stresses on biological systems, · lifecycle assessment and sustainable energy, · bioremediation and fate of subsurface contamination. Apply by March 15, 2002. For full details, see: http://www.clarkson.edu/reu/. Posted: 1/28/02.

Colorado State University: The Water Center is seeking applications for its 2002 NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in Water Research. Fifteen selected undergraduate students will undertake an individual research project in water research under the supervision of a faculty member. The research will be performed at CSU during 8 weeks in the summer (June and July). In addition to their research experience, students will participate in weekly workshops, seminars and discussions on topics in water research, and field excursions to introduce them to important water issues. Students will present the results of their research work (in the form of papers or posters) at an end of program symposium. Students will be encouraged to present their work also at the Student Water Symposium during Fall Semester 2002, and to participate in the 2002 edition of the AGU Hydrology Days at CSU. REU students will receive a stipend of $2,400 for participation in the program. Students will be provided with housing during the 8-week summer program. Eligibility Requirements: At least a junior standing in an appropriate major at the time of application with good academic standing. Students must have at least one semester left prior to graduation as of June 1, 2002. Application Procedure: Only on-line applications will be accepted. To apply, visit http://WaterREU.colostate.edu/ and follow the directions provided. Deadline: March 29, 2002. Posted: 2/19/02.

Darling Marine Center: We are seeking to hire at least 5 interns to assist in subtidal research projects examining the ecology of lobsters and sea urchins in the Gulf of Maine. Our primary research focus is to determine larval delivery mechanisms, timing of settlement, and early post-settlement survival and utilize these as predictors of both lobster and sea urchin demographics. Thus research is conducted both on-ship and underwater. In addition, broad-scale benthic community structure is monitored coast-wide, including Marine Protected Areas, for changes in sea urchin and seaweed distribution and abundance patterns that relate directly to sea urchin harvesting. All research has fisheries management implications. All interns must be certified SCUBA divers with their own gear. Interns live and work at the University of Maine’s marine laboratory, the Darling Marine Center http://server.dmc.maine.edu, which is a field-station located along the Damariscotta River estuary in mid-coast Maine. Interns will be divided loosely into two groups (an urchin and lobster team) with some overlap possible. One urchin intern will be needed in April to study sea urchin larval ecology. Two more interns will be needed in May for the benthic urchin studies, and most urchin interns will probably stay into September. The lobster interns will be hired in June and stay through October 31. A lobster larvae intern is needed June through August. We will have a rolling application process, but we suggest applications be in by March 1st. Applications are welcome immediately. Hiring should be determined in March 2002. For further information and an application, go to the Darling Center Internship page http://server.dmc.maine.edu/html/steneckintern.html or e-mail: Steneck_Lab_Internships@umit.maine.edu. If you cannot email, send a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope to 2001 Steneck Summer Intern Program, C/O John Vavrinec, Darling Marine Center, 193 Clarks Cove Rd, Walpole, ME 04573. Posted: 2/6/02.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab: Marine Ecology Internships. We are seeking applicants to help conduct research on several projects currently being conducted in various benthic communities. These projects focus on the effects of nutrient enrichment and herbivory, habitat fragmentation, blue crab cannibalism and oyster growth. Research will be based at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in the Mobile Bay area of the Northern Gulf Coast. The interns will work closely with Professor Ken Heck, Research Associate Tricia Spitzer, Post Doctoral Fellow Per Moksnes and graduate students. We are looking for interns for both summer and fall seasons. The duration of the internship is about 3 months. Summer interns will start on May 6, 2002 and continue through August 2, 2002. The fall interns will start on August 5, 2002 and continue through November 8, 2002. You may apply for both seasons if you wish. This internship will be field intensive at times. Field research will include monthly faunal sampling, measurements of primary production, water column sampling and maintenance of field enclosures. Applicants should have their own snorkel gear (both seasons) and wet suit (fall season only). Interns will be involved in maintenance of experiments and sample processing. In addition, interns will receive training in sample identification and analytical instrumentation. There will be seminars from visiting scientists and discussion groups on current topics in marine science. We are seeking people who are enthusiastic about marine ecology, and may be considering marine science as an occupation. This job requires long days of physically demanding field work, and long hours sorting samples in the lab. Experience (although not necessary), as well as enthusiasm about marine research, are important aspects of a rewarding internship. This is a great opportunity for hands-on training in the field. A weekly stipend of $100 and a room and board allowance ($150/week) will be provided. Eligibility – Undergraduate juniors and seniors enrolled in marine programs, or with marine experience are preferred. This internship is available only to U.S. and Canadian citizens. To request an application form email Tricia Spitzer at tspitzer@disl.org or send a self addressed envelope to: Ms. Tricia Spitzer, 2001 Summer (or Fall) Intern Program, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101 Bienville Blvd., Dauphin Island, AL 36528. For those of you who prefer to receive the application via email, the Application form will be in a Word97 format or PDF (Adobe Acrobat) Format. If you cannot read Word97or PDF formats, please email us with your fax number and we will fax the application to you. Application Deadline: March 28. More info at http://www.disl.org. Posted: 1/21/02.

Department of the Army: Forestry Technician. Number of openings: 2-6. Location: Fort A.P. Hill, Va. Duration: June - August 2002. Salary: $8-12/hour. Description: This is a full-time, seasonal position with the Land Condition Trend Analysis program on Fort A.P. Hill. Candidates will conduct forest health monitoring and vegetation inventory of installation forests. Candidates will be trained in USFS Forest Health Monitoring and basic stand inventory procedures. Candidates are expected to be capable of working as part of a two-person team and under adverse field conditions (temperature, humidity, insects etc.) with limited supervision. Qualifications: (any or all of the following) · Experience in conducting a forest inventory and/or forest health monitoring · Knowledge of the dendrology and taxonomy of southeastern flora (woody and herbaceous species). · Proficiency using dichotomous keys to identify plant species. · Enrollment in, or recent graduate (within 3 years) from, a 2-year or 4-year degree granting institution. · Ease with working in the out-of-doors. · Ability to work and learn on the job. · Drivers License (any state). Preference will be given to those candidates with a demonstrated level of experience and/or an academic interest in forestry or the natural resources. This position does not include housing or benefits for selected candidates. However, assistance will be offered in finding local housing. Contact: Jason R Applegate, LCTA Coordinator, (p) 804-633-8465, (fax) 804-633-8443, Jason_R_Applegate@belvoir.army.mil. Mailing Address: Department of the Army, Building 1220, Attn: Jason R Applegate, 19952 North Range Road, Fort AP Hill, Va. 22427. Send resume, official transcripts, and 2 letters of recommendation to above. Closing Date: March 01, 2002. MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN TO APPLY. Posted: 1/11/02.

Duke University: Summer Research Assistant needed, May to August 2002 (start and end dates flexible), in the lab of Bill Schlesinger. A full-time summer technician is needed to assist in a study of the effects of elevated CO2 on root and rooting zone chemistry in conjunction with the Duke Forest Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (F.A.C.E.) experiment. The technician's primary responsibility will be to help maintain field and laboratory experiments and to assist with soil and plant sample collection and processing. Successful applicants must be able to work independently and reliably. Course work and/or experience in biology, botany, ecology, environmental science, or related curriculum is required. Prior field or laboratory experience is strongly preferred, but willingness and ability to learn is required. Familiarity with standard soil methods and/or with plant harvesting would be a bonus. To apply or to request additional information please contact: Emily Bernhardt, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Science, Box 90328, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0328. ebernhar@duke.edu. If applying, send your resume, a cover letter describing your interest in the job, and the names and contact information for 3 references (electronic submission of this information is encouraged). Posted: 3/20/02.

Duke University: We are hiring summer field assistants for two research projects in Sequoia National Park: 1) A study of the effects of spatial variability of fire effects on understory vegetation (2 assistants) For more info, see http://www.nifc.gov/joint_fire_sci/2001_1proj.htm (look at project number 01-1-3-40); 2) A landscape-scale study of the environmental factors determining tree distributions (2-3 assistants), associated with the Sierra Nevada Global Change Research Program in Sequoia-Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks. Job Description: Work will include mapping trees with surveying equipment; identifying trees, shrubs, and herbs; measuring light, soil, and other environmental factors; data entry. Long days in rugged field conditions are standard. Some overnight backcountry travel may be required. Qualifications: A background in biology, ecology, environmental science, or related field (advanced undergraduate or graduate study); the ability to stay motivated and enthusiastic during long days in the field; demonstrated ability to work both as part of a team and independently; a conscientious eye for detail; and an interest in pursuing a career or graduate work in ecology, environmental studies, or conservation. Previous experience conducting ecological research or fieldwork helpful. Knowledge of Sierra Nevada plant species or strong plant identification skills required for at least one position. Details: 1. $9.50/hr (approx. 40 hours/week, probably long weeks followed by long weekends); 2. From 29 May through 23 August 2002 (somewhat flexible); 3. Housing will be arranged in Three Rivers, CA (just outside park boundaries). To apply send the following via e-mail to Monique Rocca at mer3@duke.edu by March 25, 2002: (1) cover letter that includes (a) how this position would help you achieve your career goals, (b) dates you are available; (2) your resume(max 2 pages), including relevant courses, species identification skills, and other work experience; (3) the names, addresses, phone numbers and email for 3 references (ideally a mix of professors and employers) (4) include your full address, phone number and email address. Posted: 3/13/02.

