ESA Symposia - Physiological Ecology Section
At the 2012 ESA meeting in Portland, our section sponsored two Symposia:
“Revisiting the Holy Grail: Using Trait-Based Ecology As a Framework for Preserving, Utilizing, and Sustaining Our Ecosystems.” Organizers: Joe Wright, Jen Funk, Moderator: Jen Funk
“Mechanisms Leading to Drought Mortality: Links Between Hydraulic Failure, Carbon Starvation and Biotic Causes In Experiments, Observational and Modelling Studies.” Organizers: Melanie Zeppel, Sanna Sevanto, Bill Anderegg; Moderator: James Lewis
Past symposia
At the 2011 ESA meeting in Austin, our section sponsored a Symposium:
“Earth Stewardship: Defining the Scientific Challenges and Opportunities.” Organizer and moderator: Rob Jackson, Endorsed by: Physiological Ecology, Science, Environmental Justice, Human Ecology Section
At the 2010 ESA meeting in Pittsburgh, our section sponsored a Symposium and an Organized Oral Session:
“Does Biology (physiology, ecology, evolution) Matter in Predicting How Species’ Distributions Will Respond to Climate Change?”. Organizer and moderator: Lauren B. Buckley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Co-organizers: Amy L. Angert, Colorado State University and Lisa G. Crozier, NOAA Fisheries
“Gaps In Predicting Vegetation Change - Physiological and Genetic Variation And Extreme Events”. Organizer: Vincent Gutschick, Global Change Consulting Consortium, Inc.; Moderator: Hormoz BassiriRad, University of Illinois at Chicago
At the 2009 ESA meeting in Albuquerque, we had a section-sponsored special session: "Natural Resources and Climate Change: Effects and Adaptation" Organizer and Moderator: Margaret Walsh.
At the 2006 meeting in Memphis, the Physiological Ecology Section sponsored a Symposium titled "Thermal Physiology as a Biogeographic Determinant: Historical and Mechanistic Perspectives", organized by Sarah Gilman (University of Washington), Jonathan Stillman (San Francisco State University), and Joshua Tewksbury (University of Washington).
At the 2005 meeting in Montreal, the Section sponsored two organized oral sessions. Howard Neufeld (Appalachian State University) and Nancy Grulke (U.S. Forest Service) organized a session entitled "Appreciating the Impacts of Oxidative Stress: From Genes to Ecosystems." Additionally, Stan Wullschleger (Oak Ridge National Lab), Rob Jackson (Duke University), and Todd Dawson (University of California, Berkeley) organized a session entitled "Sensors and Sensor Networks in Ecology."
Other past ESA meeting symposia sponsored by the Physiological Ecology Section:
Portland 2004 - Functional Significance of Mountain Biodiversity
Savannah 2003 - Respiratory control of the global C cycle in a changing environment
Tucson 2002 - Linking Molecular Insight and Ecological Research
Madison 2001 - Crossroads of Plant, Animal, and Microbial Ecology
Snowbird 2000 - Plant Physiological Ecology: Linking the Organism to Scales Above and Below
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