4 June, 1997
1) Graduate student poster award: This will be the second year that the Section will offer an award for the best poster presented by a graduate student. The winner is awarded a $500 prize and the poster will be displayed on our web page. James Cleverly of UNLV was our first winner. If you haven't had a chance, I encourage you to visit his poster on our web page. To qualify, the poster can be in any area of physiological ecology and the student need not be a member of the section. If you are interested in having your poster judged, send your name, the title of the poster, and the poster session to Evan DeLucia at delucia@uiuc.edu. Alternatively, you can send a letter or card to my address below.
2) The Homepage (http://www.botany.utexas.edu/~rjackson/ecophys/): Rob Jackson continues to selflessly donate his time and energy to bringing our web page to life. This year we started featuring the winning graduate student poster. It's time to take the next step. At its inception, it was thought that our page should serve, in part, as a research and teaching resource for members of the Section. Toward this end, we will begin accumulating useful files and links to be incorporated in the page. For starters, let's focus on information in the following categories: 1) course outlines; 2) course project ideas; 3) equipment protocols and scientific methods; 4) funding opportunities, including links to the major funding agencies; and 5) links to manufacturers of important equipment, materials and supplies for ecophysiological research. Send links or files to Hafiz Maherali at h-maher@uiuc.edu. Once these five areas are up and running, we can begin incorporating additional topics.
3) Election for new secretary: Todd Dawson's tenure as the section's secretary is rapidly drawing to a close. Two excellent candidates have been nominated. This newsletter will serve as the ballot, so please vote and return the ballot to the section president. Alternatively, you can cast your vote via e-mail. The candidates are:
_____ Anna Sala, Assistant Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana. Anna's research focuses on the linkage between vegetation structure and plant water relations as influenced by natural temporal and spatial gradients in water availability. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona and served as a visiting fellow at the Systems Ecology Research Group at San Diego State University.
_____ Stan Smith, Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Stan's primary interests are in physiological aspects of desert ecology, riparian ecology, and the response of arid systems to global change. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles and served as a visiting fellow at the Australian National University.
4) Future newsletters: Handling and mailing fees for this newsletter come to more than $400. At previous meetings we discussed the notion of posting the newsletter on the homepage and eliminating the mailing. Let's make a decision at the Section's business meeting in Albuquerque.
Poster judges: If you are a postdoctoral associate or a faculty member and
are interested in judging graduate student posters in physiological ecology
for the annual prize, please contact the Section President as soon as possible.
Section President
Evan H. DeLucia
Department of Plant Biology
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
TELE: 217 333 6177
FAX: 217 244 7246
E-MAIL: delucia@uiuc.edu
Todd Dawson
Department of Ecology & Systematics
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
TELE: (607) 255-6583
FAX: (607) 255-8088
E-MAIL: ted4@cornell.edu
Homepage Coordinator
Robert Jackson
Department of Botany
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78713
TELE: 512 471 5209
FAX: 512 471 3878
E-MAIL: rjackson@mail.utexas.edu
Newsgroup Moderator
Hafiz Maherali
Department of Plant Biology
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
TELE: 217 244 3167
FAX: 217 244 7246
E-MAIL: h-maher@uiuc.edu