Fordham University: The Louis Calder Center - Biological Field Station of Fordham University announces paid research opportunities for undergraduate students in our Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) program. The 2002 summer program will run from May 27th through August 16, 2002. We offer students hands-on experience and training in a wide variety of field studies, including: Behavioral ecology of free-ranging eastern chipmunks, Benthic algae in southern New York and Catskill mountain streams, Carbon pools, Community and ecosystem responses to invasive exotic insects, Dendrochronology of wildfire sites in the NJ Pine Barrens, Ecology of symbiotic fungi in hemlock and oak forests, Ecology of the West Nile virus, Field studies on the use of torpor by ground squirrels at high altitudes, Microhabitat conditions and spatial distribution of the deer tick, Ruffed Grouse population ecology in the central southern Appalachians, Vertebrate-habitat relationships. Successful CSUR candidates will be matched with staff scientists with similar research interests. This year we will offer up to eight (8) awards to qualified undergraduates interested in conducting independent research for 12 weeks during the summer of 2002. Stipends of $3,600 will be awarded to successful applicants. There is housing on site (subsidized rent) and limited funds to support research and local travel. For details on the program, application form, and a list of research areas available this summer for students see: www.fordham.edu/calder_center/calder-center/CSUR-Program.html. You may also request information from the CSUR office by email, mail or fax: CSUR office: 914-273-3078, ext. 10; email: pburgos@fordham.edu; fax: 914-273-2167, or c/o the Director: wehr@fordham.edu. Application deadline has been expended to March 1st, 2002. Revised: 2/6/02.

Idaho State University: Graduate and undergrad/summer positions are available for students interested in the physiological ecology of conifers at alpine treeline. Our efforts are directed at understanding treeline responses to climate in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Current research questions include: 1) which life history or developmental stage most limits the occurence of trees above treeline? 2) how do ecophysiological properties of treeline conifers change as they mature following germination? and 3) can these ecophysiogical changes during development help explain treeline responses to climate? The positions are in the Biology Department, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho(http://www.isu.edu/departments/bios/). The research will be field-based, and may involve collaboration with treeline ecologists at Montana State University. Graduate opportunities exist at both the MS and PhD level. Interested candidates should email or phone Dr. Matthew Germino at germmatt@isu.edu or 208-282-3285. Posted: 1/2/02.

Illinois Natural History Survey: Two temporary, hourly, field assistant positions (40 hours/week with possible overtime) are available for summer 2002. The assistants will work with Survey botanists to conduct statewide monitoring of vegetation in forests, wetlands, and grasslands for the Critical Trends Assessment Project (CTAP). Duties include: 1) assisting with field surveys of plants in forests, wetlands, and grasslands throughout Illinois, 2) collecting GPS (Global Positioning System) data in the field, 3) conducting sweep samples of insects in the field, and 4) assisting with office work and preparation for field work. Duties will also include sharing driving responsibilities and entering data with Microsoft Access software. Qualifications: Candidates must have undergraduate course work in biology, ecology, botany, or related subjects, preferably with field experience in plant biology. Applicants must be willing and able to: 1) work outside under a variety of field and environmental conditions, and 2) travel regularly for 3-4 days at a time to various parts of Illinois with overnight stays. Overtime work is expected. A valid automobile driver’s license is also required. Pay: $8.00 9.00 / hour, depending on experience. Position begins approximately May 13, 2002 and will continue to approximately August 23, 2002. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by Friday April 5, 2002. Send letter of application, resumé, and phone numbers and addresses for three references to: Sue Key, Human Resources Manager, PRF # 983, Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820. (217) 244-7790. Specific questions regarding the technical nature of this position should be referred to: Connie Carroll, (217) 244-7741 or carrollc@inhs.uiuc.edu. Posted: 3/21/02.

Illinois Natural History Survey: Position Available: 1 June 2002 - 6 September 2002. Application period closes: 29 March 2002 Two field assistant positions are available at the proposed Lost Mound National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Illinois for a study of the effects of prairie restoration and management effects on grassland vegetation and birds. The assistants' primary responsibility will be collecting vegetation data from permanent plots in sand prairies in and near the Refuge. Types of data include cover estimates of individual plant species in small plots, species presence lists for larger plots, and vegetation structure measurements. Assistants will also participate in grassland bird surveys and will be responsible for data entry as needed. No previous experience is necessary, but applicant must currently be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student, have a driver's license, enthusiasm for the outdoors, and an interest in ecology. Preference will be given to applicants with field experience identifying plants. Wages: $8.64/hr, 40 hr/wk. For further information about the project and how to apply, please contact: Amy Symstad, Illinois Natural History Survey, Lost Mound Field Station, 3159 Crim Dr., Savanna, IL 61074 USA. 815-273-3184 Fax 815-273-1132, asymstad@inhs.uiuc.edu. Posted: 02/22/02.

Institute for Bird Populations: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program. Many Field Biologist Interns (49) are needed to operate constant effort mistnetting and banding (MAPS) stations in the Northwest region (Alaska, Montana, Washington, and Oregon), California, the Western Midwest/Texas region (Kansas, Missouri, and Texas), and the Eastern Midwest/East region (Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia and Massachusetts). Interns are accepted into a given region and, after training, are assigned to a specific location. Internships are from 1 May (23 Apr in TX, 21 Apr in southern CA) through 8 August. Join this continent-wide, cutting edge effort to determine the vital rates that cause changes in North American landbird populations. Although some prior birding experience is necessary, prior banding experience is not necessary. All internships include an intensive, two week training course in mistnetting, banding, and aging and sexing small landbirds. Flexibility, good physical condition, a tolerance of long days that begin before dawn and the ability to endure sometimes difficult field conditions are required. Applicants with good field vehicles are especially needed. A per diem ranging from approximately $408 to $896 per month (depending on location and experience) for food and other out-of-pocket expenses and shared housing are provided. For application materials and further information, please contact Mellissa Winfield, The Institute for Bird Populations, PO Box 1346, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956. FAX415-663-9482, PH415-663-2051, mwinfield@birdpop.org. Visit our website at www.birdpop.org. Posted: 1/8/02.

Institute of Ecosystem Studies: Summer Project Assistants needed to work on research focusing on breeding songbird populations and their mammalian nest predators (woodland rodents). Duties include the investigation of the interplay of oaks, rodents, and songbirds using field experiments and monitoring natural populations. Activities include nest searching and monitoring, foraging experiments with small animals, mist-netting and bird-banding, and census of songbird populations using point counts. Must be willing to work early hours and be able to cope with rigors of field work. Familiarity with local songbird species and own transportation are helpful. (contact -Kenneth.A.Schmidt@Williams.edu). Desired dates of employment are approximately May 15 to August 1, 2002. Wages range from about $9.50 to about $12.00/hour depending on education and experience. Housing at locally competitive rents may be available on site. Review of applications will begin on April 1. Send letter of application, resume or CV, and the names, phone numbers and email addresses of three professional references to: Dr. Ken Schmidt, C/o Jessica Greenstein, Manager of Human Resources, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, 65 Sharon Turnpike, Millbrook, NY 12545. or Kenneth.A.Schmidt@williams.edu. Posted: 3/14/02.

Konza Prairie Biological Station: The laboratory of Dr. John M. Briggs (Arizona State University) is seeking undergraduate applicants for an NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position. Successful applicants will participate in plant ecology field research at the Konza Prairie Biological Station in Kansas, a NSF LTER site. While the student will be participating in a project that addresses processes/mechanisms driving the expansion of woody plant species in the tallgrass prairie ecosystem, s/he will be encouraged to develop their own research project within the context of the overall research question. REU positions are available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (graduating seniors are not eligible). Applicants should have completed some basic coursework in biology and ecology, and demonstrate an interest in plant ecology and independent research. Preference will be given to rising juniors and seniors. The student must be independent, eager to learn new skills, and capable of developing an independent project and following it through to completion. Experience in plant taxonomy and/or plant ecophysiology is a plus. Applicants should be in good health and capable of working long hours in hot and humid conditions. Candidates must be available for a minimum of 10 weeks during the months of May-August (specific dates are somewhat flexible). Successful candidates will receive a stipend. This position will be open until a suitable candidate is identified. Please send the following by email to jana.heisler@asu.edu: 1. Cover letter, 2. Resume, 3. Two references, 4. An unofficial copy of your transcript. For information on the project and Konza Prairie Biological Station, please see: and http://www.konza.ksu.edu. Posted: 4/16/02.

