3 July, 1996
Evan Delucia, Univ. of Illinois and Barb Gartner, Oregon State Univ., have been nominated and are willing to run for the new Chair of the Section. Please vote! Either send Martyn Caldwell an email at: mmc@cc.usu.edu, or return the bottom portion of this letter with your vote by normal mail. Votes must be received by 2 August 1996. Thanks. Statements from the two candidates follow:
Evan Delucia: "As Chair, my priorities would be to further our Section's involvement with our electronic bulletin board and web page, that have been launched in grand style by Martyn Caldwell and Rob Jackson; and, through these media, I will work to increase the visibility of our Section with policy-makers and funding agencies in Washington."
Barb Gartner: "My goals are to continue building opportunities for electronic interactions among members and to make our field and its issues more visible and relevant to the public."
2) Annual meeting and mixer
The Physiological Ecology Section annual mixer and business meeting at the Providence ESA Meetings will be on Tuesday (13 August) from 5-7 pm in the Westin Hotel (Providence I). Hors d'Oeuvres will be provided and there will be a cash bar. PLEASE ATTEND.
3) Graduate student poster contest
At this year's ESA Annual Meetings in Providence, RI (10-14 August), the Section will offer for the first time a prize for the best poster presented by a graduate student in any area of physiological ecology (prize $500.). There are several entries and members have volunteered to serve as judges. The winner will be announced on the Section home page.
4) Home page
Also, watch the home page for other updated information:
Section President
Martyn Caldwell
Department of Rangeland Resources and the Ecology Center
Utah Sate University
Logan, UT 84322-5230
TELE: (801) 797-2557
FAX: (801) 797-3796
E-MAIL: mmc@cc.usu.edu
Todd Dawson
Department of Ecology & Systematics
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
TELE: (607) 255-6583
FAX: (607) 255-8088
E-MAIL: ted4@cornell.edu