Physiological Ecology Section Newsletter, 2012


Three important announcements from the Physiological Ecology Section including the upcoming deadline for Symposia/OOS proposals (see #3 below, deadline Sept 13).

1) Section Awards from Portland

There were many excellent presentations in our field and the decisions were difficult. We all observed many excellent talks and posters from undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs. Please join me in congratulating the winners, and all those who worked so hard present their research in Portland.

Special thanks are also due to all of the people who served as judges for a large stable of awards. Your hard work is the only way that we can give these awards.

This year's winners are....

Billings award (for best presentation)

In a close finish, we have co-winners of the Billings Award this year. The award is shared by Greg Goldsmith, from the University of California at Berkeley, for his talk entitled "The prevalence and significance of foliar water uptake in tropical montane cloud forest plants" and Paul Nabity, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (now at the University of Arizona), for his talk entitled "Testing the extended phenotype hypothesis as phylloxera induce stomata and reorganize metabolism in grapes".

New Phytologist Poster Award

The winner of the 2012 New Phytologist Poster Award is Patrick Hudson, from the University of New Mexico, for his poster entitled "Adjustment of xylem vulnerability to cavitation in a precipitation manipulation experiment".

Honorable mention goes to Jennifer Albertine, from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst for her poster entitled "Predicting population-level changes in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) response to elevated carbon dioxide".

Plant Cell and Environment Postdoctoral Award (for best talk by a postdoc)

The winner of the PCE Postdoc Award is Katie Becklin, from the University of Kansas, for her talk entitled "Mycorrhizal functioning across the glacial-interglacial transition: Evidence from stable isotopes." The judges scores did not distinguish a clear candidate for Honorable mention for this award this year.

2) Nominations for Section Chair/President

Two people were nominated at the meeting and one of those individuals has agreed to run. Please send your self-nominations or nominations of others directly to me. I will contact those nominated to determine whether they will agree to serve if elected. After a second candidate is identified, a ballot with statements from each candidate will follow. Anyone with questions about the duties and time committment should contact me.

3) September 13 Deadline for Symposia, Organized Oral Sessions (OOS) and Organized Poster Session (OPS) Proposals

Here's your chance to organize a symposium or OOS.

Symposia application information. If you submit a symposium proposal, contact me to be considered for section sponsorship, if appropriate.

OOS application information. OOS applications are not sponsored

OPS application information. OPS applications are not sponsored

It was great to see so many of you in Portland. I hope that you have a fine year and plan to attend next year's meeting in Minnesota.

Best regards,


William T. Pockman
Professor & Associate Chair
Biology, University of New Mexico, 505-277-2724

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