Konza Prairie Biological Station: We anticipate offering 10 positions for undergraduates interested in summer research experiences in the ecological sciences. Research will take place on Konza Prairie on ecological projects ranging from physiological to ecosystem level, from aquatic to terrestrial, from environmental history to biogeochemistry. The positions include a stipend, housing costs, 2 college credits, travel to a national research meeting, and access to student campus facilities. The program will run from 30 May to 12 August 2002. Students are chosen on the basis of academic record and diversity of interests and background. Awards will only by made to US citizens or permanent residents, and all awardees must not have graduated before the program starts. The application deadline is 1 March 2002. Interested students may access more information and application forms on the internet at http://www.ksu.edu/konza/, or request more information from: Gail Wilson, REU program coordinator, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, 232 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506. gwtw@ksu.edu, phone (785) 532-2892. Posted: 12/20/01.

Louisiana State University: We are seeking a recent graduate or senior undergraduate student to assist with collection of pine tree demographic data in Everglades National Park. The position requires a person that is capable of working independently with a minimum amount of supervision. The primary responsibility of the position will be to census pine trees, measuring their growth and survivorship. This work is part of a larger study on the effects of fires and hurricanes on pine demography. There is also the potential for undertaking an independent research project related to some aspect of our project. The position will require extensive time spent in the field, usually not accompanied by others. The Florida Everglades is a very pleasant place to work in the winter and spring with moderate temperatures and few insects. The position is available beginning the first week of January and will continue through May with the possibility of continued employment beyond May if desired. Salary will depend on experience but will be approximately $8 to $9 per hour. Housing will also be provided without charge. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Brian Beckage via email (bb2@duke.edu). To apply, either email (preferred) or fax a cv, letter describing your interests and experience in ecology, and names and telephone numbers/email addresses of at least 2 references to: bb2@duke.edu or fax (865) 974-3067. Applications will be reviewed as they are received until a suitable candidate is found. Posted: 12/6/01.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking undergraduate applicants for several Arctic research projects. Successful candidates will participate in field research on either terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems in the Toolik Lake Research and Natural Area on the North Slope of Alaska. The Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) positions are available to U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors). In addition to gaining experience by assisting on a variety of project activities, REU students typically assume an independent project that is linked to larger studies of lakes, streams, tundra or land-water interactions. REU participants are expected to collect and analyze data and to produce a poster describing their project near the end of the field season. We anticipate funding for supporting 6 to 10 REU positions to work on Arctic research during the 2002 field season. Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry and ideally ecology or ecosystem studies. Attention to detail and a desire to learn new laboratory and field techniques is essential. Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity; e.g., working long hours outside in potentially severe weather, carrying >40 lb. pack across uneven terrain, hiking many miles per day across tundra and prepared to live in an isolated setting with harsh environmental conditions. Candidates for these jobs should be available to live at the Field Station for 2-3 months during June, July and August. Travel to Toolik Field Station is paid for by the grant as well as the cost of room and board at the Station and a stipend. Open until suitable candidates are identified. For additional information about the Ecosystems Center and its programs, visit our web site at http://ecosystems.mbl.edu/. Information about the Arctic LTER project is available at http://ecosystems.mbl.edu/arc.htm and information about the Toolik Field Station is available at http://mercury.bio.uaf.edu/~toolik.organizations/. Please send resume, name, addresses telephone numbers and email addresses of 3 references to: The Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources, reference code [AL REU], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Applications may be sent by email to: resume@mbl.edu. Posted: 2/15/02.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking applicants for summer field assistant positions on an ongoing ecological research project. These positions will be located at the Toolik Station in Alaska. Positions: (1) Chemistry Summer FA: The successful candidate will participate in research on a series of lakes in northern Alaska. Duties will include taking physical and chemical measurements in lakes, collection and analysis of water samples; (2) Streams Summer FA: The successful candidate will participate in research on arctic tundra stream ecosystems in northern Alaska. Duties will include monitoring physical parameters in streams, collection and analysis of water samples, benthic samples and juvenile and adult fish; (3) Lakes Summer FA: The successful candidate will participate in research on a series of lakes in northern Alaska. Duties will include taking physical and chemical measurements in lakes, collection and analysis of water samples; (4) Land-Water Summer FA: The successful candidate will participate in research on a tussock watershed in northern Alaska. Duties will include measurement of carbon and nutrient flux from streams, lakes and terrestrial ecosystems; (5) Terrestrial Summer FA: The successful candidate will participate in research on tundra ecosystems. Duties include precipitation and weather data, collection, sampling and processing plant and soil samples; (6) Arctic Carbon Cycling Summer FA: The successful candidates will participate in examining the potential impacts of climate change on carbon and nutrient cycling in Northern Slope. Duties include working with project research team from June to August measuring of CO2 and trace gas fluxes on research plots, labeling of field plots with 14C and 15N, field sampling, collection and analysis, data entry and organization and miscellaneous research-related tasks. Requirements: Applicants should be recent college graduates, (BS or MS) with significant course work and/or field experience in ecology. Some background in aquatic ecology, hydrology, chemistry, fish ecology and/or ecosystems ecology preferred. Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity (e.g., working long hours outside in potentially severe weather, carrying >40 pound pack across uneven terrain, hiking many miles per day across tundra) and be prepared to live in an isolated setting with harsh environmental conditions. Applicants should be prepared to live in a setting where cooperation with others is essential and living accommodations are spare and simple. Candidates should be available for travel by early June 2002 and should be able to remain in Alaska until at least through August, 2002. Travel and living expenses will be paid in addition to a salary. Open until suitable candidates are identified. To Apply: Please send a resume, copy of transcripts, names, addresses, telephone number and email address (if available) of 3 references to: Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources, reference code [SFA ECO], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543; phone, (508) 289-7422, email at: resume@mbl.edu. Revised: 2/20/02.

Miami University is pleased to announce a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site, funded by the National Science Foundation and Miami University. The REU site will provide support for 12 undergraduate students per year in 2002, 2003 and 2004, to conduct research in ecology and environmental science. The site focuses on collaborative research on the Ecology of Human-Dominated Landscapes. Thus, students will be immersed in research projects that relate to society’s impact on ecosystems, and each student will conduct an individual reserch project within a team of other students & faculty. The program is based at Miami University’s Ecology Research Center, located in the small college town of Oxford, Ohio, and within an hour’s drive from downtown Cincinnati. Many habitats are available for research, including old-growth and second-growth forest, old fields, agro-ecosystems, urban areas, lakes, ponds and streams. Each student will receive a competitive stipend, free housing, and funds to cover travel and research costs. In addition, each student will earn 12 credits, tuition-free, which are transferable to their home institution. Students will conduct field research during a 10-week summer program and analyze their data and participate in web-based research presentations during the following academic year. Students will have financial support to attend and present their research at a national scientific conference. Undergraduates with interest in ecology and environmental science from any institution are eligible for this program; prior coursework in ecology and/or environmental science is recommended. Applications will be reviewed starting 1 March 2002. For more information; visit www.muohio.edu/ecoreu; email ecoreu@muohio.edu; call 513-529-3100; or write Ecology REU, Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. Posted: 1/30/02.

Michigan State University: A research opportunity for one undergraduate is available to participate in a project on the resiliency of alpine lake ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada. The 8 week position is funded by a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates supplement and will be based at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory in Mammoth Lakes, California. The position will run from the beginning of July until the beginning of September. This ongoing NSF project is being conducted at a series of experimental lakes in the Sierra Nevada and at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory (SNARL). The central goal of this research is to understand the recovery of ecosystem structure and function after the removal of non-native fish, using whole lake experiments and broad-scale surveys. The REU student will be involved in a part of the project that is focused on determining why a previously abundant zooplankton, the copepod, Hesperodiaptomus shoshone, is unable to recover after fish removal. The REU student will work with the principal investigators and a Ph.D. student on the following tasks during the 2002 summer field season: (1) re-introduce H. shoshone into seven fishless lakes, (2) assess the degree of mate limitation of H. shoshone in experimental and control lakes, and (3) use laboratory experiments to study the mate-tracking ability of H. shoshone to better estimate the minimum critical density. The student will carry out independent research related to this project. This independent research could be laboratory experiments on H. shoshone mate-tracking, or another aspect of the project of interest to the student. The student will be involved in all aspects of field and laboratory data collection, under the supervision of the principal investigators and the Ph.D. student. This includes backpacking into remote study sites, collecting and identifying zooplankton species, estimating copepod abundance, assessing the degree of mate limitation, maintaining zooplankton in the laboratory, and observing zooplankton reproductive behavior. The student's stipend is $350 per week. Travel to and from SNARL will be reimbursed, and housing at SNARL is provided. The field work is physically demanding and applicants should be able to hike 4-15 miles daily with a 40+ lb. backpack at altitudes averaging 11,000 feet, work long hours, and spend several days at a time camping in wilderness areas. Back-country camping experience is preferred. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and be currently enrolled as undergraduates. Qualified students should have a strong academic background in ecology and biology. Preference will be given to students interested in pursuing a career in the sciences. Minority applicants are encouraged. Please send a cover letter, resume, unofficial transcripts and two letters of recommendation to: Drew Kramer, 13 Natural Resources, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824 (kramera3@msu.edu). Deadline for applications is April 30th. Posted: 3/19/02.

