21 May 1996
1. At this year's ESA Annual Meetings in Providence, RI (10-14 August), the Section will offer for the first time a prize for the best poster presented by a graduate student in any area of physiological ecology. The student need not be a member of the Section to enter. This is being established to bring greater emphasis to poster presentations and, of course, to physiological ecology. A panel of volunteer judges will be solicited and the graduate student award $500! To enter, please send the name of the graduate student, the title of the poster and the appropriate poster session to Todd Dawson (address below).
2. This summer we need to elect a new Chair for the Section. Nominations are encouraged from the membership. Please send these to Martyn Caldwell by June 30.
3. The newsgroup, bionet.ecology.physiology, that was established by the Section has now been operating since September, 1995. Postings have been rather mixed in nature. We have been screening out messages quite inappropriate for the newsgroup should as though with primarily a commercial or political nature and those with subject matter far afield from physiological ecology. Otherwise, we have taken a rather liberal attitude as to exactly what might qualify as physiological ecology. Appropriate postings from members of the Section are strongly encouraged. In particular we are interested in seeing that several types of bulletin boards eventually be established for posting different types of information. For example, we believe that a bulletin board for posting equipment protocols or programs (e.g., for Campbell data loggers), sampling (e.g., for stable isotope analyses), etc. would be useful and save time for many of us who use similar types of research approaches and equipment. If you have other suggestions, please let us know.
4. In addition to the newsgroup, a new WWW Homepage has been set up by Rob Jackson, University of Texas. This can be viewed at:
Rob emphasizes that this should be dynamic and suggestions for changes and additions are encouraged. Todd Dawson will be establishing a link for discussion, contribution and exchange which will be focused on "teaching ecophysiology". The idea behind this link, which grew out of discussions with Bob Pearcy, Park Nobel and Jim Ehleringer, will be to establish an archive for course outlines, course project ideas, a link to simulation software for teaching, etc.
Section President
Martyn Caldwell
Department of Rangeland Resources and the Ecology Center
Utah Sate University
Logan, UT 84322-5230
TELE: (801) 797-2557
FAX: (801) 797-3796
E-MAIL: mmc@cc.usu.edu
Todd Dawson
Department of Ecology & Systematics
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
TELE: (607) 255-6583
FAX: (607) 255-8088
E-MAIL: ted4@cornell.edu