Missouri Department of Conservation: Temporary Research Technicians (10 positions, mid-May to mid-August) Birds or Herps. Seasonal technicians to work as part of the Riparian Ecosystem Assessment and Management project, a long-term project to describe the floral and faunal characteristics of northern Missouri riparian forests and their responses to forest management. BIRDS (4 positions): conduct point-count surveys and/or nest searching and monitoring. HERPS (6 positions): collect species composition data using permanent trapping arrays and mark (toe-clipping) /recapture methodology. Qualifications: Current enrollment in, or graduation from, a natural resources degree program. Previous field experience is highly desirable especially with bird ID. Must be able to tolerate high concentrations of mosquitoes and poison ivy. $8.29 per hour, 40 hours/week. Housing and utilities provided, if desired. Application deadline: March 8, 2002. Please send cover letter (with expressed area of interest: bird or herp), resume, unofficial transcripts, and list of 3 references (names, phone #'s, and e-mail addresses) to: Anthony Elliott, Missouri Dept. of Conservation, P.O. Box 356, Atlanta, MO 63530 660-239-4245; e-mail (inquiries only): elliot@mail.conservation.state.mo.us . Posted: 2/11/02.

Natural Resources Research Institute: Field Assistants (2) are needed, one position from mid-May to late-July to complete surveys of wetland birds and amphibians in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and one position from late-May to mid-July, to complete surveys of breeding birds in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. Daily duties include conducting point counts, marking survey locations, data entry, and vegetation sampling. Qualified applicants must be able to identify Midwestern birds by sound and sight and have excellent hearing. Applicants must pass a standardized bird song test and a hearing test. Experience with amphibian sampling and identification helpful, but not required. Other requirements include: the physical ability and desire to work long hours alone in the field, a high tolerance for biting bugs (mosquitoes, black flies, and ticks), orienteering and GPS experience, and a driver's license. Sites are located in rugged, remote, and sometimes unpleasant wet spots. $2,000/mo.+ per diem; housing, transportation, equipment, and training provided. Send letter of interest, resume, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to Jim Lind, Natural Resources Research Institute, 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy., Duluth, MN 55811 or e-mail (preferred) to jlind@nrri.umn.edu. Applications accepted ASAP - open until filled. Posted: 3/19/02.

Oklahoma State University: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in GIS and Soil/Water Resources Sponsored by the National Science Foundation We are looking for undergraduate students interested in applications of GIS to water or soil research. We plan to bring ten undergraduate students to Oklahoma State University to work one-on-one with OSU researchers in soil or water resource research involving GIS. Student participants will receive a $270/week stipend, lodging, some meals and travel expenses to/from Stillwater for 2 months beginning June 3, 2002. Students must be U.S. citizens in their junior or senior year and will be selected on the basis of their GPA and experience/coursework involving soil or water resources and GIS. For application form and additional information, see: www.geog.okstate.edu/reu/. Deadline: 3/15/02. Posted: 2/27/02.

Oregon State University: Field Assistant to conduct surveys for survey-and-manage lichen species in order to evaluate the performance of habitat models. The field season will take place during July 8 – Sept. 6 (two months). We will conduct surveys for survey-and-manage lichen species in forests on the western slope of the Cascade Mountains. Duties will include collecting plot data such as topographic position, tree basal area, stand age, and vegetation present. We will locate plots using map, compass, GPS, and aerial photos. Locating plots may require some backpacking. For the majority of the field season we will be camping, but can return to Corvallis, OR on the weekends, or possibly during the week. We will work 40 hrs per week, however scheduling can be somewhat flexible. Salary: $9.00/hour or commensurate with experience. Qualifications: Ability to work extended periods of time in rugged settings. Navigation (compass, and map) skills, hiking ability, and observational skills are important. Applicants should have some course work in botany, forestry, and/or lichenology. Lichen identification skills would be helpful, but are not necessary. Must be able to identify tree and shrub species in western Oregon. Applicants should have good communication skills, legible handwriting, basic wilderness skills, and a valid driver’s license. Applicant’s must submit a cover letter and resume by May 31. Electronic submissions are encouraged. For more information contact: Erin Martin, martiner@bcc.orst.edu, 541-737-2312, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, 2082 Cordley Hall, Corvallis OR 97331-2902. Posted: 4/26/02.

Oregon State University: The NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program matches undergraduate students with scientists for 10 weeks of advanced, independent research on a project of the student's own design. Five positions are available in Ecology at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in the Western Cascades of Oregon. Research projects are available in the following areas: biogeochemistry, tree physiology, bryophyte ecology, and ecosystem carbon flux. Lodging is provided at H.J. Andrews, and the positions include a stipend of $3600 for the summer. The program will run from mid-June to end of August. Awards will only by made to US citizens or permanent residents, and all awardees must not have graduated before the program starts. The application deadline is April 2, 2002. More info at http://www.fsl.orst.edu/lter under opportunities. Send a cover letter, resume, unofficial transcripts, and 2 recommendations to: Kari Bisbee O'Connell; Department of Forest Science; Oregon State University; 321 Richardson Hall; Corvallis, OR. 97331. kari.bisbee@orst.edu; Tel: (541) 737-9084. Posted: 2/5/02.

Organization for Tropical Studies: We are pleased to announce the new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in Tropical Biology in Costa Rica for the summer 2002. With funding from the National Science Foundation, the new OTS REU program will provide hands-on, field-oriented research experiences to undergraduate students from throughout the United States. Please note that minority students are strongly encouraged to apply for this program. The 2002 OTS REU program, scheduled to run from June 3 to August 12, 2002, will support 10 undergraduates with a strong interest in field ecology. Several senior researchers with projects at La Selva have already committed to serving as mentors, and will assist students with project selection, design, execution, analysis and presentation. We hope the students will also participate in the many opportunities available at La Selva, including seminars, interactions with other scientists, and exposure to a residential tropical field biology environment. Participants will receive a stipend of $3,000. Please visit our web page for additional details: http://www.ots.duke.edu/en/education/undergraduate.shtml. Deadline is March 15. Posted: 2/6/02.

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: Field Research Assistants (4) are needed, mid-May to mid-August, to survey cavity nester response to fire in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Daily duties include conducting surveys, monitoring nesting activities and vegetation analyses. Applicants must maintain student status at a university/college. The successful applicants must be able to identify birds by sound and sight; be physically able and willing to work long hours in the field; have orienteering and GPS experience; have ability to work well with others, as well as independently; and possess a valid driver's license. Sites are located in relatively remote forests near Rapid City, SD. Salary is $7.50/hour; transportation, equipment, and training provided where necessary. Send letter of interest, resume, and two letters of recommendation to Dr. Kerri Vierling, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 501 East St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701. Kerri.Vierling@sdsmt.edu. Posted: 4/25/02.

USDA-ARS: Summer Grassland Ecology Technician. We are seeking a motivated individual interested in grassland ecology field experience. The position will start in late May or early June. The ending date of the position is flexible from August to mid-October, depending on a candidate's availability. Please specify when you are available. The positions are based at the USDA-Agricultural Research Service Lab in Sidney, MT (www.sidney.ars.usda.gov) and require some overnight travel. Our research examines the effects of fire and livestock management on grasshopper populations, mechanisms playing important roles in interactions between grazing management and grasshopper population dynamics, and ecosystem characteristics allowing grasshopper herbivory to be beneficial to productivity. Work includes sampling vegetation, soil and grasshoppers in large scale grazing management experiments, conducting manipulative field experiments, determining grasshopper densities and species composition, measuring plant species diversity and biomass, sorting samples, and assessing rangeland nutrient cycling. Qualifications: Must be a U.S. citizen. Ecology, range management, or entomology field experience or class work is beneficial. Willingness and physical ability to work in hot weather. Must have a valid driver's license. Pay: Approximately $8.50-$10.50/hour (full time), depending on experience. Housing is not provided, but assistance in finding reasonably price housing ($200-$300/month) is provided. Screening of applicants will continue until the position is filled. Email applications are preferred. Email the following: letter indicating interest in position and qualifications, list of relevant classes, available starting and ending dates, and resume with a list of three references to: dcraig@sidney.ars.usda.gov Donovan Craig, USDA/ARS, 1500 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT 59270. Phone: 406-433-9497, FAX: 406-433-5038. Posted: 4/5/02.

USDA Forest Service: Botany surveys in the Sierra Nevada, California. We are hiring numerous seasonal technicians and biologists to assist in implementation of an array of species monitoring plans. These plans were developed under the Sierra Nevada Framework Project with the goal of monitoring the populations and habitats of rare and sensitive species throughout the Sierra Nevada. The positions listed above are in support of other field work conducted for two amphibian species, the Mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) and the Yosemite toad (Bufo canorus), both of which are thought to be in decline within their respective historic ranges. These jobs will predominantly consist of fieldwork in the Sierra Nevada at elevations of 5,000-12,000 feet, though some preparatory office work may be required in early season. Primary duties will include the following: locating and traveling to selected sample sites; vegetation surveying in meadows. Many of the sites will be remote, requiring backpacking trips of up to 8-days duration. We are looking for applicants with a background and/or high level of interest in botany and meadow plant taxonomy who are in good physical condition and willing to endure high altitude, temperature extremes, rough terrain, and the occasional mosquito (ok, maybe thousands). Experience in plant identification, particularly graminoids, is desired. Ability to get along with crew members for prolonged periods in backcountry is a must. The positions available are for students only. For hiring purposes, a student is defined as an individual who is registered for Fall 2002 classes. Please respond as soon as possible to the phone number or email below, and no later that June 28, 2002. Cathy Brown, Amphibian Monitoring Project Leader, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710. cathybrown@fs.fed.us, 510-559-6433. Revised: 6/12/02.

USDA Forest Service: Summer field positions are available to survey aquatic lichens throughout western Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Determine old-growth forest association, distribution, and habitat requirements for aquatic lichens in the Survey and Manage program of the Northwest Forest Plan. The field season will be June to September. We will be camping—and possibly backpacking—in remote locations while in the field. Much of the work will be traveling between and locating field sites. Must be able to hike over rugged, steep terrain, in all weather conditions. We will locate plots with maps, compass, and aerial photo interpretation, and we will survey habitats thought to contain target lichens. Data collection will be comprised of habitat parameters (vascular plant community, topographic and stream characteristics) and aquatic lichen abundance. Applicants should have field experience and course background in Botany, Hydrology, and/or Lichenology. Applicants should be able to work well with others for extended periods of time, have good organizational and observational skills, be able to hike cross-country, have basic wilderness skills, and a valid drivers license. For more information, please contact Doug Glavich, dglavich@yahoo.com, 541-750-7065, USDA Forest Service, Siuslaw National Forest, 4077 Research Way, Corvallis, OR 97333. Posted: 4/3/02.

USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station: Summer Employment Opportunities, Research Work Unit 4557, "Disturbance Ecology and Management of Oak-Dominated Forests" Morgantown, West Virginia. We will hire 8-10 summer seasonal positions between May and November 2002. These positions will be located in Morgantown, WV, State College, PA and a possible duty station somewhere in northeastern Pennsylvania. Positions to be filled will be at the GS-03 ($9.42/hr) or GS-04 level ($10.58/hr) and will be either Biological Technician series (GS-0404 Biological Aids /Technicians) or Forestry Technician series (GS-0462 Forestry Aids/Technicians). Methods for applying for seasonal positions: 1) Students have not graduated as of the current semester. Send resume, copy of college transcripts and a letter from professor and/or advisor stating that you will be a returning student i.e. you have not graduated. Send application information to: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 180 Canfield St., Morgantown, West Virginia 26505-3101. Attn: David Feicht or Kurt Gottschalk. 2) ASAP (Automated Staffing Application Program): Student or non-students eligible. See details and application forms and information on the following web sites: www.fs.fed.us/fsjobs or www.usajobs.opm.gov. Make sure that you apply to temporary non-fire jobs, recruitment notice number FSJOBS 02-T004. Application packets can be sent if needed by contacting David Feicht at above address, calling (304) 285-1507 or email at dfeicht@fs.fed.us . Questions about the taxonomic/botanical job expectations/duties should be directed to Cynthia D. Huebner (chuebner@fs.fed.us or 304-285-1582). This summer's fieldwork involves measuring vegetation response to treatments designed to enhance oak regeneration as well as measuring ecological responses to such treatments. Treatments involve timber cutting, herbicide treatments as well as fire. Study sites are located in West Virginia on the Monongahela NF, Ohio on the Wayne NF, Pa on the Allegheny NF, as well as sites located on Pennsylvania State Forests. Skills that are helpful but not mandatory include dendrology, plant identification, forest measurements, as well as some computer experience with programs such as Microsoft Excel, Word, and Access. Posted: 2/14/02.

U.S. Geological Survey: Currently there are multiple summer positions available at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland (near Washington, D.C.) for biology students. Biology positions for students: http://interactive.usgs.gov/Student/Apply/SubmitPowerSearch.asp?CategoryName=Biology. For more opportunities, see the USGS student employment homepage: http://www.usgs.gov/student/. To qualify for student positions with USGS, a person must be U.S. citizens, meet minimum age requirements as specified by Federal, State, or local laws, and be a half-time student in good standing in an accredited school. More information is available at the links listed above. Posted: 5/3/02.

University of Alaska Fairbanks: 2 Forestry Technicians ($10.58/hour), and one Forestry Technician Supervisor ($11.59/hour) are needed for the summer of 2002. Technicians will assist with fieldwork for a research project assessing fuel loads in coniferous forest fragments along a climatic gradient. Research sites will be in interior Alaska, with the potential of some additional work on the Kenai Peninsula. The technicians will work both along side researchers and as an independent crew led by the Technician Supervisor. Technicians will measure research plots using standard inventory procedures for assessing large and small tree components and down woody debris, assist in plant and tree identification, as well as assist with the initial set-up of decomposition experiments in some sites. Technicians should be aware that travel to selected sites could include use of boats and All-terrain vehicles. Overnight travel could include up to 8 days in remote field locations and food and travel expenses will be provided when overnight travel is required. Job time frame is from mid June to mid to late August. Technician supervisor should have previous fieldwork experience, preferably in forest measurements, fuel load management, ecosystem processes, forest ecology and plant identification. In addition, knowledge of the interior of Alaska is preferable. The technician positions, however, are more flexible and less experience is required. Students studying forestry, biology, environmental science, or related fields are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in either position or would like more information please contact Teresa Hollingsworth at fttkn@uaf.edu. Posted: 5/20/02.

University of Alaska Fairbanks: Research Aide, Toolik Field Station, $8.47 per hr, Temporary, Full-Time, Non-Exempt (approx. June 1-Aug 31,2002). Aid with field studies at the Toolik Field Station on the North Slope of the Brooks Range. Assist with research related to the Toolik Snowfence Project (part of the International Tundra Experiment network) which examines short- and long-term effects of increased snow depth (shortened growing season) and increased summer temperature on tundra vegetation. The goal of this project is to assess potential changes in Arctic tundra plant communities in response to global climate change. Research is conducted at both a moist tussock tundra site and a dry heath tundra site. At each of these sites, data on plant phenology, plant growth and reproductive effort are collected, using a variety of techniques. In addition, long-term plant community data is collected to assess plant community shifts due to experimental manipulations. Knowledge of basic ecological principles and field experience desired. Experience with plant identification is essential. Preferred academic background or course work in Arctic systems, ecology/biology. Skills in identifying plant species, working in a field environment, collecting and recording data, maintaining accurate data in notebooks or spreadsheets. Ability to work independently in a field setting, work on a detail oriented tedious task until it is completed, accurately record data in notebooks or spreadsheets. Student must be willing to work long hours in the field, occasionally under cold, snowy, rainy or buggy conditions. Must be able to carry a pack and hike in uneven terrain. Competent, emotionally mature and enthusiastic individual desired. Must show evidence of Alaska drivers license or the ability to obtain one prior to hire date on resume. Prefer experience working in a remote site, or previous summer field experience. Education/Experience to perform the responsibilities of the position including: identifying plants, collecting and recording data. Experience in the outdoors and particularly scientific field research is preferred. Further information is available at (http://www.uaf.edu/toolik). You will also have the opportunity to conduct an independent research project. For more information contact Amy Carroll (fnabc@uaf.edu, (907) 474-1534. To apply, please submit a complete signed University of Alaska applicant form (www.alaska.edu/hr/application/applicant_form.pdf). Additionally, send current resume, a cover letter, and two letters of reference. Crystal McAlpin, CES/SALRM Recruitment Contact, Room 110 Arctic Health Research Building, University of Alaska Fairbanks, PO Box 756180, Fairbanks, AK 99775. Phone: (907) 474-2401 Fax: (907) 474-7439. Applications must be received by 5pm on 4/15/02, in Fairbanks. Faxed resume/applications are acceptable. Posted: 4/1/02.

University of Alaska Southeast: We offer research experiences to undergraduate students interested in the physiology, ecology, and behavior of marine organisms. In addition to the Juneau area, field research projects take place in Glacier Bay National Park and the Arctic Ocean. Students will conduct research under the guidance of UAS Biology faculty and collaborating research scientists. The program is supported with funds from the National Science Foundation and UAS. Participants will receive a stipend of $325 per week and housing while in Juneau. Travel and subsistence costs related to field work within Alaska will also be provided. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and enrolled as undergraduates (through at least Fall 2002) at accredited institutions. The program seeks academically strong students interested in marine biological research. Minority applicants are especially encouraged. The deadline for applications is FEBRUARY 15, 2002. Field research projects include: For more information on and applications for this program, please visit: http://www.uas.alaska.edu/uas/biology/nsf.html. Posted: 2/4/02.

University of Arizona: Field assistants (full-time, short-term, $8.50/hour) needed to collect small mammal and invertebrate data for a research project at Fort Huachuca Military Reservation in southeastern Arizona investigating fire-based restoration of biodiversity in grassland ecosystems. Field housing (in Sierra Vista, AZ), transportation between the field housing and the study plots, and occasional transportation between Tucson and Fort Huachuca will be provided. Sampling will begin in early to mid-May 2002. Duties: - Trap small mammals and invertebrates on established study plots at Fort Huachuca. - Accurately collect and record data on captured small mammals (e.g., species identification, body measurements, sex determination). - Process captured invertebrate specimens and accurately record data. - Work long hours in adverse field conditions (e.g., beginning early in the morning, in extreme weather conditions, etc.), alone and/or as part of a team, with an irregular work schedule. - Employees will be trained and required to follow hantavirus safety precautions. - Assist with some computer data entry and/or proofing. For more information or to apply, please contact Andrea Litt (arlitt@ag.arizona.edu). Please attach a current resume. Posted: 3/20/02.

University of Georgia: 3 Field Assistants needed to assist with a research project investigating avian response to the establishment of native warm season grasses within various landscapes in the Piedmont of Georgia. Work will begin on or about May 13 and conclude in early to mid August. Pay will be $7.575/hour for a 40 hour week. Housing and a field vehicle will be provided. Duties will include nest searching and monitoring, mist netting, conducting point counts, and sampling vegetation. Applicants must be enthusiastic, willing to work long hours under a variety of weather conditions and have a valid driver’s license. Preference will be given to individuals with previous field experience and those able to identify grassland birds of Georgia by sight and song, but all applicants are encouraged to apply. TO APPLY: Please send a letter of interest, CV/resume listing all relevant course work, and contact information for 3 references (preferably previous employers) to: Angela McMellen, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30606. mcmellen@uga.edu. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Posted: 2/12/02.

University of Hawai'i at Hilo: Research Experience for Undergraduates Undergraduate Opportunities in Tropical Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources Management. We offer a unique summer opportunity for undergraduates interested in gaining research experience related to conservation biology in an insular setting. The Island of Hawai'i, with its diversity and wide variety of ecological niches, presents an excellent living laboratory for research in this field. This program is a collaboration between the UHH and state and federal organizations conducting research on the Island of Hawai'i. Students will be responsible for guided, independent research projects with either a university professor or a partner organization during the program. Program Date: June 10 - August 16, 2002. Deadline for Application: April 8, 2002. Stipend: Up to $4400. Limited travel support available. Application form available through Dr. Donald Price (808-974-7365 or donaldp@hawaii.edu) or Sharon Ziegler-Chong (808-933-0706 or ziegler@hawaii.edu) OR see web page http://www2.hawaii.edu/~donaldp/NSF-REU_Hilo_Hawaii/. Students who are attending UHH following their summer research experience and have shown promise to develop a publishable research project will have the opportunity to continue their research during the academic year. Posted: 3/22/02.

University of Kentucky: Dr. David H. Wise's laboratory is seeking two undergraduate field assistants to help in two projects. Positions start ASAP. Janet Lensing (PhD student): The effect of global warming on the arthropod community and decomposition processes of the deciduous forest floor. Jordi Moya-Laraño (Post-Doctoral researcher): Ecological relationships between ants and other predatory arthropods in the deciduous forest floor. Pay ranges between $6-8/hour depending upon experience. Please contact: Janet Lensing (lensingjr@yahoo.com) or Jordi Moya-Laraño (jmoya2@uky.edu). Posted: 5/2/02.

University of Minnesota: The Cedar Creek Natural History Area has opportunities for students to work as Research Interns. Most positions run from June through August, but some interns are needed in early May and some until late September. Pay is $8.25 per hour ($4000.00 in three months). If you are an undergraduate or a newly graduated student with a background in biology and want to start a career in ecology or environmental studies, or if you have a strong background and interest in flora of the great plains, we encourage you to apply. As a research intern, you would contribute to our ongoing experiments -- learning to identify plant species, estimate species abundances, collect soil samples, maintain experimental areas, and so forth. Typical work days are eight hours, with occasional weekends possible. On-site dormitory housing is available for approximately $140 per month. This is hard work and mostly outdoors, though a few jobs have indoor laboratory or computer components. You have the opportunity to initiate your own research, attend our seminar series, and interact with graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members. In addition, your department may be able to approve this internship, with an appropriate independent project, for any field biology requirement of your major. Applications are being accepted now, with the deadlines for completed applications being March 19, 2002. For additional information, including application procedure, see: http://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/interns/. Posted: 1/18/02.

University of Missouri-Columbia: Grassland Bird Field Technicians (2) - Field assistants needed to conduct grassland bird research in southwestern Missouri. Positions available immediately and will be filled as qualified applications are received. Prior experience with nest searching, radio telemetry, mist netting, and banding preferred, but not required. Field assistants will participate in a study of post-fledgling habitat use, movement patterns, and survival at Taberville and Wah-Kon-Tah Conservation Areas in St. Clair County, Missouri, near El Dorado. Must possess a good sense of humor and willingness to work hard in hot conditions. Field vehicle and free housing included. Salary is $1600/month. Start and end dates negotiable. Please e-mail (preferred) a statement of interest and CV to Kimberly Suedkamp Wells at kmsnq6@mizzou.edu or ryanmr@missouri.edu. Hard copies may be sent to Kimberly Suedkamp Wells, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, 302 ABNR Building, University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211. For questions, call (573) 864-0776 or (573) 882-9425. Posted: 5/17/02.

University of Missouri-Columbia: Summer field botanists are needed to inventory ground layer vegetation as part of a graduate project in cooperation with the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project (MOFEP) and the TNC Chilton Creek Management Area. MOFEP and Chilton Creek are long term research projects designed to evaluate impacts of standard forest management practices on a wide range of biotic and abiotic ecosystem components. The graduate project will evaluate the initial effects of timber harvest and prescribed burning on ground flora vegetation and tree regeneration. For more information about the MOFEP study, visit the web site at: http://mofep.conservation.state.mo.us/. Three (3) positions are available. Salary is $9.00/hr (40 hrs/wk). Housing and work vehicles are provided. Employment dates are from May 28, 2002 through August 16, 2002. Please do not apply if you are not available for this entire period. Positions will be based in Ellington, Missouri. Responsibilities for field botanists include: 1) learning to identify 400+ herbaceous and woody plant species, 2) locating permanent plots and sampling ground vegetation within them, 3) collecting unknown and voucher herbarium specimens, and 4) entering data using Microsoft Access. Applicants must have the following: 1) completed course work in plant taxonomy, systematics, dendrology, and/or field botany, 2) the ability and desire to quickly learn 400+ plant species, 3) the ability and desire to work long hours in rigorous terrain and harsh weather conditions, 4) map reading and compass experience, 5) the ability to work well in both large and small groups, in both supervised and unsupervised conditions, 6) the ability to tolerate living in crowded, dorm-like conditions, and 7) a valid drivers license with experience operating 4x4 manual transmission vehicles. Applicants with previous field experience conducting vegetation surveys or inventories are strongly preferred. Application deadline: March 9, 2002. To apply: Send cover letter, resume, list of 3 references (names, titles, phone, e-mail) and unofficial copy of transcripts to: Alicia N. Sasseen, Forestry Department, 203 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Bldg., University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211. Phone: 573/884-3435, E-mail: ans7a6@mizzou.edu. Posted: 2/5/02.

University of Missouri-Columbia: Summer Field Assistants (June 2002-August 2002). Two field assistants are needed for a study on changes in woody species and structural diversity within northern Missouri floodplain forests. The job will assist a graduate student in sampling woody vegetation and tree coring. The basic duties will involve plot establishment, recording the species type and measuring the dbh of woody species, measuring tree height, coring trees, and collecting physical data on the site. This is a field position (rain or shine) and is a physically demanding job. While most sites will involve foot travel less than ½ mile, this must be done in high temperatures, high humidity and with the presence of stinging insects and noxious plants. Applicants must be physically fit to perform the duties. The job while physically demanding will be very intellectually stimulating. The project will relate levels of woody species and structural diversity to fluvial geomorphology processes, past land-use history, disturbance events, and patch isolation. In addition, tree cores will be used to try to characterize a disturbance regime for northern Missouri floodplain forests. The job would be an excellent opportunity for students thinking about graduate school or working in agroforestry, forestry, forest ecology, conservation biology, restoration ecology, or ecology. Applicants must be highly motivated with the ability to take accurate measurements with minimal supervision and under adverse conditions. They also must be willing to travel from Monday through Friday. The pay rate is $8.00 per hour however qualified applicants may receive up to 10.00 per hour. with reimbursement for travel to sites and lodging. If interested contact or send resume and references to: Thomas Faust, 203T ABNR, Department of Forestry, University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211. (573) 882-3584 (phone), (573) 882-1977 (fax), tmfbpc@mizzou.edu. Posted: 2/5/02.

University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Field Assistants (1-2) needed May 15 to August 9 for breeding bird and mammalian predator research in the Rainwater Basin Wetlands in south-central Nebraska. Study will look at the effects of agricultural land use and management decisions on the dynamics of animal populations. Duties will include predator ground surveys, mammal live trapping, raccoon radio telemetry and avian nest searches. Other possibilities include mist netting and avian radio telemetry. Preference will be given to applicants with previous field and radio telemetry experience. Salary is paid on an hourly basis, approximately $1400/month and housing is provided. Must be enthusiastic and hard working. Study site located within driving distance from Lincoln as well as various recreation areas. INTERNS (1-2) also needed for at least a 10 week period from May 15 to August 9. Stipend of $100 a week and housing will be provided. Applicant must have an interest in wildlife ecology and a strong work ethic but no experience is required. Class credit may be arranged. Please send cover letter, resume, and contact information (including e-mail) for 3 references to CHRISTINA KOCER, 202 NRH, School of Natural Resource Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68583-0819 by March 1 (ph: 402.472.0508; FAX: 402.472.2946; e-mail: ckocer1@bigred.unl.edu). Posted: 1/24/02.

University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Biology Field Assistant Jobs, 10 May-15 August 2002. We seek two highly motivated upper class undergraduate students interested in field experience in conservation biology to become involved in projects to evaluate effects of an invasive biological control insect on native plant species in prairie grasslands. Field assistants will be involved in two of three research projects. The N.R.I. funded project uses transplant experiments and a quantitative survey to develop a mechanistic understanding of effects of the biocontrol weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus, on native thistle species. The aim of this study is to understand how non-target impacts are affected by the proximity and abundance of the exotic thistle, musk thistle. The study is designed to answer three fundamental questions: 1) how are seed losses of native thistles to exotic seed-feeding weevils related to surrounding ecological conditions?; 2) are thistle co-occurrence and levels of insect impact causally related?; and, 3) can ecological factors (such as the presence, density and identity of surrounding thistle species) be manipulated to minimize negative impacts on rare native species? The T.N.C.-funded project examines effects of landscape context on occurrence and impact of biological control insects in native prairie fragments. The project involves sampling plants and insects across prairie sites embedded within landscapes with varying degrees of agricultural cover, to assess potential spillover of insects from agricultural edges into native grassland habitats. Field experiments will also be carried out to determine the degree to which biocontrol insects impact native plant and insect populations and whether this depends on surrounding land use patterns. In addition, the whole crew will help continue the long-term monitoring of insect herbivory in the demography of the native Platte and Wavyleaf thistles in native midgrass prairie reserves. This monitoring led to the discovery of non-target effects of R. conicus on native species, and it provides the quantitative basis for determining this biocontrol weevil's effect on native plants in Nebraska's Sand Hills, the largest continental dune grassland system in the western hemisphere. The positions are available for 3-3.5 months ($1,200/mo. + housing + great experience!) For more information, contact Dr. Svata M. Louda, Charles Bessey Professor of Biological Sciences, or her associates Dr. Tatyana A. Rand (T.N.C. project) or Dr. F. Leland Russell (N.R.I. project), School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska at Lincoln (SLouda@UNL.edu, 402-472-2763; trand@unlserve.unl.edu, frussell@unlnotes.unl.edu). APPLICATION: To apply, please submit a resume, description of interests and experience in biology, and have two letters of recommendation sent to Dr. Svata M. Louda, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0118. Review of applications will begin February 1. Positions will remain open until an appropriate candidate is found. Posted: 1/10/02.

University of Nevada Reno: I am looking for one field assistant for the months of July and August to work in the Ruby Mountains in Northeast Nevada. This is a study that examines the genetic and demographic dynamics of the American Pika (Ochotona princeps). The study will be conducted in field conditions with very few amenities. You must be able to carry up to 60 lb. packs and enjoy field conditions. Experience in behavioral observations and field-techniques are a plus. Travel and expenses will be paid for, and monetary compensation will likely be available as well. If you are interested, please contact: Yair Chaver at: ychaver@unr.edu. or: (775) 784-1443. Posted: 4/22/02.

University of Nevada Reno: Field Assistant(s) needed for lizard surveys in Northern Nevada. The field technician will be responsible for helping collect lizard and vegetation community data. The assistant will receive training on protocols and identification techniques at the beginning of the study. Those who may not be able to spend the entire time (May and June) should apply. Multiple field assistants could be used for the 2 months. Qualifications: 1) Willingness to work long hours for extended periods in extremely hot weather 2) Must enjoy being outdoors; willingness to camp for periods of 4-5 days or be housed in a remote area. 3) Willingness to work alone; though this is not anticipated. 4) Strong work ethic; capable of following instructions and work within the frame-work of the project plan (time-line). 5) Must have a valid driver's license. Period of Work Effort: The period of work effort is from May 1, 2002 until June 31, 2002 (2 months). Compensation: Assistant(s) will be paid minimum wage for 40/hr work week. Other Details: Housing will be provided. All other expenses (food, travel to NV, etc.), are those of the field assistant. Send resume to: Claudia Funari, cafunari@nevada.unr.edu, cfunari@nv.blm.gov. Posted: 3/6/02.

University of Notre Dame: The ecosystem laboratory of Dr. Scott Bridgham is seeking undergraduate applicants for an NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position. Successful candidates will participate in field research on peatland ecosystems at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center in Upper Peninsula Michigan. The Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) positions are available to U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors). In addition to gaining experience by assisting on a variety of project activities, REU students typically assume an independent project. Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry and ideally ecology or ecosystem studies. Attention to detail and a desire to learn new laboratory and field techniques is essential. We require a bright, self-motivated, independent individual capable of goal oriented work. Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity; e.g., working long hours, carrying >40lb. pack across uneven terrain. Candidates for these jobs should be available to live at the Center for 3 months from May to August (start and end dates flexible). The candidate will recieve housing and a stipend. Open until suitable candidates are identified. For additional information visit http://www.nd.edu/~underc/underc1.htm Please send the following by email to kellogg.6@nd.edu 1. Cover letter (state your future plans, how this job fits into those plants, and why you are the person for this position); 2. Resume; 3. Two references (preferably two faculty that you have worked with, include contact information); 4. An unofficial copy of your transcripts. Posted: 4/12/02.

University of Notre Dame: Summer 2002 research opportunity: Nutrient Cycling in Alaskan Headwater Streams. The Stream Ecology Group at the University of Notre Dame is looking for a research technician for an ongoing USDA-funded project examining the influence of marine-derived nutrients (Pacific salmon) on nutrient cycling in headwater streams in Juneau, Alaska. You would be working closely with two Notre Dame graduate students conducting short-term nutrient releases, analyzing water chemistry, collecting and processing epilithon/biofilm samples, and measuring metabolism using whole-stream and chamber techniques. You should be able to work independently and as part of a team, have patience doing meticulous work, and have a positive attitude. Previous experience is desirable but not essential. We are looking for someone who enjoys both field and lab work and doesn’t mind getting wet! The work will start mid June and run through September 2002 but the start and end dates are somewhat flexible. We will cover your travel to AK, lodging while there, and a salary of $1200/month. To apply, please submit the following to Jennifer Tank (tank.1@nd.edu), Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN 46556: 1) cover letter describing your interest in the work, relevant work experience, and available work dates; 2) your CV/resume; 3) a list of 3 reference, including name, title, address, email, and telephone. Inquiries and applications submitted through email are encouraged. Posted: 4/22/02.

University of Notre Dame: Aquatic Biogeochemistry. The lab of Dr. Jennifer Tank (http://www.science.nd.edu/biology/faculty/tank2.html) has multiple undergraduate research and field assistant positions to fill for summer 2002 (mid-late May through late August) at a pay scale of $6-7 per hour, commensurate with experience. Upper division undergraduates or recent graduates are encouraged to apply. All applicants should be able to work independently and as part of a team, have patience doing meticulous work, and have a positive attitude. Previous experience is desirable but not essential. * One field assistant for work in southern Michigan, Kalamazoo River Watershed, evaluating impacts of land-use on stream nitrogen cycling and retention. Duties include sampling streams, field experiments, processing samples, laboratory preparations and nutrient assays. For more information contact Sarah Eichler, seichler@nd.edu. * One field assistant in Illinois, Lake Shelbyville, for a project evaluating nitrogen retention in reservoirs. Duties include reservoir sampling, field experiments, sample processing and nutrient assays. For more information contact Lareina Wall, lwall@nd.edu. Posted: 3/19/02.

University of Notre Dame: Field Assistant needed to work with Dr. Gary Belovsky (Professor, University of Notre Dame) on Grasshopper Ecosystem Study located on the National Bison Range, Moiese, Montana. This is an on-going, long-term experimental project currently funded by USDA. Three-four positions are available which pay $1,000/month for 3-4 months, Field season begins approx June 1 and ends September 30. Will consider hiring for parts of field season. Hiring will be through the University of Notre Dame. Technicians will help set up experiments (which includes building experimental cages and catching large numbers of grasshoppers), monitor and take down experiments. Must learn to identify grasshopper species and area plants. Work will involve catching grasshoppers, censusing grasshoppers in the experiments, maintaining experimental cages, and sampling vegetation and soils. Some heavy lifting is required. Field work is hard work that requires dedication and perseverance. Willingness to contribute to a positive group dynamic and/while working in adverse weather and rough terrain is required. Preference will be given to undergraduates or recently graduated students with backgrounds in biology and interests in a career in ecology or conservation biology. Must have valid driver's license. Housing is provided within 3 miles of study site. Having own vehicle is advantageous as grocery stores, laundromat, bank, etc. are approx. 20 miles from house. Please reply to Jennifer Slade Belovsky, (574) 631-0987, or email: belovsky.2@nd.edu for application or questions. Work-related references must be provided. Posted: 3/8/02.

University of Notre Dame: Summer Opportunities in Aquatic Ecology & Invasion Biology. The lab of Dr. David Lodge (http://www.science.nd.edu/biology/faculty/lodge.html), the University of Notre Dame, has multiple undergraduate research and field assistant positions to fill for summer 2002 (mid-late May through late August) at a pay scale of $6.35-7.25 per hour, commensurate with experience. Upper division undergraduates or recent graduates with an educational background in biology, ecology, or environmental sciences are encouraged to apply. All applicants should be able to work independently and as part of a team, have patience doing meticulous work, and have a positive attitude. Previous experience is desirable but not essential. (1) 2 or more field assistants and undergraduate researchers in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for projects evaluating ecosystem level effects of the nonnative rusty crayfish and exploring measures of crayfish control and lake restoration. Duties include conducting field experiments, sampling lakes, and processing lake samples in the laboratory (identification and enumeration of invertebrates and plants). SCUBA certification will be required before the beginning of employment. Housing will be provided and paid for at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC) (http://www.nd.edu/~underc/underc1.htm). Contact: Sadie Rosenthal (srosenth@nd.edu) or Tim Kreps (tkreps@nd.edu). (2) 1 or more research assistants on the campus of Notre Dame for assessing the risk of biological invasion in the Great Lakes from dreissenids (zebra mussels) and other invertebrates in the ballast water tanks of oceangoing vessels. Work includes identifying specimens using standard microscope techniques, microscope photography, and molecular analysis of the COI gene. Opportunity for independent research project and training in molecular ecology. Contact: Rachel Schwartz (rschwart@nd.edu). (3) 1 or more research/field assistants, based at Notre Dame, to work in the surrounding area surveying aquarium, bait and watergarden shops to identify the potential of these outlets as sources of nonnative species introductions. Work will include visiting retail outlets, identifying purchased organisms (fish, mollusks, macrophytes), and conducting risk assessments of those species. Applicants should be prepared to take overnight trips, and must have a positive attitude due to the face-to-face nature of the surveys. Contact: Reuben Keller (rkeller2@nd.edu). To apply indicate position(s) of interest and send hard copies only of your resume, transcripts, and a list of three references with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses to: Sadie Rosenthal, University of Notre Dame-Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 369, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Closing Date: April 1, 2002. Posted; 3/6/02.

University of Pittsburgh: Four field assistants are needed to work on a Forest Ecology Research Project studying the effects of prescribed fire, deer herbivory and canopy gaps on biodiversity, shifts in species composition and forest regeneration in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. Work will include but not be limited to censusing tree seedlings, saplings and adults; maintaining data bases; repairing deer exclosures; collecting seed rain; evaluating seed predation; and data entry. If you have a background in biology and want to start a career in ecology or environmental studies, or if you have a strong interest in conservation and research, or if you have a knowledge base in eastern deciduous forest tree species then, I encourage you to apply. Successful candidates will work well as part of a team, be able to handle rugged terrain and adverse conditions, be conscientious and very motivated. $280/week (5 days/week, full time); From 29 May through 23 August 2002 (firm); Housing is Provided. Experience is preferred but not necessary. To apply send (1) cover letter that includes a) how this position would help you achieve your career goals, b) your work experience and species identification skills, and c) dates you are available; (2) your resume (max 2 pages); (3) your transcript (unofficial is fine); (4) the names, addresses, phone numbers and email for 3 references (include a mix of professors and employers, no personal references); (5) include your full address, phone number and email address. Send this information to Rachel Collins at rcollins@pitt.edu or A234 Langley Hall, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Apply now. Positions will be filled as qualified applications are received. Posted: 3/1/02.

University of Pittsburgh: Research assistants wanted for invasive species research, Early May through mid-August, 2002. We seek highly motivated undergrads or recent graduates interested in ecological field experience to fill four research assistant positions. Our USDA-funded research project is designed to test the applicability of resource competition theory to invasive species and biological control. The model system includes purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) which invades fertile marshes throughout the US and Canada, broad-leaved cattail (Typha latifolia) which is often displaced by loosestrife, and Galerucella calmariensis, a leaf feeding beetle currently being released in an effort to control purple loosestrife. The experimental design includes mesocosm and field experiments. Many opportunities exist for independent research projects. The research is conducted in and around the Pymatuning Lab of Ecology of the University of Pittsburgh, in northwestern Pennsylvania. PLE is on Pymatuning Reservoir, hosts a diverse array of ecological research, and offers easy access to a variety of habitats. Primary responsibilities include: censusing loosestrife, cattail and other marsh vegetation; rearing and releasing biocontrol beetles; collecting light measurements and soil samples; and collecting herbivore damage estimates. Some lab and computer work is required. Early mornings and long days occasionally required. Successful candidates will be hard-working, conscientious, have good attention to detail, and be able to tolerate rugged conditions. Field experience, background in biology or chemistry preferred, but not necessary. PAY - $7-8/hr depending on experience, 40hrs/week. Housing available at Pymatuning Lab of Ecology. APPLY NOW - Positions will be filled as qualified applications are received. TO APPLY - Send a brief letter of interest, a CV or resume, and names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of three references to Daniel E. Bunker via email - dbunker@pitt.edu. Posted: 2/8/02.

University of Virginia: Undergraduate Research Opportunities at Mountain Lake Biological Station. We offer students hands-on experience and training in a wide variety of biological field studies. Join us for an exciting and unforgettable summer in a first-class field biology teaching and research environment. NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates program matches undergraduate students with visiting scientists for 10 weeks of advanced, independent research on a project of the student's own design. REU positions come with a stipend of $3,100 and pay all room and board expenses. Deadline for receipt of applications is March 1. www.virginia.edu/~mtlake/REU.html. Research Assistant positions are also available. www.virginia.edu/~mtlake/assistants.html Our field station is located on a mountaintop in southwestern Virginia and is home to a lively research, teaching and social community. For details on these programs, application material, and a list of research areas see our web page: www.virginia.edu/~mtlake You can also contact us by email, mail, fax or phone: Mountain Lake Biological Station, 238 Gilmer Hall, PO Box 400327, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA 22904-4327. E-mail: mtlake@virginia.edu, voice: (434) 982-5486, fax: (434) 982-5626. Posted: 1/11/02.

University of Wisconsin: The Forest Ecosytem Ecology Laboratory (http://forestecology.forest.wisc.edu/) at the is seeking either an undergraduate interested in research experience or a field technician to collect water and carbon relations data on an ongoing fire chronosequence study in the boreal forests of Manitoba, Canada. The successful candidate will participate in collecting plant water and carbon relations data across a chronosequence of boreal forest stands in northern Manitoba. Duties will include maintaining sap flux measurement systems and associated micrometerological measurements, performing periodic physiological measurements such as leaf water potential and leaf gas exchange, and conducting plant and soil respiration measurements. The successful applicant should be a recent college graduate or advanced undergraduate with significant course work and/or field experience in ecology. An interest in physiological or ecosystems ecology is preferred. The successful applicant should be in good health and capable of rigorous physical activity (i.e. working in inclement weather, withstanding copious amounts of insects, hiking for several miles, and capable of carrying heavy packs) The successful candidate should be ready to travel to Thompson, Manitoba in mid to late May and reside in Thompson until August. Travel and living expenses will be paid in addition to salary. Open until suitable candidates are identified. To Apply: Send a cover letter, resume including relevant coursework and grades, and names, addresses, telephone number, and email address of three references via email or regular mail to: Dr. Brent E. Ewers, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin, 120 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706. beewers@facstaff.wisc.edu. Posted: 2/19/02.

West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: Experienced Nest Searchers (3) and Interns (3) needed for a study of the effects of timber management on forest songbird populations in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia from early May - early Aug 2002. Salary: $1000/month with experience, $500/month for interns. Field housing is provided with kitchen, bathroom, bunk beds. Must be willing to drive own vehicle ~20 miles/day, will be reimbursed for gas. Four-wheel drive helpful but not necessary. Primary duties include nest searching 6 days a week in May and Jun, and vegetation sampling 5 days a week in Jul and Aug. Some data entry also required. Must be willing to work independently 8-10 hours a day in rugged terrain and often rainy conditions. Must be a responsible individual that can live amicably in crowded conditions (ie,do your own dishes). Driver safety training, CPR and first aid certification will be provided. Send cover letter, resume, and names of 2 references by email attachment to racheldellinger@hotmail.com. If email is not available, send to Rachel Dellinger, Coop. Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, P.O. Box 6125, Morgantown, WV 26506. Inquiries call Rachel Dellinger at (304) 293-3794 ext. 2444. Posted: 2/4/02.

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